Information Notice 1999-34, Potential Fire Hazard in the Use of Polyalphaolefin in Testing of Air Filter: Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES
All holders of licenses for nuclear reactors and fuel cycle facilities.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice to alert
addressees to a recent event in which a flame was emitted from a thermal aerosol generator
being used for in-place testing of a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. The aerosol was
generated from a synthetic aliphatic hydrocarbon, polyalphaolefin (PAO). The flame did not
result in personnel injury, but it had the potential to create serious consequences. It is expected
that recipients will review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate. However, suggestions contained in this information notice are not NRC
requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response to this notice is required.
==Description of Circumstances==
On April 28, 1999, at the Department of Energy's West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP),
operations personnel were conducting in-place testing of a high-efficiency particulate air
(HEPA) filter on a main filter bank using a thermal aerosol generator (NUCON F-1000-DG
Model F) to produce a test aerosol of polyalphaolefin (PAO).
In accordance with West Valley's established procedure, the generator heater temperature had
stabilized at 720 OF. The liquid flow valve was placed in the "on" position and adjusted to
produce a predetermined flow rate. Then the vapor adjust control valve (carrier air) was
opened slowly until a steady supply of aerosol was observed. As the vapor adjust control valve
was slowly opened, a 2-to 3-foot-long flame was emitted from the generator discharge port.
The attending operator was able to extinguish the flame by immediately closing both the vapor
control valve and the liquid flow valve.
The thermal aerosol generator had earlier been used to generate dioctyl phthalate (DOP) test
aerosol. Such an aerosol is produced in the generator at a heater block temperature of
approximately 720°F; the auto-ignition temperature of DOP is 7350 F. The heater block
temperature is not adjustable, but the temperature regulator can be replaced with one that will
maintain the heater block temperature at about 625 0F, which is adequate for producing the
PAO aerosol while maintaining a margin below the PAO auto-ignition temperature of 650 0F.
WVDP had changed the test aerosol to PAO but had not modified the heater controls to
produce the lower temperature applicable to PAO.
IN 99-34 December 28, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the
vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that airflow ("carrier air") be
initiated before establishing liquid flow.
Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective
actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event
under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the
aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.
West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures
appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it
remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Michael F. Weber, Director                    Ledyard B. Marsh, Chief
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety                  Events Assessment, Generic Communications
and Safeguards                                and Non-Power Reactors Branch
Office of Nuclear Material Safety              Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs
and Safeguards                              Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Region I                John P. Segala, NRR
610-337-5308                          301-415-1858 E-mail: tii(&_nrc.pov                E-mail: ipsla-nrc.,qov
Candice M. Drummond, NMSS
301-415-6433 E-mail: cmdO-nrc.aov
1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices
2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
Attachment 1 IN99-34 December 28, 1999 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
Information                                  Date of
Notice No.        Subject                    Issuance  Issued to
99-33      Management of Wastes              12/28/99  All medical licensees
Contaminated With
Radioactive Materials
99-32      The Effect of the Year 2000      12/17      All NRC medical licensees
Issues on Medical Licensees
99-31      Operational Controls to Guard    11/17/99  All NRC licensed fuel cycle
Against Inadvertent Nuclear                  conversion, enrichment and
Critically                                  fabrication facilities
99-30      Failure of Double Contingency    11/8/99    All fuel cycle licensees and
Based on Administrative                      certificates performing laboratory
Controls Involving Laboratory                analysis to determine uranium
Sampling and Spectroscopic                  content, in support of
Analysis of Wet Uranium                      administrative criticality safety
Waste                                        controls
99-29      Authorized Contents of Spent      10/28/99  All power reactor licensees and
Fuel Casks                                  spent fuel storage licensees and
99-28      Recall of Star Brand Fire        9/30/99    All holders of licenses for nuclear
Protection Sprinkler Heads                  power, research and test
reactors, and fuel cycle facilities
99-27      Malfunction of Source            9/2/99    All medical licensees authorized
Retraction Mechanism in                      to conduct teletherapy treatments
Cobalt-60 Teletherapy
Treatment Units
99-26      Safety and Economic              8/24/99    All Distributors and/or
Consequences of Misleading                  Manufacturers of Generally
Marketing Information                        Licensed Products
99-24      Broad-Scope Licensees'            7/12/99    All medical licensees' of broad
Responsibilities for Reviewing              scope and master materials
and Approving Unregistered                  licensees
Sealed Sources and Devices
Attachment 2 IN 99-34 December 28, 1999 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
Information                                        Date of
Notice No.              Subject                    Issuance  Issued to
99-33              Management of Wastes.            12/28/99  All medical licensees
Contaminated With
Radioactive Materials
99-32              The Effect of the Year 2000      12/17      All NRC medical licensees
Issues on Medical Licensees
99-31              Operational Controls to Guard    11/17/99  All NRC licensed fuel cycle
Against Inadvertent Nuclear                conversion, enrichment and
Criticality                                fabrication facilities
99-30              Failure of Double Contingency    11/8/99    All fuel cycle licensees and
Based on Administrative                    certificates performing laboratory
Controls Involving Laboratory              analysis to determine uranium
Sampling and Spectroscopic                  content, in support of
Analysis of Wet Uranium                    administrative criticality safety
Waste                                      controls
99-29              Authorized Contents of Spent    10/28/99  All power reactor licensees and
Fuel Casks                                  spent fuel storage licensees and
99-01, Rev. 1      Degradation of Prestressing      10/7/99    All holders of operating licensees
Tendon Systems in                          for nuclear power reactors
Prestressed Concrete
99-28              Recall of Star Brand Fire        9/30/99    All holders of licenses for nuclear
Protection Sprinkler Heads                  power, research and test
reactors, and fuel cycle facilities
99-27              Malfunction of Source            9/2/99    All medical licensees authorized
