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A.        Airborne Exposure Pathw ay ......................................................................                                30 30
A.        Airborne Exposure Pathw ay ......................................................................                                30 30
: 1. Airborne Radioiodine ........................................................................
: 1. Airborne Radioiodine ........................................................................
Airborne Gross Beta ......                                                                                            30
Airborne Gross Beta ......                                                                                            30 2.
Airborne G amm a Isotopic ...............................................................                            31 3.
Airborne G amm a Isotopic ...............................................................                            31 3.
31 B.        W aterborne Exposure Pathw ay .................................................................
31 B.        W aterborne Exposure Pathw ay .................................................................
Line 314: Line 312:
0.1 o      00 0
0.1 o      00 0
U 4        O    N    N  00  ON C            01  01    Cfl  4 4        O      N    00 ON  ON 00  00    00  00    00  00  00  ON    ON  ON  ON    ON ON  ON  ON  ON    ON ON    ON  ON ON  ON    ON  ON ON    ON  ON ON      ON  ON  ON    ON ON  ON  ON  ON    ON ON    ON  ON
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                    --------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------
4--    Indicator ---            Control -- A--Avg-PreOp x                          Required LLD's I TRENDING GRAPH 2: TRITIUM IN RIVER WATER 100000
     , 10000 S        1000 j          100 10
     , 10000 S        1000 j          100 10
.U i
.U i
Line 343: Line 339:

.51 g  1000
.51 g  1000 U          18 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
U          18 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000
               -    Hog Island            ---  Station Intake            a Station Discharge
               -    Hog Island            ---  Station Intake            a Station Discharge
               -- w- Avg-Pre-Op            --    Required LLD's TRENDING GRAPH-8: COBALT-58 IN CLAMS 1000 i,
               -- w- Avg-Pre-Op            --    Required LLD's TRENDING GRAPH-8: COBALT-58 IN CLAMS 1000 i,

Latest revision as of 10:37, 28 March 2020

Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2000
Person / Time
Site: Surry, 07200002  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2001
From: Blount R
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
+sunsi/sispmjr=200604, -RFPFR, 01-249
Download: ML011240195 (106)


VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 April 30, 2001 Serial No.01-249 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission SS&L/BAG Attention: Document Control Desk Docket Nos. 50-280 Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 50-281 72-2 License Nos. DPR-32 DPR-37 SNM-2501 Gentlemen:

VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY SURRY POWER STATION UNITS 1 AND 2 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Spent Fuel Surry Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications 6.6.B.2 and Surry Independent require the Storage Installation (ISFSI) Technical Specification Appendix C.1.3.1, Accordingly, submittal of an Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

period of enclosed is the Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the reporting entirety in its January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. The report is not complete from New due to the vendor, Teledyne Brown Engineering, relocating their laboratory includes:

Jersey to Tennessee. Information that is not provided in this report

1. 4th quarter gamma and tritium analysis of well water samples (2 locations) locations)
2. 3rd and 4th quarter Sr-89/90 analysis of milk sample composites (3 updated The 2000 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report will be following receipt of final analyses from the vendor.


Ifyou have any questions or require additional information, please contact Very truly yours, R. H. Blount, Site Vice President Surry Power Station Attachment Commitments made in this letter:

be updated

1. The 2000 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report will following receipt of final analyses from the vendor.

copy: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, S.E., Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 Director, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 R. A. Musser NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station Commissioner Bureau of Radiological Health 1500 East Main Street Suite 240 Richmond, Virginia 23219

Dominion Surry Power Station RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringProgram January1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 Preparedby Dominion, Surry Power Station and Teledyne Brown Engineering

Annual RadiologicalEnvironmentalOperatingReport Surry Power Station January1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 Preparedby: /jI7j/ P. F. Blount Health Physicist and Material Control Reviewed by: 4#Q /Morse R. Olin Supervisor Health Physics Technical Services Approved by T. F. Steed Manager Radiological Protection 2

Table of Contents Title Page Section 6

Preface ...................................................................................................................................

7 Executive Sum m ary ..............................................................................................................

I. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 10 Sam pling and Analysis Program ........................................................................ 13 II.

26 III. Program Exceptions ............................................................................................

29 IV. Summary and Discussion of 2000 Analytical Results ........................................

A. Airborne Exposure Pathw ay ...................................................................... 30 30

1. Airborne Radioiodine ........................................................................

Airborne Gross Beta ...... 30 2.

Airborne G amm a Isotopic ............................................................... 31 3.

31 B. W aterborne Exposure Pathw ay .................................................................

1. River W ater ..................................................................................... 31
2. Well W ater ......................................................................................... 32 A quatic Exposure Pathw ay ......................................................................... 32 C.
1. Silt ................................................................................................... 32
2. Shoreline Sedim ent .......................................................................... 33 Ingestion Exposure Pathw ay ...................................................................... 34 D.
1. Milk ....................................................................................................... 34
2. A quatic Biota ........................................................................................ 34
3. Food Products and V egetation .......................................................... 36 36 E. Direct Radiation Exposure Pathw ay ..........................................................
1. TLD s ................................................................................................. 36
2. Results ............................................................................................... 36 43 V. Conclusions .............................................................................................................


Table of Contents (Cont)

Title Page Section 46 VI. References ...............................................................................................................

48 VII. Appendices ..............................................................................................................

Appendix A - Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summ ary Tables Year 2000 ............................................ 49 54 Appendix B - Data Tables Year 2000 .................................................................

74 Appendix C - Land Use Census Year 2000 .......................................................

76 Appendix D - Synopsis of Analytical Procedures Year 2000 ............................

88 Appendix E - Interlaboratory Comparison Program Year 2000 .......................

List of Trending Graphs Page Graph 37

1. Gross Beta in Air Particulates ............................................................................


2. Tritium in River W ater ........................................................................................


3. Tritium in W ell W ater ........................................................................................


4. Cobalt-58 in Silt ..................................................................................................


5. Cobalt-60 in Silt ......................................................................................................


6. Cesium-134 in Silt ..................................................................................................


7. Cesium -137 in Silt ............................................................................................


8. Cobalt-58 in Clam s ............................................................................................


9. Cobalt-60 in Clam s ............................................................................................


10. Cesium -137 in Clam s .........................................................................................


11. Direct Radiation M easurem ents-TLD Results ...................................................


List of Tables Page Table

1. Radiological Sampling Station Distance and Direction from U nit I .............................................................................................................. 15 23
2. Surry Power Station Sample Analysis Program ................................................

Appendix B Tables 55 B-1 Iodine- 131 Concentrations in Filtered Air ..........................................................

57 B-2 Gross Beta Concentrations in Air Particulates ...................................................

B-3 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Quarterly 59 Air P articulates ........................................................................................................

61 B-4 Gamma Emitter and Tritium Concentrations in River Water ............................

63 B-5 Gamma Emitter and Tritium Concentrations in Well Water ..............................

64 B-6 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Silt ..............................................................

B-7 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in 64 Shoreline Sediment ............................................................................................

B-8 Gamma Emitter, Strontium-89, and Strontium-90 65 Concentrations in Milk .......................................................................................

67 B-9 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Clams .........................................................

68 B-10 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Oysters .......................................................

69 B-I 1 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Crabs ..........................................................

70 B-12 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Fish ............................................................

71 B- 13 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Vegetation ...................................................

72 B-14 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quarterly TLD Results Set 1 .......................

73 B-15 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quarterly TLD Results Set 2 .......................


Preface This report is submitted as required by Technical Specification 6.6.B.2, Annual Radiological Power Company Environmental Operating Report for Surry, Units 1 and 2, Virginia Electric and Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281.


Executive Summary This document is a detailed report of the 2000 Surry Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). Radioactivity levels from January 1 through December 31, 2000 in air, water, silt, shoreline sediment, milk, aquatic biota, food products, The vegetation, and direct exposure pathways have been analyzed, evaluated, and summarized.

REMP is designed to confirm that radiological effluent releases are As Low As is Reasonably of the Achievable (ALARA), no undue environmental effects occur, and the health and safety that public is protected. The program also detects any unexpected environmental processes could allow radiation accumulations in the environment or food pathway chains.

Radiation and radioactivity in the environment is constantly monitored within a 20-mile this area.

radius of the station. Surry Power Station personnel collect a variety of samples within A number of sampling locations for each medium are selected using available meteorological, control land use, and water use data. Two types of samples are obtained. The first type, Surry Power samples, are collected from areas that are beyond the measurable influence of Normal Station or any other nuclear facility. These samples are used as reference data.

Station, background radiation levels, or radiation present due to causes other than Surry Power the second can be compared to the environment surrounding the station. Indicator samples are to the sample type obtained. These samples show how much radiation is contributed where environment by the station. Indicator samples are taken from areas close to the station any station contribution will be at the highest concentration.

Prior to station operation, samples were collected and analyzed to determine the amount of radioactivity present in the area. The resulting values are used as a "pre-operational baseline."

values Analysis results from the indicator samples are compared to both current control sample to and the pre-operational baseline to determine if changes in radioactivity levels are attributable station operations, or causes such as the Chemobyl accident or natural variation.

in Teledyne Brown Engineering provides radioanalyses for this program. Participation measurement an Interlaboratory Comparison Program provides an independent check of sample are so low that precision and accuracy. Typically, radioactivity levels in the environment state-of-the-art analysis values frequently fall below the minimum detection limits of (NRC) requires measurement methods. Because of this, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission detect specified that equipment used for radiological environmental monitoring must be able to as accurate as minimum Lower Limits of Detection (LLDs). This ensures that analyses are 7

possible. Samples with extremely low levels of radiation that cannot be detected are, therefore, reported as being below the LLD. The NRC also mandates a reporting level for certain radionuclides. Licensed nuclear facilities must report any releases equal to or greater than the specified reporting level. Environmental radiation levels are sometimes referred to as a percent of the reporting level.

Analytical results are divided into five categories based on airborne, waterborne, aquatic, ingestion, and direct radiation exposure pathways. Each of these pathways is described below.

" The airborne exposure pathway includes radioactive airborne iodine and particulates.

The 2000 results were similar to the previous years, as there was no notable increase in radioactive natural products and no detection of radioiodine. One of the thirty-two quarterly composites of airborne particulate samples detected cesium-137 and cobalt

60. The cesium-137 activity represents 0.03% of the NRC reporting level. There is no reporting level for cobalt-60 for the airborne exposure pathway.

" The waterbome exposure pathway includes well water and river water. No river water samples indicated the presence of man-made radioisotopes. Naturally occurring radioisotopes were detected at average environmental levels. No man made radioisotopes were detected in well water. This trend is consistent throughout the environmental operational monitoring program.

" The aquatic exposure pathway includes silt and shoreline sediment samples. Silt samples indicated the presence of cesium-137. Man-made radioisotopes have accumulated in silt, whereas during the pre-operational period there were no man made radioisotopes detected. However, gamma emitting radioisotopic concentrations for 2000 indicate a decreasing trend when compared to the previous five and ten-year periods. Shoreline sediment, which may provide a direct exposure pathway, contained no man-made radioisotopes.

The ingestion exposure pathway includes milk, aquatic biota, and food product samples. Iodine-131 was not detected in any 2000 milk samples and has not been detected in milk prior to or since the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Strontium-90, attributable to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, was detected at levels 8

slightly lower than the previous five-year average. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected at average environmental levels.

"The aquatic biota exposure pathway includes samples taken from localized populations of crabs, fish, clams, and oysters. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in each of the aquatic biota samples at average environmental levels.

Cesium-137 was detected in one of four fish samples, and the activity represents 2%

of the NRC reporting level. Vegetation samples revealed naturally occurring potassium-40 at levels that are lower than in previous years. No man-made radioisotopes were detected in vegetation samples.

"The direct exposure pathway measures environmental radiation doses by use of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). TLD results have indicated a steady trend, and the results compare well with the last five years of data.

During 2000, as in previous years, operation of the Surry Power Station has created no adverse environmental affects or health hazards. The maximum dose calculated for a hypothetical individual at the station site boundary due to liquid and gaseous effluents released from the station during 2000 was 0.001 millirem. For reference, this dose may be compared to the 360 millirem average annual exposure to every person in the United States from natural and man-made sources. Natural sources in the environment provide approximately 82% of radiation exposure to man, while nuclear power contributes less than 0.1%. These results demonstrate not only compliance with federal and state regulations but also demonstrate the adequacy of radioactive effluent control at the Surry Power Station.



L Introduction The operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted for the year 2000 for the Surry Power Station is provided in this report. The results of measurements and analyses of data obtained from samples collected from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 are summarized.

A. The Dominion, Surry Power Station is located on the Gravel Neck peninsula adjacent to the James River, approximately 25 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. The site consists of two units, each with a pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply system and turbine generator furnished by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Each unit is designed with a gross electrical output of 861 megawatts electric (MWe). Unit 1 achieved commercial operation on December 22, 1972, and Unit 2 on May 1, 1973.

B. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) regulations (10CFR50.34a) require that nuclear power plants be designed, constructed, and operated to keep levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA). To ensure these criteria are met, the operating license for Surry Power Station includes Technical Specifications that address the release of radioactive effluents. In-plant monitoring is used to ensure that these release limits are not exceeded. As a precaution against unexpected or undefined environmental processes which might allow undue accumulation of radioactivity in the environment, a program for monitoring the station environs is also included in Surry Power Station Technical Specifications.

C. Surry Power Station is responsible for collecting the various indicator and control environmental samples. Teledyne Brown Engineering is responsible for sample analysis and submitting reports of radioanalyses. The analyses results are used to determine if changes in radioactivity levels could be attributable to station operations. Measured values are compared with control levels, which vary with time due to external events, such as cosmic ray bombardment, nuclear weapons test fallout and seasonal variations of naturally occurring radioisotopes. Data collected prior to station operation is used to indicate the degree of natural variation to be expected. This pre-operational data is com pared with data collected during the operational phase to assist in evaluating any radiological impact of station operation.


D. Occasionally, samples of environmental media show the presence of man-made radioisotopes. As a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in the sample media to a dose consequence to man, the data is compared to the reporting level concentrations listed in the USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.8 and VPAP-2103S, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry). These concentrations are based upon the annual dose commitment recommended by 10CFR50, Appendix I, to meet the criterion of "As Low As is Reasonably Achievable."

E. This report documents the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for 2000 and satisfies the following objectives of the program:

1. To provide measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposure of the maximum exposed member of the public resulting from station operations.
2. To supplement the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that radioactive effluents are within allowable limits.
3. To identify changes in radioactivity in the environment.
4. To verify that station operations have no detrimental effect on the health and safety of the public.



II. Sampling and Analysis Program A. Sampling Program

1. Table 1 summarizes the sampling program for Surry Power Station during 2000.

The Surry Radiological Monitoring Locations map denotes the air sample and TLD locations for Surry Power Station. Sample locations are color coded to designate sample types shown in the Surry Emergency Plan maps.

2. For routine TLD measurements, two dosimeters made of CaSO4:Dy in a Teflon card are deployed at each sampling location.
3. On June 30, 1998, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Health, discontinued its comparative analysis (state split) program with Surry Power Station. Although the routine splitting of samples with the Commonwealth of Virginia has been discontinued, samples will be split at the request of the state.

