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 Entered dateSiteRegionReactor typeEvent descriptionTopic
ENS 4007515 August 2003 01:08:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

The reactor scrammed from 100% power due to fluctuations occurring on the main generator and a loss of off site power. All rods fully inserted and all MSIV's closed. Reactor level is being maintained in the normal band of 173 to 214 inches using RCIC. Reactor pressure is being controlled via SRV's in lo-lo set mode between 905 and 1017 psig. Isolations occurred as expected for level 2 and level 3. HPCI and RCIC started on level 2 signal. HPCI has been shutdown but is available. All 4 EDG's started and loaded. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified.


Unusual Event terminated at 1348 EDT on 08/15/03. R3DO (Sonia Burgess), NRR EO (Stu Richards) & FEMA (Bob Caldwell) notified.

ENS 402101 October 2003 00:43:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

With the plant in Mode 1 and 100% reactor power at 2043 (EDT) on September 30, 2003, while shifting divisions of Control Center HVAC (CCHVAC), the Division 1 chiller failed to start and Division 1 CCHVAC was declared INOPERABLE. At 2050, a restart of Division 2 CCHVAC was attempted and the Division 2 chiller failed to start. Division 2 CCHVAC was declared INOPERABLE, and the plant entered LCO 3.0.3 as required by LCO 3.7.4 Condition D. Plant shutdown was initiated at 2146. Division 1 CCHVAC was declared OPERABLE at 2315, and LCO 3.0.3 was exited. Plant shutdown was terminated at 2315 with the reactor at 84% power. Division 2 CCHVAC remains INOPERABLE and under investigation, with plant operating under LCO 3.7.4 Condition A. Plans are to return to 100% reactor power. All ECCS systems remained OPERABLE during this event. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. This report is being made pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(i) and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D).

  • * * UPDATE 1428 EDT ON 10/20/03 FROM JEFF YEAGER TO S. SANDIN * * *

The licensee is retracting the notification required per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v) based on the following: At 2050 hours on September 30,2003 with the plant operating at 100 percent reactor power air conditioning chillers for both divisions of the Control Center Air Conditioning System failed to start. Technical Specification (TS) LCO 3.0.3 was entered as directed by LCO 3.7.4, Control Center Air Conditioning System, Condition D.1 and a plant shutdown initiated at 2146 hours. Notification was made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(i), a Plant Shutdown Required by Technical Specifications. The chiller for Division 1 Control Center Air Conditioning System was started after approximately one hour and subsequently declared operable at 2315 hours. TS 3.0.3 was exited and power reduction was terminated at 84 percent reactor power. Notification was also made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v), Event or Condition that Could Have Prevented Fulfillment of a Safety Function. Investigation revealed an oil pressure permissive was not met for start of the chiller due to a small amount of air leaking into a pressure switch while shutdown. This delayed meeting the oil pressure permissive for starting the chiller. Subsequent start attempts removed the air, allowing the pressure permissive to be met and the chiller to be restarted. This restart of the chiller was accomplished from the main control room in accordance with plant procedures. Therefore, Division 1 Control Center Air Conditioning was capable of performing its intended function. This condition is therefore not reportable under 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v). The original notification, Event Number 40210, is retracted. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Jim Creed).

ENS 402152 October 2003 16:48:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On October 2, 2003, Detroit Edison received verbal confirmation from General Electric of a potential Non-Conservative Analysis of OPRM Period Tolerance and Corner Frequency. All OPRM channels have been declared inoperable. Technical Specifications Action J requires an alternate method of detecting and suppressing thermal-hydraulic instabilities to be implemented within 12 hours. Alternate methods have been established to monitor for instability when operating in the Stability Awareness region, thus we are in compliance with the Technical Specifications. This report is being made in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v), Any event or condition that could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of a system needed to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition. The Licensee will inform the NRC Resident Inspector.Safe Shutdown
ENS 4027022 October 2003 18:58:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4Today at 1623, a report was received in the Control Room of a medical emergency involving a plant employee at the power plant. Onsite personnel responded and paramedics/ambulance arrived onsite. We have been informed that the individual died from an apparent heart attack. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. This report is being made pursuant to 10 CPR 50.72(b)(2)(xi). The local news media has broadcasted the event and the licensee does not intend to issue a press release at this time. The employee was not working in a radioactive contaminated area at the time of the event.Fatality
ENS 4035425 November 2003 20:10:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On November 25, 2003 at 1730, offsite notification was made regarding a 692 pound leak of ethylene glycol from the north cooling tower de-ice system. The de-ice system was shutdown after the event. The National Spill Response Center, EPA Regional Response Center, the Michigan Stale Police Operations Center, State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, and US Coast Guard were notified. Site permit requires state notification of any leak above 500 pounds. The material leaked into the cooling pond associated with the cooling tower and the cooling pond water will be slowly decanted into Lake Erie per normal procedure. The cause of the leak is being investigated. There is currently no affect to the plant due to loss of the de-icing system. The Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4089927 July 2004 14:37:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4This 60-day optional verbal report, as allowed by 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1), is being made to describe an unplanned, invalid actuation of specified systems, specifically the Primary Containment Isolation System. Since this event meets the definition of an invalid actuation, this notification is being made in accordance with 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) in lieu of a Licensee Event Report. On May 30, 2004, at approximately 10:40 am EDT, while the plant was operating at 100% power, a voltage regulator failed on Division 2 120 VAC Modular Power Unit No. 2 (MPU-2) which resulted in blown fuses and the loss of a number of loads from one of the three MPU-2 distribution cabinets. Since only one of the three distribution cabinets was lost, the isolations that occurred were only a portion of the isolations that would have occurred if all of the MPU-2 loads had been lost. This caused containment isolations by Division 2 Drywell Pneumatic supply valves (Primary Containment Isolation Group 18) and by Torus Water Management system outboard isolation valves (Primary Containment Isolation Group 12). Division 2 Secondary Containment Isolation Logic was also actuated, and the reactor building ventilation isolated. The Division 2 Standby Gas Treatment System automatically started. All equipment controlled by the affected circuits was determined to have responded to the loss of MPU-2 Cabinet 2 power as expected. Operators implemented applicable response procedures. The MPU was returned to service, and isolation signals were reset. Reactor power was not affected by this event. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this event by the licensee.
ENS 409328 August 2004 22:15:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On August 2, 2004, at 0200, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 12 was removed from service for scheduled maintenance. During surveillance testing, the EDG scavenging air blower failed on this Fairbanks Morse diesel. Repairs will not be completed within the 7 day LCO, which expires at 0200 on August 9, 2004. A plant shutdown commenced at 2200 hours on August 8, 2004, per TS 3.8.1, Condition C.1. The Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 410174 September 2004 02:05:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On September 3, 2004, at 2345, the Reactor Scrammed as the result of an (Automatic Voltage Regulator) AVR trip relay. AVR Channel A was not operating at the time due to an earlier fault (0541, 9/3/04). The AVR trip relay caused a Main Generator trip which caused a Main Turbine trip. The Main Turbine trip causes a direct Reactor SCRAM on Turbine Valve position. RPS functioned properly and all rods inserted. MSIVs remain open with Reactor Level maintained in the normal band of 173 to 214 inches. Reactor Pressure is being controlled with the Main Turbine Bypass valves at 600 to 1050 psig. Isolations occurred as expected for Reactor Level 3. The Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 411777 November 2004 06:20:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

The Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) and Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) were removed from service while implementing a planned modification to replace the Visual Annunciator System, Iso-Mimic display system, and support planned maintenance on uninterruptible power supplies. SPDS and ERDS will be returned to service in approximately 14 days. During this period, any out of service indication on the SPDS can be obtained by control board indications. The Emergency Notification System will remain operable. These conditions are reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The NRC Resident inspector has been notified. The plant is in Mode 4, Reactor Coolant Temperature is 115 deg and Div. 1 RHR is in shutdown cooling.

  • * * UPDATE 1340 EST ON 11/29/04 FROM DAVID COSEO TO S.SANDIN * * *

This is an update to Event No. 41177. ERDS and SPDS have been restored following design change implementation on the Annunciator System. The plant remains in Mode 4 completing outage activities to support startup. The licensee will inform the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Ken O'Brien).

ENS 412434 December 2004 05:07:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On December 4, 2004 at 0417 (EST), the Reactor Scrammed as the result of an AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) trip. AVR Channels A and B were both operating at the time. The AVR trip caused a Main Generator trip which caused a Main Turbine trip. The Main Turbine trip causes a direct Reactor SCRAM on Turbine Valve position. RPS functioned properly and all rods inserted (fully). MSIVs remain open with Reactor Level being maintained in the normal band of 173 to 214 inches. Reactor Pressure is being maintained with the Main Turbine Bypass valves. Isolations expected for Reactor Level 3 occurred and have been reset. Previous to the reactor scram, the AVR alarm was being monitored. All other safety systems functioned as required. Similar event occurred 09/04/04 (EN#41017). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4135424 January 2005 16:28:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

The licensee reported that it had indications of unidentified reactor coolant leakage greater than 10 gpm which placed the licensee into an unusual event emergency action level (EAL). Indication of drywell sump level increase and pump out rate gave an approximate leak rate of 30 gpm. The licensee also indicated that drywell pressure was above the normal range. The unusual event declaration was made at 1610 EST.

At 1619 EST, the licensee manually scrammed the reactor.  The scram was uncomplicated with all rods fully inserting and all systems functioning as required.   Decay heat is being rejected to the main condenser.  There has been no ECCS injection actuation and reactor water level is being maintained by feed pumps.   The licensee has no significant safety related equipment out of service.

The licensee stated that there is no indication of further degradation of the leak rate and the source of the leak is still under investigation The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector along with State, Local, and other government agencies.


At 1640 EST, the licensee upgraded to an ALERT following additional leak rate calculations that indicated the leak rate was approximately 75 - 80 gpm based on drywell sump pump out rate. The licensee's EAL for an alert is RCS leakage greater than 50 gpm. The NRC entered the monitoring mode at 1653 EST. The licensee stated that there has been no increase in drywell radiation levels and that sump water chemistry analysis is in progress. In addition to the normal government agencies notified, the NRC also notified the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Duty Officer (R. Chamberlaine).


The licensee has indications that the leakage may not be reactor coolant leakage. Chemistry results show that the sump water radiation levels are at a level less than would be expected for RCS leakage. In addition, a secondary cooling system was found in a lineup configuration that could have masked leakage from the system. The licensee is waiting to get additional chemistry results on the presence of corrosion inhibitors in the sump water to provide additional confirmation that the leakage is not from the RCS.


The licensee confirmed the presence of corrosion inhibitors in the drywell sump. In addition, based on manipulations of the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water system and the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water system the licensee believes that the leakage is from the Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water system and not RCS leakage. The plant is stable and the licensee is continuing to cool down with pressure now at 180 psi and decreasing.


The licensee terminated its Alert and Unusual Event at 22:28 EST based on sump water chemistry, activity, and Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System manipulations that indicate the leakage is secondary cooling water and not from the RCS. The NRC secured from the monitoring mode at 22:36 EST. Notified DHS (Belt), FEMA (Caldwell), DOE (Dasilva), EPA (Baumgartner) USDA (Sykes), and HHS( Pyles). The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Duty Officer (R. Chamberlaine) was also notified.

Unidentified leakage
ENS 413807 February 2005 19:46:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

At 1734 on 2/7/2005, received an Area Radiation Monitor alarm in the reactor building basement airlock area at approximately 75Mr/hr. The valid alarm caused entry into EOP flowcharts for High Radiation in the Secondary Containment. Check of the relay room monitor showed 100 Mr/hr. Investigation showed that a failed open main steam line drain valve combined with placing hydrogen water chemistry in service caused the increasing radiation levels. A downstream steam line drain isolation valve was closed to isolate the steam flow path past the monitor. Hydrogen Water Chemistry injection rate was lowered. The Rad levels returned to about 4 Mr/hr (normal levels) following valve closure (at 1745). The EOPs were exited at 1755. After review of the event it was determined that an unusual event should have been entered at the time of the EOP entry (EAL AU2, Unexpected Increase of Plant Radiation Levels), 1734 and exited at 1745 when area radiation levels returned to normal values. This is an after the fact notification of a missed emergency classification. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified.

  • * * UPDATE ON 2/10/05 AT 1907 HRS. EST BY CROUCH * * *

This event notification reporting criteria has been changed to comply with the guidance provided in NUREG-1022, Rev. 2, "Event Reporting Guidelines 10CFR 50.72 and 50.73". There is specific discussion that states (in part) that if a licensee discovers that a condition existed which met the emergency plan criteria but no emergency was declared and the basis for the emergency class no longer exists at the time of discovery, an actual declaration of the emergency class is not necessary. An ENS notification of the missed classification is an acceptable alternative. The Headquarters Operations Officer notified R3DO (Duncan).

