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_T_VA __ _ _S_e_qu_o_ya_h_
_                    _N_uclear_ Plan _ t
_____ ___ _____________                            ru_s_, wu_u_sE_R_ _ _ T_ _N_R_O_S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
docets! _ L O ,. _B u _?i.qqq _Umns.fDs s _ S D _ Ml _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                              t*sM".use_ _ [_4_ 23,], pg 6 [gg _ _ _._ _ _ _ ,
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yy_ez gegn_ _ g._ h _ gg g g e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (SVMR) is being submitted for the 2nd yest's O 2nd year O 4th year monitonng requirements or the 4th years monitanng requiremerts:
List the industry sector (s) whch apply (ies) to this outfairs sto'm,'wajer r        discharge (i.e., A, B, C, 0, etc.):      0 Note: Read !nstructions on back
* before completing this form.
t Out'all fwe : i S.W,l, Desgnate the outfsn wvth a three-character code (e g.,001 or SW1 etc.). In the spaces beiow, pronse the resuns or quarterpy storm meter monstonns for the
        - desegneted outeu. The perumsters for whech monsonng must be conduced depend on which industry sec:or(s) of the Mulb-Sector Gene il Perrrut apply to this discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.
              ;                            Cut-Cff                                              Quarterty Mcnitenng Results (mgA)
Cor. centra. l sample                                                                                          Average of
:        Effluent                      ,
:, Units      . Type      ist Quarter l 2nd Quarter              3rd Quarter  l 4th Quarter      four quarters
:      Charactenste            tion j Aluminum. Total Rec.          0.75        mgA l Grab l N/A                    l      N/A                N/A            N/A            N/A , _
Ammonia                        4.0        mg4 l Grab l N/A.                          N/A            l  N/A              N/A            N/A l Arsenic. Total Rec.            0.17        mgA l Grae l N/A                          'N/A            l 'N/A          l    N/A            N/A
              .eco.5. cay                      30          mg4 l Grac l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A
              ' Cacmium. Total Rec.          0 016        mg4 l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A              ,
Chemical cry cemand          120          most l Gran I N/A                          N/A            l  N/A        l    N/A            N/A
              , Chromium. Total Rec.          0.200        mg4 j Gran              N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
              ! Copper. Tetal Rec.            0.064        mgA l Grab              N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
              ! Cyaruce. Total '              O.064        mg4 l Grae l N/A                            N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A l Fluoride                        n/a        mg4 l Grab l 'N/A                          N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A iiron. Totai Rec.                s.0      ' men l Gram l 7.30                            2.00                1.20      l    0.190          2.67
              . Lead. Total Rec.              0.082        mg4 l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A              j j Magnesium. Total Rec.        0.064        mg4        Grao    l N/A                    N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A              l l Mercury. Total Rec.          0.0024        mg4        Gran          N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A i Narate plus Nitrate Ntf.      0.68        mgA        Grab          N/A                N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A j od and crease            ,
is        mea        Gran          N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A              j l pH '                    '    5 0.g 0        s.u.      Gran          N/A s u.            N/A s u. '        N/A s u.        N/A  s.u.      N/A    s.u.
i Phosphorus                      2.0        mg4      Grab          N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A i Phosphorus. Total (as P)        n/a        mgA l Grue              N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
            . i s'elenium. Total Rec.          0.24        mgA        Grao    l N/A                    N/A                N/A          I  N/A            N/A i saver, Total Rec.            0 032        mgA l Gram l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A i Totai suspended solids 5
200        mgA        Grad    l N/A l Zinc, Total Rec.              0.11 7      mg4        Grab          N/A                N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A l                                                0 9904090103 990300                                                          (connnued on reverse)
ROAs 2399 and 2400 PDR            ADOCK 05000327 R                                    PDR_
* e, Accitienti Charact2rctics (if rsquisted)                                                                                          .
I                                                  l                l                                  L 1st Quarter      2nd Quarter        3rd Quarter      4m Quarter 3/18/98          5/7/98          '9/21/98          12/19/98 cares sampies were collected: (Month / Day / Year)
TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratcry Names of laboratory (s) that analyzed semples Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.
t certify under penalty of law thss document and all its attachrnents were prepared under my carecten or supervisaon in accrxcance wth a system desagned to assure quali5ed personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submrtted. Based on rny inquary of the person or persons who manage the system, or those paraons directy respons@e for gathenng the information, the informabon submrced is, to the best of rny knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am awafe there are agnincant penattses for submrtbng falsa information, including the possibsry of fine and impnsonment for knowing volations.
                                                                                              #dW] -
NAME/ TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTrVE CHICEe Masoud Bajestani                                                14d                                                                1        I Site Vice President                                                        nvironmental Supervisor                          f 02      26        99 S;GNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE CntCER CR AUTHORCED AGENT j hiONTH          DAY    YEAR T vpED oR PRINTEO instructions
: 1. The purpose of thrs form is to report storm water d scharge monitonng results under the Tennessee Storm Water MultkSector General Permd (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the year mondonng is regi. ired. For exarnpie, monitonng required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
: 2. The permit rs diveed into 30 different industry sectors and m some cases, subsectors. Not all industry secors or subsectors are required to perform monitonng of reorm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine wnen sectors of the permit appfy to cischarges from your facihty, ard to determine whether or not the Octm water drscharges at your facility must be sampled. If so, oetermine whch parameters must be monitored.
Ezamples        Tertale Mall .. .... ..      Sector V... Net required to perform analytical rnonitonng Automobile Salvage Yard. .. Sector M.. .Must sampie its storm water discharges for Total Suspended Solids, Aluminum, Iron, and Lead.
: 3. The Tennessee Muft9 Sector General Permrt requires a facility to rnonitor its storm water diseiarge(s) once per quarter dunng calendar yesr 1995 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exck ption to tnts is noted beicw in instructen 4.
4      For a given out'all, if results of the second years monitonng for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentrabon, the facikty can waive monrtonng requirements for this pa'ameter in the fourin year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze sampies for all four quarters of the second year and must submit these results on time according to instrucen 1. To take advantage of this opton, the facility cperater must subr'ut, m lieu of tne fourth year's monitonng results, a statement art;fying industnal cperations have not changed substantially since the second years monitenrig, and the same orimproved storm water management controls are in place.
: 5. For a new facihty obtaining permit coverage dunng 1998 sampling must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1996 calendar year. For example,if a facility obtains permd coverage in June,1998, it must conduct sampling in the second and tfurd quarters of 19G8 and submd those resuits by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from monitonng in the yeer 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monitonng in the Arst quarter (s) of 1999 s4nce a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to obtain tne waiver.
6 in the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitoring for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarters results are tabulated, average the quarterty monitonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For results reoorted as ".ess than" a certain concentraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For esen qtarter, grve the date when the storm water event was sampled: If results were taken from more than c.1e storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last samp6e. Also give the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Complete a separate form for each out*all sampled.
: 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentraten for two consecubve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field office (as referenced in your perma) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceedance.
: 6. Be sure this form rs complete, signed and dated before you submit it. Keep a copy of tne completed form for your records.
: 9. Submit the original form and one copy to the following address:
Divrsen of Water Pollution Control Compliance and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annen 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243 1534' l
jTvA Chem.r. -)                                C h e t t e r< c. ; a    T e r:m c = r e e l 09:01 l 03/E4/9E' NFLES FidAL DATA REF OR~
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: Dennis L.          Meinsrt Lab Sample :98/02231                      Projf:t L + s d s r-sample ID Information              :0.?TORMWATER #1 Sample ccements                    :FE.CU Semple type / matrix              :HEO Sample : llection datE '96021S                          SSG?le Collection time :1025 Sample login date                  :990315              Sample receivcc by lab '980319 Sample account number              :000XiFS-P,DLM,5GN l    Alt    IDC  l      Analysis Performed            l  result        i            -------------l urits 990320          M r, f.
MDlCP'U        r1 e t a ; i. 01 gest IC? Ueter 1ron, T;te      in Ucter            T 00          LFP          u s,'L 01045 1ren "at e enc Time                  9803E3,1604                EFA 200.T 0104EDT NOTE: A $ (dellar sign) in the result field indierte; th+ t+st was not antlyzed within the holding time.
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L a t.        s eriip l e N u m b e r    98/03956        Project Leeder : Scott R. McNabb
pie AD 1 ra t o r ma t i o n      :t JSW H1 bemple comrnente                              :FE dample type / metrix                          $H2O cemple. collection date s y e . ., u /                          Setup le co l lect i on time 2815
    ; ernp le login date                          :980508          Sarnp le receivec by lab :980507 b ernp l e e:: c o u n t nurnber              8000X1PS-P,bkn,20N j          Alt. 1DC          l        Analysis Perforrned    l  result    I      units            !
01049                1ron, lotal in Water              2000. LKP    ug/L v10450T              Iron Date and Time                980512.1351      EPA 200.7 MDlCP'W              Metals Digest ICP Water          980b11      MHA NulE              A $ (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding tiroe.
: 9. .
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1      l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooga, Tennessee l l 10/01/98                NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT                          10:20 l
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Lab    Sample Number :93/08535 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information      :$STORMWATER #1
* Samp1'e. comments          :FE Sample type / matrix      :H2O Sample collection date :980921                Sample collection time :532 Samole login date          :9SO921            Sample received by lab :980921
            ' Sample account number      :000X1PG-P,CCC,SQN l    Alt. IDC l      Analysis Performed        I  result  I      units          1 MDICP'W      Metals Digest ICP Water        980923    MAA 01045-      Iron, Total in Water            1200. WHR      ug/L 01045DT      Iron Date and Tirae            980923,1939      tPA 200.7 NOTE: A $_(dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.                          ,
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Cr.a t t an c e ;    Tennessee i 1
I        j 12/29/96                                tJF DE S FINAL DATA REPORT                                              14:40 l  ;
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NOTE: A 0 (callar sign) i- the resul: fia:t indicat+r the tsc                                                      was not analyzed withir the helding time.                                                                            1 1
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_ ____S_e_qu_o_y a_h_    _N_u_c_l_ea r Plan t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Tu_s_p
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i Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (SVWR)is being submitted for the 2nd year's monstonng requirements or the 4m year's monitanng requirements:
O              Oey                                4
List the industry sector (s) which appty(ies) to this out'ars storm. wafer discharge (Le.. A, B, C O, etc.):            O                                          j Note: Read instruccons on back                                      '                          l before completing this form.
t Outfall No.: S y ' 2 -                                                                                    -
Designate the outfaa with a three-character code (e.g 001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces below provide the results of quarterly storm water rnonnonng for tbs designated outfaa. The parameters for which monitoring rnust De conduded depend on which industry sec:or(s) of the Mua4ctor General Perrrut apply to this
        . discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit. and check the parameters which apply,
              ;                                    Cut-Off                                          Quarterly Morutonng Results (mgA)                                      !
Samp;e                                                                              Average of i          Erfluent              concentra.
tion  Units        Type        1st Quarter l 2nd Quarter          3rd Quarter      4th Quarter    four cuarters Charactenstic j Aluminum. Total Rec.                0.75    mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A            N/A , _
Ammonia                              40    mg4 l Grab l N/A.                          N/A-              N/A              N/A            N/A
: Arsenic, Total Rec.                c.17    'mg4 l Grab l N/A                          'N/A              'N/A              N/A            N/A
              , sod.5-Day                            30    mga l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A I cadmium. Totat Rec.                0.016    mgn l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A Chemical Cry. Demand                120    mgA ! Grab I N/A                            N/A                N/A        !    N/A            N/A i ch.omium. Totai nee.              0.200    mgA j Grab          l N/A                  N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A
              ! Copes- Total Rec.                  0.064    mg4 l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A            N/A
* Cyamde. Total                      0.0s4    mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
: Fluoride '                            n/a  regA l Grab l N/A                          N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
              ' iron. Total Rec.                      50    mg4 l Grab l 0.96                      l  7.40          l    1.10        l    3.4            3.22 Lead. Total R ec.                  0.082    mg4 l Grab l N/A                            N/A          l    N/A        l    N/A            N/A i Magnesium. Total R ec.            0.064    mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A          l    N/A        l    N/A            N/A      _
{ Mercury. Total Rec.                0.0024  mgA          Grab        N/A              N/A          l    N/A        l    N/A            N/A j Nrtrate plus Nitrate Nitt          0.68    mg4          Grab    l N/A                  N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A l oa and Grease                          is  mg4          Grab    l N/A                  N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
                                      '                                                                                    N/A              N/A            N/A      s.u.
lp4                                  5.0-9.0  s.u. l Grab l N/A              s.u. N/A      s.u.            s.u.              s.u.
i Phosphorus                            2.0    mgA        Grab    l N/A                  N/A                N/A            -N/A            N/A t
i Phosphorus, Total (as P)              n/a    mgA        Grab    l N/A                  N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
i Seienium. Total Rec.                0.24    mg4 l Grab { N/A                          N/A.              N/A              N/A            N/A 0.032    rngA l Grab l N/A                          N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A
{ Silver. Total Rec.
i Total Suspended Solids              200    m94        Grab        N/A'              N/A                N/A.            N/A            N/A
            . c ._. .      ___              ..
              .Zine, Total Rec.                    0.117    mgA        Grab        N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A            N/A l
RDAs 2399 and 2400 CN 1115                          .                                        (continued on reverse)
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Addition 11 Chiractinstics (if riquxted)                                                              .                                                      _
l                !
i I            I                      .
I                I ist Quarter    2nd Quarter      3rd Quarter    4m Quarter cates sampies were collected: (Month / cay / Year) 3/18/98          5/7/98          9/21/98        12/7/98 TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names ofiaboratory(s) that analyzed sampies Attach copy (es) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.
I certify under penalty of law this document and all its attachments were prepared under my diredian or supervsaon in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submrt!ed. Based on my inqury of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc!y responsible for gathenng the informabon, the informabon subtrutted sa, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalbes for submrtting false information, including the poss4behty of fine and impnsonment for imowing violahons.
CA E NAME/ TITLE PRINCIPat EXECJTrVE OmGn Masoud Bajestani                                                                  >      Mdh                                        I      I Site Vice President                                                            virc. mental Supervisor                    l 02 l 26          99 YE.AR MPEO CR PAINTEC                                              l SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECJTIVE OAGR OR AUTH wd5.T./ AGENT l MCNTH l D&Y Instructions
: 1. The purpose of thrs form is to report storm water d:scharge menstonng results under the Tennessee Storm Vater Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of tne year following the year monitonng is required. For exampe, monstonns required dunng 1998 rs due by March 31,1999.
2 The permrt is divided into 3o different industry sectors and in some cases, subsectors Not all industry sectors or subsectors are required to perform monitonng cf storm water discharges. Refer to the permrt itself to dete'Tnine which sectors of the permit appfy to discharges from your facihty. and to determine whether or not the s!crm water discharges at your facihty must be sampied. If so, cetermine which parameters must be monitored mple s'    Tertrie Mill..              .. Sector V.....Not required to perform analytical monitonng Automobsle Salvage Yard.. .. Sector M.....Must sampie its storm water d:scharges for Total Suspended Solids, Aluminum, iron, and Lead.
: 3.      The Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facility to monaer its storm water disearge(s) once per quarter dunng canendar year 1996 and once per quader dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instruction 4.
: 4. For a grven out'all, if results of the second years monstonng for a parameter average less than the cut-ofl concentration, the facility can waive monstonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be ehgibie for this waiver, the facility rnust collect and analyze samples for au four cuarters of the second year and must submrt these results on tir'1e according to instruebon 1. To take advantage of this option, the facihty cperator must submit, in heu cf the fourth years menstonng resu!!s. a statement cert @ng industna! cperations have not enanged substantialty since the second years monetenng, and the same or improved storm water management controis are in place.
: 5. For a new facshty obtaining permit coverage dunng 1998, samphng must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example,if a fac:hfy cbtains permit coverage in June,1998, it must conduct samphng in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facalay may seek a waiver from mondonng in the par 2000 (as desenbed at:cve in instruebon 4.) by monstonng in the Arst quarter (s) of 1999 54nce a total cf four consecutrve samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.
6 in the spaces provided in the taole, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitoring for the dessnated outfalt. After the 4th quarters results are tabutated averace the Quarterty rnonstonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For resuas reported as"less than" a certain concentration, use one hair of that concentraben for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampied. If results were taken from rnere t%an one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also grye the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Complete a seperste form for each out*sil sampled.
: 7. If the'results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecubve s.amples, then you must report this occurTence to the appropnate field o!nce (as referenced in your permst) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceecance.
: 8. Be sure this form is compiete, signed and dated before yo'u submit it. Keep a copy of the compieted form for your records.                                  f 9 Submit the onginal form and one copy time llowing address:
l Division of Water Polluton Control                                                                )
Compliance and Enforcement                                                                    l
6th Ficor LAC Annex                                                                      l 401 Church Street                                                                        l Nashville, TN 37:43 1534
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            -/ TVA Environmental Chem Etry
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Lab Sample Nu.mter :98/02232                                      Project Leader : Dennis L.                      Meinert
            - Sample ID Information                        :@STORt1 WATER _#2 Sample. comments-                            :FE,CU Sample. type / matrix.                        :HEO.
            ' Sample collection date : 900318                                            Esmple collecticn time                    10E0 Sampi.e.login date                            :980318                      Semple      received          by. lab  : 980318
            . Sample account number                        :000X1PS-F,DLM,8GN l    Alt, IDC          l        Analysis Performed                        i    result          ]            unite          !
MDICP'W              Metals Digest ICP utter                              9E0320            ti A h 01045                  Iren, Total in Water                                960            LEF          ug/L 01045DT                Iron Det+ and Time                                  ?50317, C:'                  3FA E00.T          4 1
rJOTE: As (dolier' sign) in the result field indicat ec t he t est was not_ analyzed within the holding time.
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4* TU A *E n 0 i r onrnent a l themistru                                            Cnettanooga, Tennessee I            i j Ow15/98                                N    P  D t. s  FINAL DATA      REFus1                        15:1? i      l
    ................................................... page                                            1  .........        l Leo ., e rnp l e N u rnb e r :93/03957                          Project Leader : Scott R          11cNabb G      ile 10 1 rt r o r ra 6 t i o n  : i'a o W
                                                    .      *? /.
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01v45              Iron, Total in Weter                            7400. LRP        ug/L                  !
Olue5DT              1ron Date end Time                              980512.1955        EPA 200.7 11DICP'W            11etals Digest ICP Water                        980511      11 A A N U 'i t    A $.(dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analured witnin the nolding time.
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l TVA Environmental Chemistry                                              Chattanooga; Tennessee l l 10/01/98                            t' ODE'S  FINAL  D  ATA  REPORT                          10:20 l e''g .================================================ page                                      t =========
      . Lab Sample Number :98/08536                                Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry l        Sample ID Information                  :@STORMWATER #2 Samp1'e comments                        :FE Semple type / matrix                    :H2O Sample collection date :980921                                    Sample collection time :540 Sample login date                      :980921                  Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account number                  2000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON
{    Alt. IDC        l        Analysis Performed                l    result  l    u'n i t s          l MDICP'W                Metals Digest ICP Water                    980923    MAA 01045                  Iron, Total in Water                      1100.      WHR ug/L 01045DT                Iron Date and Time                        980925,1102    EPA 200.T              l l
NOTE: A5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.                                                  ,
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l TVA Environment al Chemistry                            Chattaneoga, Tennessee 1 l 12/14/98                          FINAL DATA REPORT                        08:22 l  l
                ==================================r================ Page                1 =========  !
ab Sample Number        95/10759          Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information          :@#2 Sample comments                :FE Sample type / matrix            :H2O Sample collection date          9E120T            Sample collection time    1835 Sample login dat e              :981209            Sample received by lab : 981209 Semple account number            000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON 1
1    Alt. IDC    l        Analysis Performed      l  result  j      units        [ ,
2 MDICP'W          Metals Digest ICP Water        981211    MAA 01045            Iron, Total in Water          3400.      WHR  ug/L 01045DT          1ron Date and Time            981211,1631    EPA 200.7      4 1
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Indcate whether this storm water morntonng report (SMMR)is being submitted for the 2nd years O 2nd year O 4th year tronitonng requirements or the 4m years monstonng requirements:
Lt st the industry sector (s) wh'    c h appty(ies) to this outtairs storm 'wajer discharge (i.e., A, B, C, D. etc.):    0
      -                                                                      Note: Read instructions on back Out'all No.: - Si W i 3 -                                                                                    -
J Designate the outrail wth a three-character coce (e.g.,001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces below, provide the renuns of quarterly storm vetor rnannonng for the desagneted outfall. The persrreters for whch monnonng must be conduced cepend on whch industry secor(s) of the MunsSector General Perrnet apply to this I discharge. Look up your sector (s)In the permit, and check the parameters which apply.
            ;                                    Cut-Off                                            Cuarterty Monttonng Results (mgA)
Sample                                                                            Average of i          Etnuent                conce ntra.                                                                                              four quarters Charactenste                  tion      Units      . Type        1st Quarter l 2nd Quarter l 3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter
            ; Alurmnum, Total Rec.                0.75        mgM l Gram l N/A                          N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A            N / A , , ,,,
Ammonia                              4.0    'l mgA l Grab l N/A.                          N/A                N/A        l  N/A            N/A
            ; Arsenic, Total Rec.                0.17        mg4        Grab      l N/A                N/A              'N/A        l 'N/A            N/A
            . Boo. 5-cay                            30        mgM l Gran l N/A                          N/A                N/A        l  N/A            N/A Cadmium. Total Rec.              0.01 6      mgM l Grab i N/A                          N/A                N/A        l  N/A            N/A chemical cry. Demand                120        mgM ! Grae ! N/A                          N/A            l  N/A        !  N/A            N/A                    f i enromium. Total Rec.              0.200        mon i Gran          l N/A                N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A            N/A
            ' copper. Totai r e c                00s4        med ! Gram l N/A                          N/A            l  N/A        l .N/A            N/A
            ! cyanice, Total '              l C064          mg4 ! Gran i N/A                          N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A            N/A
: Fluonde                              n/a      mgM l Grab !'N/A                          N/A                N/A        l  N/A            N/A
            ' tron, Total Rec.                      5.0      mgA l Grab l              0 9}              1.50              5.10      l    1.90          2.37 Lead. Total Rec.                  0.082      mg4i Grao i N/A                            N/A            l  N/A        I  N/A            N/A l Ma gnesium, Total Rec.              0.064      mg4        Grab      l N/A                N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A            N/A l Mercury. Total Rec.                0.0024      mg4        Grat      l N/A                N/A            l    N/A          N/A            N/A I Nitra's plus Nrtrate Nitf.          0.68      mgM        Grao      l N/A                N/A            l  N/A            N/A            N/l i oit and Grease                        is      mgA        Grao      l N/A                N/A                N/A      l  N/A            N/A lpr                      '
S.0-9.0      s.u.      Grab      l N/A        s.u. N/A      s.u.      N/A s.u. l    N/A s .u . N/A      s.u.
i Phosphorus 2.0      mgA l Gram l N/A                          N/A                N/A      l  N/A            N/A                    l i Phosphorus Total (as P)              n/a      mgA        Grab      l N/A                N/A            l  N/A        !  N/A            N/A i S 'ienium, Total R ec.              0.24      mgA        Grab      l N/A                N/A            l  N/A          N/A            N/A l Saver, Tetal Rec.                  0.C32      mgM l Grad l N/A                          N/A                N/A        l  N/A            N/A iTotai suspended Solids                200                                N/A              N/A                N/A        l  N/A            N/A mon l Gran l22nc Total Rec.                    0 117      mea l Gran                N/A              N/A                N/A          N/A            N/A RDAs 2399 and 2400 CN-1115                            ,
(continued on reverse) l
a A!ditiond Chiractenstics (rf rsquisted)
I                                                                                    l                I ist Quarter      2nd Quarter      31 Quarter    4th Cuarter _
NUN              NM                  O                N Dates sampies were collected: (Month / Day /vear)
TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names of lacoratory(s) thst analyzed samples Attach copy (ieS) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.
I cartify under penalty of law this document and all its attachments were prepared under my directen or supervasaon in accordance with a system designed to assure quahfied personnel property gathered and evaluated the informabon submrtted. Based on my inquey of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directty responsible for gathenng the informanon, the informabon auberutied is, to the best of my knowledge and behef, true, accurate; and cor9p;ete. I am aware there are agrufscant penaltses for sutunftting false informabon, including the possibihty of fine and impnsonrnent for knowing volations.
* cal NeuE/*iTLE PRINCIPAt EXEcuTrVE OFFICER 1        I Masoud Bajestani
Site Vice President                                                            tvironmental Supervisor                      02      26        99 S;Gw URE OF PRINC: PAL EXECUTrvE orriCER OR AUTHORCED AGENT l8dONm( CM l YEAR TvPED OR PRINTED Instructions 1      The purpose of thrs form is to report storm water c:scharge monitoring results under the Tennessee Storm Veter MutLSector General Permit (TMSP) You must submit the form with results by Marcn 31 of the year following the year monstonng is required. For exampie, monttonng required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
2 The permit is drnded into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases. subsectors. Not all industry sectoe* -- " sectors are required to perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine which sectors of the permit apply to e narges from your facility. and to determ6ne whether or not the storm water discharges at your facility must be sampled, if so, cetermine which parameters must be monitored Examples          Textile Mill..            .. ... Sector V.. .Not recuired to perform analytical monitonng Automobile SaNage Yardm .. Sector M.....Must sample its storm water discharges for Total Suspended Solids. Aiurninum, Iron, and Lead.
: 3. The Tenness?e Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facilrry to monrter as storm water disenerge(s) once per quarter dunng caiendar year 1998 and ofice per qua,rter dunng calendar year 2000. An excepten to this is noted below in instrucion 4.                                                        f 4      For a given outfall, if results of the second years monstenng for a parameter avera;e less than the concentration, the fachty can waive monitonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be ehgible for this warver, the facihty must collect and analyze sampies for all four quarters of the second year and must suDmit these resufts on time according tc instrucDon 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility operator
        .must submit, in lieu of the fourtr, year's monitenng 'esuts, a statement cerufying industnal cperatens have not changed substantially since t%              j second yeaf s monstonng, and the same or improved storm water management controls are in place.                                                              j l
: 5. For a new faelity obtaining permit cove age dunng 1998, camphng must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example, if a fachty obtains oermit coverage in June,1998, it must ccnduc samphng in the second and third qua9n. of 1998 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from montonng in the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monitonng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 since a total of four cc?tsecutive samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.
: 6. In the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitonng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarters resuits are tabulated, svenice the cuarterfy monitonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For results ruoorted as"less than" a certain concentration, use one hairof that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For eacn quarter, give the date when tne storm water event was sampled. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also tive the namets) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Cornplete a separate form for eacn out'all sampsed
: 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentraten for two consecutive samples,inen you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field office (as referenced in your permat) within 30 cars of your becoming swire of the exceedanor.
: 8. B'e sure this form is complete, sagned and dated before you submit R. Keep a copy of the enmpleted fann for your records D. Submn the ongmal form and one copy to the following accress:
Divrsion of Water Pollution Control Comphance and Enforcement 6tn Ficor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-1534 1
                                                                    .c                                                                                                i l
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i.03/24/98                      '
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Lab Sample Number : i'B/ ?li~ ~                        Project Leider : Ds,.n!s L. Meinert Sample ID Inferratien.                '@iTORMWATER #3' Sample comments                        :FE,CU Sample type / matrix-                  :H2O
                  -Sample collection date :510318-                                Sample collection time                10ES Samp1e login cate                      :9?O318                Sample received by., lab ;930313 Sample account n u m b e r-          2000X1PS-P,DLM,50N                                                        i 1
l    Alt    IDC    l      . Analysis Ferformed              I    result      l          units            l MOICP'W          Metals Digest -ICP. Water                  950320        r1 A A 01045            Iron, Total in Water                        ??0.      '_ F F      ug/L 0104EDT:        Iren Date and Time'                        930323,16?i            EPA 200.7 NOTE: A3 (dollar sign) . i r. the result field i ndica es the test was net analyzed within the holding time.                                                                l
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Chattanooga, Tennessee l j TVA Environmental Chemistry l.10/01/98                        NPDES FINAL DATA  REPORT                            10:20 l
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Iab Sample' Number :98/0853T                      Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Semple ID Information              :@STORMWATER #3 Semple comments                    :FE          -
Sample type / matrix                :H2O Sample. collection date 1980921                        Sample collection time :545 Sample login date                  :9609El          . Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account. number              :000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON l      A l ^t . IDC l    . Analysis      l result  l      ' tin i t s          l MDICP'W        Metals Digest ICP Water        980923    MAA 01045          Iron, Total in Water            5100. WHR    ug/L 01045DT        Iron Date and Time              980923,1943      EPA 200.7 NOTE: A s (dollar sign) in the result field i ndicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.                                -
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l TVA Environmental 1 Chemistry                              Chattancoga, Tennessee 1
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    "''.ab-Sample Number :98/10760
          -                                            Froject Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Infermation          :@#3 Sample comments                :FE Sample type /marrix            :H2O Sample collection date :98120T                      Sample collection time >1835 Sample login dat e            :981209              Sample received by lab :981209 Sample account number          4000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON
          'l    Alt    IDC  [      Analysis Performed          l  result      l    units          l MDICP'u          Metals Digest ICP Water            981211        MAA 01045            Iron, Total in Water                1900.        WHR ug/L 01045DT          Iron Date and Time                981211,1629      EPA 200.7-
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Indicate whether this storm water mordtonng report (SWMR) is being submitted for the 2nd years O n year O 4 year monnonng requirements or the 4th years monitonng requirements:
List the incustry sedor(s) which apply (les) to thrs outfall's storm. water discharge (i.e.. A, B. C, D. etc.):              0 Note: Read instructions on back                                .
More comPMng this fonn.
  , Outfall No.: ,
t S, W , 4 ,                                                                                ,.
Designate the outfall vntn a three-character coce (e.g 001 or SW1. etc.). In the spaces below, proves the resutts of quarterty storm water monitoring for the designated outfall. The parameters for which monotonno must be conducted depend on which industry sector (s) of the Mult> Sector General Portrut apply to this I drscharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.                                                                                        ,
        ;                                    Cut-Off                                                Quarterty Monitonng Resuas (mgA)
Sample                                                                                          Average of i          Effluent                concentra.                                                                                                            four quarters Unas        . Type        1st Quarter        2nd Quarter        3rd Quarter      l 4th Quarter Cha ractenstic                tion j Aluminum. Total Rec.          l    0.75    mgA l Grab l N/A                                N/A                  N/A            l    N/A                N/A_ _
Ammonia                            4.0    mea l Gran l N/A.                              N/A                  N/A            l    N/A                N/A
        .' Arsenic. Total Rec-                0.17    mg4 l Grab l N/A                                N/A
                                                                                                                          'N/A            l'N/A                  N/A
        . Boo. 5-cay                            30    mgA l Grat l N/A                                N/A                  N/A            l    N/A                N/A I Cadmium. Total R e c.              0.016    mgM l Gran l N/A                                N/A                  N/A            l    N/A                N/A chemical oxy Demand                120    mg4 ! Grab I N/A                                N/A              l  N/A            !    N/A                N/A i chromium. Total Rec.              0.200    mgAl Grue              l N/A                    N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A
        ! copper. Totat Rec.                0 064    mgA l Gran I N/A                            l  N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A
        ! cyanide. Totat '                  O.064    mo  n l Grab l N/A                          l  N/A            l    N/A            l    N/A                N/A
        ! Fluoride                      l      n/a    mg4 l Grab l'N/A                                N/A                  N/A          l    N/A                N/A
        ' iron. Total Rec.              l    50      mgA l Gne l                  1.60                1.10          i    1.80          l    12.0                4.13 Lead. Total Rec.                  0082      mg4 l Gram l N/A                                N/A                  N/A          l    N/A                N/A l Magnesium. Total Rec.              0.064    mg4 l Grab l N/A                                N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A h Mercury. Total Rec.                0.0024    mg4        Grat      l N/A                    N/A                  N/A                N/A                F/A j Narate plus Nitrate Nitt.          0.68    mgA          Grad      l N/A                    N/A                  N/A          l    N/A        l      N/A            ;
i oa and Grease                          is    mg4          Gran      l N/A                    N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A N/A                N/A  s.u.        N/A      s.u.
* 5.0 9.0  s.u.        Gran l N/A                s.u. l N/A      s.u.                s.u.