Surry Power Station personnel collect all samples listed in Table 1. All samples are shipped to Teledyne Brown Engineering, currently located in Knoxville, TN, for analysis.

4. All samples listed in Table 1 are taken at indicator locations except those labeled "control."

B. Analysis Program Table 2 summarizes the analysis program conducted by Teledyne Brown Engineering for Surry Power Station during the year 2000.


, ( (

TABLE 1 (Page 1 of 3)

SURRY - 2000 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Sample Media Onsite*

(00) Quarterly Environmental Control (02) 0.17 WNW 2920 Quarterly Site Boundary (TLD's) West North West 0.6 NW 3090 Quarterly Site Boundary Surry Station Discharge (03)

(04) 0.4 NNW 3300 Quarterly Site Boundary North North West 3570 (05) 0.29 N Quarterly Site Boundary North (06) 0.28 NNE 220 Quarterly Site Boundary North North East 450 (07) 0.31 NE Quarterly Site Boundary North East (08) 0.43 ENE 680 Quarterly Site Boundary East North East (09) 0.31 E 900 Quarterly Onsite East (Exclusion)

(10) 0.40 W 2700 Quarterly Site Boundary West Site Boundary (11) 0.45 WSW 2500 Quarterly West South West (12) 0.30 SW 2250 Quarterly Site Boundary South West (13) 0.43 SSW 2030 Quarterly Site Boundary South South West (14) 0.48 S 1800 Quarterly Site Boundary South (15) 0.74 SSE 1570 Quarterly Site Boundary South South East (16) 1.00 SE 1350 Quarterly Site Boundary South East (17) 0.57 E 900 Quarterly Site Boundary East (18) 1.23 ESE 1130 Quarterly Site Boundary Station Intake (19) 1.94 NNE 260 Quarterly Near Resident Hog Island Reserve (20) 4.45 SSW 2020 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Bacons Castle (21) 3.5 SW 2240 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 633 (22) 5.1 WSW 2480 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Alliance (23) 8.0 WSW 2500 Quarterly Population Center Surry (24) 4.0 W 2700 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 636 and 637 (25) 5.0 WNW 2850 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Scotland Wharf (26) 6.3 NW 3100 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Jamestown (27) 3.7 NNW 3300 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Colonial Parkway (28) 5.2 NNW 3400 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Route 617 and 618 (29) 4.8 N 20 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Kingsmill (30) 7.8 N 00 Quarterly Population Center Williamsburg (31) 5.6 NNE 140 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Kingsmill North (32) 5.7 NNE 270 Quarterly Population Center Budweiser

  • TLD stored in a lead shield outside the protected area.


TABLE 1 (Page 2 of 3)

SURRY - 2000 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Sample Media Location 4.8 NE 410 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Environmental Water Plant (33) 5.1 ENE 700 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile TLD's(Cont.) BASF (34) 730 7.1 ENE Quarterly Population Center Lee Hall (35)

(36) 5.0 E 880 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Goose Island 4.8 ESE 1070 Quarterly Population Center Fort Eustis (37) 14.8 SSE 1470 Quarterly Control Location James River Bridge (39)

(40) 14.5 S 1750 Quarterly Control Location Benn's Church (41) 11.5 S 1760 Quarterly Control Location Smithfield (42) 5.2 SSE 1560 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Rushmere 5.0 S 1770 Quarterly Apx. 5 mile Rt. 628 (43)

Air Charcoal Surry Station (SS) .37 NNE 150 Weekly Siteboundary location with Highest D/Q and Particulate (HIR) 2.0 NNE 260 Weekly Hog Island Reserve Bacons Castle (BC) 4.5 SSW 2020 Weekly (ALL) 5.1 WSW 2480 Weekly Alliance (CP) 3.7 NNW 3300 Weekly Colonial Parkway BASF (BASF) 5.1 ENE 700 Weekly (FE) 4.8 ESE 1070 Weekly Fort Eustis 16.5 ESE 1220 Weekly Control Location Newport News (NN)

Surry Station Discharge 0.17 NW 3250 Monthly River Water Monthly Scotland Wharf 5.0 WNW 2850 Control Location Quarterly Onsite Well Water Surry Station 2.0 NNE 270 Quarterly Hog Island Reserve Shoreline Hog Island Reserve 0.8 N 50 Semi-Annually 11.2 WNW 3000 Semi-Annually Control Location Sediment Chickahominy River 16

( , (

TABLE 1 (Page 3 of 3)

SURRY - 2000 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance collection Collection Miles Direction Deerees Freauencv Remarks Sairple Media Location Dication Milensrol Silt Chickahominy River 11.2 WNW 3000 Semi-Annually Control Location Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually Milk Colonial Parkway 3.7 NNW 3370 Monthly Pivarnik 17.6 NNE 250 Monthly Control Location Epp's 4.8 SSW 2010 Monthly Point of Shoals 6.4 SSE 1570 Semi-Annually Oysters Mulberry Point 4.9 ESE 1240 Semi-Annually 11.2 WNW 3000 Semi-Annually Control Location Clams Chickahominy River Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually Hog Island Point 2.4 NE 520 Semi-Annually Lawnes Creek 2.4 SE 1310 Semi-Annually Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually Fish Surry Station Discharge 1.3 NNW 3410 Semi-Annually Crabs Brock's Farm 3.8 S 1880 Annually Crops Slade's Farm 2.4 S 1770 Annually (Com,Peanuts, Soybeans) 17

sv.ýs Surry Emergency Plan Map Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents TLD Sampling Nearest Milk Animal

  • Nearest Garden Aquatic Samples Orginal 0 1991 by ADO ci Alexandria, Inc 6440 Gn-eraI Green Way Atexendns, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION No other reproduction toy be mode without the wrthen permissiol of ADO VWi DARE1
  • 0M308

Surry Emergency Plan Map Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents

  • TLD Sampling Nearest Milk Animal
  • Nearest Garden
  • Aquatic Samples Original 11991 by ADC of Alexandrea, Inc, 644C General Green Way, Alexandria VA22312 USED WITH PERMISSION, No other reproduction may be made wirhout the writlen permission of ADO

W uvsw_


Surry Emergency Plan Map Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents

  • TLD Sampling Nearest Milk Animal
  • Nearest Garden *Aquatic Samples Original o 1991 byAO of Alexandria. Inc 6440 General Green Way Alexandria VA22312 USED WITH PERMISSION. No otherreproduction mey be made without the written peromssion of ADC 621/

Surry Emergency Plan Map Air Sampling Stations Nearest Residents /N

  • TLD Sampling Nearest Milk Animal
  • Nearest Garden *Aquatic Samples OriginalO 1991 by ADC otAlexandria, Inc 6440 General Green Way, Alexandria, VA 22312. USED WITH PERMISSION No other reproduction my, be made withot the wttemn permnissimn of ADO WNW-w(69 (6-4 L G s CW3 07A

/1 b


Weekly 1-131 0.07 pCi/m3 Air Iodine Weekly Gross Beta 0.01 pCi/m3 Air Particulate Gamma Isotopic pCi/m3 Quarterly (a) 0.05 Cs-134 Cs-137 0.06 Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/1 River Water composite of monthly sample Monthly 1-131 10 pCi/1 Gamma Isotopic Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/1 Well Water 1 1-131 Gamma Isotopic Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Footnotes located at end of table.


TABLE 2 (Cont.)


  • TR 1*.1"*I TI*.NTI"V AN ATNI LLD* REPORT UNITS SAMPLE MEDIA -up-pnirTuNlry ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Shoreline Sedime nt Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-dry Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Silt Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-dry Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Milk Monthly 1-131 1 pCi/1 Gamma Isotopic Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La-140 15 Oyster Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet Clams Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet Crabs Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Footnotes located at end of table.


TABLE 2 (Cont.)

SURRY POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREQUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Fish Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs-137 150 Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg-wet Crops Annually 1-131 60 Cs-134 60 Cs-137 80 Note: This table is not a complete listing of nuclides that can be detected and reported. Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, are also identified and reported.

  • LLDs indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzedto, in accordancewith the Surry Radiological EnvironmentalProgram. Actual analysis of the samples by Teledyne Brown Engineeringmay be lower than those listed.

(a) Quarterlycomposites of each location's weekly airparticulatesamples are analyzed for gamma emitters.



III. ProgramExceptions REMP Exceptions for Scheduled Sampling and Analysis During 2000 Location Description Date of Sampling Reason(s) for Loss/Exception Sta-FE Air Particulate 05/30-06/06 Sample not collected. The monitoring equipment 07/25-08/01 was out of service due to a power outage.

River Water 06/27 Delay in counting due to equipment failure Sta-SD and SW 12/19 resulted in missed LLDs for Ba-140 and La-140.

River Water 11/28 Nb-95 not reported from sub-laboratory. (a)

Sta-SD and SW 4t Quarter No analysis data received from TBE. (a)

Sta-SS and HIR Well Water Sta-SD Shellfish-Clams 03/23 Laboratory lost the sample. Resampled 05/30.

Sta-Colonial Milk 09/05 Laboratory lost the sample.

Parkway Sta-Epps Milk 09/26 Delay in counting due to laboratory move resulted in missed LLD for Ba-140 and La-140.

Milk 09/26 Delay in counting due to laboratory move Sta-Pivarnik resulted in missed LLD for Ba-140 and La-140.

Milk 10/24 Laboratory lost the sample.

Sta-Epps Milk 11/28 Delay in counting due to laboratory move Sta-Epps resulted in missed 1-131 LLD.

Sta-Epps Milk 12/18 Ba- 140, La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137 LLD not met.

Delay in counting due to laboratory move resulted in missed LLDs.

Milk 12/19 Ba-140 and La-140 LLD not met. Delay in Sta-Pivarmik counting due to laboratory move resulted in missed LLDs.

Milk 3 rd and 4' Quarter No analysis data received from TBE. (a)

Sta-All Stations Corn 10/24 Delay in counting due to laboratory move Sta-Brock's Peanuts 10/24 resulted in missed 1-131 LLD.

Farm (a) Awaiting TBE documentation.


In late September of 1999, Teledyne Brown Engineering announced that the laboratory would move from its 35-year home in Westwood, NJ to relocate within Knoxville, TN. Several reasons supported this decision. The Westwood, NJ lease was coming to a close, extensive remodeling of the Westwood facility was required for continued operations there, the employment pool for qualified radiological professionals in the Northeast had diminished over the years to nearly zero, and the costs associated with relocating professional personnel to the Westwood area had become prohibitive.

Build-out of the new laboratory in Knoxville began in January of 2000 with a two-phase move from Westwood to Knoxville scheduled for June and September. Unfortunately, construction delays prevented the June phase one occupancy, forcing the laboratory into a one-phase move. This resulted in a significant delay in Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) approval of the Knoxville facility and required the use of NUPIC approved sub-contract laboratories to analyze REMP samples. In turn, this resulted in significant delays in analytical turnaround times, in obtaining necessary regulatory compliance approvals, and caused extraordinary difficulties for the laboratory and all of its customers. The most important consequence of this delay was the need to utilize two sub-contractor laboratories, Allegheny Environmental Services in Northbrook, IL and Duke Engineering Laboratory in Marlborough, MA, to perform REMP analyses between October, 2000 and January, 2001.

The Westwood laboratory ceased analytical operations in October, 2000 and was closed on November 15, 2000. The Knoxville laboratory was ready to analyze samples by the middle of December, 2000 but was not scheduled for a NUPIC audit until the end of January, 2001. During the period October 15 through December 15, 2000, the Knoxville laboratory underwent several customer surveillances, allowing it to perform some limited customer analyses. The Knoxville laboratory is now in full production and is NUPIC approved.





IV. Summary andDiscussion of 2000 Analytical Results Data from the radiological analyses of environmental media collected during 2000 are tabulated and discussed below. The procedures and specifications followed in the laboratory for these analyses are as required in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Quality Assurance manual and are explained in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Analytical Procedures. A synopsis of analytical procedures used for the environmental samples is provided in Appendix D. In addition to internal quality control measures performed by Teledyne, the laboratory also participates in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program. Participation in this program ensures that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material in environmental samples are performed. The results of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program are provided in Appendix E.

Radiological analyses of environmental media characteristically approach and frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods. The "less than" values in the data tables were calculated for each specific analysis and are dependent on sample size, detector efficiency, length of counting time, chemical yield, when appropriate, and the radioactive decay factor from time of counting to time of collection. Teledyne Brown Engineering's analytical methods meet the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements given in Table 2 of the USNRC Branch Technical Position of Radiological Monitoring Acceptable Program (November 1979, Revision 1) and the ODCM.

The following is a discussion and summary of the results of the environmental measurements taken during the 2000 reporting period.

A. Airborne Exposure Pathway

1. Airborne Radioiodine - Charcoal cartridges are used to collect airborne radioiodine. Once a week, the samples are collected and analyzed. The results are presented in Table B- 1. All results are below the lower limit of detection with no positive activity detected. These results are similar to pre-operational data and the results of samples taken prior to and after the 1986 accident in the Soviet Union at Chernobyl.
2. Airborne Gross Beta - Results of the weekly gross beta analysis are presented in Table B-2. A review of Table B-2 indicates that results from the station indicators compare favorably to the control location in Newport News.


Quarterly averages are consistent with background radioactivity levels. The gross beta concentrations observed indicate a steady trend compared to levels found during the previous ten years. Gross beta activity found during the pre operational and early operating period of Surry Power Station was higher because of nuclear weapons testing. During that time, nearly 740 nuclear weapons were tested worldwide. In 1985 weapons testing ceased, and with the exception of the Chemobyl accident in 1986, airborne gross beta results have trended at stable levels.

3. Airborne Gamma Isotopic - Air particulate filters are analyzed for isotopes that are gamma emitters. The results of the composite analyses are listed in Table B
3. Cesium-137 and cobalt-60 were detected in one of the thirty-two quarterly composite samples. Both isotopes were detected in the third quarter at the Newport News (NN) control sample location, 16.5 miles from Surry Power Station. The cesium-137 activity was 0.0053 pCi/m3, which represents 0.027%

of the NRC reporting level. The cobalt-60 activity was 0.00057 pCi/m3, and there is no reporting level for cobalt-60. The activity is not determined to be attributable to the power station, as there was no confirmatory detection of activity in the seven air sampling locations within the five-mile radius of the station. Natural background radioactivity was detected in many of the samples.

The two isotopes that were identified are beryllium-7 and potassium-40.

Beryllium-7 is continuously produced in the upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation. Potassium-40 is naturally present in foods, building materials and soil.

B. Waterborne Exposure Pathway I1. River Water - The analysis results for the James River water sampling program are presented in Table B-4. Samples of James River water are collected as monthly grab samples at both Surry Station Discharge and Scotland Wharf.

Surry Station Discharge and Scotland Wharf samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and for iodine-131 by a radiochemical procedure. These samples are also composited and analyzed for tritium on a quarterly basis.


All samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radioisotopes. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in nine of the twenty-four samples with an average concentration of 84 pCi/1 and a range of 26.8 to 220 pCi/1. Tritium and iodine were not detected in any of the samples analyzed.

