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{{#Wiki_filter:Final Submittal(BluePaper)ZW7-3t)I'3 u,"" e l3, zoo7 As c;i lIcJ Reactor Operator Written ExaminationV.C.SUMMER JUNE2007EXAMEXAMNO.05000395/2007301 JUNE4-8,2007(OP TEST)JUNE13,2007 (WRITTEN EXAM) u.s.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific RO Written Examination Applicant Information Name: Date: Facility/Unit:
{{#Wiki_filter:Final Submittal (Blue Paper)
'-'" r3 tlW7\/.C.50 (Y1lrncr.)u()e Region: II Reactor Type: W Start Time: Finish Time: Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers.Staple this cover sheet on top ofthe answer sheets.To pass the examination, you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent.Examination papers will be collected 6 hours after the examination begins.Applicant Certification All work done on this examinationismy own.I have neither given nor received aid.Applicant's Signature Results Examination Value Points Applicant's Score Points Applicant's Grade Percent Name:---------------
Summev-ZW7- 3t) I
    '3 u,"" e l3, zoo7 As   c;i lIcJ Reactor Operator Written Examination V. C. SUMMER JUNE 2007 EXAM EXAM NO. 05000395/2007301 JUNE 4 - 8, 2007 (OP TEST)
:*Theunit isat85%poweratMOL.*A continuous uncontrolledcontrolrod withdrawal occurs.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingparameterswill DECREASE?A.Steam Generator Pressure B.Main Generator Electrical OutputC.OverpowerDeltaT setpoint D.VCTLevel2007NRCExamRO 1
2007NRCExamRO2.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*ALOCAhasoccurred.*RCS pressureis1750psigandlowering
.*Reactor Building pressureis4psigandrising.*Steam Generator pressuresare1000psigandstable
u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific RO Written Examination Applicant Information Name:
.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowing describestheactuationsthatarearesultofthis condition?
Date:                                       Facility/Unit:
A.SafetyInjectionONLY.B.SafetyInjectionand Containment VentilationIsolationONLY.C.SafetyInjectionand ContainmentIsolationPhaseAand Containment VentilationIsolationONLY.D.SafetyInjectionand ContainmentIsolationPhaseAand Containment Ventilation Isolat ion and ContainmentIsolationPhaseB
                                                \/. C. 50 (Y1lrncr
.2 2007NRCExamRO3.Giventhe following plant conditions
:*Thecrewis respondingtoanATWS lAW EOP-13.0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation
            .)u()e r3 tlW7 Region:     II                             Reactor Type:     W Start Time:                                 Finish Time:
,andis attempting an emergencyborationoftheRCS.*MVT-8104,EMERG BORATE ,valvewillnotopen.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describestherequiredactionstobe performed and why?A.Openthe ChargingPumpSuction HeaderIsolationvalvesas directed by AOP-106.1, Emergency Boration , to maximizeBoricAcid flowrate.B.Open LCV-115B/D, RWSTtoCHGPPSuet,asdirectedby AOP-106.1 , Emergency Boration , to borateviacoldleginjection
Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top ofthe answer sheets. To pass the examination, you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent. Examination papers will be collected 6 hours after the examination begins.
.C.Openthe ChargingPumpSuction HeaderIsolationvalvesas directedbyEOP-13.0,Responseto Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation
Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.
, to maximizeBoricAcidflowrate.D.Open LCV-115B/D
Applicant's Signature Results Examination Value                                                             Points Applicant's Score                                                             Points Applicant's Grade                                                             Percent
, RWSTtoCHGPPSuet,asdirectedby EOP-13.0,Responseto Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation,toborateviacoldleg inject ion.3 2007 NRC Exam RO 4.WhichONE(1)of the following describes the setpoints forthetwo(2)annunciators below?A.B.C.D.RCP AlBIC THERM BAR&BRGFLOLO 90 gpm 90 gpm50gpm 50 gpmCCBPDISCHHDRPRESSLO30psig70psig30psig70psig 4 2007NRCExamRO 5.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*The plantisinMode5.*ThePZRissolid
.*RCS temperatureis190°F.*RCS pressureis315psig.*LetdownPressureControlValvePCV-145isinAUTO.FCV-605A,"A"BYP,and FCV-605B,"B"BYP ,arein MANUAL.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowing describesaconditionthatwill initiallycausePCV-145toCLOSE?A.Loweringtheoutputofthe controllerforthein-serviceRHRheat exchanger flowcontrolvalve
Name:                                                               2007 NRC Exam RO
.B.Raising CCWflowthroughthe in-serviceRHRHeatExchanger.C.Loweringthe setpointofPCV-145.
D.Startingan additionalRHRPump.5 2007NRCExamRO 6.Giventhe following plant conditions:*The plantisin Mode 6.*"B"Train RHRisin service."A" Train RHRisout of service and expectedtobe returned to service in approximately 2 hours.*Refuelingisin progress.*Cavitylevelis 23.5 feet above the reactor vessel flange."B"RHRPump trips and cannot be restarted.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the operational restrict ion(s)associated with this event?A.Refueling Cavity level mustberaisedto greater than 24 feet above the reactor vessel flange prior to continuing refueling activit ies.B.Refueling activities are permittedforupto1 hour while repairs are initiated to"B"RHRPump.C.All containment penetrations w ith a directpathto atmosphere must immediately be verified closed.D.Suspend all activities that could resultina reduction in boron concentrationofthe RCS.6 2007NRCExamRO7.Giventhe followingplantconditions:*Theplantwasoperatingat100%power.7.2KV TransformerXTF-4waslostduetoafault.
: 1. Given the following :
The associated DIGdidNOTstartasdesigned.
* The unit is at 85% power at MOL.
Subsequently,aLOCAcauseda reactortripand safety injection.RCS pressure is currently350psigandtrendingdown slowly.WhichONE(1) ofthefollowing describestheoperationofRHRPumpsforthis condition?
* A continuous uncontrolled control rod withdrawal occurs.
A.RHRpumpArunningwithits miniflowvalveopen B.RHRpumpArunningwithitsmfniflowvalveclosedC.RHRpumpBrunningwithits miniflowvalveopen D.RHRpumpBrunningwithits miniflowvalveclosed 7
Which ONE (1) of the following parameters will DECREASE?
2007NRCExamRO8.WhichONE(1)ofthe following directly supplies power to ChargingPump"A"andRHR Pump"A"?A.B.C.D.ChargingPump"A" 1DA 1DA1 1DA 1DA1*RHRPump"A" 1DA 1DA 1DA1 1DA1 8 2007NRCExamRO 9.Giventhefollowingplant conditions
A. Steam Generator Pressure B. Main Generator Electrical Output C. Overpower Delta T setpoint D. VCT Level 1
.*Thefollowing indicationsarereportedbytheRO.*TI-471,PRT Temperatureistrendingupandisnowat 15SOF.*PI-472,PRT Pressureistrendingupandisnowat8psig.
2007 NRC Exam RO
Wh ichONE(1)ofthefollowingcomponents,ifleaking,will causethiscondition?
: 2. Given the following plant conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred.
.B.XVR-8121 ,RCPSealReturn Relief Valve.C.XVR-7169,RCDTPumpsSuctionReliefValve.D.XVS-8010
* RCS pressure is 1750 psig and lowering .
, PZR Safety Valve.9 2007NRCExamRO10.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowing describes an immediateactionandthebasisfortheactionin accordancewithEOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation?
* Reactor Building pressure is 4 psig and rising.
A.InsertcontrolrodsinManual;toinsertnegativereactivitybythemostdirectmanner possible.B.InsertcontrolrodsinManual;toreduceormaintainRCS pressuretopreventlifting the Pressurizersafetyvalves.
* Steam Generator pressures are 1000 psig and stable.
C.PlaceEHCPumpsin PULL-TO-LKNON-A;toprevent uncontrolledcooldownofthe RCS.D.PlaceEHCPumpsin PULL-TO-LKNON-A;tominimize secondary makeup requirements.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the actuations that are a result of this condition?
10 2007NRCExamRO11.Giventhefollowingplant conditions
A. Safety Injection ONLY.
B. Safety Injection and Containment Ventilation Isolation ONLY.
RCS pressureis1050psigandlowering.*Tavgis550°Fandlowering
C. Safety Injection and Containment Isolation Phase A and Containment Ventilation Isolation ONLY.
.*Pressurizerlevelis65%andrisingrapidly.*ReactorBuildingpressureis2psigandrising.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthecauseofthis event?A.Letdownlinebreak.
D. Safety Injection and Containment Isolation Phase A and Containment Ventilation Isolation and Containment Isolation Phase B.
C.Stuckopen pressurizer PORV.D.Stuckopen pressurizersprayvalve.
11 2007NRCExamRO12.Giventhe following:*Theplantisat100%power.*All systemsarein theirnormalalignments.*Aleak occursintheLetdownHeatExchanger.Assumingnoactionbythecrew
2007 NRC Exam RO
,whichONE(1)ofthefollowing describestheeffect(s)ontheCCW System?A.RM-L2A1B indication rises.SurgeTankventvalve PW-7096closeswhentheindicationreachesthe ALERT level.B.RM-L2A1B indica tion rises.SurgeTankventvalve PW-7096closeswhentheindicationreachestheHIRADlevel.C.SurgeTank leve/lowers.
: 3. Given the following plant conditions :
CCW Booster Pumpswilltriponlowsuctionpressure
* The crew is responding to an ATWS lAW EOP-13 .0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation, and is attempting an emergency boration of the RCS.
* MVT-81 04, EM ERG BORATE, valve will not open.
.CCWPumpswilllose suctionwhentheSurgeTank empties.1 2 2007NRCExamRO13.Giventhe following plant conditions:ALOCAoccurredandRCS pressurereached1380psig.*AllactionsofEOP-1
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the required actions to be performed and why?
.0 were performedasrequired.Thecrewis performing EOP-2.1 ,Post-LOCACoo/down and Depressurization.
A. Open the Charging Pump Suction Header Isolation valves as directed by AOP-106.1, Emergency Boration, to maximize Boric Acid flowrate.
RCS pressure is currently1335psig.*RCS temperature is currently 496°F.TwoCharging pumpsarerunning
B. Open LCV-115B/D, RWSTto CHG PP Suet, as directed by AOP-106 .1 , Emergency Boration , to borate via cold leg injection .
.Thecrewis evaluating stopping1ChargingPump
C. Open the Charging Pump Suction Header Isolation valves as directed by EOP-13.0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation , to maximize Boric Acid flowrate.
.Giventheabove conditions, whichONE(1)ofthefollowing describes whether theChargingPumpmaybe stopped ,andwhy?A.No, because subcoolingisnot greaterthan30°F.B.Yes , because subcooling is greaterthan30°F.C.Yes , because subcooling is greaterthan87.5°F.D.No, because subcoolingisnot greaterthan87.5°F.13 2007NRCExamRO14.Giventhefollowing plant conditions
D. Open LCV-115B/D , RWST to CHG PP Suet, as directed by EOP-13.0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation, to borate via cold leg injection.
:*ThePlantisinMode3.*APZR PORVbeginsleakingtothePRT.
*Pressurizer pressureis985psig.
PRT pressure is steadyat5psig.*PRT temperature is steadyat90°F.Assume:*Ambientheatlossesarenegligible.*Steamq ualityinthe pressurizeris100%.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingwouldbethe approximateMCBindicationonTI-463,RELIEFTEMP OF?C.300°F 14 2007NRGExamRO15.Giventhe following plant conditions:*The Reactor has trippedfrom100%power.*"A"and"G" Service Water (SW)pumps were running.*The crew implemented EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation, then transitioned to EOP-1.1, Reactor Trip Recovery.*MDEFW pumps started on Lo-LoSGlevelsafterthetrip
2007 NRC Exam RO
.*Subsequently,anSI actuatedduetoaLargeBreakLOGA.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the operation of equipmentasaresultofthe SI?A.MDEFW pumpswilltripandbe restartedbythe sequencer.
: 4. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the setpoints for the two (2) annunciators below?
Service Water Pumps"A"and"G"will continuetorun.B.MDEFW pumps will continuetorun.Service Water Pumps"A"and"G"willtripand be restartedbythe sequencer.
RCP AlBIC THERM BAR & BRG FLO LO              CCBP DISCH HDR PRESS LO A.         90 gpm                                                30 psig B.         90 gpm                                                70 psig C.         50 gpm                                                30 psig D.         50 gpm                                               70 psig 4
G.MDEFW pumpswilltripandberestartedbythe sequencer.
Service Water Pumps"A" and"G"willtripandbe restartedbythe sequencer.D.MDEFW pumps will continuetorun.Service Water Pumps"A"and"G"willcontinuetorun.15 2007NRCExamRO16.Giventhefollowingplant conditions:*Aloadrejectionhas occurredfrom100%power.*Allcontrol systems respondedasdesigned.Powerlevelisnow stableat70%.WhichONE(1)ofthe following condit ionswillexistduringthisevent?
2007 NRC Exam RO
A.Charg ingFlowControl Valve , FCV-122 ,willbethrottlingopen.B.Pressurizer Backup Heaterswillbeenergized.
: 5. Given the following plant conditions:
* The plant is in Mode 5.
.D.Letdown Backpressure ControlValvePCV-145willbe throttling closed.16 2007NRCExamRO17.Giventhe following plant conditions
* The PZR is solid .
:*A reactortriphas occurredfrom100%power.*Reactor Trip Breaker"B"remains CLOSED.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the effectontheSteamDumpSystem?A.Thesteam dump valveswillopenand maintainTavgat 55JOF.B.Thesteam dumpswillremainclosed following the reactortripduetolossofthearmingsignal.C.Thesteam dumpswillremainclosedfollowingthe reactortripduetolossofthe'planttrip' modulation signal.D.Thesteam dump valveswillopenand maintainTavgat559°F.
* RCS temperature is 190°F.
17 2007NRCExamRO 18.Which ONE (1)of the following describes the source of control power to Reactor Trip Breaker"B"and Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker"B"?A.B.C.D.Reactor Trip Breaker B 125 VDCBus1HB 125 VDCBus1HB 120 VAC APN-5902 120 VAC APN-5902 Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker B 125 VDCBus1HB 125 VDC Bus 1HA 120 VAC APN-5902 120 VAC APN-5901 18 2007NRGExamRO19.Giventhefollowingplant conditions
* RCS pressure is 315 psig.
:*Areactortriphas occurredcoincidentwithalossof off-site power.*While performingactionintheEOPs,thefollowing events occur:*RGS pressureis1700psigandlowering.*RB pressureis4.7psigandrisingslowly.*Three minutes aftertheseindicationsareobserved, APN-5904failsand becomes de-energized
* Letdown Pressure Control Valve PCV-145 is in AUTO.
.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribestheeffect,ifany,onplant equipment aftertheAPNfailure?
FCV-605A, "A" BYP, and FCV-605B, "B" BYP, are in MANUAL.
A.TrainAandTrainBEGGS equipmentisoperatingasrequired;TrainAandTrainBRBSprayPump dischargevalvesareopen.B.TrainAandTrainBEGGS equipmentisoperatingasrequired;TrainAandTrainBRBSprayPump dischargevalvesareclosed.G.TrainAEGGS equipmentisoperatingasrequired;TrainBEGGS equipment isNOTrunning;TrainAandTrainBRBSprayPump dischargevalvesareopen.D.TrainAEGGS equipmentisoperatingasrequi red;TrainBEGGS equipment isNOTrunning;Tra inAandTrainBRBSprayPump dischargevalvesareclosed.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes a condition that will initially cause PCV-145 to CLOSE?
19 2007NRCExamRO20.Giventhe following plant conditions
A. Lowering the output of the controller for the in-service RHR heat exchanger flow control valve .
:*ALOCAhas occurred.*RCS pressureis200psig."A" Reactor Building SprayPumpisOutofService
B. Raising CCW flow through the in-service RHR Heat Exchanger.
.Containment pressure has exceededtheHigh-3setpoint.Train"B"PhaseAhasfailedto actuate.All other actuationsandTrain"A"ECCS equipmentisrunningasrequired.
C. Lowering the setpoint of PCV-145.
The most recent Chemistry sample oftheRCSind icatedthatRCS activity is 5X10-2 microcuries/ml Dose Equivalent Iodine.Assumingnoact ionbythecrew ,whichONE(1)ofthefollowing describestheeffectontheplant?A.Containmentwillexceeditsdesignpressure.
D. Starting an additional RHR Pump.
B.Off-Sitereleaseswillexceed accident analysis assumptions
.C.Only1 Containment Isolation ValveineachPhaseA penetrationwillbeclosed.
D.Only halfofthe Containment penetrationsrequiredforisolationwillreceiveisolation signals.20 2007 NRC Exam RO 21.Given the follow ing plant conditions:*A reactor startupisin progress.*SR Channel N-31 indicates7X10 3 CPS.*SR Channel N-32 indicates 7X10 3 CPS.*IR Channel N-35 indicates 8.7X10-6%power.*IR Channel N-36 indicates 6.0X10-6%power.Which ONE (1)of the following describes(1)the existing plant cond ition ,(2)the statusofP-6 ,and(3)the action required in accordance with AOP-401.8, Intermediate Range Channel Failure?A.(1)N-36 i s undercompensated;(2)P-6 should NOT be satisfied; (3)maintain power stable until N-36 is repaired.B.(1)N-36 is overcompensated
2007 NRC Exam RO
;(2)P-6 should be satisfied; (3)maintain power stable until N-36 is repaired.C.(1)N-36 is undercompensated;(2)P-6 should be satisfied; (3)place the unit in Mode3until N-36 is repaired.D.(1)N-36is overcompensated;(2)P-6 should NOT be satisfied;(3)placetheun it in Mode 3 until N-36 is repaired.21 2007NRCExamRO22.Giventhe following plant conditions
: 6. Given the following plant conditions:
: The plant is operatingat8%power.ALossof Component Cooling Waterhasoccurred
* The plant is in Mode 6.
.*"A"RCP motor bearing temperatureis189°Fandrisingslowly.*"A"RCP lower seal water bear ing temperatureis226°Fandrisingslowly.Thecrewhas entered AOP-118.1 , Loss of Component Cooling Water.WhichONE(1) of the following actionsisrequ ired?A.RCP motor bearing temperature exceeds operating limits.Stop'A'RCPandinitiateaplant shutdown lAW GOP-4B, Power Operation (Mode 1-Descending).
      *   "B" Train RHR is in service.
B.RCPlowerseal water bearing temperature exceeds operatinglimits.Stop'A'RCP and initiate a plant shutdown lAW GOP-4B, Powe r Operation (Mode 1-Descending)
          "A" Train RHR is out of service and expected to be returned to service in approximately 2 hours.
.C.RCP motor bearing temperature exceeds operatinglimits.Tripthereactor,stop'A'RCP,andgotoEOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.D.RCP lower seal water bearing temperature exceeds operating limits.Tr ip the reactor , stop'A'RCP ,andgotoEOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.
* Refueling is in progress .
22 2007NRCExamRO 23.Giventhefollowingplant conditions:*TheplantisinMode3
* Cavity level is 23 .5 feet above the reactor vessel flange.
.*Thefollowing wide-rangepressuresareindicated:*PT-402*PT-403*PT-455A-1335psig-1350psig-1285psig*Subcoolingindicationon TI-499AandTI-499Bindicatesthefollowing:
  "B" RHR Pump trips and cannot be restarted .
TI-499A TI-499BWhichONE(1)ofthe following describesthecoreexit temperatureusedtodetermine RCS subcoolingforthe indications above?A.TrainA-550°F;TrainB-560°F.B.TrainA-55rF;TrainB-550
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operational restriction(s) associated with this event?
°F.C.TrainA-55rF;TrainB-560°F.D.TrainA-560°F;TrainB-55rF.23 2007NRCExamRO24.Giventhe following plant conditions
A. Refueling Cavity level must be raised to greater than 24 feet above the reactor vessel flange prior to continuing refueling activities.
:*A Reactor Trip condition existedandthe Reactorfailedtotrip.*RCS pressure now indicates 2350 psig.Assuming no other eventsarein progress, which ONE (1)of the following describesthe1)appropriate actionandthe2)reason for that action?A.1)Verify PZR PORVs and Block Valves open2)To increase flow on FI-943 ,CHGLOOPB CLO/HOT LEG FLOW GPM B.1)Verify PZR PORVs and Block Valves open 2)To increase flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM C.1)Placeboth ESFLS A(B)Resets to NON-ESF LCKOUTS 2)To increase flow on FI-943,CHGLOOPB CLO/HOT LEG FLOW GPMD.1)Placeboth ESFLS A(B)Resets to NON-ESF LCKOUTS 2)To increase flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM 24 2007NRCExamRO25.Giventhefollowingplant conditions:*Theplantwasat100%power.*Areactortripandsafetyinjectionoccurred
B. Refueling activities are permitted for up to 1 hour while repairs are initiated to "B" RHR Pump .
.*R8CUs XFN-0064A and XFN-00648startedinSLOW.*While performingtheactionsofEOP-1.0, ReactorTrip/SafetyInjection Actuation ,thefollowingalarmsarereceivedinthecontrolroom:
C. All containment penetrations w ith a direct path to atmosphere must immediately be verified closed .
*XCP-605-3-1, SW FR R8CU 18/28FLOLO*XCP-605-3-2, SWFRR8CU 18/28PRESSLOWhichONE(1)ofthefollowingchoicescontainsbothofthe conditionsthatcouldeach independentlycausethese annunciatorstoalarm?A.SW8P"8" tripped;MVG-31118, R8CU 648/658TOIND COOLINGgoingCLOSED.
D. Suspend all activities that could result in a reduction in boron concentration of the RCS .
8.SW8P"8" tripped;MVG-3109C, R8CU 648 OUTLETISOLgoingCLOSED.
C.XFN-00648 (18 R8CUSSFAN)tripped; MVG-3108C, R8CU 648 INLETISOLgoingCLOSED.
D.XFN-00648 (18 R8CUSSFAN)tripped; MVG-3109D, R8CU 658 OUTLETISOLgoingCLOSED.
2007 NRC Exam RO
25 2007NRCExamRO 26.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the power supplies that directly feed Containment Spray Header Isolation Valves XVG-3003A and XVG-3003B, respectively?A.XSW1DA1andXSW1DB1 B.XMC1DA2XandXMC1 DB2Y C.XMC1 DB2XandXMC1 DA2Z D.XMC1 DA2ZandXMC1 DB2X 26 2007NRCExamRO27.Giventhe following plant conditions:*ALOCAhasoccurred.*RCS pressureis450psig.
: 7. Given the following plant conditions:
Reactor Building pressureis18psigandlowering.
* The plant was operating at 100% power.
7.2 KV Transformer XTF-4 was lost due to a fault.
.Reactor Building Sumplevelisrising
The associated DIG did NOT start as designed.
.*"A" Reactor Trip Breakerremainedclosed
Subsequently, a LOCA caused a reactor trip and safety injection .
.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the operationofthe ReactorBuildingSpraysystemasthe event continues?RBSprayPumpsuctiontotheRBSump Valves , MVG-3005AandB...A.are manually openedwhenRWSTlevel reaches its setpoint.RB Spray Pump suction valvesfromRWST,MVG-3001AandB,are manuallyclosedwhen MVG-3005AandBarefullyopen.
RCS pressure is currently 350 psig and trending down slowly.
