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#REDIRECT [[ONS-2014-098, Fifth Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan, Revision 0, Attachment C]]
| number = ML14202A012
| issue date = 05/12/2014
| title = Fifth Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan, Revision 0, Attachment C
| author name = Clark S H
| author affiliation = Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000269, 05000270, 05000287
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = ONS-2014-098
| document report number = OISI-0169.20.0050-PTPLAN, Rev 0
| package number = ML14202A008
| document type = Inservice/Preservice Inspection and Test Report
| page count = 25
{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment C The following pages arc the Oconee Unit 3- 5'h i0-Year Interval Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report generated from the Pressure Test Database Management Sys-em (PTDMS).Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Fifh Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Cover Page Revision 0 Attachmen~t C
I AR2567 ? mTet-1 Ye Te~s~t P~u ROWr Oconee Unt 6t nteivalOconee Uit 3 PTI No 4one Boundary :Class Cat ýSystem !Freq Aequired Req Req Itern.Description
ýTest Exam Proc Num Oass B Zoe oudayCa Sstm ~ eq 'Rqure eq Re Ie 16 1Z3L-41 O-SLS19A3.1 Class C-H
W TOW Plon Report PT P Sth Unit 3 511212014 7:35: AM No :Zone :Boundary lClass 'Cat System 'Freq Required Req Req Itei-n Description
'Drawings i FXam Proc Num A4 0-IS5S-10A-3.3 0-ISIB-1 1GA-31 0-ISus-1OA-3.4 O-ISILS-127B-3.2 AR2%67 PramnTest-1 wTo Oconee Unit: 3 5th Interval Oconee Unit 3',Freq Require No Zone Boundary iclass !Cat 'System d Req Req Item'Description Drawings Test Exam Proc -Num 38 0Z314V 0 PT PT Plan for 5th Interval DT SOQA Caft"C.
Attachment D The following Flow Chart is for mining the required hold time prior to the VT-2 Visuat Examinadon.
ISITE -23 forms for Oconee are under preparation see PIP 0 12-8938. Once complete ISITE-23 forms can be found in NEDI OISI-0i69120. 505-4ISITE-23.
Flow Chart For Determining Hold Times For 15 Class A, B, & C Pressure Testing[ IWA-5213 1 Start Here Pfavidtd Tho SW~m/Operst~or For 10 Mloutis (See also ISITF-23 and specific ISITE-23 Zone forxns for specifc zone information.)
Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection PressureTest Plan Page Iof I Revision 0 Attachment D
