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Revised Updated Final Safety Analysis Report/Defueled Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/2016
Southern California Edison Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16357A263 List:
Download: ML16357A304 (151)


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-1 Rev 3 9 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS Not all subsystems of the Auxiliary Systems are required to support permanent plant shutdown or defueled operations. The status of these subsystems is listed in a table in each section. Design Basis, Licensing Basis, and operational information contained in this chapter has been updated to reflect the current status. Although the subsystems removed or partially removed from service no longer support operation, they may still contain fluids, gases, or other hazards such as energized circuits, compressed air, radioactive material, etc. Equipment may not have been physically removed from the plant. See General Arrangement Drawings, P&IDs, and One Line diagrams for the current plant configuration.

9.1 of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Plants.


stored at SONGS in the permanently defueled condition. However, this system is only partially removed from service to allow for activities during the decommissioning process not related to new fuel storage.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-2 Rev 3 9.1.2 Design Bases

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-3 Rev 3



(B) W (14 X 14) WITH FRESH FUEL ENRICHMENT 4.00 W% U235 if:

(1) burnup greater than 26,300 MWD/T and cooling time greater than 20 years (2) burnup greater than 27,100 MWD/T and cooling time greater than 15 years (3) burnup greater than 28,200 MWD/T and cooling time greater than 10 years

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-4 Rev 3




San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-5 Rev 3 1) 2) 3)

1) 2)


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-6 Rev 3 (3)


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-7 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-8 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-9 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-10 Rev 3 Facilities Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-11 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation

(1) (2)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-12 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-13 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-14 Rev 3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-15 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-16 Rev 3


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-17 Rev 3 Design Bases

The ISFPCS is a Quality Class III-AQ, Seismic Category III system as approved by Amendment No. 233 to Facility Operating License NPF-10 and Amendment No.226 to Facility Operating License NPF-15 for 3 respectively. These Amendments provide exceptions for SONGS commitments to NRC Regulatory Guides 1.13, 1.29 and 1.76 (Reference 5).

Table 9.1-2A lists the principal parameters of the ISFPCS componen ts. For seismic classification of system components and piping refer to Q-List ISFPCS design features include the following:

The primary/secondary plate heat exchanger is designed to remove spent fuel pool heat load of 3.0 MBTU/hr. The primary loop is designed for a minimum flow rate of 500 gallons per minute.

Each 200 ton chiller unit has the capability of removing 2.4 MBTU/hr, for a total of 4.8 MBTU/hr heat removal capacity.

The secondary loop is designed for a minimum flow rate of 700 gallons per minute.

The surge tank maintains system volume during thermal expansion and ensures that the secondary system remains at a higher pressure than the primary loop.

One air compressor provides pressure to the ion exchanger column air operated valves.

A purification loop provided to maintain pool water purity (chemistry), when needed.

The ISFPCS relies on the essential bus via the off-site-powered 12kV Ring Bus System and a manually-initiated on-site backup diesel generator.

The maximum decay heat load as of June 30, 2016 was 2.360 MBTU/hr. The heat load values include a contingency Dry Storage Canister (DSC) offload of 0.127 MBTU/hr (37.2 kW).

This San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-18 Rev 3 heat load is bounded by the design basis heat load of 3.00 MBTU/hr that can be transferred by the ISFP CS to the atmosphere.

This is based on a conservative air temperature of 120ºF (Reference 8). System Description

The ISFPCS consists of two loops, a primary cooling loop, and a secondary cooling loop. There is also a purification loop attached to the primary loop that can be placed in service as necessary.

The ISFPCS is controlled manually from local control panels. Command Center / Control Room CDAS alarms for high fuel pool temperature, high and low liquid level in the fuel pool, and high radiation (described in Section 9.1.2) in the fuel pool area, are provided to alert the operator to abnormal circumstances. A local alarm for low liquid level in the fuel pool is also provided.

The ISFPCS is a Quality Class III-AQ, Seismic Category III system as approved by Amendment No. 233 to Facility Operating License NPF-10 and Amendment No. 226 to Facility Operating License NPF-15 for 3 respectively. These Amendments provide exceptions for SONGS commitments to NRC Regulatory Guides 1.13, 1.29 and 1.76 (Reference 5). The ISFPCS primary loop consists of two 100% capacity pumps (one in standby) and one 100% capacity heat exchanger. The ISFPCS primary loop pumps are connected to a common suction header and a common return header. The primary loop also consists of appropriate piping, valves, and instrumentation. Portions of the piping, including that within the spent fuel pool, the primary loop return line, and distribution sparger at elevation 17 feet (adjacent and beneath spent fuel racks) are Seismic Category I piping (repurposed original piping).

After ISFPCS startup, the primary cooling pump will maintain the required NPSH and the priming pump can be secured. (The priming pump is used to fill the pump suction line prior to system startup.) Spent fuel pool water is circulated by the primary loop cooling pumps through the primary loop heat exchanger where it is cooled. The heat is rejected to the ISFPCS secondary loop. Differential pressure is monitored at the heat exchanger to ensure that the secondary side system operates at a higher pressure than the primary side system to control any cross contamination in case of plate failure (see Section for boron concentration requirements).

Prior to entering the primary loop heat exchanger, a portion of the SFP water can be diverted, filtered, and processed through a set of ion exchange columns containing a mix ed bed of resin in order to maintain water chemistry requirements.

The ISFPCS purification loop consists of two ion exchangers (IX), one resin trap, appropriate piping, valves, and instrumentation. The ISFPCS purification flow is drawn off the primary loop pump common discharge prior to the primary loop heat exchanger. Resin will be placed in the ion exchanger as necessary to improve water chemistry or clarity. It is possible to operate the San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-19 Rev 3 primary loop system with either or both ion exchangers bypassed. Local sample points are provided to permit analysis of ion exchanger efficiencies.

The ISFPCS secondary loop consists of two 100% capacity pumps and two 200 ton chillers per unit. The second pump acts as a built-in spare for redundancy.

Maximum secondary loop operating temperature is 108°F (Reference 8) and secondary chilled water temperature is maintained by adjustment of the primary loop flow through the primary/secondary heat exchanger and chiller outlet temperature setpoints. The secondary loop also consists of one surge tank, piping, valves, and instrumentation. The chiller inlet and outlet manifolds are design ed for cross connecting the Unit 2 and Unit 3 secondary cooling loops if desired.

This allows using 3 of the 4 chillers to remove the total heat load for both units and provides redundancy/operating margin in the event that one chiller is taken out of service.

One air compressor per unit is installed to provide motive force for the priming pump, the IX column air operated valves and pressurize the secondary loop surge tank bladder.

The Independent Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System is powered by the essential electrical system and a back-up diesel generator (see Chapter 8).

Command Center Data Acquisition System (CDAS) displays in the Control Room / Command Center provide alarms for high fuel pool temperature, and high and low liquid level in the fuel pool. The separate Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) display panels provide primary pump status, primary flow alarm, secondary pump status and chiller unit status in the Control Room / Command Center, Fuel Handling Building 63ft (New Fuel Room 408) and in the Secondary Pump Station (outdoors on East Road).

and remote indication for primary and secondary loop temperatures.

CDAS pool temperature alarms, HMI panel indications and administrative controls are relied upon to protect the ion exchanger resin from high temperature.