B.automaticallyopenwhen RWST level reachesitssetpo int.RB SprayPumpsuctionvalvesfrom RWST , MVG-3001AandB, automaticallyclosewhen MVG-3005A andBarefullyopen.C.are manually opened when ReactorBuildingSumplevelreachesitssetpo int.RBSprayPump suction valvesfromRWST , MVG-3001AandB,are manually closed when MVG-3005AandBarefullyopen.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of RHR Pumps for this condition?
D.automaticallyopenwhen ReactorBuildingSumplevelreachesits setpoint.RBSprayPump suction valvesfromRWST , MVG-3001AandB , automatically close when MVG-3005AandBarefullyopen.
A. RHR pump A running with its miniflow valve open B. RHR pump A running with its mfniflow valve closed C. RHR pump B running with its miniflow valve open D. RHR pump B running with its miniflow valve closed 7
27 2007NRCExamRO28.Withtheunitat100%
power ,whichONE(1)ofthefollowing describesthepotential consequence of PCV-444C, PZR Spray Valve ,failingopen?A.LossofPZR pressurecanresultinan unwarrantedOPDeltaTrunbackandreactor trip.B.PZR pressurewillremainstableasPZRheaterswill compensateforthepressure reduction.C.LossofPZR pressuremayresultinsteam formationinthe reactorvesselheadandSGtubes.D.LossofPZR pressurecanresult inan unwarrantedOTDeltaT runbackandreactor trip.28 2007NRCExamRO 29.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthe purpose and functionofthe ReactorBuildingCharcoal Cleanup Units?Designedfor...
2007 NRC Exam RO
A.primarymeansoflongtermpost accidentiodineremovalfromtheRB atmosphere
: 8. Which ONE (1) of the following directly supplies power to Charging Pump "A" and RHR Pump "A"?
.Dischargeis alignedtotheRBPurgesystemexhaust.
Charging Pump "A"                    RHR Pump "A" A.             1DA                              1DA B.           1DA1                              1DA C.           1DA                                1DA1 D.           1DA1
B.primarymeansoflongtermpost accidentiodineremovalfromtheRB atmosphere.Dischargeis alignedtotheRBatmosphere.C.RB pre-entry reduction of airborne contaminants
* 1DA1 8
.DischargeisalignedtotheRBPurgesystem exhaust.D.RB pre-entry reduction of airborne contaminants.
DischargeisalignedtotheRB atmosphere.
2007 NRC Exam RO
29 2007 PostRetakeNRCExam Question Review FQue'stion*17rainin'g;,-R efer.en ce:f Res olutibn.',-MissedI'"*(Mes/N(>>)*onsideration I;':1¥es/No),.,".."-e., ,""c x.RO/SROI , B'tes*..Yes*3'.O, Simulator scenarios lirai liling material feed ba GI Cs tit:>m itted tochoices IA&0 to clar ifY"maximize Boric Acid flowrate".Also submitted feedback to include tliis I'-in an IRO/SRO scenario.lReviewed thls question."".._..wit heachcand idate.4 No No IB-2, Simulator Reviewed this questionwitheach candidate.
: 9. Given the following plant conditions :
10 No No EOP-1.0 Reviewed th is questionwitheach candidate.
* The plant is operating in Mode 1 at 100% power .
14 No No EOP-2.1, Simulator scenarios Rev iewed this questionwitheach candidate.
* The following indications are reported by the RO.
15NoNoIB-1,IB-3, GS-2, Simulator Reviewed this questionwitheach candidate.
* TI-471, PRT Temperature is trending up and is now at 15SOF.
scenarios 16NoNo IC-3, Simulator Reviewed this questionwitheachcand idate.1[8 No Y es*18-9 Feedbac k submitted to include discussion
* PI-472, PRT Pressure is trending up and is now at 8 psig.
'ofRTB I" ,f control.power in I C-;: 9.iiII 2 1"NoN o IC-8 Some examinees were confused with terminology "satisfied/NOTsatisfied"incho ices.Feedback II'.I submittedtoclarify.
Which ONE (1) of the following components, if leaking, will cause this condition?
Reviewed this question with-..each candidate.";,r;,&1 ,...24 Ye s*No A 0 F2-106.1...."-Il Reducing B.*S pre ssurewouldnot resultina'..I C:Jirect increasein flow on FI-11 O.Feedbacka subm ittedtoclarify.Reviewedthis questionwit h I-..B Q..,-each candida te."*g 2 7 N o I'N""....n..AlthougH technically c orrect, entire answer w as I" 0 not available.Feedback submitted to provide"..0 entire co rrect answer." 28'Q Ye s*No*10-6Some confusio n over"unwarranted".Feedback I'provide d du r.iAgexamto view"unwarranted" as I'"undesired.
A. XVR-8708A, RHR Pump "A" Suction Relief Valve .
" T raining fee dback submittedt o I'I;revisec hoices A&lD similar lY.a......29NoNo AB-17 Reviewed this questionwitheach candidate.
B. XVR-8121 , RCP Seal Return Relief Valve .
30 No No EOP-4.0 Reviewed this questionwitheach candidate.
C. XVR-7169, RCDT Pumps Suction Relief Valve.
1of4 2007NRCExamRO30.Giventhefollowing plant conditions:*Theunitwasinitially operatingatfullpower.*Alossof ALL offsite poweroccurredin conjunctionwitha steam generatortuberupture.*All safeguards equipment functionedasrequired.*The following plant conditionsnowexist:*RupturedS/G pressure=1100psig,stable*CoreexitTC
D. XVS-8010 , PZR Safety Valve.
=505°F , slowly decreasing*RCS Pressure=1600psig,stable*PZRLevel=4%,stable*TotalSIFlow
=600gpmTheRCShasbeencooleddownto target temperature.*In accordancewithEOP-4.0, Steam GeneratorTubeRupture,theROopensonePZRPORV.
Soon after openingthevalve,the operatorobservesthatall channels ofPZRlevelare rapidly increasing.*ECCSflowhas increasedfrom600gpmto650gpm.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingisthecauseofthis indication?
2007 NRC Exam RO
A.PZRlevel instrumentsarenot calibrated for temperatureslessthan600°F
: 10. Which ONE (1) of the following describes an immediate action and the basis for the action in accordance with EOP-1 .0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation?
.B.Safety injectionflowis drivingtheRCStoawater
A. Insert control rods in Manual; to insert negative reactivity by the most direct manner possible.
-solid condition.
B. Insert control rods in Manual; to reduce or maintain RCS pressure to prevent lifting the Pressurizer safety valves.
C.Voidinginthe reactor vesselheadisforcing waterupthesurgeline.
C. Place EHC Pumps in PULL-TO-LK NON-A; to prevent uncontrolled cooldown of the RCS.
D.Backflowhasbeen establishedfromtherupturedS/GtotheRCS.
D. Place EHC Pumps in PULL-TO-LK NON-A; to minimize secondary makeup requirements.
30 2007NRCExamRO 31.Giventhe following plant conditions:*ALarge BreakLOCAhasoccurred
.*ReactorBuildingH2 concentrationwasat2%andrising
.*'A'Hydrogen Recombiner is INOPERABLE.
2007 NRC Exam RO
Wh ichONE(1)ofthe following describestheeffectontheremovalofHydrogenfromContainment?
: 11. Given the following plant conditions:
A.Hydrogen concentrationwillremainbelow4%withonlyone Recombiner in operation.
* A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred.
B.Hydrogen concentrationwillriseabove4%butremain below6%withonlyone Recombiner in operation.C.Hydrogen concentrationwillremainbelow4%onlyifthe Containment PurgeSystemisplacedin serviceinadditiontothe Recombiner
RCS pressure is 1050 psig and lowering.
.D.Hydrogen concentrationwillremainbelow4%onlyif Containment Sprayisplacedinservicein additiontothe Recombiner
* Tavg is 550°F and lowering .
.31 2007NRCExamRO32.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes a featureofthe SpentFuelPooland/orCoolingsystem that will maintainradiationdoselevelsat acceptablelimitsduringplant operations?
* Pressurizer level is 65% and rising rapidly.
A.SpentFuel CoolingPumpswilltriponlowsuction pressure prior to SpentFuelPoolleveldropping below 460'6".B.Boron concentration is maintainedsothat SpentFuelPool Keffislessthan0
* Reactor Building pressure is 2 psig and rising.
.95andSpentFuelPool Radiationlevelsare maintained less than2.5mr/hratthesurfaceofthepool.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the cause of this event?
C.Anti-siphoningholesinthecoolingsystemsuctionand returnlines ensures thatSpentFuelPoollevelwillnotdropbelow460
A. Letdown line break.
'6".D.Interlocksonthe SpentFuelPool Manipulator Crane prevent spentfuelassembliesfromtravelling closerthan23feetfromthe surfaceofthe SpentFuelPool.32 2007NRCExamRO 33.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthe initialSGLevel Response and SGWLC System Responseduringarapidincreaseinpower?SGLevel Response A.DecreasesB.DecreasesC.IncreasesD.Increases SGWLC System ResponseLagcircuitonSGlevelinput minimizes fluctuations Programmed DIPacrosstheFRV minimizes fluctuations Programmed DIPacrosstheFRV minimizes fluctuationsLagcircuitonSGlevelinput minimizes fluctuations 33 2007NRCExamRO34.Giventhefollow ing plant conditions
B. SBLOCA on an RCS cold leg.
C. Stuck open pressurizer PORV.
,corereloadisinprogress.*Afuel assemblyisbeinginsertedintothecorewhen downwardmotionstops
D. Stuck open pressurizer spray valve.
.*TheRefuelingSROnotesthefollowing:*The SLACKCABLElightisON*The LOWER SLOWZONElightisOFF*The GRIPPERTUBEDOWNlightisOFFWhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthereasonthat downward movementstoppedandthe subsequentoperationrelatedtotheinterlock?
A.Totalloadfellmorethan 150-300#belownominalfullload; bypassingtheinterlockisnotpossible.B.Thefuel assembly approached 10"fromthebottomofthecore
;bypassingtheinterlockisnot possible.C.Totalloadfellmorethan 150-300#belownominalfullload
2007 NRC Exam RO
;bypasstheinterlocktoallowthe assemblytobefullyinserted.
: 12. Given the following:
D.Thefuel assembly approached10"fromthebottomofthecore
* The plant is at 100% power.
;bypasstheinterlocktoallowthe assemblytobefullyinserted.
* All systems are in their normal alignments.
34 2007NRCExamRO 35.Giventhefollowing plant conditions:
* A leak occurs in the Letdown Heat Exchanger.
*Reactor poweris75%.RCSleakratedataisasfollows:*TotalRCS leakagerateis 9.1 gpm.*LeakagetoPRTis7.0gpm.
Assuming no action by the crew, which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect(s) on the CCW System?
Leakagetothe ReactorCoolantDrain Tankis1.3gpm.*Total primary to secondaryleakageis0
A. RM-L2A1B indication rises. Surge Tank vent valve PW-7096 closes when the indication reaches the ALERT level.
.33 gpm.*SG1-0.09gpm*SG2-0.17gpm*SG3-0.07 gpmWhichONE(1)ofthe following describes RCS leakageinrelationto Technical Specif ication limits?A.Identified leakage exceedstheTSlimitB.Unidentified leakage exceedstheTSlimitC.Primaryto Secondary leakageexceedstheTSlimit D.AllRCS leakageiswithinTSlimits 35 2007NRCExamRO 36.Giventhe following plant conditions
B. RM-L2A1B indica tion rises . Surge Tank vent valve PW-7096 closes when the indication reaches the HI RAD level.
:Theunitisin Mode 3.*Asteamline breakhasoccurredon"A"SteamLineinthe Reactor Building.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describestheplantresponsetothisevent?
C. Surge Tank leve/lowers. CCW Booster Pumps will trip on low suction pressure .
A."A"MainSteamLine pressurewilldrop."B "and"C''MainSteamLinepressureswillremain constant.AllMSIVswillclosewhenatleast2 Containment pressure transmitters indicate3.6psig.B."A"MainSteamLine pressurewilldrop."B"and"C"Main SteamLinepressureswillremain constant.AllMSIVswillclosewhen"A"MainSteamLinepress ureindicateslessthan675psig.C.All3Main Steam Line pressureswilldrop.AllMSIVswillclosewhenatleast2 Containment pressure transmitters indicate3.6psig.D.All3Main Steam Line pressureswilldrop.AllMSIVswillclosewhenatleast2 Main Steam Lines indicatelessthan675psig.
D. Surge Tank level lowers. CCW Pumps will lose suction when the Surge Tank empties .
36 2007NRCExamRO37.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the purposeofC-9 , Condenser Availability
,andC-16 , Condenser Pressure , permissive signals?A.C-9prevents2 steam dumpvalvesfrom operating during conditionsthatcoulddamagethe condensers.C-16armsALL condenserdumpvalveswhen condenser is below 4.5"Hgabsand adequate circ water pumps are available.B.C-9armsALL condenserdumpvalveswhen condense r is below 7.5"Hgabsand adequate circ water pumpsareavailable.C-16prevents2 steam dumpvalvesfrom operating during conditionsthatcoulddamagethe condensers
.C.C-9 anticipates condenserheatload problemsbyblocking2 condenser dumpvalvesat7.5"Hgabs.C-16 prevents ALL condensersteamdump valves from operatingduringconditionsthatcould damage the condensers.
2007 NRC Exam RO
D.C-9 prevents ALL condensersteamdumpvalvesfrom operatingduringconditionsthatcould damage the condensers.
: 13. Given the following plant conditions:
C-16 anticipates condenserheatload problemsbyblocking2 condenser dumpvalvesat4.5"Hgabs.
A LOCA occurred and RCS pressure reached 1380 psig.
37 2007NRCExamRO38.Giventhe following plant conditions:Theplantis operatingat100%power.*A FeedwaterLineBreakoccursatthepiping connectionto"A"SG.WhichONE(1) of the following describestheeffectofthis event?A.RCS temperaturerisespriorto reactortrip.SG"A" continues to depressurize afterFWIVclosure.B.RCS temperaturelowerspriortoreactortrip.SG"A" continues to depressurizeafterFWIV closure.C.RCS temperatures lowerspriortoreactortrip.SG"A" pressure stablil izes after FWIV closure.D.RCS temperature rises prior to reactortrip.SG"A" pressure stablizesafterFWIV closure.38 2007NRCExamRO 39.Giventhefollowingplant conditions:*AStation Blackouthasoccurred
* All actions of EOP-1 .0 were performed as required.
.*Thecrewisrestoring off-site powertoBus1DAthroughthenormalfeed.Priortoclosingthenormal feeder breakertoBus1DA,whichONE(1)ofthefollowingsetsofactions must be performed, in accordancewithAOP-304.1
The crew is performing EOP-2.1 , Post-LOCA Coo/down and Depressurization.
, Loss ofBus1DA with Diesel Unavailable?
RCS pressure is currently 1335 psig.
A.De-energizeTrain"A"ESFLSEnsureBus1DA TRANSFERINITSwitchisinOFFB.De-energizeTrain"A"ESFLSEnsureBus1DA TRANSFERINITSwitchisinONC.Reset NON-ESF LCKOUTS&AUTO-START BLOCKSEnsureBus1DA TRANSFERINITSwitchisinOFFD.ResetNON-ESF LCKOUTS&AUTO-START BLOCKSEnsureBus1DA TRANSFERINITSwitchisinON 39 2007NRCExamRO40.Giventhefollowingplant conditions
* RCS temperature is currently 496°F .
:*Alossof off-site powerhasoccurred.BothEDGshaverespondedasdesigned.
Two Charging pumps are running .
*Subsequently, safetyinjectionoccurs
The crew is evaluating stopping 1 Charging Pump.
.*Thefollowing conditionsexiston"A"EDG:
Given the above conditions, which ONE (1) of the following describes whether the Charging Pump may be stopped , and why?
*Frequency59.9Hz.*Voltage7150Volts KW Output2600KWRBPressure reaches an actuation setpointrequiringthestartof"A"RBSpraypumpLoadsstabilize
A. No, because subcooling is not greater than 30°F.
.....WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthestatusof"A
B. Yes, because subcooling is greater than 30°F.
" EDG?A.Alllisted parametersarewithinlimits.B.Frequencyis belowthelimit.C.Voltageis belowthelimit.D.Output exceeds the continuousKWrating.40 2007NRCExamRO41.Giventhefollowing plant conditions:
C. Yes, because subcooling is greater than 87.5°F.
*lAW GOP-4A, Power Operation(Mode1-Ascending), powerhasbeenstabilizedbetween12and15%.
D. No, because subcooling is not greater than 87.5°F.
*PreparationsarebeingmadetorolltheMain Turbineto1800rpm.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 14. Given the following plant conditions:
* The Plant is in Mode 3.
* A PZR PORV begins leaking to the PRT.
* Pressurizer pressure is 985 psig.
PRT pressure is steady at 5 psig.
* PRT temperature is steady at 90°F.
* Ambient heat losses are negligible.
* Steam quality in the pressurizer is 100%.
Which ONE (1) of the following would be the approximate MCB indication on TI-463, RELIEF TEMP OF?
C. 300°F 14
2007 NRG Exam RO
: 15. Given the following plant conditions:
* The Reactor has tripped from 100% power.
        *   "A" and "G" Service Water (SW) pumps were running.
* The crew implemented EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation, then transitioned to EOP-1.1, Reactor Trip Recovery.
* MDEFW pumps started on Lo-Lo SG levels after the trip .
* Subsequently, an SI actuated due to a Large Break LOGA.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of equipment as a result of the SI?
A. MDEFW pumps will trip and be restarted by the sequencer. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will continue to run.
B. MDEFW pumps will continue to run. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will trip and be restarted by the sequencer.
G. MDEFW pumps will trip and be restarted by the sequencer. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will trip and be restarted by the sequencer.
D. MDEFW pumps will continue to run. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will continue to run.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 16. Given the following plant conditions:
* A load rejection has occurred from 100% power.
* All control systems responded as designed.
Power level is now stable at 70%.
Which ONE (1) of the following condit ions will exist during this event?
A. Charging Flow Control Valve , FCV-122 , will be throttling open.
B. Pressurizer Backup Heaters will be energized.
C. Pressurizer PORVs will be open.
D. Letdown Backpressure Control Valve PCV-145 will be throttling closed.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 17. Given the following plant conditions:
* A reactor trip has occurred from 100% power.
* Reactor Trip Breaker "B" remains CLOSED .
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the Steam Dump System?
A. The steam dump valves will open and maintain Tavg at 55JOF.
B. The steam dumps will remain closed following the reactor trip due to loss of the arming signal.
C. The steam dumps will remain closed following the reactor trip due to loss of the
      'plant trip' modulation signal.
D. The steam dump valves will open and maintain Tavg at 559°F.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 18. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the source of control power to Reactor Trip Breaker "B" and Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker "B"?
Reactor Trip Breaker B   Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker B A.          125 VDC Bus 1HB          125 VDC Bus 1HB B.          125 VDC Bus 1HB          125 VDC Bus 1HA C.          120 VAC APN-5902         120 VAC APN-5902 D.           120 VAC APN-5902          120 VAC APN-5901 18
2007 NRG Exam RO
: 19. Given the following plant conditions:
* A reactor trip has occurred coincident with a loss of off-site power.
* While performing action in the EOPs, the following events occur:
* RGS pressure is 1700 psig and lowering.
* RB pressure is 4.7 psig and rising slowly.
* Three minutes after these indications are observed, APN-5904 fails and becomes de-energized.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect, if any, on plant equipment after the APN failure?
A. Train A and Train B EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are open.
B. Train A and Train B EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are closed.
G. Train A EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train B EGGS equipment is NOT running; Train A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are open.
D. Train A EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train B EGGS equipment is NOT running; Tra in A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are closed.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 20. Given the following plant conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred .
* RCS pressure is 200 psig.
          "A" Reactor Building Spray Pump is Out of Service .
Containment pressure has exceeded the High-3 setpoint.
Train "B" Phase A has failed to actuate.
All other actuations and Train "A" ECCS equipment is running as required.
The most recent Chemistry sample of the RCS indicated that RCS activity is 5X10-2 microcuries/ml Dose Equivalent Iodine .
Assuming no action by the crew, which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the plant?
A. Containment will exceed its design pressure.
B. Off-Site releases will exceed accident analysis assumptions.
C. Only 1 Containment Isolation Valve in each Phase A penetration will be closed.
D. Only half of the Containment penetrations required for isolation will receive isolation signals.
2007 NRC Exam RO 21 . Given the following plant conditions:
* A reactor startup is in progress.
* SR Channel N-31 indicates 7X1 03 CPS .
* SR Channel N-32 indicates 7X10 3 CPS .
* IR Channel N-35 indicates 8.7X10- 6% power.
* IR Channel N-36 indicates 6.0X10-6% power.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes (1) the existing plant cond ition , (2) the status of P-6 , and (3) the action required in accordance with AOP-401.8, Intermediate Range Channel Failure?
A. (1) N-36 is undercompensated; (2) P-6 should NOT be satisfied; (3) maintain power stable until N-36 is repaired .
B. (1) N-36 is overcompensated ;
(2) P-6 should be satisfied; (3) maintain power stable until N-36 is repaired.
C. (1) N-36 is undercompensated; (2) P-6 should be satisfied; (3) place the unit in Mode 3 until N-36 is repaired.
D. (1) N-36 is overcompensated; (2) P-6 should NOT be satisfied ;
(3) place the unit in Mode 3 until N-36 is repaired.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 22. Given the following plant conditions:
The plant is operating at 8% power.
A Loss of Component Cooling Water has occurred .
      * "A" RCP motor bearing temperature is 189°F and rising slowly.
      *  "A" RCP lower seal water bear ing temperature is 226 °F and rising slowly.
The crew has entered AOP-118 .1 , Loss of Component Cooling Water.
Which ONE (1) of the following actions is requ ired?
A. RCP motor bearing temperature exceeds operating limits. Stop 'A' RCP and initiate a plant shutdown lAW GOP-4B, Power Operation (Mode 1-Descending).
B. RCP lower seal water bearing temperature exceeds operating limits. Stop 'A' RCP and initiate a plant shutdown lAW GOP-4B, Powe r Operation (Mode 1-Descending) .
C. RCP motor bearing temperature exceeds operating limits. Trip the reactor, stop 'A' RCP, and go to EOP-1 .0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.
D. RCP lower seal water bearing temperature exceeds operating limits . Trip the reactor , stop 'A ' RCP , and go to EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 23. Given the following plant conditions:
* The plant is in Mode 3.
* The following wide-range pressures are indicated:
* PT-402                  - 1335 psig
* PT-403                  - 1350 psig
* PT-455A                - 1285 psig
* Subcooling indication on TI-499A and TI-499B indicates the following:
TI-499A              TI-499B Which ONE (1) of the following describes the core exit temperature used to determine RCS subcooling for the indications above?
