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Management Program for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness
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Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/2021
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
MP-26-EPA-FAP01, Rev 018
Download: ML21067A150 (32)



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Date: Signature:

  • Functional Administrative Procedure Millstone Station Management Program for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev. 018 Approval Date: 1/20/2021 Effective Date: 1/26/2021


1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Objective ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Applicability ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Supporting Documents ....................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Developmental Documents ................................................................................................ 3 1.5 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. WS1RUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Responsibilities of the Manager, Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD) for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness ............................................................................... 4 2.2 Responsibilities of the Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD) for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness ............................................................................... 5 2.3 Responsibilities of the Emergency Preparedness Specialists for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 ERO Position Owner Responsibilities for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness ............ 7 2.5 Station Management Responsibilities for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness ............. 9 2.6 ERO Personnel ................................................................................................................. 11 2.7 Minimum Staffing Positions ............................................................................................ 13 2.8 Full Staffing Positions ...................................................................................................... 14 2.9 On-Shift Positions ............................................................................................................ 15 2.10 ERO Assembly Areas ....................................................................................................... 16 2.11 Drills and Exercises .......................................................................................................... 17 2.12 Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) and Equipment .................................................. 18 2.13 Severe Accident Management .......................................................................................... 19


OF CHANGES ............................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Revision 018 ..................................................................................................................... 20 ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS Attachment 1 Emergency Preparedness Abbreviations and Definitions ................................ .21 Attachment 2 Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Material Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 22 Attachment 3 Documentation of Testing of Dose Assessment Computer .............................. 25 Attachment 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3) .............................................. .26 M:P-26-EPA-FAP0l-001, "ERO Removal Form" MP-26-EPA-FAPO 1 Rev.018 2 of31

  • 1.1 1.2 Objective Tbis procedure describes sources of information, responsibilities, organization, and actions necessary to maintain the Millstone Station Emergency Plan.

Applicability Tbis procedure is applicable to Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Position Owners, Station Management, ERO station personnel, and Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD) individuals who support/administer the Millstone Station Emergency Plan.

1.3 Supporting Documents 1.3.l 1R-AA-900, "Verification of Qualifications" 1.3.2 IR-AA-TPG-2400, "Emergency Plan Training Program Guide" 1.3.3 RPM 4.8.5, Emergency Radiological Equipment Maintenance and Inspection" 1.3.4 MA-AA-2000, "Housekeeping" 1.3.5 DOM-QA-1, Nuclear Facility Quality Assurance Program Description" 1.3.6 AD-AA-101, Preparation and Processing of Administrative Procedures and Guidance and Reference Documents" 1.3.7 MP-26-EPA-REF04, "Offsite Programs" 1.3.8 MPS response letter to NRC dated June 11, 2012-Serial No. 12-205B 1.4 Developmental Documents 1.4.1 Millstone Station Emergency Plan 1.4.2 NUREG-0654, Revision 1, "Criteria for Preparation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 1.4.3 NUREG-0737, "Clarification ofTMl Action Plan Requirements, Supplement 1, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability" 1.4.4 MP-28-MET-PRG, "Meteorological Monitoring" 1.4.5 EP 8-year objective schedule 1.4.6 ERO Training Qualification Record (TQR) 1.5 Discussion Tbis procedure provides instructions and information for the Emergency Response Organization (ERO). The roles and responsibilities for the Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD) are defined. ERO position owners and station management actions are specified to ensure an effective ERO is maintained. The procedure also establishes the method for adding and removing individuals from ERO. Clarification and instructions are provided for ERO minimum staffing, full staffing, and on shift position requirements.

Station personnel may also be required to participate in station evacuation drills.

Advance notification will be provided via station information notices.

Requirements for drills, exercises, and maintaining emergency response facilities (ERFs) are discussed.

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2. INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 Responsibilities of the Manager, Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD) for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness The Manager, EPD, has overall responsibility for the Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Program and is the Chair of the Emergency Preparedness Training Review Board (TRB).

Responsibilities are defined below and in the Millstone Station Emergency Plan.

2.1.1 Ensure the on-site emergency response facilities and equipment are maintained and in a state of readiness.

2.1.2 Maintain the Station Emergency Plan and implementing procedures.

NOTE Position Owner signature is not required on ERO Removal Form if person has already left the company.

2.1.3 Review and approve additions and removals of personnel from ERO as required.

2.1.4 Prepare and conduct Emergency Preparedness drills and exercises.

2.1.5 Oversee training of onsite/offsite emergency response personnel.

2.1.6 Review the development of Emergency Preparedness training curriculum.

2.1. 7 Assist station management to ensure effective Millstone Station Emergency Plan implementation.

2.1.8 Collect and review additional BP-related.information such as severe accident management research, NRC regulations, and industry research for incorporation into the EP Program.

2.1.9 Coordinate with offsite agencies and local officials to ensure the offsite Emergency Preparedness Program is maintained and areas of responsibility are effectively carried out.

2.1.10 Ensure station personnel correct identified. emergency preparedness conditions adverse to quality and areas for improvement 2.1.11 Administer the NRC Performance Indicator (PI) Program and track participation and performance during designated PI activities.

