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Petitioners' Position Statement on Mandatory Disclosures and Schedule
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/2015
From: Lodge T
Beyond Nuclear, Don't Waste Michigan, Michigan Safe Energy Future - Shoreline Chapter (MSEF), Nuclear Energy Information Service
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-255-LA-2, ASLBP 15-939-04-LA-BD01, RAS 28036
Download: ML15189A190 (3)


UNITED STAT ES O F AMERICA NUCLEAR REG ULATORY COMMISSION Before the At om ic Saf ety and Licensin g Board I n the Matter of

Enterg y Nuclea r Ope rations, I nc.(Palisades Nuc lear Plant)Oper ating L icense Amendment Reque st) Docke t No. 50-255-L A2 )) Jul y 8, 2015) *****PETITIONERS' POSITION STA TEMENT ON MANDATORY DISCLOSURE S AND SC HEDULE Now come Be y ond Nuclea r ("BN"), D on't Waste Michig an ("DWM"), Michig an Safe Energ y Future - Shoreline Chapte r ("MSEF"), and the Nuc lear Energ y I nformation Servic e ("N EI S") (he rea fter c ollectively called "Petitioners"), by counsel, a nd explain their positi ons on two aspec ts of the "Joint Proposal on Mandatory Disclosures a nd Schedule."
1. Com m encem ent Date of Disclosu res Enterg y has propose d that initial dis closures be defe rre d to 30 day s after Commi ssion action on Enter g y's planned a ppeal of the B oard's J une 18, 2015 Memora ndum and Orde r (Gra nting Petition to I nterve ne and Re quest for H ear ing), L BP-15-20, or three months from the date of the B oard's ruling in L BP-15-20, whicheve r come s first. The NRC Staff doe s not object to this proposal.

The interve nors object be cause the re actor pressure vessel at Palisade s, which is widely believed to be the most-embrittled in Western Hemispher e, ca nnot wait for a ppeals. The RPV is becoming ever more e mbrittled daily. Dialog ue betwe en the Staff and Enter g y respe cting RPV monitoring a nd oversig ht continues apa ce dur ing this extremely critica l period. Petitioners repr esent sig nificant number s of the g ener al public who ar e ver y conce rned a bout the persistent neg ative dire ction of the RPV's condition. The a ppeal may take ha lf a y ear for r esolution. The public deser ves to have RPV-relate d information broug ht to its specific attention during that period. I t will also enhance eff iciency of sche duling the pr ocee dings onc e re mand has oc curr ed (bec ause the likelihood of the Commis sion rever sing the ASL B, in Petitioners' opinion, is small).

2. Deadline f or F ilin g New or Am ended Contentions Enterg y and the NRC Staff pr opose that the de adline for filing ne w or a mended contentions based on the Safety Evaluation be 30 da y s after its availability. The Petitioners propose that the de adline for filing ne w or a mended c ontentions based on the Saf ety Evaluation be 60 day s after its availability. Six ty (60) da y s was the mea sure a dopted by the ASL B in the pending Davis-B esse lice nse re newa l proce eding. Given the likely complexit y of the SE on this novel issue, and the potential nee d for Petitioners to identify one or more appropr iate experts in the narrow are a of me tallugic al scienc e, 60 day s is not unreasonable. Respectf ully ,

/s/ Terry J. L odg e Terr y J. L odg e (O H #0029271) 316 N. Michig an St., Ste. 520 Toledo, OH 43604-5627 (419) 255-7552 Fa x (419) 255-7552 Tjlodge 50@y Counsel for Petitioners UNITED STAT ES O F AMERICA NUCLEAR REG ULATORY COMMISSION Before the At om ic Saf ety and Licensin g Board I n the Matter of

Enterg y Nuclea r Ope rations, I nc.(Palisades Nuc lear Plant)Oper ating L icense Amendment Reque st) Docke t No. 50-255-L A2 )) Jul y 8, 2015) *****CERTIFIC ATE OF SERVICE I here by cer tify that copies of the fore g oing "PETI TI ONERS' POSI TI ON STATEMENT ON MAND ATORY DI SCL OSURES AND SCHEDUL E" wa s serve d by me upon the par ties to this procee ding via the NRC's Electronic I nformation Exchang e sy stem this 18th day of Jul y , 2015. /s/ Terry J. L odg e Terr y J. L odg e (O H #0029271) 316 N. Michig an St., Ste. 520 Toledo, OH 43604-5627 (419) 255-7552 Fa x (419) 255-7552 Tjlodge 50@y Counsel for Petitioners