A. Train A - 550°F; Train B - 560°F.
B. Train A - 55rF; Train B - 550 °F.
C. Train A - 55rF; Train B - 560°F.
D. Train A - 560°F; Train B - 55rF.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 24. Given the following plant conditions :
* A Reactor Trip condition existed and the Reactor failed to trip.
* RCS pressure now indicates 2350 psig .
Assuming no other events are in progress, which ONE (1) of the following describes the 1) appropriate action and the 2) reason for that action?
A. 1) Verify PZR PORVs and Block Valves open
: 2) To increase flow on FI-943 , CHG LOOP B CLO/HOT LEG FLOW GPM B. 1) Verify PZR PORVs and Block Valves open
: 2) To increase flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM C. 1) Place both ESFLS A(B) Resets to NON-ESF LCKOUTS
: 2) To increase flow on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLO/HOT LEG FLOW GPM D. 1) Place both ESFLS A(B) Resets to NON-ESF LCKOUTS
: 2) To increase flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM 24
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 25. Given the following plant conditions:
* The plant was at 100% power.
* A reactor trip and safety injection occurred .
* R8CUs XFN-0064A and XFN-00648 started in SLOW.
* While performing the actions of EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation, the following alarms are received in the control room:
* XCP-605-3-1, SW FR R8CU 18/28 FLO LO
* XCP-605-3-2, SW FR R8CU 18/28 PRESS LO Which ONE (1) of the following choices contains both of the conditions that could each independently cause these annunciators to alarm?
A. SW8P "8" tripped; MVG-31118, R8CU 648/658 TO IND COOLING going CLOSED.
: 8. SW8P "8" tripped; MVG-3109C, R8CU 648 OUTLET ISOL going CLOSED.
C. XFN-00648 (18 R8CU SS FAN) tripped; MVG-3108C, R8CU 648 INLET ISOL going CLOSED.
D. XFN-00648 (18 R8CU SS FAN) tripped; MVG-3109D, R8CU 658 OUTLET ISOL going CLOSED.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 26. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the power supplies that directly feed Containment Spray Header Isolation Valves XVG-3003A and XVG-3003B, respectively?
A. XSW1 DA 1 and XSW1 DB 1 B. XMC1DA2X and XMC1 DB2Y C. XMC1 DB2X and XMC1 DA2Z D. XMC1 DA2Z and XMC1 DB2X 26
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 27. Given the following plant conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred.
* RCS pressure is 450 psig.
Reactor Building pressure is 18 psig and lowering.
* RWST level is lowering .
Reactor Building Sump level is rising.
      *  "A" Reactor Trip Breaker remained closed .
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the Reactor Building Spray system as the event continues?
RB Spray Pump suction to the RB Sump Valves , MVG-3005A and B ...
A. are manually opened when RWST level reaches its setpoint. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST, MVG-3001 A and B, are manually closed when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.
B. automatically open when RWST level reaches its setpo int. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST, MVG-3001A and B, automatically close when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.
C. are manually opened when Reactor Building Sump level reaches its setpo int. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST , MVG-3001A and B, are manually closed when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.
D. automatically open when Reactor Building Sump level reaches its setpoint. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST , MVG-3001A and B, automatically close when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 28. With the unit at 100% power, which ONE (1) of the following describes the potential consequence of PCV-444C, PZR Spray Valve, failing open?
A. Loss of PZR pressure can result in an unwarranted OP Delta T runback and reactor trip.
B. PZR pressure will remain stable as PZR heaters will compensate for the pressure reduction .
C. Loss of PZR pressure may result in steam formation in the reactor vessel head and SG tubes.
D. Loss of PZR pressure can result in an unwarranted OT Delta T runback and reactor trip.
2007 NRC Exam RO 29 . Which ONE (1) of the following describes the purpose and function of the Reactor Building Charcoal Cleanup Units?
Designed for...
A. primary means of long term post accident iodine removal from the RB atmosphere.
Discharge is aligned to the RB Purge system exhaust.
B. primary means of long term post accident iodine removal from the RB atmosphere.
Discharge is aligned to the RB atmosphere.
C. RB pre-entry reduction of airborne contaminants. Discharge is aligned to the RB Purge system exhaust.
D. RB pre-entry reduction of airborne contaminants. Discharge is aligned to the RB atmosphere.
2007 Post Retake NRC Exam Question Review                                                                                        .
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I;          ':1¥ es/No ),                  ~-                -e.,        ,""c                                                        ':1~~ ,              x.
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* E 0 P- ~ 3'. O, Simulator scenarios                  liraililing mater ial feed baGICstit:>mitted to revise ~
choices IA &0 to clarifY "maximize Boric Acid flowrate". Also submitted feedback to include tli is I'                                              -                                                            in an IRO/SRO scenario. lReviewed thls question
                                            ~  .     ""  ~          ~
                                                                                                                              . ._.. wit h each cand idate.                                           ~
4                      No              No                                    IB-2, Simulator                                      Reviewed this question with each candidate.
10                      No              No                                    EOP-1.0                                              Reviewed this question with each candidate.
14                      No              No                                    EOP-2 .1, Simulator scenarios                        Reviewed this question with each candidate.
15                      No              No                                    IB-1, IB-3, GS-2 , Simulator                          Reviewed this question with each candidate.
scenarios 16                      No              No                                    IC-3, Simulator                                      Reviewed this question with each cand idate.
                                                                      . ~. .~ ~.
1[8                    No        I"                Yes
* 18-9                                                  Feedback subm itted to include discussion 'of RTB
                                                                        ,f                                                              control .power in IC-;:9.                             iiII 21"                    No              No                                    IC-8                                                  Some examinees were confused with terminology II'
                                                                        .                                                               "satisfied/NOT sat isfied" in cho ices. Feedback submitted to clarify. Reviewed this question with I
                                                                                    -                          ~
                                                                                                          .... " -Il
                                                                                                                        ..               each candidate.               ";,r;,&
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ' .
24 1,...                 I      Yes
* No                                    A0 F2-106.1                                          Reducing B. S pressure would not result in a C:Jirect increase in flow on FI-11O. Feedback I~
I-                                                                                                                                    a submitted to clarify. Reviewed this question wit h
      .                        B                  Q          ..                          ..         ..           n    ..     ,-   each candidate.         "
* g 27                      No        I"I' N""0                                  ~ B-8                                                AlthougH technically correct, entire answer was not available. Feedback submitted to provide
                  " ..                                                                                         ~.                  0 entire correct answer.                   "
                ' Q                                                                                                ~          ~
28                        Yes
* No
* 10-6                                                  Some confusion over "unwarranted". Feedback I'                                                                                                                                      provided du r.iAg exam to view "unwarranted" as I'                                                                                                                                      "undesired." Training feedback subm itted to I'            a  ..                           .                   ..                         I;                                        revise choices A& lD similarlY.
29                      No              No                                    AB-17                                                Reviewed this question with each candidate.
30                      No              No                                    EOP-4 .0                                              Reviewed this question with each candidate.
1 of 4
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 30. Given the following plant conditions:
* The unit was initially operating at full power.
* A loss of ALL offsite power occurred in conjunction with a steam generator tube rupture.
* All safeguards equipment functioned as required.
* The following plant conditions now exist:
* Ruptured S/G pressure = 1100 psig, stable
* Core exit TC = 505°F , slowly decreasing
* RCS Pressure = 1600 psig, stable
* PZR Level = 4%, stable
* Total SI Flow = 600 gpm The RCS has been cooled down to target temperature.
* In accordance with EOP-4 .0, Steam Generator Tube Rupture, the RO opens one PZR PORV.
Soon after opening the valve, the operator observes that all channels of PZR level are rapidly increasing.
* ECCS flow has increased from 600 gpm to 650 gpm.
Which ONE (1) of the following is the cause of this indication?
A. PZR level instruments are not calibrated for temperatures less than 600°F .
B. Safety injection flow is driving the RCS to a water - solid condition.
C. Voiding in the reactor vessel head is forcing water up the surge line.
D. Backflow has been established from the ruptured S/G to the RCS.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 31. Given the following plant conditions:
* A Large Break LOCA has occurred .
* Reactor Building H2 concentration was at 2% and rising .
      *  'A' Hydrogen Recombiner is INOPERABLE.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the removal of Hydrogen from Contai nment?
A. Hydrogen concentration will remain below 4% with only one Recombiner in operation.
B. Hydrogen concentration will rise above 4% but remain below 6% with only one Recombiner in operation.
C. Hydrogen concentration will remain below 4% only if the Containment Purge System is placed in service in addition to the Recombiner.
D. Hydrogen concentration will remain below 4% only if Containment Spray is placed in service in addition to the Recombiner.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 32. Which ONE (1) of the following describes a feature of the Spent Fuel Pool and/or Cooling system that will maintain radiation dose levels at acceptable limits during plant operations?
A. Spent Fuel Cooling Pumps will trip on low suction pressure prior to Spent Fuel Pool level dropping below 460'6" .
B. Boron concentration is maintained so that Spent Fuel Pool Keff is less than 0.95 and Spent Fuel Pool Radiation levels are maintained less than 2.5 mr/hr at the surface of the pool.
C. Anti-siphoning holes in the cooling system suction and return lines ensures that Spent Fuel Pool level will not drop below 460 '6".
D. Interlocks on the Spent Fuel Pool Manipulator Crane prevent spent fuel assemblies from travelling closer than 23 feet from the surface of the Spent Fuel Pool.
2007 NRC Exam RO 33 . Which ONE (1) of the following describes the initial SG Level Response and SGWLC System Response during a rapid increase in power?
SG Level Response          SGWLC System Response A. Decreases                Lag circuit on SG level input minimizes fluctuations B. Decreases                Programmed DIP across the FRV minimizes fluctuations C. Increases                Programmed DIP across the FRV minimizes fluctuations D. Increases                Lag circuit on SG level input minimizes fluctuations 33
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 34. Given the follow ing plant conditions :
* The plant is in Mode 6, core reload is in progress.
* A fuel assembly is being inserted into the core when downward motion stops.
* The Refueling SRO notes the following:
* The SLACK CABLE light is ON
* The LOWER SLOW ZONE light is OF F
* The GRIPPER TUBE DOWN light is OFF Which ONE (1) of the following describes the reason that downward movement stopped and the subsequent operation related to the interlock?
A. Total load fell more than 150-300# below nominal full load; bypassing the interlock is not possible.
B. The fuel assembly approached 10" from the bottom of the core ; bypassing the interlock is not possible.
C. Total load fell more than 150-300# below nominal full load; bypass the interlock to allow the assembly to be fully inserted.
D. The fuel assembly approached 10" from the bottom of the core ; bypass the interlock to allow the assembly to be fully inserted.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 35. Given the following plant conditions:
* Reactor power is 75%.
RCS leak rate data is as follows:
* Total RCS leakage rate is 9.1 gpm.
* Leakage to PRT is 7.0 gpm.
Leakage to the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank is 1.3 gpm .
* Total primary to secondary leakage is 0.33 gpm.
* SG 1 - 0.09 gpm
* SG 2 - 0.17 gpm
* SG 3 - 0.07 gpm Which ONE (1) of the following describes RCS leakage in relation to Technical Specification limits?
A. Identified leakage exceeds the TS limit B. Unidentified leakage exceeds the TS limit C. Primary to Secondary leakage exceeds the TS limit D. All RCS leakage is within TS limits 35
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 36. Given the following plant conditions:
The unit is in Mode 3.
* A steam line break has occurred on "A" Steam Line in the Reactor Building.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the plant response to this event?
A. "A" Main Steam Line pressure will drop. "B" and "C'' Main Steam Line pressures will remain constant. All MSIVs will close when at least 2 Containment pressure transmitters indicate 3.6 psig.
B. "A" Main Steam Line pressure will drop . "B" and "C" Main Steam Line pressures will remain constant. All MSIVs will close when "A" Main Steam Line press ure indicates less than 675 psig.
C. All 3 Main Steam Line pressures will drop. All MSIVs will close when at least 2 Containment pressure transmitters indicate 3.6 psig.
D. All 3 Main Steam Line pressures will drop. All MSIVs will close when at least 2 Main Steam Lines indicate less than 675 psig.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 37. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the purpose of C-9, Condenser Availability, and C-16, Condenser Pressure , permissive signals?
A. C-9 prevents 2 steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers.
C-16 arms ALL condenser dump valves when condenser is below 4.5" Hg abs and adequate circ water pumps are available.
B. C-9 arms ALL condenser dump valves when condenser is below 7.5" Hg abs and adequate circ water pumps are available.
C-16 prevents 2 steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers .
C. C-9 anticipates condenser heat load problems by blocking 2 condenser dump valves at 7.5 "Hg abs.
C-16 prevents ALL condenser steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers.
D. C-9 prevents ALL condenser steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers.
C-16 anticipates condenser heat load problems by blocking 2 condenser dump valves at 4.5 "Hg abs.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 38. Given the following plant conditions:
The plant is operating at 100% power.
* A Feedwater Line Break occurs at the piping connection to "A" SG .
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect of this event?
A. RCS temperature rises prior to reactor trip. SG "A" continues to depressurize after FWIV closure.
B. RCS temperature lowers prior to reactor trip. SG "A" continues to depressurize after FWIV closure.
C. RCS temperatures lowers prior to reactor trip. SG "A" pressure stablil izes after FWIV closure.
D. RCS temperature rises prior to reactor trip. SG "A" pressure stablizes after FWIV closure .
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 39. Given the following plant conditions:
* A Station Blackout has occurred .
* The crew is restoring off-site power to Bus 1DA through the normal feed.
Prior to closing the normal feeder breaker to Bus 1DA, which ONE (1) of the following sets of actions must be performed, in accordance with AOP-304.1 , Loss of Bus 1DA with Diesel Unavailable?
A. De-energize Train "A" ESFLS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in OFF B. De-energize Train "A" ESFLS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in ON C. Reset NON-ESF LCKOUTS & AUTO-START BLOCKS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in OFF D. Reset NON-ESF LCKOUTS & AUTO-START BLOCKS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in ON 39
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 40. Given the following plant conditions:
* A loss of off-site power has occurred.
Both EDGs have responded as designed.
* Subsequently, safety injection occurs .
* The following conditions exist on "A" EDG:
* Frequency 59.9 Hz.
* Voltage 7150 Volts KW Output 2600 KW RB Pressure reaches an actuation setpoint requiring the start of "A" RB Spray pump Loads stabilize .....
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the status of "A" EDG?
A. All listed parameters are within limits.
B. Frequency is below the limit.
C. Voltage is below the limit.
D. Output exceeds the continuous KW rating .
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 41. Given the following plant conditions:
* lAW GOP-4A, Power Operation (Mode 1-Ascending), power has been stabilized between 12 and 15%.
* Preparations are being made to roll the Main Turbine to 1800 rpm.
Reactor power indicates the following:
Reactor power indicates the following:
*IRN-35-1X101%.*IRN-36-1X10 1%.*PRN-41-15%.
* IR N 1X101%.
* IR N 1X10 1%.
* PR N 15%.
* PR N 14%.
*Inverter XIT-5902 output breakertripsopen.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describestheeffectontheunit?
* PR N 14%.
A.APowerRangeRodStop(C-2)signal,withno change in reactor power.B.Areactortripduetothe deenergization of Intermediate Range Channel N-35.C.Areactortripduetothe deenergizationofIntermed iate Range Channel N-36.D.An IntermediateRangeRodStop(C-1)signal
* PR N 14%.
,withno change in reactor power.41 2007 NRC Exam RO 42.Giventhe following plant conditions
* Inverter XIT-5902 output breaker trips open.
:*The plant is operating at 100%power.*The following annunciators are receivedinthe control room:*XCP-636 , 4-6 ,DCSYS OVRVOL T/UNDRVOL T*XCP-637 , 1-5, INV 3/4 TROUBLE*Inverter output voltage indicates120vac.Assuming NO other alarms are received, which ONE(1)ofthe following describes the common cause of both of the alarms?A.Loss of Alternate Source1FB.B.Loss of Normal Source 1 DB2Y.C.Loss of voltageonBus1HB.D.Inverter has transferred to Alternate Source1FB.42 2007NRCExamRO43.Giventhe following plant conditions:*The plant is operatingat100%power.*The followingalarmisreceived:
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the unit?
*XCP-624-1-5,SGALVLDEV*TheRO determines thatSG"A"levelisrising slowly on L1-474,475,and476
A. A Power Range Rod Stop (C-2) signal, with no change in reactor power.
.*SG"B"and"C" levels are stable.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describesthecauseofthealarmandtheaction required?Alarmwas receivedona...A.5%deviation from programduetoa Feedwater Control Valvefailure;Place"A" Feedwater Control valve in manual and restorelevelto normal.B.5%deviat ion from programduetoaSteamFlowinputto"A"SGlevelcontrolfailing low;Select the alternatefeedflowand steamflowinputs
B. A reactor trip due to the deenergization of Intermediate Range Channel N-35.
.C.10%deviation from programduetoa Feedwater Control Valvefailure;Place"A" Feedwater Control valve in manual and restoreleveltonormal.D.10%deviation from programduetoaSteamFlowinputto"A"SGlevelcontrolfailinglow; Select the alternatefeedflowandsteam flow inputs.43 2007NRCExamRO 44.WhichONE(1) of the following conditionswillresultinthe most Emergency FeedwaterSystemflow required to maintain SG levels constant following a reactor trip?A.B.C.D.Core Burnup 1 ,000 MWD/MTU 1,000 MWD/MTU 10 ,000MWDMTU 10,000 MWD/MTU Initial Power Level 10%100%10%100%44 2007NRCExamRO 45.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:
C. A reactor trip due to the deenergization of Intermed iate Range Channel N-36.
