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{{#Wiki_filter:... ., ' t*. Rancho Seco Final Status Survey Summary Report November 7, 2016 IOS8 Storage Cell 8-3 Survey Unit F8300213 FSS Engineer Approved By: d:>, . Date: 1N/,1 Manager, Rancho Seco Assets 
,FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Survey Unit: F8300213, Interim Onsite Storage Building (IOSB) Storage Cell B-3 Survey Unit Description: Operating History: Designed primarily to store packaged radioactive waste containers safely, protected from the elements, and maintain radiological dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), each storage cell possibly stored media of many types, including filters, resins, contaminated chemicals, DAW, activated reactor components, contaminated plant components and other contaminated items. Site Characterization: Static measurements were made of the interior surfaces of the storage cell, to confirm the absence or presence of plant-derived radionuclides. Static measurements showed a mean gross beta activity level of 1,959 dpm/100 cm2 and a maximum value of 2,239 dpm/100 cm2* Based on the levels of gross activity reported, the area was determined to be a Class 3 area. Survey Unit lleslgn Information: The Survey Unit Design Parameters are presented in Table 1 below. The survey unit and measurement locations are depicted on the maps in Attachment 1. Static measurement locations were randomly determined and approximately 33% of the area scanned. The instrumentation used for the survey along with the MDC values are listed in Table 2-1 Attachment 2. FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Table 1, Survey Unit Design Parameters . .'*'. -*.::_' .*::-Survey Packaoe: F830 Storaoe Cell B-3 Survey Unit: 21 . Class 03 SU Area (m2) 23 Evaluator: JR DCGLw: 43,000 Gross Activity DCGL Area Factor NIA Class 3 Design DCGLemc (dpml100cm2): NIA Class 3 DCGLemc: NIA Class 3 LBGR: 21,500 Default= 50% DCGL Sioma: 136 Scopino Survey Data Type I error: 6.d5' Type II error: 0.05 Predominant Nuclide Cs-137 Sample Area (m2) NIA Total Instrument Efficiency: 0.129 Total Area Scanned (m2): 7.51 Scan Coverage (%) Class 3 Choosing 'NIA' sets material Material Tvpe: NIA background to "O" * < 1.64s** Sign p: *0.99865 Calculated Relative Shift: 158.0. Relative Shift Used: 3.*o Uses 3.0 if Relative Shift >3 N-Value: *H N-Value+20%: .. 1.4 2 FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Survey Results: A total of 15 direct measurements were made in F8300213. The results of the static measurements are shown in Table 2. All of the static measurements were less than the DCGL. None of the scan measurements indicated areas of elevated activity. Swipe data did not indicate elevated activity levels above the MDA. Table 2, Static Measurement Results ***Number* . ' .
* Sam *1e#* .. *-.. :P . *:* .', 1 F8300213X00001 2 F8300213X00002 3 F8300213X00003 4 F8300213X00004 5 F8300213X00005 6 F8300213X00006 7 F8300213X00007 8. F83002l3.XOO_OQ8 9 F8300213X00009 10 F8300213X00010 11 F8300213X00011 12 F8300213X00012 13 F8300213X00013 14 F8300213X00014 15 F8300213X00015 261 248 223 269 253 246 278 27.7 252 264 243 239 245 277 238 1,977 1,879 1,689 2,038 1,917 1,864 2,106 . 2,098 1,909 2,000 1,841 1,811 1,856 2,098 1,803 Table 3 contains the statistical summary of the static measurement data for the Storage Cell B-3. 3 Table 3, Beta Summary Statistics Mean Median Beta Static 8-3 Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Count FSS Storage Cell B-3 1,926 1,909 124 1,689 2,106 15 F8300213 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Survey Unit Data Assessment: The survey design required 14 static measurements for the Sign Test. A total of 15 static measurements were collected. The critical value and the results of the Sign Test are presented in Table 4. The sample mean and median values were less than the DCGL. Table 4, Data Assessment Results Number of Samples: 15 Median: 1,909 Mean: 1 ,926
* Static Data Standard Deviation: .1.24 Maximum: 2,Jci6 :. '.*;,;:. * .. :. ... :.* .. *. ;.-. *:; **;.:/;'.r:'> .. :> Adjusted N Value: 14 S+ Value: ..