Q-Ms5IOOA-2.1 X x 2 L-61,-100A3.1 X X 3 Kr")O4ISilS400OA-11 X x X I.mwne -MLS- I OA2 2 X X X 04SLS IOO.32 X X X 3-It4A4-t System (as fisted in dravwIng thitl block) Boondary 13N 131 ISI AD Vnit(s)_________________________
Dravisa -Clasw 1 Ctass 2 Clas 3 Exempt Nih Pressrt Ingmtt4on (Clirging)
O4ISIL4-IOIA-2.4 X x X 2 trigh PruwM necto u Chergin) 04ISfL3-101A-3.4 X X X3 High freq njection (SSF) 0-1510$-101A-1,5 X X -Mgh Pewnue Injucon (&SF) 0-ISJLS-IOIA-2.5
-x X 12 1 igh PremreNecuo(SSF) 04SHAJ401A-15 x x 3 Low Preswmr Injcion (Bforated Wmat Supply & IPI Purmp Suction) 0-JSM- 102.A- 1, 1 X ____ I LAow PmuumtInjcio p(Burse dWaf Supply & LPI Pump Suctin) 0431L5-102A-2.1 x x x 2 1,,w Ptwwur Injection (Pmod WaterSupply
& LPI Pump Suction) G-JISII5-IN43.1 x x ___ 3 Uw Prevr njction (LPI Pump Discarge) 04lSl5U5402A-42 X x I__ _ _Low Preamure Iuuctiun (LPI Pump Dtwlwgac)
ILIS1L-5-IM2-212 X X_ _ 2 LowPressurelniection (LPI Pumnp Divhwe) 04IS1L5-02A-32 X K 3 Low Pressure Injection (Core Flood) 0-43JL5-MOA-1.3 X ___I loiw Prssur njccw (omvVn Flood) 04I5W-. x x -2 Low PrsueInjecton Ware Flood) (3-ISlL5-12A-3.3 x x -RMnCtwr Buildig spray Q0lST15103O-IlJ
--Xmcto 11widing STpry flIII5.103A-2.1
-2 Reaftor Building Spray 04SL5-t03A-3_l
-3 Suent Fuel Cooling O4ISIL-5-104AAA x 1,-%pNzt FuelCooling O-1S113404A-3.1 x X 3 Spenxt Fud Cooling (Purification)
OýISIL5-104A-I 2 X X 1,2 SprentfulCooling
(!unfifcadon) 0SiLS-1064A4.2 x x 3 ILAow fcs ponhiorn (CBAST) CISIL5-16A-11 XI LOW Prrnaut Injection (CBASI) 0-MSL5-106A-21 x 2 Low Pwasure lnletiyn (CBAST) O4Stf.15-106A-3 2 X 3 Deminueymlized Water EContainment Paetratltori) 041446. X X I Duke Energy Ocne Nuclear SIBII*II Fifith In~terval Imrvico lrspoction Pressure Test Plnr Paep 2 of 9 Revision 0 Attaclrmwrt E
System (as lstd todrawing t~bsite blckoundary ISR 181 IS A n1g ocnaCo O~(~M~tPW~n 4SIL5-106E-.31 x 2 ucm Tank Cnanw eean 0-4SULS- 7A-1.1 x x I Q* V n (Conumvant Peietrnon)
O-SIO- 107,N-22 1 3 Coolant Swae(otzimnn tPatiu-ttion)
O.ISILS-107A.3, X x I Cokn Stoage ( Conanvn Palum)0SIL5-107A.3.
X X 3 LiudWage Dsa Cnmvt mvin ML-0BI I4 x x C4ui Wasdte o ts a(Contaimnent Pcezw)O-SLq$-Q7-x x 3 Adud Wf ovid Cotan m Pawcton) 2 x 2I1A4 Uqusak WmeDvitio (Cort initn _ _euin C-~L-1Drý3 Ch mica dition ~ iai O-4SI L5- tIOA-2 I I x XI CmclAddition 0iI-191--
OA-23A x X X O4ýonnc Nuiý--ar Sta~Wn rifth In~w~v Ins ivce JIup cton Pmssaur Test Plan Page 3 of 9 Revision 0 Aaachfwnt R
