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| number = ML11308A337
| number = ML11308A337
| issue date = 10/28/2011
| issue date = 10/28/2011
| title = Grand Gulf, Applicant'S Environmental Report, Operating License Renewal Stage, Attachment B - Historic and Archaeological Properties Correspondence, Part 2 of 2
| title = Applicant'S Environmental Report, Operating License Renewal Stage, Attachment B - Historic and Archaeological Properties Correspondence, Part 2 of 2
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Entergy Operations, Inc
| author affiliation = Entergy Operations, Inc
Line 13: Line 13:
| document type = Environmental Report, License-Application for Facility Operating License (Amend/Renewal) DKT 50
| document type = Environmental Report, License-Application for Facility Operating License (Amend/Renewal) DKT 50
| page count = 8
| page count = 8
| project =
| stage = Other
{{#Wiki_filter:ENERCON Excellence-E v e ry project. Every day Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Earl J. Barbry , Jr., THPO Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Historic Preservation Office Post Office Box 1589 Marksville , LA 71351
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station License Renewal Application
==Dear Mr. Barbry ,==
February 4 , 20) ) In 2011 , Entergy plans to apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the operating license for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS), which is located in Claiborne County , Mississippi on the east bank of the Mississippi River at River Mile 406 , approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg, Mississippi and 37 miles north-northeast of Natchez, Mississippi.
The existing license for GGNS was issued for a 40-year term that expires in 2024. If the NRC approves the application , Entergy will then have the option to continue operating GGNS until 2044. The NRC requires that the license renewal application for GGNS include an environmental report assessing potent i a l environmental impacts from operation dur in g the license renewal term. One of these potential environmental impacts would be the effect of license renewal on historic or archaeological resources located on the GGNS . site , and its immediate environs (6-mile vicinity) as shown in Figure 1. Accordingly , the NRC requires that the environmental report for each license renewal application assess such a potential effect (10 CFR 51.53). Later , during its review of the proposed license renewal environmental report pursuant to the National Environmental Pol i cy Act (NEPA), the NRC may request i nformat i on from your off i ce to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Histor i c Preservation Act of 1966 , as amended (16 USC 470), and Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservat i on regulations (36 CFR 800). Entergy is contacting you now in order to obtain input regarding issues that may need to be addressed in the GGNS l i cense renewal environmental report , and to assist Entergy in i dentifying any information you r staff believes would be helpful to expedite NRC's co n sultat i on. The 2 , 100 acre GGNS site consists primarily of woodlands and former farms as well as two lakes, Hamilton Lake and Gin Lake (see Figure 1). Based on a review of information available and previous consultations , Entergy is providing the information below for your office that was obtained from the April 2006 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Grand Gulf ESP Site , published by the NRC. Corporate' Heodquarter s 5100 East Skelly Drive Suite 450 Tulsa, OK 74135 phone 918.665.7693 fox 918.665.7232 Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Earl J. Barbry, Jr., THPO Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Historic Preservation Office Page 2 of 3
* The area in and around GGNS has a rich history and has demonstrated the presence of significant prehistoric and historic cultural resources.
Thirty-five sites in Claiborne County are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. (NRHP), sixteen of which are located within a 10-mile vicinity of GGNS. These are mostly historic buildings, homes , churches, and cemeteries. One site , the Grand Gulf Military Park, a 400-acre park listed in the NRHP , is located adjacent to GGNS. Within the park are archaeological deposits, standing structures, objects, and artifacts from the historic town of Grand Gulf and from Civil War events that occurred in the area. Files at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) indicate that a total of 13 archaeological sites, inCluding those within the park site , are within 2 miles of GGNS, none of which are eligible for listing on the NRHP.
* During the GGNS Unit 3 combined operating licensing application (COLA) process and at the recommendation of the MDAH , a Phase I archaeological survey was conducted in 2007 on two onsite study areas totaling approximately 115 acres of a well dissected upland landform using a combination of shovel testing and pedestr i an surveys. Eleven archaeological sites and e i ght isolated finds/small art i fact scatters were ident i fied during this survey. One archaeological site with i n the study area located south of the plant in a wooded area , was identified as having the potential to be eligible for the NRHP. The remaining sites were determined to be inelig i ble for list i ng o n the NRHP. The MDAH required no further actions from GGNS prov i ded that no construction activities occurred i n this specific area.
