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.1.3-1 3.13 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM ................................
1.3-2 4.0 BASES ................................................................................................
11.1-1 1.1 Str1Jcture of tI1e OOCM ...............................................................................
11.1-1 1.2 Regulatlor1S
11.1-2 1.2.1 Code of Federal Regulations
11.1-2 1.2.2 Radiological Effluent Technical Standards
11.1-5 1.2.3 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ....................................
1I.1-S 1.2.4 Overtapplng Requirements
11.1-5 1.2.5 Dose Receiver Methodology
11.1-6 1.3 0ffsHe Dose calculation Parameters
11.1-10 1.4 Referef1C:88
11.1-1 0 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND SYSTEMS ................................................
11.2-1 . 2.1 lJquId Effluent System Description
11.2-1 2.1.1 Release Tanks ...........*....................................*..............
11.2-1 2.1.2 Turbine BuIlding Fire and oa Sump ................................
11.2-1 2.1.3 Condensate Polisher SUmp ............................................
11.2-1 2.2 lJqutd Effluent Radiation t..biIors
11.2-2 2.2.1 LJquJd Radwaste Effluent ...................................
11.2-2 2.2.2 Station Slowdown
11.2-2 2.2.3 Reactor Containment Fan Cooler (RCFC) and Essential Service Water (SX) Outlet Une Monitor ..........
11.2-2 2.2.4 Turbine Building Fire and Oil Sump MonHor ...................
1I.2-2 2.2.S Condensate PolIsher Sump Monitor ...............................
11.2-2 2.2.8 Component Cooling Water MonItors ..............................
11.2-2 2.3 liquid Radiation effluent Monitors Alarm and Trip
11.2-3 2.3.1 StatiOn Slowdown Monitor ..............................................
11.2-3 2.3.2 liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor ...................................
11.2-3 2.3.3 Other Uquld Effluent Monitors ........................................
1I.2-S 2.3.4 Conversion Factors ***.*.***********.*.***.******...*.*********.**.**.*.***
11.2-6 Page 1 of8 PART II
* QOCM CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 2.3.5 Allocation of Effluent from Common Release Points ..............................................................................
11.2-8 2.3.6 Solidification of WastesIProcess Control prog:ram *.........................*......*............*..........................
11.2-6 2.4 G8880IJS System De-scrlptton
11.2-6 2.4.1 Waste Gas Holdup System ............................................
11.2-6 2.4.2 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System ..........................
11.2-6 2.5 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors ........................................
11.2-7 2.5.1 Awdliary Building Vent Effluent Monitors ........................
11.2-7 2.5.2 ContaInment Purge Effluent Monitors .............................
11.2-7 2.5.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitors ...................................
11.2-8 2.5.4 Gland Steam and Condenser AIr Ejector ******.******.*..*.*.****.***.**.****..**.........*......................
11.2-8 2.5.5 Radwaste BuJldlng Ventilation Monitor ...........................
11.2-8 2.6 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Alarm and Trip Setpolnts
11.2-8 2.6.1 Auxiliary BuIlding Vent Effluent Monitors ........................
11.2-8 2.6.2 ContaInment Purge Effluent Monitors .............................
11.2-9 2.6.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Effluent Monitors ......................
11.2-9 2.6.4 Gaseous Effluent Release Umits ...................................
11.2-9 2.8.5 Relea,se MlxbJre .............................................................................
11.2-1 0 2.6.6 Conversion Factors ......................................................
11.2-10 2.6.7 HVAC Dilution Flow Rates ...........................................
11.2-10 2.6.8 Allocation of Efftuents from Common Release PoInts ........................................................ , ..................
11.2-10 2.6.9 Dose Proiections for Batch Releases ...........................
11.2-10 3.0 LIQUID EFFlUENTS
11.3-1 3.1 UquId Effluent Releases -Generallnfonnatlon
! ..............
I1.3-1 3.2 liquid EflllI8nt Col1C8ntrations
11.3-2 3.3 UquId Effluent Dose Calculation RequJrements
11.3-4 3.4 Dose At1etl1odolc)gy
11.3-4 3.5 Site SpecifIc Dose Factors and Bioaccumuiation Factors .......................................................................................
11.4-1 4.1 Gaseous Effluents
11.4-1 4.2 Gaseous Effluents
-Dose and Dose Rate calculation Requirements
*....** "."" **. " .*. I.""" *********
,,"" ********* " ***** " ** " *********
,," I *** " ****** 11.4-2 4.2.1 Instantaneous Dose Rates .............................................
11.4-2 4.2.2 Time Averaged Dose from Noble Gas ............................
11.4-5 4.2.3 Time Averaged Dose from Non*NobIe Gas RadlorltJclides
11.4-9 Page 2 of 8 PART 11-OOCM CY *BY *170-301 Revision 7 I 5.0 TOTAL DOSE .................
11.5-1 5.1 Total Dose Calculation Requirements
11.5-1 5.1.1 Total Effective Dose Equivalent Umils. 1OCFR20 and 4OCFR190 ...............................................................
II.5-1 5.1.2 ISFSI .............................................................................
11.5-1 5.1.3 Total Dose Calculation Methodology
11.5-2 5.2 Onsite Radwaste and Rad Material Storage Facilities
11.5-2 5.2.1 Process Waste Storage Facilities
11.5-2 5.2.2 DAW Storage Facilities
11.5-2 5.2.3 Replaced Steam Generator Storage Faculties
11.5-3 5.2.4 ISFSI Facilities
11.5-3 5.3 Metl1oclology
11.5-3 5.4 Total Dose **...*.*................*.........*........*.*.........*.........*...............
11.5-4-5.5 Compliance to Total Dose Umits ..............................................
11.5-4-5.5.1 Total Effective Dose equivalent Umit -1OCFR20 CompUance
11.5-4 5.5.2 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Unrestrtcted Area ....................................... , ...................
11.5-4 5.5.3 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Restricted Area ................................................................................
11.5-5 5.5.4 Total Dose Due to the Uranium Fuel Cycle (4OCFR190)
11.5-5 5.6 When Compliance Assessment is Required .............................
11.5-6 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROORAM *..******.*.....******.*******..****.***.*****.*******....*...**..*...*.****.*.....*******
11.8-1 Page3of8 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES PART 1-RAPIOLOGICAL EFfLUENT CONTROLS Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Frequet'1ICy
1.1-4 Compliance Matrix ...................................................................
1.1-5 PART II -OOCM Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Table 1-3 Table 1-4 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7 Table 3-8 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Regulatory Dose Umit Matrix .................................................
11.1-7 Dose AsseSSll1ent Receivers
11.1-8 MIscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors: Environmental Parameters
II .1-17 Stable Element Transfer Data ..............................................
11.1-18 Liquid RadIoaCtIve Effluent Monitors ....................................
11.2-11 Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitors ...............................
11.2-12 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Noble Gas Effluent ...**..............***.*...*.....*.......***..**.*...***.*..........*...........*
11.2-13 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Liquid Efftuent " .......................
1 ******** I ...................................................................... " 11.2-14 Site SpecIfIc Potable Water Dose Factors for Adult Age GrollP ................................................................................................................. " 11.3-9 Site SpecIfIc Potable Water Dose Factors for Teen Age GrotJp .............................................*.....................................
11.3-11 Site Spedflc Potable Water Dose Factors for Child Age Group .***....*.........*....***..*..............................*..............*.......*
11.3-13 Sfte Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Infant Age Group ..................................................*................................
11.3-15 Site Specific Ash Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult Age Grotjp ....*.....*.......**.......................*.*.*..............*.*..........*......*
11.3-17 Site SpecIfIc Ash Ingestion Dose Factors for Teen AIJ8 Group *.........***.*..***.............*.......**..*..*.**...*....*.............*.....**.
19 Site SpecIfIc Ash Ingestion Dose Factors for Child Age GI'OlIP *******.*.
: *******.****************.*******.*.***.*********.*********.**.********.*
Sloaccurnulation Factors to be used In the Absence of Stte-Specific Data ..***...***.******.*..................*......*
11.3-23 XJQ and OIQ Maxima at or Beyond the Unrestricted Area Bouooary .**.**...*............**.***..**.**...**.*........*......*****...*..*
11.4-20 I X1Q aoo OIQ Maxima at or Beyooo the Restricted Area Boundary ..............................................................................
11.4-21 I MaxImum Offsite Gamma-X/Q
I1.4-22 XIQ aoo O/Q at the Nearest Resident locations within 5 miles ................................
11.4-23 J Page4of6 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I OOCM TABLE OF CONTENTS UST OF TABLES PARr II -ODCM Table 4-5 Table 4-7 Table 4-8 Table 4-9 Table 4-10 Table 4-11 Table 4-12 Table 4-13 Table 4-14 Table 4-15 Table 4-16 Table 4-17 Table 4-18 Table 4-19 TabJe4-20 Table 4-21 Table 4-22 Table 4-23 Table 4-24 Table 4-25 Table 4-26 Table 4-27 Table 4-28 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 X/Q and OIQ at the Nearest Cow MUk locations within 5 miles .....................................................................................
11.4-24 I XJQ and D/Q at the Nearest Cow Milk Meat locations wID1ln 5 miles ..*****..***.*************.**.*****.***********.********************.***
11.4-25 t Ground Plane Dose Factors .................................................
11.4-2 6 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Grourtd ******.*****.**********.*******.*.**.*.*.*.***.*.*.**..*
I ************************
11.4-28 Adult Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................
11.4-31 Teen InhalatiOn Dose Factors ..............................................
11.4-33 Child Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................
11.4-35 Infant Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................
11.4-37 Adult Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................
11.4-39 Teen Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................
11.4-41 Child Vegetation Dose FacIOrs ******.******.**.*.******..*.***.*..*.*****..
II.4,-43 Adult Grass-Cow-Mlik Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-45 Teen Grass-Cow-Mlik Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-47 ChIld Grass-Cow-Mlik Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-49 Infant Grass-Cow-MiIk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-51 Adult Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-53 Teen Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................
11.4-55 ChUd Grass-Goat-Mllk Dose
I1.4-57 Infant Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-59 Adult Gras&-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-61 Teen Gras&-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................
11.4-63 Child G....cow-Meat Dose Factors ..**..**....*.*...*..............**
11.4-65 Byron StallOI1 Characteristics
11.4-87 Dose Factors for I'IobIe Gases .............................................
11.4-68 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Progrsm ................
11.6-2 Latitudellongttude PosItIons of REMP samples ..................
* OOCM figure 1*1 Figure 1*2 figure 1*3 figure 2*1 figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 6-1 figure 6-2 FIgUre 6-3 Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 Radiation Exposure Pathways to Humans ........................
11.1-9 Removed -See Figure 6-1 .........*..**........................................**....
Restricted Area Boulldary
11.1-20 Simplified HVAC & Gaseous Effluent Flow Diagram ............
11.2*15 Simplified Liquid Radwaste Processing Diagram .................
11.2-17 Uquld Release Flow Patft *....*....*......***.............*.**..*.............
11.2-18 Onslte AJr Sampling Locations and Site Boundary ...............
11.6-11 Offsite AJr Sampling locations
11.6-12 Inner Rlr.g & Outer Ring TLO Locations
11.6-13 Ingestion
& Waterborne Exposure Pathway Sample Locatbns ..*.**.......*......**
11.6-14 J Site Layout and Exclusion Area .............................................
CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 1.1 AC11QNS &hal be that part a RequIrement that preICIIJea RequIred AcIIons to be 1aken under deIIgnaIed CondIIion8 within apec:IfIed Completion TImes. 1.2 QWlEL CMJINlHIt shall be the adlustment.
as neceaary, the channel so that It respand8 wtIhIn the required range and accuracy to knOwn Inputs. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION IhaII encampaathe entire c:hannII, Incld1g the required sensor, alarm, Interlock, display, nt trip I\n:tiana.
CaIbr8IIon Instrument c:hanneIa with Relll.a Temperature Detector (RTD) or IhennoCaupIe sensors may consIIt an In place quaIftatIve asaeaament sensor behavior and normal caIbratfon the rwnair*1g adJUIt8bIe dIIVtcIIln the channel. The CHANNa. CAUBRATION may be performed by ,..,. 8Irf ..... aequentIaI.
CMrIappiIg calibndlalli or total channel .... 10 that the nJnt c:hanneIls caIIJnded.
1.3 CIWItB. QIECK IhaII be the quantItaIhIe asaessment, by observaIIon, channel behavior during opeIlIIIon.
This determination 1haIIInckIde, where poaibIe, compartaon of the channel IndIc8IIan and IbIlus to aIher nlcdalli or statue dartved from IndIpIIldInt Instrument channell measuring the same pnmetar. 1.4 CHNIEL opIBATIQtW.lIIT (COT) IhaII be the Injecllan 01 a anulaled Of actual.., Into the channel 88 dole to the sensor as practIc:III*t to wrtfy the OPERABIUTY required aIann, Intertoc:k, display and trip fundIonI.
The COT shaJllndude adjuItmentI, as necessary, of the .... alarm, Int8rtoc:k, and trtp aelpailtl so that the teIpaIn1a ant wIIhIn the required ,... and aca.ncy. 1.5 QOSI ECIJIYN '"! f.11111ha11 be that conualbllon 011-131 (mlcroCurlellgram) that alone would produce the sam. tt¥Oid dole 88 the quantity and mixtln 011-131, 1-132. 1-133. I-134, and 1-1351C1ua1y pre I Int. The dole corwenIan factDra UIed for thll caJc!!IaIIon 8haII be thole IIted In Table III of Tll>1484t, AEC, 1982. "C*dIIHan of OIstaIa FactanI for Power and Test ReactarSllll.-orthola listed In Tablee*7of R.gulllDyGuide 1.109, Rev. 1 , NRC, 1m, or ICRP 30. Supplement to Part 1, pagee192*212, Table TIlled. "Committed 00Ie EquIvalent In Target Organa or TIsaues per Intake Unit AdIvIty. or Federal Guidance Report 11, "limiting V.-s of RIdonuclldlt Intake and All Concetlb8llcW1 and Dolle CorweIWon Factors for Inhaldon, Subm .... and Ingeslla .. : 1988, (Table 2.1. Expaeure-to-Doe Corwersian Factors for 1nhaIIdan).
1.8 fRECIJEttCy.
Table 1-1 providM the defii*IanI of vartaua frequIncIes for which 8UfY8I11anceS, sampling, etc., ant performed
&ness defined 0IheIwiIe.
The 25% variance ahaIl nat be applied to OperabilIty AcIIan ..... m.nll. The baeI to IrnprcMMI Tectitdcal SpecIftcaIIan
====3.0.2 provide====
ct.1ftcaIIaI1i to this requirement.
-When "lmmedlalltf 18 used as a completion am. the Required Ac:tIan should be p&nUId wfthOut delay and In a controlled manner. 1.8 '.'.., Of" puIUC ahaIlncIude all persons who ant nat OCQ!pIIIianaIy 8ISOCiaIad wtIh the plant. ThiI c:aI8gary does nat Indude empqeas 01 the 1icIn8ee, ill cantractors Of .Mba and per8ClllI who enter the ale to eeMca equipment or to make deItverieI.
ThIs C8IegOIy does Include persona who UN paItianI 01 the sfbt for recreatIanaI, OCQIp8IIcnaI.
or 0Iher purpasee nat 118ac1ated with the plant. 1.9 laallhall carNIpOnd to any one InduIive comblnallan 01 c:cn reactivity c:andltIan.
power IeYeI. 8¥8I'IIge ructor coolant lemperabn, and reactor veaeI head closure bait tenlklnlng specifted In TRM Table T1.1-1 wiIh fuel In the reactor ...... Page 1.1*1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 1.10 QCCUPAJJQIW.
DOlI mem181he dose receUad by an individual In the course of etnpqment in which the IndMduaI's
__ ted duties InvotWt expoue to racIaIicn 8I\dI<< to radioadive material from IIcIn8ed and wtlicen8ld 1OUn:es of radiation.
wheIhar in the po88888ion of the Iicen ... or oIher person. Occupational dose does not Include dole fran backgr'CU'd
,....,. as a pIIIInt fran mecIcaI prac1IcIs, fran partIcIpaIian In rnecIcaI research program8, or 81 a member of the pubic. 1.11 A system, subsyaIem, train, component.
<< device ahaI be QIJIRAIII or have QPIM8LD'Y when lis capable 01 perfcrmlng Its spedfled safely functians(s) and when an neceasary atteIldant COIItroIa, nonnal or emergency eIactricaI power. coaling and seal water, UHtcaIIon, and 0Iher audary equipment that 818 raquIred for the system, aubsy8tam, train, component.
or device to p8Iform Its specified safety hn:IIGn(s) are also capable 01 performing IheIr ,..... support hn:IIan(s).
1.12 PRocess CONTRCI. PBOQIWI (PCP) shall c:antaIn the a.rrent formulae, sampling.
analyses, tests, and delennlnatlallS to be made to ensure that procesUIg and packaging of lOUd radIoadIve
...... baed on demoMItBled procesUIg of actual or simulated wet solid wasles will be accomplished In such
* W8'/ as to assure complianclwlh 10 CFA Parts 20, 81. and 71, State NG'daHons, burial ground requftments n 0Iher requirements governing the disposal 01 solid radIoadIve
...... 1.13 ptJRQfIPU8QIIIIlhaII be any controlled ptOCeSS 01 discharging air or gas fran 8 confinement to mai1taIn ...........
snssur-. humtdIy, concIi*8Ikln or ottw operaIIng condition, In such
* manrw that air or gas Is required to purify the COIlffil8ment.
1.14 861W) IHE8MN. powER 8haII be
* total cant heal transfer rate to the reactor coolant of 3688.8MWT.
1.15 IWJICI Q<<IC8. EffLlJENI CQNTBOLI MQ IUf'YEILLNtCII IBECI) are In accord8nce wIIh Technical Requirementl Manual (TAM) and the Code 01 Federal Regulallons.
1.18 MQIQI.OQICM.I!fM8QNM""Ab MONIIQRINQ PBOQIWIIREMPI are In accordance with Byran Technlclll RequhrnenII Manual (TAM) and the Code 01 Federal Reguladons.
1.17 IlJ'lIOUIIQARY shall be 1hat line beyond which, the land Is neilher owned, nor leased, nor OChIrwtse conIrOIIed by the 1Ic:ensM.
1.18 IQUQlflCADON shall be the conversion 01 wet wastes Into 8 form that meets &hipping and burial gRU\d requIremen1s.
1.19 IQUIICI QfECK shall be the qualltatNe aaaeliment of channel reaponse when the channel ..." ,. expaeed to 8 eource 0I1nc:Na8ed radloactl&#xa5;tty.
1.20 THERM POWER ahaI be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant. 1.21 D.CQ.TEQtIIC8.I.MI1NQ cgp!IOH FOR 0fJEM110N Umltlng CondItIon for OperatIon as listed In the TAM. 1.22 DCHIIC8. BIAUI8IMI!NTI MH!J!L IIBIQ ChapIer 3.11 coman the RadioIogk:aI Effluent Controls and Survelances (RECS). Chapter 3.12 contains the RadkWJgIcaJ EnvIronmental Monltortng Propn (AeMP). 1.23 UNAA' BIG 'CD MU means an ..... access to which Is neither Umlted nor controlled by the tal ..... Page 1.1-2 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 1.24 yENJ1L6nqt IXtWIST TREATMENT SXSTIM 8haII be any system designed and Installed to ,.... gaseous radklGdIne 01 racfIoactIw matertalln particulate form In effIuanta by paaa/ng ventilation 01 vent exhaust gaaas c:hanxJaI ad80rbers ancUor HEPA filters for the purpose 01 removing iodIneI 01 partJQdate8 from the gueoua exhaust sn.n prior to the ..... to the erwIronmenl Such a aystem Is not conItdIred to hIM any effect on noble gas efftuentI.
EngNered Safety FeaIures Atmosphertc Cleanup SyatMls are not considered VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.
1.25 ycNTINQ shall be any c:ontroIIed process of air 01 gas from a conflnement to malntai'llemperature, preaunt, humidity, conc:e"bidlol1 01 OCher GpIIating condition, In such a manner that replacement air 01 gas Is not provided 01 required during VENTING. Vent. used In system names. doaa not Imply a VENTING process. 1.26 WMTE QM HOLQUP SYSTEM shall be any system designed and Installed to reduce radloactive gaseous etfIuInts by coIIedIng Reactor Coolant System off-gases from the Reactor Coolant System and providing for delay 01 holdup for the purpose 01 reducing the total radkl8ctfvtly prior to release to the envIrOnment.
1.%7 DefInitions Peculiar to Dose to Membera 01 the Pubic using the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (OOCM) Computer Program. L ACTUAl..
* ACTUAl ,.,. to ustng known release data to project the dole to members of the public for the previous time period. ThiI data II stored In the daeahaae and used to dImonsbate compliance wtth the reporting requirements 01 the OOCM. b. PROJECTEp
* PROJECTED refers to usi1g known reIeaae data from the previous time period 01 esIImated release data to forecast a future dose to members 01 the ptdc. this data Is not Incorporated Into the database.
Page 1.1-3 S-Shiftly O-Oaily W-Weeldy B-BMllldy M-Monthly Q -Quarterty SA -Semiannually A-Annually R -Refuel Cycle SIU -Startup NA P-PrIor Table 1-1 FREQUENCY NOTATIONS*
At least once per 12 hcMn At least once per 24 hours At least once per 7 days At least once w.ry 14 days At Iea8t once per 31 days At .... once per 92_ At .... once per 184 days At least once per 386 day8 At least once per 18 months PrIor to each ructar ataI1Up Not applicable PrIor to each reIeaae CY -BY -170-301 Revtslon 7 -Each frequency requIrwMnt IhaII be performed within the apecifted ttmelnteMlJ with the maxmWYt allowable extentb1 not to exceed 2S% d the frequency Interval.
The 2S% Y8Itance shall not be applied to Operability Action stalementa.
