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{{#Wiki_filter:ACCESSION NBR:FACIL:50-389'UTH.
{{#Wiki_filter:ACCESSION NBR: FAC IL: 50-389'UTH.
NANE IJOODY>C.O.REC IP.NAJ1E THADANI>A.C.REQULAT INFORNAT ION DISTR lBUTI OJI YSTEl't..(R IDS)8611120224 DOC.DATE: 86/1 1/07 NOTAR I ZED: YES St.Lucie Plant>Unit 2>Florida Power Cc Light Co.AUTHOR AFFILIATION Florida Potoer Zc Light Co.RECIPIENT AFFILIATION PWR Prospect Directorate 8 DOCKET 05000389

Application foramendtoLicenseNPF-16>discontinuing useofnuclearfluxpeakingaugmentation factorsusedinestablishing setpoints forpeaklinearheatgeneration ratealarm.Feepaid.DISIRIDOZION CODE:AOOIDCOPIESRECEIVED:
Application for amend to License NPF-16>discontinuing use of nuclear flux peaking augmentation factors used in establishing setpoints for peak linear heat generation rate alarm.Fee paid.DISIRIDOZION CODE: AOOID COPIES RECEIVED: LTR ENCL SIZE: TITLE: OR Submittal:
Qeneral Distribution NOTES: RECIPIENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-8 EB PWR-8 FOB PWR-8 PDB PD 01 PWR-8 PEICSB COPlES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 5 5 1 RECIPI ENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-8 PEICSB PWR-8 PDB LA TOURIQNY>E PWR-8 RSB COPIES LTTR ENCL 2 2 0 1 1 INTERNAL: ADN/LFNB NRR/DHFT/TSCB 04 EXTERNAL: EQhQ BRUSKE>S NRC PDR 02 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ELD/HDS2 NRR/GRAS RQN2 LPDR NSIC 03 05 1 0 j, 0 1 1 TOTAL NUBBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 23 ENCL 19 f~kG 4"l":.i>>f'<<6't(l 1>'~'>>,~).<I,'kJ r L<h 9,!<i" l f A'I e,'<)})C r)fr"I,r'p r l c 4b'r 3~l l''~r lt II ll I'((<7 I g'ftfr f)rt i~-
FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY NOYEMBER 7 1986 L-86-444 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:
Mr.Ashok C.Thadani, Director PWR Project Directorate 738 Division of PWR Licensing-B U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555  
LTTR23ENCL19 f~kG4"l":.i>>f'<<6't(l1>'~'>>,~).<I,'kJrL<h9,!<i"lfA'Ie,'<)})Cr)fr"I,r'prlc4b'r3~ll''~rltIIllI'((<7Ig'ftfrf)rti~-
FLORIDAPOWER&LIGHTCOMPANYNOYEMBER71986L-86-444OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation Attention:
Mr.AshokC.Thadani,DirectorPWRProjectDirectorate 738DivisionofPWRLicensing-B U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555

