NRC Generic Letter 1981-02: Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:u*_mitD SrAnNUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONWASH itaTCT0F 0. Q 3KW* ad..wq. JAN7t !itALL LICMNSUS OF OFEPRATING PLANTS AND OLSEiS OF CO4NSTRUCT&CN P EN1TsGCenzlenen:jUSMECT: ANALYSIS, MNCLUSICNS, AND RECM-1GENDAITNSCONC.iRN'(G CPS.A7CR LIU0NSITIG (OENEUzC LETTER .No. °1-02)In A fetter da:ed .1arcm 2a, 198. from H. R. Denton we Inforned you of therevised cri:eria to be used by the staff in evaluating reactor operatortraining and licensing tat. could be imolemented under the curren-regula:lons. we also advised you tna: Conmiss fan review in the area ofoper2:ar :raining and Qua;ificatlon was continuing and it could beexpec-td to result in additional criteria.As par-. of our con:tnulng review. we Issued a contrict (xRR-8O-ll7) toAnalysis I Tecnoloy, Inc., to concuc: i study of :ne requirements foroperator licensing. Analyss. I Techinology submieted their rtport to USon Yovemer 0,G 19£0 (NURES/CR-175O). This report provides an indecendentpersnec:ive :o tne U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnmssion regarding theresuirements and orac:1ces for control room ooera:or licensing. Analysts,conclusions and recIM ndatiOns Are provIded In the following areas:* Selec:ton, training and certification of control roomocertors .* E.'ec:iveness of the ?XRC operator licensing program,* .Me*hccs *^ assare continued :omFe:ence of ocenor's,* Yetncds for' aintalming a ilghlj Mtivated and dedicatedocerntor work force.* "Pgracing zf presen:ty licensed operatzrs to mnee:.mrzcosedrtc u I -re n = .* TrAining nc ;uallfication of non-lfcersed ocerating,.main:enance and tec.nnical succor- ersonnel,* 'ua1fications of Operator Licensing Iranci (CLB) examiners.and* Or;ani:atfon of the CL3.3ased on our review of :.his report we intend to develco additional criteria-fcr te recuirements for operiatr woul I oorec'lae it if ycu would review this report and ofer any Zcrnentsycu :ellfeve accrzcria:e to assist us in the develocent :f 'imcrovegmes Ocers:zr hIItns'ng :rogrim. Ytur rtszcnse :z :tis recues: 'f dC':nt.r.fs 1 @52I 30 /8  
{{#Wiki_filter:u*_mitD SrAn NUCLEAR REGULATORY             COMMISSION
3" T V.S'. )0Atomic LergyCo-miuso gratslcense. December. First commer*c power generated1073 -JUJar. Ytnor rudl&., don lnk shuts plant dow.u AUCs Leab in esmeamenentrtubes cause shutdow.1174 -Consumers Power CM.slips Qmillion lawsit on fiveT firm thst bult ador equppedL1175 -Aprik Plant sun upa after cmaoth. shutdow. JuIyLowievel radloacltve waer'.aJ acctdeully released into 1k.December. Three-month shut.down :o refuel nd check genertorptps.-1171- Starch.i Couers dElsd.p punes four workers who reftue towork It plat they claim It Isunsafe. October. Shutdown to mr pairlteasIT7 -?ant's available cape.*eqnpment August: ower ELaif gudergant QIII and-bsan wrl for ht 17 per.19791-Septemben Elogt-monthshutdw for rtfueling.maIntenance and testing Novem-ber.NRC fines Corsumers SSO.000for permttng two mdlUon-con.tol valves to be open for 18monttm -JZul &ln-edy Shutdownto rplace filter caslng 'huzuerror caum crucial contrl valve to be left openfor 36 hour August Twoaccidental releses of ndlobctlyt-tyac wetk apart. December .?NRCrates plants perforace wellbelow aveLap.1Wst-Jonuar Power Mad.vertoly left on to sysem opert.Lug =mrenqywarn1u system-Me~ MOi iaa Ui&U3L a.-1 "aLMetropolitan Edisoa Is nearbalkruptcy.-4O ftog Anodstad Pro=sma Unfled PnTIn tsmaft-4 ew~ortj- _I3.3-a3-aII011m0, E. a... ...** ZAn crerator Msinak th~e control toot at Pafieudea nudlear P~lant.Key safety roleIC:erator polices nuke fuelThe =C=Sq CH bjab a owi ;aI hst1Le.tnsctoroper&.tor. 'e concots the rate At whichf the ::c!car fuel s wed.Whle the 29wir Cpa tlec, s 3d t ' the federal! government ectdes if hi can:, :ejj!"y ; ;r ormt hs ybet.:. ri"J"cslly ez~xW a Ncc!earRegulato.7 CommiCon (.NRC)sckesman., a ret. or operator is aI: .sd=at e w*th: =x..