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{{#Wiki_filter:V , -' I-* ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *GAMMA SPECTRUM ANALYSIS* OCGS OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Detector Name: DET01 Report Generated On Spectral Data File Name\2000077.CNF Sample Title Sample Description User ID Sample Type Sample Geometry: 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM: C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\ILSOLMDA s-co 4 1-L Solid Releas: soil n of cst 3''nc226 20 1-L Marinelli Peak Locate Threshold Peak Locate Range (in channels)Peak Area Range (in channels).Identification Energy Tolerance Sample Size Sample Taken On Acquisition Started Decay Time Live Time Real Time Dead Time 3.00 1 -4096 100 -4096 1.000 keV 1547.00 grams 4/25/09 3:45:47 AM 4/25/09 3:50:49 AM 5.04E+000 Minutes 1327.0 Seconds 1327.7 Seconds 0.05 %Energy Calibration Used Done On Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 1/8/09 1/8/09 Page Background Subtract Report 2 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM B***** B AC K GR OU ND S UB TR A CT R EP OR T Detector Name: DET01 Sample Title: I-L Solid Releas Peak Analysis Performed on: 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Peak Energy Subtracted No. (keV)Uncert.1 238.65 1.60E+001 2 351.65 1.01E+001 3 582.61 7.15E+000 4 609.11 7.67E+000 5 661.01 7.07E+000 6 1172.79 8.92E+000 7 -1332.21 7.89E+000 Original Orig. Area Area Uncert.Ambient Backgr.Background Uncert.7. 99E+001 3 .61E+001 3. 19E+001 2 .77E+001 1. 83E+001 6 .73E+001 5. 25E+001 15.97 10. 11 7.15 7.67 7.07 8.92 7.89 Subtracted Area 7.99E+001 3.61E+001 3.19E+001 2.77E+001 1.83E+001 6.73E+001 5.25E+001 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma Nuclide MDA Report 3 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page N U C L I D E M D A R E P 0 R T**WW Detector Name: Sample Geometry: Sample Title: DETO0 I-L Marinelli 1-L Solid Releas Nuclide Library Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\AnSolMDA.NLB Activity (uCi/gram]
{{#Wiki_filter:V , -' I-* *-
Nuclide Name CS-134 8. 59E-009 2. 42E-008 1. 70E-008 1.19E-008 3.21E-008 2. 06E-007+ CS-137 6. 98E-008 Energy (keV)563.23 569.32 604.70 795 .84 801.93 1365.15 661.65*Yield%)8.38 15.43 97.60 85.40 8.73 3.04 85.12 Line MDA (uCi/gram)
GAMMA         SPECTRUM                       ANALYSIS
: 7. 44E-007 3. 42E-007 8. 85E-008 9. 63E-008 9 99E-007 1. 91E-006 1. IOE-007 Nuclide MDA (uCi/gram) 8.85E-008 1.10E-007+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
* OCGS OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING             STATION CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Detector Name                           : DET01 Report Generated On                     : 4/25/09             4:07:58 AM Spectral Data File Name                  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\ILSOLMDA
* = Energy line found in the spectrum>= MDA value not calculated
              \2000077.CNF s-co         4 Sample Title                                1-L Solid Releas Sample Description                      : soil n of cst 3''
@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction Interference Corrected Activity Report 4 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page*** N U C L I D E"**IDENTIFICATION REPORT*Sample Title: I-L Solid Releas Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\AnSolMDA.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Name Confidence (keV)CO-60 0.979 1173.22*1332.49*CS-137 0.937 661.65*BI-211 0.583 351.10*404.80 PB-212 0.709 87.20 89.80 238.63*300.09 BI-214 0.657 609.31*934.06 1764.49 Yield (%)100.00 100.00 85. 12 12.20 4.10 6.30 1.75 44. 60 3 .41 46.30 3.21 15.80 Activity (uCi/gram)
User ID                                    nc226 Sample Type                                20 Sample Geometry                            1-L Marinelli Peak Locate Threshold                         3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels)                   1 -        4096 Peak Area Range (in channels)                 100    -      4096
: 3. 68E-007 3.21E-007 6. 98E-008 5. 07E-007 2.11E-007 1.79E-007 Activity Uncertainty 4.92E-008 4.87E-008 2.70E-008 1.43E-007 4.24E-008 4.98E-008* = Energy line found in the spectrum.@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance
              .Identification Energy Tolerance                 1.000 keV Sample Size                                      1547.00         grams Sample Taken On                            4/25/09           3:45:47 AM Acquisition Started                        4/25/09           3:50:49 AM Decay Time                                    5.04E+000 Minutes Live Time                                        1327.0 Seconds Real Time                                        1327.7 Seconds Dead Time                                                0.05 %
: 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma Interference Corrected Activity Report 5 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T Nuclide Nuclide Id Name Confidence CO-60 CS-137 BI-211 PB-212 BI-214 0.979 0.937 0.583 0.709 0.657 Wt mean Activity (uCi/gram)