        ! Phosphorus                            2.o    mgA          Grab      l N/A                    N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A i Phosphorus. Total (as P)              n/a    mgA f Grab l N/A                                N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A l Seieruurn, Total Rec.                0.24    mgA l Grab                .N/A                N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A i solver Total Rec.                  0.032    mg4 f Grab                  N/A                  N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A i Totsi suspended solids
      .t._...__.__                -
200    mgii j Gram            l N/A                                                        l
        '. zme. Total Rec.                    0.11 7  mga l Gran l N/A                                N/A                  N/A            l  N/A                N/A l              l                                                            l RDAs 2399 and 2400 CN-1115                                                                    (continued on reverse)
t-Additional Ch;racunstics Of rzeuested)                                                                                          .
I                                                                                    i                l l              1 1st Quarter      2nd Quarter      3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 3/18/98          5/7/98          '9/21/98      12/7'/98                              .
o:tes sarnpies were cohected: (Month /caynear)
TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory fernes of iaboratory(s) tnat anatyzed samples Attach copy 6es) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.
I certify ur.Jer penalty of law this Occumerd and all its attachments were prepared under my direcion or supervaion in accorG&nce with a system designed to assure quaMed personnel property gathered and evaluated the informaton submrted. Eased on my inquey uf the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direcly resoonsible for gathenng the informabon the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am awa,re there are significant penalties for submitung fasse informaton, including the possibility of fine and smpnsonment for knowing violations.                        ,
C#4 n.AuEft'fLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE oplCER Masoud Bajestani                                                            24#                                                  I      I Site Vice President                                                        .E      1ronmental Supervisor                  l02l26          99 TE.AR TvPEO OR PRINTED                                                  $1GNAfuRE CW PRINCPAL tDtEc.lTNE OFICER OR AUTHOR 5D AGENT WONN l Q4T instructions
: 1. The purpose of this form is to report storm water discharge monstonng results under t*e Tennessee Storm                          Water monitonng For example, MultLSector General You must submit tne form with results by March 31 of the year followmg the year mondonng as required.
(TMS P).
required dunng 1998 is due by March 31.1999.
2      The permn is divided into 30 different ridustry sectors and in sortie cases, subsecors. Net allindustry secors or sut; sectors are required to perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to cetenTiine which secters of the permd apply to crscharges from y facility. and to determine whether or not the storm water discharges at your faciftty must be sampled. If so, determsne wtisch parameters monitored Examples'        Textile Mill..                .. Sector V.....Not required to perform analytical monitonns Autoniobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M-..Must sample its storm water discharges for Total Suspended Solids. Aluminum, iron, and Lead.
The Tennessee MulteSecor General Permit requires a facahty to monitor its storm water discharge (s) once per quarter dunng calendar year 1992 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to tnis is noted below its instrucion 4.
4      For a given outfall. if results of the second years montonng for a parameter average '.ess than the cut-off concentration, the facility can waive montonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be ehgible fcr INS waiver, the facility must collect and analyze sempies for all four ovarters of the secono year and must submd these results on tme according to ins *aacien 1. To take ar! vantage of tNs opton, the facihty operator rnust submit. in heu of the fourth years monnonng resu"s. a statement cer1 dying industnal cperations have not changed sucstantially since the second yeafs monstonn(1, and the same or improved sto!Tn water rnanagemes.t controts are in pace.
: 5. For a new facihty obtaitung permit coverage during 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaineg quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example,if a facihty obtains permit coverage in June,1998, it must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submd those results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from montonng in the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instracbon 4 ) by monitonng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 since a total cf four consecutrue samphng events are required to cDtain the warver.
6      in the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitanng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarter's results are tabulated. averzoe the cuarterty monitanng resuts, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For resues reoorted as less than" a certain concentraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averagmg. For each quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampled. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the Inst sarnpie. Also give the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Comp'ete a separate form for each out'all sempied.
: 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecuove samples, then you must report this occurTence to the appropr.ute field effice tas referenced in your perma) witNn 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceedance.
D. Be sure this form is complete. s#gned and dated before you submd d. Keep a copy of the compiered form for your records.
9 Submit the ongmal form and one ccpy to the following address:
Divrseon of Water Pollution Control Comphance and Enforcemer.t 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-1534
s              ,~
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            ,    TVA Envircnmentel O n e n. _ r t r -                                              C: 2 - t .5 m '    3  Tennessee !
            ,    u-m-,m- a. f 9 p N. p _n -r .e Fi"A8
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Leb ssmple Number '98,'0213                                5  c. ject Leader : Den Is L.                        Meiner Sample ID In'-+mati:n                  :@i~CP.MUATER #4 e
vample            comments              : r e. , C U Sample type / matrix                    . HEC Sample collection date -980318                                        Sample collection time                        101E Sample login date                        '1.5 0 31 E                  Sample received by ,l ab :980318 Simple account number                      000X195-P,DLM,cGN l
Alt, IDC      l      Analcsis Performed                    l      result              l            units            j MDICP'u          Metals Digest ICP Water                          980320                M A /,
01045              Iron, Tctal in Water                            1600              LRP          up/L 01045DT          Iren Date and Time                              930323,:525                      E:A 200.T NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result fiele indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.
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J 1 DN *E nI;1 r o ntnen t e i Lnrtr; iet r v                                                    Chatt'anooge. 1 e r. n e s s ee }                      l 6 t , .i ? / '- 8                          hPDtd FINAL DATH RdPURT                                                        15:18 l                !
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L. a u s a rap i e N u nib e r 898/03959                              Project Lea 1er                  Scott R. McNebb 3,                                                                                                                                                  ,
4 jle 1D I nf o rruat i on                :@bk #4                                                                                              l
    <a cia r; l e c o rarne n t s                    :r E Sctnp l e t u ce/ raat r i x                      :n2u Sainp le co i Ieetion date :980507                                                  . ie cc1iection t t roe :ob8                                    4 b a ru p l e login date                            980508                      d    en.p  l e received bu lab :980507 hemple account n uro b e r                        :000x1PS-P,$Rit, bun l      Hlt. IDC              l        Analvsis rer orroec                      l    result          j          units                        l I
0104b                    1ron, Total in Ueter                                  1100.          LRP        ug/L 01cabDT                  1ron Date and T i rne                                980512.1403                EPA 200.7 MDlLP'u                  Metals Digest ILP Water                              980511            MAR HDIE: A $ fdoliar sign) in the result field indicetes the test was not a n a l v::e c witnin the holding time, c
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          .ljTVA Environmental Chemistry                        .
Chattanooga, Tennessee [
l          j-10/01/98                    NPDES    FINAL 1 DATA-REPORT                      10:20 J
        % ====================          '
                                          ===========n================          Page  1 =========
l          Lab Sample Number :98/08538                  Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry.
i Sample-ID Information          : @STORMWATER #4
;          Sample comments .              : FE Sample-type / matrix          : H2O l
Sample collection date':980921                    Sample collection time :519 Sample'login date              : 980921          Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account number          :  000X1PG-P,CCC,SGN
          'l Alt. IDC l          Analysis Performed          j  result  l      units          l MDICP'W        . Metals Digest ICP Water            980923    MAA              ~
01045          Iron, Total in Water                1800. WHR    ug/L 01045DT        Iron Date and Time                  980923,1946      EPA 200.7 NOTE: A$ (dollar sign) in the result field indicat es the t est was not analyzed within the holding time.                                  ,
J                                                                                                    i s, I l
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l 1:
l TVA Environmental Chemistry                              Chstianooga, Tennessee l l 12/14/95                          FINAL DA~A F.EPORT                        08:22 l
      ==================s================================                page  1 =========
Lab Sample Number :95/10761                    Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Infor stion            :@#4 Sanple co mm e r,t s            :FE Sample type / matrix            :H2O Sample collection date :95120T                      Sample colle: tion time    1830 Sample login date                :951209            Sampl+ received by lab    981209 Sample account number            :000X1PG-P,CCC,SGN Alt  IDC    l        Analysis Performed      j  result  l      units        l l
MDICP'W            Metals Digest ICP Uater        981211    MAA 0104S              Iron, Totel in Water          12000. WHR  ug/L 0104SDT            Iron Date and Time            981211,1631      EPA 200.T
..q l
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_ T_VA_
_ ____S_e q u_o_yah_
__ ____      _N_u_c le_ar Pla_n_ t_ _ _ _ _ _ T_u_s_a
_______    _Nu_u_is_      _ _ _T_ _N_R_O_S_ _ _ _ _ _
Less!_ L 0i _h _MQ0_ _UAt              e      e _ H. M . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                ~emum_ _.(_423_ } _843-6700 srtv._ __!944Z-Ed5_L__Me. 3.1311_erz_EaMM n______                                                    eSIcesq~_ _ A _ L _!9 sMe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (S%MR) is being submitted for the 2nd year's g 2nd year O 4tn year monAonng requirements or the 4th year's montonng requirements:
List the industry sedor(s) which appyles) to this outfairs stotrn water discharge (i.e., A, B, C, D, etc.).        ,
O Note: Read instructions on back I
before completing this fonn.
        , Outfall No.: . S,W,5,                                                                                      ,
Designate tne outfall wth a tnro cnaracter code (e.g 001 or SW1, etc.), in the spaces below, provide the rewns of quarterty storm water trenitormg for the
: designated outfall. The parameters for which monitonng must be conduced depend on which industry sector (s) of the MuR> Sector General Permrt apply to tras drscharge. Look up your sector (s)In the permit, and check the parametars which apply.
Cut-Off                                              Quarterty Monitonng Results (rngA)
Concentra.              Samp;e                                                                              Average of i          Effluent
                '                                          Units        . Type      1st Quarter      2nd Quarter      3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter        four quarters Charactenstic              tion j Aluminum. Total Rec.            0.75      mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A              N/A          l  N/A              N/A , ,
Ammonia                          4.0      mgA l Grao l N/A,                          N/A              N/A          l  N/A              N/A i
l Arsa
* Total Rec.
                        ,                        O,17      mgA l Grab l N/A                          N/A              'N/A          l 'N/A              N/A
              . Boo. 5-ca y                      30        mgA ! Grae l N/A                            N/A              N/A          l  N/A              N/A l Cadmium, Total Rec.            0 016      rnga l Grae i N/A                          N/A            l  N/A          l  N/A              N/A Cnemical cry oemand            120        mgA    !
Grae i N/A                      N/A          l  N/A          !  N/A              N/A
              . Chromium, Total Rec.            O.200      mgA I Gran              N/A              N/A              N/A          l  N/A              N/A
              !Cc;per, Total Rec.              0 064      mgA ! Grae                N/A              N/A              N/A          l .N/A              N/A t Cyanide. Tatar '                O.064      mgA l Grae i N/A                            N/A              N/A          l  N/A              N/A
              ;Ruonce                            n/a      mgA l Grab l ~ N/A                          N/A              N/A          l  N/A              N/A, iiron. Tota Rec.                  s.0      mgA l Grae l              3.20              0.88              0.150 l          4.30            2.13 Lead. Tetal Rec.              0.082      mgA l Grae l N/A                            N/A            l  N/A          l  N/A              N/A l Magnesium. Total R ec.          0.064      mgA l Grae l N/A                            N/A            l  N/A          l  N/A      J      N/A l Mercury, Total Rec.            0.00:4      mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A      ,1    N/A i Nitrate plus Nitrate Nitt.      0.68      mgA l Grr:                N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A j oii and Grease                    is      mgA          Grau        N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A _    -
* 5.0-9.c    s.u.        Gran    l N/A        s.u. N/A      s.u. N/A    s.u. t      u.        N/A        s.u.
i Phosphorus                        2.0      mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A            ,  N/A              .
I      1;/A                  l l Phosphorum Total (as P)          n/a      mg4 l Grab                N/A              N/A            l  N/A              N/A              N/A
            . j seienium. Total Rec.            0.24      mgA          Grab        N/A              N/A              b/A              N/A              N/A l Silver. Total Rec.              0.032      rngA l Grae              N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A
            . , Total suspended sohds            200      mon l Grae                N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A
: Zinc. Total Rec.                0.11T      mgA l Gran                N/A              -N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A I
i I
CN.1115                                                                    (contir ,ed on reverse)                                      RDAs 2399 and 2400                l
r 8
o Additionti Chstictensbcs (if r:quistid)
I                I ist Guarter      ad Quarter      3rd Quarter    4th Quarter 3/18/98          5/7/98          9/21/98        12/7/98      -
Dates samples were colleced: (Morth/ Cay / Year)
TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names of laboratory{s) that analyzed samples Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.
I certify under penalty of law this document and all its attachments were prepared under my diracuan or supervision in accordanca wdh a system desagned to assure quali5ed personnel property gathered and evaluated the informacon submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc!y responsible for gathenng the information, the information subrnrtted is, to the best of my knowiedge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I ath oware thsre are ogni5 cant penalbes for submitting false information, including the poss4bility of fine and impnsonment for know ng violations.
                                                                                                                    .                                    WE NAMEmTLE DRINCIPAL Executive OFFICER                                                            '                                        '
I Masoud Baj estani                                                          A Site Vice President                                                            . viro mental Supervisor                        02      26        99 DAY    YEAR TYPEC OR PRINTED I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTNE OFm.e OR AUTHORt2ED AGENT l WoNTH Instructions
: 1.      The purpose of this form is to report storm water d:scharge monstering results under the Tennessee Storm Water Multi-Sector General Ferr You rnust submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the y6ar monitonng is required. For examp6e, mondonng (TMSF ).
required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
: 2.      The permit is divided into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases, subsecors. Not all industry sectors or subsectors are required to perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine which sectors of the permit apply to discharges from your facility and to determine whether or not the storm water discharges at your facility must be sampled. If so, determine which parameters must be monstered.
Exarnples-      Textile Milt..        . . . . ..Secter V.....Not required to pertrm analytical monitoring Automobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M.. .Must sample its storm water discharges frar Total Suspended Solids. Afurriinum, Iron, and Lead.
: 3. The Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facility to monitor its storm water discharge (s) once per quarter dunng essendar year 1999 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instrucion 4.
4      For a given outfall. if results of the second years monstonng for a average less than the cut-off concentration, the facqty can waive monttonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze samples for all four quarters of the second year and must submit these results on bme according to instrucion 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility operator must submit, in lieu of the fourth years monitonng results, a statement certifying industr:al operatiens have not changed substantiefly since the second years monitonng, and the same orimproved storm water management controls are in place.
5 For a new facility octairung permit coverage dunng 1999, sampling must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1990 calendar year. For example,if a facility cbtains permit coverage in June,1990, it must conduct sampling in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submit these results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from monitonng in the year 2000 (as descnbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monitanng in the 5rst quarter (s) of 1999 since a total of four consecutive sampling events are reoutred to obtain the warver.
6 In the soaces provided in the table, provide the results of quar *erty storm water rnonitonng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarter's results are tabulated. sverace the quarteny morutonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the tab 6e. For resurs reported as "less than" a certain concentrttion, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, arve the cate when the storm water event was sampled; if resufts were taken from rnore than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also give the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Complete a separate form for each outtall sampled.
I        7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two corwecueve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field. cit.ce (as referenced in your permit) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceedance.
B. B'e sure this form is complete, signed and dated before you submit it. Keep a copy of the completed form for your records.
: 9. Submrt the original form and one copy to the following acc ess:
l                                                                            Division of Water Pollution Centrol Compliance and Enforcement 6tn Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville. TN 37243-1534
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TVA Env;ronne a . Cnemistry                                                          Cha-,ar:;gh, Tennessee j
            ;      02/12/98'                            NPDE? FINAL DATA REPORT                                                        09:02 [
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_tb St.mple N u tu e -, r 9E/0212T                      Project Leader : Dennis                  L. Meinert c ,. _ _ ,2
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cab Sample Num'ber :9.8/08539                                      Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry
            - Sample ID Information- :@STORMUATER #5 Sample comments                                :FE Sample _ type / matrix                        :H2O
            ;  Sample collection date :950921                                            Sample collection time :510 l              Sample login date                            1980921                    Sample received by lab :980921 l              Sample account number                          :000X1PG-P,CCC, SON
              'l      Alt. IDC- l                  Analysis" Performed                  I  result    l      units          i    !
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_ l TVA Environmental Chemiusry j 12/14/981                        FINAL DATA REPORT                        08:22 l
                =================================================== page                  j =========
          '' Nab' Sample Number            95/10TE!          Project Leader ! Clay C. Cherry Sample ID .Information          :@#5 Sample comments                :FE Sample, type / matrix          :H2O Sample coll ect i on de.t e : 981207              Sample collection time :1820 Sample lo, gin date'            :931209          Sample received by lab :981209 Sample account number          :000x1PG-P,CCC,SGN l    Alt, IDC    l        Analysis Performed      l  result    l      units        l MDICP'W        . Metals Digsst ICP Water        981211      MAA 01045            Iron, Tot al in Water          4300.      WHR  ug/L 01045DT          Iron Date and Time            981211,1634      EPA 200.7 i
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Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (SVA4R)is being submitted for the 2nd years monitanng requirements or the 4th years monitonng requirements:
O 2"d I''' O #    Y'''
List the industry sedor(s) which apply (ies) to this outfairs storm.'ialer v      discharge (i.e., A, B, C, D, etc.):        0 Note: Read instructions on back t outfall No.: S , W , 6 >                                                                                  .
Desgnate the outfaB with a three-character code (e.g.,001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces be60w. provide the resuis of quarterty storm weter rnonstoring for the
      ; dessgnated outfall. The parameters for wrwch monitonng must be conducted depend on whech industry secor(s) of the MuR> Sector Ga mral Perrrut apply to this discharge, look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.
          ;                              Cut-off                                                Quarterly Men:enn; Results (mgM)
Sample                                                                                  Average of i            Effluent        Concentra.
Charactensuc            tion      Units      . Type        1st Quarter        2nd Quarter        3rd Quart.r , 4th Quarter        four Quarters
          ; Aluminum, Total Rec.            0.75      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A                N/A        l  N/A              N/A ,
Ammonia                        4.0        mg4 l Grab l N/A.                            N/A                N/A        l  N/A              N/A I Arsenc, Total Rec.              0.17      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A              'N/A        l  N/A              N/A __
          . Boo. 5-cay                      30        mgA l Grab i N/A                        l    N/A                N/A        l  N/A              N/A Caemium. Total Rec.            0.016      mgA l Grab i .N/A                        l    N/A                N/A        l  N/A              N/A Chemical oxy. Demand            120        mgA ' crab i N/A
                                                              ,                                l    N/A                N/A        !  N/A              N/A
          . Chromium Total Rec.            0.200      mgA l Grab ! N/A                              N/A                N/A'        l  N/A              N/A
          !C opper, Total Rec.            0.064      mg4 l Grab              N/A            l    N/A                N/A        l .N/A                N/A
          > Cyanice Totai                  O.064      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A            l  N/A        !  N/A              N/A I Fluende                        n/a        mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A              N/A
          ' iron, Total Re c.              5.0        mg4 l Grab l              0.81                3.90              5.50      l    3.20              3.35
          - Lead. Total Rec.              0.082      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A                N/A        l  N/A              N/A            ;
j uagnesium, Totai pec.          0.054      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A              N/A            i l Mercury, Total R ec.          0.0024      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A                N/A            N/A              N/A i Nrtrate plus Nitrate NRr.      0.68      rngA l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A            N/A              N/A i oa and Greau                    15        mea l Grab l N/A                              N/A            l  N/A        l  N/A              N/A lpC                            5.0-g.0      s.u. l Grab l N/A                s.u.      N/A      s.u. N/A s.u. l      N/A s .u.        N/A      s u.
i Phesphorus                      2.0        mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A                N/A            N/A              N/A 1 Pnospnorus, Total (as F)        n/a      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A                N/A              N/A        '
N/A l
j seienium. Totat Rec.            Q.24      mgA l Grab l N/A                              N/A                N/A            N/A              N/A
( Sdver, Total Rec.              0 032      trgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A i Tota: Suspended souds          200        mgA l Grab              N/A~                N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A 5
: zinc, Total Re c.              0.11 7      mgA l Grab              N/A                  N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A CN-1115                                                                (continued ori reverse)
ROAs 2399 and 2400
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* 8 Add bonal Chtractansbes (if rsquistId)                                                                                              ,
l                l 1st Quaner      2nd Quaner      3rd Cuarter      4m Quarter cates sampies were coineced: (Montn/ cay / Year) 3/18/98        5/7/98          '9/21/98        12/7/98 TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names of laboratory (s) that analyzed samples Attach copy (es) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data, i certify under penalty of law this document and all as attachments were prepared under my direcen or supervision in accoroance with a system designed to assure qualised personnel property gathered anC evaluated tne irtrmation submrtred. Based on rny inquary of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directy responsible for gathenng the informaton, the informabon submrtted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I ath awa,re there are ognificart penalbes for subrnrtbng false information, including the posaatxiity of fine and impnsonment for knowing vio!ations.
Masoud Bajestan1                                                            .4/4A                                                    l Site Vice President                                                          .Env onme tal Supervisor                            l 02 l26        99
                                                                        . SIGNATURE OF PRiNCPAL EXECUTrvE OFA R OR AuTHORC'ED ACENT j WONTH I DAY            I YEAR TYPEC OR PRINTED Instructions
: 1.      The purpose of this form is to report storm water d:scriarge rnonitonng results under the Tennessee Storm Water MuttkSecer General Permit (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the year mondonng is required. For exarnpie, monstonng required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
: 2.      The permit is drvided into 30 different industry sectors and m some. cases, subsecort Not all industry sectors or subsectors are required to perform monitanng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine whch sectors of the permd appty to discharges from your facility, and to determine whether or not the storm water d:scharges at your facihty must be sampled. If so, determine whsch pararneters must be monitored.
Exa mples-        Textile Mill.                Sector V.....Not required to perterm analytical monnonng Autornobile Salvage Yard., .. Sector M. .Must sample its storm water C:scharges for Total Suspendwd Solids. Aluminum, Iron, and Lead.
: 3.      The Tennessee Multi. Sector General Permit recuires a facaltry to monnor its s:orm water disenarge(s) once per quaner dunng calendar year 1995 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instruction 4.
4      For a given outfall, if results of the second years montonng for a pa ameter average less than the cut-off concentration, the facility can waive rnonnonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze samples for all four ovarters of the second yeer and must submd these resufts on time according to instrucen 1. To take advantage of this opten, the facility operatcr must submit, in heu of 'he  t fourth years monstonng results, a statement certifying industnal cperations have not changed substantally since the second years morutonng, and the same or improved storm water management controls are in place 5 For a new facility cbtaining permit coverage dunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaining quaners of the 1998 calendar year. For example,if a foolity obtains permd coverage in June,1998, t must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 191s8 and submA those results by March 31,1999. Such a fac!dy may seek a waiver from mondonng in the year 2000 (as desenbad above in instruccon 4 ) by moriitonng
          ^ in the first quarter (s) of 1999 s4nce a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to obtain the waiver.
6 in the spaces provided in the tat:Je, provide the results of quarter *y storm water monitonng for the designated outfall. Aner the 4th quarters results are tabulated. averace the quarterty monstonng resuts, and record the average value in the last column of the tab 4e. For remias reported as *less than* a ceftain concerstraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averagirig. For esca quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampied; if results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, une the date of the last sampie. Also give the name(s)of laboratones used to perform chemcal analyses. Complete a separate form for sa cm outfall sampled.
: 7.      If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentraten for two consecumve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the appropnote field.offee (as referenced in your permrt) within 30 days of ydbr becoming aware of the exceecance.
8      Be'sure this form is comp 4ete, signed and cated before yo'        u submit R. Keep a copy of the compieted form for your records.
9 SuDma the ongsnal form and one copy to the following address:
4 civrsen of water Pollution Cont ol                                                -
Compience and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashvdle, TN 37243-1534 w                                                                                                                                                                _  _.
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J-TVA Environmental Chemistry                                          Chattanooga 3 Tennessee l ll10/01/98                          NPDES FINAL. DATA REPORT                                10:21 l
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Jeb Sample' Number :98/08540                      Project Leader : Clay C.          Cherry.
4 Sample ID Information_ :@STORMWATER #6 Sample comments                      :FE-
              . Somple type / matrix                  :H2O Sample - collection dat e :980921                            Sample collection time :553
              . Sample login date                    :980921                  Sample    received by lab :980921
              . Somple acccunt number                jo00X1PG-P,CCC, SON 1
______________________________________________________________________                                  i l    Alt. IDC      ]      Analysis Performed                  l result    l      u'r.its          l    l MDICP'W        : Metals Digest ICP Water                  980923      MAA 01045-          Iron, Total in' Water                    5500.      WHR    ug/L 01045DT          Iron Date-and Time                        980923,1950      EPA 200.T NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result field i ndicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.                                            .
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l TVA Environmental Chemistry                            Chattanooga, Tennessee l      l 1 12/14/99                      FINAL DATA -REPORT                          08:22 l
                  ==============================================_==== p, ,                3 ,,,,,,,,,
      - Lab Sample Number :93/10763                        Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID'Information        :@#6 Sample comment s              :FE Semple type / matrix        ;W'O Sample collection date ,,S1207                  Sample collection time 1540 Sample login date            :981209            Sample received by lab :981209 Sample account number        .000X1PG-P,CCC,5GN Alt  IDC  ]      Analysis Performed      l  result    l      units          j l
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ledcate whether this storm water monitonng report (SWMR)is being submitted for the 2nd year's g 2nd year O 4tn year monitonng requirements or the 4th year's mondonng requirements:
List the industry sector (s) which apply (ies) to this out'alfs storm wajer discharge (i.e., A, B, C. O, etc.):        0 Note: Read instructions on b.ack y7                                      before completing this form.                                                                        .
t Outfall No.: .      3>  ,
l Designate the outfall vwth a three-character code (e.g.,001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces below, provide the to surts of quarteriy storm watst monitanng for the      ,
designated outfall. The pernmeters for which monitonns must be conducted depend on which industry secor(s) of the Muhsector General Permrt apply to this            !
discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.
l Cut-Off                                                Quarterty Monitanng Results (mgA)                                          i Sampie                                                                                  Average of      '
i          Emuent              concentra.
Units      Type          1st Quarter      2nd Quarter        3rd Quarter      4th Quarter      four quarters Charactenstic              t2cn l Aiuminum. Total Rec,            0.75        mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A , _
Ammonia                          40        mea l Grab I N/A.                          N/A          l    N/A          l    N/A              N/A l                                                                  .
: Arsenc, Tota! Rec                0.17        mg4 l Grab          l N/A                  N/A          l ''N/A          l    N/A              N/A
            .soo.s. cay                        so        mg4 l Gran I N/A                            N/A                N/A          l    N/A              N/A Cadmium, Total Rec.            0 016        rnga l Grab i N/A                          N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A Chemical cry. Demand            120      ,  mgA ! Grab i N/A                            N/A                N/A        !    N/A              N/A i Cnremium Total Rec.            0.200    lmg4l Gram l N/A                              N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A
            ' Copper Total Rec.              0 064        mgA ! Grae l N/A                            N/A                N/A              .N/A              N/A
            ! Cyanice Tota                    O 064        mgA l Gram l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A f Fluoride                          n/a        mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A f
t          ' tron. Total Rec.                  5.0        mgA l Grab l                -                -
l    0.53        l    4.70              2.62 Lead. Total R ec.              0 0e2        mgA l Gran l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A l Ma gnesium, Total R ec.        0.064        mgh        Grab          N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A l Mercury. Total Ree .          0 0c24        mg4        Gram          N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A i Narate plus Nitrate Nitr.        0.68        mg4        Gran          N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A i          f oil and Grease                    is        mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A lpH'                            s.0.g .0      s.u. l Grab            N/A      s.u. N/A      s.u.      N/A    s.u.      N/A    s.u.      N/A      s.u.
i Phosphorus                        2.0        mg4 l Gran                N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A i Phosphorus, Total (as P)          n/a        mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A i Seienium, Tota Rec.              0.24        rngA l Grae l N/A                          N/A                N/A              N/A              N/A i silver, Total Rec.              0.C32        mgA l Gran l N/A                            N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A i Toisi suspended sches            200        mgA l Grab                N/A              N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A
          .o _-          ___          _..
: zinc, Total Rec.                0.117        mgA l Gran                N/A              N/A                N/A        f _ /A                  N/A l            l (continued on reverse)
RDAs 2399 and 240C CN-1115
9        ,
AdditenIl Charact3nsbcs (if r2qusst&d)                                                                                        ,,
I                                              i                                                          !                        l I                                      I                  I i st Quarter      2nd Quarter      3rd Quarter eh Quarter 9'/21/98    12/7/98-cates sampies were coiieced: (Month /0ay/ Year)
TVA Environmental Chemistry Laooratory Names of laboratory (s) that analyzed sampies Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.            )See attached CeItifiCation I certify under penalty of law this decument and all its attachm6nts were prepared under my direcen or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the informabon submrtted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc!y resconsabie for gathenng the information, the information submrtted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are aigruncant penalbes for submitbng falsa information, including the possibility of fine and irnposonment for knovnng violations.
* CATE NAuEff rTLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTNE oUlcER Masoud Bajestani                                                                              #8NA                                  I      I        I Site Vice President                                                              nvironmental Supervisor                      02      26      99 DAY  YEAR    ,
: 1. The purpose of this form is to report stcrm water d:scharge monitonng results unoer the Tennessee Storm Water MultLSector General Permit (TMSP). You must submit the form vnth results by March 31 of the year following the year rnondonng is required. For exampie. monttenng l
required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
t  ,
!    2    The permit is dwiced into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases, subsecors. Not all industry secors or subsectors are required to l          perform monstonng of storm water discharges. Refer tc tne permit itself to de' ermine whch sectors of the permit appfy to discharges from your facility and to determme wnether or not the storm water discharges at your facihty must be sampied. If so, determne wnch parameters must be
( ,
i          monitored.
Examples'        Textile Mill..    . . . .
                                                          .. Sector V..... Net required to pe* form analytical monitanng Automobile Salvage Yard. .. Sector M.. ..Must sample its storm water d;scharges for Total Suspenced Sokes, Alummum, Iron, and Lead.
: 3. The Tennessee Muttssecor General Permit requires a facility to monfter its sterm water discnarge(s) once per quarter dunng calendar year 1999 and once per quayer dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instructon 4.
4      For a given outfall. if results of the second years monitoring for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentration, the facit,ty can wawe monitenng requirements for this parameter in the fourtn year. To be ehgibic for this wawer, the facihty must collect and analyze samples for all four Quarters of the second year and must submit these results on tme according to instrucen 1. To take advantage of this opton, the facility operater must submit, in heu of the fourth years monitonng results, a statement certifying indust .a! coerabens have not enanged substantially since the second yeafs monitonng and the same or improved storm water management controls are in place.
S For a t'ew facihry cbtaming perma coverage dunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year For example,if a fachty cbtains permit coverage in June 1998, it must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from mondonng n the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruebon 4) by r onitonng in the Arst quarter (s) of 1999 s4nce a total of four consecutive samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.
6 in the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitonng for the desagnated outfall. After the 4th quarters results are tabulated. averace tne cuarterty mcrutonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For resuas reooned as"less than" a certain concentraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, gue the date when tne storm water event was sampled. If resutts were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, une the date of the test sample. Also gwe the name(s) oflaboratones used to perform enemcal analyses. Complete a separate form for each outtaN sampled.
: 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutor! concentraten for two consecubve samp4s. then you must report thee occurrence to the appronnate field,ofree (as referenced in your permat) within 30 days of your becommg aware of the exceedance.
: 6. Be tre this form rs complete, signed and dated before you submrt it. Keep a copy of the comp 6eted form for your records.
: 9. Submit the original form and one copy to the following address:
Division of Water Pollution Control C,ompliance and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-1$34
l      l TVA Environmental Chewittry                                                        Ch a t t a n e r g a ,- Tennessee l l 10/01/98                                        NPDES        FINAL DATA REPORT                                      10:21 l y===r==================r=========================== pag, l                                                                                                                    1 =========
