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NO DOCKE~T FACILs50 315 Donald C~Cook Nuclear Power Planti Uni,t 1i Indiana 8 05000315 50 316 Donald C~Cook Nuclear Power Planti Uni,t 2'~Indiana 8 05000316 AUTH,NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXICH<M~P, Indiana 8 Michigan E~lectr ic Co.RECIP,NAME~
NODOCKE~TFACILs50315DonaldC~CookNuclearPowerPlantiUni,t1iIndiana80500031550316DonaldC~CookNuclearPowerPlantiUni,t2'~Indiana805000316AUTH,NAME AUTHORAFFILIATION ALEXICH<M
RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON~H.R<'ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi Director SUBJECTi Application for amends to Licenses DPR-58 8 DPR 70/clarifying definition of quorum 8, adding footnote to clarify that alternates are not to be.regular voting members on nuclear safety&design review committees; DISTRIBUTION CODE;A0010 COPIES RECEIVED!LT ENCL'SIZE!T'ITLEt OR Submittal:
General Distribution NOTES!OLi10/25/74 OL4 12/23/72 05000315 05000316 RECIPIENT IO CODE/NAMEi NRR~ORB1 BC 01 INTERNAL: ACRS 09 ELO/HOS3.NRA/OL.DIR NRR/DL/TSRG.
RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON~H.R<'ffice ofNuclearReactorRegulationi DirectorSUBJECTiApplication foramendstoLicensesDPR-588DPR70/clarifying definition ofquorum8,addingfootnotetoclarifythatalternates arenottobe.regularvotingmembersonnuclearsafety&designreviewcommittees; DISTRIBUTION CODE;A0010COPIESRECEIVED!LT ENCL'SIZE!T'ITLEtORSubmittal:
NRR/OSI/RAB RGN3 COPIES LTTR ENCL 7 7 6 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECIPIENT ID'CODE/NAME ADM/LFMB NRR/DE/MTEB NRR/OL/DRAB N METB G F IL 04 COPIES LTTR ENCL-'0,.1 1 0 1 1 1 1 EXTERNAL;20X LPDR NSIC 03-05 1-1 2 2 1 1 EG&G BRUSKEiS NRC POR 02 1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 29 ENCL 26 0 rsj Q f P.F l'I'", T w l<<>>d l N ,f~t)""itg e)lrs>>II F M s(r~I ljis Ir I''I<l fj F)>>~'I>>jr N~rl r e r>>,')@'1,)I)f l gl)A I'ii~f)FI)rsI'~
GeneralDistribution NOTES!OLi10/25/74 OL412/23/720500031505000316RECIPIENT IOCODE/NAMEi NRR~ORB1BC01INTERNAL:
i F>>))f>>')'I If),~~M M~)+<<r f,)4 N a)I e>>P~;'l'Q'tQf, I I''rr'N", FF'),)N..;>Nl,f 5)r WC<<N)lN)r)f<<.l if V';)')s,l,"gf)I'I))'NFI f>>)t V>r N f<;la fa<<ra ra.>)<"T l:)I Ii>y N IF~l r)<<N")r')).I'~'Ii f C Fl'P f'gFili<,f,, fi'f f a II)IF p jiljf<<la)I ,rg FIND)f>>$3'~il"NT.)f T,)f<<ij f I~'s A pri~k>NNX<<rj ej e II I>>sr 3k>>Mr Iir'FN N<<N'es<X)~,
INDIANA 8 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O.BOX 1663'I COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216 June 4, 1985 AEP'NRC:0659F Donald C.Cook Nuolear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUESTS IN THE AEP:NRC:0659 SERIES I Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reaotor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
LTTR29ENCL26 0rsjQfP.Fl'I'",Twl<<>>dlN,f~t)""itge)lrs>>IIFMs(r~IljisIrI''I<lfjF)>>~'I>>jrN~rlrer>>,')@'1,)I)flgl)AI'ii~f)FI)rsI'~
INDIANA8MICHIGANELECTRICCOMPANYP.O.BOX1663'ICOLUMBUS, OHIO43216June4,1985AEP'NRC:0659F DonaldC.CookNuolearPlantUnitNos.1and2DocketNos.50-315and50-316LicenseNos.DPR-58andDPR-74ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION OFTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGEREQUESTSINTHEAEP:NRC:0659 SERIESIMr.HaroldR.Denton,DirectorOfficeofNuclearReaotorRegulation U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC20555