The bales to rrs 3.0.2 provide c:IartficadOnI to fils requirement.
Theae frequency notations do not apply to the EnvIronmental Monitoring Program as descrI)ed In TAM 3.12. Page 1.1-4 R ...... 10CFA50 AppendIx I 10CFA20 40CFR 190 reference.
aIIopartof 10CFA20) Tec:hwal SpecifIcaIIons Technical Table 1-2 COMPLIANCE MATRIX OOCII Dole Component LImIt Eaudan 1. Gamma air dose and beta au dose due to 4-4 airborne radIoecIIYlty In effluent plume. 4-5 & Total body and skin dose due to airborne 4-8 In effluent plume ant 4-7 only If cer1afn gamma and bICB air dose crftarIa .. exceeded.
: 2. Dose for d organs and 81 four age groups 4-8 due to IodInes and partlcllIatea In effluent pUne. AI palhwaya ant consideIed.
: 3. Dose for aI organa and aD four age groups 3-3 due to In lIQuid efftuentB.
: 1. Total DoN. totaIng aD external dole 5-2 components (dInIct, gnxmd and pUne shine) and Internal dose (81 palhwaya, boIh aIrbame and ... ,.... . 1. Total dose due to direct dose. 5-1 grant and pane ahN from all sources at a statIan. 2. Organ doses to an aduJt due to all 3-3 4-8 1.
tcMl body. skin and organ 4-1 dose rabIS to a child due to radIoactMty In 4-2 aIrbome efftuenta.
For the organ dose, only 4-3 Inhalation II considef8d.
: 2.
concentration linlla for liQuId effluents.
3-1 1. RadIoat.1Ne Effluent R .... Report NA Page 1.1-5 REC 3.1'.g NlA 3.1'.h 3.11.d 3.1'.k 3.11.f 3.1'.c 5.2 -CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 Technical
-,-, 5.5.4.h NlA 5.5.4.d 5.5.4.C 5.5.4.g 5.5.4.b 5.8.2 
..... . ReguIIIIon 1OCFR50 AppendIx I SectIon IV.B.2 10CFR50 Appendix I SectIon IV.B.3 1OCFR50 AppendIx I SectIon IV.B.2 10CFR50 AppendIx I SectIon IV.B.2 n Technical
-Table 1*2 Page2of2 COMPLIANCE MATRIX Component Umlt 1.lmpllment EnWaunental MonIarIng PI\1gram.
: 1. Land u.. CensuI 1. Intertaboratory Compartson Program 1. Annual RadiaIogIcaI Envirannentlll Opeeatfng Report PageLl-6 ODCM TAM NJA 3.12.8 NJA 3.12.b NlA 3.12.c NlA 5.1 -CY -BY-170-301 Revision 7 Technical
_,_, NlA NJA NlA 5.8.2 3.11 NOTE: 3.0.51hrough 3.10 Not Used CY -BY -17()..3()1 Revision 7 NOTE: SEE TAM Qwpter 3.11 far AadIaIogk;aI EJftuentII ContraIl and SwwIIanceI (RECS) and TAM Chapter 3.12 for Radiological Environmental t.mIomg Program (REMP). Page 1.3-1 3.13 METEOROlOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM 3.13.1 METEOROLOGICAl MONITORING CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 MeteorokJgIcaI parametereare meaured In the vldnlty each nuclear power station In order to provide data .or calculating rad1aIIan
__ due to airborne effluent r8diaadIvIty.
Some nuclear power 8t8tion8' Technical SpecIftcadanI state appIIc&t*t requirements (typically .mar the subheading. "Met8oroIogica Instrumenlldion.*
In the inatrumenl8lion section).
Regulatory guidance .. given In Regulatory GuIde 1.23 (Referanc:e 5). Wind speed. wind direction and <<he .... pendure gradient are measured uatng inIIruments at two or men ..... aIIons on a meteolok)glcat tower at each ExeIon NudIar atatIan. The eIeYaIions are c:hoIen to pnMdI meteordclgk:el data ,,818 dative the _allons <<he aJIbOme releasee fram <<he 8IatIon. The Annual Radiological EnWorwnentai Operating Report IndudeI a summary d mlt8orOlogk:al data coIIec:ted over <<he ,epol1lng yeao. These data are used to calculate optlonallsopleth8 radiation dale and radkIadIvtty concellbatlon.
3.132 METEOROLOGICAL CONTRACTOR The meteoroklglcal CXllIIrac:tor operates and maInt8N the meteoroi0gicai tower in8trumnatlon at each nuclear power 118IIon. The CXII dnIICtOr coIecta and anaIyZI8a the dIIa and Iasuea periodic repcItI. The CXlldiador prepares the met8ClrOloglcal data summary required for the Annual Radiological EnvIronmental Operating Report (AREOA) and also c:omputn and plaia IIopIeb Included In the AREOR. Page 1.3-2 
===4.0 BASES===
CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 4.1 BAQIOACTIVE LIQUID EFfLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION CTBM 3.11*m The radloadive liquid 8fftuant 1nstrum .. ,1aIIon Is provided to monitor and control,
* applicable.
the releases 01 radloaCtM maaerlallin liquid efftuentI during actual or potential r., ..... 01 liquid efftuents.
The aIarrnMp setpoInts for these Instruments shall be calculated and adjusted In accordanc:e wIIh the ITMIlhodc*Jgy and parameterlln the OOCM to .... that the aIarmIb1p wi occur prior to exceeding 10 tfmealhe EFFlUENT CONCENTRATION values specified In Appendix a, Table 2. Column 2 to 10 CFR 20. The OPEAABIUTY and use 01 this Instrum ...... Is consistent wIIh the requhtmenta 01 Gener.I DeIIgn CttterIa eo, 83 and 64 01 Appendix A to 10 CFR Part SO. The purpose 01 tank IeveIIndIcaIIng deYIcea Is to aaaure the det8dIon and ccntroI of leaks that If nat controlled could potentially result In the trallsport 01 radJoacdve matertals to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. 42 BADIOAClJ\IE GASEQUS EFB,UENI MONrTOR1NG INSTBUMENJA]1ON mw 3.11.b) The radJoadhIe gasaous efIUInt Instr1I'nentaIi Is provided to monltar ... CCI'Itruf,
* the ral.s .. 1 01 radIoactNe rnal8t1aIIln gaseous effIuentI cUIng actual or poIIntIaI ral **** 01 gaseous effaJenIL The setpaia tor these InItNmenta IIhIII be ClllclIIIIad nI adjIlIt8d In accardaIa with the and param-'In the OOCM to .... hit the will occur priarto the Imlll 0110 CFR Part 20. The OPEAABIUIY and use 01 this In8Inmlldatlon Is COIISi8talIt wIIh the Alqlirlmeldl 01 GenerIII DesIgn Criterta eo, 83 and 64 01 AppendIx A 10 10 CFR Part SO. 4.3 UOUIQ EfBlJENT OONCENTBADON mw 3.11.c) ThIs ContIoIIs pn:Mded to ensure Ihat the concet dtatlat. 01 radiaactMt materials r.lloed In IquId wasta effIuInIa to UNRESTRICTED AREAS wit be leis than 10 dmeI the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION values specIIed In Appendix B, Table 2. CoUnn 2 to 10 CFR 20. The Control pnMdea cpenlliOltal ftexMtyfor relaulng Bquid efIMnIIln concIIltllIIiOI.
to fallow the SectIon II.A and II.C design cbjec:IIv.s 01 AppendIx I to 10 CFR Par150. Thillmftallon pnMdee reaaonabIe 8ISUfW1C8 Chat the levels 01 nudIItaIs In bodIIe 01 waw In UNRESTRICTED AREAS wII retd In ...... within (1) the SectIon IIA .... cbjec:IIv.s 01 Appendix I, 10 CFR Part SO. to. Met'8EA OF THE PUBUC and (2) the res1rtdbas auIhoItZIId by 10 CFA Part 20.1301(8).
The ccncell'hdlon IImtt far the dIascIved or entrai1ed ncbfe gaseals baled upon 1he assumption Ihat Xe-1331s the conIraIIng radIcnucIde and .. EFA.UENT CONCENTRATION In air (1UbrnenIb.)
was CCIfMtI18d to ., equivalent conwtdtidlelil In water. ThIs control does net Iffec:t the requIr8Inft to compty wIIh the annuaIllmltatlona 0110 CFR Part 20.1301(8).
ThIs Contrd applies to the raIeaIe 01 materfallin liquid eftIuenIs fran allftta at the .... The required dItecCb. capabIIItiea for ndaacIIve maIerIaIs In liquid wasI8 anples are tabt lJateIj In terms 01 the lower 1m .. 01 deIedb. (lLDs). Detailed dlsc:ussl(ln 01 the UD and dher deteCtIon 1m .. can be fCU1d In Currie, LA. 1..ower Lint 01 Deteccbi!
o.r.1IIon and EIaboraIIar, 01 a Pn:IPoaed PasIIIon for RadoIogIc8 EJrkan and &\'f1rohmenta' Measurwnentl,* (Sepl8mber 1984), and In the HASl Proc:edur8s Manual, HASL-300 (nMsed annuaIy).
PageL4-1 4.4 QOSE fROM LQJIO EFB.UENTS ITBM 3.1'*cD CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 ThIs ConIrcIIs pnMdId to imp11men11he requftmenII d SedIaI" 11.A, liLA ani IVA d Appendix I. 10 . CFR Part SO. The CCInIroI stalamn inp'e ... ad8 ... guidIs sat forth In SectIon I!.A d Appendix I. The ActIOn 81a11menll pnMda 1he requRd opet8llng fIaxIdIy ani atlhe same tine Implement the guideI set btl In SecIIon IVA d AppeIdx 11O .... 1hat 1he '., ..... d radaectNe martalin BquId ...... will be kepI-..... 1s ' ** 01_ .. AlIa, tarfrelh waI8r .... wah drtrti1g ..........
thai can be pallliIIIr ahc:ted I1t plant a,.-.. ltentls reasonable asuanca that the ClpInIIIan d the facIIly wi nat ,...In radIanucIde COI'A*1IIonI1n
... ftntshed .... 1hat are In 8XCII8 01 1he requiementl 0140 CFR Part 141. The dale calQlIadon meIhodaIogy and .........
/n 1he OOCM Impllma'1t the requftmenIIln SedIan lILA d Appendbc I thai oanforma'a wIIh the gWdIs of AppencIx I be shown I1t calcldaIIanaI proceduNI baled on modIII and data. such that the 8CIuaI expoaur8 of 8 MEMBER OF THe PUBLIC Ihra&Vt appIap .... paIhways Is &dcIIy 10 be .atantiaIIy undeIeslkn8l8d.
The equaIIanIlpICIfiId In ... OOCM far cabllali1g the daaee dua 10 the actual ...... rates 01 ...... maI8rtaIs In IquId efta1III are COIllilt8ld wIIh 1M meIhodaIogy prcMded In RegaMtory Guide 1.109. "C*O ....... of Annual 0aIII1O MIn ham AouIIne R., ..... of R ctrt BfIuenII for the purpose 01 EvaUdIng ComplMcl with 10 CFR Part 50. AppeIdx I.-ReuIaian 1. Oclaber lf117 ani ReguIaIary Guidi 1.113, "EIIfmIIIng AquaIIc DIIpeIIkIn 01 EJfIuIn1s fran Accidental and RoutIne Reactor ReII .. 11 for the Purpoee oIlmple_il,jug Appendbc I.-AprtI1f117.
This Control appi1110 IhI ,... 0I1quid effMnt8 fran ..::h rIIdar at the III. For units witt shared ,.... trIIImInI aystema. the liquid efftuInt:I fran the 8hared system are praporaa.MMf among the unb 8hartng thai tyIIIm. 4.5 LIQUID BADWASTE TBEATMENT sysTEM trAM 3.11,8) The 0PERA8IUTY of the liquid RadwaIet TreaIrnent System ..... that this system wII be au.'1IbII for "'''18Wr liquid .........
1r88ImInI prtar 10"""10 Ihe erMtOirmenL The requirement that 1he apprqNtIt POlloI-01l1li system be used, when specIfted, pnMdes asaurance that Ihe .. , ..... of I8IIOacIMt mamrtaIs In DqWd'" wII be kepI-.. 1ow _Is nlltlilablV achleYlbll-.
ThIs ContraIlmpllmada1he requiI .... 0110 CFA Part 50.3811. General Design Qttertan eo of AppendIx A 10 10 CFR Part 50 and 1he dIIIgn oIItedIve given In Secdan It.D of Appendix I to 10 part SO. The specified 1mb geMmIng the &1M of appropriaII partial" 01 the &quid radW8lt81r1a1ment S)'StiIm were apecIfted
.. 8 ...... fractIan of the cae design abjecCivaIsat fOI1h In SedkIn IIA of AppendIx I. 10 CFR Part 50. far Iquid ""'-dB. This Control epp11e1110 the ..... 0I1qu1d .... fran each reactor at the alta. For W'b wtIh shared ,..... tr.-nent ....... 1he liquid eIIIuams fIan 1M shnd system are pn3pOI1IOIl1d among 1he ldIlhartng 1hat 1ysIIm. PqeI.4-2 
===4.8 GASEOUS===
EFfLUENTS DOSE BATES aRM 3.11.0 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 This CGntrat provides IWIIIONIbIe IIIUlN8 that radIoac:tfve material diIchatgId i'I gaseous effluents will nat resuI i'I the..,...
* MEMBER OF ntE PU8UC i'I an UNRESTRICTED AREA. either at or the srre BOUNDARY In .... 01 the design objectives 01 AppeIMIx I to 10 CFR Patt 50. this Contra Is prcMdId to ..... that 9""8 effkJenIa from all witI on the .... wi be appropriately call trailed. It provides operational fIediIIty for ralal8ing gaseous eIfIuantI to 8atIafy the SectIon ILA and II.C dIIVt objectives 01 AppendIx I to 10 CFR Pelt 50. For MEMBERS OF ntE PU8UC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the 0CCt4)InCY 01 that MEMBER OF ntE PUBUC wtI UIUIIIy be sutrlciardly low to CClnPII .... for tha reduced almoaphertc dIspar8Ion 01 gaseous efftuents relative to that for the SITE 80UN0AAY.
ExIInplea 01 cabdations for such MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, wIlh the appcpilale factors, shd be given In the ODCM. The specified
,..... rate 11mb r88IrIcI.
at aD times, the dose rates above background to. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or 1M srre BOUNDARY to IeI8 than or equal to 500 mranl)wlr to the taIaI body or to Iel8Ihan or equal to 3000 to the IIdn. These ........ rate 1mb also reetrtcI.
at II tim ... the coneapadng It&#xa5;aId dose rail above bacIcgIOWId to. chid via the i'IhaIaIion pathway to IeI8 .., or equal to 1500 mJWnt\Wr.
ThIs Control does nat affect the raquRment to comply with Ihe amuai limitations d 10 CFA 20.1301(&).
ThIs ControIIppIeI to the raIaaae 01 galeow efftuenIa from .. ..,.. at the 8It8. The ...... detecIaI.
capabIIties for radIoadIve maI8rIaIs In gal lOUS waste samples ..........
i'I terms d the lower 1m" of dIf8cIIon (UDs). DaIaIed clllaBSion d the LLD and other detection 1mb CM be Iowtd i'I Currie, LA, '1..ower lin. of OeIecIIoIt Oefitltion II1d EIaboratiot.
: d. Proposed PodIon for EfIIuent and ErMronmenIaI Meesl.nmentI,-
NUREGICR-4007 (Seplember 1984), and In the HASl Pr'ocecU-.
MInuaI. HASL-300 (nMsed annuaIIy).
4.7 pose fAOM NMI f GASES CTBM 3.11.q) ThIs ConIroIII provided to Implement the requIrernentB 01 SK1Iona 11.8. iliA and IV A of Appendix I. 10 CFR Pelt 50. The CanIraI.....".,..lmplement the guides 881 forth In SecIIan U.8 d AppendIx I. The Adion statementa provide the raquied cpendblg ftaIbIIIy II1d at the same lime inpllmn the guideI 881 forth i'I Section rv A of ApperMlx I to ..". thai the ral'8aal of f'&dioaaNe material In gala DU8 effkJenIs
.. be kept -as low as Is nNIIOftBbIy achiIMbIe.-
The SuMIiIIanoe AequiremenI8 Implement the requMnentlln SectIon iliA of AppendIX I that c:onfonnance with the guides d AppendIX I be shown by cabllldonal based on models and daIa suc:h that the actual ..... d
* MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC thra9l approprtaIe palhway81s unIIceIy to be W1dereItImaled.
The dose Clb4don rneIhotiJgy ani parameters established In the OOCM for calculating the doles due to the actual ..... rates of rIidIoaC:dve noble gaaea/n gaI80UI efftuenta
.... conaIstent with the rneIhotiJgy provided In RecPMtory Guide 1.109, "Cab"'""" 01 Annual Doses to Man fran Aoudne Ralallal of Reactar EJII&aD for the Pwpoee of Cornpllnce with 10 CFA ParI so. Appendix I,* ReviIIon 1, 0cI0ber 1m aid RegldaIory Guide 1.111, "MIIhodI for EsIImating Atmoaphertc TrIIl8PCI1 ani 0I8penII0n 01 Gaseous EJIIuen1I i'I Rou1Ine Rala .... from Cooled ReWIian 1, Jtly 1m. The OOCM eqatations provided for determining the air doeeIat and be)'and the SITE BOUNDARY ant based upon the hlstDltalllI'f1II'8ge aImoaphertc condilial
.. this Control to the raIeaae d gala DU8 effIuenIs from each reactor at the lite. For &rill with ahar8d ,.... treatment systems. the gaseous effluents from the 8harad system ant piopor.oned among the unII8 ahaItng that system. PligeL4-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 4.8 DOSE FROM 1OO1NE=131.
mlTlUM* AND BADIOACT1VE MAIEBW,IN PNflJClAAIE FORM aRM 3.U.b) ThIs CadroIIs provided to Impllrnlnt the raqunmentl d Sectioilln.C.
IDA n IVA d Appendix I. 10 CFR Part 50. The carma_the guIdee let forth In SectIan n.c fA Appendix I. The AdIan staam .... provtde the nIqUired ape .. "'" fIexIbIIly and at the .... tmelmplement the guides set forth In SectIan IVA d AppeIIdix I to .... hit the rll **** fA radIaIIc:ItM m.-..In gal OUI ___ wII be kept -.Iaw ...... Oilibly achievable
-The OOCM CIb datIonII meIbods specIIed In the SurwIance Aequlramenta Impllment the ....... In SectIan lIlA fA AppeIIdix I thai oanIonnanoe wit'! 1M guIdiI 01 AppeIIdix I be abcMn by cabdatlanal pnxecUes baled on models and data, such that1be actual ..... 01 a MEMBER OF THE PU8UC appaprtale pathways Is unIIcaIyto be ..... 1tiaIy W1dIntItImaI8c1 The OOCM calculational rneIhotiIgy and parameIer8 far C8lcldaIIng tbe dales due 10 the actual releaSe ral8I oItbe UIjKt mal8rtaIs are cxnIIIIIlt wilt the rneIhotiIgy prcMded In ReglIfatory Guide 1.109. "Ctblldan 01 Annual Daaes to Man fram RcUIne RII ..... fA R.lca EftIuinIa for 1be Purpoee 01 EvaIuaIIng Compliance witt 10 CFR Part 50, Appel" I.-Re\1sIon 1. Oclober 1m and Reglatory Guide 1.111. "MIIhodI far EstImaIIng AImoIpherIc TI_"" and Dl8pelsian fA Gasealli EftUanIa In AouIN R.I.I ... fram LJgbI-W .... .coc.d All CUI.-R4MI6an 1. July 1m. Thaae equaItonI also pnMdI far d ..........
the __ doNI billed upon the hIIIatcaI
.... atmGIphIrIc condIIIaIlI.
The ....... rate CCI ** for TrIUn. and rICIanucIdeIln farm wIIh hIII.IJvea gteater than 8 ..... dipilldiIlI upon the ...... tdJnucIdI pdIwayI loman, In the _ at and the SITE BOUNDARY.
The paIhwaya thai ... 4IDCIIfIftId In ... dI\ .Iapment fA Ihese c:ab1laHons went: 1) IndIviduII n&, p' EM " d ndanuclldel, 2) depoIIIan 01 radIanucIIdII onto green leafy wgetdoIi wIh .iIbIIqI .. oanun., by .... 3) depoIIIan onto grassy _ whn mlk animals and meat pnxb:tng aninaII graJ8 wfth ccnunpItan d the milt and meat by man, and 4) deposition an the gro&nf wfIh ..-eq.1Int expae&n fA man. ThIs ConIraIIppIIei to the reIiaIe 01 gBllOUI .... tram each .-:Iar at the.... For wtita with shared _til""""'""" the gaeouI .... fran 1be 1hanId ....... prGpCIfUaIl8d nang the dllhMng hit 8)1If8m. 4.9 GASEOUS BADWASTE TBEAIMENT sysTEM CIBM 3.11,0 The OPERABIJTY 01 the Gr 11M RedwaII8 Treatment ..... that IMt system .. be 8Y8IIabII far ... whit ...... gill 1M ..... requn tnIIIIment prtar to ....... fA the erMOiiiienl The requIremeN that the _ ..... partIona fA Ihese ... be used, when apecIIIed.
pnMdes reasonable
....... that the,.....
01 mamriIIa In gil. QUI eftUantI wII be kept -.Iow .Is re.cnabIy ach ..... -ThIs ConlIaIlmplem.1I8 the requIrwmentI 0110 CFR Part 50.388. General DIIIgn CrIIrtan eo 01 AppeIidbc A to 10 CFR Part 50. and the deII9t cbjIcItv8I given In SedIan n.D at Appel" I to 10 CFR P8It 50. The specIfted IImIla gcp..wmg the ... fA apprqwtabt portkJIli fA the I)'It8ma were spedftad
* a ...... fradIon 01 the dose dIII9t cbjIcItv8I
... forth In Sec1iaIillLB and II.C 01 AppendIx I. 10 CFR Part 50. for g ** 1M eftIuIntI.
ThIs Contra..,.,...
to the ....... d SJIS8OI11
""'** fram each I8ICIor at the.... For wtla wit'! shared radwute tnNIIrnenl syafiImI, the GIIIIM efIIuenta fran the Ihared system, .. proportioned amang the IdI abariig thai ..... Pagel."'"
4.10 TOTAL QOSE mw 3.".k) CY *BY *170-301 Revision 7 This Contra Is provided to meet the dose Ifrnltatianl 0140 CFA Part 190 that have been IncorponIIed Into 10 CFR Part 2O.1301(d).
The CanIraI requires the prwpnIIan and submittal 01 II Special Report whenever the Clbdaad doses due to 1'1 ..... of radIoadMIy n to racIaIIon fran uranUn full eyde 8OWC8ItDfCIId 25 mrernl to the tataI body << any orgIn. except the ItIyrdd. which shall be limited to ....... <<8qUiII1D 75 mrwns. Far ... Cii ........ up to 4 reactcn.1t Is unlikely that the resuIIn dose to II MeaeR OF THE PUBlIC wi exceed the dose limits 0140 CFR PM 190 If the individual reactorsrernaln wtlhln twice the dose....,.
ab)ec:ItveI 01 AppeIdx I. _
* direct radiaIIon daMs fran the reactor &I1b and ocaide storage ..... etc.. ant kept smaI. The SpedaI Report wII daaabt II ccxne 01 actIOn that should result in the Imltllllon 01 the nul dose to II MEMBER OF THE PU8UC to wtlhkt the 40 CFR Part 190 Imlts. Far the 01 the SpedaI Report. It may be that the dose cammlbnent to 1M MEMBER OF THE PUBUC flam OCher W1ftIn full qde eaun:es Is negligible.
with the ucepIIon that dose c:onbIJUIIanI flam 0IhIr nucIM' fuel qde faciIIeI at the ana ... << ... a radius 018 kin must be Ciiaaldnd.
If the dole to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Is eallrnal8d to exceed the requhmentl 01 40 CFR Part 190. S&bnlttal of the SpecIal Report wllhi'e30 days wah a request for a vartance (prcMded the ...... CCI ... ..utIng kt W*IIIan 0140 CFR Part 190 .. nat an.ty bIWI conwcted).in .ccardlnce
_the preMIa II 0140 CFR Part 190.11 and 10 CFR Part 2O.22OO(aX4).1s considered to be a timely reqUIIt n fuIfiIfa the requII .. ..,.. 0140 CFR Part 190 unII NRC staff adIan Is complalad.
01 campIIance wIh the lin ... of 40 CFR Part 190 <<wIh the dIeJgn ab)ec:ItveI 01 ApPlndlx I flo 10 CFR Part 50 wi be considnd to _'ICtIiilb'" compliance with the 0.1 rwm 1m. of 10 CFA Part 20.1301. 4.11 RACQ.OGICAl.
ENyI8OM4ENTAl, MQMTOAtfG PROGRAM CIBM 3.12) The EnvIIollme.,lal ManIomg Program reqund bylhls Control pnMdeI ,...." .. m ...........
01....,. n 01 radIoacIIve rnaterIaII kt Ihcee expcan paIhwIIya n for 1hoae r.tanucIIdes 1hat lead to the paf8rdIaI radIdan axpca .... of MEMBERS OF THE PUBUC teIUIIIng fran the italian Jhts mOil""", pograrn ImplemenlS SectIon 1V.B.2 of AppendIIC I to 10 CFR PM 50 n IhenIby EfIl.-.t MoItllOl'tg PIogi." by wrtIyIng thai the measurable COI'ICIilbidbli 0I1'IdaedM maIertaI8 and lewis of radIaIIan are not hW* ttW\ .,.., on the basil 01 the efIuer1t meauementI n the modling 0I1he erMtG IMIIt8I upoINn"...,...
IsCIfIOpeI IdllIIIiId In REMP ant carnpared to those IdIIdied In the appbbIe AnruII EftJn Aepoat chall(I8I may be InIIIaI8d baled on these opaalbllll
..... 1CII. The aequRd dII8dIan capab *** far 1lMa1,.tIII amnpIe an&t1aeIare tllbulal8d kt terms of the lower 1mb of dIIedIa .. (U.Ds). The UDa recped by Tibia 1'3.12.8-3 ant Ciillldeled aptfmum for rcUIne erwIramM .... meauementlin IrDJIb1aIlaboIaIor1eI.
It IhouId be recagllized that .. UD Is defined III an. JIdgd (before the facI) 11m ....... .., the CIp8bIIIy of a'" &yIIam and not III an
* pt,' 1prt (after the fact) lint for a particular m..........rt.
DIIIdI II disci....., 01 the UD and 0Iher deI8c1Ion Imlll can be fOU'Id In CUrrIe. LA. Linll Deleclba:
DIf.dIIoI, and EIabofaIIan 01 a Propoeed PosItion for RMIcJ6oQk:aI EIIk*It n EnWonmenIaI MeaI&nrnenII..
NUREGICR-4OO7 (Sepl8mber 1884). and In the HAS&.. Manual. HASL-300 Page 1.4-5 4.12 lAND USE CENSUS CTBM 3. CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 This Control is provided to.,... that changes In the ... 01_ at and beyond the SfTE BOUNDARY are * ,lifted and that modIIcaIIaItI to the RacIaIcgicIII EnvIronmerdaI MonItorIng ProsPwn are made
* reqund the resuIIs of this cenIUI. The belt InfonnaIICIn fran the dOQr-fo.door IUMIY. from aerial 01 from canauIIIng wIIh local agricu11ura18UIhcdIeI
&hal be used. This census ........ the requNmeiltl of SecIIan 1V.8.3 of AA*1dbt I to 10 CFR Part 50. RestrIctIIlgthe census to gil ** of than SO m' pnMdeI811U1'8nC8 that IIgIIIfkaIt expoue paIhways _leafy wgea .... wi be IdeIdIfIed and malltored IincI a garden of this _ is the mlnmwn raquIred to pracUce 1he q&81tIty (28 of leafy vegetat11e18IIII'Md In Reg! daIoIy Guide 1.109 for cansumpIIon by. eNd. To del8rm1ne IhiI mlnlrm.m garden ** the fallowing aasurnpIIana went made: 1) 20% of the garden was used for grawIng broad leaf vegelatbl (I **.* lim ... to IaIIuce and CII:Ibege).
and 2) a yield of 2 kIim'* 4.13 lNTE8lA8ORATOBV CQMpAA!SQN PflOGBAM CTBM 3.12oG) The requirement tor In an appRMMIlnlertIboIab'f Comparison ProsJarn is provided to ensure that IndIpeIJdIIIt chec:ka on the pec:isiall and accuracy of the measurwna"tls of I'8dIoadt&#xa5;I me.talin envIiatmeldllllMlple rMIrtceI .. performed.