Energy Calibration Used Done On                           1/8/09 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On                       1/8/09
: 3. 44E-007 6.,98E-008
: 5. 07E-007 2. 11E-007 1.79E-007 Wt mean Activity Uncertainty 3.46E-008 2.70E-008 1.43E-007 4.24E-008 4.98E-008 Total Activity 1.31E-006? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma* U N I D E N T I F I E D P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on: 4/25/09 Peak Locate From Channel: 100 Peak Locate To Channel: 4096 4:07:58 AM Peak Energy No. (keY)3 582.61 M = First peak in a m = Other peak in a F = Fitted singlet Peak Size in Peak CPS Counts per Second % Uncertainty 2 .40E-002 22.44 multiplet region multiplet region Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma}}
Background Subtract Report                     4/25/09     4:07:58 AM         Page 2
    ****       B AC K GR OU ND           S UB TR A CT       R EP OR T Detector Name:     DET01 Sample
I-L Solid Releas Peak Analysis Performed on:       4/25/09   4:07:58 AM Peak Energy     Original Orig. Area  Ambient    Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV)         Area      Uncert. Background  Uncert.      Area Uncert.
1     238.65   7. 99E+001    15.97                            7.99E+001 1.60E+001 2     351.65   3 .61E+001    10. 11                          3.61E+001 1.01E+001 3     582.61   3. 19E+001      7.15                            3.19E+001 7.15E+000 4     609.11   2 .77E+001      7.67                            2.77E+001 7.67E+000 5    661.01  1. 83E+001     7.07                            1.83E+001 7.07E+000 6    1172.79  6 . 73E+001     8.92                           6.73E+001 8.92E+000 7 -1332.21    5. 25E+001     7.89                            5.25E+001 7.89E+000 M = First   peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at       1.000 sigma
Nuclide MDA Report                                 4/25/09     4:07:58 AM     Page 3
N U C L I     D E     M D A     R E P 0 R T
**WW Detector Name:               DETO0 Sample Geometry:           I-L Marinelli Sample
1-L Solid Releas Nuclide Library Used:       C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\AnSolMDA.NLB Nuclide      Energy        Yield        Line MDA      Nuclide MDA Activity Name          (keV)          %)        (uCi/gram)      (uCi/gram)
CS-134         563.23        8.38      7. 44E-007      8.85E-008
: 8. 59E-009 569.32        15.43      3. 42E-007
: 2. 42E-008 604.70       97.60     8. 85E-008
: 1. 70E-008 795 . 84      85.40      9. 63E-008 1.19E-008 801.93        8.73      9 99E-007 3.21E-008 1365.15          3.04      1. 91E-006
: 2. 06E-007
    +      CS-137        661.65*      85.12      1. IOE-007       1.10E-007
: 6. 98E-008
        + = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification
        * = Energy line found in the spectrum
        >=   MDA value not calculated
        @ = Half-life   too short to be able to perform the decay correction
Interference Corrected Activity Report             4/25/09 4:07:58 AM   Page 4
  "**  *** N U C L I D E     IDENTIFICATION                 REPORT Sample
I-L Solid Releas Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\AnSolMDA.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide     Id       Energy     Yield    Activity    Activity Name     Confidence   (keV)       (%)    (uCi/gram)  Uncertainty CO-60     0.979   1173.22*     100.00  3. 68E-007    4.92E-008 1332.49*     100.00  3.21E-007    4.87E-008 CS-137     0.937     661.65*     85. 12 6. 98E-008    2.70E-008 BI-211     0.583     351.10*     12.20  5. 07E-007    1.43E-007 404.80       4.10 PB-212     0.709     87.20       6.30 89.80       1.75 238.63*     44. 60 2.11E-007    4.24E-008 300.09       3 .41 BI-214     0.657     609.31*     46.30 1.79E-007     4.98E-008 934.06        3.21 1764.49      15.80
          * = Energy line found in the spectrum.
          @ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance :       1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold       0.30 Errors quoted at   1.000 sigma
Interference Corrected Activity Report           4/25/09   4:07:58 AM Page 5
I N T E R F E R E N C E       C O R R E C T E D   R E P O R T Nuclide         Wt mean        Wt mean Nuclide         Id           Activity      Activity Name       Confidence       (uCi/gram)    Uncertainty CO-60         0.979     3. 44E-007       3.46E-008 CS-137        0.937      6.,98E-008       2.70E-008 BI-211        0.583      5. 07E-007       1.43E-007 PB-212        0.709      2. 11E-007       4.24E-008 BI-214        0.657      1.79E-007         4.98E-008 Total Activity             1.31E-006
        ? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis
        @ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at   1.000 sigma
* U N I D E N T I   F I E D   P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on:     4/25/09   4:07:58 AM Peak Locate From Channel:       100 Peak Locate To Channel:       4096 Peak     Energy             Peak Size in          Peak CPS No.     (keY)         Counts per Second      % Uncertainty 3   582.61               2 .40E-002            22.44 M = First   peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in   a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at   1.000 sigma}}