Time of Discovery
ENS 4155130 March 2005 18:13:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4The following information was provided by the licensee (licensee text in quotes): On March 7, 2005, a condition assessment and resolution document was initiated to document several possible design and operating procedure deficiencies affecting Appendix R and Station Blackout (SBO) events. The deficiencies were identified during development of a proposed modification affecting existing Appendix R and SBO power supplies. On March 30, 2005, it was determined that the applicable Appendix R success criteria could not be assured under all of the postulated scenarios described in the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR). Specifically, during the scenarios where Combustion Turbine Generator (CTG) 11-1 (the dedicated Appendix R alternate power source) or other station CTGs are operating in parallel with the grid, availability of the alternate power source under Appendix R and SBO scenarios cannot be assured. Therefore, this event is being reported under 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). Actions to address the potentially affected Appendix R and SBO scenarios were put in place on March 7, 2005, when the deficiencies were identified. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 4171418 May 2005 19:27:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4During a review of the dedicated shutdown procedure (20.000.18), several possible design and operating procedure deficiencies were identified affecting Appendix R events. BOP Battery Charger 2C-1 is relied upon to feed post fire emergency shutdown loads. It was determined that although a circuit breaker supplying power to battery charger 2C-1 was re-closed by procedure, an additional action was required to place the battery charger in service. The BOP battery charger 2C-1 contactor circuit logic requires the control switch first be returned to the off-reset position, before the contactor can be re-energized. That control switch and associated control wiring is located in the control room envelope that is evacuated in an Appendix R fire scenario. Furthermore, the dedicated shutdown logic does not isolate this control switch circuitry from cables in the fire affected zone which is a requirement of the Appendix R circuit design. In addition to the same issues identified for battery charger 2C-1, it was determined that the dedicated shutdown procedure did not provide for closure of the circuit breaker feeding power to battery charger 2C1-2. Battery charger 2C1-2 is required to power 260VDC motor operated valves used by the standby feedwater system to provide reactor cooling water and to control reactor water level after a shutdown due to an Appendix R fire. For both of these problems, power would be initially supplied by the associated batteries, but the batteries are not sized to provide power for the entire duration of the Appendix-R event. Therefore, when the plant must be shutdown from outside of the control room, a safe shutdown cannot be assured using the dedicated shutdown panel. This event is being reported as an unanalyzed condition under 50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). The affected Appendix R equipment was declared inoperable, and procedure changes to address this issue are being considered to address these conditions. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.Safe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
ENS 4178016 June 2005 13:44:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On June 16, 2005 at 0923 EDT, with the plant in Mode 1 at 100% reactor power, both divisions of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) were declared inoperable for the Low Pressure Coolant Injection (LPCI) mode of operation due to a failure of E1150-F017B, Division 2 LPCI Outboard Injection Valve. While performing the Division 2 RHR Pump & Valve Operability Surveillance following a planned Division 2 RHR system outage, E1150-F017B closed properly but failed to open during its required stroke time test. With this valve closed and unable to automatically open, LPCI injection into the RPV from both divisions of RHR would be prevented if LPCI Loop Select Logic selected the Division 2 loop for injection. Therefore, this failure rendered both divisions of RHR inoperable for the LPCI function. LCO 3.5.1.J was entered, which requires immediate entry into LCO 3.0.3. The cause of the failure was subsequently identified and E1150-F017B was returned to its normally open position. At 1146 EDT, Division 1 RHR was declared operable for the LPCI function, and LCO 3.5.1.J and LCO 3.0.3 were exited. The plant remained at 100% power throughout the event. The NRC resident inspector has been notified. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D).Stroke time
ENS 418161 July 2005 00:08:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4During an NRC Triennial Fire Protection Audit the Inspector identified a fuse coordination issue between 130VDC supply circuit and breaker trip circuit fuses for the Standby Feedwater (SBFW) Pump switchgear. The coordination ratio was found to be too low to support requirements for fire related safe shutdown equipment under Generic Letter 81-12. Impacted equipment is SBFW Pumps A & B and control circuits required for Appendix R Alternative Shutdown auxiliary equipment. This event is being reported as an unanalyzed condition that significantly degraded plant safety under 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B). The impacted equipment has been declared inoperable and a team is currently working on design changes to change fuse sizes for the breaker trip circuit/supply circuit to meet the requirements of Generic Letter 81-12. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Safe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
ENS 4184718 July 2005 00:18:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4During review of 10CFR50 Appendix R, III.G.2 compliance, it was discovered that a fire in a divisional switchgear room affecting maintenance tie breakers 64T or 65T, may result in the opposite division diesels (tripping). The postulated fire could affect cables associated with a maintenance tie breaker which could in turn cause associated bus tie breakers in the opposite division to close (B9, C9, E9, F9). The III.G.2 scenario would also include a Loss of Offsite Power event which would require the (Emergency Diesel Generators) (EDG's) to be running. Postulating multiple hot shorts could result in both 9 breakers in a single division closing and paralleling the EDG's out of synch resulting in potential damage to the EDG's. Compensatory action: Eliminated this failure mechanism by racking out the four tie breakers (B9, C9, E9, F9) that could be affected. This does not affect operability of the EDG's. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Hot Short
Unanalyzed Condition
ENS 418893 August 2005 12:51:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On August 3, 2005, a non-licensed employee supervisor had a confirmed positive for alcohol during a random fitness-for-duty test. The individuals unescorted access was suspended. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Fitness for Duty
ENS 4222423 December 2005 02:22:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

While performing Div. 1 & 2 Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW)/Emergency Equipment Service Water (EESW) Valve Lineup Verification surveillance on 12/22/05, the temperature control valve (TCV) on both divisions of EECW were found to be approximately 95% open rather than their required full open position. The system design requires that the TCV, or the associated TCV bypass valve, be in the full open position during system startup to avoid a potentially damaging pressure transient from occurring. Both divisions of EECW and all supported systems (including HPCl, both divisions Core Spray, and both divisions of RHR) were declared INOPERABLE at 2225 EST. Multiple LCO Required Actions were entered, including entry into LCO 3.0.3. At 2250 EST, Div. 1 EECW was restored to OPERABLE status by fully opening the TCV bypass valve and isolating the TCV, and LCO 3.0.3 was exited. At 2252 EST, Div. 2 EECW was restored to OPERABLE status by fully opening the TCV bypass valve and isolating the TCV, and all associated LCO Required Actions were exited. Reactor power remained at 100% throughout the event. The NRC resident inspector has been notified. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(ii)(B) as an unanalyzed condition and 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as a condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident. The licensee is investigating the cause of the valve not being fully open. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE PROVIDED BY YEAGER TO ROTTON AT 1524 ON 01/05/06 * * *

This is a retraction of NRC Event #42224. Based on further engineering review, it is concluded that no potential damage from a pressure transient would occur as a result of the TCV being approximately 95% open. System startup pressure transient concerns reflected in the operating procedures originated from a previously-experienced pressure transient resulting from void collapse against a closed TCV. System startup with the as-found TCV position still provides a sufficiently-open flow path to preclude void collapse against a closed boundary. Additionally, Engineering has determined that system operation with a 90% open TCV would have no significant impact on total system flow and the cooling function. Therefore, both divisions of EECW and all other supported systems (including HPCI, both divisions of Core Spray, and both divisions of RHR) were operable with the TCV in the approximately 95% open position. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Ring).