part of 1M quaIty 8IIUBnC8 progIwn for a'Mal, .. d8I moniIar'.1g1n order to denial ....... that the ...... N.IOi'18bly valid tor the putpOI8I 01 SectIon 1V.B.2 01 AppIridix I to 10 CFR Part SO. 
===5.1 AnnulI===
Badtab;" &WhAtD,"", Opetattllg Aepqr CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 Roudne Annual RadIoI0gIcaI EnvIronmental Opeeallng Report CCMrfng the operaIIon of the UnIt(8) during the previous calendar year shaI be submitted prior to May 15 of each year. The Annual RadIo6agIc:al EnvIranmental OpetdlV Report shaIIlndude summaries, intetpletatiol'l8, and an analysis of trends cf the results cf the radl0logicai envi 01 mental UY8iDance adivIIIes for the report period, including a compMlon with operaIiaIMII OCIlbcAI as apprqJriate, and with previous enWonmentailUNlilala repor1s, and an ..... sment cf the obserYed impada of the plant operaIIon an the environment.
The Annual A8dkIIoQk:II EnvInnnentai Opetatlng Report shallncIude the resuls cf all radiological erMrOI dMlltal sampfes and of d enwaunMtal radiation maasurarnen18
... during the period pursun to the Ioc:aIIOII8 specified In the tables and fIgunIa In Part II Section 8 of the OOCM. as wei 88 unmariZlld and ..... Nt8UIIB cf these anaIyaes and measurementa In the formal cf the table In the RadIoI0gIcaI A **** ma Ehnc:h Tec.hi'taI PosiIIon, Re&#xa5;iIian " November 1979. In the eYent that some lndMduai resuIIIare nat available for inclusion with the repon, the report shall be submitted noting and the I'MIOftI for the missing rasuIta. The mlsalng data shaD be submitted as soon as possible In 8 supplementary report. The reportIahaII aIIO IncUte the following:
a unmary dI8cI1ption of the Radiological EnvIranmentaI MClIib'.", P!ogram; legible maps ccwerIng all sampling Iacatia1I8 to a table giving IC88 and dIrecIIaI
.. from the mldpaint between the two &.nIB; reasana for nat canductIng the RadkIIogicaI EnWOI mental Mordlar'.1g Program as requIIad TLCO 3.12.8, a Table cf MIssed Samples and a Table cf Sample AnamaIIes for all dIMaIIans from the sampling schedule cf TAM Table T3.12.8-1; dllell_on cf environmental
...... meauremen18 that exceed the repartIng IeYeI8 cf TAM Table T3.12.a-2 but .. nat the NUt cf plant efIIuIntI, dl8cuaIan cf aD anaIy8eIln which the LLD required TAM Table 13.12.8-3 was nat achlevtlbll; result of the Land use CenIus required TAM TLCO 3.12.b; and the reeuIIs cf the licensee padlclpatbl In an IntertabandOl'l Camparllon Program and the carrective actions being taken If the specIf1ed program Is nat betng performed as required by TAM TLC03.12.c.
The Annual RadIoI0gIcaI EnvIranmentaI Operating Repart shaI aI80 Include an annual summary of hourly metearoIaglclll data collected over the appIIcabIe)'88f'.
ThIs.."uaI unmay may be efther In the form of an haw-by-haur listing an magnetic tape of wind speed. wind cIracdon.
atmospheftc stabIIy. and preclpltaIIan (if meaured).
or In the farm cf jaint freq&Mncy dlstrfbutlan8 of wind speed. wht dIredIan.
and almoapheltc stabiNty.
In lieu of IUbmIssian whh the Annual RadIological Envtranmental Opeedlg RepOIt. the Heel" ** has the aptian of retaining this summary cf required meteoIoIogIcaI data an de In a fie that shall be provided to the NRC upon request The Annual RadIoI0gIcaI Environmental OpeeatlilV Repart shall also Include an 88I88Sment of the radIaIIan dales due to the racfIoactMIlIquId and gas. 0U8 effluents releaaed from the UnIt or Station during the previous caIendar)Waf.
ThIs raport shall alsO Include an 8IS8IIm"" of the radIaIIon doIe8 to &he mast likely eacpaaed MEMBER OF THE PUBlIC fran reactor ral.II.1 and oIher near-by lAf1Un fuel qde aourceelnciudlng dCIeeI from primary effluent paIhways and dtr8c:t radiatian, for the pnMaus calendar year. The .... Iament aI radIaIIan dCIeeIlhaI be perfonned In accordance whh the methOdology and parameters In the OOCM. and In campllance wiIh 10CFR20 and 40 CFR Part 190, " RacIIattan PI,*,*," StandardI for Nuclear Power 0peratI0n.-
eA single submlllal may be made for. multiple W1lt station. PageL5-1 
===5.2 AnnyaI===
ad", EfIbwJt Beirne Aapgrr CY*BY-170-301 Revision 7 RoutIne Annual BadIoactIYe Effluent Release Beports covering the opendIon of the LI1it during the pnMoua calendar year of operaIIaIl shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the folowi1g )l88I'. The Annual B8IIoacttve EffUnt B".88. Reports shall Include a ammary of the quantItiaa of racIoadIve liquid and gaI80UI affIuenII and IGUd waste rall ** eI fran the unit 88 0UII1ned In RaguIatary Guide 1.21. Evaluating.
and Beporting In SolId Wastes and B ....... of RadIoactIve MaterIaIIIn LiquId and Gaseous EfflI.arts fran Ught-Watar-cooled Nuclear Power Plants.* RevIsIon 1. JIN 1974. wIIti dada unmarizlld on a quarterly basil following the format of AppendIx 8 ....,.". Far IOIid ...... the farmat for Table 31n Appendix B of the rapaI1 ahaI be supplemented wttJ three addiIIoIlII categories:
cIaa8 of aoId wastes (as defined by 10 CFR Part 81). type of cocd8iner (e.g.. LSA. Type A. Type B. Large CuIntIty).
and SOLIDIFICATION agent ar absorbent (e.g .* cement, urea farmaldlhyde).
The AmuaI RadIoactIve Effluent B., .... Repor1IIhaIIncIude a lilt a'id deIerIptIon of unplanned rel.88.1 fran the IIle to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radIoadNe m81er1a181n gI'.aus and liquid etftuenta made duIfng the reporting period. The Annual RadIoactIve EJftuent Rei ... Repor18 ahaIlnclude any changes made during the repoItirlg period to the PCP as wei 88 any m., changes to LiquId. Gaaeoua ar Solid 8adw8It8 Treatment Systems. pwsuant to Part I Sedian 5.3. The Annual RadIoactIve Effluent ReIaaae Repor1I shall also Include the following:
an explanallon as to why the inapnbIIIIy of liquid or gaseous effluent monJtortng 1nIIrun ** tation was nat corred8d wlhln the time apedfIed In TAM TlCO 3.11.8 ar TlCO 3.11.b. mpecttveIy.
and of the 8Yeftt81eadrig to liquid holdup WIles ar gas atarage tanka the lim'" of TS 5.5.12. -A lingle submltlal may be made for a multiple unit station. The aubmlttallhould combine those sec:tIona that are common to aD unb at the ataIion: however. far units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall apec:ify the ....... of radioadIve material from each unit. PageL5-2 5.3 CY -BY -170-301 RevisIon 7 5.3.1 The ODCM shd be submitted to the Commission faOowtng proper approval through italian process ... 5.3.2 Licensee initiated c:hange8 to the ODCM: a. Shall be documented and records 01 nMews pei10rmed shall be retained 81 required by UFSAA Chapter 17. This documentation
&hal canIai1: 1. SufficIent InfonnaIIan to support the change together wIIh the appropriate anatyses 01 evaluations justifying the c:hangea(s);
and 2. A detennlnatian that the change wII mai1ta/n the level of radioactive effluent can1roI requfred by 10 CFR Part 20.40 CFA Part 190. 10 CFA 50.388, and AppendIx I to 10 eFR Part 50 n:t not adverMIy Impact the acc:uracy or reIabOily of efftuInt.
dale. 01 aetpoInt CM:ulatians.
: b. Shall became effectMt after ..... and accepIaJlCe by the Independant Technical RevIew and PORe and the apprcMII 01 the Plant Manager an the date specIfted by the Independent Technical Review n PORC. c. ShIll be submitted to the Commission in the form 01 the complete.
IegIJIe copy of the entn ODCM. 01 updated pages If the Commission retaN a cantroIIed copy. If an entire copy 01 the ODCM Is submlaed.
It shall be submitted 81
* part of 01 concurrent with the Annual RadIOIICtIYe Effluent R ...... Report for the period 01 the report in which any change to the OOCM was made effective.
Each change shall be identified by In the margin 01 the affeded pages. cIearty IndIcaIi1g the area 01 the page 1hat was changed. and shalt indk:ate the dale (e.g.. rncnthI)<ear) the change was Implemented.
===5.4 Maler===
QllDQlllo YguId and G .... AldwIn Tmabntnt Syatam.-CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 LJcenaee.in1tJated malOr changeS to the Radw8Ite Trealment System. (UquId and g ** DUI): L ShaI be reported to the Commil8kJn In the Annual Radiaacttve Effluent Release Report for the period In which the 8VIIuaIIan was reviewed by the Independent Technical R4MIw and PORC. The dilc ..... on d each change shall contain: 1) A unmary d the evaluation that led to the detennNllon that the change could be made In accanIance wah 10 CFR SO.59: 2) SuffIdant detelled WorrnatIon tc: t'ltaIIy aupport the reason for the change without benefit d addIIbl8lMd 1nform8llan;
: 3) A ...... deIcrtpIb1 01 the equipment.
and prcc ..... IIwoMKt and the IntertaceI with other plant systems. 4) An '-Idan d the c:hange which IhowI the prectIcact
,. ..... d radioacIIYe matertalt In liquid and gaI80US efIIuInta that differ fran thole predIdad In the LIcen8e appIc;dan and amendments thereto: 5) An evaIuaIIan d the change. which IhowI the expected maximum pPOIUI'8I to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC In the UNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that fJIfer from thole pnwIouaIy 8Idmated In the L.IcenIe applcdon and amendmellta thMIoc 6) A compartaon 01 the pnMIc:ted
_II .1 d radioactive matartala.
In Dqutd and g&88OUI ...,..,..
to the 8CIuaI ........ far '* period priOr to when the c:hang8Iare to be made; 7) An 81t1m_ d the 8XpOIIft to plant operllllllg pel 801.'" .. a result 01 the change: aMt 8) 00cunentatI0n d the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the Indapendant Technical Review and PORC. b. ShaH become effective upon review and accepIance by the Independent Tec:hntcal Review and PORC. *-uc.I8I1.
may c:hooIe to stAlmlt thelnformatian caIed far In this standard .. part of the annual FSAR update. PageL5-4 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Byron Station Units 1 and 2 Revision 7 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 
-OOCM GENERAL INFORMATION CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I The Offsite Dose C8Jculation Manual (ODCM) presents a discussion of the following:
* The basic concepts applied In calculating offsite doses from plant effluents.
* The regulations and requirements for the OOCM and related programs.
* The methodology and parameters for the offsIte dose calculations to assess Impact on the environment and compliance with regulations.
The methodology detailed In this manual Is Intended for the calculation of radiation doses during routine (i.e., non-accldent) conditions.
The calculations are normally performed using a computer program. Manual calculations may be performed In lieu of the computer program. The dose effects of airborne radioactivity releases predominately depend on meteorological condttIons (wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stabUlty).
For airborne effluents, the dose caIcWatIons prescrtbed In this manual are based on historical average atmospheric conditions.
ThIs methodology Is appropriate for estimating annual average dose effects and Is stipulated In the Bases SectIon of the Radiological Effluents Controls (RECS). 1.1 Structure of the ODCM Part I of 1he ODCM Is :onsIdered to be the RadIologJcal Effluents Controls (RECS), and contains the former Radiological Effluent Technical SpecIfIcations that have been removed from the Technical SpecIfIcatIons.
Part lis organized as follows:
* Definitions
* Radiological Effluent Controls and Radiological EnvIronmental Monitoring Program
* Meteoroi0gicai MonItoring Program
* Bases
* Administrative Requirements Page 11.1-1 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I Part II of the ODCM is considered to be the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODeM). and contains methods. equations.
assumptions, and parameters for caJculaUon of radiation doses from plant effluents.
Part II Is organized as follows:
* Introduction
* Instrumentation and Systems
* Liquid Effluents
* Gaseous Effluents
* Total Dose
* Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1.2 Regulations this section serves to Illustrate the regulations and requirements that define and are applicable to the OOCM. Any information provided in the ODeM concerning specific regulations are not a substitute for the regulations as found In the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) or Technical SpecificatIons.
1.2.1 Code of Federal Regulations Various sections of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) require nuclear power stations to be designed and operated In a manner that limits the radiation exposure to members of the public. These sections specify limits on offsite radiation doses and on effluent radioactivity concenlratb1s and they also require releases of radioactivity to be -As Low As Reasonably Achlevable-.
These requirements are contained In 1OCFR20. lOCFRSO and 4OCFRl90.
In addition.
4OCFR141 imposes limits on the concentration of radioactivity In drinking water provided by the operators of public water systems.
* lOCfB2Q. Standards for PtotectIon Against BadtatIon this revision of the ODeM addresses the requirements of lOCFR20. The 1OCFR20 dose limits are summarized in Table 1 -1.
* Design Crtterla CAppendIx A of lOCFRSOl SectIon 50.38 of lOCFRSO requires that an application for an operating license include proposed Technical Specifications.
Final Technical Spectflcatlons for each station are developed through negotiation between the applicant and the NRC. The Technical Specfficatlons are . then Issued as a part of the operating license. and the licensee Is required to operate the facility in accordance with them. Page 11.1-2 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I SectIon 50.34 of 1OCFR50 states that an application for a license must state the principal design criteria of the fadUty. Minimum requirements are contained In Appendix A of 1OCFRSO. * &ABA proytsIons CAppendbs I of 1OCFB50) SectIons 50.348 and 50.36& of 1OCFRSO require that the nuclear plant design and the station RECS have provisions to keep levels of radioactive materials In effluents to unrestrtcted areas -As Low As Reasonably Achievable-(ALARA). Although 1OCFRSO does not Impose specific limits on releases, Appendix I of 1OCFRSO does provide numerfcal design objectives and suggested Dmiting conditions for operation.
According to SectIon I of Appendix I of 1OCFRSO, design objectives and limiting conditions for operation, conforming to the guidelines of Appendix I -shall be deemed a conclusive showing of compliance with the -As Low As Reasonably Achievable-requirements of 1OCFR50.348 and SO.36&. -An applicant must use calculationS to demonstrate conformance with the design objective dose limits 01 Appendix I. The calculations are to be based on models and data such that the actual radiatiOn exposure of an individual is -unlikely to be substantially underestimated-(see 10CFR50 Appendix I, Section iliA. 1). The guideUnes In Appendix I call for an Investigation, corrective action and a report to the NRC whenever the calculated dose due to the radioadIvtty released In a calendar quarter exceeds one-half of an annual design objeCtIve.
The guldeOnes also require a surveUIance program to monitor releases, monitor the environment and identify changes In land use.
* 4QCEB190.
EnyIrprdJWltal Radiation Prptactlon Standards fpr Nyclear Power OperatIons Under an agreement between the NRC and the EPA, the NRC stipulated to Its licensees In Generic Letter 79-041 that -Compliance with Radiological Effluent Technical SpecJflcatIons (RETS), NUREG-0472 (Rev.2) for PNR's, Implements the LWR provisions to meet 4OCFR19O". (See References 49 and 103.) The regulations of 4OCFR190 limit radiation doses received by members of the public as a result of operations that are part of the uranium fuel cycle. Operations must be conducted In such a manner as to provide reasonable assurance that the annual dose equivalent to any member of the public due to radiation and to planned discharges of radioactive materials does not exceed the following Omits: o 25 mrem to the total body o 75 mrem to the thyroid Page 11.1-3 o 25 mrem to any other organ CY -BY -170-301 RevIsIon 7 I An important difference between the design objectives of 1OCFRSO and the Umits of 4OCFR190 Is that 1OCFRSO addresses only doses due to radioactive effk.lents.
4OCFR190 limits doses due to effluents and to radiation sources maintained on site. See SectIon 1.2.4 for further discussion of the differences between the requirements of 1OCFRSO AppendIx I and 4OCFR190.
* 4OCEB141.
Natignal Pdmarv Prinldng Water Begulations The following radioactivity bits for community water systems were established In the July. 1978 edition of 4OCFR141:
o Combined Ra-228 and Ra-228: S 5 pCiIL o Gross alpha (particle activity Indudlng Ra-228 but excluding radon and uranium): 15 pCUL. o The average annual concentration of beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radlonuclldes In drlnldng water shall not produce an annual dose equivalent to the totaf body or any Intemal organ greater than 4 mremlyr. The regulations spedfy procedures for determining the values of annual average radlonucllde concentration that produce an annual dose equivalent of 4 mrem. Radiochemical analysis me1hods are also specified.
The responsibirlty for monitoring radioactivity In a community water system faDs on the supplier of the water. The Byron Station has requirements related to 4OCFR141 in the BEeS.
* 10CFB72. Ucensiog RequIrements for the 'adept.nt Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel. HlattLaytI BadIoactiye Waste. and Reactor* Bela. GraaJar Than Class C waste 1 OCFR72. 104 states that annual dose to any real indiYiduailocated beyond the controlled area must not exceed the following:
o 25 mrem to the total body o 75 mrem to the thyrotd o 25 mrem to any other critical organ as a result of planned discharges of radioactive material to the environment.
direct radiation from ISFSI operation.
and other radiation from uranium fuel cycle operation (4OCFR190).
These requirements are consistent with the requirements of 4OCFR190.
Page 11.1-4 
====1.2.2 Radiological====
Effluent Technical Standards CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 I The Radiological Effluent Technical Standards (RETS) were formerly a subset of the Tedinlcat SpecIfIcations.
They Implement provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations aimed at Dmlting offstte radiation dose. The NRC published Standard RETS for PWRs (Reference
: 2) as guidance to assist In the development of technical specifications.
These doct.ments have undergone frequent minor revisions to reflect changes In plant design and 8YOIvIng regulatory concerns.
The RETS have been removed from the Technical Specifications and pfaced In the TAM as the RECS (see Reference 90). The RECS are similar but not identical to the guidance of 1he Standard Radiological Effluent Technical SpecIfIcations.
====1.2.3 0ffaIte====
Dose Calculation Manual The NRC In Generic Latter 89-01 defines the OOCM as follows (not verbatim) (see Reference 90): The 0ffsIte Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) shall contain the methodology and parameters used In the calculation of offslte doses resulting from radloacllve gaseous and liquid effluents, In the cab dation of gaseous and liquid efftuent monltortng AlarrnlTrip SetpoInts, and In the conduct of the RadIologJcaJ EnvIronmental Monitoring Program. The OOCM shall also contain (1) the RadIoactIve Efftuent Controls and RadlologJcaJ Environmental Monitoring Programs and (2) descriptions of the Infonnatlon that should be Included In the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports. Additional requirements for the content of the ODCM are contained throughout the text of the RECS. 1.2.4 Overlapping Requirements In 1OCFR20, 1OCFRSO and 4OCFR190, there are overlapping requiI8ments regarding offsIte radiation dose and dose commitment to the total body. In 1OCFR20.1301, the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to a member of the public Is Dmited to 100 mrem per calendar year. In addition, Appendix I to 1OCFRSO establishes design objectives on annual total body dose or dose commitment of 3 mrem per reactor for liquid effluents and 5 mrem per reactor for gaseous efftuents (see 1OCFR50 Appendix I, Sections ItA and II.B.2(a>>. FlnaIIy,4OCFR190 Omits annual total body dose or dose commibnent to a member of the public to 25 mrem due to all uranium fuel cycle operations.
Page 11.1-5 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I While these dose limits/design objectives appear to overtap, they are different and each Is addressed separately by the RETS. calculations are made and reports are generated to demonstrate compliance to an regulations.
Refer to Table 1 -1 and Table 1 -2 for additional infonnatlon regarding instantaneous effluent fimlts, design objectives and regulatory compliance.
1.2.5 Dose Receiver Methodology Table 1 -2 lists the location of the dose recipient and occupancy factors, If applicable.
Dose Is assessed at the location In the unrestricted area where the combination of existing pathways and receptor age groups Indicates the maximum potential exposures.
The dose calculation me1hodology Is consistent with the methodology of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference
: 8) and NUREG 0133 (Reference 14). Dose Is therefore calculated to a maximum Individual.
The maxlmwn Individual Is characterized as -maximum-with regard to food consumption, occupancy and other usage of the area In the vicinity of the plant site. Such a -maximum individual-represents reasonable deviation from the average for the population In general. In all physiological and metabolic respects.
the maximll'll Individual Is assumed to have those characteristics that represent averages for their corresponding age group. Thus, the dose calculated Is very conservative compared to the -average-(or typical) dose recipient who does not go out of the way to maximize radioactivity uptakes and exposure.
Page REGULATION Airborne Releases:
,_ ,-App." Table 1-1 Regulatory Doae Umlt Matrtx DOSE TYPE DOSE LlMIT(s) (amuII) Gamma Doee 10 AJt due to Noble Gal 5rnrad 10mrad R8IIoru:IdIIlDer
.... BIta Dole to AJt Cue 10 NabII Gas 10rnrad 20mrad RadIorIICIIdII fDIr reIICtOf unit) CY*BY*170-301 Revision 7 TRM Section 3.11.g 3.1'.g Orpn Doll Due 10 Specltied