=:::cl aCd tegieerint'. f b c He takes a year or moreof clasroom studies and on-the-obt reactor tunitng in a plant and/or in fat lites maintained by allthe reaceor matnUct ers. Thenazi NRC ex&a=ner conducs a wrt.tet and oral licewizg test in theplnrtscontral rocm.* The licens. which reVlres re.* :ettg every year. is good only forthe parncuar ploat i which theoperaor s employed.I\ost reactor operators hAve apretTy rounee txstence: there'slot much gog oMO the spokes.go polats out To prepare thereactor4perator traizee foremergences. he Says. compu:e-slmulators are used to ran themtzo ughs tose sors of probltems."tnder a regulauh Issued afterthe Thee Mie Island Ic.C e t.: te.RC says tat Me eacor operatormut be cked up bye *sh: : .dchtucal adv*err i the control romm.The adver. a t ned reac.oroperator hznelf 'paprovdes per.spectlve and bok at what's gotgon overWlL_T;,r~eo,r ,VeW5 1ea  
                                                WASH  itaTCT0F 0.Q3KW
                              *               ad
            .. wq.
                                                            OLSEiS OF CO4NSTRUCT&CN PEN1Ts GCenzlenen:
                        CONC.iRN'(G CPS.A7CR LIU0NSITIG         (OENEUzC LETTER .No. °1-02)
          In A fetter da:ed .1arcm 2a, 198.
from H. R. Denton we Inforned you revised cri:eria to be used by the                                               of the training and licensing tat.could staff in evaluating reactor operator regula:lons. we also advised you be      tna:
                                                          imolemented under the curren- oper2:ar :raining and Qua;ificatlon               Conmiss fan review in the area was continuing and it could be of expec-td to result     in additional criteria.
As par-. of our con:tnulng review. we Analysis I Tecnoloy, Inc., to concuc:          Issued a contrict (xRR-8O-ll7) to operator licensing. Analyss. I Techinology          i study of :ne requirements for on Yovemer 0,G19£0 (NURES/CR-175O).                   submieted their rtport to US
                                                          This persnec:ive :o tne U.S. Nuclear Regulatory report provides an indecendent resuirements and orac:1ces for control                 Comnmssion regarding the conclusions and recIM ndatiOns Are                room ooera:or licensing. Analysts, provIded In the following areas:
* Selec:ton, training and certification ocertors .                                    of control room
* E.'ec:iveness of the ?XRC operator licensing
                * .Me*hccs *^ assare continued :omFe:ence                 program,
* Yetncds for' aintalming a ilghlj                   of ocenor's, Mtivated and dedicated ocerntor work force.
* "Pgracing zf presen:ty licensed operatzrs rtcuI-re n = .                                     to mnee:.mrzcosed
* TrAining nc ;uallfication of non-lfcersed
                    .main:enance and tec.nnical succor-                 ocerating,
                * 'ua1fications of Operator Licensing ersonnel, and                                          Iranci (CLB) examiners.
* Or;ani:atfon of the CL3.
3ased on our review of :.his report we
        -fcr te recuirements for operiatr lfcensing.   intend to develco additional criteria de woul Ioorec'lae it if ycu would ycu :ellfeve accrzcria:e to assist         review this report and ofer any Zcrnents
      :ne Ocers:zr hIItns'ng :rogrim. Ytur in us          the develocent:f 'imcrovegmes rtszcnse :z :tis recues: 'f dC':nt.r.
fs 1 @52I 30 /8
3" T V.
                                                                                                                    Me~ MOi iaa Ui&U3L      a.-1"aL
                          Atomic LergyCo-miuso grats                      *eqnpment August: ower ELai            Metropolitan Edisoa Is near
        '. )0              lcense. December. First commer*
                                                                          f      gudergant QIII and balkruptcy.
c power generated
                                1073 -JUJar. Ytnor rudl&.
                          don lnk shuts plant dow.
