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{{#Wiki_filter:Development of EAL Threshold values from NEE-323-CALC-005 Calculated values are provided in Calc-005 as shown below. Tab.'e 3-Recommended RA1, RS1, and RG1 EAl Thresholds {Modes 1, 2, 3)1 R-elease Point RAI RSI RGt J.lei/oc pci/cc l,[ci/CC rurbine Btilding 1.SIIE-02 .I.SSE-Ol. l_S8E+oo Reactill' ding 1.IlE*D.2 l.22E-Ol 1-22.E+OD Off gas 5t:a.d 4.391:fOI 4.39E+o2 4.3.9E+o3 URPSF 151.E'-012 l.51E-Ol. 151.E+oo* Tabfe 4-Recommended RA 1, RS1, and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4, 5)' Relene Foint RAI RSI RGt 111Ci/cc uti/cc u:ci/cc rur.bine B ilding. 1.30!:-012 l.:IDE-0.1 1:.:!0E+oo Reactor Building 1.0lf*D2 l:D'lE-01. 1_,QIE+oo Offgas~tad 452£.01 4.52E+02 4.52E+o3 URPSF 1.25£-0.2 1.25E-Ol 1.25f+oo*
{{#Wiki_filter:Development of EAL Threshold values from NEE-323-CALC-005 Calculated values are provided in Calc-005 as shown below. Tab.'e 3-Recommended RA1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAl Thresholds  
* Per Des~gn Input 5.8, the results in EAL threshold values exceed the range of the monitor. The following table of threshold values was developed for use in the DAEC EAL scheme by averaging the separate Mode 1-3 and Mode 4-5 thresholds from Calc-005, and then rounding the average values for ease of EAL evaluator use, as well as to provide a step-wise progression through the emergency classification. Resulting values are shown in the Alert, SAE, and GE columns below: --.--.-Monitor GE SAE Alert NOUE Reactor Bu ii din& ventilation rad monitor (Kaman 3/4, 5/6, 7 /8) 1.0E+oo uci/cc 1.0E-01 uci/cc 1.0E-02 uci/cc 1.0E-03 uci/cc VI Turbine Buildin,: ventilation rad monitor (Kaman 1/2) 1.0E+oo uci/cc 1.0E-01 uci/cc 1.0E-02 uci/cc 1.0E-03 uci/cc :, VI "' CJ Off&as Stack rad monitor (Kaman 9/10) 4.SE.f-03 uci/cc 4.SE.f-02 uci/cc 4.SE.f-01 uci/cc 2.0E-01 uci/cc LLRPSF rad monitor (Kaman 12) --* l.OE-01 uci/cc l.OE-02 uci/cc l.OE-03 ucl/cc CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON CALCULATION COVER SHEET REV. 00 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. PAGE NO. 1 of 34 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI Client: Duane Arnold Energy Center Title: 99-01 Rev. 06 Project Identifier: NEE-323 Item Cover Sheet Items Yes No 1 Does this calculation contain any open assumptions, including preliminary D [8J information, that require confirmation? (If YES, identify the assumptions.) 2 Does this calculation serve as an "Alternate Calculation"? (If YES, identify the design D [8J verified calculation.) Design Verified Calculation No. --3 Does this calculation supersede an existing Calculation? (If YES, identify the design D [8J verified calculation.) Superseded Calculation No. --Scope of Revision: Initial Issue Revision Impact on Results: Initial Issue Study Calculation D Final Calculation [8J Safety-Related D Non-Safety-Related [8J (Print Name and Sign) Originator: Ryan Skaggs Date: 12/14/17 Design Verifier1 (Reviewer if NSR): Jay Bhatt Date: 12/14/17 Approver: Zachary Rose Date: 12/14/17 Note 1: For non-safety-related calculation, design verification can be substituted by review.
{Modes 1 , 2, 3)1 R-elease Point RAI RSI RGt J.lei/oc pci/cc l,[ci/CC ru r b i ne Btil ding 1.SIIE-02 .I.SSE-Ol. l_S8E+oo R eactill' ding 1.IlE*D.2 l.22E-O l 1-22.E+OD Off gas 5t:a.d 4.391:fOI 4.39E+o2 4.3.9E+o3 URPS F 151.E'-0 1 2 l.51E-Ol. 151.E+oo*
JI ENERCON CALCULATION CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every project. Every doy. REVISION STA Tl.JS SHEET REV. 00 CALCULATION REVISION STATUS REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION 00 12/14/17 Initial Issue PAGE REVISION STATUS PAGE NO. REVISION PAGE NO. REVISION All 00 APPENDIX/ATTACHMENT REVISION STATUS APPENDIX NO. NO.OF REVISION ATTACHMENT NO.OF REVISION PAGES NO. NO. PAGES NO. A 8 00 1 4 00 Page 2 of 34 I ENERCON TABLE OF CONTENTS Exceffence-Eve,y projecr. Every day. Section 1.0 Purpose and Scope 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions References Assumptions Design Inputs Methodology Calculation Computer Software Impact Assessment List of Appendices Appendix A -Dose Spreadsheet Output List of Attachments Attachment 1 -Calculation Preparation Checklist Page 3 of 34 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 REV. 00 Page No. 4 4 6 7 8 13 19 33 34 # of Pages 8 # of Pages 4 ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. 1.0 Purpose and Scope Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 The DAEC site is implementing new requirements of Revision 6 to the Document NEI 99-01, "Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors." One of the changes included in Revision 6 to NEI 99-01 is a new basis for the Emergency Action Level (EAL) RA 1. The requirements for RS1 and RG1 did not change from NEI 99-01 Rev. 05 with the implementation of NEI 99-01, Rev. 06. The following table is extracted from Section 6 of Revision 6 to NEI 99-01: ALERT SITE AREA EMER-GENERAL EMER-GENCY GENCY AA1 Release of gaseous AS1 Release of gaseous AG1 Release of gase-or liquid radioactivity re-radioactivity resulting in ous radioactivity result-suiting in offsite dose offsite dose greater than ing in offsite dose greater than 10 mrem 100 mrem TEOE or 500 greater than 1,000 mrem TEOE or 50 mrem thy-mrem thyroid COE. TEOE or 5,000 mrem roid COE. Op. Modes: All thyroid COE. Op. Modes: All Op. Modes: All AA1, AS1, AG1 compares to DAEC terminology RA1, RS1, RG1, respectively. This calculation determines the effluent radiation monitor readings that correspond to the RA 1, RS1, and RG1 thresholds. 2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions The results below show the RA 1 EAL release concentration thresholds and associated dose rates for each release point for a decay time of five hours and 36 hours. The highlighted dose indicates which threshold was met at the release concentration. Table 1 -RA 1 EAL Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay= 5 hours (Mode 1, 2, 3)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE µCi/cc mrem mrem Turbine Building 1.58E-02 2.38 0.39 Reactor Building 1.22E-02 2.37** 0.39 Offgas Stack 4.39E+Ol 1.96 8.os* Low-Level Radwaste Processing and 1.SlE-02 2.37 0.39 Storage Facility (LLRPSF)
Tabfe 4-Recommended RA 1 , RS1, and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4 , 5)' Relene Foint RAI RSI RGt 1 11Ci/cc uti/cc u: ci/cc ru r.b i ne B il ding. 1.30!:-0 1 2 l.:IDE-0.1 1:.:!0 E+oo Reactor Buil ding 1.0lf*D2 l: D'lE-01. 1_, QIE+oo Offgas~t a d 452£.01 4.52E+02 4.52E+o3 URPS F 1.25£-0.2 1.2 5E-Ol 1.25f+oo*
* Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.3 ** Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.4 TEDE CDE Thyroid mrem mrem 2.77 50.0 2.76 49.8** 10.00 41.1 2.76 49.7 Table 2 -RA 1 EAL Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay = 36 hours (Mode 4, 5)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE TEDE COE Thyroid µCi/cc mrem mrem mrem mrem Turbine Building 1.30E-02 2.59 0.07 2.67 49.7 Reactor Building 1.0lE-02 2.60 O.Q7 2.68 49.9 Offgas Stack 4.52E+Ol 2.61 1.41 4.02 50.0 LLRPSF 1.25E-02 2.60 0.07 2.67 49.8 Page 4 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Resultant EAL thresholds: Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 The tables below show the release concentration threshold for RA 1, RS 1, and RG 1 based on the results above for both a decay time of five hours and a decay time of 36 hours. From Section 1.0: RS1 thresholds are 10 times larger than those for RA1 RG1 thresholds are 100 times larger than those for RA 1 Table 3-Recommended RA 1, RS1, and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 1, 2, 3) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbine Building 1.58E-02 1.58E-Ol 1.58E+OO Reactor Building l.22E-02 1.22E-01 1.22E+OO Offgas Stack 4.39E+Ol 4.39E+02 4.39E+03 LLRPSF 1.SlE-02 1.SlE-01 1.SlE+OO* Table 4 -Recommended RA 1, RS1, and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4, 5) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbine Building 1.30E-02 l.30E-01 1.30E+OO Reactor Building 1.0lE-02 1.0lE-01 1.0lE+OO Offgas Stack 4.52E+Ol 4.52E+02 4.52E+03 LLRPSF 1.25E-02 1.25E-01 1.25E+OO*
* P e r Des~gn Input 5.8 , t he r esu l ts i n EAL threshold va l ues exceed t h e range of the monitor. The follow i ng table of threshold values was developed for use in the DAEC EAL s cheme by averaging the separate Mode 1-3 and Mode 4-5 thresholds from Calc-005 , and then ro u nding the average values for ease of EAL evaluator use , as well as to provide a s te p-wise prog r ession through the emergency classification. Resulting values are shown in the Alert, SAE , and GE columns below: --.--.-Monitor GE SAE Alert N OUE Re acto r Bu ii d i n& vent i la ti on r ad mo n i t o r (K aman 3/4 , 5/6 , 7 /8) 1.0E+oo uc i/c c 1.0E-01 uc i/c c 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 uc i/cc VI T u r b i n e Bu i l d i n,: ve n ti l a t i on ra d m o n i t o r (Kaman 1/2) 1.0E+oo uc i/cc 1.0E-01 uc i/cc 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 u c i/c c :, VI "' CJ Off&as Stack r a d mon i t o r (Kaman 9/1 0) 4.SE.f-03 uc i/cc 4.SE.f-02 uc i/c c 4.SE.f-0 1 uc i/cc 2.0E-0 1 uc i/cc LL RPSF r ad mon i t o r (Kaman 12) --* l.O E-0 1 uc i/c c l.OE-02 uc i/cc l.OE-03 uc l/cc CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON CALCUL A T I ON COVER SHEET REV. 00 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. PAGE NO. 1 of 34 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI Client: Duane Arno l d Energy Center Title: 99-01 Rev. 06 Project Identifier:
* Per Design Input 5.8 the results in EAL threshold values exceed the range of the monitor. Page 5 of 34 NEE-323-CALC-005 . ENERCON CALC Revised Gaseous Radiological NO . f--------------~ Excellence-Every project. Every day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 3.0 References 3.1 NEI 99-01, Revision 6, "Development of Emergency Action Levels for NonPassive Reactors", Nuclear Energy Institute, November 2012. 3.2 NUREG-1940, RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, 2012. 3.3 NUREG-1940 Supplement 1, RASCAL 4.3: Description of Models and Methods, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, 2015. 3.4 NUREG-1228, Source Term Estimation During Incident Response to Severe Nuclear Power Plant Accidents, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Operational Assessment, 1988. 3.5 NUREG-1465, Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, 1995. 3.6 DAEC UFSAR, Chapter 15-0. 3.7 DAEC UFSAR, Chapter 15-2. 3.8 DAEC Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (ODAM). 3.9 Plant Chemistry Procedure PCP 8.3, Alarm Setpoints and Background Determination for KAMAN Normal Range Monitors. 3.10 DAEC Nuclear Station HRN-HRH Radiation Monitor Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual, ©2000, by Engineering Solutions, 310 Luchana Drive, Litchfield Park, Arizona. 3.11 DAEC Emergency Plan, Section 'I', Rev. 27. 3.12 Federal Guidance Report No. 11, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, 1999. 3.13 Federal Guidance Report No. 12, External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil, 1993. 3.14 Table of Nuclides,, retrieved 10/10117. Page 6 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 4.0 Assumptions Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 The following are assumptions about the receptor: CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00
NEE-323 Item Cover Sheet Items Yes No 1 Does this calculat ion contain any open assumptions , including preliminary D [8J informat i on , that require confirmation? (If YES , identify the assumptions
.) 2 Does this calculation serve as an " Alterna t e Calculation"? (If YES , identify the design D [8J v er i fied ca l cu l ation.) Design Verified Calculat i on No. --3 Does this calculation supersede an existing Calculation? (If YES , identify the design D [8J verified calculation.)
Superseded Calculation No. --Scope o f Revision:
Initial Issue Revision Impact on Results: Initial Issue Study Calculation D Fina l Ca l culation [8J Safety-Re l ated D Non-Safe ty-R e l ate d [8J (Print N ame and S i gn) Originat or: Ryan Skaggs Date: 12/1 4/17 Design Verifier 1 (Reviewer if NSR): Jay Bhatt Date: 12/14/17 A ppro v er: Zachary Rose Date: 12/14/17 Note 1: For non-safety
-re l ated calculation , design verification can be substituted by review.
J I ENERCON CALCULATION CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-00 5 Excellence-Every project. Every doy. REVISION STA Tl.JS SHEET REV. 00 CALCULATION REVISION STATUS REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION 00 12/14/1 7 Initial I ssue P A G E REVISION STATUS PAGE NO. REVI S IO N PAGE N O. REVISION All 00 APPENDIX/ATTACHMENT REVISION STATUS AP PE NDIX NO. NO.O F R E VISION ATTACHMENT NO.OF REVISION PAGES N O. NO. PAGES NO. A 8 00 1 4 00 Page 2 of 34 I ENERCON TABLE OF CONTENTS Exceffence-Eve,y projecr. Every day. Section 1.0 Purpose and Scope 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions References Assumptions Design Inputs Methodology Calculation Computer Software Impact Assessment List of Appendices Appendix A -Dose Spreadsheet Output List of Attachments Attachment 1 -Calculation Preparation Checklist Page 3 of 34 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 REV. 00 Page No. 4 4 6 7 8 13 19 33 34 # of Pages 8 # of Pages 4 ENERCON Excellence
-Every pro j ecr. Every d ay. 1.0 Purpose and Scope Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 The DAEC site is implementing new requirements of Revision 6 to the Document NEI 99-01, "Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors." One of the changes included in Revision 6 to NEI 99-01 is a new basis for the Emergency Action Level (EAL) RA 1. The requirements for RS1 and RG1 did not change from NEI 99-01 Rev. 05 with the implementation of NEI 99-01 , Rev. 06. The following table is extracted from Section 6 of Revision 6 to NEI 99-01: ALERT SITE AREA EMER-GENERAL EMER-GENCY GENCY AA1 Release of g a s e ous AS1 Release of gaseous AG1 Release of gase-or liquid radioactivity re-radioactivity resulting in ous radioactivity result-suiting in offsite do se offsite dose greater than ing in offsite dose greater th a n 10 m re m 100 mr e m TEOE or 500 greate r than 1 , 000 mrem TEOE or 50 mr em thy-mrem thyroid COE. TEOE or 5 , 000 mrem roid COE. Op. M o d e s: All thyroid COE. Op. Modes: All Op. Mod e s: All AA1 , AS1 , AG1 compares to DAEC terminology RA1 , RS1, RG1 , respectively.
This calculation determines the effluent radiation monitor readings that correspond to the RA 1 , RS1, and RG1 thresholds.  
===2.0 Summary===
of Results and Conclusions The results below show the RA 1 EAL release concentration thresholds and associated dose rates for each release point for a decay time of five hours and 36 hours. The highlighted dose indicates which threshold was met at the release concentration. Table 1 -RA 1 EA L Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay= 5 hours (Mode 1 , 2 , 3)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE µCi/cc mrem mrem Turbine Building 1.58E-02 2.38 0.39 Reactor Build i ng 1.22 E-02 2.37** 0.3 9 Offgas St ac k 4.3 9 E+Ol 1.96 8.os* Low-Level Radwast e Proce s sing a nd 1.S l E-0 2 2.3 7 0.39 Stora g e Fa c ili t y (LLRPSF)
* Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.3 ** Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.4 TEDE CDE Thyroid mrem mrem 2.77 50.0 2.7 6 49.8** 10.00 41.1 2.76 49.7 Table 2 -RA 1 EAL Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay = 36 hours (Mode 4 , 5)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE TEDE COE Thyroid µCi/cc mrem mrem mrem mrem Turbine Bui l ding 1.30E-0 2 2.59 0.07 2.67 49.7 Reactor Build i ng 1.0lE-02 2.60 O.Q7 2.68 49.9 Offgas Stac k 4.5 2 E+Ol 2.61 1.41 4.02 50.0 LLRPSF 1.2 5E-0 2 2.60 0.07 2.67 49.8 Page 4 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Resultant EAL thresholds:
Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 The tables below show the release concentration threshold for RA 1, RS 1, and RG 1 based on the results above for both a decay time of five hours and a decay time of 36 hours. From Section 1.0: RS1 thresholds are 10 times larger than those for RA1 RG1 thresholds are 100 times larger than those for RA 1 Table 3-Recommended RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 1 , 2 , 3) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbi ne Building 1.58E-02 1.58E-Ol 1.58E+OO Rea ctor Building l.22E-02 1.22E-01 1.22E+OO Off gas Stack 4.3 9E+Ol 4.39E+02 4.39E+03 LLRPSF 1.SlE-02 1.SlE-01 1.SlE+OO*
Table 4 -Recommended RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4 , 5) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbine Building 1.30E-02 l.30E-01 1.30E+OO Reacto r Building 1.0lE-02 1.0lE-01 1.0lE+OO Offgas Stack 4.52E+Ol 4.52E+02 4.52E+03 LLRPSF 1.25E-02 1.25E-01 1.25E+OO*
* Per Design Input 5.8 the results in EAL threshold values exceed the range of the monitor. Page 5 of 34 NEE-323-CALC-005 . ENERCON CALC Revised Gaseous Radiological NO . f--------------~
Excellence-Every project. Every day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 3.0 References 3.1 NEI 99-01, Revision 6 , " Development of Emergency Action Levels for NonPassive Reactors" , Nuclear Energy Institute , November 2012. 3.2 NUREG-1940 , RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, 2012. 3.3 NUREG-1940 Supplement 1 , RASCAL 4.3: Description of Models and Methods, Uni t ed States Nuclear R e gulatory Commission , Office o f Nuclear Security and Incident Response , 2015. 3.4 NUREG-1228 , Source Term Estim a tion During Incident Response to Severe Nucl ea r Pow e r Plant Ac c idents , Uni te d States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Division of Operational Assessment , 1988. 3.5 NUREG-1465 , Accident Source Te r ms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants , United St a tes Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research , 1995. 3.6 DAEC UFSAR , Chapter 15-0. 3.7 DAEC UFSAR , Chapter 15-2. 3.8 DAEC Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (ODAM). 3.9 Plant Chemistry Procedure PCP 8.3, Alarm Setpoints and Background Determination for KAMAN Normal Range Monitors. 3.10 DAEC Nuclear Station HRN-HRH Radiation Monitor Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual, ©2000, by Engineering Solutions, 310 Luchana Drive, Litchfield Park, Arizona. 3.11 DAEC Emergency Plan , Section 'I', Rev. 27. 3.12 Federal Guidance Report No. 11, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion Office of Radiation and Indoor Air , 1999. 3.13 Federal Guidance Report No. 12, External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air , Water, and Soil, 1993. 3.14 Table of Nuclides , http://atom 8080/tonlindex
.html , retrieved 10/10117.
Page 6 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Ev e ry p roject. Every d ay. 4.0 Assumptions Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 The following are assumptions about the receptor:
CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00
* No credit is taken for radiation shielding provided by structures.
* No credit is taken for radiation shielding provided by structures.
* No decay in-transit is assumed during the time elapsed between the release point and the receptor. Both of the above assumptions are acceptable because they will result in a higher dose to the receptor and conservatively lower thresholds. Page 7 of 34   
* No decay in-transit is assumed during the time elapsed between the release point and the receptor. Both of the above assumptions are acceptable because they will result in a higher dose to the receptor and conservatively lower thresholds.
.. ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 5.0 Design Inputs 5.1 Core Inventory The assumed isotopic mixture in Table 5 is taken from Table 1-1 of NUREG-1940. The core inventory (curies per megawatts thermal) in the table is based on calculations made by the NRC staff in December 2003 using the SAS2H control module of SCALE (Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation), Version 4.4a. Table 5 -Isotopic Mixture NUCLIDE CORE INVENTORY NUCLIDE CORE INVENTORY NUCLIDE CORE INVENTORY (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) Ba-139 4.74E+04 La-141 4.33E+04 Te-127 2.36E+03 Ba-140 4.76E+04 La-142 4.21E+04 Te-127m 3.97E+02 Ce-141 4.39E+04 Mo-99 5.30E+04 Te-129 8.26E+03 Ce-143 4.00E+04 Nb-95 4.50E+04 Te-129m 1.68E+03 Ce-144* 3.54E+04 Nd-147 1.75E+04 Te-131m 5.41E+03 Cm-242 1.12E+03 Np-239 5.69E+05 Te-132 3.81E+04 Cs-134 4.70E+03 Pr-143 3.96E+04 Xe-131m 3.65E+02 Cs-136 1.49E+03 Pu-241 4.26E+03 Xe-133 5.43E+04 Cs-137 3.25E+03 Rb-86 5.29E+01 Xe-133m 1.72E+03 1-131 2.67E+04 Rh-105 2.81E+04 Xe-135 1.42E+04 1-132 3.88E+04 Ru-103 4.34E+04 Xe-135m 1.15E+04 1-133 5.42E+04 Ru-105 3.06E+04 Xe-138 4.56E+04 1-134 5.98E+04 Ru-106* 1.55E+04 Y-90 2.45E+03 1-135 5.18E+04 Sb-127 2.39E+03 Y-91 3.17E+04 Kr-83m 3.05E+03 Sb-129 8.68E+03 Y-92 3.26E+04 Kr-85 2.78E+02 Sr-89 2.41E+04 Y-93 2.52E+04 Kr-85m 6.17E+03 Sr-90 2.39E+03 Zr-95 4.44E+04 Kr-87 1.23E+04 Sr-91 3.01E+04 Zr-97* 4.23E+04 Kr-88 1.70E+04 Sr-92 3.24E+04 La-140 4.91E+04 Tc-99m 4.37E+04 Page 8 of 34   
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't ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 5.2 Release Fraction Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 6 displays release fractions as a function of time taken from Table 1-4 which references Table 3-12 of NUREG-1465. Table 6 -Release Fraction NUCLIDE GROUP BWR CORE INVENTORY RELEASE FRACTION Cladding Failure Core Melt Phase Postvessel (Gap Release {In-Vessel Phase) Melt-Through Phase Phase) (1.5-hour duration) (Ex-Vessel Phase) (0.5-hour duration) (3.0-hour duration) Noble gases (Kr, Xe) 0.05 0.95 0 Halogens (I, Br) 0.05 0.25 0.30 Alkali metals (Cs, Rb) 0.05 0.20 0.35 Tellurium group (Te, Sb, Se) 0 0.05 0.25 Barium, strontium (Ba, Sr) 0 0.02 0.1 Noble metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Mo, 0 0.0025 0.0025 Tc, Co) Cerium group (Ce, Pu, Np) 0 0.0005 0.005 Lanthanides (La, Zr, Nd, Eu. Nb, 0 0.0002 0.005 Pm, Pr, Sm, Y, Cm, Am) *
.. ENERCON Excellence-Every p roject. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 5.0 Design Inputs 5.1 Core Inventory The assumed isotopic mixture in Table 5 is taken from Table 1-1 of NUREG-1940. The core inventory (curies per megawatts thermal) in the table is based on calcula t ions made by the NRC staff in December 2003 using the SAS2H control modul e of SCAL E (Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation), Version 4.4a. T a ble 5 -Iso t opic Mi x ture NUCLI D E CORE IN VE NT O RY N UCL I DE CORE IN V ENTORY NUC L I D E C O R E I NVENT O RY (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) Ba-139 4.74E+04 La-141 4.33E+04 Te-127 2.36E+03 Ba-140 4.76E+04 La-142 4.21E+04 Te-127m 3.97E+02 Ce-141 4.39E+04 Mo-99 5.30E+04 Te-129 8.26E+03 Ce-143 4.00E+04 Nb-95 4.50E+04 Te-129m 1.68E+03 Ce-144* 3.54E+04 Nd-147 1.75E+04 Te-131m 5.41E+03 Cm-242 1.12E+03 Np-239 5.69E+05 Te-132 3.81E+04 Cs-134 4.70E+03 Pr-143 3.96E+04 Xe-131m 3.65E+02 Cs-136 1.49E+03 Pu-241 4.26E+03 Xe-133 5.43E+04 Cs-137 3.25E+03 Rb-86 5.29E+01 Xe-133m 1.72E+03 1-131 2.67E+04 Rh-105 2.81E+04 Xe-135 1.42E+04 1-132 3.88E+04 Ru-103 4.34E+04 Xe-135m 1.15E+04 1-133 5.42E+04 Ru-105 3.06E+04 Xe-138 4.56E+04 1-134 5.98E+04 Ru-106* 1.55E+04 Y-90 2.45E+03 1-135 5.18E+04 Sb-127 2.39E+03 Y-91 3.17E+04 Kr-83m 3.05E+03 Sb-129 8.68E+03 Y-92 3.26E+04 Kr-85 2.78E+02 Sr-89 2.41E+04 Y-93 2.52E+04 Kr-85m 6.17E+03 Sr-90 2.39E+03 Zr-95 4.44E+04 Kr-87 1.23E+04 Sr-91 3.01E+04 Zr-97* 4.23E+04 Kr-88 1.70E+04 S r-92 3.24E+04 La-140 4.91E+04 Tc-99m 4.37E+04 Page 8 of 34   
't ENERCON Excellence-Ev e ry pr oject. Every day. 5.2 Release Fraction Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 6 displays release fractions as a function of time taken from Table 1-4 which references Table 3-12 of NUREG-1465. Table 6 -Release Fraction NUCLIDE GROUP BWR CORE INVENTORY RELEASE FRACTION Cladd i ng Fa il ure Core Melt Phase Postvesse l (Gap Re l ease {In-Vesse l Phase) Melt-Through Phase Phase) (1.5-hour durat i on) (Ex-Vessel Phase) (0.5-hou r duration)  
(3.0-hour duration)
Table 3-12 from lJREG-1465. 5.3 Gaseous Dispersion Factors The dispersion factors are taken from the ODAM Section 3. Table 7 -Dispersion Factors Dose due to Organ Dose Due to Plume/Submersion ODAM Sections and Particulates and Iodine 3.9 ODAM Section 3.8 Offgas Stack 2.8E-7 sec/m3 3.1 E-7 sec/m3 Building Vents 4.3E-6 sec/m3 3.9E-6 sec/m3 5.4 Isotopic half-lives Isotopic half-lives are taken from NUREG-1940, Supplement 1. For those isotopes missing from that list, denoted by*, half-lives were obtained from the following website which is maintained by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute: kr: 8080/tonlindex. html Page 9 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EA Ls per NE I 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. Table 8 contains the half-lives and calculated;\ (lambda) values. Isotope Ba-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Kr-83m* Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-241 Rb-86 Rh-105 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129* Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Table 8 -Half-lives and Decay Constants T 1/2 0.0574 12.7 32.5 1.38 284 163 753 13.1 11000 8.04 0.0958 0.867 0.0365 0.275 1.83 3910 0.187 0.053 0.118 1.68 0.164 0.0642 2.75 35.2 11 2.36 13.6 5260 18.7 1.47 39.3 0.185 368 3.85 4.4 50.5 10600 0.396 0.113 0.251 0.39 109 0.0483 33.6 T 1/2 units days days days days days days days days days days days days days days hours days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days hours days days days days days days days days days T 1/2 Hours 1.38E+OO 3.05E+02 7.80E+02 3.31E+Ol 6.82E+03 3.91E+03 l.81E+04 3.14E+02 2.64E+05 1.93E+02 2.30E+OO 2.08E+Ol 8.76E-01 6.60E+OO 1.83E+OO 9.38E+04 4.49E+OO 1.27E+OO 2.83E+OO 4.03E+Ol 3.94E+OO 1.54E+OO 6.60E+Ol 8.45E+02 2.64E+02 5.66E+Ol 3.26E+02 1.26E+05 4.49E+02 3.53E+Ol 9.43E+02 4.44E+OO 8.83E+03 9.24E+Ol 4.40E+OO 1.21E+03 2.54E+05 9.SOE+OO 2.71E+OO 6.02E+OO 9.36E+OO 2.62E+03 1.16E+OO 8.06E+02 Page 10 of 34 Decay Lambda hrs*1 5.03E-01 2.27E-03 8.89E-04 2.09E-02 1.02E-04 1.77E-04 3.84E-05 2.20E-03 2.63E-06 3.59E-03 3.0lE-01 3.33E-02 7.91E-01 1.05E-01 3.79E-01 7.39E-06 1.54E-01 5.45E-01 2.45E-01 1.72E-02 1.76E-01 4.50E-01 1.05E-02 8.20E-04 2.63E-03 1.22E-02 2.12E-03 5.49E-06 1.54E-03 1.96E-02 7.35E-04 1.56E-01 7.85E-05 7.SOE-03 1.58E-01 5.72E-04 2.72E-06 7.29E-02 2.56E-01 1.15E-01 7.41E-02 2.65E-04 5.98E-01 8.60E-04 N EE-323-CALC-005 00   
Nob l e gases (Kr , Xe) 0.05 0.95 0 Halogens (I , Br) 0.05 0.25 0.30 Alka li meta l s (Cs , Rb) 0.05 0.20 0.35 Te llu ri um group (T e, Sb , Se) 0 0.05 0.25 Barium , s tront i um (Ba , Sr) 0 0.02 0.1 Nob l e meta l s (Ru , Rh , Pd, Mo , 0 0.0025 0.0025 Tc , Co) Cerium group (Ce , Pu , Np) 0 0.0005 0.005 Lanth an i des (La , Zr , Nd , Eu. Nb , 0 0.0002 0.005 Pm , Pr , Sm , Y , Cm , Am) *R ef e renc e: T abl e 3-1 2 from lJ R EG-1 4 6 5. 5.3 Gaseous Dispersion Factors The dispersion factors are taken from the ODAM Section 3. Table 7 -Dispersion Factors Dose due to Organ Dose Due to Plume/Submersion ODAM Sections and Particulates and Iodine 3.9 ODAM Section 3.8 Offgas Stack 2.8E-7 sec/m 3 3.1 E-7 sec/m 3 Building Vents 4.3E-6 sec/m 3 3.9E-6 sec/m 3 5.4 Isotopic half-lives Isotopic half-lives are taken from NUREG-1940, Supplement  
'-CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 Excellence-Every project. Every day. REV. 00 T 1/2 T 1/2 Decay Isotope T 1/2 Lambda units Hours hrs-1 Te-131m 1.25 days 3.00E+Ol 2.31E-02 Te-132 3.26 days 7.82E+Ol 8.86E-03 Xe-131m* 11.934 days 2.86E+02 2.42E-03 Xe-133 5.25 days 1.26E+02 5.SOE-03 Xe-133m* 2.19 days 5.26E+Ol 1.32E-02 Xe-135 0.379 days 9.lOE+OO 7.62E-02 Xe-135m* 15.29 minutes 2.55E-01 2.72E+OO Xe-138* 14.08 minutes 2.35E-01 2.95E+OO Y-90 2.67 days 6.41E+Ol 1.08E-02 Y-91 58.5 days 1.40E+03 4.94E-04 Y-92 0.148 days 3.55E+OO 1.95E-01 Y-93 0.421 days 1.0lE+Ol 6.86E-02 Zr-95 64 days 1.54E+03 4.51E-04 Zr-97 0.704 days 1.69E+Ol 4.lOE-02 5.5 Reduction Factor for Sprays NUREG-1940 Table 1-11 states that when sprays are used for longer than 1.75 hours (but less than 2.25 hours), the following factor is applied to reduce all of the particulate and iodine species. RFs =Exp(-o.s4t) Where t = the amount of times sprays are in service. Note: This reduction factor does not apply to the noble gases. For this calculation, sprays are used for a total of 2 hours as described in Section 6.1. The reduction factor is: RFs = e(-o.54*2) = 0.278 5.6 Standby Gas Treatment Filters NUREG-1940 allows a reduction factor of 0.01 for filters like the standby gas treatment (SBGT) system. This factor is only applied to releases from the Offgas Stack. RFF= 0.01 5.7 Secondary Containment NUREG-1228 provides a reduction factor for natural removal through settling and plate-out in the secondary containment. For a 0.5 hour holdup period, that reduction factor is 0.4. This factor is applied to the building vent releases but not the release from the Offgas Stack. RFsc= 0.4 Page 11 of 34
: 1. For those isotopes missing from that list, denoted by*, half-lives were obtained from the following website which is maintained by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute:
_. ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 5.8 Monitor Range and Exhaust Flow Rates CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 9 is developed from the DAEC Emergency Plan Section "I", ODAM Figure 3-1, and Procedure PCP 8.3. Table 9 -Monitor Range and Exhaust Flow Rates Monitor Monitor Release Release Point Common Equipment ID Range Flow Name µCi/cc CFM Turbine Building KAMAN RE-5945 / RE-lE-7 to 72,000 1/2 5946 1E+5 KAMAN RE-7645, RE-3/4 7644 Reactor Building KAMAN RE-7647, RE-lE-7 to 93,000 5/6 7646 1E+5 KAMAN RE-7649, RE-7/8 7648 Offgas Stack KAMAN RE-4176, RE-lE-7 to 10,000 9/10 4175 1E+5 LLRPSF KAMAN 12 RE-8801 lE-7 to 75,000 3E-1 5.9 Breathing Rate From NUREG-1940 and FGR11, the breathing rate is 3.33E-4 m3/second. 5.10 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation The "Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation" by radionuclide provided in FGR11 Table 2.1 allow the determination of the committed dose equivalent to the thyroid and the effective dose equivalent per unit per unit intake, and are shown in Table 11. 5.11 Dose Coefficients for Air Submersion The dose coefficients in Sv/Bq*s*m-3 from being submersed in air for each radionuclide to an effective dose are taken from Table 111.1 of FGR12, and are shown in Table 11. Page 12 of 34 ENERCON &cellence-Every project. Every day. 6.0 Methodology Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation will equate a radioactive material release rate as measured at the gaseous effluent radiation monitors with the dose received to a member of the public at an offsite location. The relationship is highly influenced by the mixture of radioisotopes in the effluent and the dispersion of gases after they have left the facility. Primary guidance is provided by NUREG-1940 and NUREG-1228. 6.1 Scenario The following generalized timeline is used to determine the phenomenon that can affect the mixture of radioisotopes in effluent. This scenario is realistic, but bounds an event that could occur in a shorter total time frame:
kr: 8080/tonlindex.
html Page 9 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EA Ls per NE I 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. Table 8 contains the half-lives and calculated;\ (lambda) values. Isotope Ba-139 B a-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-24 2 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Kr-83m* Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-241 Rb-86 Rh-105 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129* Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Table 8 -Half-lives and Decay Constants T 1/2 0.0574 12.7 32.5 1.3 8 284 163 753 13.1 11000 8.04 0.095 8 0.867 0.0365 0.275 1.83 3910 0.187 0.053 0.118 1.68 0.164 0.0642 2.75 35.2 11 2.36 13.6 5260 18.7 1.47 39.3 0.185 368 3.85 4.4 50.5 10600 0.396 0.113 0.251 0.39 109 0.0483 33.6 T 1/2 units days days day s days days days days days days days days days days days hours days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days hours days days days days days days days days days T 1/2 Hours 1.38E+OO 3.05E+0 2 7.80E+02 3.31E+Ol 6.82E+0 3 3.91E+03 l.81E+04 3.14E+02 2.64E+05 1.93E+02 2.30E+OO 2.08E+Ol 8.76E-01 6.60E+OO 1.83E+OO 9.38E+04 4.49E+OO 1.27E+OO 2.83E+OO 4.03E+Ol 3.94E+OO 1.54E+OO 6.60E+Ol 8.45E+02 2.64E+02 5.66E+Ol 3.26E+02 1.26E+05 4.49E+02 3.53E+Ol 9.43E+02 4.44E+OO 8.83E+03 9.24E+Ol 4.40E+OO 1.21E+03 2.54E+05 9.SOE+OO 2.71E+OO 6.02E+OO 9.36E+OO 2.62E+03 1.16E+OO 8.06E+02 Page 10 of 34 Decay Lambda hrs*1 5.03E-01 2.27E-03 8.89E-04 2.09E-02 1.02E-04 1.77E-04 3.84E-05 2.20E-03 2.63E-06 3.59E-03 3.0lE-01 3.33E-02 7.91E-01 1.05E-01 3.79E-01 7.39E-06 1.54E-01 5.45E-01 2.45E-01 1.72E-02 1.76E-01 4.50E-01 1.05E-02 8.20E-04 2.63E-03 1.22E-02 2.12E-03 5.49E-06 1.54E-03 1.96E-02 7.35E-04 1.56E-01 7.85E-05 7.SOE-03 1.58E-01 5.72E-04 2.72E-06 7.29E-02 2.56E-01 1.15E-01 7.41E-02 2.65E-04 5.98E-01 8.60E-04 N EE-323-CALC-005 00   
'-CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiolog i ca l NO. EALs per NEI 99-0 1 Rev. 06 Excellence-Every project. Every d ay. REV. 00 T 1/2 T 1/2 Decay I s otop e T 1/2 Lambda unit s Hour s hr s-1 Te-131m 1.25 da y s 3.00E+Ol 2.31E-02 Te-132 3.26 days 7.82E+Ol 8.86E-03 Xe-131m* 11.934 days 2.86E+02 2.42E-03 Xe-133 5.25 days 1.26E+02 5.SOE-03 Xe-133m* 2.19 days 5.26E+Ol 1.32E-02 Xe-135 0.379 days 9.lOE+OO 7.62E-02 Xe-135m* 15.29 mi n utes 2.55E-01 2.72E+OO Xe-138* 14.08 mi nu tes 2.35E-01 2.95E+OO Y-90 2.67 d ays 6.41E+Ol 1.08E-02 Y-91 58.5 d a y s 1.4 0E+03 4.94E-04 Y-92 0.148 days 3.55E+OO 1.95E-01 Y-93 0.421 days 1.0lE+Ol 6.86E-02 Zr-95 64 days 1.54E+03 4.51E-04 Zr-97 0.704 da y s 1.69E+Ol 4.lOE-02 5.5 Reduction Facto r for Sprays NUREG-1940 Ta ble 1-11 state s that when spray s are used for longer than 1.75 hours (but less than 2.25 h o urs), the following fac t or is appl i ed to reduce all of the particulate and iodine species. RFs =Exp (-o.s 4 t) Where t = t h e amount of times spr a ys are in service. Note: This reduction factor does not apply to the noble gases. For this calculation , sprays a r e used for a total of 2 hours as described in Section 6.1. The reduction facto r is: RF s = e (-o.5 4*2) = 0.278 5.6 Standby Gas Treatment Filters NUREG-1940 allows a reduction factor of 0.01 for filters like the standby gas treatment (SBGT) system. This factor is only applied to releases from the Offgas Stack. RFF= 0.01 5.7 Secondary Containment NUREG-1228 provides a reduction factor for natural removal through settling and plate-out in the secondary containment.
For a 0.5 hour holdup period, that reduction factor is 0.4. This factor is applied to the building vent releases but not the release from the Offgas Stack. RF sc= 0.4 Page 11 of 34
_. ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 5.8 Monitor Range and Exhaust Flow Rates CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 9 is developed from the DAEC Emergency Plan Section "I" , ODAM Figure 3-1, and Procedure PCP 8.3. Ta ble 9 -Monito r Range a nd E x haust Flo w Rates Monitor Monitor Release Release Point Common Equipment ID Range Flow Name µCi/cc CFM Tur b i n e B uil d in g K AMAN RE-5945 / R E-lE-7 to 72, 000 1/2 5946 1E+5 KA MAN R E-76 4 5, R E-3/4 7 6 44 R eactor Bui l ding KAM AN RE-7647, R E-lE-7 to 93,00 0 5/6 7646 1 E+5 KAM A N RE-7649, R E-7/8 7648 O ffgas Stack K AMAN R E-4176, R E-lE-7 to 10 ,0 00 9/10 4175 1E+5 LLRP SF K AMAN 1 2 R E-8 801 lE-7 to 7 5 , 0 0 0 3E-1 5.9 Breathing Rate From NUREG-1940 and FGR11 , the breathing rate is 3.33E-4 m 3/second. 5.10 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation The " Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation" by radionuclide provided in FGR11 Table 2.1 allow the determination of the committed dose equivalent to the thyroid and the effective dose equivalent per unit per unit intake , and are shown in Table 11. 5.11 Dose Coefficients for Air Submersion The dose coefficients in Sv/Bq*s*m-3 from being submersed in air for each radionuclide to an effective dose are taken from Table 111.1 of FGR12 , and are shown in Table 11. Page 12 of 34 ENERCON &cellence-Every project. Every day. 6.0 Methodology Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation will equate a radioactive material release rate as measured at the gaseous effluent radiation monitors with the dose received to a member of the public at an offsite location.
The relationship is highly influenced by the mixture of radioisotopes in the effluent and the dispersion of gases after they have left the facility.
Primary guidance is provided by NUREG-1940 and NUREG-1228. 6.1 Scenario The following generalized timeline is used to determine the phenomenon that can affect the mixture of radioisotopes in effluent.
This scenario is realistic , but bounds an event that could occur in a shorter total time frame:
* T= 0 hr. Major recirculating system line break occurs. Reactor is shut down.
* T= 0 hr. Major recirculating system line break occurs. Reactor is shut down.
* T= 1 hr. Core is uncovered.
* T= 1 hr. Core is uncovered.
* T= 1 hr. Sprays are initiated.
* T= 1 hr. Sprays are initiated.
* T = 2 hrs. Core is covered.
* T = 2 hrs. Core is covered.
* T= 4.5 hrs. A catastrophic event causes damage to the drywell and the ondary containment. o The gaseous mixture from the Drywell spreads into the Reactor ing, Turbine Building, and LLRPSF. o Mean average holdup time of the gas in these buildings is 0.5 hours. Scenario timing will affect the mixture of radioisotopes and is summarized here:
* T= 4.5 hrs. A catastrophic event causes damage to the drywell and the ondary containment.
o The gaseous mixture from the Drywell spreads into the Reactor ing, Turbine Building, and LLRPSF. o Mean average holdup time of the gas in these buildings is 0.5 hours. Scenario timing will affect the mixture of radioisotopes and is summarized here:
* The core is uncovered for 1 hour.
* The core is uncovered for 1 hour.
* Core/Drywell Sprays are running for a total of 2 hours.
* Core/Drywell Sprays are running for a total of 2 hours.
Line 42: Line 69:
* Source holdup time in secondary containment is 0.5 hours.
* Source holdup time in secondary containment is 0.5 hours.
* Source decay time from shutdown to the release point is 5 hours.
* Source decay time from shutdown to the release point is 5 hours.
* When the reactor is in mode 4 or 5, the total decay time is 36 hours. Other Factors:
* When the reactor is in mode 4 or 5 , the total decay time is 36 hours. Other Factors:
* The flow rates from the effluent exhaust points are listed in Design Input 5.8.
* The flow rates from the effluent exhaust points are listed in Design Input 5.8.
* The gaseous effluent radiation monitors are equally efficient for the ing of noble gases, particulates, and iodines.
* The gaseous effluent radiation monitors are equally efficient for the ing of noble gases, particulates, and iodines.
* All releases from the Offgas Stack are filtered by the Standby Gas Treatment system.
* All releases from the Offgas Stack are filtered by the Standby Gas Treatment system.
* Removal of particulates and iodines by natural process during holdup in sec-ondary containment are credited for releases from the building vents only. 6.2 Receptor The receptor is an adult located at the ODAM-described location of minimal dispersion who is exposed to the radioactive release for one hour. Due to this relatively short duration, the only exposure pathways are inhalation and submersion. Assumptions related to the receptor are found in Section 4.0. Page 13 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. 6.3 General Approach Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 With a given mixture of radionuclides, the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present in the gaseous mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the gas. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitor. With the fractionation of the mixture of radionuclides understood, a given gross output reading (µCi/cm3) from an effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the effluent. The calculation then uses default dispersion factors described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors provided in Federal Guidance Report 11 (FGR 11) and 12 (FGR12) are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the gaseous mixture of radionuclides. With the given radionuclide mixture and dispersion factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated: 1) TEDE and 2) COE Thyroid. COE or Committed Dose Equivalent is the radiation dose to a specific organ due to an uptake of radioactive material. In this case, the uptake is limited to inhalation of radioactive material in the plume. TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Dose Equivalent (CEDE). TEDE = EDE + CEDE. EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the gaseous release (shine). CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. In this calculation, only contributions from the inhalation pathway are considered. An iterative process is used to determine the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitors that correspond to the threshold doses. 6.4 Source Term This calculation will not analyze for the total activity released from the core. It will only analyze for the ratios of the isotopic species that are released from the core. Various phenomena will act to change the composition of the isotopic mixture in the time between reactor shutdown and release from the facility. In summary the removal phenomena addressed here include: Page 14 of 34   
* Removal of particulates and iodines by natural process during holdup in sec-ondary containment are credited for releases from the building vents only. 6.2 Receptor The receptor is an adult located at the ODAM-described location of minimal dispersion who is exposed to the radioactive release for one hour. Due to this relatively short duration, the only exposure pathways are inhalation and submersion.
~ii ENE RC ON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RF1 = Fraction of the activity released from the inventory of damaged fuel described in Section 6.5. RFs = Fraction of the activity remaining after reduction by containment spray from Section 5.5. RFR = Fraction of activity remaining after 5 hours or 36 hours of radioactive decay described in Section 6.6. RFF = Fraction of the activity remaining after filter by SBGT filters from Section 5.6. RFsc = Fraction of activity remaining after natural removal processes in secondary containment from Section 5.7. Combining these factors provides a single fraction to derive a depleted source: RFrotal = RF1
Assumptions related to the receptor are found in Section 4.0. Page 13 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. 6.3 General Approach Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 With a given mixture of radionuclides , the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present in the gaseous mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the gas. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitor. With the fractionation of the mixture of radionuclides understood , a given gross output reading (µCi/cm 3) from an effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the effluent.
The calculation then uses default dispersion factors described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors provided in Federal Guidance Report 11 (FGR 11) and 12 (FGR12) are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the gaseous mixture of radionuclides.
With the given radionuclide mixture and dispersion factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated
: 1) TEDE and 2) COE Thyroid. COE or Committed Dose Equ i valent is the radiation dose to a specific organ due to an uptake of radioactive material.
In this case, the uptake is limited to inhalation of radioactive material in the plume. TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Dose Equivalent (CEDE). TEDE = EDE + CEDE. EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the gaseous release (shine). CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. In this calculation, only contributions from the inhalation pathway are considered. An iterative process is used to determine the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitors that correspond to the threshold doses. 6.4 Source Term This calculation will not analyze for the total activity released from the core. It will only analyze for the ratios of the isotopic species that are released from the core. Various phenomena will act to change the composition of the isotopic mixture in the time between reactor shutdown and release from the facility. In summary the removal phenomena addressed here include: Page 14 of 34   
~ii ENE RC ON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RF1 = Fraction of the activity released from the inventory of damaged fuel described in Section 6.5. RFs = Fraction of the activity remaining after reduction by containment spray from Section 5.5. RFR = Fraction of act i v i ty remaining after 5 hours or 36 hours of radioactive decay described in Section 6.6. RFF = Fra ct ion of the a ctivity remaining after filter by SBGT filters from Section 5.6. R F sc = Fraction of activity remaining after natural removal processes in s e c on d ary containment from Section 5.7. Combin i ng these fac t ors provides a singl e fraction to derive a depleted source: RFro t al = RF1
* RFs *RFR
* RFs *RFR
* RFsc 6.5 Fuel Damage Release Fractions Table 6 contains release fractions for three time periods representing the total amount of time the core has been assumed to be uncovered. They are: 0 to 0.5 hours, 0.5 to 2 hours, and 2 to 5 hours. For this calculation, the core is assumed to be uncovered for one hour. A spreadsheet is used to scale the release fraction between the 0.5 hour point and the 2 hour point. The Reduction Factor, RF,. due to the release fraction is 100% of the release expected in the first 0.5 hour PLUS 1/3 of the amount released as expected in the period between 0.5 hours and 2 hours. Example for Alkali Metals: 0.05 * (0*5 hr)+ 0.2 * (0*5 hr) = 0.1167 0.5 hr 1.5 hr Table 1 O -Release Fractions by Time Step (Hours) Group Time (h) by step 0.5 1.5 Cumulative Alkali Metals 0.050 0.2000 0.1167 Barium Group 0.000 0.0200 0.0067 Cerium Group 0.000 0.0005 0.0002 Halogen 0.050 0.2500 0.1333 La nth an ides 0.000 0.0002 0.0001 Noble Gas 0.050 0.9500 0.3667 Noble Metals 0.000 0.0025 0.0008 Tellurium group 0.000 0.0500 0.0167 Page 15 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 6.6 Radioactive Decay Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The total amount of time the radioactive source is allowed to decay before being exhausted as an effluent is 5 hours or 36 hours depending on the reactor mode per Section 6.1. The generalized equation for radioactive decay is: A= Aoe(-At) Where: A = decayed activity Ao = initial activity .,.\ = isotopic decay constant t = elapsed time and .A= ln2 / t% With an end goal of a total reduction factor RFTota1, a radiation decay factor RFR is derived from the general equation above: RFR = e(-M) 6. 7 Effective Dose Equivalent -Noble Gas Submersion Submersion dose from noble gases is calculated with guidance provided in FGR12. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated: Xir = Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor is calculated: Dose = Li(Xir
* RFsc 6.5 Fuel Damage Release Fractions Table 6 contains release fractions for three time periods representing the total amount of time the core has been assumed to be uncovered.
* hEsoa Where v= Xiv= i= (~) = hEsoi= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m3) Note: Ci/m3 = µCi/cc volume of gas released (m3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m3) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mremcm3) µCi sec Page 16 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 As described in Section 7.3, a spreadsheet is used to determine the EDE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.8 Committed Dose Equivalent: Thyroid Organ dose from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 11. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated: XJr= Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated: Dose = Li(Xir
They are: 0 to 0.5 hours , 0.5 to 2 hours , and 2 to 5 hours. For this calculation, the core is assumed to be uncovered for one hour. A spreadsheet is used to scale the r elease fract i on between the 0.5 hour point and the 2 hour point. The Reduction Factor , RF,. due to the release fraction is 100% of the release expected in the first 0.5 hour PLUS 1/3 of the amount released as expected in the period between 0.5 hours and 2 hours. Example for Alkali Metals: 0.05 * (0*5 h r)+ 0.2 * (0*5 h r) = 0.1167 0.5 h r 1.5 h r Table 1 O -Release Fractions by Time Step (Hours) Group Time (h) by step 0.5 1.5 Cumulative Alkali Metals 0.05 0 0.2000 0.1167 Barium Group 0.000 0.0200 0.0067 Cerium Group 0.000 0.0005 0.000 2 Halogen 0.050 0.2500 0.133 3 La nth an ides 0.00 0 0.0002 0.0001 Noble Gas 0.050 0.9500 0.3667 Noble Metal s 0.000 0.0025 0.000 8 Tellurium group 0.000 0.0500 0.0167 Page 15 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 6.6 Radioactive Decay Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC
-005 00 The tot a l amount of time the radioactive source is allowed to decay before being exhaus t ed as an effluent i s 5 hours or 36 hours depending on the reactor mode per Section 6.1. The generalized equation for radioactive decay is: A= A o e (-A t) Where: A = decayed activity A o = initial activity .,.\ = isotopic decay constant t = elapsed time and .A= ln2 / t% With an end goal of a total reduction factor RFTota1, a radiation decay factor RFR is derived from the general equation above: RFR = e (-M) 6. 7 Effective Dose Equivalent  
-Noble Gas Submersion Submersion dose from noble gases is calculated with guidance provided in FGR12. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated
: Xir = Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known , the dose (mrem) at the receptor is calculated:
Dose = L i (X i r
* h Eso a Where v= Xiv= i= (~) = hEso i= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/cc volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent.  
(mremcm 3) µC i sec Page 16 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 As described in Section 7.3, a spreadsheet is used to determine the EDE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.8 Committed Dose Equivalent:
Thyroid Organ dose from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 11. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated
: XJ r= X iv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated
: Dose = L i (X i r
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hrsoJ Where i= (~) = B= hrsoi= t= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m3) Note: Ci/m3 = µCi/ cm3 volume of gas released (m3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m3) breathing Rate (cm3/sec) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/µCi) time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4, a spreadsheet is used to determine the thyroid COE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.9 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Effective Dose Equivalent from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR11. The concentration XirOf an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated: Xir= Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated: Dose = Li(Xir
* hrsoJ Where i= (~) = B= hrsoi= t= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/ cm 3 volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) breathing Rate (cm 3/sec) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/µCi) time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4, a spreadsheet is used to determine the thyroid COE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.9 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Effective Dose Equivalent from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR11. The concentration Xir Of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated:
Xi r= X i v* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known , the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated:
Dose = Li(Xi r
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hESOi) Where
* hESOi) Where Page 17 of 34 CALC NEE-323
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hy50J For isotope 1-131, an example is presented: Page 29 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. -xir B Receptor Breathing Cone. Time Rate 2.79E-08 1 J:H: l.20E+06 Em" Where: hrsoi Thyroid Em" l.08E+03 mrem J:H: REV. Inhalation Thyroid Dose 00 3.62E+Ol mrem =-----+----hrso; is the thyroid dose factor for each isotope from Section 7 .1. B = 1.20E+06 cm3/hr is the breathing rate. This value is equal to 3.33E-4 m3/sec from Design Input 5.9. Values in the "Inhalation CEDE Dose mrem" column are calculated by multiplying the following factors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate, the time, and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation comes from Section 6.9. Dose == Li(xir
* hy 50 J For isotope 1-131, an example is presented:
Page 29 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. -xir B Receptor Breathing Cone. Time Rate 2.79E-08 1 J:H: l.20E+06 Em" Where: h rso i Thyroid Em" l.08E+03 mr em J:H: REV. Inhalation Thyroid Dose 00 3.62E+Ol mrem =-----+----
hrso; is the thyro i d dose factor for each isotope from Section 7 .1. B = 1.2 0E+06 cm 3/hr is the breathing rate. This value is equal to 3.33E-4 m 3/sec from Design Input 5.9. Values in the " Inhalation CEDE Dose mrem" column are calculated by multiplying the following factors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate, the time , and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation comes from Section 6.9. Dose == Li(xir
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hEsoi) For isotope 1-131, an example
* hEsoi) For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented: Xir Receptor Cone Time 2.79E-08 1 J:H: B Breathing Rate 1.20E+06 Em" hesoi CEDE 3.29E+Ol mrem Inh alation CEDE Dose 1.lOE+OO mrem =----+-----*ffi. J:H: For ease of comparison, the table row for 1-131 is shown here: hr soi hE SOi Depleted Xiv Xir Inhalat ion Thyroid
* No credit is taken for radiation shielding provided by structures.
* No credit is taken for radiation shielding provided by structures.
* No decay in-transit is assumed during the time elapsed between the release point and the receptor. Both of the above assumptions are acceptable because they will result in a higher dose to the receptor and conservatively lower thresholds. Page 7 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every proje<.t. Every day. 5.0 Design Inputs 5.1 Core Inventory Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The assumed isotopic mixture in Table 5 is taken from Table 1-1 of NUREG-1940. The core inventory (curies per megawatts thermal) in the table is based on calculations made by the NRC staff in December 2003 using the SAS2H control module of SCALE (Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation), Version 4.4a. Table 5 -Isotopic Mixture NUCLIDE CORE INVENTORY NUCLIDE CORE INVENTORY NUCLIDE CORE INVENTORY (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) Ba-139 4.74E+04 La-141 4.33E+04 Te-127 2.36E+03 Ba-140 4.76E+04 La-142 4.21E+04 Te-127m 3.97E+02 Ce-141 4.39E+04 Mo-99 5.30E+o4 Te-129 8.26E+03 Ce-143 4.00E+04 Nb-95 4.50E+o4 Te-129m 1.68E+03 Ce-144" 3.54E+04 Nd-147 1.75E+o4 Te-131m 5.41E+03 Cm-242 1.12E+03 Np-239 5.69E+05 Te-132 3.81E+04 Cs-134 4.70E+03 Pr-143 3.96E+04 Xe-131m 3.65E+02 Cs-136 1.49E+03 Pu-241 4.26E+o3 Xe-133 5.43E+04 Cs-137* 3.25E+03 Rb-86 5.29E+o1 Xe-133m 1.72E+03 1-131 2.67E+04 Rh-105 2.81E+04 Xe-135 1.42E+04 1-132 3.88E+04 Ru-103 4.34E+04 Xe-135m 1.15E+04 1-133 5.42E+04 Ru-105 3.06E+04 Xe-138 4.56E+04 1-134 5.98E+04 Ru-106* 1.55E+o4 Y-90 2.45E+03 1-135 5.18E+04 Sb-127 2.39E+03 Y-91 3.17E+04 Kr-83m 3.05E+03 Sb-129 8.68E+03 Y-92 3.26E+04 Kr-85 2.78E+02 Sr-89 2.41E+04 Y-93 2.52E+04 Kr-85m 6.17E+03 Sr-90 2.39E+03 Zr-95 4.44E+04 Kr-87 1.23E+04 Sr-91 3.01E+o4 Zr-97* 4.23E+04 Kr-88 1.70E+04 Sr-92 3.24E+04 La-140 4.91E+04 Tc-99m 4.37E+04 Page 8 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 5.2 Release Fraction Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 6 displays release fractions as a function of time taken from Table 1-4 which references Table 3-12 of NUREG-1465. Table 6 -Release Fraction NUCLIDE GROUP BWR CORE INVENTORY RELEASE FRACTION Cladding Failure Core Melt Phase Postvessel (Gap Release (In-Vessel Phase) Melt-Through Phase Phase) (1.5-hour duration) (Ex-Vessel Phase) (0.5-hour duration) (3.0-hour duration) Noble gases (Kr, Xe) 0.05 0.95 0 Halogens (I, Br) 0.05 0.25 0.30 Alkali metals (Cs, Rb) 0.05 0.20 0.35 Tellurium group (Te, Sb, Se) 0 0.05 0.25 Barium, strontium (Ba, Sr) 0 0.02 0.1 Noble metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Mo, 0 0.0025 0.0025 Tc, Co) Cerium group (Ce, Pu, Np} 0 0.0005 0.005 Lanthanides (La, "ZI, Nd, Eu. Nb, 0 0.0002 0.005 Pm, Pr, Sm, Y, Cm, Am) *
* No decay in-transit is assumed during the time elapsed between the release point and the receptor. Both of the above assumptions are acceptable because they will result in a higher dose to the receptor and conservatively lower thresholds.
Page 7 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every proje<.t.
Every day. 5.0 Design Inputs 5.1 Core Inventory Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The assumed isotopic mixture i n Table 5 is taken from Table 1-1 of NUREG-1940.
The core inventory (curies per megawatts thermal) in the table is based on calculat i ons made by the NRC staff in December 2003 using the SAS2H control modul e of SCAL E (Standardi z ed Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation), Version 4.4a. T a ble 5 -Isotop ic Mi x ture NUCL I DE CO RE IN V ENTO RY NU CLI D E CORE I NV E N T OR Y NUC LIDE C OR E IN VE NT O RY (C i/MWt) (C i/M Wt) (C i/MWt) Ba-139 4.74E+04 La-141 4.33E+04 Te-127 2.36E+03 Ba-140 4.76E+04 La-142 4.21E+04 Te-127m 3.97E+02 Ce-141 4.39E+04 Mo-99 5.30E+o4 Te-129 8.26E+03 Ce-143 4.00E+04 Nb-95 4.50E+o4 Te-129m 1.68E+03 Ce-144" 3.54E+04 Nd-147 1.75E+o4 Te-131m 5.41E+03 Cm-242 1.12E+03 Np-239 5.69E+05 Te-132 3.81E+04 Cs-134 4.70E+03 Pr-1 43 3.96E+04 Xe-131m 3.65E+02 Cs-136 1.49E+03 Pu-241 4.26E+o3 Xe-133 5.43E+04 Cs-137* 3.25E+03 Rb-86 5.29E+o1 Xe-133m 1.72E+03 1-131 2.67E+04 Rh-105 2.81E+04 Xe-135 1.42E+04 1-132 3.88E+04 Ru-103 4.34E+04 Xe-135m 1.15E+04 1-133 5.42E+04 Ru-105 3.06E+04 Xe-138 4.56E+04 1-134 5.98E+04 Ru-106* 1.55E+o4 Y-90 2.45E+03 1-135 5.18E+04 Sb-127 2.39E+03 Y-91 3.17E+04 Kr-83m 3.05E+03 Sb-1 29 8.68E+03 Y-92 3.26E+04 Kr-85 2.78E+02 Sr-89 2.41E+04 Y-93 2.52E+04 Kr-85m 6.17E+03 Sr-90 2.39E+03 Zr-95 4.44E+04 Kr-87 1.23E+04 Sr-91 3.01E+o4 Zr-97* 4.23E+04 Kr-88 1.70E+04 Sr-92 3.24E+04 La-140 4.91E+04 T c-99m 4.37E+04 Page 8 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 5.2 Release Fraction Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 6 displays release fractions as a function of time taken from Table 1-4 which references Table 3-12 of NUREG-1465. Table 6 -Release Fraction NUCLID E GROUP BWR CORE INV E N T ORY RELEASE FRACTION C l add i ng Fa il ure Core Me lt Ph as e P o stvesse l (G a p Re l ease (In-Vesse l P h as e) Me l t-Th r ough Phase Phase) (1.5-hour dura ti on) (Ex-Vess e l Phase) (0.5-hour du r atio n) (3.0-hou r durat i on) N o b l e g as e s (Kr , Xe) 0.0 5 0.95 0 H a l ogens (I , Br) 0.05 0.25 0.3 0 A l k a li met a l s (Cs , Rb) 0.0 5 0.20 0.35 Tellu ri um gro up (T e , Sb , Se) 0 0.05 0.25 Bariu m, s tron tiu m (Ba , Sr) 0 0.02 0.1 Nob l e meta l s (Ru , R h , P d , M o , 0 0.0025 0.0 0 25 Tc , C o) C e r i u m gro u p (Ce , Pu , N p} 0 0.000 5 0.0 0 5 L a nthan i de s (L a , "ZI , Nd , Eu. Nb , 0 0.0002 0.0 0 5 P m , Pr , S m, Y , Cm , Am) *R e f er ence: Table 3-1 2 from U R EG-1 46.S. 5.3 Gaseous Dispersion Factors The dispersion factors are taken from the ODAM Section 3. Offgas Stack Building Vents 5.4 Isotopic half-lives Table 7 -Dispersion Factors Dose due to Plume/Submersion ODAM Sections and 3.9 2.SE-7 sec/m 3 4.3E-6 sec/m 3 Organ Dose Due to Particulates and Iodine ODAM Section 3.8 3.1 E-7 sec/m 3 3.9E-6 sec/m 3 Isotopic half-lives are taken from NUREG-1940, Supplement
: 1. For those isotopes missing from that list , denoted by*, half-lives were obtained from the following website which is maintained by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute:
http://atom.kaeri 8080/tonlindex.html Page 9 of 34 CA L C NEE-323-CALC-00 5 ENERCON R e vi sed Ga seou s R a d i olog i ca l NO. Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every doy. E A L s per N E I 99-0 1 Rev. 06 REV. 00 T a bl e 8 co n t ain s t h e h a lf-liv es a nd c alculat e d .A (lambda) values. Tab l e 8 -Half-l ives and De ca y Co nsta nt s T 1/2 T 1/2 D eca y I s o t op e T 1/2 L a mbd a u ni ts Hours hrs*1 Ba-139 0.0574 days 1.38E+OO 5.03E-01 Ba-140 12.7 days 3.05E+02 2.27E-03 Ce-141 32.5 days 7.80E+02 8.89E-04 Ce-143 1.38 days 3.31E+Ol 2.09E-02 Ce-144 284 days 6.82E+03 1.02E-04 Cm-24 2 163 da y s 3.91E+03 1.77E-04 Cs-134 753 da y s 1.81E+04 3.84E-05 Cs-136 13.1 days 3.14E+02 2.20E-03 Cs-137 11000 days 2.64E+05 2.63E-06 1-131 8.04 day s 1.93E+0 2 3.59E-03 1-13 2 0.0958 days 2.30E+OO 3.0lE-01 1-133 0.867 day s 2.08E+Ol 3.33E-02 1-134 0.0365 days 8.76E-01 7.91E-01 1-135 0.2 75 days 6.60E+OO 1.05E-01 Kr-83m* 1.83 h ours 1.83E+OO 3.79E-01 Kr-85 3910 d a y s 9.38E+04 7.39E-06 Kr-85m 0.187 d a y s 4.49E+OO 1.54E-01 Kr-87 0.053 d ays 1.27E+OO 5.45E-01 Kr-88 0.118 days 2.83E+OO 2.45E-01 La-140 1.68 days 4.03E+Ol 1.72E-02 La-141 0.164 days 3.94E+OO 1.76E-01 La-142 0.0642 d ays 1.54E+OO 4.SOE-01 Mo-99 2.75 days 6.60E+Ol 1.05E-02 Nb-95 35.2 days 8.45E+02 8.20E-04 N d-147 11 da y s 2.64E+02 2.63E-03 N p-239 2.36 days 5.66E+Ol 1.22E-02 Pr-143 13.6 days 3.26E+02 2.12E-03 Pu-241 5260 days 1.26E+05 5.49E-06 Rb-86 18.7 days 4.49E+02 1.54E-03 Rh-105 1.47 days 3.53E+Ol 1.96E-02 Ru-103 39.3 days 9.43E+02 7.35E-04 Ru-105 0.185 d ays 4.44E+OO 1.56E-01 Ru-106 368 days 8.83E+03 7.85E-05 Sb-127 3.85 da y s 9.24E+Ol 7.50E-03 Sb-129* 4.4 hours 4.40E+OO 1.58E-01 Sr-89 50.5 d a y s 1.21 E+03 5.72E-04 Sr-90 10600 d a y s 2.54E+05 2.72E-06 Sr-91 0.396 d ays 9.50E+OO 7.29E-02 Sr-92 0.113 d ays 2.71E+OO 2.56E-01 Tc-99m 0.251 days 6.02E+OO 1.15E-01 Te-127 0.39 days 9.36E+OO 7.41E-02 Te-127m 109 days 2.62 E+03 2.65E-04 Te-129 0.0483 days 1.16E+OO 5.98E-01 Te-129m 33.6 da y s 8.06E+02 8.60E-04 Pag e 1 0 of 34 I i CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revise d Gaseou s Rad i ological NO. Ex cellence-Every p roj ect. E ve ry d oy. EAL s p er NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 T 1/2 T 1/2 De ca y I s o t o pe T 1/2 L a mbd a un i ts Hou r s hrs-1 Te-13 1m 1.25 d ays 3.00E+Ol 2.31 E-02 Te-132 3.26 d a y s 7.8 2E+Ol 8.86E-03 Xe-131m* 11.934 days 2.86E+0 2 2.42 E-03 Xe-133 5.25 da y s l.2 6E+02 5.50E-03 Xe-133m* 2.19 days 5.26E+Ol l.32E-0 2 Xe-13 5 0.3 79 days 9.lOE+OO 7.62E-02 Xe-135m* 15.2 9 minutes 2.55E-01 2.72E+OO Xe-138* 14.08 minutes 2.35E-01 2.95E+OO Y-90 2.67 days 6.41E+Ol l.08E-0 2 Y-91 58.5 days l.40E+03 4.94E-04 Y-92 0.148 da y s 3.55E+OO l.95E-01 Y-93 0.421 days l.OlE+Ol 6.86E-0 2 Zr-95 64 days l.54E+03 4.SlE-04 Zr-97 0.704 days l.69E+Ol 4.lOE-02 5.5 R e d u c t ion F act o r for Sprays NUR EG-194 0 T able 1-11 st a tes t h a t wh en s prays a r e used for longe r than 1. 7 5 hours (but l ess tha n 2.25 ho urs), the fo llowing f a c to r i s appl ie d to reduc e a ll of the particulate and iodine species. RF s =Exp (-0.6 4tl W h e r e t = the amount o f times sprays are in service. No t e: This re duction f a ctor does not apply to t he noble gases. F or thi s c alculatio n, s prays a re u s ed for a t otal of 2 hours a s des c ribed in Section 6.1. The reduction fac t o r is: RF s = e (-o.54*2) = 0.278 5.6 Standby Gas T r eatment F i lters NUR E G-1940 allows a reduc ti on facto r o f 0.01 for filters like the standby gas treatm e n t (SBGT) system. T hi s factor i s only applied to rel e ases from the Offgas Stack. RF F= 0.01 5.7 Secondary Containment NUREG-1228 provides a reduction factor for natural removal through settling and plate-out in the se c ondary containment.
For a 0.5 hour holdup period , that reduction factor i s 0.4. This factor is applied to the building vent releases but not the release from the Offgas Stack. RFs c= 0.4 Page 1 1 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 5.8 Mon it or Range and Exhaust Flow Rates CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 9 is developed from the DAEC Emergency Plan Section " I", ODAM Figure 3-1 , and Procedure PCP 8.3. Ta bl e 9 -Monitor Range and E x haust Flo w Rates Monitor Monitor Release R e le a s e Point Common Equipment ID Range Flow Name &#xb5;Ci/cc CFM T u rbine Build i ng KAM AN RE-5945 / R E-lE-7 t o 72,000 1/2 5946 1E+5 KA MAN RE-7645, R E-3/4 7644 Reactor Buil d i n g KAMAN R E-7647, R E-lE-7 to 9 3, 000 5/6 7646 1E+5 KAM AN RE-7649, R E-7/8 7648 Offgas Stack KA MAN RE-4176 , R E-lE-7 t o 10,000 9/10 41 7 5 1E+5 LLRPSF KA MAN 12 RE-88 0 1 l E-7 to 7 5 , 000 3E-1 5.9 Breathing Rate From NUREG-1940 and FGR11 , the breathing rate is 3.33E-4 m 3/second. 5.10 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation The " Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation" by radionuclide provided in FGR11 Table 2.1 allow the determination of the committed dose equivalent to the thyroid and the effective dose equivalent per unit per unit intake , and are shown in Table 11. 5.11 Dose Coefficients for Air Submers i on The dose coefficients in Sv/Bq*s*m-3 from being submersed in air for each radionuclide to an effective dose are taken from Table 111.1 of FGR12 , and are shown in Table 11. Page 12 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-fvery project. E very day. 6.0 Methodology Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation will equate a radioactive material release rate as measured at the gaseous effluent radiation monitors with the dose received to a member of the public at an offsite location.
The relationship is highly influenced by the mixture of radioisotopes in the effluent and the dispersion of gases after they have left the facility.
Primary guidance is provided by NUREG-1940 and NUREG-1228.