D. An Intermediate Range Rod Stop (C-1) signal , with no change in reactor power.
powerduringanA1 maintenance week.*APN-5901hasbeen transferredtoAPN-1FAwhileworkisinprogresson XIT-5901.*Thenormal feeder breakerforbus1DAtripsopen.*"A" DIGfailstostart.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the subsequentoperationofthe"A"Train ESFLS?A.Output 1willshedloadsandtheESFLSwillgothroughitsnormal sequence.B.Output1willshedloads,butthentheESFLSwillbe preventedfromoperating.C.Output 1willNOTshedloads
,buttheESFLSwillgothroughitsnormalsequence.D.Output 1 will NOTshedloadsandtheESFLSwillbepreventedfromoperating.
45 2007 NRC Exam RO46.WhichONE(1) of the following describes the availability of Channel I (TrainA)120VACvital safeguards power duringalossofthe 115KVlinefromthe Parr Generating Complex?A.Is initially available from Battery 1A through inverter XIT-5901 , then automaticallyreturnstothe normal source after Diesel Generator"A" starts.B.The static switch initially transfers the supplyto1FA,then automaticallyreturnsto the normal source after Diesel Generator"A" starts.C.Is initially available from Battery 1A through inverter XIT-5901 ,thenis manually returned to the normal source after Diesel Generator"A" starts.D.The static switch initially transfers the supplyto1FA,thenis manually returned to the normal source after Diesel Generator"A"starts.
2007 NRC Exam RO 42 . Given the following plant conditions :
46 2007NRCExamRO47.Theplantisat100%power.Alossof125VDCcontrol powertothewillrequireentrytoEOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.
* The plant is operating at 100% power.
A.FWBPbreakersB.MSIVsC.RCPbreakersD.PZRSprayValves 47 2007NRCExamRO48.Giventhe followingplantconditions:*Alossof off-site power has occurred.*BothEDGsstartasrequired.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describestheoperationoftheEDGRoom Ventilation system?Automat ically start when...A.DieselRoom temperature exceeds 88°F,tomaintainroom temperaturebelowthe Technical Specificationlimitof120°F.
* The following annunciators are received in the control room:
B.the associated Diesel Generatorstarts,tomaintainroom temperaturebelowthe Technical Specificationlimitof88°F.c.DieselRoom temperature exceeds 72°F ,tomaintainroom temperaturebelowthe Technical Specificationlimitof88°F.D.the associated Diesel Generator starts , to maintain room temperaturebelowthe Technical Specif icationlimitof 120°F.48 2007NRCExamRO49.Giventhe following plant conditions
: Emergency Diesel Generator"A"ispa ralleledtoits associated Bus.*Alagging power factorhasbeen established.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the operationofthediesel generator voltagecontrolswitch?
* XCP-637, 1-5, INV 3/4 TROUBLE
A.Loweringthe voltage control setpointwillcausethe generatortopickupalargershareoftherealload.B.Raisingthe voltage control setpointwillcausethe generatortopickupalargershareoftherealload.C.Lower ing the voltage control setpointwillcausethe generatortopickupalargershareofthe reactive load.D.Raisingthe voltage control setpointwillcausethe generatortopickupalargershareofthe reactive load.49 2007NRCExamRO 50.Giventhefollowingplant conditions:*AlossofRB InstrumentAirhasoccurred.*RB Instrument Air header pressureiscurrently94psigandlowering
* Inverter output voltage indicates 120 vac.
.Assumingno operatoraction,whichONE(1)ofthefollowing describestheresponseoftheAirSystemandwhy?
Assuming NO other alarms are received, which ONE (1) of the following describes the common cause of both of the alarms?
RB Instrument Air header pressure decreasesuntil...A.PVA-2659 ,INSTAIRTORBAIR SERV , automaticallyopensat90psigtoensureanairsupplyforAOVsinsidethe Reactor Building.B.PVA-2659,INSTAIRTORBAIRSERV, automatically opensat93psigtoensureanairsupplyforAOVsinsidethe Reactor Building.C.PVT-2660
A. Loss of Alternate Source 1FB.
,AIRSPL YTORB,closesat90psigtoisolatetheRB headertoavoidalossof Instrument Air outside the Reactor Building.D.PVT-2660 ,AIRSPL YTORB ,closesat93psigtoisolatetheRB headertoavoidalossof Instrument Air outside the Reactor Building.50 2007NRCExamRO51.Giventhe followingplantconditions:*The plantisinMode6.
B. Loss of Normal Source 1DB2Y.
C. Loss of voltage on Bus 1HB.
.Refueling activitiesareinprogress.*Aspentfuel assemblyisdroppedinthecavity.
D. Inverter has transferred to Alternate Source 1FB.
Containment radiation monitor indicationsareallrising
.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowingdescribestheradiationmon itorsthatw ill initiateisolationofallorpartofthe Containment Purge?RM-A4 ,RBPurge Exhaust Particulate(Iodine)(Gas)Atmos monitor...A.ONLY.B.AND RM-G17A/B , RB ManipulatorCraneAreaGammaONLY
.C.ANDRM-A2 , RB Sample Line Particulate(Iodine)(Gas)Atmos monitor ONLY.D.AND RM-G17A/B, RB ManipulatorCraneAreaGamma
2007 NRC Exam RO
,ANDRM-A2,RBSample Line Particulate (Iodine)(Gas)Atmosmonitor.
: 43. Given the following plant conditions:
51 2007NRCExamRO 52.Giventhe following plant conditions
* The plant is operating at 100% power.
:*An immediate dischargetothe penstocksfromboth Waste Monitortanksis required.*Current conditionsareasfollows.RM-L5andRM-L9areoutof service*FairfieldHydroisinthe"pumping" mode.WhichONE(1)ofthe following statementswillprovidethe MINIMUM conditions necessary for monitor tank release?A.EitherRM-L5orRM-L9mustberestoredto operability priortorelease.B.BothRM-L5andRM-L9mustberestoredto operability priortorelease.
* The following alarm is received:
C.TheFairfieldHydro must converttothe generatingmodeand redundant samples performed priortorelease.Two independent qualified individualsmustverify release calculationsandvalve lineups.D.TheFa irfield Hydro must converttothe generatingmodepriortoreleaseandeitherRM-L5orRM-L9mustbe restored to operability.
* XCP-624-1-5, SG A LVL DEV
Two independent qualified individuals must verify release calculationsandvalve lineups.52 2007NRCExamRO53.WhichONE(1) of the following describes operation of XFN-30A(B)
* The RO determines that SG "A" level is rising slowly on L1-474, 475, and 476 .
, CONTR RM EMERG FILTERING SYS FAN A(B), and XFN-32A(B), CONTROL ROOM COOLING UNITA(B)FAN upon receipt ofahigh radiationalarmon RM-A 1, Control Bldg Supply Air?A.BothXFN-32A&BandbothXFN
* SG "B" and "C" levels are stable.
-30A&Bstart,all outside air sourcesareisolated
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the cause of the alarm and the action required?
.B.Both XFN-32A&Bandboth XFN-30A&Bstart ,returnairis mixedwithasmall amount of makeup air.C.Both XFN-32A&BtripandbothXFN
Alarm was received on a . . .
-30A&Bstart,all outside air sources are isolated.D.Both XFN-32A&Btripandboth XFN-30A&B start ,returnairis mixedwithasmall amount of makeup air.53','
A. 5% deviation from program due to a Feedwater Control Valve failure; Place "A" Feedwater Control valve in manual and restore level to normal.
2007NRCExamRO 54.Giventhe following plant conditions
B. 5% deviation from program due to a Steam Flow input to "A" SG level control failing low; Select the alternate feed flow and steam flow inputs .
:*The plantisinMode5.RHRTrainAisinservice.
C. 10% deviation from program due to a Feedwater Control Valve failure; Place "A" Feedwater Control valve in manual and restore level to normal.
RCS temperatureis168°F.RCS pressureis175psig.
D. 10% deviation from program due to a Steam Flow input to "A" SG level control failing low; Select the alternate feed flow and steam flow inputs.
,aLossof Service Water occurs.*Thecrewis performing actions containedinAOP-117.1
, Total Loss of Service Water.*NEITHER Service Waterloopcanberestored
2007 NRC Exam RO 44 . Which ONE (1) of the following conditions will result in the most Emergency Feedwater System flow required to maintain SG levels constant following a reactor trip?
.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describestheeffectontheRHRSystem,andtheprocedurethatwill mitigate the event?A.Stabilize RHR/RCS system temperatureusingsteam dumps lAW GOP-6, PlantShutdownMode 3toMode5.Goto AOP-115.3, Loss ofRHRwiththeRCSIntact
Core Burnup                        Initial Power Level A.           1,000 MWD/MTU                     10%
, for long-term mitigation.
B.          1,000 MWD/MTU                       100%
B.Stabilize RHR/RCS system temperatureusingsteam dumps lAW GOP-6 , PlantShutdownMode 3toMode 5.Continue us ing AOP-117.1 , Total Loss of Service Water, for long-term mitigation.
C.          10,000 MWD MTU                      10%
C.RHR/RCS system temperaturewillriseasaresultofalossofcoolingto ComponentCoolingWater.Goto AOP-115.3 , Loss ofRHRwiththeRCSIntact
D.          10,000 MWD/MTU                     100%
.D.RHR/RCS system temperaturewillriseasaresultofalossofcoolingto ComponentCoolingWater.
Continue using AOP-117.1 , Total Loss of Service Water.54 2007NRCExamRO55.WhichONE(1)ofthe following providestheelectrical powersupplytothe Supplemental Air Compressor?
A.XSW1DA1 B.XSW1DB1C.XSW1A1D.XSW1B1 55 2007NRCExamRO56.Giventhefollowingplant conditions
2007 NRC Exam RO 45 . Given the following plant conditions: .
:TheFire ProtectionSystemactuatedduetoaMain Transformer Fire.System pressuredroppedto80psigbefore recoveringduetotheactuationof necessary equipment.*Thefireisout.*The delugevalveisisolatedandreset.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the equipmentthatisrunning
* The plant is at 100% power during an A 1 maintenance week.
,andthemethodofshutt ing the equipment down?A.ONLYthe MotorDrivenFirePumpisrunning;mustbe stopped locally.B.ONLYthe MotorDrivenFirePumpisrunning;maybe stoppedlocallyorinthecontrolroom
* APN-5901 has been transferred to APN-1 FA while work is in progress on XIT-5901.
.C.TheMotorDrivenandEngineDrivenFirePumpsarerunning.Bothmustbestoppedlocally.D.TheMotorDrivenandEngineDr ivenFirePumpsarerunning
* The normal feeder breaker for bus 1DA trips open.
.TheMotorDrivenPumpmaybe stoppedlocallyorinthecontrolroom,theEngineDrivenPumpmustbestoppedlocally.
        * "A" DIG fails to start.
56 2007NRCExamRO57.Giventhefollowingplant conditions:*ALOCAhasoccurred.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the subsequent operation of the "A" Train ESFLS?
SafetyInjectionis actuated.Reactor Building pressureindicates14psigandrisingslowly.*While performing actionsofEOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/SafetyInjectionActuation,thefollowingvalves indicate OPEN:*RCPSLWTRISOL 8100*LTONISOL8152*RBAIR SERVISOL2660WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthefailurethathasoccurredandtheMINIMUMaction necessary to mitigatethecondition?
A. Output 1 will shed loads and the ESFLS will go through its normal sequence .
A.PhaseAhas partiallyfailed.Place eitherPhaseA actuation switchesinthe ACTUATE position.B.PhaseAhas partiallyfailed.PlacebothPhaseAactuation switchesinthe ACTUATE position.C.PhaseBhas partiallyfailed.Place eitherPhaseB actuation switchesinthe ACTUATE position.O.PhaseBhas partiallyfailed.PlacebothPhaseB actuation switchesinthe ACTUATE position.57 2007NRCExamRO 58.G iventhefollowingplantcondit ions:*Thereactorhastripped.
B. Output 1 will shed loads, but then the ESFLS will be prevented from operating.
C. Output 1 will NOT shed loads , but the ESFLS will go through its normal sequence.
.*AnRCS cooldownisinprogressinaccordancewithEOP-2.1,PostLOCA Coo/down and Depressurization.
D. Output 1 will NOT shed loads and the ESFLS will be prevented from operating.
: TIMERCSTCOLDTIMERCSTCOLD 0800 54rF 0945 425°F 0815 530°F'1000 395°F 0830 520°F 1015 382°F 0845 505°F 1030 364°F 0900 498°F 1045 340°F 0915 478°F 1100 310°F 0930 44rF 1115 280°FAtwh ich t imewastheTech SpecRCSCooldownratelimit FIRST exceeded?A.0915.B.0930.C.1000.D.1115 58 2007NRCExamRO 59.Giventhe following plant conditions
:*ALOCA outside containmenthasoccurred
2007 NRC Exam RO
.Thecrewis performingtheactionsin EOP-2.5,LOCAOutsideContainment.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingactionswillbe attemptedtoisolatethebreakandwhichindicationisusedto determineiftheleakhasbeenisolatedin accordance with EOP-2.5?A.Isolatelow pressure SafetyInjectionpiping
: 46. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the availability of Channel I (Train A) 120 VAC vital safeguards power during a loss of the 115KV line from the Parr Generating Complex?
.RCS pressure is monitored, becauseSIflowwill repressurizetheRCSwhenthebreakisisolated.
A. Is initially available from Battery 1A through inverter XIT-5901 , then automatically returns to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.
B.Isolatelow pressure SafetyInjectionpiping.PZRlevelis monitored , becausewhenthe breakisisolated
B. The static switch initially transfers the supply to 1FA, then automatically returns to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.
, RCS inventory willrapidlyrise
C. Is initially available from Battery 1A through inverter XIT-5901 , then is manually returned to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.
.C.Isolatehigh pressure SafetyInjectionpiping.
D. The static switch initially transfers the supply to 1FA, then is manually returned to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.
RCS pressure is monitored, becauseSIflowwill repressurizetheRCSwhenthebreakisisolated.
D.Isolatehigh pressure SafetyInjectionpiping.PZRlevelis monitored , becausewhenthe breakisisolated
, RCS inventory willrapidlyrise
2007 NRC Exam RO
.59 2007NRCExamRO 60.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describesthereasonthataREDconditionontheIntegrityCSFStatusTreemay developwhileperformingactionsofEOP-14.1,Responseto DegradedCoreCooling?
: 47. The plant is at 100% power.
A.CoreExit Thermocouple temperaturewilldecreaserapidlywhenLowHeadSIPumpsarestartedandSIflowisinitiated
A loss of 125 VDC control power to the        will require entry to EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.
.B.CoreExit Thermocouple temperaturewilldecreaserapidlywhenSG depressurizationandSI Accumulatorinjectionoccur.C.RCSColdLeg temperaturewilldecreaserapidlywhenLowHeadSIPumpsarestartedandSIflowisinitiated.
A. FWBP breakers B. MSIVs C. RCP breakers D. PZR Spray Valves 47
D.RCSColdLeg temperaturewilldecreaserapidlywhenSG depressurizationandSI Accumulatorinjectionoccur.
60 2007NRCExamRO61.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*ALOCAhas occurred.*Thecrewis performingactionscontainedinEOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.*Thefollowing conditionscurrentlyexist:Integrity-RED
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 48. Given the following plant conditions:
-ORANGECoreCooling-ORANGE Inventory-YELLOW*HeatSink-YELLOWWhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthecorrect procedureflowpathforthese conditions?
* A loss of off-site power has occurred.
A.EOP-17.0 , ResponsetoHigh Reactor Building Pressure ,followedby EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition.B.EOP-16.0, Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition , followedbyEOP-17.0, ResponsetoHigh Reactor Building Pressure.C.EOP-14.1
* Both EDGs start as required.
, Response to Degraded Core Cooling ,followedby EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the EDG Room Ventilation system?
D.EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition , followedbyEOP-14.1
Automat ically start when ...
, Response to Degraded Core Cooling.61 2007NRCExamRO62.Giventhefollowingplant conditions
A. Diesel Room temperature exceeds 88°F, to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 120°F.
:*A reactortriphas occurredduetoalossofoffsite power.*ThecrewisperformingactionsofEOP-1.4, Natural CirculationCooldownwithSteamVoidinVessel.*Duringtheevent,RCPsealcoolingwaslost,but subsequently restored.*The operatingcrewis preparingtoinitiatetheRCScooldown.Thefollowing conditions are indicated:*RVLlSNRlevelis89%
B. the associated Diesel Generator starts, to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 88 °F.
.RCSsubcool ingis60°F.*PZRLevelis72%andstable.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowing actionsisrequiredin accordancewithEOP-1.4?
: c. Diesel Room temperature exceeds 72°F , to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 88°F.
A.UsePZRHeatersas necessary to saturatePZRwaterand continueinEOP-1.4.
D. the associated Diesel Generator starts , to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 120°F.
B.Initiate SafetyInjectionandgotoEOP-1.0
, ReactorTripOr Safety Injection.C.StartaRCPandgotothe applicableportionofthe appropriate GOP.D.ReturntoEOP-1.3
, Natural Circulation Cooldown.62 2007NRCExamRO63.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*ALOCAhasoccurred.DuetolowRHRSumpLevel
2007 NRC Exam RO
,thecrewhas transitionedfromEOP-2.2, TransfertoColdLeg Recirculation,toEOP-2.4 , Loss Of Emergency Coolant Recirculation
: 49. Given the following plant conditions :
.*All automatic actionsoccurredasdesigned
Emergency Diesel Generator "A" is paralleled to its associated Bus.
.*TwoCharging pumpsandtwoRHRpumpsarerunning.BothRBSprayPumpsarerunning
* A lagging power factor has been established.
.RHR , Charging ,andRBSpraypumpampsandflowarestable
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the diesel generator voltage control switch?
.RWSTlevelis approximately5%andcontinuestolower.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribeshowtheCharging
A. Lowering the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the real load.
,RHR,andRBSpraypumpsshouldbe operated in accordance with EOP-2.4?ChargingPumpsRBSprayPumpsRHRPumps A.StopBOTHLeaveBOTHrunningLeaveBOTHrunning B.StopONEStopBOTHStopONE C.StopBOTHStopBOTHStopBOTH D.LeaveBOTHrunningLeaveBOTHRunn ingStopONE 63 2007NRCExamRO64.Thecrewis performing actionsofEOP-3.1, Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators
B. Raising the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the real load.
.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the Technical Specification implications oftheevent?A.RCS cooldown rates above100°Fper hour may potentiallyresultin non-ductilefailureofthe reactor vessel.B.Pressurizer cooldownratesabove100°Fperhourmay potentiallyresultin pressurized thermal shocktothepressurizer.C.LossofSG inventory may ultimatelyresultintheRCS Pressure SafetyLimitbeing exceeded.D.LossofSG inventorymay ultimatelyresultinthe Reactor Core SafetyLimitbeing exceeded.64 2007NRCExamRO65.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowing describesthestatusofRB ventilationandRBCU'suponcompletionoftheactions containedinEOP-17.2
C. Lowering the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the reactive load.
, Response to High Reactor Building Radiation Level?A.RBPurgeisolatedAllRBCUfansin SLOWB.RBPurgeisolatedRBCUfansselectedonswitchRBCUTRAIN AlBEMERG,runn ing in SLOW C.RBMiniPurgeinserviceAllRBCUfansin SLOWD.RBMiniPurgeinserviceRBCUfansselectedonswitchRBCUTRAIN AlBEMERG,runningin SLOW 65 2007NRCExamRO66.Inaccordancewith OAP-100A, Communication
D. Raising the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the reactive load.
,whichONE(1)ofthefollowing communicationsshouldusethephoneticalphabet?
.(Train Alpha)B.Communications involving manipulationofplant components
2007 NRC Exam RO
.(AlphaCharging Pump)C.Communications describing Conta inmentIsolation(PhaseBravo)D.All communicationsthatarenot'informationonly'
: 50. Given the following plant conditions:
.66 2007NRCExamRO67.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*Theplantisat46%
* A loss of RB Instrument Air has occurred.
power and increasing lAW GOP-4A , Power Operation (Ascending)at3%perhour.*Alossof Feedwater occurs.*AllthreeS/GNRlevelsareat5%andlowering
* RB Instrument Air header pressure is currently 94 psig and lowering .
.*Itisnow60 seconds later.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowingistheexpectedresponseoftheATWSMitigation System Actuation Circuitry (AMSAC)?'A.AMSACwillNOT actuate becauseitisnotarmed.
Assuming no operator action, which ONE (1) of the following describes the response of the Air System and why?
B.AMSACwillTRIPthereactorand STARTtheEFWpumps.C.AMSACwillNOT actuate becausethetimedelayonreactor powerhasnottimed out.D.AMSACwillTRIPthemain turbine and STARTtheEFWpumps
RB Instrument Air header pressure decreases until...
.67 2007NRCExamRO68.Giventhe following plant conditions:*AnRCSleakisin progress.*Thecrewis performing the appropriate AOPforthe plant condition.
A. PVA-2659 , INST AIR TO RB AIR SERV, automatically opens at 90 psig to ensure an air supply for AOVs inside the Reactor Building.
*Letdown is isolated.*Charging flow is maximized.*RCS pressure is 1990psigandlowering
B. PVA-2659, INST AIR TO RB AIR SERV, automatically opens at 93 psig to ensure an air supply for AOVs inside the Reactor Building.
.*Reactor Building pressureis1.8psigandrising.
C. PVT-2660 , AIR SPL Y TO RB, closes at 90 psig to isolate the RB header to avoid a loss of Instrument Air outside the Reactor Building.
D. PVT-2660 , AIR SPL Y TO RB, closes at 93 psig to isolate the RB header to avoid a loss of Instrument Air outside the Reactor Building.
*VCTlevelis15%and lowering.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the statusofthe plantandtheaction required?A.AnRPS setpointhasbeen exceeded.Tripthe Reactor and initiate Safety Injection when immediate actions of EOP-1.0havebeen completed.B.AnRPS setpoint has been exceeded.Tripthe reactor and concurrently perform actionsofthe in-use AOP when immediate actions of EOP-1.0havebeen completed.
C.AnRPS setpoint has NOT been exceeded ,Tripthe Reactor , perform the immediate actions of EOP-1.0,theninitiate Safety Injection.D.AnRPS setpoint has NOT been exceeded ,Tripthe Reactor, perform the immediate actions of EOP-1.0 , continue to implement the AOP concurrently, then initiate Safety Injection when Pressurizerlevelis<12%.
68 2007NRCExamRO69.Theunitisat100%
2007 NRC Exam RO
power.Allsystemsareinnormal alignments
: 51. Given the following plant conditions:
.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowingactivitiesrequiresentryintoa technical specificationLCOaction statement?
* The plant is in Mode 6.
A.CCWPumpB mechanicalsealrepair.
Reactor Building Purge is in operation .
Refueling activities are in progress.
C.BoricAcid TransferPumprecircvalveleakrepair
