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| issue date = 12/15/1983
| issue date = 12/15/1983
| title = Application to Amend Licenses DPR-58 & DPR-74,consisting of Proposed Administrative Changes to Tech Specs
| title = Application to Amend Licenses DPR-58 & DPR-74,consisting of Proposed Administrative Changes to Tech Specs
| author name = ALEXICH M P
| author name = Alexich M
| addressee name = DENTON H R
| addressee name = Denton H
| docket = 05000315, 05000316
| docket = 05000315, 05000316
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{{#Wiki_filter:r-.-.""'EGUlATOINFORMATION DISTRIBUTiON TEM(RIDS)ACCESSION NBR;8312200494 DOC~DATE::83/12/15NOTARIZED; f30DOCKETFACIL:503i5DonaldCeCookNuclearPower,Plant<
{{#Wiki_filter:r- .-."     "       'EGUlATO          INFORMATION DISTRIBUTiON               TEM   (RIDS)
'Un)'t1iIndiana80500031550~316DonaldC,CookNuclearPowerPlantiUnit2iIndiana805000316AUTH~NAf1E,AUTHORAFFILIATION ALEXICHiM,PE Indiana8MichiganElectricCo,RECIPNAI1ERECIPIENT.
ACCESSION NBR; 8312200494               DOC ~ DATE:: 83/12/15      NOTARIZED; f30            DOCKET FACIL:50 3i5 Donald Ce Cook Nuclear Power,Plant< 'Un)'t 1i Indiana                          8 05000315 50~316 Donald C, Cook Nuclear Power Planti Unit 2i Indiana                        8 05000316 AUTH ~ NAf1E,           AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXICHiM,PE           Indiana    8  Michigan    Electric    Co, REC  IP NAI1E          RECIPIENT. AFFILIATION DENTONiH ~ RE          Office of Nuclear Reactor Regvlationi Director SUBJECTs      Application;to amend. Licenses OPR 58 8 DPR 74iconsisting, of proposed administrative changes to Tech Specs.
AFFILIATION DENTONiH~REOfficeofNuclearReactorRegvlationi DirectorSUBJECTsApplication;to amend.LicensesOPR588DPR74iconsisting, ofproposedadministrative changestoTechSpecs.DI'STRIBUTI NCODE$A001S"COPIESRECEIVEDgLTR.''ENCISIZEe.TITLE:ORSubmittal':GeneralDistributionNOTES;RECIPIENT IOCODE/NAME NRROR81BC01.-COPIESL.TTRENCL"77"RECIPIENT IDCODE/NAME-
DI'STRIBUTI     N CODE $ A 00 1 S  "COP  IES RECEIVED g LTR    . ''ENCI        SIZE e.
TITLE:     OR  Submi ttal': General Distr ibution NOTES; RECIPIENT           -COPIES              "RECIPIENT              ~COPIES IO CODE/NAME           L.TTR ENCL          ID CODE/NAME-           LTiTR ENCL NRR OR81  BC    01.     "7        7 INTERNAL! ElO/HDS3                        1      0      NRR/DE/MTEB                       1 NRR/DL DIR                        1      NRR/Dl/ORA8                       0 NRR/DS    ETB                    1      NRR/OS  I/RAB                    1 ILE        04 EXTERNAL! ACRS                  09 1
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ACRSNRC,PDRNTIS04090210111166111NRR/DE/MTEB NRR/Dl/ORA8 NRR/OSI/RABRGN3I.P.ORNSIC0305'=1011121TOTALNUMBEROFCOPIESREQUIRED''TTR 26ENCL24 1~)tUUlff'<<1<<>1!hi',C<<'I'I}BCUU~>><<U<<C<<rI!<<,f,fIWllIC>i'<<CUWWPUIIvI":<<<<f<<Wo~~U~Wll<<lrI>>',~'<<'}>W<<,',ll'IU}I>I<<UWI+'ll<<)CW,lI~<<U'i>vCI>'C<<<U>iCCWlWCf<<>>'I'<<<<g>t'>>U<<<<IIIU'ljI<<g~U~~fla<<}}.Il<<C>f'IIIC'I~C,JIjI<<~<<)<')Ill'Ilif11fU<<<<,t>IW't<<I
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)'lIv'I''IJ,)IT,I>l'>1>>ti)I,)IfJfVi)IIf<<<<10<<Ulit>,>>>'i'll.1'IlI<<Ut>till1i<<II~'a1U lNDlANA8MICHlGANELECTRICCOMPANYP.O.BOX1663ICOLUMBUS, OHIO43216December15,1983AEP:NRC:0790 DonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNos.1and2DocketNos.50-315and50-316LicenseNos.DPR-58andDPR-74TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGEREQUESTSMr.HaroldR.Denton,DirectorOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555
03 1
2 1
NRC,PDR          02        1      1      NSIC                        1 NTIS                        1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES          REQUIRED''TTR          26    ENCL    24

