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05000374/LER-2010-001Docket NumberHigh Pressure Core Spray System Declared Inoperable Due to Failed Room Ventilation Control Relay

On September 25, 2010, at 0210 hours CDT, the Unit 2 Rounds Equipment Operator reported that the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) switchgear room supply fan 2VDO5C and the electrically interlocked exhaust fan 2VDO7C were not running. All Unit 2 Division 3 equipment was declared inoperable and unavailable. Because HPCS is a single train system, this occurrence is reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) and 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D) as an event or condition that alone could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident.

Troubleshooting identified that the switchgear cubicle control relay had failed. The relay was replaced, and post maintenance testing was completed satisfactorily. The cause was determined to be age-related failure due to the lack of time-based replacement preventative maintenance, which was due to improper duty cycle classification. Corrective actions include reclassifying the subject relays to high duty cycle and instituting time-based replacements.

05000374/LER-2012-001Lasalle County Station31 August 20122B Diesel Generator Declared Inoperable Due to Excessive Air Start Receiver Blowdown Caused by a Degraded Drain Valve

On August 31, 2012, at 09:40 CDT, while blowing down the 2B Diesel Generator (DG) A train Starting Air receiver for preventative maintenance, the receiver pressure decreased below the minimum 165 psig required for DG operability per Technical Specification (TS) 3.8.3, Condition D. The 2B DG provides emergency AC power to Division 3, which supplies the High Pressure Core Spray System (HPCS). The 2B DG was declared inoperable in accordance with TS 3.8.3 Required Action E.1.

At 10:22 CDT, the A air start train was re-pressurized to greater than 165 psig, and the 2B DG was declared operable.

The 2B DG was inoperable for approximately 42 minutes.

The cause of the event was determined to be a degraded drain valve on the A train starting air receiver. The corrective actions included replacement of the drain valve.

05000374/LER-2013-001Lasalle County Station, Unit 218 April 2013Pin Hole Leaks Identified in High Pressure Core Spray Piping

On April 18, 2013, Unit 2 was in Mode 3 following a scram and a loss of offsite power that had occurred on both LaSalle Units the previous day. At 1400 hours CDT, three pin hole through-wall leaks in the U2 High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) minimum flow line piping were discovered. The leaks were on the outside bend of the first elbow downstream of the minimum flow restricting orifice, and appeared to be leaking a total of approximately 0.5 gpm with the HPCS pump not running.

Unit 2 HPCS was declared inoperable and, because the HPCS minimum flow line is in direct communication with the suppression pool, primary containment was also declared inoperable.

The direct cause of the event was a combination of cavitation and mechanical wear/erosion of the piping wall. The apparent cause was procedural inconsistencies that allowed operation of the HPCS system in minimum-flow for extended periods. Corrective actions included replacing the leaking pipe elbow, and performing ultrasonic inspections of susceptible piping on both Units. Also, HPCS operating procedures will be reviewed and revised as required to provide consistent guidance for minimizing operation of HPCS in minimum flow mode.

05000374/LER-2013-002Lasalle County Station, Unit 225 April 2013Manual Reactor Scram Following Trip of Circulating Water Pumps

On April 25, 2013, Unit 2 was in Mode 1 at approximately 56% power. The east condenser waterbox was being dewatered in order to address a condenser tube leak. Waterbox isolation valves 2CW007A and 2CW007C had been closed using their motor operators; however, in order to minimize leak-by, an attempt was made to manually seat the valves. These valves are 144 inch butterfly valves with no internal stops. Outlet isolation valve 2CW007C was seated without incident, but inlet valve 2CW007A was inadvertently moved past its closed position, which allowed flow from the running circulating water pumps to fill the waterbox.

At 2005 hours CDT, the Main Control Room was informed that a large amount of water was coming from the open waterbox upper manways. An attempt was made to close the manways; however, at 2019 hours, the 2A and 2B circulating water pumps tripped on high condenser pit water level, requiring Unit 2 to be manually scrammed.

The root causes of the event were determined to be a lack of strict procedural adherence on the part of the operators performing the waterbox dewatering task, and inadequate procedure quality. Corrective actions include coaching in accordance with company policies, and clarifying revisions to the circulating water dewatering procedure.

05000374/LER-2014-0015 August 2014Reactor Scram Due to Main Steam Isolation Valve Stem-Disk Separation

On August 5, 2014, at approximately 1734 hours CDT, Unit 2 automatically scrammed from 100% power on high neutron flux, followed by a Group I containment isolation. Following the Group I isolation, the control room operators noted that the position indication for valve 2B21-F022C, the inboard 2C Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV), showed dual indication rather than full closed.

Troubleshooting of the 2C MSIV determined that the valve stem disk had separated from the stem, which allowed the main disk to drop into the main steam flow path. The resulting reactor pressure transient added positive reactivity, which caused the high neutron flux scram. Increased steam flow in the other three main steam lines resulted in a nearly simultaneous high main steam line flow Group I containment isolation.

The cause of the stem-disk separation on the 2C MSIV was fretting wear attributable to marginal design. The root cause of the event was a legacy decision made in 2008 deferring installation of a manufacturer upgrade that would have prevented the failure. Corrective actions include installing the upgrade on all MSIVs on both units, and reviewing previous deferral decisions made using the same decision-making process.

05000374/LER-2015-001LasalleHigh Pressure Core Spray Inoperable Due to Division 3 Diesel Generator Cooling Water Pump Casing Leak

On December 29, 2014, Unit 2 was in Mode 1 at 100% power with a diesel generator (DG) operability test in progress on the 2B DG. During performance of the test, operators noticed a small leak of about one drop per second coming from the casing of the 2B High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) DG cooling water pump. The 2B DG was declared inoperable at 2330 hours CST on 12/29/2014, as was the supported HPCS system. The Station entered Technical Specification 3.5.1 Required Actions B.1 to verify the Reactor Coolant Isolation Cooling System operable and B.2 to restore HPCS to operable status within 14 days.

The pump casing was examined, and the apparent cause of the leak was determined to be erosion from impeller flow impingement. The pump was replaced and returned to service on January 3, 2015.

Lasalle County Station, Unit 2
30 January 2017
30 March 2017
High Pressure Core Spray System Declared Inoperable due to Cooling Water Strainer Backwash Valve Stem-Disc Separation
LER 17-002-00 for LaSalle, Unit 2, Regarding High Pressure Core Spray System Declared Inoperable due to Cooling Water Strainer Backwash Valve Stem-Disc Separation

On January 30, 2017, during routine surveillance testing of the Unit 2 Division 3 Diesel Generator Cooling Water (DGCW) system, the cooling water strainer backwash valve was unable to open. The Division 3 DGCW system was declared inoperable. Upon investigation, operators determined the cause of the valve malfunction was due to stem-disc separation. Division 3 DGCW is a support system for the Division 3 Emergency Diesel Generator and the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system. The required actions of Technical Specifications (TS) 3.7.2 and 3.5.1 were entered on January 30, 2017 when the DGCW and HPCS system, respectively, were determined to be inoperable. TS 3.7.2 Required Action (RA) A.1 requires the supported system to be immediately declared inoperable. TS 3.5.1 RA B.2 requires restoration of the HPCS system to operable within 14 days. TS 3.8.1 was not applicable since a note provides that Division 3 AC electrical power sources are not required to be operable when HPCS is inoperable. The valve was replaced, and the HPCS system was returned to operable on February 2, 2017.

This condition could have prevented the HPCS system, a single train safety system, from performing its design function. This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D) as an event or condition that could have prevented fulfillment of the safety function of structures or system that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident. There were minimal safety consequences associated with the event since the other emergency safety systems remained operable, and the Division 3 DGCW system remained functional as it retained the ability to provide the required flow through the system. The apparent cause of the stem-disc separation was erosion due to the carbon-steel valve internals in a raw water system environment.

