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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19280B56329 December 1980Forwards Info Re Allegations by Tw Applegate Concerning Conduct & Results of Investigation by NRC at Facility in May & June 1980.Rept Requested in 60 Days from Receipt of Ltr
ML20028A2693 November 1982Advises That Formal Findings on Offsite Emergency Plans Will Be Submitted in May,1984
ML20040D64122 January 1982Forwards NUREG-0654 (A-P) Evaluation of Adequacy of Offsite Emergency Preparedness.Encl Suppls 811023 Interim FindingsHigh Radiation Area
ML20051N93922 April 1982Responds to NRC 820323 Memo Requesting Field Verification of Emergency Preparedness Completion Schedule Introduced Into Zimmer Hearing Record.Scheduled Completion of Verifications Set for End of Jul 1982
ML20054F90126 May 1982Forwards Full-Scale Exercise,811118:Final Rept & Rept on 811118 Accident Response Exercise for Wh Zimmmer Nuclear Power Station
ML20064E13319 March 1982Requests Completion Date of Insp at Facility.Criminal Investigation Might Impair NRC Civil Enforcement Efforts. Related Info Encl
ML20064E41913 March 1981Responds to 810302 Request Re Authority of Ofc of Special Counsel,Merit Sys Protection Board,Under 5 U.S.C. 1206(b)(2) & (7).NRC Not Required to Furnish Counsel Rept on Complaint Alleging Govt Mismanagement & Gross Waste at Facility
ML20064J8614 January 1983Clarifies FEMA .All SOPs for Plant Still Under Review.Regions Have Not Reached Any Formal Conclusions Re Status of SOPs
ML20066H5789 November 1982Forwards Status Rept on Offsite Emergency Preparedness Issues Per 820323 Request.Field Verifications Will Be Completed During 830607-08 Exercise.Clarification of Request in Light of ASLB 820621 Initial Decision Needed
ML20070T63213 March 1981Responds to Re Authority of Ofc of Special Counsel,Merit Sys Protection Board to Require NRC to Furnish Rept Re T Applegate Allegation of Mismanagement & Gross Waste at Facility
ML20071L4506 August 1982Forwards a Arthur to President Reagan Re Facility for NRC Consideration & Response
ML20081G00018 October 1983Forwards Second Status Rept on Actions Taken to Field Verify That Satisfactory Remedial Actions Being Taken or Have Been Taken to Satisfy Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness License Condition Adopted by ASLB on 820302
ML20117E59824 February 1982Confirms 820818 & 19 Telcons Re Facility.No Formal Referral Presented to DOJ for Prosecution.Ie Investigation of Inspector Qualifications,Equipment,Procedures for Design Document Changes & Sys Turnover Program Continuing
ML20117E62128 May 1982Discusses 820527 Telcon W/F Christianson Re 820526 Harassment of Inspectors.Newspaper Article Re State Insp of Boiler at Facility Encl
ML20235C67617 December 1971Forwards Review of Geology of Plant,Per RequestEarthquake
ML20235C68727 December 1971Forwards Rept on Site Seismicity for Wh Zimmer Nuclear Power Station, Per Request
ML20235D0995 August 1971Responds to Requesting Comments on Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co,Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co & Dayton Power & Light Co Application for CP for Proposed Wh Zimmer Nuclear Power Station