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{{#Wiki_filter:indianaMichiganPowerCompanyP.O.Box16631Columbus, OH432168AEP:NRC:1169B DonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnits1and2DocketNos.50-315and50-316LicenseNos.DPR-58andDPR-74UPDATEFORTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGETOINCREASETHEALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FORMAINSTEAMSAFETYVALVES(TACNOS.M84979andM84980)U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission DocumentControlDeskWashington, D.C.20555Attn:W.T.RussellMarch29,1994
{{#Wiki_filter:indiana Michigan Power Company P.O.Box 16631 Columbus, OH 43216 8 AEP:NRC:1169B Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 UPDATE FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE TO INCREASE THE ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FOR MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES (TAC NOS.M84979 and M84980)U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.20555 Attn: W.T.Russell March 29, 1994  

==Dear Mr.Russell:==
Thisletterissubmitted inresponsetoMs.BethA.Wetzel'sNovember3,1993letter,requesting arevisiontoourpreviously proposedamendment requestfortechnical specification toincreasetheallowable tolerances formainsteamsafetyvalves.Ouramendment request(AEP:NRC:1169) providesjustification thatasafetyvalveisoperablewithaliftsettingof+3%,andfurtherindicates ourintention toresetanyvaluetestedtothenominalvalueof+1%toprovideassurance thatanysetpointdriftwillnotcontinuesubstantially outsidethe+3%analyzedrange.Inadditiontostatingthisrequirement inthebasesoftherespective specifications, astatement hasbeenplacedinthesurveillance requirements ofSpecification,asrequested.
This letter is submitted in response to Ms.Beth A.Wetzel's November 3, 1993 letter, requesting a revision to our previously proposed amendment request for technical specification to increase the allowable tolerances for main steam safety valves.Our amendment request (AEP:NRC:1169) provides justification that a safety valve is operable with a lift setting of+3%, and further indicates our intention to reset any value tested to the nominal value of+1%to provide assurance that any setpoint drift will not continue substantially outside the+3%analyzed range.In addition to stating this requirement in the bases of the respective specifications, a statement has been placed in the surveillance requirements of Specification of both Unit 1 and Unit 2, as requested.
Oneadministrative changehasbeenmadeintheproposedTechnical Specifications betweenUnits1and2.Specifically, thereference toTable3.7-4,intheUnit2specification, wasmovedtotheSurveillance Requirements ofSpecification 4.7.1~1afterrenumbering Table3.7-4toTable4.7-1.Renumbering thetableprovidesconsistency betweenUnits1and2.Alsoonthistable,thevalvedesignations havebeenupdatedtomakethemconsistent withplantcomponent numbers.Atypographical errorwascorrected inthesecondsentenceofUnit1Specification, whichreplacedtheword"many"with"may.",9404040076''74032'P
One administrative change has been made in the proposed Technical Specifications and to make them consistent between Units 1 and 2.Specifically, the reference to Table 3.7-4, in the Unit 2 specification, was moved to the Surveillance Requirements of Specification 4.7.1~1 after renumbering Table 3.7-4 to Table 4.7-1.Renumbering the table provides consistency between Units 1 and 2.Also on this table, the valve designations have been updated to make them consistent with plant component numbers.A typographical error was corrected in the second sentence of Unit 1 Specification, which replaced the word"many" with"may." , 9404040076''74032'P
~'DR,'ADQCK 05000315P'PDR I~I~
~'DR,'ADQCK 05000315 P'PDR I~I~
Mr.W.T.Russell2AEP'NRC'1169B Attachment 1tothislettercontainsmarkedupcopiesoftheexistingspecifications.
Mr.W.T.Russell 2 AEP'NRC'1169B Attachment 1 to this letter contains marked up copies of the existing specifications.
Attachment 2containstheproposedrevisedspecification pages.Itshouldbenotedthattheseattachments alsocontaincopiesoftherevisedandmarkedupSpecification 3.5.2andBases,whichwerediscussed intheoriginalsubmittal.
Attachment 2 contains the proposed revised specification pages.It should be noted that these attachments also contain copies of the revised and marked up Specification 3.5.2 and Bases, which were discussed in the original submittal.
Theamendments discussed abovedonotchangetheresultsofouranalysesconcerning significant hazardsconsiderations discussed intheoriginalsubmittal.
The amendments discussed above do not change the results of our analyses concerning significant hazards considerations discussed in the original submittal.
Sincethechangesfromouroriginalsubmittal areadministrative innature,itisourbeliefthatpublication ofthechangesintheFederalRegisterisnotrequired.
Since the changes from our original submittal are administrative in nature, it is our belief that publication of the changes in the Federal Register is not required.Therefore, we believe that the proposed changes will not result in (1)a significant change in the types of effluents or a significant increase in the amount of any effluent that may be released offsite, or (2)a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.This letter is submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)and, as such an oath statement is attached.Sincerely, PC Vice President Attachments cc: A.A.Blind G.Charnoff J.B.Martin-Region III NFEM Section Chief NRC Resident Inspector J.R.Padgett STATE OF OHIO)COUNTY OF FRANKLIN)E.E.Fitzpatrick, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Vice President of licensee Indiana Michigan Power Company, that he has read the forgoing UPDATE FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE TO INCREASE THE ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FOR MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES (TAC NOS.M84979 and M84980)and knows the contents thereof;and that said contents are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.Subscribed and sworn to before me this~day of 19~v NOTARY PUBLIC AlTA D.HILL tIOTARY PBBI.IC.STATE OF OHIO}}
Therefore, webelievethattheproposedchangeswillnotresultin(1)asignificant changeinthetypesofeffluents orasignificant increaseintheamountofanyeffluentthatmaybereleasedoffsite,or(2)asignificant increaseinindividual orcumulative occupational radiation exposure.
Thisletterissubmitted pursuantto10CFR50.54(f)and,assuchanoathstatement isattached.
Sincerely, PCVicePresident Attachments cc:A.A.BlindG.CharnoffJ.B.Martin-RegionIIINFEMSectionChiefNRCResidentInspector J.R.Padgett STATEOFOHIO)COUNTYOFFRANKLIN)
E.E.Fitzpatrick, beingdulysworn,deposesandsaysthatheistheVicePresident oflicenseeIndianaMichiganPowerCompany,thathehasreadtheforgoingUPDATEFORTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGETOINCREASETHEALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FORMAINSTEAMSAFETYVALVES(TACNOS.M84979andM84980)andknowsthecontentsthereof;andthatsaidcontentsaretruetothebestofhisknowledge andbelief.Subscribed andsworntobeforemethis~dayof19~vNOTARYPUBLICAlTAD.HILLtIOTARYPBBI.IC.STATEOFOHIO}}