With the exception of naturally occurring potassium-40 no other gamma emitters were detected. In particular, no iodine-131 was detected. This trend is consistent with previous years.

Trending Graph #2 provides a comparison of tritium concentration measured in the downstream sample (Surry Station Discharge) and in the upstream control location (Scotland Wharf). As expected, the Surry Station Discharge samples indicated higher levels of tritium than the control location. The water in the discharge canal is further diluted by the river water beyond the discharge structure. All samples are below the required lower limits of detection.

2. Well Water - Well water is not considered to be affected by station operations because there are no discharges made to this pathway. However, Surry Power Station monitors well water quarterly and analyzes water samples from two indicator locations. The results of these sample analyses are presented in Table B-5.

Pre-operational samples were only analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta. The eight well water samples collected were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and results indicated that there were no man-made radioisotopes present. Well water samples were also analyzed for tritium, and no tritium activity was detected.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 was not detected during 2000.

C. Aquatic Exposure Pathway

1. Silt - Silt samples were taken to evaluate any buildup of radionuclides in the environment due to the operation of Surry Power Station. The radioactivity in silt is a result of precipitation of radionuclides in the waste discharges and the subsequent dispersion of the material by the river current. Sampling this pathway provides a good indication of the dispersion effects of effluents to the river.


Build-up of radionuclides in silt could indirectly lead to increasing radioactivity levels in clams, oysters and fish.

Silt samples are collected from two locations, upstream and downstream of Surry Power Station. These samples are analyzed for gamma emitting radioisotopes.

The results of these analyses are presented in Table B-6. The NRC does not assign reporting levels to radioisotopes measured in this pathway. However, Surry Power Station's operating license requires that the concentrations of man made and naturally occurring gamma emitters be tracked and trended. Pre operational analyses indicate that there were no man-made radioisotopes present in this pathway.

Cesium-137, with an average indicator location concentration of 200 pCi/kg, was the only man-made radioisotope detected in silt during 2000. This represents a continuing decrease in concentration when compared to last year and the previous ten-year trend. The decreasing trend can be attributed to improved liquid waste management since operation of the Surry Radwaste Facility was implemented in 1991.

2. Shoreline Sediment - Unlike river bottom silt, shoreline sediment may provide a direct dose to humans. Build-up of radioisotopes along the shoreline may provide a source of direct exposure for those using the area for commercial and recreational purposes. A sample was taken in February and August at Hog Island Point Reserve and from the Chickahominy River. The samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy, and the results are presented in Table B-7.

This exposure pathway was not selected for analysis during the pre-operational years. No radioisotopes attributable to the operation of Surry Power Station were detected in 2000. Man-made radioisotopes have not been detected in this pathway since 1988.

Three naturally occurring radioisotopes were measured in both samples.

Potassium-40 and thorium-228 show a steady trend over the recent past. Radium 226 was found in one of the two samples at a level of 716 pCi/kg wet.

D. Ingestion Exposure Pathway 33

Milk - Milk samples are an important indicator for measuring the affect of radioactive iodine and other radioisotopes in airborne releases. The dose consequence to man is from both a direct and indirect exposure pathway. The direct exposure pathway is from the inhalation of radioactive material. The indirect exposure pathway is from the grass-cow-milk pathway. In this pathway, radioactive material is deposited on the plants, which is then consumed by the dairy animals. The radioactive material is, in turn, passed on to man via the milk.

The results of iodine-131 and other gamma analysis of milk are presented in Table B-8.

Iodine-131 has not been detected in milk prior to and since the 1986 accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union.

Pre-operational data shows that cesium-137 was detected in this pathway. This may be attributable to nuclear weapons testing fallout. Cesium-137 was not detected during 2000.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all samples analyzed. The pre operational monitoring program did not analyze for this radioisotope.

Strontium-90 was detected in all of the samples analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90. Pre-operational data shows levels higher than present values. This year's analysis is slightly lower than the previous five-year average. It should be noted that strontium-90 is not a part of station effluents but, rather, a product of nuclear weapons testing fallout.

2. Aquatic Biota - All plants and animals have the ability to concentrate certain chemicals. Radioisotopes display the same chemical properties as their non radioactive counterpart. Surry Power Station samples various aquatic biota to determine the accumulation of radioisotopes in the environment. The results of the sampling program for this pathway follow.

Clams were analyzed from four different locations. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-9. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all eight of the samples. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring 34

radioisotope and is not a component of Surry Power Station effluent. No other gamma emitting radioisotopes were detected. Oysters were also analyzed from two different locations. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-10.

As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all four of the samples. The current average level of potassium-40 is comparable to the pre operational average.

The trend of gamma emitting radioisotopes in clams and oysters over the recent past continues to decrease and is well below the lower limits of detection. There has been no detection of radioisotopes attributable to station effluents since 1991.

This marked decrease coincides with the extensive steam generator replacement project completed in 1982 and improvements made to liquid effluent treatment systems that were completed in 1991.

A crab sample was collected in June from the discharge canal at the station and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of this analysis are presented in Table B- 11. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected.

Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radioisotope and is not a component of station effluent. No other gamma emitting radioisotopes were detected in this sample. This is consistent with pre-operational data and data collected during the past ten years.

Two fish samples were collected in April and two in October from the station discharge canal and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-12. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all four of the samples. Cesium-137 was measured in one of four samples at a concentration of 40 pCi/kg wet. This may be attributable to world fallout, and this was the first detected man-made radioisotope in this pathway since 1990, when the concentration was 18.7 pCi/kg. The sample was discarded prior to Surry Power Station's request for reanalysis. The cesium-137 activity is 2% of the NRC reporting level. Cesium-137 accounted for 5% of all activity released in liquid effluents from Surry Power Station in 2000. No other gamma emitting radioisotopes were detected in these samples. Other radioisotopes represented in liquid waste effluents as a percent of total liquid effluents released in 2000 and not detected in this pathway include cobalt-58 at 32%, cobalt-60 at 29%, and antimony-125 at 27%.


3. Food Products and Vegetation - Three vegetation samples were collected from two different locations and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-13. As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all samples. The average concentration is consistent with the previous five-year average. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring primordial radioisotope and is not a component of station effluent. No other gamma emitters were detected.

E. Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway

1. TLDs - A thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is an inorganic crystal used to detect ambient radiation. TLDs are placed in two concentric rings around the station. The inner ring is located at the site boundary, and the outer ring is located at approximately five miles from the station. TLDs are also placed in special interest areas, such as population areas and nearby residences. Additional TLDs serve as controls. Ambient radiation comes from naturally occurring radioisotopes in the air and soil, radiation from cosmic origin, fallout from nuclear weapons testing, station effluents and direct radiation from the station.
2. Results - The results of the analyses are presented in Table B-14 and B-15.

Control and indicator averages indicate a steady trend in ambient radiation levels and compare well with the last five years of data.



0.1 o 00 0

U 4 O N N 00 ON C 01 01 Cfl 4 4 O N 00 ON ON 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 4-- Indicator --- Control -- A--Avg-PreOp x Required LLD's I TRENDING GRAPH 2: TRITIUM IN RIVER WATER 100000

, 10000 S 1000 j 100 10

.U i

Surry Discharge --- Scotland Wharf -a-Avg-Pre Op -)-Required LLI~s C(4 6c

I TRENDING GRAPH-3: TRITIUM IN WELL WATER 10000 x 0 1000 xA E ,Jueee mpmi K ES

.2 100 0

0 O. 10 1

Nov-&4I Aug-87 May-90 Jan-93 Oct-95 Jul-98 Apr-01 Jan-04 Station-BC

  • Station-HIR Station-JMTN x Station-SS x Required LLDs Stations BC and JMTN have been eliminated due to program change 12/1/94.


C E 1000


10 197 197 197 197 197 198 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 I

  • slanog
  • tation Intake Station Disc~harge C-D7


'E 1000 I_ O 3 10 I - , , , I , , , , ,1 , T-r 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000

--- Hog Island - Station Intake & Station Discharge]

During the preoperational period, cobalt-60 was not detected in the samples analyzed.

Stations HIP and St were discontinued.

TRENDING GRAPH 6: CESIUM-134 IN SILT S10000 1000 1971 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1988 199 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 1- - Hog Island --m Station Intake A* Station Discharge I During the preoporational period, cobalt-60 was not detected in the samples analyzed.

Stations HIP and SI were discontinued.



.51 g 1000 U 18 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000

- Hog Island --- Station Intake a Station Discharge

-- w- Avg-Pre-Op -- Required LLD's TRENDING GRAPH-8: COBALT-58 IN CLAMS 1000 i,

"1E100 "a C


"o 10-0

(-3 0..

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Control-Chickah mSurry Discharge A Hog Island x Required LLD's During the preoperational period, cobalt-58 was not detected in the samples analyzed.

C og


.E1lo E -. 0 A aBBI 1970 1975 1980 19B5 1990 1995 2000

  • Control-Chickahominy
  • Surry Discharge A Hog Island x Required LIDs During the preoperational period, cobalt-60 was not detected in the samples analyzed.

TRENDING GRAPH-10: CESIUM-137 IN CLAMS S1000 0 "* X ~rl Fl 11 11 rl 5 ~ mm upl IX o lo 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

  • Control-Chicka mSurry Discharge Hog Island x Avg Pre Op x Required LLDs C- I o


100 It C


C 10 I.


'U I

E 1980 1993 1983 1984 1986 1987 1989 1990 1992 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 S-s- Site Boundry - 5 Mile & Smithfield ]


V. Conclusions The results of the 2000 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for Surry Nuclear Power Station have been presented. This section presents conclusions for each pathway individually. References and appendices that represent the REMP summary follow this section.

A. Airborne Exposure Pathway - Air particulate gross beta concentrations at all of the indicator locations for 2000 trend well with the control location. Cesium-137 and cobalt 60 were detected in one of thirty-two samples. The cesium-137 activity is less than the NRC LLD and represents 0.027% of the reporting level, and cobalt-60 has no LLD or reporting level for this pathway. The cesium- 137 and cobalt-60 were detected in the third quarter at the NN control location, 16.5 miles from the station, and do not appear to be attributable to Surry Power Station. The gross beta concentrations indicate a steady trend when compared to the levels found during the previous twelve years. Gamma isotopic analysis of the particulate samples identified natural background radioactivity at expected levels.

B. Waterborne Exposure Pathway - All river water samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radioisotopes. With the exception of naturally occurring potassium-40, no other gamma emitters were detected. In particular, no iodine-131 was detected. No tritium was detected in the eight samples analyzed for 2000.

C. Well Water - Well water samples were analyzed and indicated that there were no man made radioisotopes present. This trend is consistent throughout the monitoring period.

No radioactivity attributable to the operation of the station was identified.

D. Silt - The NRC does not assign reporting levels to radioisotopes measured in this pathway. The average levels of man made radioisotopes in silt indicate a decrease in concentration when compared to the previous twelve-year trend.

E. Shoreline Sediment - Only naturally occurring radioisotopes were detected at concentrations equivalent to normal background activities. There were no radioisotopes attributable to the operation of Surry Power Station found in any sample.

F. Milk - Milk samples are an important indicator measuring the affect of radioactive iodine and radioisotopes in airborne releases. Cesium-137 and iodine-131 were not detected in 44

any of the thirty-four samples. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected at a similar level when compared to the average of the pervious year.

The concentration of strontium-90 in this years analysis, 1.18 pCi/l, was slightly lower than the 1.34 pCi/1 detected the previous year and is lower than the five-year average of 1.77 pCi/l. Strontium-90 is not a part of station effluent, but rather a product of nuclear weapons testing fallout.

G. Aquatic Biota

1. Clams and Oysters - As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all eight clam samples, four oyster samples and in the crab sample. A review of the previous ten years indicates the potassium in clams and oysters is at average environmental levels. There were no other gamma emitting radioisotopes detected in any of the samples. This trend is consistent with pre-operational data.
2. Fish - As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all four samples. Cesium-137 was observed in one of four samples during 2000. The cesium-137 activity may be attributable to world fallout. This was the first detected man-made radioisotope in this pathway since 1990. The sample was discarded prior to Surry Power Station's request for reanalysis. There were no other gamma emitting radioisotopes detected in any of the fish samples.

H. Food Products and Vegetation - As expected, naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all three samples. In the past, cesium-137 was occasionally detected in these samples and was attributable to world fallout. Cesium-137 and beryllium-7 were not detected in any of the three samples collected in 2000.

I. Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway - Control and indicator location averages continue to indicate a decreasing trend in ambient radiation levels over the long term.



VI. References

1. NUREG-0472, "Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs", Draft Rev.

3, March 1982.

2. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I", October, 1977.
3. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 4.8 "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", December, 1975.
4. USNRC Branch Technical Position, "Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Rev. 1, November 1979.
5. Virginia Power, Station Administrative Procedure, VPAP-2103S, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Surry)".
6. Virginia Electric and Power Company, Surry Power Station Technical Specifications, Units 1 and 2.








Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 1 of 4 All Indicator Control Non Medium or Pathway Sampled Anal sis Type Total LLD*

Locations Mean IIRLocation with Highest Mean Name iCe Mean Location Mean mLline Mfsue (Unit) No. Range Dhuoin Range Range Mulls Air Iodine 1-131 414 0.07 -(0/362) N/A -(0/52) 0 (pCi/m3)

Air Gross 414 10 17.3(362/362) NN 16.5 mi. 18.5(52/52) 18.5(52/52) 0 Particulate Beta (5.9-39) ESE (7.5-67) (7.5-67)

(1E-03 pCi/m3)

Gamma 32 Be-7 32 104(28/28) FE 4.8 mi. 111(4/4) 108(4/4) 0 (93.4-111) ESE (95.1-125) (98.2-130)

K-40 32 3.7(2/28) SS 0.37 mi. 7.9(2/4) 7.9(2/4) 0 (3.24-4.12) NNE (2.7-16.1) (2.7-16.1)

Cs-1 37 32 60 -(0/28) 5.3(1/4) 5.3(1/4) 0 Co-60 32 -(0/28) NN 16.5 mi. 0.57(1/4) 0.57(1/4) 0 ESE River Gamma 24 Water (pCi/liter) K-40 24 91.2(6/12) SD 0.17 mi. 91.2(6/12) 69.8(3/12) 0 (26.8-220) NW (26.8-220) (41.4-93.8) 8 2000 -(0/4) N/A -(0/4) 0 H-3 Well Water Gamma 8 (pCi/liter)

K-40 6 -(0/6) 0 H-3 6 2000 -(0/6) N/A 0

  • LLD is the Lower Limit ofDetection as defined and requiredin USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringProgram,Revision 1, November 1979.




Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 2 of 4 Silt Gamma 4 (pCi/kg dry)

K-40 4 9915(2/2) CHIC 11.2 mi. 9915(2/2) 7770(2/2) 0 (5130-14700) WNW (5130-14700) (4840-10700)

-(0/2) 0 Cs-134 4 150 -(0/2) NA 200(2/2) 153(2/2) 0 Cs-1 37 4 180 200(2/2) SD 1.3 mi.