* A spent fuel assembly is dropped in the cavity.
.D.RHRHeat ExchangerDischargeflowcontrolvalverepair
Containment radiation monitor indications are all rising .
.69 2007NRCExamRO 70.WhichONE(1)ofthe following describes the MINIMUM Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation requirement that mustbemet prior to off-loadingfuelfromthereactor vessel?VisualincontrolroomAud ibleincontrolroom AudibleinRB A.C.D.1 2 2 2 1 , 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 70 2007NRCExamRO71.Giventhefollowing information:*A27yearoldnewV.C Summer employeehasafully completedNRCForm4anda2007 radiation exposurehistoryasfollows:*2650milliremfrom previous employmentwithProgressEnergyin2007.*110 millirem sincebecomingaV.C
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the radiation monitors that will initiate isolation of all or part of the Containment Purge?
.Summer employee.WhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribestheMAXIMUM ADDITIONALexposuretheemployeemayreceivepriortoreachinghis MAXIMUM AdministrativeDoseControl Limit,includingany applicable extensions
RM-A4, RB Purge Exhaust Particulate (Iodine) (Gas) Atmos monitor...
, lAW HPP-0153 , Administrative Exposure Limits?A.1240milliremB.1350milliremC.2240millirem D.2350m illirem 71 2007NRCExamRO72.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*AGeneral Emergency exists.TheTSCis manned.*AvalveintheAuxBuildingmustbeclosedtoprevent damage to valuablesafetyrelated equipment.*Radiationlevelsare extremely high.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowingdescribesthemaximumdosethatisallowedtoperfo rmthisoperationandwhose permission isrequired?Anindividualmayreceive
...A.Upto10Remwith permissionfromtheDutySSB.25Rem,ormore
B. AND RM-G17A/B , RB Manipulator Crane Area Gamma ONLY .
, w ith permissionfromtheDutySSC.Upto10Remwith permissionfromtheED D.25Rem ,ormore,with permissionfromtheED 72 2007NRCExamRO73.Giventhefollowing plant conditions:*Areactortripand safetyinjectionhaveoccurred.
C. AND RM-A2 , RB Sample Line Particulate (Iodine) (Gas) Atmos monitor ONLY.
Off-Site powerislost subsequent to safety injection actuation.
D. AND RM-G17A/B, RB Manipulator Crane Area Gamma , AND RM-A2, RB Sample Line Particulate (Iodine) (Gas) Atmos monitor.
*Equipment failures during performanceofEOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant,resultedinthefollowingconditions:*Bus1DAis de-energizedduetoafault.*CSF Status Trees indicateasfollows:
*Subcriticality*CoreCooling*HeatSink*Integrity*Containment Inventory GREEN ORANGE RED GREEN YELLOW YELLOWWhichONE(1)ofthe followingdescribesthe requirementforCritical Safety FunctionStatusTree Monitoring in accordance with OAP-103.04, EOPIAOPUser'sGuide?
A.Continuous monitoringisrequired.
2007 NRC Exam RO
B.Monitorevery5-10 minutesunlessachangeinstatusoccurs.C.Monitorevery10-20 minutes unless achangeinstatus occurs.D.Monitoredfor information only.73 2007NRCExamRO74.Giventhefollowing plant conditions:
: 52. Given the following plant conditions :
T=OAfireis occurringintheAuxBuilding436'.T+2FireBrigade Leaderreportstothescene.T+15 NotificationofUnusualEventdeclared.
* An immediate discharge to the penstocks from both Waste Monitor tanks is required.
In accordance with EPP-013 , Plant Fire ,who,bytitle,is coordinatingthefirefightingeffortswiththeFire Brigade Leader?A.Shift Supervisor B.Emergency Direc torC.OSC SupervisorD.HealthPhysicsShift Leader 74 2007NRCExamRO75.Giventhefollowingplantconditions:*TheUnitisinMode5
* Current conditions are as follows.
.RCSDrainDowntoMidLoopisinprogressin preparationforweldingonaHotLegopening.*RHRPumpAisinservice
RM-L5 and RM-L9 are out of service
.*Duringthedraindown,RHRampsand discharge pressurebeginfluctuating erratically.*Thecrew enters AOP-115.1,RHRPumpVorlexing.*The drain-downisstopped.WhichONE(1)ofthefollowing describestheFIRSTactionthatwillberequiredinaccordancewith AOP-115.1?A.ReduceRHRflow.B.AligntheRHRPumptotheRWST.C.RaiseRCSlevel.D.Ventthe operatingRHRloop.75}}
* Fairfield Hydro is in the "pumping" mode.
Which ONE (1) of the following statements will provide the MINIMUM conditions necessary for monitor tank release?
A. Either RM-L5 or RM-L9 must be restored to operability prior to release .
B. Both RM-L5 and RM-L9 must be restored to operability prior to release.
C. The Fairfield Hydro must convert to the generating mode and redundant samples performed prior to release. Two independent qualified individuals must verify release calculations and valve lineups.
D. The Fairfield Hydro must convert to the generating mode prior to release and either RM-L5 or RM-L9 must be restored to operability. Two independent qualified individuals must verify release calculations and valve lineups.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 53. Which ONE (1) of the following describes operation of XFN-30A(B) , CONTR RM EMERG FILTERING SYS FAN A(B), and XFN-32A(B), CONTROL ROOM COOLING UNIT A(B) FAN upon receipt of a high radiation alarm on RM-A1, Control Bldg Supply Air?
A. Both XFN -32A & B and both XFN -30A & B start, all outside air sources are isolated .
B. Both XFN-32A & B and both XFN-30A & B start , return air is mixed with a small amount of makeup air.
C. Both XFN-32A & B trip and both XFN -30A & B start, all outside air sources are isolated .
D. Both XFN-32A & B trip and both XFN-30A & B start, return air is mixed with a small amount of makeup air.
                                                                                            ', '
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 54. Given the following plant conditions :
* The plant is in Mode 5.
RHR Train A is in service.
RCS temperature is 168&deg;F.
RCS pressure is 175 psig.
* Subsequently, a Loss of Service Water occurs.
* The crew is performing actions contained in AOP-117.1 , Total Loss of Service Water.
* NEITHER Service Water loop can be restored .
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the RHR System, and the procedure that will mitigate the event?
A. Stabilize RHR/RCS system temperature using steam dumps lAW GOP-6, Plant Shutdown Mode 3 to Mode 5. Go to AOP-115 .3, Loss of RHR with the RCS Intact, for long-term mitigation.
B. Stabilize RHR/RCS system temperature using steam dumps lAW GOP-6 , Plant Shutdown Mode 3 to Mode 5. Continue using AOP-117 .1 , Total Loss of Service Water, for long-term mitigation.
C. RHR/RCS system temperature will rise as a result of a loss of cooling to Component Cooling Water. Go to AOP-115.3 , Loss of RHR with the RCS Intact.
D. RHR/RCS system temperature will rise as a result of a loss of cooling to Component Cooling Water. Continue using AOP-117 .1 , Total Loss of Service Water.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 55. Which ONE (1) of the following provides the electrical power supply to the Supplemental Air Compressor?
A. XSW1DA1 B. XSW1DB1 C. XSW1A1 D. XSW1B1 55
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 56. Given the following plant conditions:
The Fire Protection System actuated due to a Main Transformer Fire.
System pressure dropped to 80 psig before recovering due to the actuation of necessary equipment.
* The fire is out.
* The deluge valve is isolated and reset.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the equipment that is running , and the method of shutting the equipment down?
A. ONLY the Motor Driven Fire Pump is running; must be stopped locally.
B. ONLY the Motor Driven Fire Pump is running; may be stopped locally or in the control room .
C. The Motor Driven and Engine Driven Fire Pumps are running. Both must be stopped locally.
D. The Motor Driven and Engine Driven Fire Pumps are running . The Motor Driven Pump may be stopped locally or in the control room, the Engine Driven Pump must be stopped locally.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 57. Given the following plant conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred.
Safety Injection is actuated.
Reactor Building pressure indicates 14 psig and rising slowly.
* While performing actions of EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation, the following valves indicate OPEN:
* LTON ISOL 8152
* RB AIR SERV ISOL 2660 Which ONE (1) of the following describes the failure that has occurred and the MINIMUM action necessary to mitigate the condition?
A. Phase A has partially failed. Place either Phase A actuation switches in the ACTUATE position.
B. Phase A has partially failed. Place both Phase A actuation switches in the ACTUATE position.
C. Phase B has partially failed. Place either Phase B actuation switches in the ACTUATE position .
O. Phase B has partially failed. Place both Phase B actuation switches in the ACTUATE position.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 58. Given the following plant condit ions:
* The reactor has tripped. Safety Injection is actuated .
* An RCS cooldown is in progress in accordance with EOP-2.1, Post LOCA Coo/down and Depressurization.
* The following table is a plot of the cooldown :
TIME                RCS TCOLD          TIME          RCS TCOLD 0800                 54rF               0945           425 &deg;F 0815                 530&deg;F '             1000           395&deg;F 0830                 520&deg;F               1015           382&deg;F 0845                 505&deg;F               1030           364&deg;F 0900                 498 &deg;F             1045           340&deg;F 0915                 478 &deg;F             1100           310&deg;F 0930                 44rF               1115           280&deg;F At which time was the Tech Spec RCS Cooldown rate limit FIRST exceeded?
A. 0915.
B. 0930.
C. 1000.
D. 1115 58
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 59. Given the following plant conditions :
* A LOCA outside containment has occurred .
The crew is performing the actions in EOP-2.5, LOCA Outside Containment.
Which ONE (1) of the following actions will be attempted to isolate the break and which indication is used to determine if the leak has been isolated in accordance with EOP-2.5?
A. Isolate low pressure Safety Injection piping .
RCS pressure is monitored, because SI flow will repressurize the RCS when the break is isolated.
B. Isolate low pressure Safety Injection piping.
PZR level is monitored , because when the break is isolated , RCS inventory will rapidly rise.
C. Isolate high pressure Safety Injection piping.
RCS pressure is monitored, because SI flow will repressurize the RCS when the break is isolated.
D. Isolate high pressure Safety Injection piping.
PZR level is monitored , because when the break is isolated , RCS inventory will rapidly rise.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 60. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the reason that a RED condition on the Integrity CSF Status Tree may develop while performing actions of EOP-14 .1, Response to Degraded Core Cooling?
A. Core Exit Thermocouple temperature will decrease rapidly when Low Head SI Pumps are started and SI flow is initiated .
B. Core Exit Thermocouple temperature will decrease rapidly when SG depressurization and SI Accumulator injection occur.
C. RCS Cold Leg temperature will decrease rapidly when Low Head SI Pumps are started and SI flow is initiated.
D. RCS Cold Leg temperature will decrease rapidly when SG depressurization and SI Accumulator injection occur.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 61. Given the following plant conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred .
* The crew is performing actions contained in EOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.
* The following conditions currently exist:
Integrity - RED
* Containment - RED
* Subcriticality - ORANGE Core Cooling - ORANGE Inventory - YELLOW
* Heat Sink - YELLOW Which ONE (1) of the following describes the correct procedure flowpath for these conditions?
A. EOP-17.0 , Response to High Reactor Building Pressure, followed by EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition.
B. EOP-16.0, Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition , followed by EOP-17.0, Response to High Reactor Building Pressure.
C. EOP-14.1 , Response to Degraded Core Cooling, followed by EOP-16.0, Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition.
D. EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition , followed by EOP-14.1 , Response to Degraded Core Cooling.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 62. Given the following plant conditions:
* A reactor trip has occurred due to a loss of offsite power.
* The crew is performing actions of EOP-1.4, Natural Circulation Cooldown with Steam Void in Vessel.
* During the event, RCP seal cooling was lost, but subsequently restored.
* The operating crew is preparing to initiate the RCS cooldown.
The following conditions are indicated:
* RVLlS NR level is 89%.
RCS subcool ing is 60&deg;F .
* PZR Level is 72% and stable.
Which ONE (1) of the following actions is required in accordance with EOP-1.4?
A. Use PZR Heaters as necessary to saturate PZR water and continue in EOP-1.4.
B. Initiate Safety Injection and go to EOP-1.0 , Reactor Trip Or Safety Injection.
C. Start a RCP and go to the applicable portion of the appropriate GOP .
D. Return to EOP-1.3 , Natural Circulation Cooldown.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 63. Given the following plant conditions:
* A LOCA has occurred.
Due to low RHR Sump Level, the crew has transitioned from EOP-2 .2, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, to EOP-2.4 , Loss Of Emergency Coolant Recirculation.
* All automatic actions occurred as designed .
* Two Charging pumps and two RHR pumps are running.
Both RB Spray Pumps are running.
RHR, Charging , and RB Spray pump amps and flow are stable .
RWST level is approximately 5% and continues to lower.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes how the Charging , RHR, and RB Spray pumps should be operated in accordance with EOP-2.4?
Charging Pumps              RB Spray Pumps            RHR Pumps A. Stop BOTH                    Leave BOTH running        Leave BOTH running B. Stop ONE                    Stop BOTH                  Stop ONE C. Stop BOTH                  Stop BOTH                  Stop BOTH D. Leave BOTH running          Leave BOTH Running        Stop ONE 63
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 64. The crew is performing actions of EOP-3.1, Uncontrolled Depressurization ofAll Steam Generators.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the Technical Specification implications of the event?
A. RCS cooldown rates above 100&deg;F per hour may potentially result in non-ductile failure of the reactor vessel.
B. Pressurizer cooldown rates above 100&deg;F per hour may potentially result in pressurized thermal shock to the pressurizer.
C. Loss of SG inventory may ultimately result in the RCS Pressure Safety Limit being exceeded.
D. Loss of SG inventory may ultimately result in the Reactor Core Safety Limit being exceeded.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 65. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the status of RB ventilation and RBCU's upon completion of the actions contained in EOP-17.2 , Response to High Reactor Building Radiation Level?
A. RB Purge isolated All RBCU fans in SLOW B. RB Purge isolated RBCU fans selected on switch RBCU TRAIN AlB EMERG, running in SLOW C. RB Mini Purge in service All RBCU fans in SLOW D. RB Mini Purge in service RBCU fans selected on switch RBCU TRAIN AlB EMERG, running in SLOW 65
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 66. In accordance with OAP-100A, Communication, which ONE (1) of the following communications should use the phonetic alphabet?
A. Communications involving safety system trains. (Train Alpha)
B. Communications involving manipulation of plant components. (Alpha Charging Pump)
C. Communications describing Conta inment Isolation (Phase Bravo)
D. All communications that are not 'information only' .
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 67. Given the following plant conditions:
* The plant is at 46% power and increasing lAW GOP-4A , Power Operation (Ascending) at 3% per hour.
* A loss of Feedwater occurs.
* All three S/G NR levels are at 5% and lowering .
* It is now 60 seconds later.
Which ONE (1) of the following is the expected response of the ATWS Mitigation System Actuation Circuitry (AMSAC)? '
A. AMSAC will NOT actuate because it is not armed.
B. AMSAC will TRIP the reactor and START the EFW pumps.
C. AMSAC will NOT actuate because the time delay on reactor power has not timed out.
D. AMSAC will TRIP the main turbine and START the EFW pumps .
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 68. Given the following plant conditions:
* An RCS leak is in progress.
* The crew is performing the appropriate AOP for the plant condition.
* Letdown is isolated.
* Charging flow is maximized.
* RCS pressure is 1990 psig and lowering .
* Reactor Building pressure is 1.8 psig and rising.
* Pressurizer level is 18% and lowering.
* VCT level is 15% and lowering.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the status of the plant and the action required?
A. An RPS setpoint has been exceeded . Trip the Reactor and initiate Safety Injection when immediate actions of EOP-1.0 have been completed.
B. An RPS setpoint has been exceeded. Trip the reactor and concurrently perform actions of the in-use AOP when immediate actions of EOP-1.0 have been completed.
C. An RPS setpoint has NOT been exceeded , Trip the Reactor, perform the immediate actions of EOP-1.0, then initiate Safety Injection .
D. An RPS setpoint has NOT been exceeded , Trip the Reactor, perform the immediate actions of EOP-1.0 , continue to implement the AOP concurrently, then initiate Safety Injection when Pressurizer level is <12%.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 69. The unit is at 100% power.
All systems are in normal alignments .
Which ONE (1) of the following activities requires entry into a technical specification LCO action statement?
A. CCW Pump B mechanical seal repair.
B. Charging Pump A removal from service for oil change.
C. Boric Acid Transfer Pump recirc valve leak repair .
D. RHR Heat Exchanger Discharge flow control valve repair.
2007 NRC Exam RO 70 . Which ONE (1) of the following describes the MINIMUM Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation requirement that must be met prior to off-loading fuel from the reactor vessel?
Visual in control room    Aud ible in control room  Audible in RB A.                 1                         1,                   1 2                         1                     1 C.                2                        2                      1 D.                2                        2                    2 70
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 71. Given the following information:
* A 27 year old new V.C Summer employee has a fully completed NRC Form 4 and a 2007 radiation exposure history as follows:
* 2650 millirem from previous employment with Progress Energy in 2007.
* 110 millirem since becoming a V.C . Summer employee.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the MAXIMUM ADDITIONAL exposure the employee may receive prior to reaching his MAXIMUM Administrative Dose Control Limit, including any applicable extensions , lAW HPP-0153, Administrative Exposure Limits?
A. 1240 millirem B. 1350 millirem C. 2240 millirem D. 2350 millirem 71
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 72. Given the following plant conditions:
* A General Emergency exists .
The TSC is manned.
* A valve in the Aux Building must be closed to prevent damage to valuable safety related equipment.
* Radiation levels are extremely high.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the maximum dose that is allowed to perform this operation and whose permission is required?
An individual may receive ...
A. Up to 10 Rem with permission from the Duty SS B. 25 Rem, or more , with permission from the Duty SS C. Up to 10 Rem with permission from the ED D. 25 Rem, or more, with permission from the ED 72
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 73. Given the following plant conditions:
* A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred.
Off-Site power is lost subsequent to safety injection actuation.
* Equipment failures during performance of EOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, resulted in the following conditions:
* Bus 1DA is de-energized due to a fault.
* CSF Status Trees indicate as follows:
* Subcriticality   GREEN
* Core Cooling      ORANGE
* Heat Sink        RED
* Integrity         GREEN
* Containment       YELLOW Inventory         YELLOW Which ONE (1) of the following describes the requirement for Critical Safety Function Status Tree Monitoring in accordance with OAP-103.04, EOPIAOP User's Guide?
A. Continuous monitoring is required.
B. Monitor every 5 - 10 minutes unless a change in status occurs.
C. Monitor every 10 - 20 minutes unless a change in status occurs.
D. Monitored for information only.
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 74. Given the following plant conditions:
T=O A fire is occurring in the Aux Building 436'.
T+2 Fire Brigade Leader reports to the scene.
T+15 Notification of Unusual Event declared.
In accordance with EPP-013, Plant Fire, who, by title, is coordinating the fire fighting efforts with the Fire Brigade Leader?
A. Shift Supervisor B. Emergency Director C. OSC Supervisor D. Health Physics Shift Leader 74
2007 NRC Exam RO
: 75. Given the following plant conditions:
* The Unit is in Mode 5.
RCS Drain Down to Mid Loop is in progress in preparation for welding on a Hot Leg opening.
* RHR Pump A is in service .
* During the drain down, RHR amps and discharge pressure begin fluctuating erratically.
* The crew enters AOP-115.1, RHR Pump Vorlexing.
* The drain-down is stopped.
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the FIRST action that will be required in accordance with AOP-115.1?
A. Reduce RHR flow.
B. Align the RHR Pump to the RWST.
C. Raise RCS level.
D. Vent the operating RHR loop.

