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{{#Wiki_filter:Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure contain Proprietary Information  
{{#Wiki_filter:Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure contain Proprietary Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Enclosure Attachment 6 PG&E Letter DCL-12-120 Invensys Operations Management Document "993754-1-900, Revision 1, Process Protection System Replacement Diablo Canyon Power Plant Project Quality Plan (PQP)"
-Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Enclosure Attachment 6 PG&E Letter DCL-12-120 Invensys Operations Management Document"993754-1-900, Revision 1, Process Protection System Replacement Diablo Canyon Power Plant Project Quality Plan (PQP)" (Non-Proprietary)
Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure contain Proprietary Information When separated from Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure, this document is decontrolled.
Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure contain Proprietary Information When separated from Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure, this document is decontrolled.
i n V'e. n s" Operations Management Triconex Project: PG&E PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Purchase Order No.: 3500897372 Project Sales Order: 993754 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY-RELATED PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT PROJECT QUALITY PLAN (PQP)Document No. 993754-1-900 Revision 1 March 2, 2012 1 Name Si Ltture A Title Author: S. Dwire l f 11. Project Qualty Assurance Approvals:
R. Shaffer Project Manager H. Rice Quality Manager -Nuclear i n V'e. n s'.j so M i n V e. n s.* s" Operations Management Triconex Document I 974190 ITte IPoect Quality Plan Revision:
1Page: 2 of 8 Date: 02 MAR 2012 Document Change History Revision Date Changes Author 0 29 JUL 11 Initial Issue. S. Dwire 1 02 MAR 12 -Updated with Phase 2 deliverables S. Dwire from PO#3500897372 Revision 6-IOM-Q2 changed to QM-2-Section 1.4 requirements document number updated-Added references to specific PPMs I -'
i n v'e. n so"ýjs 0 0 Tm i nV e. n s '.i s, Operations Management Triconex Document:
7 -993754-1-900 1 Title: Project Quality Plan Revision:
1 Page: 3 of 8 1 Date: 02 MAR 2012 Table of Contents 1. GENERAL ..................................
... ... .... ............
o4 1.1 Background/Purpose
4 1.2 O bjectives
4 1.3 Project O verview .................................................................................................................................
4 1.4 R equirem ents .......................................................................................................................................
4 1.5 Re ferences ...........................................................................................................................................
.. .............
..... ...... ..............................................
.... 5 2 1 Responsibilities
5 2.2 Qualification and Traininr ..................................................................................................................
5 3.1 Q A Programn ........................................................................................................................................
5 3.2 Project Instru tion s ..............................................................................................................................
5 3.3 D esign Control ....................................................................................................................................
5 3.4 Non-Conformances and Corective Actions ..................................................................................
6 4.1 NRC Interim Staff Guidance 6 (ISG 06) ......................................................................................
6 5. KEY PROGRAM AREASe......................................................
....o................. .o.....o.............oo............
... ..........
o..... ..o.o.......6

===6.1 Inspection===
i n V'e. n s*.* s" Operations Management                                            Triconex Project:                PG&E PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Purchase Order No.:      3500897372 Project Sales Order:    993754 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY-RELATED PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT 1
Document No. 993754-1-900 Revision 1 March 2, 2012 Name          Si Ltture A            Title Author:          S. Dwire        l f    11.          Project Qualty Assurance Approvals:      R. Shaffer                          Project Manager H. Rice                              Quality Manager - Nuclear

Plan ....................................................................................................................................
i n V'e. n s'.j so                          M                            i n V e. n s.* s" Operations Management                                                 Triconex Document    I    974190          ITte      IPoect Quality Plan Revision:             1Page:                     2 of 8         Date:         02 MAR 2012 Document Change History Revision Date              Changes                                    Author 0    29 JUL 11        Initial Issue.                             S. Dwire 1     02 MAR 12        -Updated with Phase 2 deliverables          S. Dwire from PO#3500897372 Revision 6
7 7. DOCUM ENTATION ..... o....o...........................
                            -IOM-Q2 changed to QM-2
...... ................................
                            -Section 1.4 requirements document number updated
                            -Added references to specific PPMs I                                                          -'
... .....o.o.o....o............................o.....o.........................
.........oo.... o7 9. ATTACH MIENTS ... ooo... o..... o.o..... o~o..... o......o~o....
oo8 n V'e. n s'.> s-oTM in V e. n s'. s" Operations Management Triconex 1Document:
7 -993754-1-900 1 Titde: IPtoject Quality Plan Revision:
1 Page: 4 of 8 Date: 02 MAR 2012 1. General 1.1 Background/Purpose The purpose of this Project Quality Plan (PQP) is to provide planned and systematic quality activities for the design and approval of required Process Protection System (PPS)Replacement documents in accordance with Customer Purchase Order (PO) #3500897372 and Master Service Agreement (MSA) 4600018177.