(97-303) NNW (97-303) (77-228)

SD 1.3 mi. 1281(2/2) 1090(2/2) 0 Ra-226 4 1281(2/2)

(712-1850) NNW (712-1850) (770-1410) 698(2/2) SD 1.3 mi. 698(2/2) 609(2/2) 0 Th-228 4 (386-1010) NNW (386-1010) (399-818)

Shoreline Gamma 4 Sediment (pCi/kg dry)

K-40 4 7810(2/2) HIR 0.8 mi. 7810(2/2) 3655(2/2) 0 (7580-8040) N (7580-8040) (3000-4310)

Ra-226 4 716(1/2) HIR 0.8 mi. 716(1/2) -(0/2) 0 N

Th-228 4 180(2/2) HIR 0.8 mi. 180(2/2) 142(2/2) 0 (159-200) N (159-200) (101-182)

Cs-134 4 150 -(0/2) N/A -(0/2) 0 N/A -(0/2) 0 Cs-137 4 180 -(0/2)

  • LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defined and requiredin USNRC Branch TechnicalPosition on an Acceptable RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringProgram,Revision 1, November 1979.




Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 3 of 4 Milk Gamma 34 (pCi/liter)

K-40 34 1373(22/22) CP 3.7 mi. 1422(11/11) 1277(12/12) 0 (1190-1500) NNW (1270-1500) (1110-1520)

N/A (0/12) 0 1-131 34 1 -(0/22)

N/A -(0/2) 0 Sr-89 6 -(014) 6 1.18(4/4) CP 3.7 mi. 1.75(2/2) 1.65(2/2) 0 Sr-90 (0.54-1.9) NNW (1.6-1.9) (1.4/1.9)

Clams Gamma 8 (pCi/kg wet)

K-40 8 857(6/6) HIP 2.4 mi. 1706(2/2) 218(2/2) 0 (287-2860) NE (552-2860) (169-267)

Oysters Gamma 4 (pCi/kg wet)

K-40 4 289(4/4) POS 6.4 mi. 292(2/2) -(0/0) 0 (173-410) SSE (173-410)

Crabs Gamma 1 (pCi/kg wet) 1 1790(1/1) SD 1.3 mi. 1790(1/1) -(0/0) 0 K-40 NNW

  • LLD is the Lower Limit of Detection as defined and requiredin USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable N -

RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringProgram, Revision 1, November 1979.




Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 Docket No. 5-280-281 Page 4 of 4 Medium or Analyis All Indicator Locations Location with Highest Mean Control Location Non mrulie Pathway Repoudd Sampled Type Total LLD* Mean Name Isime Mean Mean Measu.

(Unit) No. Range IDkoion Range Range menw Fish Gamma 4 (pCi/kg wet)

K-40 4 3935(4/4) SD 1.3 mi. 3935(4/4) -(0/0) 0 (1320-11500) NNW (1320-11500)

Cs-137 4 40.1(1/4) SD 1.3 mi. 40.1(1/4) -(0/0) 0 NNW Direct Gamma 336 2 4.62(312/312) STA-38 16.5 mi 6.75(8/8) 5.13(24/24) 0 Radiation (-0.1-7.5) ESE (5.5-7.5) (3.9-7.0)

TLDs (mR/

std. month)

Vegetation Gamma 3 (pCi/kg wet)

Be-7 3 0(0/3) N/A -(0/0) 0 K-40 3 7250(3/3) Slade's 2.4 mi 12700(1/1) -(0/0) 0 (3260-12700) Farm S Cs-137 3 0(0/3) N/A -(0/0) 0

  • LLD is the Lower Limit ofDetection as defined and requiredin USNRC Branch Technical Position on an Acceptable RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringProgram,Revision 1, November 1979.



TABLE B-I: IODINE-131 CONCENTRATIONS IN FILTERED AIR Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/m3 L2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 COLLECTION STATIONS [

DATE SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN JANUARY 12/28/99-01/04/00 < .008 .008 .008 .008 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 01/04/00-01/11/00 < .007 .007 .007 .007 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 01/11/00-01/18/00 < .008 .008 .008 .008 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 01/18/00-01/27/00 < .009 .009 .009 .008 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 01/27/00-02/01/00 < .009 .009 .01 .009 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 FEBRUARY 02/01/00-02/08/00 < .008 .008 .008 .008 < .007 < .007 .008 < .008

< .008 .008 .008 .008 < .01 <.01 .01 <.01 02/08/00-02/15/00

< .007 .007 .007 .007 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 02/15/00-02/22/00 02/22/00-02/29/00 <.01 .01 .01 .01 <.01 <.01 .01 <.01 MARCH

< .008 .008 <.008 <.007 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 02/29100-03/07100 03/07/00-03/14/00 < .007 .007 <.007 <.007 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01

< .008 .008 <.008 <.008 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01

"*.- 03/14/00-03/21/00

< .02

<.01 .01 <.01 <.01 < .02 < .02 < .02 03/21/00-03/28/00 APRIL 03/28/00-04/04/00 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 < .02 .02 < .02 .02

<.01 <.01 < .01 <.01 <.01 .01 < .01 .01 04/04/00-04/11/00

<.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 .01 < .01 .01 04/11/00-04/18/00

<.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 < .02 .02 < .02 .02 04/18/00-04/25/00

<.008 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.01 .01 < .02 .01 04125100-05/02/00 MAY 05/02/00-05/09/00 <.01 < .01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02

< .01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 05/09/00-05/16/00

<.007 <.007 <.008 <.007 <.007 <.007 <.007 <.007 05/16/00-05/23/00

< .01 < .01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 < .01 05/23/00-05/30100 JUNE 05/30/00-06/06/00 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 (a) <.01

<.01 <.01 < .01 <.01 <.01 < .01 <.02 <.01 06/06/00-06/13/00

<.01 <.01 < .01 <.01 < .01 <.01 <.01 <.01 06/13/00-06/20/00

< .008 <.009 <.009 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.008 06/20/00-06/27/00 (a) Sample not collected. Monitor out ofservice due to a power outage.


TABLE B-i: IODINE-131 CONCENTRATIONS IN FILTERED AIR Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/m3 d 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 COLLECTION STATIONS DATE SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN JULY 06127/00-07/05/00 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 <.006 07/05/00-07/11/00 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 07/11/00-07/18100 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 07118100-07/25/00 <.007 <.007 <.007 <.007 <.006 <.006 <.007 <.006 07125100-08/01100 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 (a) <.02 AUGUST 08/01/00-08108/00 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 08108/00-08115100 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 08115100-08122/00 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.003 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.002 08122100-08/29100 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03 SEPTEMBER 08/29/00-09/05/00 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 09105100-09/12/00 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02

<.03 <.03 <.03S09/12/00-09/18/00

<.03 <.02 <.02 <.03 <.02 09/18100-09/26100 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 OCTOBER

<.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.008 <.009 <.01 <.01 09/26/00-10/03100

<.05 <.06 <.06 <.05 < .06 <.05 <.06 <.07 10/03/00-10/10/00

<.008 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.006 <.009 <.01 <.009 10110/00-10/17/00

<.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.007 <.01 <.01 <.01 10/17/00-10/24/00

<.009 <.009 <.009 <.009 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 10/24/00-10/31/00 NOVEMBER

<.006 <.005 <.006 <.006 <.005 <.005 <.006 <.006 10/31/00-11/07/00

<.01 <.009 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.009 <.01 <.009 11/07/00-11/14/00

<.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.007 <.01 <.01 <.01 11/14/00-11/21/00

<.007 <.005 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.008 <.005 <.007 11/21/00-11/28/00 DECEMBER

<.007 <.007 <.01 <.007 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 11/28/00-1 2/05/00

<.009 <.006 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.007 <.006 12/05/00-12/12/00

<.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 <.02 12/12/00-12/19/00

<.01 <.007 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.01 <.006 <.009 12/19/00-12/26/00 (a) Sample not collected. Monitor out of service due to a poweroutage.


TABLE B-2: GROSS BETA CONCENTRATIONS IN AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 1.0 E-03 pCi/m3 =-2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 Collection STATIONS Average Date SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN +/-2 Sigma JANUARY - 2000 12/28-01/04 23 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 31 +/- 2 31 +/- 2 28+/- 2 29+/- 2 29+/- 2 28+/- 2 28_+/- 5 18+/- 2 17_+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 16+/- 2 17_+/- 2 16+/- 2 17_+/- 2 01/04-01/11 15+/- 2 13_+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 13_+/- 2 13+/- 2 13_+/- 1 01/11-01/18 12+/- 2 13+/- 2 26 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 21 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 24+/- 2 24_+/- 4 01/18-01/27 21 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 19_+/-2 18_+/-2 17_+/-2 17_+/-2 13+/- 2 17_+/- 4 01/27-02/01 FEBRUARY 21 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 22_+/-2 19_+/-2 23-+/-2 25+/-2 25+/- 2 23_+/- 4 02/01-02/08 22 +/- 2 2 25 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 25+/-2 23+/-2 27-+/-2 24_+/-2 27+/- 2 25_+/- 3 02/08-02/15 24 +/-

2 17_+/-2 16+/-_2 18_+/-2 17_+/-2 19+/- 2 17_+/- 2 02/15-02/22 16 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 18 +/-

15+/- 2 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 16_+/- 2 21 +/- 2 16 +/- 5 02/22-02/29 15 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 MARCH 17 +/-2 17+/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 2 16_+/- 2 17+/- 2 17++/- 2 02/29-03/07 15 +/-2 16 +/- 2 20 +/-2 18+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 18_+/- 2 19+/- 2 18-+/- 3 03/07-03/14 18 +/-2 16 +/- 2 12 +/- 2 12 +/-2 13_+/-2 12_+/-2 11_+/-2 9.8_+/-1.5 11+/-2 12-+/-2 03/14-03/21 12 +/-2 9.5 +/- 1.4 9.6 +/- 1.4 12 +/-2 12_+/-2 11_+/-2 11_+2 11_+/-2 7.5 1.3 10-+/- 3 03/21-03/28 Qtr. Avg. 16+/-10 17+/-11 18+/-12 18+/-11 17+/-10 18+/-12 18+/-12 18 +/-13 18 +/-11

+2 s.d.

APRIL 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 14_+/- 2 15+/- 2 15_+/- 2 03/28-04/04 17 +/- 8 15 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 25_+/-2 14+/-2 16_+/-2 15_+/-2 15+/- 2 16_+/- 7 04/04-04/11 14 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 14+/- 2 10+/- 1 10+/- 1 10_+/- 1 11+/-1 11+/-3 04/11-04/18 9.3+/- 1.4 12+/- 2 13_+/- 2 6.3_+/- 1.2 6.9_+/- 1.3 6.0_+/- 1.2 6.1 +/-1.2 7.5 1.3 6 1 04/18-04/25 6.3 +/- 1.2 5.9 +/- 1.2 6.9 +/- 1.3 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 15 2 12 2 14 2 04/25-05/02 12 +/- 2 14 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 MAY 19+/- 2 17+/- 2 20+/- 2 22 2 18 2 19 3 05/02-05/09 19 +/-2 18 +/-2 19 +/-2 18+/- 2 17+/- 2 18+/- 2 17 2 15 2 17 2 05/09-05/16 17 +/-2 17 +/-2 18 +/-2 15 +/-2 15+/- 2 12+/- 2 14+/- 2 12 2 15 2 14 3 05/16-05/23 13 +/-2 12 +/-2

+/-2 15 +/-2 14_+/-2 16-+/-2 14_+/-2 29+/-4 12 2 16_+/-11 05/23-05/30 12 +/-2 12 JUNE 05/30-06/06 11 +/- 2 7.6+/- 1.3 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 (a) 13+/- 2 12_+/- 4 06/06-06/13 15 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 17 + 2 15 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 14 +/- 2 16 +/- 3 06/13-06/20 8.7+/- 1.3 10+/- 1 9.7_+/- 1.4 8.4_+/- 1.3 11 +/- 1 9.5_+/- 1.4 9.7_+/- 1.4 10+/- 1 10_+/- 2 06/20-06/27 13+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 15+/- 2 15_+/- 2 Qtr. Avg. 13+/-7 13+/-7 14+/-6 15+/-9 13+/-6 14+/-7 15+/-12 13+/-5 14+/-8

+/- 2 s.d.

(a) Sample not collected. Monitor out of service due to apower outage.


TABLE B-2: GROSS BETA CONCENTRATIONS IN AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 1.0 E-03 pCi/m3 -L2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 Collection STATIONS Average Date SS HIR BC ALL CP BASF FE NN +/--2 Sigma JULY 13+/-1 10+/-1 11+/-1 10+/-1 12+/-1 11+/-1 11 +/- 1 12+/-3 06/27-07/05 14+/- 2 15+/-3 16+/- 2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 13+/- 2 15+/- 2 071051-07111 14+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 11 +/- 1 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 10+/- 1 13+/-3 07/11-07/18 12 2 14+/- 2 14+/- 2 13+/- 2 16+/-2 17+/-2 67 +/- 3 24 +/- 35 07/18-07/25 18 +/- 2 18+/-2 17+/-2 18+/-2 17+/-2 (a) 8.1 +/- 1.3 9+/-2 07/25-08/01 9.8 1.4 9.3 +/- 1.4 11 +/- 1 8.6 +/- 1.3 8.3 +/- 1.3 9.2 +/- 1.3 AUGUST 14+/-2 16+/-2 16+/- 2 15-+/--2 08/01-08/08 14 +/- 2 16+/-2 15+/-2 15+/-2 16+/-2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 18+/- 2 14+/-4 08/08-08/15 13 +/- 2 11 +/- 2 14+/- 2 15 +/-2 14+/- 2 14+/-2 17+/-2 19+/- 2 16+/-4 08/15-08/22 16 +/- 2 16+/-2 19+/-2 16+/-2 14+/-2 20+/- 2 20+/- 2 18+/- 2 22+/- 2 19+/-3 08/22-08/29 18 +/- 2 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 17+/- 2 SEPTEMBER 8.6+/- 1.6 9.5+/- 1.7 10+/- 2 9+/-1 08/29-09/05 8.7 +/- 1.6 9.4+/- 1.6 9.1+/- 1.6 8.6+/- 1.6 9.6+/- 1.7 15+/-2 15+/- 2 15+/-3 09/05-09/12 16 +/- 2 13+/-2 18+/-2 16+/-2 14+/-2 16++/-2 14+/- 2 15+/- 2 14+/- 2 14+/-2 09/12-09/18 13 +/- 2 14+/- 2 15 +/-2 13+/- 2 14+/- 2 11+/- 1 11+/- 1 11+/-1 11+1 09/18-09/26 11 +/- 1 9.8+/- 1.3 9.7+/- 1.3 9.6+/- 1.3 11 +/-1 18+/-30 14+/-8 Qtr. Avg. 14-+/--6 14+/-6 15+/-7 14+/-6 13+/-7 14+/-6 14+/-5

+/-2 s.d.

