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| {{#Wiki_filter:Sc ttBarber week e-mail fo6? e_ 2031 (Ho Creek Al-egatihl 2002:A0160)' - | | {{#Wiki_filter:Sc ttBarber week e-mail fo6? |
| From: David Vito I To: David Nelson (HQ-OE); Dennis Dambly; Hubert J. Miller; Jim Dyer; Lawrence Chandler; OEMAIL; Rani Franovich Date: 2/6104 10:54AM | | e_ 2031 (Ho Creek Al-egatihl 2002:A0160)' |
| | From: |
| | David Vito I To: |
| | David Nelson (HQ-OE); Dennis Dambly; Hubert J. Miller; Jim Dyer; Lawrence Chandler; OEMAIL; Rani Franovich Date: |
| | 2/6104 10:54AM |
| |
| ==Subject:== | | ==Subject:== |
| 3-week e-mail for 0! case 1-2003-012 (Hope Creek Allegation RI-2002-A-0160) | | 3-week e-mail for 0! case 1-2003-012 (Hope Creek Allegation RI-2002-A-0160) |
| Place: OEMAIL 01 Region I initiated case no. 1-2003-012 or January 24, 2003, to determine if commercial-grade nonitoring equipment at Hope Creek was Installed ih-plant b rpersonnel without approvallor installationb the existing work control process. The equipment was purportedly installed in parallel with existin i m onitoring equipment and may have Involved making additional penetrations through existing fire barriers. A second issue regarding the apparent failure of licensee management to document the equipment issue in the corrective action system was also to be addressed during this investigation. | | Place: |
| Based on evidence developed during this investigation and after review of this issue by the technical staff, it was determined that installation of the cables for th_1 1monitoring equipment did not penetrate NRC-regulated fire walls and that the issue was not a violation of NRC requirements. As such, 01 concluded that this allegation was not substantiated. Although the investigation did not address the work control process aspects regarding configuration control, discussion with the Senior Resident Inspector who received and inspected this allegation revealed that there was no adverse impact on safety-related plant components and that licensee management did capture this issue in the corrective action program for review and resolution. | | OEMAIL 01 Region I initiated case no. 1-2003-012 or January 24, 2003, to determine if commercial-grade nonitoring equipment at Hope Creek was Installed ih-plant b rpersonnel without approvallor installation b the existing work control process. The equipment was purportedly installed in parallel with existin i |
| | m onitoring equipment and may have Involved making additional penetrations through existing fire barriers. A second issue regarding the apparent failure of licensee management to document the equipment issue in the corrective action system was also to be addressed during this investigation. |
| | Based on evidence developed during this investigation and after review of this issue by the technical staff, it was determined that installation of the cables for th_1 1monitoring equipment did not penetrate NRC-regulated fire walls and that the issue was not a violation of NRC requirements. As such, 01 concluded that this allegation was not substantiated. Although the investigation did not address the work control process aspects regarding configuration control, discussion with the Senior Resident Inspector who received and inspected this allegation revealed that there was no adverse impact on safety-related plant components and that licensee management did capture this issue in the corrective action program for review and resolution. |
| The 01 report was distributed to the staff on January 2, 2004. An Allegation Review Board (ARB) was held on January 29, 2004, to discuss the matter. The ARB agreed with the conclusions of the 01 case and directed that a closeout memo to file and a letter to the licensee be sent, pending any further comments. If no other views are received within 3 weeks of the date of this e-mail, a closeout memo to file and letter to the licensee will be sent. | | The 01 report was distributed to the staff on January 2, 2004. An Allegation Review Board (ARB) was held on January 29, 2004, to discuss the matter. The ARB agreed with the conclusions of the 01 case and directed that a closeout memo to file and a letter to the licensee be sent, pending any further comments. If no other views are received within 3 weeks of the date of this e-mail, a closeout memo to file and letter to the licensee will be sent. |
| CC: Daniel Holody; Ernest Wilson; Glenn Meyer; Leanne Harrison; Scott Barber; Sharon Johnson | | CC: |
| .nformation in this record was deleted in accordance with the Freedom of IntormatiOU Act, exempti ns .