Revision as of 05:37, 23 November 2019

V. C. Summer June 2007 Exam Nos. 05000395/2007301 Final RO As-Given Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/2007
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
2007-301, 50-395/07-301 50-395/07-301
Download: ML071930548 (78)


Final Submittal (Blue Paper)

Summev-ZW7- 3t) I

'3 u,"" e l3, zoo7 As c;i lIcJ Reactor Operator Written Examination V. C. SUMMER JUNE 2007 EXAM EXAM NO. 05000395/2007301 JUNE 4 - 8, 2007 (OP TEST)


u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific RO Written Examination Applicant Information Name:

Date: Facility/Unit:

\/. C. 50 (Y1lrncr


.)u()e r3 tlW7 Region: II Reactor Type: W Start Time: Finish Time:

Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top ofthe answer sheets. To pass the examination, you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent. Examination papers will be collected 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> after the examination begins.

Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Applicant's Signature Results Examination Value Points Applicant's Score Points Applicant's Grade Percent

Name: 2007 NRC Exam RO

1. Given the following :
  • The unit is at 85% power at MOL.
  • A continuous uncontrolled control rod withdrawal occurs.

Which ONE (1) of the following parameters will DECREASE?

A. Steam Generator Pressure B. Main Generator Electrical Output C. Overpower Delta T setpoint D. VCT Level 1

2007 NRC Exam RO

2. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A LOCA has occurred.
  • RCS pressure is 1750 psig and lowering .
  • Reactor Building pressure is 4 psig and rising.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the actuations that are a result of this condition?

A. Safety Injection ONLY.

B. Safety Injection and Containment Ventilation Isolation ONLY.

C. Safety Injection and Containment Isolation Phase A and Containment Ventilation Isolation ONLY.

D. Safety Injection and Containment Isolation Phase A and Containment Ventilation Isolation and Containment Isolation Phase B.


2007 NRC Exam RO

3. Given the following plant conditions :
  • The crew is responding to an ATWS lAW EOP-13 .0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation, and is attempting an emergency boration of the RCS.
  • MVT-81 04, EM ERG BORATE, valve will not open.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the required actions to be performed and why?

A. Open the Charging Pump Suction Header Isolation valves as directed by AOP-106.1, Emergency Boration, to maximize Boric Acid flowrate.

B. Open LCV-115B/D, RWSTto CHG PP Suet, as directed by AOP-106 .1 , Emergency Boration , to borate via cold leg injection .

C. Open the Charging Pump Suction Header Isolation valves as directed by EOP-13.0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation , to maximize Boric Acid flowrate.

D. Open LCV-115B/D , RWST to CHG PP Suet, as directed by EOP-13.0, Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation, to borate via cold leg injection.


2007 NRC Exam RO

4. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the setpoints for the two (2) annunciators below?

RCP AlBIC THERM BAR & BRG FLO LO CCBP DISCH HDR PRESS LO A. 90 gpm 30 psig B. 90 gpm 70 psig C. 50 gpm 30 psig D. 50 gpm 70 psig 4

2007 NRC Exam RO

5. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant is in Mode 5.
  • The PZR is solid .
  • RCS temperature is 190°F.
  • RCS pressure is 315 psig.
  • Letdown Pressure Control Valve PCV-145 is in AUTO.

FCV-605A, "A" BYP, and FCV-605B, "B" BYP, are in MANUAL.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes a condition that will initially cause PCV-145 to CLOSE?

A. Lowering the output of the controller for the in-service RHR heat exchanger flow control valve .

B. Raising CCW flow through the in-service RHR Heat Exchanger.

C. Lowering the setpoint of PCV-145.

D. Starting an additional RHR Pump.


2007 NRC Exam RO

6. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant is in Mode 6.
  • "B" Train RHR is in service.

"A" Train RHR is out of service and expected to be returned to service in approximately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

  • Refueling is in progress .
  • Cavity level is 23 .5 feet above the reactor vessel flange.

"B" RHR Pump trips and cannot be restarted .

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operational restriction(s) associated with this event?

A. Refueling Cavity level must be raised to greater than 24 feet above the reactor vessel flange prior to continuing refueling activities.

B. Refueling activities are permitted for up to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> while repairs are initiated to "B" RHR Pump .

C. All containment penetrations w ith a direct path to atmosphere must immediately be verified closed .

D. Suspend all activities that could result in a reduction in boron concentration of the RCS .


2007 NRC Exam RO

7. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant was operating at 100% power.

7.2 KV Transformer XTF-4 was lost due to a fault.

The associated DIG did NOT start as designed.

Subsequently, a LOCA caused a reactor trip and safety injection .

RCS pressure is currently 350 psig and trending down slowly.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of RHR Pumps for this condition?

A. RHR pump A running with its miniflow valve open B. RHR pump A running with its mfniflow valve closed C. RHR pump B running with its miniflow valve open D. RHR pump B running with its miniflow valve closed 7

2007 NRC Exam RO

8. Which ONE (1) of the following directly supplies power to Charging Pump "A" and RHR Pump "A"?

Charging Pump "A" RHR Pump "A" A. 1DA 1DA B. 1DA1 1DA C. 1DA 1DA1 D. 1DA1

  • 1DA1 8

2007 NRC Exam RO

9. Given the following plant conditions :
  • The plant is operating in Mode 1 at 100% power .
  • The following indications are reported by the RO.
  • TI-471, PRT Temperature is trending up and is now at 15SOF.
  • PI-472, PRT Pressure is trending up and is now at 8 psig.

Which ONE (1) of the following components, if leaking, will cause this condition?

A. XVR-8708A, RHR Pump "A" Suction Relief Valve .

B. XVR-8121 , RCP Seal Return Relief Valve .

C. XVR-7169, RCDT Pumps Suction Relief Valve.

D. XVS-8010 , PZR Safety Valve.


2007 NRC Exam RO

10. Which ONE (1) of the following describes an immediate action and the basis for the action in accordance with EOP-1 .0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation?

A. Insert control rods in Manual; to insert negative reactivity by the most direct manner possible.

B. Insert control rods in Manual; to reduce or maintain RCS pressure to prevent lifting the Pressurizer safety valves.

C. Place EHC Pumps in PULL-TO-LK NON-A; to prevent uncontrolled cooldown of the RCS.

D. Place EHC Pumps in PULL-TO-LK NON-A; to minimize secondary makeup requirements.


2007 NRC Exam RO

11. Given the following plant conditions:

RCS pressure is 1050 psig and lowering.

  • Tavg is 550°F and lowering .
  • Pressurizer level is 65% and rising rapidly.
  • Reactor Building pressure is 2 psig and rising.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the cause of this event?

A. Letdown line break.

B. SBLOCA on an RCS cold leg.

C. Stuck open pressurizer PORV.

D. Stuck open pressurizer spray valve.


2007 NRC Exam RO

12. Given the following:
  • The plant is at 100% power.
  • All systems are in their normal alignments.
  • A leak occurs in the Letdown Heat Exchanger.

Assuming no action by the crew, which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect(s) on the CCW System?

A. RM-L2A1B indication rises. Surge Tank vent valve PW-7096 closes when the indication reaches the ALERT level.

B. RM-L2A1B indica tion rises . Surge Tank vent valve PW-7096 closes when the indication reaches the HI RAD level.

C. Surge Tank leve/lowers. CCW Booster Pumps will trip on low suction pressure .

D. Surge Tank level lowers. CCW Pumps will lose suction when the Surge Tank empties .


2007 NRC Exam RO

13. Given the following plant conditions:

A LOCA occurred and RCS pressure reached 1380 psig.

  • All actions of EOP-1 .0 were performed as required.

The crew is performing EOP-2.1 , Post-LOCA Coo/down and Depressurization.

RCS pressure is currently 1335 psig.

  • RCS temperature is currently 496°F .

Two Charging pumps are running .

The crew is evaluating stopping 1 Charging Pump.

Given the above conditions, which ONE (1) of the following describes whether the Charging Pump may be stopped , and why?

A. No, because subcooling is not greater than 30°F.

B. Yes, because subcooling is greater than 30°F.

C. Yes, because subcooling is greater than 87.5°F.

D. No, because subcooling is not greater than 87.5°F.


2007 NRC Exam RO

14. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The Plant is in Mode 3.
  • A PZR PORV begins leaking to the PRT.
  • Pressurizer pressure is 985 psig.

PRT pressure is steady at 5 psig.

  • PRT temperature is steady at 90°F.


  • Ambient heat losses are negligible.
  • Steam quality in the pressurizer is 100%.

Which ONE (1) of the following would be the approximate MCB indication on TI-463, RELIEF TEMP OF?

C. 300°F 14

2007 NRG Exam RO

15. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The Reactor has tripped from 100% power.
  • MDEFW pumps started on Lo-Lo SG levels after the trip .
  • Subsequently, an SI actuated due to a Large Break LOGA.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of equipment as a result of the SI?

A. MDEFW pumps will trip and be restarted by the sequencer. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will continue to run.

B. MDEFW pumps will continue to run. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will trip and be restarted by the sequencer.

G. MDEFW pumps will trip and be restarted by the sequencer. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will trip and be restarted by the sequencer.

D. MDEFW pumps will continue to run. Service Water Pumps "A" and "G" will continue to run.


2007 NRC Exam RO

16. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A load rejection has occurred from 100% power.
  • All control systems responded as designed.

Power level is now stable at 70%.

Which ONE (1) of the following condit ions will exist during this event?

A. Charging Flow Control Valve , FCV-122 , will be throttling open.

B. Pressurizer Backup Heaters will be energized.

C. Pressurizer PORVs will be open.

D. Letdown Backpressure Control Valve PCV-145 will be throttling closed.


2007 NRC Exam RO

17. Given the following plant conditions:

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the Steam Dump System?

A. The steam dump valves will open and maintain Tavg at 55JOF.

B. The steam dumps will remain closed following the reactor trip due to loss of the arming signal.

C. The steam dumps will remain closed following the reactor trip due to loss of the

'plant trip' modulation signal.

D. The steam dump valves will open and maintain Tavg at 559°F.


2007 NRC Exam RO

18. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the source of control power to Reactor Trip Breaker "B" and Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker "B"?

Reactor Trip Breaker B Reactor Trip Bypass Breaker B A. 125 VDC Bus 1HB 125 VDC Bus 1HB B. 125 VDC Bus 1HB 125 VDC Bus 1HA C. 120 VAC APN-5902 120 VAC APN-5902 D. 120 VAC APN-5902 120 VAC APN-5901 18

2007 NRG Exam RO

19. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A reactor trip has occurred coincident with a loss of off-site power.
  • While performing action in the EOPs, the following events occur:
  • RGS pressure is 1700 psig and lowering.
  • RB pressure is 4.7 psig and rising slowly.
  • Three minutes after these indications are observed, APN-5904 fails and becomes de-energized.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect, if any, on plant equipment after the APN failure?

A. Train A and Train B EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are open.

B. Train A and Train B EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are closed.

G. Train A EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train B EGGS equipment is NOT running; Train A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are open.

D. Train A EGGS equipment is operating as required; Train B EGGS equipment is NOT running; Tra in A and Train B RB Spray Pump discharge valves are closed.


2007 NRC Exam RO

20. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A LOCA has occurred .
  • RCS pressure is 200 psig.

"A" Reactor Building Spray Pump is Out of Service .

Containment pressure has exceeded the High-3 setpoint.

Train "B" Phase A has failed to actuate.

All other actuations and Train "A" ECCS equipment is running as required.

The most recent Chemistry sample of the RCS indicated that RCS activity is 5X10-2 microcuries/ml Dose Equivalent Iodine .

