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V. C. Summer April 2004 Exam 50-395/2004-301 Sample Plans/Outlines
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/2004
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML041410383 (17)

See also: IR 05000395/2004301


Final Submittal

V. C. SUMMER EXAM 50-39512004-301 APRIL 19 23,2004 April 28,2004 (written) . . . . . . . . . .:*.++:<d

- Es-301 Administrative

Topics Outline Form E§-301-1 ~ -- Fac lity: V. C. Summer Date of Examination:

044 9/2004- Examination

bevel (circle one): / SRO Operating

Test Number: 1 - - Ajministrative

Topic - Cor duct of Operations - Cor.duct of Operations - Eqi ipment Control - Radiation

Control Em 3rgency Plan -L Describe activity to be performed:


RCS Boron Concentration

For Cold Shutdown, Xenon Free AT 68°F. (NRC-A-001) Perform a BPTR Calculation

STP-108.001 (NRC-A-OO2)

Prepare a fagout for maintenance

on the " C" Charging pump. (NRC-A-003)


dose rates wtth airborne activity present (N RC-A-004) NlA NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for %Os. RO applicants

require only 4 items unless the!/ are retaking only the administrative

topics, when 5 are required. -e 22 of 27 NUREG 1021, Draft Revision 9

- ES-3(,1 Control Room/ln-Plant

Systems Form ES-301-2 -> - c Fac lity: V.C. Summer Date of Examination:


Exan Level (circle one): mi SRO(l) I SRO(U) Operating

Test No.: 1- -- Control Room Systems

(8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U) - - a. Transfer to Hot Leg Recirc. (NRC-S-001)

I MAS 1 4P b. Operate the

CVCS System tu Increase RCS Pressure.

2 (NRC-S-oo2)

c. - d. f A Total boss of Service - 3 I DAS I f. Steam Generator

Tube Ruplure (depressurize

RCS to less than §/G pressure). (NRC-§-006)

Loss of Power Range Instrument

N-44 (NRC-S-007)

h. In-P ant Systems (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-i; 3 or 2 for SRO-U) - i. i. I_ - k. Loss of Containment Integrity (XVG-503B), (NRC-1-003).

  • Type Codes: (D)irect from bank, (M)odified

from bank, (N)ew, (A)lternate

path, (C)ontrol

room, (S)irnulator, &)ow-Power, (R)CA - 23 of 27 NUREG-l02I, Draft Revision


Scenario 1 Scenario Outline

Form ES-D-I Appendix D


V. C. Summer Scenario NO.:^ @-Test No.: Examiners


__ Initial Conditions:

IC-161 100% Power BOL. 25 GPD Tube Leak on the "A" S/G. Enlergency

Feed U'ater Pump 'A' (XPP-21A)


for maintenance. Severe


storms in effect. RMA 9 OOS. I&C Derformine



ACTUmN SLAVE RELAY TEST Tnmover: Maintain 100% reactor

power .- ATWS Reactor fails to trip Page 1 of 18

scenario 2 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:

V. C. Summer Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: 2 Examiners:


Initial Conditions:

1'2-162 25% Power MOL. 25 GPD Tube Leak on the "A" S/G. Emeraency

Feed Water Pump 'E' (XPP-21 E) inoperable

for maintenance.

watch in effect. RMA 9 OOS Turnover:

Ramp unit up to 50% power Der GOP-4A (POWER OPERATION - MODE 1 ASCENDING)

startinq at step 3.1 1. Severe Thunderstorm

Event Steam Space Break 5Qgpm to 600gpm ramped in over I (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Page I of 20

- ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form

ES-401-2 Facility:

V.C. Summer Date of Exam:04/X?/$004 I I Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.* 7. h. I. Ensure that at least two topics from every WA category are sampled within each tier

of the RO outline (Le., the "Tier Totals" in each WA category shall not

be less than two). Refer to Section D.1 .c for additional guidance regarding SRO sampling. The point

totel for each group and tier in the proposed outline must

match that specified

in the table. The final point total for

each group and tier may deviate

by *I from that specified

in the table based

on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO

-only exam

must total 25 points. Select topics from many systems and

evolutions; avoid selecting more

than two WA topics from

a given system or evolution unless they relate

to plant-specific priorities.

Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline. The shaded areas

are not applicable

to the category/tier. The generic

(6) WAS in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section

2 of the KIA Catalog, but

the topics must be relevant

to the applicable evolution

or system. The

SRO WAS must also be linked to 10 CFR 55.43

or an SRO-level learning objective.

On the following pages, enter

the WA numbers, a brief description of each

topic, the topics' importance ratings (iR) for the applicable license level, and

the point totals for each system

and category. Enter

the group and tier totals

for each category

in the table above; summarize

all the SRO-only knowledge and

non-A2 ability categories in

the columns labeled

" K and "A." Use duplicate pages

for RO and SRO-only exams. For Tier 3, enter the WA numbers, descriptions, importance ratings, and point totals

on Form ES-401-3. Refer to ES-401, Attachment

2, for guidance regarding

the elimination

of inappropriate

WA statements.

22of 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision


ES-401 Emergency

E/APE #I Name I Safety Function

000007 BW/E02&*10

CUE02) Reactor trip - Stabilizition - Recovery I 1 000008 Pressurizer Vapor Space

Accident / 3 000009 Small Break

LOCA i 3 00001 1 Large Break LOCA / 3 00001 511 7 RCP Malfunctions

I4 000022 Loss of Rx Coolant Makeup 12 000025 Loss of RHR System I4 000026 Loss of Component Cooling

Water / 5 000027 Pressurizer Pressure

Control System Malfunction

/ 3 000029 ATWS 11 000038 Steam Gen. Tube Rupture I 7 000040 (BWEO5; CEEO5; W1E12) Steam bine Ru ture - Excessive

Heat Transfer F4 000054 (CE/EOG) Loss of Main Feedwater

I4 000055 Station Blackout I6 000056 boss of Of-site Power I6 000057 Loss of Vital AC Inst. Bus 1 t Abnoi ~ Form ES-401-2 Ition Outline utions - Tier 1iGnwp 1 (RO I SRO) WA Topic(§) 62.1 20 Ability to execute procedure

steps. EK3.04 Knowledge

of the reasons

for the following


as they app,,y to Placing containment

fan cooler damper in accident position.

AK2.08 Knowledge

of the Ir1terrulat;ons between abnormal

plai!t evolution) and

tile followlllg

... (c cws ........ __ AAl.02 Abilit to operate and/or monitor the following

as txe a ply to (abnormal

lant evolution)

CVC~ clarging low flow akrm, sensor and indicator.

AA2.02 Abilit to determine and interpret

the following

as tiey apply to (abnormal

lant evolution)

Leakage of reador uxlanrfroy

RHR into closed coolin water system or into reactor building atmos$ere.

AK3.03 Knowledge

of the reasons for

the following


as they apply

to [abnormal

lant evolution

actions contained

in EOP for bZR PCA Malf?nction.

EK2.06 Knowldge of the interrelations between Emergency

lant evolution) and

the follovhg (Breakers.

regys, and disconnects.

AK1.05 Knowledge

of the operational


of the following

miice 1s ds they a ply to the dtmornial

plant evolu(lon;:

-. &Deactivity&ctt.of

..... cooldown.

AA1.02 Abilit lo operate and /or monitor the fcllowing

as :xey apply to (abnormal plant evolution): Manual startbp

cf eledric aRd steam dr.ven AF W pumps. EA2.04 Abili to de:ermine and interpret the



and miitrols operable wlth only b C batten/ power available. - foliowii:g

as x t ey apoly to (Eniergency Plant

........ ..... 02.1.32 Ability to explain and apply

all system limits and precaustions.