===6.1 Scenario===
Table 3-12 from UREG-146.S. 5.3 Gaseous Dispersion Factors The dispersion factors are taken from the ODAM Section 3. Offgas Stack Building Vents 5.4 Isotopic half-lives Table 7 -Dispersion Factors Dose due to Plume/Submersion ODAM Sections and 3.9 2.SE-7 sec/m3 4.3E-6 sec/m3 Organ Dose Due to Particulates and Iodine ODAM Section 3.8 3.1 E-7 sec/m3 3.9E-6 sec/m3 Isotopic half-lives are taken from NUREG-1940, Supplement 1. For those isotopes missing from that list, denoted by*, half-lives were obtained from the following website which is maintained by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute: Page 9 of 34 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-Every project. Every doy. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 Table 8 contains the half-lives and calculated .A (lambda) values. Table 8 -Half-lives and Decay Constants T 1/2 T 1/2 Decay Isotope T 1/2 Lambda units Hours hrs*1 Ba-139 0.0574 days 1.38E+OO 5.03E-01 Ba-140 12.7 days 3.05E+02 2.27E-03 Ce-141 32.5 days 7.80E+02 8.89E-04 Ce-143 1.38 days 3.31E+Ol 2.09E-02 Ce-144 284 days 6.82E+03 1.02E-04 Cm-242 163 days 3.91E+03 1.77E-04 Cs-134 753 days 1.81E+04 3.84E-05 Cs-136 13.1 days 3.14E+02 2.20E-03 Cs-137 11000 days 2.64E+05 2.63E-06 1-131 8.04 days 1.93E+02 3.59E-03 1-132 0.0958 days 2.30E+OO 3.0lE-01 1-133 0.867 days 2.08E+Ol 3.33E-02 1-134 0.0365 days 8.76E-01 7.91E-01 1-135 0.275 days 6.60E+OO 1.05E-01 Kr-83m* 1.83 hours 1.83E+OO 3.79E-01 Kr-85 3910 days 9.38E+04 7.39E-06 Kr-85m 0.187 days 4.49E+OO 1.54E-01 Kr-87 0.053 days 1.27E+OO 5.45E-01 Kr-88 0.118 days 2.83E+OO 2.45E-01 La-140 1.68 days 4.03E+Ol 1.72E-02 La-141 0.164 days 3.94E+OO 1.76E-01 La-142 0.0642 days 1.54E+OO 4.SOE-01 Mo-99 2.75 days 6.60E+Ol 1.05E-02 Nb-95 35.2 days 8.45E+02 8.20E-04 Nd-147 11 days 2.64E+02 2.63E-03 Np-239 2.36 days 5.66E+Ol 1.22E-02 Pr-143 13.6 days 3.26E+02 2.12E-03 Pu-241 5260 days 1.26E+05 5.49E-06 Rb-86 18.7 days 4.49E+02 1.54E-03 Rh-105 1.47 days 3.53E+Ol 1.96E-02 Ru-103 39.3 days 9.43E+02 7.35E-04 Ru-105 0.185 days 4.44E+OO 1.56E-01 Ru-106 368 days 8.83E+03 7.85E-05 Sb-127 3.85 days 9.24E+Ol 7.50E-03 Sb-129* 4.4 hours 4.40E+OO 1.58E-01 Sr-89 50.5 days 1.21E+03 5.72E-04 Sr-90 10600 days 2.54E+05 2.72E-06 Sr-91 0.396 days 9.50E+OO 7.29E-02 Sr-92 0.113 days 2.71E+OO 2.56E-01 Tc-99m 0.251 days 6.02E+OO 1.15E-01 Te-127 0.39 days 9.36E+OO 7.41E-02 Te-127m 109 days 2.62E+03 2.65E-04 Te-129 0.0483 days 1.16E+OO 5.98E-01 Te-129m 33.6 days 8.06E+02 8.60E-04 Page 10 of 34 I i CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-Every project. Every doy. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 T 1/2 T 1/2 Decay Isotope T 1/2 Lambda units Hours hrs-1 Te-131m 1.25 days 3.00E+Ol 2.31E-02 Te-132 3.26 days 7.82E+Ol 8.86E-03 Xe-131m* 11.934 days 2.86E+02 2.42E-03 Xe-133 5.25 days l.26E+02 5.50E-03 Xe-133m* 2.19 days 5.26E+Ol l.32E-02 Xe-135 0.379 days 9.lOE+OO 7.62E-02 Xe-135m* 15.29 minutes 2.55E-01 2.72E+OO Xe-138* 14.08 minutes 2.35E-01 2.95E+OO Y-90 2.67 days 6.41E+Ol l.08E-02 Y-91 58.5 days l.40E+03 4.94E-04 Y-92 0.148 days 3.55E+OO l.95E-01 Y-93 0.421 days l.OlE+Ol 6.86E-02 Zr-95 64 days l.54E+03 4.SlE-04 Zr-97 0.704 days l.69E+Ol 4.lOE-02 5.5 Reduction Factor for Sprays NUREG-1940 Table 1-11 states that when sprays are used for longer than 1. 75 hours (but less than 2.25 hours), the following factor is applied to reduce all of the particulate and iodine species. RFs =Exp(-0.64tl Where t = the amount of times sprays are in service. Note: This reduction factor does not apply to the noble gases. For this calculation, sprays are used for a total of 2 hours as described in Section 6.1. The reduction factor is: RFs = e(-o.54*2) = 0.278 5.6 Standby Gas Treatment Filters NUREG-1940 allows a reduction factor of 0.01 for filters like the standby gas treatment (SBGT) system. This factor is only applied to releases from the Offgas Stack. RFF= 0.01 5.7 Secondary Containment NUREG-1228 provides a reduction factor for natural removal through settling and plate-out in the secondary containment. For a 0.5 hour holdup period, that reduction factor is 0.4. This factor is applied to the building vent releases but not the release from the Offgas Stack. RFsc= 0.4 Page 11 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 5.8 Monitor Range and Exhaust Flow Rates CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 9 is developed from the DAEC Emergency Plan Section "I", ODAM Figure 3-1, and Procedure PCP 8.3. Table 9 -Monitor Range and Exhaust Flow Rates Monitor Monitor Release Release Point Common Equipment ID Range Flow Name &#xb5;Ci/cc CFM Turbine Building KAMAN RE-5945 / RE-lE-7 to 72,000 1/2 5946 1E+5 KAMAN RE-7645, RE-3/4 7644 Reactor Building KAMAN RE-7647, RE-lE-7 to 93,000 5/6 7646 1E+5 KAMAN RE-7649, RE-7/8 7648 Offgas Stack KAMAN RE-4176, RE-lE-7 to 10,000 9/10 4175 1E+5 LLRPSF KAMAN 12 RE-8801 lE-7 to 75,000 3E-1 5.9 Breathing Rate From NUREG-1940 and FGR11, the breathing rate is 3.33E-4 m3/second. 5.10 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation The "Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation" by radionuclide provided in FGR11 Table 2.1 allow the determination of the committed dose equivalent to the thyroid and the effective dose equivalent per unit per unit intake, and are shown in Table 11. 5.11 Dose Coefficients for Air Submersion The dose coefficients in Sv/Bq*s*m-3 from being submersed in air for each radionuclide to an effective dose are taken from Table 111.1 of FGR12, and are shown in Table 11. Page 12 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-fvery project. Every day. 6.0 Methodology Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation will equate a radioactive material release rate as measured at the gaseous effluent radiation monitors with the dose received to a member of the public at an offsite location. The relationship is highly influenced by the mixture of radioisotopes in the effluent and the dispersion of gases after they have left the facility. Primary guidance is provided by NUREG-1940 and NUREG-1228. 6.1 Scenario The following generalized timeline is used to determine the phenomenon that can affect the mixture of radioisotopes in effluent. This scenario is realistic, but bounds an event that could occur in a shorter total time frame:
The following generalized timeline is used to determine the phenomenon that can affect the mixture of radioisotopes in effluent.
This scenario is realistic, but bounds an event that could occur in a shorter total time frame:
* T= 0 hr. Major recirculating system line break occurs. Reactor is shut down.
* T= 0 hr. Major recirculating system line break occurs. Reactor is shut down.
* T= 1 hr. Core is uncovered.
* T= 1 hr. Core is uncovered.
* T= 1 hr. Sprays are initiated.
* T= 1 hr. Sprays are initiated.
* T = 2 hrs. Core is covered.
* T = 2 hrs. Core is covered.
* T= 4.5 hrs. A catastrophic event causes damage to the drywell and the ondary containment. o The gaseous mixture from the Drywell spreads into the Reactor ing, Turbine Building, and LLRPSF. o Mean average holdup time of the gas in these buildings is 0.5 hours. Scenario timing will affect the mixture of radioisotopes and is summarized here:
* T= 4.5 hrs. A catastrophic event causes damage to the drywell and the ondary containment.
o The gaseous mixture from the Drywell spreads into the Reactor ing, Turbine Building, and LLRPSF. o Mean average holdup time of the gas in these buildings is 0.5 hours. Scenario timing will affect the mixture of radioisotopes and is summarized here:
* The core is uncovered for 1 hour.
* The core is uncovered for 1 hour.
* Core/Drywell Sprays are running for a total of 2 hours.
* Core/Drywell Sprays are running for a total of 2 hours.
Line 94: Line 247:
* When the reactor is in mode 4 or 5, the total decay time is 36 hours. Other Factors:
* When the reactor is in mode 4 or 5, the total decay time is 36 hours. Other Factors:
* The flow rates from the effluent exhaust points are listed in Design Input 5.8.
* The flow rates from the effluent exhaust points are listed in Design Input 5.8.
* The gaseous effluent radiation monitors are equally efficient for the ing of noble gases, particulates, and iodines.
* The gaseous effluent radiation monitors are equally efficient for the ing of noble gases , particulates, and iodines.
* All releases from the Offgas Stack are filtered by the Standby Gas Treatment system.
* All releases from the Offgas Stack are filtered by the Standby Gas Treatment system.
* Removal of particulates and iodines by natural process during holdup in sec-ondary containment are credited for releases from the building vents only. 6.2 Receptor The receptor is an adult located at the ODAM-described location of minimal dispersion who is exposed to the radioactive release for one hour. Due to this relatively short duration, the only exposure pathways are inhalation and submersion. Assumptions related to the receptor are found in Section 4.0. Page 13 of 34   
* Removal of particulates and iodines by natural process during holdup in sec-ondary containment are credited for releases from the building vents only. 6.2 Receptor The receptor is an adult located at the ODAM-described location of minimal dispersion who is exposed to the radioactive release for one hour. Due to this relatively short duration, the only exposure pathways are inhalation and submersion.
~* ENERCON bcel!ence-Every project. Every doy. 6.3 General Approach Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 With a given mixture of radionuclides, the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present in the gaseous mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the gas. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitor. With the fractionation of the mixture of radionuclides understood, a given gross output reading (&#xb5;Ci/cm3) from an effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the effluent. The calculation then uses default dispersion factors described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors provided in Federal Guidance Report 11 (FGR 11) and 12 (FGR12) are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the gaseous mixture of radionuclides. With the given radionuclide mixture and dispersion factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated: 1) TEDE and 2) COE Thyroid. COE or Committed Dose Equivalent is the radiation dose to a specific organ due to an uptake of radioactive material. In this case, the uptake is limited to inhalation of radioactive material in the plume. TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Dose Equivalent (CEDE). TEDE = EDE + CEDE. EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the gaseous release (shine). CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. In this calculation, only contributions from the inhalation pathway are considered. An iterative process is used to determine the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitors that correspond to the threshold doses. 6.4 Source Term This calculation will not analyze for the total activity released from the core. It will only analyze for the ratios of the isotopic species that are released from the core. Various phenomena will act to change the composition of the isotopic mixture in the time between reactor shutdown and release from the facility. In summary the removal phenomena addressed here include: Page 14 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RF1 = Fraction of the activity released from the inventory of damaged fuel described in Section 6.5. RFs = Fraction of the activity remaining after reduction by containment spray from Section 5.5. RFR = Fraction of activity remaining after 5 hours or 36 hours of radioactive decay described in Section 6.6. RFF = Fraction of the activity remaining after filter by SBGT filters from Section 5.6. RFsc = Fraction of activity remaining after natural removal processes in secondary containment from Section 5.7. Combining these factors provides a single fraction to derive a depleted source: RFrotal = RF1
Assumptions related to the receptor are found in Section 4.0. Page 13 of 34   
~* ENERCON bcel!ence-Every project. Every doy. 6.3 General Approach Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 With a given mixture of radionuclides, the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present i n the gaseous mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the gas. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitor. With the fractionation of the mixture of radionuclides understood , a given gross output reading (&#xb5;Ci/cm 3) from an effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the effluent.
The c a lculation then uses default dispersion factors described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors provided in Federal Guidance Report 11 (FGR 11) and 12 (FGR12) are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the gaseous mixture of radionuclides.
With the given radionuclide mixture and dispersion factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated
: 1) TEDE and 2) COE Thyroid. COE or Committed Dose Equivalent is the radiation dose to a specific organ due to an uptake of radioactive material.
In this case, the uptake is limited to inhalation of radioactive material in the plume. TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Dose Equivalent (CEDE). TEDE = EDE + CEDE. EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the gaseous release (shine). CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. In this calculation, only contributions from the inhalation pathway are considered.
An iterative process is used to determine the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitors that correspond to the threshold doses. 6.4 Source Term This calculation will not analyze for the total activity released from the core. It will only analyze for the ratios of the isotopic species that are released from the core. Various phenomena will act to change the composition of the isotopic mixture in the time between reactor shutdown and release from the facility.
In summary the removal phenomena addressed here include: Page 14 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Eve r y project. Eve ry d ay. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RF1 = Fraction of the activity released from the inventory of damaged fuel described in Section 6.5. RFs = Fraction of the activity remaining after reduction by containment spray from Section 5.5. RFR = Fraction of activity remaining after 5 hours or 36 hours of radioactive decay described in Section 6.6. RFF = Fraction of the activity rema i ning after filter by SBGT filters from Section 5.6. RFsc = Fraction of ac t ivity remaining after natural removal processes in secondary containment from Section 5.7. Combining these factors provides a single fraction to derive a depleted source: RFrotal = RF1
* RFs *RFR
* RFs *RFR
* RFsc 6.5 Fuel Damage Release Fractions Table 6 contains release fractions for three time periods representing the total amount of time the core has been assumed to be uncovered. They are: 0 to 0.5 hours, 0.5 to 2 hours, and 2 to 5 hours. For this calculation, the core is assumed to be uncovered for one hour. A spreadsheet is used to scale the release fraction between the 0.5 hour point and the 2 hour point. The Reduction Factor, RF1, due to the release fraction is 100% of the release expected in the first 0.5 hour PLUS 1/3 of the amount released as expected in the period between 0.5 hours and 2 hours. Example for Alkali Metals: 0.05 * (0*5 hr)+ 0.2 * (0*5 hr) = 0.1167 0.5 hr 1.5 hr Table 10-Release Fractions by Time Step (Hours) Group Time (h) by step 0.5 1.5 Cumulative Alkali Metals 0.050 0.2000 0.1167 Barium Group 0.000 0.0200 0.0067 Cerium Group 0.000 0.0005 0.0002 Halogen 0.050 0.2500 0.1333 Lanthanides 0.000 0.0002 0.0001 Noble Gas 0.050 0.9500 0.3667 Noble Metals 0.000 0.0025 0.0008 Tellurium group 0.000 0.0500 0.0167 Page 15 of 34
* RFsc 6.5 Fuel Damage Release Fractions Table 6 contains release fractions for three time periods representing the total amount of time the core has been assumed to be uncovered. They are: 0 to 0.5 hours , 0.5 to 2 hours , and 2 to 5 hours. For this calculation, the core is assumed to be uncovered for one hour. A spreadsheet is used to scale the release fraction between the 0.5 hour point and the 2 hour point. The Reduction Factor, RF1 , due to the release fraction is 100% of the release expected in the first 0.5 hour PLUS 1/3 of the amount released as expected in the period between 0.5 hours and 2 hours. Example for Alkali Metals: 0.05 * (0*5 hr)+ 0.2 * (0*5 hr) = 0.1167 0.5 hr 1.5 hr Table 10-Release Fractions by Time Step (Hours) Group Time (h) by step 0.5 1.5 Cumulativ e Alkali Metals 0.050 0.2000 0.1167 Barium Group 0.000 0.0200 0.0067 Cerium Group 0.000 0.0005 0.000 2 Halogen 0.050 0.2500 0.1333 Lanthanides 0.000 0.0002 0.0001 Noble Gas 0.050 0.9500 0.3667 Noble Metal s 0.000 0.0025 0.0008 Tell ur ium group 0.000 0.0500 0.0167 Page 15 of 34
* ca ENE R CON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. 6.6 Radioactive Decay Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO . REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The total amount of time the radioactive source is allowed to decay before being exhausted as an effluent is 5 hours or 36 hours depending on the reactor mode per Section 6.1. The generalized equation for radioactive decay is: A= Aoe(-M) Where: A = decayed activity Ao = initial activity A = isotopic decay constant t = elapsed time and A= ln2 / tYi With an end goal of a total reduction factor RFrota1, a radiation decay factor RFR is derived from the general equation above: RFR = e(-M) 6.7 Effective Dose Equivalent-Noble Gas Submersion Submersion dose from noble gases is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 12. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated: Xk= Xiv* v* (;) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor is calculated: Dose = I/xir
* ca ENE R CON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. 6.6 Radioactive Decay Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO . REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The total amount of time the radioactive source i s allowed to decay before being exhausted as an effluent is 5 hours or 36 hours depending on the reactor mode per Section 6.1. The generalized equation for radioactive decay is: A= Aoe (-M) Where: A = decayed activity A o = initial activity A = isotopic decay constant t = elapsed time and A= ln2 / tYi With an end goal of a total reduction factor RFrota1, a radiation decay factor RFR is derived from the general equation above: RFR = e (-M) 6.7 Effective Dose Equivalent-Noble Gas Submersion Submersion dose from noble gases is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 12. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated:
* hEsoJ Where i= (~) = concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m3) Note: Ci/m3 = &#xb5;Ci/cc volume of gas released (m3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m3) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mre~cm3) &#xb5;Ci sec Page 16 of 34   
X k= X i v* v* (;) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor is calculated:
~* ENERCON bee/fence-Every project. Every doy. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 As described in Section 7.3, a spreadsheet is used to determine the EDE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.8 Committed Dose Equivalent: Thyroid Organ dose from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 11. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated: Xir= Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated: Dose = Li(Xir
Dose = I/xir
* hEsoJ Where i= (~) = concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = &#xb5;Ci/cc volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent.  
(m re~c m 3) &#xb5;Ci s ec Page 16 of 34   
~* ENERCON bee/fence-Every pr oject. Every do y. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 As des c ribed in Sect i on 7.3 , a spreadsh ee t is used to determine the EDE dose contrib u tion for each isotope in the mixture. 6.8 Committed Dos e Equivalent:
Thyroid Organ dose from a i r borne p a rticulates a n d iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 11. The co n centration of a n isotop e i presen t i n the plume at the receptor is calculated:
X i r= X i v* v* (~) With th e i s otopic concentrati on at th e r ec eptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated:
Dose = L i(Xir
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hrsoJ Where i= (~) = B= hrsoi= t= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m3) Note: Ci/m3 = &#xb5;Ci/ cm3 volume of gas released (m3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m3) breathing Rate (cm3/sec) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/&#xb5;Ci) time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4, a spreadsheet is used to determine the thyroid COE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.9 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Effective Dose Equivalent from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR11. The concentration XirOf an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated: Xii*= Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated: Dose = Ilxir
* hr s oJ Where i= (~) = B= hrso i= t= c oncentr at ion of radionuclide i p r esent a t the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = &#xb5;Ci/ cm 3 volume of gas released (m 3) concentrat i on of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) breathing Rate (cm 3/sec) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/&#xb5;Ci) time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4 , a spreadsheet is used to determine the thyroid COE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.9 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Effective Dose Equivalent from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR11. The concentration Xir Of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated
: X ii*= X i v* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated
: Dose = I lxir
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hEsoJ Where Page
* hEsoJ Where Page 17 of 34 CALC NEE-323-
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hrsoa For isotope 1-131, an example is presented: Page 29 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every project. Every doy. Xir B Receptor Breathing Cone. Time Rate 2.79E-08 t*G 1 1.20E+06 Effie Where: hrsoi Thyroid Effie 1.08E+03 mrem t*G REV. Inhalation Thyroid Dose 00 3.62E+Ol mrem =-----+---hTso; is the thyroid dose factor for each isotope from Section 7.1. B = 1.20E+06 cm3/hr is the breathing rate. This value is equal to 3.33E-4 m3/sec from Design Input 5.9. Values in the "Inhalation CEDE Dose mrem" column are calculated by multiplying the following factors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate, the time, and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation comes from Section 6.9. Dose == L/Xir
* hrsoa For isotope 1-131, an example is presented:
Page 29 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NE I 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Ex c e lle n ce-Every pr ojec t. Eve ry d oy. Xir B R ece p tor B re a t h i n g Con e. Ti m e R ate 2.79E-0 8 t*G 1 1.20E+06 Effi e Where: h rsoi Thyroid Effi e 1.08E+03 mr em t*G REV. Inhalation Thyroid Dose 00 3.6 2 E+O l m re m =-----+---hTso; is the thyroid dose factor for each isotope from Section 7.1. B = 1.20 E+06 cm 3/hr is the breathing rate. This value is equal to 3.33E-4 m 3/sec from Design Input 5.9. Values i n the " Inhalation CED E Dose mrem" column are calculated by multiplying the following f a ctors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate , the time , and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation comes from Section 6.9. Dose == L/Xi r
* B
* B
* t
* t
* hEsoa For isotope 1-
* hEsoa For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented: Xi r R ecep tor C on e Time 2.79E-08 t*G 1 B Bre a t h i n g R a t e 1.2 0 E+06 Effi e h E S Oi CED E 3.2 9 E+Ol m r em Inhalation CEDE Dose 1.lO E+