===1.2 Objectives===
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This PQP is intended to ensure that project deliverables, including project documents supplied to the customer, meet specified quality standards; and that customer contract, Invensys Operations Management quality management system and applicable industry standards requirements are satisfied.
This PQP applies to all deliverables and services provided in satisfaction of the contract, regardless of the System/Safety classification.

===1.3 Project===
Overview The PPS Replacement documents will be provided appropriately as deliverables in accordance with the customer PO and MSA. The list of documents required includes normal digital design documentation, e.g., Software Requirements Specification (SRS), System Design Description (SDD), test plans, etc.. Phase I of ISG-06 for this project has been completed with the acceptance of the SRS as well as the test plans. This version of the PQP will address the completed Phase 1 and planned Phase 2. Phase 2 requires software code listings as well as test documentation (e.g. test specifications and test reports).
Project Quality Plan Revision:                      1                        Page:                        3 of 8                1 Date:                            02 MAR 2012 Table of Contents
Subsequent phases may require additional revisions to this PQP.1.4 Requirements This is a Safety Related Class 1E project with Software Integrity Level (SIL) 4 software.Requirements for this project are specified in customer PO #3500897372 and in accordance with the MSA # 4600018177.
: 1. GENERAL ..................................                              ............ ...                      ...            ....                ............ o4 1.1    Background/Purpose ...........................................................................................................................                  4 1.2    Objectives ............................................................................................................................................          4 1.3   Project Overview .................................................................................................................................              4 1.4    Requirem ents .......................................................................................................................................            4 1.5    Re ferences ...........................................................................................................................................          4
At a minimum if there is conflict with this PQP and required standards or customer requirements; QM-2 and customer quality requirements shall take precedence.
: 2.     ORGANIZATION.............          ..                      ..... ...... ..............................................                                    .... 5 2 1    Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................             5 2.2    Qualification and Traininr ..................................................................................................................                    5
QM-2 satisfies all customer QSL quality clauses and TEC I OCFR21 reporting requirements.
: 3.      QA PROGRAM  ns.ruct.ons.................................5..
APPLICABjLITY .....                                                                                                                    5 3.1     QA Programn ........................................................................................................................................            5 3.2    Project Instru tions ..............................................................................................................................              5 3.3    Design Control ....................................................................................................................................              5 3.4    Non-Conformances and Corective Actions ..................................................................................                                        6
: 4. NEW AND/OR UNIQUE ACTIVITIES                                                                              .....................            o.o........o............... 6 4.1    NRC Interim Staff Guidance 6 (ISG 06) ......................................................................................                                    6
: 5. KEY PROGRAM AREASe...................................................... 6
: 6. QA MONITORING .... o................. .o.....o.............oo............ ... .......... o..... .. o.o.......6 6.1    Inspection Plan ....................................................................................................................................            7
: 7. DOCUM ENTATION ..... o....o...........................                                                      ...... ................................              ....7
: 8. DELIVERABLES ........ o.o.o....o............................o.....o......................... .........oo....o7
: 9. ATTACH MIENTS o.....o.o.....o~o.....o......o~o....                                                o........oooo .................................. oo8

===1.5 References===
n V'e. n s'.>                            s-oTM                            in  V e. n s'. s" Operations Management                                                    Triconex 1Document:    7    -993754-1-900    1 Titde:  IPtoject Quality Plan Revision:                  1          Page:          4 of 8        Date:        02 MAR 2012
: 1.      General 1.1      Background/Purpose The purpose of this Project Quality Plan (PQP) is to provide planned and systematic quality activities for the design and approval of required Process Protection System (PPS)
====1.5.1. Nuclear====
Replacement documents in accordance with Customer Purchase Order (PO) #3500897372 and Master Service Agreement (MSA) 4600018177.
System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM), NTX-SER-09-21
1.2      Objectives This PQP is intended to ensure that project deliverables, including project documents supplied to the customer, meet specified quality standards; and that customer contract, Invensys Operations Management quality management system and applicable industry standards requirements are satisfied.
This PQP applies to all deliverables and services provided in satisfaction of the contract, regardless of the System/Safety classification.
1.3      Project Overview The PPS Replacement documents will be provided appropriately as deliverables in accordance with the customer PO and MSA. The list of documents required includes normal digital design documentation, e.g., Software Requirements Specification (SRS), System Design Description (SDD), test plans, etc.. Phase I of ISG-06 for this project has been completed with the acceptance of the SRS as well as the test plans. This version of the PQP will address the completed Phase 1 and planned Phase 2. Phase 2 requires software code listings as well as test documentation (e.g. test specifications and test reports). Subsequent phases may require additional revisions to this PQP.
1.4      Requirements This is a Safety Related Class 1E project with Software Integrity Level (SIL) 4 software.
Requirements for this project are specified in customer PO #3500897372 and in accordance with the MSA # 4600018177. At a minimum if there is conflict with this PQP and required standards or customer requirements; QM-2 and customer quality requirements shall take precedence. QM-2 satisfies all customer QSL quality clauses and TEC I OCFR21 reporting requirements.
1.5     References 1.5.1. Nuclear System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM), NTX-SER-09-21 1.5.2. Project Management Plan (PMP), 993754-1-905 1.5.3. Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, QM-2 1.5.4. Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 993754-1-801 1.5.5. U.S. NRC Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance (ISG 06),
DI&C-ISG-06, Revision 1 I