* 1'5 Critical Value:
* 10 Sufficient samples collected: Pass: Maximum value <DCGLw:
* Pass Median value <DCGLw: ** Pass Mean value <DCGLw: Maximum value <DCGLemc: NIA Sign test results: Pass* The survey unit passes all conditions: Pass Survey Unit Investigations and Results: No investigations were required for either direct or scan measurements and no investigation results are reported. ALARA Statement: As stated in Chapter 4 of the LTP, as long as the residual activity within the survey unit is less than the DCGL, the ALARA criterion has been met. Changes in Initial Survey Unit Assumptions: The survey unit was designed as a Class 3 survey and the sample results are consistent with that classification. The variability of the survey results was less than the characterization data used for survey design which would result in a larger relative shift value. Since both values are in excess of 3 the difference in the variability does not affect the power of the survey. No potential areas of elevated activity were detected. 4 FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 -* :.:.. ----= =* '.""'_ . .: =--_: _ _.:_**
FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Conclusion: The FSS of this survey unit was properly designed as a Class 3 survey based on the results of the scoping survey. The required number of direct measurements was made and the scan coverage met the requirement of Table 5-6 of the LTP. All of the static measurements were less than the DCGL. No investigations were required. The static measurement data support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and that the data quality objectives were met. It is concluded that survey unit f 8300213 meets the release criteria of 1OCFR20.l402. 5 FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213    Maps November 7, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 -. -. ::.....*. ;:-.. ___ ::. --* -: -. . :' -..:: --=-::'::: =---
,__ A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 CE II Stora geC C-1 C-2 D-1 O<? 0-3 E-1 E-2 E-3 ,__ I I *-SMUDll TIDEWATER INC INTERIM ONSITI!: STORAGI!: BUll .. OING <IOSBI No,: 4;.e.:te'.H*1h* SMUD location: Yuhu ..... *-1n roP: , ,,i.11 ''*H**** AoprOYed by. ApproWll ACY No.: Page I $Fe.?00213XOOl I F 'J00213X0009 *I a.41 oipmllOO"Gm ! 909 1pm/1CO c n' FBJ00213X001J 11 111'6oorn/100cm' FS3002 I (\ 911 Jpm/100 cm* f 830l'.IZ 13X0004 ( 2 038 dp'll/100 an' lt4 ., '<n*l"ll 011ooan> I F 0:'0021 JA()()( 7 fl= :.1oc opm 1 -12 1 s111p 11oocm ( -3il!l'>l100rm I = I 864 dpmlJOO an' FS 00 I D<OOCe = 098dp<r-1100cm FSJOO <!> (. 1 St9 <Jprh/100 Att. I Maps .v 13X0003 r = j 68!1<Jpm/100 cni' _ 1 XOOO I -19, -dpmjtOO cm F8300213    *Instrumentation November 7, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 
**;i;:YIJ.( Beta Static Measurement Swipe Measurements Table 2-1. Survey Unit Instrumentation fy,pe . ',,. . . . Ludlum Model 2350-1 Ludlum Model 44-1 l 6 B Detector Ludlum Model 2929 Ludlum Model 44-10-1 .. 'Migi;niun DetectableAdivity" . ' ' * .. *.. .*, '( . Detector .