===7.5 IMIIII===
15mrem 3.11..h oM ... * ...... ..... I TOIII Body" 8* Tot:IIBody 2.5mrem Srmwn WA Doll (I., dole .. 8111CMd1d)
SIdn 7.5mrem 15 ....... WA TechnIcII SpecIficaIIonI TOIII Body Doll RIel Due 10 Noble Gas 3.111 RadIorIICIIdII (InItII ....... 1ImIt, per .... ) 8Idn Doll ..... Due 10 NGI* Gu 3,000 rnremIyr 3.11.1 (InIIInSanecM-1mII, per 0rgIn Doll .... Due 10 SpecIOed ... 1,500 rnrerNyr 3.11.' NabII GM R8dIanucIIdII (InstanIaneau&
lmILaerlle' LiQufd Releases: (annual) 10CFR50 App. r 1.5rmwn 3mram 3.t1.d 0IaIn Doll mer .-ctar unit) 5mrern 10nuam 3.11.d Techilkal Spec:IftcaIIoI
.. T'he COI ... 1b8lloi. of In liquid Ten IIrMa Ihe vaIueI """'* ....... d to UlWlbkAed
..-IJ8I8d In 1OCFA20 3.11.c Appendix 8; Table 2, Column 2. and note 5 below far Hable Ga88S Total Doses ': OOCM Section II llvn Teal 10.. 100mtenl M U 10CFR20.1301 (d) TOIIIBodw Doll 25 5.6 And 4OCFR1GO 7S 5.5 oe-o.nDoll 25 5.6 Other Umlts ": 4OCFA141 TOIII Body Doll Due to Drtr*Ing w ..
3.4 Ftam.....,.W
...... 0rgIn Dole Due to 0ItnIdng W_ FIGIII 4mre1Wyr 3.4 P\.iIcW"-These doles ant calculabld COfIIid8rfng alllOUfCI8 of racIaIIan and radfoactIvtty In etnu.d8. :2 These limits ant nat dInIc:IIy appIic;ItM to ru:IMr power 1II .. 101la. They .... applicable to the ownera 01 aperakn of pubic water ayatem8. Howewr. the Byron RECS requiAII 8I .... ment of campli8nce wlh the8e hits. I Nate that 1OCFR50 prcMdIa deIIgn objedIveI, not limits. e Compliance with 10CFA20.1301 (a)(1) Is demonsbated by cam .. with 4OCFA190.
Note that It may be neceasary to address dale from on-de actMty by members 01 the pubic as well. I Kr-85m. Kr-85, Kr-87. Kr-88. Ar-41. Xe-131m. Xe-133m. Xe-133. Xe-135m and Xe-135 allowable c:or.OI"b8lkwl1s 2E-4 .,cVm' canputed from EqI radon 17 of.CAP PWIIcaUon 2 adjusted for infinite doud IUbmMlian In water. and R
* 0.01 r.nIWk. Pw. 1.0 gIcm3. a1d P.IP, 1.0. Page 11.1-7 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I Table 1-2 Dose A88es8ment ReceIvera location; Occupancy If Do8e Component or Pathway Different than 100% *Instantaneous*
dose rates from Unrestricted area boundary Iocatfon that airborne radioactivity results In the maximum dose rate *Instantaneous*
concentration limitS In Point where liquid effluents enter the .Ilquld effluents unrestrtcted area Annual average concentration limitS for Point where liquid effluents enter the liquid effluents unrestricted area Direct dose from contai1ed sources Receiver spends part of this time In the controlled area and the remainder at his residence or fishing nearby; occupancy factor is considered and is slte-speciflc.
Direct dose from alrbome plume Receiver is at the unrestricted area boundary location that results In the maximum dose. Dose due to radlolodJnes, tritium and Receiver is at the location In the particulates with half-lives greater than unrestricted area where the combination of 8 days for Inhalation, ingestion of existing pathways and receptor age groups vegetation, mUk and meat, and ground indicates the highest potential exposures.
plane exposure pathways.
Ingestion dose from drinking water The drinking water pathway Is considered as an additive dose component In this assessment only If the public water supply serves the community Immediately adjacent to the plant. Ingestion dose from eating fish The receiver eats fish from the receiving body of water Total Organ Doses Summation of Ingestionlinhalation doses Total Dose Summation of above data (Note it may also be necessary to address dose from on-site activity by members of the public.) figure 1 -1 iUustrates some of the potential radiation exposure pathways to humans due to routine operation of a nuclear power station. Page 11.1-8 Cwl' g ..... Flgure1-1 Radiation Expoaan Pathways to Humane Nudear Power Plant CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 __ ____________ E.-n Human Page 11.1-9 
===1.3 Offstte===
Dose calculation Parameters CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I This section contains offsite dose calculation parameter factors. or values not specific only to one of the gas. liquid. or total dose chapters.
Additional parameters are provided In the SectIons 2. 4 and 5 of the OOCM. 1OCFRSO Dose Commitment Factors With the exception of H-3. the dose commitment factors for 1OCFR50 related calculatiOns are exactly those provided In Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 6). The following table lists the parameters and the corresponding data tables In the RG 1.109: PADtWAY ADULT D5f!WJEB CtILD INfANT Inhalation RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: Table E-7 Table E-8 Table E-9 Table E-10 Ingestion RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: Table E-11 Table E-12 Table E-13 Table E-14 These tables are contained In Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 6). Each table (E-7 through E-14) provides dose factors for seven organs for each of 73 radIonuclldes.
and Table E-5 lists Miscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors -Consumption Parameters.
For radlonuclldes not found In these tables. dose factors will be derived from ICRP 2 (Reference
: 50) or NUREG-0172 (Reference 51). The values for H-3 are taken from NUREG-4013 (Reference 107).
The references listed below were transferred from the previous ODCM revision that was common to all fonner Commonwealth edison nuclear stations.
The references not applicable to Byron have been deleted. however the numbering has been preserved for ease of reference management throughout the ODCM document; therefore.
reference numbering Is not sequential.
: 2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Standard Radiological Efftuent Technical Speclflcatlona for PreSSUrized Water Reactors.
Rev. 3. Draft. January 1983 (frequentty revtsed).
: 4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Measuring, Eyaluattng.
and ReporUng RadloactMty In SoNd Wastes and Releases of Badloactfya Materials In liquid and Gaseous Effluents frpm Ught-Watlr-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants* Regulatory Gylde 1.21. Revision 1. June 1974. ' Page 11.1-10 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 I 5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 0nsJte Meteorological Programs, Regulatory Guide 1.23, Safety Guide 23, February 17, 1972. 6. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, CalculatIon of AmuaI Doses to Mao frpm Routine Beleaas of Reactor EffIuants for the PUrpose of Eyaluatlng Compliance with 10 CFR Pad 50 Appendix I. Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October 1977. 7. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Methods fpr Estimating Atmosphertc Transport and DIspersion of Ge"M Effluents In RoutIne Releases from Ugbt-W8Jar-Coolad Reactgrs.
Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1, July 1977. 8. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, calculation of Releases of Radioactlye MaterIals In Gaseous and Ugutd Effluents from Ught-WaJer:Cooled Power Reactors.
Regulatory Guide 1.112, Rev. o-R, Aprt11978; reissued May 19n. 9. U.S. Nuclear BeguIatoIy Commission, Esllmatlna Aquatic Plsperslon of Effluents frqn Accidental and Roytlna Raaclor ReleaSlS for the Purpose of Implementing APpendIx I. Regulatory Guide 1.113, Rev. 1, AprtI19n.
: 10. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Prpgrams fpr MonitorIng Radloactlytty In the EnvIrons of Nuclear power Plants. Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. " Aprtl 1975. 11. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Preparation of Enytrpnrnantal Reports for Nuclear pPwer StatIons.
Regulatory Guide 4.2, Rev. 2, July 1978. 12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Enytrpnmental Technical SD8Ciflcations fpr Nuclear Power ptants. Regulatory Guide 4.8, Rev. 1, December 1975. (See also the related RadfoIogicaI Assessment Branch Technical PosItIon, Rev. " November 1979.) 13. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Quality AssuraDCI for Radioi0gicai Morito(*1A programs (Normal OparaUorJstEffIuent Straams and the EnyIrpnmem, Regulatory Guide 4.15, Rev. 1, February 1979. 14. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Praparatlgn of Radiological Effluent Technical SpecifIca1Ions for Nyclear pPwer Pfants. edited by J. S. 8oegI1 at aI. NUREG-Ol33, October 1978. 15. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, XOQDOQ; ComPUter prpgram for the MtteorpIoaIcaI Eyaluatlon of Routirw Effluent Releases at Nuclear pPwer Stations.
J. F. Sagendorf et aI. NUREGlCR-2919, PNL-4380, September 1982. 16. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radioi0gicai Assessment.
edited by J. E. nn and H. R. Meyer, NUREG/CR-3332, ORNL-5988, September 1983. 17. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standard BeyIew ptan, NUREG-oaoo, July 1981. Page 11.1-11 CY-BY-17Q-301 Revision 7 I 18. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968. edited by D. H. Slad ** T10-2194O.
July 1968. 19. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
PI,,"e Bise. G. A. Briggs. TlO-25075.
1969. 20. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
The Potential RadlologlcallmDlications of Nucfear FaciIHIeJ In 1he Upper Mlsslsslppt BJyar Basin tn the year 2000. WASH 1209. January 1973. 21. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
HASL Procedures Manual. Health and Safety Laboratory.
HASl-300 (revised annually).
: 22. U.S. Department of Energy, Models and Parameters for Enytronmental Radioi0gicai Assessments.
edited by C. W. MUJer. DOEIT1C-11468.
1984. 23. U.S. Department of Energy. Atmospbarfc ScIence and Power prgduction.
edited by D. Randerson, DOEIT1C-27601, 1984. 24. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Workbook of Atmospberlc DIspersion EstImates.
D. B. Turner, OffIce of Air Programs Publication No. AP-28, 1970. 25. U.S. EnvIronmental Protection Agency, 4OCFB19Q EnyIrpnOllntal RadJatIon ProIlCtton Requirements for Normal OperatIons of ActIyitIes In the Uranlwn Fuel Final Environmental Statement, EPA 52014-78-016.
November 1,1976. 28. U.S. Environmental PJOtectton Agency, Envirprmental Analysis of the Uranium fuel Cycle. EPA-52OI9-73-OO3-C, November 1973. 27. American Society of Mechanical engineers, Reqxnmtnded Guide for the Predldlon of the DIspersion of Airborne Effluents.
1973. 28. Eisenbud.
M., Environmental BadIoactMty.
3td Edition. (Academic Press. Orlando. FL, 1987). 29. Glasstone.
S .* and Jordan, W. H .* Nuclear Power and Its Enyirgnmemal Effects (Amertcan Nuclear SocIety, LaGrange Park. IL, 1980). 30. International Atomic Energy Agency, Genede Models and Parameters fpr Assessing the EnyIrpnmentaI Transfer of Radlonuclldes from RoutIne Releases.
Safety Sertes, No. 57, 1982. 31. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Radiological Assessment PmdlcUog the TransPort.
and Uptake by Man of BadJgnuclldes Released to the EnyIrpoment NCBP Report No. 76. March 15, 1984. Page 11.1-12 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 32. American National Standards Institute, Guide to Sampling Alrbome Radloactlye Matertals In Nuclear Facilities.
ANSI N13.1-1969, February 19, 1969. 33. Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineers, SDeCiflca1ton and perfgrrnaOC8 of Qn.Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monttortna Radloactlytty In Effluents.
ANSI N13.10-1974, September 19, 1974. 34. Amertcan National Standards Institute, Testing and procedural Spedflcatlons for TherrnolllDlnascanc;e Dosimetry (Enylrpnmentaf ApplIcations)'
ANSI N545-1975, August 20, 1975. 35. American Nuclear Insurers, EffhaJt MonItorIng.
ANIlMAElU engineering Inspection Criteria for Nuctear UabOity Insurance, SectIon 5.1, Rev. 2, October 24, 1988. 36. American Nuclear Insurers, Environmental Monitoring, ANIlMAELU EngIneering Inspection Criteria for Nuclear LlabBIty Insurance, Section 5.2, Rev. 1, March 23, 1987. 37. Amertcan Nuclear Insurers, Enytcoomental Monitoring programs.
ANIlMAELU Information Bulletin 86-1, June 9, 1986. 38. Cember, H., Intmduc1Ioo to Health PhysIcs, 2nd EditIon (pergamon Press, 8msford, NY 1983). 41. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Branch Technical position.
Radiological Assessment Branch, RevIsIon 1, November 1979. (This Is a branch position on Regulatory Guide 4.8.) 43. U.S. Nuctear Regulatory Commission, C8IcuIation of ReleaSls of Radioactlye Mattdala In Gaseous and liquid Effluents from presswtzed water Reactors (pwR-GALE Code)' NUREG-0017, April 1976. 49. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Methods for [)emonsIrah LWR Compliance wHb Jhe EPA Uranium Fuet Cycle Standard (40 CEB pan 1901, NUREG-0543, February 1980. SO. International Commission on Radioi0gicai Protection, Report of Committee Two 00 permissible Dose for Intimal Aett1eUnn, Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, leRP Publication 2, 1959. 51. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Aga-SpacIfIc Radiation
[)ose Commitment factors for a Qne.VU' CbrpnIc Intake, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, NUREG-G172,1977.
: 52. W. C. Ng, Transfer CoeffIcIents for Prediction of the Dose to Mao yIa the E9RlQI=Cow-M1Ik Pathway from BadJonuclides Released to the Biosphere, UCRL-51939. . Page 11.1-13 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 53. E. C. Smutls and M. G. Konicek, Oerlyatioos of ContinUOUS Euncdons for the Lateral and Vertical Atmospheric DisPersion Coefficients.
Atmospheric Environment 6,859 (1972). 54. D. C. Kocher, editor, NUcfear Decay Data for Radlonucl!des Occurring In RQutine ReleaseS from Nuclear Fuel Cycle FactUties.
ORNUNUREGlTM-102, August 19n. 55. R. L Hea1h. Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalog, Aerojet Nuclear Co ** ANCR-1QOO-2.
third or subsequent edition. 56. S. E. Thompson.
Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements In edible Aquatic Organisms.
Rev. 1. 1972. 57. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Instruction Concerning Risks from OccupatIona J Radiation ExPosure, Regulatory Guide 8.29, July 1981. 58. Dresden Nuclear Power Station. Rad!oactiye waste and Eoytronmental Monltprtno.
Annual Report 1987. March 1988. 59. Reserved reference number 70. D. C. Kocher. Badloactiytly Decay Data Tables. OOEITIC-11026.
1981. 71. J. C. Courtney, A Handbook of Radlattpn Shielding Data, ANSlSD-76114.
July 1976. 75. Sargent & Lundy. MEJWRSUM, S&L Program Number 09.5.187-1.0.
: 76. Sargent & Lundy. Comments on CECa ODCM and Ust of SAl calculations.
Internal Office Memorandum, P. N. Oerezotes to G. R. Davidson.
November 23. 1988. n. Sargent & Lundy, AZN. A ComPUter Prpgram to C&lculata Annual Average 0ffsIte [)oses from Routine Releases of Radionuclides in Gaseous Effluents and PostacckIent
)({Q YaIuas. S&L Program Number 09.8.054-1.7.
: 78. NatIonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
A program for Evaluating Atmospheric ptspendon frpm a Nuclear Power Station. J. F. Sagendorf.
NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-42. Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls. Idaho. May 1974. 79. *G. P. Lahti, R. S. Hubner, and J. C. Golden, Assessment of Gamma-Bay EmosuI'lS Que to Finite Plumes. Health PhysIcs 41, 319 (1981) . . Page 11.1*14 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 I 80. National Council of RadiatiOn Protection and Measurements.
ionizing Radiation ExDoswe of the POPUlation of tbt United States. NeRP Report No. 93, September 1, 1987. 82. W. R. Van Pelt (EnvIronmental Analysts, Inc.), Letter to J. Golden (ComEd) dated January 3, 1972. 84. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pratt Gloede ErwlrpomenJallmpact Statemtntoo Uranium Mb. NUREG-0511, April 1979. 85. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EnvIronmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycfe. Part 1-Fuel SupoIy. EPA-52019-73-003-8, October 1973. 88. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, FInal Generic EnyIroomantat S1atement on the Usa of BecycIa Auton!"" In MIxed OxIde FueI!n Light water Cooled Reactors.
NUREG-0002, August 1976. 87. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
pemograRhIc Statistics Pertaining to Nuclear Power Reactgr SHea. NUREG-0348, Draft, December 1977. 88. Nuclear News 31, Number 10, Page 69 (August 1988). 89. General ElectrIc Company. InadlaJad FwI Storage at Morris Operation.
Operating Experience RePOrt. January 1972 tbrpygh December 1982. K. J. Egar, NEDO-20969B.
go. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 89-01, -Guidance For The Implemantatlon of programmatic Controls For RETS In lbe Admlnlstratlye Contrpls SectIon of Tecbnlcal SoecHIcatlons and 1be Relocation of prgcedural Details or Current RETS to '" 0ffsIta [)ose CalculatIon Manual or prgcess ContrpI Program-, January 1989. 92. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER)IIdaho NotIonal EngIneering laboratory Technical Evaluation Report (TER) of the Commonwealth Edison 0ffsIte Dose C8Jculation Manual (ODCM). Revision OA. December 2, 1991. 95. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standards for protection AgaInst RadIatIon (lOCFR20).
: 96. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Uceoslna of Prpduction and UUllzaIIon FacUlties (lOCFR50).
-97. Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 169, Monday, August 31, 1992, page 39358. 98. MUler. Chartes W., Models and Parameters for Enylrpomental Radioi0gicai AsSBssrnents, U.S. Dept. of Energy. DE8102754, 1984. pages 32,33,48.
and 49.
CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 99. Kocher, D. C., -Dose-Rate Conversion Factors For External Exposure To Photons and EIectrons-, Health Physics Vol. 45, No.3 (September), pp. 665-686,1983.
100. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Public Health Service, Radiological Health Handbook.
January 1970. 101. OOCM Bases and Reference Document, rev.O, November, 1998. 103. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 79-041, September 17, 1979. 104. Federal Register, Vol. 56, No. 98, Tuesday, May 21, 1991, page 23374, column 3. 1 OS. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 0ffsIte Dose C8iculatlon Manual Guidance:
Standard Radioi0gicai EmueDt ContrpIs for Prassyrlztd Water Reactors, NUREG-1301, April 1991. 107. U.S. Nuctear Regulatory Commission, LADTAP 11-Technical Reference and Users Guide, NUREG-4013, April 1986. 1 OS. Holtec Report No. HI-2084113, Dose Versus DIstance from a HI-STORM 100s Version B COntatning the MPC-32 for ByronIBraidwood.
HoItec International, 8114108. Page 11.1-18 Table 1 *3 CY -BY *170-301 Revision 7 I MIsceDaneous Dose Assessment Factors: Environmental Parameters Parameter Value Comment fa 0.76 fL 1.0 fl) 1.0 f. 1.0 fa>> 262,800 30 years hrs It 48hrs Cow Milk Pathway It 480hrs Cow Meat Pathway " 1440hrs 60 dayS for produce " 2160 hrs 90 dayS for produce fa. 24hrs 1 day for leafy V8Qtttables QF 50 Kgfday r 1.0 Forlodlnes r 0.2 For PartIculates Yp 0.7 .Kafm2 Y. 2.0 Y v 2.0 Kgfm2 Aw 0.0021 hr-l H 8gm1m" Absolute AUI ""'tIheric Humidity 'BasIs key: A; Reference
: 6. Table E-15. B: Reference
: 6. Table E-3. EQuation BasIS-4-11.4-12 A 4-11.4-12 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-9 C 4-13 A 4-15 A 4-11 A 4-15 A 4-11 A 4-13.4-14.4-15.
B 4-16 4-11.4-13.4-15 A 4-11.4-13.4-15 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-11 A 4-11. 4-13. 4-15 A 4-12.4-14.4-16 0 C: The parameter fa>> Is taken as the midpoint of plant operating life (based upon an assumed 60 year plant operating lifetime).
0: Reference
: 14. SectIon Page 11.1-17 Element H Be C F He tAg p a AI K Ca Sc TI V Cr Mn Fe Co N Cu Zn Ga Ga M S. 8r Kr Rb Sr Y ZI Nb Met Tc Au Rh Pd Cd In Sn Sb AI Te I CI Sa La Pr Nd Table 1 -4 Stable Element Transfer Data F, Meat (dIkg) 1.2E42 3.1E42 3.0&#xa3;42 1.5E42 4.8E42 NA 1.8E42 1.8E43 3.4E42 8.0&#xa3;.04 4.0&#xa3;42 1.3E-02 5.3E-02 3.0&#xa3;-02 1.5E-02 8.1E.04 1.7E-02 7.7E-02 2.8E.03 NA 3.1E-02 8.0E.04 4.8E.03 3.4E-02 8.0E.03 4.0E41 1.5E.03 5.3E-02 3.0&#xa3;42 1.5E42 9. 1 E.04 5.0E.03 1.7E42 7.7E42 2.8E.03 NA 4.0&#xa3;.03 3.2E.03 2.0E.04 1.2E.03 4.7E.03 3.3E.03 Fu(Cow) Milk (dIU 1.0E. 3.2E.03 1.2E. 1.4E. 4.0E. 3.2E-03 1.3E.03 2.5&#xa3;. 1.4&#xa3;. NA 7.2E.03 1.1E.Q2 7.5E-Oe &.OEoOe 1.3E.03 2.2E.03 2.5E004 1.2E.03 1.0E.03 8.7E.03 1.4&#xa3;.Q2 3.9E. 1.3E.03 9.8E.05 5.OEo04 1.0E.03 2.2E.Q2 NA 3.0E.Q2 8.0E004 1.0&#xa3;.Q5 5.oeoOe 2.5E.03 7.5E.03 2.5E. 1.0E. 8.7E.03 2.0&#xa3;.Q2 1.3E.03 9.8E.05 2.0E-05 5.0&#xa3;. 1.0E.03 e.OE.03 NA 1.2E.Q2 4.0E-04 5.0&#xa3;4 1.0&#xa3;-04 5.0&#xa3;4 5.0&#xa3;4 Pagetl.1*18 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 Reference 8 FootnoI81 8 Footnot82 8 Footnote 1 Footnota3 8 FooInote2 NA 18 18 Footnota4 Footnot85 F00In0Ia8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Footnota3 Footnote 7 FootnoI88 Footnote 9 F, FooInoIa 2;F .. ffom Ref. 18 NA 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 e 8 FocI4note 10 foon*11 FocItI'dt3 Footnote 7 98 8 8 8 NA 8 8 8 8 e 8 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 Table 1
* 4 (Conrd) Stable Element Transfer Data F, F.,(Cow) Element MeatCdlkg)
Reference Pm 18 Sm 2.0E-08 18 Eu 18 Gd 18 Dy 18 Er 18 Tm 18 Vb 18 Lu 18 Hf 3.4E-G2 5.0E4 FootnoI85 Ta 2.8E'()1 1.3E-03 Fit -ReI.18; F, -F00In0fe 8 W 1.3E-03 8 Re 1.0E'()1 1.3E-03 Fit -Ref.1S; F, -Footnote 12 Oa 2.2E'()1 8.QE.04 FoonM13 Ir 7.3E-03 5.5E-03 FoonM14 PI S.3E-G2 8.7E.()3 FooInOtiI10 AIJ 1.3E-G2 3.2E-G2 Fooh*15 Hg 3.0E-G2 9.7E-08 Fit -Ref.18; F, *FooInote 11 n 1.5E-G2 1.3E-03 Fit* Ref.18; F, .footnc*t 3 Pb 88 BI 1.7E-02 98 Ra 5.8E-04 98 Th 1.8E-08 5.0E4 98 U 1.8E4 98 Np 8 Am 1.8E-08 2.0E.()5 88 ..... 1. NA -It .........
thai nabla eu-.. ,.,._ C 1.111 on .. gI'OIIIS.
: 2. ElllMnllIIIIIICI
..... 00I'eIIS1 Id lor 10CFR110 __ end CCIfIIJlIIIIOL Thn .......... "end,. ..-thal ... ,.,. bIId In ..............
In ...........
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...... .......
..... In .. _coUIIftd
.. pedodIc ...... The ... d ...... In ...... oaIumnd .. perIOdIc ...........
.. 71 ..... ,01, .... .-.gIId ... .....,.,., ...........
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_ UIId lor III oaIIInnI ...................
__ ellDlploaIIIMM.
....... _ nodllll, ..........
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Latest revision as of 06:04, 18 March 2019