Instrumentation is provided to measure primary, ion exchanger, and secondary loop flows.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-20 Rev 3 Instrumentation is provided in the ISFPCS suction piping to measure SFP level to approximately six feet from the surface. SFP level can be read locally and in the Control Room/Command Center.

Additional instrumentation taps off of the FPMUS (see Section 9.1.4 for FPMUS description) discharge piping to correlate SFP level down to 23 feet above the top of the spent fuel assemblies. This local SFP level indication is located on FHB elevation 17 ft. in Room 107 which is adjacent to the SFP Makeup control panel. Safety Evaluation

Reference 5 provides approved exceptions for SONGS commitments to NRC Regulatory Guides 1.13, 1.29, and 1.76 and allowed the Independent Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System to be Seismic Category III and permits exceptions for the protection of the secondary cooling side, support systems, and power supply from tornado missiles.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-21 Rev 3 two secondary chiller units (2.4 MBTU/hr design capacity per unit). This is based on a conservative maximum sustained outside air temperature of 120°F and maximum sustained humidity of 100% (Reference 8).

The secondary chillers and the outdoor atmosphere provides ultimate heat sink for rejecting spent fuel assembly decay heat from the spent fuel pool cooling system (Section 9.2.2 Ultimate Heat Sink).

The spent fuel pools are equipped with local, remote, and CDAS level indications. Control Room / Command Center CDAS indication has level trending and High / Low level CDAS alarms.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-22 Rev 3 NRC Safety Evaluation Report (Reference 5) identifies the spent fuel pool system safety functions as:

Maintaining spent fuel clad integrity with water inventory above the top of stored fuel assemblies.

Maintaining spent fuel assembly radiation shielding / isotope absorption with 23 feet of water above the fuel assemblies.

The SER identified that the safety importance of decay and residual heat removal is related to the magnitude of the decay heat produced by the stored fuel. In the event of a sustained loss of forced cooling, that over 7 days would be necessary for the decay heat to increase the SFP coolant temperature from nominal conditions to 212°F. The Chapter 15 SFP boiling event bounds the consequences of an extended loss of SFP forced cooling during decommissioning, so a boiling SFP does not immediately challenge safety limits, provided that coolant inventory is maintained.

The ISFPCS does not have a credited safety function based on:

1) The normal SFP coolant inventory that provides the capacity to withstand long periods of leakage or evaporation related to design basis accidents or events without substantial degradation of the key fuel cooling and shielding safety functions (Reference 5).
2) The ample time would be available to correct loss of forced cooling events (Reference 5).

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-23 Rev 3 located entirely within the Fuel Handling Building Operating Deck Elevation 63 ft. will result in a minimal loss of normal spent fuel pool level (Elevation 60 ft.). Loss of level is limited by the anti-siphon break in the pump discharge piping at - -. A primary loop piping break will not preclude maintaining spent fuel storage safety functions of water inventory and radiation shielding (minimum 23 ft. above the top of spent fuel assemblies; see Section

). In the event of a loss of all normal cooling capability of the SFP cooling system, at least 79 hours9.143519e-4 days <br />0.0219 hours <br />1.306217e-4 weeks <br />3.00595e-5 months <br /> would elapse before the pool temperature would rise from 132ºF (high temperature alarm setpoint) to 212ºF. This allows time in which to effect repairs and restore cooling.

ISFPCS active component failures are addressed by use of the redundant component(s) and cross-tie to opposite secondary cooling loop. Passive component failures are address by timely repair, the large pool water inventory, and the diverse makeup methods. Common-mode failures are addressed by either the on-site backup diesel generator or use of a diverse makeup method.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-24 Rev 3 Inspection and Testing Requirements


Units 2 and 3 have separate spent fuel pool makeup systems (FPMUS) designed to Seismic Category I and Quality Class III-AQ as approved by Amendment No. 233 to Facility Operating License NPF-10 and Amendment No. 226 to Facility Operating License NPF-15 for 3 respectively. These Amendments provide exceptions for SONGS commitments to NRC Regulatory Guides 1.13, 1.29 and 1.76 (Reference 5).

The manually-operated FPMUS provides low-flow and high-flow capability for makeup to the SFP. In addition to the normal function of makeup for evaporation and leakage losses, the NRC Safety Evaluation Report (Reference 5) identifies the spent fuel pool system safety functions as:

Maintaining spent fuel clad integrity with water inventory above the top of stored fuel assemblies.

Maintaining spent fuel assembly radiation shielding / isotope absorption with 23 feet of water above the fuel assemblies.

Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Tanks have on-site hose-fed manual replenishment from non-seismic

non-safety-related tanks and one seismically-qualified non-safety-related tank. System Description

Spent fuel pool makeup inventory for the low-flow makeup pumps and the high-flow pump is from the dedicated Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Tank, designed as Seismic Category I with a 300,000 gallon nominal capacity. Formerly titled Primary Plant Makeup Storage Tanks, T055 and T056 are located in vaults at Elevation 9 ft. within the Seismic Category I Auxiliary Radwaste Building.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-25 Rev 3 Table 9.1-2B, Principal Parameters of the FPMUS, lists the design capacities of the major system components.

Each unit-specific FPMUS is powered from the essential 480V Bus which is supplied from the off-site powered 12kV Ring Bus System (see Chapter 8).

The essential bus is supported by a backup diesel generator.

The makeup pumps are controlled at a local panel in Penetration Building Elevation 17 ft. In addition to the normal makeup path from Tanks T055 and T056, alternate makeup sources are available. These sources can be manually aligned locally in the Penetration Building (adjacent to FHB Room 107).

Table 9.1-2B PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS OF THE FPMUS Component Description Parameter Spent Fuel Pool Low Flow Rate Makeup Pump Quantity per Unit Design flow Design head (P-1018, P-1019) 2 45 gal/min 198 feet Spent Fuel Pool High Flow Rate Makeup Pump Quantity per Unit Design flow Design head (P-015) 1 500 gal/min 300 feet Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Tank Quantity per Unit Total Volume (T055, T056) 1 300,000 gal On-site demineralized water supplies are available to manually replenish the Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Tanks (T055, T056). The four on-site demineralized water storage tanks (DWST) and an associate supply header are credited with the following remaining non-safety functions:

Manual replenishment of Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Tanks (T055, T056)

Contingency water source for a Mitigating Strategies event (See Appendix 9A)

The on-site demineralized water storage tanks are available for manual replenishment of the Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Tanks. The nominal capacities are shown in Table 9.1-2C.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-26 Rev 3 Table 9.1-2C FPMUS REPLENSHMENT TANKS Demineralized Water Storage Tank(a) Nominal Capacity, Gallons T-266 535,000 T-267 535,000 T-268 535,000 T-351 150,000 (a) Controlled Document 90034, -controls the quality and seismic designations


The three large capacity DWSTs are located on the elevated bluff (south of Unit 3) allowing gravity-fed replenishment. The supply header has hose connections to allow use of a portable-engine-driven pump.

The seismicallyqualified DWST, located in the North Industrial Area (Elevation 20 ft.), has a seismically-qualified diesel-driven trailer-mounted fire pump to provide the required motive force for replenishment. Dedicated suction and discharge hoses are stored on-site to reach either SFP Makeup Tanks (T055, T056). Safety Evaluation Spent fuel Pool inventory in the SFP and connected pools is sufficient to maintain the coolant inventory more than three feet above the stored fuel for over one month with no forced cooling and no make-up water addition as described in the March 11, 2016 NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER

-- Reference 5) That SER credits the FPMUS to manually maintain the pool inventory to ensure the following spent fuel pool safety functions:

Spent fuel clad integrity with water inventory above the top of stored fuel assemblies.