2.1.12 Ensure key ERO personnel who fail a PI opportunity are remediated.

- End of Section 2.1 -

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2.2 Responsibilities of the Supervisor, Emergency Preparedness Department (EPD) for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness 2.2.1 Support emergency preparedness audits and evaluations.

2.2.2 Assign personnel to develop and conduct station emergency preparedness drills and exercises.

2.2.3 Ensure periodic reviews of station procedures in accordance with the DOM-QA-1, Nuclear Facility Quality Assurance Program Description,"

and AD-AA-101, Preparation and Processing of Administrative Procedures and Guidance and Reference Documents," and review additional changes for impact on the Millstone Station Emergency Plan.

2.2.4 Coordinate the development and distribution of emergency preparedness docUIIi.ents.

2.2.5 Establish ERO Position Owners and reference. in Attachment 4, "ERO Qualification and Reporting Location (3)."

2.2.6 Review the development of emergency preparedness training curriculum.

2.2.7 Refer To Attachment 2, "Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Material Maintenance," and ensure station maintains emergency response in a state of readiness at all times.

2.2.8 Refer To Training Qualification Record (TQR) for each specific position, and coordinate completion of qualifications for each new ERO member.

2.2.9 Maintain Millstone Station Emergency Plan in accordance with regulatory requirements.

2.2.10 Oversee training of offsite emergency response personnel.

2.2.11 Coordinate with offsite agencies and local officials in accordance with MP-26-EPA-REF04, "O:ffsite Programs," and EP-AA-600, "Emergency Plan Offsite Interfaces," to ensure the offsite Emergency Preparedn_ess Program is maintained and areas of responsibility are effectively carried out.

- End of Section 2.2 -

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2.3 Responsibilities of the Emergency Preparedness Specialists for Maintaining

Annually review Emergency Plan and implementing procedures for changes and revise as needed.

Coordinate and track ERO staffing.

2.3 .4 Provide technical review of Emergency Preparedness Training lesson material.

2.3.5 Perform emergency preparedness facility surveillances to ensure Emergency Response Facility (ERF) readiness.

2.3.6 Prepare drill participant comment responses following comment resolution and coordinate the issuance of responses to both and offsite organizations.

2.3.7 Conduct training of onsite/offsite emergency response personnel.

2.3.8 Refer To MP-26-EPA-REF04, "Offsite Programs," and EP-AA-600, "Emergency Plan Offsite Interfaces," and coordinate with offsite agencies and local officials to ensure the offsite Emergency Preparedness Program is carried out.

- End of Section 2.3 -

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2.4 ERO Position Owner Responsibilities for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness

  • NOTE At least two qualified persons are required in any position in order to support extended event periods with at least two shifts (12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> each). It is recommended that for minimum staffing and full staffing positions, four individuals be qualified to maintain adequate depth for all call coverage.

ERO Position Owners 2.4.1 Refer To Attachment 4, "ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location," and identify ERO positions for which you are responsible.

2.4.2 Maintain four-deep for ERO positions.

2.4.3 IF coverage for any minimum staffing position drops below three, establish an on.-

call rotation for remaining personnel and inform individuals of rotational assignment and FFD/60-90-minute response requirements.

2.4.4 IF vacancies exist, ensure adequate coverage is provided by remaining position holders during reduced staffing periods and coordinate with the following to fill existing or potential vacancies:

  • EP Department
  • EP Training 2.4.5 IF a medical reason prevents an ERO member from carrying out ERO duties, send the following information by E-mail to the EP Manager to place the individual in an inactive status until return date:
  • Name of ERO member
  • Start date
  • Return date 2.4.6 WHEN choosing a new ERO position holder, perform the following:
a. Review normal position/title against the associated emergency position.
b. Ensure potential candidate has additional prerequisite knowledge/skills for the position.
c. Determine if upper" management is required to fill the position (e.g., VP, Director, Manager).
d. If position requires plant/system knowledge (ADTS, TIC, CRDC),

determine if SRO license/certification (past or present) is required.

e. Ensure candidate's normal commute time to the facility is within acceptable travel time.

2.4.7 Refer To the ERO TQRs and initiate the position specific TQR 2.4.8 Ensure adequate station support is provided for emergency preparedness functions (e.g., drill support, controller, exercise development).

2.4.9 Ensure personnel annually participate (as required) in an ERO drill/exercise.

2.4.10 Ensure adequate coverage for holiday and peak periods.

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2.4.11 To initiate removal of ERO personnel, Refer To and complete MP-26-EPA-FAP0l-001, "ERO Removal Form."

- End of Section 2.4 -

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2.5 Station Management Responsibilities for Maintaining Emergency Preparedness

  • Managers and Supervisors 2.5.1 2.5.2 Ensure personnel are provided to support emergency preparedness activities.

Ensure personnel within reporting chain who are assigned to ERO maintain their ERO qualifications.

