W3F1-2012-0096, Response to an NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI) Associated with W3-ISI-020, Request for Alternative to ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination

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Response to an NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI) Associated with W3-ISI-020, Request for Alternative to ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/15/2012
From: Mason M
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
W3F1-2012-0096, TAC ME9801
Download: ML12324A170 (43)


Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057-3093 Tel 504 739 6673 Fax 504 739 6698 mmason@entergy.com Michael E. Mason Licensing Manager, Acting Waterford 3 W3F1 -2012-0096 November 15, 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Waterford 3 Response to an NRC Request for Additional Information (RAI) associated with W3-1SI-020, Request for Alternative to ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination

[TAC No. ME9801]

Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38


1. Entergy letter dated October 16, 2012, 'Waterford 3 Request for Alternative W3-ISI-020, ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination Request for Alternative" (W3F1-2012-0085)


2. NRC email dated November 5, 2012, "RAI on Waterford 3's "Request for Alternative W3-1SI-020, ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination Request for Alternative." (TAC ME9801)


Dear Sir or Madam:

Entergy Operations, Inc. requested NRC's approval of Request for Alternative W3-ISI-020 for the Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 in Reference 1. The request is associated with the use of an alternative to the requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Case N-770-1 as conditioned in the Final Rule 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(F)(3), dated June 21, 2011.

In Reference 2, the NRC requested additional information in order to complete the review of Request for Alternative W3-ISI-020. Please find Waterford 3's response to the request for additional information in Attachments 1 through 4.


W3F1 -2012-0096 Page 2 This letter contains no new commitments. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the acting Licensing Manager, Michael E.

Mason, at (504) 739-6673.

Sincerely, MEM/RJP Attachments: 1. Response to Request for Additional Information - Use of ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination

2. PDQS for SI-UT-130 Rev 3
3. Updated Weld Data Table and Figures
4. Weld 08-009 and 10-008 Indication Sizing

W3F1 -2012-0096 Page 3 cc: Mr. Elmo E. Collins, Jr. RidsRgn4MailCenter@nrc.gov Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 1600 E. Lamar Blvd.

Arlington, TX 76011-4511 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Marlone.Davis@nrc.gov Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 Dean.Overland@nrc.gov P.O. Box 822 Killona, LA 70066-0751 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Kaly.Kalyanam@nrc.gov Attn: Mr. N. Kalyanam Mail Stop O-07D1 Washington, DC 20555-0001

Attachment 1 to W3F1-2012-0096 Response to Request for Additional Information Use of ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 1 of 3 Request for Additional Information Use of ASME Code Case N-770-1 Baseline Examination

1. Have the crowns of the subject welds been contoured by machining in order to improve circumferential scancoverage?

Machining on the crowns of the subject welds was not performed based on the surface of the welds being contoured adequately to perform the examination as required by the qualified procedure. Remaining limitations are due to joint limitations and not surface conditioning. Any additional efforts to change the exam surface would require either base metal removal or weld overlay techniques. The examination of the susceptible material was ensonified as shown in the figures in Attachment 3 and shows the "Best Effort" examination on the cast stainless steel material.

2. Please provide a copy of the performance demonstration qualification summary (PDQS) and identify any specific limitations associated with the scope of the SI-UT-130 Rev. 3 ultrasonic (UT) examination procedure.

A copy of the SI-UT-1 30 Rev 3 PDQS has been included as Attachment 2.

3. Section 5 of the proposed alternative, "Proposed Alternative and Basis for Use," states that the SI-UT-130 Rev. 3 UT procedure has been successfully qualified for single-sided axial scan examination, per the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl, Appendix VIII
a. Explain why axial scan coverage of the susceptible material past the weld centerline was not credited The axial scan coverage data of the susceptible material for the inner 1/3 wall thickness has been updated to reflect 1000/%. This information has been included in an Updated Weld Data Table and Figures contained in Attachment 3. Also shown is the "Best Effort" examination on the cast stainless steel material.
b. Provide data for the axial scan coverage of the susceptible material for the inner 1/3 wall thickness for each of the subject welds, crediting scan coverage of the susceptible material ensonified past the weld centerline to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 2 of 3 i For each weld where the axial scan coverage of the susceptible material is less than 100 percent, provide a circumferential cross sectional map indicating the unexamined zone (crediting scan coverage past the weld centerline) and the size of largest potential flaw in the susceptible material within the unexamined zone The axial scan coverage data of the susceptible material for the inner 1/3 wall thickness has been updated to reflect 100%. This information has been included in an Updated Weld Data Table and Figures contained in Attachment 3. Also shown is the "Best Effort" examination on the cast stainless steel material.
c. Provide data for the circumferential scan coverage of the susceptible material for the inner 1/3 of wall thickness of each of the subject welds
i. For each weld where the circumferential scan coverage of the susceptible material is less than 100 percent, please provide an axial cross sectional map indicating the unexamined zone and the size of largest potential flaw in the susceptible material within the unexamined zone The circumferential scan coverage data of the susceptible material for the inner 1/3 wall thickness included in an Updated Weld Data Table and Figures contained in Attachment 3 reflects the actual measured volumes.