t f
ThisletteranditsAttachments requestchangestotheTechnical Specifications andtheOperating LicensesfortheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitsNos.1and2.Theserequestshavebeenpreviously discussed withmembersofyourstaff,andarebeingmadetoeithersimplifyorclarifythelicenses.
1    ~
Attachment Nos.1and2tothisletteraddresstheproposedchangestothelicensesandthereasonsforthechangesforUnitNos.1and2,respectively.
                                                                                )      U          U                                      lf 1
Attachment Nos.3and4tothislettercontaintherevisedTechnical Specification (T/S)pages.Allofthechangesareindicated byverticalbarsdrawnontherighthandmarginofthepage.Becausetheproposedchangesarepurelyadministrative innature/webelievethattheydonotinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations, inthattheoperations oftheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNos.1and2,inaccordance withtheAmendments, wouldnot:(1)involveasignificant increaseintheprobability orconsequences ofanaccidentpreviously evaluated; or(2)createthepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccidentfromanyaccidentpreviously evaluated; or(3)involveasignificant reduction inmarginofsafety.Thereisreasonable assurance thatthehealthandsafetyofthepublicwillnotbeendangered byoperation intheproposedmanner.Furthermore, activities relatedtotheamendments willbeconducted incompliance withtheNRC'sregulations andwillnotbeinimicaltothecommondefenseandsecurityortothehealthandsafetyofthepublic.TheseproposedchangeshavebeenreviewedbythePlantNuclearSafetyReviewCommittee (PNSRC)andtheNuclearSafetyandDesignReviewCommittee (NSDRC).8312200494 831215,PDRADOCK05000315P'DR~)
    <<>1                                                                                                                          ":  <<<<f<<                                                  W
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'Mr.HaroldR.DenAEP:NRC:0790 Incompliance withtherequirements of10CFR50.91(b)(1),acopyofthisletteranditsattachments havebeentransmitted toMr.R.C.CallenoftheMichiganPublicServiceCommission.
I        UW        WPU                                                                  U    ~
Sincethesechangerequestsareadministrative andeditorial innature,andwiththepurposeofsimplifying orclarifying thelicenseandTechnical Specifications, andweremadeattherequestofyourstaff,weinterpret 10CFR170.22asnotrequiring afeetoaccompany thissubmittal.
                <<'  I'I }BC    <<r I!<<,f
Thisdocumenthasbeenpreparedfollowing Corporate procedures whichincorporate areasonable setofcontrolstoinsureitsaccuracyandcompleteness priortosignature bytheundersigned.
              <<lr I>>',  ~ ' <<' } >W<<, ',ll  'I U} I    >I<<
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-Bridgman AIIt Attachment No.1toAEP:NRC:0790 ProposedLicenseChangestoDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNo.1 i~.'3fg.'i:)'IPSE',>-'..'.(>~i~'.~~C;~.'+24X.1;t.'i~
                                                                                          'i> v W, l I C  I >
1.ThefirstproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-58istodeleteLicenseCondition 2.C.(6),whichstates:(6)SentFuelPoolModifications Thelicenseeisauthorized tomodifythespentfuelpoolasdescribed intheapplication datedNovember22,'978assupplemented bylettersdatedJanuary22,January24/April16,June29,July27,andSeptember ll,September 26,andSeptember 27,1979.Sincespentfuelisnowbeingstoredinthespentfuelpool,uponcommencement ofworkoneithertheexistingracksorthenewracksinthespentfuelpoolinconjunction withreplacement oftheexistingrackswithnewracks:(a)the-waterinthespentfuelpoolshallcontainat'least2000ppmboronandshallbemaintained atthisboronconcentration untilcompletion oftherackreplacement,;
and(b)theboroninthespentfuelpoolshallbeverifiedtomeettheconcentration requirement bychemicalanalysisatleast3timesper7days,withamaximumtimeintervalbetweensamplesof72hours.Priortofinalconversion tothemodifiedrackdesign,fuelmaybestored,asneeded,ineitherthemodifiedstorageracksdescribed inTechnical Specification 5.6.2orintheunmodified storageracks(orboth)whicharedesignedandshallbemaintained withacenter-to-center distancebetweenfuelassemblies placedinthestoragerackstoensureaKffof~0.95withthestoragepoolfilledwitRunborated water,including aconservative allowance foruncertainties asdescribed inSection9.7oftheFSAR.Sincealloftheoldrackshavebeenreplacedwithnewracks,andnofurthermodifications areforeseen, webelievethatthisLicenseCondition shouldberemoved.2.ThesecondproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-58istodeletetheLicenseCondition 2.Ewhichstates:"2.E.Beforeengaginginanoperational activitynotevaluated bytheCommission, thelicensees willevaluatetheenvironmental effectsofsuchactivity.
                                                                                                                      <<U U >i C    '<<<<g C  Wl    WC
Whentheevaluation indicates thatsuchactivitymayresultinasignificant adverseenvironmental impactthatwasnotevaluated orthatissignificantly greaterthanthatevaluated intheFinalEnvironmental Statement, thelicensees shallprovideawrittenevaluation ofsuchactivities andobtainpriorapprovaloftheDirector, OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation fortheactivities."
                                                                                                                                              >t'>>U f <<>>'I
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InLicenseAmendment No.54,issuedonMay6,1982,theEnvironmental Technical Specifications (Appendix BtotheLicense)wererevisedtoincludealltheenvironmental considerations contained inthethennewEnvironmental Protection Plan(EPP).InSection5.4.2ofthisAmendment werethe"Nonroutine Reports"requirements whichincludedthefollowing:
                                                                                                                            ~U  ~,tothePlantoperation, ortotheprocedures described inSection5.3isplannedwhichinvolvesanenvironmental matterorquestionnotpreviously reviewedandevaluated bytheNRC,areportonthechangeshallbemadetotheOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation priortoimplementation.
Thereportshallincludeadescription andevaluation ofthechange.Changesoradditions topermitsandcertificates requiredbyFederal,state,localandregionalauthorities fortheprotection oftheenvironment shallbereported.
Il<<C>f            'IIIC'              I    ~      C,J Ij    I    <<
.Whentherequiredchangesaresubmitted totheconcerned agencyforapproval, theyshallalsobesubmitted totheDirector, OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation, USNRC,forinformation.
Thesubmittal shallincludeanevaluation oftheenvironmental impactofthechange.Requestforchangesinenvironmental technical specifications shallbesubmitted totheDirector, OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation, USNRC,forpriorreviewandauthorisation.
                    )  <   ')                                                             v'I''IJ Ill'I 1
Therequestshallincludeanevaluation oftheimpactofthechange,including asupporting benefit-cost analysis.
lif  1        fU <<<<,t>IW't<<I    )    'l I                                ,)I T,I                          >'>    1>>ti ) I
SincethisEnvironmental Technical Specification addresses thesamerequirements asthosecontained inLicenseCondition 2.E.,wefeelthatthelattercannowbedeleted.3.ThethirdproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-58istodeletetheLicenseCondition 2.F,whichstates:"2.F.Thisamendedlicenseissub)ecttothefollowing additional condition fortheprotection oftheenvironment:
                                                                                                                                    ,) I Vi
Thelicensees willcomplywithappropriate waterqualitystandards inaccordance withFederal,State,andlocalregulations (including changesasrequiredbytheFederalWaterPollution ControlActAmendments of1972)."
                                                                                                                                                                    )I            it >,>>>    'i  'll If<<<<
Irhf'>MMeFap~r~n"J'tLIIF)Mhahhlhl)IaI'MlI"1v*<<.,tMM)I*~~a)haI,I7JI''haI'aeheF~'Lr''~)M Asstatedinitem2above,Amendment No.54revisedtheEnvironmental Technical Specifications toincludealltheenvironmental considerations inthethennewEPP.InSection3.1ofthisAmendment, werethe"Radiological Environmental hfonitoring" requirements forthemonitoring ofthelakeandwellwaterqualities intheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantarea.Fortheabovereasons,wefeelthatLicenseCondition 2.Fcanbedeleted.4.ThefourthproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-58istodeletethefootnoteonpage3/45-3whichisnolongerapplicable.
f                                                                                                          10      <<Ul Jf
Thefootnoteaddresses achangeintheLimitingConditions forOperation fora'giventimeperiodinOctoberof1982.Sincetheeffective periodoftimeforthischangehasexpired,thefootnoteshouldbedeleted.5.ThefifthproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-58istorequestthere-issuance ofT/Spage3/46-35.Achangewaspreviously requested tothetimedelayaddressed inparagraph
                                                          .1'I  l  I                                                                                    <<Ut
