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| number = ML14195A003
| number = ML14195A003
| issue date = 06/30/2014
| issue date = 06/30/2014
| title = 2013 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University Triga Mark Ii Nuclear Reactor (Facility License # R-88, Facility Docket # 50-188)
| title = 2013 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University Triga Mark II Nuclear Reactor (Facility License # R-88, Facility Docket # 50-188)
| author name = Geuther J A
| author name = Geuther J
| author affiliation = Kansas State Univ
| author affiliation = Kansas State Univ
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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{{#Wiki_filter:Jeffrey Geuther, Ph.D.Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager3002 Rathbone HallKansas State University 66506US NRCAttn: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555-0001 30 June 2014
{{#Wiki_filter:Jeffrey Geuther, Ph.D.
Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager 3002 Rathbone Hall Kansas State University 66506 US NRC Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 30 June 2014

2013 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Nuclear Reactor (Facility License # R-88, Facility Docket # 50-188)
To Whom It May Concern:
This document serves as the annual operating report for the Kansas State University (KSU) nuclear reactor. This document satisfies requirements in facility Technical Specifications (TS) 6.11 .e.
The report is divided into paragraphs addressing specific items listed as requirements in the Technical Specifications.
Sincerely, Jeffrey A. Geuther, Ph.D.
Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager Kansas State University Attachments:
: 1. Kansas State University TRIGA Mark I1Reactor Annual Report, CY 2013
: 2. 10CFR50.59 Screening Forms Cc: Spyros Traiforos, Project Manager, NRC Michael Morlang, Inspector,NRC

