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 Report dateSiteEvent description
05000313/LER-2014-00222 December 2014Arkansas Nuclear

This report is submitted pursuant to the 30 day Special Report requirement of 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3)(ii). The guidance provided in NURGEG 1022, Revision 3, allows the reporting under 10 CFR 50.73 and 10 CFR 50.46 to be combined.

On November 25, 2014, AREVA NP Inc. notified Entergy Operations, Inc. of a deficiency in the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1) Emergency Core Cooling System evaluation model. When the deficiency is accounted for, the Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Peak Clad Temperature was estimated to exceed 2200°F and the absolute value of the deficiency is greater than the requirement of 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3)(ii).

Exceeding 2200°F resulted in ANO-1 making an 8-hour NRC notification on November 25, 2014. See Event Notification EN 50641. The purpose of this report is to provide the information required by 10 CFR 50.46(a)(3)(ii).

05000313/LER-2015-00112 February 2016Arkansas Nuclear

On December 15, 2015, at approximately 0544, Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1), manually scrammed during a scheduled automatic down power to 35% power for planned maintenance. The Integrated Control System (ICS) (JB) was being utilized for the down power. During the down power, oscillations occurred in the Main Feedwater (MFW) (SJ) system. The ICS was placed in manual and efforts were made to dampen the MFW oscillations. The Operators manually tripped the reactor from approximately 43% power when it became evident that an automatic reactor trip was imminent, based on the observed Reactor Coolant System (RCS) (AB) pressure rise caused by the significant reduction in MFW flow.

The direct cause of the manual plant trip is currently considered a result of placing the "B" startup valve in HAND (manual) when the valve was -36% open, which resulted in a significant underfeed condition of the "B" Once-Through Steam Generator (OTSG). There are currently two root causes considered for this condition: (1) inadequate maintenance practices applied to the ICS modules, and (2) inadequate procedural guidance to address ICS malfunctions.

05000313/LER-2016-00118 May 2016Arkansas Nuclear

On March 19, 2016, two block-out penetrations separating the Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1) Turbine Building from the Auxiliary Building were determined to be non-functional. The penetrations are located in the floor of Turbine Building elevation 354 ft. Below the penetrations is the Auxiliary Building, housing safety related equipment.

On March 17, 2016, it was identified that two penetration seals did not match approved fire penetration or approved flood seal details. Further investigation, completed on March 19, 2016, revealed that the two block-out penetrations were not grouted and represented a previously unknown vulnerability in a credited external flood barrier.

The apparent cause of this event was less than adequate project management control for the size and scope of the External Flood Mitigation Project associated with post Fukushima Dai-ichi resolutions and requirements set forth by the NRC.

Mitigating strategies and extent of condition reviews have been implemented for the identified conditions. Permanent repair of the deficient flood barriers is complete minus cure time. Actions to correct programmatic aspects of this condition are in progress.

05000313/LER-2016-00211 August 2016Arkansas Nuclear

On June 13, 2016 during evaluation of protection of required equipment from the damaging effects of tornados, was not adequately protected from tornado missiles. This is a legacy design construction issue.

On June 13, 2016 at 1609 central time, Operations declared the affected equipment inoperable, implemented Enforcement Guidance Memorandum (EGM) 15-002, "Enforcement Discretion for Tornado-Generated Missile Protection Noncompliance", along with the required compensatory measures and declared the affected equipment operable but non-conforming thereafter.

The cause of this issue was a lack of clarity and changing requirements during the original licensing of the plant that led to inadequate understanding of the original regulatory guidance.

Corrective actions include implementation of compensatory strategies and extent of condition reviews for the identified conditions.

05000313/LER-2016-00319 October 2016Arkansas Nuclear

On August 24, September 11, and September 15, 2016, during performance of an extent of condition evaluation related to the protection of Technical Specification (TS) equipment from external flood hazards, Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1), identified non-conforming plant design conditions such that specific ANO-1 TS equipment was considered to not be adequately protected from tornado missiles. These are legacy design issues.

On August 24, 2016, at 0945, September 11, 2016, at 1504, and September 15, 2016, at 0958, Operations declared the affected components inoperable, implemented Enforcement Guidance Memorandum (EGM) 15-002, "Enforcement Discretion for Tornado-Generated Missile Protection Noncompliance", along with necessary compensatory measures, and subsequently declared the affected equipment operable but non-conforming.

The cause of this issue was unclear and changing regulatory requirements during original plant licensing that led to an inadequate understanding of the regulatory guidance with respect to tornado missile protection design requirements.

Interim corrective actions include implementation of compensatory strategies. Plant modifications and license basis changes are being evaluated to resolve outstanding issues.

05000313/LER-2016-00429 November 2016Arkansas Nuclear

On September 29, 2016, at Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1), during refueling outage 1R26 with both trains of Decay Heat Removal (DHR) in service, a 0.125 gpm leak was identified in the DHR system at a one-inch drain line.