====1.5.2. Project====
i n v'e. n                            s Operations Management                                                   Triconex Docment:            993754-1-900
Management Plan (PMP), 993754-1-905

====1.5.3. Nuclear====
Quality Assurance Manual, QM-2 1.5.4. Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 993754-1-801 1.5.5. U.S. NRC Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance (ISG 06), DI&C-ISG-06, Revision 1 I i n v'e. n s Operations Management Triconex Docment: 993754-1-900 Title: Project Quality Plan Revision:
Project Quality Plan Revision:                1          Page:          5 of 8        Date:      02 MAR 2012 1.5.6. Pacific Gas & Electric Purchase Order #3500897372
1 Page: 5 of 8 Date: 02 MAR 2012 1.5.6. Pacific Gas & Electric Purchase Order #3500897372
: 2.      ORGANIZATION 2.1      Responsibilities Detailed roles and responsibilities of key Invensys Operations Management personnel are described in 993754-1-905, Project Management Plan (PMP).
2.2      Qualification and Training This project will be implemented by qualified and trained Invensys personnel. Project training will be provided to project personnel in accordance with Invensys Operations Management Triconex Project Procedure Manual (PPM) 9.0, Personnel Training and the PMP.
: 3.       QA Program Appficability 3.1      QA Program The Invensys Operations Management System Requirements: Quality Manual (QM-2) and supporting quality management system documentation shall control all work performed under the contract. All process control activities are controlled by applicable quality management system documents. Project activities will be controlled and performed in compliance with these requirements through implementation of QM-2, the Quality Procedure Manual (QPM), and the Nuclear System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM), NTX-SER-09-21; except as specified in Section 3.2 and 3.3 of this plan.
The Triconex QPM, Project Procedure Manual (PPM), and Manufacturing Department Manual (MDM) are the implementing procedures under the NSIPM. These procedures have been verified via external audit, including the NRC, and found compliant with the Invensys (10 CFR 50) Appendix B program as well as NRC requirements for the development of software for safety-related applications in nuclear power plants.
3.2      Project Instructions When necessary, project management has the authority to develop and implement project-specific Project Instructions (PI) to provide instructions for additional methods/processes for new/unique customer contract-specific requirements. Project Instructions, at a minimum, shall be developed by the PE or designee, reviewed by PQAE and approved by the PM.
3.3      Design Control Design activities are conducted in accordance with the NSIPM, Section 4.0, Design Control and PPM 2.0, Design Control. The design process includes measures for identification, control of design interfaces, and verification of design adequacy. Specific details for software I