System((a lited in drawingtI*kbkwk Boundary Is[ IM1 151 AV 1Jah()Drwig as I Chm 2 Chas 3 Eep Reactrfuwi~in rg Contuairienat ncnwtrati G-13lL5-1 6A-t~ I xx I PRtm Budin Pug (ContiatumtIett Pnations1 O-x1L- 6 lx 2 Rauctor ulm ug (Contaimriat Peertin0-13115-11A-.
SI I 3 PntainRoom Ventilation 0-1.I" 1.I 16s-. X x I PcetxsMon Room Vellwa6B.21 X X 2 PntanRoom VenWialln 01SIL5-116EI-3,I x X 3 ReutorBuidin Hyrogn Prge0- ML-I16C-]IJ xI Ieww Etntin HdroenPn 04ISU- I16C-2 I If 2 RatrRidn drgnPre0-MSLS-116C.3,1 I 3 Auiiryuilding Ventilation (ent %tactsj 0-ISIL3-1 160-IA, x 1,23.Condensew (Pain Codnsr -JSIL5-121A-13 X I Cnesw(anCrite)0-t51LS-121A4.,3 x2 condcrimaw MWin cadn)0- tSILS-'-121 A33 x 3 C omkmstc(U pper SurgTnks)A&
IA 1B, Upper S ure'Fan Drne & 0JSILSý-12)A-17 x I Coksc Swrg Tak Couwsic(Upper urgqe nks IA & I B, Upper Sur~ge Tmnk Dorn& 0-IS1L5-121A 2.1 If 2 Cocest Suvg Tank COiden ste(Upper Surge Tanks I A& I1R, Upper Surge Tank Domtr& OSI--3152)A43,7 x3 CondcaimwtM e TnkýCoiadwsM u rnc Fawe- PrnpScto 0-15115-121AV x I Cmondateiuxwcr Feed'watrPm Suctioat 0-f1I5,12iA-2A-l x 2 Concknsllc 0-xx~w edae funScto)X 3 Feedwaier (Fna fealwta 0-1t511.52IB1, X I I Foe t(in dodwtr OAS045 1218i-23 X If 2 Fw1d1wticr(inst Feedwaten> (I-IS11.-1218-3.3 X x 3 Gcc~tr Sm -miu kw~nt& Recitc COIS1219-S x x I Duke rbqy Ocotw.e Nuclear Station Fifth Inter-Al Inservice Ins-pection Pressure Tcqt Plan Pape 4 of 9 Revisintft AUtlaffnet F
System (as fisted in dawing titl block) Bowunday 151 181 151 M Unit($)Drawin ClasI w 1 Clam? 3 Exmpt roum(wm0wt DmaaA& Rmecau 0-4S1L5-21R1-Z5 X X 2 Fednf Sta ecaW DAi &-L¶L$e2IB3i X X 3 Vacuum~ (Cntinuous 0451ng 12C2t X 2 2113-liFee X X -1,3L.EmrenyFe0~e -ISII5152 I D-2.1 X X2, EegnyFeedwate 04$ISI-5-21DOA X X 3 Emec edae Auiar Satyice Wai 04SIL51521L)-12 X X 1,2,3 Main Steam I Hindus) 0-ISIL5.t22,A X X 2 Main Stea(Trbie a pm 045UJ-122,A12i X 2 Nj~m Steam 1Jrbme Bpa O-ISIU.5122A-3.2 X 2 __Man te (urin Epas)04ISIL5-122A-32
-X -Sti wr -SL-2A13x I Mai Sta a.I,-2A-, ManSteram
-815M-. X --3 MeainSte=n (St &Wt O~aA 4SMLS.22A-1.4 X X -I Stain Steam, (team -Rppy tl-mist 04-S1L.5.122A~-24 X X 2 Main Swam (Steam Supy& Fxrtwst) O-SILS-127A-3A X XC 3 Main Swwa 0-0SIU.2294.Il XI Main Osa04,SILS-1221-2,1 X 2 NmaiSweam 04151 12213-1 X 3 Low Prrmw Sen- WaterPwp 0-1811,5-124A-1.1