IR - - - 4.3 4.0 - 2.6 - 3.0 - 3.4 - - 3.7 - 2.9 - - 4.1 - 4.4 - 3.7 - 3.1 - 3.4 - 230f 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

000058 Loss of QC Power / 6 OW062 Loss of Nuclear Svc Water I 4 000065 Loss of Instrument

Air I8 WE04 LOCA Outside Containment

/ 3 WIE1 I Loss of Emergency

Coolant Recirc. / 4 BWE04: W1E05 Inadequate

Heat Transfer - Loss of Secondary

Heat Sink / 4 KIA Category Totals: AKI.01 Kiiuwledge

of the opernliunal


of the foilowing

mncc IS as they apply io the (abnormal

plant evolui?o~i):

Battev charger eqbiprnent

and inst'lJmenta'ion.

AA2.01 Abili :o de:ermine

and interpret

the lodowing as t ey,appl tu (abnormal


' / qkinfhe &S. AA1.03 Abilit to operate and /or monitor the following

as tzey a ply to (abnormal

plant evolution):Restora!on

of systems SeNed by instrument

air when pcessure is regained.

EKI .3 Knowled e of the operational

a plications

of tte following

as they apply to &mergency

Plant Evolution):


and conditions


S I nals, and remedial actions associatAwith

the (LQCA outside Containment).

G2.4.7 Knowledge

of event based EOP mitigation


EA22 Ability to determine

and interpret

the following

as they apply to Emergency

Plant Evolution):


to app'opriate


and operations

within the imitations

in the facility's

license and amendments.

Group Point Total: 2.6 - 2.9 24of 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

.... . ES-401 PWF Emergency

and Abnormal F E/APE #I Name / Safety Function

000003 Dmpped Contrd Rod 1 I 000051 Loss of Condenser

Vacuum / 4 000059 Accidental

Liquid RadWaste Bel. / 9 000060 Accidental

GaS6GUS Radwaste Rel. / a WlEOl Rediagnosis

/ 3 vVEO2 SI Termination

/ 3 Ixaminatior

lnt Evolutio 25 of 34 utline Form ES-401- - Tier IIGroup 2 (RO I SRO) WA Topic@) IR # I I 005AK3.06


of the reasons

for the fohwnq sesy as theyS a > I to Inope;aole/

tuck Control od


1 39 ...........

...... interrelaboqs

between Loss of Sourm 032AK2.0$


of the range Ni aid tha follnwiiy

Powr supplies, including

proper switch psitions ..........

1271 ........ .- 067AA1.08

Abilihr to ooerate and

or I 3.4 I 076AK2.01


ot the interrelations

betweer: Hi h reactor

coolant activity and thq fc!low,ng:

Prccess radia ion .norlitor

.... :4 WEOlEG2p Knowiedge

of loss 01 cool'ng wa er procedures



of the reasons

fnc the following


as they a ply to SI term:iiation'

Norma:, alnnrnial

and cnier pnq opcratiog



wi!h (SI ....... .- ..........

3.3 -. erwatlon)

...... NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

BW!EOB: W!EO3 LOCA Cooldown - Depress. BWiE09; CE/A13; WiE09BE10

Natural Cifc. i A 260f 34 W*tSEAl.l

Ability to operate ana or mon;tor the following

as they app!y to Contaicmcnt



and !unctions

of control and safety svs:nms. Incluciru


2.9 signals, interlock6 failure modes and

automatic and manual features

I NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-402 System # / Name 003 Reactor Coolant

Pump 004 Chemical and Volume Control

005 Residual Heat Removal

006 Emergency

Core Cooling 007 Pressurizer


Tank 008 Component

Ccoling Water 010 Pressurizer Pressure

Control 012 Reactor Protection

013 Engineered Safety Features Actuation

022 Containment

Cooling 025 Ice Condenser

026 Containment

Spray WA Topic(s) D03K6.14 Knowledge

of the effect

!hat a loss or malfunction of the following will have

on the Reactor Coolant Pump:

Starting Requirements.