2013 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University TRIGAMark II Nuclear Reactor (Facility License # R-88, Facility Docket # 50-188)To Whom It May Concern:This document serves as the annual operating report for the Kansas State University (KSU) nuclear reactor.
ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Reactor Annual Report, CY 2013 Introduction The Kansas State University Nuclear Reactor Technical Specifications (TS) require a routine written report to be transmitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission within 60 days after completion of the first calendar year of operating, and at intervals not to exceed twelve months thereafter, providing the following information:
This document satisfies requirements in facility Technical Specifications (TS) 6.11 .e.The report is divided into paragraphs addressing specific items listed as requirements inthe Technical Specifications.
TS.6.11 .e. 1 - A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections.
Sincerely, Jeffrey A. Geuther, Ph.D.Nuclear Reactor Facility ManagerKansas State University Attachments:
TS.6.11 .e.2 -  A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).
: 1. Kansas State University TRIGA Mark I1 Reactor Annual Report, CY 20132. 10CFR50.59 Screening FormsCc: Spyros Traiforos, Project Manager, NRCMichael Morlang, Inspector,NRC ATTACHMENT 1KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORTKansas State University TRIGA Mark II Reactor AnnualReport, CY 2013Introduction The Kansas State University Nuclear Reactor Technical Specifications (TS) require aroutine written report to be transmitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission within60 days after completion of the first calendar year of operating, and at intervals not toexceed twelve months thereafter, providing the following information:
TS.6.11 .e.3 -  The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any, taken.
TS.6.11 .e. 1 -TS.6.11 .e.2 -TS.6.11 .e.3 -TS.6.1 L.e.4 -TS.6.1A.e.5
TS.6.1 L.e.4 -  Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.
-TS.6.11 .e.6 -TS.6.1 1.e.7 -TS.6.11 .e.8 -A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed),
TS.6.1A.e.5 -    A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 1O.CFR.50.59.
changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safetyoccurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance testsand inspections.
TS.6.11 .e.6 -  A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge.
A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any, taken.Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during theperiod, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor,and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.
TS.6.1 1.e.7 -  A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.
A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, andexperiments carried out under the conditions of 1O.CFR.50.59.
TS.6.11 .e.8 -  A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposure, and a brief summary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facilty.
A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released ordischarged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee asmeasured at or before the point of such release or discharge.
This information is transmitted in this report, in sections separated by TS clause. This report covers January 2013 - December 2013.
A description of any environmental surveys performed outside thefacility.
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A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel andvisitors, including the dates and time of significant  
: exposure, and a briefsummary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facilty.This information is transmitted in this report, in sections separated by TS clause. Thisreport covers January 2013 -December 2013.Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 1KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORTTS.6.1 1.e.1 -A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed),
ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.1 1.e.1 - A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections.
changes in facility design,performance characteristics, and operating procedures related toreactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results ofsurveillance tests and inspections.
The outer beam port plug for the northeast beam port (piercing beam port) had been lodged in place for years. The plug was removed through a combination of drilling, sawing, and breaking with a digging bar. The beam port was shielded with a borated polyethylene plug and a lead and concrete gamma shield.
The outer beam port plug for the northeast beam port (piercing beam port) had beenlodged in place for years. The plug was removed through a combination of drilling, sawing, and breaking with a digging bar. The beam port was shielded with a boratedpolyethylene plug and a lead and concrete gamma shield.The reactor suffered from significant down time due to control rod drive troubleshooting.
The reactor suffered from significant down time due to control rod drive troubleshooting.
The shim rod and regulating drives are especially prone to difficulties.
The shim rod and regulating drives are especially prone to difficulties.
CY2013 included more hours logged in support of experiments than is typical for theKSU TRIGA reactor.
CY2013 included more hours logged in support of experiments than is typical for the KSU 237 TRIGA reactor. This abnormality is mostly due to a 41/2 day-long irradiation of Np.
This abnormality is mostly due to a 41/2 day-long irradiation of237Np.The NRC routine annual inspection was conducted during the summer of 2013. Aninspector follow-up item was logged, requiring a revision to the facility's sampleirradiation procedure to require written communication or verification of the mass ofsamples to be irradiated.
The NRC routine annual inspection was conducted during the summer of 2013. An inspector follow-up item was logged, requiring a revision to the facility's sample irradiation procedure to require written communication or verification of the mass of samples to be irradiated. Prior to the routine inspection the facility reported that it had been operated with an incorrect fuel temperature reading. This erroneous reading was caused by the grounding of one of the thermocouple pairs. The facility technical specifications do not require a fuel temperature SCRAM, however, at least on fuel temperature indication is required. An uncited violation was assessed based on this event.
Prior to the routine inspection the facility reported that it hadbeen operated with an incorrect fuel temperature reading.
TS.6.1 1.e.2 - A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).
This erroneous reading wascaused by the grounding of one of the thermocouple pairs. The facility technical specifications do not require a fuel temperature SCRAM, however, at least on fueltemperature indication is required.
The monthly total energy generated by the KSU reactor is recorded in Table 1. The same data is shown as a bar chart in Figure 1. The total MWh of operation increased from the prior year, from 70 MWh to 99.5 MWh.
An uncited violation was assessed based on thisevent.TS.6.1 1.e.2 -A tabulation showing the energy generated by thereactor (in megawatt-hours).
