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S                                                                                                                                          b' i                                                        .
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l 22. At the end of the plant life, theklicensee shall decontaminate the facilities and i                                                                                                                                  >
l 22. At the end of the plant life, theklicensee shall decontaminate the facilities and i                                                                                                                                  >
lj        site in accordance with the general decommissioning plan submitted in the enclosure                                          f f/          to the letter dated January 12, 1979, so that these facilities and grounds can be released to unrestricted use. The financial commitment to assure that funds will be j
lj        site in accordance with the general decommissioning plan submitted in the enclosure                                          f f/          to the {{letter dated|date=January 12, 1979|text=letter dated January 12, 1979}}, so that these facilities and grounds can be released to unrestricted use. The financial commitment to assure that funds will be j
i g
i g
i          available for decommissioning in the letter dated March 8, 1979, is hereby
i          available for decommissioning in the {{letter dated|date=March 8, 1979|text=letter dated March 8, 1979}}, is hereby
(          incorporated as a condition of the license.                                                                                  lg t 1l                                                                                                                                          i k23.Thelicenseeshallcontinuethesoilsamplingprogramforthespentlimestonefill                                                              f f
(          incorporated as a condition of the license.                                                                                  lg t 1l                                                                                                                                          i k23.Thelicenseeshallcontinuethesoilsamplingprogramforthespentlimestonefill                                                              f f
ql areas, as described in the letter dated February 29, 1984, until discontinuance is authorized by the Commission, j
ql areas, as described in the {{letter dated|date=February 29, 1984|text=letter dated February 29, 1984}}, until discontinuance is authorized by the Commission, j
jy lj                                                                                                                                        h l  1                                                                                                                                      !
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1      . The report or petition should be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear                                                l>N i
1      . The report or petition should be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear                                                l>N i

Latest revision as of 09:45, 9 December 2021

Amend 8 to License SNM-33 for C-E,amending Condition 6 to Authorize Possession & Use of U Enriched to Max 5.0% in U-235 Isotope
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 06/16/1988
From: Rouse L
Shared Package
ML20195J478 List:
NUDOCS 8806290145
Download: ML20195J515 (5)


gumm mm a m mm mm m m m mmurnummwac.anazmarm im .anfcumi~ii m mm m a m m m mm m mm m ,,m, g NRC Form 374 g !g PAGE OF 5 PAGES g 10 80) U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l MATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganintion Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 -438), and Title 10, g Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations !,

g heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, !g source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to 'l ddiver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This !R license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is il subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Ccimmission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below. g Licensee 1.

Combustion Engineering, Inc. .

3. License number SNM-33 Amendment No. 8 j

g 2.

P. O. Box 107 Hematite, Missouri 63047 December 31, 1988 1 6 1988 f

, .2 lI

, 4. Eipirstiondate lH 2


5. Docket or 'f g /U-3b j

, Reference No. '

p i
6. Byproduct, source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physical C8. Maximum amount that licensee (W special nuclear material form may possess at any one time

. 4

'[jader this licepse
B i

E A. Uranium enriched to A.? Any, excluding meta y A. 8,000 kilograms ,1 j

(/JW maximum 5.0 weight 1 powder. . cont,ained U-235 percent in the U,-235 isotope d'l A V

4 t 4 b~



B. Uranium, any U-235 B. P,.'::350 grams enrichment -

. Any ]! _I}l. ,Q F- - .- q.3 jlp C. Source materia 1I (Uranium and Thorium)

C. Any,l e$cYubin'g metal '

powder *' i.j C7 50,000 kilograms j

i 4

{ 'a )

D. Cobalt-60 b. 0. ' Sealed sources I+ / 40 millicuries, 1 f,


. .ln 3 :P l 9. Authorized Use: For use in accordance with the stateme'nts, representations, and conditionscontainedinPartIofthe' licensee!s'renewalapplicationdatedFebruary26, l ljg q 1982, and supplements dated July 21,1982f Febi'uary 21, 1983; May 31, 1984; April 29 and June 6,1988; and letters dated February 29, 1984, January 20, 1986, and ;p' j

N March 30, 1987.


!I 10. Authorized Place of Use: The lice.nsee's existing facilities in Hematite, Missouri, h

) as described in the referenced license renewal application.  ;$

I 11. Quarterly inspections by the Supervisor, NLS&A, or his representative shall be 4 preplanned and shall be documented. Such documentation shall be maintained for N 2 years.