Spent fuel assembly radiation shielding / isotope absorption with 23 feet of water above the fuel assemblies.

The maximum SFP decay heat load in Table 9.1-1B allows sufficient time in which to align makeup water to the pool, effect repairs and restore pool cooling. Reference 5 concludes that in the event of a creditable liner leak that 70 hours8.101852e-4 days <br />0.0194 hours <br />1.157407e-4 weeks <br />2.6635e-5 months <br /> is available before the affected spent fuel pool level would drop to 10 ft above top of fuel assemblies.

The seismically-qualified FPMUS along with multiple and diverse alternate make-up paths provide reasonable assurance that adequate make-up would be provided well before a substantial San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-27 Rev 3 loss of SFP coolant inventory that could challenge the spent fuel pool safety functions (Reference 5).

Spent Fuel Pool Makeup pumps are powered from the essential 480V Bus which is powered from off-site 220kV sources and an on-site diesel generator providing manual backup power (see Chapter 8).

FPMUS active component failures are addressed by use of the redundant component(s), gravity feed, or diverse pumps. Passive component failures are address by timely repair, the large pool water inventory, and the diverse makeup methods. Common-mode failures are addressed by either the on-site backup diesel generator or use of an on-site diverse makeup methods and storage tank(s).

Those diverse spent fuel pool makeup capabilities are discussed in Appendix 9A and are related to the SONGS commitments related to Unit 2 License Condition 2.C.(26) and Unit 3 License Condition 2.C.(27).

The quality assurance measures applied to the design provide reasonable assurance that procedures to recover spent fuel pool level with make-up capability will be both available and effective (Reference 5). Inspection and Testing Requirements

Each component is inspected and cleaned prior to installation into the system. The system is operated and tested initially with regard to flow paths, both low flow and high flow capacity, and mechanical operability. Instruments are calibrated.

Data are taken periodically during normal plant operation to confirm normal makeup capabilities, Routine inspections verify pump alignment, material condition, and electrical power to the makeup pump motor controls.

The High Flow and Low Flow Spent Fuel Makeup pumps are momentarily started on a quarterly basis to verify motor and pump operation.

The spent fuel pool makeup operation to replace evaporative losses actively demonstrates the pool refill capability of the High Flow Make Pumps.


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-28 Rev 3 Design Bases System Fuel, CEA, and GT Insert Handling Equipment

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-29 Rev 3 Cask Handling Crane

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-30 Rev 3 System Description System

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-31 Rev 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Spent Fuel Handling Machine

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-32 Rev 3 1

1 San Onofre Units 2 and 3 in the permanently defueled condition. However, this system is only partially removed from service to allow for activities during the decommissioning process not related to new fuel storage.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-33 Rev 3 Components Spent Fuel Handling Machine

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-34 Rev 3 New Fuel Elevator

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-35 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-36 Rev 3 Pneumatic Seal Pressurization System Operation

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-37 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-38 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Cask Handling Crane

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-39 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-40 Rev 3 Fuel Handling

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-41 Rev 3 Testing and Inspection Requirements of Refueling Equipment

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-42 Rev 3 Instrumentation Requirements


9.1.7 1. NUREG-0612 Control of Heavy Loads At Nuclear Power Plants, July 1980.

2. -SAM Licensing Topical Report, EDR-1.
4. CENPD-289-ENF Fuel Assemblies, September 1993.
5. NRC SER to SCE dated March 11, 2016;


SONGS, Units 2 and 3 - Issuance of Amendments Modifying Licenses to Allow Changes to Specific Regulatory Guide Commitments (CAC NOS. L53073 AND L53074, PDSFPC)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-43 Rev 3 6. SO23-V-5.100, SONGS Mitigating Strategies

7. Design Calculation N-0220-0037 Rev.3, Spent Fuel Pool Time To Boil.
8. 1814-AA086-M0262 REV.0, San Onofre Spent Fuel Pool Island Design Plan.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-44 Rev 3 9.2 WATER SYSTEMS

9.2.1 Design Bases

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-45 Rev 3 System Description General Description Component Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-46 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Tests and Inspections Instrumentation Applications

9.2.2 Design Bases

9.2.3 DILUTION SYSTEMS CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEM In the permanent defueled plant condition, portions of the Circulating Water System are required to support dilution. See P&IDs, One Line Diagrams, and General Arrangement drawings for current plant configuration.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-47 Rev 3 Structures

/ Systems / Co mponents S tatus Unit 2 and 3 Intake Conduits Available Unit 2 Discharge Conduit Available Unit 3 Discharge Conduit Removed from Service Unit 2 and 3 Gate Slots 1 and 2 Available Unit 2 Recirculating Gates 4 and 5 Available Unit 2 Circulating Water Pu mps Removed from Service Unit 3 Circulating Water Pumps Removed from Service Design Bases

The circulating water system has no safety function.

The portions that supported the condenser, Salt Water Cooling System, and Turbine Plant Cooling Water System have been removed from service. The portion required to support the functions of the Saltwater Dilution System remain available.

The following design bases apply to the circulating water system in the permanent defueled plant condition:

A. Units 2 and 3 gates, slots 1 and 2, used to support the Saltwater Dilution System (SWDS) pump frames and pipe supports. Gate slots 1 and 2 are also required for dewatering the intake/outfall structures with the insertion of stop gates.

B. Units 2 and 3 intake conduits used for drawing Pacific Ocean water for dilution.

C. Unit 2 discharge conduit used for discharging diluted effluents to the Pacific Ocean.

D. Unit 2 Recirculating gates, in the closed position, to prevent recirculation of diluted effluents. No gate operators are required. System Description and Operation General Description The portion of the circulating water system that remains in-service consists of Units 2 and 3 intake conduits, Unit 2 discharge conduit, Unit 2 Recirculating Gates 4 and 5 (in closed position), and the Units 2 and 3 Gate Slots 1 and 2.

The system is shown on the following SCE controlled drawings.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-48 Rev 3 40166A 40166C 40167B 40167D 40166ASO3 40166D 40167BSO3 40167DSO3 40166B 40167A 40167C 40166BSO3 40167ASO3 40167CSO3 Component Description Intake and Discharge Structures

The offshore circulating water conduits are of reinforced concrete construction. One intake and conduit is provided for each unit. Only the Unit 2 discharge conduit is used for dilution. Each unit has one 18-foot ID intake conduit approximately 3200 feet long. The Unit 2 discharge conduit is approximately 8400 feet long. Approximately the last 2500 feet (offshore end) of the discharge conduit consists of a diffuser containing 63 discharge nozzles evenly spaced at 40-foot intervals. The nominal throat diameters are approximately 2 feet. The nozzles are oriented at a vertical angle of 20° above the horizontal and direct the discharge offshore alternatively at angles of 25° to the right and 25° to the left of the diffuser section centerline. The diffuser portion is progressively stepped down in diameter to balance the hydraulics of the flow in the diffusers and to produce a uniform discharge at each nozzle. The smallest diameter of the main conduit

is 10 feet ID.