Latest revision as of 19:14, 15 March 2019

Duane Arnold Energy Center, Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-005, Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs Per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/2017
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17363A067 List:
NG-17-0235 Calc No. NEE-323-CALC-005
Download: ML17363A082 (95)


Development of EAL Threshold values from NEE-323-CALC-005 Calculated values are provided in Calc-005 as shown below. Tab.'e 3-Recommended RA1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAl Thresholds

{Modes 1 , 2, 3)1 R-elease Point RAI RSI RGt J.lei/oc pci/cc l,[ci/CC ru r b i ne Btil ding 1.SIIE-02 .I.SSE-Ol. l_S8E+oo R eactill' ding 1.IlE*D.2 l.22E-O l 1-22.E+OD Off gas 5t:a.d 4.391:fOI 4.39E+o2 4.3.9E+o3 URPS F 151.E'-0 1 2 l.51E-Ol. 151.E+oo*

Tabfe 4-Recommended RA 1 , RS1, and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4 , 5)' Relene Foint RAI RSI RGt 1 11Ci/cc uti/cc u: ci/cc ru r.b i ne B il ding. 1.30!:-0 1 2 l.:IDE-0.1 1:.:!0 E+oo Reactor Buil ding 1.0lf*D2 l: D'lE-01. 1_, QIE+oo Offgas~t a d 452£.01 4.52E+02 4.52E+o3 URPS F 1.25£-0.2 1.2 5E-Ol 1.25f+oo*

  • P e r Des~gn Input 5.8 , t he r esu l ts i n EAL threshold va l ues exceed t h e range of the monitor. The follow i ng table of threshold values was developed for use in the DAEC EAL s cheme by averaging the separate Mode 1-3 and Mode 4-5 thresholds from Calc-005 , and then ro u nding the average values for ease of EAL evaluator use , as well as to provide a s te p-wise prog r ession through the emergency classification. Resulting values are shown in the Alert, SAE , and GE columns below: --.--.-Monitor GE SAE Alert N OUE Re acto r Bu ii d i n& vent i la ti on r ad mo n i t o r (K aman 3/4 , 5/6 , 7 /8) 1.0E+oo uc i/c c 1.0E-01 uc i/c c 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 uc i/cc VI T u r b i n e Bu i l d i n,: ve n ti l a t i on ra d m o n i t o r (Kaman 1/2) 1.0E+oo uc i/cc 1.0E-01 uc i/cc 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 u c i/c c :, VI "' CJ Off&as Stack r a d mon i t o r (Kaman 9/1 0) 4.SE.f-03 uc i/cc 4.SE.f-02 uc i/c c 4.SE.f-0 1 uc i/cc 2.0E-0 1 uc i/cc LL RPSF r ad mon i t o r (Kaman 12) --* l.O E-0 1 uc i/c c l.OE-02 uc i/cc l.OE-03 uc l/cc CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON CALCUL A T I ON COVER SHEET REV. 00 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. PAGE NO. 1 of 34 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI Client: Duane Arno l d Energy Center Title: 99-01 Rev. 06 Project Identifier:

NEE-323 Item Cover Sheet Items Yes No 1 Does this calculat ion contain any open assumptions , including preliminary D [8J informat i on , that require confirmation? (If YES , identify the assumptions

.) 2 Does this calculation serve as an " Alterna t e Calculation"? (If YES , identify the design D [8J v er i fied ca l cu l ation.) Design Verified Calculat i on No. --3 Does this calculation supersede an existing Calculation? (If YES , identify the design D [8J verified calculation.)

Superseded Calculation No. --Scope o f Revision:

Initial Issue Revision Impact on Results: Initial Issue Study Calculation D Fina l Ca l culation [8J Safety-Re l ated D Non-Safe ty-R e l ate d [8J (Print N ame and S i gn) Originat or: Ryan Skaggs Date: 12/1 4/17 Design Verifier 1 (Reviewer if NSR): Jay Bhatt Date: 12/14/17 A ppro v er: Zachary Rose Date: 12/14/17 Note 1: For non-safety

-re l ated calculation , design verification can be substituted by review.

J I ENERCON CALCULATION CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-00 5 Excellence-Every project. Every doy. REVISION STA Tl.JS SHEET REV. 00 CALCULATION REVISION STATUS REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION 00 12/14/1 7 Initial I ssue P A G E REVISION STATUS PAGE NO. REVI S IO N PAGE N O. REVISION All 00 APPENDIX/ATTACHMENT REVISION STATUS AP PE NDIX NO. NO.O F R E VISION ATTACHMENT NO.OF REVISION PAGES N O. NO. PAGES NO. A 8 00 1 4 00 Page 2 of 34 I ENERCON TABLE OF CONTENTS Exceffence-Eve,y projecr. Every day. Section 1.0 Purpose and Scope 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions References Assumptions Design Inputs Methodology Calculation Computer Software Impact Assessment List of Appendices Appendix A -Dose Spreadsheet Output List of Attachments Attachment 1 -Calculation Preparation Checklist Page 3 of 34 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 REV. 00 Page No. 4 4 6 7 8 13 19 33 34 # of Pages 8 # of Pages 4 ENERCON Excellence

-Every pro j ecr. Every d ay. 1.0 Purpose and Scope Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 The DAEC site is implementing new requirements of Revision 6 to the Document NEI 99-01, "Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors." One of the changes included in Revision 6 to NEI 99-01 is a new basis for the Emergency Action Level (EAL) RA 1. The requirements for RS1 and RG1 did not change from NEI 99-01 Rev. 05 with the implementation of NEI 99-01 , Rev. 06. The following table is extracted from Section 6 of Revision 6 to NEI 99-01: ALERT SITE AREA EMER-GENERAL EMER-GENCY GENCY AA1 Release of g a s e ous AS1 Release of gaseous AG1 Release of gase-or liquid radioactivity re-radioactivity resulting in ous radioactivity result-suiting in offsite do se offsite dose greater than ing in offsite dose greater th a n 10 m re m 100 mr e m TEOE or 500 greate r than 1 , 000 mrem TEOE or 50 mr em thy-mrem thyroid COE. TEOE or 5 , 000 mrem roid COE. Op. M o d e s: All thyroid COE. Op. Modes: All Op. Mod e s: All AA1 , AS1 , AG1 compares to DAEC terminology RA1 , RS1, RG1 , respectively.

This calculation determines the effluent radiation monitor readings that correspond to the RA 1 , RS1, and RG1 thresholds.

2.0 Summary

of Results and Conclusions The results below show the RA 1 EAL release concentration thresholds and associated dose rates for each release point for a decay time of five hours and 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The highlighted dose indicates which threshold was met at the release concentration. Table 1 -RA 1 EA L Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay= 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Mode 1 , 2 , 3)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE µCi/cc mrem mrem Turbine Building 1.58E-02 2.38 0.39 Reactor Build i ng 1.22 E-02 2.37** 0.3 9 Offgas St ac k 4.3 9 E+Ol 1.96 8.os* Low-Level Radwast e Proce s sing a nd 1.S l E-0 2 2.3 7 0.39 Stora g e Fa c ili t y (LLRPSF)

  • Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.3 ** Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.4 TEDE CDE Thyroid mrem mrem 2.77 50.0 2.7 6 49.8** 10.00 41.1 2.76 49.7 Table 2 -RA 1 EAL Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay = 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> (Mode 4 , 5)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE TEDE COE Thyroid µCi/cc mrem mrem mrem mrem Turbine Bui l ding 1.30E-0 2 2.59 0.07 2.67 49.7 Reactor Build i ng 1.0lE-02 2.60 O.Q7 2.68 49.9 Offgas Stac k 4.5 2 E+Ol 2.61 1.41 4.02 50.0 LLRPSF 1.2 5E-0 2 2.60 0.07 2.67 49.8 Page 4 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Resultant EAL thresholds:

Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 The tables below show the release concentration threshold for RA 1, RS 1, and RG 1 based on the results above for both a decay time of five hours and a decay time of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. From Section 1.0: RS1 thresholds are 10 times larger than those for RA1 RG1 thresholds are 100 times larger than those for RA 1 Table 3-Recommended RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 1 , 2 , 3) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbi ne Building 1.58E-02 1.58E-Ol 1.58E+OO Rea ctor Building l.22E-02 1.22E-01 1.22E+OO Off gas Stack 4.3 9E+Ol 4.39E+02 4.39E+03 LLRPSF 1.SlE-02 1.SlE-01 1.SlE+OO*

Table 4 -Recommended RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4 , 5) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbine Building 1.30E-02 l.30E-01 1.30E+OO Reacto r Building 1.0lE-02 1.0lE-01 1.0lE+OO Offgas Stack 4.52E+Ol 4.52E+02 4.52E+03 LLRPSF 1.25E-02 1.25E-01 1.25E+OO*

  • Per Design Input 5.8 the results in EAL threshold values exceed the range of the monitor. Page 5 of 34 NEE-323-CALC-005 . ENERCON CALC Revised Gaseous Radiological NO . f--------------~

Excellence-Every project. Every day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 3.0 References 3.1 NEI 99-01, Revision 6 , " Development of Emergency Action Levels for NonPassive Reactors" , Nuclear Energy Institute , November 2012. 3.2 NUREG-1940 , RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, 2012. 3.3 NUREG-1940 Supplement 1 , RASCAL 4.3: Description of Models and Methods, Uni t ed States Nuclear R e gulatory Commission , Office o f Nuclear Security and Incident Response , 2015. 3.4 NUREG-1228 , Source Term Estim a tion During Incident Response to Severe Nucl ea r Pow e r Plant Ac c idents , Uni te d States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Division of Operational Assessment , 1988. 3.5 NUREG-1465 , Accident Source Te r ms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants , United St a tes Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research , 1995. 3.6 DAEC UFSAR , Chapter 15-0. 3.7 DAEC UFSAR , Chapter 15-2. 3.8 DAEC Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (ODAM). 3.9 Plant Chemistry Procedure PCP 8.3, Alarm Setpoints and Background Determination for KAMAN Normal Range Monitors. 3.10 DAEC Nuclear Station HRN-HRH Radiation Monitor Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual, ©2000, by Engineering Solutions, 310 Luchana Drive, Litchfield Park, Arizona. 3.11 DAEC Emergency Plan , Section 'I', Rev. 27. 3.12 Federal Guidance Report No. 11, Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion and Ingestion Office of Radiation and Indoor Air , 1999. 3.13 Federal Guidance Report No. 12, External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air , Water, and Soil, 1993. 3.14 Table of Nuclides , http://atom 8080/tonlindex

.html , retrieved 10/10117.

Page 6 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Ev e ry p roject. Every d ay. 4.0 Assumptions Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 The following are assumptions about the receptor:

CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00

  • No credit is taken for radiation shielding provided by structures.
  • No decay in-transit is assumed during the time elapsed between the release point and the receptor. Both of the above assumptions are acceptable because they will result in a higher dose to the receptor and conservatively lower thresholds.