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l 8906270145 080616 PDR ADOCK 07000036 C PDit l ,-

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NRC Form 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION p4ac 2 op 5 PAGES I License number i MATERIALS LICENSE SNM-33, Amendment No. 8 l ,

  • ""'"""# l SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET JUN 161988 l l i I

j i


12. A written report shall be made by the NLS&A Supervisor to the Plant Manager every lg 6 months reviewing employee radiation exposure (internal and external) and effluent release data to determine: 1 il
a. if there are any upward trends developing in personnel exposure for identifiable l categories of workers, types of operations, or in effluent releases; j i
b. if exposures and releases can be lowered in accordance with the ALARA commitment;  !
c. f equipment for efflu p sur cn o i g properly used, maintained, and insp .

l 13.Thelicenseeshalllehestsealedsourcesinaccordance the enclosed "License j Condition For Leak T tigS aled Byproduct Material S ur e .

14.ReleaseofequipmenDndmatNt rom the plant ,

r to cle areas onsiteIshall I be in accordance wf% the encto uidEEnes o ontamina i n of Facilities and i Eouipment Prior to lease fot ricted Ds Licenses for I Syproduct, Source, p--

. Special n n

r Mlrtenthl,' etl August . 7.

k<ehnination j l


ly i

15. Pursuant and scraptomaterial 10 CFRp, c'o.302 ' ei mi,g nt ste Wn' Td ,t'dztreat ource material by I nt&' faMue t r + :l e llI

] incineration. g C J

/ d' U-23[5Vnd/ l

)!g 16.Within60daysofth@bateo 4 1ceYs keoe he lic e shall submit to the l NRC a description of ypfoposed m6hithri/1gippdgr dete e y ioactivitytdijpe'ht li ston k u,the seGquantity andfill as onsite environmental ef fects oG f material and to determine environmental effects o oor storage of the alpha-

  • lj!I

$(% contaminated material. !N

17. The licensee shall survey spent eMnkochihargefromeachHFscrubber g for beta contamination. Rock with beta contamination which exceeds five times !y gj the background of fresh rock shall not be ut,ed for landfill. n i
18. Within 60 days of the date of this license renewal, the licensee shall submit to NMSS I i a plan, including schedule, for the disposal of alpha-contaminated spent limestone j!>

rock.  !,

19. Tne licensee shall decontaminate the two evaporation ponds such that the average 'I y

residual contamination in each pond does not exceed the appropriate limit of either ll 250 picocuries of insoluble uranium or 100 picoeuries of soluble uranium per dry gram :p of soil. The Tc-99 concentrations in a composite sample for each pond shall be l determined. ,y 11





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l ucense nurnber l MATERIALS LICENSE SNM-33, Amendment No. 8 ,jy p t g gggg _


l 70-36 y l

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> 1 l

1 11 l l !I I il l 20. a. If the radioactivity in plant gaseous effluents exceeds 10; pCi per calendar i j quarter, the licensee shall, within 30 days, prepare and submit to the !g l 1 Commission a report which identifies the cause for exceeding the limit and ll l 1 the corrective actions to be taken by the licensee to reduce the release rates. l 1 If the parameters important to a dose assessment change, a report shall be llI I submitted within 30 days which describes the changes in parameters and includes @

j an estimate of the resultant change in dose commitment.g 1


!y 1 b. In the event that the calculated; dose:to;any, member of the public in any !g 1 consecutive 12-month periodtis'about to exceed ,the limits specified in 40 CFR !n 1 190.10, the licensee shall,tak'e immediate steps to reduce emissions so as to li l comply with 40 CFR 190l10. As provided in 40 CFR'190'11, the licensee may 'N j petition the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a varfapcp from the requirements l 3

of 40 CFR 190.10. If a petition for a variance is anticipated the licensee shall ,,

1 submit the request at least 90 days prior to exceeding the limits specified in !g 1 40 CFR 190.10. / y 2, l Qg 1 Jj < '.l llp 1 21. The licensee shalll maintain and 4xecute thacresponse'm'easures 6h his Radiological il li Contingency Plan submitted to the' Commission'byslet^ter dated December 28, 1987. The j licensee shall also maintain implementing procedu,re's for his Radfological Contingency jl>

1 Plan as necessary to implement theM lan. ~Theilic_ensee shall makV no change in his i g

Radiological Contingency Plan that woulo_ decrease'the response effectiveness of the 1l 1, Plan without prict Commission approvaMas eddenced by a.licensbamendment. The y[

p 1; licensee may make changes to'his Radiolog'ibal Contingency Plan kithout prior it 1