-    bsan wrl for ht 17 per.                -4O ftog    Anodstad Pro=s AUCs  u       Leab in esmeamenentr                19791-Septemben Elogt-month ma Unfled PnTIn tsmaft-4 ew~ort tubes cause shutdow.                           shutdw          for      rtfueling.      j-                        _
                                1174 - Consumers Power CM.
Qmillion firm thst bult ador equpped lawsit on five maIntenance and testing Novem- ber.NRC fines Corsumers SSO.000
                                                                          for permttng two mdlUon-con.
                                  L                                      tol valves to be open for 18
                                1175 - Aprik Plant sun up                mont aafter          cmaoth. shutdow. JuIy              tm - JZul &ln-edyShutdown Lowievel radloacltve waer'.a                  to rplace filter caslng       'huzu J      acctdeully released into 1k.                  error caum crucial watercool.
December. Three-month shut.                    tg contrl valve to be left open down :o refuel nd check gener                  for 36 hour August Two torptps.                                      accidental releses of ndlobctlyt-
                                -1171- Starch.i Couers dElsd.          tyac wetk apart. December .?NRC
                          punes p          four workers who reftue to        rates plants perforace well work It plat they claim It Is                below aveLap.
unsafe. October. Shutdown to m                    1Wst-Jonuar       Power Mad.
r      pairltea                                      vertoly left on to sysem opert.
sIT7 -      ?ant's available cape.      Lug =mrenqywarn1u         system-
                  .3- a3- a
                                                                                                              m0,   E.           a I        ...         ... Z**
                      An crerator Msinak th~e control toot at Pafieudea nudlear P~lant.
                          Key safety role                                                                                        I
                  011            C:eratorpolices nuke fuel The =C=Sq     CH         bjab a atom.   of clasroom studies and on-the-          go polats out To prepare the lc owi ;aI hst1Le.tnsctoroper&.                 obtreactor tunitng in a plant and      reactor4perator traizee for tor.'e concots the rate At which              /or in fat lites maintained by all      emergences. he Says. compu:e- f    the ::c!car fuel s wed.                       the reaceor matnUct ers. Then            slmulators are used to ran them Whle the 29wir Cpa                 t      azi NRC ex&a=ner conducs a wrt.        tzo ughs tose sors ofprobltems."
                      lec, s 3d t                 '   the federal     tet and oral licewizg test in the          tnder aregulauh Issued after
              !         government             ectdes if hi can       plnrtscontral rocm.                      the Thee Mie Island Ic.C e t.:te
              :,       :ejj!"y ;; ormt hs ybet.
* The licens. which reVlres re.          .RC says tat Me eacor operator
              :.           ri"J"cslly ez~xW a Ncc!ear * :ettg every year. isgood only for                      mut be cked up bye*sh: :.dch Regulato.7 CommiCon (.NRC)                     the parncuar ploat i which the          tucal adv*err i the control romm.
sckesman., a ret. or operator is a operaor semployed.                                  The adver. at ned reac.or I:                         .sd=at e w*th           I\ost reactor operators hAve a      operator hznelf 'paprovdes per.
:       =x..=:::cl aCd tegieerint                       pretTy rounee txstence: there's          spectlve and bok at what's gotg
              '.   f b c He takes a year or more                    lot much gog oMO the spokes.             on overWlL
                                                                                        T;,r~eo,r ,VeW5                   1ea}}