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The monthly total energy generated by the KSU reactor is recorded in Table 1. The samedata is shown as a bar chart in Figure 1. The total MWh of operation increased from theprior year, from 70 MWh to 99.5 MWh.Page 2 of 7 ATTACHMENT 1KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORTTable 1 -Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark 11 reactor by month for CY 2013.Month MWhJanuary 7.5February 5.2March 14.9April 13.2May 9.6JuneJulyAugustSeptember OctoberNovember5.71.830. 3.0MWh per Month051015202530JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecemberFigure 1 -Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark !1 reactor by month for CY 2013.Figure 2 shows the percentage of hours of reactor operation for various purposes, i.e.,research  
: support, training, education, etc. The percentage of hours for training appearssmall, because operator training was often performed when the reactor was beingoperated for another purpose, such as research support.
ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT Table 1 - Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark 11 reactor by month for CY 2013.
The plot demonstrates that thereactor is operated in accordance with our stated primary functions:
Month           MWh January            7.5 February          5.2 March            14.9 April            13.2 May                9.6 June              5.7 July              1.8 August            30.0 September          4.1 October            2.2 November          2.2 December          3.0 MWh per Month 0          5          10        15        20        25        30 January February March April May June July August September October November December Figure 1 - Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark !1 reactor by month for CY 2013.
education; researchsupport (e.g., irradiation);
Figure 2 shows the percentage of hours of reactor operation for various purposes, i.e.,
operator training; and demonstration (e.g., tours). The amountof hours operated in support of research was much larger than normal due to the extendedoperation in support of the 237Np irradiation project.
research support, training, education, etc. The percentage of hours for training appears small, because operator training was often performed when the reactor was being operated for another purpose, such as research support. The plot demonstrates that the reactor is operated in accordance with our stated primary functions: education; research support (e.g., irradiation); operator training; and demonstration (e.g., tours). The amount of hours operated in support of research was much larger than normal due to the extended operation in support of the 237Np irradiation project. This category increase from 30% of hours in CY2012 to 55% of hours in CY2013.
This category increase from 30% ofhours in CY2012 to 55% of hours in CY2013.Page 3 of 7 ATTACHMENT 1KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORTMaintenance,  
Page 3 of 7
: Testing, 11.2%6.3% Research, 54.5%]Training, 1.4%[Tours, 11.1%1Classes, 15.5%Figure 2 -KSU reactor hours, based on purpose of operation.
TS.6.1 1.e.3 -The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any,taken.Inadvertent SCRAMS and Emergency Shutdowns Date Action Comments1/9/2013 Power SCRAM Console placed in pulse mode without pulseinterlock engaged.2/8/2013 Linear power SCRAM NMP-1000 locked in range2/15/2013 Spurious SCRAM No indications of any cause3/15/2013 Linear power SCRAM NMP-1000 locked in range11/5/2013 Period SCRAM Operator error (Trainee)
TS.6.1 1.e.4 -Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safeoperation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.
6.3%                                                     Research, 54.5%]
No major maintenance operations affected the safe operation of the reactor.
Training, 1.4%
Thefollowing major maintenance activities occurred:
[Tours, 11.1%1 Classes, 15.5%
Installation of grid plates over the bulk shield tank. The grid plates provide aremovable working and walking surface and do not affect the operation of thereactor in any way.(00Replacement of console key switch with exact replacement part.Installation of additional instrumented fuel element.Page 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT IKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORTTS.6.1 1.e.5 -A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 10CFR-50,59.The following changes were carried out under I OCFR-50.59.
Figure 2 - KSU reactor hours, based on purpose of operation.
* The thermocouple wires from the instrumented fuel elements were insulated withtape and plastic caps were added to the thermocouple conduit to preventgrounding.
TS.6.1 1.e.3 - The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any,                           (
* Grid plates were installed over the bulk shield tank.None of the above changes were determined to have a significant impact on the safetyanalysis.
Copies of the 1 OCFR-50.59 screening checklists that were performed to acceptthe changes are attached to this report.TS.6.1 1.e.6 -A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of suchrelease or discharge.
Inadvertent SCRAMS and Emergency Shutdowns Date           Action                           Comments 1/9/2013       Power SCRAM                       Console placed in pulse mode without pulse interlock engaged.
On two occasions the contents of the reactor bay sump were discharged to the secondary surge tank. Per procedure, the radioisotope inventory and concentration were calculated prior to discharge, showing both to be well below the limits in 1OCFR-20:
2/8/2013       Linear power SCRAM               NMP-1000 locked in range 2/15/2013       Spurious SCRAM                   No indications of any cause 3/15/2013       Linear power SCRAM               NMP-1000 locked in range 11/5/2013 Period SCRAM                           Operator error (Trainee)
Avg. Limit* TotalConcentration (pCi I Volume Total ActivityIsotope (pCi / mL) mL) (mL) Released (pCi)3H 1.99E-11 1.00E-02 1.73E-0414C 5.41E-12 3.OOE-04 8.72E6 4.72E-0532p 3.96E-12 9.OOE-05 3.45E-05*1OCFR-20, App.BThe only other discharges beyond the facility boundary were HVAC condensate discharges to the sanitary sewer. Since the Kansas State University average water usageis 750,000 gallons per day, it is nearly impossible to exceed 10CFR20 limits for effluentconcentration at the KSU reactor.
TS.6.1 1.e.4 - Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.
HVAC condensate water is never circulated through ornear the reactor core and historically radiation levels in HVAC condensate are nearbackground levels.TS.6.1 I.e.7 -A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.
No major maintenance operations affected the safe operation of the reactor. The following major maintenance activities occurred:
Monthly radiation surveys are performed within the facility to verify that radiation levelsremain safe when at full-power operation.
Installation of grid plates over the bulk shield tank. The grid plates provide a removable working and walking surface and do not affect the operation of the reactor in any way.
These surveys indicate that the dose rate at theinside surface of the reactor dome does not exceed the hourly dose limit to members ofthe public of 2 mR / h, as set forth in 1 OCFR-20, which indicates that the outside dosecannot exceed this limit.Page 5 of 7 ATTACHMENT 1KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORTTS.6.1 1.e.8 -A summary of radiation exposures received by facilitypersonnel and visitors, including the dates and time of significant
0    Replacement of console key switch with exact replacement part.
: exposure, and a brief summary of the results of radiation andcontamination surveys performed within the facilty.A table showing the number of workers receiving given amounts of dose is presented below. Note that no worker received a shallow dose equivalent, deep dose equivalent, orlens dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem. This shows that the facility radiation protection program has continued to be successful in keeping occupational doses as lowas reasonably achievable.
