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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20235B4068 June 1977Discusses 770525 Memo Re Intent of Tech Spec Requirement Re APRM Flux Trip at Facility.Advises That Inspector Review of Problem Repts Associated W/Potential Short Period Transients Should Be Accomplished as Part of Insp Procedure 71710B
ML20235B95021 October 1968Forwards Air Resources Environ Lab,Environ Science Svcs Admin Comments on DC Cook 660930 PSAR & Quad-Cities 680830 Sar,Per Rs Boyd 681016 & 17 Requests
ML20235B95827 December 1972Forwards Util 721207 Request to Waiver Tech Spec Requirement for Isolation Valve Exercising at Monticello,Aec Authorizing Request for Wk Ending 721209 & Util Re Failure of Hangers at Quad Cities Unit 2
ML20235C14829 December 1971Transmits Div of Reactor Licensing ,Which Requests Addl Info on Design Features of Energy Absorbing Sys,As Info for ACRS
ML20235C31621 January 1972Forwards Draft Ltr Advising Applicant That AEC Prepared to Issue License for 20% Operation,Per Action Taken at Policy Session 14 on 711221.Rept on Environ & Need for Power Factors Also Encl
ML20235C8376 July 1966Forwards Div of Reactor Licensing Rept on Preliminary Aspects of Util Application for CP for Proposed Plant
ML20235C8484 November 1966Forwards Util Transmitting Omitted Pages from Plant Amend 3
ML20235C87821 November 1966Forwards Div of Reactor Licensing Rept Re Util CP Application for Plants for ACRS Review
ML20235C9637 December 1966Forwards Div of Reactor Licensing Rept to ACRS in Matter of Comm Ed Application for CP for Quad Cities Units 1 & 2, Supplemental Rept
ML20235C99018 December 1966Forwards Newmark & Hall Nov 1966 Rept Entitled, Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Quad Cities Station Units 1 & 2. W/O Encl
ML20235D05614 December 1966Discusses ACRS 80th Meeting on 661208-10 Re Review of Util Proposal to Const Two BWRs at Plant Site Near Cordova,Il. ACRS Believes That Matters Mentioned Can Be Resolved During Const & Plant Can Operate Safely
ML20235D3892 February 1972Discusses Action on 50% Station Power Request.Discontinuing Efforts & Concentrating on Full Power NEPA Review Will Permit Most Flexible Approach for Coping W/Potential Variables.Fpc & Util Comments Reflected in Encl
ML20235D57717 February 1972Forwards Div of Reactor Licensing & 720124 Discussion & Conclusions Re 20% Operation of Plant for ACRS Info
ML20235D7019 March 1972Advises That Encl Supplementary Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Licenses Has Been Prepared for Submission to Fr. Notice Provides Opportunity for Intervention on Environ Aspects of Operation of Facilities
ML20235D81815 June 1972Forwards Util 720611 Rept of Rupture of Northeast Expansion Joint on Condenser Circulating Water Sys
ML20235E34529 September 1972Forwards Util Providing Info Re Availability & Reliability of HPCI Sys for Dresden Units 2 & 3 & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2
ML20235E47425 October 1972Forwards Util 721021 Rept of Failure of Core Spray Pump Motor Air Circuit Breaker to Close on Test at Plant
ML20235E66516 November 1972Forwards to Util Requesting That Analyses Be Performed Re Changes in Shape of Scram Reactivity Curve & Requesting Addl Info Concerning Valve Failures
ML20235E77919 April 1972Advises That Tech Spec Pages 9,23 & 34 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30 Revised to Accommodate Request to Reduce Frequency of Spurious Scrams Occurring from Sensor While Manipulating Turbine Controls During Startup
ML20235E80527 April 1972Forwards to Util Authorizing Change to Startup Test Program for Plant
ML20235E9148 December 1972Forwards Util Re Reporting Requirements of Tech Specs for Listed Plants & to Util Re QA Program for Listed Plants
ML20235E9181 May 1972Forwards Util 720427 Rept of Damaged Rectifier in Control Room of Plant
ML20235E92521 December 1972Forwards to Applicants Re Consequences of Postulated Pipe Failures Outside Containment Structure
ML20235E9625 May 1972Forwards Util Requesting Addition of Nonradiological Tech Specs & Bases for Plant
ML20235F2408 May 1972Forwards Proposed Amends 3 & 1 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30, Respectively,Permitting Each Unit to Be Operated at Steady State Power Levels Up to 620 Mwt on Unlimited Basis & to 1,550 Mwt as Sys Load Demand Requires
