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Attached Licensed Operator Requalification Program Contains Two Requested Changes, Which Are Indicated by Vertical Line Beside Portion Changed with Reference Number
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/26/1976
From: Biggs R
Consumers Power Co
To: Collins P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18347A580 (7)



  • Power company General Offices: 212 West Michigan Avenue, Jackson, Michigan 49201
  • Area Code 517 788-0550 July 26, 1976 Paul F. Collins, Chief Operator Licensing Branch
  • Division of Project Management Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Docket 50-255, License DPR-20 Palisades Plant Gentlemen:

The attached copy of the Palisades Plant Licensed Operator Requalific~tion Program contains two requested changes. The changes are indic~ted by P vertical line beside the portion ch~nged with a reference number. An ex-planation or basis for the requested change, by number, is related below.

We feel these changes will make the program more manageable end no less effective than the previously approved program *

  • \r*
    • Ff:; A period of up to ten days after annual examination grade determina-tion before actual conducting of the accelerated traiuing ~ctivities permits organization of a specific, program to meet the needs of the individual(s). This permits relief scheduling to be administered and also ca.ncellation of or rearranging other training activities to accomodate the accelerated train;i:,ng.
2. Licensed engineers, supervisors and superintendents that regularly review and/or approve material (facility changes, license changes,.

procedure changes, etc.) as part of their regular duties, or as a member of the Plant Review Committee have been attending lectures on the same material conducted by the Training Coordinator. We do

  • not plan to require these people to attend the lectures or to take the quizzes on this material.

As stated above, we feel these changes will make the programs more mana-geable and we do not believe we will have lost any quality. We would be pleased to discuss any of these changes at your convenience, if you wish to do so.

  • Yours truly, er~~-~-~~

R. R. Big .

Training *o rdinator BIGG 53-76

  • PALIS.A.DES PLA..l\i"'T LIC:EI'ISED OP::'.::tA.TOR R°EOUALIFICJ-.TIO;l *F:\OGRA.M To assure a continuing high degree of knowledge and proficiency is maintained by AEC licensed operators and senior licensed operators at the Palisades Plant.

Appli cabil ty Applies to plant personnel that are licensed operators (RO) or senior operators (SRO) that are required to routinely supervise plant evolutions or perfon:i control manipulations as well as those RO or SRO that per:forr:i. such duties on an infrequent basis, which includes all licensed staff members.


All Palisades Plant operators have participated in SRO or RO

  • licensing examinations since 1970. In addition, six of the nine personnel licensed as RO have participated in a thorough training program within the past t¥o years. The three RO that have not.been exposed to a thorough training program. within the last two years are schedUled :for extensive training in nuclear and technical flL"1damentals in the near .future. This vill assure a high level of competency of all personnel entering the re-quali:fica tion program at the Palisades Plant.

Program The retraining program that is being iffiplemented at Palisades includes a three-week clas~room session rev;i.ewing basic fund2.Jllentals and theory :followed by a week-long course at a Pressurized Water Reactor (PirR) simulator. Specific areas and topics to be covered will generally follow those subjects listed in Paragraph 2C of Appendix A to 10 CFR 55.

Annual examinations will be adninistered to measure the effec-tiveness of.the overall program a.~d to pinpoint areas requirin& additional e.f:fort. Ari* ove!*all *grade on this annual exa!!l greater than 70% will be required of all persons perfo::ming licensed duties. A person receiving an overall grade below 70% will enter a..~ accelerated training program 1

within 10 days of grade deterr:iination to upgrade his knovledge to an


  • ~cceptable level. The scope and duration of the accelerated training program vill be dete:rnined exam.

fro~ analysis of the results of the individual's Persons receiving greater than 80% 1n a particular category in the annual exam vill not be reqt:.ired to attend the lectures on that material.

Examinations will be administered throughout the program on the classroom work for evaluation of individual perfo:rnance and adequacy of presentation. A mininum grade of 80% vill be required of all participa~ts in these topical exel"..inations.

Evaluation of performance in routine and abnon;ial operations will be conducted on shi~, along with performance evaluation in simulated emerg~ncy conditions. Evaluation will normally be conducted by the person's in:mediate supervisor. During an individual '.s two-year renewal period, how-ever, he will be evaluated on a minimum of five ex~rcises by someone other

-than his immediate supervisor. In:addition to evaluation of perfor:I:lance in these op~rations, a scheduled revi~w of emergency procedures will be

-c~nducted to ensure f'amiliari ty "symptoms" and "immediate action" portions of these procedures. Documentation of' this scheduled review o:f

  • emergency procedures must be maintained.

. ~

The classroom sessions on :funda:nentals -.:-ill consist-*of a read-ing assignment, video tape viewing, quiz and discussion period led

~ull-time instructor. This method has been used Palisades bl a where it was proven ._effective. An instructor will be present during

-video tape viewing and discussion periods.

The PWR simulator course will be coupled with the classroon sessions as closely as practicable. The P'WR si:oulator is expected to augment on-the-job experience and to demonstrate principles discussed during the classroom lectures. As many oali"unct.ions as practical will be conducted to per~it operators to observe and experience these conditions. The course will be similar to that described in Appendix A of this subm ttal. The simulator is not intended to be used f'or evalua-tion of' perfornance during abnor!:lal or energency conditions as required in

  • . Paragraph 4c of Appendix A to 10 CFR 55.

Review of' facility changes, procedure chanGe, operating inci-dents and discussion of systems will be conducted during on_e-day-per-\leek


  • sessions held when the f'ull-tir:le classroo~ vork is not in session.

mately twelve of these sessions *rill be scheduled for each shift and each individual will be required to attend eight of then over a tvo-year period.