| | Daniel Holody; Ernest Wilson; Glenn Meyer; Leanne Harrison; Scott Barber; Sharon Johnson |
| FOIA-}} | | .nformation in this record was deleted in accordance with the Freedom of IntormatiOU Act, exempti ns FOIA-}} |
Latest revision as of 15:37, 15 January 2025
MONTHYEARNUREG-1433, Draft Audit Questions Technical Specification Conversion to NUREG-1433, Revision 52024-12-16016 December 2024 Draft Audit Questions Technical Specification Conversion to NUREG-1433, Revision 5 ML24253A1942024-09-0909 September 2024 NRR E-mail Capture - Final Eeeb RAI - Hope Creek Amendment to Revise TS to Change Surveillance Interval to Accommodate 24-Month Fuel Cycle ML24249A1362024-09-0404 September 2024 EN 57304 - Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC, Final Report - No Embedded Files. Notification of the Potential Existence of Defects Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 21 ML24240A2092024-08-27027 August 2024 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Relief Request VR-04, SSW Rupture Disc Replacement ML24197A1022024-07-15015 July 2024 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise TS Lift Settings for Reactor Coolant System Safety Relief Valves ML24163A1632024-06-11011 June 2024 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise TS to Change Surveillance Interval to Accommodate 24-Month Fuel Cycle ML24060A0492024-02-28028 February 2024 NRR E-mail Capture - Final Exhb RAI for Hope Creek, Salem 1 and 2 Amendment to Modify Exclusion Area Boundary ML24002A7222023-12-29029 December 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Salem Generating Station - 2023 Annual Report - Inspection of the Circulating Water Intake Structure (Cwis) Trash Rack Bars ML23355A2732023-12-21021 December 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) PSEG Response to Questions Associated with Supplement to Salem-Hope Creek Eab Reduction LAR ML23277A0482023-10-0404 October 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - 10/4/2023 Email: Acceptance Review - Hope Creek and Salem 1 and 2 - LAR to Modify Exclusion Area Boundary ML23277A0732023-09-29029 September 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) 9/29/2023 Email from PSEG: Supplement to Proposed Amendment to PSEG Master Decommissioning Trust Amendment ML23129A7892023-05-0909 May 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise Trip and Standby Auto-Start Logic Associated with Safety Related HVAC Trains ML23122A1672023-05-0202 May 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek and Salem 1 and 2 - Revise TS to Delete TS Section 5.5 - Meteorological Tower Location ML23079A0032023-03-17017 March 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - Hope Creek, Salem 1 and 2 - Evacuation Time Estimate Review ML23065A0452023-02-23023 February 2023 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Salem & Hope Creek Generating STATIONS-ANNUAL Incidental Take REPORT-STATION & REMP ML22194A0522022-07-13013 July 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek, Salem 1 and 2 - Relocate Staff Qualification Requirements to Licensee Quality Assurance Topical Report ML22038A1552022-02-0404 February 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Salem & Hope Creek Generating STATIONS-ANNUAL Incidental Take REPORT-STATION & REMP ML22021A7012022-01-21021 January 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek -Relief Request HC-I4R-220 Regarding Partial Penetration Nozzle Repairs (L-2022-LLR-0003) ML22006A3212022-01-0606 January 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Final RAI - Hope Creek - Revise TS Limits for Ultimate Heat Sink ML21334A1182021-11-30030 November 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek -Revise SRs for Electric Power Monitor Channels for RPS and Power Range Neutron Monitoring System ML21154A0102021-05-28028 May 2021 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise TS Limits for Ultimate Heat Sink ML20295A4922020-10-21021 October 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Hope Creek - Final RAI Revise ECCS TS with Respect to HPCI System Inoperability (L-2020-LLA-0131) ML20293A1832020-10-19019 October 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Adopt TSTF-582, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control (RPV WIC) Enhancements ML20289A7062020-10-15015 October 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise Low Pressure Safety Limit to Address GE Part-21 Safety Communication SC05-03 ML20246G5952020-09-0202 September 2020 Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Adopt TSTF-427, Allowance for Non TS Barrier Degradation ML20191A0202020-07-0202 July 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise ECCS TS with Respect to HPCI System Inoperability ML20153A3782020-06-0101 June 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek - Revise TS Actions for Suppression Pool Cooling ML20006E2802020-01-0606 January 2020 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek: LAR Regarding Proposed Adoption of 10 CFR 50.69, Risk- Informed Categorization and Treatment of SSCs for Nuclear Power Plants ML19280A0002019-10-0303 October 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Hope Creek, Salem 1 and 2 - Final RAI Emergency Plan Staffing Requirements (L-2019-LLA-0145) ML19267A1622019-09-24024 September 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Hope Creek - Acceptance Review: Alternative for Exam of ASME Section XI, Exam Category B-G-1, Item Number B6.40, Threads in Flange (L-2019-LLR-0090) ML19226A3932019-08-14014 August 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Salem 1 & 2, Hope Creek - Acceptance Review: Delete License Conditions Related