Amendment No.63oftheT/SwasissuedonOctober4,1982withoutthechange.TheSafetyEvaluation ReportforbothunitsandtheTechnical Specification forUnit2werecorrectinchangingthe10+1minutedelayin4.6.5.6to9+1minute.However,theUnit1Technical Specification wasissuedwithoutthechange.Thebasisforthechangeremainsvalidaspresented intheAmendment, 63SafetyEvaluation Report.6.ThesixthproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-58istoremovethe"Amendment No.63"revisionreference atthebottomofpages3/43-50,3/46-36,3/49-9,B3/42-3,and6'-10.OnlythereversesidesofthesepageswereaffectedbyAmendment 63.Therefore, the"Amendment 63"revisionreference oneachofthesepagesshouldberemoved,andthecorrect"Amendment No."shouldbeputinitsplace.Attachment, No.3tothislettercontainstherevisedT/Spageswiththeappropriate "Amendment No."oneachpage.Pleasenotethatseveralofthesepageshaveno"Amendment No.";becausetheyhaveneverbeenrevised.
                                                                                                                                                                >till 1  i U
rr="g>>F,)v1'I*rhf.Iq*rhearhI,hgIhhrI)lI'rIhrI',"hrr$rrh,I'I~I'I~IrhI~,hr.lghI'hh'Slhrl'*"y,l~I.II''1Igv,"><l7"h>>'IIf'hIIhI' Attachment No.2toAEP:NRC:0790 ProposedLicenseChangestoDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantUnitNo.2 p1t 1.ThefirstproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74istodeletetheLicenseCondition 2.C.3.(h),
                                                                    <<            II            ~    '
a                                                                                    1
Containment SumpDesignVerification IndianaandMichiganPowerCompanyshallcompleteteststoverifycontainment sumpdesignbeforeNovember1978andsubmittheresultsforCommission reviewandapproval.
InaletterfromMr.S.VargaoftheNRCdatedJuly2,1982/andbytheSafetyEvaluation Reportthatwastransmitted withthat.letter,theNRCdetermined thatwehadadequately responded totherequirements oftheLicenseCondition andthatthetestingwasacceptable.
lNDlANA 8 MICHlGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 1663I COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216 December 15, 1983 AEP:NRC:0790 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and        2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE REQUESTS Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
DeletionofthisLicenseCondition 2.C.3.(h) isconsistent withthatSafetyEvaluation Report.2.ThesecondproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74istodeletetheLicenseCondition 2.C.(3)(1),
whichstates:2.C.(3).(1)ResidualHeatRemovalSystemLowFlowAlarmIndianaandMichiganPowerCompanyshallpriortostartup,following thefirstregularly scheduled refueling outage,developandsubmitforCommission reviewandapprovalthecontrollogicforanalarmdesignedtoalertthereactoroperatortopossiblelossofflowintheresidualheatremovalsystem.Following initialstartupandpriortoinstallation ofthealarm,IndianaandMichiganPowerCompanyshallstationanoperatorat.alocalpaneltomonitorcooldownflowwhentheresidualheatremovalsystemisinoperation andthevesselheadisinplace.TheSafetyEvaluation Report(SER)forAmendment 10tothelicensestated:"thelicenseconditions havebeenmetandthelicensecondition 2.C.(3)(1) onResidualHeatRemovalSystemLowFlowAlarmmayberemovedfromtheLicense."
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
However,thelicensecondition wasnotdeletedfromthelicense.3.ThethirdproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74istodeleteLicenseCondition 2.C.(3)(t),
This letter and its Attachments request changes to the Technical Specifications and the Operating Licenses for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units Nos. 1 and 2. These requests have been previously discussed with members of your staff, and are being made to either simplify or clarify the licenses.
SentFuelPoolModifications Thelicenseeisauthorized tomodifythespentfuelpoolasdescribed intheapplication datedNovember22,1978assupplemented bylettersdatedJanuary22,January24,April16,June29,July27,andSeptember 11,September 26,andSeptember 27,1979.Sincespentfuelisnowbeingstoredinthespentfuelpool,uponcommencement ofworkoneithertheexistingracksorthenewracksinthespentfuelpoolinconjunction withreplacement oftheexistingrackswithnewracks:
Attachment Nos. 1 and      2 to this letter address the proposed changes  to the licenses and the reasons for the changes for Unit Nos. 1 and 2,   respectively. Attachment Nos. 3 and 4 to this letter contain the revised Technical Specification (T/S) pages. All of the changes are indicated by vertical bars drawn on the right hand margin of the page.
',7I'~7)4IIf~f)I'()Y(fI~-I~(4['.Y~I)4II~f-II'447I'IN(444INhIf}'(g(fIY'ItL'..f}}l'NIN (i)thewaterinthespentfuelpoolshallcontainatleast2000ppmboronandshallbemaintained atthisboronconcentration untilcompletion oftherackreplacement; and(ii)theboroninthespentfuelpoolshallbeverifiedtomeettheconcentration requirement bychemicalanalysisatleast3timesper7days,withamaximumtimeintervalbetweensamplesof72hours.Priortofinalconversion tothemodifiedrackdesign,fuelmaybestored,asneeded,ineitherthemodifiedstorageracksdescribed inTechnical Specification 5.6.2oxintheunmodified storageracks(orboth)whicharedesignedandshallbemaintained withacenter-to-center distancebetweenfuelassembliesplacedinthestoragerackstoensureaKffof~.95withthestoragepoolfilledeffwithunborated water,including aconservative allowance foruncertainties as'described inSection9.7oftheFSAR.'Sincealloftheoldrackshavebeenreplacedwithnewxacks,andnofurthermodifications areforeseen, webelievethatthislicensecondition shouldberemoved.4.ThefourthproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74istodeleteLicenseCondition 2.E>whichstates:2E.Thislicenseissub)ecttothefollowing additional conditions fortheprotection oftheenvironment:
Because the proposed changes are purely administrative in nature/
(1)Thelicensees willcomplywithappropriate waterqualitystandards, inaccordance withFederal,Stateandlocalregulations (including changesasrequiredbytheFederalWaterPollution ControlActAmendments of1972)~(2)Ifharmfuleffectsorevidenceofunacceptable damagearedetectedbythemonitoring
we  believe that they do not involve significant hazards considerations, in that the operations of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2, in accordance with the Amendments, would not:          (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in margin of safety.
: programs, thelicensees shallprovidetotheCommission ananalysisofthe'roblem andaplanofactiontobetakentoeliminate orsignificantly reducethedetrimental effectsordamage.(3)Beforeengaginginanoperational activitynotevaluated bytheCommission, thelicensees willprepaxeandrecordanenvironmental evaluation ofsuchactivity.
There  is reasonable    assurance that the health and safety of the public  will not be endangered      by operation in the proposed manner.
Whentheevaluation indicates thatsuchactivitymayresultinasignificant adverseenvironmental impactthatwasnotevaluated, orthatissignificantly greaterthanevaluated intheFinalEnvironmental Statement, thelicensees shallprovideawrittenevaluation ofsuchactivities andobtainpriorapprovaloftheDirector, OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation fortheactivities.  
Furthermore, activities      related to the amendments will be conducted in compliance with the NRC's regulations and will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.
These proposed changes      have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee      (PNSRC) and the Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee (NSDRC).
WithregardtoCondition 2.E.(1),Amendment No.40toUnitNo.2licenserevisedtheEnvironmental Technical Specifications toincludealltheenvironmental considerations inthenewEPP.InSection3.1ofthisAmendment, werethe"Radiological Environmental Monitoring" requirements forthemonitoring ofthelakeandwellwaterqualities intheDonaldC.CookNuclearPlantarea.Fortheabovereasons,wefeelthatLicenseCondition 2.E.(1)canbedeleted.WithregardtoCondition 2.E.(2),Section5.4.1(Environmental Technical Specification) ofAmendment No.40totheUnitNo.2Licensestates:"Ifharmfuleffectsorevidenceoftrendstowardsirxeversible damagetotheenvixonment areobserved, thelicenseeshallprovideadetailedanalysisofthedataandaproposedcourseofactiontoalleviate theproblem."
      'DR ~
SincethisEnvixonmental Technical Specification addxesses thesamerequirements asthosecontained inLicenseCondition 2.E.(2),wefeelthatthelattercanbedeleted.WithregardtoCondition 2.E.(3),Section5.4.2.2(Environmental Technical Specification) ofAmendment No.40toUnitNo.2Licensestates:,tothePlantoperation, ortotheprocedures described inSection5.3isplannedwhichinvolvesanenvironmental matterorquestionnotpreviously reviewedandevaluated bytheNRC,areportonthechangeshallbemadetotheOfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation priortoimplementation.
8312200494 831215, PDR ADOCK 05000315 P                                )
Thereportshallincludeadescription andevaluation ofthechange.Changesoradditions topermitsandcertificates requiredbyFederal,state,localandregionalauthorities fortheprotection oftheenvironment shallbereported.
Whentherequiredchangesaresubmitted totheconcerned agencyforapproval, theyshallalsobesubmitted totheDirector, OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation, USNRC,forinformation.
Thesubmittal shallincludeanevaluation oftheenvironmental impactofthechange.Requestfor'hanges inEnvironmental Technical Specifications shallbesubmitted totheDirector, OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation, USNRC,forpriorreviewandauthorization.
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Therequestshallincludeanevaluation oftheimpactofthechange,including asupporting benefit-cost analysis.