4 l
a b S a mp l e' fJ u m b'e r :98/08541                              Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry l
Sample ID Information                                ;@STORMWATER #T Sample comments                                      :FE Sample type /matrir                                  :H2O Sample collection cate :980921                                              Sample collection time : 800 Sample login dat e                                  :930921                Sample received by lab : oB0921 Semple account number                                :000X1PQ-P,CCC,SQN l    Alt. IDC              l          Analysis Performed                  l  result    i          units                    j MDICP'W                    Metals Digest ICP Water                        980923      MAA 01045                      Iron, Total in Water                          530.      WHR        ug/L 01045DT                    Iron Date and Time                            ?SO923,1952          EPA 200.T NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.
                                                                                                                            *e 3                                                                                                                                      -
I l
u=o==============                    ===c================================================
                ; TVA Envircnmental Che-ictry                                                                Chattanooga, Tennessee !
l 12/14/92                                            FINAL DATA PEPORT                                              08:21 l
              ======.============================================ p ge
_                                                                                                  1 =========
            - L to Simp l e f.'u mb e r :93/10704                                          Project L e z. !(-r ' C '. a y C. Cherry tr;!= ID Infore?ticn                          :&#7 Sample comments                                  :FE Sample t y p e,'m at r i "                        HEC Sample collection cete                          :9?1207                              Semple collection time :1840 Sample login date                                  901209                            Samp;e received by lab :9?1209 Semple account number                            :000X1PG-P,CCC,SGN l    Alt. IDC              l        Analysis Performed                              l  result      }        units          l MDICP'W                  Metals Digest ICP Water                                  981211        MAA 01045                    Iron, Total in Water                                    4700.          WHR    ug/L 01045DT                  Iron Date and Time                                      981211,1640          EPA 200.7 e
* 1 O
M e
i Attachment to SW-7                              j W Representative Discharge Certification Storm Water Outfall #6 is considered to be a representative discharge of Storm Water Outfall #7 based on a consideration of industry n.dvity, significant materials, and management practices and activities within the area drained by the Outfall.                                                                      l Storm Water Outfall #7 consists of approximately a 7.43 acre (323,652 ft2 )
portion of Area 4. The runoff coefficient for this area is equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #6 based on the percentages of gravel, asphalt, and          !
impervious surface. Materials in the area are also equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #6. These consist of empty drums, metal buildings, construction    I equipment, concrete structures, wood and plastic similar to that equipment stored for in the area of Storm Water Outfall #6.
i This effluent should be substantially identical to that effluent from Storm Water
I certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated      I the information submitted. Based on my mquiry of the person orpersons who        !
manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant      l penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and impn'sonment for knowing violations.                                              l
            / inig>0      <
sh      I      3b'/99
( h~W                                                                        ;
i t_ _ _
                                                              . STORM WATER MONITORING REPORT.
r4curmus TVA - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant
    .-------------------------------------------.----                                                TusaNuuden      TNROS detene- ! 42,3_]_833-ggg___._'__,,
acenss_ LL._an M@. (JAte1.9#iss 5a M----------  -                                                                    _
E                          G=wltem~- 2: h E29 Lee w--- 22442-94s]- TNie }]}].9..mL *5Gt 'l-----                                  -                                                          ---------.
Indicate whether this storm water monit'oring report (SWMR)is being subrnitted for the 2nd years          g 2nd year O 4tn year mennonng requirements or L*.e 4m years mondonng requirements:
LEt the Ldusuy sector (s) wnich apply (ies) to this outfairs storm,"wajer discharge (i.e., A, S, C, D, etc.):0 Note: Read instructions on back 8,                              D*'*'"'"" # "9 C'' ""'              -
i Out'all No.: , 5 W Cosgnate the outfs0 wwth a three-character coce (e.g.,001 of SW1, etc.), in the spaces beiovt. provide the resuits of quarterty storm water rnonitontig for the
      ; (esegnatet outf all. The perstnoters for monitanns must be condue:ec depend on which indus:=y se c:or(s) of the Mult> Sector Generst Permrt apply to this discharge. Look up your sector (s)In me permit, and check the p.arameters which appfy.
                                            - Cut-Off          l                            Quanerh/ Monitonng Results(rngA)
          }                                                                                                                                          Average cf Effluent            Concentra.          l Samp4                                                                            fcur quarters e
Unas l Type        1st Quarter      2nd Quarter    3rd Quarter      4tn Quarter
:        Charactenstic                tion j Aluminum. Total R*L          l    o.75      mgA. l ' Grab l N/A                  N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A ,,_.
Ammonia                          4.c      mgA l Grab          N/A,              N/A          l  N/A          l    N/A              N/A 1 Arsenic, Total Rec.                c.17      rng/l l Grab        N/A              'N/A
                                                                                                                'N/A'          l'N/A                  N/A
          . soo, 5-cay                          so      mg4 l Grab l N/A                      N/A              N/A          l    N/A              N/A
          ' Cadmiun:. Total Rec.              c.o16      mgA f Grab ! N/A ,,                  N/A              N/A              N/A                N/A Chemical Ory. Cervand            120      mg4 l Gran l N/A                      N/A            'N/A          l    N/A                N/A
          . Chromium. Total Rec.              o.200      mgAl Grab          N/A              N/A              N/A          l    N/A                N/A
          ' Cepper. Tctat Rec 7              o.os4      rngA l Gran        N/A              N/A          l    N/A        l .N/A                  N/A
          ! Cyanice. Totat c.oe4      mgA      Grab i N/A                  N/A          l    N/A        I    N/A                N/A
I Fluonde                            n/a      mg4 l Grab l 'N/A                    N/A          l    N/A              N/A                N/A itron, Total Rec.                    5C      mg4 l Gram            -                -
l    2.00        l6.35(1)            4.18(1)
Lead. Totat Rec.                o.ce2      mg4 l Grae          N/A                N/A        l    N/A        l    N/A                N/A
[ Magnesium Total Rec.,            c.o64      mg4      Gran      N/A                N/A        l    N/A              N/A'              N/A l Mercury, Total Rec.              o.oC24      rngA      Grab      N/A          I    N/A        l    N/A              N/A                N/A i NRrate plus Nitrate NRt. l      mgM      Grab      N/A          l    N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A j oit and Grease                      is      mgA      Gran      N/A              N/A        l    N/A              N/A              N/A N/A              N/A    s.u.      N/A    s.u.      N/A    s.u.
l pW                      '
5.o.s.o    s.u. l Gran        N/A    s.u.            s.u.                                    i i Phosphorus 2.0      mea f Grab          N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A l mgA l Grab l N/A                      N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A i Phosphorus, Total (as P)            n/a D.24      mgA l Grab          N/A              N/A              N/A-              N/A              N/A i seiernum Total Rec.
mgA      Gran      N/A              N./A            N/A                N/A              N/A
            ! Sdver. Total Rec.                c.c32 mgli    Grab      N/ A'.            N/A              N/A                N/A              N/A Total Suspended    Solids---      200
: 5.            ---
: zine, Totai Rec.                o.117      mea      Gran      N/A              N/A              N/A                N/A RDAs 2399 and 2400
      ' CN-1115 -                                                          -(continued on reverse)'
4" e'    ,
Additional Chertetsnsbes (if r6qucsted)                                                                                            ,
l                                  l l                l                                  l 1st Cuarter      2nd Cuarter      3rd Quarter    4th Cuarter
                                                                                    -                -            9/21/98        12/28/98          '
cates sampies were cotiected: (Month /cayryear)
IVA Enviren= ental Chemistry Laboratory                                                          _
Names of laboratory (s) that anatyred samples                                                          12      96 b& s were improv d and Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above        1)5W-6wassampledo2on/71/28/98.Averageort$e reBample dstas(ubsequently sarmles taken durine the otr is reecreed. 4th ctr avg is t en used in caic of en1 nyg.
t certtfy under pet.any of law this document and all its attachtnants were prepared under rny direcion or supervision in semrdance wth a system cesigned to assure quakhed personnel property gathered and evaluated the interm& tion submrttec. Based on my inquiry of the person er persons who manage the system, or those persons directry responsible for gathenng the information, the informabon submrtted is, to the best of knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are sgnificant penaltses for subrnftting falso informabon, meluding the possibiltry of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations.
OATE NAME/ TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTNE onlGR Masoud Bajestani                                                            &                    8-                                        I        l Site Vice President                                                            nvironmental Supervisor                          l 02        26l99 7vaEo OR PRaNTED                                              l SIGNATURE QF PRINCAAL EXECUTNE onlGR CA AU%CAGO AGENT lMCWTH l C IDStTUCOOnS
: 1. The purpose of this form is to report storm ws,er discharge mervunng results under the Tennessee Storm Veter MultMeco'r G You must submit the form wrth results by March 3' of the yect fo!!owing the year monitoring is required. For exarnple, rnandonng (TMSP).
required dunn; 1998 ts due hy March 31,1999.
: 2. Thr permat ts dmded into 30 dderent industry sectors and in some. cases subsecers. Not all ind stry secors or subsectors are required to perform rnonitanng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine which sectors of the permit apply to d:scharges f faclity. and to determee whether or not the s:crm water r.iischa/ges at your facilvy mu.3! be sampled. If so, determine which pararnete monitored.
Textsle Mill                    Sector V.....Not rea.nred to perform analytscal monitenng Examptes-Automobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M.      .Must sample its storm water d:scharges for Total Suspended Solids, Aiurninum, Iron, and Lead.
The Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facility to mon ter its storm water disc"ar;e(s) once per quarter dunng canendar year 1958 and once per quafer dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instracion 4 For a grven ouvall if results of .he second yeart n.            'oring for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentraton, the fachty can waive 4
monstonng recusrements for this parameter in the fourin ir. To be eligible for this warver, the facility must collect and analyze samples for all four n time according to instrucien 1, To take advantage of this option, the facility operator quarters of the second year and must submit these few must submit, m beu of the fourth year's monr!cnng ress 3. a statement cert;fying industnal cperatoris have not changed substantially smce tre second years monstonng, and the same or improved storm water management controts are ici place.
: 5. For a new faclity obtairung perma coverage cunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaming quarters of the 1938 calendar year. For carample, if a faclity obtains permd coverage in June,1998, it must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 1958 and submit these results by March 31,1999. Such a facilty may seek a waiver from mondonng ir' the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4.) by morntonng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 since a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to obtain the warver.
6    In the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quartetty storm water monitonng 3r the des gnated outfall. ' After the 4th quarter's resalts are tabulated, averspe the Quarterty monstonng results, and record tne average value in the last colur,n of the table. For resuas reported as "less than" a certain concentration, use one half cf that concentration for the purpcse of averaging. For each quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampleo. If results were taken from mont than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also give the name(s) oflaboratones used to perform ch: meat anstses. Complete a separate form for each out'all sampled, f
: 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecutve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the apprepnate field, office (as reference d in your permit) withn 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceecance.
: 8. Be sure this form is compiete, signed and dated before you submit L Keep a copy of the compceted form for your records.
: 9. Submit the original form and one copy to the following address-Division of Water Pollution Centrcl Compliance and Enforcernent 6m Fbor L&C Annes                                                                          ,
401 Churt:h Street Nashyllie. TN 372G1534
l TVA Environmental Chemistry                                Chattanooge,-Tennessee ]
1 10/01/98                      NPDES  FINAL  DATA  REPORT                      10:21 l
  , , _ ================================================== Page                      1 =========
          .ab Sample'Numbbr :98/08542                  Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information          :@STORMWATER #8                                            .
Sample comments                :FE Sample type / matrix            :H2O Sample collection date :950921                      Sample collection time :51F Sample login date              :980921            . Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account number          :000X1PQ-P,CCC,50N l  Alt,'IDC      l    Analysis Performed          i  result      l    units          !
MDIC?'W        Metals Digest ICP Water            980923      MAA 010/ 5          Iron, Total in Water              2000.      WHR    ug/L 01045DT        Iron Date and Time                  980922,1954      EPA 200.T NOTE: A5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the t est was not an 'yzed within the holding time.                                  -
o O                                                                                                      _
9 e
* R m-ww                  ,. _
        =db=====,========              r  =====r======================================e=====
l TVA Environmental Chemistry                                              Chattancoga, Tennessee l l 12/14/98                                  FINAL  DATA    REPOR.T                              08:21 l
        =================================================== Page                                    1 =========
  '~"' . a b Sample Number :00/1075E                              Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information                  :@#S Sample comm+nts                        :FE Sample type / matrix                    :H2O Semple collection date :981207                                    Sample collection time          1825 Samole login date                      :961209                    Sample  received    by lab  :9?1209 Sample accoant number                  :000X1PG-F,CCC,SGN l  Alt      IDC      l        Analysis Perfo med                l  result    l        units          l MDICP'W                Metals Digest ICP Water                  981211      MAA 01045                  Iron, Total in Water                      11000.      WHR    ug/L 01045DT                Iron Date and Time                        1211,1643          EPA 200.7 2
E 4
l TVA Environmental Chemistry                                                  Chattanooga, Tennessee l
    -l  01/05/59                                  FINAL    DATA      REPORT                          15:1T j
      =================================================== Page                                      1 =========
Lab Samp1'e Num'ber :98/11301                                  Project Leader : David M. Varnell Sample ID Information                  :@SU #8 Sample type / matrix                    :UATER Semple      collected by                :UANDA ALLEN Sample      collection date 951220                                      Sample collection time    1230 Sample      Icgin date                  :921230                        Sample received by lab    3S1230 Sample      account number              : 0 0 0 X 1 F R,- P , D M V , 5 G N l  A l't . IDC      l      Analysis Performed                        l  result    )    units        l 01045                Iron, Total in Water                              1700.      LRP ug/L MDICP'u              Metals Digest ICP Water                          990105      MAA 01045DT              Iron Date and Time                                990105,1031    EPA.200.7 s '
4 e e-I 1
                    -    . =g                                TENNESSEE MULTI-SECTOR GENERAL PERMIT (TMSP)
_TVA _ _-__---
_S_e qu oy ah.____N_u_c_le_ a_r_    s lan_ t
                                                                              --_--_-__---_                    Tus_n.u.wsE_n_ _ _ T. .N_R.05. . . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _,
Scosss _ L h _M _MQ0_ _ cog _erpgis g _ a _ M1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                        e>2_cun e_ _ { _4 23_ ] _ 833 -g qq , _ _ . _ _ _ ,
q w____!9s47.-E815D__TNyg_ y y 9_ m y_3 9{ M g ____,,                                                      gqNp_Ci gg_sqN_ _ ,q._ L _ pp gge , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,      l Inde.te whether this storm water monitonng report (SVMR)is beinD submrtted for the 2nd year's                      O 2nd yeat O 4th year monstonng req.arements or the 4th year's monitonng requirements:
List the industry sector (s) whch apply (ies) to thrs ou-'all's sterm " water discharge d.e.. A. S. C. D. etc.):            O Note: Read instructions on back ef re e rnsetirig this form.                                                                l
: 1. Outfall No.: .
3 N9.
i    i Desgnate the cutfall veth a three-charac:er rMe (e.g 001 or SW1. etc.). In the scaces beiow, provide me toaut:s of quanerty storm wetar rnonitoneg for the disegnated outfall. The parameters for wheh monitanns must be cranduced depend on wh*ch iridustry sec:or(s) of tne Murt4.ector General Perrrvt apply te the discharge. Look up your sector (s)ln the permit, and check the parameters which apply.
Cut-Off                                          Quarterty Monrtonng Resurts (mgA)                                    i l                                                                                    Average of      ,
Efnuent                Concentra.                                                                                              four quarters s
Charactenstic                bon Units l Sample Type          1st Cuarter l 2nd Quarter          3rd Quarter    l 4th Quarter                      l
          .j Aluminum.      Total Rec.            0.75      mgA l ' Grab l N/A-                      N/A                N/A        l    N/A          N/A - --        i Ammo nia                              4.0    l mgA l Grab l N/A.                        N/A          l    N/A              N/A          N/A            f
: Arsenic. Total Rec.                    C.17    l mg4 f Grab l N/A                          N/A          l"N/A                ~N/A          N/A
            . Boo. 5-cay                              so      mgA l Grn i N/A                      l    N/A                N/A        l    N/A          N/A I Caemium. Total Rec.                  o.015      mgA l Grab i N/A                          N/A                N/A        l    N/A          N/A            l Chemical O. y. Demand                120      rngA  ! Grab I N/A                        N/A                N/A        l    N/A      l    N/A n11 l Grab          l N/A            l    N/A                N/A              N/A          N/A e Chromrum, c tal Rec.            f a 200
          !C  opper. Total A ec.            l o oc4        mgA l Grab I N/A                    l    N/A                N/A            .N/A          N/A
          . Cyanide. Total
:                                        o.os4    mgA f Grab l N/A                          N/A          l    N/A        l    N/A          N/A I Fluonde                                n/a      mgM l Grab l N/A                          N/A          l    N/A              N/A          N/A            '
: iron. Total Rec.                l      5.0      rngM l Grab l              -
l l    1.80        l    6.60(1)      4.20(1)
Lead. Total R ec.                    0.082    mgA l Grab l N/A                    !    N/A                N/A        l    N/A          N/A l Magnesium. Total Rec.                0.054    mgA l Grab              N/A        l    N/A                N/A              N/A          N/A l Mercury. Tetal R ec.                00C24      rngA      Gra b          N/A        l    N/A                N/A              N/A          N/A l Natrate plus Nitrate Nitr.      i    0.58    rngA l Grab              N/A              N/A          l    N/A              N/A          N/A rngA l Grab              N/A              N/A          l    N/A              N/A          N/A i o.i ane Grease                          is N/A s.u. l    N/A      s.u.
lps                        ,
s.o.s.o    s.u.      Grab      l N/A        s.u. l N/A s.u.l            N/A s.u. l i Phosphorus                              2.0    mgA    l Giab            N/A        l    N/A            l    N/A          I  N/A      l  N/A mgA l Grab              N/A        l    N/A N/A              N/A          N/A l Phosphorus, Total (as P)                n/a o.24  l mgA l Grat l N/A                          N/A                  N/A            N/A            N/A
          . j Selenium. Total Rec.
mgn l Grab l N/A                          N'/A                .N//.        l  N/A            N/A l Saver. Total R ec.                  0.C32 l                                                                                                                                                                          '
N/A                  N/A            N/A            N/A
i Total $uspended Solids 200      mgA      G a e, l N/A                                                  l mg4 l Grab l N/A                          F/A                  N/A        l  N/A            N/A
            ' zinc Totai rsec.
            .                                      c.117 1            I                                                      I ROAs 2399 and 2400 CN 1115                                                                    (cominued en reverse)
                                                                                                                                                                    /  o .
Attenzt Chiract:nstics (if requisted) l                !                                l I                            I                    I                            I                  I                                L 1st Quarter      2nd Quarter        3rd Quarter    4tn,Cuarter oates sampies were collected: (Month / Cay / Year) 9/21/98        12/19/98 Names of laboratory (s) that analy2ed samples TVA Environ::tental Chemistry Laboratory Attaen two same of the tab sneet(s) forthe above daha NNehnNfba$1bkhb t en impa % doc cepy(ies}es          taken during the atr is renorted. 4th otr avy is/                                  M@ehfYt                    m-  -    al I certafy under penalty of law this document and ail its attachments were prepared under my direcion or supervision in accortaance with a system            avg.
designed to assure quali6ed personnel property gathered and evaluated the informabon submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, Cr those persons diredly respons.ble for gathenng the "ormation, the informabon submrtted is, to the best of my knowledge and behef, true, accurate, and comp 6ete. I am awa,re there are agnificant penaltnes for submrtting false infctmation, including the possibehty of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations.
N                                                CATE NAMEiTITLE PRiNC; PAL EXECUTNE CmCER                                  /                                                          I Masoud Bajestani                                                                            '" 6 f.)                        l      I        I Site Vice President                                                        dvironmental Supervisor                          l 02 l 26          99 YEAR TvpE"; CA PRfNTE*)                                            l $1CNATURE C# PRiNC:P% EXEmJTNE CACER TR AUTHORC'ED AGENT l MC'd TH l CAY Instructions
: 1. The purpose of this form is to repcd storm water discharp monttonng results under the Tennessee Storm hier Mu6 Sector General Permst tT! SP). You must submit the form with resutts by March 31 of the year following the year rnonitonng ts required. For exame8e. rnonitonng required cunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
: 2. The perrr6 is divided into 30 different industry sectors and in scme cases, subsecters. Not all industry seders or subsectors are required to
    ',        perform monitonng of stem vrater discharges. Refer to tne permit itseif to determine which sectors of the permit apply to discharges from your facihty. and to determine wnether or r.ot the storm water discharges at your facihty must be sampied. If so, determane which parameters must be rnonstered.
Exa mples-      Textile Mill..                Sector V. ..Not required to cerform analytic 1tl monitenng Automcbile Salvage Yard..... Sector M.....Must sample its s:orm water dischar;es for Total Suspen a        cts, Aluminum, tron, and Lead.
: 3.      The Tennessee Multi. Sector General Permst requFes a facihty to monitor its storm water discnarge(s) once per quarar dunng calendar year 1998 and once per quarter dunng calendar yter 2000. An exception to this is noted belew in instaudion 4 4 For a grven our'all, if resufts of the secord years monstonny for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentrabon, tne facility can warve montonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analy;te samples for all four quar *ers of the second year and must submit these results on tme according to instruction 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility operator must subrm ei lieu of the fourth years monstonng results a statement cenifyin; cperations have not changed substantaally since the second yea : monitonng, and the same or :mproved storm water management controts are in place.
: 5. For a new facrhty obtaining permd coverage dunng 1998, sampEng must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example, if a factity obtains permit coverage in June,1998, it must conduc samphng in the second and third quarters of 19G8 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facihty may seek a waiver from monstonng in tne year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monstonng in the ne'st quarter (s) of 1999 smce a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to cbtain the warver.
: 6. In the soaces provide; in the table, provide the results of quanerty storm water morntonng for the designated outta11. Aner the 4th quarters results are tabulated. average the quarterfy monitonng results, and record ne average va!ve in the last column of the table. For results reoorted as *tess than* a certain concentration, use one half of that concentrbtion for the purpose of averaging. For eacn quaner, grve the cate when the storm water event was sampied. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quaner, use the cate of the last sample. Also give the name(s) of laboratonps used to perform che nical analyses. Compiete a separate form for eacn outfall sarnpied.
: 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cuto" concentration for two consecebve then you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field, office (as referenced in your permst) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceecance,
: 8. Be sure 'this form rs complete, signed and dated befora you submn it. Keep a copy of the compieted form for your records.
l 9 Submit the enginal form and one copy to the following address.                                                                                                      j i
Divrsion of Water Pollution Control                                                .
Comphance and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nas' @, TN 37243-1534                                                                            l l
l j
l TVA Environmental Chemistry                          Chattsnooga, Tennessee l l 10/01/96                    NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT                        10:23 l
    =================================================== Page              1 =========
  >      lb Sample Number    ?S/02542        Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information        :(CST 0F.MWATER #9 Sample comments              :FE Sample type / matrix          :H2O Sample collection date ;980921                  Sample collection time :810 Semple login date            :980921            Sample received by lab :960921 Sample account number        :000X1PQ-P,CCC,SGN l      Alt. IDC l      Analysis Performed      l result    l    units          1 MDICP'W      Metals Digest ICP Water      980523      MAA 01045        Iron, Total in Water          1800.      WHR  ug/L 01045DT      Iron Date and Time            980923,1957      EPA 200.7 NOTE: A $ (dollar sign) ir the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.
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l j TVA Environmental Cnemistry                                      Cnat t aneoga, Tennessee !
l 12/14/98                        FINAL DATA REPORT                                  08:21 [
        =====================================n============= page                          1 =========
      ~' d. e b Sample Number :93/10766                    Project Leader : Clay C.      Cherry Sample ID Information          :@#f Sample comments                .FE Samp1s t yp e.' mat r i x      :H2O Sample colle tion date 901207                                Sample collection time    1825 Satple login date              CS1209                      Sample received by lab    961209 Sample account number          P. 0 0 X 1 F C-F , C C C , S ON l  Alt  IDC  l        Analysis Performed                l  result    I    units          l MDICP'u        Metals Digest ICP Water                    981211      MAA 01045          Iron, Total in Water                      12000      WHR ug/L 01045DT        Iron Date and Time                        981211,1646    EPA 200.7 l
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j 1E/E9/98                                        NFDES FINAL DATA REPORT                                                                14 e 0 1 F,e#              ========u
        ===========================as======a===============                                                                              1 L7b 5 e n.p l e N u m t i .-            i> 5 /1 1 ' 3 '                    F r e j e :- Lascer                C l a y-  C    Ch+rry Sam;1+ :: 1 'orms' ion                              ;ETORT1 WATER #9 Sac,ple typt/natrix                                :H2O Sample cellecti:n et.e :?E1219                                                        5=nple          cliect ion t ime                  1120
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                .                    number      
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v..                                                          i 1
Alt. IDC            l          Analysis Perfortned                              i    result            i              units              !
l 01045                    Iron, Tc al in Uster                                          1200.              WH.R          ug/L                4 01045DT                  Iron Dot + and Time                                        931229,0912                        EPA 200.7
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w_ _ _ _ EP 442-D_a tsy_,_ _T_Ng_ }}}].9_ _e_ w, _Baggt on_ _ _ _ _ _                                                  gg_cz teg_ _ p _ h _ gg g ge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
i Indicate wnether this s'orm water monitonng report (S%MR)is being submrtled for the 2nd year's monitonng requirements or the 4th year's monitonng requiremeri, O ndyear O e year                              l List the industry sector (s) whch appfy(ies) to thrs oc ' airs storm 'wa ter discharge (i.e., A, B, C. D, etc.):                        0                                      ;
Note: Read instructions on t>ack                                                              l SW10                                                      turen empieting this fonn.
: Out'all No.: -                  -        -                                                                            -
Cosgnate tme outfall r<h a three-character code (e g. 001 or SW1 etc.). In too spaces beer. prende t e resutts of quarterry storm water rnonitonne for the designated cut'all. The pararneters for whsh rnonenng rnust be conduced depend on which industry secor(s) of the Mulb Sector General Perrnrt a pply to this                  !
discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters wftich apply.
j                                            Cut-Off                                                Quarterfy Morutonng Results (mgM)                                      l Sample                                                                              Average of i              Effluent                  Concentra.
Units        . Type      1st Quarter                        3rd Quarter    l . 4th Quar'er  four quarters Charactenste                        tion                                              l 2nd Quarter
              ; Alaminum. Total Rec.                        0.75        mgA l Grab l N/A                        l    N/A              N/A          l    N/A            N/A _ _
t Ammonia                                      4.0      mgA ; Grab l N/A, l
N/A              N/A          l    N/A            N/A
              ' Arsene, Tual Rec.                            0.17        mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A            'N/A            l'N/A              N/A
              . Boo. 5-cay                                    3a        mgA l Grab I N/A                            N/A              N/A          l    N/A            N/A
: cadrruum. Total Rec.                        0.016    l mgA l Grab            i N/A            l    N/A              N/A          l    N/A            N/A chemicat ory. Demand                        120    lmgM,          Grab    I N/A            l    N/A          l  N/A          l    N/A            N/A chromium. Tota: Rec.                      0.200      mgAl Grab l N/A                        l    N/A              N/A          l    N/A            N/A
              ! copper. Total R ec.                          0.064      mgA l Grab i N/A                            N/A              "/A          l -N/A              N/A
: cyanide, Total '                            O De4      mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A              N/A          l    N/A            N/A i Fluonde                                        n/a      mgA l Grab ! N/A                        l    N/A              N/A          l    N/A          N/A
              ' tron, Total Rec.                              5.0      mgA l Grab l                (1)        l      (1)              (1)          l    (1)            (1)
Lead. Total Rec.                          0 08:      mgA l Grae ! N/A                            N/A          l  N/A          l    N/A          N/A            l j Magnesiu n, Total Rec.                      0.064      mgA l Grab                N/A                N/A              N/A          l    N/A          N/A l Mercury. Totat Rec.                        0.0024      mgM l Grab                N/A                N/A              N/A                N/A          N/A            j i NKiste plus Nitrate Nitt.                    0.68      rngA f Grab l N/A                      l    N/A              N/A                N/A          h/A i cil and Grease                                is      mgA l Grab                N/A                N/A              N/A                N/A          N/A            f l pW                        '
5.0-9.0      s.u. l Grab            N/A      s.u.      N/A      s.u. N/A      s.u.      N/A  s.u.      7/A    s.u.  .
d i Phosphorus                                    2.0      mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A              N/A                N/A      ,  N/A            l i Phosphorus, Total (as P)                      n/a      mgA      l Grab    l N/A                  N/A              N/A                N/A          N/A i Selenium. Total Rec.                        0.24      mgA          Grab    l N/A                  N/A              N/A                N/A          N/A N/A          N/A          i i Silver, Total Rec.                  i
                                                            'O.032      mgA l Grab l N/A                            N/A              N/A          l i Total Suspended Solids                      200      mgA          Grab    l N/A                  N/A              N/A                N/A          N/A 4..____                        - - -
: zine. Total Rec.                          0 117      mgA          Grab        N/A                N/A                N/A                N/A          N/A CN4115                                                                                (conbnued on reverse)                                          RDAs 2399 and 2400
P h    j Addibonal Cf aractenshes (if isquasted) i                !            L                I
      ~l                                I                                              '
i                l            I                I ist Quarter        2nd Quarter    3rd Quaner  4th Quaner Dates samples were collected: (Month / Cay / Year)
TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Narnes ollaboratory(s) that analyzed samples Attach copybes) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.        b see attached certificatfor.
I certify uncer penalty of law thrs document and all its at'achments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a sy cesagned to assure qualif.ed personnel property gatherec and evaluated the informacon subrnrtte,t. Based on my inqury of the pers who manage the system, of those persons directy responsicie for gathenng the informabon, the information submrtied is, to the best know4dge and belief, true, accurate, and compete. I am aware there als sagnifcant penalties for submstbng false infurrnabon, ecluding possibihty of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations CATE NAMurtTLE PRweiPAL E.xECUTrVE OFFICER                                                                                                              i        !
I Masoud Bajestani                                                                      .
Site Vice President                                                        . nvironmental Supervisor                      f 02 l26              99 YEM
: typed OR PRINTED                                                I S GAATURE OF PRINCAAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER CA AUTHORCEO AGENT luCNTWl CM instructions
: 1. The purpose of this fom, ,s to report storm water d:sc.targe monstonng results under the Tennessee Storm Water MultW5ector Gene (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the year mondonng is required. For exampka, mon required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
: 2. The permd is divsded into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases, subsectors. Not all industry sectors or subsectors are requir perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine wnich sectors of the permit apply to discharges faolity. and to determine whether or not the storm wa;er drscharges at your facahty must be sampled. Il so, determine wtisch parar%
E.namples'        Textik Mill.,                .. Sector V....Not required to perform analytical monhtonng Automobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M. .Must sampie its storm water discharges for Total Suspenced Solids, Puminum, Iron, and Lead.
3 The Tennessee Multi.Secor General Permit reqeirei a facility to montor as storm water disenarge(s) once per quarter dunng calendar year 1998 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An eaception to thrs is nnted below in instrucion /
4      For a green out'all, if results of the second years mondonng for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentration, the faelity can waive monstonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze samples fer a cuarters of the second year and must submit these results in time according to instruction 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility Jperator must submst, in heu of the fourth years monitonng results, a statement certifying incustnal operations have not changed substantially since the second years monstonng, and the sarne orimproved storm water management controls are in place.
5      For a new facility ottaining perrNt coverage dunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaineg quaners of the 1998 calendar year. For exampie,if a faclity obtains permd coverage in June,1998, it must conduct sampling in the secono and third quarters of 1998 and submd those results by March 31,1999. Such a facthty rr.ay seek a waiver from mondonng in the yeat 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monetenng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 s.nce a total of four consecutive samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.
6      in the spaces provided in the tabie, provide the results of quar'erty storm water monitanng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarter's results are tabulated, averace the quarterty monitoring resuts, and record the average value in the last column of the tzbie. For resuts reported as 9ess
than* 3.certain conr'.entration, use one ha'f ]f that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, grve the date when the storm water event was sampied. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also grve the name(s) oflaboratones used to perform chemscal analyses. Complete a separate form for eacn outfall sampled.
7,      if the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecubve sarnpies, then ycu must report this occurrence to the appropnate field. office (as referenced in your permat) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the *xceecance.
8 Be sure this form is complete, signet and dated before you submit it. Keep a copy of the completed form fcr your records.                                        ,
9 Submd the ongsnal form and of copy to the following sedress:
Divrsion of Water Pollution Control Compliance and Enforcement
6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville. TN 37243 1534
e      .
  .g p.
!                                          Attachment to SW-10 WRepresentative Discharge Certification Storm Water Outfall #4 is considered to be a representative discharge of Storm Water Outfall #10 based on a consideration of industry activity, significant materials, and management practices and activities within the area drained by the Outfall.                                                                      {
Storm Water Outfall #10 consists of approximately a 5 acre (217,801 ft2 ) portion of Area 3. The runoff coefficient for this area is equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #4 based on the percentages of gravel, asphalt, and impervious surface. Material storage is also equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #4.
This consists of equipment for later use, metal buildings, concrete structures, wood and plastic similar to that equipment stored for in the area of Storm Water Outfall #4.
This effluent should be substantially identical to that effluent from Storm Water
1 I certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were        j prepared under my direction or supervision in cccordance with a system            1 designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated        l the information rubmitted. Based on my inquiry of the person orpersons who        {
          - manage the sys m, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the        I information, the I.iformation submittedis, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant        l penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and l imprisonment for knowing violations.
                      $                  I    JY.WPP MM I