Lasalle County Station, Unit 2
11 February 2017
9 August 2017
High Pressure Core Spray System Inoperable due to Injection Valve Stem-Disc Separation
LER 17-003-01 for LaSalle County Station, Unit 2 Regarding High Pressure Core Spray System Inoperable due to Injection Valve Stem-Disc Separation

On February 11, 2017, Unit 2 was in Mode 5 for a planned refueling outage. While attempting to fill and vent the Unit 2 High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system, no flow was observed from the drywell vent valves or downstream of the HPCS injection valve. The HPCS system was already inoperable to support scheduled surveillances performed on February 8, 2017 in which the HPCS injection isolation valve had been cycled five times satisfactorily. Troubleshooting determined the cause of the valve malfunction was due to stem-disc separation. The valve internal components were replaced prior to restart of the unit from the refueling outage. The root cause of the valve failure was insufficient capacity of the shrink-fit stem collar, combined with multiple high-load cycles, which resulted in loosening and eventual shear failure of the wedge pin and threads.

This component failure is reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D) as an event or condition that could have prevented fulfillment of the safety function of structures or system that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident. This condition could have prevented the HPCS system, a single train safety system, from performing its design function if the valve failure occurred during an actual demand. This component failure is also reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B) as a condition prohibited by Technical Specifications (TS) 3.5.1 "ECCS - Operating," since the HPCS system could have been 1 inoperable for greater than the TS 3.5.1, Required Action B.2, Completion Time of 14 days to restore HPCS system to operable status. There were minimal safety consequences associated with the condition since HPCS was not required to be operable at the time of the failure, and other required emergency safety systems remained operable. There were no actual demands for Unit 2 LHPCS, other ECCS systems, or the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system during this period.