Circulating water system offshore intake structures are designed and constructed to withstand maximum uprush and withdrawal velocities of the current associated with the postulated tsunami discussed in Chapter 2.

Design and construction of the onshore intake structure is based on the maximum and minimum water levels at offshore intake structures associated with the postulated tsunami discussed in Chapter 2 with appropriate consideration given to head losses through the offshore conduit and intake structure. Large Organism Exclusion Device (LOED)

A Large Organism Exclusion Device (LOED) is installed at the Primary Offshore Intake Structure (POIS) and Auxiliary Offshore Intake Structure (AOIS) as required by the State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) to prevent large marine organisms from entering the plant intake structures. The LOED uses a 9-in. x 9-in. netting constructed from ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) polymer braided ropes. System Operation

The portions of the Circulating Water System that support the Saltwater Dilution System are structures and have no active operation.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-49 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation The portions of the Circulating Water System that support the Saltwater Dilution System is not safety related and therefore no safety evaluation is provided. SALTWATER DILUTION SYSTEM

The Saltwater Dilution System (SWDS) provides saltwater from the Pacific Ocean to the Unit 2 circulating water system outfall for diluting radiological and non-radiological effluents. The saltwater dilution system is common to both units. Two 50% capacity pumps are located in the Unit 2 circulating water system intake and two 50% capacity pumps are located in the Unit 3 circulating water system intake. However, all four pumps discharge to the Unit 2 circulating water system outfall gate slot #1. The pump discharge heads are located approximately 4-feet below 30-ft elevation in the gate slot #2 on the west road. The gate slots are also used for inserting stop gates to dewater the circulating water system intake structures. In the permanently defueled condition, the circulating water system is no longer in operation but portions of the circulating water system support the SWDS. Design Bases

The design bases for the saltwater dilution system is as follows:

A. The saltwater dilution system is designed so that the dilution water flows may return to the Pacific Ocean via the Unit 2 circulating water system outfall through Unit 2 and Unit 3 independent piping systems. The circulating water system is discussed in Section B. The saltwater dilution system is designed to provide the minimum flow rate to meet the dilution factors. Dilution is discussed in Chapters 2 and 11 but controlled by the ODCM and NPDES permits.

C. The saltwater dilution system is also designed to provide dilution water supply for radiological effluent releases. Radiological effluent release point is discussed in Chapter 11. D. The saltwater dilution system is designed to provide dilution water supply for non-radiological effluent releases. Non-radiological effluent releases consists of the North Industrial Area (NIA) sump discharge, the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) discharge, and the Unit 2 Oily Waste Holding Sump discharge. The NIA sump, STP, and Unit 2 Oily Waste Holding Sumps are discussed in Section 9.3.1


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-50 Rev 3 System Description General Description

The saltwater dilution system is shown schematically in Controlled Drawings 40166B and 40166BSO3 which also shows a diagram of the intake structure and associated piping. The piping layout is shown on Controlled Drawing S2-1401-ML-369.

The saltwater dilution system for each unit consists of two completely independent piping systems (one for each unit) that discharge into a common point, the Pacific Ocean via the Unit 2 circulating water system outfall. Each piping system consist of two 50% capacity pumps, two check valves, two pressure gauges, and one ultrasonic flowmeter. One pump on each unit is required for liquid radwaste releases. Component Description Saltwater Dilution Pumps S2(3)1401MP128/129

Each 50% capacity pump is capable of providing a minimum required flowrate of 7,000 gal/min of dilution flow, taking into consideration low-low tide level, in the permanently defueled condition. The pumps are the vertical turbine type and are installed in the intake structure gate slot #2, two pumps per gate slot. All four pumps are powered by the same ring bus load center, LDC04.

The saltwater dilution pump packing and bearings are self-cooled and lubricated by the saltwater passing through the pump internals. The pump characteristics are:

Table 9.2-1 SALT WATER DILUTION PUMPS CHARACTERISTICS Type Vertical turbine Design Flow 7,350 gal/min at 76°F Design Head 50 feet Performance Standard ANSI/HI 14.6 14.6 Grade 1B

The saltwater dilution pumps are made of 316L stainless steel (impeller, columns, discharge head, bowl, bell, and strainer). The majority of the 316L components are coated to extend the life of the pump. The pump internals (shafts, shaft couplings, and shaft keys) are made of a duplex 2205 alloy. The pump bearings are made of thermoplastic with the exception of the suction bearing that is made of bronze packed in grease. The pump hardware is made of Monel K-500. The pump materials were carefully selected in order to meet a design life of 15 years while taking into consideration the severe corrosive environment and intermittent service.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-51 Rev 3 Saltwater Dilution Motors S2(3)P128/129

Each saltwater dilution pump is coupled to an electric motor capable of providing 125 hp. The electric motors are equipped with a 120V space heater to keep the windings free of moisture during standby.

Table 9.2-2 SALT WATER DILUTION PUMPS MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS Motor hp 125 Motor Speed 1200 rpm Motor 60hz/460VAC/3phase Enclosure IP55 (TEFC)

Service Factor 1.15 Rotation Both Insulation Class F Temperature Rise (K) 80 Check Valves S2(3)1401MU374/375

Each saltwater dilution pump has a check valve at the discharge to prevent backflow when one pump is operating and the other is in standby. The check valves are made of 316L stainless steel to extend the life of the pump due to corrosion. Piping The saltwater dilution piping is made from 316L (seamless) stainless steel to extend the life of the piping due to corrosion. 317L weld filler material was used to enhance the weld chemical properties with the higher chromium content. Each pair of pumps discharge into independent .

where it then opens into the intake structure gate slot #1, approximately 3-feet below the grating.

The piping layout is shown on Controlled Drawing S2-1401-ML-369. Supports The saltwater dilution piping supports are shown on Controlled Drawing S2-1401-ML-369. The pipe supports are made from A36 carbon steel, and coated with a marine grade epoxy coating to San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-52 Rev 3 extend the life of the pipe support due to corrosion. The pipe supports are shared between both units; with the exception of pipe supports only required for Unit 3 piping.

The saltwater dilution pump frames are shown on Drawing 28813. The pipe supports are made from A36 carbon steel, and coated with a marine grade epoxy coating to extend the life of the frames due to corrosion.

The pipe supports and pump frame were design ed to the 2013 California Uniform Building Code and ASCE 7-10 as documented in calculation 1814-AA021-C0145 and C0140, respectively. Ultrasonic Flowmeters 2(3)FIT5767 Each independent piping system consists of an ultrasonic flowmeter with local indication at panel HL04. Each flowmeter has an upstream and downstream transducer mounted on the diameter pipe and is used to measure flowrate using acoustic technology. The flowmeters ar e sensitive to flow disturbances and may read inaccurate during transient conditions, such as initial pump start, air trapped in the line, two phase bubbly flow, and air slug flow. During conditions when the flowmeter is unavailable, the pressure gauge is used to estimate the dilution flowrate.

Each saltwater dilution pump has a discharge pressure gauge used to estimate flowrate when the ultrasonic flowmeter is unavailable. The pressure gauges are equipped with a damper and the dial face is angled upward in order to make it easier to read without traversing into the gate slot pit area. System Operation The saltwater dilution system was not an original system to San Onofre. The SWDS was installed under the Cold and Dark modifications for dilution effluents in the permanently defueled condition. In the permanently defueled condition, two saltwater dilution pumps are required to dilute radiological effluents, but only one is required for non-radiological effluents.