0    Installation of additional instrumented fuel element.
Table 2 -Summary of total occupational dose received by KSU reactor workers from 1/1/2013  
Page 4 of 7
mrem DDE LDE SDE(0, 10] 0 1 0(10,20] 3 2 1(20, 30] 1 1 3(30,401 3 2 0(40, 50] 1 2 3>50 1 1 2>100 0 0 0Visitor dose at the KSU TRIGA reactor facility is measured using Civil Defense self-indicating pocket dosimeters, with an indication range from 0-200 mR. Self-indicated pocket dosimeter readings suffer from imprecision due to parallax error, sometimes resulting in negative values or readings above the true value.Page 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT IKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT2013 Visitor Dose Records1Ooooo100016861000399to138 127-S 100'-5;E 18z<=E (0,11 (1,21 u2,51 (5,101 (10,20m(2 Exposure
ATTACHMENT I KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.1 1.e.5 - A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 10CFR-50,59.
[mRl0,50] >50Figure 3 -Visitor dose records from CY 2013.All radiation surveys and contamination surveys conducted at the facility in 2013 werenominal.This concludes the 2013 Annual Report for the Kansas State University TRIGA Mark IINuclear Reactor.Page 7 of 7 SOM 5 ATTACHMENT 2 Original 7/05/06Evaluation of Change, Program Effectiveness Page 1 of 3TITLE Thermocouple insulation DATE 6/18/2013 DESCRIPTION Take steps to avoid grounding of fuel element thermocouples.
The following changes were carried out under I OCFR-50.59.
Add plastic caps to thermocouple conduit and apply spray-on or tape coating to wires.SCREENING:
* The thermocouple wires from the instrumented fuel elements were insulated with tape and plastic caps were added to the thermocouple conduit to prevent grounding.
The following guidance provides criteria to screen the proposed change fromfurther assessing need for NRC review. If the change does not affect (1) a design function ofSSC, (2) a method of performing or controlling design function, (3) evaluation for demonstrating the design function will be accomplished, then it is not necessary to continue the evaluation.
* Grid plates were installed over the bulk shield tank.
SSC Affected SSC Design function Failure Mode(s) Accident scenario(s)
None of the above changes were determined to have a significant impact on the safety analysis. Copies of the 10CFR-50.59 screening checklists that were performed to accept the changes are attached to this report.
NA NA NA NASAFETYANAL YSIS & ACCIDENT RESPONSE/MITIGA TION YES NODecrease SSC design function reliability when failure would initiate an accident XDecrease SSC design function reliability when failure would mitigate accident XReduce redundancy, reliability or defense in depth XAdd or delete an automatic or manual design function of an SSC XHUMAN INTERFACE YES NOConvert an automatic feature to manual or vice versa XAdversely affect ability to perform required actions XAdversely affect time response of required actions XINTERFACE OUTSIDE THE PROPOSED CHANGE YES NODegrade seismic or environmental qualification XAffect method of evaluation used to establish design basis or safety analysis XIntroduce an unwanted or previously unreveiwed system or material interaction X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects on electrical distribution X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects structural integrity X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects on environmental conditions X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects on other SAR design functions XCOMMENTS:
TS.6.1 1.e.6 - A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge.
PERFORMED BY: J A GeutherDATE: 6/18/2013 If any of the above answers are YES, then proceed to the EVALUATION section.
On two occasions the contents of the reactor bay sump were discharged to the secondary surge tank. Per procedure, the radioisotope inventory and concentration were calculated prior to discharge, showing both to be well below the limits in 10CFR-20:
SOM 5 ATTACHMENT 2 Original 7/05/06Evaluation of Change, Program Effectiveness Page 1 of 3TITLE BST Grid plates DATE 06/10/2013 DESCRIPTION Install steel grid plates over bulk shield tankSCREENING:
Avg.         Limit*   Total Concentration      (pCi I   Volume   Total Activity Isotope    (pCi / mL)       mL)       (mL)   Released (pCi) 3H       1.99E-11     1.00E-02               1.73E-04 14C        5.41E-12     3.OOE-04   8.72E6     4.72E-05 32p        3.96E-12     9.OOE-05               3.45E-05
The following guidance provides criteria to screen the proposed change fromfurther assessing need for NRC review. If the change does not affect (1) a design function ofSSC, (2) a method of performing or controlling design function, (3) evaluation for demonstrating the design function will be accomplished, then it is not necessary to continue the evaluation.
                                                            *10CFR-20, App.B The only other discharges beyond the facility boundary were HVAC condensate discharges to the sanitary sewer. Since the Kansas State University average water usage is 750,000 gallons per day, it is nearly impossible to exceed 10CFR20 limits for effluent concentration at the KSU reactor. HVAC condensate water is never circulated through or near the reactor core and historically radiation levels in HVAC condensate are near background levels.
SSC Affected SSC Design function Failure Mode(s) Accident scenario(s)
TS.6.1 I.e.7 - A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.
NA NA NA NASAFETY ANAL YSIS & ACCIDENT RESPONSE/MITIGA TION YES NODecrease SSC design function reliability when failure would initiate an accident XDecrease SSC design function reliability when failure would mitigate accident XReduce redundancy, reliability or defense in depth XAdd or delete an automatic or manual design function of an SSC XHUMAN INTERFACE YES NOConvert an automatic feature to manual or vice versa XAdversely affect ability to perform required actions XAdversely affect time response of required actions XINTERFACE OUTSIDE THE PROPOSED CHANGE YES NODegrade seismic or environmental qualification XAffect method of evaluation used to establish design basis or safety analysis XIntroduce an unwanted or previously unreveiwed system or material interaction X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects on electrical distribution X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects structural integrity X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects on environmental conditions X(Not described in SAR) indirect effects on other SAR design functions XCOMMENTS:
Monthly radiation surveys are performed within the facility to verify that radiation levels remain safe when at full-power operation. These surveys indicate that the dose rate at the inside surface of the reactor dome does not exceed the hourly dose limit to members of the public of 2 mR / h, as set forth in 10CFR-20, which indicates that the outside dose cannot exceed this limit.
This change should not have any effect on reactor safety, etc., as long as thewater level in the shield tank can be checked.
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The deck plates will have holes to allow waterlevel checks.PERFORMED BY: J A GeutherDATE: 6/10/2013 If any of the above answers are YES, then proceed to the EVALUATION section.}}
ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.1 1.e.8 - A   summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and       visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposure, and       a brief summary of the results of radiation and contamination      surveys performed within the facilty.
A table showing the number of workers receiving given amounts of dose is presented below. Note that no worker received a shallow dose equivalent, deep dose equivalent, or lens dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem. This shows that the facility radiation protection program has continued to be successful in keeping occupational doses as low as reasonably achievable.
Table 2 - Summary of total occupational dose received by KSU reactor workers from 1/1/2013 -
mrem     DDE       LDE       SDE (0,10]       0         1         0 (10,20]       3         2         1 (20, 30]       1         1         3 (30,401       3         2         0 (40, 50]       1         2         3
                                    >50       1         1         2
                                  >100       0          0         0 Visitor dose at the KSU TRIGA reactor facility is measured using Civil Defense self-indicating pocket dosimeters, with an indication range from 0-200 mR. Self-indicated pocket dosimeter readings suffer from imprecision due to parallax error, sometimes resulting in negative values or readings above the true value.
Page 6 of 7
ATTACHMENT I KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Visitor Dose Records 1Ooooo 1000 1686 1000 399 to 138    127
        -S 100'-
5; E                                             18 z
                    <=E     (0,11 (1,21     u2,51(5,101 (10,20m(20,50] >50 Exposure [mRl Figure 3 - Visitor dose records from CY 2013.
All radiation surveys and contamination surveys conducted at the facility in 2013 were nominal.
This concludes the 2013 Annual Report for the Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Nuclear Reactor.
Page 7 of 7
SOM 5 ATTACHMENT 2                                                           Original 7/05/06 Evaluation of Change, Program Effectiveness                                     Page 1 of 3 TITLE              Thermocouple insulation         DATE                 6/18/2013 DESCRIPTION         Take steps to avoid grounding of fuel element thermocouples.
Add plastic caps to thermocouple conduit and apply spray-on or tape coating to wires.
SCREENING: The following guidance provides criteria to screen the proposed change from further assessing need for NRC review. If the change does not affect (1) a design function of SSC, (2) a method of performing or controlling design function, (3) evaluation for demonstrating the design function will be accomplished, then it is not necessary to continue the evaluation.
SSC Affected         SSC Design function         Failure Mode(s)       Accident scenario(s)
NA                       NA                      NA                       NA SAFETYANAL YSIS & ACCIDENT RESPONSE/MITIGA TION                                     YES       NO Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would initiate an accident               X Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would mitigate accident                   X Reduce redundancy, reliability or defense in depth                                             X Add or delete an automatic or manual design function of an SSC                                 X HUMAN INTERFACE                                                                     YES       NO Convert an automatic feature to manual or vice versa                                           X Adversely affect ability to perform required actions                                           X Adversely affect time response of required actions                                             X INTERFACE OUTSIDE THE PROPOSEDCHANGE                                                YES       NO Degrade seismic or environmental qualification                                                 X Affect method of evaluation used to establish design basis or safety analysis                   X Introduce an unwanted or previously unreveiwed system or material interaction                   X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on electrical distribution                             X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects structural integrity                                   X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on environmental conditions                             X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on other SAR design functions                           X COMMENTS:
PERFORMED BY: J A Geuther                                        DATE:   6/18/2013 If any of the above answers are YES, then proceed to the EVALUATION section.
SOM 5 ATTACHMENT 2                                                           Original 7/05/06 Evaluation of Change, Program Effectiveness                                     Page 1 of 3 TITLE              BST Grid plates                 DATE                 06/10/2013 DESCRIPTION         Install steel grid plates over bulk shield tank SCREENING: The following guidance provides criteria to screen the proposed change from further assessing need for NRC review. If the change does not affect (1) a design function of SSC, (2) a method of performing or controlling design function, (3) evaluation for demonstrating the design function will be accomplished, then it is not necessary to continue the evaluation.
SSC Affected         SSC Design function       Failure Mode(s)       Accident scenario(s)
NA                         NA                      NA                       NA SAFETY ANAL YSIS & ACCIDENT RESPONSE/MITIGA TION                                     YES       NO Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would initiate an accident               X Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would mitigate accident                   X Reduce redundancy, reliability or defense in depth                                             X Add or delete an automatic or manual design function of an SSC                                 X HUMAN INTERFACE                                                                     YES       NO Convert an automatic feature to manual or vice versa                                           X Adversely affect ability to perform required actions                                           X Adversely affect time response of required actions                                             X INTERFACE OUTSIDE THE PROPOSEDCHANGE                                                YES       NO Degrade seismic or environmental qualification                                                 X Affect method of evaluation used to establish design basis or safety analysis                   X Introduce an unwanted or previously unreveiwed system or material interaction                   X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on electrical distribution                             X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects structural integrity                                   X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on environmental conditions                             X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on other SAR design functions                           X COMMENTS: This change should not have any effect on reactor safety, etc., as long as the water level in the shield tank can be checked. The deck plates will have holes to allow water level checks.
PERFORMED BY: J A Geuther                                        DATE:   6/10/2013 If any of the above answers are YES, then proceed to the EVALUATION section.}}