- --- ------- - NRC FORM 366 (04-2017) - 01 003 2017

05000397/FIN-2008002-03Columbia31 March 2008 23:59:59Operability of RHR-P-2C During the Suppression Pool Mixing Mode of Operation\\\"An unresolved item (URI) was identified pending Energy Northwests evaluation of Pump RHR-P-2C, in the suppression pool mixing mode of operation. On February 6, 2008, Energy Northwest took the Division 2 Emergency Core Cooling System Keepfill Pump, RHR-P-3, out of service for planned maintenance. Pump RHR-P-3, a nonsafety related pump, normally operates continuously and discharges to both of the Division 2 RHR Pumps RHR-P-2B and RHR-P-2C to assure that the respective pump injection lines are filled and pressurized. Keeping the injection lines filled and pressurized assures that, when Pumps RHR-P-2B or RHR-P-2C are started, that a water hammer event does not occur potentially damaging safety-related piping and supports. As an alternative to Pump RHR-P-3 keeping the system piping filled, in preparation for taking Pump RHR-P-3 out of service, Energy Northwest started Pump RHR-P-2B in the suppression pool cooling mode of operation and Pump RHR-P-2C in the suppression pool mixing mode of operation to keep their respective injection lines pressurized and filled while Pump RHR-P-3 was out of service. During an accident, the systems automatically re-align to their reactor vessel injection lineup for accident mitigation. The inspectors noted that while Pumps RHR-P-2B and RHR-P-2C were in the alternate lineups, that Energy Northwest considered both pumps available and operable. The inspectors requested the basis for operability because under design basis accident conditions of a coincident LOOP with a LOCA that a water hammer event may occur. Specifically, upon the LOOP, the main system pumps Pumps RHR-P-2B and RHR-P-2C would stop upon the loss of electrical power. As a result of the pump stopping and the piping configuration with the system return lineups to the suppression pool, the injection piping would immediately drain to the suppression pool depressurizing the system injection piping. Following the LOOP, the emergency diesel generators automatically start and in response to a LOCA the emergency safety-related systems, including Pumps RHR-P-2B and RHR-P-2C, automatically start. Upon pump start, a water hammer event would most likely occur due to the depressurized injection piping. Similar water hammer events associated with RHR systems were also provided in NRC Information Notice 87-10, Potential for Water Hammer During Restart of Residual Heat Removal Pumps, dated February 11, 1987. Energy Northwest provided a basis of operability for Pump RHR-P-2B while in the suppression pool cooling mode of operation. To summarize, the basis for operability of both Pump RHR-P-2B (as well as the Division 1 RHR Pump, RHR-P-2A) was predicated on Energy Northwests response to an apparent violation (AV) (See AV 05000397/1993029-01 and Inspection Reports 05000397/1993029 and 05000397/1995029 for more details). The AV was identified during an NRC review of Licensee Event Report (LER) 93-01, Inoperable Suppression Pool Cooling Due to Potential Water Hammer, Revisions 0 and 1. The LER provided that water hammer could fail a train of RHR in suppression pool cooling mode due to a LOOP coincident with a LOCA. Subsequent analysis by Energy Northwest, as provided in an enforcement conference documented in Enforcement Conference and Management Meeting Report 05000397/1993037, and in LER 93-01, Revision 2, determined that Pumps RHR-P-A and RHR-P-2B were operable while operating in the suppression pool cooling mode of operation even with a LOOP coincident with a LOCA. The analysis determined that an accident sequence of a LOOP coincident with a LOCA, occurring while an RHR loop was in the suppression pool cooling (or suppression pool spray) mode of operation was not in the original design basis for the facility. Energy Northwest also provided that General Electric, the plant designer, supported the position, and that limited use of RHR in these operating modes during a LOOP and LOCA resulting in a water hammer event was not sufficiently credible to be included in the design basis accident analysis. Energy Northwest also provided in LER 93-01 that with adherence to limits on duration of RHR operation in the suppression pool cooling (or suppression pool spray) mode of operation that an RHR loop in that lineup would not be declared inoperable. Energy Northwest established the operational limits of Pumps RHR-P-2A and RHR-P-2B to less than an average of 15 hours per week in the suppression pool cooling (or suppression pool spray) mode of operation. Energy Northwest implemented procedure revisions to track and assure that the operational limit was maintained. Although the inspectors conceded that Energy Northwest established an operability basis for Pump RHR-P-2B, the inspectors noted that Energy Northwest did not have a similar basis for Pump RHR-P-2C while it was operating in the suppression pool mixing mode. Specifically, Energy Northwests basis for operability for Pump RHR-P-2B was based partly on the reliance of not exceeding a prescribed number of average hours per week. The inspectors questioned the basis for operability of Pump RHR-P-2C if the time operating in the suppression pool mixing mode of operation wasnt similarly tracked and limited. Energy Northwest documented the issue in AR/CR 177222. The inspectors noted that in addition to Pump RHR-P-2C that the low pressure core spray and the high pressure core spray systems were also subject to the same concerns when their respective keep fill pumps were out of service with the pumps operating in a test return lineup mode to the suppression pool. The licensee was still evaluating the condition at the end of the inspection period as provided in Action Request 179672. Consequently, a URI was opened pending an NRC review of Energy Northwests final evaluation of the acceptability of considering Pump RHR-P-2C operable while in the suppression pool mixing mode of operation (URI 05000397/2008002-03; Operability of RHR-P-2C During the Suppression Pool Mixing Mode of Operation). Energy Northwest issued Operations Department Night Order 915 to document the pending evaluation and to direct the control room staff to declare RHR-P-2C, low pressure core spray, and high pressure core spray systems inoperable with the systems lined up to return to the suppression pool pending a completion of the analysis
05000397/FIN-2011006-02Columbia30 September 2011 23:59:59Three Examples of a Failure to Follow Procedures Results in Unsecured Transient Equipment and Ineffective Corrective ActionsThe team identified three examples of a Green noncited violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, for the failure to follow station procedures. The licensee entered these examples into the corrective action program as Action Request/Condition Report 249287. The first example was a failure to properly implement the instructions of the station\'s seismic procedure, PPM 10.2.53, to evaluate and control transient equipment and materials. Specifically, during this inspection, on August 29 through September 1, 2011, the team identified unsecured bookcases, rolling metal ladders, and loose maintenance carts in the main control room, and barrels stored near a high pressure core spray pump that were not evaluated in accordance with seismic procedures. The second example was the failure to perform a root cause analysis for long standing problems that have had ineffective corrective actions, as required by Procedure SWP-CAP-06, Condition Review Group (CRG), Revision 16, Specifically, between October 2007, and September 15, 2011, multiple examples of the failure to follow seismic procedures have been identified by past NRC inspection teams and licensee internal follow-up actions. Therefore, the team concluded Energy Northwest failed to recognize that a root cause analysis was required to address this long standing issue. The third example was a failure to promptly implement interim corrective actions as required by Procedure SWP-CAP-01 ,Corrective Actions Program. Specifically, after the team identified the improperly stored items on September 1, 2011, the licensee secured the material, but failed to implement any interim corrective actions to reduce the likelihood that the condition would not be repeated until longer term corrective actions could be implemented. On September 13, 2011, when the team asked the licensee about interim corrective actions, the licensee conducted a site stand-down to inform station personnel about the condition and procedural requirements. The finding was more than minor because it was a programmatic deficiency, which affected the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone objective, and if left uncorrected, could lead to a more significant safety concern because a seismic event could result in the unavailability of systems used to mitigate the consequences of initiating events. Using Inspection Manual Chapter 0609.04, Phase 1 - Initial Screening and Characterization of Findings, the finding was determined to have very low safety significance (Green) because it did not result in an actual loss of a system safety function, did not result in a loss of a single train of safety equipment for greater than its technical specification allowed outage time, did not involve the loss or degradation of equipment specifically designed to mitigate a seismic, flooding, or severe weather initiating event, and did not involve the total loss of any safety function that contributes to an external event initiated core damage accident sequence. In addition, this finding had a crosscutting aspect in the area of human performance, associated with the work control component, because the licensee failed to appropriately plan work on multiple occasions, resulting in job site conditions which may have impacted plant components (H.3(a)).
05000397/FIN-2012002-06Columbia31 March 2012 23:59:59Licensee-Identified ViolationTitle 10 CFR 50.65(a)(4) states, in part, that before performing maintenance activities, the licensee shall assess and manage the increase in risk that may result from the proposed maintenance activities. Contrary to the above, on February 27, 2012, the high pressure core spray system was made unavailable during surveillance testing without performing a risk assessment prior to conducting testing. The documented the issue in the corrective action program as Action Request AR 258712. This violation is of very low safety significance because the risk deficit during the time of the surveillance was calculated to be less than 1.0E-6.
05000397/FIN-2013004-02Columbia30 September 2013 23:59:59Licensee-Identified ViolationTechnical Specification 5.4.1.a requires, in part, that written procedures be established, implemented, and maintained as recommended in Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, Appendix A, dated February 1978. Paragraph 9.a of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A, requires that maintenance that can affect the performance of safety-related equipment should be properly preplanned and performed in accordance with written procedures, documented instructions, or drawings appropriate to the circumstances. Contrary to the above, on February 19, 2013, maintenance was performed on the motor control center for high pressure core spray pump HPCS-P-2 under Work Order 02025234, but was not completed in accordance with written instructions. Specifically, Step 4.2 was not completed which required re-terminating and torqueing of the C phase electrical connection. This issue was entered into the corrective action program as Action Request AR 289636. A senior reactor analyst performed a detailed risk evaluation for this finding. The finding was of very low safety significance (Green) because the bounding change to the core damage frequency was less than 1.0 x 10-7/year.
05000397/FIN-2014003-08Columbia30 June 2014 23:59:59Licensee-Identified ViolationColumbia Generating Station Operating License, Condition 2.C(14), requires, in part, that the licensee shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in section 9.5.1 and Appendix F of the FSAR for the facility. Columbia Generating Station FSAR, Appendix F, Fire Protection Evaluation, section F.4.4.4, Detailed Fire Hazard Analysis by Area, states, in part, for the main control room (Fire Area RC-10), a design basis fire will be confined to the fire area and systems needed for post-fire safe shutdown will remain free of fire damage. Contrary to the above, prior to February 24, 2014, the licensee failed to implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in Appendix F of the FSAR. Specifically, because of unfused DC ammeters in the main control room, the licensee failed to ensure that for a design basis fire, the fire will be confined to Fire Area RC-10 and that the systems needed for post-fire safe shutdown will remain free of fire damage. This finding was identified by the licensee and entered in the licensees corrective action program as AR 303326 and AR 304147. A senior reactor analyst performed a detailed risk evaluation and determined that the associated change to the core damage frequency was approximately 3.8E-7. The change to the large early release frequency was approximately 5E-8/year. Therefore, the finding was of very low safety significance (Green). The dominant core damage sequences involved a control room fire initiating event in Panel P-800, loss of Division I and Division II emergency AC power sources, and failure of the high pressure core spray system (failure of either the diesel or pump). The Division II emergency diesel generator failed because of secondary fires. The ability to recover the Division I emergency diesel generator at the remote shutdown panel helped to minimize the risk.
05000397/FIN-2017002-03Columbia30 June 2017 23:59:59Inadequate Corrective Actions Causes Failure of HPCS Room Normal Supply FanGreen . The inspectors reviewed a self -revealed, non- cited violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective Action, for failure to promptly identify and correct a condition adverse to quality. Specifically, since 2012, the licensee failed t o implement prompt corrective actions to correct an adverse condition related to the use of a contactor coil for a motor starter in the high pressure core spray room normal supply fan. As an immediate corrective action, the licensee replaced the contactor for the high pressure core spray room normal supply fan. The licensee entered this issue into the corrective action program as Action Request 360595. The failure to correct an adverse condition related to the use of a contactor coil for a motor starter in the HPCS room normal supply fan, though the licensee had an opportunity and plan to do so, was a performance deficiency. The performance deficiency was more than minor, and therefore a finding, because it affected the design control attribute of the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to ensure the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences. Specifically, the licensees failure to correct the use of a contactor coil for a motor starter in the high pressure core spray room normal supply fan resulted in an inoperable fan, high pressure core spray bus 4160 VAC switchgear, and high pressure core spray pump during the January 25, 2017, event when smoke was observed from the motor control center. The inspectors performed the initial significance determination using NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0609, Appendix A, Exhibit 2, Mitigating Systems Screening Questions. The inspectors determined that the finding was of very low safety significance (Green) because: (1) the finding was not a deficiency affecting the design or qualification of a mitigating system; (2) the finding did not represent a loss of system and/or function; (3) the finding did not represent an actual loss of function of a single train for greater than its technical specification allowed outage time; and (4) the finding does not represent an actual loss of function of one or more nontechnical specification trains of equipment designated as high safety -significant in accordance with the licensees maintenance rule program for greater than 24 hours. The inspectors determined that this finding did not have a cross -cutting aspect as the decision to not replace the contactor occ urred in 2014 and was not reflective of current performance.
05000397/FIN-2017002-04Columbia30 June 2017 23:59:59Licensee-Identified ViolationTitle 10 CFR 50.55a(g)4, Inservice Inspection Standards Requirement For Operating Plants , requires , in part, that thro ughout the service life of a boiling water -cooled nuclear power facility, components that are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements set forth in Section XI of the ASME Code. The ASME Code, Section XI, Article IWA -2610, requires that all welds and components subject to a surface or volumetric examination be included in the licensees inservice inspection program. This includes identifying each system support that is subject to Section XI requirements. Contrary to the above, prior to March 9, 2017, the licensee did not apply the applicable inservice inspection requirements to all system pressure boundaries within ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 boundaries. Specifically, the licensee failed to include the control rod d rive housing welds, as well as portions of the residual heat removal and high pressure core spray systems in their inservice inspection program. The licensee entered this issue into their corrective action program as AR 00343761 and reasonably determined the affected components and system remained operable. The licensee restored compliance by entering the components and systems into the ASME Section XI program. The finding was of very low safety significance (Green) because the finding did not represent an actual loss of safety function of a system or train, and did not result in the loss of a single train for greater than technical specification allowed outage time.
05000397/FIN-2017003-01Columbia30 September 2017 23:59:59Inadequate High Pressure Core Spray Fill and Vent ProcedureThe inspectors reviewed a self -revealed, non- cited violation of Technical Specification 5.4.1.a, for the licensees failure to have a high pressure core spray system fill and vent procedure appropriate to the circumstances. The licensee entered this issue into the corrective action program as Action Request 368872. The failure to have a high pressure core spray system fill and vent procedure appropriate to the circumstances was a performance deficiency. The performance deficiency was more than minor, and therefore a finding, because it affected the equipment performance at tribute of the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to ensure the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences. Specifically, Procedure SOP- HPCS -FILL, HPCS Fill and Vent, Revision 11, was not appropriate to the circumstances in that it did not ensure the high pressure core spray instrumentation lines were clear of voids. As a result, air remained in the instrumentation lines , and the high pressure core spray minimum flow instrument, HPCS -FIS -6, was degraded. The inspector s performed the initial significance determination using Inspection Manual Chapter 0609, Appendix A, Exhibit 2, Mitigating Systems Screening Questions. The inspectors determined that the finding was of very low safety significance (Green) because: (1) the finding was not a deficiency affecting the design or qualification of a mitigating system; (2) the finding did not represent a loss of system and/or function; (3) the finding did not represent an actual loss of function of a single train for greater than its technical specification allowed outage time; and (4) the finding did not represent an actual loss of function of one or more non- technical specification trains of equipment designated as high safety -significant in accordance with the licensees maintenance rule program for greater than 24 hours. This finding had a cross -cutting aspect in the area of human performance, avoid complacency, in that the licensee failed to recognize and plan for the possibility of mistakes, latent issues, and inherent risk, even while expecting successful outcomes (H.12).
05000397/LER-2001-003Docket Number