==Dear Mr.Denton:==
Pursuanttod1scussions withyourstaff,thisletteranditsattachments amendourletterAEP:NRC:0659C,
Pursuant to d1scussions with your staff, this letter and its attachments amend our letter AEP:NRC:0659C,'dated Decemberl7, 1984, with regard to Technical Specification (T/S), and provide additional information requested by your staff.Attachment 1 to th1s letter contains the reasons and 10 CFR 50.92 (no significant hazards considerations)
'datedDecemberl7,1984,withregardtoTechnical Specification (T/S),andprovideadditional information requested byyourstaff.Attachment 1toth1slettercontainsthereasonsand10CFR50.92(nosignificant hazardsconsiderations)
Justification for the proposed T/S changes.Attachment 2 contains the amended T/S pages.Attachment 3 contains the Plant and Corporate organization charts and personal desoriptions requested by your Staff.The information in Attaohment 3 is not to be considered as part of the Techn1oal Specification submittal.
Justification fortheproposedT/Schanges.Attachment 2containstheamendedT/Spages.Attachment 3containsthePlantandCorporate organization chartsandpersonaldesoriptions requested byyourStaff.Theinformation inAttaohment 3isnottobeconsidered aspartoftheTechn1oal Specification submittal.
>le believe that the proposed changes w111 not result 1n (1)a s1gnificant change in the types of effluents or a significant increase in the amounts of any effluent that may be released offsite, and (2)a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupat1onal radiation exposure.These proposed changes have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee (PNSRC)and will be reviewed by the Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee (NSDRC)at its next regularly soheduled meeting.In compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), copies of this letter and its attachments have been transmitted to Mr.R.C.Callen of the M1chigan Public Service Commission and Mr.G.Bruchmann of the M1chigan Department of Publio Health.Sinoe the Technical Specification ohange request contained in th1s letter is in direct response to concerns raised by your staff that resulted from their review of our letter AEP:NRC:0659C, no additional iee is enolosed.8506100252 850604 PDR ADOCK 05000315 I e/yf 4 f t This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to insure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.
>lebelievethattheproposedchangesw111notresult1n(1)as1gnificant changeinthetypesofeffluents orasignificant increaseintheamountsofanyeffluentthatmaybereleasedoffsite,and(2)asignificant increaseinindividual orcumulative occupat1onal radiation exposure.
Very truly yours, M.Ale ch Vioe Pr sident MPA/rn Attachments cc: John E.Dolan M.G.Smith, Jr.-Bridgman R.C.Callen G.Bruchmann G.Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector-Bridgman  
TheseproposedchangeshavebeenreviewedbythePlantNuclearSafetyReviewCommittee (PNSRC)andwillbereviewedbytheNuclearSafetyandDesignReviewCommittee (NSDRC)atitsnextregularly soheduled meeting.Incompliance withtherequirements of10CFR50.91(b)(1),
~, E 1 l s 0 A~k'I , E F l ATTACHMENT 1 TO AEP:NRC:0659F REASONS AND 10 CFR 50.92 ANALYSES FOR CHANGES TO THE DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NOS.1 AND 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Attachment 1 to AEP:NRC:0659F The proposed changes to Technical Specification for Unit Nos.1 and 2 clarify the definition of the word"quorum." Also, a footnote is added to clarify that alternates are not to be regular voting members on the NSDRC.These changes supersede those made to T/S in our letter AEP:NRC:0659C.
copiesofthisletteranditsattachments havebeentransmitted toMr.R.C.CallenoftheM1chiganPublicServiceCommission andMr.G.Bruchmann oftheM1chiganDepartment ofPublioHealth.SinoetheTechnical Specification ohangerequestcontained inth1sletterisindirectresponsetoconcernsraisedbyyourstaffthatresultedfromtheirreviewofourletterAEP:NRC:0659C, noadditional ieeisenolosed.
All other changes on page 6-10 for Unit Nos.1 and 2 are as requested in that letter.These changes are primarily administrative in nature, and therefore we believe they do not involve a,significant hazards consideration as defined by 10 CFR 50.92.  
8506100252 850604PDRADOCK05000315I e/yf4ft Thisdocumenthasbeenpreparedfollowing Corporate procedures whichincorporate areasonable setofcontrolstoinsureitsaccuracyandcompleteness priortosignature bytheundersigned.
~4 gp P, h ls i II , I 1}}
Verytrulyyours,M.AlechVioePrsidentMPA/rnAttachments cc:JohnE.DolanM.G.Smith,Jr.-BridgmanR.C.CallenG.Bruchmann G.CharnoffNRCResidentInspector
Also,afootnoteisaddedtoclarifythatalternates arenottoberegularvotingmembersontheNSDRC.Thesechangessupersede thosemadetoT/S6.5.2.6inourletterAEP:NRC:0659C.
Allotherchangesonpage6-10forUnitNos.1and2areasrequested inthatletter.Thesechangesareprimarily administrative innature,andtherefore webelievetheydonotinvolvea,significant hazardsconsideration asdefinedby10CFR50.92.  