Latest revision as of 13:32, 29 December 2020

1998 Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit Storm Water Monitoring Rept for Sqn
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1998
Shared Package
ML20205H891 List:
NUDOCS 9904090103
Download: ML20205H893 (54)





_T_VA __ _ _S_e_qu_o_ya_h_

_ _N_uclear_ Plan _ t

_____ ___ _____________ ru_s_, wu_u_sE_R_ _ _ T_ _N_R_O_S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

docets! _ L O ,. _B u _?i.qqq _Umns.fDs s _ S D _ Ml _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t*sM".use_ _ [_4_ 23,], pg 6 [gg _ _ _._ _ _ _ ,

w_ _ _ _ E2442_gatsy_,_ _%g_)]}]_9_ _qw_Hetltgn _ _ _ _ _ (

yy_ez gegn_ _ g._ h _ gg g g e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (SVMR) is being submitted for the 2nd yest's O 2nd year O 4th year monitonng requirements or the 4th years monitanng requiremerts:

List the industry sector (s) whch apply (ies) to this outfairs sto'm,'wajer r discharge (i.e., A, B, C, 0, etc.): 0 Note: Read !nstructions on back

  • before completing this form.

t Out'all fwe : i S.W,l, Desgnate the outfsn wvth a three-character code (e g.,001 or SW1 etc.). In the spaces beiow, pronse the resuns or quarterpy storm meter monstonns for the

- desegneted outeu. The perumsters for whech monsonng must be conduced depend on which industry sec:or(s) of the Mulb-Sector Gene il Perrrut apply to this discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.