Byron Station ODCM Revision 7 Change Summary Matrix, ODCM Table of Contents, Cover Page - Page II.1-19
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2012
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BYRON 2012-0038 CY-BY-170-301, Rev 7
Download: ML12229A532 (45)





.1.3-1 3.13 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM ................................

1.3-2 4.0 BASES ................................................................................................







11.1-1 1.1 Str1Jcture of tI1e OOCM ...............................................................................

11.1-1 1.2 Regulatlor1S


11.1-2 1.2.1 Code of Federal Regulations


11.1-2 1.2.2 Radiological Effluent Technical Standards


11.1-5 1.2.3 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ....................................

1I.1-S 1.2.4 Overtapplng Requirements


11.1-5 1.2.5 Dose Receiver Methodology


11.1-6 1.3 0ffsHe Dose calculation Parameters


11.1-10 1.4 Referef1C:88

                                                                                                          • .**...*******************

11.1-1 0 2.0 INSTRUMENTATION AND SYSTEMS ................................................

11.2-1 . 2.1 lJquId Effluent System Description


11.2-1 2.1.1 Release Tanks ...........*....................................*..............

11.2-1 2.1.2 Turbine BuIlding Fire and oa Sump ................................

11.2-1 2.1.3 Condensate Polisher SUmp ............................................

11.2-1 2.2 lJqutd Effluent Radiation t..biIors


11.2-2 2.2.1 LJquJd Radwaste Effluent ...................................

11.2-2 2.2.2 Station Slowdown


11.2-2 2.2.3 Reactor Containment Fan Cooler (RCFC) and Essential Service Water (SX) Outlet Une Monitor ..........

11.2-2 2.2.4 Turbine Building Fire and Oil Sump MonHor ...................

1I.2-2 2.2.S Condensate PolIsher Sump Monitor ...............................

11.2-2 2.2.8 Component Cooling Water MonItors ..............................

11.2-2 2.3 liquid Radiation effluent Monitors Alarm and Trip


11.2-3 2.3.1 StatiOn Slowdown Monitor ..............................................

11.2-3 2.3.2 liquid Radwaste Effluent Monitor ...................................

11.2-3 2.3.3 Other Uquld Effluent Monitors ........................................

1I.2-S 2.3.4 Conversion Factors ***.*.***********.*.***.******...*.*********.**.**.*.***

11.2-6 Page 1 of8 PART II

  • QOCM CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 2.3.5 Allocation of Effluent from Common Release Points ..............................................................................

11.2-8 2.3.6 Solidification of WastesIProcess Control prog:ram *.........................*......*............*..........................

11.2-6 2.4 G8880IJS System De-scrlptton

  • .*.*.....*............................

11.2-6 2.4.1 Waste Gas Holdup System ............................................

11.2-6 2.4.2 Ventilation Exhaust Treatment System ..........................

11.2-6 2.5 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors ........................................

11.2-7 2.5.1 Awdliary Building Vent Effluent Monitors ........................

11.2-7 2.5.2 ContaInment Purge Effluent Monitors .............................

11.2-7 2.5.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitors ...................................

11.2-8 2.5.4 Gland Steam and Condenser AIr Ejector ******.******.*..*.*.****.***.**.****..**.........*......................

11.2-8 2.5.5 Radwaste BuJldlng Ventilation Monitor ...........................

11.2-8 2.6 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Alarm and Trip Setpolnts


11.2-8 2.6.1 Auxiliary BuIlding Vent Effluent Monitors ........................

11.2-8 2.6.2 ContaInment Purge Effluent Monitors .............................

11.2-9 2.6.3 Waste Gas Decay Tank Effluent Monitors ......................

11.2-9 2.6.4 Gaseous Effluent Release Umits ...................................

11.2-9 2.8.5 Relea,se MlxbJre .............................................................................

11.2-1 0 2.6.6 Conversion Factors ......................................................

11.2-10 2.6.7 HVAC Dilution Flow Rates ...........................................

11.2-10 2.6.8 Allocation of Efftuents from Common Release PoInts ........................................................ , ..................

11.2-10 2.6.9 Dose Proiections for Batch Releases ...........................

11.2-10 3.0 LIQUID EFFlUENTS

  • .*..*..*.**.....***.*..*.**.**.*..............*.............*.....*.*..*..

11.3-1 3.1 UquId Effluent Releases -Generallnfonnatlon


! ..............

I1.3-1 3.2 liquid EflllI8nt Col1C8ntrations

            • ..*.***.*.*.*...*....*.*.*.......*.*.*.**.**

11.3-2 3.3 UquId Effluent Dose Calculation RequJrements


11.3-4 3.4 Dose At1etl1odolc)gy

            • .*****************.*.***.******.*...**...*....****.**..*.*.***

11.3-4 3.5 Site SpecifIc Dose Factors and Bioaccumuiation Factors .......................................................................................



11.4-1 4.1 Gaseous Effluents



11.4-1 4.2 Gaseous Effluents

-Dose and Dose Rate calculation Requirements

  • ....** "."" **. " .*. I.""" *********

,,"" ********* " ***** " ** " *********

,," I *** " ****** 11.4-2 4.2.1 Instantaneous Dose Rates .............................................

11.4-2 4.2.2 Time Averaged Dose from Noble Gas ............................

11.4-5 4.2.3 Time Averaged Dose from Non*NobIe Gas RadlorltJclides


11.4-9 Page 2 of 8 PART 11-OOCM CY *BY *170-301 Revision 7 I 5.0 TOTAL DOSE .................


11.5-1 5.1 Total Dose Calculation Requirements

  • .......*..*...*.......................

11.5-1 5.1.1 Total Effective Dose Equivalent Umils. 1OCFR20 and 4OCFR190 ...............................................................

II.5-1 5.1.2 ISFSI .............................................................................

11.5-1 5.1.3 Total Dose Calculation Methodology


11.5-2 5.2 Onsite Radwaste and Rad Material Storage Facilities


11.5-2 5.2.1 Process Waste Storage Facilities


11.5-2 5.2.2 DAW Storage Facilities


11.5-2 5.2.3 Replaced Steam Generator Storage Faculties


11.5-3 5.2.4 ISFSI Facilities


11.5-3 5.3 Metl1oclology


11.5-3 5.4 Total Dose **...*.*................*.........*........*.*.........*.........*...............

11.5-4-5.5 Compliance to Total Dose Umits ..............................................

11.5-4-5.5.1 Total Effective Dose equivalent Umit -1OCFR20 CompUance


11.5-4 5.5.2 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Unrestrtcted Area ....................................... , ...................

11.5-4 5.5.3 Dose to a Member of the Public in the Restricted Area ................................................................................

11.5-5 5.5.4 Total Dose Due to the Uranium Fuel Cycle (4OCFR190)


11.5-5 5.6 When Compliance Assessment is Required .............................

11.5-6 6.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROORAM *..******.*.....******.*******..****.***.*****.*******....*...**..*...*.****.*.....*******

11.8-1 Page3of8 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I ODCM TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES PART 1-RAPIOLOGICAL EFfLUENT CONTROLS Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Frequet'1ICy


1.1-4 Compliance Matrix ...................................................................

1.1-5 PART II -OOCM Table 1-1 Table 1-2 Table 1-3 Table 1-4 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7 Table 3-8 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Regulatory Dose Umit Matrix .................................................

11.1-7 Dose AsseSSll1ent Receivers


11.1-8 MIscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors: Environmental Parameters


II .1-17 Stable Element Transfer Data ..............................................

11.1-18 Liquid RadIoaCtIve Effluent Monitors ....................................

11.2-11 Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Monitors ...............................

11.2-12 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Noble Gas Effluent ...**..............***.*...*.....*.......***..**.*...***.*..........*...........*

11.2-13 Assumed Composition of the Byron Station Liquid Efftuent " .......................

1 ******** I ...................................................................... " 11.2-14 Site SpecIfIc Potable Water Dose Factors for Adult Age GrollP ................................................................................................................. " 11.3-9 Site SpecIfIc Potable Water Dose Factors for Teen Age GrotJp .............................................*.....................................

11.3-11 Site Spedflc Potable Water Dose Factors for Child Age Group .***....*.........*....***..*..............................*..............*.......*

11.3-13 Sfte Specific Potable Water Dose Factors for Infant Age Group ..................................................*................................

11.3-15 Site Specific Ash Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult Age Grotjp ....*.....*.......**.......................*.*.*..............*.*..........*......*

11.3-17 Site SpecIfIc Ash Ingestion Dose Factors for Teen AIJ8 Group *.........***.*..***.............*.......**..*..*.**...*....*.............*.....**.

19 Site SpecIfIc Ash Ingestion Dose Factors for Child Age GI'OlIP *******.*.


Sloaccurnulation Factors to be used In the Absence of Stte-Specific Data ..***...***.******.*..................*......*

11.3-23 XJQ and OIQ Maxima at or Beyond the Unrestricted Area Bouooary .**.**...*............**.***..**.**...**.*........*......*****...*..*

11.4-20 I X1Q aoo OIQ Maxima at or Beyooo the Restricted Area Boundary ..............................................................................

11.4-21 I MaxImum Offsite Gamma-X/Q


I1.4-22 XIQ aoo O/Q at the Nearest Resident locations within 5 miles ................................


11.4-23 J Page4of6 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I OOCM TABLE OF CONTENTS UST OF TABLES PARr II -ODCM Table 4-5 Table 4-7 Table 4-8 Table 4-9 Table 4-10 Table 4-11 Table 4-12 Table 4-13 Table 4-14 Table 4-15 Table 4-16 Table 4-17 Table 4-18 Table 4-19 TabJe4-20 Table 4-21 Table 4-22 Table 4-23 Table 4-24 Table 4-25 Table 4-26 Table 4-27 Table 4-28 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 X/Q and OIQ at the Nearest Cow MUk locations within 5 miles .....................................................................................

11.4-24 I XJQ and D/Q at the Nearest Cow Milk Meat locations wID1ln 5 miles ..*****..***.*************.**.*****.***********.********************.***

11.4-25 t Ground Plane Dose Factors .................................................

11.4-2 6 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Grourtd ******.*****.**********.*******.*.**.*.*.*.***.*.*.**..*

I ************************

11.4-28 Adult Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................

11.4-31 Teen InhalatiOn Dose Factors ..............................................

11.4-33 Child Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................

11.4-35 Infant Inhalation Dose Factors ..............................................

11.4-37 Adult Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................

11.4-39 Teen Vegetation Dose Factors .............................................

11.4-41 Child Vegetation Dose FacIOrs ******.******.**.*.******..*.***.*..*.*****..

II.4,-43 Adult Grass-Cow-Mlik Dose Factors ....................................

11.4-45 Teen Grass-Cow-Mlik Dose Factors ....................................

11.4-47 ChIld Grass-Cow-Mlik Dose Factors ....................................

11.4-49 Infant Grass-Cow-MiIk Dose Factors ....................................

11.4-51 Adult Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................

11.4-53 Teen Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ....................................

11.4-55 ChUd Grass-Goat-Mllk Dose


I1.4-57 Infant Grass-Goat-Milk Dose Factors ...................................

11.4-59 Adult Gras&-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................

11.4-61 Teen Gras&-Cow-Meat Dose Factors ...................................

11.4-63 Child G....cow-Meat Dose Factors ..**..**....*.*...*..............**

11.4-65 Byron StallOI1 Characteristics


11.4-87 Dose Factors for I'IobIe Gases .............................................

11.4-68 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Progrsm ................

11.6-2 Latitudellongttude PosItIons of REMP samples ..................


  • OOCM figure 1*1 Figure 1*2 figure 1*3 figure 2*1 figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 6-1 figure 6-2 FIgUre 6-3 Figure 6-4 Figure 6-5 Radiation Exposure Pathways to Humans ........................

11.1-9 Removed -See Figure 6-1 .........*..**........................................**....

Restricted Area Boulldary

  • .*........*...*......*.*......*..*.****..**........

11.1-20 Simplified HVAC & Gaseous Effluent Flow Diagram ............

11.2*15 Simplified Liquid Radwaste Processing Diagram ................. 11.2-17 Uquld Release Flow Patft *....*....*......***.............*.**..*.............

11.2-18 Onslte AJr Sampling Locations and Site Boundary ...............

11.6-11 Offsite AJr Sampling locations


11.6-12 Inner Rlr.g & Outer Ring TLO Locations


11.6-13 Ingestion

& Waterborne Exposure Pathway Sample Locatbns ..*.**.......*......**


11.6-14 J Site Layout and Exclusion Area .............................................



CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 1.1 AC11QNS &hal be that part a RequIrement that preICIIJea RequIred AcIIons to be 1aken under deIIgnaIed CondIIion8 within apec:IfIed Completion TImes. 1.2 QWlEL CMJINlHIt shall be the adlustment.

as neceaary, the channel so that It respand8 wtIhIn the required range and accuracy to knOwn Inputs. The CHANNEL CALIBRATION IhaII encampaathe entire c:hannII, Incld1g the required sensor, alarm, Interlock, display, nt trip I\n:tiana.

CaIbr8IIon Instrument c:hanneIa with Relll.a Temperature Detector (RTD) or IhennoCaupIe sensors may consIIt an In place quaIftatIve asaeaament sensor behavior and normal caIbratfon the rwnair*1g adJUIt8bIe dIIVtcIIln the channel. The CHANNa. CAUBRATION may be performed by ,..,. 8Irf ..... aequentIaI.

CMrIappiIg calibndlalli or total channel .... 10 that the nJnt c:hanneIls caIIJnded.

1.3 CIWItB. QIECK IhaII be the quantItaIhIe asaessment, by observaIIon, channel behavior during opeIlIIIon.

This determination 1haIIInckIde, where poaibIe, compartaon of the channel IndIc8IIan and IbIlus to aIher nlcdalli or statue dartved from IndIpIIldInt Instrument channell measuring the same pnmetar. 1.4 CHNIEL opIBATIQtW.lIIT (COT) IhaII be the Injecllan 01 a anulaled Of actual.., Into the channel 88 dole to the sensor as practIc:III*t to wrtfy the OPERABIUTY required aIann, Intertoc:k, display and trip fundIonI.

The COT shaJllndude adjuItmentI, as necessary, of the .... alarm, Int8rtoc:k, and trtp aelpailtl so that the teIpaIn1a ant wIIhIn the required ,... and aca.ncy. 1.5 QOSI ECIJIYN '"! f.11111ha11 be that conualbllon 011-131 (mlcroCurlellgram) that alone would produce the sam. tt¥Oid dole 88 the quantity and mixtln 011-131, 1-132. 1-133. I-134, and 1-1351C1ua1y pre I Int. The dole corwenIan factDra UIed for thll caJc!!IaIIon 8haII be thole IIted In Table III of Tll>1484t, AEC, 1982. "C*dIIHan of OIstaIa FactanI for Power and Test ReactarSllll.-orthola listed In Tablee*7of R.gulllDyGuide 1.109, Rev. 1 , NRC, 1m, or ICRP 30. Supplement to Part 1, pagee192*212, Table TIlled. "Committed 00Ie EquIvalent In Target Organa or TIsaues per Intake Unit AdIvIty. or Federal Guidance Report 11, "limiting V.-s of RIdonuclldlt Intake and All Concetlb8llcW1 and Dolle CorweIWon Factors for Inhaldon, Subm .... and Ingeslla .. : 1988, (Table 2.1. Expaeure-to-Doe Corwersian Factors for 1nhaIIdan).

1.8 fRECIJEttCy.

Table 1-1 providM the defii*IanI of vartaua frequIncIes for which 8UfY8I11anceS, sampling, etc., ant performed

&ness defined 0IheIwiIe.

The 25% variance ahaIl nat be applied to OperabilIty AcIIan ..... m.nll. The baeI to IrnprcMMI Tectitdcal SpecIftcaIIan

3.0.2 provide

ct.1ftcaIIaI1i to this requirement.


-When "lmmedlalltf 18 used as a completion am. the Required Ac:tIan should be p&nUId wfthOut delay and In a controlled manner. 1.8 '.'.., Of" puIUC ahaIlncIude all persons who ant nat OCQ!pIIIianaIy 8ISOCiaIad wtIh the plant. ThiI c:aI8gary does nat Indude empqeas 01 the 1icIn8ee, ill cantractors Of .Mba and per8ClllI who enter the ale to eeMca equipment or to make deItverieI.

ThIs C8IegOIy does Include persona who UN paItianI 01 the sfbt for recreatIanaI, OCQIp8IIcnaI.

or 0Iher purpasee nat 118ac1ated with the plant. 1.9 laallhall carNIpOnd to any one InduIive comblnallan 01 c:cn reactivity c:andltIan.

power IeYeI. 8¥8I'IIge ructor coolant lemperabn, and reactor veaeI head closure bait tenlklnlng specifted In TRM Table T1.1-1 wiIh fuel In the reactor ...... Page 1.1*1 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 1.10 QCCUPAJJQIW.

DOlI mem181he dose receUad by an individual In the course of etnpqment in which the IndMduaI's

__ ted duties InvotWt expoue to racIaIicn 8I\dI<< to radioadive material from IIcIn8ed and wtlicen8ld 1OUn:es of radiation.

wheIhar in the po88888ion of the Iicen ... or oIher person. Occupational dose does not Include dole fran backgr'CU'd

,....,. as a pIIIInt fran mecIcaI prac1IcIs, fran partIcIpaIian In rnecIcaI research program8, or 81 a member of the pubic. 1.11 A system, subsyaIem, train, component.

<< device ahaI be QIJIRAIII or have QPIM8LD'Y when lis capable 01 perfcrmlng Its spedfled safely functians(s) and when an neceasary atteIldant COIItroIa, nonnal or emergency eIactricaI power. coaling and seal water, UHtcaIIon, and 0Iher audary equipment that 818 raquIred for the system, aubsy8tam, train, component.

or device to p8Iform Its specified safety hn:IIGn(s) are also capable 01 performing IheIr ,..... support hn:IIan(s).

1.12 PRocess CONTRCI. PBOQIWI (PCP) shall c:antaIn the a.rrent formulae, sampling.

analyses, tests, and delennlnatlallS to be made to ensure that procesUIg and packaging of lOUd radIoadIve

...... baed on demoMItBled procesUIg of actual or simulated wet solid wasles will be accomplished In such

  • W8'/ as to assure complianclwlh 10 CFA Parts 20, 81. and 71, State NG'daHons, burial ground requftments n 0Iher requirements governing the disposal 01 solid radIoadIve

...... 1.13 ptJRQfIPU8QIIIIlhaII be any controlled ptOCeSS 01 discharging air or gas fran 8 confinement to mai1taIn ...........

snssur-. humtdIy, concIi*8Ikln or ottw operaIIng condition, In such

  • manrw that air or gas Is required to purify the COIlffil8ment.

1.14 861W) IHE8MN. powER 8haII be

1.15 IWJICI Q<<IC8. EffLlJENI CQNTBOLI MQ IUf'YEILLNtCII IBECI) are In accord8nce wIIh Technical Requirementl Manual (TAM) and the Code 01 Federal Regulallons.

1.18 MQIQI.OQICM.I!fM8QNM""Ab MONIIQRINQ PBOQIWIIREMPI are In accordance with Byran Technlclll RequhrnenII Manual (TAM) and the Code 01 Federal Reguladons.

1.17 IlJ'lIOUIIQARY shall be 1hat line beyond which, the land Is neilher owned, nor leased, nor OChIrwtse conIrOIIed by the 1Ic:ensM.

1.18 IQUQlflCADON shall be the conversion 01 wet wastes Into 8 form that meets &hipping and burial gRU\d requIremen1s.

1.19 IQUIICI QfECK shall be the qualltatNe aaaeliment of channel reaponse when the channel ..." ,. expaeed to 8 eource 0I1nc:Na8ed radloactl¥tty.

1.20 THERM POWER ahaI be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to the reactor coolant. 1.21 D.CQ.TEQtIIC8.I.MI1NQ cgp!IOH FOR 0fJEM110N Umltlng CondItIon for OperatIon as listed In the TAM. 1.22 DCHIIC8. BIAUI8IMI!NTI MH!J!L IIBIQ ChapIer 3.11 coman the RadioIogk:aI Effluent Controls and Survelances (RECS). Chapter 3.12 contains the RadkWJgIcaJ EnvIronmental Monltortng Propn (AeMP). 1.23 UNAA' BIG 'CD MU means an ..... access to which Is neither Umlted nor controlled by the tal ..... Page 1.1-2 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 1.24 yENJ1L6nqt IXtWIST TREATMENT SXSTIM 8haII be any system designed and Installed to ,.... gaseous radklGdIne 01 racfIoactIw matertalln particulate form In effIuanta by paaa/ng ventilation 01 vent exhaust gaaas c:hanxJaI ad80rbers ancUor HEPA filters for the purpose 01 removing iodIneI 01 partJQdate8 from the gueoua exhaust sn.n prior to the ..... to the erwIronmenl Such a aystem Is not conItdIred to hIM any effect on noble gas efftuentI.

EngNered Safety FeaIures Atmosphertc Cleanup SyatMls are not considered VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components.

1.25 ycNTINQ shall be any c:ontroIIed process of air 01 gas from a conflnement to malntai'llemperature, preaunt, humidity, conc:e"bidlol1 01 OCher GpIIating condition, In such a manner that replacement air 01 gas Is not provided 01 required during VENTING. Vent. used In system names. doaa not Imply a VENTING process. 1.26 WMTE QM HOLQUP SYSTEM shall be any system designed and Installed to reduce radloactive gaseous etfIuInts by coIIedIng Reactor Coolant System off-gases from the Reactor Coolant System and providing for delay 01 holdup for the purpose 01 reducing the total radkl8ctfvtly prior to release to the envIrOnment.

1.%7 DefInitions Peculiar to Dose to Membera 01 the Pubic using the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (OOCM) Computer Program. L ACTUAl..

  • ACTUAl ,.,. to ustng known release data to project the dole to members of the public for the previous time period. ThiI data II stored In the daeahaae and used to dImonsbate compliance wtth the reporting requirements 01 the OOCM. b. PROJECTEp
  • PROJECTED refers to usi1g known reIeaae data from the previous time period 01 esIImated release data to forecast a future dose to members 01 the ptdc. this data Is not Incorporated Into the database.

Page 1.1-3 S-Shiftly O-Oaily W-Weeldy B-BMllldy M-Monthly Q -Quarterty SA -Semiannually A-Annually R -Refuel Cycle SIU -Startup NA P-PrIor Table 1-1 FREQUENCY NOTATIONS*

At least once per 12 hcMn At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> At least once per 7 days At least once w.ry 14 days At Iea8t once per 31 days At .... once per 92_ At .... once per 184 days At least once per 386 day8 At least once per 18 months PrIor to each ructar ataI1Up Not applicable PrIor to each reIeaae CY -BY -170-301 Revtslon 7 -Each frequency requIrwMnt IhaII be performed within the apecifted ttmelnteMlJ with the maxmWYt allowable extentb1 not to exceed 2S% d the frequency Interval.

The 2S% Y8Itance shall not be applied to Operability Action stalementa.

The bales to rrs 3.0.2 provide c:IartficadOnI to fils requirement.

Theae frequency notations do not apply to the EnvIronmental Monitoring Program as descrI)ed In TAM 3.12. Page 1.1-4 R ...... 10CFA50 AppendIx I 10CFA20 40CFR 190 reference.

aIIopartof 10CFA20) Tec:hwal SpecifIcaIIons Technical Table 1-2 COMPLIANCE MATRIX OOCII Dole Component LImIt Eaudan 1. Gamma air dose and beta au dose due to 4-4 airborne radIoecIIYlty In effluent plume. 4-5 & Total body and skin dose due to airborne 4-8 In effluent plume ant 4-7 only If cer1afn gamma and bICB air dose crftarIa .. exceeded.

2. Dose for d organs and 81 four age groups 4-8 due to IodInes and partlcllIatea In effluent pUne. AI palhwaya ant consideIed.
3. Dose for aI organa and aD four age groups 3-3 due to In lIQuid efftuentB.
1. Total DoN. totaIng aD external dole 5-2 components (dInIct, gnxmd and pUne shine) and Internal dose (81 palhwaya, boIh aIrbame and ... ,.... . 1. Total dose due to direct dose. 5-1 grant and pane ahN from all sources at a statIan. 2. Organ doses to an aduJt due to all 3-3 4-8 1.

tcMl body. skin and organ 4-1 dose rabIS to a child due to radIoactMty In 4-2 aIrbome efftuenta.

For the organ dose, only 4-3 Inhalation II considef8d.


concentration linlla for liQuId effluents.

3-1 1. RadIoat.1Ne Effluent R .... Report NA Page 1.1-5 REC 3.1'.g NlA 3.1'.h 3.11.d 3.1'.k 3.11.f 3.1'.c 5.2 -CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 Technical

-,-, 5.5.4.h NlA 5.5.4.d 5.5.4.C 5.5.4.g 5.5.4.b 5.8.2

..... . ReguIIIIon 1OCFR50 AppendIx I SectIon IV.B.2 10CFR50 Appendix I SectIon IV.B.3 1OCFR50 AppendIx I SectIon IV.B.2 10CFR50 AppendIx I SectIon IV.B.2 n Technical

-Table 1*2 Page2of2 COMPLIANCE MATRIX Component Umlt 1.lmpllment EnWaunental MonIarIng PI\1gram.