OCTOBER 09126-10/03 12 +/- 2 13+/- 2 16+/- 2 17+/- 2 14-+/- 2 13+/- 2 13+/- 2 16+/- 2 14+/-4 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 20+/- 2 17-+/- 2 18+/-2 19+/-2 19+/-2 19+/-2 10/03-10/10 17 +/- 2 30+/- 2 34+/- 2 34 +/-2 33-+/- 2 33+/- 2 35+/- 3 34+/- 2 33+/-3 10/10-10/17 34 +/- 2 34 +/- 2 31 +/- 2 32 +/- 2 31 +/- 2 30 +/- 2 30 +/- 2 31 +/- 3 10/17-10/24 29 +/- 2 30 +/- 2 21 +/- 2 19-+/- 2 18+/-2 21+/-2 18+/-2 19+/-3 10/24-10/31 17 +/- 2 18+/- 2 19+/- 2 NOVEMBER 17+/- 2 18-+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 18+/- 2 18_+/-_3 10/31-11/07 15+/- 2 21 +/- 2 19+/- 2 21 +/- 2 19-+/- 2 19-+/-2 22-+/-2 20-+/-2 20-+/-3 11/07-11/14 20-+/- 2 19+/- 2 22+/- 2 34+/- 2 29+/- 2 30+/-2 32-+/-2 33-+/-2 32++/-_4 11/14-11/21 32-+/- 2 30+/- 2 33+/- 2 18+/- 2 18-+/- 2 17+/- 2 19+/- 2 17+/- 2 18-+/-3 11/21-11/28 16+/- 2 16+/- 2 20+/- 2 DECEMBER 22+/- 2 19+/- 2 18-+/- 2 18+/- 2 20+/- 2 19+/- 2 19-+/-3 11/28/-12105 20-+/- 2 19+/- 2 23+/- 2 22+/- 2 25+/- 2 22-+/- 2 20=+/- 2 23+/- 2 24+/- 2 23-+/-3 12/05-12/12 24 +/- 2 27-+/-2 26-+/-2 23+/-2 24+/- 2 25+/- 2 27+/- 2 25-+/-3 12/12-12/19 23 +/- 2 25-+/-2 39+/- 3 26+/- 2 35+/- 2 38+/- 3 32+/- 2 34-+/-8 12/19-12/26 34 +/- 2 35+/- 2 36+/- 3 25+/-15 22+/-12 23+/-14 24+/-15 24+/-13 23 +/-14 Quarter Avg. 23 +/-15 23-+/-"13 25+/-14

+/- 2 s.d.

18+/-13 18+/-14 17+/-11 17+/-13 18+/-14 18+/-19 17+/-13 Annual Avg. 16 +/-12 17+/-12

+/- 2 s.d.

(a) Sample not collected. Monitor out of service due to a power outage.


TABLE B-3: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN QUARTERLY AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 1.0 e-03 pCi/m3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Average Station Nuclide 12/29-03129 03128-06/27 06127-09126 +/- 2 s.d.

STA-SS Be-7 121 +/- 12 106+/- 11 88.2 +/- 13.8 101 +/-78 104 +/- 27 K-40 <5 4.0 +/- 1.8 <3 <3 Co-60 <0.3 <0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-1 34 <0.3 <0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-1 37 < 0.3 <0.2 < 0.3 <0.2 Th-228 < 0.6 < 0.5 < 0.6 <0.2 133 +/- 13 106+/- 11 103 +/- 14 93.2 +/- 7.7 109 +/- 34 STA-HIR Be-7 K-40 <5 <4 <5 <4 Co-60 < 0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.2 Cs-1 34 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 <0.2 Cs-1 37 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 <0.2 Th-228 < 0.6 < 0.4 < 0.4 <0.2 130 +/- 13 112+/- 11 104 +/- 15 98.0 +/- 7.9 111 +/-28 STA-BC Be-7 K-40 <8 <5 <4 <5

<0.3 <0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Co-60 Cs-1 34 <0.3 <0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-1 37 <0.3 < 0.2 < 0.4 <0.2 Th-228 < 0.4 < 0.3 < 0.6 <0.4 137 +/- 14 81.3 +/- 10.6 92.3 +/-15 99.6 +/- 8.0 103 +/- 48 STA-ALL Be-7 K-40 <10 <8 < 0.4 <4 Co-60 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-1 34 < 0.4 < 0.4 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-1 37 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Th-228 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.6 <0.3 146 +/- 15 110+/- 11 76.4 +/- 21.4 93.9 +/- 8.3 107 +/- 59 STA-CP Be-7

<5 <8 <3 <4 K-40 Co-60 < 0.2 <0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-1 34 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.4 <0.2

< 0.2 < 0.3 <0.3 <0.2 Cs-137 Th-228 < 0.5 < 0.4 < 0.6 <0.4

  • All gamma emitters otherthan those listed were <LLD.


TABLE B-3: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN QUARTERLY AIR PARTICULATES Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 1.0 e-03 pCi/m3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Average Station Nuclide 12/29-03129 03128-06/27 06/27-09/26 +/- 2 s.d.

STA-BASF Be-7 126 +/- 13 86.7 +/- 8.8 105 12 93.4 +/- 7.1 103 +/- 34 4.12 +/- 2.30 <10 3.24 1.24 <3 3.7 +/- 1.2 K-40 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.2 <0.2 Cs-I 34 < 0.3 < 0.4 < 0.3 <0.2 Cs-1 37 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.3 <0.2 Th-228 < 0.4 < 0.5 < 0.5 <0.3 125+/- 12 120 +/- 12 95.1 +/- 19.1 105 +/-87 111 +/-27 STA-FE Be-7

<6 <10 <4 <4 K-40 Co-60 <0.3 <0.3 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.4 < 0.4 <0.3

< 0.3 < 0.4 < 0.4 <0.2 Cs-I 37

< 0.6 < 0.5 <0.7 <0.4 Th-228 130 +/- 13 105+/- 11 98.5 +/- 12.2 98.2 +/- 8.0 108 +/- 30 STA-NN Be-7

<6 16.1 +/- 3.1 2.7 +/- 1.3 <4 7.9 +/- 14.7 K-40 Co-60 < 0.4 < 0.3 0.57 +/- 0.08 <0.2 Cs-i 34 < 0.4 < 0.3 < 0.4 <0.3 Cs-I 37 < 0.3 < 0.3 5.3 +/- 0.24 <0.2 Th-228 < 0.6 < 0.4 < 0.4 <0.4

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-4: GAMMA EMITTER* AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WATER Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/l =L2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 Collection Station Date Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228 H-3 SD 01/27 < 30 66.4 +/-24.0 <0.2 <4 < 20 <7 <5 < 200

< 100 < 0.2 <5 < 20 <5 <7 < 200 SW 01/27 < 40

< 30 < 50 < 0.2 <4 <10 <4 <6 SD 02/29

< 20 < 50 < 0.2 <3 <8 <4 <6 SW 02/29

< 30 < 100 < 0.2 <4 < 20 <6 <6 SD 03/28 03/28 < 40 < 100 <0.2 <5 < 20 <7 <8 SW SD 04/25 < 20 < 30 <0.3 <2 < 20 <10 <3 < 200 SW 04/25 < 20 < 40 < 0.3 <2 < 30 <10 <3 < 200 SD 05/30 < 20 < 50 <0.3 <2 < 20 <9 <3 SW 05130 < 30 < 70 < 0.3 <2 < 30 <10 <4 06/27 < 40 26.8 +/- 12.8 < 0.5 <2 < 400 (a) < 100 (a) <3 SD 06/27 < 40 74.2 +/- 13.9 < 0.4 <2 < 300 (a) < 100 (a) <3 SW SD 07/25 < 30 < 100 < 0.2 <4 < 20 <6 <6 < 200

< 90 < 0.2 <4 < 20 <9 <6 < 200 SW 07/25 < 40 SD 08/29 < 22 85.1+/-24.4 < 0.5 <3 <10 <14 <5

< 106 < 0.4 <6 < 30 <8 <10 SW 08/29 < 50 60.6 +/-21.2 < 0.3 <3 < 20 <8 <5 SD 09/26 < 30

< 40 41.4+/-21.2 <0.3 <4 < 20 <9 <6 SW 09/26 SD 10/31 < 30 88.0 17.0 <1 <4 <8 <9 <7 < 200

< 30 <60 < 1 <3 <8 <9 < 30 < 200 SW 10/31

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-4: GAMMA EMITTER* AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WATER Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/1 4 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 Collection Station Date Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228 H-3 SD 11/28 < 40 220 +/- 74 < 0.5 <4 < 30 <4 < 700 93.8 +/- 41 < 0.5 <4 <9 <5 < 300 SW 11/28 < 20 SD 12/19 < 84 < 90 <1 <6 "<290(a) < 100(a) <9 SW 12/19 <110 < 130 <1 <8 "<360(a) < 130(a) 24.7 +/- 9.5 Average + 91.2 +/- 134 2 s.d.

(a) Equipment failure caused delay in counting sample, LLD not met.

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-5: GAMMA EMITTER*AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN WELL WATER Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/b=L2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Collection Date Station Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Th-228 H-3 FIRST QUARTER 03/21 HIR < 20 < 40 < 0.2 <3 <10 <4 <5 < 100 03/21 SS < 30 < 40 < 0.2 <3 <10 <6 <6 < 100 SECOND QUARTER 06/20 HIR < 30 < 80 < 0.3 <3 < 20 <9 <5 < 200 06/20 SS < 30 < 60 < 0.3 <3 < 20 <8 <5 < 200 THIRD QUARTER 09/19 HIR < 40 < 70 < 0.3 <4 < 30 <9 <6 < 100 09/19 SS < 30 < 50 < 0.4 <3 < 20 <10 <6 < 100

__ FOURTH QUARTER 12/19 HIR (a) 12/19 SS (a)

  • All gamma emitters otherthan those listed were <LLD.

(a) Data reports not received from TBE 63

TABLE B-6: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN SILT Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (dry) + 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station SD CHIC SD CHIC Average Coll. Date 03123 03123 09118 09118 + 2 s.d.

Be-7 < 400 < 300 < 437 < 408 K-40 14700 +/-1500 10700 +/- 1100 5130 +/-171 4840 +/- 163 8840 +/-9490 Mn-54 < 40 < 30 < 11 <10 Co-58 < 40 < 30 < 33 < 30 Co-60 < 60 < 30 <6 <6 Cs-134 < 50 < 40 <10 <10 Cs-137 303 +/-45 228 +/-34 97 +/- 5 77 +/- 4 176 +/-216 Ra-226 1850 +/-730 1410 +/-450 712 +/-63 770 +/-65 1190 +/-1090 Th-228 1010 +/-100 818 +/-82 386 +/-426 399 +/-440 650 +/-620 TABLE B-7: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN SHORELINE SEDIMENT Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (dry) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station HIR CHIC HIR CHIC Average Coll. Date 02122 02122 08122 08122 +/- 2 s.d.

Be-7 < 200 < 200 (a) (a) (a) 4310 +/- 430 7580 +/- 557 3000 +/- 287 5733 +/- 4930 K-40 8040 +/- 800

< 20 < 23 <16 Co-60 < 20

< 20 <19 <15 Cs-134 < 20

< 20 < 26 <18 Cs-1 37 < 30

< 400 (a) (a) (a)

Ra-226 716 +/- 344 159 +/- 25 101 +/- 17 160 +/- 90 Th-228 200 +/- 33 182 +/- 22 (a) Gamma library of sub-contractordid not include these nuclides.

  • All gamma emitters otherthan those listed were <LLD.


TABLE B-8: GAMMA EMITTER* STRONTIUM-89, AND STRONTIUM-90 CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/i =-2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 COLONIAL Average NUCLIDE EPPS PARKWAY PIVARIK +/- 2 s.d.

JANUARY Sr-89 <2 <4 <5 Sr-90 0.69 +/- 0.32 1.6 +/- 0.4 1.9 +/- 0.6 1.4 +/- 1.3 K-40 1330 +/- 130 1420 +/- 140 1470 +/- 150 1407 +/- 142 Cs-1 37 <4 <4 <4 1-131 < 0.2 <0.2 < 0.2 FEBRUARY K-40 1370 +/-140 1270 +/- 130 1320 +/- 130 1320 +/- 100 Cs-137 <3 <3 <4 1-131 < 0.2 <0.3 < 0.3 MARCH 1360 +/-140 1480 +/- 150 1210+/- 120 1350 +/- 271 K-40 Cs-1 37 <4 <4 <4 1-131 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 APRIL Sr-89 <2 <3 <2 Sr-90 0.54 +/- 0.23 1.9+/-0.2 1.4 +/- 0.2 1.3 +/- 1.4 K-40 1320 +/- 130 1340 +/- 130 1220 +/- 120 1293 +/- 129 Cs-1 37 <4 <3 <4 1-131 < 0.2 <0.6 < 0.2 MAY K-40 1370 +/- 140 1470 +/- 150 1190 +/- 120 1343 +/- 284 Cs-1 37 <4 <3 <4 1-131 < 0.5 <0.2 < 0.6 JUNE 1190 +/- 120 1490 +/- 150 1210 +/- 120 1297 +/- 335 K-40 Cs-1 37 <4 <4 <4 1-131 < 0.3 <0.3 <0.3

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-8: GAMMA EMITTER* STRONTIUM-89, AND STRONTIUM-90 CONCENTRATIONS IN MILK Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/1 12 Sigma Page 2 of 2 COLONIAL Average NUCLIDE EPPS (c) PARKWAY (c) PIVARIK (c) +/- 2 s.d.

JULY K-40 1370 +/- 140 1420 +/- 140 1250 +/-120 1347 +/- 175 Cs-137 <3 <4 <4 1-131 < 0.3 < 0.2 <0.2 AUGUST K-40 1320 +/- 130 1500 +/- 150 1110+/- 110 1310 +/- 390

<5 <4 <4 Cs-1 37 1-131 <0.3 < 0.2 <0.4 SEPTEMBER K-40 1300 +/- 69 (a) 1520 +/- 93 1410 +/- 310 Cs-1 37 <3 (a) <4 1-131 <0.3 (a) <0.4 OCTOBER K-40 (a) 1360 +/- 60 1290 +/- 120 1325 +/- 99 Cs-1 37 (a) <4 <4 1-131 (a) < 0.3 <0.4 NOVEMBER K-40 1350 +/- 70 1400 +/- 100 1200 +/-90 1317 +/- 208 Cs-1 37 <3 <3 <5 1-131 < 4 (b) <1 <0.9 DECEMBER K-40 1290 +/- 189 1490 +/- 110 1330 +/- 166 1370 +/- 212 Cs-1 37 < 19 (b) <2 <14 1-131 < 0.8 < 0.4 <0.7 (a) Sample was lost.

(b) Due to delay in counting sample, LLD was not met.

(c) No Sr-89 and Sr-90 analysisreports for Id and 4" quartersreceived from TBE.