Page 7 of 34

.. ENERCON Excellence-Every p roject. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 5.0 Design Inputs 5.1 Core Inventory The assumed isotopic mixture in Table 5 is taken from Table 1-1 of NUREG-1940. The core inventory (curies per megawatts thermal) in the table is based on calcula t ions made by the NRC staff in December 2003 using the SAS2H control modul e of SCAL E (Standardized Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation), Version 4.4a. T a ble 5 -Iso t opic Mi x ture NUCLI D E CORE IN VE NT O RY N UCL I DE CORE IN V ENTORY NUC L I D E C O R E I NVENT O RY (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) (Ci/MWt) Ba-139 4.74E+04 La-141 4.33E+04 Te-127 2.36E+03 Ba-140 4.76E+04 La-142 4.21E+04 Te-127m 3.97E+02 Ce-141 4.39E+04 Mo-99 5.30E+04 Te-129 8.26E+03 Ce-143 4.00E+04 Nb-95 4.50E+04 Te-129m 1.68E+03 Ce-144* 3.54E+04 Nd-147 1.75E+04 Te-131m 5.41E+03 Cm-242 1.12E+03 Np-239 5.69E+05 Te-132 3.81E+04 Cs-134 4.70E+03 Pr-143 3.96E+04 Xe-131m 3.65E+02 Cs-136 1.49E+03 Pu-241 4.26E+03 Xe-133 5.43E+04 Cs-137 3.25E+03 Rb-86 5.29E+01 Xe-133m 1.72E+03 1-131 2.67E+04 Rh-105 2.81E+04 Xe-135 1.42E+04 1-132 3.88E+04 Ru-103 4.34E+04 Xe-135m 1.15E+04 1-133 5.42E+04 Ru-105 3.06E+04 Xe-138 4.56E+04 1-134 5.98E+04 Ru-106* 1.55E+04 Y-90 2.45E+03 1-135 5.18E+04 Sb-127 2.39E+03 Y-91 3.17E+04 Kr-83m 3.05E+03 Sb-129 8.68E+03 Y-92 3.26E+04 Kr-85 2.78E+02 Sr-89 2.41E+04 Y-93 2.52E+04 Kr-85m 6.17E+03 Sr-90 2.39E+03 Zr-95 4.44E+04 Kr-87 1.23E+04 Sr-91 3.01E+04 Zr-97* 4.23E+04 Kr-88 1.70E+04 S r-92 3.24E+04 La-140 4.91E+04 Tc-99m 4.37E+04 Page 8 of 34

't ENERCON Excellence-Ev e ry pr oject. Every day. 5.2 Release Fraction Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 6 displays release fractions as a function of time taken from Table 1-4 which references Table 3-12 of NUREG-1465. Table 6 -Release Fraction NUCLIDE GROUP BWR CORE INVENTORY RELEASE FRACTION Cladd i ng Fa il ure Core Melt Phase Postvesse l (Gap Re l ease {In-Vesse l Phase) Melt-Through Phase Phase) (1.5-hour durat i on) (Ex-Vessel Phase) (0.5-hou r duration)

(3.0-hour duration)

Nob l e gases (Kr , Xe) 0.05 0.95 0 Halogens (I , Br) 0.05 0.25 0.30 Alka li meta l s (Cs , Rb) 0.05 0.20 0.35 Te llu ri um group (T e, Sb , Se) 0 0.05 0.25 Barium , s tront i um (Ba , Sr) 0 0.02 0.1 Nob l e meta l s (Ru , Rh , Pd, Mo , 0 0.0025 0.0025 Tc , Co) Cerium group (Ce , Pu , Np) 0 0.0005 0.005 Lanth an i des (La , Zr , Nd , Eu. Nb , 0 0.0002 0.005 Pm , Pr , Sm , Y , Cm , Am) *R ef e renc e: T abl e 3-1 2 from lJ R EG-1 4 6 5. 5.3 Gaseous Dispersion Factors The dispersion factors are taken from the ODAM Section 3. Table 7 -Dispersion Factors Dose due to Organ Dose Due to Plume/Submersion ODAM Sections and Particulates and Iodine 3.9 ODAM Section 3.8 Offgas Stack 2.8E-7 sec/m 3 3.1 E-7 sec/m 3 Building Vents 4.3E-6 sec/m 3 3.9E-6 sec/m 3 5.4 Isotopic half-lives Isotopic half-lives are taken from NUREG-1940, Supplement

1. For those isotopes missing from that list, denoted by*, half-lives were obtained from the following website which is maintained by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute:

kr: 8080/tonlindex.

html Page 9 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EA Ls per NE I 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. Table 8 contains the half-lives and calculated;\ (lambda) values. Isotope Ba-139 B a-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-24 2 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 1-131 1-132 1-133 1-134 1-135 Kr-83m* Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-241 Rb-86 Rh-105 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129* Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Table 8 -Half-lives and Decay Constants T 1/2 0.0574 12.7 32.5 1.3 8 284 163 753 13.1 11000 8.04 0.095 8 0.867 0.0365 0.275 1.83 3910 0.187 0.053 0.118 1.68 0.164 0.0642 2.75 35.2 11 2.36 13.6 5260 18.7 1.47 39.3 0.185 368 3.85 4.4 50.5 10600 0.396 0.113 0.251 0.39 109 0.0483 33.6 T 1/2 units days days day s days days days days days days days days days days days hours days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days days hours days days days days days days days days days T 1/2 Hours 1.38E+OO 3.05E+0 2 7.80E+02 3.31E+Ol 6.82E+0 3 3.91E+03 l.81E+04 3.14E+02 2.64E+05 1.93E+02 2.30E+OO 2.08E+Ol 8.76E-01 6.60E+OO 1.83E+OO 9.38E+04 4.49E+OO 1.27E+OO 2.83E+OO 4.03E+Ol 3.94E+OO 1.54E+OO 6.60E+Ol 8.45E+02 2.64E+02 5.66E+Ol 3.26E+02 1.26E+05 4.49E+02 3.53E+Ol 9.43E+02 4.44E+OO 8.83E+03 9.24E+Ol 4.40E+OO 1.21E+03 2.54E+05 9.SOE+OO 2.71E+OO 6.02E+OO 9.36E+OO 2.62E+03 1.16E+OO 8.06E+02 Page 10 of 34 Decay Lambda hrs*1 5.03E-01 2.27E-03 8.89E-04 2.09E-02 1.02E-04 1.77E-04 3.84E-05 2.20E-03 2.63E-06 3.59E-03 3.0lE-01 3.33E-02 7.91E-01 1.05E-01 3.79E-01 7.39E-06 1.54E-01 5.45E-01 2.45E-01 1.72E-02 1.76E-01 4.50E-01 1.05E-02 8.20E-04 2.63E-03 1.22E-02 2.12E-03 5.49E-06 1.54E-03 1.96E-02 7.35E-04 1.56E-01 7.85E-05 7.SOE-03 1.58E-01 5.72E-04 2.72E-06 7.29E-02 2.56E-01 1.15E-01 7.41E-02 2.65E-04 5.98E-01 8.60E-04 N EE-323-CALC-005 00

'-CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiolog i ca l NO. EALs per NEI 99-0 1 Rev. 06 Excellence-Every project. Every d ay. REV. 00 T 1/2 T 1/2 Decay I s otop e T 1/2 Lambda unit s Hour s hr s-1 Te-131m 1.25 da y s 3.00E+Ol 2.31E-02 Te-132 3.26 days 7.82E+Ol 8.86E-03 Xe-131m* 11.934 days 2.86E+02 2.42E-03 Xe-133 5.25 days 1.26E+02 5.SOE-03 Xe-133m* 2.19 days 5.26E+Ol 1.32E-02 Xe-135 0.379 days 9.lOE+OO 7.62E-02 Xe-135m* 15.29 mi n utes 2.55E-01 2.72E+OO Xe-138* 14.08 mi nu tes 2.35E-01 2.95E+OO Y-90 2.67 d ays 6.41E+Ol 1.08E-02 Y-91 58.5 d a y s 1.4 0E+03 4.94E-04 Y-92 0.148 days 3.55E+OO 1.95E-01 Y-93 0.421 days 1.0lE+Ol 6.86E-02 Zr-95 64 days 1.54E+03 4.51E-04 Zr-97 0.704 da y s 1.69E+Ol 4.lOE-02 5.5 Reduction Facto r for Sprays NUREG-1940 Ta ble 1-11 state s that when spray s are used for longer than 1.75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br /> (but less than 2.25 h o urs), the following fac t or is appl i ed to reduce all of the particulate and iodine species. RFs =Exp (-o.s 4 t) Where t = t h e amount of times spr a ys are in service. Note: This reduction factor does not apply to the noble gases. For this calculation , sprays a r e used for a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> as described in Section 6.1. The reduction facto r is: RF s = e (-o.5 4*2) = 0.278 5.6 Standby Gas Treatment Filters NUREG-1940 allows a reduction factor of 0.01 for filters like the standby gas treatment (SBGT) system. This factor is only applied to releases from the Offgas Stack. RFF= 0.01 5.7 Secondary Containment NUREG-1228 provides a reduction factor for natural removal through settling and plate-out in the secondary containment.

For a 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> holdup period, that reduction factor is 0.4. This factor is applied to the building vent releases but not the release from the Offgas Stack. RF sc= 0.4 Page 11 of 34

_. ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 5.8 Monitor Range and Exhaust Flow Rates CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 9 is developed from the DAEC Emergency Plan Section "I" , ODAM Figure 3-1, and Procedure PCP 8.3. Ta ble 9 -Monito r Range a nd E x haust Flo w Rates Monitor Monitor Release Release Point Common Equipment ID Range Flow Name µCi/cc CFM Tur b i n e B uil d in g K AMAN RE-5945 / R E-lE-7 to 72, 000 1/2 5946 1E+5 KA MAN R E-76 4 5, R E-3/4 7 6 44 R eactor Bui l ding KAM AN RE-7647, R E-lE-7 to 93,00 0 5/6 7646 1 E+5 KAM A N RE-7649, R E-7/8 7648 O ffgas Stack K AMAN R E-4176, R E-lE-7 to 10 ,0 00 9/10 4175 1E+5 LLRP SF K AMAN 1 2 R E-8 801 lE-7 to 7 5 , 0 0 0 3E-1 5.9 Breathing Rate From NUREG-1940 and FGR11 , the breathing rate is 3.33E-4 m 3/second. 5.10 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation The " Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation" by radionuclide provided in FGR11 Table 2.1 allow the determination of the committed dose equivalent to the thyroid and the effective dose equivalent per unit per unit intake , and are shown in Table 11. 5.11 Dose Coefficients for Air Submersion The dose coefficients in Sv/Bq*s*m-3 from being submersed in air for each radionuclide to an effective dose are taken from Table 111.1 of FGR12 , and are shown in Table 11. Page 12 of 34 ENERCON &cellence-Every project. Every day. 6.0 Methodology Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation will equate a radioactive material release rate as measured at the gaseous effluent radiation monitors with the dose received to a member of the public at an offsite location.

The relationship is highly influenced by the mixture of radioisotopes in the effluent and the dispersion of gases after they have left the facility.

Primary guidance is provided by NUREG-1940 and NUREG-1228. 6.1 Scenario The following generalized timeline is used to determine the phenomenon that can affect the mixture of radioisotopes in effluent.

This scenario is realistic , but bounds an event that could occur in a shorter total time frame:

  • T= 0 hr. Major recirculating system line break occurs. Reactor is shut down.
  • T= 1 hr. Core is uncovered.
  • T= 1 hr. Sprays are initiated.
  • T = 2 hrs. Core is covered.
  • T= 4.5 hrs. A catastrophic event causes damage to the drywell and the ondary containment.

o The gaseous mixture from the Drywell spreads into the Reactor ing, Turbine Building, and LLRPSF. o Mean average holdup time of the gas in these buildings is 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Scenario timing will affect the mixture of radioisotopes and is summarized here:

  • The core is uncovered for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
  • Core/Drywell Sprays are running for a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
  • Primary Containment integrity is maintained for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.
  • Source holdup time in secondary containment is 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.
  • Source decay time from shutdown to the release point is 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.
  • When the reactor is in mode 4 or 5 , the total decay time is 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. Other Factors:
  • The flow rates from the effluent exhaust points are listed in Design Input 5.8.
  • The gaseous effluent radiation monitors are equally efficient for the ing of noble gases, particulates, and iodines.
  • Removal of particulates and iodines by natural process during holdup in sec-ondary containment are credited for releases from the building vents only. 6.2 Receptor The receptor is an adult located at the ODAM-described location of minimal dispersion who is exposed to the radioactive release for one hour. Due to this relatively short duration, the only exposure pathways are inhalation and submersion.

Assumptions related to the receptor are found in Section 4.0. Page 13 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. 6.3 General Approach Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 With a given mixture of radionuclides , the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present in the gaseous mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the gas. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitor. With the fractionation of the mixture of radionuclides understood , a given gross output reading (µCi/cm 3) from an effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the effluent.

The calculation then uses default dispersion factors described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors provided in Federal Guidance Report 11 (FGR 11) and 12 (FGR12) are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the gaseous mixture of radionuclides.

With the given radionuclide mixture and dispersion factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated

1) TEDE and 2) COE Thyroid. COE or Committed Dose Equ i valent is the radiation dose to a specific organ due to an uptake of radioactive material.

In this case, the uptake is limited to inhalation of radioactive material in the plume. TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Dose Equivalent (CEDE). TEDE = EDE + CEDE. EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the gaseous release (shine). CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. In this calculation, only contributions from the inhalation pathway are considered. An iterative process is used to determine the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitors that correspond to the threshold doses. 6.4 Source Term This calculation will not analyze for the total activity released from the core. It will only analyze for the ratios of the isotopic species that are released from the core. Various phenomena will act to change the composition of the isotopic mixture in the time between reactor shutdown and release from the facility. In summary the removal phenomena addressed here include: Page 14 of 34

~ii ENE RC ON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RF1 = Fraction of the activity released from the inventory of damaged fuel described in Section 6.5. RFs = Fraction of the activity remaining after reduction by containment spray from Section 5.5. RFR = Fraction of act i v i ty remaining after 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> or 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> of radioactive decay described in Section 6.6. RFF = Fra ct ion of the a ctivity remaining after filter by SBGT filters from Section 5.6. R F sc = Fraction of activity remaining after natural removal processes in s e c on d ary containment from Section 5.7. Combin i ng these fac t ors provides a singl e fraction to derive a depleted source: RFro t al = RF1

  • RFs *RFR
  • RFsc 6.5 Fuel Damage Release Fractions Table 6 contains release fractions for three time periods representing the total amount of time the core has been assumed to be uncovered.

They are: 0 to 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> , 0.5 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> , and 2 to 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. For this calculation, the core is assumed to be uncovered for one hour. A spreadsheet is used to scale the r elease fract i on between the 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> point and the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> point. The Reduction Factor , RF,. due to the release fraction is 100% of the release expected in the first 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> PLUS 1/3 of the amount released as expected in the period between 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> and 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Example for Alkali Metals: 0.05 * (0*5 h r)+ 0.2 * (0*5 h r) = 0.1167 0.5 h r 1.5 h r Table 1 O -Release Fractions by Time Step (Hours) Group Time (h) by step 0.5 1.5 Cumulative Alkali Metals 0.05 0 0.2000 0.1167 Barium Group 0.000 0.0200 0.0067 Cerium Group 0.000 0.0005 0.000 2 Halogen 0.050 0.2500 0.133 3 La nth an ides 0.00 0 0.0002 0.0001 Noble Gas 0.050 0.9500 0.3667 Noble Metal s 0.000 0.0025 0.000 8 Tellurium group 0.000 0.0500 0.0167 Page 15 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 6.6 Radioactive Decay Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC

-005 00 The tot a l amount of time the radioactive source is allowed to decay before being exhaus t ed as an effluent i s 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> or 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> depending on the reactor mode per Section 6.1. The generalized equation for radioactive decay is: A= A o e (-A t) Where: A = decayed activity A o = initial activity .,.\ = isotopic decay constant t = elapsed time and .A= ln2 / t% With an end goal of a total reduction factor RFTota1, a radiation decay factor RFR is derived from the general equation above: RFR = e (-M) 6. 7 Effective Dose Equivalent

-Noble Gas Submersion Submersion dose from noble gases is calculated with guidance provided in FGR12. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated

Xir = Xiv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known , the dose (mrem) at the receptor is calculated:

Dose = L i (X i r

  • h Eso a Where v= Xiv= i= (~) = hEso i= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/cc volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent.

(mremcm 3) µC i sec Page 16 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 As described in Section 7.3, a spreadsheet is used to determine the EDE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.8 Committed Dose Equivalent:

Thyroid Organ dose from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 11. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated

XJ r= X iv* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated
Dose = L i (X i r
  • B
  • t
  • hrsoJ Where i= (~) = B= hrsoi= t= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/ cm 3 volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) breathing Rate (cm 3/sec) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/µCi) time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4, a spreadsheet is used to determine the thyroid COE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.9 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Effective Dose Equivalent from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR11. The concentration Xir Of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated:

Xi r= X i v* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known , the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated:

Dose = Li(Xi r

  • B
  • t
  • hESOi) Where Page 17 of 34 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 Excellence-Every projecr. Every d ay. REV. 00 i= (~) = B= concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/ cm 3 volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) breathing Rate (cm 3/sec)
  • hEsoi = factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/µCi) t = time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4, a spreadsheet is used to determine the CEDE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. Page 18 of 34 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005

, J I ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-Every projec t. Every day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 7.0 Calculation 1 All calculations were completed using Microsoft Excel. Sample calculations are shown in the subsections that follow. 7.1 Dose Factors FGR 11 and FGR 12 display dose factors in the SI units of Sv/Bq and Sv m 3/ Bq sec, respectively.

Traditional units of mrem/µCi and mrem cm 3/µCi sec are desired. FGR11: 1 Sv lE+OS mrem 1 G 2.7E-11 G l.OOE+6 µCi The conversion factor from Sv/Bq to mrem/µCi is 3.70E+09.

FGR 12: Sv ffi i! lE+OS mrem 1 1E+06 ml G sec Sv 2.7E-11 G ffi i 1E+06 µCi 3.70E+09 mrem µCi 3.70E+l5 m r em cm 3 = µCi sec The conversion factor from Sv m 3/Bq sec to mrem cm 3/µCi sec is 3.70E+15.

The thyroid, CEDE, and submersion dose factors in the traditional units for each isotope are calculated in the table below. Column C, D, and Hare dose factors from Sections 5.10 and 5.11 and Columns E and I are the conversion factors from above. Column F, G, and J are the hTsoi, hEsoi , and hEsoi factors as described in Sections 6.8, 6.9, and 6.7, respectively. Line 6 of Table 11 illustrates the formulas for Ba-139. Table 11 -Isotopic Dose Factors FGRll FGRll Units Thyroid CEDE FGR 12: Units Submersion Thyroid CEDE Isotope Conversion mrem mrem Sv m 3 Conversion mrem cc Sv Sv Factor µCi µCi Bq s ec Facto r µCi sec Bq Bq Ba-139 2.40E-12 4.64E-11 3.70E+09 =E6*C6 =E6*06 2.17E-15 3.70E+15 =l6*H6 Ba-139 2.40E-1 2 4.64E-11 3.70E+09 8.88E-03 l.72E-01 2.17E-15 3.7E+l5 8.03E+OO Ba-140 2.56E-10 l.OlE-09 3.70E+09 9.47E-01 3.74E+OO 8.58E-15 3.7E+l5 3.17E+Ol Ce-141 4.61E-11 2.42E-09 3.70E+09 l.71E-01 8.9SE+OO 3.43E-15 3.7E+15 l.27E+Ol Ce-143 1.21E-11 9.16E-10 3.70E+09 4.48E-0 2 3.39E+OO l.29E-14 3.7E+l5 4.77E+Ol Ce-144 l.88E-09 l.OlE-07 3.70E+09 6.96E+OO 3.74E+02 8.53E-16 3.7E+15 3.16E+OO Cm-242 9.41E-10 4.67E-06 3.70E+09 3.48E+OO 1.73E+04 S.69E-18 3.7E+l5 2.llE-02 Cs-134 l.llE-08 l.25E-08 3.70E+09 4.llE+Ol 4.63E+Ol 7.57E-14 3.7E+15 2.80E+02 Cs-136 l.73E-09 l.98E-09 3.70E+09 6.40E+OO 7.33E+OO l.06E-13 3.7E+l5 3.92E+02 Cs-137 7.93E-09 8.63E-09 3.70E+09 2.93E+Ol 3.19E+Ol 7.74E-18 3.7E+15 2.86E-02 1-131 2.92E-07 8.89E-09 3.70E+09 l.08E+03 3.29E+Ol l.82E-14 3.7E+l5 6.73E+Ol 1-13 2 l.74E-09 l.03E-10 3.70E+09 6.44E+OO 3.81E-01 l.12E-13 3.7E+15 4.14E+0 2 1-133 4.86E-08 1.58E-09 3.70E+09 l.80E+02 5.85E+OO 2.94E-14 3.7E+l5 l.09E+02 Page 19 of 34 CALC N EE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radi ol ogical NO. Ex c e ll en ce-Ever y p ro]ec l. Ev er y d ay. EALs per N E I 99-01 Re v. 0 6 REV. 0 0 FGRll FGRll Thyroid Thyroid CEDE Units CEDE FGR 12: Units Submersion I sotope Sv S v Conve r sion mrem mrem Sv m 3 Conversion mrem cc Bq Bq Factor µCi µCi Bq sec Fa ctor µCi sec 1-134 2.88E-10 3.SSE-11 3.70E+09 1.07E+OO l.31E-01 1.3E-13 3.7E+15 4.81 E+02 1-135 8.46E-09 3.32E-10 3.70 E+09 3.13E+Ol 1.23E+OO 7.98E-14 3.7E+l5 2.95E+02 Kr-83m 1.SE-18 3.7 E+l5 5.SSE-03 Kr-85 1.19E-16 3.7 E+15 4.40E-01 Kr-85m 7.48E-1 5 3.7E+15 2.77E+Ol Kr-87 4.12E-14 3.7E+15 1.52E+02 Kr-88 1.02E-13 3.7E+15 3.77E+02 La-140 1.22E-10 1.31E-09 3.70E+09 4.SlE-01 4.85E+OO 1.17E-13 3.7E+l5 4.33E+02 La-141 9.40E-12 1.57E-10 3.70E+0 9 3.48E-02 5.81E-01 2.39E-15 3.7E+l5 8.84E+OO La-142 8.74E-12 6.84E-11 3.70E+09 3.23E-02 2.53E-01 1.44E-13 3.7E+15 5.33E+02 Mo-99 1.17E-10 1.07E-09 3.70E+09 4.33E-01 3.96E+OO 7.28E-15 3.7E+15 2.69E+Ol Nb-95 3.58E-10 1.57E-09 3.70E+0 9 1.32E+OO 5.81E+OO 3.74E-14 3.7E+l5 1.38E+02 Nd-147 1.94E-11 1.85E-09 3.70E+09 7.18E-02 6.85E+OO 6.19E-15 3.7E+15 2.2 9E+Ol Np-239 7.6 2E-12 6.7 8E-10 3.70E+09 2.82E-0 2 2.SlE+OO 7.69E-15 3.7E+l5 2.85E+Ol Pr-143 1.68E-18 2.19E-09 3.70E+09 6.22E-09 8.lOE+OO 2.lE-17 3.7E+l5 7.77E-02 Pu-241 1.24E-11 2.23E-06 3.70E+09 4.59E-02 8.25E+03 7.2 5E-20 3.7E+15 2.68E-04 Rb-86 1.33E-09 1.79E-09 3.70E+09 4.92E+OO 6.62E+OO 4.81E-15 3.7E+15 1.78E+Ol Rh-105 2.57E-11 2.58E-10 3.70E+09 9.SlE-02 9.SSE-01 3.72E-15 3.7E+15 1.38E+Ol Ru-103 5.97E-10 2.42E-09 3.70E+09 2.21E+OO 8.95E+OO 2.25E-14 3.7E+l5 8.33E+Ol Ru-105 1.SOE-11 1.23E-10 3.70E+09 5.SSE-02 4.SSE-01 3.81E-14 3.7E+l5 1.41E+02 Ru-106 1.37E-08 1.29E-07 3.70E+09 5.07E+Ol 4.77E+02 0 3.7E+15 O.OOE+OO Sb-127 1.SOE-10 1.63E-09 3.70E+09 5.SSE-01 6.0?E+OO 3.33E-14 3.7E+15 1.23E+02 Sb-129 2.07E-11 1.74E-10 3.70E+09 7.66E-02 6.44E-01 7.14E-14 3.7E+15 2.64E+02 Sr-89 4.16E-10 1.12E-0 8 3.70E+09 1.54E+OO 4.14E+Ol 7.73E-17 3.7E+l5 2.86E-01 Sr-90 2.64E-09 3.SlE-07 3.70E+09 9.77E+OO 1.30E+0 3 7.53E-18 3.7E+l5 2.79 E-02 Sr-91 4.08E-11 4.49E-10 3.70E+09 1.SlE-01 1.66E+OO 3.45 E-14 3.7E+l5 1.28E+02 Sr-92 2.19E-11 2.18E-10 3.70E+09 8.lOE-0 2 8.07E-01 6.79E-14 3.7E+15 2.51E+02 Tc-99m 5.0lE-11 8.80E-12 3.7 0 E+09 1.85E-01 3.26E-0 2 5.89E-1 5 3.7E+15 2.18E+Ol Te-127 6.46E-12 8.60E-11 3.70E+09 2.39E-02 3.18E-01 2.42E-16 3.7E+l5 8.95E-01 Te-127m 2.39E-10 5.81E-09 3.70E+09 8.84E-01 2.lSE+Ol 1.47E-16 3.7E+l5 5.44E-01 Te-129 1.63E-12 2.42E-11 3.70 E+09 6.03E-03 8.95E-02 2.75E-15 3.7E+15 1.02E+Ol Te-129m 3.95E-10 6.47E-09 3.70E+09 1.46E+OO 2.39E+Ol 1.SSE-15 3.7E+15 5.74E+OO Te-131m 3.61E-08 1.73E-09 3.70E+09 1.34E+02 6.40E+OO 7.0lE-14 3.7E+15 2.59E+02 Te-132 6.28 E-08 2.SS E-0 9 3.70E+09 2.32E+02 9.44E+OO 1.03E-14 3.7E+15 3.81E+Ol Xe-131m 3.89E-16 3.7E+l5 1.44E+OO Xe-133 1.56E-1 5 3.7E+15 5.77E+OO Xe-133 m 1.37E-15 3.7E+15 5.07E+OO Xe-135 1.19E-14 3.7E+l5 4.40E+Ol Xe-135m 2.04E-14 3.7E+l5 7.SSE+Ol Xe-138 5.77 E-14 3.7E+15 2.13E+02 Y-90 9.52E-12 2.28E-09 3.70E+09 3.52E-02 8.44E+O O 1.9E-16 3.7E+15 7.03E-01 Y-91 l.lOE-10 1.32E-08 3.70E+09 4.07E-01 4.88E+Ol 2.6E-16 3.7E+l5 9.62E-01 Y-92 3.6 9E-12 2.llE-10 3.70E+09 1.37E-02 7.81E-01 1.3E-14 3.7E+15 4.81E+Ol Y-93 5.06E-12 5.82E-10 3.70E+0 9 1.87E-0 2 2.lSE+OO 4.8E-15 3.7E+l5 1.78E+Ol Zr-95 1.44E-09 6.39E-09 3.70E+09 5.33 E+OO 2.36E+Ol 3.6E-14 3.7 E+15 1.33E+02 Zr-97 9.56E-11 l.17E-09 3.70E+09 3.54E-0 1 4.33E+OO 9.02E-15 3.7E+15 3.34E+Ol Page 20 of 34 I ENERCON Excellence-Every projec1. Every doy. 7.2 Source Term Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 A spreadsheet is used to determine the total reduction factor RFrota1 for each isotope present in the source term a s described in Section 6.4. The activity per megawatt thermal from Section 5.1 is multiplied by RFrota1 to find the source term for each isotope. The spreadsheet for the Offgas Stack release is presented in Table 13. The re l at i ve activity released from damaged fuel (RF1) was determined in Section 6.5. T a ble 1 2-2 Hours Reduction Factor (RF,) Cumulative 2 Ho ur Alk a li M e t al s 0.11 6 7 Ba riu m Gro u p 0.00 6 7 Ce rium Group 0.000 2 H a lo ge n 0.13 33 L a nth a nid es 0.000 1 Nobl e G as 0.3667 N o bl e M e t a l s 0.000 8 Te llurium gro u p 0.0 16 7 A Spray Reduction factor of 0.278 for primary containment sprays (RFsJ was derived in Section 5.5. Deter mi nation of the Radiation Decay fractions (RFR) was demonstrated in Section 6.6. In the spreadsheets below , the source decay time is 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Page 21 of 34 ENERCON Ex c e llence-E very p rojecr. E very d ay. 7.2.1 O ffgas Stack Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Re v. 06 CALC N O. R EV. N EE-323-C A LC-005 00 For the Offgas Stack release , credit is taken for filteri n g (RFF) by t h e Stan dby Gas Treatment system b ut not for the natura l remova l processes t h at o cc u r i n secondary containment (RFsc). Table 13 -Isotopic Deplet ion and Release for Offgas Stack RF, RFs RFsc RFF RFR RFrotal Q Release + 0.25 hr SBGT Decay Total Release Form Isotope Sprays Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-Filter Fraction Depletion Ci/MWTh ta inm ent Barium Group Ba-139 4.74E+04 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.0808 1.50E-06 7.lOE-02 Barium Group Ba-140 4.76E+04 0.0067 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9887 1.83E-05 8.72E-01 Cer ium Group Ce-141 4.39E+04 0.000 2 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9956 4.61 E-07 2.03E-02 Cerium Group Ce-14 3 4.00E+04 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9006 4.17E-07 1.67E-02 Cerium Group Ce-144 3.54E+04 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9995 4.63E-07 1.64E-02 La ntha n ides Cm-2 42 1.12E+03 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9991 1.85E-07 2.07E-04 Alkali M etals Cs-134 4.70E+03 0.1167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9998 3.24E-04 1.52E+OO Alkali Meta ls Cs-136 1.49E+03 0.1167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9890 3.21E-04 4.78E-01 Alkali Metals Cs-137 3.25E+03 0.1167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 1.0000 3.24E-04 1.05E+OO H a l ogen 1-131 2.67E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9822 3.64E-04 9.72E+OO Halogen 1-132 3.88E+04 0.1333 0.278 0 1.0000 0.01 0.2215 8.21E-05 3.19E+OO Ha l ogen 1-133 5.42E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.8466 3.14E-04 1.70E+Ol Halogen 1-134 5.98E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.0191 7.09E-06 4.24E-01 Halogen 1-135 5.18E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.5915 2.19E-04 1.14E+Ol Noble Gas Kr-83m 3.05E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1505 5.52E-02 1.68E+02 Nob l e Gas Kr-85 2.78E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0000 3.67E-01 1.02E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85m 6.17E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4620 1.69E-01 1.05E+03 Noble Gas Kr-87 l.23E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0656 2.40E-02 2.96E+02 Noble Gas Kr-88 l.70E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2941 1.08E-01 1.83E+03 Lanthanides La-140 4.91E+04 0.0001 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9176 1.70E-07 8.35E-03 Lanthanides La-141 4.33E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.4146 7.68E-08 3.33E-03 La nth an ides La-142 4.21E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.1055 1.96E-08 8.23E-04 Noble Metals Mo-99 5.30E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9488 2.2 0E-06 1.17E-01 Lanthanides Nb-95 4.SOE+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9959 l.85E-07 8.31E-03 Lanthanides Nd-147 l.75E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9870 1.83E-07 3.20E-03 Cerium Group Np-239 5.69E+05 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9406 4.36E-07 2.48E-01 Lanthanides Pr-143 3.96E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9894 1.83E-07 7.26E-03 Cerium Group Pu-241 4.26E+03 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 1.0 000 4.63E-07 l.97E-03 A l kali M etals Rb-86 5.29E+Ol 0.1167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9923 3.22E-04 1.70E-02 Nob l e Metal s Rh-105 2.81E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9064 2.lOE-06 5.90E-02 Noble Metals Ru-103 4.34E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9963 2.31 E-06 1.00E-01 Nob l e Metal s Ru-105 3.06E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.4581 1.06E-06 3.25E-02 Noble Metals Ru-106 1.55E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9996 2.32E-06 3.59E-02 Te llurium group Sb-127 2.39E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9632 4.46E-05 1.07E-01 Tellurium group Sb-129 8.68E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.4549 2.llE-05 1.83E-01 Barium Group Sr-89 2.41 E+04 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9971 1.85E-05 4.45E-01 Barium Group Sr-90 2.39E+03 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 1.0000 1.85E-05 4.43E-02 Page 22 of 34 ENERCON Ex c e ll e n ce-E very p roj ec t. E very d ay. Form I sotope Barium Group Sr-91 Barium Group Sr-9 2 Noble Metals Tc-99m Tellurium group Te-127 Tellurium group Te-127m Tellurium group Te-129 Tellurium group Te-129m Tellurium group Te-131m Tellurium group Te-132 Noble Gas Xe-131m Noble Ga s Xe-133 Noble Ga s Xe-133m Noble Gas Xe-135 Noble Gas Xe-135m Noble Gas Xe-138 Lanthanides Y-90 Lanthanide s Y-91 Lanthanides Y-92 Lanthanides Y-93 Lanthanides Zr-95 La nthanides Zr-97 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 RF1 RFs RFsc g Release + 0.25 hr Sprays Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-tai nm ent 3.01E+04 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 3.24E+04 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 4.37E+04 0.000 8 0.2 780 1.0000 2.36E+03 0.0167 0.2 780 1.0000 3.97E+02 0.0 167 0.2780 1.0000 8.26E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 1.68E+03 0.0167 0.2 780 1.0000 5.41E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 3.81E+04 0.0167 0.2 780 1.0000 3.65E+02 0.3 67 1.0 1.0 5.43E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.72E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.42E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.15E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 4.56E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 2.45E+03 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 3.17E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 3.26E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 2.52E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 4.44E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 4.23 E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 Page 23 of 34 CALC NO. REV. RFF SBGT Filter 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RFR RFrotal Decay Total Release Fraction Depletion Ci/MWTh 0.6 944 1.29E-05 3.87 E-01 0.2786 5.16E-06 1.67E-01 0.5625 1.30E-06 5.70E-02 0.6905 3.20E-05 7.55E-0 2 0.9987 4.63E-05 1.84E-02 0.0503 2.33E-06 1.93E-0 2 0.9957 4.61E-05 7.75E-02 0.8909 4.13E-05 2.23E-01 0.9567 4.43E-05 1.69E+OO 0.9880 3.62E-01 1.32E+02 0.9729 3.57E-01 1.94E+04 0.9362 3.43E-01 5.9 0E+0 2 0.6832 2.SOE-01 3.56E+03 0.0000 4.55E-07 5.2 3E-03 0.0000 1.41E-07 6.45E-03 0.9474 1.76E-07 4.30E-04 0.9975 1.85E-07 5.86E-03 0.3769 6.99E-08 2.28E-03 0.7096 1.32E-07 3.31E-03 0.9977 1.85E-07 8.21E-03 0.8145 1.SlE-07 6.39E-03

  • ENERCON Excellence-fvery project. f very d oy. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 7.2.2 Building Vents CALC NO . REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 For re leases from Building Vents, no credit is taken for filtering (RFF) by the Standby Gas Treatment system. Credit is taken for the natural removal processes that occurs in secondary con tainmen t (RFsc). This source term also ha s radioactive decay occurring for 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Table 14 -I sotopic Depletion and Release for Building Vents RF1 RFs RFsc RFF RFR RFTota1 Q Release + 0.25 hr SBGT Deca y Total Release Form I sotope Sprays Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-Filter Fraction Dep l et ion Ci/MWTh tainment Barium Group Ba-139 4.74E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.0808 5.99E-05 2.84E+OO Barium Group Ba-140 4.76E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9887 7.33E-04 3.49E+Ol Cerium Group Ce-141 4.39E+04 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9956 l.85E-05 8.lOE-01 Cerium Group Ce-143 4.00E+04 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9006 l.67E-05 6.68E-01 Cerium Group Ce-144 3.54E+04 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9995 l.85E-05 6.56E-01 Lanthanid es Cm-242 l.12E+03 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9991 7.41E-06 8.30E-03 Alkali M etals Cs-134 4.70E+03 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9998 l.30E-02 6.lOE+Ol A l kal i M etals Cs-136 l.49E+03 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9890 l.28E-02 l.91E+Ol Alkali Metals Cs-137 3.25E+03 0.1167 0.27 80 0.4000 1.00 1.0000 l.30E-02 4.22E+Ol H alogen 1-131 2.67E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9822 1.46E-02 3.89E+02 Halogen 1-132 3.88E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.2215 3.28E-03 l.27E+02 Halog en 1-133 5.42E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.8466 l.26E-02 6.80E+02 Halog en 1-134 5.98E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.0191 2.84E-04 l.70E+Ol Halogen 1-135 5.18E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.5915 8.77E-03 4.54E+02 Noble Gas Kr-83m 3.05E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1505 5.52E-02 l.68E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85 2.78E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0000 3.67E-01 l.02E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85m 6.17E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4620 l.69E-01 l.05E+03 Noble Gas Kr-87 l.23E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0656 2.40E-02 2.96E+02 Noble Gas Kr-88 1.70E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2941 l.08E-01 l.83E+03 Lanthanides La-140 4.91E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9176 6.80E-06 3.34E-01 Lanthanides La-141 4.33E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.4146 3.07E-06 l.33E-01 La nthanide s La-142 4.21E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.1055 7.82E-07 3.29E-02 Noble Metals Mo-99 5.30E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9488 8.79E-05 4.66E+OO La nth an ides Nb-95 4.SOE+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9959 7.38E-06 3.32E-01 Lanthanides Nd-147 l.75E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9870 7.32E-06 l.28E-01 Cerium Group Np-239 5.69E+05 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.94 06 l.74E-05 9.92E+OO Lanthanides Pr-14 3 3.96E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9894 7.34E-06 2.91E-01 Cer iu m Group Pu-241 4.26E+03 0.0002 0.2780 0.4 000 1.00 1.0000 l.85E-05 7.90 E-0 2 Alkali Metals Rb-86 5.29E+Ol 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9923 l.29E-02 6.81E-01 Noble M etals Rh-105 2.81E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.90 64 8.40E-05 2.36E+OO Noble Metals Ru-103 4.34 E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9963 9.23E-05 4.0lE+OO Noble M etals Ru-105 3.06E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.45 8 1 4.25E-05 l.30E+OO Nobl e M etals Ru-106 l.55E+04 0.0 008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9996 9.26E-05 l.44E+OO Tellurium group Sb-127 2.39E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9632 l.79E-03 4.27E+OO Tellurium group Sb-129 8.68E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.4549 8.43E-04 7.32E+OO Bari um Group Sr-89 2.41E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9971 7.39E-04 1.78E+Ol Page 24 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every proje<:r.