2.5.3 IF ERO qualifications have lapsed, perform the following:

a Initiate a CR/HURB to address the lapse.

b. Inform responsible director of the lapsed qualification, including why the lapse occurred. (A face-to-face meeting may be required.)
c. Notify position owner and EP to disqualify person from ERO and to ensure adequate coverage for the affected position.

2.5.4 lF a medical reason prevents an ERO member from being available for ERO duties, notify the appropriate Position Owner and EP with the following information:

  • Name of ERO member
  • Start date
  • Return date 2.5.5 Refer To Attachment 2, "Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Material Maintenance," and perform the following:
  • a b.

Assign personnel to perform applicable ERO functions as requested.

Ensure actions are scheduled and documented as complete via one of the following:

PAMS Work order

  • Completion of inventory from RPM 4.8.5, "Emergency Radiological Equipment Maintenance and Inspection." (copy to EPD)
c. At least once each quarter and after each use, ensure emergency equipment and instruments are operationally available.
d. Prior to conducting work in an Emergency Response Facility, notify the Emergency Preparedness Department and the appropriate Control Room.

NOTE An ERO vacancy could occur when an individual leaves the company, training qualifications lapse, or an individual is unable to meet the requirements* of the position.

2.5.6 IF an ERO vacancy occurs, notify the following:

  • ERO Position Owner
  • Manager, EP MP-26-EPA-FAP0 l Rev.018 9 of31

2.5.7 Provide personnel to participate in emergency response scenario development, drills, and exercises .

2.5.8 IF a staff member is being removed from the ERO, Refer To and complete :MP-26-EPA-FAP0l-001, ERO Removal Form."

- End of Section 2.5 -

11:P-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev. 018 10 of 31

2.6 ERO Personnel Affected unit NRC classification NOTE If an emergency event occurs, notification should include the following:

  • Radiological release status
  • Minor EAL heading ERO Members 2.6.1 Refer To Attachment 4, "ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location," and maintain qualifications and proficiency for emergency response duties as follows:
a. Refer To the ERO position specific TQR and complete the required ERO Training.
b. Maintain "Fitness for Duty" program requirements, as required.

C. Maintain station access required by assigned position.

d. Maintain job specific requirements including license or certification, as appropriate.
e. Notify position owner if residence changes and causes commute time to exceed required response time to your emergency response facility
f. IF phone or other contact information changes, notify EP.
  • NOTE
1. During an electrical grid disturbance (e.g., large scale natural disaster, regional blackout, technological disaster) communications capabilities (e.g., cell phones, internet, landline telephone systems) may be lost or severely degraded.
2. All ERO members are expected to monitor local radio, television and emergency alert system (EAS) communications for impact to the grid structure.
3. If an access control point is established, Law Enforcement personnel may ask for Millstone Power Station badge identification of personnel entering the restricted area.

2.6.2 IF a situation appears to be a major disturbance to the power grid AND you are able to report to the site, perform the following:

  • Ensure home and family are safe and can be left unattended.
  • Ensure possession of Millstone Employee badge.
  • Attempt to report to designated emergency response facility (ERP).

2.6.3 IF access to designated emergency response facility is not possible, report to alternate location.

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2.6.4 To satisfy annual participation requirement, perform one of the following:

  • NOTE The Position Owner in consultation with EP Management on a case-by-case basis may make exceptions to participation in drills. Based on number of drills conducted, ERO members may have to participate in more than one drill annually.
a. Perform as the designated responder (not a called-in back-up) in at least one drill annually in accordance with Attachment 4, "ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location."
b. IF requested, support drills in the following capacity:
  • Drill controller
  • Evaluator
  • Position coach or mentor NOTE Personnel can be qualified in more than one ERO position. A primary position must be designated and identified to the individual. The annual requalification drill requirement only applies to an ERO member's primary position.

2.6.5 IF maintaining qualifications in more than one position, ensure drill participation is satisfied for primary position.

2.6.6 Refer To Attachment 4, "ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location," and identify reporting location.

2.6. 7 IF a medical reason prevents an ERO member from carrying out ERO duties, notify immediate Supervisor, Position Owner, and EP with the following information:

  • Name of ERO member
  • Start date
  • Return date 2.6.8 IF ERO qualifications have lapsed, perform the following:
a. Initiate a CR to identify the lapse.
b. Inform responsible immediate supervisor and Position Owner of lapsed qualification, including why lapse occurred.

- End of Section 2.6 -

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2. 7 Minimum Staffing Positions Minimum staffing Posltlons 2.7.1 Ensure cell phones are on at all times and in the immediate vicinity to be heard.

2.7.2 IF fit for duty AND within appropriate proximity to ensure facility activation within required response time from notification, promptly acknowledge the notification and report to your facility.

2. 7 .3 IF not fit for duty OR not within required response time, comply with the instructions provided.

NOTE Fitness for duty is self-determined. Consumption of alcohol if not on call is not a presumption for not being fit for duty. If you determine that you are fit for duty and have consumed alcohol, this should be declared to the facility lead for assessment.

2. 7.4 IF not successful in acknowledging initial notification, report directly to designated ERF.