1. Land u.. CensuI 1. Intertaboratory Compartson Program 1. Annual RadiaIogIcaI Envirannentlll Opeeatfng Report PageLl-6 ODCM TAM NJA 3.12.8 NJA 3.12.b NlA 3.12.c NlA 5.1 -CY -BY-170-301 Revision 7 Technical

_,_, NlA NJA NlA 5.8.2 3.11 NOTE: 3.0.51hrough 3.10 Not Used CY -BY -17()..3()1 Revision 7 NOTE: SEE TAM Qwpter 3.11 far AadIaIogk;aI EJftuentII ContraIl and SwwIIanceI (RECS) and TAM Chapter 3.12 for Radiological Environmental t.mIomg Program (REMP). Page 1.3-1 3.13 METEOROlOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM 3.13.1 METEOROLOGICAl MONITORING CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 MeteorokJgIcaI parametereare meaured In the vldnlty each nuclear power station In order to provide data .or calculating rad1aIIan

__ due to airborne effluent r8diaadIvIty.

Some nuclear power 8t8tion8' Technical SpecIftcadanI state appIIc&t*t requirements (typically .mar the subheading. "Met8oroIogica Instrumenlldion.*

In the inatrumenl8lion section).

Regulatory guidance .. given In Regulatory GuIde 1.23 (Referanc:e 5). Wind speed. wind direction and <<he .... pendure gradient are measured uatng inIIruments at two or men ..... aIIons on a meteolok)glcat tower at each ExeIon NudIar atatIan. The eIeYaIions are c:hoIen to pnMdI meteordclgk:el data ,,818 dative the _allons <<he aJIbOme releasee fram <<he 8IatIon. The Annual Radiological EnWorwnentai Operating Report IndudeI a summary d mlt8orOlogk:al data coIIec:ted over <<he ,epol1lng yeao. These data are used to calculate optlonallsopleth8 radiation dale and radkIadIvtty concellbatlon.

3.132 METEOROLOGICAL CONTRACTOR The meteoroklglcal CXllIIrac:tor operates and maInt8N the meteoroi0gicai tower in8trumnatlon at each nuclear power 118IIon. The CXII dnIICtOr coIecta and anaIyZI8a the dIIa and Iasuea periodic repcItI. The CXlldiador prepares the met8ClrOloglcal data summary required for the Annual Radiological EnvIronmental Operating Report (AREOA) and also c:omputn and plaia IIopIeb Included In the AREOR. Page 1.3-2


CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 4.1 BAQIOACTIVE LIQUID EFfLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION CTBM 3.11*m The radloadive liquid 8fftuant 1nstrum .. ,1aIIon Is provided to monitor and control,

  • applicable.

the releases 01 radloaCtM maaerlallin liquid efftuentI during actual or potential r., ..... 01 liquid efftuents.

The aIarrnMp setpoInts for these Instruments shall be calculated and adjusted In accordanc:e wIIh the ITMIlhodc*Jgy and parameterlln the OOCM to .... that the aIarmIb1p wi occur prior to exceeding 10 tfmealhe EFFlUENT CONCENTRATION values specified In Appendix a, Table 2. Column 2 to 10 CFR 20. The OPEAABIUTY and use 01 this Instrum ...... Is consistent wIIh the requhtmenta 01 Gener.I DeIIgn CttterIa eo, 83 and 64 01 Appendix A to 10 CFR Part SO. The purpose 01 tank IeveIIndIcaIIng deYIcea Is to aaaure the det8dIon and ccntroI of leaks that If nat controlled could potentially result In the trallsport 01 radJoacdve matertals to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. 42 BADIOAClJ\IE GASEQUS EFB,UENI MONrTOR1NG INSTBUMENJA]1ON mw 3.11.b) The radJoadhIe gasaous efIUInt Instr1I'nentaIi Is provided to monltar ... CCI'Itruf,

  • the ral.s .. 1 01 radIoactNe rnal8t1aIIln gaseous effIuentI cUIng actual or poIIntIaI ral **** 01 gaseous effaJenIL The setpaia tor these InItNmenta IIhIII be ClllclIIIIad nI adjIlIt8d In accardaIa with the and param-'In the OOCM to .... hit the will occur priarto the Imlll 0110 CFR Part 20. The OPEAABIUIY and use 01 this In8Inmlldatlon Is COIISi8talIt wIIh the Alqlirlmeldl 01 GenerIII DesIgn Criterta eo, 83 and 64 01 AppendIx A 10 10 CFR Part SO. 4.3 UOUIQ EfBlJENT OONCENTBADON mw 3.11.c) ThIs ContIoIIs pn:Mded to ensure Ihat the concet dtatlat. 01 radiaactMt materials r.lloed In IquId wasta effIuInIa to UNRESTRICTED AREAS wit be leis than 10 dmeI the EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION values specIIed In Appendix B, Table 2. CoUnn 2 to 10 CFR 20. The Control pnMdea cpenlliOltal ftexMtyfor relaulng Bquid efIMnIIln concIIltllIIiOI.

to fallow the SectIon II.A and II.C design cbjec:IIv.s 01 AppendIx I to 10 CFR Par150. Thillmftallon pnMdee reaaonabIe 8ISUfW1C8 Chat the levels 01 nudIItaIs In bodIIe 01 waw In UNRESTRICTED AREAS wII retd In ...... within (1) the SectIon IIA .... cbjec:IIv.s 01 Appendix I, 10 CFR Part SO. to. Met'8EA OF THE PUBUC and (2) the res1rtdbas auIhoItZIId by 10 CFA Part 20.1301(8).

The ccncell'hdlon IImtt far the dIascIved or entrai1ed ncbfe gaseals baled upon 1he assumption Ihat Xe-1331s the conIraIIng radIcnucIde and .. EFA.UENT CONCENTRATION In air (1UbrnenIb.)

was CCIfMtI18d to ., equivalent conwtdtidlelil In water. ThIs control does net Iffec:t the requIr8Inft to compty wIIh the annuaIllmltatlona 0110 CFR Part 20.1301(8).

ThIs Contrd applies to the raIeaIe 01 materfallin liquid eftIuenIs fran allftta at the .... The required dItecCb. capabIIItiea for ndaacIIve maIerIaIs In liquid wasI8 anples are tabt lJateIj In terms 01 the lower 1m .. 01 deIedb. (lLDs). Detailed dlsc:ussl(ln 01 the UD and dher deteCtIon 1m .. can be fCU1d In Currie, LA. 1..ower Lint 01 Deteccbi!

o.r.1IIon and EIaboraIIar, 01 a Pn:IPoaed PasIIIon for RadoIogIc8 EJrkan and &\'f1rohmenta' Measurwnentl,* (Sepl8mber 1984), and In the HASl Proc:edur8s Manual, HASL-300 (nMsed annuaIy).

PageL4-1 4.4 QOSE fROM LQJIO EFB.UENTS ITBM 3.1'*cD CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 ThIs ConIrcIIs pnMdId to imp11men11he requftmenII d SedIaI" 11.A, liLA ani IVA d Appendix I. 10 . CFR Part SO. The CCInIroI stalamn inp'e ... ad8 ... guidIs sat forth In SectIon I!.A d Appendix I. The ActIOn 81a11menll pnMda 1he requRd opet8llng fIaxIdIy ani atlhe same tine Implement the guideI set btl In SecIIon IVA d AppeIdx 11O .... 1hat 1he '., ..... d radaectNe martalin BquId ...... will be kepI-..... 1s ' ** 01_ .. AlIa, tarfrelh waI8r .... wah drtrti1g ..........

thai can be pallliIIIr ahc:ted I1t plant a,.-.. ltentls reasonable asuanca that the ClpInIIIan d the facIIly wi nat ,...In radIanucIde COI'A*1IIonI1n

... ftntshed .... 1hat are In 8XCII8 01 1he requiementl 0140 CFR Part 141. The dale calQlIadon meIhodaIogy and .........

/n 1he OOCM Impllma'1t the requftmenIIln SedIan lILA d Appendbc I thai oanforma'a wIIh the gWdIs of AppencIx I be shown I1t calcldaIIanaI proceduNI baled on modIII and data. such that the 8CIuaI expoaur8 of 8 MEMBER OF THe PUBLIC Ihra&Vt appIap .... paIhways Is &dcIIy 10 be .atantiaIIy undeIeslkn8l8d.

The equaIIanIlpICIfiId In ... OOCM far cabllali1g the daaee dua 10 the actual ...... rates 01 ...... maI8rtaIs In IquId efta1III are COIllilt8ld wIIh 1M meIhodaIogy prcMded In RegaMtory Guide 1.109. "C*O ....... of Annual 0aIII1O MIn ham AouIIne R., ..... of R ctrt BfIuenII for the purpose 01 EvaUdIng ComplMcl with 10 CFR Part 50. AppeIdx I.-ReuIaian 1. Oclaber lf117 ani ReguIaIary Guidi 1.113, "EIIfmIIIng AquaIIc DIIpeIIkIn 01 EJfIuIn1s fran Accidental and RoutIne Reactor ReII .. 11 for the Purpoee oIlmple_il,jug Appendbc I.-AprtI1f117.

This Control appi1110 IhI ,... 0I1quid effMnt8 fran ..::h rIIdar at the III. For units witt shared ,.... trIIImInI aystema. the liquid efftuInt:I fran the 8hared system are praporaa.MMf among the unb 8hartng thai tyIIIm. 4.5 LIQUID BADWASTE TBEATMENT sysTEM trAM 3.11,8) The 0PERA8IUTY of the liquid RadwaIet TreaIrnent System ..... that this system wII be au.'1IbII for "18Wr liquid .........

1r88ImInI prtar 10"""10 Ihe erMtOirmenL The requirement that 1he apprqNtIt POlloI-01l1li system be used, when specIfted, pnMdes asaurance that Ihe .. , ..... of I8IIOacIMt mamrtaIs In DqWd'" wII be kepI-.. 1ow _Is nlltlilablV achleYlbll-.

ThIs ContraIlmpllmada1he requiI .... 0110 CFA Part 50.3811. General Design Qttertan eo of AppendIx A 10 10 CFR Part 50 and 1he dIIIgn oIItedIve given In Secdan It.D of Appendix I to 10 part SO. The specified 1mb geMmIng the &1M of appropriaII partial" 01 the &quid radW8lt81r1a1ment S)'StiIm were apecIfted

.. 8 ...... fractIan of the cae design abjecCivaIsat fOI1h In SedkIn IIA of AppendIx I. 10 CFR Part 50. far Iquid ""'-dB. This Control epp11e1110 the ..... 0I1qu1d .... fran each reactor at the alta. For W'b wtIh shared ,..... tr.-nent ....... 1he liquid eIIIuams fIan 1M shnd system are pn3pOI1IOIl1d among 1he ldIlhartng 1hat 1ysIIm. PqeI.4-2


EFfLUENTS DOSE BATES aRM 3.11.0 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 This CGntrat provides IWIIIONIbIe IIIUlN8 that radIoac:tfve material diIchatgId i'I gaseous effluents will nat resuI i'I the..,...


  • MEMBER OF ntE PU8UC i'I an UNRESTRICTED AREA. either at or the srre BOUNDARY In .... 01 the design objectives 01 AppeIMIx I to 10 CFR Patt 50. this Contra Is prcMdId to ..... that 9""8 effkJenIa from all witI on the .... wi be appropriately call trailed. It provides operational fIediIIty for ralal8ing gaseous eIfIuantI to 8atIafy the SectIon ILA and II.C dIIVt objectives 01 AppendIx I to 10 CFR Pelt 50. For MEMBERS OF ntE PU8UC who may at times be within the SITE BOUNDARY, the 0CCt4)InCY 01 that MEMBER OF ntE PUBUC wtI UIUIIIy be sutrlciardly low to CClnPII .... for tha reduced almoaphertc dIspar8Ion 01 gaseous efftuents relative to that for the SITE 80UN0AAY.

ExIInplea 01 cabdations for such MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, wIlh the appcpilale factors, shd be given In the ODCM. The specified

,..... rate 11mb r88IrIcI.

at aD times, the dose rates above background to. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC at or 1M srre BOUNDARY to IeI8 than or equal to 500 mranl)wlr to the taIaI body or to Iel8Ihan or equal to 3000 to the IIdn. These ........ rate 1mb also reetrtcI.

at II tim ... the coneapadng It¥aId dose rail above bacIcgIOWId to. chid via the i'IhaIaIion pathway to IeI8 .., or equal to 1500 mJWnt\Wr.

ThIs Control does nat affect the raquRment to comply with Ihe amuai limitations d 10 CFA 20.1301(&).

ThIs ControIIppIeI to the raIaaae 01 galeow efftuenIa from .. ..,.. at the 8It8. The ...... detecIaI.

capabIIties for radIoadIve maI8rIaIs In gal lOUS waste samples ..........

i'I terms d the lower 1m" of dIf8cIIon (UDs). DaIaIed clllaBSion d the LLD and other detection 1mb CM be Iowtd i'I Currie, LA, '1..ower lin. of OeIecIIoIt Oefitltion II1d EIaboratiot.

d. Proposed PodIon for EfIIuent and ErMronmenIaI Meesl.nmentI,-

NUREGICR-4007 (Seplember 1984), and In the HASl Pr'ocecU-.

MInuaI. HASL-300 (nMsed annuaIIy).

4.7 pose fAOM NMI f GASES CTBM 3.11.q) ThIs ConIroIII provided to Implement the requIrernentB 01 SK1Iona 11.8. iliA and IV A of Appendix I. 10 CFR Pelt 50. The CanIraI.....".,..lmplement the guides 881 forth In SecIIan U.8 d AppendIx I. The Adion statementa provide the raquied cpendblg ftaIbIIIy II1d at the same lime inpllmn the guideI 881 forth i'I Section rv A of ApperMlx I to ..". thai the ral'8aal of f'&dioaaNe material In gala DU8 effkJenIs

.. be kept -as low as Is nNIIOftBbIy achiIMbIe.-

The SuMIiIIanoe AequiremenI8 Implement the requMnentlln SectIon iliA of AppendIX I that c:onfonnance with the guides d AppendIX I be shown by cabllldonal based on models and daIa suc:h that the actual ..... d

  • MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC thra9l approprtaIe palhway81s unIIceIy to be W1dereItImaled.

The dose Clb4don rneIhotiJgy ani parameters established In the OOCM for calculating the doles due to the actual ..... rates of rIidIoaC:dve noble gaaea/n gaI80UI efftuenta

.... conaIstent with the rneIhotiJgy provided In RecPMtory Guide 1.109, "Cab"'""" 01 Annual Doses to Man fran Aoudne Ralallal of Reactar EJII&aD for the Pwpoee of Cornpllnce with 10 CFA ParI so. Appendix I,* ReviIIon 1, 0cI0ber 1m aid RegldaIory Guide 1.111, "MIIhodI for EsIImating Atmoaphertc TrIIl8PCI1 ani 0I8penII0n 01 Gaseous EJIIuen1I i'I Rou1Ine Rala .... from Cooled ReWIian 1, Jtly 1m. The OOCM eqatations provided for determining the air doeeIat and be)'and the SITE BOUNDARY ant based upon the hlstDltalllI'f1II'8ge aImoaphertc condilial

.. this Control to the raIeaae d gala DU8 effIuenIs from each reactor at the lite. For &rill with ahar8d ,.... treatment systems. the gaseous effluents from the 8harad system ant piopor.oned among the unII8 ahaItng that system. PligeL4-3 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 4.8 DOSE FROM 1OO1NE=131.

mlTlUM* AND BADIOACT1VE MAIEBW,IN PNflJClAAIE FORM aRM 3.U.b) ThIs CadroIIs provided to Impllrnlnt the raqunmentl d Sectioilln.C.

IDA n IVA d Appendix I. 10 CFR Part 50. The carma_the guIdee let forth In SectIan n.c fA Appendix I. The AdIan staam .... provtde the nIqUired ape .. "'" fIexIbIIly and at the .... tmelmplement the guides set forth In SectIan IVA d AppeIIdix I to .... hit the rll **** fA radIaIIc:ItM m.-..In gal OUI ___ wII be kept -.Iaw ...... Oilibly achievable

-The OOCM CIb datIonII meIbods specIIed In the SurwIance Aequlramenta Impllment the ....... In SectIan lIlA fA AppeIIdix I thai oanIonnanoe wit'! 1M guIdiI 01 AppeIIdix I be abcMn by cabdatlanal pnxecUes baled on models and data, such that1be actual ..... 01 a MEMBER OF THE PU8UC appaprtale pathways Is unIIcaIyto be ..... 1tiaIy W1dIntItImaI8c1 The OOCM calculational rneIhotiIgy and parameIer8 far C8lcldaIIng tbe dales due 10 the actual releaSe ral8I oItbe UIjKt mal8rtaIs are cxnIIIIIlt wilt the rneIhotiIgy prcMded In ReglIfatory Guide 1.109. "Ctblldan 01 Annual Daaes to Man fram RcUIne RII ..... fA R.lca EftIuinIa for 1be Purpoee 01 EvaIuaIIng Compliance witt 10 CFR Part 50, Appel" I.-Re\1sIon 1. Oclober 1m and Reglatory Guide 1.111. "MIIhodI far EstImaIIng AImoIpherIc TI_"" and Dl8pelsian fA Gasealli EftUanIa In AouIN R.I.I ... fram LJgbI-W .... .coc.d All CUI.-R4MI6an 1. July 1m. Thaae equaItonI also pnMdI far d ..........

the __ doNI billed upon the hIIIatcaI

.... atmGIphIrIc condIIIaIlI.

The ....... rate CCI ** for TrIUn. and rICIanucIdeIln farm wIIh hIII.IJvea gteater than 8 ..... dipilldiIlI upon the ...... tdJnucIdI pdIwayI loman, In the _ at and the SITE BOUNDARY.

The paIhwaya thai ... 4IDCIIfIftId In ... dI\ .Iapment fA Ihese c:ab1laHons went: 1) IndIviduII n&, p' EM " d ndanuclldel, 2) depoIIIan 01 radIanucIIdII onto green leafy wgetdoIi wIh .iIbIIqI .. oanun., by .... 3) depoIIIan onto grassy _ whn mlk animals and meat pnxb:tng aninaII graJ8 wfth ccnunpItan d the milt and meat by man, and 4) deposition an the gro&nf wfIh ..-eq.1Int expae&n fA man. ThIs ConIraIIppIIei to the reIiaIe 01 gBllOUI .... tram each .-:Iar at the.... For wtita with shared _til""""'""" the gaeouI .... fran 1be 1hanId ....... prGpCIfUaIl8d nang the dllhMng hit 8)1If8m. 4.9 GASEOUS BADWASTE TBEAIMENT sysTEM CIBM 3.11,0 The OPERABIJTY 01 the Gr 11M RedwaII8 Treatment ..... that IMt system .. be 8Y8IIabII far ... whit ...... gill 1M ..... requn tnIIIIment prtar to ....... fA the erMOiiiienl The requIremeN that the _ ..... partIona fA Ihese ... be used, when apecIIIed.

pnMdes reasonable

....... that the,.....

01 mamriIIa In gil. QUI eftUantI wII be kept -.Iow .Is re.cnabIy ach ..... -ThIs ConlIaIlmplem.1I8 the requIrwmentI 0110 CFR Part 50.388. General DIIIgn CrIIrtan eo 01 AppeIidbc A to 10 CFR Part 50. and the deII9t cbjIcItv8I given In SedIan n.D at Appel" I to 10 CFR P8It 50. The specIfted IImIla gcp..wmg the ... fA apprqwtabt portkJIli fA the I)'It8ma were spedftad

  • a ...... fradIon 01 the dose dIII9t cbjIcItv8I

... forth In Sec1iaIillLB and II.C 01 AppendIx I. 10 CFR Part 50. for g ** 1M eftIuIntI.

ThIs Contra..,.,...

to the ....... d SJIS8OI11

""'** fram each I8ICIor at the.... For wtla wit'! shared radwute tnNIIrnenl syafiImI, the GIIIIM efIIuenta fran the Ihared system, .. proportioned amang the IdI abariig thai ..... Pagel."'"

4.10 TOTAL QOSE mw 3.".k) CY *BY *170-301 Revision 7 This Contra Is provided to meet the dose Ifrnltatianl 0140 CFA Part 190 that have been IncorponIIed Into 10 CFR Part 2O.1301(d).

The CanIraI requires the prwpnIIan and submittal 01 II Special Report whenever the Clbdaad doses due to 1'1 ..... of radIoadMIy n to racIaIIon fran uranUn full eyde 8OWC8ItDfCIId 25 mrernl to the tataI body << any orgIn. except the ItIyrdd. which shall be limited to ....... <<8qUiII1D 75 mrwns. Far ... Cii ........ up to 4 reactcn.1t Is unlikely that the resuIIn dose to II MeaeR OF THE PUBlIC wi exceed the dose limits 0140 CFR PM 190 If the individual reactorsrernaln wtlhln twice the dose....,.

ab)ec:ItveI 01 AppeIdx I. _

  • direct radiaIIon daMs fran the reactor &I1b and ocaide storage ..... etc.. ant kept smaI. The SpedaI Report wII daaabt II ccxne 01 actIOn that should result in the Imltllllon 01 the nul dose to II MEMBER OF THE PU8UC to wtlhkt the 40 CFR Part 190 Imlts. Far the 01 the SpedaI Report. It may be that the dose cammlbnent to 1M MEMBER OF THE PUBUC flam OCher W1ftIn full qde eaun:es Is negligible.

with the ucepIIon that dose c:onbIJUIIanI flam 0IhIr nucIM' fuel qde faciIIeI at the ana ... << ... a radius 018 kin must be Ciiaaldnd.

If the dole to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC Is eallrnal8d to exceed the requhmentl 01 40 CFR Part 190. S&bnlttal of the SpecIal Report wllhi'e30 days wah a request for a vartance (prcMded the ...... CCI ... ..utIng kt W*IIIan 0140 CFR Part 190 .. nat an.ty bIWI conwcted).in .ccardlnce

_the preMIa II 0140 CFR Part 190.11 and 10 CFR Part 2O.22OO(aX4).1s considered to be a timely reqUIIt n fuIfiIfa the requII .. ..,.. 0140 CFR Part 190 unII NRC staff adIan Is complalad.


01 campIIance wIh the lin ... of 40 CFR Part 190 <<wIh the dIeJgn ab)ec:ItveI 01 ApPlndlx I flo 10 CFR Part 50 wi be considnd to _'ICtIiilb'" compliance with the 0.1 rwm 1m. of 10 CFA Part 20.1301. 4.11 RACQ.OGICAl.

ENyI8OM4ENTAl, MQMTOAtfG PROGRAM CIBM 3.12) The EnvIIollme.,lal ManIomg Program reqund bylhls Control pnMdeI ,...." .. m ...........

01....,. n 01 radIoacIIve rnaterIaII kt Ihcee expcan paIhwIIya n for 1hoae r.tanucIIdes 1hat lead to the paf8rdIaI radIdan axpca .... of MEMBERS OF THE PUBUC teIUIIIng fran the italian Jhts mOil""", pograrn ImplemenlS SectIon 1V.B.2 of AppendIIC I to 10 CFR PM 50 n IhenIby EfIl.-.t MoItllOl'tg PIogi." by wrtIyIng thai the measurable COI'ICIilbidbli 0I1'IdaedM maIertaI8 and lewis of radIaIIan are not hW* ttW\ .,.., on the basil 01 the efIuer1t meauementI n the modling 0I1he erMtG IMIIt8I upoINn"...,...

IsCIfIOpeI IdllIIIiId In REMP ant carnpared to those IdIIdied In the appbbIe AnruII EftJn Aepoat chall(I8I may be InIIIaI8d baled on these opaalbllll

..... 1CII. The aequRd dII8dIan capab *** far 1lMa1,.tIII amnpIe an&t1aeIare tllbulal8d kt terms of the lower 1mb of dIIedIa .. (U.Ds). The UDa recped by Tibia 1'3.12.8-3 ant Ciillldeled aptfmum for rcUIne erwIramM .... meauementlin IrDJIb1aIlaboIaIor1eI.