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-9: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN CLAMS Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (wet) 4 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station Date Type Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 CHIC 03/23/00 Clams < 100 169+/- 86 <10 <10 <10 < 200 < 20 267 77 <9 <9 <10 < 300 < 20 09/18/00 Clams < 90 SD 03/17/00 (a) 05/30/00 Clams < 200 734 +/- 142 <10 < 20 <10 < 300 < 30 340 +/- 84 <10 <10 <10 < 300 < 20 09/18/00 Clams < 100 HIP 03123/00 Clams < 200 552 +/- 130 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 300 < 20

< 20 < 20 < 20 < 400 < 30 09/18/00 Clams < 200 2860 +/- 293 LAWNES 03/23/00 Clams < 100 367 +/- 84 <10 < 10 <10 < 200 < 20

<10 < 10 <10 < 200 < 20 09/18/00 Clams < 100 287 +/- 93 Average +/- 2 s.d. 697 +/- 1784 The 05/30 sample (a) Sample was lost.other was obtained to replace the lost sample.

  • All gamma emitters than those listed were <LLD.


TABLE B-JO: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN OYSTERS Surny Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (wet) :E 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station DATE TYPE Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 POs 03/23/00 Oysters < 100 410 +/- 94 < 10 <10 < 10 < 300 < 20 09/18/00 Oysters < 100 173++/- 100 < 10 <10 < 10 < 300 < 20 MUL 03/23/00 Oysters < 100 214 +/- 95 <10 <10 <10 < 200 < 20 Oysters < 100 358 +/- 94 <10 <10 <10 < 200 < 20 09/18/00 Average 12 s.d. 289 +/- 227

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-11: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN CRABS Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (wet) A 2 Sigma Page 1 of I Station Date Type Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 SD 06/28/00 Crabs < 100 1790 +/- 180 < 20 < 20 < 20 < 200 < 20

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-12 GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN FISH Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of I Collection Sample Date Station Type K-40 Co-58 Cs-134 Cs-137 SD Catfish 1320 +/- 200 < 30 < 20 < 20 04/25/00 Catfish 1430 +/- 102 <10 <6 <7 10/12/00 SD White Perch 11500 +/- 1100 < 40 < 30 40.1 +/- 15.2 04/25/00 SD White Perch 1490 +/- 149 <18 <11 <13 10/13/00 SD Average +/- 2 s.d. 3935 +/- 10088

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-13: GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN VEGETATION Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 pCi/kg (wet) +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Sample Collection Station Type Date Be-7 K-40 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Brock's Corn 10/24/00 < 90 3260 +/- 159 < 370 (a) < 6 <6 Brock's Peanuts 10/24/00 < 186 5800 +/- 306 < 580 (a) < 14 < 13 Slade's Soybeans 11/28/00 < 61 12700 +/- 420 <15 <6 <7 Average +/- 2 s.d. 7250 +/- 9770 (a) Due to delay in counting sample, LLD was not met.

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were < LLD.


TABLE B-14. DIRECT RADIATION MEASUREMENTS - QUARTERLY TLD RESULTS SET1 Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 mR/month - 2 Sigma - Set 1 - 099 Page 1 of 1 Station First Second Third Fourth Average Number Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter +/- 2 s.d.

02 5.0+/-0.5 5.7+/-0.3 5.5+/-0.9 6.0+/-0.1 5.6+/-0.8 03 5.3+/-0.8 6.1 +/-1.0 5.3+/-0.4 6.4+/-0.4 5.8+/- 1.1 04 5.9+/-0.5 5.7+/-0.4 4.5+/-0.8 5.9+/-0.1 5.5+/-1.3 05 4.3+/-1.2 6.0+/-0.7 4.0+/-0.6 6.0+/-1.1 5.1 +/-2.2 06 4.6+/-0.7 5.6+/-0.6 4.8+/-0.9 6.1 +/-1.1 5.3+/- 1.4 07 4.4+/-0.2 5.3+/-0.5 4.0+/-0.4 5.3+/-0.1 4.8+/-1.3 08 4.4+/-0.1 5.3+/-0.6 4.1 +/-0.3 4.9+/-0.6 4.7+/- 1.1 09 4.2+/-0.2 5.3+/-0.8 3.8+/-0.5 4.9+/-0.5 4.7+/-1.4 10 4.0+/-0.1 5.0+/-0.5 3.9+/-0.4 4.5+/-0.6 4.5+/-1.0 11 4.0+/-0.8 5.0+/-0.6 3.8+/-1.2 4.7+/-0.4 4.4+/-1.1 12 4.5+/-0.3 5.2+/-0.2 4.5+/-0.8 5.2+/-0.2 4.9+/-0.8 13 4.4 +/-0.5 5.1 +/-0.6 4.3+/-0.4 5.3+/-0.5 4.8+/- 1.0 14 4.7+/-0.4 5.6+/-0.2 4.4+/-0.7 5.4+/-0.3 5.0+/-1.1 15 3.7+/-0.3 4.6+/-0.4 2.8+/-0.7 4.6+/-0.1 3.9+/-1.7 16 4.0+/-0.4 4.9+/-0.4 4.0+/-0.4 4.9+/-0.5 4.5+/-1.0 17 3.5+/-0.3 4.4+/-0.7 3.6+/-0.5 4.4+/-0.7 4.0+/-1.0 18 3.1 +/-0.4 3.7+/-0.7 2.7+/-0.7 3.7+/-0.1 3.3+/-1.0 19 3.9+/-0.2 4.2+/-0.4 3.1 +/-0.6 4.6+/-0.5 4.0+/-1.3 20 3.6+/-0.5 4.5 +/-0.9 3.8 +/-0.2 4.4 +/-0.3 4.1 +/-0.9 21 3.7+/-0.3 4.6+/-0.4 3.1 +/-0.3 4.4+/-0.9 4.0+/-1.4 22 3.3+/-0.3 4.0+/-1.2 2.8+/-0.3 4.0+/-0.8 3.5+/-1.2 23 4.2+/-0.4 5.1 +/-0.4 4.2+/-0.7 5.3 +/-0.3 4.7+/- 1.2 24 3.9+/-0.3 4.9+/-0.4 3.6+/-0.2 4.7+/-0.3 4.3+/-1.2 25 4.5+/-0.1 5.1 +/-0.2 3.3+/-1.0 5.3+/-0.4 4.6+/-1.8 26 3.9+/-0.4 5.0+/-0.4 3.8+/-0.4 4.4+/-0.5 4.3+/-1.1 27 3.8+/-0.3 4.3+/-0.4 3.6+/-0.7 4.6+/-0.6 4.1 +/-0.9 28 3.8+/-0.5 4.7+/-0.3 3.6+/-0.5 4.5+/-0.5 4.2+/-1.1 29 3.0+/-0.2 4.3+/-1.0 3.3+/-0.8 3.8+/-0.2 3.6+/-1.1 30 3.2+/-0.3 4.2+/-0.6 3.7+/-1.0 4.3+/-0.2 3.9+/-1.0 31 2.8+/-0.3 3.9+/-0.1 3.3+/-0.3 3.6+/-0.1 3.4+/-0.9 32 3.4+/-0.5 4.2+/-0.3 3.9+/-0.4 4.1 +/-0.2 3.9+/-0.7 33 3.8+/-0.6 4.8+/-0.4 6.3+/-2.6 4.6+/-0.3 4.9+/-2.1 34 4.4+/-0.5 5.6+/- 1.8 4.5+/-0.3 5.1 +/-0.3 4.9+/- 1.1 35 4.5+/-0.3 5.5+/-0.3 5.4+/-0.5 5.6+/-0.4 5.3+/-1.0 36 4.3+/-0.3 6.2+/-0.9 5.2+/-0.5 5.3+/-0.6 5.3+/-1.6 37 3.9+/-1.2 4.8+/-0.8 3.9+/-0.4 4.5+/-0.2 4.3+/-0.9 38 6.9+/-1.1 7.0+/-0.2 5.5+/-0.7 6.7+/-0.4 6.5+/-1.4 39 3.9+/-0.3 4.8+/-0.1 3.9+/-0.6 4.4+/-0.5 4.3+/-0.9 40 4.4+/-0.7 5.2+/-0.2 4.3+/-0.3 4.7+/-0.6 4.7+/-0.8 41 5.3+/-0.7 6.8+/-0.6 5.6+/-1.1 6.3+/-0.3 6.0+/-1.4 42 3.9+/-0.2 4.6+/-0.3 3.9+/-0.6 4.6+/-0.3 4.3+/-0.8 43 3.9+/-0.2 4.7+/-0.2 3.9+/-0.5 4.2+/-0.2 4.2+/-0.8 Average 4.1+/-1.5 5.0+/-1.5 4.1+/-1.6 4.9+/-1.5 4.5+/-1.7



TABLE B-1S: DIRECT RADIATION MEASUREMENTS - QUARTERLY TLD RESULTS SET2 Surry Nuclear Power Station, Surry County, Virginia - 2000 mR/month = 2 Sigma - Set 2 - 099 Page 1 of 1 Station First Second Third Fourth Average Number Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter +/- 2 s.d.

02 5.7+/-0.2 6.5+/-0.6 4.7+/-0.4 6.9+/-0.4 6.0+/-1.9 03 5.9+/-1.0 6.6+/-0.9 4.8+/-0.9 6.7+/-0.6 6.0+/-1.8 04 6.7+/-1.2 5.7+/-0.6 4.6+/-0.9 5.7+/-0.3 5.7+/-1.7 05 5.2+/-0.8 5.8+/-0.3 4.5+/-0.9 6.0+/-1.1 5.4+/-1.4 06 5.2+/-0.4 5.9+/-0.5 4.7+/-0.3 6.1 +/-0.3 5.5+/- 1.3 07 4.8+/-0.4 5.8+/-0.4 4.5+/-0.1 5.3+/-0.3 5.1 +/-1.1 08 4.4+/-0.1 5.3+/-0.4 4.0+/-0.6 5.5+/-0.8 4.8+/-1.4 09 4.8+/-0.1 5.6+/-0.2 4.5+/-0.7 5.5+/-0.5 5.1 +/-1.1 10 4.5+/-0.2 5.2+/-0.7 4.3+/-0.5 5.0+/-0.5 4.8+/-0.8 11 4.5+/-0.2 5.4+/-0.3 4.3+/-1.3 5.3+/-0.6 4.9+/-1.1 12 4.9+/-0.2 5.7+/-0.2 4.4 +/-0.6 5.3+/-0.4 5.1 +/-1.1 13 4.7+/-0.9 5.8+/-0.3 5.0+/-0.6 5.4+/-0.6 5.2+/-1.0 14 5.1 +/-0.2 6.2+/-0.2 4.7+/-0.7 5.7+/-0.2 5.4+/- 1.3 15 4.4 +/-0.4 5.1 +/-0.4 3.9+/-0.4 5.1 +/-1.0 4.6+/- 1.2 16 4.7+/-0.2 5.3+/-0.5 4.3+/-0.5 5.3+/-0.3 4.9+/-1.0 17 3.9+/-0.3 4.9+/-0.1 3.9+/-0.5 4.2+/-0.3 4.2+/-0.9 18 3.4 +/-0.6 4.2 +/-0.3 3.1 +/-0.4 3.8 +/-0.4 3.6+/- 1.0 19 4.1 +/-0.5 5.0 +/-0.1 3.6 +/-0.5 4.9 +/-0.1 4.4+/-1.3 20 4.1 +/- 0.1 4.7 +/- 0.7 3.7 +/- 0.7 4.5 +/- 0.3 4.3 +/- 0.9 21 3.9+/-0.7 5.1 +/-0.3 4.1 +/-0.5 5.1 +/-0.8 4.6+/- 1.3 22 4.1 +/-0.4 4.5 +/-0.6 3.6+/- 1.0 4.2 +/-0.2 4.1 +/-0.7 23 4.7+/-0.3 5.7+/-0.3 2.0+/-2.0 6.0+/-0.7 4.6+/-3.6 24 4.3+/-0.2 5.0+/-0.3 1.9+/-1.6 4.6+/-0.7 4.0+/-2.8 25 4.5+/-0.3 5.6+/-0.5 0.0+/-0.9 5.1 +/-0.9 3.8+/-5.1 26 4.2+/-0.4 5.0+/-0.5 0.7+/-1.4 4.7+/-0.1 3.7+/-4.0 27 4.3+/-0.2 5.1 +/-0.6 -0.1 +/-1.6 4.8+/-0.8 3.5 +/-4.9 28 4.0 +/- 0.4 4.9 +/- 0.8 4.2 +/- 0.2 4.1 +/- 0.5 4.3 +/- 0.8 29 3.7+/-0.2 4.4+/-0.1 2.9+/-1.0 3.9+/-0.6 3.7+/-1.2 30 3.9+/-0.1 4.9+/-0.5 4.6+/-1.0 4.0+/-0.5 4.4+/-1.0 31 3.5+/-0.4 4.6+/-0.7 2.8+/-0.9 3.5+/-0.3 3.6+/-1.5 32 3.9+/-0.5 4.8+/-0.3 3.4+/-0.4 4.1 +/-0.2 4.1 +/-1.2 33 4.6+/-0.3 5.4+/-0.3 4.2+/-0.1 4.4+/-0.5 4.7+/-1.0 34 4.8+/-0.2 6.1 +/-0.6 4.4+/- 1.0 4.8+/-0.4 5.0+/- 1.5 35 4.8+/-0.5 5.9+/-0.3 5.2+/-1.3 5.3+/-0.6 5.3+/-0.9 36 5.7+/-0.3 6.1 +/-0.6 5.2+/-0.5 5.6+/-0.5 5.7+/-0.7 37 4.6+/-0.1 5.3+/-0.4 4.4+/-0.2 4.6+/-0.3 4.7+/-0.8 38 6.9+/-0.7 7.5+/-0.4 6.4+/-0.5 7.1 +/-0.6 7.0+/-0.9 39 4.6+/-0.2 5.2+/-0.3 4.2+/-0.4 4.3+/-0.6 4.6+/-0.9 40 4.7+/- 1.2 5.9+/-0.3 5.0+/-0.6 5.1 +/-0.9 5.2+/- 1.0 41 5.4+/-0.8 7.0+/-0.5 6.0+/-0.6 6.2+/-0.5 6.2+/-1.3 42 4.4 +/- 0.2 5.0 +/- 0.5 4.5 +/- 0.5 4.1 +/- 0.2 4.5 +/- 0.7 43 3.6+/-0.3 5.1 +/-0.2 4.1 +/-0.5 4.1 +/-0.2 4.2+/- 1.3 Average 4.6+/-1.5 5.4+/-1.4 3.9+/-2.7 5.0+/-1.7 4.8+/-2.2





Surry NuclearPowerStation, Surry County, Virginia January I to December 31, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Nearest Nearest Nearest Nearest Sector1 Direction Resident Gardent cow Goat A N 4.12@ 8 (a) (a) (a)

B NNE 1.90 @ 340 1.90 @ 340 (a) (a)

C NE 4.60 @ 340 4.91 @ 560 (a) (a)

D ENE (a) 4.91 @ 560 (a) (a)

E E (a) (a) (a) (a)

F ESE (a) (a) (a) (a)

G SE (a) (a) (a) (a)

H SSE 4.75 @ 152° 5.00 @ 1600 (a) (a)

J S 1.69 @ 1820 2.05 @ 1830 (a) (a)

K SSW 1.87 @ 193° 4.26 @ 1950 4.84 @ 2010 (a)

L SW 2.28 @ 2220 3.65 @ 2240 (a) (a)

M WSW 2.82 @ 2430 4.02 @ 2490 (a) (a)

N W 3.15 @ 2600 4.14 @ 2690 (a) (a)

P WNW 4.79 @ 2810 (a) (a) (a)

Q NW 4.84 @ 3190 (a) (a) (a)

R NNW 3.73 @ 3390 4.39 @ 3340 3.65 @ 337- (a)

  • Locations shown by statute miles and degree heading relative to true north from radium center.
    • Area greaterthan 50 m2 , containing broad leaf vegetation.