* Beta -531 dpm/100 cm2 13.2% Beta -79 dpm/l 00 cm2 43.4% Caiibratfon * . ! . * 'b : , Dt1e Da.te. 317897/331972 2/10/17 182597I188736 5/13/17
* Minimum detectable activities for the count rate instrumentation were calculated in accordance with NUREG-1507, "Minimum Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions" (U.S. NRC, 1997). b Detectors are required to be calibrated once every 12 months. Calibration due date indicates the date by which the detector must be calibrated again. cm2 = square centimeters cpm =counts per minute dpm =disintegrations per minute Page 1 Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300213 Static Measurement MDA Variables Beta Survey Type PR331972 Detector Number 208 Background count rate (cpm) Count Time (min) 0. 132 Efficiency 100 Area of Detector ( cm2) Constants 60 sec/min 2.54 cm/in Assumptions Background count time and sample count time are equivalent Calculate Static MDA St(:ltic =3_+
* t)0*5/t *E
* 1507) Where: Static MDA Page 2 Br t E A Background Countrate Count Time (min) Efficiency Area of detector (cm2) 531 dpm/100 cm2 Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300213 Att. 3 Investigation Attachment 3 Investigation November 7, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 (none required) F8300213    Data Assessment November 8, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 1700 1750 1792 2042 Page 1 Att. 4 Data Assessment F8300213 Mil'Wnun t so Skewr1e1-1 K!.Mi<nit 1 OMOfeE!i-1! -, I 151 1$89.391 2.HliOOi 124.091 0.01 .... 1.925.76 1.mmi l!m 1920 c( '""' ./_,.. / 19ll "'" / ll'Bl *1.5 *1.0 -05 Page 2 Q-Q Plot for Beta Static Activity Cell B*3 y 00 0.5; Theoretical Quantiles (standard Normal) Att. 4 Data Assessment -. */ "/ / 1.0 1.5 F8300213 Activf) H*15 Mean*192& Sd* 124.i 5 ..... 121.2 lrtercec;.1*1926 R
* 0.979 SmeJr _Data_ Cakulation_Sheet_l01316 I IOSB Final Status Survey I I LCl LC2 LC3 LC.1 LC6 LC5 ('CPM : Oatefrime of Count Sample Comments 1. FBJO 021 J x 00001 SM Cell B-3 47 -6 *10/12/16 1300 2 f.830 021 3 x 00002 SM Cell G-3 39 -25 10/12/16 1301 3 1'830 021 3 x 00003 Cell 0*3 47 -6 10/12/16 1302 4 F830 021 3 x 00004 SM Cell B**3 43 -16 '. 10/12/16 1304 5 Fl:\30 021 3 x 00005 SM Cell 0-3 56 14 .10/12/16 1305 6 1'830 021 3 x 00006 SM Cell 13-3 46 -9 , 10/12/lG 1306 7 F!!30 021 3 x 00007 SM Cell G-3 43 -16 : 10/12/16 .1307 8 FS30 021 3 x 00008 SM (('Ii B*3 44 .13 '10/12/16 1309 9 FIJJO 021 3 x 00009 SM Cell 13-3 48 -4 *10/12/16 1310 10 F8JO 021 3 x 00010 SM Cell G-3 50 0 '.10/12/16 1311 11 FS30 021 3 x 00011 SM Ccll ll-3 52 5 '10/12/16 1312 ]/. F830 021 3 x 00012 SM Ccll ll-3 51 3 : 10/12/16 1313 B F830 021 3 x 00013 SM Cell 0*3 56 14 '10/12/16 1314 Jll 1'830 021 3 x 00014 SM (C'll 0*3 44 -13 ;10/12/16 :JS F830 021 3 x 00015 SM Cell 0*3 46 -9 .10/12/16 1317 Rv !);:*low. th1: tNfui1*..'d <:hf:<"k b.1d:1:rounl'.t ch*!t.ks 'SJll1!.f,1i:toril*,* C)('tlormt"d p1101 1o:m1: ttw 1dP.rllii"i*!d l:>t:-low. Ludlum 2929 Bcnchtop Instrument 01:1: eifiU('lrlCV bk& COIJlll 2929 S/N: f(1t<: 1.im1: MD/\ 0.364 llDIV/0! 43-10-1 S/N: 18S736 Cl. cpin mi1\ dpm 1w.r Tech A Sign/ Date rZ-Z-lb I 78.6 NI;'\ Cal Due Date: 5/1.3/2017 0.'134 Tech B Sign/ Date min tlpm Page 3 Att. 4 Data Assessment. F8300213 

Revision as of 07:15, 29 April 2018

Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station - Final Status Survey Summary Report, November 7, 2016, Iosb Storage Cell B-3, Survey Unit F8300213
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 01/04/2017
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML17065A032 List:
DPG 17-038
Download: ML17065A048 (16)


... ., ' t*. Rancho Seco Final Status Survey Summary Report November 7, 2016 IOS8 Storage Cell 8-3 Survey Unit F8300213 FSS Engineer Approved By: d:>, . Date: 1N/,1 Manager, Rancho Seco Assets

,FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Survey Unit: F8300213, Interim Onsite Storage Building (IOSB) Storage Cell B-3 Survey Unit Description: Operating History: Designed primarily to store packaged radioactive waste containers safely, protected from the elements, and maintain radiological dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), each storage cell possibly stored media of many types, including filters, resins, contaminated chemicals, DAW, activated reactor components, contaminated plant components and other contaminated items. Site Characterization: Static measurements were made of the interior surfaces of the storage cell, to confirm the absence or presence of plant-derived radionuclides. Static measurements showed a mean gross beta activity level of 1,959 dpm/100 cm2 and a maximum value of 2,239 dpm/100 cm2* Based on the levels of gross activity reported, the area was determined to be a Class 3 area. Survey Unit lleslgn Information: The Survey Unit Design Parameters are presented in Table 1 below. The survey unit and measurement locations are depicted on the maps in Attachment 1. Static measurement locations were randomly determined and approximately 33% of the area scanned. The instrumentation used for the survey along with the MDC values are listed in Table 2-1 Attachment 2. FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Table 1, Survey Unit Design Parameters . .'*'. -*.::_' .*::-Survey Packaoe: F830 Storaoe Cell B-3 Survey Unit: 21 . Class 03 SU Area (m2) 23 Evaluator: JR DCGLw: 43,000 Gross Activity DCGL Area Factor NIA Class 3 Design DCGLemc (dpml100cm2): NIA Class 3 DCGLemc: NIA Class 3 LBGR: 21,500 Default= 50% DCGL Sioma: 136 Scopino Survey Data Type I error: 6.d5' Type II error: 0.05 Predominant Nuclide Cs-137 Sample Area (m2) NIA Total Instrument Efficiency: 0.129 Total Area Scanned (m2): 7.51 Scan Coverage (%) Class 3 Choosing 'NIA' sets material Material Tvpe: NIA background to "O" * < 1.64s** Sign p: *0.99865 Calculated Relative Shift: 158.0. Relative Shift Used: 3.*o Uses 3.0 if Relative Shift >3 N-Value: *H N-Value+20%: .. 1.4 2 FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Survey Results: A total of 15 direct measurements were made in F8300213. The results of the static measurements are shown in Table 2. All of the static measurements were less than the DCGL. None of the scan measurements indicated areas of elevated activity. Swipe data did not indicate elevated activity levels above the MDA. Table 2, Static Measurement Results ***Number* . ' .

  • Sam *1e#* .. *-.. :P . *:* .', 1 F8300213X00001 2 F8300213X00002 3 F8300213X00003 4 F8300213X00004 5 F8300213X00005 6 F8300213X00006 7 F8300213X00007 8. F83002l3.XOO_OQ8 9 F8300213X00009 10 F8300213X00010 11 F8300213X00011 12 F8300213X00012 13 F8300213X00013 14 F8300213X00014 15 F8300213X00015 261 248 223 269 253 246 278 27.7 252 264 243 239 245 277 238 1,977 1,879 1,689 2,038 1,917 1,864 2,106 . 2,098 1,909 2,000 1,841 1,811 1,856 2,098 1,803 Table 3 contains the statistical summary of the static measurement data for the Storage Cell B-3. 3 Table 3, Beta Summary Statistics Mean Median Beta Static 8-3 Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum Count FSS Storage Cell B-3 1,926 1,909 124 1,689 2,106 15 F8300213 FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Survey Unit Data Assessment: The survey design required 14 static measurements for the Sign Test. A total of 15 static measurements were collected. The critical value and the results of the Sign Test are presented in Table 4. The sample mean and median values were less than the DCGL. Table 4, Data Assessment Results Number of Samples: 15 Median: 1,909 Mean: 1 ,926
  • Static Data Standard Deviation: .1.24 Maximum: 2,Jci6 :. '.*;,;:. * .. :. ... :.* .. *. ;.-. *:; **;.:/;'.r:'> .. :> Adjusted N Value: 14 S+ Value: ..