__ X 1,2,3 LOI mr aa(tis 0-LSIO- 1244-3:1 X 3 Low Plsue aieWae Trbinu Buildin Stivices) 04SIS 124A-13 -It Duk liurn Oconee Nuclea Station Fifth Intenva Insemece InspctonPreswm eTest Plani Page$ 5 f 9 Revision 0 Attacmet nnE System (a' listd In drawing titt. block) Boundar~y 181 181 181 All Unit(s)r Drawin C'Ism I Chua2 Clamw 3 Eep Uo PrsueSrieWW0urm u~gSvic)C4SIL5..124A-23 x 1,2 Low P*rm= Service Water(Turine1 EAdn Sem 0-31510-24A33 X3 Low IrsueSaie
*Waeta(MAuxilim Bulig 04SIS1$4 B-1.I X I Low Pmj~~cm5uiiýBidn)0-I11 24ft-3, K Lo msm ec aW(ecorBdig
~n)G1811,5-148-11 x 3 Low Presm ScwleeWater (RditonSontam&
lutoo Exhages_ 0-ttL 12413-1, X I Ifih PmwmSmie Wta TurineMidin_
043'11.5-124C-3-2 x NirgnPug n hme RamtBidrq jl5124C-1,2 x x Thscxd Waerz (041Collecti~on id) 0-.18 512641,9 x 1,, ShmSaWae yc CW PupCooling 04SILS-129A-32 X Essxmal Spho V~cuum (S 043 15-304A1Ix I Du~ke Energy Oconee Nu~clar Staion F~ift hIerval Inservicc Ingpectiptn Pressu Test Plan Pap 6of 9 RevisionzO Systm (as isedIn draigtteblock)
Bouhndary7 ISI 11 M1 All Unt(s)Daig Cla~ssu Clgiv 2 Can 3Exmp Vacuunit SipS Vxuum (ASV X 2 Eimwtl Si~mVacuum
x 3 PmtcWSeniceWater(NW 04S1L5-131-1.1 x x 13 PwctdSrice Waw (SIG & I P Pmp Nor Coolig 04811-5-131A-1,2 IXI P~iutod Sevice Water (S/K & tIPI Pum Mcor C~ooig 0-8U~-131A42 X2 I'mtect erieWawc (SIG & HP Pump tor Colng 4SILS,-131A-32 X 3 Ckndenw ircuaigon Water (CWoak 0,~ wp Dshre 04 S1-1334-11 I Corndaoor imulationWawc (CWItk umsDs e -ISUS,-13A-2.1 x 1,2 Contkrscruvuhion WWcr(CCW Inake~ PupQ4wag) -SIM.5133A-3,1 x 3 C~nesff CkculatioWater (Inake &Dishare O4SrLS-133A-1-2 XI CondcrLucrCtirculbuWate (Intka& Ojimhe 0-1I5-133A-21 2X 2 Comkd=CirculawouWater (naW-& Dichge 1 4L5-331 x 3 Condenser Cila Watr (ondeuitgcCoas O4SM1$ .-t,43 x X I Condenser CmwKnWa- Cnes olr) 04S1L53-2.342 X X 2 Conders~ Ciculation Wate (ondenst Colr)1--I334-3 3 x X 3 Codne Cruak Water (RWCookm 0-I~iS133A.4 X x I Lube Oil (Ftnergessy Feedwater Pump'fubine) 3-~L-3B-.Lue il (SSF Diose&I~ngino) 0481LS-5-351314 X x 1,2 Duke Ensergy Oconee Nuclear Staton Fifth Interval 1nservice Inspectiont Pm-amsetest Plant PaW 7of 9 Revision 0 Att*achmet E
Duke Unwqw Oconee Nuclear Station Fiflithwntral Jnaonrl ceInspction
?waauw Test Plan Syte aslitd ndrwigtil boc)Bonary (St l[SI fSJ AM~ Unit(s)DrA Ig C*S ICl~ 2Cb~s Fmp Turbine Swn PupK IL5$402A-I IxK Turbne SmpPrM -SL-0.-, CKao rAir KII.-0AI Govemord Ai_____-04-2Ix Air C irutBekr -SI517-,1x x FfhInterval Tiwexice J spocon PressureTest Plan PWg901`9 Revison 0 Attachment E}}

