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| issue date = 09/12/1983
| issue date = 09/12/1983
| title = Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,deleting ETS Section Re 10CFR50,App B on Groundwater Monitoring
| title = Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,deleting ETS Section Re 10CFR50,App B on Groundwater Monitoring
| author name = EISENHUT D G
| author name = Eisenhut D
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = EISENHUT D G
| addressee name = Eisenhut D
| docket = 05000250, 05000251
| docket = 05000250, 05000251

Revision as of 11:10, 18 June 2019

Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-31 & DPR-41,deleting ETS Section Re 10CFR50,App B on Groundwater Monitoring
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1983
From: Eisenhut D
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17345B259 List:
NUDOCS 8309190211
Download: ML17345B258 (24)



NOTARIZED~YES FACIL:50~250 Turkey Poj'nt Pl'anti Unit 3i Florjda Power and Light C 50 251 Turkey Point Planti Unit 4i F'lorida Power and Light>>C AUTH BYNAME, AUTHOR AFFILIATION EISENHUTiD

~6~Florida Power 8 Light Co.'RECIP,NAME RECIPIENT.


Division of L,icensino DOCKET 0 05000250 05000251'


Aoolicatjon for amend to License DPR 31 8 DPR 4iideleting ETS Section 0.1.1.E ie 10CFRSO Aoo 0 groundwater monitoring.



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AJAR s<tI 5.9I.Vj~II)Vg i-~Il'.J V II V 1 i I O.BOX 14000, JUNO BEACH, FL 33408 I j FLORIDA POWER 8 LIGHT COMPANY September l2, 1983 L-83-482 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:

Mr.Darrell G.Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555

Dear Mr.Eisenhut:

RE: Turkey Point Units 3&4 Docket Nos.50-250 and 50-25 I Proposed License Amendment Deletion of A endix B Groundwater Monitorin Florida Power&Light Company requests the deletion of the subject Environmental Technical Specification (Section 4.I.I.2).Deletion of this ETS requirements was previously requested on February IO, l983.The request was withdrawn by FPL on April 25, l 983 pending finalization of a revised monitoring program under discussion at that time between Florida Power&Light Company and the South Florida Water Management District.Attachment A is a copy of the finalized agreement.

Attachment B is a summary document describing the history of groundwater monitoring and interceptor ditch operation at Turkey Point.This summary document also contains the basic findings of the monitoring program to dote and briefly discusses the revised monitoring program.The revised agreement between Florida Power&Light Company and The South Florida Water Management District binds the twq.~arties to very specific monitoring requirements and operating conditions.

With this agreement in place, retention of a monitoring program requirement in the Turkey Point, Appendix B, Environmental Technical Specifications is unnecessarily redundant and should be deleted.Attachment C is our no significant hazards consideration determination.

In accordance with IO CFR l70.22, it has been determined that this represents a Class I and Class III amendment and a check for payment will follow under separate cover.Very truly yours, Robert E.Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems&Technology)do REU/ADB/SA V/cab Attachments 8309i902ii 8309i2 PDR ADOCK 05000250 P PDR PEOPLE...SERVING PEOPLE iC STA'TE OF FLORIDA))ss.COUNTY OF PALM BEACH)Robert E.Uhri being first duly sworn, deposes.and says: That he is Vice.President of Florida Power&'Light Company, the Licensee herein;That he has executed the foregoing document;that the statements made in this document are true and correct to the best.of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Licensee.Robert E.Uhrig Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19~.~/+day of.;=-'.-"-",C"'-.~,.fNOTARY>~PUrBLIC, in and for the County Jo@f Palm-Beach, State of Flor ida.Notary Public, State of Flor1da at Large~.My Commission Expires October 30,.1983 My commission expires: 'founding Agan~

't 41 ir~'I I I~~I t I>>P'4 J jJ SoutFFlorida ,TACH$1ENT A Juecror Zo~~~N Water Management District Post Office Box V'3301, Gun Club'Road West Palm Beach.Florida 33402 Telephone (305).686-8800 Florida WATS L'ine 1-800-432.2045 IN REPLY REFER TO: 0-FPL-22 Turkey, Point 8046/306 3uly 19, 1983 Mr.Charles D.Henderson, Manager Environmental Technical Services FPL juno Beach 700, Universe Boulevard 3uno Beach,, Florida 33408 Re: FPL h: SFWMD Agreement Turkey Point

Dear Mr.H erson:

Enclosed is a.fully and originally executed copy of the agreement between FPL'nd the South Florida Water.Management District for.Ground'ater Monitoring and Interceptor Ditch Operation Procedures at the Turkey Point Plant.If you have any questions,.please do not hesitate to contact'this office.Sincer ly, r tephen A.Walker Deputy Distr'ict Counsel W:ep Enclosure Robert L.Crarrr.Jr.Robert W.Padricir Chairman-FOrt Lauderdale VCe Charrman-FOrt PierCe'p,sihrov I Rrirnhsm r manse I r'.nie~r~s Jen~Bellamv Oi 1 ,n C'I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this~day of A.D., 1983, by and between FLORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as"FPL" and SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT'ISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as"DISTRICT".

