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NBR.S305ib012I" DDt;1,O'AITKt8'3/05/10 NOii'lARX ZEOI:NOlFAGKLI:50-315~
NBR.S305ib012I" DDt;1, O'AITKt 8'3/05/10 NOii'lARX ZEOI: NOl FAGKLI:50-315~
DonaAdi Gl..Cbpk N4c'lee'r:
PowerP<lehtiU'nitiii"Indianal85031tDonalldiGl.>>GiponN4c'1ea'r-Power'ile'ntiUniiti2~~Indiahal8AUTH~NAPIKIAU'THOR'FFCLII AiTKONHERINGiR'.FS;Indhahel84liicb.igan.Ellectr.iccCbl,'ECKP~,NANSEIRECKPZENTI AFFZLIIArIOV<
Power P<lehti U'ni ti ii" Indi anal 8 50 31t Donall di Gl.>>Gipon N4c'1 ea'r-Power'il e'nt i Unii ti 2~~Indi ahal 8 AUTH~NAPIKI AU'THOR'FFCLII AiTKON HERINGi R'.FS;Indh ahel 8 4lii cb.i gan.Ell ect r.i cc Cbl,'ECK P~, NANSEI RECKPZENTI AFFZLIIArIOV<
DENTON<iH.R.c Olfeiceof<Nuclea'rResistor:
DENTON<iH.R.c Olfe ice of<Nucl ea'r Resistor: Reg41'a'taboo~
Diirectoiri DDCKEITI 4: 05000315(05000316'KCaPCKNTI IDI CDDEif N ALKI SUBDECIT: Appld cetii op~tol ainand l.i censes" DPR~59'DPRw74~atlding T'ech Sneer Sec tr oui 4',0.5<to<incorporate'nser4'I ce'nep<8 testi'ng reRui're~ants olf!ASMKI Code Sectioni XI.CA'a'ss:
Diirectoiri DDCKEITI4:05000315(
IZL fee fotr: Uni ti ii 8 G3ehs" I.fee: folr~U'n'iti 2.enCl".DISTRIBUTIONS GODKI: AO4VS CDPCKS RECKJVED'LITR' ENGLI~SIZE~: TCTLKl: OR" Subm.i t tallt: Inset v4 ce Inspection/T'estiin'g.
Appldcetiiop~tolainandl.icenses"DPR~59'DPRw74~atldingT'echSneerSectroui4',0.5<to<incorporate'nser4'I ce'nep<8testi'ngreRui're~ants olf!ASMKICodeSectioniXI.CA'a'ss:
GOQEI/NhblKI LITER.ENCI.I LITTR ENCLI NRR OR8~1r BCI Oir'i 7i I N'T E R N A L I~E L 0'/H 0 S 3 i ill R R'/0 K'/liIIT KB I 1i4'.RGN3 ii 0 li ii 1 1.Sl 15s RKGI FCL 04'XTERNALS ACRS NRCI POR'TiI S'6'0 10 02: 1<ii 1(1<<I.POR" NSICI 03i 05~2;2'c 1 TOiTALI NU41BER OF<COPIES REQUIRED!:
IZLfeefotr:Unitiii8G3ehs"I.fee:folr~U'n'iti2.enCl".DISTRIBUTIONS GODKI:AO4VSCDPCKSRECKJVED'LITR' ENGLI~SIZE~:TCTLKl:OR"Subm.ittallt:Insetv4ceInspection/T'estiin'g.