This leak was on a section of cross-connect piping shared by both trains of the DHR system. The consequence of the leak was that both trains of the DHR system were declared inoperable.

The leakage was due to a fatigue crack caused by vibration of the drain line due to a pipe support that was not designed for system vibration.

Other systems and components in ANO-1 and ANO, Unit 2 (ANO-2) exposed to elevated system vibration were evaluated with respect to this condition. As a result of this evaluation, socket welds on other drains and vents in the ANO-1 DHR system were cut out and replaced, and pipe supports were modified where needed to withstand system vibration.

05000313/LER-2017-00126 June 2017Arkansas Nuclear
Arkansas Nuclear One – Unit 1

On April 26, 2017, Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1), was operating normally at 100% rated thermal power.

The 500kV transmission line to the substation at Pleasant Hill, Arkansas was out of service for planned maintenance.

The area around the plant was experiencing severe weather from thunderstorms and tornado warnings had been issued from the National Weather Service for the four county area.

At approximately 1002 CST switchyard breakers for 500kV lines opened on fault current. High winds had damaged the transmission towers approximately 16 miles away from ANO and caused phase to ground faults. This resulted in a loss of all offsite power lines to the 500kV bus. The autotransformer also locked out as designed when the 500kV transmission lines faulted.

The Reactor Operator initiated a manual reactor trip about 8 seconds after the 500kV lines tripped and prior to the reactor protection system initiating an automatic trip. During this time both emergency diesel generators (EDGs) (EK) started as expected. EDG #2 re-energized one Engineered Safeguards bus. EDG #1 ran unloaded until shutdown.

The plant was stabilized in Mode 3 with Emergency Feedwater (EFW) pumps supplying the steam generators, maintaining the water level at the natural circulation setpoint.

05000313/LER-2017-00213 November 2017Arkansas Nuclear
Arkansas Nuclear One – Unit 1

On May 27, 2017, an attempt to start the red train High Pressure Injection (HPI) pump (BJ) in accordance with normal operating procedures was initiated. Control Room operators received an annunciator, HPI PUMP TRIP, and observed no indication of the pump starting.

During investigative walk downs with the relay department, personnel discovered the HPI breaker was not fully racked up (trip pedal still in a tripped (down) condition and roller not free to roll). Operations personnel performed manual breaker operations to rack the 4160 V breaker (EB) further in the up direction. The pump was successfully started and declared operable.

The condition was the result of an inadequate risk evaluation.

The associated Operations Directive has been revised to require Operations management approval when waiving start-checks of vital 4160 VAC components following racking up of the respective breaker. The revision is expected to ensure appropriate personnel are involved when determining the risk associated with not testing components for functionality/operability following racking up evolutions of an associated breaker.

05000368/LER-1950-368, :on 860722,while Conducting Routine Plant Tour, Fire Watch Personnel Found Asleep at Fire Watch Stations. Fire Watch Personnel Replaced.Similar Event Reported in LER 50-368/83-043Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1978-003, Forwards LER 78-003/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1978-024, Forwards LER 78-024/03L-0,78-025/03L-0 & 78-026/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1979-026, Oversize Updated LER 79-026/03X-1:on 790323,fire Dampers Not Installed Per Design Specs.Caused by Installation Qa.Fire Dampers Cited Installed as Required.Aperture Card Available in PDRArkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1979-058, Forwards LER 79-058/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-011, Forwards LER 82-011/99X-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-012, Forwards LER 82-012/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-015, Forwards LER 82-015/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-016, Forwards LER 82-016/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-017, Forwards LER 82-017/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-018, Forwards LER 82-018/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-019, Forwards LER 82-019/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-020, Forwards LER 82-020/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-021, Forwards LER 82-021/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-022, Forwards LER 82-022/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-023, Forwards LER 82-023/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-024, Forwards LER 82-024/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-025, Forwards LER 82-025/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-026, Forwards LER 82-026/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-027, Forwards LER 82-027/-3L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-028, Forwards LER 82-028/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-029, Forwards LER 82-029/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-030, Forwards LER 82-030/01T-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-031, Forwards LER 82-031/01T-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-032, Forwards LER 82-032/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-034, Forwards LER 82-034/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-036, Forwards Revised LER 82-036/03L-1Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-037, Forwards LER 82-037/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-038, Forwards LER 82-038/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-041, Forwards LER 82-041/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-042, Forwards LER 82-042/01T-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-044, Forwards LER 82-044/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-045, Forwards LER 82-045/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-048, Forwards LER 82-048/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1982-052, Forwards LER 82-052/01T-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-002, Forwards LER 83-002/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-003, Forwards LER 83-003/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-004, Forwards LER 83-004/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-005, Forwards LER 83-005/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-006, Forwards LER 83-006/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-007, Forwards LER 83-007/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear
05000368/LER-1983-008, Forwards LER 83-008/03L-0Arkansas Nuclear