At 1247 on May 21, 2001, Columbia Generating Station was in Mode 3 when the HPCS pump (HPCS-P-I) and the HPCS System were declared inoperable due to low pressure in the HPCS water leg pump discharge piping. Operations was in the process of transferring water from the condensate_storageianksio the_suppression_pool when thesuction_path to HPCS-P-1 was isolated.

HPCS-P-1 was immediately secured. HPCS System discharge pressure subsequently dropped to the low-pressure alarm setpoint, requiring Operations to declare HPCS-P-1 inoperable. After filling and venting the HPCS System, HPCS-P-1 and the HPCS System were declared operable at 1322 on May 21, 2001.

This condition is reportable under 10 CFR 50.73 (a)(2)(v)(D) because HPCS is a single train safety system that was unable to perform its required safety function for approximately 35 minutes.

The plant remained in compliance with technical specifiCations, and was in a condition where both low pressure coolant injection and low pressure core spray were capable of providing flow to the reactor pressure vessel. Although this event occurred over two years ago, Energy Northwest did not discover that the event should have been reported as a single train safety system failure until November 20, 2003.

26158 RI


On July 8, 2003, Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) was in Mode I with the reactor operating at approximately 73 percent of rated thermal power. At 1008 PDT, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) was declared inoperable after one of its steam supply containment isolation valves (RCIC-V-63) was inadvertently closed during the performance of a surveillance test. The surveillance test was discontinued and plant operators verified that the High Pressure Core Spray System was operable as required by Technical Specifications. The RCIC system was restored to its normal standby lineup and declared operable within one hour.

The cause of this event was a personnel error by an I&C technician who was involved in performing a channel functional test at a differential pressure indicating switch (RC1C-DPIS-13B) which senses steam flow to the RCIC turbine, Tice technician inadvertently applied pressure from a nitrogen bottle to the high pressure side of ROC-DNS-13B causing an upscale condition which closed RCIC-V-63 before it was deactivated in accordance with the test procedure.

The technicians involved in this event have been coached concerning human performance and the proper use of self-checking and peer-checking techniques. This incident was referenced as a recent example of a human performance error in human performance timeouts with maintenance teams. The I&C Training Advisory Group will review this issue to determine how it should be included in future training.

I. � .


05000397/LER-2003-009Docket Number

On August 22, 2003 at 0234 PDT, the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system (RCIC) was isolated as a result of a battery cell in the Division 1 250 VDC battery (E-B2-1) not meeting Technical.Specification (TS) battery_cell parameter requirements. With E-B2-1 inoperable, TSs require the supported features of E-B2-1 to be immediatey declared inoperable. RCIC-V 19, the RCIC pump minimum flow bypass valve, is a containment isolation valve. RCIC-V-19 is also supported by battery E-B2-1. RCIC-V-19 was declared inoperable, and was closed and deactivated to comply with plant TSs. Because RCIC-V-19 was inoperable, operators isolated the steam inlet valve (RCIC-V-1) to the RCIC turbine to prevent operation of the RCIC system.

The isolation of the RCIC system is reported as an event or condition that could prevent the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident.

Upon replacement of the battery cell, E-B2-1 was restored to service, and the RCIC system was declared operable at 1700 PDT on August 22, 2003.

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05000397/LER-2003-010Docket Number

At 1231 on October 7, 2003, with the plant in mode 1, a depressurization of the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system (BG) occurred while the HPCS system waterleg piping was isolated during an unscheduled maintenance activity to replace the power frame on the waterleg pump motor. System pressure unexpectedly decreased to below the low pressure alarm point requiring plant operators to remove fuses for the main HPCS pump and perform a system fill and vent procedure. These actions rendered the single train HPCS system inoperable. With the HPCS system inoperable, the action required by Technical Specifications Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.5.1.B to verify operability of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system (BN) and restore HPCS within 14 days was taken. Approximately three hours later at 1538, after verifying the system was filled and vented, and the pump fuses reinstalled, the HPCS system was declared operable and all requirements of LCO 3.5.1 were met. The cause of this event is attributed to the judgment of control room operators who allowed the maintenance to proceed when contingency actions to be taken in the event of unexpected system conditions had not been pre- planned. Prior to the maintenance, the control room operators developed contingency actions that were not adequate to manage a rapid depressurization of the HPCS system. There were no safety consequences associated with the inoperable HPCS system and this event did not represent an actual loss of a safety function for greater than the time allowed by Technical Specifications.

26158 RI

05000397/LER-2004-002Docket Number

On February 21, 2004, Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) was in Mode 1 with the reactor operating at approximately 100 percent rated thermal power. At approximately 08:41 the Reactor Core ____ isolation_Cooling.(RCIC) system was declared inoperable due to _a loss of control power to the RCIC reactor pressure vessel injection valve (RCIC-V-13). The cause was a failure of a normally energized under-voltage relay. The function of the relay is to sense a loss of voltage to the valve motor operator, interrupt valve control power and provide annunciation in the control room. The relay failed due to a failed relay coil that was subjected to long-term heating. Previous reviews to identify relays that should be periodically replaced did not capture this relay because it had no equipment part number and was not included in the master equipment list, the database used to conduct these reviews.

This event posed no threat to the health and safety of the public or plant personnel.

The failed relay was replaced and the RCIC system returned to operable status in 12 hours 48 minutes.

Thermography was performed on 43 relays in the DC distribution system and one relay was identified for replacement. Additional actions are planned to identify other relays in the DC distribution and selected portions of the 480 Volt AC systems that need periodic replacement.

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05000397/LER-2004-004Columbia30 July 2004Reactor Scram Due to Failure of a Ceramic Capacitor on a NUCANA Servo Driver (NSD) Circuit Board

On July 30, 2004, Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) was in Mode 1 with the reactor operating at -100 percent power. At 09:23 PDT, the reactor automatically scrammed when the reactor protection system (RPS) received trip signals from three out of four reactor steam dome pressure - high instrument channels.

The high reactor steam dome high-pressure condition was a result of a turbine governor valve (MS-V GV/1) drifting closed. The turbine governor valve drifted closed due to a failure of a bypass capacitor on a NUCANA Servo Driver (NSD) circuit board associated with the governor valve electro-hydraulic control system. The failed capacitor was a monolithic ceramic capacitor. This capacitor provides high frequency bypass filtering for the onboard power supply at one of the operational amplifiers. The capacitor failed with low resistance which caused a high current load that eventually caused the circuit board protective fuse to clear and the closure of MS-V-GV/1.

This event posed no threat to the health and safety of the public. The NSD circuit board was replaced and a detailed failure analysis will be performed on the failed circuit board.

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05000397/LER-2004-008Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Isolation Due to Inadvertant Closure of Containment Isolation Valve

On November 22, 2004, Columbia Generating Station (Columbia) was in Mode 1 at approximately 100 percent of rated thermal power. At 17:30 PST, the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system was declared inoperable after one of its steam supply containment isolation valves (RCIC-V-63) was inadvertently closed during the performance of a channel functional test/channel calibration procedure. The procedure was discontinued and plant operators verified that the High Pressure Core Spray System was operable as required by Technical Specifications. The RCIC system was restored to its normal standby lineup and declared operable two hours and three minutes later.