Assuming no action by the crew, which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the plant?

A. Containment will exceed its design pressure.

B. Off-Site releases will exceed accident analysis assumptions.

C. Only 1 Containment Isolation Valve in each Phase A penetration will be closed.

D. Only half of the Containment penetrations required for isolation will receive isolation signals.


2007 NRC Exam RO 21 . Given the following plant conditions:

  • A reactor startup is in progress.
  • SR Channel N-31 indicates 7X1 03 CPS .
  • SR Channel N-32 indicates 7X10 3 CPS .
  • IR Channel N-35 indicates 8.7X10- 6% power.
  • IR Channel N-36 indicates 6.0X10-6% power.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes (1) the existing plant cond ition , (2) the status of P-6 , and (3) the action required in accordance with AOP-401.8, Intermediate Range Channel Failure?

A. (1) N-36 is undercompensated; (2) P-6 should NOT be satisfied; (3) maintain power stable until N-36 is repaired .

B. (1) N-36 is overcompensated ;

(2) P-6 should be satisfied; (3) maintain power stable until N-36 is repaired.

C. (1) N-36 is undercompensated; (2) P-6 should be satisfied; (3) place the unit in Mode 3 until N-36 is repaired.

D. (1) N-36 is overcompensated; (2) P-6 should NOT be satisfied ;

(3) place the unit in Mode 3 until N-36 is repaired.


2007 NRC Exam RO

22. Given the following plant conditions:

The plant is operating at 8% power.

A Loss of Component Cooling Water has occurred .

  • "A" RCP motor bearing temperature is 189°F and rising slowly.
  • "A" RCP lower seal water bear ing temperature is 226 °F and rising slowly.

The crew has entered AOP-118 .1 , Loss of Component Cooling Water.

Which ONE (1) of the following actions is requ ired?

A. RCP motor bearing temperature exceeds operating limits. Stop 'A' RCP and initiate a plant shutdown lAW GOP-4B, Power Operation (Mode 1-Descending).

B. RCP lower seal water bearing temperature exceeds operating limits. Stop 'A' RCP and initiate a plant shutdown lAW GOP-4B, Powe r Operation (Mode 1-Descending) .

C. RCP motor bearing temperature exceeds operating limits. Trip the reactor, stop 'A' RCP, and go to EOP-1 .0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.

D. RCP lower seal water bearing temperature exceeds operating limits . Trip the reactor , stop 'A ' RCP , and go to EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.


2007 NRC Exam RO

23. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant is in Mode 3.
  • The following wide-range pressures are indicated:
  • PT-402 - 1335 psig
  • PT-403 - 1350 psig
  • PT-455A - 1285 psig
  • Subcooling indication on TI-499A and TI-499B indicates the following:

TI-499A TI-499B Which ONE (1) of the following describes the core exit temperature used to determine RCS subcooling for the indications above?

A. Train A - 550°F; Train B - 560°F.

B. Train A - 55rF; Train B - 550 °F.

C. Train A - 55rF; Train B - 560°F.

D. Train A - 560°F; Train B - 55rF.


2007 NRC Exam RO

24. Given the following plant conditions :
  • A Reactor Trip condition existed and the Reactor failed to trip.
  • RCS pressure now indicates 2350 psig .

Assuming no other events are in progress, which ONE (1) of the following describes the 1) appropriate action and the 2) reason for that action?

A. 1) Verify PZR PORVs and Block Valves open

2) To increase flow on FI-943 , CHG LOOP B CLO/HOT LEG FLOW GPM B. 1) Verify PZR PORVs and Block Valves open
2) To increase flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM C. 1) Place both ESFLS A(B) Resets to NON-ESF LCKOUTS
2) To increase flow on FI-943, CHG LOOP B CLO/HOT LEG FLOW GPM D. 1) Place both ESFLS A(B) Resets to NON-ESF LCKOUTS
2) To increase flow on FI-110, EMERG BORATE FLOW GPM 24

2007 NRC Exam RO

25. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant was at 100% power.
  • R8CUs XFN-0064A and XFN-00648 started in SLOW.
  • While performing the actions of EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation, the following alarms are received in the control room:
  • XCP-605-3-1, SW FR R8CU 18/28 FLO LO
  • XCP-605-3-2, SW FR R8CU 18/28 PRESS LO Which ONE (1) of the following choices contains both of the conditions that could each independently cause these annunciators to alarm?

A. SW8P "8" tripped; MVG-31118, R8CU 648/658 TO IND COOLING going CLOSED.

8. SW8P "8" tripped; MVG-3109C, R8CU 648 OUTLET ISOL going CLOSED.

C. XFN-00648 (18 R8CU SS FAN) tripped; MVG-3108C, R8CU 648 INLET ISOL going CLOSED.

D. XFN-00648 (18 R8CU SS FAN) tripped; MVG-3109D, R8CU 658 OUTLET ISOL going CLOSED.


2007 NRC Exam RO

26. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the power supplies that directly feed Containment Spray Header Isolation Valves XVG-3003A and XVG-3003B, respectively?

A. XSW1 DA 1 and XSW1 DB 1 B. XMC1DA2X and XMC1 DB2Y C. XMC1 DB2X and XMC1 DA2Z D. XMC1 DA2Z and XMC1 DB2X 26

2007 NRC Exam RO

27. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A LOCA has occurred.
  • RCS pressure is 450 psig.

Reactor Building pressure is 18 psig and lowering.

  • RWST level is lowering .

Reactor Building Sump level is rising.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the Reactor Building Spray system as the event continues?

RB Spray Pump suction to the RB Sump Valves , MVG-3005A and B ...

A. are manually opened when RWST level reaches its setpoint. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST, MVG-3001 A and B, are manually closed when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.

B. automatically open when RWST level reaches its setpo int. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST, MVG-3001A and B, automatically close when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.

C. are manually opened when Reactor Building Sump level reaches its setpo int. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST , MVG-3001A and B, are manually closed when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.

D. automatically open when Reactor Building Sump level reaches its setpoint. RB Spray Pump suction valves from RWST , MVG-3001A and B, automatically close when MVG-3005A and B are fully open.


2007 NRC Exam RO

28. With the unit at 100% power, which ONE (1) of the following describes the potential consequence of PCV-444C, PZR Spray Valve, failing open?

A. Loss of PZR pressure can result in an unwarranted OP Delta T runback and reactor trip.

B. PZR pressure will remain stable as PZR heaters will compensate for the pressure reduction .

C. Loss of PZR pressure may result in steam formation in the reactor vessel head and SG tubes.

D. Loss of PZR pressure can result in an unwarranted OT Delta T runback and reactor trip.


2007 NRC Exam RO 29 . Which ONE (1) of the following describes the purpose and function of the Reactor Building Charcoal Cleanup Units?

Designed for...

A. primary means of long term post accident iodine removal from the RB atmosphere.

Discharge is aligned to the RB Purge system exhaust.

B. primary means of long term post accident iodine removal from the RB atmosphere.

Discharge is aligned to the RB atmosphere.

C. RB pre-entry reduction of airborne contaminants. Discharge is aligned to the RB Purge system exhaust.

D. RB pre-entry reduction of airborne contaminants. Discharge is aligned to the RB atmosphere.


2007 Post Retake NRC Exam Question Review .

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FQue's t io n ' 61'Uesti ori~

  • 17rainin'g ; ,- Refer.ence Resolutibn Missed IDefiCieJ~ i.~Materials/Progr:am,~

(Mes/N(>>) onsideration I'"

.," '~


I; ':1¥ es/No ), ~- -e., ,""c ':1~~ , x.

RO/SRO I,B 'tes * ..

~ Yes

  • E 0 P- ~ 3'. O, Simulator scenarios liraililing mater ial feed baGICstit:>mitted to revise ~

choices IA &0 to clarifY "maximize Boric Acid flowrate". Also submitted feedback to include tli is I' - in an IRO/SRO scenario. lReviewed thls question

~ . "" ~ ~

. ._.. wit h each cand idate. ~

4 No No IB-2, Simulator Reviewed this question with each candidate.

10 No No EOP-1.0 Reviewed this question with each candidate.

14 No No EOP-2 .1, Simulator scenarios Reviewed this question with each candidate.

15 No No IB-1, IB-3, GS-2 , Simulator Reviewed this question with each candidate.

scenarios 16 No No IC-3, Simulator Reviewed this question with each cand idate.

. ~. .~ ~.

1[8 No I" Yes

  • 18-9 Feedback subm itted to include discussion 'of RTB

,f control .power in IC-;:9. iiII 21" No No IC-8 Some examinees were confused with terminology II'

. "satisfied/NOT sat isfied" in cho ices. Feedback submitted to clarify. Reviewed this question with I


- ~

.... " -Il

.. each candidate. ";,r;,&

' .

24 1,... I Yes

  • No A0 F2-106.1 Reducing B. S pressure would not result in a C:Jirect increase in flow on FI-11O. Feedback I~

I- a submitted to clarify. Reviewed this question wit h

. B Q .. .. .. n .. ,- each candidate. "

  • g 27 No I"I' N""0 ~ B-8 AlthougH technically correct, entire answer was not available. Feedback submitted to provide

" .. ~. 0 entire correct answer. "

' Q ~ ~

28 Yes

  • No
  • 10-6 Some confusion over "unwarranted". Feedback I' provided du r.iAg exam to view "unwarranted" as I' "undesired." Training feedback subm itted to I' a .. . .. I; revise choices A& lD similarlY.

29 No No AB-17 Reviewed this question with each candidate.

30 No No EOP-4 .0 Reviewed this question with each candidate.

1 of 4

2007 NRC Exam RO

30. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The unit was initially operating at full power.
  • A loss of ALL offsite power occurred in conjunction with a steam generator tube rupture.
  • All safeguards equipment functioned as required.
  • The following plant conditions now exist:
  • Ruptured S/G pressure = 1100 psig, stable
  • Core exit TC = 505°F , slowly decreasing
  • RCS Pressure = 1600 psig, stable
  • PZR Level = 4%, stable
  • Total SI Flow = 600 gpm The RCS has been cooled down to target temperature.

Soon after opening the valve, the operator observes that all channels of PZR level are rapidly increasing.

  • ECCS flow has increased from 600 gpm to 650 gpm.

Which ONE (1) of the following is the cause of this indication?

A. PZR level instruments are not calibrated for temperatures less than 600°F .

B. Safety injection flow is driving the RCS to a water - solid condition.

C. Voiding in the reactor vessel head is forcing water up the surge line.

D. Backflow has been established from the ruptured S/G to the RCS.


2007 NRC Exam RO

31. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A Large Break LOCA has occurred .
  • Reactor Building H2 concentration was at 2% and rising .

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the removal of Hydrogen from Contai nment?

A. Hydrogen concentration will remain below 4% with only one Recombiner in operation.

B. Hydrogen concentration will rise above 4% but remain below 6% with only one Recombiner in operation.

C. Hydrogen concentration will remain below 4% only if the Containment Purge System is placed in service in addition to the Recombiner.

D. Hydrogen concentration will remain below 4% only if Containment Spray is placed in service in addition to the Recombiner.


2007 NRC Exam RO

32. Which ONE (1) of the following describes a feature of the Spent Fuel Pool and/or Cooling system that will maintain radiation dose levels at acceptable limits during plant operations?

A. Spent Fuel Cooling Pumps will trip on low suction pressure prior to Spent Fuel Pool level dropping below 460'6" .

B. Boron concentration is maintained so that Spent Fuel Pool Keff is less than 0.95 and Spent Fuel Pool Radiation levels are maintained less than 2.5 mr/hr at the surface of the pool.

C. Anti-siphoning holes in the cooling system suction and return lines ensures that Spent Fuel Pool level will not drop below 460 '6".

D. Interlocks on the Spent Fuel Pool Manipulator Crane prevent spent fuel assemblies from travelling closer than 23 feet from the surface of the Spent Fuel Pool.


2007 NRC Exam RO 33 . Which ONE (1) of the following describes the initial SG Level Response and SGWLC System Response during a rapid increase in power?

SG Level Response SGWLC System Response A. Decreases Lag circuit on SG level input minimizes fluctuations B. Decreases Programmed DIP across the FRV minimizes fluctuations C. Increases Programmed DIP across the FRV minimizes fluctuations D. Increases Lag circuit on SG level input minimizes fluctuations 33

2007 NRC Exam RO

34. Given the follow ing plant conditions :
  • The plant is in Mode 6, core reload is in progress.
  • A fuel assembly is being inserted into the core when downward motion stops.
  • The Refueling SRO notes the following:
  • The SLACK CABLE light is ON
  • The LOWER SLOW ZONE light is OF F
  • The GRIPPER TUBE DOWN light is OFF Which ONE (1) of the following describes the reason that downward movement stopped and the subsequent operation related to the interlock?

A. Total load fell more than 150-300# below nominal full load; bypassing the interlock is not possible.

B. The fuel assembly approached 10" from the bottom of the core ; bypassing the interlock is not possible.

C. Total load fell more than 150-300# below nominal full load; bypass the interlock to allow the assembly to be fully inserted.

D. The fuel assembly approached 10" from the bottom of the core ; bypass the interlock to allow the assembly to be fully inserted.


2007 NRC Exam RO

35. Given the following plant conditions:
  • Reactor power is 75%.

RCS leak rate data is as follows:

  • Total RCS leakage rate is 9.1 gpm.
  • Leakage to PRT is 7.0 gpm.

Leakage to the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank is 1.3 gpm .

  • Total primary to secondary leakage is 0.33 gpm.
  • SG 1 - 0.09 gpm
  • SG 2 - 0.17 gpm
  • SG 3 - 0.07 gpm Which ONE (1) of the following describes RCS leakage in relation to Technical Specification limits?

A. Identified leakage exceeds the TS limit B. Unidentified leakage exceeds the TS limit C. Primary to Secondary leakage exceeds the TS limit D. All RCS leakage is within TS limits 35

2007 NRC Exam RO

36. Given the following plant conditions:

The unit is in Mode 3.

  • A steam line break has occurred on "A" Steam Line in the Reactor Building.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the plant response to this event?

A. "A" Main Steam Line pressure will drop. "B" and "C Main Steam Line pressures will remain constant. All MSIVs will close when at least 2 Containment pressure transmitters indicate 3.6 psig.

B. "A" Main Steam Line pressure will drop . "B" and "C" Main Steam Line pressures will remain constant. All MSIVs will close when "A" Main Steam Line press ure indicates less than 675 psig.

C. All 3 Main Steam Line pressures will drop. All MSIVs will close when at least 2 Containment pressure transmitters indicate 3.6 psig.

D. All 3 Main Steam Line pressures will drop. All MSIVs will close when at least 2 Main Steam Lines indicate less than 675 psig.


2007 NRC Exam RO

37. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the purpose of C-9, Condenser Availability, and C-16, Condenser Pressure , permissive signals?

A. C-9 prevents 2 steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers.

C-16 arms ALL condenser dump valves when condenser is below 4.5" Hg abs and adequate circ water pumps are available.

B. C-9 arms ALL condenser dump valves when condenser is below 7.5" Hg abs and adequate circ water pumps are available.

C-16 prevents 2 steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers .

C. C-9 anticipates condenser heat load problems by blocking 2 condenser dump valves at 7.5 "Hg abs.

C-16 prevents ALL condenser steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers.

D. C-9 prevents ALL condenser steam dump valves from operating during conditions that could damage the condensers.

C-16 anticipates condenser heat load problems by blocking 2 condenser dump valves at 4.5 "Hg abs.


2007 NRC Exam RO

38. Given the following plant conditions:

The plant is operating at 100% power.

  • A Feedwater Line Break occurs at the piping connection to "A" SG .

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect of this event?

A. RCS temperature rises prior to reactor trip. SG "A" continues to depressurize after FWIV closure.

B. RCS temperature lowers prior to reactor trip. SG "A" continues to depressurize after FWIV closure.

C. RCS temperatures lowers prior to reactor trip. SG "A" pressure stablil izes after FWIV closure.

D. RCS temperature rises prior to reactor trip. SG "A" pressure stablizes after FWIV closure .


2007 NRC Exam RO

39. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A Station Blackout has occurred .
  • The crew is restoring off-site power to Bus 1DA through the normal feed.

Prior to closing the normal feeder breaker to Bus 1DA, which ONE (1) of the following sets of actions must be performed, in accordance with AOP-304.1 , Loss of Bus 1DA with Diesel Unavailable?

A. De-energize Train "A" ESFLS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in OFF B. De-energize Train "A" ESFLS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in ON C. Reset NON-ESF LCKOUTS & AUTO-START BLOCKS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in OFF D. Reset NON-ESF LCKOUTS & AUTO-START BLOCKS Ensure Bus 1DA TRANSFER INIT Switch is in ON 39

2007 NRC Exam RO

40. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A loss of off-site power has occurred.

Both EDGs have responded as designed.

  • Subsequently, safety injection occurs .
  • The following conditions exist on "A" EDG:
  • Frequency 59.9 Hz.
  • Voltage 7150 Volts KW Output 2600 KW RB Pressure reaches an actuation setpoint requiring the start of "A" RB Spray pump Loads stabilize .....

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the status of "A" EDG?

A. All listed parameters are within limits.

B. Frequency is below the limit.

C. Voltage is below the limit.

D. Output exceeds the continuous KW rating .


2007 NRC Exam RO

41. Given the following plant conditions:
  • lAW GOP-4A, Power Operation (Mode 1-Ascending), power has been stabilized between 12 and 15%.
  • Preparations are being made to roll the Main Turbine to 1800 rpm.

Reactor power indicates the following:

  • IR N 1X101%.
  • IR N 1X10 1%.
  • PR N 15%.
  • PR N 14%.
  • PR N 14%.
  • PR N 14%.
  • Inverter XIT-5902 output breaker trips open.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the unit?

A. A Power Range Rod Stop (C-2) signal, with no change in reactor power.

B. A reactor trip due to the deenergization of Intermediate Range Channel N-35.

C. A reactor trip due to the deenergization of Intermed iate Range Channel N-36.

D. An Intermediate Range Rod Stop (C-1) signal , with no change in reactor power.


2007 NRC Exam RO 42 . Given the following plant conditions :

  • The plant is operating at 100% power.
  • The following annunciators are received in the control room:
  • XCP-637, 1-5, INV 3/4 TROUBLE
  • Inverter output voltage indicates 120 vac.

Assuming NO other alarms are received, which ONE (1) of the following describes the common cause of both of the alarms?

A. Loss of Alternate Source 1FB.

B. Loss of Normal Source 1DB2Y.

C. Loss of voltage on Bus 1HB.

D. Inverter has transferred to Alternate Source 1FB.


2007 NRC Exam RO

43. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant is operating at 100% power.
  • The following alarm is received:
  • XCP-624-1-5, SG A LVL DEV
  • The RO determines that SG "A" level is rising slowly on L1-474, 475, and 476 .
  • SG "B" and "C" levels are stable.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the cause of the alarm and the action required?

Alarm was received on a . . .

A. 5% deviation from program due to a Feedwater Control Valve failure; Place "A" Feedwater Control valve in manual and restore level to normal.

B. 5% deviation from program due to a Steam Flow input to "A" SG level control failing low; Select the alternate feed flow and steam flow inputs .

C. 10% deviation from program due to a Feedwater Control Valve failure; Place "A" Feedwater Control valve in manual and restore level to normal.

D. 10% deviation from program due to a Steam Flow input to "A" SG level control failing low; Select the alternate feed flow and steam flow inputs.


2007 NRC Exam RO 44 . Which ONE (1) of the following conditions will result in the most Emergency Feedwater System flow required to maintain SG levels constant following a reactor trip?