LITTR 27 ENGLI 2b' (c<<,tt II 7 l~n c l4(t.Cog o cia r>r~.n1>s~rett, 0 kc'.'4" Cc4 if c~i 0 f5.t'1 q~~7 t I'tt.9CPQQ1(4 it"a t5G fLtt 0>Xq),Xr.,t: raS"old v't4''f'th)QQ~J~'cot 1~8I fiQljg f~FIJI'l Go~~l'~tI-~a>'4 v ps: t't P<~v~>, Ital Cfk fIl,f')1 a, I4l.='&V" t'tt0), f1., l~~r o"~~Ql~tlv~tr-$I4'>h(~aL 1 trier>r t-tt,<~~~tt"k~C~Vd k~('aatr Oatg<,rear C)~C)S~".r le~~t r iNOOP V aCr t O."r>~Oem<OPC~ea~ear t~0 c:,<,~ref>see Car~)tv<sat not JtiI cvufQ.LX re<I".o~ate"~)f.f tc acr arrow jvv~~~f."ro:~prf tt, wc'at k eaL t" z~II+0 44leeOeN et 4eyVgs t er cO 4 4>fg"tt.''<ljjo>
ggJ rtt.r" j"44tt it trrtoa/Nrc f yaoa"r1 c)vwncrl." ttc)8<or~>>.
>>>I('o~f1<r>~DE<r 0 t I I i 1~1'i'>';g'LcVv 4".uB>1 iI I v D~t~lQ=&~~i'>g" gW-'g (,~lC s'tt"aid i'iH kf',CK'~tt.
LITTR27ENGLI2b' (c<<,ttII7l~ncl4(t.Cogociar>r~.n1>s~rett,0kc'.'4"Cc4ifc~i0f5.t'1q~~7tI'tt.9CPQQ1(4it"at5GfLtt0>Xq),Xr.,t:raS"oldv't4''f'th)QQ~J~'cot 1~8IfiQljgf~FIJI'lGo~~l'~tI-~a>'4vps:t'tP<~v~>,ItalCfkfIl,f')1a,I4l.='&V"t'tt0),f1.,l~~ro"~~Ql~tlv~tr-$I4'>h(~aL1trier>rt-tt,<~~~tt"k~C
~" p f g'f(>X""(XW>v 4.v'r)I 4 N p(.@a@WA f>>-'r l<<r~
CL INDIANA L MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P, 0.80X 18 BOWLIN G GR E EN STATION NEW YORK, N.Y~10004 May 10, 1983 AEP:NRC:0433 Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUESTS-IN-SERVICE TESTING PROGRAM I Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Reference (1)Letter No.AEP:NRC:0433A dated February 25, 1983 (2)Amendments No.71 (Unit 1)and No.53 (Unit 2), dated April 13, 1983  
<OPC~ea~ear t~0c:,<,~ref>seeCar~)tv<satnotJtiIcvufQ.LXre<I".o~ate"~)f.ftcacrarrowjvv~~~f."ro:~prftt,wc'atkeaLt"z~II+044leeOeNet4eyVgstercO44>fg"tt.''<ljjo>
ggJrtt.r"j"44ttittrrtoa/Nrc fyaoa"r1c)vwncrl."ttc)8<or~>>.
CLINDIANALMICHIGANELECTRICCOMPANYP,0.80X18BOWLINGGREENSTATIONNEWYORK,N.Y~10004May10,1983AEP:NRC:0433 DonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNos.1and2DocketNos.50-315and50-316LicenseNos.DPR-58andDPR-74TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGEREQUESTS-IN-SERVICE TESTINGPROGRAMIMr.HaroldR.Denton,DirectorOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Reference (1)LetterNo.AEP:NRC:0433A datedFebruary25,1983(2)Amendments No.71(Unit1)andNo.53(Unit2),datedApril13,1983