It IhouId be recagllized that .. UD Is defined III an. JIdgd (before the facI) 11m ....... .., the CIp8bIIIy of a'" &yIIam and not III an

  • pt,' 1prt (after the fact) lint for a particular m..........rt.

DIIIdI II disci....., 01 the UD and 0Iher deI8c1Ion Imlll can be fOU'Id In CUrrIe. LA. Linll Deleclba:

DIf.dIIoI, and EIabofaIIan 01 a Propoeed PosItion for RMIcJ6oQk:aI EIIk*It n EnWonmenIaI MeaI&nrnenII..

NUREGICR-4OO7 (Sepl8mber 1884). and In the HAS&.. Manual. HASL-300 Page 1.4-5 4.12 lAND USE CENSUS CTBM 3. CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 This Control is provided to.,... that changes In the ... 01_ at and beyond the SfTE BOUNDARY are * ,lifted and that modIIcaIIaItI to the RacIaIcgicIII EnvIronmerdaI MonItorIng ProsPwn are made

  • reqund the resuIIs of this cenIUI. The belt InfonnaIICIn fran the dOQr-fo.door IUMIY. from aerial 01 from canauIIIng wIIh local agricu11ura18UIhcdIeI

&hal be used. This census ........ the requNmeiltl of SecIIan 1V.8.3 of AA*1dbt I to 10 CFR Part 50. RestrIctIIlgthe census to gil ** of than SO m' pnMdeI811U1'8nC8 that IIgIIIfkaIt expoue paIhways _leafy wgea .... wi be IdeIdIfIed and malltored IincI a garden of this _ is the mlnmwn raquIred to pracUce 1he q&81tIty (28 of leafy vegetat11e18IIII'Md In Reg! daIoIy Guide 1.109 for cansumpIIon by. eNd. To del8rm1ne IhiI mlnlrm.m garden ** the fallowing aasurnpIIana went made: 1) 20% of the garden was used for grawIng broad leaf vegelatbl (I **.* lim ... to IaIIuce and CII:Ibege).

and 2) a yield of 2 kIim'* 4.13 lNTE8lA8ORATOBV CQMpAA!SQN PflOGBAM CTBM 3.12oG) The requirement tor In an appRMMIlnlertIboIab'f Comparison ProsJarn is provided to ensure that IndIpeIJdIIIt chec:ka on the pec:isiall and accuracy of the measurwna"tls of I'8dIoadt¥I me.talin envIiatmeldllllMlple rMIrtceI .. performed.

part of 1M quaIty 8IIUBnC8 progIwn for a'Mal, .. d8I moniIar'.1g1n order to denial ....... that the ...... N.IOi'18bly valid tor the putpOI8I 01 SectIon 1V.B.2 01 AppIridix I to 10 CFR Part SO.



5.1 AnnulI

Badtab;" &WhAtD,"", Opetattllg Aepqr CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 Roudne Annual RadIoI0gIcaI EnvIronmental Opeeallng Report CCMrfng the operaIIon of the UnIt(8) during the previous calendar year shaI be submitted prior to May 15 of each year. The Annual RadIo6agIc:al EnvIranmental OpetdlV Report shaIIlndude summaries, intetpletatiol'l8, and an analysis of trends cf the results cf the radl0logicai envi 01 mental UY8iDance adivIIIes for the report period, including a compMlon with operaIiaIMII OCIlbcAI as apprqJriate, and with previous enWonmentailUNlilala repor1s, and an ..... sment cf the obserYed impada of the plant operaIIon an the environment.

The Annual A8dkIIoQk:II EnvInnnentai Opetatlng Report shallncIude the resuls cf all radiological erMrOI dMlltal sampfes and of d enwaunMtal radiation maasurarnen18

... during the period pursun to the Ioc:aIIOII8 specified In the tables and fIgunIa In Part II Section 8 of the OOCM. as wei 88 unmariZlld and ..... Nt8UIIB cf these anaIyaes and measurementa In the formal cf the table In the RadIoI0gIcaI A **** ma Ehnc:h Tec.hi'taI PosiIIon, Re¥iIian " November 1979. In the eYent that some lndMduai resuIIIare nat available for inclusion with the repon, the report shall be submitted noting and the I'MIOftI for the missing rasuIta. The mlsalng data shaD be submitted as soon as possible In 8 supplementary report. The reportIahaII aIIO IncUte the following:

a unmary dI8cI1ption of the Radiological EnvIranmentaI MClIib'.", P!ogram; legible maps ccwerIng all sampling Iacatia1I8 to a table giving IC88 and dIrecIIaI

.. from the mldpaint between the two &.nIB; reasana for nat canductIng the RadkIIogicaI EnWOI mental Mordlar'.1g Program as requIIad TLCO 3.12.8, a Table cf MIssed Samples and a Table cf Sample AnamaIIes for all dIMaIIans from the sampling schedule cf TAM Table T3.12.8-1; dllell_on cf environmental

...... meauremen18 that exceed the repartIng IeYeI8 cf TAM Table T3.12.a-2 but .. nat the NUt cf plant efIIuIntI, dl8cuaIan cf aD anaIy8eIln which the LLD required TAM Table 13.12.8-3 was nat achlevtlbll; result of the Land use CenIus required TAM TLCO 3.12.b; and the reeuIIs cf the licensee padlclpatbl In an IntertabandOl'l Camparllon Program and the carrective actions being taken If the specIf1ed program Is nat betng performed as required by TAM TLC03.12.c.

The Annual RadIoI0gIcaI EnvIranmentaI Operating Repart shaI aI80 Include an annual summary of hourly metearoIaglclll data collected over the appIIcabIe)'88f'.

ThIs.."uaI unmay may be efther In the form of an haw-by-haur listing an magnetic tape of wind speed. wind cIracdon.

atmospheftc stabIIy. and preclpltaIIan (if meaured).

or In the farm cf jaint freq&Mncy dlstrfbutlan8 of wind speed. wht dIredIan.

and almoapheltc stabiNty.

In lieu of IUbmIssian whh the Annual RadIological Envtranmental Opeedlg RepOIt. the Heel" ** has the aptian of retaining this summary cf required meteoIoIogIcaI data an de In a fie that shall be provided to the NRC upon request The Annual RadIoI0gIcaI Environmental OpeeatlilV Repart shall also Include an 88I88Sment of the radIaIIan dales due to the racfIoactMIlIquId and gas. 0U8 effluents releaaed from the UnIt or Station during the previous caIendar)Waf.

ThIs raport shall alsO Include an 8IS8IIm"" of the radIaIIon doIe8 to &he mast likely eacpaaed MEMBER OF THE PUBlIC fran reactor ral.II.1 and oIher near-by lAf1Un fuel qde aourceelnciudlng dCIeeI from primary effluent paIhways and dtr8c:t radiatian, for the pnMaus calendar year. The .... Iament aI radIaIIan dCIeeIlhaI be perfonned In accordance whh the methOdology and parameters In the OOCM. and In campllance wiIh 10CFR20 and 40 CFR Part 190, " RacIIattan PI,*,*," StandardI for Nuclear Power 0peratI0n.-

eA single submlllal may be made for. multiple W1lt station. PageL5-1

5.2 AnnyaI

ad", EfIbwJt Beirne Aapgrr CY*BY-170-301 Revision 7 RoutIne Annual BadIoactIYe Effluent Release Beports covering the opendIon of the LI1it during the pnMoua calendar year of operaIIaIl shall be submitted prior to May 1 of the folowi1g )l88I'. The Annual B8IIoacttve EffUnt B".88. Reports shall Include a ammary of the quantItiaa of racIoadIve liquid and gaI80UI affIuenII and IGUd waste rall ** eI fran the unit 88 0UII1ned In RaguIatary Guide 1.21. Evaluating.

and Beporting In SolId Wastes and B ....... of RadIoactIve MaterIaIIIn LiquId and Gaseous EfflI.arts fran Ught-Watar-cooled Nuclear Power Plants.* RevIsIon 1. JIN 1974. wIIti dada unmarizlld on a quarterly basil following the format of AppendIx 8 ....,.". Far IOIid ...... the farmat for Table 31n Appendix B of the rapaI1 ahaI be supplemented wttJ three addiIIoIlII categories:

cIaa8 of aoId wastes (as defined by 10 CFR Part 81). type of cocd8iner (e.g.. LSA. Type A. Type B. Large CuIntIty).

and SOLIDIFICATION agent ar absorbent (e.g .* cement, urea farmaldlhyde).

The AmuaI RadIoactIve Effluent B., .... Repor1IIhaIIncIude a lilt a'id deIerIptIon of unplanned rel.88.1 fran the IIle to UNRESTRICTED AREAS of radIoadNe m81er1a181n gI'.aus and liquid etftuenta made duIfng the reporting period. The Annual RadIoactIve EJftuent Rei ... Repor18 ahaIlnclude any changes made during the repoItirlg period to the PCP as wei 88 any m., changes to LiquId. Gaaeoua ar Solid 8adw8It8 Treatment Systems. pwsuant to Part I Sedian 5.3. The Annual RadIoactIve Effluent ReIaaae Repor1I shall also Include the following:

an explanallon as to why the inapnbIIIIy of liquid or gaseous effluent monJtortng 1nIIrun ** tation was nat corred8d wlhln the time apedfIed In TAM TlCO 3.11.8 ar TlCO 3.11.b. mpecttveIy.

and of the 8Yeftt81eadrig to liquid holdup WIles ar gas atarage tanka the lim'" of TS 5.5.12. -A lingle submltlal may be made for a multiple unit station. The aubmlttallhould combine those sec:tIona that are common to aD unb at the ataIion: however. far units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall apec:ify the ....... of radioadIve material from each unit. PageL5-2 5.3 CY -BY -170-301 RevisIon 7 5.3.1 The ODCM shd be submitted to the Commission faOowtng proper approval through italian process ... 5.3.2 Licensee initiated c:hange8 to the ODCM: a. Shall be documented and records 01 nMews pei10rmed shall be retained 81 required by UFSAA Chapter 17. This documentation

&hal canIai1: 1. SufficIent InfonnaIIan to support the change together wIIh the appropriate anatyses 01 evaluations justifying the c:hangea(s);

and 2. A detennlnatian that the change wII mai1ta/n the level of radioactive effluent can1roI requfred by 10 CFR Part 20.40 CFA Part 190. 10 CFA 50.388, and AppendIx I to 10 eFR Part 50 n:t not adverMIy Impact the acc:uracy or reIabOily of efftuInt.

dale. 01 aetpoInt CM:ulatians.

b. Shall became effectMt after ..... and accepIaJlCe by the Independant Technical RevIew and PORe and the apprcMII 01 the Plant Manager an the date specIfted by the Independent Technical Review n PORC. c. ShIll be submitted to the Commission in the form 01 the complete.

IegIJIe copy of the entn ODCM. 01 updated pages If the Commission retaN a cantroIIed copy. If an entire copy 01 the ODCM Is submlaed.

It shall be submitted 81

  • part of 01 concurrent with the Annual RadIOIICtIYe Effluent R ...... Report for the period 01 the report in which any change to the OOCM was made effective.

Each change shall be identified by In the margin 01 the affeded pages. cIearty IndIcaIi1g the area 01 the page 1hat was changed. and shalt indk:ate the dale (e.g.. rncnthI)<ear) the change was Implemented.


5.4 Maler

QllDQlllo YguId and G .... AldwIn Tmabntnt Syatam.-CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 LJcenaee.in1tJated malOr changeS to the Radw8Ite Trealment System. (UquId and g ** DUI): L ShaI be reported to the Commil8kJn In the Annual Radiaacttve Effluent Release Report for the period In which the 8VIIuaIIan was reviewed by the Independent Technical R4MIw and PORC. The dilc ..... on d each change shall contain: 1) A unmary d the evaluation that led to the detennNllon that the change could be made In accanIance wah 10 CFR SO.59: 2) SuffIdant detelled WorrnatIon tc: t'ltaIIy aupport the reason for the change without benefit d addIIbl8lMd 1nform8llan;

3) A ...... deIcrtpIb1 01 the equipment.


and prcc ..... IIwoMKt and the IntertaceI with other plant systems. 4) An '-Idan d the c:hange which IhowI the prectIcact

,. ..... d radioacIIYe matertalt In liquid and gaI80US efIIuInta that differ fran thole predIdad In the LIcen8e appIc;dan and amendments thereto: 5) An evaIuaIIan d the change. which IhowI the expected maximum pPOIUI'8I to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC In the UNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that fJIfer from thole pnwIouaIy 8Idmated In the L.IcenIe applcdon and amendmellta thMIoc 6) A compartaon 01 the pnMIc:ted

_II .1 d radioactive matartala.

In Dqutd and g&88OUI ...,..,..

to the 8CIuaI ........ far '* period priOr to when the c:hang8Iare to be made; 7) An 81t1m_ d the 8XpOIIft to plant operllllllg pel 801.'" .. a result 01 the change: aMt 8) 00cunentatI0n d the fact that the change was reviewed and found acceptable by the Indapendant Technical Review and PORC. b. ShaH become effective upon review and accepIance by the Independent Tec:hntcal Review and PORC. *-uc.I8I1.

may c:hooIe to stAlmlt thelnformatian caIed far In this standard .. part of the annual FSAR update. PageL5-4 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Byron Station Units 1 and 2 Revision 7 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I


-OOCM GENERAL INFORMATION CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I The Offsite Dose C8Jculation Manual (ODCM) presents a discussion of the following:

  • The basic concepts applied In calculating offsite doses from plant effluents.
  • The regulations and requirements for the OOCM and related programs.
  • The methodology and parameters for the offsIte dose calculations to assess Impact on the environment and compliance with regulations.

The methodology detailed In this manual Is Intended for the calculation of radiation doses during routine (i.e., non-accldent) conditions.

The calculations are normally performed using a computer program. Manual calculations may be performed In lieu of the computer program. The dose effects of airborne radioactivity releases predominately depend on meteorological condttIons (wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stabUlty).

For airborne effluents, the dose caIcWatIons prescrtbed In this manual are based on historical average atmospheric conditions.

ThIs methodology Is appropriate for estimating annual average dose effects and Is stipulated In the Bases SectIon of the Radiological Effluents Controls (RECS). 1.1 Structure of the ODCM Part I of 1he ODCM Is :onsIdered to be the RadIologJcal Effluents Controls (RECS), and contains the former Radiological Effluent Technical SpecIfIcations that have been removed from the Technical SpecIfIcatIons.

Part lis organized as follows:

  • Definitions
  • Radiological Effluent Controls and Radiological EnvIronmental Monitoring Program
  • Meteoroi0gicai MonItoring Program
  • Bases
  • Administrative Requirements Page 11.1-1 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I Part II of the ODCM is considered to be the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODeM). and contains methods. equations.

assumptions, and parameters for caJculaUon of radiation doses from plant effluents.

Part II Is organized as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Instrumentation and Systems
  • Liquid Effluents
  • Gaseous Effluents
  • Total Dose
  • Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1.2 Regulations this section serves to Illustrate the regulations and requirements that define and are applicable to the OOCM. Any information provided in the ODeM concerning specific regulations are not a substitute for the regulations as found In the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) or Technical SpecificatIons.

1.2.1 Code of Federal Regulations Various sections of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) require nuclear power stations to be designed and operated In a manner that limits the radiation exposure to members of the public. These sections specify limits on offsite radiation doses and on effluent radioactivity concenlratb1s and they also require releases of radioactivity to be -As Low As Reasonably Achlevable-.

These requirements are contained In 1OCFR20. lOCFRSO and 4OCFRl90.

In addition.

4OCFR141 imposes limits on the concentration of radioactivity In drinking water provided by the operators of public water systems.

  • lOCfB2Q. Standards for PtotectIon Against BadtatIon this revision of the ODeM addresses the requirements of lOCFR20. The 1OCFR20 dose limits are summarized in Table 1 -1.
  • Design Crtterla CAppendIx A of lOCFRSOl SectIon 50.38 of lOCFRSO requires that an application for an operating license include proposed Technical Specifications.

Final Technical Spectflcatlons for each station are developed through negotiation between the applicant and the NRC. The Technical Specfficatlons are . then Issued as a part of the operating license. and the licensee Is required to operate the facility in accordance with them. Page 11.1-2 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I SectIon 50.34 of 1OCFR50 states that an application for a license must state the principal design criteria of the fadUty. Minimum requirements are contained In Appendix A of 1OCFRSO. * &ABA proytsIons CAppendbs I of 1OCFB50) SectIons 50.348 and 50.36& of 1OCFRSO require that the nuclear plant design and the station RECS have provisions to keep levels of radioactive materials In effluents to unrestrtcted areas -As Low As Reasonably Achievable-(ALARA). Although 1OCFRSO does not Impose specific limits on releases, Appendix I of 1OCFRSO does provide numerfcal design objectives and suggested Dmiting conditions for operation.

According to SectIon I of Appendix I of 1OCFRSO, design objectives and limiting conditions for operation, conforming to the guidelines of Appendix I -shall be deemed a conclusive showing of compliance with the -As Low As Reasonably Achievable-requirements of 1OCFR50.348 and SO.36&. -An applicant must use calculationS to demonstrate conformance with the design objective dose limits 01 Appendix I. The calculations are to be based on models and data such that the actual radiatiOn exposure of an individual is -unlikely to be substantially underestimated-(see 10CFR50 Appendix I, Section iliA. 1). The guideUnes In Appendix I call for an Investigation, corrective action and a report to the NRC whenever the calculated dose due to the radioadIvtty released In a calendar quarter exceeds one-half of an annual design objeCtIve.

The guldeOnes also require a surveUIance program to monitor releases, monitor the environment and identify changes In land use.

  • 4QCEB190.

EnyIrprdJWltal Radiation Prptactlon Standards fpr Nyclear Power OperatIons Under an agreement between the NRC and the EPA, the NRC stipulated to Its licensees In Generic Letter 79-041 that -Compliance with Radiological Effluent Technical SpecJflcatIons (RETS), NUREG-0472 (Rev.2) for PNR's, Implements the LWR provisions to meet 4OCFR19O". (See References 49 and 103.) The regulations of 4OCFR190 limit radiation doses received by members of the public as a result of operations that are part of the uranium fuel cycle. Operations must be conducted In such a manner as to provide reasonable assurance that the annual dose equivalent to any member of the public due to radiation and to planned discharges of radioactive materials does not exceed the following Omits: o 25 mrem to the total body o 75 mrem to the thyroid Page 11.1-3 o 25 mrem to any other organ CY -BY -170-301 RevIsIon 7 I An important difference between the design objectives of 1OCFRSO and the Umits of 4OCFR190 Is that 1OCFRSO addresses only doses due to radioactive effk.lents.

4OCFR190 limits doses due to effluents and to radiation sources maintained on site. See SectIon 1.2.4 for further discussion of the differences between the requirements of 1OCFRSO AppendIx I and 4OCFR190.

  • 4OCEB141.

Natignal Pdmarv Prinldng Water Begulations The following radioactivity bits for community water systems were established In the July. 1978 edition of 4OCFR141:

o Combined Ra-228 and Ra-228: S 5 pCiIL o Gross alpha (particle activity Indudlng Ra-228 but excluding radon and uranium): 15 pCUL. o The average annual concentration of beta particle and photon radioactivity from man-made radlonuclldes In drlnldng water shall not produce an annual dose equivalent to the totaf body or any Intemal organ greater than 4 mremlyr. The regulations spedfy procedures for determining the values of annual average radlonucllde concentration that produce an annual dose equivalent of 4 mrem. Radiochemical analysis me1hods are also specified.

The responsibirlty for monitoring radioactivity In a community water system faDs on the supplier of the water. The Byron Station has requirements related to 4OCFR141 in the BEeS.

  • 10CFB72. Ucensiog RequIrements for the 'adept.nt Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel. HlattLaytI BadIoactiye Waste. and Reactor* Bela. GraaJar Than Class C waste 1 OCFR72. 104 states that annual dose to any real indiYiduailocated beyond the controlled area must not exceed the following:

o 25 mrem to the total body o 75 mrem to the thyrotd o 25 mrem to any other critical organ as a result of planned discharges of radioactive material to the environment.

direct radiation from ISFSI operation.

and other radiation from uranium fuel cycle operation (4OCFR190).

These requirements are consistent with the requirements of 4OCFR190.

Page 11.1-4

1.2.2 Radiological

Effluent Technical Standards CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 I The Radiological Effluent Technical Standards (RETS) were formerly a subset of the Tedinlcat SpecIfIcations.

They Implement provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations aimed at Dmlting offstte radiation dose. The NRC published Standard RETS for PWRs (Reference

2) as guidance to assist In the development of technical specifications.

These doct.ments have undergone frequent minor revisions to reflect changes In plant design and 8YOIvIng regulatory concerns.

The RETS have been removed from the Technical Specifications and pfaced In the TAM as the RECS (see Reference 90). The RECS are similar but not identical to the guidance of 1he Standard Radiological Effluent Technical SpecIfIcations.

1.2.3 0ffaIte

Dose Calculation Manual The NRC In Generic Latter 89-01 defines the OOCM as follows (not verbatim) (see Reference 90): The 0ffsIte Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) shall contain the methodology and parameters used In the calculation of offslte doses resulting from radloacllve gaseous and liquid effluents, In the cab dation of gaseous and liquid efftuent monltortng AlarrnlTrip SetpoInts, and In the conduct of the RadIologJcaJ EnvIronmental Monitoring Program. The OOCM shall also contain (1) the RadIoactIve Efftuent Controls and RadlologJcaJ Environmental Monitoring Programs and (2) descriptions of the Infonnatlon that should be Included In the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating and Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports. Additional requirements for the content of the ODCM are contained throughout the text of the RECS. 1.2.4 Overlapping Requirements In 1OCFR20, 1OCFRSO and 4OCFR190, there are overlapping requiI8ments regarding offsIte radiation dose and dose commitment to the total body. In 1OCFR20.1301, the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) to a member of the public Is Dmited to 100 mrem per calendar year. In addition, Appendix I to 1OCFRSO establishes design objectives on annual total body dose or dose commitment of 3 mrem per reactor for liquid effluents and 5 mrem per reactor for gaseous efftuents (see 1OCFR50 Appendix I, Sections ItA and II.B.2(a>>. FlnaIIy,4OCFR190 Omits annual total body dose or dose commibnent to a member of the public to 25 mrem due to all uranium fuel cycle operations.

Page 11.1-5 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I While these dose limits/design objectives appear to overtap, they are different and each Is addressed separately by the RETS. calculations are made and reports are generated to demonstrate compliance to an regulations.

Refer to Table 1 -1 and Table 1 -2 for additional infonnatlon regarding instantaneous effluent fimlts, design objectives and regulatory compliance.

1.2.5 Dose Receiver Methodology Table 1 -2 lists the location of the dose recipient and occupancy factors, If applicable.

Dose Is assessed at the location In the unrestricted area where the combination of existing pathways and receptor age groups Indicates the maximum potential exposures.

The dose calculation me1hodology Is consistent with the methodology of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference

8) and NUREG 0133 (Reference 14). Dose Is therefore calculated to a maximum Individual.

The maxlmwn Individual Is characterized as -maximum-with regard to food consumption, occupancy and other usage of the area In the vicinity of the plant site. Such a -maximum individual-represents reasonable deviation from the average for the population In general. In all physiological and metabolic respects.

the maximll'll Individual Is assumed to have those characteristics that represent averages for their corresponding age group. Thus, the dose calculated Is very conservative compared to the -average-(or typical) dose recipient who does not go out of the way to maximize radioactivity uptakes and exposure.