(a) None 75


SYNOPSIS OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Appendix D is a synopsis of the analytical procedures performed on samples collected for the Surry Power Station's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. All analyses have been mutually agreed upon by Surry Power Station and Teledyne Brown Engineering and include those recommended by the USNRC Branch Technical Position, Rev. 1, November 1979.

ANALYSIS TITLE PAGE Determination of Gross Beta Activity in Water Samples ...................................................... 78 Gross Beta Analysis of Samples ............................................................................................ 79 Air Particulates ................................................................................................................. 79 Analysis of Samples for Tritium (Liquid Scintillation) .......................................................... 80 Analysis of Samples for Strontium-89 and -90 ...................................................................... 81 W ater ................................................................................................................................ 81 M ilk .................................................................................................................................. 81 Soil and Sediment ........................................................................................................ 81 Organic Solids .................................................................................................................. 82 Air Particulates ................................................................................................................. 82 Analysis of Samples for Iodine- 131 ....................................................................................... 84 M ilk or W ater ................................................................................................................... 84 Gamm a Spectrometry of Samples .......................................................................................... 85 M ilk and W ater ................................................................................................................ 85 Dried Solids Other Than Soils and Sediment ............................................................ 85 Fish ................................................................................................................................... 85 Soils and Sediments ................................................................................................... 85 Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine) ................................................................................. 85 Air Particulates ................................................................................................................. 86 Environm ental Dosimetry ........................................................................................................ 87 77

DETERMINATION OF GROSS BETA ACTIVITY IN WATER SAMPLES Introduction The procedures described in this section are used to measure the overall radioactivity of water samples without identifying the radioactive species present. No chemical separation techniques are involved.

One liter of the sample is evaporated on a hot plate. A smaller volume may be used if the sample has a significant salt content as measured by a conductivity meter. If requested by the customer, the sample is filtered through No. 54 filter paper before evaporation, removing particles greater than 30 microns in size.

After evaporating to a small volume in a beaker, the sample is rinsed into a 2-inch diameter stainless steel planchette, which is stamped with a concentric ring pattern to distribute residue evenly. Final evaporation to dryness takes place under heat lamps.

Residue mass is determined by weighing the planchette before and after mounting the sample. The planchette is counted for beta activity on an automatic proportional counter.

Results are calculated using empirical self-absorption curves that allow for the change in effective counting efficiency caused by the residue mass.

Detection Capability Detection capability depends upon the sample volume actually represented on the planchette, the background and the efficiency of the counting instrument, and upon self absorption of beta particles by the mounted sample. Because the radioactive species are not identified, no decay corrections are made and the reported activity refers to the counting time.

The minimum detectable level (MDL) for water samples is nominally 1.6 picoCuries per liter for gross beta at the 4.66 sigma level (1.0 pCi/l at the 2.83 sigma level), assuming that 1 liter of sample is used and that /2 gram of sample residue is mounted on the planchette. These figures are based upon a counting time of 50 minutes and upon representative values of counting efficiency and background of 0.2 and 1.2 cpm, respectively.

The MDL becomes significantly lower as the mount weight decreases because of reduced self-absorption. At a zero mount weight, the 4.66 sigma MDL for gross beta is 0.9 picoCuries per liter. These values reflect a beta counting efficiency of 0.38.


GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Air Particulates After a delay of 5 or more days, allowing for the radon-222 and radon-220 (thoron) daughter products to decay, the filters are counted in a gas-flow proportional counter. An unused air particulate filter, supplied by the customer, is counted as the blank.

Calculations of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD):

RESULT (pCi/m 3 ) = ((S/T) - (B/t))/(2.22 V E)

TWO SIGMA ERROR (pCi/m 3 ) = 2((S/T 2 ) + (B/t 2 ))1 / 2 /(2.22 V E)

LLD (pCi/m 3 ) = 4.66 (B1/2)/(2.22 V E t) where:

S = Gross counts of sample including blank B = Counts of blank E = Counting efficiency T = Number of minutes sample was counted t = Number of minutes blank was counted V = Sample aliquot size (cubic meters) 79


Water Ten milliliters of water are mixed with 10 ml of a liquid scintillation "cocktail" and then the mixture is counted in an automatic liquid scintillator.

Calculation of the results, the two sigma error and the lower limit detection (LLD):

RESULT (N-B)/(2.22 V E)

TWO SIGMA ERROR 2((N + B)/.t)1/ 2 / (2.22 V E)

LLD (pCi/1) 4.66 (B/,Pt)1/ 2 /(2.22 V E )

where: N - the gross cpm of the sample B = the background of the detector in cpm 2.22 = conversion factor changing dpm to pCi V = volume of the sample in ml E = efficiency of the detector et = counting time for the sample 80

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR STRONTIUM-89 AND -90 Water Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the volume is reduced by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03)2 using nitric acid. A barium scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are performed followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 day period for yttrium in-growth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrCO3 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.

Milk Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the sample is first evaporated, then ashed in a muffle furnace. The ash is dissolved and strontium is precipitated as phosphate, then is dissolved and precipitated as SrN03 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium in-growth.

Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.

Soil and Sediment The sample is first dried under heat lamps and an aliquot is taken. Stable strontium carrier is added and the sample is leached in hydrochloric acid. The mixture is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03)2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium in-growth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 81

activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.

Organic Solids A wet portion of the sample is dried and then ashed in a muffle furnace. Stable strontium carrier is added and the ash is leached in hydrochloric acid. The sample is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03) using fuming (90%) nitric acid. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 days period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.

Air Particulates Stable strontium carrier is added to the sample and it is leached in nitric acid to bring deposits into solution. The mixture is then filtered and the filtrate is reduced in volume by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(N03)2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium scavenge is used to remove some interfering species. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a 7 to 10 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate.

The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrC03 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting.

Calculations of the results, two sigma errors and lower limits of detection (LLD) are expressed in activity of pCi/volume or pCi/mass:

RESULT Sr-89 = (N/Dt-Bc-BA)/(2.22 V YS DFSR-89 ESR-89)

TWO SIGMA ERROR Sr-89 = 2((N/Dt+Bc+BA)/.t) 1/2 /(2.22 V YS DFSR- 89 ESR-89)

LLD Sr-89 = 4.66((BC+BA)/ot) 1/ 2 /(2.22 V YS DFSR_89 ESR.89)

RESULT Sr-90 = (N/It - B)/(2.22 V Y1 Y2 DF IF E) 82

TWO SIGMA ERROR Sr-90 = 2((N/ot+B)/et) 1/2/(2.22 V Y 1 Y 2 DF E IF))

LLD Sr-90 = 4.66(B/It)l/2/(2.22 V Y 1 Y 2 IF DF E)

WHERE: N = total counts from sample (counts) et = counting time for sample (min)

Bc = background rate of counter (cpm) using absorber configuration 2.22 = dpm/pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed BA = background addition from Sr-90 and ingrowth of Y-90 BA = 0.016 (K) + (K) Ey/abs) (IGy.90)

Ys = chemical yield of strontium DF SR-89 = decay factor from the mid collection date to the counting date for SR-89 ESR-89 = efficiency of the counter for SR-89 with the 80 mg/cm.sq.

aluminum absorber K = (NAt - Bc)y_ 9 0 /(Ey.90 IFy.90 DFy_9 0 Y1 )

DFy_9 0) = the decay factor for Y-90 from the "milk" time to the mid count time Ey- 9 0 - efficiency of the counter for Y-90 IFy. 90 = ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge time to milking time IGy_90 = the ingrowth factor for Y-90 into the strontium mount from the "milk" time to the mid count time 0.016 = the efficiency of measuring SR-90 through a No. 6 absorber EY/abs = the efficiency of counting Y-90 through a No. 6 absorber B = background rate of counter (cpm)

Y1 = chemical yield of yttrium Y2 = chemical yield of strontium DF = decay factor of yttrium from the radiochemical milking time to the mid count time E = efficiency of the counter for Y-90 IF = ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge time to the radio chemical milking time 83

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR IODINE-131 Milk or Water Two liters of sample are first equilibrated with stable iodide carrier. A batch treatment with anion exchange resin is used to remove iodine from the sample. The iodine is then stripped from the resin with sodium hypochlorite solution, is reduced with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and is extracted into carbon tetrachloride as free iodine. It is then back-extracted as iodide into sodium bisulfite solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The sodium bisulfite solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The precipitate is weighed for chemical yield and is mounted on a nylon planchette for low level beta counting. The chemical yield is corrected by measuring the stable iodide content of the milk or the water with a specific ion electrode.

Calculations of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD):

RESULT = (N/.t-B)/(2.22 E V Y DF)

TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2((N/.t+B)/ot) 1 / 2 /(2.22 E V Y DF)

LLD (pCi/1) = = 4.66(B/*t)l/ 2 /(2.22 E V Y DF) where: N = total counts from sample (counts) et = counting time for sample (min)

B = background rate of counter (cpm) 2.22 = dpm/pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed Y = chemical yield of the mount or sample counted DF = decay factor from the collection to the counting date E = efficiency of the counter for I- 131, corrected for self absorption effects by the formula E = Es(exp-0.0061M)/(exp-0.0061 Ms)

Es = efficiency of the counter determined from an 1-131 standard mount Ms = mass of PDI 2 on the standard mount, mg M = mass of PDI2 on the sample mount, mg 84

GAMMA SPECTROMETRY OF SAMPLES Milk and Water A 1.0-liter Marinelli beaker is filled with a representative aliquot of the sample. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system that performs pulse height analysis.

Dried Solids Other Than Soils and Sediments A large quantity of the sample is dried at a low temperature, less than 1000 C. As much as possible (up to the total sample) is loaded into a tared 1.0-liter Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system that performs pulse height analysis.

Fish As much as possible (up to the total sample) of the edible portion of the sample is loaded into a tarred Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system that performs pulse height analysis.

Soils and Sediments 0

Soils and sediments are dried at a low temperature, less than 100 C. The soil or sediment is loaded fully into a tared, standard 300 cc container and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system that performs pulse height and analysis.

Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine)

Charcoal cartridges are counted up to five at a time, with one positioned on the face of a Ge(Li) detector and up to four on the side of the Ge(Li) detector. Each Ge(Li) detector is calibrated for both positions. The detection limit for iodine- 131 of each charcoal cartridge can be determined (assuming no positive iodine-131) uniquely from the volume of air which passed through it. In the event iodine-131 is observed in the initial counting of a set, each charcoal cartridge is then counted separately, positioned on the face of the detector.


Air Particulates The thirteen airborne particulate filters for a quarterly composite for each field station are aligned one in front of another and then counted for at least six hours with a shielded Ge(Li) detector coupled to a mini-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis.

A mini-computer software program defines peaks by certain changes in the slope of the spectrum. The program also compares the energy of each peak with a library of peaks for isotope identification and then performs the radioactivity calculation using the appropriate fractional gamma ray abundance, half life, detector efficiency, and net counts in the peak region.

The calculation of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/volume of pCi/mass:

RESULT = (S-B)/(2.22 t E V F DF)

TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2(S+B) 1/ 2 /(2.22 t E V F DF)

LLD = 4.66(B) 1 / 2 /(2.22 t E V F DF) where: S = Area, in counts, of sample peak and background (region of spectrum of interest)

B = Background area, in counts, under sample peak, determined by a linear interpolation of the representative backgrounds on either side of the peak t = length of time in minutes the sample was counted 2.22 = dpm/pCi E = detector efficiency for energy of interest and geometry of sample V = sample aliquot size (liters, cubic meters, kilograms, or grams)

F = fractional gamma abundance (specific for each emitted gamma)

DF = decay factor from the mid-collection date to the counting date 86

ENVIRONMENTAL DOSIMETRY Teledyne Brown Engineering uses a CaS04:Dy thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD),

which the company manufactures. This material has a high light output, negligible thermally induced signal loss (fading), and negligible self-dosing. The energy response curve (as well as all other features) satisfies NRC Reg. Guide 4.13. Transit doses are accounted for by use of separate TLDs.

Following the field exposure period, the TLDs are placed in a Teledyne Brown Engineering Model 8300. One fourth of the rectangular TLD is heated at a time, and the measured light emission (luminescence) is recorded. The TLD is then annealed and exposed to a known cesium-137 dose. Each area is then read again. This provides a calibration of each area of each TLD after every field use. The transit controls are read in the same manner.

Calculations of results and the two sigma error in net milliRoentgen (mR):

RESULT = D = (Dl+D2 +D 3 +D4)/4 2

TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2((D 1 -D)2+(D 2 -D) 2 +(D 3 -D)2 +(D4 -D) )/3)l/2 WHERE: D1 = the net mR of area 1 of the TLD, and similarly for D2 , D3 , and D4 Dl = I1 KR 1 - A 1 = the instrument reading of the field dose in area 1 K = the known exposure by the Cs-137 source R1 = the instrument reading due to the Cs-137 dose on area 1 A = average dose in mR, calculated in similar manner as above, of the transit control TLDs D = the average net mR of all 4 areas of the TLD.



INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the approved authority for laboratory providers participating in Interlaboratory Study Programs. At this time, there are no approved laboratories for environmental and/or radiological isotopic analyses. Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) participates in the Analytics, Inc. and Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) interlaboratory comparison programs to the fullest extent possible for all radioactive isotopes prepared and at the maximum frequency of availability. Trending graphs are provided in this section when there were two or more data points to plot.

Exceptions 2000 During 2000, several Interlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) analyses were not performed as required by the ODCM. These omissions were identified in the audit EVL# 254T

01. Omitted analyses all occurred during the second half of 2000 while TBE facilities were in transition to the new Knoxville, TN facility and include the following.
  • Water analysis for gamma
  • Water analysis for iodine- 131
  • Water analysis for strontium-89
  • Air particulate filters for gross beta
  • Air particulate filters for strontium-90 To prevent recurrence, Dominion has initiated internal commitment tracking by Radiological Protection Department to verify status and compliance by TBE on a quarterly basis.

TBE has initiated modifications to management of the ICP. These modifications include the designation of a single point of contact to ensure that all the required samples are ordered, received and reported in a timely fashion. It is apparent, from the 2000 exceptions to the ICP, that after the TBE relocation to the new Knoxville, TN facility, inadequate information was given to new personnel regarding client specific ICP requirements. Newly assigned project managers have been tasked with reviewing their assigned contracts and ODCMs to ensure compliance for the 2001 ICP. TBE is confident that problems with omitted analyses will not be an issue in 2001.