==Dear Mr.,==
ThisletteranditsthreeAttachments requestchangesinseveralAppendix'A'echnical Specifications fortheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlant.Attachments 2and3containtherevisedTechnical Specification pages,withtheproposedrevisions markedbyaverticallineontherighthandside.WerequestthattheNRCfileandprocessthisTechnical Specification ChangepackageasasingleAmendment foreachUnit.ThechangesproposedinAttachment No.2tothisletterincorporate thereference tothenewT/SNo.4.0.5whichwassubmitted totheNRCinReference (1)andissuedviaReference (2).Attachment No.3requestssomesmallchangestotheUnitNo.2Technical Specifications.
This letter and its three Attachments request changes in several Appendix'A'echnical Specifications for the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant.Attachments 2 and 3 contain the revised Technical Specification pages, with the proposed revisions marked by a vertical line on the right hand side.We request that the NRC file and process this Technical Specification Change package as a single Amendment for each Unit.The changes proposed in Attachment No.2 to this letter incorporate the reference to the new T/S No.4.0.5 which was submitted to the NRC in Reference (1)and issued via Reference (2).Attachment No.3 requests some small changes to the Unit No.2 Technical Specifications.
TheseproposedTechnical Specifications havebeenreviewedbythePlantNuclearSafetyCommittee andwillbereviewedbytheAEPSCNuclearSafetyandDesignReviewCommittee at,itsnextscheduled meeting.8305160121 8305iOPDRADOCK05000315PPDR 8~gIIIKIs AEPSCinterprets 10CFR170.22asrequiring thataClassIIIAmendment FeeforUnitNo.1andaClassIduplicate Amendment feeforUnitNo.2accompany thissubmittal.
These proposed Technical Specifications have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Committee and will be reviewed by the AEPSC Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee at, its next scheduled meeting.8305160121 8305iO PDR ADOCK 05000315 P PDR 8~g I I IK I s AEPSC interprets 10 CFR 170.22 as requiring that a Class III Amendment Fee for Unit No.1 and a Class I duplicate Amendment fee for Unit No.2 accompany this submittal.
Acheckintheamountof$4,400.isherebyattachedfortheNRCprocessing ofthisdocument.
A check in the amount of$4, hereby attached for the NRC processing of this document.This document has been prepared following Corporate Procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.
Thisdocumenthasbeenpreparedfollowing Corporate Procedures whichincorporate areasonable setofcontrolstoensureitsaccuracyandcompleteness priortosignature bytheundersigned.
Very truly yours,/os.F.Hering Vice President cc: John E.Dolan-Columbus R.S.Hunter M.P.Alexich R.W.Jurgensen W.G.Smith, Jr.-Bridgman R.C.Callen G.Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector at Cook Plant-Bridgman Attachment No.'to AEP:NRC:0433 This Attachment provides a summary description and listing of the changes being proposed in Attachments 2 and 3.Attachment No.2 (Unit No.1)The Unit No.1 Technical Specifications are being revised to reflect issuance of the new T/S No.4.0.5 via Reference (2)of the cover letter, The new section-4.0.5 incorporates the Inservice Inspection and Testing requirements of the ASME Code Section XI for the Donald C.Cook Plant, Unit No.1 and is identical to the section with the same number in the Unit No.2 Technical Specifications.
Verytrulyyours,/os.F.HeringVicePresident cc:JohnE.Dolan-ColumbusR.S.HunterM.P.AlexichR.W.Jurgensen W.G.Smith,Jr.-BridgmanR.C.CallenG.CharnoffNRCResidentInspector atCookPlant-Bridgman Attachment No.'toAEP:NRC:0433 ThisAttachment providesasummarydescription andlistingofthechangesbeingproposedinAttachments 2and3.Attachment No.2(UnitNo.1)TheUnitNo.1Technical Specifications arebeingrevisedtoreflectissuanceofthenewT/SNo.4.0.5viaReference (2)ofthecoverletter,Thenewsection-4.0.5 incorporates theInservice Inspection andTestingrequirements oftheASMECodeSectionXIfortheDonaldC.CookPlant,UnitNo.1andisidentical tothesectionwiththesamenumberintheUnitNo.2Technical Specifications.
The proposed changes will replace the individual testing procedures of various components by a standard reference to Section XI of the ASME Code.Some changes are being proposed to make the Unit 1 and Unit 2's Technical Specifications equal in content.Revised Pa es for Unit No.1~Pa es Ne.3/4 0-2 3/4 1-11 3/4 1-12 3/4 1-13 3/4 1-14 3/4 3/4 4-8 3/4 4-9 3/4 4-10 3/4 4-11 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 s 3/4 S 3/4 a 3/4 4-12 4-33 4-34 4-35 through 4-42 4-43, 44 5%through 5-6 5-6a 6-10 6-11 7-5, 7-6 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 0-5 4-12 4-13 (Table 4.4-6)Section Revised Footnote deleted 4.1'.3.1 4,1.2.6;, 4.4.5.a.5 No change, added for continuity Table 4.4-1 3.4~10.1, Deleted Deleted Renumbered Pages 4.5.2-subsections rearranged Deleted Intentionally left blank Intentionally left blank Intentionally left blank 4.0.5-this is a new page 3/4.4.10 Deleted AEP:NRC:0433
Theproposedchangeswillreplacetheindividual testingprocedures ofvariouscomponents byastandardreference toSectionXIoftheASMECode.SomechangesarebeingproposedtomaketheUnit1andUnit2'sTechnical Specifications equalincontent.RevisedPaesforUnitNo.1~PaesNe.3/40-23/41-113/41-123/41-133/41-143/43/44-83/44-93/44-103/44-113/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/43/4s3/4S3/4a3/44-124-334-344-35through4-424-43,445%through5-65-6a6-106-117-5,7-67-157-167-177-180-54-124-13(Table4.4-6)SectionRevisedFootnotedeleted4.1'.,;, 4.4.5.a.5 Nochange,addedforcontinuity Table4.4-13.4~10.1, Pages4.5.2-subsections rearranged Deleted4.6.2.1Intentionally leftblank4. leftblank4.7.4.1Intentionally leftblank4.0.5-thisisanewpage3/4.4.10Deleted AEP:NRC:0433
~~Attachment No.3 (Unit No.2)Surveillance requirement No. for the centrifugal charging pumps has been changed from 2405 psig to 2390 psig, to reflect the difference in volume control tank pressure in Modes 5 and 6 from that in Modes 1 to 4.Surveillance requirement No. is being changed to reference the existence of T/S No.4.0.5.Revised Pa es for Unit No.2~Pe e Ne.Section Revised 3/4 1-11 3/4 7-5 3/4 7-6 4.F 1.2}}
~~Attachment No.3(UnitNo.2)Surveillance requirement No. forthecentrifugal chargingpumpshasbeenchangedfrom2405psigto2390psig,toreflectthedifference involumecontroltankpressureinModes5and6fromthatinModes1to4.Surveillance requirement No. theexistence ofT/SNo.4.0.5.RevisedPaesforUnitNo.2~PeeNe.SectionRevised3/41-113/47-53/47- 4.F1.}}