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SincethisEnvironmental Technical Specification addresses thesamex'equirements asthosecontained inLicenseCondition 2.E.(3),wefeelthatthelattercannowbedeleted.
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6.ThesixthproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74isthedeletionofthefootnoteatthebottomofpage3/49-9,whichstates:"Duringtherefueling outagecommencing aboutNovember1982,theContainment PurgeandExhaustIsolation Systemshallbedefinedtoincludearadiation signaltoeithertheinneroroutervalveoraprovision forimmediate manualclosureofthevalveintheeventclosuremayberequired.
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Thisdefinition istemporary anditandthisfootnoteshallnolongerapplyfollowing therefueling outagecommencing aboutNovember1982.Forthetemporary reliefperiod,theprovisions ofSpecification 3.0.4arenotapplicable."
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Sincetheextension isnolongervalid(i.e.,therefueling outagecommencing aboutNovember1982isover),werequestdeletionofthefootnote.
7.TheseventhproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74istherequesttoamendpageB3/46-3bythedeletionofSection3/46.1.7ontheContainment Ventilation System.Amendment No.47issuedonDecember8,1982issuedanewT/SpageB3/46-2awhichincludedaBasesSection3/46.1.7ontheContainment PurgeandExhaustIsolation Valves.ThisnewsectionreplacedtheoldBasesSection3/46.1.7contained onpageB3/46-3,however,thelatterwasnotdeleted.Basedonthis,webelieveBasesSection3/46.1.7onpageB3/46-3shouldbedeleted.8.TheeighthproposedchangetotheLicenseNo.DPR-74istoremovethe"Amendment No.45"revisionreference atthebottomofpages:III;3/41-l~3/42-15~3/43-4g3/43-42;3/44-2;3/44-26;3/45-5~3/46-11;3/46-43;3/49-10;andB3/42-3.OnlythereversesidesofthesepageswereaffectedbyAmendment 45.Therefore, the"Amendment 45"revisionreference oneachofthesepagesshouldberemoved,andthecorrect"Amendment No.."shouldbeputinitsplace.Attachment No.4tothislettercontainstherevisedT/Spageswiththeappropriate "Amendment No."oneachpage.Pleasenoteseveralofthesepageshaveno"Amendment No.";becausetheyhaveneverbeenrevised.
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'Mr. Harold R. Den                                          AEP:NRC:0790 In compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.91(b) (1),   a copy of this letter and its attachments have been transmitted to Mr. R. C.
'nefTheboveerempraon requesthasbeenrevle dIsherebyacceptedasbetheeaempl.rrlUREIChler.
Callen of the Michigan Public Service Commission.
Since these change requests are administrative and editorial in nature, and with the purpose of simplifying or clarifying the license and Technical Specifications, and were made at the request of your staff, we interpret 10 CFR 170.22 as not requiring a fee to accompany this submittal.
This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to insure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.
Very  truly yours, P. exich ace    resident MPA/cam cc:  John E. Dolan W. G. Smith, Jr. - Bridgman R. C. Callen G. Charnoff E. R. Swanson,  NRC Resident Inspector - Bridgman
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Attachment No. 1 to AEP:NRC:0790 Proposed License Changes to Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1
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: 1. The first proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete License Condition 2.C.(6), which states:
(6)  S  ent Fuel Pool Modifications The licensee is authorized to modify the spent fuel pool as described in the application dated November 22,'978 as supplemented by letters dated January 22, January 24/
April 16, June 29, July 27, and September      ll,  September 26, and September 27, 1979. Since spent fuel is now being stored in the spent fuel pool, upon commencement of work on either the existing racks or the new racks in the spent fuel pool in conjunction with replacement of the existing racks with new racks:
(a)    the -water in the spent fuel pool shall contain at
                'least 2000 ppm boron and shall be maintained at this boron concentration until completion of the rack replacement,;  and (b)   the boron in the spent fuel pool shall be verified to meet the concentration requirement by chemical analysis at least 3 times per 7 days, with a maximum time interval between samples of 72 hours.
Prior to final conversion to the modified rack design, fuel may be stored, as needed, in either the modified storage racks described in Technical Specification 5.6.2 or in the unmodified storage racks (or both) which are designed and shall be maintained with a center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks to ensure a K ff of ~ 0.95 with the storage pool filled witR unborated water, including a conservative allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.7 of the FSAR.
Since  all of the    old racks have been replaced with new racks, and no  further modifications are foreseen, we believe that this  License Condition should be removed.
: 2. The second proposed change      to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete the License Condition 2.E which states:
  "2.E. Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by the Commission, the licensees will evaluate the environmental effects of such activity.
When the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated or that is significantly greater than that evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities."
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In License Amendment No. 54, issued on May 6, 1982, the Environmental Technical Specifications (Appendix B to the License) were revised to include all the environmental considerations contained in the then new Environmental Protection Plan (EPP). In Section 5.4.2 of this Amendment were the "Nonroutine Reports" requirements which included the following: Chanches When a change    to the Plant design, to the Plant operation, or to the procedures described in Section 5.3 is planned which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a report on the change shall be made to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation prior to implementation.
The report shall include a description and evaluation of the change.
Changes  or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, state, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment shall be reported. .When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they shall also be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for information. The submittal shall include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change.
Request  for changes in environmental technical specifications shall be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for prior review and authorisation. The request shall include an evaluation of the impact of the change, including a supporting benefit-cost analysis.
Since  this Environmental Technical Specification addresses the  same  requirements as those contained in License Condition 2.E., we  feel that the latter can now be deleted.
: 3. The  third proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete the License Condition 2.F, which states:
          "2.F. This amended license is sub)ect to the following additional condition for the protection of the environment:
The  licensees  will comply with appropriate water quality standards  in  accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) ."
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As  stated in item 2 above, Amendment No. 54 revised the Environmental Technical Specifications to include all the environmental considerations in the then new EPP. In Section 3.1 of this Amendment, were the "Radiological Environmental hfonitoring" requirements for the monitoring of the lake and well water qualities in the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant area. For the above reasons, we feel that License Condition 2.F can be deleted.
: 4. The  fourth proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete the footnote on page 3/4 5-3 which is no longer applicable. The footnote addresses a change in the Limiting Conditions for Operation for a 'given time period in October of 1982. Since the effective period of time for this change has expired, the footnote should be deleted.
: 5. The fifth proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to request the re-issuance of T/S page 3/4 6-35. A change was previously requested to the time delay addressed in paragraph Amendment No. 63 of the T/S was issued on October 4, 1982 without the change. The Safety Evaluation Report for both units and the Technical Specification for Unit 2 were correct in changing the 10+1 minute delay in to 9+1 minute. However, the Unit 1 Technical Specification was issued without the change. The basis for the change remains valid as presented in the Amendment, 63 Safety Evaluation Report.
: 6. The sixth proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to remove the "Amendment No. 63" revision reference at the bottom of pages 3/4 3-50, 3/4 6-36, 3/4 9-9, B 3/4 2-3, and 6'-10. Only the reverse sides of these pages were affected by Amendment 63. Therefore, the "Amendment 63" revision reference on each of these pages should be removed, and the correct "Amendment No." should be put in  its place.
Attachment, No. 3 to this letter contains the revised T/S pages with the appropriate "Amendment No." on each page.
Please note that several of these pages have no "Amendment No."; because they have never been revised.
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Attachment No. 2 to AEP:NRC:0790 Proposed License Changes to Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2