Latest revision as of 03:17, 24 November 2019

NRC Generic Letter 1981-002: Analysis, Conclusions, and Recommendations Concerning Operator Licensing
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/27/1981
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-81-002, NUDOCS 8105130108
Download: ML031210163 (2)



  • ad

.. wq.





In A fetter da:ed .1arcm 2a, 198.

from H. R. Denton we Inforned you revised cri:eria to be used by the of the training and licensing tat.could staff in evaluating reactor operator regula:lons. we also advised you be tna:

imolemented under the curren- oper2:ar :raining and Qua;ificatlon Conmiss fan review in the area was continuing and it could be of expec-td to result in additional criteria.

As par-. of our con:tnulng review. we Analysis I Tecnoloy, Inc., to concuc: Issued a contrict (xRR-8O-ll7) to operator licensing. Analyss. I Techinology i study of :ne requirements for on Yovemer 0,G19£0 (NURES/CR-175O). submieted their rtport to US

This persnec:ive :o tne U.S. Nuclear Regulatory report provides an indecendent resuirements and orac:1ces for control Comnmssion regarding the conclusions and recIM ndatiOns Are room ooera:or licensing. Analysts, provIded In the following areas:

  • Selec:ton, training and certification ocertors . of control room
  • E.'ec:iveness of the ?XRC operator licensing
  • .Me*hccs *^ assare continued :omFe:ence program,
  • Yetncds for' aintalming a ilghlj of ocenor's, Mtivated and dedicated ocerntor work force.
  • "Pgracing zf presen:ty licensed operatzrs rtcuI-re n = . to mnee:.mrzcosed
  • TrAining nc ;uallfication of non-lfcersed

.main:enance and tec.nnical succor- ocerating,

  • 'ua1fications of Operator Licensing ersonnel, and Iranci (CLB) examiners.
  • Or;ani:atfon of the CL3.

3ased on our review of :.his report we

-fcr te recuirements for operiatr lfcensing. intend to develco additional criteria de woul Ioorec'lae it if ycu would ycu :ellfeve accrzcria:e to assist review this report and ofer any Zcrnents

ne Ocers:zr hIItns'ng :rogrim. Ytur in us the develocent:f 'imcrovegmes rtszcnse :z :tis recues: 'f dC':nt.r.

fs 1 @52I 30 /8

3" T V.


Me~ MOi iaa Ui&U3L a.-1"aL

Atomic LergyCo-miuso grats *eqnpment August: ower ELai Metropolitan Edisoa Is near

'. )0 lcense. December. First commer*

f gudergant QIII and balkruptcy.

c power generated


1073 -JUJar. Ytnor rudl&.

don lnk shuts plant dow.

- bsan wrl for ht 17 per. -4O ftog Anodstad Pro=s AUCs u Leab in esmeamenentr 19791-Septemben Elogt-month ma Unfled PnTIn tsmaft-4 ew~ort tubes cause shutdow. shutdw for rtfueling. j- _



1174 - Consumers Power CM.

Qmillion firm thst bult ador equpped lawsit on five maIntenance and testing Novem- ber.NRC fines Corsumers SSO.000

for permttng two mdlUon-con.


L tol valves to be open for 18

1175 - Aprik Plant sun up mont aafter cmaoth. shutdow. JuIy tm - JZul &ln-edyShutdown Lowievel radloacltve waer'.a to rplace filter caslng 'huzu J acctdeully released into 1k. error caum crucial watercool.

December. Three-month shut. tg contrl valve to be left open down :o refuel nd check gener for 36 hour4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> August Two torptps. accidental releses of ndlobctlyt-

-1171- Starch.i Couers dElsd. tyac wetk apart. December .?NRC

punes p four workers who reftue to rates plants perforace well work It plat they claim It Is below aveLap.

unsafe. October. Shutdown to m 1Wst-Jonuar Power Mad.

r pairltea vertoly left on to sysem opert.

sIT7 - ?ant's available cape. Lug =mrenqywarn1u system-


.3- a3- a

m0, E. a I ... ... Z**

An crerator Msinak th~e control toot at Pafieudea nudlear P~lant.


Key safety role I

011 C:eratorpolices nuke fuel The =C=Sq CH bjab a atom. of clasroom studies and on-the- go polats out To prepare the lc owi ;aI hst1Le.tnsctoroper&. obtreactor tunitng in a plant and reactor4perator traizee for tor.'e concots the rate At which /or in fat lites maintained by all emergences. he Says. compu:e- f the ::c!car fuel s wed. the reaceor matnUct ers. Then slmulators are used to ran them Whle the 29wir Cpa t azi NRC ex&a=ner conducs a wrt. tzo ughs tose sors ofprobltems."

lec, s 3d t ' the federal tet and oral licewizg test in the tnder aregulauh Issued after

! government ectdes if hi can plnrtscontral rocm. the Thee Mie Island Ic.C e t.:te

, :ejj!"y ;r  ; ormt hs ybet.
  • The licens. which reVlres re. .RC says tat Me eacor operator
. ri"J"cslly ez~xW a Ncc!ear * :ettg every year. isgood only for mut be cked up bye*sh: :.dch Regulato.7 CommiCon (.NRC) the parncuar ploat i which the tucal adv*err i the control romm.

sckesman., a ret. or operator is a operaor semployed. The adver. at ned reac.or I: .sd=at e w*th I\ost reactor operators hAve a operator hznelf 'paprovdes per.

=x..=:::cl aCd tegieerint pretTy rounee txstence: there's spectlve and bok at what's gotg

'. f b c He takes a year or more lot much gog oMO the spokes. on overWlL


T;,r~eo,r ,VeW5 1ea