Each saltwater dilution pump motor is started using a hand switch located in load center LDC04.

The pump has no throttling valve. A check valve prevents flow from being diverted back into the suction through the other pump on the same piping system. The same hand switch is used to secure the pump. The pumps are normally rotated to prevent aggravated pitting corrosion on the submerged components of the pumps. While in standby condition, the 120V motor space heaters keep moisture out of the motor windings. The space heater push buttons are located in panel HL04, adjacent to load center LDC04. Safety Evaluation

The saltwater dilution system is not safety related and therefore no safety evaluation is provided.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-53 Rev 3 9.2.4

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-54 Rev 3 9.3


The applicable operational information has been removed to indicate that the system performs no licensing bases or design bases function.

Although portions of the system do not support operation, the system may still contain fluids, gases or other hazards such as energized circuits, compressed air, radioactive material, etc. Equipment may not have been physically removed from the plant.

See P&IDs, One Line Diagrams, and General Arrangement drawings for current plant configuration.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-55 Rev 3 Design Bases

The radioactive sumps and drain system collects potentially radioactive liquid wastes, at atmospheric pressure, from equipment and flood drainage of the radwaste building, fuel handling building, Unit 2 East Turbine Building sump (if contaminated), penetration area, and the safety injection area. Processing of liquid radwaste is discussed in Chapter 11.

Water is separated from oil and sediment using the East Oily Waste Holding Sump separator.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-56 Rev 3 During heavy rain, the Turbine Building Sumps may overflow onto the condensate system pipe trench and water will accumulate temporarily on the floor of . Flooding inconsequential as there is no operating equipment that would be impacted by flooding (non-essential operating equipment protected by pedestals/berms) and/or there are no areas requiring access for operator action in the permanently defueled condition.

Codes and standards applicable to the floor drainage systems are listed in Controlled Document - Generally, equipment and floor drainage collection piping from the areas of potential radioactivity is constructed in accordance with ANSI B31.1.0. All other drainage systems comply with the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code. System Description General Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-57 Rev 3 Component Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-58 Rev 3 System Operation

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-59 Rev 3

The East and West Oily Waste Holding Sumps do not have pumps.

A temporary submersible pump is used and manually controlled for the West Oily Waste Holding Sump. The West sump is normally empty and only used for a few conditions as described in Section H. (MW832) Each unit is provided with one submersible sump pump.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-60 Rev 3 (MW833) Each unit is provided with one submersible pump. (MW834) The Oily Waste Sumps are located near the unit circulating water system gates on elevation 30-ft. The sump collects drainage from the following areas:

Each unit is provided with one submersible pump. discharge into the Unit 2 East Oily Waste Holding Sumps where it is processed of oil contaminants (nonradioactive) and released to the Unit 2 circulating water system intake via storm drains. Alternatively, the sump pumps can discharge into the Unit 2 West Oily Waste Holding sump.

The sewage treatment plant overflow is routed to the NIA sump.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-61 Rev 3 Sump Project Classifi-cation Elevation Dimensions (ft)

Long x Wide x Deep Pump Capacity (gal/min) Pump Head (ft) Gorman-Rupp Pump Curve Remarks ft. in. Nonradioactive:

Diesel generator building 32 C* 30 0 4.5x5.5x6.0 95 20 S2F-E1-1 See Note 1 for Unit 3 Intake structure area 43C* (-)7 5 (9.0x9.6x11.3x8.0)x15.0 2 75 58 S3B-1 Trapezoidal

-plan dimensions, Note 1 Oily waste area sump 43C* 30 0 14.5x18.0x21.1 145 80 S3A-1 Note 1 South Yard Facility oil Interceptor

- 104 6 21.25x13x13.25 (inches)

- - N/A Dimensions are in inches MSIV Area Sump 43C* 18 0 (trench) 105 50 S2E-1 Note s 1 and 3 East and West Oily Waste Holding Sumps 43C* 30 0 multiple N/A N/A N/A Note 4 Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) - 14 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 100,000 GPD capacity Potentially radioactive:

Fuel handling building 32ND 17 6 4.5x5.5x6.0 95 20 S2 F-E1-1 Note 1 Penetration area 32ND 9 0 4.5x5.5x6.0 85 25 S2F-E1-1 Note 1 Safety injection area 32ND (-)15 6 9.5x7.5x9.0 45 65 S2E-1 Note 1 Auxiliary building 3 2 C* 9 0 4.5x5.5x6.0 85 25 S2F-E1-1 Note s 1 and 2 BPS Neutralization Sump (holding) 43C* 7 0 12x30x8 115 35 S2B-1 Note s 1 and 5 Radwaste area 32ND 9 0 14.0x16.0x15

.0 100 40 S2B-1 Note 1 San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-62 Rev 3 Sump Project Classifi-cation Elevation Dimensions (ft)

Long x Wide x Deep Pump Capacity (gal/min) Pump Head (ft) Gorman-Rupp Pump Curve Remarks ft. in. South Yard Facility decon sump - 105 0 6.0x6.0x4.0 80 12 N/A Note 2 South Yard Facility decon Shower tank

- 105 6 (100 gallons)

N/A N/A N/A Unit 2 East turbine plant area 32C* 7 0 4.5x5.5x8.0 250 95 S4C-1 Note s 1 and 2 Unit 3 East turbine plant area 32C* 7 0 4.5x5.5x8.0 115 35 S2B-1 Note s 1 and 2 Unit 2 and 3 West turbine plant area 32C* 7 0 4.5x5.5x6.0 165 20 S2B-1 Note s 1 and 2 North Industrial Area Yard Drain Sump 43C* 15 0 19x43x14 2000 4000 100 60 N/A Controls and discharge piping are 32ND Notes: 1. Flow will vary depending on operating condition (variable system demand)

. 2. No liner is required. 3. MSIV area sump is for collection of rain water; non

-radioactive sump that discharges into a monitored path 2RE7821

. 4. A temporary submersible sump is used to manually transfer to the east oily waste holding sump. Treated water from east sump empties into the Unit 2 storm drains by way of overflow. The storm drains empty into the Unit 2 circulating water system intake. Releases are unmonitored.

5. Repurposed as a holding sump for potentially radioactive liquids


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-63 Rev 3 The South Yard Facility Oil Interceptor is not shown on drawings. See Controlled Drawing 48716 for aerial view of oil interceptor (OI-1).

G. MSIV Area Sump (MW848)

In the permanently defueled condition, the Units 2 and 3 MSIV Area Sumps do not have the potential to become contaminated. The MSIV Area sump is used for collection of rain water in the MSIV area. Each unit is provided with one submersible pump. The H. East and West Oily Waste Holding Sump and Oil Separator (MW1251)

The East and West Oily Waste Holding Sumps are unique to Unit 2 and located in front of the Unit 2 Emergency Diesel Generator Building on elevation 30-ft. two incoming collection lines are equipped with commercial syphon breakers to prevent syphoning. The East and West Oily Waste Holding Sumps receive and hold liquids from the following:

Unit 2 East Turbine Building Sump (if not contaminated) Unit 2 Diesel Generator Building (east sump only)

The East Oily Waste Holding sumps provide water separation from oil and sediments and discharge to:

Storm drain that conveys to Unit 2 circulating water system intake (via overflow of treated water) Truck Disposal The West Oily Waste Holding Sump is not normally used and is intended for the temporary storage of oily waste water awaiting processing. The west sump is normally empty. It could be used in situations where processing facilities are not available or drainage exceeds processing capabilities. The west sump could also be used to store waste water that has emulsions or chemicals which cannot be treated. The west sump is San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-64 Rev 3 manually pumped, with temporary submersible pumps, to transfer water to the East Oily Waste Holding Sump.