===2.1 Responsibilities===
n v e.n s-".                           s-TMi                           n V. e." n s. '- . s $"
Detailed roles and responsibilities of key Invensys Operations Management personnel are described in 993754-1-905, Project Management Plan (PMP).2.2 Qualification and Training This project will be implemented by qualified and trained Invensys personnel.
o0 Operations Management                                                   Triconex Document:         9974-           I0Title: Pioect Qait Plan Revision:               1           Page:       6 of 8     Date:         02 MAR2012 design control shall be found in the Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 993754 801.
Project training will be provided to project personnel in accordance with Invensys Operations Management Triconex Project Procedure Manual (PPM) 9.0, Personnel Training and the PMP.3. QA Program Appficability 3.1 QA Program The Invensys Operations Management System Requirements:
3.4       Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions shall be handled in accordance with NSIPM Section 7.0, Nonconforming Items and PPM 10.0, Nonconformance and Corrective Action.
Quality Manual (QM-2) and supporting quality management system documentation shall control all work performed under the contract.
: 4.       NEW and/or UNIQUE Activities 4.1       NRC Interim Staff Guidance 06 (ISG 06)
All process control activities are controlled by applicable quality management system documents.
Project documents shall be developed in accordance with the guidance from Invensys Operations Management Triconex manuals and ISG 06. If the Invensys Triconex manuals and ISG 06 differ significantly in document requirements, the more stringent requirements of the two shall be incorporated.
Project activities will be controlled and performed in compliance with these requirements through implementation of QM-2, the Quality Procedure Manual (QPM), and the Nuclear System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM), NTX-SER-09-21; except as specified in Section 3.2 and 3.3 of this plan.The Triconex QPM, Project Procedure Manual (PPM), and Manufacturing Department Manual (MDM) are the implementing procedures under the NSIPM. These procedures have been verified via external audit, including the NRC, and found compliant with the Invensys (10 CFR 50) Appendix B program as well as NRC requirements for the development of software for safety-related applications in nuclear power plants.3.2 Project Instructions When necessary, project management has the authority to develop and implement project-specific Project Instructions (PI) to provide instructions for additional methods/processes for new/unique customer contract-specific requirements.
: 5.       Key Program Areas Important areas of the QA program which will be emphasized are:
Project Instructions, at a minimum, shall be developed by the PE or designee, reviewed by PQAE and approved by the PM.3.3 Design Control Design activities are conducted in accordance with the NSIPM, Section 4.0, Design Control and PPM 2.0, Design Control. The design process includes measures for identification, control of design interfaces, and verification of design adequacy.
  " Surveillance of the engineering activities to verify compliance with the project and quality procedures, project plans, customer purchase order/specifications.
Specific details for software I n v e.n s- ." s-o 0 TMi n .V " e. n .s '- .$" s Operations Management Triconex Document:
* Review and approval of documents assuring consistent formats, good revision control and not repeating errors throughout the project.
9974- I0 Title: Pioect Qait Plan Revision:
* Periodic audits providing independent reviews and monitoring.
1 Page: 6 of 8 Date: 02 MAR2012 design control shall be found in the Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 993754-1-801.3.4 Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions shall be handled in accordance with NSIPM Section 7.0, Nonconforming Items and PPM 10.0, Nonconformance and Corrective Action.4. NEW and/or UNIQUE Activities 4.1 NRC Interim Staff Guidance 06 (ISG 06)Project documents shall be developed in accordance with the guidance from Invensys Operations Management Triconex manuals and ISG 06. If the Invensys Triconex manuals and ISG 06 differ significantly in document requirements, the more stringent requirements of the two shall be incorporated.
: 6.       QA Monitoring The PM and project personnel are responsible for the overall quality of the project. In general, quality assurance is verified by:
: 5. Key Program Areas Important areas of the QA program which will be emphasized are: " Surveillance of the engineering activities to verify compliance with the project and quality procedures, project plans, customer purchase order/specifications.
* Peer review of project documents.
* Review and approval of documents assuring consistent formats, good revision control and not repeating errors throughout the project.* Periodic audits providing independent reviews and monitoring.
* Review and monitoring of project activities by the PM.
: 6. QA Monitoring The PM and project personnel are responsible for the overall quality of the project. In general, quality assurance is verified by:* Peer review of project documents.
In addition, the assigned Project Quality Assurance Engineer (PQAE) will perform independent quality assurance activities, which include:
* Review and monitoring of project activities by the PM.In addition, the assigned Project Quality Assurance Engineer (PQAE) will perform independent quality assurance activities, which include:* Reviewing project documents for adequacy and completeness.
* Reviewing project documents for adequacy and completeness.
* Conducting surveillances of project activities to measure and assure program compliance.
* Conducting surveillances of project activities to measure and assure program compliance.
* Serving as the primary interface with the customer quality representatives.
* Serving as the primary interface with the customer quality representatives.
Throughout the project, QA will advise the PM on issues relating to quality and will identify potential noncompliance with customer requirements or project QA commitments.
Throughout the project, QA will advise the PM on issues relating to quality and will identify potential noncompliance with customer requirements or project QA commitments. QA does not report to the PM and has the organizational freedom to identify quality issues to Invensys senior management, where necessary to resolve conflicts in quality issues.
QA does not report to the PM and has the organizational freedom to identify quality issues to Invensys senior management, where necessary to resolve conflicts in quality issues.
in v'0e. n s ".js ovTes i nS. s* .'n. ss Operations Management Triconex Document:
in v'0e. novTes s                             ".js                     i nS..'n. s* ss Operations Management                                                     Triconex Document:           993754-1-900   ITitle: I Project Quality Plan Revision:                   1         Page:         7 of 8         Date: -1   02 MAR2012 6.1     Inspection Plan Invensys Operations Management shall conduct a phase exit surveillance prior to exiting the Requirements, Design, Implementation, and Test Phases before recommending work to begin on documents of the next phase. This will help ensure all inputs of the next phase are verified to be acceptable and approved before beginning activities of that phase.
993754-1-900 ITitle: I Project Quality Plan Revision:
: 7.       Documentation All documents generated as a result of this project shall be classified as Quality Records and shall be processed in accordance with NSIPM, Section 10.0, Project Document and Data Control, PPM 3.0, Drawing Preparation and Control, PPM 4.0, Project Document and Data Control and QPM, Section 16.0, Quality Records Retention.
1 Page: 7 of 8 Date: -1 02 MAR2012 6.1 Inspection Plan Invensys Operations Management shall conduct a phase exit surveillance prior to exiting the Requirements, Design, Implementation, and Test Phases before recommending work to begin on documents of the next phase. This will help ensure all inputs of the next phase are verified to be acceptable and approved before beginning activities of that phase.7. Documentation All documents generated as a result of this project shall be classified as Quality Records and shall be processed in accordance with NSIPM, Section 10.0, Project Document and Data Control, PPM 3.0, Drawing Preparation and Control, PPM 4.0, Project Document and Data Control and QPM, Section 16.0, Quality Records Retention.
: 8.       Deliverables Deliverable dates and other specific data for these documents are described in the PMP, 993754-1-905.
: 8. Deliverables Deliverable dates and other specific data for these documents are described in the PMP, 993754-1-905.
Project deliverables to be provided are:
Project deliverables to be provided are: 1. System Architecture Description
: 1. System Architecture Description
: a. Hardware Architecture Description
: a. Hardware Architecture Description
: b. Software Architecture Description
: b. Software Architecture Description
: 2. V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis 3. 603/7-4.3.2/ISG-04 Conformance Report 4. RG 1.152 Conformance Report a. Vulnerability Assessment
: 2. V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis
: b. Secure Development Environment and Operational Environment Controls 5. Project Management Plan 6. Software Management Plan 7. Software Development Plan 8. Software Safety Plan 9. Software Quality Assurance Plan 10. Software Verification and Validation Plan 11. Software Configuration Management Plan 12. Software Integration Plan Requirements Phase 13. Hardware Requirements Specification
: 3. 603/7-4.3.2/ISG-04 Conformance Report
: 4. RG 1.152 Conformance Report
: a. Vulnerability Assessment
: b. Secure Development Environment and Operational Environment Controls
: 5. Project Management Plan
: 6. Software Management Plan
: 7. Software Development Plan
: 8. Software Safety Plan
: 9. Software Quality Assurance Plan
: 10. Software Verification and Validation Plan
: 11. Software Configuration Management Plan
: 12. Software Integration Plan Requirements Phase
: 13. Hardware Requirements Specification
: 14. Software Requirements Specification
: 14. Software Requirements Specification
: 15. Safety (Criticality/Hazard/Risk)
: 15. Safety (Criticality/Hazard/Risk) Analysis
Analysis 16. Validation Test Plan 17. Project Traceability Matrix 18. Requirements Phase Summary Report a. Requirements V&V Report Design Phase 19. Software Design Description I
: 16. Validation Test Plan
i n v e. n s*." s"* °,M i n V'e. n. s'.t s" Operations Management Triconex Document-I 993754-1-900 I Title: I Project Quality Plan Revision:
: 17. Project Traceability Matrix
I Page: 8 of 8 Date: 02 MAR2012 20. Hardware Design Description
: 18. Requirements Phase Summary Report
: 21. I/O List 22. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis 23. Safety Analysis (Design Phase Update)24. Validation Test Specification
: a. Requirements V&V Report Design Phase
: 25. Software Verification Test Plan 26. Software Verification Test Specification
: 19. Software Design Description I
: 27. Project Traceability Matrix -Design Phase 28. Design Phase Summary Report a. Design Phase V&V Report Implementation Phase 29. Application Software (PT2 File)30. I/O List (Implementation Phase Update, if necessary)
: 31. Software Verification Test Cases 32. Software Verification Test Report 33. Safety Analysis (Implementation Phase Update)34. Project Traceability Matrix -Implementation Phase 35. Implementation Phase Summary Report a. Implementation Phase V&V Report Test Phase 36. Hardware Validation Test Procedure 37. Factory Acceptance Test Procedure 38. Project Traceability Matrix -Test Phase 39. Hardware Validation Test Report 40. Factory Acceptance Test Report 41. System Response Time Confirmation Report 42. Safety Analysis (Test Phase Update)43. Final Master Configuration List 44. Test Phase Summary Report 45. Final Verification and Validation Report Delivery Phase 46. Nuclear Certificate of Conformance
i n v e. n s*." s"           *°,M                                         i n V'e. n. s'.t s" Operations Management                                                   Triconex Document-       I   993754-1-900   I
: 47. Final System Integration Document Package 48. System Delivery 9. Attachments NONE}}
I Project Quality Plan Revision:                 I           Page:         8 of 8         Date:   02 MAR2012
: 20. Hardware Design Description
: 21. I/O List
: 22. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
: 23. Safety Analysis (Design Phase Update)
: 24. Validation Test Specification
: 25. Software Verification Test Plan
: 26. Software Verification Test Specification
: 27. Project Traceability Matrix - Design Phase
: 28. Design Phase Summary Report
: a. Design Phase V&V Report Implementation Phase
: 29. Application Software (PT2 File)
: 30. I/O List (Implementation Phase Update, if necessary)
: 31. Software Verification Test Cases
: 32. Software Verification Test Report
: 33. Safety Analysis (Implementation Phase Update)
: 34. Project Traceability Matrix - Implementation Phase
: 35. Implementation Phase Summary Report
: a. Implementation Phase V&V Report Test Phase
: 36. Hardware Validation Test Procedure
: 37. Factory Acceptance Test Procedure
: 38. Project Traceability Matrix - Test Phase
: 39. Hardware Validation Test Report
: 40. Factory Acceptance Test Report
: 41. System Response Time Confirmation Report
: 42. Safety Analysis (Test Phase Update)
: 43. Final Master Configuration List
: 44. Test Phase Summary Report
: 45. Final Verification and Validation Report Delivery Phase
: 46. Nuclear Certificate of Conformance
: 47. Final System Integration Document Package
: 48. System Delivery
: 9.       Attachments NONE}}