WITNESSETH WHEREAS, FPL and the CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN FLORIDA FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as the"CSFFCD", predecessor to the DISTRICT, entered into an agreement dated February 2, 1972, hereinafter referred to as the"Original Agreement", governing the rights and obligations of the parties concerning the construction, operation and monitoring of the cooling water system'for FPL's power generating plant at Turkey Point in Dade County, Florida;and WHEREAS, the Original Agreement has been supplemented and amended on three separate occasions; the First Supplemental' Agreement having been executed on October Zl, 1974;the Second Supplemental Agreemenk having been executed on August 14, 1975;and the Third Supplemental Agreement having been executed on September 10, 1976;and WHEREAS, the obligations undertaken by FPL and'he CSFFCD in the Original Agreement and the supplemental agreements have been satisfactorily performed to date;and construction of the cooling water system is complete;and WHEREAS, FPL still'as a continuing obligation to monitor for impacts of the cooling water system on the water resources of the DISTRICT in general and on the DISTRICT's facilities and operations in particular; and\WHEREAS, past monitoring activities indicate that any such impacts can be sufficiently determined through.a modified monitoring program;and 0 I ,I FPL Agreement Page 2 of 7 WHEREAS, the parties desire to modify the present monitoring program to reflect current needs and conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to set forth, in one agreement, all remaining obligations existing between them by virtue of the Original Agreement, the supplemental agreements and:the modified monitoring program.NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: A.,INTERCEPTOR DITCH SYSTEM 1.FPL and DISTRICT agree that the purpose of the system is to restrict movement of saline water from the cooling water system westward of Levee 31E adjacent to the cooling water system to those amounts which would occur without the existence of the cooling water system.'2.The operating criteria for the interceptor ditch system have been established by FPL to meet the objective set forth in Paragraph A.l.If at any time it is determined by DISTRICT that FPL operations.

are such.that the objective of Paragraph not being achieved, FPL agrees that it will immediately revise.the operating criteria for the interceptor ditch system upon the written instructions of DISTRICT's Executive Director or his authorized representative.

Upon approval by DISTRICT, the new operating criteria shall be immediately placed into effect.FPL shall designate an official or employee of FPL who will be responsible for the receipt.of said operating criteria and for carrying them out.3.If in the sole judgment of DISTRICT it is determined that operational changes, as specified under.Paragraph A.2., are not adequate to achieve the objective of Paragraph A.l., FPL will promptly take action to find and.implement other feasible engineering measures,to achieve the objective of Paragraph A.l., including reasonable 0 41 I' F P L Agree ment Page 3 of 7 alterations in the operation or design of the:interceptor ditch system.Should such alterations fail to achieve said objective, other feasible engineering measures regarding the cooling water system will be undertaken.

If alterations to the cooling water system become necessary, any such alterations will take into account the reasonable operational requirements of the existing power plant.4.Nothing contained in this Agreement shall estop the DISTRICT from availing itself of all other rights and remedies it may now or hereafter have to achieve the objective of Paragraph A.l.5.Pump operation logs of a form acceptable to the DISTRICT shall be maintained by FPL for each interceptor ditch pumping installation.

The current and preceding month's logs will be maintained at a designated on-site location for examination

'by DISTRICT personnel.

6.FPL shall bear all costs associated with the construction, operation, maintenance, replacement, alteration, modification, or relocation of any and all existing or future interceptor ditch facilities made necessary by the cooling water system.7.FPL shall save and hold the DISTRICT'harmless and will defend against any and all claims arising from construction, operation, maintenance,.replacement, alteration, modification or relocation of any existing or future interceptor ditch facilities made necessary by the cooling water system.B.WATER TRANSFER FACILITIES 1.FPL shall accept on its lands east of Levee 31E, and be responsible for the use or disposal of all excess surface waters from the drainage basins of Canals 106 and 107, as shown on the attached Exhibit"A", made a part hereof, which can be delivered by Structures 20-A and 20 regardless of time and duration of discharge and quality.The 0 I ,1 F P L Agree m ent Page 4 of 7 parties agree that the capacity of the existing water transfer facilities replaces as nearly as practical that capacity which existed prior to the construction of FPL's cooling system.FPL shall, at Its expense, operate and maintain the drainage system from Structure 20 seaward to the intersection with the Seadade Canal.2.Operation of water transfer facilities shall be in accordance with instructions given FPL by DISTRICT's Director of Field Services or his designated representative.