Commission approval tif, the;not ' decrease the responfe' effectiveness of the f f; Plan. The licensee shall furnish thi Chief,tFuel Cycle Safet9) Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical, Nuclear Safety, NHSS, U. SJ/Muclear Regulatory Commission, f s ip

@y Washington, DC 20555, a feport containing a description offeach' change within gi if 6 months after the change 6fs made, w



S b' i .

l 22. At the end of the plant life, theklicensee shall decontaminate the facilities and i >

lj site in accordance with the general decommissioning plan submitted in the enclosure f f/ to the letter dated January 12, 1979, so that these facilities and grounds can be released to unrestricted use. The financial commitment to assure that funds will be j

i g

i available for decommissioning in the letter dated March 8, 1979, is hereby

( incorporated as a condition of the license. lg t 1l i k23.Thelicenseeshallcontinuethesoilsamplingprogramforthespentlimestonefill f f

ql areas, as described in the letter dated February 29, 1984, until discontinuance is authorized by the Commission, j

jy lj h l 1  !

1 . The report or petition should be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear l>N i

fl 1t Material Safety and Safeguards, with a copy to the Regional Administrator, Region III.

jf i


'i 2

l>l I



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[. License number y F MATERIALS LICENSE SNM-33, Amendment No. 8 JUN 161988 I I SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET g

[ _70-36 y L i



, i

I L l i
24. The monitoring program for the spent limestone shall include:

l-F a. Continuous air sampling at the center of, and approximately 1 meter above, the lg

[ uncovered spent limestone piles for a minimum 2 year period. The weekly samples lll C may be composited and analyzed for urgium activity on a quarterly basis. The lI lower limit of detection shall be 10 pCi/ml, or il l'

b. Measurement of the uranium activity on the surface of the spent limestone, Prior to conducting such a program, the licensee shall submit the sampling f g and analytical program to the NRC for approval.> p

. .i i

25. Processing of UF 6 in 10-ton cylinders is not authorizsd! ), j n

l 26. The 10-ton UF6 cylinders shall be equipped with valve protectors. ,

1 P ,

27. The concrete pad for= storage of UFc cylinders and the surrou'nding area shall be lg, sloped or graded so that any sp41Nd combustible fluids'would not be confined to ll O

j the storage area. , ,

3 / . j ;M

_7 , ,- , i5

-l28.Nocombustiblesshallbestored'on"theccncretepad. ,V

, @)


29. A CO 2 fire extinguisher she.ll be.reEdily available near th'e stoFage pad. f f a & ll'!i . ' s

? N l l1 l' 30.March In addition 30, 1987, UFto cylinderswhich'areiin_

the cortrols in Section!I *ofs the. enclosure transport _andcontajningUF heels to the lE l L

  1. i g!

shall be either sekled, in sealed ove'rpacks~, .or'in sealed vehicles.

u .

. .t n .

6 j


[ j 31. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 4.2.3 of the application, the 4

l k-effective of a unit or an. array of units shall not exceed 0.95 unless l g

!l specifically authorized by the license. I e

b32. Nuclear criticality safety evaluations performed b'y the licensee in accordance with N

p Section 2.7, Part I of the application, shall be based on assumptions of optimum moderation and reflection of individual safe units and of arrays.

j iE f

il 4 ij 33. Nucienr criticality safety evaluations involving k-effective calculations performed 't

j by a Nuclear Criticality Specialist shall be independently reviewed and approved by ja an individual having, as a minimum, the qualifications of a Nuclear Criticality lj>

d Specialist. i 50 lp1

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l N C Form 375A U.S. NUCLEAR R EGUL AToRY COMMISSION 5 o, 5 PAGE paces $

I License number SNM-33, Amendment No. 8 JUN 161988 l


l F l f I f f

,I w 1 34. For uranium enriched to more than 4.1 w/o U-235, the licensee shall limit the F 1 agglomeration / granulation process, each agglomerated powder storage location, and [

1 the pellet pressing operating to safe mass units as specified in Table 4.2.4, 1 Part I of the application. ;l 1 .;

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T r o g i:l glh FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION i q i 91.iginal Signed By:

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)yh,M e # i 1 'V Leland C. Rouse i:l Date: J1W u rf' W e By: f j! Division of Industrial and Medical y

Nuclear Safety, NMSS ,1 D Washington, DC 20555 1 k

i I I



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