Based on procedure directions, the susceptible weld volume was examined and the reported percent coverage in the Updated Weld Data Tables contained in Attachment 3 are very conservative values based on a single center beam from the transducer. The qualified procedure requires probe skewing 10 degrees in both directions providing assurance that all susceptible material was examined and any flaws present would be detected. See Figure 5 in Attachment 3 for an illustrative top view depicting circumferential scan transducer skew.

4. The request for alternative states that circumferential indications were found in safety injection nozzle welds08-009 and 10-008 during the June 2011 refueling outage examinations and that they were determined to be acceptable per ASME Code, Section Xl, Table IWB-3514-1
a. Were the indications found in the initial construction radiographic examination?

to W3F1 -2012-0096 Page 3 of 3

b. Table IWB-3514-1 gives the acceptance standards for planar flaws in ferritic steels. Were the circumferential indications planar and in the ferritic material? If not, justify the use of Table IWB-3514-1 for flaw acceptability
c. The 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda of the ASME Code,Section XI, paragraph IWB-3514 states "The acceptance standards of IWB-3514 do not apply to planar surface flaws in ILJNS N06600, N06082, or W86182 in BWR or PWR environments." If the circumferential indications are in the susceptible weld material
i. Justify using Table IWB-3514-1 for flaw acceptability and not Table IWB-3514-2 per IWB-3514.4(b) ii. Are the indications planar? If determined to be not planar, justify this determination iii. Are the indications connected to the inside surface of the pipe, i.e., surface-connected in contact with coolant? If determined to be not surface connected, justify this determination iv. If the indications are planar and inside surface connected
1. Provide maps showing the scale of the drawing and the location, depth and length of the indications
2. Provide an analytical PWSCC flaw growth evaluation for each of the indications
3. What is the aspect ratio of each of these indications?
4. What is the wall thickness?
5. What is the length of the safe end (center to center) for these welds?

The circumferential indications found in safety injection nozzle welds08-009 and 10-008 were located in the base metal carbon steel near the carbon steel to cladding interface. The specific sizing information of the indications in welds08-009 and 10-008 has been included in Attachment 4. Based on phone call held on 11/09/12 with the information supplied in Attachment 4, this section is resolved.

to W3F1-2012-0096 PDQS for SI-UT-130 Rev 3 (Contains 22 pages)

i1: 24-Feb-12 Performance Demonstration Initiative Program M)Qs No; 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implmentalon of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Nteil of Qualificatlons Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Aa~*SW Typ.~. N/A Date of amne: 23-Feb-12 OposanSW Typ~Re: N/A Hardware: NA Scm Applootm:

131011116M Outside catqn. Dempiping e: 1-Jul-9 NNWDhm: 2,00 MlaThlk: 0.280 MuxDam 50.00 MazleTlc 5.200 Mat'in Dissmilar Metal Exaamiaalnt: Detection Accew Single Sided Weld Condidn: Ground Flush Examnmatle: Length Sizing Act=m Single Sided Weld Condition: Ground Flush Ezindabtla: Through Wall Sizng AecM: Single Sided Weld CAedisa: Ground Flush Page I of 22

Printed: 24-Feb-12 Performance Demonstration Initiative Program PDQ8 No: 632 In Accordance with the PDJ Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualiflctions Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQSRev- 4 A yns SW Typedtev: N/A Date of ltsae 23-Feb-12 Operator SW TypedRe: N/A Haiware: N/A Seam Applicatio: Maine!

