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 Issue dateTitleTopic
BVY 03-114, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 264 Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (SLMCPR) Change5 December 2003Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 264 Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (SLMCPR) ChangeSafety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Abnormal operational transient
Fuel cladding
BVY 03-115, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 257 Implementation of Arts/Smella at VYNPS Supplemental Information and Proposed Allowable Value, Attachment 2, Calculation VYC-0693A11 December 2003Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 257 Implementation of Arts/Smella at VYNPS Supplemental Information and Proposed Allowable Value, Attachment 2, Calculation VYC-0693ASafe Shutdown
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
Fuel cladding
BVY 04-025, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 - Suplement No. 6 Extended Power Uprate - Withholding Proprietary Information4 March 2004Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 - Suplement No. 6 Extended Power Uprate - Withholding Proprietary Information
BVY 05-032, Vermont Nuclear Power Station - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Intermediate Range Monitor Surveillance Test Frequencies31 March 2005Vermont Nuclear Power Station - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Intermediate Range Monitor Surveillance Test FrequenciesSafe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
BVY 05-083, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 - Supplement No. 32 Extended Power Uprate - Additional Information10 September 2005Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 - Supplement No. 32 Extended Power Uprate - Additional InformationAnticipated operational occurrence
Fuel cladding
Flow Induced Vibration
Power Uprate
BVY 05-105, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Correction to Technical Specifications Pages12 December 2005Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Correction to Technical Specifications PagesIntegrated leak rate test
BVY 06-018, Vermont Yankee, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 - Supplement No. 45, Extended Power Uprate - Revised Technical Specification Pages22 February 2006Vermont Yankee, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 - Supplement No. 45, Extended Power Uprate - Revised Technical Specification PagesFuel cladding
BVY 06-067, Correction to Technical Specification Page27 July 2006Correction to Technical Specification Page
BVY 07-056, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 274, Changes to Technical Specifications for Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil and Reactor Building Crane Surveillance Requirements18 October 2007Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 274, Changes to Technical Specifications for Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Oil and Reactor Building Crane Surveillance RequirementsSpiral reload
BVY 07-063, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 275 Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration and Drywell-to-Suppression Chamber Differential Pressure Limits18 October 2007Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 275 Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration and Drywell-to-Suppression Chamber Differential Pressure LimitsHydrostatic
BVY 08-007, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 276 Revision to TS Sections 3.3/4.3 for Control Rod System6 February 2008Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 276 Revision to TS Sections 3.3/4.3 for Control Rod SystemShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
BVY 08-047, Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 276, Response to Request for Additional Information29 July 2008Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 276, Response to Request for Additional InformationShutdown Margin
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
BVY 08-052, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 278, Changes to Main Steam Isolation Valve Surveillance Requirements22 September 2008Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 278, Changes to Main Steam Isolation Valve Surveillance Requirements
BVY 08-053, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 279 Sale or Lease of Property within the Exclusion Boundary4 September 2008Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 279 Sale or Lease of Property within the Exclusion Boundary
BVY 08-062, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 2, Response to Request for Additional Information15 September 2008Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 2, Response to Request for Additional InformationReactor Vessel Water Level
BVY 08-075, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 4, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Supplement 215 December 2008Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 4, Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Supplement 2Reactor Vessel Water Level
BVY 08-084, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 5, Response to Request for Additional Information18 December 2008Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 5, Response to Request for Additional Information
BVY 09-035, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 8, Transmittal of Final Technical Specification Pages20 May 2009Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 273, Supplement 8, Transmittal of Final Technical Specification PagesReactor Vessel Water Level
Fuel cladding
BVY 09-068, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 288 Scram Discharge Volume Vent and Drain Valves3 December 2009Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 288 Scram Discharge Volume Vent and Drain ValvesAbnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
Fuel cladding