Core Burnup Initial Power Level A. 1,000 MWD/MTU 10%

B. 1,000 MWD/MTU 100%

C. 10,000 MWD MTU 10%

D. 10,000 MWD/MTU 100%


2007 NRC Exam RO 45 . Given the following plant conditions: .

  • The plant is at 100% power during an A 1 maintenance week.
  • APN-5901 has been transferred to APN-1 FA while work is in progress on XIT-5901.
  • The normal feeder breaker for bus 1DA trips open.
  • "A" DIG fails to start.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the subsequent operation of the "A" Train ESFLS?

A. Output 1 will shed loads and the ESFLS will go through its normal sequence .

B. Output 1 will shed loads, but then the ESFLS will be prevented from operating.

C. Output 1 will NOT shed loads , but the ESFLS will go through its normal sequence.

D. Output 1 will NOT shed loads and the ESFLS will be prevented from operating.


2007 NRC Exam RO

46. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the availability of Channel I (Train A) 120 VAC vital safeguards power during a loss of the 115KV line from the Parr Generating Complex?

A. Is initially available from Battery 1A through inverter XIT-5901 , then automatically returns to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.

B. The static switch initially transfers the supply to 1FA, then automatically returns to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.

C. Is initially available from Battery 1A through inverter XIT-5901 , then is manually returned to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.

D. The static switch initially transfers the supply to 1FA, then is manually returned to the normal source after Diesel Generator "A" starts.


2007 NRC Exam RO

47. The plant is at 100% power.

A loss of 125 VDC control power to the will require entry to EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation.

A. FWBP breakers B. MSIVs C. RCP breakers D. PZR Spray Valves 47

2007 NRC Exam RO

48. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A loss of off-site power has occurred.
  • Both EDGs start as required.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the EDG Room Ventilation system?

Automat ically start when ...

A. Diesel Room temperature exceeds 88°F, to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 120°F.

B. the associated Diesel Generator starts, to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 88 °F.

c. Diesel Room temperature exceeds 72°F , to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 88°F.

D. the associated Diesel Generator starts , to maintain room temperature below the Technical Specification limit of 120°F.


2007 NRC Exam RO

49. Given the following plant conditions :

Emergency Diesel Generator "A" is paralleled to its associated Bus.

  • A lagging power factor has been established.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the diesel generator voltage control switch?

A. Lowering the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the real load.

B. Raising the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the real load.

C. Lowering the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the reactive load.

D. Raising the voltage control setpoint will cause the generator to pick up a larger share of the reactive load.


2007 NRC Exam RO

50. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A loss of RB Instrument Air has occurred.
  • RB Instrument Air header pressure is currently 94 psig and lowering .

Assuming no operator action, which ONE (1) of the following describes the response of the Air System and why?

RB Instrument Air header pressure decreases until...

A. PVA-2659 , INST AIR TO RB AIR SERV, automatically opens at 90 psig to ensure an air supply for AOVs inside the Reactor Building.

B. PVA-2659, INST AIR TO RB AIR SERV, automatically opens at 93 psig to ensure an air supply for AOVs inside the Reactor Building.

C. PVT-2660 , AIR SPL Y TO RB, closes at 90 psig to isolate the RB header to avoid a loss of Instrument Air outside the Reactor Building.

D. PVT-2660 , AIR SPL Y TO RB, closes at 93 psig to isolate the RB header to avoid a loss of Instrument Air outside the Reactor Building.


2007 NRC Exam RO

51. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant is in Mode 6.

Reactor Building Purge is in operation .

Refueling activities are in progress.

  • A spent fuel assembly is dropped in the cavity.

Containment radiation monitor indications are all rising .

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the radiation monitors that will initiate isolation of all or part of the Containment Purge?

RM-A4, RB Purge Exhaust Particulate (Iodine) (Gas) Atmos monitor...


B. AND RM-G17A/B , RB Manipulator Crane Area Gamma ONLY .

C. AND RM-A2 , RB Sample Line Particulate (Iodine) (Gas) Atmos monitor ONLY.

D. AND RM-G17A/B, RB Manipulator Crane Area Gamma , AND RM-A2, RB Sample Line Particulate (Iodine) (Gas) Atmos monitor.


2007 NRC Exam RO

52. Given the following plant conditions :
  • An immediate discharge to the penstocks from both Waste Monitor tanks is required.
  • Current conditions are as follows.

RM-L5 and RM-L9 are out of service

  • Fairfield Hydro is in the "pumping" mode.

Which ONE (1) of the following statements will provide the MINIMUM conditions necessary for monitor tank release?

A. Either RM-L5 or RM-L9 must be restored to operability prior to release .

B. Both RM-L5 and RM-L9 must be restored to operability prior to release.

C. The Fairfield Hydro must convert to the generating mode and redundant samples performed prior to release. Two independent qualified individuals must verify release calculations and valve lineups.

D. The Fairfield Hydro must convert to the generating mode prior to release and either RM-L5 or RM-L9 must be restored to operability. Two independent qualified individuals must verify release calculations and valve lineups.


2007 NRC Exam RO

53. Which ONE (1) of the following describes operation of XFN-30A(B) , CONTR RM EMERG FILTERING SYS FAN A(B), and XFN-32A(B), CONTROL ROOM COOLING UNIT A(B) FAN upon receipt of a high radiation alarm on RM-A1, Control Bldg Supply Air?

A. Both XFN -32A & B and both XFN -30A & B start, all outside air sources are isolated .

B. Both XFN-32A & B and both XFN-30A & B start , return air is mixed with a small amount of makeup air.

C. Both XFN-32A & B trip and both XFN -30A & B start, all outside air sources are isolated .

D. Both XFN-32A & B trip and both XFN-30A & B start, return air is mixed with a small amount of makeup air.

', '


2007 NRC Exam RO

54. Given the following plant conditions :
  • The plant is in Mode 5.

RHR Train A is in service.

RCS temperature is 168°F.

RCS pressure is 175 psig.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the effect on the RHR System, and the procedure that will mitigate the event?

A. Stabilize RHR/RCS system temperature using steam dumps lAW GOP-6, Plant Shutdown Mode 3 to Mode 5. Go to AOP-115 .3, Loss of RHR with the RCS Intact, for long-term mitigation.

B. Stabilize RHR/RCS system temperature using steam dumps lAW GOP-6 , Plant Shutdown Mode 3 to Mode 5. Continue using AOP-117 .1 , Total Loss of Service Water, for long-term mitigation.

C. RHR/RCS system temperature will rise as a result of a loss of cooling to Component Cooling Water. Go to AOP-115.3 , Loss of RHR with the RCS Intact.

D. RHR/RCS system temperature will rise as a result of a loss of cooling to Component Cooling Water. Continue using AOP-117 .1 , Total Loss of Service Water.


2007 NRC Exam RO

55. Which ONE (1) of the following provides the electrical power supply to the Supplemental Air Compressor?

A. XSW1DA1 B. XSW1DB1 C. XSW1A1 D. XSW1B1 55

2007 NRC Exam RO

56. Given the following plant conditions:

The Fire Protection System actuated due to a Main Transformer Fire.

System pressure dropped to 80 psig before recovering due to the actuation of necessary equipment.

  • The fire is out.
  • The deluge valve is isolated and reset.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the equipment that is running , and the method of shutting the equipment down?

A. ONLY the Motor Driven Fire Pump is running; must be stopped locally.

B. ONLY the Motor Driven Fire Pump is running; may be stopped locally or in the control room .

C. The Motor Driven and Engine Driven Fire Pumps are running. Both must be stopped locally.

D. The Motor Driven and Engine Driven Fire Pumps are running . The Motor Driven Pump may be stopped locally or in the control room, the Engine Driven Pump must be stopped locally.


2007 NRC Exam RO

57. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A LOCA has occurred.

Safety Injection is actuated.

Reactor Building pressure indicates 14 psig and rising slowly.

  • While performing actions of EOP-1.0, Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation, the following valves indicate OPEN:
  • LTON ISOL 8152
  • RB AIR SERV ISOL 2660 Which ONE (1) of the following describes the failure that has occurred and the MINIMUM action necessary to mitigate the condition?

A. Phase A has partially failed. Place either Phase A actuation switches in the ACTUATE position.

B. Phase A has partially failed. Place both Phase A actuation switches in the ACTUATE position.

C. Phase B has partially failed. Place either Phase B actuation switches in the ACTUATE position .

O. Phase B has partially failed. Place both Phase B actuation switches in the ACTUATE position.


2007 NRC Exam RO

58. Given the following plant condit ions:
  • The reactor has tripped. Safety Injection is actuated .
  • An RCS cooldown is in progress in accordance with EOP-2.1, Post LOCA Coo/down and Depressurization.
  • The following table is a plot of the cooldown :

TIME RCS TCOLD TIME RCS TCOLD 0800 54rF 0945 425 °F 0815 530°F ' 1000 395°F 0830 520°F 1015 382°F 0845 505°F 1030 364°F 0900 498 °F 1045 340°F 0915 478 °F 1100 310°F 0930 44rF 1115 280°F At which time was the Tech Spec RCS Cooldown rate limit FIRST exceeded?

A. 0915.

B. 0930.

C. 1000.

D. 1115 58

2007 NRC Exam RO

59. Given the following plant conditions :
  • A LOCA outside containment has occurred .

The crew is performing the actions in EOP-2.5, LOCA Outside Containment.

Which ONE (1) of the following actions will be attempted to isolate the break and which indication is used to determine if the leak has been isolated in accordance with EOP-2.5?

A. Isolate low pressure Safety Injection piping .

RCS pressure is monitored, because SI flow will repressurize the RCS when the break is isolated.

B. Isolate low pressure Safety Injection piping.

PZR level is monitored , because when the break is isolated , RCS inventory will rapidly rise.

C. Isolate high pressure Safety Injection piping.

RCS pressure is monitored, because SI flow will repressurize the RCS when the break is isolated.

D. Isolate high pressure Safety Injection piping.

PZR level is monitored , because when the break is isolated , RCS inventory will rapidly rise.


2007 NRC Exam RO

60. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the reason that a RED condition on the Integrity CSF Status Tree may develop while performing actions of EOP-14 .1, Response to Degraded Core Cooling?

A. Core Exit Thermocouple temperature will decrease rapidly when Low Head SI Pumps are started and SI flow is initiated .

B. Core Exit Thermocouple temperature will decrease rapidly when SG depressurization and SI Accumulator injection occur.

C. RCS Cold Leg temperature will decrease rapidly when Low Head SI Pumps are started and SI flow is initiated.

D. RCS Cold Leg temperature will decrease rapidly when SG depressurization and SI Accumulator injection occur.


2007 NRC Exam RO

61. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A LOCA has occurred .
  • The crew is performing actions contained in EOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.
  • The following conditions currently exist:

Integrity - RED

  • Containment - RED
  • Subcriticality - ORANGE Core Cooling - ORANGE Inventory - YELLOW
  • Heat Sink - YELLOW Which ONE (1) of the following describes the correct procedure flowpath for these conditions?

A. EOP-17.0 , Response to High Reactor Building Pressure, followed by EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition.

B. EOP-16.0, Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition , followed by EOP-17.0, Response to High Reactor Building Pressure.

C. EOP-14.1 , Response to Degraded Core Cooling, followed by EOP-16.0, Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition.

D. EOP-16.0 , Response to Imminent Pressurizer Thermal Shock Condition , followed by EOP-14.1 , Response to Degraded Core Cooling.


2007 NRC Exam RO

62. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The crew is performing actions of EOP-1.4, Natural Circulation Cooldown with Steam Void in Vessel.
  • During the event, RCP seal cooling was lost, but subsequently restored.
  • The operating crew is preparing to initiate the RCS cooldown.

The following conditions are indicated:

  • RVLlS NR level is 89%.

RCS subcool ing is 60°F .

  • PZR Level is 72% and stable.

Which ONE (1) of the following actions is required in accordance with EOP-1.4?

A. Use PZR Heaters as necessary to saturate PZR water and continue in EOP-1.4.

B. Initiate Safety Injection and go to EOP-1.0 , Reactor Trip Or Safety Injection.

C. Start a RCP and go to the applicable portion of the appropriate GOP .

D. Return to EOP-1.3 , Natural Circulation Cooldown.


2007 NRC Exam RO

63. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A LOCA has occurred.

Due to low RHR Sump Level, the crew has transitioned from EOP-2 .2, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, to EOP-2.4 , Loss Of Emergency Coolant Recirculation.

  • All automatic actions occurred as designed .
  • Two Charging pumps and two RHR pumps are running.

Both RB Spray Pumps are running.

RHR, Charging , and RB Spray pump amps and flow are stable .

RWST level is approximately 5% and continues to lower.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes how the Charging , RHR, and RB Spray pumps should be operated in accordance with EOP-2.4?

Charging Pumps RB Spray Pumps RHR Pumps A. Stop BOTH Leave BOTH running Leave BOTH running B. Stop ONE Stop BOTH Stop ONE C. Stop BOTH Stop BOTH Stop BOTH D. Leave BOTH running Leave BOTH Running Stop ONE 63

2007 NRC Exam RO

64. The crew is performing actions of EOP-3.1, Uncontrolled Depressurization ofAll Steam Generators.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the Technical Specification implications of the event?

A. RCS cooldown rates above 100°F per hour may potentially result in non-ductile failure of the reactor vessel.

B. Pressurizer cooldown rates above 100°F per hour may potentially result in pressurized thermal shock to the pressurizer.

C. Loss of SG inventory may ultimately result in the RCS Pressure Safety Limit being exceeded.

D. Loss of SG inventory may ultimately result in the Reactor Core Safety Limit being exceeded.


2007 NRC Exam RO

65. Which ONE (1) of the following describes the status of RB ventilation and RBCU's upon completion of the actions contained in EOP-17.2 , Response to High Reactor Building Radiation Level?

A. RB Purge isolated All RBCU fans in SLOW B. RB Purge isolated RBCU fans selected on switch RBCU TRAIN AlB EMERG, running in SLOW C. RB Mini Purge in service All RBCU fans in SLOW D. RB Mini Purge in service RBCU fans selected on switch RBCU TRAIN AlB EMERG, running in SLOW 65

2007 NRC Exam RO

66. In accordance with OAP-100A, Communication, which ONE (1) of the following communications should use the phonetic alphabet?

A. Communications involving safety system trains. (Train Alpha)

B. Communications involving manipulation of plant components. (Alpha Charging Pump)

C. Communications describing Conta inment Isolation (Phase Bravo)

D. All communications that are not 'information only' .


2007 NRC Exam RO

67. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The plant is at 46% power and increasing lAW GOP-4A , Power Operation (Ascending) at 3% per hour.
  • All three S/G NR levels are at 5% and lowering .
  • It is now 60 seconds later.

Which ONE (1) of the following is the expected response of the ATWS Mitigation System Actuation Circuitry (AMSAC)? '

A. AMSAC will NOT actuate because it is not armed.

B. AMSAC will TRIP the reactor and START the EFW pumps.

C. AMSAC will NOT actuate because the time delay on reactor power has not timed out.

D. AMSAC will TRIP the main turbine and START the EFW pumps .


2007 NRC Exam RO

68. Given the following plant conditions:
  • An RCS leak is in progress.
  • The crew is performing the appropriate AOP for the plant condition.
  • Letdown is isolated.
  • Charging flow is maximized.
  • RCS pressure is 1990 psig and lowering .
  • Reactor Building pressure is 1.8 psig and rising.
  • Pressurizer level is 18% and lowering.
  • VCT level is 15% and lowering.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the status of the plant and the action required?

A. An RPS setpoint has been exceeded . Trip the Reactor and initiate Safety Injection when immediate actions of EOP-1.0 have been completed.

B. An RPS setpoint has been exceeded. Trip the reactor and concurrently perform actions of the in-use AOP when immediate actions of EOP-1.0 have been completed.

C. An RPS setpoint has NOT been exceeded , Trip the Reactor, perform the immediate actions of EOP-1.0, then initiate Safety Injection .

D. An RPS setpoint has NOT been exceeded , Trip the Reactor, perform the immediate actions of EOP-1.0 , continue to implement the AOP concurrently, then initiate Safety Injection when Pressurizer level is <12%.


2007 NRC Exam RO

69. The unit is at 100% power.

All systems are in normal alignments .

Which ONE (1) of the following activities requires entry into a technical specification LCO action statement?

A. CCW Pump B mechanical seal repair.

B. Charging Pump A removal from service for oil change.

C. Boric Acid Transfer Pump recirc valve leak repair .

D. RHR Heat Exchanger Discharge flow control valve repair.


2007 NRC Exam RO 70 . Which ONE (1) of the following describes the MINIMUM Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation requirement that must be met prior to off-loading fuel from the reactor vessel?

Visual in control room Aud ible in control room Audible in RB A. 1 1, 1 2 1 1 C. 2 2 1 D. 2 2 2 70

2007 NRC Exam RO

71. Given the following information:
  • A 27 year old new V.C Summer employee has a fully completed NRC Form 4 and a 2007 radiation exposure history as follows:
  • 2650 millirem from previous employment with Progress Energy in 2007.
  • 110 millirem since becoming a V.C . Summer employee.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the MAXIMUM ADDITIONAL exposure the employee may receive prior to reaching his MAXIMUM Administrative Dose Control Limit, including any applicable extensions , lAW HPP-0153, Administrative Exposure Limits?

A. 1240 millirem B. 1350 millirem C. 2240 millirem D. 2350 millirem 71

2007 NRC Exam RO

72. Given the following plant conditions:
  • A General Emergency exists .

The TSC is manned.

  • A valve in the Aux Building must be closed to prevent damage to valuable safety related equipment.
  • Radiation levels are extremely high.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the maximum dose that is allowed to perform this operation and whose permission is required?

An individual may receive ...

A. Up to 10 Rem with permission from the Duty SS B. 25 Rem, or more , with permission from the Duty SS C. Up to 10 Rem with permission from the ED D. 25 Rem, or more, with permission from the ED 72

2007 NRC Exam RO

73. Given the following plant conditions:

Off-Site power is lost subsequent to safety injection actuation.

  • Equipment failures during performance of EOP-2.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, resulted in the following conditions:
  • Bus 1DA is de-energized due to a fault.
  • CSF Status Trees indicate as follows:
  • Subcriticality GREEN
  • Core Cooling ORANGE
  • Heat Sink RED
  • Integrity GREEN
  • Containment YELLOW Inventory YELLOW Which ONE (1) of the following describes the requirement for Critical Safety Function Status Tree Monitoring in accordance with OAP-103.04, EOPIAOP User's Guide?

A. Continuous monitoring is required.

B. Monitor every 5 - 10 minutes unless a change in status occurs.

C. Monitor every 10 - 20 minutes unless a change in status occurs.

D. Monitored for information only.


2007 NRC Exam RO

74. Given the following plant conditions:

T=O A fire is occurring in the Aux Building 436'.

T+2 Fire Brigade Leader reports to the scene.

T+15 Notification of Unusual Event declared.

In accordance with EPP-013, Plant Fire, who, by title, is coordinating the fire fighting efforts with the Fire Brigade Leader?

A. Shift Supervisor B. Emergency Director C. OSC Supervisor D. Health Physics Shift Leader 74

2007 NRC Exam RO

75. Given the following plant conditions:
  • The Unit is in Mode 5.

RCS Drain Down to Mid Loop is in progress in preparation for welding on a Hot Leg opening.

  • RHR Pump A is in service .
  • During the drain down, RHR amps and discharge pressure begin fluctuating erratically.
  • The drain-down is stopped.

Which ONE (1) of the following describes the FIRST action that will be required in accordance with AOP-115.1?

A. Reduce RHR flow.

B. Align the RHR Pump to the RWST.

C. Raise RCS level.

D. Vent the operating RHR loop.