E very day. Form I sotope Barium Group Sr-90 Barium Group Sr-91 Barium Group Sr-92 Nob l e Metals Tc-99m Tellur iu m group Te-127 Tellurium group T e-127m Te llu rium group Te-129 Tellurium group Te-129m Tellurium group Te-131m Te ll urium group T e-132 Nob l e Gas Xe-131m Nob l e Gas Xe-133 Noble Gas Xe-133m Noble Gas Xe-135 Nobl e Gas X e-135m Nobl e Gas Xe-138 Lanth anides Y-9 0 Lanthanides Y-91 Lanthanides Y-9 2 La n th an ide s Y-93 Lanthanide s Zr-95 Lanthanide s Zr-97 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs pe r NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 RF , RFs RFsc g Release + 0.25 hr Sprays Secondar y MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-tainment 2.39E+03 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 3.01E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 3.24E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 4.37E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 2.36E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 3.9 7 E+02 0.0167 0.2 780 0.4000 8.26E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 1.68E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 5.41E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 3.81E+04 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 3.65E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 5.43E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.72E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.42E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.15E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 4.56E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 2.45E+03 0.0001 0.278 0 0.4000 3.17E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 3.26E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 2.52E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 4.44E+04 0.0001 0.2 780 0.4000 4.23E+04 0.0 001 0.2780 0.4000 CALC NO. REV. RFF SBGT Fi l ter 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.3 Effective Dose Equi valent -Noble Gas Submersion NEE-323-CALC-00 5 00 RFR RFrotal Decay Tota l R e l ease Fraction Depletion Ci/MWTh 1.0000 7.41E-04 1.77E+OO 0.6944 5.15E-04 1.55E+Ol 0.2786 2.07E-04 6.69E+OO 0.5625 5.21E-05 2.28E+OO 0.6905 1.28E-03 3.02E+OO 0.9987 1.85E-03 7.35E-01 0.0503 9.32E-05 7.70 E-01 0.995 7 1.85E-03 3.l OE+OO 0.8909 1.65E-03 8.93E+OO 0.9567 1.77E-03 6.76E+Ol 0.9880 3.62E-01 1.32E+02 0.9729 3.57E-01 1.94E+04 0.9362 3.43E-01 5.90E+02 0.6832 2.SOE-01 3.56E+03 0.0000 4.55E-07 5.23E-03 0.0000 1.41E-07 6.45E-03 0.9474 7.02E-0 6 1.72E-02 0.9975 7.40E-06 2.34E-01 0.3769 2.79E-06 9.llE-02 0.7 096 5.26E-06 1.33E-01 0.9977 7.40E-06 3.28E-01 0.8145 6.04E-06 2.55E-01 Spreadsheets are used to calculate isotopic concentration at the receptor and the resultant radiation dose to the receptor for each of the isotopes in the mixture. For the example Effective Dose Equivalent calculation, the release point is the Offgas Stack at five hours since shutdown , and a gross concentration of 43.9 µCi/cm 3 (this concentration was determined iterative ly to produce 10 mrem TEDE). The secondary containment holdup hours is set at <0.5 because the natural removal process in the Secondary Containment does not occur with the Offgas Stack. In Table 15 , the column labeled "hEsoi Submersion mrem cm 3/µCi sec," is the dose factor for air submersion dose and is calculated in Section 7 .1. The column labeled " Depleted Mix Ci/MWTh" is the "Release Ci/MWTh" calculated in Section 7 .2 for each isotope. The "Fraction" column determines the fraction each isotope contributes to the gross activity and is used to scale the activity for each isotope. Page 25 of 34 ENERCON Exctllence-Every project. E very day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The column " x;v Release Cone. µCi/cm 3" contains a calculation that scales the " Depleted Mix Ci/MWTh" column to a user entered gross concentration based on the " Fraction". In this case , the gross concentration entered was 43.9 µCi/cm 3 (4.39E+1 ). Values in the " x;r Receptor Cone. µCi/cm 3" column are calculated by multiplying the release concentration by the applicable dispersion factor , the volume of the release , and requisite conversion factors. The basic equation is from Section 6. 7: Xir= x-* v* (~) IV Q For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented:

Xiv Release Cone. Flow l.57E-02 µCi 10,000 ft' 2.83E-02 m* 1 cm 3 ffiffi 1 ft' 60 Where: (X/Q) ffiffi 2.80E-07 SE!* SE!* m* R ece p t o r Co n e. 2.0 8E-0 8 µCi cm 3 v = 10 , 000 ft 3/min is the rated flow from the Offgas Stack from Design Input 5.8. (XIQ) = 2.80E-07 is the Noble Gas Dispersion coefficient (XIQ) for the Offgas Stack from Design Input 5.3. 2.83E-2 converts ft 3 to m 3 Values in the " Submersion Dose mrem" (h Es o;) column are calculated by multiplying the factors " x;r Receptor Cone. µCi/cm 3", a time-units conversion factor , and the dose conversion factor calculated in Section 7 .1. The basic equation for a one hour time period is shown in Section 6.7. Dose == Li(Xi r

  • hEsoa For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented: xir h ESOi R ece pto r Cone. Sub mersi on 2.0SE-08 i*t+ 6.73E+Ol mr e m *ff\. 36 00 Se* *ff\. i*t+ Se* Page 26 of 34 Subm e r s ion D ose m re m 5.04 E-0 3 mrem CALC NEE-323-CALC-005

.:ti ENE RC ON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. E.xceftence-f v ery pr oject. E v ery day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 For ease of comparison, the spreadsheet row for 1-131 is shown here: hESOi Deplet e d Xiv Xir Submersion Mix Release Receptor Submersion Nuclide Fraction Cone. Cone. Dose mrem cc g gQ gQ µCi sec MWTh mrem cm 3 cm 3 1-131 6.73E+l 9.72E+O 3.58 2E-4 1.57E-2 2.08E-8 5.04E-3 Table 15 -Submersion Dose for Offgas Stack hESOi Depleted Xiv Xir Submersion Mix Release Receptor Submersion Nuclide mrem cm 3 Ci Fraction Cone. Cone. Dose µCi sec MWfh 1!Q 1!Q mrem cm 3 cm 3 Ba-139 8.0 3 E+O 7.lOE-2 2.62E-6 1.lSE-4 1.52E-10 4.39E-6 Ba-140 3.17E+l 8.72E-1 3.21E-5 1.41E-3 1.86E-9 2.13E-4 Ce-141 1.27E+l 2.03E-2 7.46E-7 3.28E-5 4.33 E-11 1.98E-6 Ce-143 4.77E+l 1.67E-2 6.lSE-7 2.70E-5 3.57E-11 6.13E-6 Ce-1 44 3.16E+O 1.64E-2 6.04E-7 2.65E-5 3.SOE-11 3.98E-7 Cm-242 2.llE-2 2.07E-4 7.64E-9 3.35E-7 4.43E-13 3.36E-11 Cs-134 2.80E+2 1.52E+O 5.62E-5 2.47E-3 3.26E-9 3.28E-3 Cs-136 3.9 2 E+2 4.78E-1 l.76E-5 7.73E-4 1.02E-9 l.44E-3 Cs-137 2.86E-2 1.0SE+O 3.88E-5 1.70E-3 2.25E-9 2.32 E-7 1-131 6.73E+l 9.72 E+O 3.582E-4 1.57E-2 2.08E-8 5.04E-3 1-132 4.14E+2 3.19E+O 1.17E-4 5.lSE-3 6.81E-9 1.02E-2 1-133 1.09E+2 1.70E+l 6.27E-4 2.75E-2 3.64E-8 1.42E-2 1-134 4.81E+2 4.24E-1 1.56E-5 6.86E-4 9.07E-10 1.57E-3 1-135 2.95E+2 1.14E+l 4.18E-4 1.84E-2 2.43E-8 2.58E-2 Kr-83m 5.SSE-3 1.68E+2 6.20E-3 2.72E-1 3.60E-7 7.19E-6 Kr-85 4.40E-1 1.02E+2 3.76E-3 1.65E-1 2.18E-7 3.45E-4 Kr-85m 2.77E+l l.OSE+3 3.85E-2 1.69E+O 2.23E-6 2.23E-1 Kr-87 1.52E+2 2.96E+2 l.09E-2 4.78E-1 6.32E-7 3.47E-1 Kr-88 3.77E+2 1.83E+3 6.75E-2 2.97E+O 3.92E-6 5.32E+O La-140 4.33E+2 8.35E-3 3.08E-7 1.35E-5 1.78E-11 2.78E-5 La-141 8.84E+O 3.33E-3 l.23E-7 5.3 8E-6 7.llE-12 2.26E-7 La-142 5.33E+2 8.23E-4 3.03E-8 l.33E-6 1.76E-12 3.3 7E-6 Mo-99 2.69E+l l.17E-1 4.29E-6 l.88E-4 2.49E-10 2.41E-5 Nb-95 l.38 E+2 8.31E-3 3.06E-7 1.34E-5 1.78E-11 8.84 E-6 Nd-147 2.29E+l 3.2 0E-3 1.18E-7 S.18E-6 6.84E-12 5.64E-7 Np-239 2.8 5E+l 2.48 E-1 9.14E-6 4.0lE-4 5.30E-10 S.43E-5 Pr-143 7.77E-2 7.26E-3 2.68E-7 l.17E-5 1.SSE-11 4.34E-9 Pu-2 41 2.68E-4 l.97E-3 7.2 7E-8 3.19E-6 4.22E-12 4.07E-12 Rb-8 6 1.7 8 E+l 1.70E-2 6.27E-7 2.75E-5 3.64E-11 2.3 3E-6 Rh-105 l.38E+l 5.90E-2 2.17E-6 9.54E-5 1.26E-10 6.25E-6 Ru-103 8.33E+l 1.00E-1 3.69E-6 1.62E-4 2.14E-10 6.42E-5 Ru-105 1.41E+2 3.25E-2 1.20E-6 5.2 5E-5 6.94E-11 3.52E-5 Ru-106 O.OOE+O 3.59E-2 1.32E-6 S.8 1E-5 7.67E-11 O.OOE+O Sb-127 1.23E+2 l.07E-1 3.93E-6 l.73E-4 2.28E-10 1.0lE-4 Sb-129 2.64E+2 1.83E-1 6.74E-6 2.96E-4 3.9 1E-10 3.72E-4 Sr-89 2.86E-1 4.45E-1 1.64E-5 7.20E-4 9.52E-10 9.80E-7 Sr-90 2.79E-2 4.43E-2 1.63E-6 7.16E-5 9.47E-11 9.SOE-9 Sr-91 l.28E+2 3.8 7E-1 1.43E-5 6.2 7 E-4 8.28E-10 3.81E-4 Sr-92 2.51E+2 1.67E-1 6.16E-6 2.71E-4 3.58E-10 3.23E-4 Tc-99m 2.18E+l 5.70E-2 2.lOE-6 9.2 1E-5 l.2 2E-10 9.SSE-6 Page 27 of 34 LI CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-E v ery p rojec t. Every d a y. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 hESOi Deplet e d X i v Xi r Sub mers ion M i x Release Receptor Submersion Nuclid e mrem cm 3 Ci Frac t ion Cone. Cone. Dose µC i sec MWTh gQ_[ gQ_[ mrem cm 3 cm 3 T e-127 8.95E-1 7.SSE-2 2.7 8E-6 l.22E-4 l.6 1E-10 5.2 0E-7 Te-12 7m S.44 E-1 l.84E-2 6.77E-7 2.9 7 E-5 3.93E-11 7.69 E-8 T e-129 l.02E+l l.9 3 E-2 7.09E-7 3.l lE-5 4.ll E-11 l.S lE-6 T e-129 m 5.74E+O 7.75E-2 2.86 E-6 l.25 E-4 l.66E-1 0 3.42 E-6 Te-131 m 2.59E+2 2.2 3 E-1 8.23E-6 3.6 1 E-4 4.77 E-10 4.4 6 E-4 Te-132 3.8 1E+l l.69E+O 6.22E-5 2.73E-3 3.6 1E-9 4.95E-4 Xe-13 1m 1.44 E+O l.32E+2 4.87E-3 2.14E-1 2.83E-7 1.46 E-3 Xe-133 5.77E+O l.94E+4 7.1 4E-1 3.13 E+l 4.1 4E-5 8.6 0E-1 Xe-133m 5.07E+O 5.90E+2 2.1 8E-2 9.SS E-1 l.26E-6 2.3 0 E-2 Xe-135 4.40E+l 3.5 6 E+3 l.31E-1 S.7SE+O 7.60 E-6 l.2 0E+O Xe-135m 7.SSE+l 5.2 3 E-3 l.93E-7 8.46E-6 l.1 2E-1 1 3.04 E-6 Xe-138 2.13E+2 6.45E-3 2.37E-7 l.0 4E-5 l.38E-11 l.06 E-5 Y-90 7.03E-1 4.30E-4 l.58E-8 6.96 E-7 9.19 E-13 2.33E-9 Y-9 1 9.62E-1 5.86 E-3 2.16E-7 9.4 8E-6 l.25E-11 4.34E-8 Y-92 4.8 1E+l 2.28 E-3 8.39E-8 3.68E-6 4.8 7 E-1 2 8.4 3E-7 Y-93 l.7 8 E+l 3.31E-3 l.22E-7 5.36E-6 7.0 8E-1 2 4.53 E-7 Zr-95 l.3 3 E+2 8.2 1E-3 3.0 3E-7 l.33 E-5 1.7 5 E-11 8.4 2 E-6 Zr-9 7 3.3 4E+l 6.39E-3 2.35E-7 l.03E-5 l.3 6 E-11 l.6 4E-6 2.7 1E+0 4 100.00% 4.3 9E+Ol 5.8 0E-5 8.05 4.39E+1 mrem Given a radiation effluent monitor reading of 43.9 µCi/cm 3 , and the assumptions of the scenario, the EDE value is 8.05 mrem. Spreadsheet cases are run for all four release points. See Section 2.0 for results. Page 28 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 7.4 CEDE and COE Thyroid CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 For the example CEDE and COE Thyroid calculation, the release point is the Reactor Building at five hours since shutdown, and a gross concentration of 1.22E-2 µCi/cc , with a Secondary Containment Holdup time of 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> per Design Input 5.7 (this concentration was determined iteratively to produce 49.8 mrem Thyroid COE). In Table 16, the columns labeled "hrsoiThyroid mrem/µCi" and "hEsoi CEDE mrem/µCi" are the dose factors developed in Section 7.1. The column labeled " Depleted Mix Ci/MWTh" is the "R elease Ci/MWTh" calculated above in Section 7.2 for each isotope. The "Fractio n" column determines the fraction each isotope contributes to the gross activity, and is used to scale the activity for each isotope. The column "x;v Release Cone. µCi/cm 3" contains a calculation that scales the "Depleted Mix" column to a user entered gross concentration based on the "F raction" and is the variable X;v in the equation below. In this case, the gross concentration entered was 1.22E-2 µCi/cc. Values in the "x;r Receptor Cone. µCi/cm 3" column are calculated by multiplying the release concentration by the applicable dispersion factor, the volume of the release, and requisite conversion factors. The basic equation from Section 6.8: Xir = Xiv* V* (~) For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented:

Xiv Release Cone. Flow 1.63E-04 µCi 93, 000 4* 2.83E-0 2 m* cm 3 ffiH\ 1 4* Where: (X/Q) 1 ffiH\ 3.90E-06 60 5e* 5e* m* Receptor Cone. 2.79E-08 µCi cm 3 v = 93 , 000 ft 3/min is the rated flow from the Reactor Building from Design Input 5.8. (XIQ) = 3.90E-06 is the Particulate and Iodine dispersion coefficient for the Reactor Building from Design Input 5.8. Values in the column labeled "Inhalation Thyroid Dose mrem" are calculated by multiplying the following factors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate, the time, and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation is shown in Section 6.8. Dose = Li(xir

  • B
  • t
  • hy 50 J For isotope 1-131, an example is presented:

Page 29 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. -xir B Receptor Breathing Cone. Time Rate 2.79E-08 1 J:H: l.20E+06 Em" Where: h rso i Thyroid Em" l.08E+03 mr em J:H: REV. Inhalation Thyroid Dose 00 3.62E+Ol mrem =-----+----

hrso; is the thyro i d dose factor for each isotope from Section 7 .1. B = 1.2 0E+06 cm 3/hr is the breathing rate. This value is equal to 3.33E-4 m 3/sec from Design Input 5.9. Values in the " Inhalation CEDE Dose mrem" column are calculated by multiplying the following factors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate, the time , and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation comes from Section 6.9. Dose == Li(xir

  • B
  • t
  • hEsoi) For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented: Xir Receptor Cone Time 2.79E-08 1 J:H: B Breathing Rate 1.20E+06 Em" hesoi CEDE 3.29E+Ol mrem Inh alation CEDE Dose 1.lOE+OO mrem =----+-----*ffi. J:H: For ease of comparison, the table row for 1-131 is shown here: hr soi hE SOi Depleted Xiv Xir Inhalat ion Thyroid CEDE Mix Release Receptor Thyroid Nuclide Fraction Cone. Cone. mrem mrem Ci !&l !&l Dose µCi µCi MWTh cm 3 cm 3 mrem 1-131 l.08E+3 3.29E+l 3.89E+2 l.34E-2 l.63E-4 2.79E-8 3.62E+l Table 16-Inha lation Thyroid and CEDE Dose for Reactor Building h rsoi hESOi Depleted Xiv Xir Inhalation Thyroid CEDE Mix Release Receptor Thyroid Nuclid e Fraction Cone. Cone. mrem mrem Ci !&l !&l Dose µCi µCi MWTh cm 3 cm 3 mrem Ba-139 8.8 8E-3 1.72E-1 2.84E+O 9.76 E-5 l.19E-6 2.04E-10 2.17E-6 Ba-140 9.47E-1 3.74E+O 3.49E+l l.2 0E-3 l.46E-S 2.SOE-9 2.8SE-3 Ce-141 l.71E-1 8.95 E+O 8.lOE-1 2.78E-5 3.40E-7 5.82 E-11 l.19E-5 Ce-143 4.48E-2 3.39E+O 6.68E-1 2.30E-5 2.80E-7 4.79E-11 2.58E-6 Ce-144 6.96E+O 3.74E+2 6.56E-1 2.25E-5 2.75E-7 4.71E-11 3.93E-4 Page 30 of 34 Inhal ation CEDE Dose mrem 1.lOE+O Inhala tion CEDE Dose mrem 4.2 0E-S l.12E-2 6.2 SE-4 l.95E-4 2.llE-2 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 I\_ ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radio l ogical NO. ' EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. REV. 00 hrso; hESOi Depleted Xiv Xir I nhalation Inhalation Thyroid CEDE Mix Release Receptor Thyroid CEDE Nuclide Ci Fraction Cone. Cone. Dose Dose mrem mrem !&l !&l µCi µCi MWTh cm 3 cm 3 mrem mrem Cm-242 3.48E+O 1.73E+4 8.30E-3 2.85E-7 3.48E-9 5.96E-13 2.49E-6 l.23E-2 Cs-134 4.llE+l 4.63E+l 6.lOE+l 2.lOE-3 2.56E-5 4.38E-9 2.16E-1 2.43E-1 Cs-136 6.40E+O 7.33E+O 1.91E+l 6.57E-4 8.02E-6 1.37E-9 1.0SE-2 1.21E-2 Cs-137 2.93E+l 3.19E+l 4.22E+l 1.45E-3 1.77E-5 3.03E-9 l.07E-1 1.16E-1 1-131 1.08E+3 3.29E+l 3.89E+2 l.34E-2 l.63E-4 2.79E-8 3.62E+l l.lOE+O 1-132 6.44E+O 3.81E-1 l.27E+2 4.38E-3 5.34E-5 9.lSE-9 7.07E-2 4.18E-3 1-133 l.80E+2 5.85E+O 6.80E+2 2.34E-2 2.85E-4 4.88E-8 l.OSE+l 3.43E-1 1-134 1.07E+O 1.31E-1 l.70E+l 5.83E-4 7.12E-6 1.22E-9 1.56E-3 1.92E-4 1-135 3.13E+l 1.23E+O 4.54E+2 l.56E-2 1.91E-4 3.26E-8 1.23E+O 4.81E-2 Kr-83m O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.68E+2 5.79E-3 7.06E-5 1.21E-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-85 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.02E+2 3.SOE-3 4.27E-5 7.32E-9 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-85m O.OOE+O 0.00E+O 1.05E+3 3.59E-2 4.38E-4 7.SOE-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-87 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O 2.96E+2 1.02E-2 1.24E-4 2.12E-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-88 0.00E+O 0.00E+O l.83E+3 6.30E-2 7.69E-4 1.32E-7 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O La-140 4.SlE-1 4.85E+O 3.34E-1 l.lSE-5 1.40E-7 2.40E-11 1.30E-5 1.39E-4 La-141 3.48E-2 5.81E-1 1.33E-1 4.58E-6 5.58E-8 9.SSE-12 3.99E-7 6.66E-6 La-142 3.23E-2 2.53E-1 3.29E-2 1.13E-6 1.38E-8 2.36E-12 9.17E-8 7.18E-7 Mo-99 4.33E-1 3.96E+O 4.66E+O 1.60E-4 1.95E-6 3.35E-10 l.74E-4 1.59E-3 Nb-95 1.32E+O 5.81E+O 3.32E-1 1.14E-5 1.39E-7 2.39E-11 3.79E-5 l.66E-4 Nd-147 7.18E-2 6.85E+O 1.28E-1 4.40E-6 5.37E-8 9.19E-12 7.92E-7 7.SSE-5 Np-239 2.82E-2 2.SlE+O 9.92E+O 3.41E-4 4.16E-6 7.12E-10 2.41E-5 2.14E-3 Pr-143 6.22E-9 8.lOE+O 2.91E-1 9.99E-6 1.22E-7 2.09E-11 1.56E-13 2.03E-4 Pu-241 4.59E-2 8.25E+3 7.90E-2 2.71E-6 3.31E-8 5.67E-12 3.12E-7 5.61E-2 Rb-86 4.92E+O 6.62E+O 6.81E-1 2.34E-5 2.86E-7 4.89E-11 2.89E-4 3.89E-4 Rh-105 9.SlE-2 9.SSE-1 2.36E+O 8.llE-5 9.90E-7 1.69E-10 1.93E-5 1.94E-4 Ru-103 2.21E+O 8.95E+O 4.0lE+O l.38E-4 1.68E-6 2.88E-10 7.63E-4 3.09E-3 Ru-105 5.SSE-2 4.SSE-1 1.30E+O 4.47E-5 5.45E-7 9.33E-11 6.21E-6 5.09E-5 Ru-106 5.07E+l 4.77E+2 1.44E+O 4.94E-5 6.02E-7 1.03E-10 6.27E-3 5.90E-2 Sb-127 5.SSE-1 6.03E+O 4.27E+O 1.47E-4 1.79E-6 3.06E-10 2.04E-4 2.22E-3 Sb-129 7.6 6E-2 6.44E-1 7.32E+O 2.52E-4 3.07E-6 5.25E-10 4.83E-5 4.06E-4 Sr-89 1.54E+O 4.14E+l 1.78E+l 6.12E-4 7.47E-6 1.28E-9 2.36E-3 6.36E-2 Sr-90 9.77E+O 1.30E+3 1.77E+O 6.09E-5 7.43E-7 1.27E-10 1.49E-3 1.98E-1 Sr-91 1.SlE-1 1.66E+O 1.SSE+l 5.33E-4 6.SOE-6 1.llE-9 2.02E-4 2.22E-3 Sr-92 8.lOE-2 8.07E-1 6.69E+O 2.30E-4 2.81E-6 4.SOE-10 4.67E-5 4.65E-4 Tc-99m 1.85E-1 3.26E-2 2.28E+O 7.83E-5 9.SSE-7 l.64E-10 3.64E-5 6.39E-6 Te-127 2.39E-2 3.18E-1 3.02E+O 1.04E-4 1.27E-6 2.17E-10 6.22E-6 8.28E-5 T e-127m 8.84E-1 2.lSE+l 7.35E-1 2.53E-5 3.08E-7 5.28E-11 5.60E-5 1.36E-3 Te-129 6.03E-3 8.95E-2 7.70E-1 2.65E-5 3.23E-7 5.53E-11 4.00E-7 5.94E-6 Te-129m 1.46E+O 2.39E+l 3.lOE+O 1.07E-4 1.30E-6 2.23E-10 3.90E-4 6.39E-3 Te-131m 1.34E+2 6.40E+O 8.93E+O 3.07E-4 3.75E-6 6.41E-10 1.03E-1 4.93E-3 Te-132 2.32E+2 9.44E+O 6.76E+l 2.32E-3 2.83E-5 4.85 E-9 1.35E+O 5.49E-2 Xe-131m 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 1.32E+2 4.SSE-3 5.SSE-5 9.49E-9 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Xe-133 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O l.94E+4 6.66E-1 8.12E-3 1.39E-6 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Xe-133m 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 5.90E+2 2.03E-2 2.48E-4 4.24E-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Xe-135 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 3.56E+3 1.22E-1 1.49E-3 2.SSE-7 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Xe-135m 0.00E+O O.OOE+O 5.23E-3 l.80E-7 2.19E-9 3.75E-13 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Xe-138 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 6.45E-3 2.22E-7 2.70E-9 4.63E-13 O.OOE+O 0.00E+O Y-90 3.52E-2 8.44E+O 1.72E-2 5.92E-7 7.22E-9 1.24E-12 5.2 2E-8 1.25E-5 Y-91 4.07E-1 4.88E+l 2.34E-1 8.06E-6 9.83E-8 1.68E-11 8.22E-6 9.86E-4 Y-92 1.37E-2 7.81E-1 9.llE-2 3.13E-6 3.82E-8 6.54E-1 2 1.07E-7 6.13E-6 Page 31 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every pro j ect. E very d ay. h rso; Nucli de Th y roid mrem µCi Y-9 3 l.8 7 E-2 Zr-95 5.3 3E+O Z r-97 3.54E-1 Revised Ga s eous Ra diologic al EA L s per N E I 99-01 Re v. 0 6 Xiv CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-C A L C-0 05 00 Xir h ESOi Depleted I nhalation Inhalat i on CEDE Mix Release Receptor Thyro i d CEDE Fraction Cone. Con e. mrem Ci !&.i !&.i Dose Dose µCi MWfh cm 3 cm 3 mrem mrem 2.l S E+O l.33 E-1 4.56E-6 5.56E-8 9.5 2E-12 2.14E-7 2.4 6 E-5 2.36 E+l 3.28 E-1 l.13 E-5 l.38 E-7 2.36 E-11 l.S lE-4 6.69 E-4 4.33 E+O 2.SS E-1 8.78E-6 l.07E-7 l.83E-11 7.7 8E-6 9.53 E-5 2.9 1E+4 10 0.00% l.22E-2 2.0 9 E-6 50 2.37 1.22E-2 mrem mre m Thyroid CEDE Given a radi a tion effluent monitor reading of 1.22E-2 µCi/cm 3 , and t h e assumpt i ons of the sc e nario, the COE thyroid value is 50 mrem and the CEDE is 2.37 mrem. Spreadsheet cases are run for all four release points. See Section 2.0 for resu l ts. Page 32 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every pro jec t. Every do y. REV. 00 7.5 Resultant Dose Summary A single spreadsheet was used to calculate EDE, CEDE, and thyroid COE. With the given source term, when the user changes the effluent gross concentration value, the spreadsheet calculates resultant doses. Results and variables for the reactor building case are shown below. As can be seen here, an effluent release rate of 1.22E-02 µCi/cc at the Reactor Building will result in an offsite dose of approximately 50 mrem COE thyroid. This value corresponds to the new RA1 EAL entry threshold of 50 mrem COE thyroid. Dose totals are taken from the tabular spreadsheet data presented on the preceding pages. Inhalation CEDE: 2.37 mrem Submersion EDE: ===0=.3=9== mrem TEDE: 2.76 mrem Inhalation Thyroid CDE: 49.8 mrem Release Point: Reactor Building SBGT ?: off Effluent Cone.: 1.22E-02 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown:

Exposure Time (hrs.): Hours w/ Sprays On: Submersion X/Q: Breathing Rate 1 2 4.30E-06 3.33E-4 µCi/cc Release Flow CFM: 5 Hrs. Core Uncovered:

Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: cm3 per ft3: sec/m 3 Inhalation X/Q: m 3/sec = 1.20E+6 cm 3/hr 93,000 1 0.5 0.0283168 3.90E-06 Spreadsheet cases are run for all four release points and for decay times of five hours. Cases were also run for all four release points for decay times of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> in consideration of EAL entry thresholds that are mode dependent.

The output for all release points and decay times are shown in Appendix 1. See Section 2.0 for results. 8.0 Computer Software No computer software is used in this calculation.

Page 33 of 34 sec/m 3

ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 9.0 Impact Assessment Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation is based on "realistic" assumptions for the purpose of declaring EALs, rather than typical conservative "bounding'
type design basis analyses.

The calculation documents the EAL threshold values for specific plan monitors to assist Operations and Emergency Response personnel in determining the new basis for EALs RA 1, RS1, and RG1 in accordance with NEI 99-01 Rev. 6. Page 34 of 34 u, ClJ ...0 n:s "i: n:s > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. N EE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every project. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Turbine Building:

Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inha l ation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalat i on Thyroid CDE: Release Point: I Turbine Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.58E-02 Re lease: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I 5 Exp osure Time (hrs.): I 1 I Ho urs w/ Sprays On: I 2 I S u bmersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Breath ing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/s e c 2.38 0.39 2.77 50.0 I I u Ci/cc I mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I c m3 p er ft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/h r Page 1 of 8 72,000 1 I 0.5 I 0.0 2 8 3168 3.90E-06 sec/m 3 V, cu .0 "i: > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every project. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Turbine Building:

Modes 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release Point: Turbine Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.30E-02 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I 36 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 2.59 0.07 2.67 49.7 I u Ci/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm 3 p e r ft 3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 c m 3/hr Page 2 of 8 72,000 1 0.5 0.0 283 1 68 3.90E-06 se c/m 3 LI V, QJ ..c ta "i: ta > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. Reactor Building:

Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inhalation CEDE: 2.37 Submersion EDE: 0.39 ======== TEDE: 2.76 Inhalation Thyroid COE: 49.8 Release Point: Reactor Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.22E-02 I uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: 00 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I s Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 cm3 per ft3: Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Inhalation X/Q: Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 3 of 8 93,000 1 o.s 0.0283168 3.90E-06 sec/m 3 II) Q.I ..0 ca "i: ca > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005

&cellenu-Every project. fvery day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Reactor Building:

Modes 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release Point: Reactor Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.0lE-02 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown:

I 36 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 2.60 0.07 2.68 49.9 I uCi/c c mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm3 perft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 4 of 8 93,000 1 o.s 0.0283168 3.90E-06 sec/m3 II) QJ .c tO 'i: tO > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Ex c e llence-Every p rojec r. Eve ry d oy. Dose Spreadsheet Outpu t s REV. 00 Offgas Stack: Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release Point: I Offgas Stack Effluent Cone.: 4.39E+Ol Release: H rs. since Rx. Shutdo w n: I 5 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 2.8 0 E-07 sec/m3 B r eathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 1.96 8.0 5 10.00 41.1 uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: on Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core U ncovered:

I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm3 perft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 5 of 8 10,000 1 <0.5 0.0283168 3.lOE-07 sec/m3 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 . ~EN E RCON Appendix A NO . Ill QJ .c ('Q '-('Q > Excellence-Every projec1. Every doy. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Offgas Stack: Modes 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid COE: Release Point: I Offgas Stack Effluent Cone.: I 4.52E+Ol Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdo wn: I 36 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 2.BOE-07 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 2.61 1.41 4.0 2 50.0 uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: on Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm3 per ft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 6 of 8 10,000 1 <0.5 0.0283168 3.lOE-07 sec/m3 VI (U .c (ti "i: (ti > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. N EE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every project. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 LLRPSF: Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release P oint: I L LRPSF E ffluent Cone.: I 1.SlE-02 Rele as e: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I 5 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 s ec/m 3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m 3/sec 2.37 0.39 2.76 49.7 I u C i/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off R e lea s e Flow CFM: Hrs. Cor e Uncovered: I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I c m 3 p e r ft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 c m 3/hr Page 7 of 8 75,000 1 0.5 0.0 28 3 168 3.90E-06 s ec/m 3

' II) QJ ..0 m I.. m > Appendix A CALC NO. Excellence-Every prajecr. Every d ay. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs ENERCON REV. LLRPSH: Modes 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release Point: I LLRPSF Effluent Cone.: I 1.25E-02 2.60 0.07 2.67 49.8 uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: NEE-323-CALC-005 00 75,000 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown:

36 Hrs. Core Uncovered: I 1 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: o.s Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 cm3 per ft3: 0.0283168 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Inhalation X/Q: 3.90E-06 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 8 of 8 ENERCON Ex c e ll enc e-E v e ry p ro j ec t. E ve ry d ay. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARAT I ON CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS1 CALC NO. REV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

1. I f the calculation is being performed to a client procedure , is the procedure being used the latest revision?

The calculation is being prepared to ENERCON's procedures.