ML20235F44212 May 1972Discusses,Per Record Note,Amends 3 & 1 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,re Plant Emergency Power.License Period Ends 720915 Per Commission 720509 Decision
ML20235N59625 March 1971Discusses AEC Plans to Apply New Position Re Means for Providing Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations Following Design Basis LOCA in Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants,Per Regulatory Info Meeting 422 on 700904
ML20235R37330 September 1987Responds to 870715 Request for NRR Assistance to Determine Environ Qualification Status of Cables Mfg by Simplex.Based on Review,Nrr Concludes That Adequate Justification Not Provided to Demonstrate Environ Qualification of Cables
ML20236M80829 July 1987Notification of 870730 Meeting W/Util & Nutech in Rockville, MD to Discuss Technical Topics Re Piping Configuration Verification Program Being Used at Plants.Attendees List Encl
ML20236N28813 August 1997Informs of Completed Review of Plant TS 3/4.5.A, ECCS Operating, & Provides Comments Which Addresses Inoperable HPCI Sys,Per Region III 970718 Memo
ML20236N3859 September 1997Discusses TS Clarification at Quad Cities Re Interpretation of Application of Action 3 of TS 3/4.5.A,in Event High Pressure Cooling Injection Pump Made Inoperable for Surveillance Testing Concurrent W/Inoperable LPCI Pump
ML20236V50230 July 1998Notification of 980819 Meeting W/Commonwealth Edison Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Inclusion of Emergency Core Cooling System Flow Measurement Uncertainties at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station in loss-of-coolant Accident Analyses
ML20236W5451 December 1987Forwards Safety Evaluation Re 10CFR50,App R,Section III.G.1 Exemption Requests & Miscellaneous Submittals.Region III Should Examine Performance & Procedures for Accomplishing Hot Shutdown Repairs During Compliance Insp on 871214-18Safe Shutdown
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
ML20237A36112 August 1998Staff Requirements Memo Re Briefing on Operating Reactors & Fuel Facilities on 980729 in Rockville,Maryland.Relative to Discussion About Quad-Cities,Commission Requested Addl Info on Schedule for Permanent Fire Protection Issues
ML20237B26811 December 1987Requests That Encl 10CFR50.App I Evaluations,For Listed Facilities Not Already Covered by Repts in Dcs,Be Entered Into DCS Sys on Microfiche
ML20237B6293 August 1977Forwards Unsigned & Undated Safety Evaluation & EIS & Notice of Issuance of Amend to OL & Negative Declaration,Per 10CFR50,App I.Radwaste Sys Capable of Maintaining Releases ALARAAnticipated operational occurrence
ML20237E31326 August 1998Forwards for Public Release,Info Re NRC SMM Held on 980714-15.Summary of January 1998 NRC SMM & Watch List Removal Evaluation Factors Also EnclSafe Shutdown
Missed surveillance
Operability Determination
Maintenance Rule Program
ML20237E42627 August 1998Notification of 980909 Meeting W/Calenergy Co,Midamerican Energy Co & Commonwealth Edison Co in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Merger of Midamerican Energy Holdings Co & Calenergy Co,Inc & Requirements of 10CFR50.80 for Transfer
ML20239A0882 September 1998Notification of 980910 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Progress & Actions Quad Cities Taking to Resolve Fire Protection (App R) Issues Since Closure of CAL on 980522
ML20244D32312 March 1985Forwards 850219 Meeting Rept Re Util Concerns About Offsite/ Emergency Classifications.Guidance RequestedSiren
ML20246D0444 May 1989Forwards Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty Issued to Util on 890503 for Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication. W/O Encl
ML20248A59927 May 1998Notification of 980611 Meeting W/Util in Two White Flint North to Discuss Reliance on Containment Overpressure at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station in Net Positive Suction Head Calculations for Core Spray
ML20249A59915 June 1998Notification of 980619 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Reliance on Containment Overpressure at Quad Cities Np Station in Net Positive Suction Head Calculations for Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Pumps