The East Oily Waste Holding Sump is to provide for the normal processing of oily waste water. The sump has an oil water separator and is divided into multiple areas:

Inlet pool is where oily waste water enters the system for processing. The inlet pool capacity is approximately 375 ga l/in. normally closed drain valve which is operated via reach rod to allow draining. The oil separator assemblies has three racks; one coalescer and two separators, all divided into six equal areas. Oil and water weir Oil and water weirs are used in directing oil and water into the proper storage section. The oil weir is 1-maximum water capacity of 400 gpm. An oil storage section for separated oil is provided for transferring separated oil to a tanker truck for disposal. The oil storage section capacity is 10,500 gallons (875 gals/foot x 12 feet). Treated water is temporar ily stored and empties into the storm drain (by overflow). The storm drains convey into the Unit 2 circulating water system intake. The raw water containing oil and sediments passes in the horizontal direction between the closely spaced plates in the pack. Laminar flow conditions are established while the water flows across the pack from the inlet to the outlet side. Laminar flow conditions are essential conditions for the effective separation of the oil, water, and solids. In the course of passing from the pack inlet to pack outlet, the oil rises to the top of the plates and slides up the incline of the plate to the top of the process tank and the solids settle to the bottom of the plates and slide down the incline to the bottom of the process tank. Potentially Radioactive Sumps (MW841)


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-65 Rev 3 (MW843)


(MW845) and from the Unit 2 East Turbine Building Sump if it becomes contaminated. The radwaste sump pumps discharge to the chemical waste tanks T-064. The chemical waste tank and processing of liquid radwaste is discussing in Chapter 11. (MW835) (MW836)

Additionally, the Units 2 and 3 East Turbine Building sumps have been repurposed in the permanently defueled condition for the following functions.

The Unit 2 East Turbine Building sump also collects drainage from the following:

Unit 2 MSIV area sump Unit 2 BPS sump Unit 2 West Turbine Plant Area sump Common Auxiliary Building sump East Turbine Building sump also collects drainage from the Unit 3 MSIV area sump Unit 3 BPS sump Unit 3 West Turbine Plant Area sump San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-66 Rev 3 Common Auxiliary Building sump Unit 3 Diesel Generator Building sump In the permanently defueled condition, the Unit 3 East Turbine Building sump pump discharges into the Unit 2 East Turbine Building sump.

The Unit 2 East Turbine Building sump pump normally discharges into the East Oily Waste Holding Sump for processing (nonradioactive). An alternate alignment would be to the West Oily Waste Holding Sump which is normally empty. The East Oily Waste Holding sump separates water from oil and sediments. Treated water overflows into the storm drains that empty into the Unit 2 circulating system intake.

However, if the Unit 2 East Turbine Building sump should become contaminated, radiation monitor 2RE7821 alarms on high radiation level to the CDAS and trips the Unit 2 East Turbine Building Sump pumps. The discharge is manually diverted to the Radwaste Area Sump for processing. Processing of liquid radwaste is discussed in Chapter 11.


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-6 7 Rev 3 H. BPS Neutralization Sump (MW846)

In the permanent defueled condition, the Units 2 and 3 BPS neutralization sumps have been repurposed as additional holding sumps for storing potentially radioactive water if the normal process sumps are full or unavailable. The sump has an operating volume of approximately 17,000 gallons, 2 HP pump motors, and sump pumps rated at approximately 180 gal/min at 10 feet of total developed head. The sump pumps discharge to the East Turbine Plant Sump. As additional sump volume is required, other sumps will discharge into this sump using portable submersible pumps.

I. South Yard Facility Decon Tank and Sump The South Yard Facility Decon Sump and pump are not shown on drawings. See Controlled Drawing 48717 for piping isometric of decon area sump, pump (P-1/P-001), and the connection to the sewer line.

All potentially radioactive liquids generated in the South Yard Facility Building are routed to a sump located in the Decontamination Shop. Liquids from the areas of the building that are designed for processing radioactive materials reach the sump from the floor. Liquids from the Decon Shower are collected in a tank and trucked to the plant for release through a credited liquid effluent release point, such as the Turbine Plant Sump.

Water collected in the Decon Sump is mixed, sampled, and normally discharged to the sanitary sewer system in the South Yard. However, when activity is detected, the sump is drained and transported to a credited liquid effluent release point, such as the Turbine Plant Sump, for release. Safety Evaluation Tests and Inspections Preoperational Testing

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-68 Rev 3 Operational Testing Capability Instrumentation Applications

9.3.2 1.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-69 Rev 3 9.4


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-70 Rev 3 9.4.2 Normal Operation - Auxiliary Building HVAC Systems Design Bases

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-71 Rev 3 a) b) c)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-72 Rev 3 System Description General Description

- - - - - - - -

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-73 Rev 3

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San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-79 Rev 3

Item Control Room

/ Command Center Complex Control Room and Other Rooms Public Address & Radio Rm and Communication s Equipment Room ESF Switchgear, Vital Power/ Distribution and Electrical Areas Radwaste Area Radwaste Room 337 (El 37 ft) Air Conditioning

/ Ventilating Supply Unit E295 E411 (AC Mode)

E430 E433, E434 E883, E884 Type Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Water Cooled Fan Coils Blow-through Draw-through Draw-through Draw-through N/A Floor mounted Floor mounted Roof mounted Roof mounted N/A Number One One One (Unit 2)

Two (Total)

Two (Common) (Common) One (Unit 3)

(Common) (Common) Flowrate each, ft 3/min 35,705 1,440 36,100 (Unit 2) 36,100 N/A 34,215 (Unit 3) Total pressure, in. w.g. 5 3.2 4.0 (Unit 3) 4.5 (Unit 2) 4.5 N/A Motor hp, each 50 3 50 50 N/A Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt N/A Cooling coil capacity, Btu/h *1,152,000 49,980 N/A N/A 15 Ton (each


  • Cooling coil capacity is nominal.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-80 Rev 3 Item Control Room / Command Center Complex PA and Radio Room and Comm Equipment Room ESF Switchgear, Vital Power/Distribution and Electrical Areas Radwaste Area Pre-filter 24-24 x 24 x 2 (Unit 2) 24-24 x 24 x 12 (Unit 2)

Quantity 24-24 x 24 x 12 1-24 x 24 x 6 24-24 x 24 x 2 (Unit 3) 6-12 x 24 x 2 (Unit 3) 24-24 x 24 x 12 (Unit 3) 6-12 x 24 x 12 (Unit 3) 24-24 x 24 x 6 4-12 x 24 x 12 2 Pre-filter s 24-24 x 24 x 12 4-24 x 24 x 12 (Med Eff) 4-12 x 24 x 6 Pressure drop clean/dirty, in. w.g.