* Othe r areas on GGNS property include the Grand Gu l f Mound , the Callendar House and the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad. The Grand Gulf Mound located on a terrace on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River has been excavated by the MDAH; therefore little remains of the mound. The Callendar House site was considered an unrecorded historic resource, as subsurface historic deposits probably exist. However , the site likely would not be considered eligible for listing on the NRHP because of a lack of integrity. F i nally , a 300-feet segment of an important 19th century histo r ic ra i lroad , known as the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad , still exists w i th i n the site boundary. The steel rails are gone , but the railroad bed exists i n good condition.
Entergy does not expect GGNS operat i ons dur i ng the license renewal term (an addit i onal 20 years) to adversely affect historic or archaeological resources at the station site because license renewal will not alter existing operations
.. There are no plans to alter current operations dur i ng the 20-year license renewal per i od , and any maintenance activities necessary to support continued operation of GGNS will be limited to currently developed areas of the site. Although administra ti ve procedural controls are i n place for management of cultural resources ahead of any future ground-disturbing activities at the plant , none are planned or needed in support of license renewal. After your review of the information provided in this letter , I would appreciate your office sending a l etter detailing any concerns you may have about historic or archaeological properties on the GGNS site and immediate environs , or alternatively , confirming our conclusion that operation of GGNS during the l i cense renewal term would have no effect Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Earl J. Barbry, Jr., THPO Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Historic Preservation Office Page 3 of 3 on known historical or archaeological properties. Entergy will include copies of this letter and your response in the environmental reports that will submitted to the NRC as part . of the GGNS license renewal application. Please do not hesitate to call me at 918-665-7693 x328, or Rick Buckley at 601-368-5823 , if there. are questions or you need additional information to complete a review of the proposed action. Thank you in advance for your assistance. J mes A. Thomas anager , Electric Utilities Environmental Services Attachment  Mile Map cc: Rick Buckley (Entergy)
Figure 1 Location of GGNS, 6-Mile Radius Map <> Helleopler Pad C3 Ufban Areas 11 Recreation Area t:'J Grand aul Nuclear Sla l ion (GG N S) _ Lakes and P onds --+--Abandoned RaYroi'tds P mclpal H blorical Sire .--1:]I1CI_--===---
4 Mil e s c::::J!).MiIe (1 0 km) Vci'lity -Highways _ GGNS Buldings -ethel' Principal Roads alura l Gas Uno 0 County B ouodafy
* StaIB Bo undary F r 6l)alttdb), F WO':*IiIpe.
.20IO --E xis l ing T ransmission Corridor -Co u ntylLoe.;al R oads ENERCON E x ce lle n c e-E v e ry project. Every do) The Honorable Beasley Denson Chief Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Post Office Box 6010 -Choctaw Branch Choctaw , MS 39350
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station License Renewal Application
==Dear Mr. Denson ,==
February 4, 2011 In 2011 , Entergy plans to apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the operating license for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS), which is located in Claiborne County , Mississippi on the east bank of the Mississippi River at River Mile 406, approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg , Mississippi and 37 miles north-northeast of Natchez, Mississippi.
The existing license for GGNS was issued for a 40-year term that expires in 2024. If the NRC approves the application, Entergy will then have the option to continue operating GGNS until 2044. The NRC requires that the license renewal application for GGNS include an environmental report assessing potential environmental impacts from operation during the license renewal term. One of these potential environmental impacts would be the effect of license renewal on historic or archaeological resources located on the GGNS site and , its immediate environs (6-mile vicinity) as shown in Figure 1. Accordingly , the NRC requires that the environmental report for each license renewal application assess such a potential effect (10 CFR 51.53). Later, during its review of the proposed license renewal environmental report pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NRC may request information from your office to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 , as amended (16 USC 470), and Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regulations (36 CFR 800). Entergy is contacting you now in order to obtain input regarding issues that may need to be addressed in the GGNS license renewal environmental report , and to assist Entergy in identifying any information your staff believes would be helpful to expedite NRC's consultation. . The 2 , 100 acre GGNS site consists primarily of woodlands and former farms as well as two lakes , Hamilton Lake and Gin Lake (see Figure 1). Based on a rev i ew of i nformation ava i lable and previous consultations, Entergy is providing the information be l ow for your office that was obta i ned from the April 2006 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Grand Gulf ESP Site , published by the NRC. Corporate Headquarters 5100 East Skelly D rive Suire 450 Tulsa , OK 74135 phone 918.665.7693 fax 918.665.7232 The Honorable Beasley Denson Chief Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Page 2 of 3