Unanalyzed Condition
Time of Discovery
ENS 4224610 January 2006 15:51:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

At approximately 1100 EST on 1/10/06, the capability of the ENS and commercial telephones to communicate with offsite authorities was found to be not functioning. In addition, the capability of the ERDS system to communicate with the NRC is not functioning. Communications to offsite authorities have been verified using microwave communications (RERP phone lines). The cause of the problem has been determined to be an offsite cable break within the telecommunication provider's network. All onsite communications (including onsite telephones) are functioning properly. Offsite telecommunication company personnel are working to repair the broken cable. Currently, repairs are estimated to be complete by 1800 EST. The NRC Senior Resident Inspector has been notified. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii), as an event that results in a major loss of offsite communications capabilities.


This is a follow-up to NRC Event No. 42246: Offsite repairs of the broken telecommunications cable which caused a loss of capability to communicate with offsite authorities using ENS, commercial telephones and ERDS has been completed. Proper operation of ENS, commercial telephone lines and ERDS to communicate with offsite authorities has been verified. All offsite communication systems have been returned to normal. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (O'Brien)


At 1850 on 1/10/06, the capability of the ENS and commercial telephones to communicate with offsite authorities was again found to be not functioning. Discussion with telecommunication personnel indicate that troubleshooting and repair to the broken cable is continuing and will take approximately 4 hours. During this time, the communications with outside authorities will be intermittent. Therefore, this report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii), as an event that results in a major loss of off-site communications capabilities. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, and state and local emergency response organizations. Notified R3DO (O'Brien)


Offsite repairs of the broken telecommunications cable which caused a loss of capability to communicate with offsite authorities using ENS, commercial telephones and ERDS has been completed. Proper operation of ENS, commercial telephone lines and ERDS to communicate with offsite authorities has been verified. All offsite communication systems have been returned to normal." State and Local governments notified. The NRC Resident Inspector will be notified. R3DO (O'Brien) notified.

ENS 4242817 March 2006 14:34:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4The following information is provided as a 60 day telephone notification to NRC under 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1) in lieu of submitting a written LER to report a condition that resulted in an invalid actuation of a 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(B) system. NUREG1022 Revision 2 identifies the information that needs to be reported as discussed below. (a) The specific train(s) and system(s) that were actuated: On February 10, 2006, at 1120 EST, a surveillance was in progress to calibrate the Division 2 Fuel Pool Ventilation Exhaust Radiation Monitor D11-K611D. During jumper removal an adjacent terminal was contacted by the jumper while still connected to a 24 VDC power source resulting in a blown power supply fuse. The loss of the power supply resulted in the following automatic actions: Primary Containment Isolation Valve Group 14; Drywell and Suppression Chamber Ventilation System; and Group 16, Nitrogen Inerting System received an isolation signal. All primary containment isolation valves in both groups were previously in their safety function position (closed). Secondary containment isolated resulting in a trip of the Reactor Building Heating and Ventilation System and Division 2 Standby Gas Treatment System automatically started. The Control Center Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning System automatically shifted into the Recirculation mode. The initiation signal was invalid because it did not result in response to an actual high radiation condition, nor did it trip as a result of any other requirement for initiation of the safety function, such as a downscale or inoperable trip, for example. (b) Whether each train actuation was complete or partial. The Division 2 Standby Gas Treatment System automatically started, secondary containment fully isolated, Reactor Building Heating and Ventilation System tripped, and the Control Center Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning System automatically shifted into the Recirculation mode. These were complete actuations. The primary containment isolation valves Group 14 and 16 remained in their safety function (closed) position. This was a complete actuation. (c) Whether or not the system started and functioned successfully. The above systems functioned successfully. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 424651 April 2006 02:45:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 0039 hours on 4/01/2006, Fermi 2 feed water line check valves, B2100-F010A and B2100-F076A, failed their LLRT test. The leakage rate of the inboard check valve B2100-F010A was 324.21 SCFH and the leakage rate of the outboard check valve, B2100-F076A was above the measurement capability of the leak rate monitor. The combined penetration (X-9A) leakage value was thus 324.21 SCFH which is greater than the allowable containment leakage rate (La) value of 296.3 SCFH per Tech Spec 5.5.12." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 424827 April 2006 17:07:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

The Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) and Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) were removed from service for planned Preventive Maintenance on the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system. SPDS and ERDS are scheduled to be restored on 4/9/2006. During this period any out of service indication on the SPDS can be obtained from control board indications. The Emergency Notification System will remain operable. These conditions are reportable in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The Reactor is currently defueled while in a refuel outage. Reactor Coolant Temperature is 87 degrees and Div 2 RHR is in shutdown cooling. The licensee maintains secondary indication capability via control panel indicators.

  • * * UPDATE FROM KEVIN DAHM TO HUFFMAN AT 1152 EDT ON 4/12/06 * * *

SPDS and ERDS are now fully functional and have been returned to service as of 1130 EDT on 4/12/06. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. R3DO (Phillips) notified.

ENS 426226 June 2006 23:09:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

On June 6, 2006 at 1600 EDT the Division 2 Emergency Equipment Service Water System (EESW) was in service for a planned surveillance test when the system failed to achieve required flows as specified in the surveillance. These flow rates are acceptance criteria and therefore resulted in system inoperability. EESW cools the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW) System which in turn cools various safety related components including the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Area Cooler. Unplanned HPCI inoperability occurred due to the Division 2 EECW/EESW inoperability based on loss of the HPCI System Area Cooler. A 14 day Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) was entered for HPCI per LCO 3.5.1. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as a condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident, based on loss of a single train safety system." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


On June 6, 2006 at 1600 EDT, during the performance of the quarterly pump and valve operability surveillance test on Division 2 of the Emergency Equipment Service Water System (EESW), the minimum pump flow required by the procedure to perform the test could not be established. Because minimum pump flow could not be established, Division 2 of EESW was declared inoperable. EESW cools the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW) System which in turn cools various safety related components including the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Area Cooler. HPCI was declared inoperable based on loss of the HPCI System Area Cooler due to the Division 2 EECW/EESW inoperability. A 14 day Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) was entered for HPCI per LCO 3.5.1. A report was made to the NRC pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as a condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident, based on loss of a single train safety system. On June 7, 2006, the test was re-performed with the valve in the bypass line around the heat exchanger Temperature Control Valve (TCV) throttled open. The required pump flow was established and the surveillance was successfully completed at 1815 EDT. Further Engineering evaluation concluded that minimum pump flow could not be established on June 6, 2006 due to normal pump wear and heat exchanger fouling. The pump flow required for performing the pump and valve operability surveillance test was established to monitor pump degradation and is higher than the flow required for the EESW system to perform its safety function. It has been verified that the measured flow exceeds the system design basis required flow with an adequate margin and that the pump and heat exchanger remain adequate to support the HPCI room cooling operation. The HPCI safety function was maintained throughout this period; therefore, this event is being retracted. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R3DO (Louden).