1. During an electrical grid disturbance (e.g., large scale natural disaster, regional blackout, technological disaster) communications capabilities (e.g., cell phones, internet, landline telephone systems) may be lost or severely degraded.
2. All ERO members are expected to monitor local radio, television and emergency alert system (EAS) communications for impact to the grid structure.
3. If an access control point is established, Law Enforcement personnel may ask for Millstone Power Station badge identification of personnel entering the restricted area 2.7.5 IF a situation appears to be a major disturbance to the power grid~ able to report to the site, perform the following:
  • Ensure home and family are safe and can be left unattended.
  • Ensure possession of Millstone Employee badge.
  • Attempt to report to designated emergency response facility (ERF).

2.7.6 IF access to designated emergency response facility is not possible, report to alternate location.

All ERO Members 2.7.7 IF fit for duty AND within response time from notification, respond to call-in drills by following instructions provided by Everbridge.

- End of Section 2. 7 -

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2.8 Full Staffing Positions

  • 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 Ensure cell phones are on at all times and in the immediate vicinity to be heard .

IF fit for duty AND within appropriate proximity to ensure facility activation within required response time from notification, promptly acknowledge the notification and report to your facility.

IF not fit for duty OR not within required response time, comply with the instructions provided.

NOTE Fitness for duty is self-determined. Consumption of alcohol if not on call is not a presumption for not being fit for duty. If you determine that you are fit for duty and have consumed alcohol, this should be declared to the facility lead for assessment.

2.8.4 IF not successful in acknowledging initial notification, report directly to designated ERP.


1. During an electrical grid disturbance (e.g., large scale natural disaster, regional blackout, technological disaster) communications capabilities (e.g., cell phones, internet, landline telephone systems) may be lost or severely degraded.
2. All ERO members are expected to monitor local radio, television and emergency alert system (EAS) communications for impact to the grid structure.
  • 3. If an access control point is established, Law Enforcement personnel may ask for Millstone Power Station badge identification of personnel entering the restricted area.

2.8.5 IF a situation appears to be a major disturbance to the power grid AND able to report to the site, perform the following:

  • Ensure home and family are safe and can be left unattended.
  • Ensure possession of Millstone Employee badge.
  • Attempt to report to designated emergency response facility (ERP).

2.8.6 IF access to designated emergency response facility is not possible, report to alternate location.

All ERO Members 2.8.7 IF fit for duty AND within designated response time, respond to call-in drills by following instructions provided by Everbridge.

- End of Section 2.8 -

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2.9 On-Shift Positions

  • Emergency 2.9.1 Communicator and Station Duty Officer Refer To Attachment 4, "ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)," and identify reporting location.

2.9.2 WHEN requested by the Shift Manager OR notified of an Unusual Event or higher, report to affected unit control room.

All o~shlft ERO Positions 2.9.3 WHEN notified of an Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency, report to your assigned Control Room and perform the following:

a. Discuss situation with Shift Manager.
b. IF your Unit is not affected OR the Shift Manager does not need assistance, report to affected Unit Control Room.

- End of Section 2.9 -

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2.10 ERO Assembly Areas

  • 2.10.1 IF an Alert or higher classification has been declared during normal business hours, perform the following:

Report to your designated Emergency Response Facility (EOF, TSC/OSC, OSCAA, Armory).

IF shift worker AND not on duty (e.g., off-duty ROs, COs, PEOs), report to the OSC Assembly Area (AA) in Bldg 475 cafeteria.

2.10.2 IF an Alert or higher classification has been declared during the off-hours, perform the following:

  • IF shift worker AND not on duty, report to the OSC AA in Bldg 475 cafeteria.
  • IF reporting from off-site, report to designated Emergency Response Facility (e.g., TSC, EOF, affected unit control room).

- End of Section 2.10 -

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2.11 Drills and Exercises

  • NOTE
1. Major objectives of the Millstone Station Emergency Plan are exercised annually.

Exercises differ from drills in that the primary result of an exercise is a critical assessment of emergency response capability.

2. In order to fully evaluate ERO performance capability, back-up staffing (e.g.,

trainees) will normally not be allowed during evaluated drills or exercises.

3. Training or tabletop drills will be conducted when it is determined that additional training or experience will enhance an individual, selected group, facility staff or the ERO's ability to respond to emergency conditions. This training evaluation may take the form of a walkthrough or a tabletop discussion of an evolution or operation. This type of training evaluation is distinct from those described in Section 2.11.1 because the focus is limited and will generally not include an integrated response.
4. Actual emergency plan activations may be credited in place of selected drills if the Manager, EPD, deems it appropriate. Generally, an Alert or higher level emergency may be substituted for a drill. Such events may also replace an exercise with NRC approval.

Manager, EPD 2.11.1 Refer To the EP 8-year objectives schedule and conduct drills and exercises in accordance with EP-AA-400 requirements.