Categosy Pipiog uanSarfce: Ouimde When L'ogit Sizing" is ind the 0.750 RMS acceptance criteria per the PD1 Program Description has been acieved.

When *Though Wall Siring vadicauxd, the 0,125 RMS acceptance croaris per the PD1Program Description has been aciieved Toierabe rel;l Appeeudiani a *6mws Dianer: Lower .50" Wc bebracted from the mindm

  • demmmtrd Upper: Diamees geater than 24" need not be demonstaed.

Thickness: Lower: 0.10Vcan be subtracted frtmthe th du uled for both austenitic and Fru c 25% of the nimm thickness demnonstraed for dsim meial wels Upp. I A000Wanbe added to the naximum thcknes denmnstrated for feritic material.

0.50" cam be added to the naximum thickness demommmail for aastaeotic nutrial, 25% ofthe madma thickness demmosted for dissimitar metal welds Cmaments: I See precedwe and attached Table I for qualified search unit/instruinent combinations, 2 The PDI Dissinilar Metal Weld Mock-up Criteria doumomnt may be used in oMuncion with this procedure to address which ae represented in the PD1 sapl Inventoriy, 3 Weld Joitdesigns of denonstrated complonent configuratons are included in the subsequent pages of this PDQS document.

4 Refatedlomlitudinal wave eanamtion angles of 30 to 70* or shear wave examisnation angles of 4 to 70, nay be used to calculate ad document coverage ofth ASME Code required examination volume with this procedure.

5 Persoesquilifiledto Rev, 0.1 and 2 areao qualified to Rev. 3 ofthis procedume.

6 The Appeni VIII demonstranti requirements applicable to this procedure do no contain provmions to demonstrate sizing of axia flaws. When reqired, the techniques described fr circumferential flaw szing shall be wed for axa flaw sizing LUitatdea: I This proce asiandidate is not qualified for examnations permed ftom the cot stainless std side of a component 2 This pmocdtucandidate is only qualified to depth sam flaws in accessible regions of ft exammin volume 3 This procedure/candidate is not qualified for examinmaions wher the ultrasound is required to propagate through an adjacent Austmitic weld prior to impinging on the diessnilar metal weld.

4 This procedurecandidate is only qualified for examinations performed on demonstrated configiratons. Additional limitations for a specific configuration may be listed on the component drawing included in subsequent pages of this PDQS document Page 2 of 22

Prited: 24-Feb-12 Performance Demonstration Initiative Program PDQS No: 632 In Accordance with the PD1 Implementation of Seectin XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detaill of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 A~ady* SW TypReAP~: N/A Datefawo iu 23-Feb-12 Operato SW Typuýev N/A Ilardwar. NMA Seas, Applicatio: Mau outde Categry: Piping The above procedure has met the requirements of The Performance Demonstration Iantlative's Implementateon of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Bolger and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Appendix VIII, as stated in this document NJý 1 11 .AN Defte: I Q.: 13 Performance Demnstration Initiative Piping and Belting Supervissdrevel InI Date-,

Performence Demonstration Initiative Piping Project Manager ThIs docmem Is mt awthenc withou a rabed aL Page 3 of 22

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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Priated: 24-Feb-12 632 PDQS N.:

In Accordance with the PDT Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualiflcations Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Aosbr* SW Typ*/REv: N/A Do*tof lam: 23-Feb-12 operator SW Type/Rev:- N/A Hurdware: N/A Sam Appieatlom: Mmowi Category: Piping Exam sarhee. Outside INCONEL 82

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7011X - PDI Generic Standby Liquid Control Line Design Pag 4 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program ,'-",

In Accordance with the PD1 Impimuentation of Section XI, Appendix VII P0Qs NoW 632 Specific Dfti of Quailifications 03 Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PIQS Rev: 4 Andly*i SW TYPe/Rev NIA Ditt of inem 23-Feb-12 Operato SW TypoIRWv N/A Hsrdware: N/A Sean App~atlo:

Category: Piping Exams Surbeaw Otide 0.866 0.859 FLOW DOWN STREAM UP STREAM 0.588 310 SS Safet End 0.637 0.81 04.23 03.79 02.A2 02.63 03.07 PDI GENERIC 702/X SAMPLE 7021X - PDI Generic Westinghouse Spray Nozzle PaP 5 of 22