to Decommissioning Trust Provisions and License Transfer ML19198A0992019-07-17017 July 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Salem 1 & 2, Hope Creek - Acceptance Review: Changes to Emergency Plan Staffing ML19186A3842019-07-0505 July 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review - Hope Creek, Revise TS to Adopt TSTF-563, Revise Instrumentation Testing Definition ML19123A2172019-05-0303 May 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Re Acceptance Review - Hope Creek, Revise TS to Adopt TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR ML19081A1532019-03-22022 March 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review: Hope Creek - Revise TS to Adopt TSTF-546 (L-2019-LLA-0032) ML19046A2382019-02-15015 February 2019 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Result: Hope Creek-Relief Request to Use ASME Code Case OMN-17 (L-2019-LLR-0010) ML18323A0252018-11-16016 November 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review: Hope Creek - Remote Shutdown System I & C Amendment (L-2018-LLA-0295) ML18288A2512018-10-15015 October 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Result: Hope Creek-Relief Request Associated with Third 10-Year ISI Interval (L-2018-LLR-0124) ML18271A0342018-09-13013 September 2018 Receipt of Stephen Comley, We the People, September 6, 11 and 12 2018 Voicemail and Email ML18263A1442018-09-12012 September 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Final RAI from Apla: Revise Technical Specifications to Increase Inverter AOT Extension (L-2018-LLA-0101) ML18250A3142018-09-0606 September 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Final RAI: Revise Technical Specifications to Increase Inverter AOT Extension (L-2018-LLA-0101) ML18206A7302018-07-27027 July 2018 (50-272, 50-311, 50-354), Transmittal Email 26.717 Updates ML18201A1112018-07-20020 July 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results: Hope Creek, Salem 1 & 2 Revise TS to Adopt TSTF-529 (L-2018-LLA-0185) ML18150A6912018-05-30030 May 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Hope Creek - Final RAI Revise TS to Adopt TSTF-542 ML18128A3862018-05-0808 May 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results: Hope Creek Revise Inverter AOT TS Actions (L-2018-LLA-0101) ML18122A2392018-05-0202 May 2018 NRR E-mail Capture - Acceptance Review Results: Revise Emergency Diesel Generator Technical Specifications Action to Remove Salem Unit 3 Gas Turbine Generator (L-2018-LLA-0079) ML17349A0812017-12-14014 December 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Final Request for Additional Information for Reactor Systems Branch (Srxb) - Hope Creek MUR ML17348A6242017-12-14014 December 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Final Request for Additional Information for Human Factors Associated with the Hope Creek Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Uprate Request (L-2017-LLS-002) ML17348A9972017-12-14014 December 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Final Request for Additional Information for Steam Dryer Analysis with the Hope Creek Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Uprate Request (L-2017-LLS-002) ML17340B2682017-12-0606 December 2017 NRR E-mail Capture - Notification to State of New Jersey of Impending License Amendment Issuance for Hope Creek (MF9501; EPID L-2017-LLA-0183) 2024-09-09
[Table view] |
Sc ttBarber week e-mail fo6?
e_ 2031 (Ho Creek Al-egatihl 2002:A0160)'
David Vito I To:
David Nelson (HQ-OE); Dennis Dambly; Hubert J. Miller; Jim Dyer; Lawrence Chandler; OEMAIL; Rani Franovich Date:
2/6104 10:54AM
3-week e-mail for 0! case 1-2003-012 (Hope Creek Allegation RI-2002-A-0160)
OEMAIL 01 Region I initiated case no. 1-2003-012 or January 24, 2003, to determine if commercial-grade nonitoring equipment at Hope Creek was Installed ih-plant b rpersonnel without approvallor installation b the existing work control process. The equipment was purportedly installed in parallel with existin i
m onitoring equipment and may have Involved making additional penetrations through existing fire barriers. A second issue regarding the apparent failure of licensee management to document the equipment issue in the corrective action system was also to be addressed during this investigation.
Based on evidence developed during this investigation and after review of this issue by the technical staff, it was determined that installation of the cables for th_1 1monitoring equipment did not penetrate NRC-regulated fire walls and that the issue was not a violation of NRC requirements. As such, 01 concluded that this allegation was not substantiated. Although the investigation did not address the work control process aspects regarding configuration control, discussion with the Senior Resident Inspector who received and inspected this allegation revealed that there was no adverse impact on safety-related plant components and that licensee management did capture this issue in the corrective action program for review and resolution.
The 01 report was distributed to the staff on January 2, 2004. An Allegation Review Board (ARB) was held on January 29, 2004, to discuss the matter. The ARB agreed with the conclusions of the 01 case and directed that a closeout memo to file and a letter to the licensee be sent, pending any further comments. If no other views are received within 3 weeks of the date of this e-mail, a closeout memo to file and letter to the licensee will be sent.
Daniel Holody; Ernest Wilson; Glenn Meyer; Leanne Harrison; Scott Barber; Sharon Johnson
.nformation in this record was deleted in accordance with the Freedom of IntormatiOU Act, exempti ns FOIA-