2.11.2 Request drill support from other departments, as applicable.

2.11.3 Conduct a formal critique after each of the following:

  • Drill
  • Exercise

- End of Section 2.11 -

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2.12 Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) and Equipment

  • NOTE
1. Each ERF has equipment in place to perform functions assigned in the Millstone Station Emergency Plan.
2. Additional facility and equipment responsibilities are detailed in MA-AA-2000, "Housekeeping," and MP-26-EPA-FAP05, "EP Facility Maintenance."

Station Personnel 2.12.1 Refer To Attachment 2, "Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Material Maintenance," and ensure facilities are maintained, as assigned.

2.12.2 Perform equipment check or maintenance at required intervals and after each use.

2.12.3 Provide documentation of completed activities to the Manager, EP, or designee.

2.12.4 Promptly report problems to the Manager, EP.

2.12.5 IF alteration or modification ofERF or equipment is required, notify the Manager, EPD, before alteration or modification is performed.

Umt Chem1shy Technicians 2.12.6 Refer To Attachment 3, "Documen~tion of Testing of Dose Assessment Computer Program," and test dose assessment computer program.

- End of Section 2.12 -

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2.13 Severe Accident Management

  • Manager, EP 2.13 .1 Develop Severe Accident Management (SAM) documents, ensuring Unit Operations Department and Nuclear Analysis and Fuel Support provides technical expertise.

2.13.2 Conduct SAM Guideline (SAM-G) drills as part of the schedule 8-year objective for each operating unit, including the following:

  • Test and evaluate the unit SAM response capabilities.
  • Develop a drill scenario to challenge the development of multiple SAM strategies.
  • Refer To EP-AA-400, Drill and Exercise Program," and include drill core objectives.

2.13.3 Ensure SAM-G training is conducted every 3 years for continuing training in accordance with EP-AA-504, "Severe Accident Management (SAM) Program Administration."

- End of Section 2.13 -

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  • 3.1 Revision 018 3,1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 Revised for implementation ofNEI Rev. 6 EALs and replacement of ARCOS with Everbridge 1.3.6, 2.2.3, changed MP-05-DC-SAP0l to AD-AA-101 Changed SERO to ERO throughout (no revision bar) 3.1.4 2.3.3, changed from maintaining ERO database to coordinate and track ERO staffing 3.1.5 2.4.1 note and 2.4.2, changed to four individuals 3.1.6 2.6.1 note, removed "State posture code"; added Radiological release status; changed Major to "Minor" 3 .1. 7 Removed all references to pagers; added references to cell phones as applicable 3 .1. 8 Deleted references to RapidN otify 3.1.9 Deleted notes regarding not calling into system once ERFs are staffed 3 .1.10 Deleted steps regarding unit event codes 3.1.11 Changed ARCOS to Everbridge 3.1.12 Attachment 1, deleted ARCOS, ENRS, NFSA, RDAC, RES, and added DEENS 3.1.13 Attachment 2, updated organization titles, changed ENRS to DEENS, telecom equipment to telephones 3 .1.14 Attachment 4, changed CTS to 1\1EOR, SSOS to SSS, GTS to COEL 3.1.15 Deleted Attachment 5, Processing Incoming Correspondence that May Impact EPD Applications, Equipment, Procedures, or Processes, and all references 3.1.16 MP-26-EPA-FAP0l-001, ERO Removal Form, changed SERO to ERO, ENRS/ARCOS to DEENS/Everbridge; deleted space for last four digits of SSN; deleted action to update RapidNotify database and archive in SERO Database from table 3.1.17 Cancelled MP-26-EPA-FAP0l-002, Unit Event Backup Codes, and removed all references MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev.018 20 of31

Attachment 1

  • 1.

Emergency Preparedness Abbreviations and Definitions (Sheet 1 of 1)

Access Control Points - locations where law enforcement personnel would restrict unauthorized access into potential haz.ard areas. This includes the prevention of unauthorized entry into an area using road barriers and other traffic control methods. The area may include all or part of the emergency planning zone or a specific Restricted Area that may be contaminated. Personnel with Millstone badges are authorized for entry.

2. ADEOF - Assistant Director Emergency Operations Facility
3. ADTS - Assistant Director Technical Support
4. AMRDA -Assistant Manager of Radiological Dose Assessment
5. DEENS - Dominion Energy Emergency Notification System
6. EPD - Emergency Preparedness Department
7. ERDS - Emergency Response Data System
8. MIDAS - Meteorological Information and Dose Assessment Model
9. RAE - Radiological Assessment Engineer
10. SAM-G - Severe Accident Management Guidelines
11. Millstone Station Emergency Plan: The Millstone Station Emergency Plan contains requirements and organizational responsibilities and serves as the license commitment document for emergency preparedness.
12. Emergency Plan Implementing and Administrative (EPI/EPA)/Functional Administrative Procedure (FAP): Procedures that implement the Station Emergency Plan.
13. N + I: The required number of personnel plus one additional person MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev. 018 21 of31

Attachment 2 Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Material Maintenance (Sheet 1 of 3)


1. D = Daily, W = Weekly, M = Monthly, Q = Quarterly, R = Refuel Outage, A=

Annual (not to exceed 25% of surveillance period), SA= Semi-Annual, SS = Once per Shift Sequence, AN= As Necessary, AEU = After Each Use. All are also as required by drills, audits, revisions, etc.