Latest revision as of 15:24, 5 December 2019

Document 993754-1-900, Rev. 1, Pacific Gas & Electric Company Nuclear Safety-Related Process Protection System Replacement, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Project Quality Plan.
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/2012
From: Dwire S
Invensys Operations Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML130040687 List:
993754-1-900, Rev 1
Download: ML13004A473 (9)


Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure contain Proprietary Information - Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390 Enclosure Attachment 6 PG&E Letter DCL-12-120 Invensys Operations Management Document "993754-1-900, Revision 1, Process Protection System Replacement Diablo Canyon Power Plant Project Quality Plan (PQP)"


Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure contain Proprietary Information When separated from Attachments 8-13 to the Enclosure, this document is decontrolled.



Document No. 993754-1-900 Revision 1 March 2, 2012 Name Si Ltture A Title Author: S. Dwire l f 11. Project Qualty Assurance Approvals: R. Shaffer Project Manager H. Rice Quality Manager - Nuclear

i n V'e. n s'.j so M i n V e. n s.* s" Operations Management Triconex Document I 974190 ITte IPoect Quality Plan Revision: 1Page: 2 of 8 Date: 02 MAR 2012 Document Change History Revision Date Changes Author 0 29 JUL 11 Initial Issue. S. Dwire 1 02 MAR 12 -Updated with Phase 2 deliverables S. Dwire from PO#3500897372 Revision 6

-IOM-Q2 changed to QM-2

-Section 1.4 requirements document number updated

-Added references to specific PPMs I -'

i n v'e. n so"ýjs '.i s, 00 Tm i nV e. n s Operations Management Triconex Document: 7 - 993754-1-900 1


Project Quality Plan Revision: 1 Page: 3 of 8 1 Date: 02 MAR 2012 Table of Contents

1. GENERAL .................................. ............ ... ... .... ............ o4 1.1 Background/Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Project Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 Requirem ents ....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Re ferences ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. ORGANIZATION............. .. ..... ...... .............................................. .... 5 2 1 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Qualification and Traininr .................................................................................................................. 5
3. QA PROGRAM ns.ruct.ons.................................5..

APPLICABjLITY ..... 5 3.1 QA Programn ........................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Project Instru tions .............................................................................................................................. 5 3.3 Design Control .................................................................................................................................... 5 3.4 Non-Conformances and Corective Actions .................................................................................. 6

4. NEW AND/OR UNIQUE ACTIVITIES ..................... o.o........o............... 6 4.1 NRC Interim Staff Guidance 6 (ISG 06) ...................................................................................... 6
5. KEY PROGRAM AREASe...................................................... 6
6. QA MONITORING .... o................. .o.....o.............oo............ ... .......... o..... .. o.o.......6 6.1 Inspection Plan .................................................................................................................................... 7
7. DOCUM ENTATION ..... o....o........................... ...... ................................ ....7
8. DELIVERABLES ........ o.o.o....o............................o.....o......................... .........oo....o7
9. ATTACH MIENTS o.....o.o.....o~o.....o......o~o.... o........oooo .................................. oo8

n V'e. n s'.> s-oTM in V e. n s'. s" Operations Management Triconex 1Document: 7 -993754-1-900 1 Titde: IPtoject Quality Plan Revision: 1 Page: 4 of 8 Date: 02 MAR 2012

1. General 1.1 Background/Purpose The purpose of this Project Quality Plan (PQP) is to provide planned and systematic quality activities for the design and approval of required Process Protection System (PPS)

Replacement documents in accordance with Customer Purchase Order (PO) #3500897372 and Master Service Agreement (MSA) 4600018177.