* The area in and around GGNS has a rich history and has demonstrated the presence of significant prehistoric and historic cultural resources. Thirty-five sites in Claiborne County are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), sixteen of which are located within a 10-mile vicinity of GGNS. These are mostly historic buildings , homes , churches , and cemeteries.
One site, the Grand Gulf Military Park , a 400-acre park listed in the NRHP , is located adjacent to GGNS. Within the park are archaeological deposits, standing structures, objects, and artifacts from the historic town of Grand Gulf and from Civil War events that occurred in the area. Files at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) indicate that a total of 13 archaeological sites , including those within the park site , are within 2 miles of GGNS, none of which are eligible for listing on the NRHP.
* During the GGNS Unit 3 combined operating licensing application (Co.LA) process and at the recommendation of the MDAH, a Phase I archaeological survey was conducted in 2007 on two onsite study areas totaling approximately 115 acres of a well dissected upland landform using a combination of shovel testing and pedestrian surveys. Eleven archaeological sites and eight isolated finds/small artifact scatters were identified during this survey. One archaeological site within the study area and located south of the plant in a wooded area, was identified as having the potential to be eligible for the NRHP. The remaining sites were determined to be ineligible for listing on the NRHP. The MDAH required no further actions from GGNS provided that no construction activities occurred in this specific area ..
* Other areas on GGNS property include the Grand Gulf Mound, the Callendar House and the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad. The Grand Gulf Mound located on a terrace on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River has been excavated by the MDAH; therefore little remains of the mound. The Callendar House site was considered an unrecorded historic resource, as subsurface historic deposits probably exist. However, the site likely would not be considered eligible for listing on the NRHP because of a lack of integrity. Finally , a 300-feet segment of an important 19th century historic railroad , known as the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad , still exists within the site boundary. The steel rails are gone, but the railroad bed exists in good condition.
Entergy does not expect GGNS operations during the license renewal term (an additional 20 years) to adversely affect on historic or archaeological resources at the station site because license renewal will not alter existing operations. There are no plans to alter current operations during the 20-year license renewal period , and any maintenance activities necessary to support continued operation of GGNS will be limited to currently developed areas of the site. Although administrative procedural controls are in place for management of cultural resources ahead of any future ground-disturbing activities at the plant, none are planned or needed in support of license renewal. After your review of the information provided in this letter, I would appreciate your office sending a letter detailing any concerns you may have about historic or archaeological properties on the GGNS site and immediate environs, or alternatively, confirming our conclusion that operation of GGNS during the license renewal term would have no effect The Honorable Beasley Denson Chief M i ssissipp i Band of Choctaw Indians Page 3 of 3 on known h i storical or archaeological propert i es. Entergy will i nclude copies of this lette r and your response in the environmenta l reports that will be submitted to the NRC as part of the GGNS license renewal appl i cat i on. Please do not hesitate to .call me at 918-665-7693 x328 , or Rick Buckley at 601-368-5823 , if there are questions or you need additional information to complete a review of the proposed action. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Attachment
-'-6-Mile Map cc: Rick Buckley (Entergy)
Figure 1 Location o f GGNS, 6-Mile Radius Map L e g e nd ... Heic;oplerPad
--+--AcliYeRailroads IJ Recn:alionAlea L ** ..; Gfand Oull' Nucle8f Station (GGNS) _ lakes and Ponds --+--Abandoned Railroads
'4 Pr incipal H istorical c:::J 6-Mile (10 km) Vlcill, --H" lghways -:--Natu ral Ga s; LN Cl County Boundary _GGNSBulldings
:]StateBoundary F FlMruaty4. lOrD _ Existing Transmission Corridor -Cou n ly/lOQI R oads}}