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)0-j , 05.90 4AM 04.8.0 !a-UP STRAM Inc 182 Weld arkd Butter 7r -I 0*4.9t0 03i6 03.*9 7031X - PDI Generic CRD & Jet Pump Return Nozzle Design Page 6 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Printed* 24-Feb-12 PDQS No: 632 In Accordance with the PD! Implementation of Secton XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQ8 Rer 4 Analysis SW Typeiea: N/A Dole of biuc. 23-Feb-12 Operator SW Type~Rev: N/A haerdwere: N/A Stan Application:

categoii: ExUM kubM Outside Piping FLOW 8.00 31M 8tu#~ Stm4SE UPSTREAM 04,118 05.35 03.37 2.72 7041X - PDI Generic Westinghouse Pressurizer Safety/Relief Ppg 7 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Prh Nod:

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24Feb-12 632 In Accordance with the PDI Iniplementation of Stetion XI, Appendix VI II 04061103 Specfic Detail of Qualftikon Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Avab* SW TypwR.v: NIA Dele of hm. 23-Feb-12 Operatsr SW T7"~ WA Harware: N/A Scan Apmimafln: Manual Catq0ry: Piping Exam Smrh~w Out&

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U.26 00 705/X - PDI Generic BWR N2 Replacement Nozzle Design Page 8 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program fimw: wFe.ii In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII PDQS No: 632 "61103 Spedfk Detail of Qualifieations Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQ6RIA. 4 Aaalyuh SW TypetRev: N/A Daot of hoa. 23-Feb-12 OPaaOr SW Typ~ie. W/A Hardware: N/A Son Appftlcad:

C~tr Npig EzaM Serhee. Ousde 7061X - PDI Generic BWR N2 Replacement Nozzle Design Page 9 Of 22

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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program P.d: 24-obu In Accordance with the PDI Implementailom of Secon XI, Appendix VIU iQ*S NO: 632 Specific Detail of Qua3lifi6cati3


  • Ret 4 Adysis SW TypefU: N/A Duteef ime: 23-Feb-12 OpaerSW Typeuien N/A Naniware: N/A Sem Applitedoe: Manus]

cattegi: piping XM SNrbcs. Outside 1.14 7071X - PD! Generic N4, N5, & N6 Core SpraylFeedwater Nozzle Design Pop 10 of 22 I

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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Printed:


24-Feb.12 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VII!

04061103 Specific Detail of Quallkfcatlos Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Anaby* SW 1*Te/Re'X  : N/A DateofIsim 23-Feb-12 Operats SW TypRe~: N/A Hanhware N/A Scan Applcatim: MWtal Cator.y Piping Eno Serfcem Outsde FLOW 1.873 r 1.3568 Inc182 SA 508 CS Weld Nozzle SA 182 VESSEL 2.393 GR 316L 2.01 SAFE-END UP STREAM100

/5 T T000 38r TAIdNLESS STEEL CLAD J 7081X - PDI Generic Pressurizer Surge Nozzle Design Page 11 of 22

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I Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Printe: 24-Feb-12 632 PDQ6 No:

In Accordance with the PDT Impleinetatlom of Section XI, Appendix VIII 0061103 Specific Deta of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQ8 Rcr 4 AnabiftSW TypuIre NIA Date tlmke 23-Feb-12 Operator SW Typ.I~: NIA flardwan: N/A Scan Appflcat~n: Maknual c~teg017 piping Elam Sarhwb Otuside SS 308 NOZZLE CLAD 7091X - PDI Generic BWR N1 Recirculation Outlet Nozzle Design Page 12 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program *dm: 2FA-1 In Accordance with the PDI Implementatlon of Section XI, Appendix VIII PDQS No: 632 Specifi Detail of Qualifications 01103 Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQs Rev: 4 Analyxio SW TyR: N/A Dafe of ime: 23-Feb-12 OpertorSW Type/Rev: N/A Hareware NWA Scan ApplNeais Manual Cego7r. Piping EXAm SNAre. Outside INC 82/182 WELD FLOW 1

2.13 ASTM A 182 F304 SA 508 DOWN STRE*

r 0.19 UP STREAM INC 182 BUTTER 308 SS CLAD 7.97 3.97 7101X - PDI Generic BWR N1 reclrculation Outlet Nozzle Design Page 13 of 22

I Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Prated:


24-F1b12 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implemnentatlou of Secdon X1. Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualifications

- Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rey: 4 Aaabi6't SW 7"~.Re N/A De of lale.: 23-Feb-12 Openr SW Typ~/et: N/A Hllantw' m: N/A Scan App~eadno: Moin ua' Categry: Piping wxam Sum' OutMde 5.:

712/X - PDI Generic Steam Generator Nozzle Design (Flat)

Pop 14 0f22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program 24-Feb-12 PDQs No: 1 32 In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Quullfications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PD6 rev. 4 Auahy* SW Type/"e: N/A Date .f ie 23-Feb-12 Operatr SW TypeRev: N/A Hardwarv: N/A Scam Apleatiom: Manual cmtaerT ptp Kim S1mrbm Outsi R11bration S*wffe IM iques:

" Examination must be DRflERM3 & a~N performed from both sides of the weld from all available surfaces including the taper and nozzle boss.

" The 1.5 MHz array must be used for both axial and circumferential scans

" A detailed scan plan must be developed prior to the examination

  • Contours must be taken at the location of each flaw detected and beam plotting must be performed in order to measure the depth of the flaw accurately

" Wedges used for circumferential scanning must 8/620 -

be contoured 715X - PDI Generic B&W Decay Heat Nozzle Design Page 15 of 22

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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Primted 24-Feb.12 PDQS No: 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Analysi SW Typllkw N/A Date ifhmc. 23-Feb-12 Operas SW TypeI¢cv: NIA Hardware: N/A SeaoAppliclo.: Manual Category: piping KIm serhm Outside FLOW VcSSEt.04-921 04,250 702-1-X - Pressurizer Spray Nozzle Design (Westinghouse)

Page 16 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Priaed: 24-Feb-12 PDOS No: 632 In Accordance witb the PDI Itmplemnentation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Anaavk SW Type/tev: N/A Date tlsahe: 23-Feb-12 OIter* Sw TypedRev N/A Hardnware NIA SemaAppleattNe: Manual Categeu. Piping Exam SurtAe: iOtsde 9?eXAMPLEW OF 702--2-)( SAMPLIE im-iZFta SfitA'v'N PJC1ZLJE ID 03.277 Page 17 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program r 2,"F"'1 pDQ9 No- 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Analysis SWType/Rev: NIA Date ofIsmue: 23-Feb-12 Operator SW Typtilky: NIA Hardware: NA Sims Application- manual cateoryr piping Exam sortke: Ou~tside 0 BiAS


Page 18 of 22 I .04.aý

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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Printed: 24-Feb-I2 PDQS No: 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII 04061103 Specific Detail of Qualifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Ana~ylr SW Typel~ev NIA Datt of have: 23-Feb-12 oj~eator SW Type/~: N/A Ilnrdwsr N/A Scan App~estlm: Manualk category: piping Exam Surface: Outs*d J #"*..ll WE


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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Printed. 24-Feb-12 PDQs No- 632 In Accordance with the PDI Implementation of Section XI, Appendix VIII Specifdc Detail of QualIfleatloas 0"1103 Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS lv: 4 Analyss SW 7TyVW. N/A Date ot buer 23-Feb-12 Operator 9W Typ&/Av: NIA Hardware: N/A Seae Appicatisa: Manual Category Piping Eixam Serh Outside Configuration Specific Techniques:

  • Examination must be performed from both sides of the weld from all available surfaces.
  • A detailed scan plan must be developed prior to the examination
  • Both mechanical and electronic skewing must be used, per Para. 7.375 6.6, for this configuration
  • Length and depth sizing techniques for tapered surfaces in appendices must be used on this configuration.

PWR (Combustion Engineering Design) - Charging Inlet Nozzle Mockup (719/X)

Pap 20 of 22

Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Pw-.: 4-Fb-,2 PDQS No: 632 In Accordance with the PD! Implementatton of Section XI. Appendix VIII 04%103 Specific Detail of Quaifications Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQS Rev: 4 Analyvb SW TypelRev: N/A Dak of inw. 23-Feb-12 Operataw SW Typ~ie: K/A Hardwaft N/A SMaAppaeaoiaa: Manual

,Confi 0-o~ if¢ T qiq* Ceftegry: Piping Exam serbc. Outside examination.

  • Both mechanical and electronic skewing must be used, per Para.

6.6, for this configuration.