Time of Discovery
ENS 4264315 June 2006 13:38:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 10:53 on 6/15/06, a reactor scram, occurred due to a Turbine/Generator Trip. All control rods fully inserted into core. The lowest vessel water level reached was 134 inches. Water level is now being controlled in the normal water level band using Condensate/Feedwater system. No SRVs lifted. RPV pressure is being controlled by the Turbine Pressure Regulator. At the time of the scram, 2B Main Transformer cleaning was taking place. The initial alarm was 'Main Transformer 2B Oil Temp Hi' followed by Generator Differential Relaying and a Turbine Trip. Transformer Deluge also initiated. An investigation is in progress to determine the specific cause for the initiating event. Group 13 'Drywell Sumps' isolated on Level 3 as expected. At the time of the scram, all ECCS systems and Emergency Diesel Generators were Operable. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4273327 July 2006 11:27:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On July 27, 2006 a licensee (DELETED) supervisor tested positive for alcohol on a for-cause fitness for duty test. The individual's unescorted access was suspended (pending review by the Medical Review Officer and the Employee Assistance Program supervisor). This notification is being made in accordance with 10CFR26.73(a)(2)(ii). A work investigation is in progress. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Fitness for Duty
ENS 4273829 July 2006 19:19:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

At 15:50 EDT on 7/29/06, a Level 3 reactor scram occurred due to a loss of feedwater. The loss of feedwater was caused by a loss of Division 1 electrical power. All control rods fully inserted into the core. The lowest reactor vessel water level reached was 110 inches. HPCI and RCIC auto initiated on Level 2 and injected into the reactor pressure vessel. The Division 1 Emergency Diesel Generators auto initiated and supplied the Division 1 ESF buses. Level 3 and Level 2 isolations occurred as expected. Reactor water level is now being controlled in the normal water level band using Standby Feedwater. No SRVs lifted and RPV pressure is being controlled by the Turbine Pressure Regulator with the main condenser available as the heat sink. At the time of the scram, work was being performed on the 120kV mat which resulted in a loss of Bus 101. Group 13 (Drywell Sumps) isolated on Reactor Water Level 3. Group 10 (Reactor Water Cleanup Inboard), Group 11 (Reactor Water Cleanup Outboard), Group 12 (Torus Water Management System), Group 17 ( Reactor Recirc Pump Seals and Primary Containment Radiation Monitoring), and Group 18 (Primary Containment Pneumatic Supply) isolated on Reactor Water Level 2. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. The licensee stated that HPCI injected for 2 minutes and was then secured as Standby Feedwater was started. At the time of the notification, Bus 101 had been re-energized, and preparations were being made to restore normal power to the Division 1 buses and return the Emergency Diesel Generators to standby. The licensee is investigating the exact cause of the loss of power.

  • * * UPDATE FROM R. JOHNSON TO M. RIPLEY 1821 EDT 07/31/06 * * *

The purpose of this report is to update the information provided at 19:19 ET on 7/29/2006. This event was originally reported under reporting criteria 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(A) as an ECCS injection. It has subsequently been determined that both the HPCI and RCIC systems auto-started in response to a reactor low water level 2 (Level 2) injection signal, however, only the RCIC system injected into the vessel. The Level 2 signal was only present for about 2.7 seconds until reactor water level recovered above Level 2. The HPCI injection logic is such that the Level 2 signal must be present until HPCI startup has completed. This includes time for the hydraulic pressure from the HPCI Auxiliary Oil Pump to develop enough pressure to open the HPCI turbine steam isolation valve (E4100F067) and time to stroke open the motor operated HPCI turbine steam isolation valve (E4100F001). It took about 12 seconds before steam was admitted to the HPCI turbine. Thus, the HPCI main pump outlet valve (E4150F006) did not open due to the short duration of the Level 2 signal. This is consistent with the HPCI system design. Therefore the event was not reportable as an event that resulted in or should have resulted in an ECCS injection into the reactor vessel. The event remains reportable under criteria 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) and 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A). Additional clarification of the cause of the scram is also provided. The loss of bus 101 resulted in the loss of power to the operating south reactor feed pump (SRFP) turbine lube oil pump resulting in a loss of feedwater flow from the SRFP. The north reactor feed pump continued to operate. The plant is designed with an automatic runback of the recirculation system to allow continued operation following the loss of a single feed pump. However, the loss of bus 101 also resulted in the locking of the reactor recirculation pump speeds (scoop tube lock), disabling the runback feature. This led to a reactor scram on reactor low water level 3 (Level 3) since a single feed pump is not able to maintain reactor water level at 100% power operation. When south reactor feed pump lubrication pressure recovered, feedwater flow from the SRFP recovered. Recovering feedwater injection from the SRFP following the scram caused a rapid increase in reactor water level and a high reactor water level 8 (Level 8) shutdown of the HPCI, RCIC and reactor feedwater pumps. The standby feedwater system was subsequently started and used to maintain reactor level. The plant is restarting, and is in Mode 2 with reactor temperature at approximately 508�F and reactor pressure at approximately 817 psi at the time of this report. Based on this update, ECCS injection was removed from CFR Section of the report. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3 DO (K. O'Brien)

ENS 4274331 July 2006 14:04:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

At 1326 on 7/31/06 there was a discharge of CO2 to the cable tray room. This is not a normally accessible room. Plant personnel verified no smoke, no fire. At 1340 the order was given to evacuate all personnel from the Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings as a precautionary measure. An Unusual Event was declared (HU3) at 1344 due to the affect on normal operation of the plant. The CO2 has been isolated, the buildings are being walked down and atmospheric testing is underway in the affected areas. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, Canada, State and County officials.

  • * * UPDATE ON 07/31/06 AT 15:17 FROM B. WALLAND TO A. COSTA * * *

At 1344 an Unusual Event was declared due to a toxic release into the Auxiliary Building (HU3). Release was due to a CO2 initiation, and has been isolated. Reactor building and Auxiliary building have been evacuated. Air sampling of the affected areas is underway. Notified R3 DO (O'Brien).