Revision as of 09:48, 6 July 2018

Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-58 & DPR-74, Clarifying Definition of Quorum & Adding Footnote to Clarify That Alternates Are Not to Be Regular Voting Members on Nuclear Safety & Design Review Committees
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1985
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17321A657 List:
AEP:NRC:0659F, AEP:NRC:659F, NUDOCS 8506100252
Download: ML17321A656 (9)



NO DOCKE~T FACILs50 315 Donald C~Cook Nuclear Power Planti Uni,t 1i Indiana 8 05000315 50 316 Donald C~Cook Nuclear Power Planti Uni,t 2'~Indiana 8 05000316 AUTH,NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXICH<M~P, Indiana 8 Michigan E~lectr ic Co.RECIP,NAME~

RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTON~H.R<'ffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi Director SUBJECTi Application for amends to Licenses DPR-58 8 DPR 70/clarifying definition of quorum 8, adding footnote to clarify that alternates are not to be.regular voting members on nuclear safety&design review committees; DISTRIBUTION CODE;A0010 COPIES RECEIVED!LT ENCL'SIZE!T'ITLEt OR Submittal:

General Distribution NOTES!OLi10/25/74 OL4 12/23/72 05000315 05000316 RECIPIENT IO CODE/NAMEi NRR~ORB1 BC 01 INTERNAL: ACRS 09 ELO/HOS3.NRA/OL.DIR NRR/DL/TSRG.

NRR/OSI/RAB RGN3 COPIES LTTR ENCL 7 7 6 6 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECIPIENT ID'CODE/NAME ADM/LFMB NRR/DE/MTEB NRR/OL/DRAB N METB G F IL 04 COPIES LTTR ENCL-'0,.1 1 0 1 1 1 1 EXTERNAL;20X LPDR NSIC 03-05 1-1 2 2 1 1 EG&G BRUSKEiS NRC POR 02 1 1 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 29 ENCL 26 0 rsj Q f P.F l'I'", T w l<<>>d l N ,f~t)""itg e)lrs>>II F M s(r~I ljis Ir II<l fj F)>>~'I>>jr N~rl r e r>>,')@'1,)I)f l gl)A I'ii~f)FI)rsI'~

i F>>))f>>')'I If),~~M M~)+<<r f,)4 N a)I e>>P~;'l'Q'tQf, I Irr'N", FF'),)N..;>Nl,f 5)r WC<<N)lN)r)f<<.l if V';)')s,l,"gf)I'I))'NFI f>>)t V>r N f<;la fa<<ra ra.>)<"T l:)I Ii>y N IF~l r)<<N")r')).I'~'Ii f C Fl'P f'gFili<,f,, fi'f f a II)IF p jiljf<<la)I ,rg FIND)f>>$3'~il"NT.)f T,)f<<ij f I~'s A pri~k>NNX<<rj ej e II I>>sr 3k>>Mr Iir'FN N<<N'es<X)~,

INDIANA 8 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O.BOX 1663'I COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216 June 4, 1985 AEP'NRC:0659F Donald C.Cook Nuolear Plant Unit Nos.1 and 2Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUESTS IN THE AEP:NRC:0659 SERIES I Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reaotor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr.Denton:

Pursuant to d1scussions with your staff, this letter and its attachments amend our letter AEP:NRC:0659C,'dated Decemberl7, 1984, with regard to Technical Specification (T/S), and provide additional information requested by your staff.Attachment 1 to th1s letter contains the reasons and 10 CFR 50.92 (no significant hazards considerations)

Justification for the proposed T/S changes.Attachment 2 contains the amended T/S pages.Attachment 3 contains the Plant and Corporate organization charts and personal desoriptions requested by your Staff.The information in Attaohment 3 is not to be considered as part of the Techn1oal Specification submittal.

>le believe that the proposed changes w111 not result 1n (1)a s1gnificant change in the types of effluents or a significant increase in the amounts of any effluent that may be released offsite, and (2)a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupat1onal radiation exposure.These proposed changes have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee (PNSRC)and will be reviewed by the Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee (NSDRC)at its next regularly soheduled meeting.In compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), copies of this letter and its attachments have been transmitted to Mr.R.C.Callen of the M1chigan Public Service Commission and Mr.G.Bruchmann of the M1chigan Department of Publio Health.Sinoe the Technical Specification ohange request contained in th1s letter is in direct response to concerns raised by your staff that resulted from their review of our letter AEP:NRC:0659C, no additional iee is enolosed.8506100252 850604 PDR ADOCK 05000315 I e/yf 4 f t This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to insure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Very truly yours, M.Ale ch Vioe Pr sident MPA/rn Attachments cc: John E.Dolan M.G.Smith, Jr.-Bridgman R.C.Callen G.Bruchmann G.Charnoff NRC Resident Inspector-Bridgman

~, E 1 l s 0 A~k'I , E F l ATTACHMENT 1 TO AEP:NRC:0659F REASONS AND 10 CFR 50.92 ANALYSES FOR CHANGES TO THE DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT NOS.1 AND 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Attachment 1 to AEP:NRC:0659F The proposed changes to Technical Specification for Unit Nos.1 and 2 clarify the definition of the word"quorum." Also, a footnote is added to clarify that alternates are not to be regular voting members on the NSDRC.These changes supersede those made to T/S in our letter AEP:NRC:0659C.

All other changes on page 6-10 for Unit Nos.1 and 2 are as requested in that letter.These changes are primarily administrative in nature, and therefore we believe they do not involve a,significant hazards consideration as defined by 10 CFR 50.92.

~4 gp P, h ls i II , I 1