Latest revision as of 20:22, 4 April 2019

Applicant'S Environmental Report, Operating License Renewal Stage, Attachment B - Historic and Archaeological Properties Correspondence, Part 2 of 2
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/2011
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML11308A337 (8)


ENERCON Excellence-E v e ry project. Every day Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Earl J. Barbry , Jr., THPO Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Historic Preservation Office Post Office Box 1589 Marksville , LA 71351


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station License Renewal Application

Dear Mr. Barbry ,

February 4 , 20) ) In 2011 , Entergy plans to apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the operating license for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS), which is located in Claiborne County , Mississippi on the east bank of the Mississippi River at River Mile 406 , approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg, Mississippi and 37 miles north-northeast of Natchez, Mississippi.

The existing license for GGNS was issued for a 40-year term that expires in 2024. If the NRC approves the application , Entergy will then have the option to continue operating GGNS until 2044. The NRC requires that the license renewal application for GGNS include an environmental report assessing potent i a l environmental impacts from operation dur in g the license renewal term. One of these potential environmental impacts would be the effect of license renewal on historic or archaeological resources located on the GGNS . site , and its immediate environs (6-mile vicinity) as shown in Figure 1. Accordingly , the NRC requires that the environmental report for each license renewal application assess such a potential effect (10 CFR 51.53). Later , during its review of the proposed license renewal environmental report pursuant to the National Environmental Pol i cy Act (NEPA), the NRC may request i nformat i on from your off i ce to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Histor i c Preservation Act of 1966 , as amended (16 USC 470), and Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservat i on regulations (36 CFR 800). Entergy is contacting you now in order to obtain input regarding issues that may need to be addressed in the GGNS l i cense renewal environmental report , and to assist Entergy in i dentifying any information you r staff believes would be helpful to expedite NRC's co n sultat i on. The 2 , 100 acre GGNS site consists primarily of woodlands and former farms as well as two lakes, Hamilton Lake and Gin Lake (see Figure 1). Based on a review of information available and previous consultations , Entergy is providing the information below for your office that was obtained from the April 2006 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Grand Gulf ESP Site , published by the NRC. Corporate' Heodquarter s 5100 East Skelly Drive Suite 450 Tulsa, OK 74135 phone 918.665.7693 fox 918.665.7232 Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Earl J. Barbry, Jr., THPO Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Historic Preservation Office Page 2 of 3

  • The area in and around GGNS has a rich history and has demonstrated the presence of significant prehistoric and historic cultural resources.

Thirty-five sites in Claiborne County are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. (NRHP), sixteen of which are located within a 10-mile vicinity of GGNS. These are mostly historic buildings, homes , churches, and cemeteries. One site , the Grand Gulf Military Park, a 400-acre park listed in the NRHP , is located adjacent to GGNS. Within the park are archaeological deposits, standing structures, objects, and artifacts from the historic town of Grand Gulf and from Civil War events that occurred in the area. Files at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) indicate that a total of 13 archaeological sites, inCluding those within the park site , are within 2 miles of GGNS, none of which are eligible for listing on the NRHP.

  • During the GGNS Unit 3 combined operating licensing application (COLA) process and at the recommendation of the MDAH , a Phase I archaeological survey was conducted in 2007 on two onsite study areas totaling approximately 115 acres of a well dissected upland landform using a combination of shovel testing and pedestr i an surveys. Eleven archaeological sites and e i ght isolated finds/small art i fact scatters were ident i fied during this survey. One archaeological site with i n the study area located south of the plant in a wooded area , was identified as having the potential to be eligible for the NRHP. The remaining sites were determined to be inelig i ble for list i ng o n the NRHP. The MDAH required no further actions from GGNS prov i ded that no construction activities occurred i n this specific area.
  • Othe r areas on GGNS property include the Grand Gu l f Mound , the Callendar House and the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad. The Grand Gulf Mound located on a terrace on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River has been excavated by the MDAH; therefore little remains of the mound. The Callendar House site was considered an unrecorded historic resource, as subsurface historic deposits probably exist. However , the site likely would not be considered eligible for listing on the NRHP because of a lack of integrity. F i nally , a 300-feet segment of an important 19th century histo r ic ra i lroad , known as the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad , still exists w i th i n the site boundary. The steel rails are gone , but the railroad bed exists i n good condition.