Cut-Cff Quarterty Mcnitenng Results (mgA)

Cor. centra. l sample Average of

Effluent ,
, Units . Type ist Quarter l 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter four quarters
Charactenste tion j Aluminum. Total Rec. 0.75 mgA l Grab l N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A , _

Ammonia 4.0 mg4 l Grab l N/A. N/A l N/A N/A N/A l Arsenic. Total Rec. 0.17 mgA l Grae l N/A 'N/A l 'N/A l N/A N/A


.eco.5. cay 30 mg4 l Grac l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

' Cacmium. Total Rec. 0 016 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A ,

Chemical cry cemand 120 most l Gran I N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A

, Chromium. Total Rec. 0.200 mg4 j Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

! Copper. Tetal Rec. 0.064 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

! Cyaruce. Total ' O.064 mg4 l Grae l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l Fluoride n/a mg4 l Grab l 'N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iiron. Totai Rec. s.0 ' men l Gram l 7.30 2.00 1.20 l 0.190 2.67

. Lead. Total Rec. 0.082 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A j j Magnesium. Total Rec. 0.064 mg4 Grao l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l l Mercury. Total Rec. 0.0024 mg4 Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Narate plus Nitrate Ntf. 0.68 mgA Grab N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A j od and crease ,

is mea Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A j l pH ' ' 5 0.g 0 s.u. Gran N/A s u. N/A s u. ' N/A s u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u.

i Phosphorus 2.0 mg4 Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Phosphorus. Total (as P) n/a mgA l Grue N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

. i s'elenium. Total Rec. 0.24 mgA Grao l N/A N/A N/A I N/A N/A i saver, Total Rec. 0 032 mgA l Gram l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Totai suspended solids 5

200 mgA Grad l N/A l Zinc, Total Rec. 0.11 7 mg4 Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l 0 9904090103 990300 (connnued on reverse)

ROAs 2399 and 2400 PDR ADOCK 05000327 R PDR_


  • e, Accitienti Charact2rctics (if rsquisted) .

I l l L 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4m Quarter 3/18/98 5/7/98 '9/21/98 12/19/98 cares sampies were collected: (Month / Day / Year)

TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratcry Names of laboratory (s) that analyzed semples Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.

t certify under penalty of law thss document and all its attachrnents were prepared under my carecten or supervisaon in accrxcance wth a system desagned to assure quali5ed personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submrtted. Based on rny inquary of the person or persons who manage the system, or those paraons directy respons@e for gathenng the information, the informabon submrced is, to the best of rny knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am awafe there are agnincant penattses for submrtbng falsa information, including the possibsry of fine and impnsonment for knowing volations.


  1. dW] -

NAME/ TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTrVE CHICEe Masoud Bajestani 14d 1 I Site Vice President nvironmental Supervisor f 02 26 99 S;GNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE CntCER CR AUTHORCED AGENT j hiONTH DAY YEAR T vpED oR PRINTEO instructions

1. The purpose of thrs form is to report storm water d scharge monitonng results under the Tennessee Storm Water MultkSector General Permd (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the year mondonng is regi. ired. For exarnpie, monitonng required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
2. The permit rs diveed into 30 different industry sectors and m some cases, subsectors. Not all industry secors or subsectors are required to perform monitonng of reorm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine wnen sectors of the permit appfy to cischarges from your facihty, ard to determine whether or not the Octm water drscharges at your facility must be sampled. If so, oetermine whch parameters must be monitored.

Ezamples Tertale Mall .. .... .. Sector V... Net required to perform analytical rnonitonng Automobile Salvage Yard. .. Sector M.. .Must sampie its storm water discharges for Total Suspended Solids, Aluminum, Iron, and Lead.

3. The Tennessee Muft9 Sector General Permrt requires a facility to rnonitor its storm water diseiarge(s) once per quarter dunng calendar yesr 1995 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exck ption to tnts is noted beicw in instructen 4.

4 For a given out'all, if results of the second years monitonng for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentrabon, the facikty can waive monrtonng requirements for this pa'ameter in the fourin year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze sampies for all four quarters of the second year and must submit these results on time according to instrucen 1. To take advantage of this opton, the facility cperater must subr'ut, m lieu of tne fourth year's monitonng results, a statement art;fying industnal cperations have not changed substantially since the second years monitenrig, and the same orimproved storm water management controls are in place.

5. For a new facihty obtaining permit coverage dunng 1998 sampling must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1996 calendar year. For example,if a facility obtains permd coverage in June,1998, it must conduct sampling in the second and tfurd quarters of 19G8 and submd those resuits by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from monitonng in the yeer 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monitonng in the Arst quarter (s) of 1999 s4nce a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to obtain tne waiver.

6 in the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitoring for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarters results are tabulated, average the quarterty monitonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For results reoorted as ".ess than" a certain concentraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For esen qtarter, grve the date when the storm water event was sampled: If results were taken from more than c.1e storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last samp6e. Also give the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Complete a separate form for each out*all sampled.

7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentraten for two consecubve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field office (as referenced in your perma) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceedance.
6. Be sure this form rs complete, signed and dated before you submit it. Keep a copy of tne completed form for your records.
9. Submit the original form and one copy to the following address:

Divrsen of Water Pollution Control Compliance and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annen 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243 1534' l



jTvA Chem.r. -) C h e t t e r< c. ; a T e r:m c = r e e l 09:01 l 03/E4/9E' NFLES FidAL DATA REF OR~

c5;e i u========


Dennis L. Meinsrt Lab Sample :98/02231 Projf:t L + s d s r-sample ID Information :0.?TORMWATER #1 Sample ccements :FE.CU Semple type / matrix :HEO Sample : llection datE '96021S SSG?le Collection time :1025 Sample login date :990315 Sample receivcc by lab '980319 Sample account number :000XiFS-P,DLM,5GN l Alt IDC l Analysis Performed l result i -------------l urits 990320 M r, f.

MDlCP'U r1 e t a ; i. 01 gest IC? Ueter 1ron, T;te in Ucter T 00 LFP u s,'L 01045 1ren "at e enc Time 9803E3,1604 EFA 200.T 0104EDT NOTE: A $ (dellar sign) in the result field indierte; th+ t+st was not antlyzed within the holding time.

.O.., '


5 v



p.j.................-.u...................- a u . . . o . . u s a -m m m - }

ng ( V H .t ri v a r o nruen t a l t hero i st r y diettanooga. Tennet.see i hZ Ub/15/y8 NFULd FINAL DATA REPORT 15:17 l Pege 1 ===== =e=


L a t. s eriip l e N u m b e r 98/03956 Project Leeder : Scott R. McNabb


  • \

pie AD 1 ra t o r ma t i o n :t JSW H1 bemple comrnente :FE dample type / metrix $H2O cemple. collection date s y e . ., u / Setup le co l lect i on time 2815

ernp le login date
980508 Sarnp le receivec by lab :980507 b ernp l e e:: c o u n t nurnber 8000X1PS-P,bkn,20N j Alt. 1DC l Analysis Perforrned l result I units  !

01049 1ron, lotal in Water 2000. LKP ug/L v10450T Iron Date and Time 980512.1351 EPA 200.7 MDlCP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 980b11 MHA NulE A $ (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding tiroe.

9. .



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1 l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooga, Tennessee l l 10/01/98 NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT 10:20 l

< N=...........=.=....=...................=..=........ ppg, j .=.......


Lab Sample Number :93/08535 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information  :$STORMWATER #1

  • Samp1'e. comments :FE Sample type / matrix :H2O Sample collection date :980921 Sample collection time :532 Samole login date :9SO921 Sample received by lab :980921

' Sample account number :000X1PG-P,CCC,SQN l Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed I result I units 1 MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA 01045- Iron, Total in Water 1200. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Tirae 980923,1939 tPA 200.7 NOTE: A $_(dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time. ,

3 .


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6- . ,

l ===s=====r===u=ar.=====r===r;===================.... . =r.===========r=======

l l TVA Environmental Chemistrv '

Cr.a t t an c e ; Tennessee i 1

I j 12/29/96 tJF DE S FINAL DATA REPORT 14:40 l  ;

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =.=; . = r = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = p;ce


1 f

I Leb Samo1+ Numb +r 02/11133 Project Leader 'Itv C Cher^v s ,.

.Csmple ,D . information  : @,.: ,. ,a .M U n,,

. s t r.

. Sample type /matrit :H2O Sample co11 action dat e 55121? Semole cellertien time 116c Semple login dat e -?E1112 S.+mple re:+ivec by lab :951222 Sample account numcer .000X1PG-F,CCC,8GN,Y" l

l A1; IDC i Anelysis Performed l r+sult I un:ts I 01045 Iron, Total in Vater 190. UHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 981229,0?O7 EPA 200.T MDICP'L M+tals Digest ICP Water 981222 i

1 1

NOTE: A 0 (callar sign) i- the resul: fia:t indicat+r the tsc was not analyzed withir the helding time. 1 1

I i

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1 I


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_ ____S_e_qu_o_y a_h_ _N_u_c_l_ea r Plan t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Tu_s_p

_ _ __ _Nu_u_de_R_ _ _ T_ _N_R_0_5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 Ac e tss _ L O ,. a n _ M Q 4 _ U n t.p y.p f n s s _ g _ u l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ _42 3_ } _ 84 g 6 {gg ,,,,,,.,,,

j w_ _ _ _ sgg g y_pais3_ _ge_ _3]3] 9_ _ cam _gg{p_m_ _ _ _ _ _ m4_c.tew_u__A_J.:_ppfig_________,

i Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (SVWR)is being submitted for the 2nd year's monstonng requirements or the 4m year's monitanng requirements:

O Oey 4


List the industry sector (s) which appty(ies) to this out'ars storm. wafer discharge (Le.. A, B, C O, etc.): O j Note: Read instruccons on back ' l before completing this form.

t Outfall No.: S y ' 2 - -

Designate the outfaa with a three-character code (e.g 001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces below provide the results of quarterly storm water rnonnonng for tbs designated outfaa. The parameters for which monitoring rnust De conduded depend on which industry sec:or(s) of the Mua4ctor General Perrrut apply to this

. discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit. and check the parameters which apply,

Cut-Off Quarterly Morutonng Results (mgA)  !

Samp;e Average of i Erfluent concentra.

tion Units Type 1st Quarter l 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter four cuarters Charactenstic j Aluminum. Total Rec. 0.75 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A , _

Ammonia 40 mg4 l Grab l N/A. N/A- N/A N/A N/A

Arsenic, Total Rec. c.17 'mg4 l Grab l N/A 'N/A 'N/A N/A N/A


, sod.5-Day 30 mga l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I cadmium. Totat Rec. 0.016 mgn l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Chemical Cry. Demand 120 mgA ! Grab I N/A N/A N/A  ! N/A N/A i ch.omium. Totai nee. 0.200 mgA j Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

! Copes- Total Rec. 0.064 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

  • Cyamde. Total 0.0s4 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Fluoride ' n/a regA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

' iron. Total Rec. 50 mg4 l Grab l 0.96 l 7.40 l 1.10 l 3.4 3.22 Lead. Total R ec. 0.082 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A i Magnesium. Total R ec. 0.064 mgA l Grab N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A _

{ Mercury. Total Rec. 0.0024 mgA Grab N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A j Nrtrate plus Nitrate Nitt 0.68 mg4 Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l oa and Grease is mg4 Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

' N/A N/A N/A s.u.

lp4 5.0-9.0 s.u. l Grab l N/A s.u. N/A s.u. s.u. s.u.

i Phosphorus 2.0 mgA Grab l N/A N/A N/A -N/A N/A t

i Phosphorus, Total (as P) n/a mgA Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


i Seienium. Total Rec. 0.24 mg4 l Grab { N/A N/A. N/A N/A N/A 0.032 rngA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

{ Silver. Total Rec.

i Total Suspended Solids 200 m94 Grab N/A' N/A N/A. N/A N/A

. c ._. . ___ ..


.Zine, Total Rec. 0.117 mgA Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l

RDAs 2399 and 2400 CN 1115 . (continued on reverse)

L 3

e e

Addition 11 Chiractinstics (if riquxted) . _

l  !

i I I .

I I ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4m Quarter cates sampies were collected: (Month / cay / Year) 3/18/98 5/7/98 9/21/98 12/7/98 TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names ofiaboratory(s) that analyzed sampies Attach copy (es) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.

I certify under penalty of law this document and all its attachments were prepared under my diredian or supervsaon in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submrt!ed. Based on my inqury of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc!y responsible for gathenng the informabon, the informabon subtrutted sa, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are significant penalbes for submrtting false information, including the poss4behty of fine and impnsonment for imowing violahons.

CA E NAME/ TITLE PRINCIPat EXECJTrVE OmGn Masoud Bajestani > Mdh I I Site Vice President virc. mental Supervisor l 02 l 26 99 YE.AR MPEO CR PAINTEC l SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECJTIVE OAGR OR AUTH wd5.T./ AGENT l MCNTH l D&Y Instructions

1. The purpose of thrs form is to report storm water d:scharge menstonng results under the Tennessee Storm Vater Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of tne year following the year monitonng is required. For exampe, monstonns required dunng 1998 rs due by March 31,1999.

2 The permrt is divided into 3o different industry sectors and in some cases, subsectors Not all industry sectors or subsectors are required to perform monitonng cf storm water discharges. Refer to the permrt itself to dete'Tnine which sectors of the permit appfy to discharges from your facihty. and to determine whether or not the s!crm water discharges at your facihty must be sampied. If so, cetermine which parameters must be monitored mple s' Tertrie Mill.. .. Sector V.....Not required to perform analytical monitonng Automobsle Salvage Yard.. .. Sector M.....Must sampie its storm water d:scharges for Total Suspended Solids, Aluminum, iron, and Lead.

3. The Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facility to monaer its storm water disearge(s) once per quarter dunng canendar year 1996 and once per quader dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instruction 4.
4. For a grven out'all, if results of the second years monstonng for a parameter average less than the cut-ofl concentration, the facility can waive monstonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be ehgibie for this waiver, the facility rnust collect and analyze samples for au four cuarters of the second year and must submrt these results on tir'1e according to instruebon 1. To take advantage of this option, the facihty cperator must submit, in heu cf the fourth years menstonng resu!!s. a statement cert @ng industna! cperations have not enanged substantialty since the second years monetenng, and the same or improved storm water management controis are in place.
5. For a new facshty obtaining permit coverage dunng 1998, samphng must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example,if a fac:hfy cbtains permit coverage in June,1998, it must conduct samphng in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facalay may seek a waiver from mondonng in the par 2000 (as desenbed at:cve in instruebon 4.) by monstonng in the Arst quarter (s) of 1999 54nce a total cf four consecutrve samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.

6 in the spaces provided in the taole, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitoring for the dessnated outfalt. After the 4th quarters results are tabutated averace the Quarterty rnonstonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For resuas reported as"less than" a certain concentration, use one hair of that concentraben for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampied. If results were taken from rnere t%an one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also grye the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Complete a seperste form for each out*sil sampled.

7. If the'results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecubve s.amples, then you must report this occurTence to the appropnate field o!nce (as referenced in your permst) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceecance.
8. Be sure this form is compiete, signed and dated before yo'u submit it. Keep a copy of the compieted form for your records. f 9 Submit the onginal form and one copy time llowing address:

l Division of Water Polluton Control )

Compliance and Enforcement l


6th Ficor LAC Annex l 401 Church Street l Nashville, TN 37:43 1534

s s

================u t,==,=========,usen=wn.====,=a====n=============_

-/ TVA Environmental Chem Etry

= ,. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = n = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ,. ,,= = = = = = e r p 3 ;,  ; =c======

Lab Sample Nu.mter :98/02232 Project Leader : Dennis L. Meinert

- Sample ID Information  :@STORt1 WATER _#2 Sample. comments- :FE,CU Sample. type / matrix. :HEO.

' Sample collection date : 900318 Esmple collecticn time 10E0 Sampi.e.login date :980318 Semple received by. lab  : 980318

. Sample account number :000X1PS-F,DLM,8GN l Alt, IDC l Analysis Performed i result ] unite  !

MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP utter 9E0320 ti A h 01045 Iren, Total in Water 960 LEF ug/L 01045DT Iron Det+ and Time ?50317, C:' 3FA E00.T 4 1

rJOTE: As (dolier' sign) in the result field indicat ec t he t est was not_ analyzed within the holding time.

O o

b c.c 9

34 4

. ... ,m.......................................

4* TU A *E n 0 i r onrnent a l themistru Cnettanooga, Tennessee I i j Ow15/98 N P D t. s FINAL DATA REFus1 15:1? i l

................................................... page 1 ......... l Leo ., e rnp l e N u rnb e r :93/03957 Project Leader : Scott R 11cNabb G ile 10 1 rt r o r ra 6 t i o n  : i'a o W

. *? /.

bornple c on,me n t s :FE doinp i e t u pe/ rne t r i x  : H26 Sarnp l e collection date :980907 bampie collection time :8/0 bsmple login date 29805UB Sample received by lab syB0507 Sample account number  : 0 0 0 /.1 P S - P . S R11. S O N l H1t. IDC I Anasusis Performed I result l units  !

01v45 Iron, Total in Weter 7400. LRP ug/L  !

Olue5DT 1ron Date end Time 980512.1955 EPA 200.7 11DICP'W 11etals Digest ICP Water 980511 11 A A N U 'i t A $.(dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analured witnin the nolding time.

l l



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l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooga; Tennessee l l 10/01/98 t' ODE'S FINAL D ATA REPORT 10:20 l eg .================================================ page t =========

. Lab Sample Number :98/08536 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry l Sample ID Information  :@STORMWATER #2 Samp1'e comments :FE Semple type / matrix :H2O Sample collection date :980921 Sample collection time :540 Sample login date :980921 Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account number 2000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON

{ Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed l result l u'n i t s l MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 1100. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 980925,1102 EPA 200.T l l

NOTE: A5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time. ,



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l TVA Environment al Chemistry Chattaneoga, Tennessee 1 l 12/14/98 FINAL DATA REPORT 08:22 l l

==================================r================ Page 1 =========  !


ab Sample Number 95/10759 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information  :@#2 Sample comments :FE Sample type / matrix :H2O Sample collection date 9E120T Sample collection time 1835 Sample login dat e :981209 Sample received by lab : 981209 Semple account number 000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON 1

1 Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed l result j units [ ,

2 MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 3400. WHR ug/L 01045DT 1ron Date and Time 981211,1631 EPA 200.7 4 1

i l



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__ _S_e_qu_o_ya_h_ _N_u_c_l_ ear P_lan_t

___ __ _____________ r_a_s_p_

Nu_u_ie_n_ _ _T_ _N_R_0_5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

mess L 0, _aa _MO_ _Chtns.f,fIss _ S3_24L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ep_w.use_ _ [ f,2,3, } , p g { gg , , ,,, , , ,,

ce_ _ _ _ !9ssZ-Ed5J_ _ _TN79_ ,3,73],9,,mr,r,gaghon,,_ ,,, g e gygg ,sqN,,g.,L ,pgg g e ,,,,,,,,,,

Indcate whether this storm water morntonng report (SMMR)is being submitted for the 2nd years O 2nd year O 4th year tronitonng requirements or the 4m years monstonng requirements:

Lt st the industry sector (s) wh' c h appty(ies) to this outtairs storm 'wajer discharge (i.e., A, B, C, D. etc.): 0

- Note: Read instructions on back Out'all No.: - Si W i 3 - -

J Designate the outrail wth a three-character coce (e.g.,001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces below, provide the renuns of quarterly storm vetor rnannonng for the desagneted outfall. The persrreters for whch monnonng must be conduced cepend on whch industry secor(s) of the MunsSector General Perrnet apply to this I discharge. Look up your sector (s)In the permit, and check the parameters which apply.

Cut-Off Cuarterty Monttonng Results (mgA)

Sample Average of i Etnuent conce ntra. four quarters Charactenste tion Units . Type 1st Quarter l 2nd Quarter l 3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter

Alurmnum, Total Rec. 0.75 mgM l Gram l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N / A , , ,,,

Ammonia 4.0 'l mgA l Grab l N/A. N/A N/A l N/A N/A

Arsenic, Total Rec. 0.17 mg4 Grab l N/A N/A 'N/A l 'N/A N/A

. Boo. 5-cay 30 mgM l Gran l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A Cadmium. Total Rec. 0.01 6 mgM l Grab i N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A chemical cry. Demand 120 mgM ! Grae ! N/A N/A l N/A  ! N/A N/A f i enromium. Total Rec. 0.200 mon i Gran l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A

' copper. Totai r e c 00s4 med ! Gram l N/A N/A l N/A l .N/A N/A

! cyanice, Total ' l C064 mg4 ! Gran i N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A

Fluonde n/a mgM l Grab !'N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

' tron, Total Rec. 5.0 mgA l Grab l 0 9} 1.50 5.10 l 1.90 2.37 Lead. Total Rec. 0.082 mg4i Grao i N/A N/A l N/A I N/A N/A l Ma gnesium, Total Rec. 0.064 mg4 Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A l Mercury. Total Rec. 0.0024 mg4 Grat l N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A I Nitra's plus Nrtrate Nitf. 0.68 mgM Grao l N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/l i oit and Grease is mgA Grao l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A lpr '

S.0-9.0 s.u. Grab l N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. l N/A s .u . N/A s.u.

i Phosphorus 2.0 mgA l Gram l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l i Phosphorus Total (as P) n/a mgA Grab l N/A N/A l N/A  ! N/A N/A i S 'ienium, Total R ec. 0.24 mgA Grab l N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A l Saver, Tetal Rec. 0.C32 mgM l Grad l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A iTotai suspended Solids 200 N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A mon l Gran l22nc Total Rec. 0 117 mea l Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A RDAs 2399 and 2400 CN-1115 ,

(continued on reverse) l

a A!ditiond Chiractenstics (rf rsquisted)

I l I ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 31 Quarter 4th Cuarter _

NUN NM O N Dates sampies were collected: (Month / Day /vear)

TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names of lacoratory(s) thst analyzed samples Attach copy (ieS) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.

I cartify under penalty of law this document and all its attachments were prepared under my directen or supervasaon in accordance with a system designed to assure quahfied personnel property gathered and evaluated the informabon submrtted. Based on my inquey of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directty responsible for gathenng the informanon, the informabon auberutied is, to the best of my knowledge and behef, true, accurate; and cor9p;ete. I am aware there are agrufscant penaltses for sutunftting false informabon, including the possibihty of fine and impnsonrnent for knowing volations.

  • cal NeuE/*iTLE PRINCIPAt EXEcuTrVE OFFICER 1 I Masoud Bajestani


Site Vice President tvironmental Supervisor 02 26 99 S;Gw URE OF PRINC: PAL EXECUTrvE orriCER OR AUTHORCED AGENT l8dONm( CM l YEAR TvPED OR PRINTED Instructions 1 The purpose of thrs form is to report storm water c:scharge monitoring results under the Tennessee Storm Veter MutLSector General Permit (TMSP) You must submit the form with results by Marcn 31 of the year following the year monstonng is required. For exampie, monttonng required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.

2 The permit is drnded into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases. subsectors. Not all industry sectoe* -- " sectors are required to perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine which sectors of the permit apply to e narges from your facility. and to determ6ne whether or not the storm water discharges at your facility must be sampled, if so, cetermine which parameters must be monitored Examples Textile Mill.. .. ... Sector V.. .Not recuired to perform analytical monitonng Automobile SaNage Yardm .. Sector M.....Must sample its storm water discharges for Total Suspended Solids. Aiurninum, Iron, and Lead.