  • * * UPDATE ON 07/31/06 AT21:44 FROM N. MAJOR TO M. RIPLEY * * *

Walk downs for atmospheric conditions are complete and satisfactory for all areas of the Auxiliary Building. Normal access to Auxiliary building has been restored. This restores access to all affected areas. Unusual Event is terminated at 2133. Notified IRD (T. Blount), R3 DO (K. O'Brien), NRR EO (M. Tschiltz), DHS (Biasco) and FEMA (Kimbrell).

ENS 4278318 August 2006 01:00:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 1900 hrs on 8/17/06, all four Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) were declared INOPERABLE. The inoperability is a result of undersized control transformers for each of the Emergency Diesel Generator Service Water (DGSW) Pumps. The concern is that the DGSW pump contactors will not receive adequate voltage at the starters to ensure the starters pickup under degraded voltage conditions. A 2 hour Limiting Condition for Operability (LCO) was entered per LCO 3.8.1 to restore both EDGs in one division to OPERABLE status. At 2100 hours on 8/17/06 the two hour time requirement expired and a 12 hour LCO to place the plant in Mode 3 (Hot Shutdown) was entered. At 0042 hrs on 8/18/06, compensatory measures have been put in place to restore operability to both division 2 EDGs. The compensatory measures include placing the local control switch for both division 2 DGSW Pumps in run. Placing the local control switches in run ensures sufficient voltage will be available at the starters to ensure the starters pickup following a loss of offsite power, load shed, and restoration of power to the applicable busses. With operability restored to division 2 EDGs, the new expiration time for the LCO has been revised to 72 hours based on discovery of one or both EDGs in one division inoperable concurrent with CTG 11-1 (station blackout Combustion Turbine Generator 11-1) not available. After 72 hours, if operability is not restored to either CTG 11-1 or both division 1 EDGs, the plant will be required to enter Mode 3 within the following 12 hours. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72.(b)(3)(v) as an event or condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems that are needed to (A) Shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; (B) Remove Residual Heat; (C) Control the release of radioactive material; or (D) Mitigate the consequences of an accident. The NRC resident inspector has been notified. The licensee stated that the current 72 hour LCO will expire at 1900 EDT 08/20/06.Safe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
ENS 4317119 February 2007 10:14:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

Fermi 2 commenced an upgrade to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) on February 19, 2007 at 0800. The upgrade consists of furniture replacement and rearrangement of the seating layout. During this work, some floor panels will be removed for cable routing and accordingly the facility will not be available for emergency use. Fermi is making this notification in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). In the event EOF activation is necessary, the Alternate EOF will be utilized. Activation and use of the alternate EOF is included in Fermi's Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness Plan. Fermi will notify the NRC upon completion of this work, which is scheduled for Friday February 23, 2007. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.

      • UPDATE FROM KONRAD TO KNOKE AT 17:55 EDT ON 02/23/07 ***

This is a follow-up to NRC Event No. 43171. The upgrades to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), which caused it to be unavailable for emergency use, have been completed and the EOF is now available for use. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

ENS 4317821 February 2007 20:37:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4While the normal Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) was unavailable due to modification, the space that is utilized for the Alternate EOF was in a locked condition and it is normally not locked. This condition was discovered during the dayshift and was readily corrected. However, had the facility been required during off hours it would have delayed activation of the Alternate EOF. Additionally, activation of the Alternate EOF would have been hampered by key availability to the facility storage room and supply cabinet. Access to Alternate EOF and equipment has been restored. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4356514 August 2007 13:22:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

Fermi 2 removed the Technical Support Center (TSC) heating ventilation and air conditioning system from operation to facilitate preventive maintenance activities on August 14, 2007. During this work, the facility will not be available for emergency use. Fermi is making this notification in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). In the event TSC activation is necessary, the EOF will be utilized. Activation and use of the EOF as a backup for the TSC is included in Fermi's Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness Plan, and drills have been held performing both the TSC and EOF functions from the EOF. Fermi will notify the NRC upon completion of this work, which is scheduled for Wednesday August 15, 2007. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.


Preventive Maintenance activities on the TSC HVAC system have been complete. The TSC is now available for use. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (J. Cameron)

ENS 436997 October 2007 05:56:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 0114 EDT on 10/7/07, Fermi 2 feed water line check valves, B2100-F010B and B2100-F076B, failed their local leak rate tests. The leakage rate of the inboard check valve (B2100-F010B) was 297.3 SCFH and the leakage rate of the outboard check valve (B2100-F076B) was indeterminate due to leakage exceeding the capability of the leak rate monitor. Thus, the minimum path leakage through penetration X-9B is 297.3 SCFH. This leak rate exceeds the Primary Containment allowable leakage rate (1.0 La) of 296.3 SCFH per Tech. Spec. 5.5.12. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified of this event. The licensee is reporting a degraded safety function associated with the primary containment barrier. The licensee intends to repair the leaking valve and retest it prior to any mode change. There is no LCO associated with this condition because the licensee is in mode 5.
ENS 437683 November 2007 17:26:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

At 1722 hours, on 11/3/2007, the SPDS and ERDS system was removed from service to support activities for a planned maintenance outage on the UPS vital bus power supply. The duration of work is expected to be approximately 48 hours. During this time, Control Room indications and alternate methods will be available. Since the SPDS computer system will he unavailable for greater than 8 hours, this is considered a Loss of Emergency Assessment Capability and reportable under 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.


Maintenance activities are continuing on the power supply for the SPDS and ERDS systems. Current estimate will restore the computer systems by 2000 on 11/08/07. An update will be provided once SPDS and ERDS are restored." R3DO (M. Phillips) notified. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Planned work which resulted in the removal from service of SPDS and ERDS has been completed. SPDS and ERDS have been restored to service as of 1115 11/8/2007. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R3DO (Phillips).