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: 1. The first proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete the License Condition 2.C.3.(h), which states:
2.C.(3).(H) Containment    Sump Design Verification Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall complete tests to verify containment sump design before November 1978 and submit the results for Commission review and approval.
In a letter from Mr. S. Varga of the NRC dated July 2, 1982/
and by the Safety Evaluation Report that was transmitted with that. letter, the NRC determined that we had adequately responded to the requirements of the License Condition and that the testing    was acceptable. Deletion of this License Condition 2.C.3.(h) is consistent with that Safety Evaluation Report.
: 2. The second proposed change    to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete the License Condition 2.C.(3)(1), which states:
2.C. (3) . (1) Residual Heat Removal System Low Flow Alarm Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, develop and submit for Commission review and approval the control logic for an alarm designed to alert the reactor operator to possible loss of flow in the residual heat removal system. Following initial startup and prior to installation of the alarm, Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall station an operator at. a local panel to monitor cooldown flow when the residual heat removal system is in operation and the vessel head is in place.
The  Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for Amendment 10 to the license stated: "the license conditions have been met and the license condition 2.C.(3)(1) on Residual Heat Removal System Low Flow Alarm may be removed from the License."
However, the license condition was not deleted from the license.
: 3. The  third proposed change to the License No. DPR-74    is to delete License Condition 2.C.(3)(t), which states:
2.C.(3)(t)    S ent Fuel Pool Modifications The  licensee is authorized to modify the spent fuel pool as described in the application dated November 22, 1978 as supplemented by letters dated January 22, January 24, April 16,    June 29, July 27, and September 11, September 26, and September 27, 1979. Since spent fuel is now being stored in the spent fuel pool, upon commencement of work on either the existing racks or the new racks in the spent fuel pool in conjunction with replacement of the existing racks with new racks:
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(i) the water in the spent fuel pool shall contain at least 2000 ppm boron and shall be maintained at this boron concentration until completion of the rack replacement;      and (ii) the boron in the spent fuel pool shall be verified to meet the concentration requirement by chemical analysis at least 3 times per 7 days, with a maximum time interval between samples of 72 hours.
Prior to final conversion to the modified rack design, fuel may be stored, as needed, in either the modified storage racks described in Technical Specification 5.6.2 ox in the unmodified storage racks (or both) which are designed and shall be maintained with a center-to-center distance between fuel ass emblies placed in the storage racks to ensure a Keff        ~.95 with the storage pool filled ff ofwater, with unborated            including a conservative allowance for uncertainties as 'described in Section 9.7 of the FSAR.
  'Since  all of the old racks have been replaced with new xacks, and no  further modifications are foreseen, we believe that this license condition should be removed.
: 4. The  fourth proposed change to the License No.       DPR-74 is to delete License Condition 2.E> which states:
2E. This license    is sub)ect to the following additional conditions for the protection of the environment:
(1) The licensees will comply with appropriate water quality standards, in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972)  ~
(2)  If harmful    effects or evidence of unacceptable damage    are detected by the monitoring programs, the licensees shall provide to the Commission an    analysis of the'roblem and a plan of action to be taken to eliminate or significantly reduce the detrimental effects or damage.
(3)  Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by the Commission, the licensees will prepaxe and record an environmental evaluation of such activity. When the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated, or that is significantly greater than evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities.
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With regard to Condition 2.E.(1), Amendment No. 40 to Unit No. 2 license revised the Environmental Technical Specifications to include all the environmental considerations in the new EPP. In Section 3.1 of this Amendment, were the "Radiological Environmental Monitoring" requirements for the monitoring of the lake and well water qualities in the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant area. For the above reasons, we feel that License Condition 2.E.(1) can be deleted.
With regard to Condition 2.E.(2), Section 5.4.1 (Environmental Technical Specification) of Amendment No. 40 to the Unit No. 2 License states: "If harmful effects or evidence of trends towards irxeversible damage to the envixonment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of action to alleviate the problem." Since this Envixonmental Technical Specification addxesses the same requirements as those contained in License Condition 2.E.(2), we feel that the  latter    can be deleted.
With regard to Condition 2.E.(3), Section (Environmental Technical Specification) of Amendment No. 40 to Unit No. 2 License states:  ~Chan es When a change      to the Plant design, to the Plant operation, or to the procedures described in Section 5.3 is planned which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a report on the change shall be made to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation prior to implementation.
The report shall include a description and evaluation of the change.
Changes or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, state, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment shall be reported.      When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they shall also be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for information. The submittal shall include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change.
Request  for'hanges in Environmental Technical Specifications shall be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for prior review and authorization. The request shall include an evaluation of the impact of the change, including a supporting benefit-cost analysis.
Since  this Environmental Technical Specification addresses the  same  x'equirements as those contained in License Condition 2.E.(3), we feel that the latter can now be deleted.
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: 5. The  fifth proposed    change  to the License  No. DPR-74 is to delete the footnote at the bottom of T/S      page 3/4 6-39, which states:
          "For the lower  inlet  door inspection  interval scheduled to  end June 8, 1980, including the extension permitted by  Specification 4.0.2, a one time only delay is allowed to extend this inspection interval through July 20, 1980 '
Since the extension is no longer valid (i.e., past July 20/
1980), we request deletion of the footnote.
: 6. The  sixth proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is the deletion of the footnote at the bottom of page 3/4 9-9, which states:
          "During the refueling outage commencing about November 1982, the Containment Purge and Exhaust Isolation System shall be defined to include a radiation signal to either the inner or outer valve or a provision for immediate manual closure of the valve in the event closure may be required. This definition is temporary and      it and this footnote shall no longer apply following the refueling outage commencing about November 1982. For the temporary relief period, the provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable."
Since the extension is no longer valid (i.e., the refueling outage commencing about November 1982 is over), we request deletion of the footnote.
: 7. The seventh proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is the request to amend page B 3/4 6-3 by the deletion of Section 3/4 6.1.7 on the Containment Ventilation System. Amendment No. 47 issued on December 8, 1982 issued a new T/S page B 3/4 6-2a which included a Bases Section 3/4 6.1.7 on the Containment Purge and Exhaust Isolation Valves. This new section replaced the old Bases Section 3/4 6.1.7 contained on page B 3/4 6-3, however, the latter was not deleted.        Based on this, we believe Bases Section 3/4 6.1.7 on page B 3/4 6-3 should be deleted.
: 8. The eighth proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to remove the "Amendment No. 45" revision reference at the bottom of pages:      III;  3/4 1-l~ 3/4 2-15~ 3/4 3-4g 3/4 3-42; 3/4 4-2; 3/4 4-26; 3/4 5-5~ 3/4 6-11; 3/4 6-43; 3/4 9-10; and B 3/4 2-3. Only the reverse sides of these pages were affected by Amendment 45. Therefore, the "Amendment 45" revision reference on each of these pages should be removed, and the correct "Amendment No.." should be put in its place.
Attachment No. 4 to this letter contains the revised T/S pages with the appropriate "Amendment No." on each page.
Please note several of these pages have no "Amendment No.";
because they have never been revised.
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Latest revision as of 00:59, 4 February 2020