Entergy does not expect GGNS operat i ons dur i ng the license renewal term (an addit i onal 20 years) to adversely affect historic or archaeological resources at the station site because license renewal will not alter existing operations

.. There are no plans to alter current operations dur i ng the 20-year license renewal per i od , and any maintenance activities necessary to support continued operation of GGNS will be limited to currently developed areas of the site. Although administra ti ve procedural controls are i n place for management of cultural resources ahead of any future ground-disturbing activities at the plant , none are planned or needed in support of license renewal. After your review of the information provided in this letter , I would appreciate your office sending a l etter detailing any concerns you may have about historic or archaeological properties on the GGNS site and immediate environs , or alternatively , confirming our conclusion that operation of GGNS during the l i cense renewal term would have no effect Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana Earl J. Barbry, Jr., THPO Tunica-Biloxi Tribal Historic Preservation Office Page 3 of 3 on known historical or archaeological properties. Entergy will include copies of this letter and your response in the environmental reports that will submitted to the NRC as part . of the GGNS license renewal application. Please do not hesitate to call me at 918-665-7693 x328, or Rick Buckley at 601-368-5823 , if there. are questions or you need additional information to complete a review of the proposed action. Thank you in advance for your assistance. J mes A. Thomas anager , Electric Utilities Environmental Services Attachment Mile Map cc: Rick Buckley (Entergy)

Figure 1 Location of GGNS, 6-Mile Radius Map <> Helleopler Pad C3 Ufban Areas 11 Recreation Area t:'J Grand aul Nuclear Sla l ion (GG N S) _ Lakes and P onds --+--Abandoned RaYroi'tds P mclpal H blorical Sire .--1:]I1CI_--===---

4 Mil e s c::::J!).MiIe (1 0 km) Vci'lity -Highways _ GGNS Buldings -ethel' Principal Roads alura l Gas Uno 0 County B ouodafy

  • StaIB Bo undary F r 6l)alttdb), F WO':*IiIpe.


.20IO --E xis l ing T ransmission Corridor -Co u ntylLoe.;al R oads ENERCON E x ce lle n c e-E v e ry project. Every do) The Honorable Beasley Denson Chief Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Post Office Box 6010 -Choctaw Branch Choctaw , MS 39350


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station License Renewal Application

Dear Mr. Denson ,

February 4, 2011 In 2011 , Entergy plans to apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the operating license for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS), which is located in Claiborne County , Mississippi on the east bank of the Mississippi River at River Mile 406, approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg , Mississippi and 37 miles north-northeast of Natchez, Mississippi.

The existing license for GGNS was issued for a 40-year term that expires in 2024. If the NRC approves the application, Entergy will then have the option to continue operating GGNS until 2044. The NRC requires that the license renewal application for GGNS include an environmental report assessing potential environmental impacts from operation during the license renewal term. One of these potential environmental impacts would be the effect of license renewal on historic or archaeological resources located on the GGNS site and , its immediate environs (6-mile vicinity) as shown in Figure 1. Accordingly , the NRC requires that the environmental report for each license renewal application assess such a potential effect (10 CFR 51.53). Later, during its review of the proposed license renewal environmental report pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NRC may request information from your office to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 , as amended (16 USC 470), and Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regulations (36 CFR 800). Entergy is contacting you now in order to obtain input regarding issues that may need to be addressed in the GGNS license renewal environmental report , and to assist Entergy in identifying any information your staff believes would be helpful to expedite NRC's consultation. . The 2 , 100 acre GGNS site consists primarily of woodlands and former farms as well as two lakes , Hamilton Lake and Gin Lake (see Figure 1). Based on a rev i ew of i nformation ava i lable and previous consultations, Entergy is providing the information be l ow for your office that was obta i ned from the April 2006 Environmental Impact Statement for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Grand Gulf ESP Site , published by the NRC. Corporate Headquarters 5100 East Skelly D rive Suire 450 Tulsa , OK 74135 phone 918.665.7693 fax 918.665.7232 The Honorable Beasley Denson Chief Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Page 2 of 3