Retraction Mechanism in                    to conduct teletherapy treatments
Cobalt-60 Teletherapy
Treatment Units
99-26              Safety and Economic              8/24/99    All Distributors and/or
Consequences of Misleading                  Manufacturers of Generally
Marketing Information                        Licensed Products
OL  = Operating License
CP  = Construction Permit
IN 99-34 December 28, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the
vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that air flow ("carrier air") be
initiated before establishing liquid flow.
Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective
actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event
under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the
aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.
West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures
appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it
remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Original signed by                                                            Original signed by
Michael F. Weber, Director                                      Ledyard B. Marsh, Chief
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety                                  Events Assessment, Generic Communications
and Safeguards                                                and Non-Power Reactors Branch
Office of Nuclear Material Safety                              Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs
and Safeguards                                              Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Region I                                          John P. Segala, NRR
610-337-5308                                              301-415-1858 E-mail: tii()nrc.Qov                                      E-mail: ips1)nrc.iov
Candice M. Drummond, NMSS
301-415-6433 E-mail: cmd(-nrc.qov
                1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices
2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DRPMSEC\                      Official Record Copy - *See previous concurrence
"r^.;,    ,  4  A  ,  +i e , tfh
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                                        hn      ,I/n attachment/enclosure F=Co.nv with afftahment/encIosure N = No cony
OFFICE            REXBDRIP        XI      Tech Editor*                                IMNS*                                FCOB*
  NAME              R Benedict                RSanders                                    KRamsey                              CDrummond
DATE              12/16/99                  12/2/99                                    12/13/99                            12/15/99 (tFF::ICF.1      F*RR*                    D:FCOB*        ,/                I        C:REXB            A          1  1 NAME              PTing                    MWeber                                          arsh
DATE              12/16/99                  12/17/99                                Ii7--1*/99
IN 99-xx
December xx, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the
vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that air flow ("carrier air") be
initiated before establishing liquid flow.
Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective
actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event
under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the
aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.
West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures
appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it
remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Micheal F. Weber, Director                                                David B. Matthews, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety                                            Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs
and Safeguards                                                          Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Reg ion I                                                      John P. Segala, NRR
610-337-5308                                                  301-415-1858 E-mail: tii0(nrc..qov                                        E-mail: ipsl *nrc.qov
Candice M. Drummond, NMSS
301-415-6433 E-mail:
              1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices
2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
NAME: S:\DRPMSEC\inhepa4.wpd                            Official Record Copy - *See previous concurrence
TnTi,*    * ~~t*DOCUMENT
1hi ,4n,.,nnnt inli,~t* in th* hvY f.=C*nrnvwin nlttwhm~nt/pncln~lr* F=C,,onv with n~nJmn/enl~r    N = No cony
OFFICE            IEXIDRII                            Tech Editor*                                IMNS*                            FCOB*
  NAME              R Benedict              .          RSanders                                    KRamsey                          CDrummond
DATE            0//16/19                                12/2/99                                    12/13/99                          12/15/99 C)FFIC.F          FCSS                                C:REXB                  I          D:FCCS                /      I      D:DRIP
NAME              PTin.                                LMarsh                              MWeber                              DMatthews
DATE            q/I *,9                                  /  /99                        (7;I99                                / /99
IN 99-xx
December xx, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the
vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that air flow ("carrier air") be
initiated before establishing liquid flow.
Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective
actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event
under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the
aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.
West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures
appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it
remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
-Elizabeth Q.--Ten-Eyck, Director                                                David B. Matthews, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety                                                  Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs
and Safeguards                                                                Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Region I                                                          John P. Segala, NRR
610-337-5308                                                  301-415-1858 E-mail: tii(nrc.qov                                            E-mail: ips1Cnrc.Qov
Candice M. Drummond, NMSS
301-415-6433 E-mail: cmdC@nrc.pov
          1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices
2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
DOCUMENT          NAME: S:\DRPM_SEC\inhepa4.wpd          cf*hmnnt/innclosirm
Record Copy
with ;af1~thment/enclosure N = No COOV
T^r=,    *nl  ln,- ,m~nt indlir-*l* in th1= h~l ('=Cnn,, win, M.-he
reevo pyo
. mu, REXB:DRIP        ( g"\'*?
Tech Editor            JRBenedict
U.        IMNS
KRamsey                                FOOB
CDrummond 61--( 4 DATE          Z/1l'/99                                I 1 Z-19 9      ""_1_                        _    _  __                              o115199 OFFICF          FCss                        I        IC: REXB                            D:FCOB                                  D:DRIP              I 11 NAME            PTing                                  LMarsh                              S                                      DMatthews
DATE        J      /99                              1      /99                            / /99                                  /  99}}