2. Maintenance, repair, and test follow up is passed to applicable Unit Maintenance Departments.

Organization Item Task Freq1 Reference Security I&C Public Alerting Inspect and Conduct Q,A MP-26-EPA-F AP08 System Testing :MP-26-EPA-FAP09 Chemistry EOF Multi Channel Inspect and Conduct AN RPM;ANSI Analyzer Testing Information ERF Computer Maintenance, AN Help Desk Technology Hardware, Software, Surveillance, and Control IT-AA-SQA-101 and Connections

MP-26-EPA-FAP05 DEENS Telecommunication Telephones General Support and AN CSP 600.20 Services Testing CSP 600.4 CSP 600.2 MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Document FSAR, Tech Specs, Maintain Control Copies AN EDTS Administration Aperture Cards inERFs EDMS Document Unit- Specific Maintain Control Copies AN DocTop Administration Procedures inEOF Document EOF and TSC Update and Check Q NDM4 Administration Aperture Card Readers U-2/3 Operations DEENS Test M MP-26-EPA-FAP05 CSP 600.2 Emergency ERF Phone and Fax Perform Operability Q :MP-26-EPA-F AP05 Preparedness Equipment Check Emergency ERF Radios Perform Operability Q MP-26-EPA-FAP05 Preparedness Check MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev. 018 22 of31

Attachment 2 Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Material Maintenance (Sheet 2 of3)

Organization Item Task Freql Reference Emergency ERF Support Maintain and Conduct Q, MP-26-EPA-F AP05 Preparedness Equipment, Inventories AEU Furniture, and Supplies Emergency ERF Surveillance M MP-26-EPA-F AP05 Preparedness Communications Health Physics Emergency Maintenance, Q, RPM4.8.5 Support Response HP Surveillance, and AEU Supplies and Calibration Equipment Health Physics Respiratory Maintenance Q RP-AA-163 (Respiratory Protection SCBA Inspections M Protection) Equipment Motor Pool RMT Vehicles Mechanical and Q Operational Inspection and Maintenance Chemistry ERFDose Check Operability W,M MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Technicians Assessment MP-26-EPI-FAPl0 Computers Document Unit - Specific Maintain Control Copies AN DocTop Administration Procedures in TSC Document Emergency Maintain Document AN DocTop Administration/EPD Preparedness FAPs Distribution and Control; Audit Unit2l&C Meteorological Inspect, Calibrate, and SA CSP 400.2 Equipment Confirm Operability Protection Services Station Page and Monitor Outside Speakers M/Q CSP 600.1 Evacuation Siren when Units Conduct Test.

Protection Services CR/Security Hot Phone Checks D Security Procedure Links Site Facilities Emergency Building Services AN MA-AA-2000 Response Facilities (Janitorial, Plumbing, Lighting)

MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev.018 23 of31

Attachment 2

  • Summary of Department Responsibilities for Facilities, Equipment, and Organization Item Material Maintenance (Sheet 3 of3)

Task Freql Reference Emergency Millstone Eplan Update Q MP-26-EPA-REF08B Preparedness Resource Book I&C; SAB Radiation Monitors Maintenance and Calibration; Documentation U-2 Operations Meteorological Test2 M CSP 600.12 Tower Generator U-2 Operations U-1 PA Speakers Test M CSP 600.1 EP Emergency Electrical and Mechanical Q Vendor Support Operations Facility Maintenance ofHVAC Provided EP EOF Fire Detection Test2 Q Vendor Support System Operation Provided U-2 Operations U-2 PA Speakers Test M CSP 600.1 and Evacuation Alarms Station Maintenance Technical Support Electrical and Mechanical Q WO on 3TS-3900J Center (TSC) Maintenance of HVAC Station Maintenance Technical Support Emergency Lights Q C MP 790 Center (TSC)

U-3 Operations TSC Emergency Test2 Q SP 3666.2 Power (TSC)

U-3 Operations TSC Vent (RAD) Test2 R SP 3666.1 Filter System U-3 Operations U-3 PA Speakers Test M CSP 600.1 and Evacuation Alarms Engineering Drawings Maintain Control Copies AN Master Control Index inERFs.

Unit Operations Radio Test2 D CSP 600.3 (U-2, 3) Communications (Waterford and State) DEENS/

Everbridge IT ERDS, OFIS General Support and Q MP-26-EPA-FAP05 Testing MP-26-EPA-GDL05 11P-26-EPA-FAP01 Rev. 018 24 of31

Attachment 3 Documentation of Testing of Dose Assessment Computer (Sheet 1 of 1)

NOTE MIDAS is installed in the Control Rooms and TSC. MIDAS and other approved dose assessment models may also be installed on computers in the EOF, TSC, or other ERFs.

Unit Chemistry Technicians Unit3

1. Monthly, ensure operability of the Technical Support Center Dose Assessment computer and ensure results match test case.

Units 2 and 3

1. Weeldy, ensure operability of Control Room Dose Assessment computer program and printer and ensure results match test case.
2. Complete surveillance log.
3. IF test results are not satisfactory, notify EPD.