Latest revision as of 07:54, 11 November 2019

2013 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University Triga Mark II Nuclear Reactor (Facility License # R-88, Facility Docket # 50-188)
Person / Time
Site: Kansas State University
Issue date: 06/30/2014
From: Geuther J
Kansas State University
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14195A003 (10)


Jeffrey Geuther, Ph.D.

Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager 3002 Rathbone Hall Kansas State University 66506 US NRC Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 30 June 2014


2013 Annual Operating Report for the Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Nuclear Reactor (Facility License # R-88, Facility Docket # 50-188)

To Whom It May Concern:

This document serves as the annual operating report for the Kansas State University (KSU) nuclear reactor. This document satisfies requirements in facility Technical Specifications (TS) 6.11 .e.

The report is divided into paragraphs addressing specific items listed as requirements in the Technical Specifications.

Sincerely, Jeffrey A. Geuther, Ph.D.

Nuclear Reactor Facility Manager Kansas State University Attachments:

1. Kansas State University TRIGA Mark I1Reactor Annual Report, CY 2013
2. 10CFR50.59 Screening Forms Cc: Spyros Traiforos, Project Manager, NRC Michael Morlang, Inspector,NRC

ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Reactor Annual Report, CY 2013 Introduction The Kansas State University Nuclear Reactor Technical Specifications (TS) require a routine written report to be transmitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission within 60 days after completion of the first calendar year of operating, and at intervals not to exceed twelve months thereafter, providing the following information:

TS.6.11 .e. 1 - A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections.

TS.6.11 .e.2 - A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).

TS.6.11 .e.3 - The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any, taken.

TS.6.1 L.e.4 - Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.

TS.6.1A.e.5 - A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 1O.CFR.50.59.

TS.6.11 .e.6 - A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge.

TS.6.1 1.e.7 - A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

TS.6.11 .e.8 - A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposure, and a brief summary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facilty.

This information is transmitted in this report, in sections separated by TS clause. This report covers January 2013 - December 2013.

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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.1 1.e.1 - A brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections.

The outer beam port plug for the northeast beam port (piercing beam port) had been lodged in place for years. The plug was removed through a combination of drilling, sawing, and breaking with a digging bar. The beam port was shielded with a borated polyethylene plug and a lead and concrete gamma shield.

The reactor suffered from significant down time due to control rod drive troubleshooting.

The shim rod and regulating drives are especially prone to difficulties.

CY2013 included more hours logged in support of experiments than is typical for the KSU 237 TRIGA reactor. This abnormality is mostly due to a 41/2 day-long irradiation of Np.