Revision as of 06:55, 28 April 2019

Fifth Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan, Revision 0, Attachment C
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/2014
From: Clark S H
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14202A008 List:
ONS-2014-098 OISI-0169.20.0050-PTPLAN, Rev 0
Download: ML14202A012 (25)


Attachment C The following pages arc the Oconee Unit 3- 5'h i0-Year Interval Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report generated from the Pressure Test Database Management Sys-em (PTDMS).Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Fifh Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Cover Page Revision 0 Attachmen~t C

I AR2567 ? mTet-1 Ye Te~s~t P~u ROWr Oconee Unt 6t nteivalOconee Uit 3 PTI No 4one Boundary :Class Cat ýSystem !Freq Aequired Req Req Itern.Description


ýTest Exam Proc Num Oass B Zoe oudayCa Sstm ~ eq 'Rqure eq Re Ie 16 1Z3L-41 O-SLS19A3.1 Class C-H

W TOW Plon Report PT P Sth Unit 3 511212014 7:35: AM No :Zone :Boundary lClass 'Cat System 'Freq Required Req Req Itei-n Description

'Drawings i FXam Proc Num A4 0-IS5S-10A-3.3 0-ISIB-1 1GA-31 0-ISus-1OA-3.4 O-ISILS-127B-3.2 AR2%67 PramnTest-1 wTo Oconee Unit: 3 5th Interval Oconee Unit 3',Freq Require No Zone Boundary iclass !Cat 'System d Req Req Item'Description Drawings Test Exam Proc -Num 38 0Z314V 0 PT PT Plan for 5th Interval DT SOQA Caft"C.

Attachment D The following Flow Chart is for mining the required hold time prior to the VT-2 Visuat Examinadon.

ISITE -23 forms for Oconee are under preparation see PIP 0 12-8938. Once complete ISITE-23 forms can be found in NEDI OISI-0i69120. 505-4ISITE-23.

Flow Chart For Determining Hold Times For 15 Class A, B, & C Pressure Testing[ IWA-5213 1 Start Here Pfavidtd Tho SW~m/Operst~or For 10 Mloutis (See also ISITF-23 and specific ISITE-23 Zone forxns for specifc zone information.)

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection PressureTest Plan Page Iof I Revision 0 Attachment D

Q-Ms5IOOA-2.1 X x 2 L-61,-100A3.1 X X 3 Kr")O4ISilS400OA-11 X x X I.mwne -MLS- I OA2 2 X X X 04SLS IOO.32 X X X 3-It4A4-t System (as fisted in dravwIng thitl block) Boondary 13N 131 ISI AD Vnit(s)_________________________

Dravisa -Clasw 1 Ctass 2 Clas 3 Exempt Nih Pressrt Ingmtt4on (Clirging)

O4ISIL4-IOIA-2.4 X x X 2 trigh PruwM necto u Chergin) 04ISfL3-101A-3.4 X X X3 High freq njection (SSF) 0-1510$-101A-1,5 X X -Mgh Pewnue Injucon (&SF) 0-ISJLS-IOIA-2.5

-x X 12 1 igh PremreNecuo(SSF) 04SHAJ401A-15 x x 3 Low Preswmr Injcion (Bforated Wmat Supply & IPI Purmp Suction) 0-JSM- 102.A- 1, 1 X ____ I LAow PmuumtInjcio p(Burse dWaf Supply & LPI Pump Suctin) 0431L5-102A-2.1 x x x 2 1,,w Ptwwur Injection (Pmod WaterSupply

& LPI Pump Suction) G-JISII5-IN43.1 x x ___ 3 Uw Prevr njction (LPI Pump Discarge) 04lSl5U5402A-42 X x I__ _ _Low Preamure Iuuctiun (LPI Pump Dtwlwgac)

ILIS1L-5-IM2-212 X X_ _ 2 LowPressurelniection (LPI Pumnp Divhwe) 04IS1L5-02A-32 X K 3 Low Pressure Injection (Core Flood) 0-43JL5-MOA-1.3 X ___I loiw Prssur njccw (omvVn Flood) 04I5W-. x x -2 Low PrsueInjecton Ware Flood) (3-ISlL5-12A-3.3 x x -RMnCtwr Buildig spray Q0lST15103O-IlJ

--Xmcto 11widing STpry flIII5.103A-2.1

-2 Reaftor Building Spray 04SL5-t03A-3_l

-3 Suent Fuel Cooling O4ISIL-5-104AAA x 1,-%pNzt FuelCooling O-1S113404A-3.1 x X 3 Spenxt Fud Cooling (Purification)