The immediate cause was a personnel error by one of the I&C technicians performing the procedure. The root causes included over-reliance on self-checking and peer-checking, the procedure did not contain adequate precautionary information, no direct field supervision of the evolution, and no integrated risk assessment of the work.

A briefing was conducted to explain the event to Electrical and I&C craft and supervisors. The procedure being used, and other similar procedures, will be revised to add appropriate precautions. Additional expectations for frequency, depth, and quality of supervisory field oversight are being implemented. A new integrated risk management procedure will reduce the potential for similar errors.

26158 R2

05000397/LER-2005-002High Pressure Core Spray System Inoperability Due to Cracks in the Pump Motor's Upper Air Deflector.

On March 16, 2005, Energy Northwest took the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) pump out of service to investigate the source of a motor oil leak. During the course of this inspection, personnel _discovered cracks in the HPCS pump motor upper air deflector. The root cause for the degraded air deflector is critical dimensions were not maintained duringthearriator reassembly process in1992.- The degraded air deflector was removed and replaced within the completion time allowed'by the Technical Specifications. Long term corrective actions include the development and implementation of a procedure to ensure Energy Northwest has or obtains the available critical information and vendor representation necessary to successfully perform major overhaul or refurbishment work on significant plant equipment. Prior to completing refueling outagel7, a visual examination of selected large motors will be performed.

This event did not adversely affect the health and safety of the public. Although this event is reported as a safety system functional failure, the ability and the duration of the system to perform)

  • its safety function in the as-found condition is the subject of a separate evaluation. By plant design, the emergency core cooling functions can be performed by several diverse systems that were not impacted by this condition. A similar event was reported by Energy Northwest as LER 92-025.

26158 R2

05000397/LER-2005-004Docket Numbersequential Revmonth Day Year Year Month Day Yearnumber No. 0500023 June 2005Reactor Scram During Plant Startup Due to Reactor Feedwater Pump Trip

On June 23, 2005, Columbia Generating Station was in Mode 1 with the reactor operating at approximately 23 percent power. At 13:46 PDT, an automatic reactor scram occurred due to a low water level condition in the reactor vessel. The low reactor water level condition was caused by an 0 __-inadvertent loss of reactor feedwater pump RFW-P-1B-due to a false low suction'pressure caused by human error during planned maintenance activities. Control room operators entered appropriate Emergency Operating Procedures and stabilized the plant following the reactor scram.

Plant systems responded as designed with the exception of RCIC as discussed below. As long term corrective action, a time delay will be installed or the low suction pressure trip removed to prevent spurious RFW pump trips.

The RCIC system was manually started to restore reactor water level and was later manually tripped.

The system had to be reset locally due to tripped mechanical overspeed trip linkage. During two subsequent attempts to restart RCIC the pump tripped on low suction pressure. Operators were then able to successfully start RCIC with the flow controller in manual. A time delay has been added to the RCIC low suction pressure trip logic to resolve this issue.

26158 R3

05000397/LER-2006-0023 November 2006Shutdown Cooling Isolation due to Inadequate Procedure Step

On November 3, 2006 at 0309 PST, Shutdown Cooling (SDC) was inadvertently removed from service while in Mode 4. The loss of SDC resulted from the isolation of the inboard primary containment isolation valve (RHR V-9) on the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) SDC common suction header.

The isolation occurred while transferring Reactor Protection System (RPS) B to its alternate power supply.

During the transfer electrical disconnect RHR-DISC-V/9 was opened per Plant Procedures Manual (PPM) 2.7.6 to prevent a loss of SDC. Use of RHR-DISC-V/9 during the transfer resulted in an unintended containment isolation signal to RHR-V-9. The cause of this event was an inadequate procedure step derived from inaccurate technical information in procedure SOP-RHR-SDC-BYPASS.

Corrective action has been initiated to revise subject procedures.DMore specific guidance for validation will be provided as part of the Procedure Review Program and expectations for technical accuracy will be reinforced.

There have been two reported isolations of SDC at Columbia within the past 5 years (LER 2003-003 and LER 2003-005).

26158 R3

05000397/LER-2007-004Telephone Number (Include Area Code)28 June 2007Reactor Scram due to Tripped Condensate Booster Pump

On June 28, 2007 at 1717 PDT Columbia Generating Station experienced an unexpected trip of Condensate Booster Pump (CBP) 2B (COND-P-2B). The trip occurred while operators were manually transferring the COND-P-2B duplex oil filter to the standby filter. The trip of COND-P-2B resulted in a low suction pressure trip of the reactor feedwater pumps and a reactor scram on low water level.

The cause of this event was a latent equipment condition involving the incorrect configuration of the COND-P-2B lube oil filter valves combined with the operational decision to transfer filters with COND-P 2B required to be in service.

Corrective actions have been initiated to properly configure the COND-P-2B lube oil transfer valves and enhance plant documentation to ensure the proper configuration is maintained following future maintenance activities. Furthermore, Energy Northwest will enhance the operational directives governing future on-line oil filter transfers.

There are no documented previous instances at Columbia involving the inadvertent removal of CBP lube oil filters from service.

26158 R3

05000397/LER-2007-005Columbia10 December 2007Inoperable Diesel Generator due to inadequate procedure that caused potential transformer fuses to clear during shut down of the diesel

On December 10, 2007, it was discovered that an unidentified failure of the Emergency Diesel Generator (DG) that supports the High Pressure Core Spray system resulted in a failure to comply with the required actions of three separate conditions of Technical Specification 3.8.1, AC Operating Sources on two separate occasions. The cause of the DG failures was the performance of inadequate procedures on May 3, 2005 and October 19, 2007 that resulted in clearing of the fuses on the primary side of the metering and relaying potential transformers during shut down of the DG. The potential transformers provide power to the electronic governor as well as the local and remote indications rendering the electronic governor inoperable while the fuses were cleared. The DG was inoperable from May 3, 2005 to June 7, 2005 and again from October 19, 2007 until November 10, 2007.

The root cause of the inadequate procedures was a lack of knowledge of the DG shut down logic by licensee Operations and Engineering personnel. Corrective actions include revising the affected procedures and providing training for the appropriate Operations and Engineering personnel.

This event did not adversely affect the health and safety of the public because the DG remained available and no loss of off-site power occurred during the time frames the fuses were cleared.

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05000397/LER-2010-00220 December 2010LPCS minimum flow valve failed to open due to premature fuse failure at the solder joint

This event is being reported under 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D). On December 20, 2010, the low pressure core spray pump was started and the minimum flow valve lost indication. An annunciator was received indicating that the valve had lost power.

The three line power fuses for the starter for the motor operator were found to be cleared. The cleared fuses were Cooper/Bussman Fusetron dual-element, time-delay, current-limiting, 600 Volt, 1.25 Amp fuses (model FRS-R-1-1/4). The overload element in each fuse was failed (triggered). Troubleshooting did not reveal any binding within the valve, binding within the motor operator, or sticking or dirty contacts within the starter. An examination of the cleared fuses revealed a poor solder joint in the trigger assembly in one fuse. The cause of this event is premature failure of one of the three fuses from momentary inrush current at a current value under the fuse curve which led to overload and failure of the remaining two fuses. Corrective actions consisted of quarantine of fuses from the same lot as that of the cleared fuses and inspection of fuses in all safety-related motor operated valves in support of ECCS to ensure they were not the same brand fuse of the same 1.25 Amp size from the same lot.

05000397/LER-2013-006ColumbiaAccidental switch bump makes High Pressure Core Spray and Diesel Inoperable

On June 27, 2013 at 17:58 hours a laborer was exiting the Diesel Generator (DO) 3 Room when he inadvertently brushed against the control switch (JS) for the Diesel Mixed Air fan (FAN) causing it to turn to the OFF position. In response to an annunciator alarm In the main control room, an operations supervisor proceeded to the Diesel Generator 3 Room. After ascertaining what had happened by questioning the laborer, the operator turned the fan control switch back to ON and the switch operated smoothly. The Diesel Mixed Air fan was back in service at 18:19 hours, so the fan was inoperable for approximately 21 minutes.