0.33 0.33 0.30 (Pre-filter) 0.58 (Medium Eff Filter) 0.33 Efficiency

> 55% average dust spot atmospheric 55% average dust spot atmospheric 25% (Pre-filter) 90% (Medium Eff Filter) spot atmospheric 55% average dust spot atmospheric

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-81 Rev 3 Item ESF Switchgear Area Exhaust Fan A165 Type Vane-axial Number One (Unit 2) One (Unit 3) Flowrate, each ft 3/min 33,235 (Unit 2) 31,355 (Unit 3)

Total pressure, in. w.g. 1.4 Motor hp, each 15 Drive Direct San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-82 Rev 3 Item PA and Radio Room and Comm Equipment Room Battery Rooms Chiller Rooms Health Physics Zone II Air Conditioning / Ventilating Supply Unit E411 (Ventilation Mode)

A355 A051 E220 Type Horizontal Draw-through Horizontal Draw-through Horizontal Draw-through Horizontal Draw-through Floor mounted Floor mounted Ceiling mounted Roof mounted Number One One (Unit 2)

One One (Common) One (Unit 3)

(Common) (Common) Flowrate each, ft 3/min 1,440 4,540 9,550 26,325 Total pressure, in. w.g.

3.2 3.25 2.0 4.5 Motor, hp, each 3 5 10 50 Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt Cooling coil capacity, Btu/h N/A N/A N/A 1,347,200 Item PA and Radio Room and Comm Equipment Room ESF Battery Rooms (El. 50 ft) Chiller Rooms Health Physics Zone II Heating coil capacity, kW N/A N/A N/A 170.8 (OSA)

E288 Pre-filter Quantity 4-20 x 16 x 2 3-24 x 24 x 6 8-16 x 25 x 2 24-24 x 24 x 6 4-12 x 24 x 6 Pressure drop clean, in. w.g. 0.1 0.33 0.17 0.33 Efficiency 20% average dust spot atmospheric 55% average dust spot atmospheric 20% average dust spot atmospheric 50% average dust spot atmospheric

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-83 Rev 3 Item Battery Rooms El 50 ft Chiller Rooms Health Physics and Locker Rooms Zone II Continuous Exhaust Exhaust Fan A169 A052 A152 A153 A150 A151 A155 A154 A310, 311, 312 Radwaste Decon, HP Techs Toilets Kitchen Rep ALARA Elect Test Rooms Corridors Chem Storage Rooms Chem Storage Multi-Purposes and Switchgear HP, DPT Personnel Decon Type Vane-axial Explosion Proof Vane-axial Vane-axial Centrifugal Vane-axial Vane-axial Vane-axial Vane-axial Centrifugal Number One (Unit 2) One One One One One One One 3 One (Unit 3) Flowrate, each ft 3/min 6,111 10,500 2 ,650 430 6 ,340 3,235 5,970 7,820 (Note 1) 78,000 - 85,000 Total pressure, in. w.g. 0.76 0.90 0.95 0.95 1.0 0.83 1.00 1.5 6.8 (nominal)

Motor hp, each 2 3 2 0.5 2 1 3 5 150 Drive Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Belt Note 1: Actual flow rate has been measured to be 10,475 ft 3/min. There is no impact to associated rooms design differential pressure.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-84 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-85 Rev 3 San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-86 Rev 3

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San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-89 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-90 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing Requirements Emergency Operation - Auxiliary Building VAC Systems

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-91 Rev 3 Design Bases System Description

- -

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-92 Rev 3

System Elevation Type (a) Temperature

(°F) ft in Summer (Dry Bulb)

Wint er (Dry Bulb)

Control Room / Command Center cabinet area 30 0 V AC (b) 80 N/A a) AC Air conditioning V Ventilating b) Duct heater provided upstream of ventilation unit for extreme cold weather.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-93 Rev 3 a) b)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-94 Rev 3 Item Control Room / Command Center Complex Ventilation Quantity 1 set Pressure drop, in.

w.g. 3 System Operation

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-95 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing Requirements

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-96 Rev 3 9.4.3 SUPPORT BUILDING VENTILATION SYSTEMS Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-97 Rev 3 Design Bases System Description Component Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-98 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing Requirements

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-99 Rev 3 Safety Equipment Building Ventilation System Design Bases

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-100 Rev 3 System Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-101 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-102 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Turbine Building HVAC System

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-103 Rev 3 Design Bases System Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-104 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-105 Rev 3 Switchgear and Battery Room Ventilation System Previously classified Non-Class 1E UPS System Air-Cond. System Exhaust Air Units Item Supply Air Unit Switchgear Room D6 Battery Room Type A363 Build-up unit N/A A300 Fan only E974, E975 Built-up unit Number of units 1 N/A 1 2 (Unit 2)

Flowrate, Each , ft3/min 30,980 N/A 1,000 2,700 (Unit 2)

Fan Type Vane-axial N/A Van e-axial Centrifugal Drive Belt N/A Direct Belt Total pressure, in.

w.g. 2.5 N/A 1.0 1.2 (Unit 2)

Motor hp 30 N/A 1 2.9 (Unit 2)

Cooling capacity, Btu/hr N/A N/A N/A 70,000 (Unit 2)

Heating coil capacity, kW N/A N/A 21.5 (E506) (Duct heater in supply air duct) 25.5 (Unit 2)

Pre-filter Quality 15 -24 x 24 x 6 N/A N/A 4-16x16x2 (Unit 2) Pressure drop Clean, in. w.g.

0.33 N/A N/A 0.40 (Unit 2)

Efficiency, % (average dust spot atmospheric) 55 N/A N/A 90 (Unit 2)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-106 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing Requirements Penetration Building Ventilation System Design Bases

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-107 Rev 3 System Description General Description Component Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-108 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-109 Rev 3 System Operation

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-110 Rev 3 System Performance Parameters Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing Requirements South Yard Facility Ventilation Systems Design Bases System Description General Description


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-111 Rev 3 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Component Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-112 Rev 3

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-113 Rev 3 System Operation

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San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-115 Rev 3 System Performance Parameters Safety Evaluation Inspection and Testing Requirements

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-116 Rev 3 Item 2nd Floor Air Conditioning System Hot Machine Shop, Hot Tool Room, Beta Booth Corridor, Corridor #2 REMS Work Area, Decontamination Shop HVAC System Supply Air Unit Exhaust Air Units Supply Air Units Exhaust Air Units Break / Assembly Toilets Personnel Decon Corridor #2 Supply Room, Counting Room A/C Unit Hot Tool Room, Hot Machine Shop, Beta Booth Corridor, Decontamination Shop, and Mixed Waste Room Heating and Ventilation Unit REMS Work Area Heating and Ventilation Units Air Conditioning / Ventilation Type Package Roof Top Fan Only Fan Only Fan Only Single Package Roof Top Heat Pump Horizontal Draw-Thru Horizontal Draw-Thru Fan Only No. of Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 (1 stand

-by) Flowrate, Each Ft 3/min 8,050 860 1,740 410 2,250 12,620 2,500 19,980 Fan Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Tube-Axial Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Direct Total Pressure, in. w.g. 1.8 (External) 5/8 5/8 3/8 0.6 (External) 2 2 3 Motor HP 7.5 1/3 0.5 1/4 1 7.5 2 20 Cooling Capacity, BTU/H 248,480* N/A N/A N/A 100,520* N/A N/A Heating Capacity, kW 56 N/A N/A N/A 16.5 131 27

  • Values in this table are nominal rated values. Refer to calculation for design values.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-117 Rev 3 Item 2nd Floor Air Conditioning System Hot Machine Shop, Hot Tool Room, Beta Booth Corridor, Corridor #2 REMS Work Area, Decontamination Shop and Mixed Waste Room HVAC System Supply Air Unit Exhaust Air Units Supply Air Unit s Exhaust Air Units Break / Assembly Toilets Personnel Decon Corridor #2 Supply Room, Counting Room A/C Unit Hot Tool Room, Hot Machine Shop, Beta Booth Corridor, Decontamination Shop, and Mixed Waste Room Heating and Ventilation Unit REMS Work Area Heating and Ventilation Units Air Conditioning / Ventilation N/A N/A N/A N/A Pre-filter Quantity 2-18x24x2 4-24x24x2 16x25x1 4-16x25x2 2-20x20x2 Pressure Drop Clean, in.w.g.