  • The area in and around GGNS has a rich history and has demonstrated the presence of significant prehistoric and historic cultural resources. Thirty-five sites in Claiborne County are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), sixteen of which are located within a 10-mile vicinity of GGNS. These are mostly historic buildings , homes , churches , and cemeteries.

One site, the Grand Gulf Military Park , a 400-acre park listed in the NRHP , is located adjacent to GGNS. Within the park are archaeological deposits, standing structures, objects, and artifacts from the historic town of Grand Gulf and from Civil War events that occurred in the area. Files at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) indicate that a total of 13 archaeological sites , including those within the park site , are within 2 miles of GGNS, none of which are eligible for listing on the NRHP.

  • During the GGNS Unit 3 combined operating licensing application (Co.LA) process and at the recommendation of the MDAH, a Phase I archaeological survey was conducted in 2007 on two onsite study areas totaling approximately 115 acres of a well dissected upland landform using a combination of shovel testing and pedestrian surveys. Eleven archaeological sites and eight isolated finds/small artifact scatters were identified during this survey. One archaeological site within the study area and located south of the plant in a wooded area, was identified as having the potential to be eligible for the NRHP. The remaining sites were determined to be ineligible for listing on the NRHP. The MDAH required no further actions from GGNS provided that no construction activities occurred in this specific area ..
  • Other areas on GGNS property include the Grand Gulf Mound, the Callendar House and the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad. The Grand Gulf Mound located on a terrace on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River has been excavated by the MDAH; therefore little remains of the mound. The Callendar House site was considered an unrecorded historic resource, as subsurface historic deposits probably exist. However, the site likely would not be considered eligible for listing on the NRHP because of a lack of integrity. Finally , a 300-feet segment of an important 19th century historic railroad , known as the Grand Gulf and Port Gibson Railroad , still exists within the site boundary. The steel rails are gone, but the railroad bed exists in good condition.

Entergy does not expect GGNS operations during the license renewal term (an additional 20 years) to adversely affect on historic or archaeological resources at the station site because license renewal will not alter existing operations. There are no plans to alter current operations during the 20-year license renewal period , and any maintenance activities necessary to support continued operation of GGNS will be limited to currently developed areas of the site. Although administrative procedural controls are in place for management of cultural resources ahead of any future ground-disturbing activities at the plant, none are planned or needed in support of license renewal. After your review of the information provided in this letter, I would appreciate your office sending a letter detailing any concerns you may have about historic or archaeological properties on the GGNS site and immediate environs, or alternatively, confirming our conclusion that operation of GGNS during the license renewal term would have no effect The Honorable Beasley Denson Chief M i ssissipp i Band of Choctaw Indians Page 3 of 3 on known h i storical or archaeological propert i es. Entergy will i nclude copies of this lette r and your response in the environmenta l reports that will be submitted to the NRC as part of the GGNS license renewal appl i cat i on. Please do not hesitate to .call me at 918-665-7693 x328 , or Rick Buckley at 601-368-5823 , if there are questions or you need additional information to complete a review of the proposed action. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Attachment

-'-6-Mile Map cc: Rick Buckley (Entergy)

Figure 1 Location o f GGNS, 6-Mile Radius Map L e g e nd ... Heic;oplerPad


--+--AcliYeRailroads IJ Recn:alionAlea L ** ..; Gfand Oull' Nucle8f Station (GGNS) _ lakes and Ponds --+--Abandoned Railroads

'4 Pr incipal H istorical c:::J 6-Mile (10 km) Vlcill, --H" lghways -:--Natu ral Ga s; LN Cl County Boundary _GGNSBulldings


]StateBoundary F FlMruaty4. lOrD _ Existing Transmission Corridor -Cou n ly/lOQI R oads