2. Are the proper forms being used and are they the latest revision?
3. Have the appropriate client review forms/check l ists been comp l eted? The calculation is being prepared to ENERCON's procedures. 4. Are a ll pages properly identified with a calculation number , ca l cu l ation revision and page number consistent with the requirements of the client's procedure?
5. Is all information legible and reproducible?
6. Is the calculation presented in a l ogical and orderly manner? 7. Is there an existing ca l culation t h at should be revised or voided? This is a new calculation to support implementing NEI 99-01 Rev. 6 8. Is it possible to alter an existing ca l cu l ation instead of preparing a new calculation for t h is s i tuation? 9. I f an existing ca l culation is being used for design inputs, are the key design inputs , assumptions and engineering judgments used in that calculation valid and do they apply to the calcu l ation revision being performed. 10. I s the format of the calculation consistent wit h app l icable procedures and expectations?
11. W ere design input/output documents properly updated to reference this calculation?
12. Can the calcu l at i o n l ogic, meth o do l ogy and p r ese n tation be proper l y underst o od without referring back to the originator for clarification?

OBJECT I VE A N D SCOPE 13. Does the calcu l ation provide a clear concise statement of the problem and objective o f t h e calculation?

14. Does the calculation provide a clear statement of quality class i fication?
15. I s the reason for performing an d the end use o f the calculat i on understood?
16. Does the calcu l ation provide t h e basis for infor m at i on found i n t h e plant's license basis? 17. I f s o , is this docu m ented in the ca l culation?
18. D o es the calcu l ati o n provide the basis for information found in t h e plant's desig n b a s is documentation?

Page 1 o f 4 N EE-323-CALC-005 00 YES NO N/A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D CALC NEE-323-CALC-005

  • . ENERCON Attachment 1 NO . CALCULATION PREPARATION Excellence-Every project. Every day. CHECKLIST REV. 00 CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 YES NO N/A 19. If so , is this documented in the calculation?

D D 20. Does the calcul a tion oth e rwise support information found in the plant's design basis D D documentation?

21. If so , is this documented i n the calculation?

D D 22. Has the appropriate design or license basis documentation been revised , or has the D D change notice or chang e re quest documents being prepared for submittal?

DESIGN INPUTS 23. Are design inputs clearly i dentified?

[8J D D 24. Are design i nputs retrievable or have they been added as attachments?

[8J D D 25. If Attachments are used as d e sign inputs or assumptions are the Attachments D D [8J traceable and verifiable?

26. Are design inputs clearly distinguished from assumptions?

[8J D D 27. Does the calculation rely on Attachments for design inputs or assumptions?

If yes , D [8J D are the attachments properly referenced in the calculation?

28. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) appropriately selected [8J D D and are they consistent with the quality classification and objective of the calculation?
29. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) consistent with the plant's [8J D D design and license basis? 30. If applicable , do design inputs adequately address actual plant conditions?

[8J D D 31. Are input values reasonable and correctly applied? [8J D D 32. Are design input sources approved?

[8J D D 33. Does the calculation refer e nce the latest revision of the design input source? [8J D D 34. Were all applicable plant operating modes considered?


35. Are assumptions reasonable/appropriate to the objective?

[8J D D 36. Is adequate justification/basis for all assumptions provided?

[8J D D 37. Are any engineering judgments used? D D 38. Are engineering judgments clearly identified as such? D D 39. If engineering judgments are utilized as design inputs , are they reasonable and can they be quantified or substantiated by reference to site or industry standards , D D [8J engineering principles , physical laws or other appropriate criteria?

Page 2 of 4 ENERCON Excellence


40. Is the metho d ology used i n th e calculation d e scribed or implied in the plant's l icensing basis? 41. If the methodology used d i ffers from that described in the plant's l icensing basis, has the appropriat e license document change notice been initiated?
42. I s the methodology used consistent with th e stated objective?

4 3. Is the methodology used ap p ropriate when considering the qual i ty class i fication of the calculation and intended use of the results? BODY OF CALCULATION 4 4. Are equ a t i ons used in th e c a l c ulation consist e n t with recogni z ed engin ee ring practice and the pl a n t's design and license basis? 45. Is there r eas onab l e j ustifi c ation provided for th e use of equations not in common use? 46. Are the ma t h e matical ope ra tions p e rform e d properly and documented i n a logical fashion? 47. I s the math performed correctly?

48. Have adjustment factors , uncertainties and empirical correlations used in the analysis been correctly applied? 49. Has proper consideration been given to results t hat may be overly sensitive to very small changes in input? SOFTWARE/COMPUTER CODES 50. Are computer codes or software languages used in the preparation of the calculation?
51. Have the requirements of CSP 3.09 for use of computer codes or software languages , including ver i fication of accuracy and applicability been met? 52. Are the codes properly ident i fied along with source vendor, organization , and revision le v el? 53. I s the computer code applicable for the analysis being performed?
54. I f applicable , does the computer model adequatel y consider actual plant conditions?
55. Are the inputs to t h e computer code clearly identified and consistent with the inputs and assumptions documented in the calculation?
56. I s t h e compute r o ut p ut clearl y identified?
57. Does the computer output clearly identify the appropriate units? Pa g e 3 of 4 N EE-323-CALC-005 00 YES NO NIA D cg] D D D cg] cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D D D cg] cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D D cg] D D D cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D cg] D D cg]
58. 59. ENERCON Excellence-Every pro j ect. E v ery day. Attachment 1 CALCULAT I ON PREPARAT I ON CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS1 CALC NO. REV. Are the computer outputs reasonab l e when compared to the inputs and what was expected?

Was the computer output reviewed for ERROR or WARNING messages that cou l d inval i date the results? RESULTS AND CONCL U SIONS 60. Is adequate acceptance criteria specified?

61. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the purpose of the calculation, and intended use? 62. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the plant's design basis, app l icable licensing commitments and industry codes , and standards?
63. Do the calculation results and conclusions meet the stated acceptance criteria?
64. Are the results represented in the proper units with an appropriate tolerance , if appl i cable? 65. Are the calculation results and conclusions reasonable when considered against the stated inputs and objectives?
66. Is sufficient conservatism applied to the outputs and conclusions?
67. Do the calculation results and conclusions affect any other calculations?
68. If so, have the affected calculations been revised? 69. Does the calculation contain any conceptual, unconfirmed or open assumptions requiring later con fi rmation? 70. If so, are they proper l y i dentified?

DESIGN RE VI EW 71. Ha v e alternate calculation methods been used to v erify calculation results? No , a Design Review was performed. Note: N EE-323-CALC-005 00 YES NO N/A D D [gl D D [gl D D [gl [gl D D [gl D D [gl D D [gl D D [gl D D [gl D D D [gl D D D [gl D [gl D D D [gl D D [gl 1. Where required, provide clarification/justification for answers to the questions in the space provided below each question.

An explanation is required for any questions answered as " No' or " N/A". O rigi n a to r: Ryan Skaggs 12/14/17 Print Name and Sign Date P age 4 of 4 DAEC EOP BASES DOCUMENT EOP3 -SECONDARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL GUIDELINE DISCUSSION SF/L-4 Spent Fuel Pool level drops to 16.36 ft D SF/L-5 D Operate Spent Fuel Pool sprays (SAMP 712) . ...-Use only systems not required for adequate core cooling. BASES-EOP 3 Rev. 13 Page 29 of 29 If spent fuel pool level cannot be controlled using alternate or external makeup sources, sprays are used to add water to the spent fuel pool, cool exposed bundles, and reduce radioactivity releases.

However , spray operation may damage electrical equipment and flood lower elevations of the secondary containment, complicating implementation of other emergency response strategies, and runoff from sprays could spread radioactivity release. Use of sprays is therefore delayed until it is determined that spent fuel pool level cannot be maintained above the top of the fuel racks. As long as the spent fuel assemblies are covered with water , the fuel will not overheat and efforts should focus on providing sufficient makeup flow to keep the assemblies submerged. The lowest measurable spent fuel pool level using the wide range instrument is 16.16 ft., approximately one foot above the top of the spent fuel racks. The action level in SF/L-4 corresponds to NEI 12-02 Level 3, the level at which fuel remains covered but actions to implement make-up water addition should no longer be deferred.

The "before" condition permits appropriate anticipatory action based on the spent fuel pool leakage rate, radiation levels , available resources, and the time required to place sprays in service. Steps to prepare spray equipment for use should be initiated while radiation levels permit access to the refueling floor and timed to optimize use of available resources.

As in Steps SF/T-3 and SF/L-3, available spray sources may be alternated between RPV injection and spent fuel pool spray modes as long as adequate core cooling can be maintained, but maintaining adequate core cooling takes precedence over spent fuel pool cooling (refer to the discussions of Steps SF/T-3 and SF/L-3 above).

Development of EAL Threshold values from NEE-323-CALC-005 Calculated values are provided in Calc-005 as shown below. Tab,'e 3-Recomme nded RA1 , RS1 , and R'G 1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 1 , z 3)' Release Point RAl RSI RGI µCi/cc pci/cc µci/cc rum i ne

  • ding 158f-OO 1.Sl:lE-01 1..S8 E+-OI) R eactor Bui l ding 1.12f*0 2 1.22 E"'8 1 1..22 E+oo Offgas Stad: 4.39ff01 4.39E-+fil 4.39 E+o3 llRPS f 151.E*0.2 1.51E"'8! 1.51.E+oo*

Table 4-Recomme nded RA 1 , RS1 , and RG 1 EAL Thresholds (Mod es 4 , 5) Release Point RA1 RSI RG1 Ci/c c Ci/cc Ci/cc ru rb i ne B il ding 1..30£-0.2 BOE"'81 1-30 E+oo R eact or B

  • ding 1-01£-0.2 1: 01E"'81 1..01 E+oo ottgassta d 4.52fR>1 4.52E+0.2 4.5.2 E+o3 URPSF 125£-00 1.25E~1 1.25f+oo*
  • Per Destgn Input 5.8 the r esu1ts i n EAL threshold valu es exceed t h e range of the mon it or. The following table of threshold values was developed for use in the DAEC EAL scheme by averaging the separate Mode 1-3 and Mode 4-5 thresholds from Calc-005 , and then rounding the average values for ease of EAL evaluator use, as well as to provide a step-wise progression through the emergency classification. Resulting values are shown in the Alert , SAE , and GE columns below: Monitor GE SAE Alert NOUE Reacto r Bu ii d i n& v ent il at i on ra d mon i t o r (Kaman 3/4, 5/6 , 7 /8) 1.0E+oO uc i/cc 1.0E-01 uc i/cc 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 uc i/cc "' T u rb i ne Bu il d i n& venti l at i on ra d mon i t o r (K aman 1/2) 1.0E+oo uc i/cc 1.0E-01 uc i/cc 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 uc i/cc :::, "' "' O ff gas Stack r ad mon i tor (Kaman 9/10) 4.SE+o3 uc i/cc 4.SE+o2 uc i/cc 4.5E+ol uc i/cc 2.0E-0 1 uc i/cc 19 llRPSF r ad mon i t or (K a m an 12) . l.OE-0 1 uc i/cc 1.0E-02 uc i/cc 1.0E-03 uc i/cc CALC NO. NE E-323-CAL C-005 ENERCON CALCULATION COVER SHEET REV. 00 Excellence-Every project. Every day. PAGE NO. 1 of 34 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI Client: Duane Arnold Energy Center Title: 99-01 Rev. 06 Project Identifier:

NEE-323 Item Cover Sheet Items Yes No 1 Does th i s calculatio n contain any open assumptions , including preliminary D information , that requ i r e confirmation? (If YES , identify the assumptions.)

2 Does this calculation serve as an " Alternate Calculation

"? (If YES , identify the design D verified calculation.)

Design Verified Calculation No. --3 Does th i s calculation supersede an e x isting Calculation?

(I f YES , identify the design D verified calculation

.) Superseded Calculation No. --Scope of Revision:

Initial Issue Revision Impact on Results: Initial Issue Study Calculation D Final Calculation Safety-Related D Non-Safety-Related (Print Name and Sign) Originator:

Ryan Skaggs Date: 12/14/17 Design Verifier 1 (Reviewer if NSR): Jay Bhatt Date: 12/14/17 Approver:

Zachary Rose Date: 12/14/17 Note 1: For non-safety-related calculation , design verification can be substituted by review.

ENERCON CALCULATION CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every project. Every day. REVISION STATUS SHEET REV. 00 CALCULATION REVISION STATUS REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION 00 12/14/17 Initial Issue PAGE REVISION STATUS PAGE NO. REVISION PAGE NO. REVISION All 00 APPENDIX/ATTACHMENT REVISION STATUS APPENDIX NO. NO.OF REVISION ATTACHMENT NO.OF REVISION PAGES NO. NO. PAGES NO. A 8 00 1 4 00 Page 2 of 34 JI ENERCON TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. Purpose and Scope Summary of Results and Conclusions References Assumptions Design Inputs Methodology Calculation Computer Software Impact Assessment List of Appendices Appendix A -Dose Spreadsheet Output List of Attachments Attachment 1 -Calculation Preparation Checklist Page 3 of 34 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Page No. 4 4 6 7 8 13 19 33 34 # of Pages 8 # of Pages 4 ENERCON ExceJ/enu-Every project. Every day. 1.0 Purpose and Scope Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The DAEC site is implementing new requirements of Revision 6 to the Document NEI 99-01, " Development of Emergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors." One of the changes included in Revision 6 to NEI 99-01 is a new basis for the Emergency Action Level (EAL) RA1. The requirements for RS1 and RG1 did not change from NEI 99-01 Rev. 05 with the implementation of NEI 99-01 , Rev. 06. The following table is extracted from Section 6 of Revision 6 to NEI 99-01: ALERT SITE AREA EMER-GENERAL EMER-GENCY GENCY AA1 Release of gaseous AS1 Release of gaseous AG1 Release of gase-or liquid radioactivity re-radioactivity resulting in ous radioactivity result-suiting in offsite dose offsite dose greater than ing in offsite dose greater than 10 mrem 100 mrem TEOE or 500 greater than 1 , 000 mrem TEOE or 50 mrem thy-mrem thyroid COE. TEOE or 5 , 000 mrem raid COE. Op. Modes: All thyroid COE. Op. Modes: All Op. Modes: All AA1, AS1 , AG1 compares to DAEC terminology RA1 , RS1, RG1 , respectively.

This calculation determines the effluent radiation monitor readings that correspond to the RA 1, RS1, and RG1 thresholds. 2.0 Summary of Results and Conclusions The results below show the RA 1 EAL release concentration thresholds and associated dose rates for each release point for a decay time of five hours and 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. The highlighted dose indicates which threshold was met at the release concentration. Table 1 -RA 1 EAL Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay = 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Mode 1 , 2 , 3)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE µCi/cc mrem mrem Turbine Building 1.58E-02 2.38 0.39 Reactor Building 1.22E-02 2.37** 0.39 Offgas Stack 4.39E+Ol 1.96 8.05* Low-Level Radwaste Processing and 1.51E-02 2.37 0.39 Storage Facility (LLRPSF)

  • Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.3 ** Calculation of this value was demonstrated in Section 7.4 TEDE COE Thyroid mrem mrem 2.77 50.0 2.76 49.8** 10.00 41.1 2.76 49.7 Table 2 -RA 1 EAL Release Concentration Thresholds (Decay = 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> (Mode 4 , 5)) Release Point Release Concentration CEDE EDE TEDE COE Thyroid µCi/cc mrem mrem mrem mrem Turbine Build i ng 1.30E-02 2.59 0.07 2.67 49.7 Reactor Building 1.0lE-02 2.60 0.07 2.68 49.9 Offgas Stack 4.52E+Ol 2.61 1.41 4.02 50.0 LLRPSF 1.25E-02 2.60 0.07 2.67 49.8 Page 4 of 34 ENERCON Ex cellence-Every pro j ec t. E very d ay. Resultant EAL thresholds:

Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The tables below show the release concentration threshold for RA 1, RS1, and RG1 based on the results above for both a decay time of five hours and a decay time of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. From Section 1.0: RS1 thresholds are 10 times larger than those for RA 1 RG 1 thresholds are 100 times larger than those for RA 1 Table 3-Recommended RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 1 , 2 , 3) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbine Building 1.58E-02 1.58E-01 1.58E+OO Reactor Building 1.22E-02 1.22E-01 1.22E+OO Offgas Stack 4.39E+Ol 4.39E+02 4.39E+03 LLRPSF 1.SlE-02 1.SlE-01 1.SlE+OO* Table 4-Recommended RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 EAL Thresholds (Modes 4 , 5) Release Point RAl RS1 RGl µCi/cc µCi/cc µCi/cc Turbine Building 1.30E-02 1.30E-01 1.30E+OO Reactor Building 1.0lE-02 1.0lE-01 1.0lE+OO Offgas Stack 4.52E+Ol 4.52E+02 4.52E+03 LLRPSF 1.25E-02 1.25E-01 1.25E+OO*

  • Per Design Input 5.8 the results in EAL threshold values exceed the range of the monitor. Page 5 of 34 JENERCON Excellence-Every projecr. Every d ay. 3.0 References Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 3.1 NEI 99-01, Revision 6, " Development of Emergency Action Levels for Passive Reactors" , Nuclear Energy Institute , November 2012. 3.2 NUREG-1940 , RASCAL 4: Description of Models and Methods, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, 2012. 3.3 NUREG-1940 Supplement 1 , RASCAL 4.3: Description of Models and Methods , United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, 2015. 3.4 NUREG-1228, Source Term Estimation During Incident Response to Severe Nuclear Power Plant Accidents , United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Division of Operational Assessment, 1988. 3.5 NUREG-1465, Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, 1995. 3.6 DAEC UFSAR, Chapter 15-0. 3. 7 DAEC UFSAR, Chapter 15-2. 3.8 DAEC Offsite Dose Assessment Manual (ODAM). 3.9 Plant Chemistry Procedure PCP 8.3, Alarm Setpoints and Background Determination for KAMAN Normal Range Monitors. 3.10 DAEC Nuclear Station HRN-HRH Radiation Monitor Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Manual , ©2000, by Engineering Solutions, 310 Luchana Drive, Litchfield Park, Arizona. 3.11 DAEC Emergency Plan, Section 'I', Rev. 27. 3.12 Federal Guidance Report No. 11, Limiting Values of Rad1onuchde Intake and Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation , Submersion and Ingestion Office of Radiation and Indoor Air , 1999. 3.13 Federal Guidance Report No. 12, External Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and Soil , 1993. 3.14 Table of Nuclides, http:llatom , retrieved 10/10117.

Page 6 of 34 ENERCON &cellence-Every project. Every day. 4.0 Assumptions Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 The following are assumptions about the receptor:

CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00

  • No credit is taken for radiation shielding provided by structures.
  • No decay in-transit is assumed during the time elapsed between the release point and the receptor. Both of the above assumptions are acceptable because they will result in a higher dose to the receptor and conservatively lower thresholds.

Page 7 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every proje<.t.

Every day. 5.0 Design Inputs 5.1 Core Inventory Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The assumed isotopic mixture i n Table 5 is taken from Table 1-1 of NUREG-1940.

The core inventory (curies per megawatts thermal) in the table is based on calculat i ons made by the NRC staff in December 2003 using the SAS2H control modul e of SCAL E (Standardi z ed Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation), Version 4.4a. T a ble 5 -Isotop ic Mi x ture NUCL I DE CO RE IN V ENTO RY NU CLI D E CORE I NV E N T OR Y NUC LIDE C OR E IN VE NT O RY (C i/MWt) (C i/M Wt) (C i/MWt) Ba-139 4.74E+04 La-141 4.33E+04 Te-127 2.36E+03 Ba-140 4.76E+04 La-142 4.21E+04 Te-127m 3.97E+02 Ce-141 4.39E+04 Mo-99 5.30E+o4 Te-129 8.26E+03 Ce-143 4.00E+04 Nb-95 4.50E+o4 Te-129m 1.68E+03 Ce-144" 3.54E+04 Nd-147 1.75E+o4 Te-131m 5.41E+03 Cm-242 1.12E+03 Np-239 5.69E+05 Te-132 3.81E+04 Cs-134 4.70E+03 Pr-1 43 3.96E+04 Xe-131m 3.65E+02 Cs-136 1.49E+03 Pu-241 4.26E+o3 Xe-133 5.43E+04 Cs-137* 3.25E+03 Rb-86 5.29E+o1 Xe-133m 1.72E+03 1-131 2.67E+04 Rh-105 2.81E+04 Xe-135 1.42E+04 1-132 3.88E+04 Ru-103 4.34E+04 Xe-135m 1.15E+04 1-133 5.42E+04 Ru-105 3.06E+04 Xe-138 4.56E+04 1-134 5.98E+04 Ru-106* 1.55E+o4 Y-90 2.45E+03 1-135 5.18E+04 Sb-127 2.39E+03 Y-91 3.17E+04 Kr-83m 3.05E+03 Sb-1 29 8.68E+03 Y-92 3.26E+04 Kr-85 2.78E+02 Sr-89 2.41E+04 Y-93 2.52E+04 Kr-85m 6.17E+03 Sr-90 2.39E+03 Zr-95 4.44E+04 Kr-87 1.23E+04 Sr-91 3.01E+o4 Zr-97* 4.23E+04 Kr-88 1.70E+04 Sr-92 3.24E+04 La-140 4.91E+04 T c-99m 4.37E+04 Page 8 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. 5.2 Release Fraction Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 6 displays release fractions as a function of time taken from Table 1-4 which references Table 3-12 of NUREG-1465. Table 6 -Release Fraction NUCLID E GROUP BWR CORE INV E N T ORY RELEASE FRACTION C l add i ng Fa il ure Core Me lt Ph as e P o stvesse l (G a p Re l ease (In-Vesse l P h as e) Me l t-Th r ough Phase Phase) (1.5-hour dura ti on) (Ex-Vess e l Phase) (0.5-hour du r atio n) (3.0-hou r durat i on) N o b l e g as e s (Kr , Xe) 0.0 5 0.95 0 H a l ogens (I , Br) 0.05 0.25 0.3 0 A l k a li met a l s (Cs , Rb) 0.0 5 0.20 0.35 Tellu ri um gro up (T e , Sb , Se) 0 0.05 0.25 Bariu m, s tron tiu m (Ba , Sr) 0 0.02 0.1 Nob l e meta l s (Ru , R h , P d , M o , 0 0.0025 0.0 0 25 Tc , C o) C e r i u m gro u p (Ce , Pu , N p} 0 0.000 5 0.0 0 5 L a nthan i de s (L a , "ZI , Nd , Eu. Nb , 0 0.0002 0.0 0 5 P m , Pr , S m, Y , Cm , Am) *R e f er ence: Table 3-1 2 from U R EG-1 46.S. 5.3 Gaseous Dispersion Factors The dispersion factors are taken from the ODAM Section 3. Offgas Stack Building Vents 5.4 Isotopic half-lives Table 7 -Dispersion Factors Dose due to Plume/Submersion ODAM Sections and 3.9 2.SE-7 sec/m 3 4.3E-6 sec/m 3 Organ Dose Due to Particulates and Iodine ODAM Section 3.8 3.1 E-7 sec/m 3 3.9E-6 sec/m 3 Isotopic half-lives are taken from NUREG-1940, Supplement

1. For those isotopes missing from that list , denoted by*, half-lives were obtained from the following website which is maintained by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute:

http://atom.kaeri 8080/tonlindex.html Page 9 of 34 CA L C NEE-323-CALC-00 5 ENERCON R e vi sed Ga seou s R a d i olog i ca l NO. Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every doy. E A L s per N E I 99-0 1 Rev. 06 REV. 00 T a bl e 8 co n t ain s t h e h a lf-liv es a nd c alculat e d .A (lambda) values. Tab l e 8 -Half-l ives and De ca y Co nsta nt s T 1/2 T 1/2 D eca y I s o t op e T 1/2 L a mbd a u ni ts Hours hrs*1 Ba-139 0.0574 days 1.38E+OO 5.03E-01 Ba-140 12.7 days 3.05E+02 2.27E-03 Ce-141 32.5 days 7.80E+02 8.89E-04 Ce-143 1.38 days 3.31E+Ol 2.09E-02 Ce-144 284 days 6.82E+03 1.02E-04 Cm-24 2 163 da y s 3.91E+03 1.77E-04 Cs-134 753 da y s 1.81E+04 3.84E-05 Cs-136 13.1 days 3.14E+02 2.20E-03 Cs-137 11000 days 2.64E+05 2.63E-06 1-131 8.04 day s 1.93E+0 2 3.59E-03 1-13 2 0.0958 days 2.30E+OO 3.0lE-01 1-133 0.867 day s 2.08E+Ol 3.33E-02 1-134 0.0365 days 8.76E-01 7.91E-01 1-135 0.2 75 days 6.60E+OO 1.05E-01 Kr-83m* 1.83 h ours 1.83E+OO 3.79E-01 Kr-85 3910 d a y s 9.38E+04 7.39E-06 Kr-85m 0.187 d a y s 4.49E+OO 1.54E-01 Kr-87 0.053 d ays 1.27E+OO 5.45E-01 Kr-88 0.118 days 2.83E+OO 2.45E-01 La-140 1.68 days 4.03E+Ol 1.72E-02 La-141 0.164 days 3.94E+OO 1.76E-01 La-142 0.0642 d ays 1.54E+OO 4.SOE-01 Mo-99 2.75 days 6.60E+Ol 1.05E-02 Nb-95 35.2 days 8.45E+02 8.20E-04 N d-147 11 da y s 2.64E+02 2.63E-03 N p-239 2.36 days 5.66E+Ol 1.22E-02 Pr-143 13.6 days 3.26E+02 2.12E-03 Pu-241 5260 days 1.26E+05 5.49E-06 Rb-86 18.7 days 4.49E+02 1.54E-03 Rh-105 1.47 days 3.53E+Ol 1.96E-02 Ru-103 39.3 days 9.43E+02 7.35E-04 Ru-105 0.185 d ays 4.44E+OO 1.56E-01 Ru-106 368 days 8.83E+03 7.85E-05 Sb-127 3.85 da y s 9.24E+Ol 7.50E-03 Sb-129* 4.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> 4.40E+OO 1.58E-01 Sr-89 50.5 d a y s 1.21 E+03 5.72E-04 Sr-90 10600 d a y s 2.54E+05 2.72E-06 Sr-91 0.396 d ays 9.50E+OO 7.29E-02 Sr-92 0.113 d ays 2.71E+OO 2.56E-01 Tc-99m 0.251 days 6.02E+OO 1.15E-01 Te-127 0.39 days 9.36E+OO 7.41E-02 Te-127m 109 days 2.62 E+03 2.65E-04 Te-129 0.0483 days 1.16E+OO 5.98E-01 Te-129m 33.6 da y s 8.06E+02 8.60E-04 Pag e 1 0 of 34 I i CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revise d Gaseou s Rad i ological NO. Ex cellence-Every p roj ect. E ve ry d oy. EAL s p er NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 T 1/2 T 1/2 De ca y I s o t o pe T 1/2 L a mbd a un i ts Hou r s hrs-1 Te-13 1m 1.25 d ays 3.00E+Ol 2.31 E-02 Te-132 3.26 d a y s 7.8 2E+Ol 8.86E-03 Xe-131m* 11.934 days 2.86E+0 2 2.42 E-03 Xe-133 5.25 da y s l.2 6E+02 5.50E-03 Xe-133m* 2.19 days 5.26E+Ol l.32E-0 2 Xe-13 5 0.3 79 days 9.lOE+OO 7.62E-02 Xe-135m* 15.2 9 minutes 2.55E-01 2.72E+OO Xe-138* 14.08 minutes 2.35E-01 2.95E+OO Y-90 2.67 days 6.41E+Ol l.08E-0 2 Y-91 58.5 days l.40E+03 4.94E-04 Y-92 0.148 da y s 3.55E+OO l.95E-01 Y-93 0.421 days l.OlE+Ol 6.86E-0 2 Zr-95 64 days l.54E+03 4.SlE-04 Zr-97 0.704 days l.69E+Ol 4.lOE-02 5.5 R e d u c t ion F act o r for Sprays NUR EG-194 0 T able 1-11 st a tes t h a t wh en s prays a r e used for longe r than 1. 7 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (but l ess tha n 2.25 ho urs), the fo llowing f a c to r i s appl ie d to reduc e a ll of the particulate and iodine species. RF s =Exp (-0.6 4tl W h e r e t = the amount o f times sprays are in service. No t e: This re duction f a ctor does not apply to t he noble gases. F or thi s c alculatio n, s prays a re u s ed for a t otal of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> a s des c ribed in Section 6.1. The reduction fac t o r is: RF s = e (-o.54*2) = 0.278 5.6 Standby Gas T r eatment F i lters NUR E G-1940 allows a reduc ti on facto r o f 0.01 for filters like the standby gas treatm e n t (SBGT) system. T hi s factor i s only applied to rel e ases from the Offgas Stack. RF F= 0.01 5.7 Secondary Containment NUREG-1228 provides a reduction factor for natural removal through settling and plate-out in the se c ondary containment.

For a 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> holdup period , that reduction factor i s 0.4. This factor is applied to the building vent releases but not the release from the Offgas Stack. RFs c= 0.4 Page 1 1 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 5.8 Mon it or Range and Exhaust Flow Rates CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 Table 9 is developed from the DAEC Emergency Plan Section " I", ODAM Figure 3-1 , and Procedure PCP 8.3. Ta bl e 9 -Monitor Range and E x haust Flo w Rates Monitor Monitor Release R e le a s e Point Common Equipment ID Range Flow Name µCi/cc CFM T u rbine Build i ng KAM AN RE-5945 / R E-lE-7 t o 72,000 1/2 5946 1E+5 KA MAN RE-7645, R E-3/4 7644 Reactor Buil d i n g KAMAN R E-7647, R E-lE-7 to 9 3, 000 5/6 7646 1E+5 KAM AN RE-7649, R E-7/8 7648 Offgas Stack KA MAN RE-4176 , R E-lE-7 t o 10,000 9/10 41 7 5 1E+5 LLRPSF KA MAN 12 RE-88 0 1 l E-7 to 7 5 , 000 3E-1 5.9 Breathing Rate From NUREG-1940 and FGR11 , the breathing rate is 3.33E-4 m 3/second. 5.10 Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation The " Exposure-to-Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation" by radionuclide provided in FGR11 Table 2.1 allow the determination of the committed dose equivalent to the thyroid and the effective dose equivalent per unit per unit intake , and are shown in Table 11. 5.11 Dose Coefficients for Air Submers i on The dose coefficients in Sv/Bq*s*m-3 from being submersed in air for each radionuclide to an effective dose are taken from Table 111.1 of FGR12 , and are shown in Table 11. Page 12 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-fvery project. E very day. 6.0 Methodology Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation will equate a radioactive material release rate as measured at the gaseous effluent radiation monitors with the dose received to a member of the public at an offsite location.

The relationship is highly influenced by the mixture of radioisotopes in the effluent and the dispersion of gases after they have left the facility.

Primary guidance is provided by NUREG-1940 and NUREG-1228.

6.1 Scenario

The following generalized timeline is used to determine the phenomenon that can affect the mixture of radioisotopes in effluent.

This scenario is realistic, but bounds an event that could occur in a shorter total time frame:

  • T= 0 hr. Major recirculating system line break occurs. Reactor is shut down.
  • T= 1 hr. Core is uncovered.
  • T= 1 hr. Sprays are initiated.
  • T = 2 hrs. Core is covered.
  • T= 4.5 hrs. A catastrophic event causes damage to the drywell and the ondary containment.

o The gaseous mixture from the Drywell spreads into the Reactor ing, Turbine Building, and LLRPSF. o Mean average holdup time of the gas in these buildings is 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Scenario timing will affect the mixture of radioisotopes and is summarized here:

  • The core is uncovered for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
  • Core/Drywell Sprays are running for a total of 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
  • Primary Containment integrity is maintained for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.
  • Source holdup time in secondary containment is 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />s:
  • Source decay time from shutdown to the release point is 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.
  • When the reactor is in mode 4 or 5, the total decay time is 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. Other Factors:
  • The flow rates from the effluent exhaust points are listed in Design Input 5.8.
  • The gaseous effluent radiation monitors are equally efficient for the ing of noble gases , particulates, and iodines.
  • Removal of particulates and iodines by natural process during holdup in sec-ondary containment are credited for releases from the building vents only. 6.2 Receptor The receptor is an adult located at the ODAM-described location of minimal dispersion who is exposed to the radioactive release for one hour. Due to this relatively short duration, the only exposure pathways are inhalation and submersion.

Assumptions related to the receptor are found in Section 4.0. Page 13 of 34

~* ENERCON bcel!ence-Every project. Every doy. 6.3 General Approach Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 With a given mixture of radionuclides, the dose received by an individual offsite is a function of the gross activity present i n the gaseous mixture. The resultant dose received by an offsite receptor is dependent not only on the gross radioactivity levels of the effluent but also upon the isotopic mixture present in the gas. This calculation predicts the relative contribution of each radionuclide to the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitor. With the fractionation of the mixture of radionuclides understood , a given gross output reading (µCi/cm 3) from an effluent radiation monitor can be scaled to determine the concentration of each isotope present in the effluent.

The c a lculation then uses default dispersion factors described in the Offsite Dose Assessment Manual to determine the resultant concentration of radionuclides to which an individual offsite would be exposed. Dose conversion factors provided in Federal Guidance Report 11 (FGR 11) and 12 (FGR12) are used to determine the dose (mrem) to an individual offsite due to their exposure to the gaseous mixture of radionuclides.

With the given radionuclide mixture and dispersion factors understood, an iterative process can be used to relate the effluent monitor reading to a target offsite dose. Two types of radiation dose are calculated

1) TEDE and 2) COE Thyroid. COE or Committed Dose Equivalent is the radiation dose to a specific organ due to an uptake of radioactive material.

In this case, the uptake is limited to inhalation of radioactive material in the plume. TEDE or Total Effective Dose Equivalent is the summation of the Effective Dose Equivalent (EDE) and the Committed Dose Equivalent (CEDE). TEDE = EDE + CEDE. EDE is the dose due to an individual being directly exposed (by submersion) to the radiation present in the gaseous release (shine). CEDE is the sum of the COE for each organ of the body with weighting factors applied for each organ. In this calculation, only contributions from the inhalation pathway are considered.

An iterative process is used to determine the gross radiation monitored by the effluent monitors that correspond to the threshold doses. 6.4 Source Term This calculation will not analyze for the total activity released from the core. It will only analyze for the ratios of the isotopic species that are released from the core. Various phenomena will act to change the composition of the isotopic mixture in the time between reactor shutdown and release from the facility.