ANALYTICS CROSS CHECK COMPARISON PROGRAM YEAR 2000 Teledyne Brown Analytics Sample Date Media Nuclide Engineering Result (a) Result (b) Ratio (c) 03/20/00 Milk 1-131 18 +/- 1 20 +/- 1 0.90 Cr-51 381 +/- 38 387 +/- 19 0.98 Cs-134 132 +/- 13 143 +/- 7 0.92 Cs-137 128 +/- 13 114+/- 6 1.12 Co-58 89+/- 9 79 +/- 4 1.13 Mn-54 195 +/- 20 176 +/- 9 1.11 Fe-59 161 +/- 16 144 +/- 7 1.12 Zn-65 171 +/- 17 165 +/- 8 1.04 Co-60 179 +/- 18 176 +/- 9 1.02 03/20/00 Milk Sr-89 13+/- 3 25 +/- 1 0.52 (d)

Sr-90 16+/- 1 19+/- 1 0.84 06/19/00 Air Filter Ce- 141 143 +/- 8 132 +/- 7 1.08 Cr-51 229 +/- 17 198 +/- 10 1.16 Cs-134 74 +/- 4 81 +/- 4 0.91 Cs-137 143 +/- 8 115 +/- 6 1.24 (e)

Co-58 89+/- 5 77 +/- 4 1.16 Mn-54 102 +/- 6 84 +/- 4 1.21 (e)

Fe-59 98 +/- 6 75 +/- 4 1.31 (e)

Zn-65 188+/- 11 139+/- 7 1.35 (e)

Co-60 113+/- 7 104 +/- 5 1.09 06/19/00 Cartridge 1-131 106 +/- 6 88+/- 4 1.20 06/19/00 Air Filter Sr-90 88+/- 5 96+/- 5 0.92 06/19/00 Air Filter Gross Alpha 103 +/- 6 93+/- 5 1.11 Gross Beta 210+/- 6 193+/- 10 1.09 09/18/00 1-131 97 +/- 10 87 +/- 4 1.11 Milk Ce-141 83 +/- 8 77 +/- 4 1.08 Cr-51 323 +/- 40 304 +/- 15 1.06 Cs-134 98 +/- 10 102 +/- 5 0.96 Cs-137 117+/- 12 107 +/- 5 1.09 Co-58 64 +/- 6 60:+/- 3 1.07 Mn-54 99 +/- 10 88 +/- 4 1.13 Fe-59 132 +/- 13 119 +/- 6 1.11 Zn-65 218 +/- 22 196 +/- 10 1.11 Co-60 209 +/- 21 197+/- 10 1.06 A iifootnotesfor this chartappearon the next page.



Teledyne Brown Analytics Sample Date Media Nuclide Engineering Result (a) Result (b) Ratio (c) 09/18/00 Milk Sr-89 14+/- 1 15+/- 1 0.93 Sr-90 18+/- 1 14+/- 1 1.29 (e)

Milk Sr-89 77 +/- 8 90 +/- 5 0.86 09/18/00 Sr-90 58+/- 1 59+/- 3 0.98 09/18/00 Milk 1-131 83 +/- 8 84+/- 4 0.99 Ce-141 470 +/- 47 460 +/- 23 1.02 Cr-51 266 +/- 35 256+/- 13 1.04 Cs-134 150 +/- 15 150+/- 8 1.00 Cs-137 155 +/- 15 138+/- 7 1.12 Co-58 53 +/- 5 47+/- 2 1.12 Mn-54 191 +/- 19 171 +/- 9 1.12 Fe-59 115 +/- 12 99+/- 5 1.16 Zn-65 237 +/- 24 208 +/- 10 1.14 Co-60 133 +/- 13 125 +/- 6 1.06 09/18/00 Milk Fe-55 140 +/- 60 99 +/- 5 1.41 (e)

Sr-89 65 +/- 7 74 +/- 4 0.88 Sr-90 35 +/- 1 37+/- 2 0.90 Air Filter Ce-141 90 +/- 9 110+/- 6 0.82 09/18/00 Cr-51 92 +/- 25 133 +/- 7 0.69 (e)

Cs-134 48+/- 5 74 +/- 4 0.64 (e)

Cs-137 107 +/- 11 126 +/- 6 0.85 Co58 27 +/- 4 34 +/- 2 0.80 Mn-54 42 +/- 4 52 +/- 3 0.80 Fe-59 24+/- 8 31+/- 2 0.77 (e)

Zn-65 65 +/- 9 77 +/- 4 0.84 Co-60 112+/- 11 142 +/- 7 0.79 (e)

(a) Average +/-1 sigma.

(b) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameterpresent in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/orvolumetric measurements made duringstandardpreparation.

(c) The ratio of TBE to Analytics results. Ratio control limits equal 0.80-1.20.

(d) Caused by incorrect rinsing of the strontium extraction column. Additional training was conducted and was documented in the analyst's trainingfile. Subsequent tests on two milk samples spiked with Sr-89 produced correct results.

(e) For Westwood, NJ results outside control limits, an investigation was not instituted. After the relocation to Knoxville, TN7,it has been determined that the vast majority of outlying results were caused by analyst error or equipmentfailure. These possibilities were eliminated by the relocation.





PROFICIENCY TESTING (PT) PROGRAM YEAR 2000 ERA Expected Known TBE Dev. Known Control Warning Value Result (b) (c) Limits (d) Limits (e) Performance DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/I)(a) (pCi/l) (pCi/l) (pCill) (pCi/l) Evaluation (t)

Gr-A 58.4 83.6 14.6 33.3-83.5 41.5-75.3 NA (g) 2/10/00 Gr-B 16.8 15.4 5.00 38.1-25.5 3.1-22.6 A 2/10/00 U(NAT) 6.07 5.77 3.00 0.870-11.3 2.61-9.53 A 2/24/00 Ra-226 8.26 7.20 1.24 6.11-10.4 6.83-9.69 A 2/24/00 Ra-228 2.25 2.37 0.56 1.28-3.22 1.60-2.90 A 2/24/00 Gr-A 25.4 14.0 6.35 14.5-36.3 11.6-29.0 NA (g) 2/24/00 Gr-B 42.1 34.0 5.00 33.4-50.8 36.3-47.9 CE (g) 2/24/00 Ba-133 98.2 91.7 9.82 81.5-115 86.9-110 A 2/25/00 Co-60 99.6 101 5.00 90.9-108 93.8-105 A 2/25/00 Cs-134 49.2 48.0 5.00 40.5-57.9 43.3-55.0 A 2/25/00 209 76.3 10.4 191-227 197-221 NA (g) 2/25/00 Cs-137 Sr-89 16.4 15.7 5.00 7.70-25.1 10.6-22.2 A 2/26/00 28.9 29.0 5.00 20.2-37.6 23.1-34.7 A 2/26/00 Sr-90 64.4 68.3 5.00 55.7-73.1 58.6-70.2 A 2/26/00 Co-60 12.3 12.0 5.00 3.60-21.1 6.53-18.1 A 2/26/00 Cs-134 72.2 76.3 5.00 63.5-80.9 66.4-78.0 A 2/26/00 Cs-137 23800 22300 12380 21100-26500 21000-26500 A 3/01/00 H-3

  • All ERA samples are water.

(a) The ERA Known Value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made duringstandardpreparation.

(b) Average +/- I sigma.

(c) Establishedper the guidelines contained in the EPA 's National Standardsfor Water Proficiency Testing CriteriaDocument, December 1998, as applicable.

(d) Establishedper the guidelines contained in the EPA 's National Standardsfor Water ProficiencyTesting CriteriaDocument, December 1998, as applicable.

(e) Establishedper the guidelines contained in the EPA 'sNationalStandardsfor Water ProficiencyTesting CriteriaDocument, December 1998, as applicable.

69 A = Acceptable. Reported Resultfalls within the WarningLimits.

NA = Not Acceptable. Reported Resultfalls outside of the Control Limits.

CE = Checkfor Error. Reported Resultfalls within the Control Limits and outside ofthe Warning Limit.

(g) For Westwood, NJ results outside control limits, an investigation was not instituted. After the relocation to Knoxville, TN, it has been determinedthat the vast majority of outlying results were caused by analysterroror equipmentfailure. These possibilities were eliminated by the relocation.




PROFICIENCY TESTING (PT) PROGRAM YEAR 2000 ERA Expected Known TBE Dev. Known Control Warning Value Result (b) (c) Limits (d) Limits (e) Performance DATE NUCLIDE (pCi/l)(a) (pCi/l) (pCi/l) (pCi/l) (pCi/i) Evaluation (f) 5/18/00 Sr-89 22.5 18.3 5.00 13.8-31.2 16.7-28.3 A 5/18/00 Sr-90 9.6 8.33 5.00 0.9-18.3 3.83-15.4 A 5/23/00 1-131 19.9 2.03 3.00 14.7-25.1 16.4-23.4 NA (g) 9/1/00 Ra-226 13.0 9.70 1.15 7.41-18.6 9.25-16.8 A 9/1/00 U (NAT) 63.4 57.0 4.44 52.6-74.2 56.1-70.7 A 9/1/00 Ra-228 2.83 2.99 6.34 2.21-3.77 2.47-3.51 A 9/1/00 Ra-228 13.0 10.0 3.25 7.41-16.8 9.25-16.8 A 9/1/00 Sr-90 26.2 28.6 1.40 17.5-34.9 20.4-32.0 A 9/1/00 Gr-A 7.17 6.90 1.11 1.12-15.9 1.40-12.9 A 9/1/00 Gr-B 87.5 88.8 9.76 70.2-105 76.0-99.0 A 9/1/00 H-3 8320 8740 174 6910-9730 7360-9280 A

  • All ERA samples are water.

(a) The ERA Known Value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made duringstandardpreparation.

(b) Average +/- I sigma.

(c) Establishedper the guidelines containedin the EPA 's NationalStandardsfor Water Proficiency Testing CriteriaDocument, December 1998, as applicable.

(d) Establishedper the guidelines containedin the EPA 's NationalStandardsfor Water Proficiency Testing CriteriaDocument, December 1998, as applicable.

(e) Establishedper the guidelines containedin the EPA's NationalStandardsfor Water Proficiency Testing CriteriaDocument.

December 1998, as applicable.

(0 A = Acceptable. ReportedResultfalls within the Warning Limits.

NA = Not Acceptable. Reported Resultfalls outside ofthe ControlLimits.

CE = Checkfor Error. Reported Resultfalls within the ControlLimits and outside of the Warning Limit.

(g) For Westwood, NJ resultsoutside control limits, an investigation was not instituted. After the relocation to Knoxville, TN, it has been determined that the vast majority of outlying results were caused by analyst erroror equipmentfailure. These possibilities were eliminated by the relocation.


1-131 IN MILK 120 100 80 d 60 1 40 20 6 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-00 Apr-01

.o TBE

  • Analyticsl Ce-141 IN MILK 800 700 S 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-O0 Apr-01

    • TBE mAnalytics]

Cr-51 IN MILK 1200 1000 800 600 400 a 200

  • II 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-00 Apr-0l

  • TBE UAnalytics

Cs-134 IN MILK 300 200 a

100 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-oo Apr-Ol Cs-137 IN MILK 200 150 100 50 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-oo Apr-Ol F*-TBE w Analytics]

Mn-54 IN MILK 200 150 100 Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 OGt-00 Apr-Ol 70 TBE 0 Analytics]

Fe-59 IN MILK 200 150 a 100 50 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-00 Apr-01 F* TBE

  • Analytics]

Zn-65 IN MILK 250 200 100 50 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-00 Apr-01

[* TBE m Analytics Co-60 IN MILK 250 200 150 100 50 0

Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Aug-99 Mar-00 Oct-00 Apr-01

  • TBE
  • Analytics CýIt

Sr-90 IN MILK 50 40 30 20 10 0

Jul-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dý99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Oct-00 Jan-01 7* TBE m AnalVtics]

C- I lr_ý'ý

I Ce-141 IN FILTERS 600 500 4 00 . .. .... . . - - ---

300 ___________

200 a 100 0

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00

    1. TBE mAnalytics Cr-51 IN FILTERS 900 800 700 600 500 400 . ............. ..

300 200 t 100 0

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 F# TBE a Analytics Cs-134 IN FILTERS 200 150 5 100 p 50 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 F# TBE a Analytics

Cs-137 IN FILTERS 450 300 150 0

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00

[* TBE

  • AnalyticsI Mn-54 IN FILTERS 160 120 4 80 p 40 0

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00

[* TBE

  • Analytics]

Fe-59 IN FILTERS 200 150 100 50 p U 0,

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 F* TBE

  • Analytics Ct]1

Zn-65 IN FILTERS 250 200 -4 150 100 p 50 0

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-GO F* TBE a Analytics Co-60 IN FILTERS 250 200 p 150 100 50 0

Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 F* TBE a Analytics c<,/2

GROSS ALPHA INWATER 90 75 60 45 U 30 ' U 15 0

08/28199 10/17/99 12/06199 01125100 03/15/00 05/04/00 06r23100 08112/00 10/01/00 U

  • TBE HERA GROSS BETA IN WATER 100 80 60 40 20 0

07/09/99 08/28199 10/17/99 12/06/99 01/25/00 03/15/00 05/04100 06/23/00 08/12/00 10/01100

  • -TBE
  • ERA U (NAT) INWATER 80 60 U 40 20 0

07/09/99 08/28/99 10/17/99 12/06/99 01/25/00 03115/00 05104/00 06/23100 08/12100 10101100 IoTBEmR dM7

I R226 IN WATER 14 12 U 10 8

41 2

0 07/09199 08/28/99 10/17/99 12106/99 01/25/00 03/15100 05/04100 06/23/00 08/12/00 10101100

  • TBE mERA Ra-228 INWATER 14 12 -__

10 6*

44 4J 3 2 0 0

07/09/99 08/28/99 10117199 12/06/99 01/25100 03/15/00 05/04/00 06/23/00 08112/00 10/01/00 Co-60 IN WATER 120 100 S 80 ..... ..

60 a 40 20 0

02124/00 02/25/00 02/25/00 02125100 02/25/00 02125/00 02/26/00 02/26/00 F*TBE mERA]

I Cs-134 IN WATER 60 50 I 40 30 20 10 0

021.'?4/00 02/25/00 02125100 02/25/00 02125/00 02/25/00 02/26/00 02/26/00

  • TBE mERA]

Cs-137 INWATER 250 200 5 150 100 4 a 50 0

02/24/00 02/25/00 02/25/00 02/26/00 02/25100 02125/00 02126100 02/26100 e.TBE m H-3 IN WATER 30000 25000 20000 15000 p 10000 5000 07(1/6/90/5000/60 0

07/009199 08/28/99 10117/99 12/06199 01/25/00 03/15/00 1TBE mERA]


Sr-89 IN WATER 30 I U 25 20 15 10 5

0 07/(09/99 08/28199 10/17/99 12/06/99 01125100 03/15/00 05/04100 06/23/00 F*TBE mERA]

Sr-90 INWATER 50 40 W 30 I 20 -

10 0

07109199 08/28199 10/17199 12106199 01/25/00 03115/00 05/04100 06/23/00 08/12100 10/01/00 eoTBE mERA]