BVY 10-045, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 289 Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum Breakers and Differential Pressure19 August 2010Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 289 Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum Breakers and Differential PressureStroke time
BVY 11-069, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 295 Proposed Emergency License Amendment for Single Loop Operation29 September 2011Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 295 Proposed Emergency License Amendment for Single Loop Operation
BVY 12-005, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 297, Suppression Chamber-Drywell Leak Rate Test Surveillance Frequency Change1 February 2012Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 297, Suppression Chamber-Drywell Leak Rate Test Surveillance Frequency Change
BVY 12-085, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 302 Inoperable Control Rods17 December 2012Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 302 Inoperable Control RodsAnticipated operational occurrence
Channel-control blade interference
BVY 14-083, Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 307, Revision to Technical Specification Administrative Controls for Permanently Defueled Condition - Supplement 35 December 2014Technical Specifications Proposed Change No. 307, Revision to Technical Specification Administrative Controls for Permanently Defueled Condition - Supplement 3High Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
CNRO-2012-00009, Entergy Responses to Request for Additional Information Regarding Changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual & Associated Plant Technical Specifications Re Staff Qualifications20 November 2012Entergy Responses to Request for Additional Information Regarding Changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual & Associated Plant Technical Specifications Re Staff QualificationsHigh Radiation Area
Process Control Program
Fire Protection Program
ML0204304748 February 2002Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 247 Control Rod Block Instrumentation - Supplement No. 1
ML02134009110 May 2002Technical Specification Pages for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power StationReactor Vessel Water Level
ML02226087513 August 2002Technical Specification Page 108, Amemdment 205
ML02228035814 August 2002Technical Specification Pages for Amendment No. 209, Operability of Alternate TrainsWater hammer
ML02235008621 August 2002Issuance of Amendment No. 210, TS Pages Re Primary Containment Isolation ValvesHigh Radiation Area
Process Control Program
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML02241035927 August 2002Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 211 Control Rod Block InstrumentationShutdown Margin
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fuel cladding
ML0301300379 January 2003Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 255 Definition of Logic System Functional TestTime of Discovery
ML0303600314 February 2003Technical Specification Pages for Amendment 213 of License DPR-28 for Vermont Yankee
ML03063009027 February 2003Technical Specification Pages for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Amendment No. 214Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML03135064515 May 2003Revised Technical Specification Bases Page.97Shutdown Margin
ML0315501252 June 2003TS Page 257 for Vermont YankeeIntegrated leak rate test
ML04002030123 December 2003Technical Specifications, Logic System Functional TestTime of Discovery
ML04090023729 March 2004TS Pages for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power StationOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML04112025214 April 2004Technical Specification Pages for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, License Amendment, Issuance of Amendment Implementation of Arts/MelllaShutdown Margin
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
Fuel cladding
Power change
ML04351024514 December 2004Technical Specification Pages, Elimination of Requirements for Hydrogen/Oxygen Monitors
ML05080043216 March 2005TS Pages for Amendment 221 to License DPR-28, Relocating Current Definition of Surveillance Frequency to New Technical Specification (TS) Sections 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 and Revises Requirements for Missed Surveillance in TS Section 4.0.3Time of Discovery
Missed surveillance
Integrated leak rate test
Fuel cladding
ML05090039929 March 2005Technical Specification Pages Re Alternative Source TermOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fuel cladding
ML0514500319 June 2004E-Mail from R. Ennis of USNRC to Various, Regarding State of Vermont Comments on EPU and ASTPower Uprate
ML05192024630 June 2005Attachment 1 - Response to Request for Additional Information - Instrumentation Technical Specifications, Vermont Nuclear Power Station, Technical Specifications
ML0519202767 July 2005Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 225 Regarding Extend Intermediate Range Monitor Surveillance Test Frequencies
ML05228005915 August 2005Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 226 Administrative ChangesIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Liquid penetrant
ML05264009020 September 2005Technical Specifications, Drywell Spray Header and Nozzle Air Test Frequency
ML0603901072 March 2006Vermont Yankee, Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 229 Regarding Extended Power UprateShutdown Margin
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Abnormal operational transient
Scram Discharge Volume
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Fuel cladding
Power change
Unidentified leakage
Unidentified leak
Power Uprate
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML0604101193 February 20062006/02/03-Vermont Yankee - Technical Specification Proposed Change No. 263 Extended Power Uprate - Regulatory Commitment Information Regarding Potential Adverse Flow EffectsTemporary Modification
Flow Induced Vibration
ML06291034028 August 2006Correction to Technical Specification Page 255 Amendment No. 226