{{Information notice-Nav}}
{{Information notice-Nav}}

Latest revision as of 22:41, 11 December 2023

Potential Fire Hazard in the Use of Polyalphaolefin in Testing of Air Filter
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/28/1999
From: Marsh L, Weber M
NRC/NMSS/FCSS, Operational Experience and Non-Power Reactors Branch
Weber M, Marsh L
Download: ML993550113 (7)







All holders of licenses for nuclear reactors and fuel cycle facilities.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice to alert

addressees to a recent event in which a flame was emitted from a thermal aerosol generator

being used for in-place testing of a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. The aerosol was

generated from a synthetic aliphatic hydrocarbon, polyalphaolefin (PAO). The flame did not

result in personnel injury, but it had the potential to create serious consequences. It is expected

that recipients will review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate. However, suggestions contained in this information notice are not NRC

requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response to this notice is required.

Description of Circumstances

On April 28, 1999, at the Department of Energy's West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP),

operations personnel were conducting in-place testing of a high-efficiency particulate air

(HEPA) filter on a main filter bank using a thermal aerosol generator (NUCON F-1000-DG

Model F) to produce a test aerosol of polyalphaolefin (PAO).

In accordance with West Valley's established procedure, the generator heater temperature had

stabilized at 720 OF. The liquid flow valve was placed in the "on" position and adjusted to

produce a predetermined flow rate. Then the vapor adjust control valve (carrier air) was

opened slowly until a steady supply of aerosol was observed. As the vapor adjust control valve

was slowly opened, a 2-to 3-foot-long flame was emitted from the generator discharge port.

The attending operator was able to extinguish the flame by immediately closing both the vapor

control valve and the liquid flow valve.