With the Diesel Mixed Air fan switch in the OFF position, the following supported equipment were declared inoperable and the appropriate Technical Specifications were entered: Diesel Generator 3, High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) (BJ), Division 3 125 VDC battery charger (BYC), Division 3 battery (BTRY), and the Division 3 AC electrical power distribution system (ix).

The loss of the HPCS system resulted In the temporary loss of safety function for a single train system. There was no radiological release associated with this event. No safety system actuations or isolations occurred. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and Event Notification No. 49152 was submitted.

26158 R5

  • Columbia Generating Station 05000397
05000397/LER-2015-001ColumbiaNon-Conservative Compensatory Measure for Flooding Barriers

On March 2, 2015, it was identified that Columbia Generating Station's (Columbia) barrier impairment procedure which allowed for floor plugs in the room above the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System pump rooms to be removed was non-conservative and Columbia had been non-compliant with Technical Specifications. Specifically, from December 3, 2014, until December 19, 2014, floor plugs over Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System B pump were removed without an adequate flood barrier resulting in RHR System B being inoperable. The barrier impairment procedure allowed for removal of ECCS or RCIC floor plugs with either a one hour flood tour or installation of a berm as a compensatory measure to maintain operability of the applicable ECCS or RCIC System. A one hour flood tour was initiated per the procedure, and a berm was erected; however both the one hour flood tour and the berm were inadequate. Corrective actions planned to prevent recurrence includes revising the barrier impairment process.

26158 R6 NRC Form 366 (01-2014)

05000397/LER-2015-006ColumbiaPostulated Multiple Spurious Operations Scenario That Could Adversely Impact Post-Fire Safe Shutdown

On July 6, 2015, a review of the Fire Protection and Post Fire Safe Shutdown programs found the original assessment of Multiple Spurious Operation (MSO) Scenario 2x incorrectly concluded that the number of circuit failures was above and beyond the technical requirements. This error resulted in no analysis of MSO Scenario 2x, an unanalyzed PFSS condition, and is being reported in conformance with the reporting requirements of 10CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(B).

In addition this was reported to the NRC man 8-hour report (Event Notification No. 51201) in accordance with'10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B).

Corrective actions include a revision to the calculation to include a re-evaluation of :MSO Scenario 2x, maintaining the affected line isolated until a permanent solution for MSO Scenario 2x is developed; and procedure changes to provide more technical guidance for evaluation of PFSS MSO scenarios:

26158 R6 NRC Form 366 (01-2014) EXPIRES: 91/31/24I1 4Q/ivied iurdso:petlesponso to con* wilkihitonandatoircotleiiiicsi.rscue0 50hows.

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05000397/LER-2016-004Columbia8 June 20171 OF 3
LER 16-004-01 for Columbia Generating Station Regarding Automatic Scram Due to Off-site Load Reject

On December 18, 2016 at 11:24 hours, an automatic scram occurred due to a fault on an off-site transmission network. A reactor scram was automatically initiated by the plant response to the transient.

All rods fully inserted, Main Steam Isolation Valves (SB,V) automatically closed due to loss of pow er to both Reactor Protection Sy stem (JC) busses. All safety sy stems operated as designed. Two Safety Relief Valves (SB,V) were initially cycled automatically, then several manually to maintain Reactor Pressure Vessel (AC) pressure. Reactor water level was maintained with Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (BN), Control Rod Drive (AA) flow, and High Pressure Core Spray (BG).

The cause analysis for the loss of off-site power is being performed by the entity responsible for the off-site transmission network, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA took immediate corrective actions to restore the off-site transmission network. The root cause evaluation addressing the plant response is being performed by plant personnel. A supplemental LER will be issued when the cause analyses are completed.

05000397/LER-2016-005Columbia18 December 2016
15 February 2017
Leak in Minimum Flow Line Makes HPCS and Primary Containment Inoperable
LER 16-005-00 for Columbia Generating Station Regarding Leak in Minimum Flow Line Makes HPCS and Primary Containment Inoperable

On December 18, 2016, during a forced plant outage reported under Licensee Event Report (LER)-2016-004, a leak was identified on the minimum flow line of the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system downstream of the Primary Containment Isolation Valve.

HPCS system had been running on minimum flow after being used to maintain Reactor Pressure Vessel water level. The HPCS line leak was identified during a walk down by Operations personnel after the HPCS pump had been secured. Due to the location of the leak downstream of the Primary Containment Isolation Valve, this leak constituted a breach of Primary Containment. Both HPCS and Primary Containment were declared inoperable.

The cause of the leak was determined to be from a gasketed flange in the HPCS minimum flow piping. Corrective actions included replacing the gasket. Further evaluation is ongoing and this report will be supplemented once complete.

05000397/LER-2017-001Columbia20 March 2017Contactor Coil Failure Results in Tripping of HPCS Diesel Mixed Air Fan
LER 17-001-00 for Columbia Generating Station Regarding Contactor Coil Failure Results in Tripping of HPCS Diesel Mixed Air Fan

On January 25, 20:7 at 1836 PST, smoke was detected in the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) System diesel room with no indication of a lire. Immediate recovery actions by Operations personnel included opening the disconnect for the affected motor starter, at which point the smoke dissipated, Investigation of the condition found the motor starter for the Diesel Mixed Air Fan had failed, Prior to the start of the event, the HPCS system had been declared inoperable in accordance with plant Technical Specifications for planned maintenance.

The apparent cause of the motor starter failure was overheating of the contactor coil due to elevated system voltages. Corrective actions for this event include replacement of the contactor coil, increased frequency of preventative maintenance, and procedure revision. There were no other event-related equipment malfunctions.

tow Fogm 366 (08-2Q15)

05000409/LER-1983-001, Forwards LER 83-001/03L-0 & Updated LER 82-020/03X-1. Detailed Event Analysis EnclLa Crosse21 April 1983Forwards LER 83-001/03L-0 & Updated LER 82-020/03X-1. Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000410/LER-2001-00415 October 2001

On October 15, 2001 at approximately 0959, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2) scrammed from approximately 100 percent power due to closure of the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs). Post scram the Safety Relief Valves (SRVs) were used for reactor pressure control until the MSIVs were re-opened. The scram occurred while restoring a steam flow transmitter after surveillance testing.

Post scram two high reactor water level conditions occurred that resulted in level 8 conditions. The first level 8 condition caused the "A" and "B" feedwater pumps to trip, as designed. The "A" feedwater pump was later re-started. The second level 8 condition resulted in the operating "A" feedwater pump tripping, as designed. Reactor pressure was then reduced so that the condensate booster pumps could be used for inventory control. While reducing pressure, a low reactor water level condition occurred. A level 2 condition occurred that resulted in actuation of the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System and the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) System and closure signals to Primary Containment Isolation Valve groups 2,3,6,7,8 and 9. Reactor water level was recovered using RCIC and HPCS. Reactor pressure was reduced and the condensate booster pumps were used to provide inventory control. RCIC and HPCS were then returned to standby. Reactor pressure was reduced to approximately 150 pounds per square inch; the MSIVs were re-opened and reactor pressure control was shifted to the Turbine Bypass valves.

The cause of the reactor scram was an inadequate surveillance procedure. The causes of the low reactor water level condition were training issues relative to transient operation of RCIC and selection of a less than optimum event mitigation strategy. Corrective actions include benchmarking methods of restoration of similar transmitters, reviewing activities performed at power that are classified as trip sensitive, reviewing the event with operating crews and developing training on the effect of SRV opening on reactor water level.

RC FORM 366 (1-2001) �

05000410/LER-2001-0062 December 2001

On December 2, 2001, at approximately 1449 hours, operators manually scrammed Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2) from approximately 75 percent power after the "A" Feedwater Pump tripped due to a motor failure.

Prior to the Feedwater Pump motor failure a power reduction was in progress for rodline adjustments. The motor failure created a voltage transient that resulted in the loss of hydraulic power to the "A" Recirculation Flow Control Valve (FCV), which prevented its runback operation. The runback of the "B" Recirculation FCV was not sufficient to reduce power to within the capacity of the "B" Feedwater Pump. A manual scram was inserted to preclude an automatic scram because of decreasing reactor vessel water level.

