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Forwards Monthly Fr Notice of Applications & Amends to OLs Involving NSHC
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/17/1986
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Simpson A
NUDOCS 8612020113
Download: ML20214K014 (17)



N vember 17, 1986

. IDENTICAL' LETTERS SENT T0: (See attached list of addressees) D7b The-Honorable Alan Simpson, Chairman-Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation Committee on Environment and Public Works-United States Senate Washington, D. C. 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Public Law.97-415, enacted on January 4, 1983, amended Section 189 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to authorize the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to issue and make imediately effective any amendment to an operating license upon'a determination by the Commission that such amendment involves no significant hazards consideration, notwithstanding the pendency before the Commission of a request for a hearing.

In addition, the legislation requires the Comission to periodically (but not less frequently than once every thirty days) publish notice of any 4

amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, under the new authority above.

s A copy of the Commission's Federal Register notice is enclosed for- your information.

Siilcerely, '


/ Orteni -3 .a w skor a v,4 % ,

\ Harold R. Denton, Director-j Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


4 Federal Register Notice l

cc: Senator Gary Hart

! ' DISTRIBUTION w/o enclosure:

Central File E00 Reading NRC PDR L PDR bqf i PWR 8 Rdg File NSIC g 6,O d VStello MBridgers HDenton Program Support, NRR RBernero JPartlow HThompson EHackley

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NAME :JS ;eh :i 1me H ton . . . .

DATE:ll/l0/86  :(\/g J(/86 :p/g/86  :////f/86  :  :  :

$j ji3 g 17 PDR

l l


' ~

The Commission has made a proposed determination that the following amendment requests involve no

% significant hazards consideration. Under a the Commission's regulations in to CFR 50.92, this means that operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendments would not (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an socident previously evaluated: or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) invclve a significant reduction in a i margin of safety.'Ihe basis for this proposed determination for each amendment request is shown below.

The Commission is seeking public comments on this proposed determination. Any comments receive'd within 30 days after the date of.

publication of this notice will be considered in making any final NUCt. EAR REGUL.ATORY normally make a final determination a COMMISS60N unless it receives a request for a

' Applications and Amendments to heaQ Comments should be a,ddressed to the Operating Ucenses involving No Rules and Procedures Branch, Division Significant Hazards Considerations; Bi-of Rules and Records. Office of WeeW Nouce Administration, U. S. Nuclear I. Background Regulatory Commission. Washington, DC 20555, and should cite the Pursuant to Public !.aw (Pub.L) 97- publication date and page number of 415, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission this Federal Register notice.

(the, Commission) is publishing this By December 5,1986, the licensee may regular bl. weekly notice / Rub. L 97-415 file a request for a hearing with respect revised section 180 of the Atomic Energy to issuance of the amendment to the Act of 19M, as amended (the Act), to subject facility operating license and require the Commission to publish any person whose interest may be notice of any amendments issued, or affected by this proceeding and who

' proposed to be issued. under a new wishes to participate as a party in the provision of section189 of the Act.This proceeding must file a written petition provision grants the Commission the for leave to intervene. Requests for a a suthority to issue and make immediately hearing and petitions forleave to effective any amendment to an intervene shall be flied in accordrnce

! operating license upon a determination with the Commission's ** Rules of

' by the Commission that such Practice for Domestic Ucensing amendment involves no significant Proceedings"in to CFR Part 2. If a hazards consideration. notwithstanding request for a hearing or petition for the pendency before the Commission of leave to intervene is filed by the above date, the Commission or an Atomic

! a request for a hearing from any person.

Safety and Ucensing Board, designsted

- This bl. weekly notice includes all b the Commission or by the Chairman amendments issued. or proposed to be

  • issued, since the date of publication of
  • ^ * "" '"' 8 Board Panel, will rule on the request the last bl. weekly notice which wee and/or petition and the Secretary or the published on October 22.1986 (51 FR designated Atomic Safety and ucensing 37502) through October 27.1986. Board willissue a notice of hearing or an appropriate order.


Federal Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday. November 5,1986 / Noti:.c 40275 As required by 10 CFP 2.714, a petition amendment involves a significant Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W.,

for leave to intervene shall set forth with hazards considerstion, any hearing held Washington, D.C., and at the local particularity the interest of the would take place before the issuance of public document room for the particular petitioner in the proceeding, and how any amendment. facility involved.

that interest may be affected by the Normally, the Commission will not results of the proceeding.The petition issue the amendment until the Arizona Public Service Company et al, should specifically explain the reasons expirstion of the 30-day notice period. Docket Nos. STN 50-528 and 50-529,.

why intervention should be permitted flowever, should circumstances change Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station with particular reference to the during the notice period such that failure (PVNGS), Units 1 and 2 M,rricopa following factors:(1) The nature of the to act in a timely way.would result, for County, Arizona petitioner's right under the Act to be example,in derating or shutdown of the Date of amendment requests: October '

made a party to the proceedmg: (2) the facility. The Commission may issue the 18,1986 (three applications) natare and extent of the petitioner's license amendment before the property, financial, or other interest in Description of amendment requests:

expiration of the 30-day notice period. The proposed amendments would allow ,

the proceeding; and (3) the possible provided that its final determination is additional sale and leaseback effect of any order which may be that the amendment involves no transactions by Arizona Public Service entered in the proceeding on the significant hazards consideration. The Company (APS), Public Service petitioner's interest. %e petition should final determination will consider all Company of New Mexico (PNM) and El also identify the specific aspect (s) of the public and State comments received Paso Electric Company (El Paso) relatin8 subject matter of the proceeding as to before action is taken. Should the to their ownership interests in Palo which petitioner wishes to intervene. Commission take this action. it will Verde. Specifically, the three Any pers,on who has filed a petition for publish a notice ofissuance and provide applications request authorization by leave to intervene or who has been for opportunity for a hearing after admitted as a party may amend the three of the co-owners to transfer all or issuance. The Commission expects that a portion of their remaining fee interests petition without requesting leave of the the need to take this action will occur floard up to fifteen (15) days prior to the to equity investors and the simultaneous very infrequently. transfer by the equity inve, tors back to first prehearing conference scheduled in A request for a hearing or a petition the proceeding. but such an amended these co-owners of a long term for leave to mtervene must be, filed with

, (approximately 27%-29% years) petition must satisfy the specificity the Secretary of the Commission, U.S.

requirements described above. possessoryleaseholdinterest of these Nuclear Regula tory Commission.

Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to Washington, DC 20555, Attention- shares under the terms described in the the first preheanng conference applications and other identified Docketing and Service Branch, or may scheduled in the proceeding a petitioner be delivered to the Commission s Pubh.c documents. [For PNM, the sale and chall fde a supplement ta the petition to Document Room.1717 H Street, NW.* leaseback transactions relate to Palo Verde 1 and 2; for APS and El Paso, the mterverte which must include a list of Washmgton, DC, by the above date.

the contentions which are sought to be Where petitions are filed during the last sale and leaseback transactions relate litigated in the matter, and the bases for ten (10) days of the notice period,it is to Palo Verde 2')'

it is comtemplated that the equity each contention set forth with requested that the petitioner promptly so reasonable specificity. Contentions shall inform the Commission by a toll-free investors may be third parties not be limited to matters within the scope of telephone call to Western Union at (800) affiliated with the co-owners.These, the amendment under consideration. A equity investors might include electnc 325-0000 (in Missouri (800) 342-6700). utilities, r affiliates or subsidianes petitioner who fails to file such a The Western Union operator should be supplement which satisfies these given Datagram Identification Number thereof, in which case antitrust requirements with respect to at least one 3737 and the following message c nsiderations may be present. Under contention will not be permitted to addressed to (Pmject Director /: the proposed transactions, it is participate as a party. petitioner's name and telephone represented that the present co-owners Those permitted to intervene become number; date petition was mailed, plant will remain in possession of their parties to the proceeding, subject to any name; and publication date and page present partialinterests m the Palo i limitations in the order granting leave to number of this Federal Register notice. Verde facilities under leaseholds rather I than by virtue of ownership. APS would

  • intervene, and have the opportunity to A copy of the petition should also be participate fully in the conduct of the sent to the Office of General Counsel, continue to be the sole bcensed operator hearing, including the opportunity to 11ethesda. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory f the facilities.

present evidence and cross examine Commission, Washington, DC 20555 The proposed amendments are simdar ,

witnesses. and to the attorney for the licensee. to a request fded on October 18,1985, by if a hearing is requested, the Nontimely filings of petitions forleave Arizona Public Service Company (APS)

Commission will make a final to intervene, amended petitions, regarding the sale and leaseback determinalmn on the issue of no supplemental petitions and/or requests transactmns by Pubhc Service Company significant hazanis consideration. The for hearing will not be entertained of New Mexico (PNM) of a portion of final determination will serve to decide absent a deterrmnation by the PNM's ownership interests in PVNGS when the hearing is held. Commission, the presiding officer or the Unit 1. See 50 FR 45955.1]y Order of If the final determination is that the presiding Atomic Safety and 1.icensing December 12,1985. the Commission amendment request involves no Boant that the petition and/or request approved the proposed scle and signifimnt hazanis conmderation. the should be gmnted based upon a lea.seback trensactions and authoriad CommisWon may issue the amendment- balannna of factors speufied in to CFR the amendment of the PVNGS Umt 1 and make it immediately effectise. 2.714(a H t W)-b) and 2 714(d). hcensa subject to certain conditions. On notwithstanding the request for a for further detuds with respect to this December 26,1985. the PVNGS Unit I hearing. Any heanng held would take actmn. see the application for license was amended and conditioned ,

place after issuance of the amendment. amendment which is os silable for pubhc pursuant to the Commission's Order.

If the final determination is that the inspection at the Commission's Public See 51 FR 1883.  !

l 1

40276 Federal Register / Vol. 51. No. 214 / Wednesday. November 5.1986 / Notices ne Commission also received Standards-lavolve a Significant. Attorneyforlicensees:Mr. ArthurC.

requests for additional similar lacrease /n the Probabilityor Gehr. Snell & Wilmer. 3100 Valley transactions related to sale and Consequences of an Accident Center. Phoen'x. Arizona 85007.

leaseback of Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 Pnviously Evaluated NRCProject Director: George W.

ownership shares by PNM (see 51 FR No change is involved in any aspect of Knighton.

8259,51 FR 8587, and 51 FR 9125) and plant design. criteria or operation of any Commonwealth Edison Company, f the plant units. %e proposed Docket No. 50-373. la Salle County seean le bac of Pal erd nt **" * * * "* * ' * ,'

2 ownership shares by El Paso Electric '

8 Company (see 51 FR 20360) and by nseq e ces o an ccide Date ofcmendment request: October

~ Arizona Public Service Company (see 51 14.1986.