1.2 Objectives This PQP is intended to ensure that project deliverables, including project documents supplied to the customer, meet specified quality standards; and that customer contract, Invensys Operations Management quality management system and applicable industry standards requirements are satisfied.

This PQP applies to all deliverables and services provided in satisfaction of the contract, regardless of the System/Safety classification.

1.3 Project Overview The PPS Replacement documents will be provided appropriately as deliverables in accordance with the customer PO and MSA. The list of documents required includes normal digital design documentation, e.g., Software Requirements Specification (SRS), System Design Description (SDD), test plans, etc.. Phase I of ISG-06 for this project has been completed with the acceptance of the SRS as well as the test plans. This version of the PQP will address the completed Phase 1 and planned Phase 2. Phase 2 requires software code listings as well as test documentation (e.g. test specifications and test reports). Subsequent phases may require additional revisions to this PQP.

1.4 Requirements This is a Safety Related Class 1E project with Software Integrity Level (SIL) 4 software.

Requirements for this project are specified in customer PO #3500897372 and in accordance with the MSA # 4600018177. At a minimum if there is conflict with this PQP and required standards or customer requirements; QM-2 and customer quality requirements shall take precedence. QM-2 satisfies all customer QSL quality clauses and TEC I OCFR21 reporting requirements.

1.5 References 1.5.1. Nuclear System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM), NTX-SER-09-21 1.5.2. Project Management Plan (PMP), 993754-1-905 1.5.3. Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual, QM-2 1.5.4. Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 993754-1-801 1.5.5. U.S. NRC Digital Instrumentation and Controls Interim Staff Guidance (ISG 06),

DI&C-ISG-06, Revision 1 I

i n v'e. n s Operations Management Triconex Docment: 993754-1-900


Project Quality Plan Revision: 1 Page: 5 of 8 Date: 02 MAR 2012 1.5.6. Pacific Gas & Electric Purchase Order #3500897372

2. ORGANIZATION 2.1 Responsibilities Detailed roles and responsibilities of key Invensys Operations Management personnel are described in 993754-1-905, Project Management Plan (PMP).

2.2 Qualification and Training This project will be implemented by qualified and trained Invensys personnel. Project training will be provided to project personnel in accordance with Invensys Operations Management Triconex Project Procedure Manual (PPM) 9.0, Personnel Training and the PMP.

3. QA Program Appficability 3.1 QA Program The Invensys Operations Management System Requirements: Quality Manual (QM-2) and supporting quality management system documentation shall control all work performed under the contract. All process control activities are controlled by applicable quality management system documents. Project activities will be controlled and performed in compliance with these requirements through implementation of QM-2, the Quality Procedure Manual (QPM), and the Nuclear System Integration Program Manual (NSIPM), NTX-SER-09-21; except as specified in Section 3.2 and 3.3 of this plan.

The Triconex QPM, Project Procedure Manual (PPM), and Manufacturing Department Manual (MDM) are the implementing procedures under the NSIPM. These procedures have been verified via external audit, including the NRC, and found compliant with the Invensys (10 CFR 50) Appendix B program as well as NRC requirements for the development of software for safety-related applications in nuclear power plants.

3.2 Project Instructions When necessary, project management has the authority to develop and implement project-specific Project Instructions (PI) to provide instructions for additional methods/processes for new/unique customer contract-specific requirements. Project Instructions, at a minimum, shall be developed by the PE or designee, reviewed by PQAE and approved by the PM.

3.3 Design Control Design activities are conducted in accordance with the NSIPM, Section 4.0, Design Control and PPM 2.0, Design Control. The design process includes measures for identification, control of design interfaces, and verification of design adequacy. Specific details for software I

n v e.n s-". s-TMi n V. e." n s. '- . s $"

o0 Operations Management Triconex Document: 9974- I0Title: Pioect Qait Plan Revision: 1 Page: 6 of 8 Date: 02 MAR2012 design control shall be found in the Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP), 993754 801.

3.4 Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions Non-Conformances and Corrective Actions shall be handled in accordance with NSIPM Section 7.0, Nonconforming Items and PPM 10.0, Nonconformance and Corrective Action.