Application to Amend Licenses DPR-58 & DPR-74,consisting of Proposed Administrative Changes to Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/1983
From: Alexich M
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17320A884 List:
AEP:NRC-0790, AEP:NRC-790, NUDOCS 8312200494
Download: ML17334A489 (25)



ACCESSION NBR; 8312200494 DOC ~ DATE:: 83/12/15 NOTARIZED; f30 DOCKET FACIL:50 3i5 Donald Ce Cook Nuclear Power,Plant< 'Un)'t 1i Indiana 8 05000315 50~316 Donald C, Cook Nuclear Power Planti Unit 2i Indiana 8 05000316 AUTH ~ NAf1E, AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXICHiM,PE Indiana 8 Michigan Electric Co, REC IP NAI1E RECIPIENT. AFFILIATION DENTONiH ~ RE Office of Nuclear Reactor Regvlationi Director SUBJECTs Application;to amend. Licenses OPR 58 8 DPR 74iconsisting, of proposed administrative changes to Tech Specs.



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lNDlANA 8 MICHlGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 1663I COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216 December 15, 1983 AEP:NRC:0790 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316 License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE REQUESTS Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

This letter and its Attachments request changes to the Technical Specifications and the Operating Licenses for the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units Nos. 1 and 2. These requests have been previously discussed with members of your staff, and are being made to either simplify or clarify the licenses.

Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 to this letter address the proposed changes to the licenses and the reasons for the changes for Unit Nos. 1 and 2, respectively. Attachment Nos. 3 and 4 to this letter contain the revised Technical Specification (T/S) pages. All of the changes are indicated by vertical bars drawn on the right hand margin of the page.

Because the proposed changes are purely administrative in nature/

we believe that they do not involve significant hazards considerations, in that the operations of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit Nos. 1 and 2, in accordance with the Amendments, would not: (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in margin of safety.

There is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner.

Furthermore, activities related to the amendments will be conducted in compliance with the NRC's regulations and will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.

These proposed changes have been reviewed by the Plant Nuclear Safety Review Committee (PNSRC) and the Nuclear Safety and Design Review Committee (NSDRC).

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'Mr. Harold R. Den AEP:NRC:0790 In compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.91(b) (1), a copy of this letter and its attachments have been transmitted to Mr. R. C.