YR 20367). On lune 2, August 12 and 15, Standard 2--Create the Possibility of a Description of amendment request:

1968. the PVNGS Units 1 and 2 licenses Ne w or Different Kind of Accident Prom The proposed amendment to Operating were amended to allow the requested AnyAccidentPnviouslyEvaluated 1.icense No. NPF-11 would revise the la sale and leaseback transactions.These ne proposed amendments do not SaHe M 1 Technical Specmcations for amendments permitted the transactions affect any aspect of plant design, criteria a ne time technical specification relief to be completed by PNM for Unit 1 by during the La Salle Unit 2 first refueling or operation and do not affect any August 31.1988 and by PNM. APS and utage to extend the present ten-day condition or parameter of any unit. For El Paso for Unit 2 by September 30,1986. p d ' h '

this reason. the NRC staff has d e d es en ato s ul The current applications state that. determined that the proposed although the co-owners have sold and- required to satisfy the standby AC on-amendments do not create the site power requirements for Unit 1. nis leased back portions of the ownership possibility of a new or different kind of one time change will allow the interests authorizedby the license accident from any accident previously installation of the diesel generator tube amendments. additional amendments evaluated. oil modification requimd by license are requested to allow the sale and leaseback transactions of the remainder Standard 3-Involve a Significant condition to be installed on Unit 2 prior Reduction in a Afargin ofSafety to startup after the first refueling for the of their ownership interests. TheY common diesel generator "2A". Because anticipate these transactions will be The requested amendments do not 2A Diesel Generator is shared between completed by june 30,1907. change any aspect of plant desig't. the two units and existing Technical In addition. co-owner Public Service criteria or operation of any of the plant Specification requires this diesel Company of New Mexico has requested units. For this reason, the NRC staff has generator be operable whenever either that Paragraph 2.B(6) of the Unit i determined that the proposed changes unit is in operation the licensee is license be revised to change the do not involve a significant reduction in unable to perform the modification language concerning insurance to make any margins of safety. without bringing both units to shutdown.

It consistent with the language of the The proposed amendments would Basisforproposedno significant Unit 2 license. Specifically. In lieu of the authorize additional time to complete barords considemtion determinationi statement that the IIcensees notify the sale and leaseback transactions of a ne Commission has provided .

Commission of"any change in the k'ind previously authorized by the standards for datermining whether a existing insurance",it should be Commission and clarify a condition significant hazards consideration exists changed to "any change in . . . the concerning Unit 1 property insurance to (10 CFR 50.92(c)). A proposed existing property insurance coverage for ref!cct that which has been approved for amendment to an operating license for a the Palo Verde Nuclear Facility. Unit 1 Unit 2. Furthermore, the proposed facility involves no significant hazards as specified in licensees counsel's letter amendments would maintain the co. consideration if operation of the facility owners in possession of their prpsent in accordance with the proposed of November 28.1985".

d Interests in PVNGS as lessees shd they amendment would not (1) involve a Basisfo significant increase in the probability or hazards cons derc ion det r ina ion', w uld continue to be obligated to pay their share of all costs of construction, consequenses of an accident previously The Commission has provided evaluated:(2) create the possibility of a standards for determining whether a maintenance, operation, capital improvements and decommissioning. new or different kind of accident from significant hazards consideration exists any accident previously evaluated; or (3)

The equity investors do not have any as stated in 10 CFR 50.92. A proposed involve a significant reduction in a rights of possession in absent further

, amendment to an operating license for a license amendment, or control over margin of safety.

facility involves no significant hazards The licensee indicates in its PVNGS. Arizona Public Service considerations if operation of the facility Company would continue to be the sole application that the proposed Technical in accordance with a proposed licensee authorized to use and operate Specifications are justifiable because:

amendment would not:(1) Involve a the facility. 1.The probability that a station significant increase in the probability or Based on the above considerations, blackout will occur during the 30 days is consequences of an accident previously the Commission proposes to determine extremely unlikely.

evaluated. or (2) create the possibility of that the proposed changes do not 2. The operating unit can be safely a new or different kind of accident from involve a significant hazards shutdown following a loss of offsite any accident previously evaluated; or (3) consideration. power transient even if one of the involve a significant reduction in a Locaipublic Document Room remaining diesels fails.

margm f safety. Location phoenix Public Library. In addition to the above. the licensee 7

A discussion of these standards as Dusiness. Science and Technology contends that the La Salle diesels have a l they relate to the amendment requests Department.12 East McDowell Road, higher than average reliability.The follows: Phoenix. Arizona 85004. average emergency diesel generator has

1 l

Fedeial Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices 40277 a reliability of 0.98 and those at La Salle having a low reactivity worth, was parameters such as shutdown margin have a reliability that exceed 0.99, specifically chosen in order to avoid any and scram reactivity worth) would The licensee has determined, and the reactivity safety concerns. .

bound the reactivity effects from the NRC staff agrees, that the proposed SpecialTest Exception %.10.8 allows postulated misoperation: and (d) the amendment will not: bypass of the StCRD in the Rod inserted FMCRD (by administrative .

1. Involve a significant increase in the Sequence Control System and control) will not be moved until reactor probability or consequences of an programming out of the Rod Worth power is greater than 25 percent and a accident previously evaluated because Minimizer, %.10.9 provides for rod pattern has been established in in the event of a loss of offsite power determination of the Shutdown Margin order to free the FMCRD rod from the with the "2A" diesel inoperable for this with an increased allowance for.the Rod Sequence' Control Sequence (RSCS) period sufficient onsite power with a withdrawn worth of the FMCRD, and logic and the Rod Worth Minimizer '

single active failure will still be  %.10.10 provides for disarmmg the (RWM) progrsm as proposed by the available to shut down the operating FMCRD motor electrically in case of not Technical Specification Exception 3/

unit safely, meeting the shutdown margin 4.10.9 (RSCS and RWM restrictions

2. Create the possibility of a new or requirement. apply only during 0 to 20 percent reactor ,

different kind of accident from any In addition, the Operational powerlevel for establishing a rod accident previously evaluated because Conditions applicable to the Technical pattern).

emergency power is still available to Specification 3.1.1, through, 2. Create the possibility of a new or those systems required to mitigate and are marked with different kind of accident fmm any accidents evaluated in the FSAR, and, footnotes to reflect incorporations of accident previously evaluated because:

because the sole function of this diesel these exceptions.The Technical (a) The worst case (i.e., bounding) is to provide a portion of such power,its Specification 3.9.11s modified to assure accidents and the assumptions used in unavailability will not create any other that the core alterations for control rods the analysis of these accidents remain new or different kind of accident. other than the FMCRD can proceed only unchanged;(b) the replaced FMCRD,

3. Involve a significant reduction in after the FMCRD is fully inserted and its which utilizes hydraulic equipment ~

the margin of safety because the motor, electrically disarme,d. .. similar to the replaced I.PCRDs to scram probabihty of a loss of offsite power in Basis forproposedno significant and a small electric motor for shimming addition to a remaming diesel generator hazards consideration determmation purposes, does not pose a concern of a failure dunng the period of these diesel The Commission has provided new accident since the FMCRD is generator modifications is sufficiently standards for determ,mng i whether a. located at a peripherallocation which small to reasonably assure the health sigmficant hazards consideration exists has minimalimpact on reactor operation and safety of the pubhc. , ,

(to CFR 50.92(c)). A proposeq or accident analysis; and (c) inadvertent Accordmgly, the Commission amendment to an operating hcense for a w thdrawal of the FMCRD during proposes to determine that the, proposed facility involves no sigmficant hazards refueling will be prevented by .

changes to the Technical Specifications consideration if operation of the facility disconnecting the power supply to the involve no significant hazards in accordance with the proposed electric motor and special considerations. amendment would not:(1) Involve a

, administrative controls will be in place LocalPublic Document Room sigmficant increase in the prol Ibility or for refueling bridge movement or control location: Public 1.ibrary of flhno,s i Valley consequenses of an accident previously r d withdrawaI.

Community College. Rural Route No. l. evaluated:(2) create the possibility of a ,

3. Involve a reduction in the margin of Ogelsby, Illinois 01348. new or different kind of accident from Attorneyforlicensee:Isham Lincoln any accident previously evaluated; or (3) safety because the low reactivity worth and Burke, Suite ato.1120 Connecticut involve a significant reduction in a 1 cation of the FMCRD assures that:(a)

The FMCRD rod would not likely reach Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20038. margin of safety.

NRCProject Director Elinor G. .The licensee has determined, and the prompt critical due to a rod withdrawal Adensam. NRC staff agrees that the proposed error and the produced peak fuel amendment will not:  :- enthalpy would be well within those of Commonwealth Edison Company, 1. Involve a significant increase in the the generic analyses and the licensing Docket No.50-074,14 Salle County criterion of 170 cal /gm:(b) in case of en probability or consequences of an Station, Unit 2,14 Salle County, accident previously evaluated because: FMCRD rod drop accident postulated '

Date of amendment request: October conservatively in the lower power (a) Interconnections between the new 10.1980. FMCRD and existing plant eystems and region a low peak fuel enthalpy (less Description of omendment request: equipment have been minimized and than 100 cal /gm) would result, well The proposed amendment to Operating configured to include sufficient under the licensing criterion of 280 cal / .

License No. NPF-18 would revise the La protection to assure that any potential gm: (c) the associated minimum critical Salle Unit 2 Technical Specifications to electrical fault within the FMCRD and power ratio (MCpR) limit would not be permit replacing an existing periphenal its supporting equipment will not approached because of a rod locking piston control rod drive module propagate back into the rest of the plant withdrawal error; and (d) the with a Fine Motion Control Rod Drive equipment to which it is directly or requirement of the current Technical (FMCRDj module during one fuel cycle. indirectly connected: (b) replacement of Specification for calculated shutdown The purpose of the test is to the locking piston control rod drive margin (equal to or greater than 0.38 demonstrate the capability of an (LPCRD) module at a peripheral core percent delta k/k) will be met FMCRD module in a reactor location with an FMCRD does not affect throughout the cycle based on the design environment. The proposed amendment the fail-safe ieature of the reactor shutdown margin of 1.0 percent delta k/

inwrporates three additional Special protection system: (c) even when k assuming the FMCRD rod and the Test EAception's (kl0.8. %.10.9 and postulating independent or concomitant strongest worth rod are fully withdrawn

% 10.10) which are necessary to allow misoperation of the FMCRD. results of at the limiting point in the cycle.

testing of the FMCRD at the control rod the analyzed transient or accident Accordingly, the Commission location 02-43. This penpheral location, events (and control rod related proposes to determine that the proposed i

40280 Icderal Register / Vol. 51 No. 214 / Wednesday. November 5.1986 / Notices significant increase in the probability or accident and would not involve a Ifousekeeping inspection procedures are

, consequences of an accident previously significant reduction in a margin of followed after each containment entry to sv:!uated:(2) create the possibility of a safety. assure no debris is left after the entry.

nIw or different kind of accident from The ontainment sump flow and level The extension of time is not expected to any accident previously evaluated; or (3) instrumentation is backed up with change the condition of the divider involve a significant reduction in a humidity monitors, and RCS water barrier seal or containment sump.

margin of safety.The changes prnposed inventory balances perfonned every 72 Therefore, the proposed change does not by the licensee will extend certain tests hours. The flow and level monitors increase the probabilities or 12 the next refueling outage rather than calibration during the extension may consequences of an accident previously shutdown the plant, which would be have minor changes but the systems are analyzed nor does it create any new or r quired to safely do the tests, beginrdag not expected to completely fall. Even if different kind of accident from any cbout midDecember. The safety they do, adequate backup monitors are previously analyzed.The extension of significance, therefore, is in extension of time for time does not involve a significant consideration of extending some 18 calibration would not significantly reduction in a margin of safety.