After the scram, none of the Emergency Core Cooling System equipment started or should have started. During the post scram recovery the "B" Feedwater pump tripped due to high reactor water level. Approximately 2.5 hours after the manual scram, a low reactor water level scram signal occurred with no rod motion, due to level shrink as operators were closing a Turbine Bypass Valve to control cooldown rate.

An inspection of the motor concluded that it had experienced a phase-to-phase fault and phase-to-ground fault. This resulted in a voltage transient and the tripping of the motor breaker.

The causes of the motor failure were failure to effectively implement the Corrective Action Program and a faulty motor design that led to corona induced damage. Contributing causes include inadequate communication and insufficient motor monitoring.

Corrective actions include revising the Corrective Action program, disseminating lessons learned to site management and appropriate staff, correcting the motor design flaw, rewinding pump motors and establishing a motor testing program.

05000410/LER-2009-001Docket Number23 August 2009Momentary Loss of Control Power to High Pressure Core Spray, Pump Due to Degraded Fuse Block Connection

On August 23, 2009, at 0915 hours, the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2) control room received a High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) Inoperable annunciator and a Division 3 Diesel Direct Current Control Power Failure annunciator for one second, after which both annunciators cleared. An operator was immediately dispatched to the Division 3 switchgear room, but did not find any obvious failure.

During troubleshooting, a degraded connection was found between the removable and stationary parts of the HPCS breaker CLOSE fuse block. The contact gap for one of the receiver connections internal to the stationary section of the CLOSE fuse block was wider than the other 3 receiver connections. At that point, HPCS was declared inoperable per Technical Specification 3.5.1. The degraded receiver connection was adjusted and the CLOSE fuse block was reassembled. The HPCS pump was run and subsequently declared operable at 2046 hours.

Throughout the event, NMP2 continued to operate at 100% power. There were no other inoperable components impacting this event.

The apparent cause of this event was failure to incorporate a GE Service Advisory Letter (SAL) 322.1 recommendation for checking the fuse block contact wipe or contact gap settings as part of the 4.16 kV breaker Preventive Maintenance (PM).

To prevent reoccurrence, the procedures for the 4.16kV and 13.8 kV breaker PMs will be revised to include the fuse block contact gap adjustment.

05000410/LER-2012-003Docket Number4 June 2012Suppression Pool Level Below Technical Specification Limit During Mode ChangeOn June 4, 2012, at 0517, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP 2) entered Mode 2 (startup) with suppression pool water level at 199.44 feet, below the minimum required level of 199.5 feet, per Technical Specification (TS) Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) Contrary to the requirements of LCO 3.0.1, the conditions for changing modes from Mode 4 (cold shutdown) to Mode 2 were not met when Mode 2 was entered. The low suppression pool level of 199.4 feet was discovered during shift checks on June 4, 2012 at 0846, when TS, Condition A was entered. Suppression pool water level was restored at 0926 and TS Condition A was exited at 0933. The cause of this event is a failure to recognize abnormalities. The operators performing and verifying the Surveillance Requirements (SRs) and control room supervision reviewing the SRs did not recognize that little margin remained to the TS required lower level for suppression pool water level. Actions are being taken to communicate lessons learned from this event with operating crews for both units at Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (NMPNS) with an emphasis on operator fundamentals of plant parameter monitoring and control. This event was entered into the NMPNS corrective action program (Condition Report CR-2012-005507).
05000410/LER-2013-001Nine Mile Point23 January 2013Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Isolation Due to a Temperature Switch Unit Failure

On January 23, 2013 at 15:16, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 was operating at 100 percent power when Reactor Building General Area temperature switch unit 2RHS*TS85A failed, resulting in the closure of primary containment isolation valves and causing the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system to isolate from the reactor vessel and become inoperable. The failure of the temperature switch unit occurred concurrently with the High-Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system inoperable for planned surveillance testing. With both the RCIC and HPCS systems inoperable, high pressure makeup capability to the reactor core was lost from these systems.

This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), as an automatic actuation of containment isolation valves in more than one system. The event is also reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), as an event that could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of systems that are needed to: (A) shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, and (D) mitigate the consequences of an accident.

The temperature switch failed due to age-related capacitor degradation. The apparent cause of the event is insufficient use of the corrective action program to fully implement a periodic capacitor replacement program for the Riley temperature switches. Corrective actions include replacement of the failed switch and planned refurbishment of similar units.

05000410/LER-2013-002Nine Mile Point28 February 2013Failure of High Pressure Core Spray System Pressure Pump due to Motor Winding Failure

On February 28, 2013 at 1319, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 was operating at 100 percent power when the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) system pressure pump failed. At the time of the failure, the HPCS system was inoperable for planned maintenance. The HPCS system pressure pump failure was due to an electrical short caused by a turn-to-turn failure in the motor.

The cause of this event was determined to be a turn-to-turn short in the motor winding, attributed to poor manufacturer quality of the original motor.

Corrective actions include replacement of the failed motor with a rewound motor and development of a new replacement strategy for these types of motors.

This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D), as any event or condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems that are needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident. This report constitutes a 10 CFR 21 (Part 21) notification because the motor failure that initiated the event is attributed to a manufacturing deficiency.

There are no previous LERs similar to this event.

05000410/LER-2013-004Nine Mile Point2 December 2013Manual Reactor Protection System Actuation due to Loss of Reactor Recirculation Flow

On December 2, 2013, at 0903, Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (NMP2) was lowering reactor power level to remove the main turbine from service to support maintenance. During the power reduction, the Low Frequency Motor Generators (LFMGs) did not start automatically. Attempts to manually start the recirculation system pumps in slow speed were unsuccessful and a manual reactor scram was inserted due to the sudden reduction in core flow.

This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) as a condition that resulted in manual or automatic actuation of any of the systems listed in 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(B). The Reactor Protection System is listed in 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(B).

The root cause of this event is a failure to identify that the switches in the auto transfer circuits for the reactor recirculation pumps to shift from high speed to low speed are single point vulnerable (SPV) components because they were exempted from the AP-913 classification process. Since the switches were not classified as SPV components, no mitigation strategies were developed.

Corrective actions include revision of the operating procedures to manually start the LFMG sets and not rely on the auto transfer circuitry.

There are no similar Licensee Event Reports for NMP2.