OýISIL5-104A-I 2 X X 1,2 SprentfulCooling

(!unfifcadon) 0SiLS-1064A4.2 x x 3 ILAow fcs ponhiorn (CBAST) CISIL5-16A-11 XI LOW Prrnaut Injection (CBASI) 0-MSL5-106A-21 x 2 Low Pwasure lnletiyn (CBAST) O4Stf.15-106A-3 2 X 3 Deminueymlized Water EContainment Paetratltori) 041446. X X I Duke Energy Ocne Nuclear SIBII*II Fifith In~terval Imrvico lrspoction Pressure Test Plnr Paep 2 of 9 Revision 0 Attaclrmwrt E

System (as lstd todrawing t~bsite blckoundary ISR 181 IS A n1g ocnaCo O~(~M~tPW~n 4SIL5-106E-.31 x 2 ucm Tank Cnanw eean 0-4SULS- 7A-1.1 x x I Q* V n (Conumvant Peietrnon)

O-SIO- 107,N-22 1 3 Coolant Swae(otzimnn tPatiu-ttion)

O.ISILS-107A.3, X x I Cokn Stoage ( Conanvn Palum)0SIL5-107A.3.

X X 3 LiudWage Dsa Cnmvt mvin ML-0BI I4 x x C4ui Wasdte o ts a(Contaimnent Pcezw)O-SLq$-Q7-x x 3 Adud Wf ovid Cotan m Pawcton) 2 x 2I1A4 Uqusak WmeDvitio (Cort initn _ _euin C-~L-1Drý3 Ch mica dition ~ iai O-4SI L5- tIOA-2 I I x XI CmclAddition 0iI-191--

OA-23A x X X O4ýonnc Nuiý--ar Sta~Wn rifth In~w~v Ins ivce JIup cton Pmssaur Test Plan Page 3 of 9 Revision 0 Aaachfwnt R

System((a lited in drawingtI*kbkwk Boundary Is[ IM1 151 AV 1Jah()Drwig as I Chm 2 Chas 3 Eep Reactrfuwi~in rg Contuairienat ncnwtrati G-13lL5-1 6A-t~ I xx I PRtm Budin Pug (ContiatumtIett Pnations1 O-x1L- 6 lx 2 Rauctor ulm ug (Contaimriat Peertin0-13115-11A-.

SI I 3 PntainRoom Ventilation 0-1.I" 1.I 16s-. X x I PcetxsMon Room Vellwa6B.21 X X 2 PntanRoom VenWialln 01SIL5-116EI-3,I x X 3 ReutorBuidin Hyrogn Prge0- ML-I16C-]IJ xI Ieww Etntin HdroenPn 04ISU- I16C-2 I If 2 RatrRidn drgnPre0-MSLS-116C.3,1 I 3 Auiiryuilding Ventilation (ent %tactsj 0-ISIL3-1 160-IA, x 1,23.Condensew (Pain Codnsr -JSIL5-121A-13 X I Cnesw(anCrite)0-t51LS-121A4.,3 x2 condcrimaw MWin cadn)0- tSILS-'-121 A33 x 3 C omkmstc(U pper SurgTnks)A&

IA 1B, Upper S ure'Fan Drne & 0JSILSý-12)A-17 x I Coksc Swrg Tak Couwsic(Upper urgqe nks IA & I B, Upper Sur~ge Tmnk Dorn& 0-IS1L5-121A 2.1 If 2 Cocest Suvg Tank COiden ste(Upper Surge Tanks I A& I1R, Upper Surge Tank Domtr& OSI--3152)A43,7 x3 CondcaimwtM e TnkýCoiadwsM u rnc Fawe- PrnpScto 0-15115-121AV x I Cmondateiuxwcr Feed'watrPm Suctioat 0-f1I5,12iA-2A-l x 2 Concknsllc 0-xx~w edae funScto)X 3 Feedwaier (Fna fealwta 0-1t511.52IB1, X I I Foe t(in dodwtr OAS045 1218i-23 X If 2 Fw1d1wticr(inst Feedwaten> (I-IS11.-1218-3.3 X x 3 Gcc~tr Sm -miu kw~nt& Recitc COIS1219-S x x I Duke rbqy Ocotw.e Nuclear Station Fifth Inter-Al Inservice Ins-pection Pressure Tcqt Plan Pape 4 of 9 Revisintft AUtlaffnet F