The NRC routine annual inspection was conducted during the summer of 2013. An inspector follow-up item was logged, requiring a revision to the facility's sample irradiation procedure to require written communication or verification of the mass of samples to be irradiated. Prior to the routine inspection the facility reported that it had been operated with an incorrect fuel temperature reading. This erroneous reading was caused by the grounding of one of the thermocouple pairs. The facility technical specifications do not require a fuel temperature SCRAM, however, at least on fuel temperature indication is required. An uncited violation was assessed based on this event.

TS.6.1 1.e.2 - A tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours).

The monthly total energy generated by the KSU reactor is recorded in Table 1. The same data is shown as a bar chart in Figure 1. The total MWh of operation increased from the prior year, from 70 MWh to 99.5 MWh.

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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT Table 1 - Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark 11 reactor by month for CY 2013.

Month MWh January 7.5 February 5.2 March 14.9 April 13.2 May 9.6 June 5.7 July 1.8 August 30.0 September 4.1 October 2.2 November 2.2 December 3.0 MWh per Month 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 January February March April May June July August September October November December Figure 1 - Energy generated by the KSU Triga Mark !1 reactor by month for CY 2013.

Figure 2 shows the percentage of hours of reactor operation for various purposes, i.e.,

research support, training, education, etc. The percentage of hours for training appears small, because operator training was often performed when the reactor was being operated for another purpose, such as research support. The plot demonstrates that the reactor is operated in accordance with our stated primary functions: education; research support (e.g., irradiation); operator training; and demonstration (e.g., tours). The amount of hours operated in support of research was much larger than normal due to the extended operation in support of the 237Np irradiation project. This category increase from 30% of hours in CY2012 to 55% of hours in CY2013.

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6.3% Research, 54.5%]

Training, 1.4%

[Tours, 11.1%1 Classes, 15.5%

Figure 2 - KSU reactor hours, based on purpose of operation.

TS.6.1 1.e.3 - The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reason thereof and corrective action, if any, (


Inadvertent SCRAMS and Emergency Shutdowns Date Action Comments 1/9/2013 Power SCRAM Console placed in pulse mode without pulse interlock engaged.

2/8/2013 Linear power SCRAM NMP-1000 locked in range 2/15/2013 Spurious SCRAM No indications of any cause 3/15/2013 Linear power SCRAM NMP-1000 locked in range 11/5/2013 Period SCRAM Operator error (Trainee)

TS.6.1 1.e.4 - Discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required.

No major maintenance operations affected the safe operation of the reactor. The following major maintenance activities occurred:

Installation of grid plates over the bulk shield tank. The grid plates provide a removable working and walking surface and do not affect the operation of the reactor in any way.

0 Replacement of console key switch with exact replacement part.

0 Installation of additional instrumented fuel element.

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ATTACHMENT I KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.1 1.e.5 - A summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 10CFR-50,59.

The following changes were carried out under I OCFR-50.59.

  • The thermocouple wires from the instrumented fuel elements were insulated with tape and plastic caps were added to the thermocouple conduit to prevent grounding.
  • Grid plates were installed over the bulk shield tank.

None of the above changes were determined to have a significant impact on the safety analysis. Copies of the 10CFR-50.59 screening checklists that were performed to accept the changes are attached to this report.

TS.6.1 1.e.6 - A summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point of such release or discharge.

On two occasions the contents of the reactor bay sump were discharged to the secondary surge tank. Per procedure, the radioisotope inventory and concentration were calculated prior to discharge, showing both to be well below the limits in 10CFR-20:

Avg. Limit* Total Concentration (pCi I Volume Total Activity Isotope (pCi / mL) mL) (mL) Released (pCi) 3H 1.99E-11 1.00E-02 1.73E-04 14C 5.41E-12 3.OOE-04 8.72E6 4.72E-05 32p 3.96E-12 9.OOE-05 3.45E-05

  • 10CFR-20, App.B The only other discharges beyond the facility boundary were HVAC condensate discharges to the sanitary sewer. Since the Kansas State University average water usage is 750,000 gallons per day, it is nearly impossible to exceed 10CFR20 limits for effluent concentration at the KSU reactor. HVAC condensate water is never circulated through or near the reactor core and historically radiation levels in HVAC condensate are near background levels.

TS.6.1 I.e.7 - A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

Monthly radiation surveys are performed within the facility to verify that radiation levels remain safe when at full-power operation. These surveys indicate that the dose rate at the inside surface of the reactor dome does not exceed the hourly dose limit to members of the public of 2 mR / h, as set forth in 10CFR-20, which indicates that the outside dose cannot exceed this limit.

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ATTACHMENT 1 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT TS.6.1 1.e.8 - A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposure, and a brief summary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facilty.