ENS 4378415 November 2007 06:34:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 03:13 EST 11/15/2007, a reactor scram occurred due to initiation of ARI caused by a Level 2 signal from Div 1 level instrumentation. The reactor mode switch was taken to shutdown in response to the trip of the recirc pumps initiated by ARI as directed by our Abnormal Operating procedures. All control rods fully inserted into the core. The lowest reactor vessel water level reached was 183 inches. The MSIV's were manually closed to control cooldown rate. Reactor water level is being controlled by CRD and reactor water cleanup blowdown. At the time of the scram, protective tagging was being hung on the Division I Reference Leg Backfill system. At the time of the scram all ECCS systems and Emergency Diesel Generators were operable. This report is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), any event that results in actuation of the reactor protection system (RPS) when the reactor is critical. The licensee is investigating the cause of the scram. There was no ECCS injection. Primary plant pressure is 400 psig, and primary plant temperature is 335 degrees Fahrenheit. The scram is uncomplicated. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Reactor Vessel Water Level
ENS 4384012 December 2007 17:02:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4This 60-day optional telephone notification as allowed by 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1) is being made in lieu of an LER submittal. This notification is made pursuant to the reporting requirements specified in 10 CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) for an invalid actuation of one of the systems listed in 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(B). On October 14, 2007, at approximately 0200 hours EST with the plant in Mode 5, Refueling, while performing ECCS Start and Load Reject surveillance testing on Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 14, the EDG unexpectedly auto-started. Investigation revealed that the auto-start was caused by a faulty test switch. The test switch had been tested multiple times prior to performing the surveillance with no abnormalities noted. EDG 14 is one of two EDG's in Division II of the Onsite Emergency Power system. The EDG responded properly to the auto-start signal. The actuation was complete, in that the EDG started and ran unloaded. The surveillance testing was immediately stopped upon receipt of the inadvertent actuation. In accordance with the EDG operating procedure, the EDG was synchronized, loaded for about an hour, shut down and returned to standby status. Since no actual plant condition existed that required the EDG to auto-start, the actuation was invalid. There were no safety consequences or impact on the health and safety of the public. The event was entered in the corrective action program for evaluation and resolution. The NRC Resident Inspector will be notified of this report.
ENS 4385018 December 2007 10:43:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4The following information is provided as a 60 day telephone notification under 10 CFR 5O.73(a)(l) in lieu of submitting a written LER to report a condition that resulted in an invalid actuation of a 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(B) system. NUREG 1022, Revision 2, identifies the information that is to be reported as discussed below. On October 22. 2007, at 1830 hours, Division 2 of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) was being placed in Shutdown Cooling (SDC) following completion of a SDC outage. The plant was in Mode 5, Refueling. Reactor Protection System (RPS) A was deenergized for maintenance. RPS B was being supplied by the alternate supply because the B RPS Motor Generator was removed from service for maintenance. Upon start of the RHR D pump motor the RPS B Alternate Supply Electrical Protection Assembly (EPA) breakers tripped due to sensed undervoltage. The loss of the power supply to RPS B resulted in the following: A reactor scram (all rods were already fully inserted), RHR SDC outboard valve isolation, trip of the Reactor Water Cleanup System (RWCU), outboard valve isolation of the Torus Water Management System (TWMS). A secondary containment isolation also occurred resulting in a trip of Reactor Building Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), auto start of Division 2 of Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS), and shift of the Control Center HVAC system to recirculation mode. All actuations and isolations were as expected for existing plant conditions. The initiation signal was invalid because it did not result in response to an actual plant parameter, nor did it trip as a result of any other requirement for initiation of a safety function. Due to the actuation of equipment in multiple systems that were not removed from service or otherwise prevented from changing states, this event is reportable under 50.73(a)(2)(iv) as an invalid actuation of one of the specified systems. The reactor scram actuation was complete because a half scram was already present due to RPS A being deenergized for maintenance. The Division 2 SGTS system automatically started, secondary containment fully isolated, Reactor Building HVAC system tripped, and the Control Center HVAC fully shifted into the recirculation mode. The following were partial isolations due to loss of RPS B, Division 2: RHR SDC isolation and TWMS isolation. All systems functioned properly in response to the RPS power loss based on refuel outage system configurations. The licensee believes that the cause of the undervoltage was a result of the start of the RHR pump which caused an in-rush current. The licensee is considering a design change, and captured this event in their corrective action program system as CARD 07-26537. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.Half scram
ENS 4394831 January 2008 18:06:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 1544 EST 01/31/2008, the reactor mode switch was taken to shutdown in response to the trip of both reactor recirc pumps. All control rods fully inserted into the core. The lowest reactor vessel water level reached was 157 inches. Reactor water level is being controlled in the normal band using CRD. The cause of the reactor recirc pump trips are under investigation at this time. There was no maintenance or testing in progress that would explain the pump trips. At the time of the scram all ECCS systems and Emergency Diesel Generators were operable with the exception of Division 1 RHR. Division 1 RHR Surveillance testing was in progress. Surveillance testing is complete. Division 1 RHR is available with administrative activities remaining before it will be declared operable. Isolations and actuations occurred as expected. This report is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), Any event that results in actuation of the reactor protection system (RPS) when the reactor is critical." Decay heat is being removed to the main condenser via the turbine bypass valves. The electric plant is a normal shutdown lineup. No SRVs lifted during the reactor scram. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.Reactor Vessel Water Level
ENS 4406213 March 2008 18:24:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4March 13, 2008 at 1445 hours, engineering analysis identified that the pressure switches that operate to open the Reactor Building (RB) to Suppression Chamber (Torus) vacuum breaker isolation valves would not perform their design function. The condition impacted the function of both RB to Torus vacuum breaker isolation valves. One vacuum breaker isolation valve has been opened to maintain the function of the vacuum breaker in that line. A plan is being implemented to correct the deficiency and is expected to be completed within the required 72 hour Limiting Condition for Operation expiration time for the current condition. This is being reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as a condition that could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of structures or systems needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4406414 March 2008 18:06:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4A non-licensed employee supervisor had a confirmed positive for an illegal substance during a random fitness-for-duty test. The employee's access to the protected areas was suspended. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and Greg Hansen in Region III.Fitness for Duty
ENS 4409926 March 2008 15:45:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4At 1045 EDT, it was recognized that Auxiliary Building Door R5-6 is a Control Center Pressure Boundary door. The door was blocked open at approximately 1400 on 3/24/2008 to support draining for on going maintenance on Division 1 CCHVAC Chiller. Upon recognizing this condition, Tech Spec 3.7.3 Action B.1 was entered for an inoperable Control Center Pressure Boundary at 1045 EDT (03/26/2008), with a 24 hour action to restore the boundary to operable status. Actions were taken to close Door R5-6 at 1120 hours (03/26/2008), and Tech Spec 3.7.3 Action B.1 was exited. This event is being reported per 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v) as a condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of the Control Room Emergency Filtration (CREF) system. The accident mitigation function of CREF could not be assured during the time Door R5-6 was open without administrative controls to close it, if necessary. The licensee notified the site NRC Resident Inspector.Time of Discovery
ENS 4418130 April 2008 18:41:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4Environmental received a call regarding an unknown substance spilled in the south east corner of the site. Environmental personnel responded and discovered approximately 300 pounds of calcium chloride, commonly known as 'Ice Melt.' The Ice Melt was on the side of the road with approximately 25% of the substance in the water of the wetlands. Clean up efforts are underway. The following local government agencies were notified: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality District Office (MDEQ), National Response Center, 911 Local Emergency Planning Committee, Pollution Emergency Alert System (PEAS). The Ice Melt had been emptied from a facility truck onto the side of the road. The wetland empties into Lake Erie. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 441906 May 2008 12:12:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4The purpose of this report is to notify the NRC of discovery of a deceased individual along the shoreline of Detroit Edison Fermi 2 property. Specifically, at 0900 (EDT), the Fermi Control Room was notified that a deceased individual was discovered along the shore of Fermi property located outside of the Protected Area but in the Owner Controlled Area. The deceased individual is not believed to be a Fermi employee. Local Law Enforcement was notified. Michigan State Police have arrived on site. A press release is not planned at this time. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. At the time of the report, the body had not been moved and the area has been restricted as a crime scene while the investigation is ongoing.
ENS 4428010 June 2008 01:52:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) became unavailable when a storm took down the power line supplying the building that houses the EOF. The emergency diesel generator failed to start, leaving the EOF without power. Notification being made in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(xiii). If EOF actuation is necessary, the alternate EOF will be utilized. The licensee is investigating the failure of the backup emergency diesel generator to start. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Power had been restored to the EOF at the time of the initial notification. Power was unavailable on 6/9/2008 from 2007 to 2312, a period of three hours and five minutes. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R3DO (Louden).