Latest revision as of 22:06, 11 March 2020

Gamma Spectrum Analysis Oyster Creek
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 04/25/2009
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Information Services
Download: ML102000461 (5)


V , -' I-* *-


  • OCGS OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Detector Name  : DET01 Report Generated On  : 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Spectral Data File Name  : C:\PCNT2K\CAMFILES\ILSOLMDA

\2000077.CNF s-co 4 Sample Title 1-L Solid Releas Sample Description  : soil n of cst 3

User ID nc226 Sample Type 20 Sample Geometry 1-L Marinelli Peak Locate Threshold 3.00 Peak Locate Range (in channels) 1 - 4096 Peak Area Range (in channels) 100 - 4096

.Identification Energy Tolerance 1.000 keV Sample Size 1547.00 grams Sample Taken On 4/25/09 3:45:47 AM Acquisition Started 4/25/09 3:50:49 AM Decay Time 5.04E+000 Minutes Live Time 1327.0 Seconds Real Time 1327.7 Seconds Dead Time 0.05 %

Energy Calibration Used Done On 1/8/09 Efficiency Calibration Used Done On 1/8/09

Background Subtract Report 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page 2


        • B AC K GR OU ND S UB TR A CT R EP OR T Detector Name: DET01 Sample


I-L Solid Releas Peak Analysis Performed on: 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Peak Energy Original Orig. Area Ambient Backgr. Subtracted Subtracted No. (keV) Area Uncert. Background Uncert. Area Uncert.

1 238.65 7. 99E+001 15.97 7.99E+001 1.60E+001 2 351.65 3 .61E+001 10. 11 3.61E+001 1.01E+001 3 582.61 3. 19E+001 7.15 3.19E+001 7.15E+000 4 609.11 2 .77E+001 7.67 2.77E+001 7.67E+000 5 661.01 1. 83E+001 7.07 1.83E+001 7.07E+000 6 1172.79 6 . 73E+001 8.92 6.73E+001 8.92E+000 7 -1332.21 5. 25E+001 7.89 5.25E+001 7.89E+000 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma

Nuclide MDA Report 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page 3

N U C L I D E M D A R E P 0 R T

    • WW Detector Name: DETO0 Sample Geometry: I-L Marinelli Sample


1-L Solid Releas Nuclide Library Used: C: \GENIE2K\CAMFILES\AnSolMDA.NLB Nuclide Energy Yield Line MDA Nuclide MDA Activity Name (keV)  %) (uCi/gram) (uCi/gram)


CS-134 563.23 8.38 7. 44E-007 8.85E-008

8. 59E-009 569.32 15.43 3. 42E-007
2. 42E-008 604.70 97.60 8. 85E-008
1. 70E-008 795 . 84 85.40 9. 63E-008 1.19E-008 801.93 8.73 9 99E-007 3.21E-008 1365.15 3.04 1. 91E-006
2. 06E-007

+ CS-137 661.65* 85.12 1. IOE-007 1.10E-007

6. 98E-008

+ = Nuclide identified during the nuclide identification

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum

>= MDA value not calculated

@ = Half-life too short to be able to perform the decay correction

Interference Corrected Activity Report 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page 4



I-L Solid Releas Nuclide Library Used: C:\GENIE2K\CAMFILES\AnSolMDA.NLB IDENTIFIED NUCLIDES Nuclide Id Energy Yield Activity Activity Name Confidence (keV) (%) (uCi/gram) Uncertainty CO-60 0.979 1173.22* 100.00 3. 68E-007 4.92E-008 1332.49* 100.00 3.21E-007 4.87E-008 CS-137 0.937 661.65* 85. 12 6. 98E-008 2.70E-008 BI-211 0.583 351.10* 12.20 5. 07E-007 1.43E-007 404.80 4.10 PB-212 0.709 87.20 6.30 89.80 1.75 238.63* 44. 60 2.11E-007 4.24E-008 300.09 3 .41 BI-214 0.657 609.31* 46.30 1.79E-007 4.98E-008 934.06 3.21 1764.49 15.80

  • = Energy line found in the spectrum.

@ = Energy line not used for Weighted Mean Activity Energy Tolerance : 1.000 keV Nuclide confidence index threshold 0.30 Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma

Interference Corrected Activity Report 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Page 5

I N T E R F E R E N C E C O R R E C T E D R E P O R T Nuclide Wt mean Wt mean Nuclide Id Activity Activity Name Confidence (uCi/gram) Uncertainty CO-60 0.979 3. 44E-007 3.46E-008 CS-137 0.937 6.,98E-008 2.70E-008 BI-211 0.583 5. 07E-007 1.43E-007 PB-212 0.709 2. 11E-007 4.24E-008 BI-214 0.657 1.79E-007 4.98E-008 Total Activity 1.31E-006

? = nuclide is part of an undetermined solution X = nuclide rejected by the interference analysis

@ = nuclide contains energy lines not used in Weighted Mean Activity Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma

  • U N I D E N T I F I E D P E A K S Peak Locate Performed on: 4/25/09 4:07:58 AM Peak Locate From Channel: 100 Peak Locate To Channel: 4096 Peak Energy Peak Size in Peak CPS No. (keY) Counts per Second  % Uncertainty 3 582.61 2 .40E-002 22.44 M = First peak in a multiplet region m = Other peak in a multiplet region F = Fitted singlet Errors quoted at 1.000 sigma