In summary the removal phenomena addressed here include: Page 14 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Eve r y project. Eve ry d ay. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RF1 = Fraction of the activity released from the inventory of damaged fuel described in Section 6.5. RFs = Fraction of the activity remaining after reduction by containment spray from Section 5.5. RFR = Fraction of activity remaining after 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> or 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> of radioactive decay described in Section 6.6. RFF = Fraction of the activity rema i ning after filter by SBGT filters from Section 5.6. RFsc = Fraction of ac t ivity remaining after natural removal processes in secondary containment from Section 5.7. Combining these factors provides a single fraction to derive a depleted source: RFrotal = RF1

  • RFs *RFR
  • RFsc 6.5 Fuel Damage Release Fractions Table 6 contains release fractions for three time periods representing the total amount of time the core has been assumed to be uncovered. They are: 0 to 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> , 0.5 to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> , and 2 to 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. For this calculation, the core is assumed to be uncovered for one hour. A spreadsheet is used to scale the release fraction between the 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> point and the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> point. The Reduction Factor, RF1 , due to the release fraction is 100% of the release expected in the first 0.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> PLUS 1/3 of the amount released as expected in the period between 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> and 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Example for Alkali Metals: 0.05 * (0*5 hr)+ 0.2 * (0*5 hr) = 0.1167 0.5 hr 1.5 hr Table 10-Release Fractions by Time Step (Hours) Group Time (h) by step 0.5 1.5 Cumulativ e Alkali Metals 0.050 0.2000 0.1167 Barium Group 0.000 0.0200 0.0067 Cerium Group 0.000 0.0005 0.000 2 Halogen 0.050 0.2500 0.1333 Lanthanides 0.000 0.0002 0.0001 Noble Gas 0.050 0.9500 0.3667 Noble Metal s 0.000 0.0025 0.0008 Tell ur ium group 0.000 0.0500 0.0167 Page 15 of 34
  • ca ENE R CON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. 6.6 Radioactive Decay Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO . REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 The total amount of time the radioactive source i s allowed to decay before being exhausted as an effluent is 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> or 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> depending on the reactor mode per Section 6.1. The generalized equation for radioactive decay is: A= Aoe (-M) Where: A = decayed activity A o = initial activity A = isotopic decay constant t = elapsed time and A= ln2 / tYi With an end goal of a total reduction factor RFrota1, a radiation decay factor RFR is derived from the general equation above: RFR = e (-M) 6.7 Effective Dose Equivalent-Noble Gas Submersion Submersion dose from noble gases is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 12. The concentration of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated:

X k= X i v* v* (;) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor is calculated:

Dose = I/xir

  • hEsoJ Where i= (~) = concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/cc volume of gas released (m 3) concentration of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent.

(m re~c m 3) µCi s ec Page 16 of 34

~* ENERCON bee/fence-Every pr oject. Every do y. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 As des c ribed in Sect i on 7.3 , a spreadsh ee t is used to determine the EDE dose contrib u tion for each isotope in the mixture. 6.8 Committed Dos e Equivalent:

Thyroid Organ dose from a i r borne p a rticulates a n d iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR 11. The co n centration of a n isotop e i presen t i n the plume at the receptor is calculated:

X i r= X i v* v* (~) With th e i s otopic concentrati on at th e r ec eptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated:

Dose = L i(Xir

  • B
  • t
  • hr s oJ Where i= (~) = B= hrso i= t= c oncentr at ion of radionuclide i p r esent a t the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/ cm 3 volume of gas released (m 3) concentrat i on of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) each isotope present in the gaseous release dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) breathing Rate (cm 3/sec) factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/µCi) time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4 , a spreadsheet is used to determine the thyroid COE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. 6.9 Committed Effective Dose Equivalent Committed Effective Dose Equivalent from airborne particulates and iodines is calculated with guidance provided in FGR11. The concentration Xir Of an isotope i present in the plume at the receptor is calculated
X ii*= X i v* v* (~) With the isotopic concentration at the receptor known, the dose (mrem) at the receptor can be calculated
Dose = I lxir
  • B
  • t
  • hEsoJ Where Page 17 of 34 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005

~ii ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-Every prajecr. Every day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 xir = concentration of radionuclide i present at the receptor (Ci/m 3) Note: Ci/m 3 = µCi/ cm 3 v= volume of gas released (m 3) X iv = concentrat i on of radionuclide i released from the stack or building vent. (Ci/m 3) i = each isotope present in the gaseous release (-XQ)--dispersion factor for that release point (sec/m 3) B = breathing Rate (cm 3/sec) h Es oi= factor converting the gas concentration to effective dose equivalent. (mrem/µCi) t = time the dose is to be integrated (sec) As described in Section 7.4 , a spreadsheet is used to determine the CEDE dose contribution for each isotope in the mixture. Page 18 of 34 ENERCON Ex cellenu-Evtry p roj ec t. E ve ry d oy. Re v ised Gase o us Radi o l o gic a l EALs per NE I 99-01 Re v. 0 6 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-C AL C-005 00 7.0 C a l c u lation 1 A ll ca l culatio n s were completed us i ng Microsoft Excel. Sample c a lcul ations are shown in the subsections that follo w. 7.1 Dose Fact o rs FGR11 and FGR 12 display dose factors in the SI units of Sv/Bq and S v m 3/ Bq sec , respectively.

Traditional un i ts of mrem/µCi and mrem cm 3/µCi sec are d esired. FGR11: 1 lE+OS mrem 3.70E+09 mrem --+---t---1----+---t--+------+--

= -----+----2.7E-11 Q 1.00E+6 µCi The conversion factor from Sv/Bq to mrem/µCi i s 3.70E+09.

FGR 12: ffl" lE+OS mrem 1 B{t 1E+06 ml Q B{t sec 2.7E-11 Q ffl" 1E+06 µCi µCi 3.70E+l5 mrem cm 3 = µCi sec The convers io n factor from Sv m 3/Bq sec to mrem cm 3/µCi sec is 3.7 0 E+15. The thyroid , CEDE , and submers io n dose factors in the traditional units for each isotope are ca l culated in the table be l ow. Column C, D, and H are dose factors from Sections 5.10 and 5.11 and Columns E and I are the conversion factors from above. Column F, G, and J are the hTsoi, hEsoi , and hEso i factors as described in Sections 6.8, 6.9 , and 6.7, respectively.

Line 6 of Table 11 i ll ustrates the formulas for B a-139. Table 11 -Isotopic Dose Factors FGRll FGRll Unit s Th y roid CEDE FGR 12: Units Submers i on Thyroid CEDE Isotope Conversion mrem mrem Sv m 3 Conversion mrem cc Sv Sv Factor µCi µCi Bq sec Factor µCi sec Bq Bq Ba-139 2.40E-12 4.64E-11 3.70E+09 =E6*C6 =E6*06 2.17E-1 5 3.70E+15 =J 6*H6 Ba-139 2.40E-12 4.64E-11 3.70E+09 8.88E-03 1.72E-01 2.17E-15 3.7E+l5 8.03E+OO Ba-140 2.56E-10 1.0lE-09 3.70E+09 9.47E-01 3.74E+OO 8.58E-15 3.7E+l5 3.17E+Ol Ce-141 4.61E-11 2.42E-09 3.70E+09 1.71E-01 8.95E+OO 3.43E-15 3.7E+15 1.27E+Ol Ce-143 1.21E-11 9.16E-10 3.70E+09 4.48E-02 3.39E+O O 1.29E-14 3.7E+15 4.77E+Ol Ce-144 1.88E-09 1.0lE-07 3.70E+09 6.96E+OO 3.74E+02 8.53E-16 3.7E+15 3.16E+O O Cm-2 42 9.41E-10 4.67E-06 3.70E+09 3.48E+OO 1.73E+04 S.69E-18 3.7E+l5 2.llE-02 Cs-134 1.llE-08 1.25E-08 3.70E+09 4.llE+Ol 4.63E+Ol 7.57E-14 3.7E+l5 2.80E+02 Cs-136 1.73E-09 1.98E-09 3.70E+09 6.40E+OO 7.33E+OO 1.06E-13 3.7E+15 3.92E+02 Cs-137 7.93E-09 8.63E-09 3.70E+09 2.93E+Ol 3.19E+Ol 7.74E-18 3.7E+15 2.86E-02 1-131 2.92E-07 8.89E-09 3.70E+09 1.08E+03 3.29E+Ol 1.82E-14 3.7E+15 6.73E+Ol 1-132 1.74E-09 1.03E-10 3.70E+09 6.44E+OO 3.81E-01 1.12E-13 3.7E+l5 4.14E+02 1-133 4.86E-08 1.58E-09 3.70E+09 1.80E+02 5.85E+OO 2.94E-14 3.7E+15 1.09E+02 Page 19 of 34 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. &ce lle nce-E very proj ect. E ve ry d ay. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 FGRll FGRll Uni ts Thyroid S ubm ersion Thyroid CEDE CEDE FGR 12: Unit s I sotope Sv S v Conversion mrem mrem Sv m 3 C onv ersion mrem cc Bq Bq Factor µCi µCi Bq se c Factor µCi sec 1-134 2.88E-10 3.SSE-11 3.70E+09 l.07E+OO l.31E-01 l.3E-13 3.7 E+l5 4.81E+02 1-135 8.46E-09 3.32E-10 3.70E+09 3.13E+Ol l.23E+OO 7.98E-14 3.7 E+l5 2.95E+02 Kr-83m l.SE-1 8 3.7E+l5 5.SSE-03 Kr-85 l.19E-1 6 3.7 E+l5 4.40E-01 Kr-85m 7.48E-1 5 3.7E+l5 2.77E+Ol Kr-87 4.12E-14 3.7E+15 l.52E+0 2 Kr-88 l.02E-13 3.7E+15 3.77E+02 La-140 l.22E-10 l.31E-09 3.70E+09 4.SlE-01 4.85E+OO l.17E-13 3.7 E+15 4.33E+0 2 La-141 9.4 0 E-1 2 l.57E-10 3.70E+09 3.48E-02 5.81E-01 2.39E-15 3.7E+1 5 8.84E+OO La-142 8.74E-1 2 6.84E-ll 3.70E+09 3.23E-0 2 2.53E-01 l.44E-13 3.7E+15 5.33E+0 2 Mo-99 l.17E-10 l.07E-09 3.70E+09 4.33E-01 3.96E+OO 7.2 8E-15 3.7 E+15 2.69E+Ol Nb-95 3.58E-10 l.57E-09 3.70E+09 l.32E+OO 5.81E+OO 3.74E-14 3.7E+15 l.38E+0 2 Nd-147 l.94E-ll l.85E-09 3.70E+09 7.18E-0 2 6.85E+OO 6.19E-15 3.7E+15 2.29E+Ol Np-239 7.62E-12 6.78E-10 3.70E+09 2.82 E-02 2.SlE+OO 7.69E-15 3.7E+15 2.85E+Ol Pr-143 l.68E-1 8 2.19E-09 3.70E+09 6.2 2E-09 8.lOE+OO 2.lE-17 3.7E+15 7.77E-02 Pu-241 l.24E-ll 2.23E-06 3.70E+09 4.59E-02 8.25E+03 7.25E-20 3.7E+15 2.68E-04 Rb-86 l.33E-09 l.79E-09 3.70E+09 4.92E+OO 6.62E+OO 4.81E-15 3.7E+15 l.78E+Ol Rh-105 2.57 E-ll 2.58E-10 3.70E+09 9.SlE-0 2 9.SSE-01 3.72E-15 3.7E+15 l.38E+Ol Ru-103 5.97E-10 2.42E-09 3.70E+09 2.21E+OO 8.95E+OO 2.25E-14 3.7E+15 8.33E+Ol Ru-105 l.SOE-11 l.23E-10 3.70E+09 5.SSE-02 4.SSE-01 3.81E-14 3.7E+15 l.41E+02 Ru-106 1.37E-08 l.29E-07 3.70E+09 5.07E+Ol 4.77E+02 0 3.7E+15 O.OOE+OO Sb-127 l.SOE-10 l.63E-09 3.70E+09 5.SSE-01 6.03E+OO 3.33E-14 3.7E+15 l.23E+02 Sb-129 2.07E-ll l.7 4E-10 3.70E+09 7.66E-0 2 6.44E-01 7.14E-14 3.7E+15 2.64E+02 Sr-89 4.16E-10 1.12E-08 3.70E+09 1.54E+OO 4.14E+Ol 7.73E-17 3.7E+15 2.86E-01 Sr-90 2.64E-09 3.SlE-07 3.70E+09 9.77E+OO l.30E+03 7.53E-18 3.7 E+15 2.79E-0 2 Sr-91 4.08E-ll 4.49E-10 3.70E+09 l.SlE-01 l.66E+OO 3.45E-14 3.7 E+15 l.28E+0 2 Sr-92 2.19E-11 2.18E-10 3.70E+09 8.lOE-02 8.07E-01 6.79E-14 3.7E+15 2.51E+0 2 Tc-99m 5.0l E-11 8.80E-12 3.70E+09 l.85E-01 3.26E-02 5.89E-15 3.7E+15 2.18E+Ol Te-127 6.46E-12 8.60E-ll 3.70E+09 2.39E-02 3.18E-01 2.42E-16 3.7E+15 8.95E-01 Te-127m 2.39E-10 5.81E-09 3.70E+0 9 8.84E-01 2.lSE+Ol l.47E-16 3.7E+15 5.44E-01 Te-129 l.63E-12 2.42E-11 3.70E+0 9 6.03E-03 8.95E-02 2.75E-15 3.7E+15 l.02E+Ol Te-129m 3.95E-10 6.47E-09 3.70E+09 l.46E+OO 2.39E+Ol l.SSE-15 3.7E+15 5.74E+OO Te-131m 3.61E-08 l.73E-09 3.70E+09 l.34E+02 6.40E+OO 7.0lE-14 3.7 E+15 2.59E+02 Te-132 6.28E-08 2.SSE-09 3.70E+09 2.32E+02 9.44E+OO l.03E-14 3.7E+15 3.81E+Ol Xe-131m 3.89E-16 3.7E+15 1.44E+OO Xe-133 l.56E-15 3.7E+15 5.77E+OO Xe-133m 1.37E-15 3.7E+15 5.07E+OO Xe-135 l.19E-1 4 3.7E+15 4.40E+Ol Xe-135m 2.04E-14 3.7E+15 7.SSE+Ol Xe-138 5.77E-14 3.7E+15 2.13E+0 2 Y-90 9.52E-12 2.28E-09 3.70E+09 3.52E-02 8.44E+OO l.9E-16 3.7E+15 7.03E-01 Y-91 l.lOE-10 l.32E-08 3.70E+09 4.0 7E-01 4.88E+Ol 2.6E-16 3.7E+l5 9.62E-01 Y-92 3.69E-12 2.llE-10 3.70E+09 1.37E-02 7.81E-01 l.3E-14 3.7E+15 4.81E+Ol Y-93 5.06 E-12 5.82E-10 3.70E+09 l.8 7E-0 2 2.lSE+OO 4.8E-15 3.7E+15 l.78E+Ol Zr-95 1.44E-09 6.39E-09 3.70E+09 5.33E+OO 2.36E+Ol 3.6E-14 3.7E+15 l.33E+02 Zr-97 9.56E-ll 1.17E-09 3.70E+09 3.54E-01 4.33E+OO 9.02E-15 3.7E+l5 3.34E+Ol Page 20 of 34

/ ENERCON &c e ll ence-Every p roject. Eve ry d ay. 7.2 Source Term Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 A spreadsheet is used to determine the total reduction factor RFrota1 for each isotope present in the source term as described in Section 6.4. The activity per megawatt thermal from Section 5.1 is multiplied by RFrota1 to find the source term for each isotope. The spreadsheet for the Offgas Stack release is presented in Table 13. The relative activity released from damaged fuel (RF1) was determined in Section 6.5. Table 12-2 Hours Reduction Factor (RF,) Cumulative 2 Hour Alkali Metals 0.1167 Barium Group 0.0067 Ce rium Group 0.0002 Halogen 0.1333 La ntha n id es 0.0001 Nobl e Gas 0.3667 Noble Metal s 0.0008 Te llur i um group 0.0167 A Spray Reduction factor of 0.278 for primary containment sprays (RFs) was derived in Section 5.5. Determination of the Radiation Decay fractions (RFR) was demonstrated in Section 6.6. In the spreadsheets below , the source decay time is 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Page 21 of 34 ENERCON Exce ll ence-Every p r o j ect. Every d a y. 7.2.1 Off g as Stack Revised Gase o us Radi olog ical E AL s per N E I 99-01 Re v. 0 6 CALC N O. REV. N EE-323-CALC-0 05 00 For the Offgas Stack re l ease, credit is taken fo r filtering (RFF) by t h e Standby Gas Treatment system but not for the natural removal processes t ha t occur in secondary containmen t (RFsc). Table 13-Isotopic Depletion and Release for Offgas Stack RF1 RFs RFsc RFF RFR R Fr o ta l g Release + 0.25 hr SBGT Decay Total Release Form I sotope Spray s Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-Filter Fraction Depletion Ci/MWTh tainment Bar i um Group Ba-139 4.74E+04 0.0067 0.278 0 1.0000 0.01 0.0808 1.50E-06 7.lOE-02 Barium Group Ba-140 4.76E+04 0.006 7 0.278 0 1.0000 0.01 0.9 887 1.83E-05 8.72 E-01 Ceriu m Group Ce-141 4.39E+04 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.99 56 4.61E-07 2.03E-02 Cerium Group Ce-143 4.00E+04 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9006 4.17E-07 1.67E-0 2 Cerium Group Ce-144 3.54E+04 0.000 2 0.2780 1.0000 O.Dl 0.9995 4.63E-07 1.64E-02 Lanthanid es Cm-242 1.12E+03 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9 991 1.85E-07 2.07E-04 Alkali Met als Cs-134 4.70E+03 0.1167 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9998 3.24E-04 1.52E+OO Alkali M etals Cs-136 1.49E+03 0.1167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9890 3.21E-04 4.78E-01 Alkali Met a ls Cs-137 3.25E+03 0.1167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 1.00 00 3.24E-04 1.05E+OO Ha l ogen 1-131 2.67E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9822 3.64E-04 9.72E+OO Halogen 1-132 3.88E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.2 215 8.21E-05 3.19E+OO Halogen 1-133 5.42E+04 0.1333 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.8466 3.14E-04 1.70E+Ol Halogen 1-134 5.98E+04 0.1333 0.278 0 1.0000 0.01 0.0191 7.09E-06 4.24E-01 Halogen 1-135 5.18E+04 0.133 3 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.5915 2.19E-04 l.14E+Ol Noble Gas Kr-83m 3.05E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1505 5.52E-02 1.68E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85 2.78E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0000 3.67E-01 1.02E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85m 6.17E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4620 1.69E-01 1.05E+03 Nob l e Gas Kr-87 1.23E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0656 2.40E-02 2.96E+02 Noble Gas Kr-88 1.70E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2941 1.08E-01 1.83E+03 La ntha n id es La-140 4.91E+04 0.0001 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9176 1.70E-07 8.35E-03 Lanthanides La-141 4.33E+04 0.0001 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.4146 7.68E-08 3.33E-03 Lanthanides La-142 4.21E+04 0.0001 0.2 7 80 1.0000 0.01 0.1055 1.96E-08 8.23E-04 Noble Metal s Mo-99 5.30E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9488 2.2 0E-06 1.17E-01 La nth an ides Nb-95 4.SOE+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9959 1.85E-07 8.31E-03 Lanthanides Nd-1 47 1.75E+04 0.0001 0.2 7 8 0 1.0000 0.01 0.9870 1.83E-07 3.20E-03 Cerium Group Np-239 5.69E+05 0.0002 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9406 4.36E-07 2.48E-01 Lanthanides Pr-143 3.96E+04 0.0001 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9894 1.83E-07 7.26E-03 Cerium Group Pu-241 4.26E+03 0.0002 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 1.0000 4.63E-07 1.97E-03 A l ka li Metals Rb-86 5.29E+Ol 0.1167 0.278 0 1.0000 0.01 0.9923 3.22E-04 1.70E-02 Noble Met als Rh-105 2.81E+04 0.0008 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9064 2.lOE-06 5.90E-02 Nob l e Metals Ru-103 4.34E+04 0.0008 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9963 2.31E-06 1.00E-01 Noble Metals Ru-105 3.06E+04 0.0008 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.4581 1.06E-06 3.25E-02 Noble Metals Ru-106 1.55E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9996 2.32E-06 3.59E-02 Tel l urium group Sb-127 2.39E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.9632 4.46E-05 1.07E-01 Tellurium group Sb-129 8.68E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 0.4549 2.llE-05 1.83E-01 Barium Group Sr-89 2.41E+04 0.0067 0.2 780 1.0000 0.01 0.9971 1.85E-05 4.45E-01 Barium Group Sr-90 2.39E+03 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 0.01 1.0000 1.85E-05 4.43E-02 Page 22 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every d ay. Form I soto pe Barium Group Sr-91 Barium Group Sr-92 Nobl e M etals Tc-99m Tel lurium group Te-127 Telluri um group Te-127m Te llurium group Te-129 Tellurium group Te-12 9m Tel lurium group Te-131m Tellur ium group Te-132 Noble Ga s Xe-131m Nobl e Gas Xe-133 Noble Gas Xe-133m Nobl e Ga s Xe-135 Noble Gas Xe-13Sm Nobl e G as Xe-138 Lanthanides Y-90 Lant h anides Y-91 La nth an id es Y-92 La ntha n ides Y-93 Lanthanides Zr-95 La nthan ides Zr-97 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 RF1 RF s RFsc g Rel ease + 0.25 h r Sprays Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-tainment 3.01E+04 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 3.24E+04 0.0067 0.2780 1.0000 4.37E+04 0.0008 0.2780 1.0000 2.36E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 3.97E+02 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 8.26E+03 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 1.68E+03 0.0167 0.2 7 80 1.0000 S.41E+0 3 0.0 167 0.2780 1.0000 3.81E+04 0.0167 0.2780 1.0000 3.65E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 S.43E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.72E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.42E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.15E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 4.56E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 2.45E+03 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 3.17E+04 0.0001 0.278 0 1.0000 3.26E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 2.52E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 4.44E+04 0.0001 0.2 780 1.0000 4.23E+04 0.0001 0.2780 1.0000 Page 23 of 34 CALC NO. REV. RFF SBGT Fi l ter 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0 1 0.01 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RFR RFTotal Decay Total R e l ease Fract i on Depletion Ci/MWTh 0.6944 1.29E-05 3.87E-01 0.2786 5.16E-06 1.67E-01 0.5625 1.3 0E-06 S.70E-02 0.6905 3.20E-OS 7.SSE-02 0.9987 4.63 E-05 1.84E-02 0.0503 2.33E-06 1.93E-02 0.995 7 4.61E-05 7.75E-02 0.8909 4.13E-05 2.23E-01 0.9567 4.43E-05 1.69E+OO 0.9880 3.62E-01 1.32E+02 0.9729 3.57E-01 1.94E+04 0.9362 3.43E-01 5.90E+02 0.6832 2.SOE-01 3.56E+03 0.0000 4.SSE-07 5.23E-03 0.00 00 1.41E-07 6.45E-03 0.9474 1.76E-07 4.30E-04 0.9975 1.85E-07 S.86E-03 0.3769 6.99E-08 2.28E-03 0.7096 l.32E-07 3.31E-03 0.9977 1.85E-07 8.21E-03 0.8145 1.SlE-07 6.39E-03 ENERCON Ex c e ll en ce-E very project. E very d ay. Revised Gaseous Radio l ogical EALs per N E I 99-01 Rev. 06 7.2.2 Bui l ding Vents C A LC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-00 5 00 For releases from Bu il d i ng Vents, no cred i t is taken for filtering (RFF) b y t h e Standby Gas Treatment system. Credit is taken for the natural rem ov al processes that occurs in secondary containment (RFsc). This source te r m also has radioactive decay occurring for 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. Table 14 -Isotopic Depletion and Release for Building Vents RF, RFs RFsc RFF RFR RFrotal Q Release + 0.25 hr SBGT Decay Total Release Form Isotope Sprays Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-Filter Fraction Depletion Ci/MWTh tainment Barium Group Ba-139 4.74E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.0808 5.99E-05 2.84E+OO Barium Group Ba-140 4.76E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9887 7.33E-04 3.49E+Ol Cerium Group Ce-141 4.39E+04 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9956 1.85E-05 8.lOE-01 Cerium Group Ce-143 4.00E+04 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9006 1.67E-05 6.68E-01 Cerium Group Ce-144 3.54E+04 0.000 2 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9995 1.85E-05 6.56E-01 Lanthanides Cm-242 1.12E+03 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9991 7.41E-06 8.30E-03 Alkali Metals Cs-134 4.70E+03 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9998 1.30E-02 6.lOE+Ol Alkali Met a l s Cs-136 1.49E+03 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9890 1.28E-02 1.91E+Ol Alkali Metals Cs-137 3.25E+03 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 1.0000 1.30E-02 4.22E+Ol Halog en 1-131 2.67E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.400 0 1.00 0.9822 1.46E-02 3.89E+02 Halogen 1-132 3.88E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.2215 3.28E-03 1.27E+02 Halogen 1-133 5.42E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.8466 1.26E-02 6.80E+02 Halogen 1-134 5.98E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.0191 2.84E-04 1.70E+Ol Haloge n 1-135 5.18E+04 0.1333 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.5915 8.77E-03 4.54E+02 Noble Gas Kr-83m 3.05E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1505 5.52E-02 1.68E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85 2.78E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0000 3.67E-01 1.02E+02 Noble Gas Kr-85m 6.17E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4620 1.69E-01 1.05E+03 Nob l e Gas Kr-87 1.23E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0656 2.40E-02 2.96E+02 Noble Gas Kr-88 1.70E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2941 1.08E-01 1.83E+03 Lanthanides La-140 4.91E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9176 6.80E-06 3.34E-01 Lanthanides La-141 4.33E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.4146 3.07E-06 1.33E-01 La ntha n ides La-142 4.21E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.1055 7.82E-07 3.29E-02 Noble Metals Mo-99 5.30E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9488 8.79E-05 4.66E+OO La nth a nides Nb-95 4.50E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9959 7.38E-06 3.32E-01 Lanthan ides Nd-147 1.75E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9870 7.32E-06 1.28E-01 Cerium Group Np-239 5.69E+05 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.94 06 1.74E-05 9.92E+OO Lanthan ides Pr-143 3.96E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9894 7.34E-06 2.91E-01 Cerium Group Pu-241 4.26E+03 0.0002 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 1.0000 1.85E-05 7.90E-02 A l ka l i Meta l s Rb-86 5.29E+Ol 0.1167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9923 1.29E-02 6.81E-01 Noble Metal s Rh-105 2.81E+04 0.0008 0.2 780 0.4000 1.00 0.9064 8.40E-05 2.36E+OO Noble Metals Ru-103 4.34E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9963 9.23E-05 4.0lE+OO Noble Metals Ru-105 3.06E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.4581 4.25E-05 1.30E+OO Noble Metals Ru-106 1.55E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9996 9.26E-05 1.44E+OO Tellurium group Sb-127 2.39E+03 0.0167 0.2 780 0.4000 1.00 0.9632 1.79E-03 4.27E+OO Tellurium group Sb-129 8.68E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.4549 8.43E-04 7.32E+OO Barium Group Sr-89 2.41E+04 0.006 7 0.2780 0.4000 1.00 0.9971 7.39E-04 1.78E+Ol Page 24 o f 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every doy. Form I sotope Barium Group Sr-90 Barium Group Sr-91 Barium Group Sr-92 Noble Metals Tc-99m Tellurium group Te-127 Te llurium group Te-127m Te llurium group Te-129 Tel lu rium group Te-129m Tellurium group T e-131m Tellurium group Te-132 Noble Ga s Xe-131m Nobl e Ga s Xe-133 Noble Gas Xe-133m Noble Gas Xe-135 Nobl e Gas Xe-135m Noble Gas Xe-138 Lanthanides Y-90 Lant h anides Y-91 La nth an ides Y-92 La nth an id es Y-93 La nth an ides Zr-95 Lanthanid es Zr-97 Revised Gase ous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 RF1 RFs RFsc Q Release + 0.25 hr Sprays Secondary MWTh Fraction Reduction Con-tainment 2.39E+03 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 3.01E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 3.24E+04 0.0067 0.2780 0.4000 4.37E+04 0.0008 0.2780 0.4000 2.36E+03 0.0 1 67 0.27 8 0 0.4000 3.97E+02 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 8.2 6E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 1.68E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 5.41E+03 0.0167 0.2780 0.4000 3.81E+04 0.0 16 7 0.27 8 0 0.4000 3.65E+02 0.367 1.0 1.0 5.43E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.72E+03 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.42E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 1.15E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 4.56E+04 0.367 1.0 1.0 2.45E+03 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 3.17E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 3.26E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 2.52E+04 0.0001 0.27 80 0.4000 4.44E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 4.23E+04 0.0001 0.2780 0.4000 CALC NO. REV. RFF SBGT Filter 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.3 Effective Dose Equivalent-Noble Gas Submersion NEE-323-CALC-005 00 RFR RFrotal Deca y Total Release Fraction Depletion Ci/MWTh 1.0000 7.41E-04 1.77E+OO 0.6944 5.15E-04 1.55E+Ol 0.2 786 2.07E-04 6.69E+OO 0.5625 5.21E-05 2.28E+OO 0.6905 1.28E-03 3.02E+OO 0.9987 1.85E-03 7.35E-01 0.0503 9.32E-05 7.70E-01 0.9957 1.85E-03 3.lOE+OO 0.8909 1.65E-03 8.93E+OO 0.9567 1.77E-03 6.76E+O l 0.9880 3.6 2 E-01 1.32E+02 0.9729 3.57E-01 1.94E+04 0.9362 3.43E-01 5.90E+02 0.6832 2.50E-01 3.56E+03 0.0000 4.55E-07 5.23E-03 0.0000 1.41E-07 6.45E-03 0.9474 7.02E-06 1.72E-02 0.9975 7.40E-06 2.34E-01 0.3769 2.79E-06 9.llE-02 0.7 09 6 5.26E-06 1.33E-01 0.9977 7.40E-06 3.28E-01 0.8145 6.04E-06 2.5 5E-01 Spreadsheets are used to calculate isotopic concentration at the receptor and the resu ltan t radiation dose to the receptor for each of the isotopes in the mixture. For the example Effective Dose Equ ivalent calculation , the release point is the Offgas Stack at five hours since shutdown , and a gross concentration of 43.9 µCi/cm 3 (this concentration was determined iteratively to produce 10 mrem TEDE). The secondary containment holdup hours is set at <0.5 because the natural removal process in the Secondary Containment does not occur with the Offgas Stack. In Table 15 , the column labeled "hEsoi Submersion mrem cm 3/µCi sec ," is the dose factor for air submersion dose and is calculated in Section 7.1. The column labeled " Depleted Mix Ci/MWTh" is the " Release Ci/MWTh" calculated in Section 7 .2 for each isotope. The "Fractio n" column determines the fraction each isotope contributes to the gross activity and is used to scale the activity for each isotope. Page 25 of 34 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every d ay. Re v ised Gaseous Radiol og ical EALs per N EI 99-01 Rev. 0 6 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-00 5 00 The column " x;v Release Cone. µCi/cm 3" contains a ca l culation that scales the "Dep l eted Mix Ci/MWfh" column to a user entered gross concentrat i on based o n the "Fraction". In th i s case , the gross concentration entered was 43.9 µCi/cm 3 (4.39E+1 ). Values in the "x;r Receptor Cone. µCi/cm 3" column are calculated by multiplying the release concentration by the applicable dispersion factor , the volume of the release, and requisite conversion f actors. T h e basic equat i on is from Section 6.7: X ir = Xiv* V* (~) For isotope 1-131, an examp l e is presented: X i v R e l ease C o ne. F l ow 1.5 7E-02 µC i 10 , 0 0 0 ft* 2.83 E-02 m* 1 c m 3 ffiffi 1 ft* 60 Where: (X/Q) ffiffi 2.80 E-0 7 5e* 5e* m* R ece p t or Cone. 2.0 8 E-0 8 µCi c m 3 v = 10 , 000 ft 3/min is the rated flo w from the Offgas Stack from Design I nput 5.8. (XIQ) = 2.80E-07 is the Noble Gas Dispersion coefficient (XIQ) for the Offgas Stack from Design Input 5.3. 2.83E-2 converts ft 3 to m 3 Va l ues in the " Submersion Dose mrem" (hEso;) co l umn are ca l culated by mult i plying the factors " x;r Receptor Cone. µCi/cm 3" , a time-units conversion fact o r, an d the dose conversion factor calculated in Section 7.1. The basic equation for a one hour time period is shown in Sect io n 6.7. Dose = Li(Xir

  • hEsoa For isotope 1-131, an example is presented:

Xi r h E50 i R e c e ptor Con e. Sub mersi on 2.08E-08 t*t+ 6.7 3E+Ol m r em EfR" 36 0 0 5eE tfR" t*t+ 5eE Page 26 of 34 Subm e rsion Do se mre m 5.0 4 E-0 3 mrem CALC NEE-323-CALC-005 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-Every project. E ver y d ay. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 For ease of comparison, the spreadsheet row for 1-131 is shown here: hESOi Depleted Xiv Xir Submersion Mix Release Receptor Submersion Nuclide Fraction Cone. Cone. Dose mrem cc g !ill !ill µCi sec MWT h mrem cm 3 cm 3 1-131 6.73E+l 9.72E+O 3.582E-4 l.57E-2 2.08E-8 5.04E-3 Table 15 -Submersion Dose for Offgas Stack hE S Oi Depleted Xiv xi,. Submersion Mix Release Receptor Submersion Nucl i de mrem cm 3 Ci Fraction Cone. Cone. Dose µCi sec MWfh !!Cl !!Cl mrem cm 3 cm 3 Ba-139 8.03E+O 7.lOE-2 2.62E-6 1.lSE-4 1.52E-10 4.39E-6 Ba-140 3.17E+l 8.72E-1 3.21E-5 1.41E-3 1.86E-9 2.13E-4 Ce-141 1.27E+l 2.03E-2 7.46E-7 3.28E-5 4.33E-11 1.98E-6 Ce-143 4.77E+l l.67 E-2 6.lSE-7 2.70E-5 3.57E-11 6.13E-6 Ce-144 3.16E+O l.64E-2 6.04E-7 2.65E-5 3.SOE-11 3.98E-7 Cm-242 2.llE-2 2.07E-4 7.64E-9 3.35E-7 4.43E-13 3.36E-11 C s-134 2.80E+2 1.52E+O 5.62E-5 2.47E-3 3.26E-9 3.28E-3 Cs-136 3.92E+2 4.78E-1 1.76E-5 7.73E-4 1.02E-9 1.44E-3 Cs-137 2.86E-2 1.0SE+O 3.88E-5 1.70E-3 2.25E-9 2.32E-7 1-131 6.73E+l 9.72E+O 3.582E-4 1.57E-2 2.08E-8 5.04E-3 1-132 4.14E+2 3.19E+O 1.17E-4 5.lSE-3 6.81E-9 1.02E-2 1-133 1.09E+2 l.70E+l 6.27E-4 2.75E-2 3.64E-8 1.42E-2 1-134 4.81E+2 4.24E-1 l.56E-5 6.86E-4 9.07E-10 1.57E-3 1-135 2.95E+2 1.14E+l 4.18E-4 1.84E-2 2.43E-8 2.5 8E-2 Kr-83m 5.SSE-3 1.68E+2 6.20E-3 2.72E-1 3.60E-7 7.19E-6 Kr-85 4.40E-1 1.02E+2 3.76E-3 1.65E-1 2.18E-7 3.45E-4 Kr-85m 2.77E+l 1.0SE+3 3.85E-2 1.69E+O 2.23E-6 2.23E-1 Kr-87 1.52E+2 2.96E+2 1.09E-2 4.78E-1 6.32E-7 3.47E-1 Kr-88 3.77E+2 1.83E+3 6.75E-2 2.97E+O 3.92E-6 5.32E+O La-140 4.33E+2 8.35E-3 3.08E-7 l.35E-5 1.78E-11 2.78E-5 La-141 8.84E+O 3.33E-3 1.23E-7 5.38E-6 7.llE-12 2.26E-7 La-142 5.33E+2 8.23E-4 3.03E-8 1.33E-6 1.76E-12 3.37E-6 Mo-99 2.69E+l 1.17E-1 4.29E-6 1.88E-4 2.49E-10 2.41E-5 Nb-95 1.38E+2 8.31E-3 3.06E-7 1.34E-5 1.78E-11 8.84E-6 Nd-147 2.29E+l 3.20E-3 1.18E-7 5.18E-6 6.84E-12 5.64E-7 Np-239 2.85E+l 2.48E-1 9.14E-6 4.0lE-4 5.3 0E-10 5.43E-5 Pr-143 7.77E-2 7.26E-3 2.68E-7 1.17E-5 1.SSE-11 4.34E-9 Pu-241 2.68E-4 1.97E-3 7.27E-8 3.19E-6 4.22E-12 4.07E-12 Rb-86 1.78E+l 1.70E-2 6.27E-7 2.75E-5 3.64E-11 2.33E-6 Rh-105 1.38E+l 5.90E-2 2.17E-6 9.54E-5 1.26E-10 6.25E-6 Ru-10 3 8.33E+l 1.00E-1 3.69E-6 1.62E-4 2.14E-10 6.42E-5 Ru-105 1.41E+2 3.25E-2 1.20E-6 5.25E-5 6.94E-11 3.52E-5 Ru-106 O.OOE+O 3.59E-2 1.32E-6 5.81E-5 7.67E-11 O.OOE+O Sb-127 1.23E+2 l.07E-1 3.93E-6 1.73E-4 2.28E-10 1.0lE-4 Sb-129 2.64E+2 1.83E-1 6.74E-6 2.96E-4 3.91E-10 3.72E-4 Sr-89 2.86E-1 4.45E-1 1.64E-5 7.20E-4 9.52E-10 9.80E-7 Sr-90 2.79E-2 4.43E-2 1.63E-6 7.16E-5 9.47E-11 9.SOE-9 Sr-91 l.28E+2 3.87E-1 1.43E-5 6.27E-4 8.28E-10 3.81E-4 Sr-92 2.51E+2 l.67E-1 6.16E-6 2.71E-4 3.58E-10 3.23E-4 Tc-99m 2.18E+l 5.70E-2 2.lOE-6 9.21E-5 1.22E-10 9.SSE-6 Page 27 of 34 CALC NEE-323-CALC-005

.ii ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. Excellence-Every project. Eve ry day. EALs per NEI 99-01 Re v. 06 REV. 00 hE SO i Depleted Xiv xir Submersion Mix Release Receptor Submersion Nuclide mrem cm 3 Ci Fraction Cone. Cone. Dose µCi sec MWTh QQl QQl mrem cm 3 cm 3 Te-127 8.95E-1 7.SSE-2 2.78E-6 1.22E-4 1.61E-10 5.20E-7 Te-127m 5.44E-1 l.84E-2 6.77E-7 2.97E-5 3.93E-11 7.69E-8 Te-129 1.02E+l 1.93E-2 7.0 9E-7 3.llE-5 4.llE-11 1.SlE-6 Te-129m 5.74E+O 7.7 5E-2 2.86E-6 1.25E-4 1.66E-10 3.42E-6 T e-131m 2.59E+2 2.23E-1 8.23E-6 3.61E-4 4.77E-10 4.46E-4 Te-13 2 3.81E+l l.69E+O 6.22 E-5 2.73E-3 3.61E-9 4.95E-4 Xe-131m 1.44E+O 1.3 2E+2 4.87 E-3 2.14E-1 2.83E-7 1.46E-3 Xe-133 5.77E+O l.94E+4 7.14E-1 3.13E+l 4.14E-5 8.60E-1 Xe-133m 5.07E+O 5.90E+2 2.18E-2 9.SSE-1 1.26E-6 2.30E-2 Xe-135 4.40E+l 3.56E+3 1.31E-1 5.75E+O 7.60E-6 1.20E+O Xe-135m 7.SSE+l 5.23E-3 1.93E-7 8.46E-6 l.12E-11 3.04E-6 Xe-138 2.13E+2 6.45E-3 2.3 7E-7 1.04E-5 1.38E-11 1.06E-5 Y-9 0 7.03E-1 4.3 0E-4 1.58E-8 6.96E-7 9.19E-13 2.33E-9 Y-91 9.62E-1 5.86E-3 2.16E-7 9.48E-6 1.25E-11 4.34E-8 Y-92 4.81E+l 2.2 8E-3 8.3 9E-8 3.68E-6 4.87E-12 8.43E-7 Y-93 1.7 8E+l 3.31E-3 l.22E-7 5.36E-6 7.0 8E-12 4.53E-7 Zr-95 1.33E+2 8.21E-3 3.03E-7 1.33E-5 1.75E-11 8.42E-6 Z r-97 3.3 4E+l 6.39E-3 2.35 E-7 1.03E-5 1.36E-11 1.64E-6 2.71E+04 100.00% 4.39E+Ol 5.80E-5 8.05 4.39E+1 mrem Given a radiat i on effluent monitor reading of 43.9 µCi/cm 3 , and the assumptions of the scenario, the EDE value is 8.05 mrem. Spreadsheet cases are run for all four release points. See Section 2.0 for resu l ts. Page 28 of 34

/ ENERCON Excelfence-Ev~ry pro ject. Every day. Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 7.4 CEDE and COE Thyroid CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 o.o For the example CEDE and COE Thyroid calculation, the release point is the Reactor Building at five hours since shutdown , and a gross concentration of 1.22E-2 µCi/cc, with a Secondary Containment Holdup time of 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> per Design Input 5.7 (this concentration was determined iteratively to produce 49.8 mrem Thyroid COE). In Table 16, the columns labeled "hr 5 0 Jhyroid mrem/µCi" and " h Es oi CEDE mrem/µCi" are the dose factors developed in Section 7.1. The column labeled " Depleted Mix Ci/MWTh" is the "Release Ci/MWTh" calculated above in Section 7.2 for each isotope. The "Fraction" column determines the fraction each isotope contributes to the gross activity , and is used to scale the activity for each isotope. The column " x;v Release Cone. µCi/cm 3" contains a calculation that scales the " Depleted Mix" column to a user entered gross concentration based on the "Fraction" and is the variable X;v in the equation below. In this case, the gross concentration entered was 1.22E-2 µCi/cc. Values in the "x;r Receptor Cone. µCi/cm 3" column are calculated by multiplying the release concentration by the applicable dispersion factor, the volume of the release , and requisite conversion factors. The basic equation from Section 6.8: Xir= x-* v* (!) JV Q For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented:

X i v R e l ease Cone. Flow 1.6 3 E-04 µC i 93 , 000 #. 2.83E-0 2 m* cm 3 mifl 1 #' Where: (X/Q) 1 mifl 3.90E-06 60 Se* Se* m* Receptor Cone. 2.79E-08 µCi c m 3 v = 93,000 ft 3/min is the rated flow from the Reactor Building from Design Input 5.8. (XIQ) = 3.90E-06 is the Particulate and Iodine dispersion coefficient for the Reactor Building from Design Input 5.8. Values in the column labeled " Inhalation Thyroid Dose mrem" are calculated by multiplying the following factors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate, the time, and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation is shown in Section 6.8. Dose == I/xir

  • B
  • t
  • hrsoa For isotope 1-131, an example is presented:

Page 29 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NE I 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Ex c e lle n ce-Every pr ojec t. Eve ry d oy. Xir B R ece p tor B re a t h i n g Con e. Ti m e R ate 2.79E-0 8 t*G 1 1.20E+06 Effi e Where: h rsoi Thyroid Effi e 1.08E+03 mr em t*G REV. Inhalation Thyroid Dose 00 3.6 2 E+O l m re m =-----+---hTso; is the thyroid dose factor for each isotope from Section 7.1. B = 1.20 E+06 cm 3/hr is the breathing rate. This value is equal to 3.33E-4 m 3/sec from Design Input 5.9. Values i n the " Inhalation CED E Dose mrem" column are calculated by multiplying the following f a ctors: concentration at the receptor, the breathing rate , the time , and the dose conversion factor. The basic equation comes from Section 6.9. Dose == L/Xi r

  • B
  • t
  • hEsoa For isotope 1-131 , an example is presented: Xi r R ecep tor C on e Time 2.79E-08 t*G 1 B Bre a t h i n g R a t e 1.2 0 E+06 Effi e h E S Oi CED E 3.2 9 E+Ol m r em Inhalation CEDE Dose 1.lO E+OO m re m =----+-----Effi. t*G For ease of comparison, the table row for 1-131 is shown here: h rso i h E SO i Depleted Xiv X i r Inhalation Thyro i d CEDE Mi x Release Receptor Thyroid Nuclide Fraction Cone. Cone. m r em mr e m Ci !&.i !&.i Dose µCi µCi MWTh cm 3 cm 3 mrem 1-131 1.0 8 E+3 3.29E+l 3.89E+2 1.34 E-2 1.63E-4 2.79E-8 3.62 E+l Table 16-Inhalation Thyroid and CEDE Dose for Reactor Building h rs oi h E SOi Depleted Xiv Xir Inhalation Thyroid CED E Mix Release Receptor Thyroid Nuclide Fraction Cone. Cone. mrem m r em Ci !&.i !&.i Dose µCi µC i MWTh cm 3 cm 3 mrem B a-139 8.88 E-3 l.72 E-1 2.84E+O 9.7 6E-5 l.19E-6 2.04E-10 2.1 7E-6 B a-140 9.47E-1 3.7 4 E+O 3.49E+l l.20E-3 l.46E-5 2.S OE-9 2.8 5E-3 C e-141 l.71E-1 8.9 5E+O 8.l OE-1 2.7 8 E-5 3.40E-7 5.8 2 E-11 l.19E-5 C e-14 3 4.48 E-2 3.39 E+O 6.68E-1 2.3 0 E-5 2.8 0E-7 4.7 9 E-11 2.5 8 E-6 C e-1 44 6.96 E+O 3.7 4E+2 6.SGE-1 2.25E-5 2.75E-7 4.71E-11 3.9 3 E-4 Page 30 of 34 Inhalation CEDE Dose mrem 1.l OE+O Inhalation CEDE Dose mrem 4.2 0E-5 l.12E-2 6.2 5E-4 l.95E-4 2.llE-2 CALC N EE-323-CALC-00 5 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological NO. * &cel!ence-Every p roject. Every d ay. EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 REV. 00 hr s oi h ES Oi Depleted Xi v Xir Inhalation Inhalat ion Thyroid CEDE Mix Release Receptor Thyroid CEDE Nuclide Fraction Cone. Cone. mrem mrem C i 1&l 1&l Dose Dose µCi µCi MWTh cm 3 cm 3 mrem mrem Cm-242 3.48E+O 1.73E+4 8.3 0E-3 2.85E-7 3.48E-9 5.96E-13 2.49E-6 1.23E-2 C s-134 4.llE+l 4.63E+l 6.lOE+l 2.lOE-3 2.56E-5 4.38E-9 2.16E-1 2.43E-1 Cs-136 6.40E+O 7.33E+O 1.91E+l 6.57E-4 8.02E-6 1.37E-9 1.0SE-2 1.21E-2 Cs-137 2.93E+l 3.19E+l 4.22E+l 1.45E-3 1.77E-5 3.03E-9 1.07E-1 1.16E-1 1-131 1.08E+3 3.2 9E+l 3.89E+2 1.34E-2 1.63E-4 2.79E-8 3.62E+l 1.lOE+O 1-132 6.44E+O 3.81E-1 1.27E+2 4.38E-3 5.34E-5 9.lSE-9 7.07E-2 4.18E-3 1-133 1.80E+2 5.85E+O 6.80E+2 2.34E-2 2.85E-4 4.88E-8 1.0SE+l 3.43E-1 1-134 1.07E+O 1.31E-1 1.70E+l 5.83E-4 7.12E-6 1.22E-9 1.56E-3 1.92E-4 1-135 3.13E+l 1.23E+O 4.54E+2 1.56E-2 1.91E-4 3.26E-8 1.23E+O 4.81E-2 Kr-83m 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 1.68E+2 5.79E-3 7.06E-5 1.21E-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-85 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.02E+2 3.SOE-3 4.27E-5 7.32E-9 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-85m O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 1.05E+3 3.59E-2 4.38E-4 7.SOE-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Kr-87 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 2.96E+2 1.02E-2 1.24E-4 2.12E-8 O.OO E+O O.OOE+O Kr-88 0.00E+O 0.00E+O 1.83E+3 6.30E-2 7.69E-4 1.32E-7 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O La-140 4.SlE-1 4.85E+O 3.34E-1 1.lSE-5 1.40E-7 2.40E-11 1.30E-5 1.39E-4 La-141 3.48E-2 5.81E-1 1.3 3 E-1 4.58E-6 5.58E-8 9.SSE-12 3.99E-7 6.66E-6 La-142 3.23E-2 2.53E-1 3.2 9E-2 1.13E-6 1.38E-8 2.36E-12 9.17E-8 7.18E-7 Mo-99 4.33E-1 3.96E+O 4.66E+O 1.60E-4 1.95E-6 3.35E-10 1.74E-4 1.59E-3 Nb-95 1.32E+O 5.81E+O 3.32E-1 1.14E-5 1.39E-7 2.39E-11 3.79E-5 1.66E-4 Nd-147 7.18E-2 6.85E+O 1.28E-1 4.40E-6 5.37E-8 9.19E-12 7.92E-7 7.SSE-5 Np-239 2.82E-2 2.SlE+O 9.92E+O 3.41E-4 4.16E-6 7.12E-10 2.41E-5 2.14E-3 Pr-143 6.22E-9 8.lOE+O 2.91E-1 9.99E-6 1.22E-7 2.09E-11 1.56E-13 2.03E-4 Pu-241 4.59E-2 8.25E+3 7.90E-2 2.71E-6 3.31E-8 5.67E-12 3.12E-7 5.61E-2 Rb-86 4.92E+O 6.62E+O 6.81E-1 2.34E-5 2.86E-7 4.89E-11 2.89E-4 3.89E-4 Rh-105 9.SlE-2 9.SSE-1 2.36E+O 8.llE-5 9.90E-7 1.69E-10 1.93E-5 1.94E-4 Ru-103 2.21E+O 8.95E+O 4.0lE+O 1.38E-4 1.68E-6 2.88E-10 7.63E-4 3.09E-3 Ru-105 5.SSE-2 4.SSE-1 1.30E+O 4.47E-5 5.45E-7 9.33E-11 6.21E-6 5.09E-5 Ru-106 5.07E+l 4.77E+2 1.44E+O 4.94E-5 6.02E-7 1.03E-10 6.27E-3 5.90E-2 Sb-127 5.SSE-1 6.03E+O 4.27E+O 1.47E-4 1.79E-6 3.06E-10 2.04E-4 2.22E-3 Sb-129 7.66E-2 6.44E-1 7.32E+O 2.52E-4 3.07E-6 5.25E-10 4.83E-5 4.06E-4 Sr-89 l.54E+O 4.14E+l 1.78E+l 6.12E-4 7.47E-6 1.28E-9 2.36E-3 6.36E-2 Sr-90 9.77E+O 1.30E+3 1.77E+O 6.09E-5 7.43E-7 1.27E-1 0 1.49E-3 1.98E-1 Sr-91 1.SlE-1 1.66E+O l.SSE+l 5.33E-4 6.SOE-6 1.llE-9 2.02E-4 2.22E-3 Sr-92 8.lOE-2 8.07E-1 6.69E+O 2.30E-4 2.81E-6 4.80E-10 4.67E-5 4.65E-4 Tc-99m 1.85E-1 3.26E-2 2.28E+O 7.83E-5 9.SSE-7 1.64E-10 3.64E-5 6.39E-6 Te-127 2.39E-2 3.18E-1 3.02E+O l.04E-4 1.27E-6 2.17E-10 6.22E-6 8.28E-5 Te-127m 8.84E-1 2.lSE+l 7.35E-1 2.53E-5 3.08E-7 5.28E-11 5.6DE-5 l.36E-3 Te-129 6.03E-3 8.95E-2 7.70E-1 2.65E-5 3.23E-7 5.5 3 E-11 4.00E-7 5.94E-6 Te-129m 1.46E+O 2.39E+l 3.lOE+O 1.07E-4 l.30E-6 2.23E-10 3.90E-4 6.39E-3 Te-131m 1.34E+2 6.40E+O 8.93E+O 3.07E-4 3.75E-6 6.41E-10 1.03E-1 4.93 E-3 T e-132 2.32E+2 9.44E+O 6.76E+l 2.3 2E-3 2.83E-5 4.85E-9 1.35E+O 5.49E-2 Xe-131m 0.00E+O O.OOE+O 1.32E+2 4.SSE-3 5.SSE-5 9.49E-9 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Xe-133 0.00E+O O.OOE+O 1.94E+4 6.66E-1 8.12E-3 1.39E-6 0.00E+O O.OOE+O Xe-133m O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 5.90E+2 2.03E-2 2.48E-4 4.24E-8 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Xe-135 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 3.56E+3 1.22E-1 1.49E-3 2.SSE-7 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Xe-135m 0.00E+O O.OOE+O 5.23E-3 1.80E-7 2.19E-9 3.75E-13 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Xe-138 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O 6.45E-3 2.22E-7 2.70E-9 4.63E-13 O.OOE+O O.OOE+O Y-90 3.52E-2 8.44E+O 1.72E-2 5.92E-7 7.22E-9 1.24E-12 5.22E-8 1.25E-5 Y-91 4.07E-1 4.88E+l 2.34E-1 8.06E-6 9.83E-8 l.68E-11 8.22E-6 9.86E-4 Y-92 1.3 7E-2 7.81E-1 9.llE-2 3.13E-6 3.82E-8 6.54E-12 1.07E-7 6.13 E-6 Page 31 of 34 ENERCON &cel!enct-Evtry project. fve ry d ay. h T S Oi Nucl i d e Thyroi d mrem µCi Y-9 3 l.87 E-2 Z r-95 5.33 E+O Zr-97 3.54E-1 Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 X;v CALC NO. REV. N EE-323-CALC-005 00 X;r hE S Oi Deplet e d Inhalat i on Inhalat i on C EDE Mix Rele a se Recep t o r Thyro i d CEDE Fr ac tion Con e. Cone. m re m Ci !!Q !!Q Dose Dose µC i MWfh c m 3 cm 3 mrem mre m 2.lSE+O l.33 E-1 4.56E-6 5.56E-8 9.5 2 E-12 2.14E-7 2.46E-5 2.36E+l 3.28 E-1 l.13E-5 l.38E-7 2.36 E-11 l.S lE-4 6.69E-4 4.3 3E+O 2.SSE-1 8.78 E-6 1.07E-7 l.83 E-11 7.7 8E-6 9.53E-5 2.91E+4 100.00% l.22E-2 2.0 9 E-6 so 2.37 1.22E-2 mrem mrem Thyroid CEDE Given a radiation effluent monitor reading of 1.22E-2 µCi/cm 3 , and the assumptions of the scenario, the COE thyroid value is 50 mrem and the CEDE is 2.37 mrem. Spreadsheet cases are run for all four release points. See Section 2.0 for results. Page 32 of 34 ENERCON Revised Gaseous Radiological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Exceflence-Evt!ry project. Every day. REV. 00 7.5 Resultant Dose Summary A single spreadsheet was used to calculate EDE , CEDE, and thyroid COE. With the given source term , when the user changes the effluent gross concentration value, the spreadsheet calculates resultant doses. Results and variables for the reactor building case are shown below. As can be seen here , an effluent release rate of 1.22E-02 µCi/cc at the Reactor Building will result in an offsite dose of approximately 50 mrem COE thyroid. This value corresponds to the new RA1 EAL entry threshold of 50 mrem COE thyroid. Dose totals are taken from th e tabular spreadsheet data presented on the preceding pages. Inhalation CEDE: 2.37 mrem Submersion EDE: 0.39 mrem ====== TEDE: 2.76 mrem Inhalation Thyroid COE: 49.8 mrem Release Point: Reactor Building SBGT ?: off Effluent Cone.: 1.22E-02 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown:

Exposure Time (hrs.): Hours w/ Sprays On: Submersion X/Q: Breathing Rate 1 2 4.30E-06 3.33E-4 µC i/cc Release Flow CFM: 5 Hrs. Core Uncovered: Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: c m3 per ft 3: sec/m 3 Inhalation X/Q: m 3/sec = 1.20E+6 cm 3/hr 93,000 1 0.5 0.02831 68 3.90E-06 Spreadsheet cases are run for all four release points and for decay times of five hours. Cases were also run for all four release points for decay times of 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> in consideration of EAL entry thresholds that are mode dependent.

The output for all release points and decay times are shown in Appendix 1. See Section 2.0 for results. 8.0 Computer Software No computer software is used in this calculation.

Page 33 of 34 sec/m 3

.~ ENE RCO N Excellence-Every pro j ect. Every doy. 9.0 Impact Assessment Revised Gaseous Rad i ological EALs per NEI 99-01 Rev. 06 CALC NO. REV. NEE-323-CALC-005 00 This calculation is based on " realistic" assumptions for the purpose of declaring EALs, rather than typical c onservat i ve " bounding" type design basis analyses.

The calcula t ion documents the EAL threshold values for specific plan monitors to assist Operations and Emergency Response personnel in determining the new basis for EALs RA 1 , RS1 , and RG1 in accordance with NEI 99-01 Rev. 6. Page 34 of 34 II) (LI .c n:J "i: n:J > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellence-Every projec1. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. Turbine Building:

Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inh a la t ion CEDE: 2.38 Subm e rsion EDE: 0.39 ======== TEDE: 2.77 I nhal a tion Thyroid CDE: 50.0 Rel ease Point: Turbine Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.SSE-02 I u Ci/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: 00 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown:

I 5 Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 cm3 p erft 3: Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 se c/m 3 Inhalation X/Q: Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m 3/sec = 1.20E+6 c m 3/hr Page 1 of 8 72,000 1 0.5 0.0283168 3.90E-06 sec/m3 u, QJ .0 (U 'i: (U > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-0 05 Excellence-Every project. Every da y. Dose Spreads h eet Outp u ts REV. Turbine Building:

M o des 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: 2.59 Submersion EDE: 0.07 ======== TEDE: 2.67 I nhalation Thyroid CDE: 49.7 Relea se Point: Turbine Building E ffluent Cone.: I 1.30E-02 I uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off R e lease Flow CFM: 00 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Sh u tdown: I 36 Hrs. Core Uncovered: I Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 cm3 pe rft3: Submers i on X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m 3 Inhalation X/Q: Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec = 1.20E+6 c m 3/h r Page 2 of 8 72,000 1 0.5 0.0 283168 3.90E-06 sec/m3 II) cu .c ta "i: ta > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. N EE-323-CALC-005

&cellence-Every project. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Reactor Building:

Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release Point: Reactor Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.22E-02 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown:

I 5 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 2.37 0.39 2.76 49.8 I uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm3 perft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 3 of 8 93,000 1 0.5 0.0283168 3.90E-06 sec/m3 V, QJ .c n, 'i: n, > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-0 05 Excellence-Every projec t. E very d ay. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. Reactor Building:

Modes 4 and 5 I nhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: 2.60 0.0 7 ======== TEDE: 2.68 Inhalation Thyroid CDE: 49.9 Release Point: Reactor Building Effluent Cone.: I 1.0lE-02 I uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: 00 Release: Hrs. s i nce Rx. Shutdown:

I 36 Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 cm3 perft3: Submers i on X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Inhalatio n X/Q: Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 4 of 8 93,000 1 0.5 0.0283168 3.90E-06 sec/m 3 Ill cu .c nJ "i: nJ > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-00 5 Excellence

-Every project. Every d ay. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Offgas Stack: Modes 1 , 2, and 3 I nhalation CEDE: 1.96 mRem Submersion EDE: 8.05 mRem ======== TEDE: 10.00 mRem Inhalation Thyroid CDE: 41.1 mRem Release Point: I Offgas Stack SBGT ?: on Eff l uent Cone.: I 4.39E+ol I u Ci/cc Release Flow CFM: 10,000 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdow n: I 5 Hrs. Core Uncovered:

I 1 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I <0.5 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 c m3 p erft3: 0.0 2 8 31 6 8 Submersion X/Q: 2.SOE-07 sec/m 3 Inhalation X/Q: 3.lOE-07 sec/m 3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m 3/sec = 1.20E+6 c m 3/h r Page 5 of 8 VI

  • ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-0 0 5 Excellence-Every project. Every day. D o se Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 Offgas Stack: Modes 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid CDE: Release Point: I Offgas Stack Efflu e nt Cone.: I 4.52E+Ol Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I 36 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sp r ays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 2.SOE-07 se c/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 2.61 1.41 4.0 2 50.0 uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: on Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered: I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm3 perft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 6 of 8 10 , 000 1 <0.5 0.0 283168 3.lOE-07 sec/m3
    • II) C1J .c <<s "i: < ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CA L C-005 Excellence-Every projecr. Every day. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 LLRPSF: Modes 1, 2, and 3 Inhalation CEDE: 2.37 mRem Submersion EDE: 0.39 mRem ======== TEDE: 2.76 mRem Inhalation Thyroid CDE: 49.7 mRem Release Point: I LLRPSF SBGT ?: off Effluent Cone.: _1 ___ 1_._s1_E_-0_2
    ___ 1 uCi/cc Release Flow CFM: 75,000 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I 5 Hrs. Core Uncovered: I 1 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I o.s Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 cm 3 per ft 3: 0.0 2831 6 8 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m 3 Inhalation X/Q: 3.90E-06 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec = 1.20E+6 cm 3/hr Page 7 of 8 Ill cu .c m "i: m > ENERCON Appendix A CALC NO. NEE-323-CALC-005 Excellenu-Every project. Every da y. Dose Spreadsheet Outputs REV. 00 LLRPSH: Modes 4 and 5 Inhalation CEDE: Submersion EDE: TEDE: Inhalation Thyroid COE: Release Point: I LLRPSF Effluent Cone.: I 1.2SE-02 Release: Hrs. since Rx. Shutdown: I 36 Exposure Time (hrs.): I 1 Hours w/ Sprays On: I 2 Submersion X/Q: 4.30E-06 sec/m3 Breathing Rate 3.33E-4 m3/sec 2.60 0.07 2.67 49.8 I uCi/cc mRem mRem mRem mRem SBGT ?: off Release Flow CFM: Hrs. Core Uncovered: I Secondary Containment Holdup Hrs.: I cm3 perft3: Inhalation X/Q: = 1.20E+6 cm3/hr Page 8 of 8 75,000 1 o.s 0.0283168 3.90E-06 sec/m3 ENERCON Excellence-Evtry projecr. Every da y. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 CALC NO. REV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
    1. If the cal c ulation is being perform e d to a client procedure , is the procedure being used the latest revision?
    T he cal c ulation is being prepared to ENERCON's procedures. 2. Are the proper forms being used and are they the latest revision?
    3. Have the appropriate client review forms/ch e cklists been completed?
    The calculation is being prepared to ENERCON's procedures. 4. Are all p a ges properly identifi e d with a c a lculation numbe r, calculation revision and page numbe r consistent with the requir e ments of the client's procedure?
    5. Is all information legible and reproducible?
    6. Is the cal c ulation presented in a logical and orde r ly manner? 7. Is there an e x isting calcu l ation that should be revised or voided? This is a new calculation to support implementing NEI 99-01 Rev. 6 8. Is it possible to alter an existing calculation instead of preparing a new calculation for this situation?
    9. If an existing calculation is being used for design inputs , are the key design inputs , assumptions and engineering judgments used in that calculation valid and do they apply to the calculation revis i on being performed. 10. Is the format of the calculation consistent with applicable procedures and expectations?
    11. Were design input/output documents properly updated to reference this calculation?
    12. Can the calculation logic , methodology and presentation be properly understood without referring back to the originator for clarification?
    OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE 13. Does the calculation provide a clear concise statement of the problem and objective of the calculation?
    14. Does the calculation provide a clear statement of quality classification?
    15. Is the reason for performing and the end use of the calculation understood?
    16. Does the calculation provide the basis for information found in the plant's license basis? 17. If so , is this documented in the calculation?
    18. Does the calculation provide the basis for information found in the plant's design basis documentation?
    Page 1 of 4 NEE-323-CALC-005 00 YES NO N/A D D [81 [81 D D D D [81 [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D [81 D D D D [81 [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D D [81 D ... 19. 20. 21. 22. ENERCON Excellence-E v ery pro j ect. Every d a y. Attachment 1 CALCULAT I ON PREPARA TI ON CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 I f so , is this documented in the calculation? CALC NO. REV. Does the c alculation otherwise support information found in the plant's des i gn basis documentation? If so , is this documented in the ca l cu l ation? Has the a p propr i ate design or l ic e nse ba s is documentation been revised , or has the change notice or change re quest documents b e ing prepared for submittal? DESIGN I NPUTS 23. Are design inputs clearly identified? 2 4. Are design inputs retri e v a ble or have they b ee n added as attachments? 2 5. I f Attachments are used a s design input s or assumptions are the Attachments traceable and verifiable?
    26. Are design inputs clearly distinguished from assumptions?
    27. Does the calcu l ation rely on Attachments for des i gn inputs or assumptions?
    If yes , are the attachme n ts properly referenced in the calculation?
    28. Are input sources (in c luding industry codes and standards) appropriately selected and are they consistent with the quality class i ficat i on and objective of the calculation?
    29. Are input sources (including industry codes and standards) consistent with the plan t's design and l ice n se basis? 30. I f applicable , do design i nputs adequately address actual plan t conditions?
    31. Are input va l ues reasonab l e and correctly app l ied? 32. A re design input sources approved?
    33. Does the ca l cu l ation r eference the latest re vi sion of the design input sou r ce? 34. W ere all app l icable plant operating modes considered?
    ASS UMP T IO NS 35. Are assumpti o ns reasonab l e/appropriate to t h e o bjective?
    36. I s adequate j ust i fication/basis for all assumpti o ns provided?
    37. A re any en g ineeri n g jud g ments used? 38. Are engineeri ng judgments clearly ide n ti fi ed as such? 39. I f enginee r in g judgments are uti l ized as d esign inputs , are they reaso n able and can they be qua n tified or substan t iated by reference to site or industry standar d s , engineer in g pr i nciples , p hy s i ca l l aws or o ther appropriate crite r ia? Page 2 o f 4 NEE-323-CALC-0 05 00 YES NO N/A D D [81 D [81 D D D [81 D D [81 [81 D D [81 D D D D [81 [81 D D D [81 D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D [81 D D D [81 D D D [81 D D [81 ENERCON Excellence-Every project. Every day. Attachment 1 CALCULATION PREPARAT I ON CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 CALC NO. REV. METHODOLOGY
    40. Is the methodology u se d in the calculation describ e d or implied in the plant's licensing basis? 41. If th e meth od ology us e d d i ff e rs from that de s cribed in the plant's licensing basis , has the appropri at e license document change notice been initiated?
    42. Is th e m e thodology used consistent with the stated objective?
    43. Is the m e thodology us e d a ppropriate when considering the quality classification of the calculation and intended use of the results? BODY OF CALCULATION 4 4. Are equ a tions used in th e c a lculation consist e nt with re c ognized engineering practice and the plant's design and license basis? 4 5. Is there r eas on a bl e ju s t ificat i o n provided for th e us e of e quations not in common use? 46. Are the mathematical operations performed properly and documented in a logical fashion? 47. I s the math performed correctly?
    48. Have adjustment factors , uncertainties and empirical correlations used in the analysis been correctly applied? 49. Has proper consideration been given to results that may be overly sensitive to very small changes in input? SOFTWARE/COMPU T ER CODES 50. Are computer codes or software languages used in the preparation of the ca l cu l ation? 51. Have the requirements of CSP 3.09 for use o f computer codes or software languages , including ver i fication of accurac y and applicabi l ity been met? 52. Are the codes properly identified along with source vendor , organization , and revision level? 53. Is the computer code applicable for the analysis being performed?
    54. I f applicab l e , does the computer model adequate l y consider actual p l ant conditions?
    55. Are the inputs to the computer code clear l y identified and consistent with the inputs and assumptions documented in the calculation?
    56. Is the computer output clearly i dentified?
    57. Does the computer output clearly identify the appropriate u ni ts? Page 3 of 4 N EE-323-CALC-005 00 YES NO N/A D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D I D D I D D I D D I D D
    58. 59. ENERCON Excel!ence-Evtry prajecr. Every da y. Attachment 1 CALCULATI O N PREPARATION CHECKLIST CHECKLIST ITEMS 1 CALC NO. REV. Are the computer outputs reasonab l e when compared to the inputs and what was expected?
    Was the computer output reviewed for ERROR or WARNING messages that could invalidate the results? RESULTS AND CONCLU S IONS 60. Is adequate acceptance criteria specified?
    61. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the purpose of the calculation , and inten d ed use? 62. Are the stated acceptance criteria consistent with the plant's design basis , applicable licensing commitments and industry codes , and standards?
    63. Do the calculation results and conclusions meet the stated acceptance criteria?
    64. Are the results represented in the proper units with an appropriate tolerance , if applicable?
    65. Are the calculation results and conclusions reasonable when considered against the s t a t ed inputs and ob jectives?
    66. Is sufficient conservatism applied to the outputs and conclusions?
    67. Do the calculation results and conclusions affect any other calculations?
    68. If so, have the affected calculations been revised? 69. Does the calculation contain any conceptual , unconfirmed or open assumptions requiring later confirmation?
    70. I f so, are they prope r ly identified?
    DES I GN R EVIEW 71. Have alternate calculation methods been used to verify calculation results? No , a Design Review was performed. Note: NEE-323-CALC-005 00 YES NO N/A D D IZI D D IZI D D IZI D D IZI D D D D D D D D D D D IZI D D D IZI D IZI D D D IZI D D IZI 1. Where required , provide clarification/justification for answers to the questions in the space provided below each question. An explanation is required for any questions answered as " N o' or " N/A". Origin ato r: Ryan Skaggs 12/14/17 Print Name an d Sign Date Page 4 of 4