, month tests until about 24 months and increase the probability or The licensee proposes to extend the tha confidence that the components or consequences of an accident previously calibration of the PORV limit switches.

systems will still perform their intended evaluated or create the possibility of a These limit switches indicate either ,

function with this extension of time. The new or different kind of accident than open or close and are not generally licInsee has evaluated each test and has previously analyzed. Any change in subject to mechanical drift. Additional provided the basis for maintaining calibration would not significantly indication of a leaking PORV is I confidence that the components or reduce a margin of safety, provided by tail pipe temperatures and systems wi!! continue to function The N-Train batteries are scheduled relief tank temperatures and cd:quately. We have reviewed the for a capacity test at the next refueling. pressure. Previous test results indicate b,einsee's submittal and summarize All other tests on the battery to reveal that the extension of time should have bel:w our agreement with the licensee's any deterioration will still be performed no effect on the calibration of the findings. and based on pact performance, the N- switches.This change does not involve The steam generator level and Train batteries are expected to have a significant increase in the probabilities pressurizer level instrumentation have adequate capacity even with the or consequences of an accident chtnnel functional tests and channel extension proposed by the licensee. previously analyzed nor does it create a checks periodically which demonstrate I.ikewise, the extension of time before new or different kind of accident.The operability. Only the sensor is not testing the diesel generator's capability extension of time does not involve a checked in these tests, but comparison to energize, sequence, and shed significant reduction in a safety margin.

with other monitors and variables would emergency loads is not expected to %e reactor coolant pumps spray test reveal any significant changes in the reduce the overall ability of the diesel is to determine the capability to sensor.The RifR/RCS interlocks are generators since other tests will extinguish a fire at the pump.The used to prevent opening full system continue to prove starting and running system has not failed a test since it was.

pressure to the RifR system, therefore, test results of previous installed and an extension of time there is no expected wear or associated circuitry surveillances do not before the next test should have no deterioration expected that would make indicate any problems with wear or effect in the system operation.The them inoperable. De extension will not failures. ne tests on the PORV and soxiliary feedwater pump test proposed result in a su;nificant increase in the block valves' emergency power supply for extension is a channel functional test probability or consequences of a and test on some essential service water onloss of main feedwater and a pump prsviously evaluated accident nor will it valves that supply water to the diesels start and valve actuation test upon create the possibility of a new or will be also be delayed with the diesel receipt of appropriate signals.The different kind of an accident. Any loss tests. The previous test data on these auxiliary feedwater pumps have been of calibration during the extension is systems do not indicate any reason why called upon to operate since the last

. expected to be small and will not result the extension will affect them. As such, refueling but not all the appropriate in a significant reduction in the margin the delay in these tests does not involve signals were tested. ne results of of safety. a significant increase in the probability - previous tests do not Indicate that the The steam generator snubbers and or consequences of an accident extension of time should be a factor in Cinnell snubbers test extension is for previously analysed nor willit create any new failure. For both these system the functional testing only: visual the possibility of a new or different kind tests, the extension does not involve a

, examination is not required until after of accident from any previously significant increase in the probability or the scheduled refueling. Visual analyzed.%e extension of time willnot consequences of any previously examinations since 1975 have found less involve a significant reduction in a analyzed accident nor does it create the than 1% failure and only one Ginnell margin of safety, possibility of a new or different kind of

! snubber failed to lock up in ne divider barrier seal timits ica accident. The extension does not

{ compression. For the extension period. condenser bypass leakage from the involve a signi0 cant reduction in a j this small failure rate is acceptable upper to lower volume in the event of an margin of safety.

although none arc expected due solely accident. The sealis a passive The last proposed extension involves to the approximately six months component and does not depend upon time response testing of reactor trip and extension. Even with this small failure any other safety system to function.The ESF instrumenta tion. This rate. systems should operate as before test history indicates no problems with instrumentation has not had a time and without a sigmfican' increase in the the seal and none that should occur response failure since initial startup.11 probability or consequences of an during the extension. The containment years ago. Other surveillance tests such accident previously analyzed. Failure of sump inspection is to assure the sump is as channel checks. channel functional the snubberitself should not create the free of debris and its components are tests, and channel calibrations will l'ossibility of a new or different kind of free of abnormal corrosion and distress. continue to be performed except for a 1-

Federal Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices 40281 few calibrations. This testing, and the licensee had previously committed to " Reactor Protection System Trip Setting ,

test records since startup, supports the submitting a proposed TS Limits,"'and Figure 2.3-1," Protective proposed change to extend the test application dated September 26,1986 Systems Maximum Allowable Setpoints, period. This change does not involve a satisfies the licensee's commitment. Pressure vs Temperature." The licensee significant increase in the probability or The proposed changes to the TS proposes to (1) increase the reactor consequences of any previous accident would require a combination of coolant system (RCS) high pressure analyzed nor does it create the . equipment to be operable, for spent fuel reactor trip setpoint from 2300 peig to possibility of a new or different kind of pool cooling. for 504 hours0.00583 days <br />0.14 hours <br />8.333333e-4 weeks <br />1.91772e-4 months <br />, which 2355 psig, and (2) increase the accident. The extension does not provides sufficient capacity to limit the anticipatory reactor trip on turbine trip '

significantly reduce any margin of spent fuel pool temperature to 140 'F. arming threshold from 20 percent reactor safety. Following the 504 hour0.00583 days <br />0.14 hours <br />8.333333e-4 weeks <br />1.91772e-4 months <br /> period, the spent power to 45 percent reactor power to <

Dased on the above considerations, fuel pool temperature can be maintained reduce the number of challenges to plant the staff proposes to determine that the below 140 'F with a reduced safety systems and increase plant requested changes do not involve a complement of cooling equipment.The availability. The licensee also proposes ~

significant hazards consideration. temperature limit of 140 'F is specified in to revise the related bases to reflect this LocalPublic Document Room Standard Review Plan 9.1.3. " Spent Fuel proposed amendment.

location:Maude Preston Palenske Pool Cooling and Cleanup System," and Basisforpmposedno significant Memorial Library,500 Market Street, St is partly based upon the need to protect hazanis considemtion determination:In Joseph, Michigan 49085. the resins, used in the spent fuel pool its January 24,1986 letter, the licensee Attorneyforhcensee: Gerald cleanup system, from excessive Charnoff, Esquire, Sha w, Pittman, Potts temperatures. stated that the propo. sed TS amendment does not involve a sigmficant increase and Trowbridge,2300 M Street, NW., On March 6,1986, the NRC published in the probability or consequences of an Washington, DC 20036. guidance in the Federal Register (51 FR accident previously evaluated.%e NRC Project Dimctor: B.J. 7751) concerning examples of amendments that are not likely to pmposed increase of the RCS high Youngblood.

involve a significant hazards pressure reactor trip from 2300 psig to Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, et 2355 psig and the percent reactor power al., Docket No. 50-336, Millstone consideration. One example provided in 51 FR 7751 of amendments not likely to at which the anticipatory reactor trip ,

Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 2, New system (ARTS)is disabled from 20 involve significant hazards London County, Connecticut percent to 45 percent have been considerations is example (ii) which Date of amendment request- evaluated and, based on the NRC provides for "A change that constitutes September 20,1986. an additional limitation, restriction, or approved safety analyses contained in Description of omendment request: By control not presently included in the Babcock & Wilcox reports BAW-1890, application for license amendment Technical Specifications: for example, a " Justification for Raising Setpoint for dated September 28,1988, Northeast more stringent surveillance Reactor Trip on liigh Pressure," and Nuclear Energy Company, et al. (the requirement." BAW-1893 " Basis for Raising Arming licensee), requested changes to the The proposed TS provide for Threshold for Anticipatory Reactor Trip Technical Specifications (TS) for requirements on spent fuel pool cooling on Turbine Trip," there are no increases .

Millstone Unit 2. He proposed changes system operability, and restrictions on in the probabilities of previously would renumber TS 3/4.9.3," Decay reactor startup, which were not evaluated accidents.

Time" and incorporate the followin8 previously in the TS and thus represent The licensee also stated that the new requirement in the TS: (1) A limiting additional restrictions consistent with proposed changes do not create the condition for operation (LCO) and example (ii) above. Accordingly, the possibility of a new or different kind of associated surveillance requirement Commission proposes to determine that accident from any accident previously (SR) addresses the need for fuel, the proposed changes to TS 3/4.9.3 evaluated because 2355 psig is the discharged from the reactor, to have a involve no significant hazards design high pressure trip serpoint and, minimum decay time of 504 hours0.00583 days <br />0.14 hours <br />8.333333e-4 weeks <br />1.91772e-4 months <br /> prior considerations. therefore, the original Final Safety to suspending operability of the spent Loco /PublicDocument Room Analysis Report analyses remain fuel pool cooling system, and (2) an LCO location:Waterford Public Library,49 applicable for this setpoint. In addition, and SR to require that the reactor Rope Ferry Road, Waterford- at a pressure trip setpoint of 2355 poig, remain shutdown in Modes 5 or e until Connecticut 06385. runbacks from 45 percent power can be discharged fuel has achieved a decay Attorneyforlicensee: Gerald Garfield, achieved.

time of 504 hours0.00583 days <br />0.14 hours <br />8.333333e-4 weeks <br />1.91772e-4 months <br />. Esq Day, Berry and floward, One Finally, the licensee stated that the Bosisforproposedno sigm.ficant Constitution Plaza, liartford, hazards considemtwn determinotwn: P" Posed amendraent does not involve a Connecticut 00103 significant reduction in a margin of On January 15,1986, the NRC issued NRCProject Dimctor Ashok C.