D04K6.14 Knowledge

pf the effect that a loss or malfunction

of the !oI.nwino

will have on tlic CIlemical

and Volhme control, Recirculation

path for charging

pumps 005A4.01 Ability to nianually

o ciate or monitor in Coctrol Room &-mtrols and indications for

RIiR Dumps. 006K6.18 Kncwledge

of the effect that a loss or malfunction

of the following will

have on the Emergency Core

cqoling system: Subcooling margin indicators.

007A1.01 Ability to predict and

or monitor chanaes

in parameters


6th o eration the



Tank contols inc,t.oing:


quench tank water level within

008K3.03 Knowledge

of the sffect that a loss or malfunction

of the CCW system will have on the following:

RCP OdOK1.08 Knowledge

of the Dhvsical connections and

or cause- etfecl re~d:ionships belwset'


ioswre control and the fkowing P!R LCS . .. . . . . 012A1.01 Ability to predict

and or monitor chanaes in Darameters associated vrifh,opt!idtillg

the Reactor prolect,on

controls iccl-dicg

I'iip setpoht adjustmcnt . .. . . . . . . . . . . 013K3.02 Knowledge

of the effect

that a loss or malfunction

of the ESF actuation

will have on ths following:

RCS 022A2.03 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following

on the Containment

coolina and (bl based 026A4.05 Ability to manually operate and w monitor in the contml room' Contnmiient

sorav 27of 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

026 Containment Spray

039 Main and Reheat Steam

056 Condensate

059 Main Feedwater

061 Auxiliary/Emergency


061 Auxiliary/Emergency


064 Emergency

Diesel Generator

064 Emergency

Diesel Generator

073 Process Radiation


076 Service Water

28 of 34 026K2.02 Knowledge

of electrical

ower supplies to the following:

R~ov~ 05662.1.30

Ability to locate and

operate momponents, including

local controls.

059K1.02 Knowledge

of the physical connections and

or cause- effect relat oilships Delweeii main

feedwater and the followina:

AFW system I 061KJ.05 Knowled e of me operational


of the followin concepts as they appll to the AFJ s stem: Feed line voi&g and water

xammer. 062K1 .Q2 Knowledge

of the physical connections and

or cause effect relationships between

AC electri,cal


and the following:

EIDG. 063A4.03 Ability to niamrally operate and

or nioriitoi

in the control roar1 Battery discharge

,-+a 063A2.01 Ability to (a) pcedict the !iripacts

of the following

on the [).C. Electrical distrihJiion

systetii and Io) based on those oiedictaons

use hitigate the conseqmnws

of those abnormal opt.rstlon: . . . . . .

Grounds . . . . .

_. . . . . . . . . . .

064A4.09 Ability to manually operate and

or monitor,in

the control room: Establishing power from the ring bus (to relieve ED/G). Cberatina

voltaaes currgnts and teinperatims.

~ system: Radiation theo including

sources, types units anpertects.


Ability to locate and

operate components, including local

ControIs. - 2.7 - 3.7 - 3.9 - 3.4 - 4.1 - 2.7 - 4.1 - 3.0 2.5 - 3.2 - 3.2 - 2.5 - 3.9 - NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

076 Service Water

078 Instrument

Air 078 Instrument

Air I WA Category Point Totals:

076K4.02 Knowledge

of Service Water design feature(s and

or followinu Automat~c staq

fcatuics iiite:locks)

which nrovi d e tor the associarkd

with $W%~ pump controls.

078K2.02 Knowledge

of electrical

owcc supplies to

the following:


ulr wrnpressor.