Revision as of 08:20, 6 July 2018

Responds to NRC 931103 Request for Rev to Util Previously Proposed Amend Request for TS to Increase Allowable Tolerances for Main Steam Safety Valves.Marked Up of Existing Specs & Proposed Revised Spec Pages Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1994
Shared Package
ML17331B327 List:
AEP:NRC:1169B, TAC-M84979, TAC-M84980, NUDOCS 9404040076
Download: ML17331B325 (4)


indiana Michigan Power Company P.O.Box 16631 Columbus, OH 43216 8 AEP:NRC:1169B Donald C.Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-315 and 50-316 License Nos.DPR-58 and DPR-74 UPDATE FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE TO INCREASE THE ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FOR MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES (TAC NOS.M84979 and M84980)U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C.20555 Attn: W.T.Russell March 29, 1994

Dear Mr.Russell:

This letter is submitted in response to Ms.Beth A.Wetzel's November 3, 1993 letter, requesting a revision to our previously proposed amendment request for technical specification to increase the allowable tolerances for main steam safety valves.Our amendment request (AEP:NRC:1169) provides justification that a safety valve is operable with a lift setting of+3%, and further indicates our intention to reset any value tested to the nominal value of+1%to provide assurance that any setpoint drift will not continue substantially outside the+3%analyzed range.In addition to stating this requirement in the bases of the respective specifications, a statement has been placed in the surveillance requirements of Specification of both Unit 1 and Unit 2, as requested.

One administrative change has been made in the proposed Technical Specifications and to make them consistent between Units 1 and 2.Specifically, the reference to Table 3.7-4, in the Unit 2 specification, was moved to the Surveillance Requirements of Specification 4.7.1~1 after renumbering Table 3.7-4 to Table 4.7-1.Renumbering the table provides consistency between Units 1 and 2.Also on this table, the valve designations have been updated to make them consistent with plant component numbers.A typographical error was corrected in the second sentence of Unit 1 Specification, which replaced the word"many" with"may." , 940404007674032'P

~'DR,'ADQCK 05000315 P'PDR I~I~

Mr.W.T.Russell 2 AEP'NRC'1169B Attachment 1 to this letter contains marked up copies of the existing specifications.

Attachment 2 contains the proposed revised specification pages.It should be noted that these attachments also contain copies of the revised and marked up Specification 3.5.2 and Bases, which were discussed in the original submittal.

The amendments discussed above do not change the results of our analyses concerning significant hazards considerations discussed in the original submittal.

Since the changes from our original submittal are administrative in nature, it is our belief that publication of the changes in the Federal Register is not required.Therefore, we believe that the proposed changes will not result in (1)a significant change in the types of effluents or a significant increase in the amount of any effluent that may be released offsite, or (2)a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.This letter is submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)and, as such an oath statement is attached.Sincerely, PC Vice President Attachments cc: A.A.Blind G.Charnoff J.B.Martin-Region III NFEM Section Chief NRC Resident Inspector J.R.Padgett STATE OF OHIO)COUNTY OF FRANKLIN)E.E.Fitzpatrick, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Vice President of licensee Indiana Michigan Power Company, that he has read the forgoing UPDATE FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE TO INCREASE THE ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES FOR MAIN STEAM SAFETY VALVES (TAC NOS.M84979 and M84980)and knows the contents thereof;and that said contents are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.Subscribed and sworn to before me this~day of 19~v NOTARY PUBLIC AlTA D.HILL tIOTARY PBBI.IC.STATE OF OHIO