Amendment No.109 to Facility sakty becam se buease b h nadani* ,

reactor high pressure trip will have Operating License No. DPR-65 for Millstone Unit 2.The amendment Sacramento Municipal Utility District, negligible impact on the frequency of Docket No. 50-312, Rancho Seco opening the power-operated-reaef-valve revised the TS to allow an increase in the spent fuel storage capability from Nuclear Generating Station, Sacramento (PORV) during anticipated 007 to 1112 fuel assemblies. In the safety County, California overpressurization transients. The evaluation associated with Amendment Date of amendment request: January probability of an open PORV failing to 24,1980, as supplemented September 19, close is sufficiently low to satisfy small No.109. the NRC staff concluded that the existing TS should be supplemented 1988. break loss of coolant accident critena by requirements to limit the temperature Description ofomendment request for the PORV.

in the spent fuel pool to 140 'F. In their The proposed amendment would revise The Commission agrees with the letter dated November 27,1985, the Technical Specification (TS) Table 2.3-1, licensee's e<aluation of the application

40278 Federal Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1980 / Notices changes to the Technical Specifications A. Involve a significant lacrease in the Commonwealth Edison Company, involve no significant hazards probability or consequences of an accident Docket Nos. 50454 and 53-265, Quad -


  • previously evaluated because: Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 (142) De incorporelion of the MCPR and and 2, Rock Island County, Illinois Loc.o/Public Document Room ~

MAPU{CR limita noted above ls exp!!citly location: Public Library of !!!!ncis Valley provided to establimh limita on normal reactor Dole ofomendment request: October Community College, Rural Route No.1- operation which ensure that the core is 22,1986.

Ogelsby. Illinois 61348. operated within the assumptions and initial Description ofomendment request:

Attorney for licensee: Isha m, Lincoln conditions of previous accident analyses. He proposed amendment to the Quad and Burke, Suite 840,1120 Connecticut Operation within these limits will assure that Cities Units 1 and 2 Technical Avenue, NW., Wa shington, DC 20036. the consequences of the affected accident.

- the Imse of Coolant Accident. remain with(in) Specifications (TS) to modify the Low

- NRC Project Director: Ellrior G. the results of the previous analyses.nese Pressure Coolant injection (LPCI) pump Adensam. timits were generated using analytical flow test requirements from the current Commonwealth Edison Company, methods previously approved by the NRC. three pump test demonstrating 14.500

, Docket No. 50-265, Quad Ci:les Nuclear ne probability of an accident is not affected gpm to a two pump test demonstrating Power Station, Unit 2. Rock Island by this change because no physical systems 9.000 gpm. nis change is required to County, Illinois or equipment which could initiate an accident support facility modification to the Units are affected. I and 2 LPCI pump minimum flow valve Date of amendment request: (3) ne proposed SLO provisions are controllogics to resolve a single failure September 18,1986. explicitly based on analyses performed by concern identified in Inspection and General Electric using NRC approved Description ofomendment request: methods, to determine required adjustments Enforcement Bulletin (IEU) 8641.

This equgst includes Techm'caI in operating restrictions (MCPR. MAPLl{GR) The existing LPCIloop selection logic Specification (U) changes to reflect for SLO. Operation within the proposed SLO is such that failure of either the "A" loop Cycle 9 reload fuel and transient I mits has been previously analyzed to assure or "B" loop flow sensor would close enalyses. In addition, the licensee has that the consequences of accidents are not both the "A" and "B"' minimum flow requested the deletion of the provisions increased.The probability of an accident is valves. In response to IEB 86-01, this for Single Loop Operation (SLO) in the not increased because operation in single logic is being modified so that the "A" body of the facility TS. More loop has been previously approved for Quad valve is controlled only by the "A" flow.

specifically, Commonwealth Edison Cities and has no causal relationship with the sensor and the "B" valve by the "B" proposes to amend Facility Operatir:g equipment or system failures necessary t sensor. With this ccnfiguration du' ring ra th possibility of a new or LPCI injection through the loop crosstie suppo t t e I el 9 core loa . he different kind of accident from any accident the minimum flow valve on the propc, sed changes include: (1) - previously evaluated because: operating LPC11oop would remain open.

Incorporation of the Cycle 9 Minimum (n2) ne proposed MCPR and MAPLIIGR thereby reducing the LPCIloop flow Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) limit limits represent limitations en core power (consisting of two LPCI pumps) by the determined by the Cycle 9 transient distnbution which do not directly affect the amount of recirculating flow through the enalysis. (2) Addition of Maximum operation or function of any system or minimum flow valve.

Average Planar Linear liest Gener'ation component. As a result, there is no impact on

& on. .gnal design M,6e W sy Rate (MAPLIIGR) limits for the reload or addition of any systems or equipment required three pumps with med a comb, swn fuel and extension of existing limits to whose failure could initiate an accident..

(3) SLO has been previously analyzed and flow capacity of 14.500 gpm. In 1974.10 40.000 MWD /t for fuel type DP8DRB282, CFR 50.46/ Appendix K was end (3) Deletion of the existing License approved for Quad Cities. ,

C. Involve a significant reduction in the implemented requiring re-analysis of the Condition addressing SLO and the cr.argin f safety because all of the proposed Design Basis Loss of Coolant Accident incorporation of SLO in the body of the changes have been ana! ped to demonstrate (DDLOCA) to demonstrate compliance 73* that the consequences of transients or with the revised peak chid temperature Bosis forpmposedno significont accidents are not increased beyond that (PCT) limit (2200 *F) and single failure

  • hozords considemtion determmotion: previously evaluated and acceptsd at Quad criterion.This is the current Emergency The Commission has provided Cities. Core Cooling System licensing basis. In standards for determining whether a Based on the above discussion. the current Appendix K LOCA analysis, significant hazards determination exists Commonwealth Edison concludes that tie the most im ting event gs ge proposed amendments do not represent a as stated in 10 CFR 50.92(c)' significant hazards consideration. hypothetical, double. ended recirculation to CFR 50.91 requires at the time a suction line break with an assumed licensee requests an amendment,it must The staff has reviewed the licensee's failure of the LPClinjection valve.This 1rovide to the Commission its analyses, no significant hazards consideration scenario assumes no credit for the LPCI sing standards in i 50.92, about the determination and agrees with the pumps: therefore, the proposed TS issue of no significant hazards licensee's analysis.Therefore, the staff change in the LPCI flow has no effect on
onsideration. 'nerefore. in accordance proposes to determine that the this event and the core cooling 1 CFR 50.91 and 10 CFR 50.92. the application for amendment involves no capability is not reduced for the most

,.censee has performed and provided the significant hazards consideration. limiting event.

'ollowing analysis: Loco / Public Document Room The secend most limiting break and Commonwealth Edison has evaluated the locotion: Moline Public Library,504- single failute combination, which takes iroposed Technical Specification amendment 17th Street Moline. Illinois 61205. credit for LPCI cooling,is the DBA ind determined that it does not represent e Attorneyfor licensee: Mr. Robert G. recirculation suction line break with a significant hasards consideration. Based on Fitzgibbons. Jr., Isham. Lincoln. & Deale, diesel generator failure.This scenario

' " ' Three First National Plaza. Suite 5200. requires one low pressure core spray onal r ton es oblisked i to C50 9 l. Chicago. Illinois 60002. pump and two LPCI pumps for core peration of Quad Cities Unit 2 Cycle 9 in

.ccordance with the proposed amendments NRC Pm/ect Dimetor: John A. cooling. Commonwealth Edison vill not: Zwolinski. requested General Electric analyze this

I'ederal Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5.1986 / Notices 40270 event assuming the proposed 9.000 gpm application for amendments involves no Attorneyforlicensee: Bruce W.

flowrate for two LPCI pumps rather than significant hazards consideration. Churchill. Esquire, Shaw, Pittman. Potts the 9.667 gpm flowrote assumed in the LocalPublicDocument Room and Trowbridge,2300 N Street. NW.,

initial Appendix K analysis.The results location: Moline Public Library,504- Washington, DC 20037.

of the analysis indicate that, with the 17th Street, Moline, Illinois 61265. NRCProject Director: Daniel R.

revised flowrate, the PCT increases by A ttorney for licensee: Mr. Micha el I. Muller.

32*F to 1793*F.This temperature is well Miller; Isham. Lincoln, & Beale, Three below the Quad Cities limiting break First National Plaza. Suite 5200, Indiana and Michigan Electdc Company, PCT and the 2200*F limit set by 10 CFR

  • t Chicago, Illinois 60602. cg,,r P an U t No 1, B rn 50 46. NRCProjectDirector:lohn A.

Basis forproposedno significant *"*'I' eggI**

  • Zwolinski.

hazards considention determination: Date of amendment request: October The Commission has provided Ge rgia Power Company, Oglethorpe 1,1980.

standards for determining whether a Power Corporation. Municipal Electric Description of amendment request significant hazards determination exists Authority of Georgia, City of Dalton. The proposed amendment would change Georgia, Docket No. 50-366, Edwin L as etated in 10 CFR 50.92(c). the Technical Specifications to include a 10 CFR 50.91 requires at the time a liatch Nuclear Plant, Unit No. 2 Appling new Section 4.0.0 which by specific licensee requests an amendment,it must County, Georgia reference wculd allow certain tests provide to the Commission its analyses, Date of amendment request: August normally designated as 18 month using the standards in i 50.92, about the 19,1986. surveillances to' be delayed until the end issue of no significant hazarda Description of amendment request of the next refueling outage currently consideration. Therefore, in accordance The proposed amendment would modify scheduled to begin during the second with in CFR 50.91 and 10 CFR 50.92, the the Technical Specifications (TS) to quarter of 1987. These tests include licensee has performed the following correct the dummy load profiles channel calibrations on steam generator analysis. provided for testing the station batteries level, and related post accident Commonwealth Edison has evaluated the under simulated emergency battery monitoring instrumentation, channel proposed Technical Specification amendment loading conditions. The changes are calibrations on pressurizer water level, and determined that it does not represent a proposed to reflect past design changes channel calibrations of containment significant hazards consideration. Based on in the plant that have affected this sump level and flow instruments PORV the enteria for defining a significant hazards emergency load profile, limit switch calibrations, testing of consideration established in to CFR 50 92(c). Basis [up:Uposedno sign /[icant residual heat removal / reactor coolant

"* " hazarls c>nsideration determination; system interlocks, steam generator t[e pr p sed an en ent w I no

1. Involve a significant increase in the The Commission has provided snubbers at:d Grinnel small bore probabihty or ansequences of an accident standctds for determining whether a snubber tests, battery service tests, previously evaluated because the proposed significant hazards consideration exists divider barrier seal inspection, ifCI flowrote does not effect the most (10 CFR 50.92(c)). A proposed containment sump inspection, reactor limiting design basis LOCA and for the event amendment to an operating license for a coolant pump spray tests, diesel testing that is affected. the slightly increased peak facility involves no significant hazards including relief valve and essential c nsideration if operation of the facility service water valve tests, auxiliary li t even ak i dd t pera e and feedwater pumps and related the hmit set by the NRC.1he probability of a in accordance with the proposed LOCA is unaffected since the proposed amendment would not:(1) Involve a engineered safety feature (ESF) testing change affects an accident mitigating system significant increase in the probability or and time response testing for reactor trip and has no relationship to the failures or consequences of an accident previously and ESF instrumentation. There is one events necessary to initiate an accident. evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of proposed editorial change.
2. Create the possibility of a new or a new or different kind cf accident from Basis [orproposed no significant different kind of accident from any accident any accident previously evaluated; or (3) hazards consideration determination:

previously evaluated because the proposed The Commission has provided guidance involve a significant reduction in a fec a y e :o u pment ose margin of safety.These changes do not concerning the application of the failure or malfunction during operation could result in any new modes of operation standards for making a no significant lead to the initiation of a reactor transient or and therefore do not affect the hazards determination by providing accident. probability of any previously evaluated certain examples (51 FR 7744). One of