0.28 0.28 0.28 Efficiency, % (Average Dust Spot Atmospheric) 30 30 30 30 Air-Cooled Condensing Unit (for 2nd Floor Air Conditioning System)

A. Compressor Type: Semi

-hermetic Quantity: 2 Capacity: 248,480 BTU/H*

Refrigerant: R

-22 B. Condenser Coil Coil Face Area: 24.75 sq. ft.

No. of Rows: 3 Fins/Inch: 15

.7 C. Condenser Fan No. of Rows: 2 Flowrate: 10,000 CFM HP: 3/4 each Air-Cooled Condensing Unit (for Supply Room, Counting Room)

A. Compressor Type: Hermetic Quantity: 2 Capacity: 100,520 BTU/H*

Refrigerant: R

-22 B. Condenser Coil Coil Face Area: 8 sq. ft.

No. of Rows: 3 Fins/Inch: 15 C. Condenser Fan No. of Rows: 1 Flowrate: 6500 CFM HP: 3/4 San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-118 Rev 3 Item Refueling Ventilation System Paint Shop, Carpentry Shop, Cold Machine Shop, Rigging Test Room, Ventilation System Supply Air Unit Exhaust Unit Supply Air Units Exhaust Air Units Cold Machine Shop Paint Shop Carpentry Shop Rigging Test Air Conditioning / Ventilation Type Horizontal Draw-Thru Fan Only Horizontal Draw-Thru Horizontal Draw-Thru Fan Only Fan Only Fan Only Fan Only No. of Units 1 1 1 1 3 (One Stand

-By) 1 1 1 Flowrate, Each Ft 3/min 3,300 3,200 14,400 14,000 13,400 1,200 500 1,765 Fan Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifug al Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Total Pressure, in.w.g.

2 1/8 2.5 2.5 1/8 7/8 1/4 1/8 Motor HP 2 1/3 10 10 1-1/2 1/3 1/4 1/3 Cooling Capacity, BTU/H N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Heating Capacity, kW 36 N/A 80 80 N/A N/A N/A N/A Pre-filter N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quantity 2-20x25x2 4-16x20x2 4-16x25x2 1-20x20x2 1-20x25x2 4-16x20x2 4-16x25x2 1-20x20x2 1-20x25x2 Pressure Drop Clean, in.w.g.

0.28 0.28 0.28 Efficiency, % (Average Dust Spot Atmospheric) 30 30 30 San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-119 Rev 3 Item Restricted Holding Area Ventilation System Welding Area Ventilation System REMS Holding Area Ventilation System Unit Heater Exhaust Unit Supply Air Unit Exhaust Air Units Supply Air Unit Exhaust Air Unit Room Welding Air Conditioning / Ventilation Type Propeller Type Wall Mounted Fan Only Horizontal Draw-Thru Fan Only Fan Only Horizontal Draw-Thru Fan Only No. of Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Flowrate, Each Ft 3/min 620 3,500 4,700 4,900 4,900 4,800 2,400 Fan Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Drive Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Total Pressure, in.w.g.

1/4 2 3/8 2-1/2 2 0.5 Motor HP 1/5 3/4 3 3/4 3 3 0.5 Cooling Capacity, BTU/H N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Heating Capacity, kW 7.0 N/A 50 N/A N/A 27 N/A Pre-filter N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quantity 3-20x25x2 3-20x25x2 Pressure Drop Clean, in.w.g.

0.28 0.28 Efficiency, % (Average Dus t Spot Atmospheric) 30 30 San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-120 Rev 3 Item Electrical Room Ventilation System Telecommunication room Air Conditioning Outside Air Intake Exhaust Air Unit Recirculation Unit Air Conditioning / Ventilation Type Fan Only Wall Air Conditioning No. of Units 1 1 Flowrate, Each ft 3/min 1,400 175/125 Fan Not Required (Outside air is drawn thru Louver) Type Centrifugal Drive Belt Total Pressure, in.

w.g. 1/8 Motor HP (watt) 1/4 (600) Cooling Capacity, BTU/H N/A 5400 Heating Capacity, kW N/A N/A Pre-filter N/A N/A Quantity Pressure Drop Clean, in.

w.g. Efficiency, % (Average Dust Spot Atmospheric)

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-121 Rev 3 a)



These design elements are considered, however, when analyzing the results of a fire in an area of the plant where a loss of in

-service components and systems in that area would jeopardize spent fuel pool functions or an area with the potential for a radiological release due to a fire in the plant.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-123 Rev 3 Design Bases

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-124 Rev 3 System Description Safety Evaluation Tests and Inspections Component Description

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-125 Rev 3 System Operation Personnel Organization, Qualification and Training


San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-126 Rev 3 System Description In-Plant Communication Systems SCE PAX Telephone System Public Address System

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-127 Rev 3 Emergency Evacuation Alarm System Two-Way Radio Public Offsite Communication System

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-128 Rev 3 Private Offsite Communication System Security Force Communication Power System Communications

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-129 Rev 3 2

2 The SONGS Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan (PDEP) no longer includes an Emergency Operations Facility (EOF); however, the legacy name for this building is still used.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-130 Rev 3 System Operation

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-131 Rev 3 Safety Evaluation Tests and Inspections

9.5.3 LIGHTING SYSTEMS Design Bases

The design basis of the lighting systems is that area lighting intensities provide the illumination required for comfort and worker efficiency in the performance of the visual activities required in that area.

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-132 Rev 3 System Description

he SONGS Ring Bus distribution system described in Chapter 8.

repurposedthe Ring Bus distribution system. Component Description Normal Lighting

the SONGS Ring Bus distribution system. Emergency Lighting Essential Lighting

San Onofre 2&3 UFSAR (DSAR) AUXILIARY SYSTEMS November 2016 9-133 Rev 3 Evaluation

The essential lighting system that serves the Control Room / Command Center and all supports of other lighting systems installed in Seismic Category I structures are designed in accordance with Seismic Category I requirements as specified in Chapter 3 and are consistent with paragraph c.1.n of Regulatory Guide 1.29. The components and supporting structures of any system, equipment, or structure that is not Seismic Category I, and whose collapse could result in the loss of a required function through either impact or flooding, are analytically checked to determine that they will not collapse when subjected to seismic loading. Tests and Inspections