MP-26-EPA-FAP0l Rev.018 25 of31

Atta ent 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)

(Sheet 1 of 6)

Position Code CAT LOC RESP RAD ERO Position Owners Drill Requirements Annual 1nitia1<4)

Requal Drill/

Yes/No W alk-Thru<5>

Assistant Director Emergency Director, Nuclear Safety and Operations Facility ADEOF MS EOF No No Yes Drill Licensing Assistant Manager of Radiological Manager, Radiological Protection and AMRDA FS EOF No No Yes Drill Dose Assessment Chemistry Accident Management Team Thermal and Manager, Nuclear Design Hydraulic Engineer AMT/TH FS TSC/OSC No Yes No Walk-Thru Engineering Accident Management Team Lead Manager, Nuclear Design AMTL FS TSC/OSC No Yes Yes Walk-Thru Engineering Manager, Radiological Protection and Assistant Radiation Protection Supervisor ARPS MS OSCAA No Yes Yes Walk-Thru Chemistry Director of Station Emergency Director, Nuclear Safety and Operations(! 1> DSEO MS EOF No No Yes Drill Licensing EOF Health Physics Technician Manager, Radiological Protection and EOFHP MS EOF Yes Yes No Walk-Thru Chemistry EOF Emergency Communicator EOFEC MS EOF Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations No Drill Millstone Emergency Offsite Media Director, Nuclear Safety and Representative MEOR MS No No Yes Drill Cntr Licensing Corporate Support Director CSD MS ICSC No No Manager, Nuclear BP Program Yes Walk-Thro Fire Brigade FB OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations No Walk-Thro Field Team Data Coordinator Manager, Radiological Protection and FIDC FS EOF No No Yes Drill Chemistry Control Operations Electrical Specialist COEL MS OSCAA No Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance No Walk-Thro Meteorological Assistant No Manager, Radiological Protection and JvIBT FS EOF No Yes Walk-Thro Chemistry Manager of Operational Support CenterC 10> MOSC MS,FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance Yes Drill Category Key:

MS = Minimum Staffing Positions FS = Full Staffing MP-26-EPA-FAP0l OS= On Shift Rev.018 26 of31

Atta ent 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)

(Sheet 2 of 6)

Position Code CAT LOC RESP RAD ERO Position Owners Drill Requirements Annual InitiaJ<4)

Requal DriW Yes/No Walk-Thru<5l Manager of Resources MOR MS EOF No No Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing Yes Walk-Thru Manager of Security MOS FS TSC/OSC No Yes Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing Yes. Drill Emergency Information Specialist EIS MS EOF No No Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing Yes Drill Manager Radiological Consequence Manager, Radiological Protection and MRCA MS TSC/OSC No Yes Yes Drill Assessment Chemistry Manager of Technical Support Cente/ 10) MTSC MS,FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Site Engineering Yes Drill Nuclear News Manager Media NNM MS No No Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing Yes Drill Cntr CBETS Operator Manager, Radiological Protection and CBETS FS OSCAA No Yes Yes Walk-Thru Chemistry EOF Manager, Radiological Protection and Radiological Communicator RADCOM FS No Yes Yes Walk-Tum OSCAA Chemistry Radiological Assessment Engineer Manager, Radiological Protection and RAE FS EOF No No Yes Walk-Thru Chemistry Radiological Monitoring Team Manager, Radiological Protection and RMT MS EOF Yes Yes No Walk-Thru Chemistry Radiological Monitoring Team Driver RMTDRV MS EOF Yes Yes Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing No Walk-Thru Manager, Radiological Protection and NAP Radiological Monitoring Team RMT MS NAP Yes Yes No Chemistry Walk-Thru SAP Radiological Monitoring Team Manager, Radiological Protection and RMT MS SAP Yes Yes No Walk-Thru Chemistry Station Duty Officer SDO OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations Yes Walk-Thru Technical Support Center Electrical Enginee/ 10) TSCEE MS,FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Site Engineering Yes Drill Category Key:

MS = Minimum Staffing Positions FS = Full Staffing MP-26-EPA-FAP0l OS= On Shift Rev.018 27 of31

Atta ent 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)

(Sheet 3 of 6)

Position Code CAT LOC RESP RAD ERO Position Owners Drill Requirements Annual InitiaJC4l Requal Drilli Yes/No Walk-Tbrn<SJ Technical Support Center Mechanical TSC:ME MS,FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager Nuclear Site Engineering Yes Drill Engineer< 10>