3. The Tenness?e Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facilrry to monrter as storm water disenerge(s) once per quarter dunng caiendar year 1998 and ofice per qua,rter dunng calendar year 2000. An excepten to this is noted below in instrucion 4. f 4 For a given outfall, if results of the second years monstenng for a parameter avera;e less than the concentration, the fachty can waive monitonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be ehgible for this warver, the facihty must collect and analyze sampies for all four quarters of the second year and must suDmit these resufts on time according tc instrucDon 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility operator

.must submit, in lieu of the fourtr, year's monitenng 'esuts, a statement cerufying industnal cperatens have not changed substantially since t% j second yeaf s monstonng, and the same or improved storm water management controls are in place. j l


5. For a new faelity obtaining permit cove age dunng 1998, camphng must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example, if a fachty obtains oermit coverage in June,1998, it must ccnduc samphng in the second and third qua9n. of 1998 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from montonng in the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monitonng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 since a total of four cc?tsecutive samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.
6. In the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitonng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarters resuits are tabulated, svenice the cuarterfy monitonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For results ruoorted as"less than" a certain concentration, use one hairof that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For eacn quarter, give the date when tne storm water event was sampled. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also tive the namets) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Cornplete a separate form for eacn out'all sampsed
7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentraten for two consecutive samples,inen you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field office (as referenced in your permat) within 30 cars of your becoming swire of the exceedanor.
8. B'e sure this form is complete, sagned and dated before you submit R. Keep a copy of the enmpleted fann for your records D. Submn the ongmal form and one copy to the following accress:

Divrsion of Water Pollution Control Comphance and Enforcement 6tn Ficor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-1534 1

.c i l



- q========e=====nerc=======rr,-n=====.... =============================

TV A Envf rone,ent z.i. Cher i s t r y . C n t i t .$ n c o c t . Tknneecee ;

i.03/24/98 '


  • 02 >

===================================r============ Fege 1 == ==r

Lab Sample Number : i'B/ ?li~ ~ Project Leider : Ds,.n!s L. Meinert Sample ID Inferratien. '@iTORMWATER #3' Sample comments :FE,CU Sample type / matrix- :H2O

-Sample collection date :510318- Sample collection time 10ES Samp1e login cate :9?O318 Sample received by., lab ;930313 Sample account n u m b e r- 2000X1PS-P,DLM,50N i 1

l Alt IDC l . Analysis Ferformed I result l units l MOICP'W Metals Digest -ICP. Water 950320 r1 A A 01045 Iron, Total in Water  ??0. '_ F F ug/L 0104EDT: Iren Date and Time' 930323,16?i EPA 200.7 NOTE: A3 (dollar sign) . i r. the result field i ndica es the test was net analyzed within the holding time. l

  • i M

g,e s

4 4

l e

e 4

i Nb l e

suaumaau=====monama=a===mauma=numumaaa=======a==maa========= maw =a.aaman

,j. . hit t riv i r onraen t e l . C henii st r y Chett'enooge, Tennes.see j i up/15/98 HPDE6 FINHL DRIA R E r'O k T 15:17 1 mammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm===amammmmmm================== page 1 samusuwan La p .,

cernp le Nurnber 98/03958 Project Leader : Scott R, IicNabb Ji l e 10 Inforrastion abbi e s o,np l e c ororn e n t s FE S einp ie t y pe/ rne t r i x :h/U oemple collection dete s900>0/ Sernp le co l lect i on t i rne :7b2 demple login date 8960!.08 Sample recesuec by lab 8980507 Semple ec: cunt n urn b e r  : 0 0 0 x 1 P S - P . b nFI, S ON i Hlt. 1DC { Rnelysis Perforrnec j result l units l 01045 Iron, Total in Water 1500. LRP ug/L 01U45bf Iron Date and Tirne 980512,13S9 EPA 200.7 I hu1CP'W Metals Digest ICP Water '/ H 0 b 11 11AA ,

1 Hu f t: A $ (doller sign) in the result field indicates the test was not enelvreo within the ho l d i ng t iine .

2 .. .

    1835 Sample login dat e :981209 Sample received by lab :981209 Sample account number 4000X1PQ-P,CCC, SON 'l Alt IDC [ Analysis Performed l result l units l MDICP'u Metals Digest ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 1900. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 981211,1629 EPA 200.7- - ~ 9 .. y i 4 4 ,e s. DEPARTMENi OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION TENNESSEE MULTI-SECTOR GENERAL PERMIT (TMSP) STORM WATER MONITORING REPORT n_ei_uTv_N_A_ue_ _T_VA _ _ __ _S e_qu_o_ya_h_ _ _ _ _ _ _N_uc_ _ _ _ _ _ _lear _ _ __P_ _ _ _lan _ _ t_ _ __ _ _ _ta_s_p_ Nu_u_se_R_ _ _T_ _N_R_0_5_ _ _ _ _ _> ets>_ L h _an _Mqq _Unt.ex.pnu e _ s g _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e,gmu3,__{_423_}_843-6700, , , , , , , , w_ _ _ _ sgggz-Astsx_ _me_)]}]9 _mmlethon_ _ _ __ _ g_Nyg ten _ _ R._ h _ yg ggy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Indicate whether this storm water mordtonng report (SWMR) is being submitted for the 2nd years O n year O 4 year monnonng requirements or the 4th years monitonng requirements: ~ List the incustry sedor(s) which apply (les) to thrs outfall's storm. water discharge (i.e.. A, B. C, D. etc.): 0 Note: Read instructions on back . More comPMng this fonn. , Outfall No.: , t S, W , 4 , ,. Designate the outfall vntn a three-character coce (e.g 001 or SW1. etc.). In the spaces below, proves the resutts of quarterty storm water monitoring for the designated outfall. The parameters for which monotonno must be conducted depend on which industry sector (s) of the Mult> Sector General Portrut apply to this I drscharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply. ,
    Cut-Off Quarterty Monitonng Resuas (mgA)
    Sample Average of i Effluent concentra. four quarters Unas . Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter Cha ractenstic tion j Aluminum. Total Rec. l 0.75 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A_ _ Ammonia 4.0 mea l Gran l N/A. N/A N/A l N/A N/A .' Arsenic. Total Rec- 0.17 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A 'N/A l'N/A N/A . Boo. 5-cay 30 mgA l Grat l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A I Cadmium. Total R e c. 0.016 mgM l Gran l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A chemical oxy Demand 120 mg4 ! Grab I N/A N/A l N/A  ! N/A N/A i chromium. Total Rec. 0.200 mgAl Grue l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ! copper. Totat Rec. 0 064 mgA l Gran I N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A ! cyanide. Totat ' O.064 mo n l Grab l N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A N/A ! Fluoride l n/a mg4 l Grab l'N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A ' iron. Total Rec. l 50 mgA l Gne l 1.60 1.10 i 1.80 l 12.0 4.13 Lead. Total Rec. 0082 mg4 l Gram l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l Magnesium. Total Rec. 0.064 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A h Mercury. Total Rec. 0.0024 mg4 Grat l N/A N/A N/A N/A F/A j Narate plus Nitrate Nitt. 0.68 mgA Grad l N/A N/A N/A l N/A l N/A  ; i oa and Grease is mg4 Gran l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A s.u. N/A s.u. Ipr
    • 5.0 9.0 s.u. Gran l N/A s.u. l N/A s.u. s.u.
    ! Phosphorus 2.o mgA Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Phosphorus. Total (as P) n/a mgA f Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l Seieruurn, Total Rec. 0.24 mgA l Grab .N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i solver Total Rec. 0.032 mg4 f Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Totsi suspended solids .t._...__.__ - 200 mgii j Gram l N/A l '. zme. Total Rec. 0.11 7 mga l Gran l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l l l RDAs 2399 and 2400 CN-1115 (continued on reverse) t-Additional Ch;racunstics Of rzeuested) . I i l l 1 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 3/18/98 5/7/98 '9/21/98 12/7'/98 . o:tes sarnpies were cohected: (Month /caynear) TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory fernes of iaboratory(s) tnat anatyzed samples Attach copy 6es) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data. I certify ur.Jer penalty of law this Occumerd and all its attachments were prepared under my direcion or supervaion in accorG&nce with a system designed to assure quaMed personnel property gathered and evaluated the informaton submrted. Eased on my inquey uf the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direcly resoonsible for gathenng the informabon the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am awa,re there are significant penalties for submitung fasse informaton, including the possibility of fine and smpnsonment for knowing violations. , C#4 n.AuEft'fLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE oplCER Masoud Bajestani 24# I I Site Vice President .E 1ronmental Supervisor l02l26 99 TE.AR TvPEO OR PRINTED $1GNAfuRE CW PRINCPAL tDtEc.lTNE OFICER OR AUTHOR 5D AGENT WONN l Q4T instructions
    1. The purpose of this form is to report storm water discharge monstonng results under t*e Tennessee Storm Water monitonng For example, MultLSector General You must submit tne form with results by March 31 of the year followmg the year mondonng as required.
    (TMS P). required dunng 1998 is due by March 31.1999. 2 The permn is divided into 30 different ridustry sectors and in sortie cases, subsecors. Net allindustry secors or sut; sectors are required to perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to cetenTiine which secters of the permd apply to crscharges from y facility. and to determine whether or not the storm water discharges at your faciftty must be sampled. If so, determsne wtisch parameters monitored Examples' Textile Mill.. .. Sector V.....Not required to perform analytical monitonns Autoniobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M-..Must sample its storm water discharges for Total Suspended Solids. Aluminum, iron, and Lead. 3. The Tennessee MulteSecor General Permit requires a facahty to monitor its storm water discharge (s) once per quarter dunng calendar year 1992 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to tnis is noted below its instrucion 4. 4 For a given outfall. if results of the second years montonng for a parameter average '.ess than the cut-off concentration, the facility can waive montonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be ehgible fcr INS waiver, the facility must collect and analyze sempies for all four ovarters of the secono year and must submd these results on tme according to ins *aacien 1. To take ar! vantage of tNs opton, the facihty operator rnust submit. in heu of the fourth years monnonng resu"s. a statement cer1 dying industnal cperations have not changed sucstantially since the second yeafs monstonn(1, and the same or improved sto!Tn water rnanagemes.t controts are in pace.
    5. For a new facihty obtaitung permit coverage during 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaineg quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example,if a facihty obtains permit coverage in June,1998, it must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submd those results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from montonng in the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instracbon 4 ) by monitonng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 since a total cf four consecutrue samphng events are required to cDtain the warver.
    6 in the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitanng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarter's results are tabulated. averzoe the cuarterty monitanng resuts, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For resues reoorted as less than" a certain concentraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averagmg. For each quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampled. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the Inst sarnpie. Also give the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Comp'ete a separate form for each out'all sempied.
    7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecuove samples, then you must report this occurTence to the appropr.ute field effice tas referenced in your perma) witNn 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceedance.
    D. Be sure this form is complete. s#gned and dated before you submd d. Keep a copy of the compiered form for your records. 9 Submit the ongmal form and one ccpy to the following address: Divrseon of Water Pollution Control Comphance and Enforcemer.t 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-1534 s ,~ 'D,========2========-================ce.==========r====.-=====-======= _ , TVA Envircnmentel O n e n. _ r t r - C: 2 - t .5 m ' 3 Tennessee ! , u-m-,m- a. f 9 p N. p _n -r .e Fi"A8 .n - . n M. . A. n_: r^ r, *rs .T s"W. " . .
    ============================s==========- r=== P3;e 1 ===

    Leb ssmple Number '98,'0213 5 c. ject Leader : Den Is L. Meiner Sample ID In'-+mati:n  :@i~CP.MUATER #4 e

    vample comments  : r e. , C U Sample type / matrix . HEC Sample collection date -980318 Sample collection time 101E Sample login date '1.5 0 31 E Sample received by ,l ab :980318 Simple account number 000X195-P,DLM,cGN l

    Alt, IDC l Analcsis Performed l result l units j MDICP'u Metals Digest ICP Water 980320 M A /,

    01045 Iron, Tctal in Water 1600 LRP up/L 01045DT Iren Date and Time 930323,:525 E:A 200.T NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result fiele indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.

    eV, o

    l l

    l l

    l l

    fsey S


    r r p - s .

    • u e S . u . s a r. . xe . . u . N . . . s . . . er sa r r mz er Frr er e e-s - - - r. a. as z . w . . . s se n a . . m. . .

    J 1 DN *E nI;1 r o ntnen t e i Lnrtr; iet r v Chatt'anooge. 1 e r. n e s s ee } l 6 t , .i ? / '- 8 hPDtd FINAL DATH RdPURT 15:18 l  !

    . u............................................... page i ....u . .

    L. a u s a rap i e N u nib e r 898/03959 Project Lea 1er Scott R. McNebb 3, ,

    4 jle 1D I nf o rruat i on  :@bk #4 l

    <a cia r; l e c o rarne n t s :r E Sctnp l e t u ce/ raat r i x :n2u Sainp le co i Ieetion date :980507 . ie cc1iection t t roe :ob8 4 b a ru p l e login date 980508 d en.p l e received bu lab :980507 hemple account n uro b e r :000x1PS-P,$Rit, bun l Hlt. IDC l Analvsis rer orroec l result j units l I

    0104b 1ron, Total in Ueter 1100. LRP ug/L 01cabDT 1ron Date and T i rne 980512.1403 EPA 200.7 MDlLP'u Metals Digest ILP Water 980511 MAR HDIE: A $ fdoliar sign) in the result field indicetes the test was not a n a l v::e c witnin the holding time, c

    o l

    l l

    I l

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    l I

    l AQ P s

    y ,



    j ,-,

    ~ ..n.......=.......=....=..............................................

    .ljTVA Environmental Chemistry .

    Chattanooga, Tennessee [

    l j-10/01/98 NPDES FINAL 1 DATA-REPORT 10:20 J

    % ==================== '

    =====n================ Page 1 ===

    l Lab Sample Number :98/08538 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry.

    i Sample-ID Information  : @STORMWATER #4

    Sample comments .
    FE Sample-type / matrix  : H2O l

    Sample collection date':980921 Sample collection time :519 Sample'login date  : 980921 Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account number  : 000X1PG-P,CCC,SGN

    'l Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed j result l units l MDICP'W . Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA ~

    01045 Iron, Total in Water 1800. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 980923,1946 EPA 200.7 NOTE: A$ (dollar sign) in the result field indicat es the t est was not analyzed within the holding time. ,

    J i s, I l

    4 4

    1 I

    l 1:



    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chstianooga, Tennessee l l 12/14/95 FINAL DA~A F.EPORT 08:22 l

    ============s================================ page 1 ===

    Lab Sample Number :95/10761 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Infor stion  :@#4 Sanple co mm e r,t s :FE Sample type / matrix :H2O Sample collection date :95120T Sample colle: tion time 1830 Sample login date :951209 Sampl+ received by lab 981209 Sample account number :000X1PG-P,CCC,SGN Alt IDC l Analysis Performed j result l units l l

    MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Uater 981211 MAA 0104S Iron, Totel in Water 12000. WHR ug/L 0104SDT Iron Date and Time 981211,1631 EPA 200.T

    ..q l

    j e



    _ T_VA_

    _ ____S_e q u_o_yah_

    __ ____ _N_u_c le_ar Pla_n_ t_ _ _ _ _ _ T_u_s_a

    _______ _Nu_u_is_ _ _ _T_ _N_R_O_S_ _ _ _ _ _

    Less!_ L 0i _h _MQ0_ _UAt e e _ H. M . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~emum_ _.(_423_ } _843-6700 srtv._ __!944Z-Ed5_L__Me. 3.1311_erz_EaMM n______ eSIcesq~_ _ A _ L _!9 sMe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

    Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (S%MR) is being submitted for the 2nd year's g 2nd year O 4tn year monAonng requirements or the 4th year's montonng requirements:


    List the industry sedor(s) which appyles) to this outfairs stotrn water discharge (i.e., A, B, C, D, etc.). ,

    O Note: Read instructions on back I

    before completing this fonn.

    , Outfall No.: . S,W,5, ,

    Designate tne outfall wth a tnro cnaracter code (e.g 001 or SW1, etc.), in the spaces below, provide the rewns of quarterty storm water trenitormg for the

    designated outfall. The parameters for which monitonng must be conduced depend on which industry sector (s) of the MuR> Sector General Permrt apply to tras drscharge. Look up your sector (s)In the permit, and check the parametars which apply.

    Cut-Off Quarterty Monitonng Results (rngA)

    Concentra. Samp;e Average of i Effluent

    ' Units . Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter four quarters Charactenstic tion j Aluminum. Total Rec. 0.75 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A , ,

    Ammonia 4.0 mgA l Grao l N/A, N/A N/A l N/A N/A i

    l Arsa

    • Total Rec.

    , O,17 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A 'N/A l 'N/A N/A

    . Boo. 5-ca y 30 mgA ! Grae l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l Cadmium, Total Rec. 0 016 rnga l Grae i N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A Cnemical cry oemand 120 mgA  !

    Grae i N/A N/A l N/A  ! N/A N/A

    . Chromium, Total Rec. O.200 mgA I Gran N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

    !Cc;per, Total Rec. 0 064 mgA ! Grae N/A N/A N/A l .N/A N/A t Cyanide. Tatar ' O.064 mgA l Grae i N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

    Ruonce n/a mgA l Grab l ~ N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A, iiron. Tota Rec. s.0 mgA l Grae l 3.20 0.88 0.150 l 4.30 2.13 Lead. Tetal Rec. 0.082 mgA l Grae l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A l Magnesium. Total R ec. 0.064 mgA l Grae l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A J N/A l Mercury, Total Rec. 0.00
    4 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A ,1 N/A i Nitrate plus Nitrate Nitt. 0.68 mgA l Grr: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A j oii and Grease is mgA Grau N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A _ -


    • 5.0-9.c s.u. Gran l N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. t u. N/A s.u.

    i Phosphorus 2.0 mgA l Grab N/A N/A , N/A .

    I 1;/A l l Phosphorum Total (as P) n/a mg4 l Grab N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A

    . j seienium. Total Rec. 0.24 mgA Grab N/A N/A b/A N/A N/A l Silver. Total Rec. 0.032 rngA l Grae N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

    . , Total suspended sohds 200 mon l Grae N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


    Zinc. Total Rec. 0.11T mgA l Gran N/A -N/A N/A N/A N/A I

    i I

    CN.1115 (contir ,ed on reverse) RDAs 2399 and 2400 l

    r 8

    o Additionti Chstictensbcs (if r:quistid)

    I I ist Guarter ad Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 3/18/98 5/7/98 9/21/98 12/7/98 -

    Dates samples were colleced: (Morth/ Cay / Year)

    TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names of laboratory{s) that analyzed samples Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data.

    I certify under penalty of law this document and all its attachments were prepared under my diracuan or supervision in accordanca wdh a system desagned to assure quali5ed personnel property gathered and evaluated the informacon submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc!y responsible for gathenng the information, the information subrnrtted is, to the best of my knowiedge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I ath oware thsre are ogni5 cant penalbes for submitting false information, including the poss4bility of fine and impnsonment for know ng violations.


    I Masoud Baj estani A Site Vice President . viro mental Supervisor 02 26 99 DAY YEAR TYPEC OR PRINTED I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTNE OFm.e OR AUTHORt2ED AGENT l WoNTH Instructions

    1. The purpose of this form is to report storm water d:scharge monstering results under the Tennessee Storm Water Multi-Sector General Ferr You rnust submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the y6ar monitonng is required. For examp6e, mondonng (TMSF ).

    required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.

    2. The permit is divided into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases, subsecors. Not all industry sectors or subsectors are required to perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine which sectors of the permit apply to discharges from your facility and to determine whether or not the storm water discharges at your facility must be sampled. If so, determine which parameters must be monstered.

    Exarnples- Textile Milt.. . . . . ..Secter V.....Not required to pertrm analytical monitoring Automobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M.. .Must sample its storm water discharges frar Total Suspended Solids. Afurriinum, Iron, and Lead.

    3. The Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facility to monitor its storm water discharge (s) once per quarter dunng essendar year 1999 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instrucion 4.

    4 For a given outfall. if results of the second years monstonng for a average less than the cut-off concentration, the facqty can waive monttonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze samples for all four quarters of the second year and must submit these results on bme according to instrucion 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility operator must submit, in lieu of the fourth years monitonng results, a statement certifying industr:al operatiens have not changed substantiefly since the second years monitonng, and the same orimproved storm water management controls are in place.

    5 For a new facility octairung permit coverage dunng 1999, sampling must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1990 calendar year. For example,if a facility cbtains permit coverage in June,1990, it must conduct sampling in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submit these results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from monitonng in the year 2000 (as descnbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monitanng in the 5rst quarter (s) of 1999 since a total of four consecutive sampling events are reoutred to obtain the warver.

    6 In the soaces provided in the table, provide the results of quar *erty storm water rnonitonng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarter's results are tabulated. sverace the quarteny morutonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the tab 6e. For resurs reported as "less than" a certain concentrttion, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, arve the cate when the storm water event was sampled; if resufts were taken from rnore than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also give the name(s) of laboratones used to perform chemical analyses. Complete a separate form for each outtall sampled.

    I 7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two corwecueve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field. cit.ce (as referenced in your permit) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceedance.

    B. B'e sure this form is complete, signed and dated before you submit it. Keep a copy of the completed form for your records.

    9. Submrt the original form and one copy to the following acc ess:

    l Division of Water Pollution Centrol Compliance and Enforcement 6tn Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville. TN 37243-1534


    i i

    t i

    I g g==============r======u===============================================

    TVA Env;ronne a . Cnemistry Cha-,ar:;gh, Tennessee j

    02/12/98' NPDE? FINAL DATA REPORT 09
    02 [
    =============================c=============== page 1 ===

    _tb St.mple N u tu e -, r 9E/0212T Project Leader : Dennis L. Meinert c ,. _ _ ,2

    . .. v e

    . .n., Infor,.., ..

    e ,

    . . n. e r. er ir_ .x *-

    . c,a. T r.. s e ~ I semple comments  : ~ :.

    , r, iJ '

    Sample type / matrix :H2O Sample collection d a. t + 580318 Sample collectier time TEE Sample login date :980218 S a~.p l e received bv lab :980318 Eemple account numb +r 000X1PS-P,DLM,EGN

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _________________________________ j l Alt IDC 1 Avialysis Performed l result l units l HDICF'u Metals Digest ICP Water 580320 M A r-0104E Ir:n, Tetal in Ue.ter 2500. L~F eg/L 01 0 .,. : D

    . .ron t ,ste u ana Time , ,

    eJ s, p _.s c., _.<,.c n,  : r e, ve NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicstes the test was not analyzed within the holding time.

    G .

    i e

    9 Y 9

    i e


    W e


    a u = = n . m . = :: = = a e = = = = a = = = = = = = s m.m a e a = = = = = = w = = m x . m a m .. a = x . m m . s a a w = a e a e m = m a = =

    s f 10 H ' L'h b i r o nrae n t a l Chennst.V Lncttenooge, 'lennessee ]

    j a /15/ 9 d NPDts i2Mkl DATH REP d. 15:18 l .. . mms..m.....m. yoge 1 u..mmon i Lob oerop le Nuniber 898/03Y60 Project Leecer Scott R, McNabb 3


    >le Ib . nr o r nie t i o n :6dW @

    dan.p i e c onunen t s :FE S erop l e tupeemetrix t ri e. U wnp.= co.iection date s/6050/ Senip le co l lect i on t i rne :640 dempie login date 8980508 Senap t e received op lab :YUO507 Sempte account n urnbe r 000X1FS-P,SRN.50N l Hit. luu i Analysis Performed I result l units l 01045 Iron, Total in Weter 08v. LRP ug/L 0104DDT 1ron Date end T i nie 980512,1407 EPA 200,7 MUILP'W Metals Digest ICP Weter 980511 MAR H u t i:. ' A $ (doller sign) in ne result field indicates the test was not e n e l y::e d within the holding t i nie .

    ,b 3 1

    • l .

    i I


    .D,!- 5 9

    9 mei-een.e

    P v.


    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattsncoga, Tennessee l l 10/01/98 NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT 10:E1 [

    ,-s.==================================================- Page 1 =========

    6 i

    cab Sample Num'ber :9.8/08539 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry

    - Sample ID Information- :@STORMUATER #5 Sample comments :FE Sample _ type / matrix :H2O

    Sample collection date
    950921 Sample collection time :510 l Sample login date 1980921 Sample received by lab :980921 l Sample account number :000X1PG-P,CCC, SON

    'l Alt. IDC- l Analysis" Performed I result l units i  !

    4 MDICP'W . _ Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 150. WHR ug/L l 01045DT Iron Date and Time 980923,1945 EPA .200.7 4

    i I

    l l

    l NOTE: A S (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was L not analyzed within the holding time, p -

    ! i

    ! I i

    l  :



    9 0

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    , _ ==w=========e============ =======ma===================================

    ' Chattanooga, Tennessee j

    _ l TVA Environmental Chemiusry j 12/14/981 FINAL DATA REPORT 08:22 l

    ============================================= page j ===

    Nab' Sample Number 95/10TE! Project Leader ! Clay C. Cherry Sample ID .Information  :@#5 Sample comments :FE Sample, type / matrix :H2O Sample coll ect i on de.t e : 981207 Sample collection time :1820 Sample lo, gin date' :931209 Sample received by lab :981209 Sample account number :000x1PG-P,CCC,SGN l Alt, IDC l Analysis Performed l result l units l MDICP'W . Metals Digsst ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Tot al in Water 4300. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 981211,1634 EPA 200.7 i


    l k

    4 1

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    1 e

    t L i_ .