System (as fisted in dawing titl block) Bowunday 151 181 151 M Unit($)Drawin ClasI w 1 Clam? 3 Exmpt roum(wm0wt DmaaA& Rmecau 0-4S1L5-21R1-Z5 X X 2 Fednf Sta ecaW DAi &-L¶L$e2IB3i X X 3 Vacuum~ (Cntinuous 0451ng 12C2t X 2 2113-liFee X X -1,3L.EmrenyFe0~e -ISII5152 I D-2.1 X X2, EegnyFeedwate 04$ISI-5-21DOA X X 3 Emec edae Auiar Satyice Wai 04SIL51521L)-12 X X 1,2,3 Main Steam I Hindus) 0-ISIL5.t22,A X X 2 Main Stea(Trbie a pm 045UJ-122,A12i X 2 Nj~m Steam 1Jrbme Bpa O-ISIU.5122A-3.2 X 2 __Man te (urin Epas)04ISIL5-122A-32

-X -Sti wr -SL-2A13x I Mai Sta a.I,-2A-, ManSteram

-815M-. X --3 MeainSte=n (St &Wt O~aA 4SMLS.22A-1.4 X X -I Stain Steam, (team -Rppy tl-mist 04-S1L.5.122A~-24 X X 2 Main Swam (Steam Supy& Fxrtwst) O-SILS-127A-3A X XC 3 Main Swwa 0-0SIU.2294.Il XI Main Osa04,SILS-1221-2,1 X 2 NmaiSweam 04151 12213-1 X 3 Low Prrmw Sen- WaterPwp 0-1811,5-124A-1.1

__ X 1,2,3 LOI mr aa(tis 0-LSIO- 1244-3:1 X 3 Low Plsue aieWae Trbinu Buildin Stivices) 04SIS 124A-13 -It Duk liurn Oconee Nuclea Station Fifth Intenva Insemece InspctonPreswm eTest Plani Page$ 5 f 9 Revision 0 Attacmet nnE System (a' listd In drawing titt. block) Boundar~y 181 181 181 All Unit(s)r Drawin C'Ism I Chua2 Clamw 3 Eep Uo PrsueSrieWW0urm u~gSvic)C4SIL5..124A-23 x 1,2 Low P*rm= Service Water(Turine1 EAdn Sem 0-31510-24A33 X3 Low IrsueSaie

  • Waeta(MAuxilim Bulig 04SIS1$4 B-1.I X I Low Pmj~~cm5uiiýBidn)0-I11 24ft-3, K Lo msm ec aW(ecorBdig

~n)G1811,5-148-11 x 3 Low Presm ScwleeWater (RditonSontam&

lutoo Exhages_ 0-ttL 12413-1, X I Ifih PmwmSmie Wta TurineMidin_

043'11.5-124C-3-2 x NirgnPug n hme RamtBidrq jl5124C-1,2 x x Thscxd Waerz (041Collecti~on id) 0-.18 512641,9 x 1,, ShmSaWae yc CW PupCooling 04SILS-129A-32 X Essxmal Spho V~cuum (S 043 15-304A1Ix I Du~ke Energy Oconee Nu~clar Staion F~ift hIerval Inservicc Ingpectiptn Pressu Test Plan Pap 6of 9 RevisionzO Systm (as isedIn draigtteblock)

Bouhndary7 ISI 11 M1 All Unt(s)Daig Cla~ssu Clgiv 2 Can 3Exmp Vacuunit SipS Vxuum (ASV X 2 Eimwtl Si~mVacuum


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Duke Unwqw Oconee Nuclear Station Fiflithwntral Jnaonrl ceInspction

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