4. NEW and/or UNIQUE Activities 4.1 NRC Interim Staff Guidance 06 (ISG 06)

Project documents shall be developed in accordance with the guidance from Invensys Operations Management Triconex manuals and ISG 06. If the Invensys Triconex manuals and ISG 06 differ significantly in document requirements, the more stringent requirements of the two shall be incorporated.

5. Key Program Areas Important areas of the QA program which will be emphasized are:

" Surveillance of the engineering activities to verify compliance with the project and quality procedures, project plans, customer purchase order/specifications.

  • Review and approval of documents assuring consistent formats, good revision control and not repeating errors throughout the project.
  • Periodic audits providing independent reviews and monitoring.
6. QA Monitoring The PM and project personnel are responsible for the overall quality of the project. In general, quality assurance is verified by:
  • Peer review of project documents.
  • Review and monitoring of project activities by the PM.

In addition, the assigned Project Quality Assurance Engineer (PQAE) will perform independent quality assurance activities, which include:

  • Reviewing project documents for adequacy and completeness.
  • Conducting surveillances of project activities to measure and assure program compliance.
  • Serving as the primary interface with the customer quality representatives.

Throughout the project, QA will advise the PM on issues relating to quality and will identify potential noncompliance with customer requirements or project QA commitments. QA does not report to the PM and has the organizational freedom to identify quality issues to Invensys senior management, where necessary to resolve conflicts in quality issues.

in v'0e. novTes s ".js i nS..'n. s* ss Operations Management Triconex Document: 993754-1-900 ITitle: I Project Quality Plan Revision: 1 Page: 7 of 8 Date: -1 02 MAR2012 6.1 Inspection Plan Invensys Operations Management shall conduct a phase exit surveillance prior to exiting the Requirements, Design, Implementation, and Test Phases before recommending work to begin on documents of the next phase. This will help ensure all inputs of the next phase are verified to be acceptable and approved before beginning activities of that phase.

7. Documentation All documents generated as a result of this project shall be classified as Quality Records and shall be processed in accordance with NSIPM, Section 10.0, Project Document and Data Control, PPM 3.0, Drawing Preparation and Control, PPM 4.0, Project Document and Data Control and QPM, Section 16.0, Quality Records Retention.
8. Deliverables Deliverable dates and other specific data for these documents are described in the PMP, 993754-1-905.

Project deliverables to be provided are:

1. System Architecture Description
a. Hardware Architecture Description
b. Software Architecture Description
2. V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis
3. 603/7-4.3.2/ISG-04 Conformance Report
4. RG 1.152 Conformance Report
a. Vulnerability Assessment
b. Secure Development Environment and Operational Environment Controls
5. Project Management Plan
6. Software Management Plan
7. Software Development Plan
8. Software Safety Plan
9. Software Quality Assurance Plan
10. Software Verification and Validation Plan
11. Software Configuration Management Plan
12. Software Integration Plan Requirements Phase
13. Hardware Requirements Specification
14. Software Requirements Specification
15. Safety (Criticality/Hazard/Risk) Analysis
16. Validation Test Plan
17. Project Traceability Matrix
18. Requirements Phase Summary Report
a. Requirements V&V Report Design Phase
19. Software Design Description I

i n v e. n s*." s" *°,M i n V'e. n. s'.t s" Operations Management Triconex Document- I 993754-1-900 I


I Project Quality Plan Revision: I Page: 8 of 8 Date: 02 MAR2012

20. Hardware Design Description
21. I/O List
22. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
23. Safety Analysis (Design Phase Update)
24. Validation Test Specification
25. Software Verification Test Plan
26. Software Verification Test Specification
27. Project Traceability Matrix - Design Phase
28. Design Phase Summary Report
a. Design Phase V&V Report Implementation Phase
29. Application Software (PT2 File)
30. I/O List (Implementation Phase Update, if necessary)
31. Software Verification Test Cases
32. Software Verification Test Report
33. Safety Analysis (Implementation Phase Update)
34. Project Traceability Matrix - Implementation Phase
35. Implementation Phase Summary Report
a. Implementation Phase V&V Report Test Phase
36. Hardware Validation Test Procedure
37. Factory Acceptance Test Procedure
38. Project Traceability Matrix - Test Phase
39. Hardware Validation Test Report
40. Factory Acceptance Test Report
41. System Response Time Confirmation Report
42. Safety Analysis (Test Phase Update)
43. Final Master Configuration List
44. Test Phase Summary Report
45. Final Verification and Validation Report Delivery Phase
46. Nuclear Certificate of Conformance
47. Final System Integration Document Package
48. System Delivery
9. Attachments NONE