Credit for attendance ~ill be given if the person ta}:es a quiz on the Approxi-material and receives a grade of *80% or greater. These items will be cir-culated as they occur for each licensed operator to review. Sign-offs will be recorded to dcc'll.!:!ent that each man has seen the item. The review in the classroon, mentioned above, is to be conducted, ¥here appropriate to clarify and amplify the bases for these changes, etc. In this manner, there will be a consistency in interpretation of written material. Licensed staff members vhose regular duties include reviewing a:nd/or approving facil-ity changes, procedure changes, license changes, etc will not be required to attend J.ectures or to take the quizzes on such material.

The "10 reactivi"ty control :z;ianipula.tions" (required by 10 CFR Part 55) will be accomplished by each person at the CE PWR sir:lulator or other approved simulator. These manipulations on the simulator will be in addition to those acco~plished by each person in performing his regu-Control nanipulations which we f~el der!).onstrate skill and/or lar duties.

familiarity with plant controls are set forth below:

l. Manual control of the reactor.during dilution or boration maintaining reactor power. Reactivity change !equired will be a mininun of 0.01% 6p.
2. Manual control of the reactor oainta.ining stable reactor power during a.n xenon transient for one hour or more.

Manipulation must be perforr.:ied in the first 15 hours1.736111e-4 days <br />0.00417 hours <br />2.480159e-5 weeks <br />5.7075e-6 months <br /> of a transient ~olloving a. power change of 25% or greater.

3. Change in core reactivity by the operator of 0.1% 6p in less than one hour for any reason utilizing either con-trol rods or boric acid control.
4. Change of reactor power greater than 10% of full power in one hour or less.
5. Attendance at plant controls during and in:!mediately fol-lowing a plant traip from power levels greater than 10%.
6. Operation of the plant controls during any major step in

._. start-up or shutdown, ie:

a. Critical approach frcm hot standby (includes operation of the reactor to the point of adding heat).


    • b.



Turbirie generator start from hot standby.

Plant loading from synchronization*.

Plant shutdo"W'D from power to hot standby.

Steps 6.a.-6.d. correspond to specific procedures and check-*

lists for the procedures.

Each person will participate in as many different manipulation operations as practicable. An effort will be made to give a variety of experience to each licensed operator.

Schedule The program described will be conducted on a two-year cycle COIIDllencing January 1, 1974. Personnel performance evaluations and casualty drill evaluation will be performed periodically throughout the two-year retraining cycle.

General Records shall be maintained in an individual file for each licensed operator. All exams, evaluation reports and other pertinent documentation will be maintained .

in this file. A file of exams ad.minis-I tered and exam answers will be maintained by the training coordinator.

The program will be imple:::ented ~y the Plant Superintendent.

Execution, coordination, record keeping, etc, will be the responsibility of the training coordinator *

  • APPEIIDIX A Descrintion of' PWR Sbulator Training
1. Orientction and De::J.0nstrations (2 Hours)

Instructors will de:nonstrate operation of simulator instruments and ramiliarize the trainees with operating procedures. In particular, the following areas will be covered: (Areas shown with an asterisk e::mphasized along with comparisons "With the Palisades Plant).

a. *CEA Drive Mechanism Controls
b. *Reactor Protective System
c. .Turbine Generator Controls

~. *~oration/Dilution Controls e *.*Pressurizer Level and Pressure Controls r~ *Reactor Regulating System

.g. Engineered Saf~ty Features System Controls

h. Electrical Distribution Controls
i. Auxiliary Syste:ns Controls
j. Reactor Critical Approach
2. Reactor Critical Annrcach and Low Power OTieration (6 HoU!"s)° Trainees will perfo~ critical approaches and low power operations -

under various core burnup and xenon conditions. It is particularly important that trainees understand the cause and effect of changes to plant parameters and core conditions.

3. Plant !-:aneuverin.?: ( 4 Hours)

Trainees will perform plant maneuvering operations, involving turbine generator start-up a.~d shutdown, transfer~in~ .from ~anual to au~o matic control and ra.!!lp and step transients~ including I::lB.nual and automatic reactor control.

~. Plant Shutco~-n (L Eau~s)

Trainees.will perfor::i orderly shutdow'Ils o~the plant from low power operation to the hot shutdo"Wll condition *

  • A-1
  • *5. Reactor and Turbir.e Trins (8 Hours)

Trainees will operate the sinulator during reactor and turbine trips

fro::n a variety of causes. Emphasis will be placed on putting the plant in a stable, safe condition, on analyzing the cause.(s) o:f the trip and restoring the plant to operation.
6. Emerr:en~Y Oneratj o:ns ( 8 Hours)

Trainees will operate the plant dl.U"ing various n:alf\u1ctions and abnormal or emergency conditions. Types o:f malfunctions* vould include:

a. Dropped or Stuck CEAs
b. Pressurizer Level or Pressure Control Malfunction
c. Loss o:f A-C Power
d. Flux Tilt e~ Loss o:f Feed-Water Flow

-r. Steam Dump Control Failure g* Loss of Cooling Water

  • h.


Electrical Distribution Failures Steam Syst~ Auxiliaries Failures Emphasis will be placed on analyzing th~ causes o:f the malfunction and procedures required to respond to the casualty.

The simulator is :flexible enough such that the above schedule may be modified to meet speci:fic trainee requirenents. The level of instruction is based on the assu::nption that each trainee is a licensed operator at the Palisades Plant. .*

  • 7/3/74 A-2