Revision as of 08:58, 6 July 2018

Application to Amend Licenses DPR-58 & DPR-74,adding Tech Spec Section 4.0.5 to Incorporate Inservice Insp & Testing Requirements of ASME Code Section Xi.Class Iii Fee for Unit 1 & Class I Fee for Unit 2 Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/1983
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17320A516 List:
AEP:NRC:0433, AEP:NRC:433, NUDOCS 8305160121
Download: ML17320A515 (7)




NBR.S305ib012I" DDt;1, O'AITKt 8'3/05/10 NOii'lARX ZEOI: NOl FAGKLI:50-315~

DonaAdi Gl..Cbpk N4c'lee'r:

Power P<lehti U'ni ti ii" Indi anal 8 50 31t Donall di Gl.>>Gipon N4c'1 ea'r-Power'il e'nt i Unii ti 2~~Indi ahal 8 AUTH~NAPIKI AU'THOR'FFCLII AiTKON HERINGi R'.FS;Indh ahel 8 4lii cb.i gan.Ell ect r.i cc Cbl,'ECK P~, NANSEI RECKPZENTI AFFZLIIArIOV<

DENTON<iH.R.c Olfe ice of<Nucl ea'r Resistor: Reg41'a'taboo~

Diirectoiri DDCKEITI 4: 05000315(05000316'KCaPCKNTI IDI CDDEif N ALKI SUBDECIT: Appld cetii op~tol ainand l.i censes" DPR~59'DPRw74~atlding T'ech Sneer Sec tr oui 4',0.5<to<incorporate'nser4'I ce'nep<8 testi'ng reRui're~ants olf!ASMKI Code Sectioni XI.CA'a'ss:

IZL fee fotr: Uni ti ii 8 G3ehs" I.fee: folr~U'n'iti 2.enCl".DISTRIBUTIONS GODKI: AO4VS CDPCKS RECKJVED'LITR' ENGLI~SIZE~: TCTLKl: OR" Subm.i t tallt: Inset v4 ce Inspection/T'estiin'g.


GOQEI/NhblKI LITER.ENCI.I LITTR ENCLI NRR OR8~1r BCI Oir'i 7i I N'T E R N A L I~E L 0'/H 0 S 3 i ill R R'/0 K'/liIIT KB I 1i4'.RGN3 ii 0 li ii 1 1.Sl 15s RKGI FCL 04'XTERNALS ACRS NRCI POR'TiI S'6'0 10 02: 1<ii 1(1<<I.POR" NSICI 03i 05~2;2'c 1 TOiTALI NU41BER OF<COPIES REQUIRED!:

LITTR 27 ENGLI 2b' (c<<,tt II 7 l~n c l4(t.Cog o cia r>r~.n1>s~rett, 0 kc'.'4" Cc4 if c~i 0 f5.t'1 q~~7 t I'tt.9CPQQ1(4 it"a t5G fLtt 0>Xq),Xr.,t: raS"old v't4f'th)QQ~J~'cot 1~8I fiQljg f~FIJI'l Go~~l'~tI-~a>'4 v ps: t't P<~v~>, Ital Cfk fIl,f')1 a, I4l.='&V" t'tt0), f1., l~~r o"~~Ql~tlv~tr-$I4'>h(~aL 1 trier>r t-tt,<~~~tt"k~C~Vd k~('aatr Oatg<,rear C)~C)S~".r le~~t r iNOOP V aCr t O."r>~Oem<OPC~ea~ear t~0 c:,<,~ref>see Car~)tv<sat not JtiI cvufQ.LX re<I".o~ate"~)f.f tc acr arrow jvv~~~f."ro:~prf tt, wc'at k eaL t" z~II+0 44leeOeN et 4eyVgs t er cO 4 4>fg"tt.<ljjo>

ggJ rtt.r" j"44tt it trrtoa/Nrc f yaoa"r1 c)vwncrl." ttc)8<or~>>.

