U-601239, Application for Amend to License NPF-62,revising Tech Spec to Support Cycle 2 in Max Extended Operating Domain & W/ Reduced Feedwater Temps.Supporting Documentation Encl.Fee paid.NEDC-31546P Withheld

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Application for Amend to License NPF-62,revising Tech Spec to Support Cycle 2 in Max Extended Operating Domain & W/ Reduced Feedwater Temps.Supporting Documentation Encl.Fee paid.NEDC-31546P Withheld
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1988
From: Hall D
Shared Package
ML19297G893 List:
A00L-880906, AL-880906, U-601239, NUDOCS 8809120107
Download: ML20154A199 (9)


_ ____ __-. - __ __ ____ -

/ ' - U-601239 f L47-88( 09 46 )-LP

/- 8E.110 e ILLIN0/8 POWER 00MPANY i

10CFR50.90 DPH-0798-88

, Docket No. 50-461 september 6, 1988 4

Document Control Desk Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ,


Clinton Power Station Proposed Amendment to i Facility Operating License NPF-62

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to 10CFR50.90, Illinois Power Company (IP) hereby applies for an amendment of Facility Operating License NPF-62 Clinton Power Station (CPS). Changes to the CPS Technical Specifications are being requested to support the first refueling of the CPS reactor with new fuel types -

and to support subsequent reactor operation (Cycle 2) in the l Maximum Extended Operating Domain (&70D) and with reduced feedwater temperatures.* To support these requests the following attachments are included:

Attachment 1 - Affidavit Attachment 2 - Description of Proposed Technical Specification Changes Related to the Reload and i MEOD Analyses (including mark-ups of the affected Technical Specifications)

At- chment 3 - Technical Specification Changes l Required to Support Refueling i

  • Attachment 4 - Technical Specification Changes Re uired to Support Operation Consistent with the


  • An analysis which justifies reactor operation with reduced feedwater temperature as low as 370*F at rated conditions (included in Attachment 4) was performed in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1 of Supplement No. 7 to the Clinton Safety Evaluation Report.

Amproval of this proposed license amendment containing the analysis for reduced feedwater temperature will require revision or deletion of License Condition 2.C.(10) in the Clinton Power Station Operating License asthelicensoconditionwasrequiredinaccordancewith[f9Pj Section 15.1 of SSER 7 eso91201o7 eso906 s/t p DR ADOCK0500gg61


U-601239 L4 7-88 (09 - 06 ) -LP 8E.110 ,

Attachment 5 - Basis for No Significant Hazards Consideration (for the Technical Specification Changes Proposed as a Result of Operation with New Fuel Types and in the MEOD Region)


Attachment 8 - Proposed Startup Test Plan for Cycle 2 This proposed amendment also requests revision to Technien1 Specification Table, REMOTE SHUTDOWN SYSTEM CONTROLS, to include additional control switches for valves lE12-F068B and lE12-F014B and circuit breaker 252-ATlAA1. This change provides for controls to enhance the operation of the subject components to comply with the NRC Staffs' guidance for implementing 10CFR50, Appendix A, Criterion 19 (GDC 19) as referenced in paragraph of the Clinton Power Station Safety Evaluation Report (SSER NO.

6). The Description, Justification and Basis for No Significant Hazards Consideration for this change are contained in Attachment 9.

Additionally a change to Technical Specification is requested. This change will clarify the jet pump surveillance requirements of this specification and incorporate the guidance provided in General Electric Service Information Letter No. 330. The Description, Justification and Basis for No Significant Hazards Consideration for this proposed changa are contained in Attachment 10.

In accordance with the provisions of 10CFR170.12 and 170.21, IP is enclosing a check made out to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the amount of $150.00 as payment of the application fee for this amendment. In addition, pursuant to 10CFR50.91(b)(1), a copy of this request for amendment has been sent to the Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety.

  • Attachment 7 is proprietary and was provided to IP from Genercl Electric under the terms of an agreement which forbids disclosura to others except as allowed for disclosure to a governmental authority to the extent necessary to secure governmental authorizations.