    ..t..-- . ______ ra_s_p Nu_m_eE_n_ _ _T_ _N_R_0_5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I

    @E,SS _ F,0, _3n _MQ0_ _ gat _eypHf g e _ g _ M) _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _%ygp_ _ ( ,42_3_ } _843-6 700 , , _ . , , , , ,

    w- -- _ !9s sY .ga ts_p_ _TNye, _3J 319_ _mg _ gag {he_ _ _ _ _ _ gN y n g_sqN_ , g _ L ,pog g e_ ,_____ ,_,

    Indicate whether this storm water morutonng report (SVA4R)is being submitted for the 2nd years monitanng requirements or the 4th years monitonng requirements:

    O 2"d I O # Y

    List the industry sedor(s) which apply (ies) to this outfairs storm.'ialer v discharge (i.e., A, B, C, D, etc.): 0 Note: Read instructions on back t outfall No.: S , W , 6 > .

    Desgnate the outfaB with a three-character code (e.g.,001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces be60w. provide the resuis of quarterty storm weter rnonstoring for the

    dessgnated outfall. The parameters for wrwch monitonng must be conducted depend on whech industry secor(s) of the MuR> Sector Ga mral Perrrut apply to this discharge, look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.
    Cut-off Quarterly Men
    enn; Results (mgM)

    Sample Average of i Effluent Concentra.

    Charactensuc tion Units . Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quart.r , 4th Quarter four Quarters

    Aluminum, Total Rec. 0.75 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A ,

    Ammonia 4.0 mg4 l Grab l N/A. N/A N/A l N/A N/A I Arsenc, Total Rec. 0.17 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A 'N/A l N/A N/A __

    . Boo. 5-cay 30 mgA l Grab i N/A l N/A N/A l N/A N/A Caemium. Total Rec. 0.016 mgA l Grab i .N/A l N/A N/A l N/A N/A Chemical oxy. Demand 120 mgA ' crab i N/A

    , l N/A N/A  ! N/A N/A

    . Chromium Total Rec. 0.200 mgA l Grab ! N/A N/A N/A' l N/A N/A

    !C opper, Total Rec. 0.064 mg4 l Grab N/A l N/A N/A l .N/A N/A

    > Cyanice Totai O.064 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A  ! N/A N/A I Fluende n/a mgA l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A

    ' iron, Total Re c. 5.0 mg4 l Grab l 0.81 3.90 5.50 l 3.20 3.35

    - Lead. Total Rec. 0.082 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A  ;

    j uagnesium, Totai pec. 0.054 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A i l Mercury, Total R ec. 0.0024 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Nrtrate plus Nitrate NRr. 0.68 rngA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i oa and Greau 15 mea l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A lpC 5.0-g.0 s.u. l Grab l N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. l N/A s .u. N/A s u.

    i Phesphorus 2.0 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Pnospnorus, Total (as F) n/a mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A '

    N/A l

    j seienium. Totat Rec. Q.24 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

    ( Sdver, Total Rec. 0 032 trgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A i Tota: Suspended souds 200 mgA l Grab N/A~ N/A N/A l N/A N/A 5

    zinc, Total Re c. 0.11 7 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CN-1115 (continued ori reverse)

    ROAs 2399 and 2400

    r 4

    e' 3

    • 8 Add bonal Chtractansbes (if rsquistId) ,

    l l 1st Quaner 2nd Quaner 3rd Cuarter 4m Quarter cates sampies were coineced: (Montn/ cay / Year) 3/18/98 5/7/98 '9/21/98 12/7/98 TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Names of laboratory (s) that analyzed samples Attach copy (es) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data, i certify under penalty of law this document and all as attachments were prepared under my direcen or supervision in accoroance with a system designed to assure qualised personnel property gathered anC evaluated tne irtrmation submrtred. Based on rny inquary of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directy responsible for gathenng the informaton, the informabon submrtted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I ath awa,re there are ognificart penalbes for subrnrtbng false information, including the posaatxiity of fine and impnsonment for knowing vio!ations.


    Masoud Bajestan1 .4/4A l Site Vice President .Env onme tal Supervisor l 02 l26 99


    1. The purpose of this form is to report storm water d:scriarge rnonitonng results under the Tennessee Storm Water MuttkSecer General Permit (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the year mondonng is required. For exarnpie, monstonng required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
    2. The permit is drvided into 30 different industry sectors and m some. cases, subsecort Not all industry sectors or subsectors are required to perform monitanng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine whch sectors of the permd appty to discharges from your facility, and to determine whether or not the storm water d:scharges at your facihty must be sampled. If so, determine whsch pararneters must be monitored.

    Exa mples- Textile Mill. Sector V.....Not required to perterm analytical monnonng Autornobile Salvage Yard., .. Sector M. .Must sample its storm water C:scharges for Total Suspendwd Solids. Aluminum, Iron, and Lead.

    3. The Tennessee Multi. Sector General Permit recuires a facaltry to monnor its s:orm water disenarge(s) once per quaner dunng calendar year 1995 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instruction 4.

    4 For a given outfall, if results of the second years montonng for a pa ameter average less than the cut-off concentration, the facility can waive rnonnonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze samples for all four ovarters of the second yeer and must submd these resufts on time according to instrucen 1. To take advantage of this opten, the facility operatcr must submit, in heu of 'he t fourth years monstonng results, a statement certifying industnal cperations have not changed substantally since the second years morutonng, and the same or improved storm water management controls are in place 5 For a new facility cbtaining permit coverage dunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaining quaners of the 1998 calendar year. For example,if a foolity obtains permd coverage in June,1998, t must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 191s8 and submA those results by March 31,1999. Such a fac!dy may seek a waiver from mondonng in the year 2000 (as desenbad above in instruccon 4 ) by moriitonng

    ^ in the first quarter (s) of 1999 s4nce a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to obtain the waiver.

    6 in the spaces provided in the tat:Je, provide the results of quarter *y storm water monitonng for the designated outfall. Aner the 4th quarters results are tabulated. averace the quarterty monstonng resuts, and record the average value in the last column of the tab 4e. For remias reported as *less than* a ceftain concerstraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averagirig. For esca quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampied; if results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, une the date of the last sampie. Also give the name(s)of laboratones used to perform chemcal analyses. Complete a separate form for sa cm outfall sampled.

    7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentraten for two consecumve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the appropnote field.offee (as referenced in your permrt) within 30 days of ydbr becoming aware of the exceecance.

    8 Be'sure this form is comp 4ete, signed and cated before yo' u submit R. Keep a copy of the compieted form for your records.

    9 SuDma the ongsnal form and one copy to the following address:

    4 civrsen of water Pollution Cont ol -

    Compience and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashvdle, TN 37243-1534 w _ _.

    , s.


    ,,A cr'v t.r o n m e.n t s a t.m :rre una- :n,c;.e.-

    ie:-- :r+e i-r; n. .. c: F .T f; A.3- P.

    t, , ,e a: .c c. .e., - A

    • r .,..i;n

    . . - l l I

    = = = = = = *r r = = r m - L = = :- = r. r s = = z s = = = = = = a = = =. s e r = = = = = = = r = = r. r 'd y ; g j =====s.==

    Leb Sample h'veber # ? ' C E E 7 (- Project Leader : Lenn.s L *1eine-* l e ID I n f e r n.ct i c n .2.E O~MUATER #6 Sample comments :FE,CU Sampl+ type /matrir :HEO Sample collection date .H031E Sample cc11+ction c:me 104E S a m p 1.e login date :950213 SE.aple receiwee by 2eb :9E9718 Sample . :ount number  : O C OX1 F 5-P , DLM , SGil l Alt IDC l Analysis Perfermed l result i units [

    MDICP'tj Metale Di;est ICF Water 990280 M . t.

    .'04E Iron, '. c i a l in '! tii 310. L:e ug/L 01045DT Iron Otte and Tim + 9603E3,1623 EFA ECO 7

    ':0TE : A S (doller sign) 2r the result field incicatec rhe test w s.s not analyzed within the holding time.

    O.. s 1:. I hv.

    l l

    I i

    ,t. . .



    o O

    T e

    • me f

    F ..........m.....................___................ .. ....

    L h e t t'a n o o g a , Tennessee l

    / i v H , t o u u-u n roen t e t t hern ist r o 1 05/15/98 HPUE5 FiHkL D H 1' A R E P to; t J5:18 j m u a s s , c = = s m:s a a: = s u s = = = = = m a a a se m a a a = a mi = = m s o m m e s e a a m e s. p g,jg  ; . . . . , . ,

    l i e, u , ample Humber 898/03961 Pro 1ect Leeder " Scott R. McNebb <

    1 s

    i ele 1v i r f c r mist i o n  : 69 a w #c

    . coup l e c oraroe n n s a rt homole type / matrix 2Hz0 s eaop i e collection date 3980507 be.cpie cotiection time 2828

    '.. e m p t e login date 8980506 Sample received by ico :F80bu7 Semote account numoer 800ux F'5-P Skh,50N l A 'I t . JUL l Analysis Performed l result I units l 01U45 1ron, lotel 1h Water 3900. LRP ua/L v2va5DT 1ron Date and T i n.e 980512,1412 EPA z;0,7 MD1LP'W netalt Digest 1LP Water 960511 MAA l

    .u s t . A $ fdollar sign) in the result field indicates ti.e test ucs not anaivred within :n- iciding time.

    -O) s I




    m l


    , "~.

    - ===..=================================================================


    J-TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooga 3 Tennessee l ll10/01/98 NPDES FINAL. DATA REPORT 10:21 l

    ============================================ Page 1 ===

    Jeb Sample' Number :98/08540 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry.

    4 Sample ID Information_ :@STORMWATER #6 Sample comments :FE-

    . Somple type / matrix :H2O Sample - collection dat e :980921 Sample collection time :553

    . Sample login date :980921 Sample received by lab :980921

    . Somple acccunt number jo00X1PG-P,CCC, SON 1

    ______________________________________________________________________ i l Alt. IDC ] Analysis Performed l result l u'r.its l l MDICP'W  : Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA 01045- Iron, Total in' Water 5500. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date-and Time 980923,1950 EPA 200.T NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result field i ndicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time. .

    1 g(de l

    i n


    . . g.

    %e ,



    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooga, Tennessee l l 1 12/14/99 FINAL DATA -REPORT 08:22 l

    ==============================================_==== p, , 3 ,,,,,,,,,

    - Lab Sample Number :93/10763 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID'Information  :@#6 Sample comment s :FE Semple type / matrix ;W'O Sample collection date ,,S1207 Sample collection time 1540 Sample login date :981209 Sample received by lab :981209 Sample account number .000X1PG-P,CCC,5GN Alt IDC ] Analysis Performed l result l units j l

    MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 2200. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 981211,1637 EPA 200.7

    .r y

    .\. ...

    I e

    • + *pv hm es - ,





    _rA_cu_ _ry N_A_ue_ _T_VA _ _ _S_e_qu_o_ya_h_

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _N_u_C_le

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a_r

    _ _Pl_an_t_

    _ _ _ _ _ _ T_M_S_P_ _ NU_WhE_R_ _ _ T_ _N_R_0_5_ _ _ _ _

    oconss_ L 4. _En _M@. UAtupffi cs_ SB _2 Al _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gg N_um,R_ _ [ _4 2,3_ } , p 4 3- 6 { gg , _ _ ._ _ , , ,

    ce_ _ _ _ sgg gdais.p_ _Me_ )]}] 9_ _m _ Hag ((t,m_ _ _ _ _ _ gaenmN_ _ p _ h _ ppf 4n e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

    ledcate whether this storm water monitonng report (SWMR)is being submitted for the 2nd year's g 2nd year O 4tn year monitonng requirements or the 4th year's mondonng requirements:

    List the industry sector (s) which apply (ies) to this out'alfs storm wajer discharge (i.e., A, B, C. O, etc.): 0 Note: Read instructions on b.ack y7 before completing this form. .

    t Outfall No.: . 3> ,

    l Designate the outfall vwth a three-character code (e.g.,001 or SW1, etc.). In the spaces below, provide the to surts of quarteriy storm watst monitanng for the ,

    designated outfall. The pernmeters for which monitonns must be conducted depend on which industry secor(s) of the Muhsector General Permrt apply to this  !

    discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters which apply.

    l Cut-Off Quarterty Monitanng Results (mgA) i Sampie Average of '

    i Emuent concentra.

    Units Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter four quarters Charactenstic t2cn l Aiuminum. Total Rec, 0.75 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A , _

    Ammonia 40 mea l Grab I N/A. N/A l N/A l N/A N/A l .

    Arsenc, Tota! Rec 0.17 mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A

    .soo.s. cay so mg4 l Gran I N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A Cadmium, Total Rec. 0 016 rnga l Grab i N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A Chemical cry. Demand 120 , mgA ! Grab i N/A N/A N/A  ! N/A N/A i Cnremium Total Rec. 0.200 lmg4l Gram l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

    ' Copper Total Rec. 0 064 mgA ! Grae l N/A N/A N/A .N/A N/A

    ! Cyanice Tota O 064 mgA l Gram l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A f Fluoride n/a mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A f

    t ' tron. Total Rec. 5.0 mgA l Grab l - -

    l 0.53 l 4.70 2.62 Lead. Total R ec. 0 0e2 mgA l Gran l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l Ma gnesium, Total R ec. 0.064 mgh Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l Mercury. Total Ree . 0 0c24 mg4 Gram N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Narate plus Nitrate Nitr. 0.68 mg4 Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i f oil and Grease is mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A lpH' s.0.g .0 s.u. l Grab N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u.

    i Phosphorus 2.0 mg4 l Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Phosphorus, Total (as P) n/a mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Seienium, Tota Rec. 0.24 rngA l Grae l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i silver, Total Rec. 0.C32 mgA l Gran l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A i Toisi suspended sches 200 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

    .o _- ___ _..

    zinc, Total Rec. 0.117 mgA l Gran N/A N/A N/A f _ /A N/A l l (continued on reverse)

    RDAs 2399 and 240C CN-1115

    9 ,

    AdditenIl Charact3nsbcs (if r2qusst&d) ,,

    I i  ! l I I I i st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter eh Quarter 9'/21/98 12/7/98-cates sampies were coiieced: (Month /0ay/ Year)

    TVA Environmental Chemistry Laooratory Names of laboratory (s) that analyzed sampies Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data. )See attached CeItifiCation I certify under penalty of law this decument and all its attachm6nts were prepared under my direcen or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the informabon submrtted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons direc!y resconsabie for gathenng the information, the information submrtted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware there are aigruncant penalbes for submitbng falsa information, including the possibility of fine and irnposonment for knovnng violations.

    • CATE NAuEff rTLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTNE oUlcER Masoud Bajestani #8NA I I I Site Vice President nvironmental Supervisor 02 26 99 DAY YEAR ,


    1. The purpose of this form is to report stcrm water d:scharge monitonng results unoer the Tennessee Storm Water MultLSector General Permit (TMSP). You must submit the form vnth results by March 31 of the year following the year rnondonng is required. For exampie. monttenng l

    required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.

    t ,

    ! 2 The permit is dwiced into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases, subsecors. Not all industry secors or subsectors are required to l perform monstonng of storm water discharges. Refer tc tne permit itself to de' ermine whch sectors of the permit appfy to discharges from your facility and to determme wnether or not the storm water discharges at your facihty must be sampied. If so, determne wnch parameters must be

    ( ,

    i monitored.

    Examples' Textile Mill.. . . . .

    .. Sector V..... Net required to pe* form analytical monitanng Automobile Salvage Yard. .. Sector M.. ..Must sample its storm water d;scharges for Total Suspenced Sokes, Alummum, Iron, and Lead.

    3. The Tennessee Muttssecor General Permit requires a facility to monfter its sterm water discnarge(s) once per quarter dunng calendar year 1999 and once per quayer dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instructon 4.

    4 For a given outfall. if results of the second years monitoring for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentration, the facit,ty can wawe monitenng requirements for this parameter in the fourtn year. To be ehgibic for this wawer, the facihty must collect and analyze samples for all four Quarters of the second year and must submit these results on tme according to instrucen 1. To take advantage of this opton, the facility operater must submit, in heu of the fourth years monitonng results, a statement certifying indust .a! coerabens have not enanged substantially since the second yeafs monitonng and the same or improved storm water management controls are in place.

    S For a t'ew facihry cbtaming perma coverage dunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year For example,if a fachty cbtains permit coverage in June 1998, it must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 1998 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facility may seek a waiver from mondonng n the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruebon 4) by r onitonng in the Arst quarter (s) of 1999 s4nce a total of four consecutive samphng events are required to obtain the waiver.

    6 in the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quarterty storm water monitonng for the desagnated outfall. After the 4th quarters results are tabulated. averace tne cuarterty mcrutonng results, and record the average value in the last column of the table. For resuas reooned as"less than" a certain concentraten, use one half of that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, gue the date when tne storm water event was sampled. If resutts were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, une the date of the test sample. Also gwe the name(s) oflaboratones used to perform enemcal analyses. Complete a separate form for each outtaN sampled.

    7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutor! concentraten for two consecubve samp4s. then you must report thee occurrence to the appronnate field,ofree (as referenced in your permat) within 30 days of your becommg aware of the exceedance.
    6. Be tre this form rs complete, signed and dated before you submrt it. Keep a copy of the comp 6eted form for your records.
    9. Submit the original form and one copy to the following address:

    Division of Water Pollution Control C,ompliance and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-1$34



    l l TVA Environmental Chewittry Ch a t t a n e r g a ,- Tennessee l l 10/01/98 NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT 10:21 l y===r==================r=========================== pag, l 1 =========

    4 l

    a b S a mp l e' fJ u m b'e r :98/08541 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry l

    Sample ID Information  ;@STORMWATER #T Sample comments :FE Sample type /matrir :H2O Sample collection cate :980921 Sample collection time : 800 Sample login dat e :930921 Sample received by lab : oB0921 Semple account number :000X1PQ-P,CCC,SQN l Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed l result i units j MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 530. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time ?SO923,1952 EPA 200.T NOTE: A 5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.

    • e 3 -

    I l


    u=o============== ===c================================================

    TVA Envircnmental Che-ictry Chattanooga, Tennessee !

    l 12/14/92 FINAL DATA PEPORT 08:21 l

    ======.============================================ p ge

    _ 1 =========

    - L to Simp l e f.'u mb e r :93/10704 Project L e z. !(-r ' C '. a y C. Cherry tr;!= ID Infore?ticn  :&#7 Sample comments :FE Sample t y p e,'m at r i " HEC Sample collection cete :9?1207 Semple collection time :1840 Sample login date 901209 Samp;e received by lab :9?1209 Semple account number :000X1PG-P,CCC,SGN l Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed l result } units l MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 4700. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 981211,1640 EPA 200.7 e

    • 1 O

    M e



    i Attachment to SW-7 j W Representative Discharge Certification Storm Water Outfall #6 is considered to be a representative discharge of Storm Water Outfall #7 based on a consideration of industry n.dvity, significant materials, and management practices and activities within the area drained by the Outfall. l Storm Water Outfall #7 consists of approximately a 7.43 acre (323,652 ft2 )

    portion of Area 4. The runoff coefficient for this area is equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #6 based on the percentages of gravel, asphalt, and  !

    impervious surface. Materials in the area are also equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #6. These consist of empty drums, metal buildings, construction I equipment, concrete structures, wood and plastic similar to that equipment stored for in the area of Storm Water Outfall #6.

    i This effluent should be substantially identical to that effluent from Storm Water

    1. 6.

    I certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated I the information submitted. Based on my mquiry of the person orpersons who  !

    manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant l penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and impn'sonment for knowing violations. l

    / inig>0 <

    sh I 3b'/99

    ( h~W  ;

    i t_ _ _





    r4curmus TVA - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant

    .-------------------------------------------.---- TusaNuuden TNROS detene- ! 42,3_]_833-ggg___._'__,,

    acenss_ LL._an M@. (JAte1.9#iss 5a M---------- - _

    E G=wltem~- 2: h E29 Lee w--- 22442-94s]- TNie }]}].9..mL *5Gt 'l----- - ---------.

    Indicate whether this storm water monit'oring report (SWMR)is being subrnitted for the 2nd years g 2nd year O 4tn year mennonng requirements or L*.e 4m years mondonng requirements:

    LEt the Ldusuy sector (s) wnich apply (ies) to this outfairs storm,"wajer discharge (i.e., A, S, C, D, etc.):0 Note: Read instructions on back 8, D*'*'"'"" # "9 C ""' -

    i Out'all No.: , 5 W Cosgnate the outfs0 wwth a three-character coce (e.g.,001 of SW1, etc.), in the spaces beiovt. provide the resuits of quarterty storm water rnonitontig for the

    (esegnatet outf all. The perstnoters for monitanns must be condue
    ec depend on which indus:=y se c:or(s) of the Mult> Sector Generst Permrt apply to this discharge. Look up your sector (s)In me permit, and check the p.arameters which appfy.

    - Cut-Off l Quanerh/ Monitonng Results(rngA)

    } Average cf Effluent Concentra. l Samp4 fcur quarters e

    Unas l Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4tn Quarter

    Charactenstic tion j Aluminum. Total R*L l o.75 mgA. l ' Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ,,_.

    Ammonia 4.c mgA l Grab N/A, N/A l N/A l N/A N/A 1 Arsenic, Total Rec. c.17 rng/l l Grab N/A 'N/A

    'N/A' l'N/A N/A

    . soo, 5-cay so mg4 l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

    ' Cadmiun:. Total Rec. c.o16 mgA f Grab ! N/A ,, N/A N/A N/A N/A Chemical Ory. Cervand 120 mg4 l Gran l N/A N/A 'N/A l N/A N/A

    . Chromium. Total Rec. o.200 mgAl Grab N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A

    ' Cepper. Tctat Rec 7 o.os4 rngA l Gran N/A N/A l N/A l .N/A N/A

    ! Cyanice. Totat c.oe4 mgA Grab i N/A N/A l N/A I N/A N/A


    I Fluonde n/a mg4 l Grab l 'N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A itron, Total Rec. 5C mg4 l Gram - -

    l 2.00 l6.35(1) 4.18(1)

    Lead. Totat Rec. o.ce2 mg4 l Grae N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A

    [ Magnesium Total Rec., c.o64 mg4 Gran N/A N/A l N/A N/A' N/A l Mercury, Total Rec. o.oC24 rngA Grab N/A I N/A l N/A N/A N/A i NRrate plus Nitrate NRt. l mgM Grab N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A j oit and Grease is mgA Gran N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u.

    l pW '

    5.o.s.o s.u. l Gran N/A s.u. s.u. i i Phosphorus 2.0 mea f Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A l mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Phosphorus, Total (as P) n/a D.24 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A- N/A N/A i seiernum Total Rec.

    mgA Gran N/A N./A N/A N/A N/A

    ! Sdver. Total Rec. c.c32 mgli Grab N/ A'. N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Suspended Solids--- 200

    5. ---


    zine, Totai Rec. o.117 mea Gran N/A N/A N/A N/A RDAs 2399 and 2400

    ' CN-1115 - -(continued on reverse)'

    4" e' ,

    Additional Chertetsnsbes (if r6qucsted) ,

    l l l l l 1st Cuarter 2nd Cuarter 3rd Quarter 4th Cuarter

    - - 9/21/98 12/28/98 '

    cates sampies were cotiected: (Month /cayryear)

    IVA Enviren= ental Chemistry Laboratory _

    Names of laboratory (s) that anatyred samples 12 96 b& s were improv d and Attach copy (ies) of the lab sheet (s) for the above 1)5W-6wassampledo2on/71/28/98.Averageort$e reBample dstas(ubsequently sarmles taken durine the otr is reecreed. 4th ctr avg is t en used in caic of en1 nyg.

    t certtfy under pet.any of law this document and all its attachtnants were prepared under rny direcion or supervision in semrdance wth a system cesigned to assure quakhed personnel property gathered and evaluated the interm& tion submrttec. Based on my inquiry of the person er persons who manage the system, or those persons directry responsible for gathenng the information, the informabon submrtted is, to the best of knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware there are sgnificant penaltses for subrnftting falso informabon, meluding the possibiltry of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations.

    OATE NAME/ TITLE PRINCIPAL EXECUTNE onlGR Masoud Bajestani & 8- I l Site Vice President nvironmental Supervisor l 02 26l99 7vaEo OR PRaNTED l SIGNATURE QF PRINCAAL EXECUTNE onlGR CA AU%CAGO AGENT lMCWTH l C IDStTUCOOnS

    1. The purpose of this form is to report storm ws,er discharge mervunng results under the Tennessee Storm Veter MultMeco'r G You must submit the form wrth results by March 3' of the yect fo!!owing the year monitoring is required. For exarnple, rnandonng (TMSP).

    required dunn; 1998 ts due hy March 31,1999.