A table showing the number of workers receiving given amounts of dose is presented below. Note that no worker received a shallow dose equivalent, deep dose equivalent, or lens dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem. This shows that the facility radiation protection program has continued to be successful in keeping occupational doses as low as reasonably achievable.

Table 2 - Summary of total occupational dose received by KSU reactor workers from 1/1/2013 -


mrem DDE LDE SDE (0,10] 0 1 0 (10,20] 3 2 1 (20, 30] 1 1 3 (30,401 3 2 0 (40, 50] 1 2 3

>50 1 1 2

>100 0 0 0 Visitor dose at the KSU TRIGA reactor facility is measured using Civil Defense self-indicating pocket dosimeters, with an indication range from 0-200 mR. Self-indicated pocket dosimeter readings suffer from imprecision due to parallax error, sometimes resulting in negative values or readings above the true value.

Page 6 of 7

ATTACHMENT I KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY TRIGA MARK II REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Visitor Dose Records 1Ooooo 1000 1686 1000 399 to 138 127

-S 100'-

5; E 18 z

<=E (0,11 (1,21 u2,51(5,101 (10,20m(20,50] >50 Exposure [mRl Figure 3 - Visitor dose records from CY 2013.

All radiation surveys and contamination surveys conducted at the facility in 2013 were nominal.

This concludes the 2013 Annual Report for the Kansas State University TRIGA Mark II Nuclear Reactor.

Page 7 of 7

SOM 5 ATTACHMENT 2 Original 7/05/06 Evaluation of Change, Program Effectiveness Page 1 of 3 TITLE Thermocouple insulation DATE 6/18/2013 DESCRIPTION Take steps to avoid grounding of fuel element thermocouples.

Add plastic caps to thermocouple conduit and apply spray-on or tape coating to wires.

SCREENING: The following guidance provides criteria to screen the proposed change from further assessing need for NRC review. If the change does not affect (1) a design function of SSC, (2) a method of performing or controlling design function, (3) evaluation for demonstrating the design function will be accomplished, then it is not necessary to continue the evaluation.

SSC Affected SSC Design function Failure Mode(s) Accident scenario(s)

NA NA NA NA SAFETYANAL YSIS & ACCIDENT RESPONSE/MITIGA TION YES NO Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would initiate an accident X Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would mitigate accident X Reduce redundancy, reliability or defense in depth X Add or delete an automatic or manual design function of an SSC X HUMAN INTERFACE YES NO Convert an automatic feature to manual or vice versa X Adversely affect ability to perform required actions X Adversely affect time response of required actions X INTERFACE OUTSIDE THE PROPOSEDCHANGE YES NO Degrade seismic or environmental qualification X Affect method of evaluation used to establish design basis or safety analysis X Introduce an unwanted or previously unreveiwed system or material interaction X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on electrical distribution X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects structural integrity X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on environmental conditions X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on other SAR design functions X COMMENTS:

PERFORMED BY: J A Geuther DATE: 6/18/2013 If any of the above answers are YES, then proceed to the EVALUATION section.

SOM 5 ATTACHMENT 2 Original 7/05/06 Evaluation of Change, Program Effectiveness Page 1 of 3 TITLE BST Grid plates DATE 06/10/2013 DESCRIPTION Install steel grid plates over bulk shield tank SCREENING: The following guidance provides criteria to screen the proposed change from further assessing need for NRC review. If the change does not affect (1) a design function of SSC, (2) a method of performing or controlling design function, (3) evaluation for demonstrating the design function will be accomplished, then it is not necessary to continue the evaluation.

SSC Affected SSC Design function Failure Mode(s) Accident scenario(s)

NA NA NA NA SAFETY ANAL YSIS & ACCIDENT RESPONSE/MITIGA TION YES NO Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would initiate an accident X Decrease SSC design function reliability when failure would mitigate accident X Reduce redundancy, reliability or defense in depth X Add or delete an automatic or manual design function of an SSC X HUMAN INTERFACE YES NO Convert an automatic feature to manual or vice versa X Adversely affect ability to perform required actions X Adversely affect time response of required actions X INTERFACE OUTSIDE THE PROPOSEDCHANGE YES NO Degrade seismic or environmental qualification X Affect method of evaluation used to establish design basis or safety analysis X Introduce an unwanted or previously unreveiwed system or material interaction X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on electrical distribution X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects structural integrity X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on environmental conditions X (Not described in SAR) indirect effects on other SAR design functions X COMMENTS: This change should not have any effect on reactor safety, etc., as long as the water level in the shield tank can be checked. The deck plates will have holes to allow water level checks.

PERFORMED BY: J A Geuther DATE: 6/10/2013 If any of the above answers are YES, then proceed to the EVALUATION section.