FPL shall designate an official or employee of FPL who will be responsible for the receipt of said operating instructions and for carrying them out.3.FPL agrees to hold and save the DISTRICT harmless and to defend against any claim arising from the construction, operation, maintenance, replacement, modification, alteration or relocation of the water transfer facilities for Canal 106 and'Canal 107.C.'ONITORING P ROVISIONS 1.FPL shall monitor the cooling water system and the interceptor ditch facilities,to ensure that the objective specified in Paragraph met.2.The monitoring program outlined in the manual designated"FLORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY'URKEY POINT~FLORIDA'ROUNDWATER MONITORING AND INTERCEPTOR DITCH OPERATION PROCEDURES", revised July, 1983, hereinafter referred to as the"REVISED OPERATING MANUAL", which is incorporated herein by reference, shall be sufficient to meet the monitoring requirements imposed in Paragraph C:1.3.Further revision or modification of the REVISED OPERATING MANUAL, shall be made in accordance with this Agreement and shall be set out in a supplement executed by both parties hereto, which supplement shall be attached to the Ik FPL Agreement Page 5 of 7 REVISED OPERATING MANUAL as a part of that document.Provided, however, that non-substantive changes may be accomplished by letter, which, when signed by the party requesting the change and accepted by the other party, shall be incorporated into the REVISED" OPERATING MANUAL.4.FPL shall designate an official, employee or agent of FPL who will have the responsibility for maintaining the monitoring installations in satisfactory operating condition and for collecting the required data and maintaining the record thereof.5.FPL shall collect the data as provided in the REVISED OPERATING MANUAL;shall retain the same for a minimum of twenty-four (24)months;and shall review and analyze the data so collected consistent with the objectives of this Agreement.

In August of each year, FPL shall submit to the DISTRICT a summary report evaluating the preceding year's events in terms of historic trends.The summary report shall consist of the information called for in the REVISED OPERATING MANUAL.The summary report shall not contain raw data unless specifically requested by the DISTRICT.6.FPL shall bear all costs of installation, instrumentation, operation, maintenance, replacement, modification, alteration, or relocation of the monitoring system or any element thereof.7.FPL shall hold and save DISTRICT harmless and will defend against any and all claims arising from installation, instrumentation, operation, maintenance, replacement, modification, alteration, or relocation of the monitoring system or any element thereof.D.GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.This Agreement supercedes the Original Agreement between the II FPL Agreement Page 6 of 7 parties dated February 2, 1972, and the Supplemental Agreements, dated October 21, 1974, August 1'4, 1975, and September 10, 1976.2.This Agreement.

shall be binding on the parties and their assigns and successors.

3.Should any unusual.event occur or should any substantive physical, mechanical, structural or operational changes be contemplated'to be made to the cooling water system, then FPL shall immediately notify the DISTRICT and, if the DISTRICT shall so request, a meeting of the representatives of both'FPL and the DISTRICT, comprising the group known as the Technical Advisory Group, shall be convened at the earliest mutually convenient time to review and analyze such unusual occurrence or such contemplated substantive physical, mechanical, structural or operational changes and to determine by mutual agreement what action shall be taken in relation thereto.'"4.Should any unusual event occur or should any substantive physical, mechanical, structural or operational changes be contemplated to be made.with regard to DISTRICT'S operations in the vicinity of the cooling water system, then.DISTRICT shall immediately notify FPL and, if FPL shall'so request, a meeting of the representatives of both FPL and the DISTRICT, comprising the group known as the Technical Advisory Group, shall be the earliest mutually convenient time to review and analyze such unusual occurrence or such contemplated substantive physical, mechanical, structural or operational changes and for FPL to make recommendations regarding the action to be taken in relation thereto.5.In the event FPL discontinues the use of the feeder, collector and cooling canals as a part of its cooling system, then FPL's obligations as to interceptor ditch pumping and as to monitoring shall cease and terminate.

In'the event FPL e 0~'

FPL Agreement Page 7 of 7 discontinues the use of a portion of the feeder, collector or cooling canals as a part of its cooling system, then, to the extent, in the judgment of DISTRICT, that interceptor ditch pumping and monitoring are no longer necessary, such obligations shall cease and terminate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals, in duplicate originals, the day and year first above written.FLORIDA POWER R L'IGHT COMPANY (Corporate Seal)By Executed in the presence of: Vice President Advanced Systems and Technology ATTEST: As to FPL By Title: No ry Public for.he State of Florida at Large (Corporate Seal)Executed in the prese of: SOUT DISTR By DA WATER MANAGEMENT

, B ITS GOVERNING BOARD WlG Chairman ATTEST: As to DISTRICT By taQt Secretary lk I I~

PAID DRZVE DRAINAGE DIVIDE G-6~~0 TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA=27.9 mi g~5'-35 0'0 0 G-21.~G-28 C-107"///I S20A I Z 3/l///r/l (/COOLING/cmuL (/svsrm G-27~~S//(/6//.'S 20 I PCWER PL&i T I I l I B ZSCAYh'BAY I I I I I l I l I I I S~DADE CANAL ,FEET 1000 0 1000 2000 EXHIBIT A.DRAINAGE BASINS OF CANALS 106 and 107 4l 4~~"