Callen of the Michigan Public Service Commission.

Since these change requests are administrative and editorial in nature, and with the purpose of simplifying or clarifying the license and Technical Specifications, and were made at the request of your staff, we interpret 10 CFR 170.22 as not requiring a fee to accompany this submittal.

This document has been prepared following Corporate procedures which incorporate a reasonable set of controls to insure its accuracy and completeness prior to signature by the undersigned.

Very truly yours, P. exich ace resident MPA/cam cc: John E. Dolan W. G. Smith, Jr. - Bridgman R. C. Callen G. Charnoff E. R. Swanson, NRC Resident Inspector - Bridgman

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Attachment No. 1 to AEP:NRC:0790 Proposed License Changes to Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1


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1. The first proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete License Condition 2.C.(6), which states:

(6) S ent Fuel Pool Modifications The licensee is authorized to modify the spent fuel pool as described in the application dated November 22,'978 as supplemented by letters dated January 22, January 24/

April 16, June 29, July 27, and September ll, September 26, and September 27, 1979. Since spent fuel is now being stored in the spent fuel pool, upon commencement of work on either the existing racks or the new racks in the spent fuel pool in conjunction with replacement of the existing racks with new racks:

(a) the -water in the spent fuel pool shall contain at

'least 2000 ppm boron and shall be maintained at this boron concentration until completion of the rack replacement,; and (b) the boron in the spent fuel pool shall be verified to meet the concentration requirement by chemical analysis at least 3 times per 7 days, with a maximum time interval between samples of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Prior to final conversion to the modified rack design, fuel may be stored, as needed, in either the modified storage racks described in Technical Specification 5.6.2 or in the unmodified storage racks (or both) which are designed and shall be maintained with a center-to-center distance between fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks to ensure a K ff of ~ 0.95 with the storage pool filled witR unborated water, including a conservative allowance for uncertainties as described in Section 9.7 of the FSAR.

Since all of the old racks have been replaced with new racks, and no further modifications are foreseen, we believe that this License Condition should be removed.

2. The second proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete the License Condition 2.E which states:

"2.E. Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by the Commission, the licensees will evaluate the environmental effects of such activity.

When the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated or that is significantly greater than that evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities."


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In License Amendment No. 54, issued on May 6, 1982, the Environmental Technical Specifications (Appendix B to the License) were revised to include all the environmental considerations contained in the then new Environmental Protection Plan (EPP). In Section 5.4.2 of this Amendment were the "Nonroutine Reports" requirements which included the following: Chanches When a change to the Plant design, to the Plant operation, or to the procedures described in Section 5.3 is planned which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a report on the change shall be made to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation prior to implementation.

The report shall include a description and evaluation of the change.

Changes or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, state, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment shall be reported. .When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they shall also be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for information. The submittal shall include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change.

Request for changes in environmental technical specifications shall be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for prior review and authorisation. The request shall include an evaluation of the impact of the change, including a supporting benefit-cost analysis.

Since this Environmental Technical Specification addresses the same requirements as those contained in License Condition 2.E., we feel that the latter can now be deleted.

3. The third proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete the License Condition 2.F, which states:

"2.F. This amended license is sub)ect to the following additional condition for the protection of the environment:

The licensees will comply with appropriate water quality standards in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) ."

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As stated in item 2 above, Amendment No. 54 revised the Environmental Technical Specifications to include all the environmental considerations in the then new EPP. In Section 3.1 of this Amendment, were the "Radiological Environmental hfonitoring" requirements for the monitoring of the lake and well water qualities in the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant area. For the above reasons, we feel that License Condition 2.F can be deleted.

4. The fourth proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to delete the footnote on page 3/4 5-3 which is no longer applicable. The footnote addresses a change in the Limiting Conditions for Operation for a 'given time period in October of 1982. Since the effective period of time for this change has expired, the footnote should be deleted.
5. The fifth proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to request the re-issuance of T/S page 3/4 6-35. A change was previously requested to the time delay addressed in paragraph Amendment No. 63 of the T/S was issued on October 4, 1982 without the change. The Safety Evaluation Report for both units and the Technical Specification for Unit 2 were correct in changing the 10+1 minute delay in to 9+1 minute. However, the Unit 1 Technical Specification was issued without the change. The basis for the change remains valid as presented in the Amendment, 63 Safety Evaluation Report.
6. The sixth proposed change to the License No. DPR-58 is to remove the "Amendment No. 63" revision reference at the bottom of pages 3/4 3-50, 3/4 6-36, 3/4 9-9, B 3/4 2-3, and 6'-10. Only the reverse sides of these pages were affected by Amendment 63. Therefore, the "Amendment 63" revision reference on each of these pages should be removed, and the correct "Amendment No." should be put in its place.

Attachment, No. 3 to this letter contains the revised T/S pages with the appropriate "Amendment No." on each page.

Please note that several of these pages have no "Amendment No."; because they have never been revised.



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Attachment No. 2 to AEP:NRC:0790 Proposed License Changes to Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2

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1. The first proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete the License Condition 2.C.3.(h), which states:

2.C.(3).(H) Containment Sump Design Verification Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall complete tests to verify containment sump design before November 1978 and submit the results for Commission review and approval.

In a letter from Mr. S. Varga of the NRC dated July 2, 1982/

and by the Safety Evaluation Report that was transmitted with that. letter, the NRC determined that we had adequately responded to the requirements of the License Condition and that the testing was acceptable. Deletion of this License Condition 2.C.3.(h) is consistent with that Safety Evaluation Report.

2. The second proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete the License Condition 2.C.(3)(1), which states:

2.C. (3) . (1) Residual Heat Removal System Low Flow Alarm Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall prior to startup, following the first regularly scheduled refueling outage, develop and submit for Commission review and approval the control logic for an alarm designed to alert the reactor operator to possible loss of flow in the residual heat removal system. Following initial startup and prior to installation of the alarm, Indiana and Michigan Power Company shall station an operator at. a local panel to monitor cooldown flow when the residual heat removal system is in operation and the vessel head is in place.

The Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for Amendment 10 to the license stated: "the license conditions have been met and the license condition 2.C.(3)(1) on Residual Heat Removal System Low Flow Alarm may be removed from the License."

However, the license condition was not deleted from the license.