U-601239 L47-88(0? 06 )-LP 8E.110 IP has reviewed the proposed Technical Specification changes against the criteria of 10CFR51.22 for environmental considerations. The proposed changes do not involve a >

significant hazards consideration, do not significantly i increase the amounts or change the types of effluents that may be released offsite, nor do they significantly increase individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposures.

Based on the foregoing, IP concludes that the proposed Technical Specification changes meet the criteria given in 10CFR51.22(c)(9) for a categorical exclusion from the requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement, i It is IP's intent to implement the proposed changes for Cycle 2 commencing with the startup from the first refueling i outage. Therefore, to supaort Cycle 2 startu NRC review i and approval is requested by January 3, 1989,p,he t scheduled  !

start date for the outage.

S rel yours, D. P. Hall Vice President i l

GSL/cke j Attachments cc: NRC Resident Office NRC Region III, Regional Administrator NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager y Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety l

L l

l l


i I


Attechm:nt 1

- to U-601239 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DEWITT DONALD P. HALL, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Vice President of Illinois Power Company:

that the provided information has been prepared under his supervision and directions that he knows the contents thereofi and that to the best of his knowledge and belief said request and the facts contained therein are true and correct.

DATED: This day of September 1988


Signed: /

Donald F. Hall Subscribed and sworn to before me this & day of September 1988.

1- _ _ _*0fflCIAL CEAL" Nctay u e, Sta e cf UnsA W- '#

' I4 Comss;:n Eyrn 10/1/93 Notary Public

.:_=____ - _ - _ __--'l


.- Attcchucnt 2 to U-601239 page 1 of 58 Description of Proposed Technical Specification Changes Related to the Reload and MEOD Analyses Technical Technical Spacification Specification Reason for Page No. Section Description of Change Change 1,111, iv, v. Index The index is being revised to Consistency xv i *

  • accurately reflect the insartions, deletions, and renumbering caused by the changes listed below.

1-2 1.9 Replace "the General Electric Clarification

  • Critical Quality Boiling Length (GEXL)" (correlation) with "an approved GE Critical Power" (correlation) in the definition of Critical Power Ratio.

1-3 1.15 Delete this Specification. MEOD 1-3 1.16 Delete this Specification. MEOD 1-4 1.23 Delete this Specification. MEOD 2-1 2.1.2 Change the MCPR Safety Limit for two Reload recirculation loop operation from 1.06 to 1.07 and change the MCPR Safety Limit for single recirculation loop operation from 1.07 to 1.08. I 2-3 Table 2.2.1-1 Revise the trip setpoint for APRM Flow MEOD Biased Simulated Thermal Power-High trip channels during two recirculation loop operation. The trip setpoint for single recirculation loop operation will be listed separately, but will retain its current value.

B2-1 B2.1.0 Replace specific values for the MCPP. Clarification

B2-1 B2.1.1 Replace "GEXL Correlation" with Clarification *

"an approved CE critical power correlation (Reference 1)".

o To support future reloads cc Index pages may be revised as necessary to include appropriate information

. Attechment 2 to U-601239 page 2 of 58 Technical Technical Sp:cification Specification Reason for Page No. Section Description of Change Change, B2-2 B2.1.2 Remove the specific description of Clarification

  • analysis methods used to determine the MCPR Safety Limit and replace it with a reference to the "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (CESTAR)"


32-3 Table B2.1.2-1 Delete table - information is Clarification

  • contained in the "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (CESTAR)" NEDE-24011-P-A-8.

B2-4 Table B.I.2-2 Delete table - information is c'.arification*

contained in the "General Electr.

Standard Applicatioa for Reactor .e l (GESTAR)" NEDE-24011-P-A-8.

B2s7 B2.2.1 Remove the reference to Technical MEOD Specification 3.2.2.

3/4 1-6 Delete the footnote granting relief Clarification from scram time testing during the initial fuel cycle.

3/4 1-8 Delete the footnote granting relief Clarification from scram time testing during the initial fuel cycle.

3/4 2-1 3/4.2.1 Change to reference the appropriate Clarification figures.

Add reference to the MAPFAC and MAPFACI MEOD as figures 3.2.1-1 and 3.2.f-2 respectively.