ENS 4429313 June 2008 02:14:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

The licensee is investigating a loss of greater than 75% of their annunciator indications. The annunciators lost include alarms for ECCS divisions 1 & 2, Reactor Control Panels, and electrical panels. "All normal methods of monitoring plant systems are available." Compensatory measures are being initiated. The plant is stable at 100% power and all maintenance has been stopped. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.


Troubleshooting revealed the "C" MUX to be the cause of the problem. "C" MUX was removed from service and the redundant unit is now supplying input. Based on satisfactory testing the Shift Manager terminated the Unusual Event. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Louden), IRD (McDermott, Gott), DHS (J. Craig), FEMA (J. Dunker), DOE (R. Foot), USDA (R Leadbetter), HHS (Y. Mammarelli), Canada (L. Colligan).

ENS 4456514 October 2008 05:12:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

Fermi 2 is removing, on October 14, 2008, the Technical Support Center (TSC) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system from operation to facilitate maintenance activities. During this work, the facility will not be available for emergency use. Fermi is making this notification in accordance with 10CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). In the event TSC activation is necessary, the Emergency Offsite Facility (EOF) will be utilized. Activation and use of the EOF as a backup for the TSC is included in Fermi's Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness Plan, and drills have been held performing both the TSC and EOF functions from the EOF. Fermi will notify the NRC upon completion of this work which is expected to be approximately one day. The Licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM G. MILLER TO JOE O'HARA AT 1616 EDT ON 10/14/08 * * *

Preventative Maintenance Activities on the TSC HVAC system have been completed. The TSC is now available for use. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO(Phillips).

ENS 4461029 October 2008 17:03:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On October 29, 2008 at 1500 EDT, eight ounces of biodegradable hydraulic fluid (product name EnviroLogic 132) was spilled into the water outside the General Service Water (GSW) intake from Lake Erie. Cleanup activities were initiated immediately, and the spill was cleaned up within 20 minutes. All of the fluid was cleaned up. Reports were made to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Pollution Emergency Alert System and the Primary Public Safety Answering Point (9-1-1). Media interest may be expected. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.
ENS 446985 December 2008 00:21:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4On December 4, 2008 at 1735 during steam line warming as part of a planned HPCI pump and valve surveillance, a 4 hour Limiting Condition for Operation was entered for the HPCl Steam Supply Outboard Isolation Valve Bypass Valve (E4150F600) per LCO with the action being to isolate the penetration. This was due to abnormal indications observed from the Main Control Room during movement of the valve. On December 4, 2008 at 2118, unplanned HPCI inoperability occurred due to isolating the HPCI Steam Supply Inboard Isolation Valve (E4150F002) to satisfy LCO 1 for the HPCI Steam Supply Outboard Isolation Valve Bypass Valve (E4150F600) inoperability. A 14 day LCO was entered for HPCI per LCO 3.5.1. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as a condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function to mitigate the consequences of an accident based on loss of a single train safety system. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.Time of Discovery
ENS 4481128 January 2009 12:16:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

On January 28, 2009 at 0730 the Division 2 Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System (EECW) was declared inoperable due to a blown control power fuse in the bucket for the P4400F604 - Div 2 EECW Supply to Control Rod Drive (CRD) pumps. This is a normally open valve and is required to close upon EECW initiation to remove non-essential loads. The blown control power fuse would have prevented this action from occurring. The ECCW System cools various safety related components including the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Area Cooler. An unplanned HPCI inoperability occurred due to the Division 2 EECW inoperability based on a loss of the HPCI System Area Cooler. A 14 day Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) was entered for HPCI per LCO 3.5.1. The control power fuse was replaced, EECW and HPCI were declared operable, and LCO 3.5.1 exited on January 28, 2009 at 1025. This report is being made pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(3)(v)(D) as a condition that at the time of discovery could have prevented the fulfillment of a safety function needed to mitigate the consequences of an accident, based on loss of a single train safety system. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


The As-Found condition of the Division 2 Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW) Control Rod Drive (CRD) Pump Supply Valve and High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Room Cooler were evaluated. The HPCI System Room Cooler was operable with P4400-F604, Division 2 EECW to the CRD supply valve open. Based on an Engineering evaluation of EECW flow during a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) and Non-LOCA conditions with the valve open, there is adequate flow margin in the EECW system. The HPCI Room Cooler had adequate cooling flow to perform its design function. The HPCI room temperature would have been maintained below the HPCI equipment room high temperature isolation setpoint. Additionally, plant procedures provide directions for bypassing the HPCI equipment room high temperature trip. Consequently, there was no loss of HPCI safety function. Declaring HPCI inoperable was conservative and based on initial considerations. Therefore, event notification 44811 is retracted. The Licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Lara).

Time of Discovery
ENS 448242 February 2009 16:21:00FermiNRC Region 3GE-4

On February 2, 2009, at 1400, the Technical Support Center (TSC) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system was discovered to be nonfunctional. Initial investigation revealed an electrical fault in the supply fan motor. Fermi is making this notification in accordance with 10CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). In the event that TSC activation is necessary, the Emergency Offsite Facility (EOF) will be used. Activation and use of the EOF as a backup facility for the TSC is included in Fermi's Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness Plan, and drills have been held performing both the TSC and EOF functions from the EOF. Fermi will notify the NRC upon completion of corrective maintenance. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM KONRAD TO CROUCH @1609 EST ON 02/04/09 * * *

Corrective maintenance activities on the TSC HVAC system are complete and the TSC is now available for use. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R3DO (Ring).