  • 1'5 Critical Value:
  • 10 Sufficient samples collected: Pass: Maximum value <DCGLw:
  • Pass Median value <DCGLw: ** Pass Mean value <DCGLw: Maximum value <DCGLemc: NIA Sign test results: Pass* The survey unit passes all conditions: Pass Survey Unit Investigations and Results: No investigations were required for either direct or scan measurements and no investigation results are reported. ALARA Statement: As stated in Chapter 4 of the LTP, as long as the residual activity within the survey unit is less than the DCGL, the ALARA criterion has been met. Changes in Initial Survey Unit Assumptions: The survey unit was designed as a Class 3 survey and the sample results are consistent with that classification. The variability of the survey results was less than the characterization data used for survey design which would result in a larger relative shift value. Since both values are in excess of 3 the difference in the variability does not affect the power of the survey. No potential areas of elevated activity were detected. 4 FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 -* :.:.. ----= =* '.""'_ . .: =--_: _ _.:_**

FINAL STATUS SURVEY F8300213 Conclusion: The FSS of this survey unit was properly designed as a Class 3 survey based on the results of the scoping survey. The required number of direct measurements was made and the scan coverage met the requirement of Table 5-6 of the LTP. All of the static measurements were less than the DCGL. No investigations were required. The static measurement data support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and that the data quality objectives were met. It is concluded that survey unit f 8300213 meets the release criteria of 1OCFR20.l402. 5 FSS Storage Cell B-3 F8300213 Maps November 7, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 -. -. ::.....*. ;:-.. ___ ::. --* -: -. . :' -..:: --=-::'::: =---

,__ A-1 A-2 B-1 B-2 B-3 CE II Stora geC C-1 C-2 D-1 O<? 0-3 E-1 E-2 E-3 ,__ I I *-SMUDll TIDEWATER INC INTERIM ONSITI!: STORAGI!: BUll .. OING <IOSBI No,: 4;.e.:te'.H*1h* SMUD location: Yuhu ..... *-1n roP: , ,,i.11 *H**** AoprOYed by. ApproWll ACY No.: Page I $Fe.?00213XOOl I F 'J00213X0009 *I a.41 oipmllOO"Gm ! 909 1pm/1CO c n' FBJ00213X001J 11 111'6oorn/100cm' FS3002 I (\ 911 Jpm/100 cm* f 830l'.IZ 13X0004 ( 2 038 dp'll/100 an' lt4 ., '<n*l"ll 011ooan> I F 0:'0021 JA()()( 7 fl= :.1oc opm 1 -12 1 s111p 11oocm ( -3il!l'>l100rm I = I 864 dpmlJOO an' FS 00 I D<OOCe = 098dp<r-1100cm FSJOO <!> (. 1 St9 <Jprh/100 Att. I Maps .v 13X0003 r = j 68!1<Jpm/100 cni' _ 1 XOOO I -19, -dpmjtOO cm F8300213 *Instrumentation November 7, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213

    • i;
      YIJ.( Beta Static Measurement Swipe Measurements Table 2-1. Survey Unit Instrumentation fy,pe . ',,. . . . Ludlum Model 2350-1 Ludlum Model 44-1 l 6 B Detector Ludlum Model 2929 Ludlum Model 44-10-1 .. 'Migi;niun DetectableAdivity" . ' ' * .. *.. .*, '( . Detector .