3. Involve a significant reduction in the accidents or create the possibility of a theso examples (i)is a purely margin of safety since the analysis supporting new or different kind of accident. administrative change to technical
  • this Technical Specification change showed Correctmg these test load profiles specifications. The licensee has becau e t e e a g des g asis L s ene eat comequencu of propmed M cop a Wgra# cal unchanged.1he change in peak clad previous!y evaluated accidents are not error by clarifymg that semiannually temperature for the affected non-hmiting increased and that existing margins of means every 6 months rather than every event is insignificant in comparison to the safety are maintained. 5 months. The example is directly available margin. On the basis of the above, the related to this change.

flased on the previous discussion Commission has determined that the The Commission's standard for Commonwealth concludes that the proposed requested amendment meets the three determining whether a significant Technical Specification changes do not criteria and therefore has made a hazards consideration exists is as stated represent a sigmficant hazards consideranon. proposed determination that the in 10 CFR 50.92. A proposed amendment The staff has reviewed the licensee's amendment application does not involve to an operating hcense for a facihty no significant hazards consideration a significant hazards consideration. involves no significant hazards determinition and agrees with the Loca/ Public Document Room consideration if operation of the facihty hcensee's analysis.Therefore, the staff location: Appling County Public Library, in accordance with a proposed proposed to determine that the 301 City if all Drive, Daxley, Georgia, amendment would not (1) involve a j

40282 Federal Registor / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices in accordance with the proposed for amendment against the criteria of to South Carolina Electdc and Gas CFR 50.92(c). and therefore proposes to Company, South Carolina Public Service amendment would not (1) involve a Authority. Docket No. 504es, Virgil C. significant increase in the probability or determine that the amendment consequences of an accident previously cpplication does not involve a Summer Nucisar Station. Unit 1, Fairfield County, South Carolina evaluated:(2) create the possibility of a significant hazards consideration. .

new or difierent kind of accident from LocalPublic Document Room Date of amendment request accidents previously eesluated; or (3) location: Sacramento City-County September 16,1986. involve a significant reduction in margin Library,828 I Street, Sacramento, Description ofamendmentnqueste of safety.The staff has determined that California 95814. The amendment would change the requested amendment:

Attorneyforlicensee: David S. Technical Specification surveillance (1) Would not involve a significant

  • Keplan. Sacramento Municipal Utility requirement, " Containment increase in the probability or District,6201 S Street. P.O. Box 15830, Structural integrity."ne change revises consequences of an accident previously the number and the representative evaluated because it does not change Sacramento. California 95813.

sample of containtnent tendons to be NRCProject Director: John F. Stolz* tested, deletes Technical Specifica tion any of the hardware on the tendon system,it specifies the testing program Sacramento Municipal Utility District, _ Tables 4.6-1a. 4.6-1b and 4.&2 which list surveillance tendons and adjacent to be used in the future for containment Docket No.5&312, Rancho Seco tendons, and the minimum average tendons base values and normalizing Nuclear Cencrating Station, Sacramento tendon force has been verified to enable County, California factors, and revises downward the the. containment tendons to perform minimum required everage tendon force Dates of amendment requests.

fot e cup (dome, vertical and hoop) their si basis I cti der all january 29,1968. February 14,1986 g March 20,1908, and June 13,1986. edno significant (2) Would not create the passibility of Basisforp Description of amendment requests: a new or difievent kind of accident from hazards cons totion determination: any accident previously evaluated The propused license amendments The proposed Technical Specification would make numerous changes to the revision identifies the appropriate because it provides for a continued Technical Specifications (TSs) and their testing program for tendons that will surveillance intervals and number of ensure containment integrity; and bases to correct typographical errors tendons to be examined for all and punctuation. change nomenclature. subsequent survei!!ances. Specific (3) Would not involve a significant tendons have purposely not been reduction in the margin of safety number previously unnumbered pages, because the testing program will define a previously undefined time included in tables in the proposed Technical Specification revision and continue to provide assurance of the period, update the table of contents. integrity of the containment post delete and add to correct inadvertent will instead be identified in stationi tensioning system and will provide for errors originating from various surveillance procedures. Additionally, warning and appropriate ar.tiona if previously approved license acceptable base values and normalizing factors for each specific tendon will be abnormal degradation should develop amendments, and to achieve clarity and and the minimum everage tendon force consistency throughout the TSs. Identified in the station procedures and not In the Technical Specifications.This values have been verified to enable the (

Basisforproposedno significant containment to meet all postulated loads l hazards consideration determination: format will eliminate the need for and loading combinationa as required to further Technical Specification changes The Commission has provided guidance maintain safety, in the event a tendon has to be Accordingly, the Commission concerning the application of the substituted at inspection time due to an standards in 10 CFR 50.92 by providing unf reseeninterference which m3y have proposes to determine ,that this change certain examples of amendments that does not involve significant hazards developed.

are considered not likely to involve Calculations have been perfogned considerations.

signipscant hazards considerations (51 which determined that the present Loca/ Public Document Room FR 7751). One of these examples is (i) a Technical Specification limits for the /6 cation: Fairfield County Library, purely admimstrative change to minimum average tendon forces are Garden and Washington Streets, technical specifications: for example, a very conservative.Those calculations Winnsboro. South Carolina 29180.

change to achieve consistency support the new minimum everage Attomeyforlicensee:Randolph R.

throughout the technical specifications. tendon forces.These forces are 2.0 Mahan. South Carolina Electric and Gas correction of an error, or a change in percent less for vertical tendons,4.7 Company. P.O. Box 764. Columbia, nomenclature. The TS changes proposed percent less for dome tendons, and 15.3 South Carolina 29218.

by the licensee are all encompassed by percent less for hoop tendons from the NRCPro/ect Director lester S.

this example.The Commission proposes. original Technical Specification values. Rubenstein.

therefore, to determine that the The new minimum average tendon Toledo Edison Company and'ae I roposed amendments involve no forces have been verified acceptable t Cleveland Electric illuminating significant harants considerations, ensure that the containment tendons Company, Docket No. 50-348, Usvis-Loco / Public ibcument Room will perform their design basis function Bessa Nuclear Power Station Unit No.1, under all postulated loads and loading Ottawa County, Ohio location: Sacramento City County conditions.

Library,828 i Street. Sacra mento' The Commission has provided Date of amendment request: April 22 Cahforma 95814 * ' * " 0

  • N * '* ' '""""A* *
    • Descrip P $ *'" 0 Y "* #
    • ?" tion of amendment request; A ttorney for licensee' David S sigmficant hazards consideration exists I

Kaplan Sacramento Municipal Utihty (to CFR 50.92(c)). A proposed The proposed amendment would revise District. 6201 S Street. P.O. Dos 15830 amendmerit to an operating license for a the Technical Specifications (Iss) to Sacramento. California 95813. facility involves no significant hazards delete the isolation (closure) times for NRC Project Director John F. Stolz. considerationif operation of the facility certain liigh Pressure Injection (liPil

1 1

Federal Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday. Navember 5.1980 / Notices 40283 system and Containment Spray (CS) Documents Department. 2801 Bancroft . Notice of Consideration of Issuance of system isolation valves.The proposed Avenue. Toledo Ohio 43600. . Amendment to Facility Operating c mendment would also correct two Attorneyforlicensee: Gerald License and Proposed No Significant typographical errors. Charnoff. Esq., Shaw Pittman. Potts and Hazards Consideration Determination Basisforpmposedno significant Trowbridge,2300 N Street, NW., and Opportunity for Hearing in hazan/s consideration determination: Washington, DC 20037. connection with these actions was


The Commission has made a proposed N/ICProject Director-John F. Stolz. published in the Federal Register as ditermination that the amendment PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED NOTICES indicated. No request for a hearing or request involves no significant hazards OF CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE petidon for 1 eave to intervene was filed consideration. Under the Commission's OF AMENDMENTS TO OPERATING f 11 wing this notice, regulations in 1,0 CFR 50.92, this means LICENSES AND PROPOSED NO Unless otherwise indicated, the that the operation of the facility in SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS Commission has determined that these +

cccordance with the proposed CONSIDERATION DE'rERMINATION amendments satisfy the criteria for amendmert would not:(1) Involve a AND OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING categorical exclusion in accordance significant increase in the probability or with to CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant '

consequences of an accident previously The following notices were previously to 10 CFR 51.22(b). no environmental svaluated; or (2) create the possibility of published as separate individual impact statement or environmental a new or different kind of accident from notices.The notice content was the assessment need be prepared for these cny accident previously evaluated; or (3) same as above.They were published as amendments. If the Commission has involve a significant reduction in a individual notice,s because time did not prepared an environmental assessment margin of safety, allow the Commission to wait for this bl. under the special circumstances The proposed amendment involves weekly notice. They are repeated here pmvision in to CFR 51.12(b) and has the deletion of isolation times for certain because the bl. weekly notice lists all made a determination based on that HPI and CS system valves which are amendments pmposed to be issued

, assessment. It is so indicated. For n:rmally closed and open automatically involving no significant hazards further details with respect to the action upon a Safety Features Actuation Signal consideration. see:(1) The applications for For details, see the individual notice (SFAS) to perfonn their safety function. amendments, (2) the amendments, and These valves are not provided with an in the Federal Reg! ster on the day and (3) the Commission's related letters, cutomatic closure feature. page cited. This notice does not extend Safety Evaluations and/or The proposed amendment would not: the notice period of the original notice.

Environmental Assessments as (1) Involve a significant increase in Florida Power & Ught Cornpany, et al., indicated. All of theseitems are the probability or consequences of an Docket No. 50-389, St. Lucie Plant, Unit available for public inspection at the cccident previously evaluated.The No. 2, St. Lucie County, Flodda Commission's Public Docuinent Room, d;letion of the closing time requirement 171711 Street, NW., Washington, DC, Date of amendment request: July 2.

would not increase the probability of an and at the local public document rooms accident previously evaluated.The Brie fdescription of amendment Thef r the particular facilities involved. A 1986' s:fety function requires that the amendment would permit the licensee to copy of items (2) and (3) may be isolation valves open rather than close transfer Unit No.1 spent fuel from the btained upon request addressed to the upon an actuation signal.The correction Unit No. I spent fuel pool to the Unit No. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, of typographical errors is an 2 spent fuel pool Washington DC 20555. Attention:

sdministrative change. Datofpublication ofindividual Director, Division of Licensing.