  • Procedural length and depth sizing techniques for tapered surfaces must be used for this configuration.

" For depth sizing axial flaws in the weld, the transducer must be located on the carbon steel base material and skewed in toward the weld flaw.

Specific Limitation for Tapered Welds:

  • This procedure is not qualified RmpeMB275 to detect axial flaws on the far side of a single-side access component containing a tapered weld configuration PWR (Combustion Engineering Design) - Reactor Coolant Pump Safe-end to Elbow Weld (717/X)

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Performance Demonstration Initiative Program Printd: 24-Fob-12 In Accordance with the PD1Inpleneutatlon of Section XI, Appendix VIII P"Q No: 632 Specific Detail of Qualifications "%O110~3 Owner: Structural Integrity Procedure: SI-UT-130; Revision: 3; Addenda: 0 PROCEDURE FOR THE PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PDQ6 Rev: 4 AaaltysSW Typb/Re: NIA Dasteof Isi: 23-Pclb-12 Opertor SW Type/Rev: WA Hariware: N/A $WINAppitattem: monwa caftq.1 piping KUaM 8urAXcN outsde developed prior to the examination.

" Electronic skewing must be COA10 used, per Para. 6.6, for this configuration.

" Procedural length and depth sizing techniques for tapered surfaces must be used for this configuration.


0. I68 _ _ _ _ _

Hot Leg Drain (Type 2) Design (Combustion Engineering)

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Attachment 3 to W3F1-2012-0096 Updated Weld Data Table and Figures to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 1 of 9 Elbow(CS) to RF-1 6 0-80 L 1,2 07-002 Safe-end SQU (Cast I%%-I" I#'% IIIlit E B 100% 80% 66% 53% 59.5%

2009 25-75S SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

30" RCP 1A T I,08-014 Outlet Safe-end RF-16 100% 780 640 50% 0-80 L (Cast SS) to 2009 25-75 S Pipe(CS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume. _

09-016 130" RCP 1lB Inlet].

Elbow(CS) to Safe-end (Cast RF-16 I

100% 83% 63%

T1 1jZ)-

. ,/0 rEBr 1 I



-,5 0-80 L 1 ,2 2009 E B 25-75S SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 2 of 9 OU r%%ýr- ID Outlet RF-16 0-80 L 1,2 E B 100% 81% 66% 53% 59.5%

Safe-end (Cast 2009 25-75 S SS) to Pipe (CS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations /

Examination Summary TNolimitation examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

30" RCP 2A Inlet Elbow (CS) to RF-16 E 100% 80% 64% 49% 56.5%

T0-80 L 11-002 Safe-end (Cast 2009 B 100% 80% 64% 425-75S 1,2 SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

30" RCP 2AE,12-012 Outlet Safe-end (Cast RF-16 20091 EI B 100% 76% 64% 48% 56% , 0-80LL 25-75 S

[ ,

SS) to Pipe (CS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations/ No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 3 of 9 30" RCP 2B Inlet Elbow (CS) to RF-16 0-80 L 1,2 E B 100% 79% 68% 54% 61%

25-75S13-016 Safe-end (Cast 2009 SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

30" RCP 2B E _1, 2 14-002 Outlet RF-16 B 100% 80% 65% 52% 58.5% 0-80 L Safe-end (Cast 2009 E 25-75 S SS) to Pipe (CS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. Circ scan Examination Summary limitation due to the weld taper. No Recordable Indications within examination volume.

12" RCS 1A CL, T 1 1,1 Sl Noz RF-16 E B I n00/ 100% 70% 70% -no70 0-80L 3,4 to Safe-end (Cast 2009 I . 25-75 S SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. One Acceptable Examination Summary Recordable Indication within examination volume.

to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 4 of 9 10-008 SI Noz RF-16 0-80 L 3,4

-I/- MU; -I*t LL, to Safe-end (Cast E B 100% 100% 68% 68% 68%

2009 25-75 S SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. One Acceptable Examination Summa ry- Recordable Indication within examination volume.

12" RCS 2A CL,12-009 SI Noz to Safe-end (Cast RF-16 2009

___ B 100% 100%

680 68% 68%

0-80 L 25-75S SS)

Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. No Recordable Examination Summary Indications within examination volume.