  • Beta -531 dpm/100 cm2 13.2% Beta -79 dpm/l 00 cm2 43.4% Caiibratfon * . ! . * 'b : , Dt1e Da.te. 317897/331972 2/10/17 182597I188736 5/13/17
  • Minimum detectable activities for the count rate instrumentation were calculated in accordance with NUREG-1507, "Minimum Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions" (U.S. NRC, 1997). b Detectors are required to be calibrated once every 12 months. Calibration due date indicates the date by which the detector must be calibrated again. cm2 = square centimeters cpm =counts per minute dpm =disintegrations per minute Page 1 Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300213 Static Measurement MDA Variables Beta Survey Type PR331972 Detector Number 208 Background count rate (cpm) Count Time (min) 0. 132 Efficiency 100 Area of Detector ( cm2) Constants 60 sec/min 2.54 cm/in Assumptions Background count time and sample count time are equivalent Calculate Static MDA St(:ltic =3_+
  • t)0*5/t *E
  • 1507) Where: Static MDA Page 2 Br t E A Background Countrate Count Time (min) Efficiency Area of detector (cm2) 531 dpm/100 cm2 Att. 2 Instrumentation F8300213 Att. 3 Investigation Attachment 3 Investigation November 7, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 (none required) F8300213 Data Assessment November 8, 2016 Survey Unit F8300213 1700 1750 1792 2042 Page 1 Att. 4 Data Assessment F8300213 Mil'Wnun t so Skewr1e1-1 K!.Mi<nit 1 OMOfeE!i-1! -, I 151 1$89.391 2.HliOOi 124.091 0.01 .... 1.925.76 1.mmi l!m 1920 c( '""' ./_,.. / 19ll "'" / ll'Bl *1.5 *1.0 -05 Page 2 Q-Q Plot for Beta Static Activity Cell B*3 y 00 0.5; Theoretical Quantiles (standard Normal) Att. 4 Data Assessment -. */ "/ / 1.0 1.5 F8300213 Activf) H*15 Mean*192& Sd* 124.i 5 ..... 121.2 lrtercec;.1*1926 R
  • 0.979 SmeJr _Data_ Cakulation_Sheet_l01316 I IOSB Final Status Survey I I LCl LC2 LC3 LC.1 LC6 LC5 ('CPM : Oatefrime of Count Sample Comments 1. FBJO 021 J x 00001 SM Cell B-3 47 -6 *10/12/16 1300 2 f.830 021 3 x 00002 SM Cell G-3 39 -25 10/12/16 1301 3 1'830 021 3 x 00003 Cell 0*3 47 -6 10/12/16 1302 4 F830 021 3 x 00004 SM Cell B**3 43 -16 '. 10/12/16 1304 5 Fl:\30 021 3 x 00005 SM Cell 0-3 56 14 .10/12/16 1305 6 1'830 021 3 x 00006 SM Cell 13-3 46 -9 , 10/12/lG 1306 7 F!!30 021 3 x 00007 SM Cell G-3 43 -16 : 10/12/16 .1307 8 FS30 021 3 x 00008 SM (('Ii B*3 44 .13 '10/12/16 1309 9 FIJJO 021 3 x 00009 SM Cell 13-3 48 -4 *10/12/16 1310 10 F8JO 021 3 x 00010 SM Cell G-3 50 0 '.10/12/16 1311 11 FS30 021 3 x 00011 SM Ccll ll-3 52 5 '10/12/16 1312 ]/. F830 021 3 x 00012 SM Ccll ll-3 51 3 : 10/12/16 1313 B F830 021 3 x 00013 SM Cell 0*3 56 14 '10/12/16 1314 Jll 1'830 021 3 x 00014 SM (C'll 0*3 44 -13 ;10/12/16 :JS F830 021 3 x 00015 SM Cell 0*3 46 -9 .10/12/16 1317 Rv !);:*low. th1: tNfui1*..'d <:hf:<"k b.1d:1:rounl'.t ch*!t.ks 'SJll1!.f,1i:toril*,* C)('tlormt"d p1101 1o:m1: ttw 1dP.rllii"i*!d l:>t:-low. Ludlum 2929 Bcnchtop Instrument 01:1: eifiU('lrlCV bk& COIJlll 2929 S/N: f(1t<: 1.im1: MD/\ 0.364 llDIV/0! 43-10-1 S/N: 18S736 Cl. cpin mi1\ dpm 1w.r Tech A Sign/ Date rZ-Z-lb I 78.6 NI;'\ Cal Due Date: 5/1.3/2017 0.'134 Tech B Sign/ Date min tlpm Page 3 Att. 4 Data Assessment. F8300213