Technical Support Center Reactor TSCRE MS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager Nuclear Site Engineering Yes Drill Engineer Technical Assistant Director, Nuclear Safety and TA FS State EOC No No Yes Walk-Thru Licensing CHEM Manager, Radiological Protection and Chemistry Technician OS CR Yes Yes No Walk-Thru TECH Chemistry Manager, Radiological Protection RMT#l HPTECH OS CR Yes Yes No Walk-Thru and Chemistry Control Room Emergency CREC OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations No Drill Communicator Unit 2 Assistant Director Technical U2ADTS MS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations Yes Drill Support Unit 2 Control Room Data Coordinator U2CRDC FS CR No Yes Manager, Nuclear Training No Walk-Thru Electrician ELEC MS OSCAA Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance No Walk-Thru Instrument & Control Operational I&C FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance Yes Walk-Thru Support Center osc I&C Instrument & Control Technician MS OSCAA Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance No Walk-Thru TECH Mechanic MECH MS OSCAA Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance No Walk-Thru Unit 2 Manager of Communications U2MOC MS EOF No No Manager, Nuclear Training Yes Walk-Thru Category Key:

MS = Minimum Staffing Positions FS = Full Staffing MP-26-EPA-FAP0l OS= On Shift Rev.018 28 of31

Atta ent 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)

(Sheet 4 of 6)

Position Code CAT LOC RESP RAD ERO Position Owners Drill Requirements Annual InitiaJ<"l

- Requal Drill/

Yes/No Walk-Thrn<Sl Operational Support Center OSCMA FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Maintenance Yes Walk-Thru Maintenance Assistant Unit2PEO U2PEO OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit 2 Control Operator U2CO OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit2 STA U2STA OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit 2 Technical Information Coordinator U2TIC MS EOF No No Manager, Nuclear Training Yes Walk-Thru Unit 1/Unit 2 Technical Support Center U2 Shift Manager FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations No Walk-Thru TSCSM Unit 3 Assistant Director Technical Support U3ADTS MS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations Yes Drill Unit 3 Control Room Data Coordinator U3CRDC FS CR No Yes Manager, Nuclear Training No Walk-Thru Unit 3 Manager of Communications U3MOC MS EOF No No Manager, Nuclear Training Yes Walk-Thru Unit3 PEO U3PEO OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit 3 Control Operator U3CO OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit 3 STA U3STA OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit 3 Technical Information Coordinator U3TIC MS EOF No No Manager, Nuclear Training Yes Walk-Thru Unit 3 Technical Support Center U3 Shift Manager FS TSC/OSC No Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations No Walk-Thru TSCSM Unit 2 Unit Supervisor U2US OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Unit 3 Unit Supervisor U3US OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) (1)

Security Guard Director Nuclear Safety and SECGRD OS POST Yes Yes No (9)

Licensing Category Key:

MS = Minimum Staffing Positions FS = Full Staffing MP-26-EPA-FAP0l OS= On Shift Rev. 018 29 of31

Atta ent 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)

(Sheet 5 of 6)

Position Code CAT LOC RESP RAD ERO Position Owners Drill Requirements Annual Initia1<4)

Requal Drilli Yes/No Walk-Thru Director Nuclear Safety and Security Shift Supervisor sss OS CAS No Yes Licensing No (9)

Manager Radiological Dose Assessment Manager, Radiological Protection MRDA MS EOF No No Yes and Chemistry Drill Unit 1 CFH/MCRO CFH OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations No Walk-Thru Unit 2 Shift Manager U2SM OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) Drill(l)

Unit 3 Shift Manager U3SM OS CR Yes Yes Manager, Nuclear Operations (1) Drill(l)

Alarm Station Supervisor Director Nuclear Safety and SECSUP OS CAS/SAS Yes Yes No (9)

Licensing Director Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Liaison (7) RL FS EOF No No No Walk-Thru Licensing Station Emergency Planning SEPR FS EOF No No Manager, Emergency Preparedness No Walk-Thru Representative (7)

Media Director, Nuclear Safety and Media Center Liaison (7) MCL FS No No No Walk-Thru Center Licensing Offsite Monitoring Facility Staff Manager, Radiological Protection OMF FS EOF No Yes No Walk-Thru and Chemistry Category Key:

MS = Minimum Staffing Positions FS = Full Staffing MP-26-EPA-FAP0l OS= On Shift Rev.018 30 of31

Atta ent 4 ERO Qualifications and Reporting Location (3)

(Sheet 6 of 6)

(1) Credit will be taken for drill completion when performed as part of Licensed Operator Initial Training (LOIT), Licensed Operator Requalification Training (LORT), Shift Technical Advisor (STA) Program, and Plant Equipment Operator (PEO) Training.

(2) Deleted (3) Additional qualification requirements are contained in TR-AA-TPG-2400.

(4) Participation in a drill may satisfy the walk-thru qualifications for initial training.

(5) Walk-throughs include use of any equipment, identification and location ofreference materials, and knowledge of the facility layout. Training, Emergency Planning, or job incumbents qualify for conducting walk-thrus.

(6) Deleted (7) Supplemental positions (8) Deleted (9) Security Officer, Security Shift Supervisor (SSS), and Alarm Station Operators training is provided by Protective Services personnel.

(10) One position is minimum staffing, a second position is full staffing (11) EOF DSEOs are expected to attend one LORP classification session annually Category Key:

MS = Minimum Staffing Positions FS = Full Staffmg MP-26-EPA-F APOl OS= On Shift Rev. 018 31 of31