(2) Create the possibility of a new or notice in Federal Register: October 20 Alabama Power Company, Dockets Nos.

different kind of accident from any 1986 (51 FR 37242). 50-348 and 50-364, Joseph M. Farley accident previously evaluated. These Expiration date ofindividualnotice: Nuclear Plant. Unit Nos.1 and 2, changes, which delete the closing time November 19.1986. Ilouston County, Alabarra for the isolation valves on the llPI and LocalPublic Document Room CS lines. would not create the location: Indian River Junior College Date of application for amendments:

possibility of a new or different kind of Library,3209 Virginia Avenue. Fort December 10.1985, supplemented accident since the function of these Pierce. Florida 33450. August 1.1986.

velves is to open rather than close. 'llie Brief description of amendments:The -

correction of the typographical errors is NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF amendment revises Technical an administrative change. AMENDMENT TO FACILITY Specifications Limiting Conditions of (3) Involve a significant reduction in OPERATING LICENSE Operation and Surveillance thm margin of safety.The deletion of the During the period since publication of Requirements for the reactor trip closing time for these valves would not the last bl. weekly notice, the breakers including the automatic . hunt reduce the margin of safety as their Commission has issued the following trip feature modifications. These sIfety function is to open (valves are amendments. The Commission has modifications resulted from the normally closed) upon SFAS signal and determined for each of these Commission staff's Ceneric Letter 85-2fl not to close. The correction of the amendments that the application for item 4.3 dated July 8.1983.

typographical errors is an admmistrative complies with the standards and Date ofissuance: October 24,1986.

change. All margins of safety assumed requirements of the Atomic Energy Act Effective date: October 24,1986.

In previous analyses remain unchanged. of 1954. as amended (the Act), and the Therefore, the Commission proposos Commission's rules and regulations. The Amendment Nos.:67 and 59.

10 determine that the appbcation does Commission has made appropnste racilities Opemting License Nos.

not involve a significant hazards findmgs as required by the Act and the NPF-2 and NPF4. Amendments resiscil consideration. Commission's rules and regulations in 10 the Technical Spectfications.

LocolPublic Docuawnt Room CFR Chapter I. which are set forth in the Date ofinitial notice in Fedeta; location: University of Toledo Library, license amendment. Register: January 29,1986 (51 FR 3709)

, a 40284 Federal Rogister / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1988 / Notices The August 1,1986, submittal . AmendmentNo 96. Date ofinitialnotice in Federal

. provided supplementalinformation only PmvisionalOpemting License No. Register: Septec'.ber 10,1966 (51 FR and therefore did not change the DPR-2e The amendment revised the 32267).

determination of the initial Federal license and the Technical Specifications. The Commission's related evaluation Register Notice.The Commission's Date ofinitialnotice in Federal of the amendmentis containedin a related evaluation of the amendment is Register: July 30,1986 (51 FR 27276 at Safety Evaluation dated October 14, contained in a Safety Evaluation dated 27282). 1986.

October 24.1986. The Commission's related evaluation No significant hazards consideration No significant haralds considemtion of the amendment is contained in a comments received: No.

comments received: No. Safety Evaluation dated October 15, LocalPublic Document Room

. LocalPublic Document Room 1986. . location: Crystal River Public Library, location: George S. Houston Memorial No signiflcant hazards consideration 668 NW. First Avenue, Crystal River, Library,212 W. Burdeshaw Street, comments received: No. Florida 32629.

Dothan. Alabama 36303. LocalPublic Document Room Florida Power Corporation, et al.

Commonwealth Edison Company, location: Van Zoeren Library, Hope Docket No. 50-302 Crystal River Unit Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50474, La Salle College Holland, Michigan 49423. No. 3 Nuclear Generating Plant, Citrus County Station Units 1 and 2 La Salle Duke Power Company, et al, Docket County, Florida County,Illinola No. 50-413. Catawba Nuclear Station, Date of application for amendment:

Date of applicationfor amendments: Unit 1. York County, South Carohna August 14,1986, as supplemented lune 27.1986. .

Date of opplicationforamendment: October 6,1986.

Brief description of amendments: The August 6,19S6. Brief description of arnendment: This amendments to Operating License No. Briefdescription of amendment:The amendment extends the surveillance NPF-11 and Operating License No. NPF- amendment changes a license condition interval for high-pressure injection and 18 revise the La Salle Units 1 and 2 to incorporate the recommendations and low pressure injection pumps and Technical Specifications to amend the conclusions contained in the NRC staff's valves from once per 18 months to once reportmg requirements for iodine spikin8 Safety Evaluation Report on per fuel cycle for Cycle 6 only. Other and would ehmmate the existing Operability / Reliability of Emergency changes proposed in the August 14.1986-requirements to shut the plants down if Diesel Generators Manufactured by application are being bandled coolant iodine activity limits are Transamerica Delaval,Inc. separately, excceded for 800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br /> in a 12 month Date ofissuance: October 21,1986. Date ofissuance: October 21,1986.

period. These changes are in accordance Effective date: October 21,1986.

Effective date: October 21.1986.

to Generic Letter 85-19, Reporting Amendment No.:16. Amendment No.193.

Kequirements on Primary Coolant lodm.e Facility Opemting License No. NPF- Facility Opemting License No. DPR-J5: Amendment revised the Operating 72: Amendment revised the Technical ate ssua ce. Oc o er 23 i)6. License. Specifications, 0 '*b '#

f"g'ng','g,"g 4g , g Date ofinitialnotice in Federal Date ofinitialnotice in Federol Register: August 27,1986 (51 FR 30587). Register: September 19,1986 (51 FR Facility Opemting License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18: Amendments revised The Commission's related evaluation 33322).

of the amendment is contained in a Since the initial notice, the licensee the Technical Specifications'deral Safety Evaluation dated October 21 submitted a supplement dated October Date ofinitialnotice in Fe 1986. 6,1986, which responded to the Register: August 13,1986 (51 FR 28994). Commission a request for additional The Commission's related evaluation of No significant hazards consideration the amendments is contained in a Safety comments received: No. information. The information did not Evaluation dated October 23,1986. LocalPublic Document Room change the original application in any No significant hazards consideration location: York County Librarp,138 East way, and therefere did not warrant Black Street, Rock Hill. South Carolina renoticmg.

comments received: No.

LocalPublic Document Room 29730. The Commission's related evaluation f the amendment is contained in a location: Public Library of Illinois Valley Florida Power Corporation, et al., SaMy Evaluadon dad Ocder 21.

Community College. Rural Route No.1. Docket No. 50-302, Crystal River Unit Og!csby, Illinois 61348. No. 3 Nuclear Cenerating Plant, Citrus I9 significant hazards consideration Consumers Power Company, Docket No. County, Florida comments received: No.56-255, Palisadee Plant, Ven Uuren Date of application for amendment: LocalPublic Document Room County, Michigan December 10.1985. location: Crystal River Public Library, Date of application for amendment: Brief description of amendment: This 668 NW. First Avenue Crystal River, amendment changes the Technical Florida 32629.

June 20.1986.

Brief description of amendment: This Specifications to increase the Florida Power and Light Company, et al.,

amendment increased the allowable enrichment of fuel assemblice stored in Docket No. 50-389, St. Lucie Plant. Unit quantity of CS-137 contained in sealed Spent Fuel Pool B and the dry fuel No. 2. St. Lucie County, Florida cabbration sources used in support of storage rack from 3.5 weight percent to operation of the facility and added a 4.0 weight percent uranium-235 Date of application of amendment:

Technical Specification requiring Date ofissuance: October 14.1986. July 15.1996 as supplemented by two leakage testing of all scaled sources. Effective date: October 14,1986. letters dated September 4,1986 and one The a'mendment also corrected a Amendment No.:02. letter dated October 10.1986.

ty pographical error. Facility Opemting license No. DPR- Brief description of arnendment: This 72: Amendment revised the Technical amendment changed the Reactor Date ofissuanco: October 15.1986.

Effective date: October 15.19G6. Specifications. Coolant System Pressure / Temperature

Fedcral Register / Vol. 51, No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices 40285 (P/T) limit figures to be effective up to' The Commission's related evaluation Amendment No.:2.

four effective full power years ~of ' of the imendmentis contained in a facility OpemlingLicenseNa NPF- .

cperation. The amendment changed the Safety Evaluation dated October 23, 42: Amendment revised the Technical t;chnical specifications dealing with 1986. Specifications.

cverpressure protection systems No significant hazards consideration Date ofinitialnoticein Federal b cause they are linked with the new P/ comments received: No. Register: July 30,1986 (51 FR 27285) and T limit figures. The amendment also LocalPublic Document I?oom August 13,1986 (51 FR 29001).

edded the shutdown cooling system location: Appling County Public Library, The Commission's related evaluation relief valves as overpressure protection 301 City Hall Drive, Baxley, Georgia. of the amendment is containedin a d; vices. The applicable bases sections Safety Evaluation dated October 22, Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe cre changed to reflect the above 198 &

Power Corporation, Municipal Electric .

changes. No significant hazards consideration Authority of Georgia, City of Dalton, ,

Date ofissuance: October 16,1986. Georgia, Docket Fdo. 50-386, Edwin I. comments received: No.

Effective date: October 16,1986. l{atch Nuclear Plant, Unit No.2, Appling LocalPublic Document Room Amendment No.:16. County, Georgia location:%e William Allen White Facility Operating License No. NPF- Library, Emporia State Umversity, -

16: Amendment revised theTechnical Date of application for amendment: Emporia, Kansas; and Washburn Specifications. July 11,1986. University School of Law, Topeka, Briefdescription of amendment:The g,,,,,,

Date ofinitialnoticein Federal amendment revises Table Register: August 13,1986 (51 FR 28992 at Imu,siana t Power and Ught Coenpany, et

" Primary Containment Penetration 28999)'

Conductor Overcurrent Protective al., Docket No. 50-as2, Waterford Steam The Commission's related evaluation Electric Station, Unit 3, St. Charles of the amendment is contained in a Devices" to reflect the installation of two additional overcurrent protective Parish, Louisiana Safety Evaluation dated October 16, devices. Dates of applicationforamendment:

1986. Additionalinformation was provided by the licensee subsequent to O### 0.fissuance: October 22,198&. August 1,1985, as supplemented Effective date: October 22,1986. October 8,1986.*

the issuance of the notice in the Federal Brief Deuripuon of Amendmende.

Register. %e additionalinformation did b"Yty y,c ra ?ng .icense No. NPF-5: amendment revises the hchnical not alter the staff's proposed Amendment revised the Technical determination that a no significant Specifications by correcting three 7;

h zards consideration is involved.

typographical errors in Table 3.5-1.