    2. Thr permat ts dmded into 30 dderent industry sectors and in some. cases subsecers. Not all ind stry secors or subsectors are required to perform rnonitanng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine which sectors of the permit apply to d:scharges f faclity. and to determee whether or not the s:crm water r.iischa/ges at your facilvy mu.3! be sampled. If so, determine which pararnete monitored.

    Textsle Mill Sector V.....Not rea.nred to perform analytscal monitenng Examptes-Automobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M. .Must sample its storm water d:scharges for Total Suspended Solids, Aiurninum, Iron, and Lead.


    The Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit requires a facility to mon ter its storm water disc"ar;e(s) once per quarter dunng canendar year 1958 and once per quafer dunng calendar year 2000. An exception to this is noted below in instracion 4 For a grven ouvall if results of .he second yeart n. 'oring for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentraton, the fachty can waive 4

    monstonng recusrements for this parameter in the fourin ir. To be eligible for this warver, the facility must collect and analyze samples for all four n time according to instrucien 1, To take advantage of this option, the facility operator quarters of the second year and must submit these few must submit, m beu of the fourth year's monr!cnng ress 3. a statement cert;fying industnal cperatoris have not changed substantially smce tre second years monstonng, and the same or improved storm water management controts are ici place.

    5. For a new faclity obtairung perma coverage cunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaming quarters of the 1938 calendar year. For carample, if a faclity obtains permd coverage in June,1998, it must conduc sampling in the second and third quarters of 1958 and submit these results by March 31,1999. Such a facilty may seek a waiver from mondonng ir' the year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4.) by morntonng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 since a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to obtain the warver.

    6 In the spaces provided in the table, provide the results of quartetty storm water monitonng 3r the des gnated outfall. ' After the 4th quarter's resalts are tabulated, averspe the Quarterty monstonng results, and record tne average value in the last colur,n of the table. For resuas reported as "less than" a certain concentration, use one half cf that concentration for the purpcse of averaging. For each quarter, give the date when the storm water event was sampleo. If results were taken from mont than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also give the name(s) oflaboratones used to perform ch: meat anstses. Complete a separate form for each out'all sampled, f

    7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecutve samples, then you must report this occurrence to the apprepnate field, office (as reference d in your permit) withn 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceecance.
    8. Be sure this form is compiete, signed and dated before you submit L Keep a copy of the compceted form for your records.
    9. Submit the original form and one copy to the following address-Division of Water Pollution Centrcl Compliance and Enforcernent 6m Fbor L&C Annes ,

    401 Churt:h Street Nashyllie. TN 372G1534


    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooge,-Tennessee ]

    1 10/01/98 NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT 10:21 l

    , , _ ================================================== Page 1 =========

    .ab Sample'Numbbr :98/08542 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information  :@STORMWATER #8 .

    Sample comments :FE Sample type / matrix :H2O Sample collection date :950921 Sample collection time :51F Sample login date :980921 . Sample received by lab :980921 Sample account number :000X1PQ-P,CCC,50N l Alt,'IDC l Analysis Performed i result l units  !

    MDIC?'W Metals Digest ICP Water 980923 MAA 010/ 5 Iron, Total in Water 2000. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 980922,1954 EPA 200.T NOTE: A5 (dollar sign) in the result field indicates the t est was not an 'yzed within the holding time. -

    o O _



    9 e

    • R m-ww ,. _

    db=====,======== r =====r======================================e====

    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattancoga, Tennessee l l 12/14/98 FINAL DATA REPOR.T 08:21 l

    ============================================= Page 1 ===

    '~"' . a b Sample Number :00/1075E Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information  :@#S Sample comm+nts :FE Sample type / matrix :H2O Semple collection date :981207 Sample collection time 1825 Samole login date :961209 Sample received by lab :9?1209 Sample accoant number :000X1PG-F,CCC,SGN l Alt IDC l Analysis Perfo med l result l units l MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 11000. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 1211,1643 EPA 200.7 2

    E 4




    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattanooga, Tennessee l

    -l 01/05/59 FINAL DATA REPORT 15:1T j

    ============================================= Page 1 ===

    Lab Samp1'e Num'ber :98/11301 Project Leader : David M. Varnell Sample ID Information  :@SU #8 Sample type / matrix :UATER Semple collected by :UANDA ALLEN Sample collection date 951220 Sample collection time 1230 Sample Icgin date :921230 Sample received by lab 3S1230 Sample account number  : 0 0 0 X 1 F R,- P , D M V , 5 G N l A l't . IDC l Analysis Performed l result ) units l 01045 Iron, Total in Water 1700. LRP ug/L MDICP'u Metals Digest ICP Water 990105 MAA 01045DT Iron Date and Time 990105,1031 EPA.200.7 s '

    4 e e-I 1






    _TVA _ _-__---

    _S_e qu oy ah.____N_u_c_le_ a_r_ s lan_ t

    --_--_-__---_ Tus_n.u.wsE_n_ _ _ T. .N_R.05. . . . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _,

    Scosss _ L h _M _MQ0_ _ cog _erpgis g _ a _ M1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e>2_cun e_ _ { _4 23_ ] _ 833 -g qq , _ _ . _ _ _ ,

    q w____!9s47.-E815D__TNyg_ y y 9_ m y_3 9{ M g ____,, gqNp_Ci gg_sqN_ _ ,q._ L _ pp gge , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , l Inde.te whether this storm water monitonng report (SVMR)is beinD submrtted for the 2nd year's O 2nd yeat O 4th year monstonng req.arements or the 4th year's monitonng requirements:

    List the industry sector (s) whch apply (ies) to thrs ou-'all's sterm " water discharge d.e.. A. S. C. D. etc.): O Note: Read instructions on back ef re e rnsetirig this form. l

    1. Outfall No.: .

    3 N9.

    i i Desgnate the cutfall veth a three-charac:er rMe (e.g 001 or SW1. etc.). In the scaces beiow, provide me toaut:s of quanerty storm wetar rnonitoneg for the disegnated outfall. The parameters for wheh monitanns must be cranduced depend on wh*ch iridustry sec:or(s) of tne Murt4.ector General Perrrvt apply te the discharge. Look up your sector (s)ln the permit, and check the parameters which apply.

    Cut-Off Quarterty Monrtonng Resurts (mgA) i l Average of ,

    Efnuent Concentra. four quarters s

    Charactenstic bon Units l Sample Type 1st Cuarter l 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter l 4th Quarter l



    .j Aluminum. Total Rec. 0.75 mgA l ' Grab l N/A- N/A N/A l N/A N/A - -- i Ammo nia 4.0 l mgA l Grab l N/A. N/A l N/A N/A N/A f

    Arsenic. Total Rec. C.17 l mg4 f Grab l N/A N/A l"N/A ~N/A N/A

    . Boo. 5-cay so mgA l Grn i N/A l N/A N/A l N/A N/A I Caemium. Total Rec. o.015 mgA l Grab i N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l Chemical O. y. Demand 120 rngA  ! Grab I N/A N/A N/A l N/A l N/A n11 l Grab l N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A e Chromrum, c tal Rec. f a 200

    !C opper. Total A ec. l o oc4 mgA l Grab I N/A l N/A N/A .N/A N/A

    . Cyanide. Total

    o.os4 mgA f Grab l N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A I Fluonde n/a mgM l Grab l N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A '
    iron. Total Rec. l 5.0 rngM l Grab l -

    l l 1.80 l 6.60(1) 4.20(1)

    Lead. Total R ec. 0.082 mgA l Grab l N/A  ! N/A N/A l N/A N/A l Magnesium. Total Rec. 0.054 mgA l Grab N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A l Mercury. Tetal R ec. 00C24 rngA Gra b N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A l Natrate plus Nitrate Nitr. i 0.58 rngA l Grab N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A rngA l Grab N/A N/A l N/A N/A N/A i o.i ane Grease is N/A s.u. l N/A s.u.

    lps ,

    s.o.s.o s.u. Grab l N/A s.u. l N/A s.u.l N/A s.u. l i Phosphorus 2.0 mgA l Giab N/A l N/A l N/A I N/A l N/A mgA l Grab N/A l N/A N/A N/A N/A l Phosphorus, Total (as P) n/a o.24 l mgA l Grat l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

    . j Selenium. Total Rec.

    mgn l Grab l N/A N'/A .N//. l N/A N/A l Saver. Total R ec. 0.C32 l '

    N/A N/A N/A N/A


    i Total $uspended Solids 200 mgA G a e, l N/A l mg4 l Grab l N/A F/A N/A l N/A N/A

    ' zinc Totai rsec.

    . c.117 1 I I ROAs 2399 and 2400 CN 1115 (cominued en reverse)



    / o .

    Attenzt Chiract:nstics (if requisted) l  ! l I I I I I L 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4tn,Cuarter oates sampies were collected: (Month / Cay / Year) 9/21/98 12/19/98 Names of laboratory (s) that analy2ed samples TVA Environ::tental Chemistry Laboratory Attaen two same of the tab sneet(s) forthe above daha NNehnNfba$1bkhb t en impa % doc cepy(ies}es taken during the atr is renorted. 4th otr avy is/ M@ehfYt m- - al I certafy under penalty of law this document and ail its attachments were prepared under my direcion or supervision in accortaance with a system avg.

    designed to assure quali6ed personnel property gathered and evaluated the informabon submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, Cr those persons diredly respons.ble for gathenng the "ormation, the informabon submrtted is, to the best of my knowledge and behef, true, accurate, and comp 6ete. I am awa,re there are agnificant penaltnes for submrtting false infctmation, including the possibehty of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations.

    N CATE NAMEiTITLE PRiNC; PAL EXECUTNE CmCER / I Masoud Bajestani '" 6 f.) l I I Site Vice President dvironmental Supervisor l 02 l 26 99 YEAR TvpE"; CA PRfNTE*) l $1CNATURE C# PRiNC:P% EXEmJTNE CACER TR AUTHORC'ED AGENT l MC'd TH l CAY Instructions

    1. The purpose of this form is to repcd storm water discharp monttonng results under the Tennessee Storm hier Mu6 Sector General Permst tT! SP). You must submit the form with resutts by March 31 of the year following the year rnonitonng ts required. For exame8e. rnonitonng required cunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
    2. The perrr6 is divided into 30 different industry sectors and in scme cases, subsecters. Not all industry seders or subsectors are required to

    ', perform monitonng of stem vrater discharges. Refer to tne permit itseif to determine which sectors of the permit apply to discharges from your facihty. and to determine wnether or r.ot the storm water discharges at your facihty must be sampied. If so, determane which parameters must be rnonstered.

    Exa mples- Textile Mill.. Sector V. ..Not required to cerform analytic 1tl monitenng Automcbile Salvage Yard..... Sector M.....Must sample its s:orm water dischar;es for Total Suspen a cts, Aluminum, tron, and Lead.

    3. The Tennessee Multi. Sector General Permst requFes a facihty to monitor its storm water discnarge(s) once per quarar dunng calendar year 1998 and once per quarter dunng calendar yter 2000. An exception to this is noted belew in instaudion 4 4 For a grven our'all, if resufts of the secord years monstonny for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentrabon, tne facility can warve montonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analy;te samples for all four quar *ers of the second year and must submit these results on tme according to instruction 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility operator must subrm ei lieu of the fourth years monstonng results a statement cenifyin; cperations have not changed substantaally since the second yea : monitonng, and the same or :mproved storm water management controts are in place.
    5. For a new facrhty obtaining permd coverage dunng 1998, sampEng must be conducted for the remaining quarters of the 1998 calendar year. For example, if a factity obtains permit coverage in June,1998, it must conduc samphng in the second and third quarters of 19G8 and submit those results by March 31,1999. Such a facihty may seek a waiver from monstonng in tne year 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monstonng in the ne'st quarter (s) of 1999 smce a total of four consecutive sampling events are required to cbtain the warver.
    6. In the soaces provide; in the table, provide the results of quanerty storm water morntonng for the designated outta11. Aner the 4th quarters results are tabulated. average the quarterfy monitonng results, and record ne average va!ve in the last column of the table. For results reoorted as *tess than* a certain concentration, use one half of that concentrbtion for the purpose of averaging. For eacn quaner, grve the cate when the storm water event was sampied. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quaner, use the cate of the last sample. Also give the name(s) of laboratonps used to perform che nical analyses. Compiete a separate form for eacn outfall sarnpied.
    7. If the results for a given parameter exceed the cuto" concentration for two consecebve then you must report this occurrence to the appropnate field, office (as referenced in your permst) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the exceecance,
    8. Be sure 'this form rs complete, signed and dated befora you submn it. Keep a copy of the compieted form for your records.

    l 9 Submit the enginal form and one copy to the following address. j i

    Divrsion of Water Pollution Control .

    Comphance and Enforcement 6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nas' @, TN 37243-1534 l l

    l j


    l TVA Environmental Chemistry Chattsnooga, Tennessee l l 10/01/96 NPDES FINAL DATA REPORT 10:23 l

    ============================================= Page 1 ===

    > lb Sample Number ?S/02542 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information  :(CST 0F.MWATER #9 Sample comments :FE Sample type / matrix :H2O Sample collection date ;980921 Sample collection time :810 Semple login date :980921 Sample received by lab :960921 Sample account number :000X1PQ-P,CCC,SGN l Alt. IDC l Analysis Performed l result l units 1 MDICP'W Metals Digest ICP Water 980523 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 1800. WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 980923,1957 EPA 200.7 NOTE: A $ (dollar sign) ir the result field indicates the test was not analyzed within the holding time.


    f 4,


    / \

    S A


    i ,

    • v

    . _ s_-_ =====================n==uauu=====-===_c========================

    l j TVA Environmental Cnemistry Cnat t aneoga, Tennessee !

    l 12/14/98 FINAL DATA REPORT 08:21 [

    ===============================n============= page 1 ===

    ~' d. e b Sample Number :93/10766 Project Leader : Clay C. Cherry Sample ID Information  :@#f Sample comments .FE Samp1s t yp e.' mat r i x :H2O Sample colle tion date 901207 Sample collection time 1825 Satple login date CS1209 Sample received by lab 961209 Sample account number P. 0 0 X 1 F C-F , C C C , S ON l Alt IDC l Analysis Performed l result I units l MDICP'u Metals Digest ICP Water 981211 MAA 01045 Iron, Total in Water 12000 WHR ug/L 01045DT Iron Date and Time 981211,1646 EPA 200.7 l

    4 e

    . 1 s_/  !



    l I

    l 1 1

    . : gs' s

    • - , a n = = = = = c = = = = = = r. - = r. o r m -a===su=============u====r.========a====r=========a:

    l TVA Envir:nmu:t al Chemis- P y C h a t t a r. .' o g t , T+nr.eczes !

    j 1E/E9/98 NFDES FINAL DATA REPORT 14 e 0 1 F,e# ========u

    ===========================as======a=============== 1 L7b 5 e n.p l e N u m t i .- i> 5 /1 1 ' 3 ' F r e j e :- Lascer C l a y- C Ch+rry Sam;1+ :: 1 'orms' ion ;ETORT1 WATER #9 Sac,ple typt/natrix :H2O Sample cellecti:n et.e :?E1219 5=nple cliect ion t ime 1120

    • I91222 5 : rnp l e receivec by Ian  ?,$:222

    '- s .o ; c login cete

    h. .e.p.s-acccuni

    . number

    ~~ .v. u - F , n - o.u.s,5<.,nc.

    v.. i 1

    Alt. IDC l Analysis Perfortned i result i units  !

    l 01045 Iron, Tc al in Uster 1200. WH.R ug/L 4 01045DT Iron Dot + and Time 931229,0912 EPA 200.7

    .e. n.

    . .?. . p y u. s.. t e .6 .: n, .4.*

    . e e t T. C.P U s.*. s. r c.< F -s ' Sei N. O T : - A - ( ,'laa.

    . - 4 e 4. , - )

    - 4.

    . t h s. .* e s u '. *. #. 'e.'"..

    . . 4. -

    d 4. - : , . . . F. .: 1 e- = *, s .' c.

    net snalyzed with; ne holding time.

    . . . , , \





    J n_ _ci.u. tv_u____ us___S_e_qu_o_ya_h

    _TVA _s_ _ _ _ __ N_u_c_l_ ear Plant _____________

    _______ T_u_s_nu_wse_n_ _ _ T_ _N_R_0_5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i.

    eceae.ss_ L Q M .MQ0_ _(Irtt_expfff c e _ n _2 Al _ _ _ ., _ _ _ _ _ _ gw_ emu.uge_ _ [ _42_3_ } , p 43- { gq _ _ _ _ _ , , ,

    w_ _ _ _ EP 442-D_a tsy_,_ _T_Ng_}].9_ _e_ w, _Baggt on_ _ _ _ _ _ gg_cz teg_ _ p _ h _ gg g ge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . i Indicate wnether this s'orm water monitonng report (S%MR)is being submrtled for the 2nd year's monitonng requirements or the 4th year's monitonng requiremeri, O ndyear O e year l List the industry sector (s) whch appfy(ies) to thrs oc ' airs storm 'wa ter discharge (i.e., A, B, C. D, etc.): 0  ; ( Note: Read instructions on t>ack l SW10 turen empieting this fonn.

    Out'all No.: - - - -

    Cosgnate tme outfall r<h a three-character code (e g. 001 or SW1 etc.). In too spaces beer. prende t e resutts of quarterry storm water rnonitonne for the designated cut'all. The pararneters for whsh rnonenng rnust be conduced depend on which industry secor(s) of the Mulb Sector General Perrnrt a pply to this  ! discharge. Look up your sector (s)in the permit, and check the parameters wftich apply. j Cut-Off Quarterfy Morutonng Results (mgM) l Sample Average of i Effluent Concentra. Units . Type 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter l . 4th Quar'er four quarters Charactenste tion l 2nd Quarter

                  ; Alaminum. Total Rec.                         0.75        mgA l Grab l N/A                        l    N/A               N/A           l    N/A            N/A _ _

    t Ammonia 4.0 mgA ; Grab l N/A, l N/A N/A l N/A N/A

                  ' Arsene, Tual Rec.                            0.17        mgA l Grab l N/A                             N/A             'N/A            l'N/A               N/A
                  . Boo. 5-cay                                     3a        mgA l Grab I N/A                             N/A               N/A           l    N/A            N/A
    cadrruum. Total Rec. 0.016 l mgA l Grab i N/A l N/A N/A l N/A N/A chemicat ory. Demand 120 lmgM, Grab I N/A l N/A l N/A l N/A N/A chromium. Tota: Rec. 0.200 mgAl Grab l N/A l N/A N/A l N/A N/A
                  ! copper. Total R ec.                          0.064       mgA l Grab i N/A                             N/A               "/A           l -N/A              N/A
    cyanide, Total ' O De4 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A i Fluonde n/a mgA l Grab ! N/A l N/A N/A l N/A N/A
                  ' tron, Total Rec.                               5.0       mgA l Grab l                (1)         l      (1)              (1)          l    (1)             (1)

    Lead. Total Rec. 0 08: mgA l Grae ! N/A N/A l N/A l N/A N/A l j Magnesiu n, Total Rec. 0.064 mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A l N/A N/A l Mercury. Totat Rec. 0.0024 mgM l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A j i NKiste plus Nitrate Nitt. 0.68 rngA f Grab l N/A l N/A N/A N/A h/A i cil and Grease is mgA l Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A f l pW ' 5.0-9.0 s.u. l Grab N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. N/A s.u. 7/A s.u. . d i Phosphorus 2.0 mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A , N/A l i Phosphorus, Total (as P) n/a mgA l Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i Selenium. Total Rec. 0.24 mgA Grab l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A i i Silver, Total Rec. i

                                                                'O.032       mgA l Grab l N/A                             N/A               N/A           l i Total Suspended Solids                       200       mgA          Grab     l N/A                  N/A               N/A                 N/A           N/A 4..____                        - - -
    zine. Total Rec. 0 117 mgA Grab N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CN4115 (conbnued on reverse) RDAs 2399 and 2400

    P h j Addibonal Cf aractenshes (if isquasted) i  ! L I

         ~l                                 I                                               '

    i l I I ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quaner 4th Quaner Dates samples were collected: (Month / Cay / Year) TVA Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Narnes ollaboratory(s) that analyzed samples Attach copybes) of the lab sheet (s) for the above data. b see attached certificatfor. I certify uncer penalty of law thrs document and all its at'achments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a sy cesagned to assure qualif.ed personnel property gatherec and evaluated the informacon subrnrtte,t. Based on my inqury of the pers who manage the system, of those persons directy responsicie for gathenng the informabon, the information submrtied is, to the best know4dge and belief, true, accurate, and compete. I am aware there als sagnifcant penalties for submstbng false infurrnabon, ecluding possibihty of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations CATE NAMurtTLE PRweiPAL E.xECUTrVE OFFICER i  ! I Masoud Bajestani . Site Vice President . nvironmental Supervisor f 02 l26 99 YEM

    1. The purpose of this fom, ,s to report storm water d:sc.targe monstonng results under the Tennessee Storm Water MultW5ector Gene (TMSP). You must submit the form with results by March 31 of the year following the year mondonng is required. For exampka, mon required dunng 1998 is due by March 31,1999.
    2. The permd is divsded into 30 different industry sectors and in some cases, subsectors. Not all industry sectors or subsectors are requir perform monitonng of storm water discharges. Refer to the permit itself to determine wnich sectors of the permit apply to discharges faolity. and to determine whether or not the storm wa;er drscharges at your facahty must be sampled. Il so, determine wtisch parar%

    mondere: E.namples' Textik Mill., .. Sector V....Not required to perform analytical monhtonng Automobile Salvage Yard..... Sector M. .Must sampie its storm water discharges for Total Suspenced Solids, Puminum, Iron, and Lead. 3 The Tennessee Multi.Secor General Permit reqeirei a facility to montor as storm water disenarge(s) once per quarter dunng calendar year 1998 and once per quarter dunng calendar year 2000. An eaception to thrs is nnted below in instrucion / 4 For a green out'all, if results of the second years mondonng for a parameter average less than the cut-off concentration, the faelity can waive monstonng requirements for this parameter in the fourth year. To be eligible for this waiver, the facility must collect and analyze samples fer a cuarters of the second year and must submit these results in time according to instruction 1. To take advantage of this option, the facility Jperator must submst, in heu of the fourth years monitonng results, a statement certifying incustnal operations have not changed substantially since the second years monstonng, and the sarne orimproved storm water management controls are in place. 5 For a new facility ottaining perrNt coverage dunng 1998, sampling must be conducted for the remaineg quaners of the 1998 calendar year. For exampie,if a faclity obtains permd coverage in June,1998, it must conduct sampling in the secono and third quarters of 1998 and submd those results by March 31,1999. Such a facthty rr.ay seek a waiver from mondonng in the yeat 2000 (as desenbed above in instruccon 4 ) by monetenng in the first quarter (s) of 1999 s.nce a total of four consecutive samphng events are required to obtain the waiver. 6 in the spaces provided in the tabie, provide the results of quar'erty storm water monitanng for the designated outfall. After the 4th quarter's results are tabulated, averace the quarterty monitoring resuts, and record the average value in the last column of the tzbie. For resuts reported as 9ess


    than* 3.certain conr'.entration, use one ha'f ]f that concentration for the purpose of averaging. For each quarter, grve the date when the storm water event was sampied. If results were taken from more than one storm event for a given quarter, use the date of the last sample. Also grve the name(s) oflaboratones used to perform chemscal analyses. Complete a separate form for eacn outfall sampled. 7, if the results for a given parameter exceed the cutoff concentration for two consecubve sarnpies, then ycu must report this occurrence to the appropnate field. office (as referenced in your permat) within 30 days of your becoming aware of the *xceecance. 8 Be sure this form is complete, signet and dated before you submit it. Keep a copy of the completed form fcr your records. , 9 Submd the ongsnal form and of copy to the following sedress: Divrsion of Water Pollution Control Compliance and Enforcement


    6th Floor L&C Annex 401 Church Street Nashville. TN 37243 1534

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    ! Attachment to SW-10 WRepresentative Discharge Certification Storm Water Outfall #4 is considered to be a representative discharge of Storm Water Outfall #10 based on a consideration of industry activity, significant materials, and management practices and activities within the area drained by the Outfall. { Storm Water Outfall #10 consists of approximately a 5 acre (217,801 ft2 ) portion of Area 3. The runoff coefficient for this area is equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #4 based on the percentages of gravel, asphalt, and impervious surface. Material storage is also equivalent to that for Storm Water Outfall #4. This consists of equipment for later use, metal buildings, concrete structures, wood and plastic similar to that equipment stored for in the area of Storm Water Outfall #4. This effluent should be substantially identical to that effluent from Storm Water


    1 I certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were j prepared under my direction or supervision in cccordance with a system 1 designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated l the information rubmitted. Based on my inquiry of the person orpersons who {

             - manage the sys m, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the         I information, the I.iformation submittedis, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant        l penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and l imprisonment for knowing violations.
                         $                   I    JY.WPP MM I