05000410/LER-2014-002Nine Mile PointHigh Pressure Core Spray System Inoperability Due to Inoperable High Pressure Core Spray Diesel GeneratorAt 0330 on February 27, 2014, the High Pressure Core Spray (HPCS) System was declared inoperable. The unplanned inoperability of the HPCS System is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) and 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(D). The event occurred during the Division III Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG), 2EGS*EG2, post maintenance testing (PMT). The EDG testing identified erratic performance of a voltage regulator that was subsequently attributed to a degraded motor operated potentiometer (MOP) and other potentiometers within the voltage regulator. With EDG inoperability due to ongoing PMT, HPCS inoperability was declared. This action prevented NMP2 from exceeding a TS LCO action statement associated with EDG inoperability. The corrective action taken was to replace the defective potentiometers. With the satisfactory completion of the EDG PMT, the HPCS and EDG were declared operable on February 27, 2014 at 1013.
05000416/FIN-2008002-07Grand Gulf31 March 2008 23:59:59Inadequate Design Control of HPCS Minimum Flow Valve MOTOR-OPERATED Valve Over Current SetpointThe inspectors identified a self-revealing noncited violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, \"Design Control,\" for failure to properly set the over current trip setpoint for the high pressure core spray minimum flow motor operated valve. This resulted in a spurious over current trip of the valve breaker during a high pressure core spray momentary pump start for breaker operability following post Division 3 emergency core cooling system testing. As a result of the trip, the high pressure core spray minimum flow valve failed open. This issue was entered into the licensees corrective action program as Condition Report CR-GGN-2008-01201. The finding was more than minor because it was associated with the barrier integrity cornerstone to provide reasonable assurance that the physical design barriers protect the public from radionuclide releases caused by accidents or events. Using the MC 0609, \"Significance Determination Process,\" Phase 1 worksheet, the finding was determined to have very low safety significance since it did not result in a loss of the containment barrier. Additionally, the issue was screened and determined to not impact the High Pressure Core Spray mitigating system function (Section 4OA3)
05000416/FIN-2009003-02Grand Gulf30 June 2009 23:59:59Inadequate Operability Evaluation for Debris Left in the Condensate Storage TankThe inspectors identified a Green noncited violation of 10 CFR Part 50Appendix B, Criterion V involving a failure to follow procedures which resulted in an inadequate operability evaluation. During the week of May 18, 2009, the site conducted debris removal in the condensate storage tank. This debris removal was necessary because of a failure to remove all debris in the condensate storage tank during their spring 2007 cleanup project. The licensee performed an operability evaluation for objects left in the condensate storage tank which stated that the high pressure core spray system and reactor core isolation cooling would remain operable for all postulated events. Upon review by the inspectors, the operability evaluation did not address several issues including objects left in the condensate storage tank and condensate system return flow to the condensate storage tank following a plant shutdown/scram. The licensee entered this issue into their corrective action program as Condition ReportsCR-GGN-2009-02815 and CR-GGN-2009-02837.This finding is more than minor because the failure to perform an adequate operability evaluation, if left uncorrected, could become a more significant safety concern. Using the Manual Chapter 0609, Significance Determination Process, Phase 1 Worksheet, this finding was of very low safety significance since it did not result in a loss of operability, nor did it screen as potentially risk significant due to a seismic, flooding, or severe weather-initiating event. The cause of this finding had a crosscutting aspect in the area of problem identification and resolution associated with corrective actions because licensee personnel failed to thoroughly identify all materials left in the condensate storage tank during their original operability determination
05000416/FIN-2009006-04Grand Gulf30 June 2009 23:59:59Inadequate Corrective Actions for Replacement of Safety-Related BatteriesThe team identified a noncited violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective Actions, for failure to identify and correct a condition adverse to quality related to the seismic qualification of the Division III High Pressure Core Spray safety-related battery. Specifically, the licensee failed to identify an incorrectly installed end bracket after replacement of the Division III safety-related battery in 2002 using procedures, work instructions, and drawings that were supposed to have been corrected after this same issue was identified during a 1997battery replacement activity. The licensee has entered this into their corrective action program as CR-GGN-2009-00830.This finding was more than minor because it affected the mitigating systems cornerstone attribute of external events for ensuring the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events. Also, using Inspection Manual Chapter 0612, Power Reactor Inspection Reports, Appendix B, Section 1-3,Screen for More than Minor ROP, question 2, the finding is more than minor because if left uncorrected, the performance deficiency would have the potential to lead to a more significant safety concern. Using the Inspection Manual Chapter0609, Significance Determination Process, Phase 1 Worksheets, the finding was determined to have very low safety significance (Green) because it was confirmed to not result in a loss of operability or functionality. The finding was reviewed for crosscutting aspects and none were identified
05000416/FIN-2011003-05Grand Gulf30 June 2011 23:59:59Failure to Provide Adequate Procedures for High Pressure Core Spray Minimum Flow Valve Surveillance TestingThe inspectors reviewed a self-revealing noncited violation of Technical Specification 5.4.1.a for the licensees failure to provide adequate testing procedures, which resulted in the high pressure core spray minimum flow valve inadvertently stroking approximately 11 times during a surveillance test. The excessive stroking of the valve resulted in the unplanned inoperability of the high pressure core spray system because the valves feeder breaker overcurrent instantaneous trip setpoint had drifted below the manufacturers tolerance for the existing setting. As immediate corrective action, the licensee replaced the degraded breaker. This finding was entered into the licensees corrective action program as Condition Report CR-GGN-2011-01901. The finding is more than minor because it is associated with the procedure quality attribute of the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone\'s objective to ensure the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences. Using Inspection Manual Chapter 0609.04, Phase 1 - Initial Screening and Characterization of Findings, inspectors determined that the finding was of very low safety significance (Green) because it did not result in a loss of system safety function since the high pressure core spray system would still have been functional even with the minimum flow valve potentially failing open. Additionally, it did not represent a loss of a system safety function and did not screen as potentially risk significant due to a seismic, flooding, or severe weather initiating event. This finding had a cross-cutting aspect in the area of problem identification and resolution associated with operating experience in that licensee had not incorporated operating experience from a similar event that had occurred at another Entergy site.
05000416/FIN-2011003-09Grand Gulf30 June 2011 23:59:59Licensee-Identified ViolationTitle 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures and Drawings, states, in part, that activities affecting quality shall be accomplished in accordance with prescribed procedures. Specifically EN-OP-104, Operability Determination Process, Revision 5, Section 5.3(1), states in part to Confirm the existence of a Degraded or Nonconforming Condition for the Technical Specification System Structure or Component. Contrary to this requirement, on March 18, 2011, the on-shift senior reactor operator failed to perform a proper operability determination for the high pressure core spray pump after minimum flow valve 1E22-F012 cycled approximately 11 times during testing causing the supply breaker to trip open, resulting in high pressure core spray being inoperable. After resetting the breaker for 1E22-F012, ensuring the breaker was not faulted, and performing a one-time stroke test, the system was declared operable. Engineering personnel evaluated the event several hours later and questioned the operability of valve 1E22-F012 and the high pressure core spray system due to repeated cycling of the valve motor, which resulted in the breaker tripping. Based on engineering input, operations performed a second operability determination and determined that the system was operable with evaluation required. The licensee performed testing of the breaker for valve 1E22-F012 and determined its over-current trip setting had drifted to approximately 60 amps when its minimum allowed setting was 85 amps. This confirmed that the high pressure core spray system was inoperable the entire time. This issue was entered into the licensees corrective action program as Condition Report CR-GGN-2011-02240. The finding was determined to be of very low safety significance (Green) because it was not a design or qualification deficiency, did not represent a loss of a system safety function, and did not screen as potentially risk significant due to a seismic, flooding, or severe weather initiating event.
05000416/FIN-2012003-05Grand Gulf30 June 2012 23:59:59Failure to Follow a Post-Modification Test ProcedureThe inspectors identified a non-cited violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, involving the licensees failure to follow a post-modification test procedure for the interconnecting siphon line between the two standby service water system cooling tower basins. Operability of the ultimate heat sink is based on a minimum water level in the two standby service water cooling tower basins, an operable interconnecting siphon between the basins, and four operable cooling tower fans (two per basin). At extended power uprate conditions, the configuration of the basins and the original siphon line would not support 30 days of operation of both trains of the standby service water system and the high pressure core spray service water systems without makeup, so the licensee performed a modification (EC 25649), which involved replacing the original siphon line with a new siphon line in order to transfer water from one basin to the other. On March 28, 2012, after completing the modification, the licensee performed post-modification testing to determine the piping friction loss coefficient of the modified siphon line and to evaluate its acceptability against the worst-case friction loss coefficient documented in EC 25649. The licensee deviated from the test procedure, as-written, and performed the test with an inadequate pressure gauge instead of the specified gauge. After inspectors challenged the validity of these test results, the licensee performed another test of the siphon line with a different method that did not require the use of a pressure gauge to measure the piping friction loss coefficient. The inspectors reviewed the subsequent test data and found the test results to be satisfactory. The licensee documented this concern in Condition Report CR-GGN-2012-05260. The finding is more than minor because it is associated with the design control attribute of the Mitigating Systems Cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to ensure availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences (i.e., core damage). Specifically, the use of an unqualified gauge invalidated the test results, and a different test method had to be developed to determine the piping friction loss coefficient for the siphon line. The inspectors evaluated this finding using Inspection Manual Chapter 0609, Attachment 4, Phase 1 Initial Screening and Characterization of Findings, and determined that the finding was of very low safety significance (Green) because the finding was not a design or qualification deficiency confirmed to result in loss of operability or function; did not represent a loss of safety system function; did not represent actual loss of safety function of a single train for greater than its technical specification allowed outage time; and did not screen as potentially risk significant due to a seismic, flooding, or severe weather initiating event. The finding had a cross-cutting aspect in the human performance area associated with work practices component because licensee personnel proceeded in the face of uncertainty or unexpected circumstances. Specifically, the licensee proceeded with the test without verifying that the pressure gauge was suitable for the test conditions after observing unexpected measurements with the gauge.