==Dear Mr.Thadani:==
Re:St.LucieUnit2DocketNo.50-389ProposedLicenseAmendment FluxPeakinAumentation FactorsInaccordance withIOCFR50.90,FloridaPower&LightCompany(FPL)submitsherewiththreesignedoriginals andfortycopiesofarequesttoamendFacilityOperating LicenseNPF-I6.TheproposedchangetotheSt.LucieUnit2Technical Specifications istodiscontinue theuseofNuclearFluxPeakingAugmentation Factors.Augmentation factorsareusedinestablishing setpoints forthepeaklinearheatgeneration ratealarm.Theproposedchangesmodifypart4.2.I.4oftheLinearHeatRateTechnical Specification andtheassociated Technical Specification Bases.Figure4.2.I,whichspecifies thevalueoftheaugmentation factorversusheightinthecore,isproposedfordeletionbythisTechnical Specification change.MarkedupcopiesoftheaffectedTechnical Specification pagesareincludedasAttachment I.ASafetyEvaluation insupportoftheproposedamendment isincludedasAttachment 2.A"Determination ofNoSignificant HazardsConsideration" isprovidedasAttachment 3.Theproposedamendment hasbeenreviewedbytheSt.LucieFacilityReviewGroupandtheFloridaPower8LightCompanyNuclearReviewBoard.Inaccordance withIOCFR50.9I(b)(l),
Re: St.Lucie Unit 2 Docket No.50-389 Proposed License Amendment Flux Peakin Au mentation Factors In accordance with IO CFR 50.90, Florida Power&Light Company (FPL)submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Facility Operating License NPF-I 6.The proposed change to the St.Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications is to discontinue the use of Nuclear Flux Peaking Augmentation Factors.Augmentation factors are used in establishing setpoints for the peak linear heat generation rate alarm.The proposed changes modify part 4.2.I.4 of the Linear Heat Rate Technical Specification and the associated Technical Specification Bases.Figure 4.2.I, which specifies the value of the augmentation factor versus height in the core, is proposed for deletion by this Technical Specification change.Marked up copies of the affected Technical Specification pages are included as Attachment I.A Safety Evaluation in support of the proposed amendment is included as Attachment 2.A"Determination of No Significant Hazards Consideration" is provided as Attachment 3.The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the St.Lucie Facility Review Group and the Florida Power 8 Light Company Nuclear Review Board.In accordance with IO CFR 50.9I(b)(l), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the state designee for the State of Florida.,Bbii120224 Sbii07*',,.~PDR ADOCK 05000389 P PDR EJW2/OOI/I q i 50.0O ggd I Iil PEOPLE...SERVING PEOPLE 1~I<<, I, ll<<I 1 M lh Q.~h 11 I~I II Qltat III>>~Q I V it>>M A lab I'I>>hi 1 II 1!Vi 1 h hQ~t M'14MQ MI a 1 IIII.a~Mgi'I a~~~tit V t'~M Mi Itl VM a V V II~~1 1 II$<<1 II 1tl.a~ff/lh t 1<<I h I iP<<~v MM a.~>>4rl alp 4t 1'\")v I-I'~p II'a II tr i I V II~~<<1 t.i Q'e t~ifa I'I I t 1 ittll a rl.<<af" II'I~~i a I MI",~IA V>>lat a i htt 1 I 5<<'ll~IQ I trr i hr II~1 It';1 kv O'I 1VI la(<<1~~t i II,<<M I 1,<'I~'1 I<<1~II v 1 I II'I)f)-1;~t II Q a<<I" M<<'I'a M I(, t~h1 MQ MQ Q vt'a I Q.Q~I a aa Q<<,,<<>>ag.Q>>.Q g'1 W t Mr.Ashok C.Thadani, Director L-86-444 Page two In accordance with 10 CFR l70.2I, FPL Check No.2940 is attached as remittance for the license amendment application fee.Please contact us if you have any questions about this submittal.
acopyoftheproposedamendment isbeingforwarded tothestatedesigneefortheStateofFlorida.,Bbii120224 Sbii07*',,.~PDRADOCK05000389PPDREJW2/OOI/I qi50.0OggdIIilPEOPLE...
Very truly yours,.O.Woody Group Vice President Nuclear Energy COW/E JW/gp Attachments (4)cc: Dr.J.Nelson Grace, USNRC, Region ll Mr.Alan Schubert, Florida Dept.of Health and Rehabilitative Services Harold F.Reis, Esquire, Newman 5.Holtzinger E JW2/00 I/2.  
SERVINGPEOPLE 1~I<<,I,ll<<I1MlhQ.~h11I~IIIQltatIII>>~QIVit>>MAlabI'I>>hi1II1!Vi1hhQ~tM'14MQMIa1IIII.a~Mgi'Ia~~~titVt'~MMiItlVMaVVII~~11II$<<1II1tl.a~ff/lht1<<IhIiP<<~vMMa.~>>4rlalp4t1'\")vI-I'~pII'aIItriIVII~~<<1t.iQ'et~ifaI'IIt1ittllarl.<<af"II'I~~iaIMI",~IAV>>lataihtt1I5<<'ll~IQItrrihrII~1It';1kvO'I1VIla(<<1~~tiII,<<MI1,<'I~'1I<<1~IIv1III'I)f)-1;~tIIQa<<I"M<<'I'aMI(,t~h1MQMQQvt'aIQ.Q~IaaaQ<<,,<<>>ag.Q>>.Qg'1Wt Mr.AshokC.Thadani,DirectorL-86-444PagetwoInaccordance with10CFRl70.2I,FPLCheckNo.2940isattachedasremittance forthelicenseamendment application fee.Pleasecontactusifyouhaveanyquestions aboutthissubmittal.
*~~y hh~~II hht 1 y lh Ih'h I'h yh h il h h I'~e y hl y,h h h It h'l II h I yyh"'
Verytrulyyours,.O.WoodyGroupVicePresident NuclearEnergyCOW/EJW/gpAttachments (4)cc:Dr.J.NelsonGrace,USNRC,RegionllMr.AlanSchubert, FloridaDept.ofHealthandRehabilitative ServicesHaroldF.Reis,Esquire,Newman5.Holtzinger EJW2/00I/2.  
STATE OF FLORIDA))ss.COUNTY OF PALM BEACH)J.W.Dicke being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Vice President of Nuclear 0 erations of Florida Power 8 Light Company, the Licensee herein;That he has executed the foregoing document;that the statements made in this document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Licensee.J.W.Di ey Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , led.'=(,')'<NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the County'<,";~"=,of Palm/Reach, State of Florida HOIARY PUBLIC SIAIp pp FLORIDA">COHHISSIOH DP$IPI 18,1989 My Commission expIres,'IHRU OIHERAL IH$~
V J 4/l/1*/'lg U Il I 1 I ATTACHMENT I MARKED-UP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGES 3/4 2-2 3/4 2-6 83/4 2-I E JW2/OQ I/3 t I gl I}}
STATEOFFLORIDA))ss.COUNTYOFPALMBEACH)J.W.Dickebeingfirstdulysworn,deposesandsays:ThatheisVicePresident ofNuclear0erationsofFloridaPower8LightCompany,theLicenseeherein;Thathehasexecutedtheforegoing document; thatthestatements madeinthisdocumentaretrueandcorrecttothebestofhisknowledge, information, andbelief,andthatheisauthorized toexecutethedocumentonbehalfofsaidLicensee.
J.W.DieySubscribed andsworntobeforemethisdayof,led.'=(,')'<NOTARYPUBLIC,inandfortheCounty'<,";~"=,ofPalm/Reach, StateofFloridaHOIARYPUBLICSIAIpppFLORIDA">COHHISSIOH DP$IPI18,1989MyCommission expIres,'IHRUOIHERALIH$~