No significant hazards consideration 8P D )te of a tialnoticein Federalchanging Technical Specification 3/4.9.7 Register: September 10,1986 (51 FR so that use of the spent fuel bandling comments received: No. 32268) machine la not required for movement of LocalPublic Document Room The Commission's related evaluation

  • location Indian River Junior College new fuel outside the spent fuel pool, and of the amendment is contained in a revismg Techmcal Specification 3/4.7.2, Library,3209 Virgina Avenue. Ft. Pierce, Safety Evaluation dated October 22, Florida. " Steam Generator Pressure /

1986 Temp rat e Umits' ,

Georgia Power Company, Oglathorpe No significant hazards consideration g Of Power Corporation Municipal Electric comments received: No. Effective Date: October 16,1986.

Authority of Georgia, City of Dalton, LocalPublic Document Room location: Appling County Public Library, Amendment No.:8.

Georgia. Dockets Nos. 50-321 and 50- Facility Operating License No. NPF-366, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 301 City liall Drive, Baxley, Georgia.

3s: Amendment revised the Technical Nos.1 and 2. Appling County, Georgia Kansas Gas and Electric Company, Specifications.

Date of applicationfor amendments: Kansas' City Power & Ught Company, Date ofInitialNotices in Federal l Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc January 27,1986, as supplemented July Register: October 23,1985 (50 FR 43028-10,1980. Docket No. 50-4e':, Wolf Creek 43030).

i Brief description of amendment:'t he Generating Station Coffey County, The Commission's related evaluation amendments revised the TSs for llatch Kansa8 is contained in a Safety Evaluation

( dated October lo,1986. No significant Units 1 and 2 to require additional Date of applicatiomor amendment: ,

simpling of gaseous effluents followinS hf arch 4,1986, as supplemented July 29 hazards consideration comments were shutdown, startup, or power level and September 18,1986. The supplement received.

changes greater than 15% of rated of September 18,1986 did not LocalPublic Document Room thermal power (1) to be required only if substantively change original Location: University of New Orleans the primary coolant activity of I-131 and amendment request. Library, Louisiana Collection, New the noble gas activity had increased by Briefdescr/ption of amendment: The Orleans, Louisiana 70122, more than a factor of 3. and (2) to be amendment modifies the Technical Loulslana Pov er and Ught Company, et Specifications to reflect a title change, a al., Docket No. 50-382, Waterford Steam followed by analysis,tters.of principal gamma enu only the change in reporting relationship, Electric Station, Unit 3, St. Charles Date ofissuance: October 23,1980. correction of typcgraphical errors. Parish, Louisiana .

Effectis e date: October 23,1986. addition and deletion of groups from the

.4mendments Nos.:130 and 65. Unit Organization figure, addition of Dates of application for amendment:

Facility Opemting License Nos. DPR- positions and group from the Nuclear Auguri1,1985, as supplemented 57 and NFF-5: Amendment revised the Department organization and changes in October 8,1986.

Technical Specifications. membership to the Nuclear Safety Brief description of amendment:The Review Committee, amendment revises the Technical Date ofinitialnotice in Federal Specifications by increasing the Register: hiay 7,1988 ($1 FR 16927) and Date ofissuance: October 22,1986.

September 10,1980 (51 FR 32209). Effective date: October 22,1986. authorized fuel enrichment limit.

O '

40286 Fedoral Register / Vol. 51. No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices revising the uncertainties allowance for the implementation of TM! Action Plan McLendon Library, Raymond.

spent fuel storage racks, changing the item 1.C.1, "Special Low. Power Testing Mississippi 39154.

surveillance interval for Control Element and Training" to make it consistent with Northern States Power Company, Assembly rod drop timing tests. present staff requirements. Docket No. 50-243, Monticello Nuclest correcting an error in the Date o[ issuance: October 17,1986. . Generating Plant, Wright County, characterization of uranium fuel rod Effective date: Changes in the loading. and revising the definition of a Technical Specifications on Pages 3/4 6- Minnesota ShiIt Technical Advisor. 31,3/4 6-39.3/4 6-42,3/4 6-44,3/4 12-1 Date of application foramendment:

and 6-20 and revised License Condition March 24 and fuly 22,1986.

Date o[ issuance: October 10.1960.

Effective date: October 16.1988. 2.C.(33)(b) are effective upon issuance of Briefdescription of amendment:The

. Amendment No.:7. the amendment and the remainder of the amendment revises the Technical facility operating // cense No. NPF- changes in Technical Specifications are Specifications to permit operation of the JB: Amendment revised the Technical effective when the equipment plant with only one recirculation loop in Specifications. necessitating the changes on affected TS operation.

Date of /nitia/ Notices in Federal pages is installed and operable but not Date ofissuance: October 22,1986.

Register: August 27,1986 (51 FR 30574 later than startup following the first Effective date: October 22,1986, and 30575); September 10,1986 (51 FR refueling outage. Amendment No.:47, 32273) and September 11 and 25.1986 Amendment No. 21. Facility Operating License No. DPR-(51 Fit 32381 and 34170). Facility Operating License No. NPF- 22. Amendment revised the Technical The Commission's related evaluation 29. This amendment revised the Specifications.

is contained in a Safety Evaluation Technical Specifications and License.

dated October 16,1986. No significant Date ofinitialnoticein Federal Date ofinitialnotice in Federal Register: August 13,1986 (51 FR 29004).

hazards consideration comments were Register: August 13,1986 (51 FR 29002) The Commission's related evaluation received- ,

and September 10.1988 (51 FR 32275, of the amendment is contained in a Localpublic document room location: 32276 and 32277). Safety Evaluation dated October 22 Umversity of New Orleans Library. The Commission's related evaluation 1986.

Louisiana Collection. New Orleans. of the amendment is contained in a No significant hazards consideration Louisiana 70122. Safety Evaluation dated October 17, comments received: No.

Mississippi Power & Light Company, 1986. .

oca/public Document Room Ntiddle South Energy,Inc., South No significant hazards consideration location: Minneapolis Public Library, Mississippi Electric Power Association, comments received: No. Technology and Science Department.

Docket No. 50-816, Grand Gulf Nuc! car LocalPublic Document Room 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, Station Unit 1.Claiborne County, location:liinds Junior College' Minnesota 55401.

Mississippi McLendon Library, Raymond.

Mississippi 39154. Pacific Gas and Electric Company,

. Date of application for amendment: . . . .

Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50 323, Diablo january 29,1986 as amended April 14, Mississippa Power & Light Company, Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Unit Nos.

July to and August 26,1986; June 13, Middle South EnerEY,Inc., South 1 and 2 San Luis Obispo County, 1986, as amended August 26,1986; and Mississippi Electric Power Associat. ion. California July 25,1986, as amended August 11, Docket No.50-41G, Grand Gulf Nuclear 1986. Station Unit 1 Claiborne County, Date of application for amendments:

Briefdescription of amendment:This Mississippi June 10,1986, as supplemented. August i amendment changes Technical 19'1990' Date of applicationfor amendment: .

Specifications (TSs) by: changing the July 14,1986 as amended August 15. 0# #[ ######### #!####" ######

nomenclature of certain drywell chilled nese amendments revise the Technical September 4, and September 5. and Specification to (1) redefine the water system isolation valves and supplemented October 3,1986.

associated electrical protective devices; moderator temperature coefficient Brief description of amendmentcThis limits,(2) revise the F"-delta.H partial correcting an inconsistency in records amendment changes the Technical retention TSs; changing the TSs for the power multipher, and (3) delete the ,

Specifications for operation with new design feature description of the total drywell post. accident vacuum relief Exxon fuel assemblies replacing spent system to reflect installation of valve weight of uranium in a fuel rod. Dese General Electric fuel assemblies in the changes will facilitate the operation of position indicators; correcting an error in referencing a reporting requirement Unit 1 Cycle 2. Change (1) and (3) apply for radiological environmental

)e D hs$uance: October 24.1986.

equally to Units 1 and 2. Change (2)

Effective date: October 24,1986, monitoring; changing the TSs for the Amendment No. 23.

applies only to Unit 1.The August 19, control rod scram discharge volume to facility Operating License No. NPF- 1986 letter did not change the Technical reflect installation of redundant level 29. This amendment revised the Specifications and thus was not noticed.

instrumentation, a redundant vent valve Technical Specifications. Date ofissuance: October 21,1986.

and a redundant drain valve; making Date ofinitial notice in Federal Effective date: October 21,1966.

i permanent a temporary note that allows Register: September 24,1986 (51 FR Amendment Nos.:10,8.

I certain actuation signals of the high 33955).

Facili y Operating Licenses Nos.

pressure core spray system to be The Commission's related evaluation DPR-80 and DPR-82: Amendments inoperable for specified reactor of the amendment is contained in a revised the Technical Specifications.

conditions; and, adding TSs for the Safety Evaluation dated October 24. Date ofinitialnotice in Federal automatic depressurization system 1906. Register: July 30,1988 (51 FR 27286).

accumulators to reflect installation of No significant hazards consideration The Commission's related evaluation pressure instrumentation. In addition, comments received: No. of the amendments is contained in a this amendment changes Operating Loco / Public Document Room Safety Evaluation dated October 21, License Condition 2.C.(33)(b) regarding location: Hinds junior College. 1986.

Federal Register / Vol. 51. No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices 40287 No significant haz'ards consideration Rochester Gas and idloctric Corporation, NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF comments received: No Docket No. 50-244. R.E. Cinna Nuclear AMENDMENT TO FACIUTY LocalPublic Document Room Power Plant, Wayne County, New York OPERATING LICENSE AND FINAL iocation: California Polytechnic Sta'te DETERMINATION OF NO University Library Documents and Date of applicationforamendment: SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS Maps Department. San Luis Obispo, July 19,1985.

CONSIDERATION AND California 93407. Briefdescription of amendment:The OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING 8m'n 83 8 8 F8 men AGENT O2 EMERGENCY Power Authority of the State of New the Technical Specifications related to York, Docket No.50-333, James A. CIRCUMSTANCES).

a uclear Powedlant, During the period since publication of

    • qua aar ac vit s
  • I the last b,-weekly 1 notice, the Date ofissucnce: October 22,1986.

Date of applicationforamendment: Commission has issued the following Effective date: October 22,1986* amendments. The Commission has July 24,1986.

Amendment No.':20. determined for each of these Briefdescription of amendment:%e ,

amendment changes Technical facility Opemfing License No. DPR- amendments that the application for the Specifications 5.5.B concerning the 18: Amendment revised the Technical amendment complies with the standards criterion for storage of nuclear fuelin Specifications. and requirements of the Atomic Energy the spent fuel pool. Date ofinitialnoticein Federal Act of1954, as amended (the Act), and Date ofissuance: October 24,1986. Register: September 25,1985 (50 FR the Commission's rules and regulations.