3. The third proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete License Condition 2.C.(3)(t), which states:

2.C.(3)(t) S ent Fuel Pool Modifications The licensee is authorized to modify the spent fuel pool as described in the application dated November 22, 1978 as supplemented by letters dated January 22, January 24, April 16, June 29, July 27, and September 11, September 26, and September 27, 1979. Since spent fuel is now being stored in the spent fuel pool, upon commencement of work on either the existing racks or the new racks in the spent fuel pool in conjunction with replacement of the existing racks with new racks:

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(i) the water in the spent fuel pool shall contain at least 2000 ppm boron and shall be maintained at this boron concentration until completion of the rack replacement; and (ii) the boron in the spent fuel pool shall be verified to meet the concentration requirement by chemical analysis at least 3 times per 7 days, with a maximum time interval between samples of 72 hours. Prior to final conversion to the modified rack design, fuel may be stored, as needed, in either the modified storage racks described in Technical Specification 5.6.2 ox in the unmodified storage racks (or both) which are designed and shall be maintained with a center-to-center distance between fuel ass emblies placed in the storage racks to ensure a Keff ~.95 with the storage pool filled ff ofwater, with unborated including a conservative allowance for uncertainties as 'described in Section 9.7 of the FSAR.

  'Since  all of the old racks have been replaced with new xacks, and no  further modifications are foreseen, we believe that this license condition should be removed.
4. The fourth proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete License Condition 2.E> which states:

2E. This license is sub)ect to the following additional conditions for the protection of the environment: (1) The licensees will comply with appropriate water quality standards, in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations (including changes as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) ~ (2) If harmful effects or evidence of unacceptable damage are detected by the monitoring programs, the licensees shall provide to the Commission an analysis of the'roblem and a plan of action to be taken to eliminate or significantly reduce the detrimental effects or damage. (3) Before engaging in an operational activity not evaluated by the Commission, the licensees will prepaxe and record an environmental evaluation of such activity. When the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environmental impact that was not evaluated, or that is significantly greater than evaluated in the Final Environmental Statement, the licensees shall provide a written evaluation of such activities and obtain prior approval of the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities.


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With regard to Condition 2.E.(1), Amendment No. 40 to Unit No. 2 license revised the Environmental Technical Specifications to include all the environmental considerations in the new EPP. In Section 3.1 of this Amendment, were the "Radiological Environmental Monitoring" requirements for the monitoring of the lake and well water qualities in the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant area. For the above reasons, we feel that License Condition 2.E.(1) can be deleted. With regard to Condition 2.E.(2), Section 5.4.1 (Environmental Technical Specification) of Amendment No. 40 to the Unit No. 2 License states: "If harmful effects or evidence of trends towards irxeversible damage to the envixonment are observed, the licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data and a proposed course of action to alleviate the problem." Since this Envixonmental Technical Specification addxesses the same requirements as those contained in License Condition 2.E.(2), we feel that the latter can be deleted. With regard to Condition 2.E.(3), Section (Environmental Technical Specification) of Amendment No. 40 to Unit No. 2 License states: ~Chan es When a change to the Plant design, to the Plant operation, or to the procedures described in Section 5.3 is planned which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC, a report on the change shall be made to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation prior to implementation. The report shall include a description and evaluation of the change. Changes or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, state, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment shall be reported. When the required changes are submitted to the concerned agency for approval, they shall also be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for information. The submittal shall include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change. Request for'hanges in Environmental Technical Specifications shall be submitted to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, USNRC, for prior review and authorization. The request shall include an evaluation of the impact of the change, including a supporting benefit-cost analysis. Since this Environmental Technical Specification addresses the same x'equirements as those contained in License Condition 2.E.(3), we feel that the latter can now be deleted.

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5. The fifth proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to delete the footnote at the bottom of T/S page 3/4 6-39, which states:
          "For the lower   inlet  door inspection  interval scheduled to   end June 8, 1980, including the extension permitted by   Specification 4.0.2, a one time only delay is allowed to extend this inspection interval through July 20, 1980 '

Since the extension is no longer valid (i.e., past July 20/ 1980), we request deletion of the footnote.

6. The sixth proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is the deletion of the footnote at the bottom of page 3/4 9-9, which states:
         "During the refueling outage commencing about November 1982, the Containment Purge and Exhaust Isolation System shall be defined to include a radiation signal to either the inner or outer valve or a provision for immediate manual closure of the valve in the event closure may be required. This definition is temporary and       it and this footnote shall no longer apply following the refueling outage commencing about November 1982. For the temporary relief period, the provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable."

Since the extension is no longer valid (i.e., the refueling outage commencing about November 1982 is over), we request deletion of the footnote.

7. The seventh proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is the request to amend page B 3/4 6-3 by the deletion of Section 3/4 6.1.7 on the Containment Ventilation System. Amendment No. 47 issued on December 8, 1982 issued a new T/S page B 3/4 6-2a which included a Bases Section 3/4 6.1.7 on the Containment Purge and Exhaust Isolation Valves. This new section replaced the old Bases Section 3/4 6.1.7 contained on page B 3/4 6-3, however, the latter was not deleted. Based on this, we believe Bases Section 3/4 6.1.7 on page B 3/4 6-3 should be deleted.
8. The eighth proposed change to the License No. DPR-74 is to remove the "Amendment No. 45" revision reference at the bottom of pages: III; 3/4 1-l~ 3/4 2-15~ 3/4 3-4g 3/4 3-42; 3/4 4-2; 3/4 4-26; 3/4 5-5~ 3/4 6-11; 3/4 6-43; 3/4 9-10; and B 3/4 2-3. Only the reverse sides of these pages were affected by Amendment 45. Therefore, the "Amendment 45" revision reference on each of these pages should be removed, and the correct "Amendment No.." should be put in its place.

Attachment No. 4 to this letter contains the revised T/S pages with the appropriate "Amendment No." on each page. Please note several of these pages have no "Amendment No."; because they have never been revised.

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                                                                                           ~              12. NRC FEE DETERMINATION 0+ 5 The above application has been reviewed In accordance with Section 17022 ot Part 1 70 and Is properly categorfsed.

The above application has beon reviewod In accordance with Section 170.22 of Perl TTGand Is Incorreclly classified. Fee should be classtes): JUS'TIFFCATIOH FOR CLASSIFICATION OA AECLASSIFICATION: yomallpocallo ls s class~ sype oyacpoo ~ o lee empl lyom lees baca se Ills: Filed Dy a nonprofit educational lnslitulion.'iled Ity a GOVernment agenCy and IS nOI fOr a pOwer reaCtOr. For a Class I, II, or III amendment which results from an NRC request dated for Ihe application and the amendment ls lo slmplity or clarify License or Technical Specificalions; has only minor safely significance; and is being issued tor the convenience of NRC (musl meet ~ Ir of the criteria J. Other (Stale reason fhereforf a y spy sm Cr DATE chlerrm'ATE

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