078K3.01 Knowledge

of the effect

Mat a loss or malfunction

of the instrument

air system will have

on the following: Containment

Air system. 10362.4.4

Abili ru recognize operating ararneters which

are entry-leverconditions

for emergency

and abnormal operating

procedures. abnormal indica

r ions for System Group Point Total:

290f 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 System # / Name 001 Control Rod Drive 002 Reactor Coolant

01 1 Pressurizer bevel Control 014 Rod Position Indication

015 Nuclear Instrumentation 016 Nor.-nuclear mtrdmentation


019 In-core Temperature

Monitor 027 Containment

Iodine Removal 028 Hydrogen Wecombiner

and Purge Control 029 Containment Purge

033 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling 034 Fuel Handling Equipment

035 Steam Generator

041 Stem Dump/Turbine

Bypass Control 045 Main Turbine Generator

055 Condenser

Air Removal 068 Liquid Radwaste nminatit 'ier 2/G - - \---. -..-I WA Topic(s) OZdA3.03 Ability to monitor automatic


of the Pressurizer Level Control system including: Charging

and letdown 014K3.02 Knowledae

of the effect

that a loss or malfidioii

of the Rod Position Indication

system will have ..... on the foKowtfig

Piant Covputer.



Ability to diagnose and


trends in an accurate and

timek manner utilizing

the apprcpria!a

cont:ol room reference

niatetial - ............. . 034K6.02 Knowledae

of the effect 035K1.14 Knowledge

of the hysical connections and

or cause-efkct


between Seam e_ enerator.;

and the followiiq:

ESF ...... : , 041A4.08 Ability to o erate and or monitor in the controrroom:

Steam Dump valves.

045A3.07 Ability to monitor automatic

o erdions of the Man Turbine &nera!or including

Turbne stoplGovernm

valve closure 311 turbine trip .- ..........

.... 30Qf 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

075 Circulating

Water 086 Fire Protection

31 of 34 072G2.1.14 Knowledge of

sys!em slatus criteria Hhich requite notifications

ot planr personnel


...... O86K5.03 Knowjeage

3f the I 3.: 1 operaliowi


of the fol owing rancepts as tliay ap ly to the Fire protect,on

systems: e ect of water sp(ay 0'1 electrical


........ ...... ._ , -. .......... ...........

I :2" Group Point

Total: NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

'\.. .._ ES-401 Generic Knowledge

and Abilities

Outline (Tier 3) Form ~s-401-: za u avA ./rv Facility:

Category 1. Conduct of Operations

2. Equipment

Control 3. Radiation

Control 4. hergency 'rocedures

Plan .__II-. 2. Summer Date of Exam: 04//07/2804

.. 21 of 34 NUREG-1021, Drafl Revision 9

E§-401 Record of Rejected WAS Form ES-401-4 2/1 061 K5.03 212 O2784.02 --t---- Reason for Rejection

Computer randomly selected, but has

no WAS listed, Randomly

selected 005K4.01 to replace. 7 0/29/2003

Small Break LOCA /Knowiedge

of how to conduct valve lineups


to ask a discriminatory question

on. Randomly changed

WA to G2.1.20 Knowledge of the

Reasons for the following responses

as they apply to isolation of

PZR spray following

loss of pressurizer healers.

WA changed to AK3.03 because sprays are

not isolated.


of reasons for the following responses

as they apply

to power limits

as they apply

to a stuck rod. Not RO knowledge, randomly selected

K3.06 to replace. (Reasons for

EOP actions) Ability to make accurate, clear, and concise verbal reports, very difficult

to evaluate with a written exam question, randomly selected

2.1 28 to replace. In core temperature monitor, knowledge

of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits. Very difficult

to ask as an RO question.

Selected 027G2.4.47

to replace. Could not find information

on bypassing heat detectors, and

it was very low discriminatory

value. Selected 067AA1.08

to replace Could not find information with

exam validity to ask a question on pump head effects

with control valve

shut. Selected 061K5.05 to replace. Ability to manually operate and

or monitor in the control room Remote operation of

iodine filters. Not appiicable, selected

041A4.08 to replace. 28 of 34 NUREG-1021, Draft Revision