>>>I('o~f1<r>~DE<r 0 t I I i 1~1'i'>';g'LcVv 4".uB>1 iI I v D~t~lQ=&~~i'>g" gW-'g (,~lC s'tt"aid i'iH kf',CK'~tt.

~" p f g'f(>X""(XW>v 4.v'r)I 4 N p(.@a@WA f>>-'r l<<r~

CL INDIANA L MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P, 0.80X 18 BOWLIN G GR E EN STATION NEW YORK, N.Y~10004 May 10, 1983 AEP:NRC:0433 Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUESTS-IN-SERVICE TESTING PROGRAM I Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Reference (1)Letter No.AEP:NRC:0433A dated February 25, 1983 (2)Amendments No.71 (Unit 1)and No.53 (Unit 2), dated April 13, 1983

Dear Mr.,


This letter and its three Attachments request changes in several Appendix'A'echnical Specifications for the Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant.Attachments 2 and 3 contain the revised Technical Specification pages, with the proposed revisions marked by a vertical line on the right hand side.We request that the NRC file and process this Technical Specification Change package as a single Amendment for each Unit.The changes proposed in Attachment No.2 to this letter incorporate the reference to the new T/S No.4.0.5 which was submitted to the NRC in Reference (1)and issued via Reference (2).Attachment No.3 requests some small changes to the Unit No.2 Technical Specifications.

These proposed Technical Specifications have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Committee and will be reviewed by the AEPSC Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee at, its next scheduled meeting.8305160121 8305iO PDR ADOCK 05000315 P PDR 8~g I I IK I s AEPSC interprets 10 CFR 170.22 as requiring that a Class III Amendment Fee for Unit No.1 and a Class I duplicate Amendment fee for Unit No.2 accompany this submittal.

A check in the amount of$4, hereby attached for the NRC processing of this document.This document has been prepared following Corporate Procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to ensure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Very truly yours,/os.F.Hering Vice President cc: John E.Dolan-Columbus R.S.Hunter M.P.Alexich R.W.Jurgensen W.G.Smith, Jr.-Bridgman R.C.Callen G.Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector at Cook Plant-Bridgman Attachment No.'to AEP:NRC:0433 This Attachment provides a summary description and listing of the changes being proposed in Attachments 2 and 3.Attachment No.2 (Unit No.1)The Unit No.1 Technical Specifications are being revised to reflect issuance of the new T/S No.4.0.5 via Reference (2)of the cover letter, The new section-4.0.5 incorporates the Inservice Inspection and Testing requirements of the ASME Code Section XI for the Donald C.Cook Plant, Unit No.1 and is identical to the section with the same number in the Unit No.2 Technical Specifications.

The proposed changes will replace the individual testing procedures of various components by a standard reference to Section XI of the ASME Code.Some changes are being proposed to make the Unit 1 and Unit 2's Technical Specifications equal in content.Revised Pa es for Unit No.1~Pa es Ne.3/4 0-2 3/4 1-11 3/4 1-12 3/4 1-13 3/4 1-14 3/4 3/4 4-8 3/4 4-9 3/4 4-10 3/4 4-11 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 s 3/4 S 3/4 a 3/4 4-12 4-33 4-34 4-35 through 4-42 4-43, 44 5%through 5-6 5-6a 6-10 6-11 7-5, 7-6 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 0-5 4-12 4-13 (Table 4.4-6)Section Revised Footnote deleted 4.1'.3.1 4,1.2.6;, 4.4.5.a.5 No change, added for continuity Table 4.4-1 3.4~10.1, Deleted Deleted Renumbered Pages 4.5.2-subsections rearranged Deleted Intentionally left blank Intentionally left blank Intentionally left blank 4.0.5-this is a new page 3/4.4.10 Deleted AEP:NRC:0433

~~Attachment No.3 (Unit No.2)Surveillance requirement No. for the centrifugal charging pumps has been changed from 2405 psig to 2390 psig, to reflect the difference in volume control tank pressure in Modes 5 and 6 from that in Modes 1 to 4.Surveillance requirement No. is being changed to reference the existence of T/S No.4.0.5.Revised Pa es for Unit No.2~Pe e Ne.Section Revised 3/4 1-11 3/4 7-5 3/4 7-6 4.F 1.2