Add a reference to each of the new Reload MAPLHGR Figures 3.2.1-6 and 3.2.1-7 for each of the new fuel types.

3/4 2-2 Fig. 3.2.1-1 Add a new figure with MAPFAC cu rve . MEOD f

3/4 2-3 Fig. 3.2.1-2 Add a new figure with MAPFAC cu rve . MEOD 3/4 2-4 F1.g. 3.2.1-3 Revise figure and page nutber only. Consistency 3/4 2-4A Fig. 3.2.1-4 Revise figure and page number only. Consistency

  1. To support future reloads i


, Attcchment 2 to U-601239 page 3 of 58 i t

Technical Technical Spacification Specification . Reason for i Page No. Section Description of Change Change 3/4 2-4B Fig. 3.2.1-5 Revise figure and page number only. Consistency 3/4 2-4C Fig. 3.2.1-6 Add a new MAPLHGR Curve for a new fuel Reload type.

3/4 2-4D Fig. 1.2.1-7 Add a new MAPLHGR Curve for a new fuel Reload i type, i

3/4 2-5 & 3/4.2.2 Delete the entire Specification; MEOD t 3/4 2-6 retain the page and leave it intentionally blank. ,

I 3/4 2-8 Fig. 3.2.3-1 Replace existing MCPR and MCPRp curves MEOD  !


3/4 2-9 Fig. 3.2.3-2 with curves that incobporate MEOD and [

Reduced Feedwater Temperature Analyses. [

I Table Remove the reference to Technical 3/4 3-10 MEOD Specification 3.2.2.

f 3/4 3-66 Table 3.3.6-2 Revise APRM Flow Biased Neutron Flux >

Upscale Rod Block for two recirculation loop operation. The ,

APRM Flow Biased Neutron Flux Upscala  !

Rod Block for single recirculation j loop operation will be listed MEOD separately, but will retain its ,

current value. t Revise Reactor Coolant System MEOD ,

Recirculation Flow - Upscale Trip Setpoint and Allowable Value to allow for operation in the MEOD.

3/4 3-67 Table 3.3.6-2 Remove reference to Technical MEOD i Specification 3.2.2. [

l 3/4 3-91 Remove requirement to monitor MFLPD. MEOD j 3/4 4-1 Revise MCPR Safety Limit to 1.08. RELOAD f ACTION a.1 c. Remove reference to reducing MEOD l ACTION a.1.d the MAPLHGR limit to a value of 0.85 times the two recirculation loop operation limit. l t Remove reference to Technical MEOD l ACTION a.1.e. Specification 3.2.2.  ;

i m, _ - . , . - - - , , - _ , .- -- ... , .,..,,_ _ _. - ,_, - - ,, ._ - _ _ . - _

. Attcchment 2 to U-601239 page 4 of 58 Technical Technical Sp:cification Specification Reason for Page No. Section Description of Change Change B3/4 2-1 B3/4.2.1 Add a paragraph describing how the MEOD B3/4 2-2 MAPFAC curves are to be used and how they were determined.

Revise the section so that it refers Clarification to the correct MAPLHGR and MAPFAC curves.

Revise the last paragraph to discuss MEOD the MAPLHGR requirements during single recirculation loop operation.

Add a discussion of how the "Runout MEOD Flow" tolerances are determined.

B3/4 2-2 B3/4.2.2 Delete this section. MEOD B3/4 2-3 Table B3.2.1-1 Revise Fuel Types to include Reload Reload Cores.

Revise *** note to add additional MEOD information on assumptions used for initial MCPR.

B3/4 2-4 B3/4.2.3 Replace the specific MCPR Safety Limit Clarification

Replace the reference to specific Clarification

  • analysis with reference to CESTAR.

Replace "105% of rated steam" with MEOD "most limiting power".

Add a discussion of how the "Runout MEOD Flow" tolerances are determined.

B3/4 2-5 B3/4.2.3 Add the discussion about MCPRp limits MEOD when power is less than 40% of RATED THERMAL E0WER.

93/4 2-6 References Replace the specific references with Clarification

  • a reference to GESTAR, and add MEOD as a reference.
  • To support future reloads

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