12" RCS 2B CL, I I 14-006 SI Noz RF-16 E B 100% 1 0-80 L to Safe-end (Cast .2009 E 25-75 S SS) 1 Manual PA-UT Limitations / No examination performed from safe end side of weld due to Cast SS material. No Recordable Examination Summary Indications within examination volume.

Note 1 - For the MRP-139 axial and circumferential flaw examination volume coverage achieved, the calculation includes the carbon steel base material and susceptible material.

Note 2 - For the ASME Code Case N-770-1 axial and circumferential flaw. examination volume coverage achieved, the calculation includes the volume identified in Figure 1 of the code case to W3F1 -2012-0096 EL Ow Page 5 of 9

ýC I FC SCP~N DV5T uP.STF iL 30 ý(/

C5 13O w E-C CAST&ST SPFEEAi b 10 liAj~- JO 30,1/v RCp- \211- 1ý39 E(/AIVýOLýUAE

.1UK TYP!CK MA1P 31 E~XA/COV.ER-,f6E WATE9FD#rt 3 to W3F1 -2012-0096 Page 6 of 9 c iPAc SCAN UP57Y bpJ.5T 30 4/L cs Ei-130W CAiST$AST 1BEST EFFORT EXRAMINATION

'A WiTRWA~jST SST SC.0 E 3 0/R 2cP L CR¶$SSTEx/Th VOLUMlE LIMlq7I-hTON Fi GUKE ;L TYICL~A-7o-I EXRAM C-VEAy,-- 7 WATE 9 FOI(.Z 3 to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 7 of 9 SCAL IIig. SflFETY /A'c/EC-oNV




to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 8 of 9 i.0 12 IN.SPFETY //VTECY/1ON WATrELFcz[t 3 -

SCALE 1.0 COFST~ 91-.



-T~op VI rWv 30,N, f*cP CSf6T 55T C5 SAFlE ENP1)


Attachment 4 to W3FI-2012-0096 Weld 08-009 and 10-008 Indication Sizing

Attachment 4 to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 1 of 2 V StructuralIntegrity Associates PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION RECORD Examination Data Sheet No.: WF3 08-009 RCP 1A Safety Injection Nozzle Calibration Data Sheet No.: SEE COMMENTS SECTION BELOW Date: 1 10/2712009 Time: I Start: 1304 Finish: 1430 Indication Data Indication Indicated L1 L at L2 Length W at W at W at Indication Depth Material Thickness Remaining Depth to Number Angle max LI Max L2 I Metal Path at Indication Ligament Indication Location Bottom 1 45" RL 3825" 39.0" 40.25" 2.00" 1.425" 1.47" 1,515" 1.32" D /1.90" M 1.58"- clad = 1.38" 1.275" 1.365" Evaluation: In accordance with ASME Section XI 2001 edition with 2003 addenda If S (0.015")<0.4d(.018") then a= 2d(0.090")+S(0.015") = 0.105" In accordance with figure IWA-3310-1

= 2.00" a = 0.105" t = 1.58"- 0.20(clad) = 1.38" a/I = 0.0525" a/t = 7.6%

Based on ASME Section XI table IWB-3514-1 allowable a/t is 10.3%

Indication is acceptable in accordance with table IWB-3514-1.

Page 2 of 2

Attachment 4 to W3F1-2012-0096 Page 2 of 2 StructuralIntegrity Associates PHASED ARRAY ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION RECORD Examination Data Sheet No.: WF3 10-008 RCP 1B Safet Injection Nozzle ICalibration Data Sheet No.: I SEE COMMENTS SECTION BELOW Date: 1 11/4/2009 Time: IStart: 1625 Finish: 1830 Indication Data Indication Indicated L1 L at L2 Length W at W at W at Indication Depth Material Thickness Remaining Depth to Number Angle max LI Max L2 I Metal Path at Indication Ligament Indication Location Bottom 1 45" RL 38.55" 39.4" 40.25" 1.70" 0.87" 0.90" 0.93" 1.3" D/ 1.84" M 1.49" - clad = 1.30" 1.24" 1.30" Evaluation: In accordance with ASME Section XI 2001 edition with 2003 addenda I= 1.70" a = 0.06" t = 1.49"- 0.19(clad) = 1.30" a/I = 0.035" a/t = 4.6%

Based on ASME Section XI table IWB-3514-1 Allowable a/t is 10.1%

Indication is acceptable in accordance with table IWB-3514-1.


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