Page REGULATION Airborne Releases:

,_ ,-App." Table 1-1 Regulatory Doae Umlt Matrtx DOSE TYPE DOSE LlMIT(s) (amuII) Gamma Doee 10 AJt due to Noble Gal 5rnrad 10mrad R8IIoru:IdIIlDer

.... BIta Dole to AJt Cue 10 NabII Gas 10rnrad 20mrad RadIorIICIIdII fDIr reIICtOf unit) CY*BY*170-301 Revision 7 TRM Section 3.11.g 3.1'.g Orpn Doll Due 10 Specltied


15mrem 3.11..h oM ... * ...... ..... I TOIII Body" 8* Tot:IIBody 2.5mrem Srmwn WA Doll (I., dole .. 8111CMd1d)

SIdn 7.5mrem 15 ....... WA TechnIcII SpecIficaIIonI TOIII Body Doll RIel Due 10 Noble Gas 3.111 RadIorIICIIdII (InItII ....... 1ImIt, per .... ) 8Idn Doll ..... Due 10 NGI* Gu 3,000 rnremIyr 3.11.1 (InIIInSanecM-1mII, per 0rgIn Doll .... Due 10 SpecIOed ... 1,500 rnrerNyr 3.11.' NabII GM R8dIanucIIdII (InstanIaneau&

lmILaerlle' LiQufd Releases: (annual) 10CFR50 App. r 1.5rmwn 3mram 3.t1.d 0IaIn Doll mer .-ctar unit) 5mrern 10nuam 3.11.d Techilkal Spec:IftcaIIoI

.. T'he COI ... 1b8lloi. of In liquid Ten IIrMa Ihe vaIueI """'* ....... d to UlWlbkAed

..-IJ8I8d In 1OCFA20 3.11.c Appendix 8; Table 2, Column 2. and note 5 below far Hable Ga88S Total Doses ': OOCM Section II llvn Teal 10.. 100mtenl M U 10CFR20.1301 (d) TOIIIBodw Doll 25 5.6 And 4OCFR1GO 7S 5.5 oe-o.nDoll 25 5.6 Other Umlts ": 4OCFA141 TOIII Body Doll Due to Drtr*Ing w ..

3.4 Ftam.....,.W

...... 0rgIn Dole Due to 0ItnIdng W_ FIGIII 4mre1Wyr 3.4 P\.iIcW"-These doles ant calculabld COfIIid8rfng alllOUfCI8 of racIaIIan and radfoactIvtty In etnu.d8. :2 These limits ant nat dInIc:IIy appIic;ItM to ru:IMr power 1II .. 101la. They .... applicable to the ownera 01 aperakn of pubic water ayatem8. Howewr. the Byron RECS requiAII 8I .... ment of campli8nce wlh the8e hits. I Nate that 1OCFR50 prcMdIa deIIgn objedIveI, not limits. e Compliance with 10CFA20.1301 (a)(1) Is demonsbated by cam .. with 4OCFA190.

Note that It may be neceasary to address dale from on-de actMty by members 01 the pubic as well. I Kr-85m. Kr-85, Kr-87. Kr-88. Ar-41. Xe-131m. Xe-133m. Xe-133. Xe-135m and Xe-135 allowable c:or.OI"b8lkwl1s 2E-4 .,cVm' canputed from EqI radon 17 of.CAP PWIIcaUon 2 adjusted for infinite doud IUbmMlian In water. and R

  • 0.01 r.nIWk. Pw. 1.0 gIcm3. a1d P.IP, 1.0. Page 11.1-7 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I Table 1-2 Dose A88es8ment ReceIvera location; Occupancy If Do8e Component or Pathway Different than 100% *Instantaneous*

dose rates from Unrestricted area boundary Iocatfon that airborne radioactivity results In the maximum dose rate *Instantaneous*

concentration limitS In Point where liquid effluents enter the .Ilquld effluents unrestrtcted area Annual average concentration limitS for Point where liquid effluents enter the liquid effluents unrestricted area Direct dose from contai1ed sources Receiver spends part of this time In the controlled area and the remainder at his residence or fishing nearby; occupancy factor is considered and is slte-speciflc.

Direct dose from alrbome plume Receiver is at the unrestricted area boundary location that results In the maximum dose. Dose due to radlolodJnes, tritium and Receiver is at the location In the particulates with half-lives greater than unrestricted area where the combination of 8 days for Inhalation, ingestion of existing pathways and receptor age groups vegetation, mUk and meat, and ground indicates the highest potential exposures.

plane exposure pathways.

Ingestion dose from drinking water The drinking water pathway Is considered as an additive dose component In this assessment only If the public water supply serves the community Immediately adjacent to the plant. Ingestion dose from eating fish The receiver eats fish from the receiving body of water Total Organ Doses Summation of Ingestionlinhalation doses Total Dose Summation of above data (Note it may also be necessary to address dose from on-site activity by members of the public.) figure 1 -1 iUustrates some of the potential radiation exposure pathways to humans due to routine operation of a nuclear power station. Page 11.1-8 Cwl' g ..... Flgure1-1 Radiation Expoaan Pathways to Humane Nudear Power Plant CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 __ ____________ E.-n Human Page 11.1-9

1.3 Offstte

Dose calculation Parameters CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I This section contains offsite dose calculation parameter factors. or values not specific only to one of the gas. liquid. or total dose chapters.

Additional parameters are provided In the SectIons 2. 4 and 5 of the OOCM. 1OCFRSO Dose Commitment Factors With the exception of H-3. the dose commitment factors for 1OCFR50 related calculatiOns are exactly those provided In Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 6). The following table lists the parameters and the corresponding data tables In the RG 1.109: PADtWAY ADULT D5f!WJEB CtILD INfANT Inhalation RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: Table E-7 Table E-8 Table E-9 Table E-10 Ingestion RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: RG 1.109: Table E-11 Table E-12 Table E-13 Table E-14 These tables are contained In Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 6). Each table (E-7 through E-14) provides dose factors for seven organs for each of 73 radIonuclldes.

and Table E-5 lists Miscellaneous Dose Assessment Factors -Consumption Parameters.

For radlonuclldes not found In these tables. dose factors will be derived from ICRP 2 (Reference

50) or NUREG-0172 (Reference 51). The values for H-3 are taken from NUREG-4013 (Reference 107).


The references listed below were transferred from the previous ODCM revision that was common to all fonner Commonwealth edison nuclear stations.

The references not applicable to Byron have been deleted. however the numbering has been preserved for ease of reference management throughout the ODCM document; therefore.

reference numbering Is not sequential.

2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Standard Radiological Efftuent Technical Speclflcatlona for PreSSUrized Water Reactors.


Rev. 3. Draft. January 1983 (frequentty revtsed).

4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Measuring, Eyaluattng.

and ReporUng RadloactMty In SoNd Wastes and Releases of Badloactfya Materials In liquid and Gaseous Effluents frpm Ught-Watlr-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants* Regulatory Gylde 1.21. Revision 1. June 1974. ' Page 11.1-10 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 I 5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 0nsJte Meteorological Programs, Regulatory Guide 1.23, Safety Guide 23, February 17, 1972. 6. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, CalculatIon of AmuaI Doses to Mao frpm Routine Beleaas of Reactor EffIuants for the PUrpose of Eyaluatlng Compliance with 10 CFR Pad 50 Appendix I. Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, October 1977. 7. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Methods fpr Estimating Atmosphertc Transport and DIspersion of Ge"M Effluents In RoutIne Releases from Ugbt-W8Jar-Coolad Reactgrs.

Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev. 1, July 1977. 8. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, calculation of Releases of Radioactlye MaterIals In Gaseous and Ugutd Effluents from Ught-WaJer:Cooled Power Reactors.

Regulatory Guide 1.112, Rev. o-R, Aprt11978; reissued May 19n. 9. U.S. Nuclear BeguIatoIy Commission, Esllmatlna Aquatic Plsperslon of Effluents frqn Accidental and Roytlna Raaclor ReleaSlS for the Purpose of Implementing APpendIx I. Regulatory Guide 1.113, Rev. 1, AprtI19n.

10. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Prpgrams fpr MonitorIng Radloactlytty In the EnvIrons of Nuclear power Plants. Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. " Aprtl 1975. 11. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Preparation of Enytrpnrnantal Reports for Nuclear pPwer StatIons.

Regulatory Guide 4.2, Rev. 2, July 1978. 12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Enytrpnmental Technical SD8Ciflcations fpr Nuclear Power ptants. Regulatory Guide 4.8, Rev. 1, December 1975. (See also the related RadfoIogicaI Assessment Branch Technical PosItIon, Rev. " November 1979.) 13. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Quality AssuraDCI for Radioi0gicai Morito(*1A programs (Normal OparaUorJstEffIuent Straams and the EnyIrpnmem, Regulatory Guide 4.15, Rev. 1, February 1979. 14. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Praparatlgn of Radiological Effluent Technical SpecifIca1Ions for Nyclear pPwer Pfants. edited by J. S. 8oegI1 at aI. NUREG-Ol33, October 1978. 15. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, XOQDOQ; ComPUter prpgram for the MtteorpIoaIcaI Eyaluatlon of Routirw Effluent Releases at Nuclear pPwer Stations.

J. F. Sagendorf et aI. NUREGlCR-2919, PNL-4380, September 1982. 16. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Radioi0gicai Assessment.

edited by J. E. nn and H. R. Meyer, NUREG/CR-3332, ORNL-5988, September 1983. 17. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standard BeyIew ptan, NUREG-oaoo, July 1981. Page 11.1-11 CY-BY-17Q-301 Revision 7 I 18. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

Meteorology and Atomic Energy 1968. edited by D. H. Slad ** T10-2194O.

July 1968. 19. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

PI,,"e Bise. G. A. Briggs. TlO-25075.

1969. 20. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

The Potential RadlologlcallmDlications of Nucfear FaciIHIeJ In 1he Upper Mlsslsslppt BJyar Basin tn the year 2000. WASH 1209. January 1973. 21. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

HASL Procedures Manual. Health and Safety Laboratory.

HASl-300 (revised annually).

22. U.S. Department of Energy, Models and Parameters for Enytronmental Radioi0gicai Assessments.

edited by C. W. MUJer. DOEIT1C-11468.

1984. 23. U.S. Department of Energy. Atmospbarfc ScIence and Power prgduction.

edited by D. Randerson, DOEIT1C-27601, 1984. 24. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Workbook of Atmospberlc DIspersion EstImates.

D. B. Turner, OffIce of Air Programs Publication No. AP-28, 1970. 25. U.S. EnvIronmental Protection Agency, 4OCFB19Q EnyIrpnOllntal RadJatIon ProIlCtton Requirements for Normal OperatIons of ActIyitIes In the Uranlwn Fuel Final Environmental Statement, EPA 52014-78-016.

November 1,1976. 28. U.S. Environmental PJOtectton Agency, Envirprmental Analysis of the Uranium fuel Cycle. EPA-52OI9-73-OO3-C, November 1973. 27. American Society of Mechanical engineers, Reqxnmtnded Guide for the Predldlon of the DIspersion of Airborne Effluents.

1973. 28. Eisenbud.

M., Environmental BadIoactMty.

3td Edition. (Academic Press. Orlando. FL, 1987). 29. Glasstone.

S .* and Jordan, W. H .* Nuclear Power and Its Enyirgnmemal Effects (Amertcan Nuclear SocIety, LaGrange Park. IL, 1980). 30. International Atomic Energy Agency, Genede Models and Parameters fpr Assessing the EnyIrpnmentaI Transfer of Radlonuclldes from RoutIne Releases.

Safety Sertes, No. 57, 1982. 31. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Radiological Assessment PmdlcUog the TransPort.


and Uptake by Man of BadJgnuclldes Released to the EnyIrpoment NCBP Report No. 76. March 15, 1984. Page 11.1-12 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 32. American National Standards Institute, Guide to Sampling Alrbome Radloactlye Matertals In Nuclear Facilities.

ANSI N13.1-1969, February 19, 1969. 33. Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineers, SDeCiflca1ton and perfgrrnaOC8 of Qn.Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monttortna Radloactlytty In Effluents.

ANSI N13.10-1974, September 19, 1974. 34. Amertcan National Standards Institute, Testing and procedural Spedflcatlons for TherrnolllDlnascanc;e Dosimetry (Enylrpnmentaf ApplIcations)'

ANSI N545-1975, August 20, 1975. 35. American Nuclear Insurers, EffhaJt MonItorIng.

ANIlMAElU engineering Inspection Criteria for Nuctear UabOity Insurance, SectIon 5.1, Rev. 2, October 24, 1988. 36. American Nuclear Insurers, Environmental Monitoring, ANIlMAELU EngIneering Inspection Criteria for Nuclear LlabBIty Insurance, Section 5.2, Rev. 1, March 23, 1987. 37. Amertcan Nuclear Insurers, Enytcoomental Monitoring programs.

ANIlMAELU Information Bulletin 86-1, June 9, 1986. 38. Cember, H., Intmduc1Ioo to Health PhysIcs, 2nd EditIon (pergamon Press, 8msford, NY 1983). 41. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Branch Technical position.

Radiological Assessment Branch, RevIsIon 1, November 1979. (This Is a branch position on Regulatory Guide 4.8.) 43. U.S. Nuctear Regulatory Commission, C8IcuIation of ReleaSls of Radioactlye Mattdala In Gaseous and liquid Effluents from presswtzed water Reactors (pwR-GALE Code)' NUREG-0017, April 1976. 49. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Methods for [)emonsIrah LWR Compliance wHb Jhe EPA Uranium Fuet Cycle Standard (40 CEB pan 1901, NUREG-0543, February 1980. SO. International Commission on Radioi0gicai Protection, Report of Committee Two 00 permissible Dose for Intimal Aett1eUnn, Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, leRP Publication 2, 1959. 51. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Aga-SpacIfIc Radiation

[)ose Commitment factors for a Qne.VU' CbrpnIc Intake, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, NUREG-G172,1977.

52. W. C. Ng, Transfer CoeffIcIents for Prediction of the Dose to Mao yIa the E9RlQI=Cow-M1Ik Pathway from BadJonuclides Released to the Biosphere, UCRL-51939. . Page 11.1-13 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 53. E. C. Smutls and M. G. Konicek, Oerlyatioos of ContinUOUS Euncdons for the Lateral and Vertical Atmospheric DisPersion Coefficients.

Atmospheric Environment 6,859 (1972). 54. D. C. Kocher, editor, NUcfear Decay Data for Radlonucl!des Occurring In RQutine ReleaseS from Nuclear Fuel Cycle FactUties.

ORNUNUREGlTM-102, August 19n. 55. R. L Hea1h. Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalog, Aerojet Nuclear Co ** ANCR-1QOO-2.

third or subsequent edition. 56. S. E. Thompson.

Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements In edible Aquatic Organisms.


Rev. 1. 1972. 57. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Instruction Concerning Risks from OccupatIona J Radiation ExPosure, Regulatory Guide 8.29, July 1981. 58. Dresden Nuclear Power Station. Rad!oactiye waste and Eoytronmental Monltprtno.

Annual Report 1987. March 1988. 59. Reserved reference number 70. D. C. Kocher. Badloactiytly Decay Data Tables. OOEITIC-11026.

1981. 71. J. C. Courtney, A Handbook of Radlattpn Shielding Data, ANSlSD-76114.

July 1976. 75. Sargent & Lundy. MEJWRSUM, S&L Program Number 09.5.187-1.0.

76. Sargent & Lundy. Comments on CECa ODCM and Ust of SAl calculations.

Internal Office Memorandum, P. N. Oerezotes to G. R. Davidson.

November 23. 1988. n. Sargent & Lundy, AZN. A ComPUter Prpgram to C&lculata Annual Average 0ffsIte [)oses from Routine Releases of Radionuclides in Gaseous Effluents and PostacckIent

)({Q YaIuas. S&L Program Number 09.8.054-1.7.

78. NatIonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

A program for Evaluating Atmospheric ptspendon frpm a Nuclear Power Station. J. F. Sagendorf.

NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-42. Air Resources Laboratory, Idaho Falls. Idaho. May 1974. 79. *G. P. Lahti, R. S. Hubner, and J. C. Golden, Assessment of Gamma-Bay EmosuI'lS Que to Finite Plumes. Health PhysIcs 41, 319 (1981) . . Page 11.1*14 CY-BY-170-301 Revision 7 I 80. National Council of RadiatiOn Protection and Measurements.

ionizing Radiation ExDoswe of the POPUlation of tbt United States. NeRP Report No. 93, September 1, 1987. 82. W. R. Van Pelt (EnvIronmental Analysts, Inc.), Letter to J. Golden (ComEd) dated January 3, 1972. 84. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pratt Gloede ErwlrpomenJallmpact Statemtntoo Uranium Mb. NUREG-0511, April 1979. 85. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EnvIronmental Analysis of the Uranium Fuel Cycfe. Part 1-Fuel SupoIy. EPA-52019-73-003-8, October 1973. 88. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, FInal Generic EnyIroomantat S1atement on the Usa of BecycIa Auton!"" In MIxed OxIde FueI!n Light water Cooled Reactors.

NUREG-0002, August 1976. 87. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

pemograRhIc Statistics Pertaining to Nuclear Power Reactgr SHea. NUREG-0348, Draft, December 1977. 88. Nuclear News 31, Number 10, Page 69 (August 1988). 89. General ElectrIc Company. InadlaJad FwI Storage at Morris Operation.

Operating Experience RePOrt. January 1972 tbrpygh December 1982. K. J. Egar, NEDO-20969B.

go. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 89-01, -Guidance For The Implemantatlon of programmatic Controls For RETS In lbe Admlnlstratlye Contrpls SectIon of Tecbnlcal SoecHIcatlons and 1be Relocation of prgcedural Details or Current RETS to '" 0ffsIta [)ose CalculatIon Manual or prgcess ContrpI Program-, January 1989. 92. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER)IIdaho NotIonal EngIneering laboratory Technical Evaluation Report (TER) of the Commonwealth Edison 0ffsIte Dose C8Jculation Manual (ODCM). Revision OA. December 2, 1991. 95. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standards for protection AgaInst RadIatIon (lOCFR20).

96. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Uceoslna of Prpduction and UUllzaIIon FacUlties (lOCFR50).

-97. Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 169, Monday, August 31, 1992, page 39358. 98. MUler. Chartes W., Models and Parameters for Enylrpomental Radioi0gicai AsSBssrnents, U.S. Dept. of Energy. DE8102754, 1984. pages 32,33,48.

and 49.

CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 I 99. Kocher, D. C., -Dose-Rate Conversion Factors For External Exposure To Photons and EIectrons-, Health Physics Vol. 45, No.3 (September), pp. 665-686,1983.

100. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Public Health Service, Radiological Health Handbook.

January 1970. 101. OOCM Bases and Reference Document, rev.O, November, 1998. 103. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 79-041, September 17, 1979. 104. Federal Register, Vol. 56, No. 98, Tuesday, May 21, 1991, page 23374, column 3. 1 OS. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 0ffsIte Dose C8iculatlon Manual Guidance:

Standard Radioi0gicai EmueDt ContrpIs for Prassyrlztd Water Reactors, NUREG-1301, April 1991. 107. U.S. Nuctear Regulatory Commission, LADTAP 11-Technical Reference and Users Guide, NUREG-4013, April 1986. 1 OS. Holtec Report No. HI-2084113, Dose Versus DIstance from a HI-STORM 100s Version B COntatning the MPC-32 for ByronIBraidwood.

HoItec International, 8114108. Page 11.1-18 Table 1 *3 CY -BY *170-301 Revision 7 I MIsceDaneous Dose Assessment Factors: Environmental Parameters Parameter Value Comment fa 0.76 fL 1.0 fl) 1.0 f. 1.0 fa>> 262,800 30 years hrs It 48hrs Cow Milk Pathway It 480hrs Cow Meat Pathway " 1440hrs 60 dayS for produce " 2160 hrs 90 dayS for produce fa. 24hrs 1 day for leafy V8Qtttables QF 50 Kgfday r 1.0 Forlodlnes r 0.2 For PartIculates Yp 0.7 .Kafm2 Y. 2.0 Y v 2.0 Kgfm2 Aw 0.0021 hr-l H 8gm1m" Absolute AUI ""'tIheric Humidity 'BasIs key: A; Reference

6. Table E-15. B: Reference
6. Table E-3. EQuation BasIS-4-11.4-12 A 4-11.4-12 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-9 C 4-13 A 4-15 A 4-11 A 4-15 A 4-11 A 4-13.4-14.4-15.

B 4-16 4-11.4-13.4-15 A 4-11.4-13.4-15 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-13.4-15 A 4-11 A 4-11. 4-13. 4-15 A 4-12.4-14.4-16 0 C: The parameter fa>> Is taken as the midpoint of plant operating life (based upon an assumed 60 year plant operating lifetime).

0: Reference

14. SectIon Page 11.1-17 Element H Be C F He tAg p a AI K Ca Sc TI V Cr Mn Fe Co N Cu Zn Ga Ga M S. 8r Kr Rb Sr Y ZI Nb Met Tc Au Rh Pd Cd In Sn Sb AI Te I CI Sa La Pr Nd Table 1 -4 Stable Element Transfer Data F, Meat (dIkg) 1.2E42 3.1E42 3.0£42 1.5E42 4.8E42 NA 1.8E42 1.8E43 3.4E42 8.0£.04 4.0£42 1.3E-02 5.3E-02 3.0£-02 1.5E-02 8.1E.04 1.7E-02 7.7E-02 2.8E.03 NA 3.1E-02 8.0E.04 4.8E.03 3.4E-02 8.0E.03 4.0E41 1.5E.03 5.3E-02 3.0£42 1.5E42 9. 1 E.04 5.0E.03 1.7E42 7.7E42 2.8E.03 NA 4.0£.03 3.2E.03 2.0E.04 1.2E.03 4.7E.03 3.3E.03 Fu(Cow) Milk (dIU 1.0E. 3.2E.03 1.2E. 1.4E. 4.0E. 3.2E-03 1.3E.03 2.5£. 1.4£. NA 7.2E.03 1.1E.Q2 7.5E-Oe &.OEoOe 1.3E.03 2.2E.03 2.5E004 1.2E.03 1.0E.03 8.7E.03 1.4£.Q2 3.9E. 1.3E.03 9.8E.05 5.OEo04 1.0E.03 2.2E.Q2 NA 3.0E.Q2 8.0E004 1.0£.Q5 5.oeoOe 2.5E.03 7.5E.03 2.5E. 1.0E. 8.7E.03 2.0£.Q2 1.3E.03 9.8E.05 2.0E-05 5.0£. 1.0E.03 e.OE.03 NA 1.2E.Q2 4.0E-04 5.0£4 1.0£-04 5.0£4 5.0£4 Pagetl.1*18 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 Reference 8 FootnoI81 8 Footnot82 8 Footnote 1 Footnota3 8 FooInote2 NA 18 18 Footnota4 Footnot85 F00In0Ia8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Footnota3 Footnote 7 FootnoI88 Footnote 9 F, FooInoIa 2;F .. ffom Ref. 18 NA 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 e 8 FocI4note 10 foon*11 FocItI'dt3 Footnote 7 98 8 8 8 NA 8 8 8 8 e 8 CY -BY -170-301 Revision 7 Table 1
  • 4 (Conrd) Stable Element Transfer Data F, F.,(Cow) Element MeatCdlkg)


Reference Pm 18 Sm 2.0E-08 18 Eu 18 Gd 18 Dy 18 Er 18 Tm 18 Vb 18 Lu 18 Hf 3.4E-G2 5.0E4 FootnoI85 Ta 2.8E'()1 1.3E-03 Fit -ReI.18; F, -F00In0fe 8 W 1.3E-03 8 Re 1.0E'()1 1.3E-03 Fit -Ref.1S; F, -Footnote 12 Oa 2.2E'()1 8.QE.04 FoonM13 Ir 7.3E-03 5.5E-03 FoonM14 PI S.3E-G2 8.7E.()3 FooInOtiI10 AIJ 1.3E-G2 3.2E-G2 Fooh*15 Hg 3.0E-G2 9.7E-08 Fit -Ref.18; F, *FooInote 11 n 1.5E-G2 1.3E-03 Fit* Ref.18; F, .footnc*t 3 Pb 88 BI 1.7E-02 98 Ra 5.8E-04 98 Th 1.8E-08 5.0E4 98 U 1.8E4 98 Np 8 Am 1.8E-08 2.0E.()5 88 ..... 1. NA -It .........

thai nabla eu-.. ,.,._ C 1.111 on .. gI'OIIIS.


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.. 71 ..... ,01, .... .-.gIId ... .....,.,., ...........

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_ UIId lor III oaIIInnI ...................

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....... _ nodllll, ..........

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." ...... 1I'(Alt1)

... 8r(fW.11).

3. "-..oIIeIInId." ..... Zn (All.., .... PIt (AIf.1I):

...... no ... Ior ..... 1n .. .. ..... ...., ........ cI ........ 4A on"perIocIc1lbla

,. ........ ." .... __ far n .......... , .. 4. vu. ..... ." ...................

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It. .. " __ cMIInIdflOtlt


Ior ... "' ........ ." .. IIgIng __ .Nb (AIf.I) .... T. (fW. 11). 7. v.-. .... fIan ................

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