The thermal aerosol generator had earlier been used to generate dioctyl phthalate (DOP) test

aerosol. Such an aerosol is produced in the generator at a heater block temperature of

approximately 720°F; the auto-ignition temperature of DOP is 7350 F. The heater block

temperature is not adjustable, but the temperature regulator can be replaced with one that will

maintain the heater block temperature at about 625 0F, which is adequate for producing the

PAO aerosol while maintaining a margin below the PAO auto-ignition temperature of 650 0F.

WVDP had changed the test aerosol to PAO but had not modified the heater controls to

produce the lower temperature applicable to PAO.


IN 99-34 December 28, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the

vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that airflow ("carrier air") be

initiated before establishing liquid flow.

Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective

actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event

under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the

aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.

West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures

appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it

remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any

questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts

listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


Michael F. Weber, Director Ledyard B. Marsh, Chief

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Events Assessment, Generic Communications

and Safeguards and Non-Power Reactors Branch

Office of Nuclear Material Safety Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Region I John P. Segala, NRR

610-337-5308 301-415-1858 E-mail: tii(&_nrc.pov E-mail: ipsla-nrc.,qov

Candice M. Drummond, NMSS

301-415-6433 E-mail: cmdO-nrc.aov


1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Attachment 1 IN99-34 December 28, 1999 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED


Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to

99-33 Management of Wastes 12/28/99 All medical licensees

Contaminated With

Radioactive Materials

99-32 The Effect of the Year 2000 12/17 All NRC medical licensees

Issues on Medical Licensees

99-31 Operational Controls to Guard 11/17/99 All NRC licensed fuel cycle

Against Inadvertent Nuclear conversion, enrichment and

Critically fabrication facilities

99-30 Failure of Double Contingency 11/8/99 All fuel cycle licensees and

Based on Administrative certificates performing laboratory

Controls Involving Laboratory analysis to determine uranium

Sampling and Spectroscopic content, in support of

Analysis of Wet Uranium administrative criticality safety

Waste controls

99-29 Authorized Contents of Spent 10/28/99 All power reactor licensees and

Fuel Casks spent fuel storage licensees and


99-28 Recall of Star Brand Fire 9/30/99 All holders of licenses for nuclear

Protection Sprinkler Heads power, research and test

reactors, and fuel cycle facilities

99-27 Malfunction of Source 9/2/99 All medical licensees authorized

Retraction Mechanism in to conduct teletherapy treatments

Cobalt-60 Teletherapy

Treatment Units

99-26 Safety and Economic 8/24/99 All Distributors and/or

Consequences of Misleading Manufacturers of Generally

Marketing Information Licensed Products

99-24 Broad-Scope Licensees' 7/12/99 All medical licensees' of broad

Responsibilities for Reviewing scope and master materials

and Approving Unregistered licensees

Sealed Sources and Devices

Attachment 2 IN 99-34 December 28, 1999 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED


Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to

99-33 Management of Wastes. 12/28/99 All medical licensees

Contaminated With

Radioactive Materials

99-32 The Effect of the Year 2000 12/17 All NRC medical licensees

Issues on Medical Licensees

99-31 Operational Controls to Guard 11/17/99 All NRC licensed fuel cycle

Against Inadvertent Nuclear conversion, enrichment and

Criticality fabrication facilities

99-30 Failure of Double Contingency 11/8/99 All fuel cycle licensees and

Based on Administrative certificates performing laboratory

Controls Involving Laboratory analysis to determine uranium

Sampling and Spectroscopic content, in support of

Analysis of Wet Uranium administrative criticality safety

Waste controls

99-29 Authorized Contents of Spent 10/28/99 All power reactor licensees and

Fuel Casks spent fuel storage licensees and


99-01, Rev. 1 Degradation of Prestressing 10/7/99 All holders of operating licensees

Tendon Systems in for nuclear power reactors

Prestressed Concrete


99-28 Recall of Star Brand Fire 9/30/99 All holders of licenses for nuclear

Protection Sprinkler Heads power, research and test

reactors, and fuel cycle facilities

99-27 Malfunction of Source 9/2/99 All medical licensees authorized

Retraction Mechanism in to conduct teletherapy treatments

Cobalt-60 Teletherapy

Treatment Units

99-26 Safety and Economic 8/24/99 All Distributors and/or

Consequences of Misleading Manufacturers of Generally

Marketing Information Licensed Products

OL = Operating License

CP = Construction Permit

IN 99-34 December 28, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the

vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that air flow ("carrier air") be

initiated before establishing liquid flow.

Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective

actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event

under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the

aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.

West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures

appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it

remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any

questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts

listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


Original signed by Original signed by

Michael F. Weber, Director Ledyard B. Marsh, Chief

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Events Assessment, Generic Communications

and Safeguards and Non-Power Reactors Branch

Office of Nuclear Material Safety Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Region I John P. Segala, NRR

610-337-5308 301-415-1858 E-mail: tii()nrc.Qov E-mail: ips1)nrc.iov

Candice M. Drummond, NMSS

301-415-6433 E-mail: cmd(-nrc.qov


1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DRPMSEC\ Official Record Copy - *See previous concurrence


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NAME R Benedict RSanders KRamsey CDrummond

DATE 12/16/99 12/2/99 12/13/99 12/15/99 (tFF::ICF.1 F*RR* D:FCOB* ,/ I C:REXB A 1 1 NAME PTing MWeber arsh

DATE 12/16/99 12/17/99 Ii7--1*/99

IN 99-xx

December xx, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the

vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that air flow ("carrier air") be

initiated before establishing liquid flow.

Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective

actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event

under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the

aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.

West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures

appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it

remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any

questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts

listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


Micheal F. Weber, Director David B. Matthews, Director

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Office of Nuclear Material Safety

and Safeguards

Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Reg ion I John P. Segala, NRR

610-337-5308 301-415-1858 E-mail: tii0(nrc..qov E-mail: ipsl *nrc.qov

Candice M. Drummond, NMSS

301-415-6433 E-mail:


1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

NAME: S:\DRPMSEC\inhepa4.wpd Official Record Copy - *See previous concurrence

TnTi,* * ~~t*DOCUMENT

1hi ,4n,.,nnnt inli,~t* in th* hvY f.=C*nrnvwin nlttwhm~nt/pncln~lr* F=C,,onv with n~nJmn/enl~r N = No cony


NAME R Benedict . RSanders KRamsey CDrummond

DATE 0//16/19 12/2/99 12/13/99 12/15/99 C)FFIC.F FCSS C:REXB I D:FCCS / I D:DRIP

NAME PTin. LMarsh MWeber DMatthews

DATE q/I *,9 / /99 (7;I99 / /99


IN 99-xx

December xx, 1999 The operators actuated the two control valves in an order opposite to the order presented in the

vendor's operating manual. The vendor's manual recommends that air flow ("carrier air") be

initiated before establishing liquid flow.

Following the event, West Valley suspended all HEPA filter testing on site until corrective

actions were completed. The vendor of the thermal aerosol generator simulated the event

under the same flow conditions and valve manipulations. The vendor observed flames at the

aerosol discharge port in approximately 75 percent of the tests.

West Valley has modified its generator heater block controls and its valve operating procedures

appropriately and, in conjunction with the vendor, has modified the carrier air valve so that it

remains open a small amount even when in the closed position.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any

questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts

listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate Project Manager of the Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) or of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


-Elizabeth Q.--Ten-Eyck, Director David B. Matthews, Director

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs

and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Office of Nuclear Material Safety

and Safeguards

Technical Contacts: Todd J. Jackson, Region I John P. Segala, NRR

610-337-5308 301-415-1858 E-mail: tii(nrc.qov E-mail: ips1Cnrc.Qov

Candice M. Drummond, NMSS

301-415-6433 E-mail: cmdC@nrc.pov


1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DRPM_SEC\inhepa4.wpd cf*hmnnt/innclosirm



Record Copy

with ;af1~thment/enclosure N = No COOV

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Tech Editor JRBenedict


KRamsey FOOB

CDrummond 61--( 4 DATE Z/1l'/99 I 1 Z-19 9 ""_1_ _ _ __ o115199 OFFICF FCss I IC: REXB D:FCOB D:DRIP I 11 NAME PTing LMarsh S DMatthews

DATE J /99 1 /99 / /99 / 99