Effective date: October 24,1986. 38922). . The Commission has made appropriate W Commission's related evaluation findings as required by the Act and the Amendment No.1101.

of the amendment is contained in a Commission's rules and regulations in to facility Opemting License No. DPR- CFR Chapter I, which are set forth in the

59. Amendment revised the Technical Safety Evaluation dated October 22, 1986. No significant hazards hcense amendment.


consideration comments received: No. Because of exigent or emergency Date ofinitialnoticein Federal circumstances associated with the date Register: August 27,1986 (51 FR 30580). LocalPublicDocument Room the amendment was needed, there was The Commission's related evaluation location: Rochester Public Library,115 n t time for the Commission to pub!!sh, of the amendment is contained in a South Avenue, Rochester, New York Safety Evaluation dated October 24' f r public comment before issuance,its 14610. '

usual 30 day Notice of Consideration of 1986. NRC Project Director: George E. Lear. Issuance of Amendment and Proposed No significant hazards considerat,on i Director.

comments received: No. No Sign.ificant Hazards Consideration Washington Public Power Supply Determmation and Opportunity for LocalPublic Docuarent Room Hearing. For exigent circumstances..the location:Penfield Library, State System, Docket No.50-397, WNP-2 University College of Oswego

  • Oswego' Mad.Waeliington GeMu ehd a %d Register notice providing opportunity for New York. Date ofamendmentrequest March 20, public comment or has used local media Power Authodty of %e State of New 1986. to provide notice to the public in the York. Docket No. 50-286, Indian Point Brief description of amendment: This area surrounding a licensee's facility of Unit No. 3, Westchester County, New amendment revised the WNP-2 the licensee's application and of the York Operating License, NPF-21, by Commission's proposed determination.

modifying paragraph 2.E which governs of no significant haza~rds consideration.

Date ofapplicationforamendment ne Commission has provided a June 4,1986, the requirements for a Physical Security Plan. Guard Training and Qualification reasonable oppo ty fo co Briefdescription ofamendment The , ,, ,

amendment revises the Technical and a Safeguards Continency Plan. '

a 7 Specifications to include a provision f ar Specifically, the amendment deletes the u cati n or t e ubl c to respond co utilizing a temporary closure plate in commitment to use a redundant quickly, and in the case of telephone place of the equipment door during detection system to the plant protected comments, the comments have been

  • refueling operations. area intruslen detection system. recorded or transcribed as appropriate Date ofissuance: October 7,1986. 'Date ofissuance: October 16,1986. and the licensee has been informed of Effective date: October 7,1986. Effective date October 16,1986. the public comments. .

Amendment No.:09. Amendment No 29 In circumstances where failure to act Facilities Op=mting License No. Facility Opewting License No. NPF- in a timely way would have resulted, for DPR-64: Amendment revised the 21: Amendment revised the license, example,in derating or shutdown of a Technical Specifications. nuclear power plant or in prevention of Date ofinitialnoticein the Federal either resumption of operation or of Date ofinitialnotsce m Federal Register: August 27,1986 (51 FR 30584)

Register: August 13.1986 (51 FR 29011). increase in power output up to the The Commission's related evaluation of The Commission a related evaluation of the amendment is contained in a Safety plant's licensed power level, the the amendment is contamed in a Safety Commission may not have had an Evaluation dated October 7,1986. Evaluation dated October 16* 1986'

. opportunity to provide for public No significant hazards consideration Nos.igruficant hazards consideration comment on its no significant hazards comments received: No. c mments received: No. determination. In such case, the license LocalPublic Document Room LocalPublic Document Room amendment has been issued without


location: White Plains Public Library, location: Richland Pub!!c Library, Swift opportunity for comment.lf there has 100 Martine Avenue, White Plains. New and Northgate Streets, Richland, been some time for public comment but York,10610. Washington 99352. less than 30 days, the Commission may

e 40288 Federal Register / Vol. St. No. 214 / Wednesday, November 5,1986 / Notices provide an opportunity for li ublic Practice for Domestic Ucensing involves no significant hazards comment. If comments have been Proceedings

  • In 10 CR Part 2. If a consideration.lf a hearing is requested.

requested. it is so stated. In either event, request for a hearing or petition for it will not stay the effectiveness of the

, the State has been consulted by leave t, intervene is filed by the above amendment. Anp hearing held would

. telephone whenever possible. date, the Commission or an Atomic take place while the amendment is in Under its regulations, the Commission Safety and 1.icensing Board, designated effect. '

may issue and make an amendment - by the Commission or by the Chairman A request for a hearing or a petition immediately effective, notwithstanding of the Atomic Safety and Licensing for leave to intervene must be filed with the pendency before it of a request for a Board Panel, will rule on the request the Secretary of the Commission, U.S.

hearing from any person. in advance of and/or petition and the Secretary or the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the holding and completion of any designated Atomic Safety and Licensing Washington,DC20555 Attention:

  • required hearing, where it has Board willissue a notice of hearing or Docketing and Service Branch, or may determined that no significant hazards an appropriate order. be delivered to the Commission's Public consideration is involved. As required by 10 CFR 2.714, a Document Room.1717 H Street. NW.,

The Commission has applied the petition for leave to intervene shall set Washington, DC, by the above date.

standards of10 CR 50.92 and has made forth with particularity the interest of Where petitions are filed during the last a final determination that the the petitionerin the proceeding and how ten (10) days of the notice period, it is amendment involves no significant that interest may be affected by the requested that the petitioner promptly so hazards consideration. ne basis for this results of.the proceeding. ne petition inform the Commission by a to!!. free determination is contained in the , should specifically explain the reasons telephone call to Western Union at (803) documents related to this action. why intervention should be permitted 325-6000 (in Missouri (800) 342-6700).

Accordingly, the amendments have been with particular reference to the %e WestemUnion operator should be issued and made effective as indicated. following factors: (1) The nature of the given Datagram Identification Number Unless otherwise indicated, the petitioner's right under the Act to be 3737 and the following message Commission has determined that these made a party to the proceeding:(2) the amendments satisfy the criteria for nature and extent of the petitioner's addressed to(PmfectDirector):

petitioner's name and telephone categorical exclusion in accordance property, financial, or other interest in numben date petition was mailed: plant with 10 CFR 51.22. %:refore, pursuant the proceeding: and (3) the possible name; and publication date and page to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental effect of any order which rray be number of this Federal Register notice.

impact statement or environmental entered in the proceeding on the A copy of the petitiori ahould also be essessment need be prepared for these petitioner's interest.The petition should sent to the Office of the General amendments. If the Commission has also identify the specific aspect (s) of the Counsel.Bethesda U.S. Nuclear prepared an environmental assessment subject matter of the proceeding as to Regulatory Commission. Washington, under the special circumstances which petitioner wishes to intervene. DC 20555, and to the attorney for the

, provision in 10 CFR 51.12(b) and has Any person who has filed a petition for made a determination based on that leave to intervene or who has been licensee [nely filings of petitions for leav assessment, it is so indicated. For admitted as a party may amend the Nonti

, to intervene, amended petitions, further details with respect to the action petition without requesting leave of the see (1) the application for amendment. Board up to fifteen (15) days prior to the supplemental petitions and/or requests (2) the amendment to Facility Operating for hearing will not be entertained first prehearing conference scheduled in absent a determination by the License, and (3) the Commission's the proceeding, but such an amended related letter. Safety Evaluation and/or Commission, the presiding officer or the petition must satisfy the specificity Environmental Assessment, as Atomic Safety and 1.lcensing Board, that requirements described above.

indicated. All of these items are' Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the pet t on and/or request :houId be available for public inspection at the the first prehearing conference Commission s Public Document Room. scheduled in the proceeding, a petitioner factors ePecified in 10 CFR 2.714(a)(1)(i)-

171711 Street, NW., Washington, DC, shall file a supplement to the petition to (v) and 2.714(d).

and at the local public document room intervene which must include a list of hiississippi Power & Ught Company, for the particular facility involved. the contentions which are sought to be hiiddle South Energy. Inc., South A copy of items (2) and (3) may be litigated in the tr.atter, and the bases for h{ississippi Electric Power Association.

obtained upon request addressed to the each contention set forth with Docket No. 50-416. Crand Gulf Nuclear U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. reasonable specificity. Conten' ions shall Station, Unit 1, Claiborne County, Washington, DC 20555. Attention: be limited to matters within the scope of h{ississippl

. Director. Division of Licensing. the amendment under consideration. A The Commission is also offering an petitioner who fails to file such a Date of applicatw.nforamendment>

opportunity for a hearing with respect to supplement which satisfies these October 3,1988.

the issuance of the amendments. By requirements with respect to at least one Brief description of amendment: This December 5,1986, the licensee may file a contention will not be permitted to amendment provides temporary changes request for a hearing with respect to participate as a party. to the Technical Specifications (TSs) for issuance of the amendment to the Those permitted to intervene become secondary containment Isolation valves subject facility operating license and parties to the proceedinR. subject to any and associated actuation any person whose interest may be limitations in the order granting leave to instrumentation, secondary containment nffected by this proceeding and who intervene, and have the opportunity to integrity, and the standby gas treatment wishes to participate as a party in the participate fully in the conduct of the system. The amendment is effective proceedmg must file a wntten petition hearing. including the opportunity to October 3.19 a through October 10.1983 for leave to intervene. Requests for a present evidence and cross examine while the plant is in the refueling mode.

, hearing and petitions for leave to witnesses. The changes will allow certain j intervene shall be filed in accordance Since the Commission has made a secondary containment equipment to be with the Commission's " Rules of final determination that the amendment inoperable during removal and re-i t . - --

F i

Federal Register / Vol. St. No. 214 / Wednesday. November 5.1986 / Notices 402s9 '

.g. A installation of control rods in defueled core celle so that work on this -

equipment can continue while removal and reinstallation of control rods is done.Two compensatory measures will be in effect when this temporary change to TSs is used:(1) Administrative controls will be implemented for temporarily closing portions of

. . secondary containment that are open for ongoing work: and (2) the height of control rods over irradiated fuel ,

assemblies will be minimized during control rod removal and re installation.

Date ofissuance: October 22.1986.

  • Effectsve date: October 3.1986.

Amendment No.:22.

Facility Openting License No.NPF-29: Amendment revised Technical Specifications Public comments requested as to proposed no significant hazards consideration: No. .

He Commission's related evaluation '

of the amendment, consultation with the  ;

l State of Mississippi, and final no significant hazards considerations t determination are contained in a Safety

  • l Evaluation dated October 22.1986.

Attorneyforlicensee: Nicholas S. -

( Reynolds. Esquire. Bishop. Liberman.

Cook. Purcell and Reynolds,120017th l Street. NW Washington. DC 20036.

LocalPublic DocumentRoom location: Hinds Junior College.

McLendon Library. Raymond.

Mississippi 39154. ,

NRCPmject Directoh Walter R.

Butler. '

Dated at Betheeds. Maryland this 29th day of October.1988.

For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Frsak J. Mitsstle.

Director. Division ofPWR Licensing B. Office i ofNuclearReactorRegulation.

IFR Doc. 86-24933 Filed 11-4-88; 8:45 am] i.

i 08LLNs0 Coot Fle6 et-ed i ,

t 1