Revision as of 17:08, 7 July 2018

Application for Amend to License NPF-16,changing Tech Specs to Discontinue Flux Peaking Augmentation Factors Used in Establishing Setpoints for Peak LHGR Alarm.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1986
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17219A213 List:
L-86-444, NUDOCS 8611120224
Download: ML17219A210 (10)



NANE IJOODY>C.O.REC IP.NAJ1E THADANI>A.C.REQULAT INFORNAT ION DISTR lBUTI OJI YSTEl't..(R IDS)8611120224 DOC.DATE: 86/1 1/07 NOTAR I ZED: YES St.Lucie Plant>Unit 2>Florida Power Cc Light Co.AUTHOR AFFILIATION Florida Potoer Zc Light Co.RECIPIENT AFFILIATION PWR Prospect Directorate 8 DOCKET 05000389


Application for amend to License NPF-16>discontinuing use of nuclear flux peaking augmentation factors used in establishing setpoints for peak linear heat generation rate alarm.Fee paid.DISIRIDOZION CODE: AOOID COPIES RECEIVED: LTR ENCL SIZE: TITLE: OR Submittal:

Qeneral Distribution NOTES: RECIPIENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-8 EB PWR-8 FOB PWR-8 PDB PD 01 PWR-8 PEICSB COPlES LTTR ENCL 1 1 1 5 5 1 RECIPI ENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-8 PEICSB PWR-8 PDB LA TOURIQNY>E PWR-8 RSB COPIES LTTR ENCL 2 2 0 1 1 INTERNAL: ADN/LFNB NRR/DHFT/TSCB 04 EXTERNAL: EQhQ BRUSKE>S NRC PDR 02 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ELD/HDS2 NRR/GRAS RQN2 LPDR NSIC 03 05 1 0 j, 0 1 1 TOTAL NUBBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 23 ENCL 19 f~kG 4"l":.i>>f'<<6't(l 1>'~'>>,~).<I,'kJ r L<h 9,!<i" l f A'I e,'<)})C r)fr"I,r'p r l c 4b'r 3~l l~r lt II ll I'((<7 I g'ftfr f)rt i~-

FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY NOYEMBER 7 1986 L-86-444 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention:

Mr.Ashok C.Thadani, Director PWR Project Directorate 738 Division of PWR Licensing-B U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555

Dear Mr.Thadani:

Re: St.Lucie Unit 2 Docket No.50-389 Proposed License Amendment Flux Peakin Au mentation Factors In accordance with IO CFR 50.90, Florida Power&Light Company (FPL)submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Facility Operating License NPF-I 6.The proposed change to the St.Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications is to discontinue the use of Nuclear Flux Peaking Augmentation Factors.Augmentation factors are used in establishing setpoints for the peak linear heat generation rate alarm.The proposed changes modify part 4.2.I.4 of the Linear Heat Rate Technical Specification and the associated Technical Specification Bases.Figure 4.2.I, which specifies the value of the augmentation factor versus height in the core, is proposed for deletion by this Technical Specification change.Marked up copies of the affected Technical Specification pages are included as Attachment I.A Safety Evaluation in support of the proposed amendment is included as Attachment 2.A"Determination of No Significant Hazards Consideration" is provided as Attachment 3.The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the St.Lucie Facility Review Group and the Florida Power 8 Light Company Nuclear Review Board.In accordance with IO CFR 50.9I(b)(l), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the state designee for the State of Florida.,Bbii120224 Sbii07*',,.~PDR ADOCK 05000389 P PDR EJW2/OOI/I q i 50.0O ggd I Iil PEOPLE...SERVING PEOPLE 1~I<<, I, ll<>~Q I V it>>M A lab I'I>>hi 1 II 1!Vi 1 h hQ~t M'14MQ MI a 1 IIII.a~Mgi'I a~~~tit V t'~M Mi Itl VM a V V II~~1 1 II$<<1 II 1tl.a~ff/lh t 1<<I h I iP<<~v MM a.~>>4rl alp 4t 1'\")v I-I'~p II'a II tr i I V II~~<<1 t.i Q'e t~ifa I'I I t 1 ittll a rl.<<af" II'I~~i a I MI",~IA V>>lat a i htt 1 I 5<<'ll~IQ I trr i hr II~1 It';1 kv O'I 1VI la(<<1~~t i II,<<M I 1,<'I~'1 I<<1~II v 1 I II'I)f)-1;~t II Q a<<I" M<<'I'a M I(, t~h1 MQ MQ Q vt'a I Q.Q~I a aa Q<<,,<<>>ag.Q>>.Q g'1 W t Mr.Ashok C.Thadani, Director L-86-444 Page two In accordance with 10 CFR l70.2I, FPL Check No.2940 is attached as remittance for the license amendment application fee.Please contact us if you have any questions about this submittal.

Very truly yours,.O.Woody Group Vice President Nuclear Energy COW/E JW/gp Attachments (4)cc: Dr.J.Nelson Grace, USNRC, Region ll Mr.Alan Schubert, Florida Dept.of Health and Rehabilitative Services Harold F.Reis, Esquire, Newman 5.Holtzinger E JW2/00 I/2.

  • ~~y hh~~II hht 1 y lh Ih'h I'h yh h il h h I'~e y hl y,h h h It h'l II h I yyh"'

STATE OF FLORIDA))ss.COUNTY OF PALM BEACH)J.W.Dicke being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Vice President of Nuclear 0 erations of Florida Power 8 Light Company, the Licensee herein;That he has executed the foregoing document;that the statements made in this document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Licensee.J.W.Di ey Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , led.'=(,')'<NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the County'<,";~"=,of Palm/Reach, State of Florida HOIARY PUBLIC SIAIp pp FLORIDA">COHHISSIOH DP$IPI 18,1989 My Commission expIres,'IHRU OIHERAL IH$~

V J 4/l/1*/'lg U Il I 1 I ATTACHMENT I MARKED-UP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGES 3/4 2-2 3/4 2-6 83/4 2-I E JW2/OQ I/3 t I gl I