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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML23082A3397 August 2023Memo from Tim Mccartin to Chris Mckenney About Changing Profile of Criticality NUREGs to Public
ML23059A42810 March 2023PROJ0734Technical Information from the NRC February 1, 2023 Onsite Observation Visit to the Saltstone Disposal Facility at the Savannah River Site
ML22312A36517 November 2022November 3 Hybrid Public Workshop on Discrete Radioactive Particles Meeting Summary
NUREG-1757 Volume 2, Rev 2 Guidance Updates October 11 2022 Information Meeting24 October 2022NUREG-1757 Volume 2 Rev 2 Guidance Updates October 11 2022 Information Meeting
ML22143A89125 May 20222nd Annual Subsurface Investigations Workshop Meeting Summary
ML22081A18722 March 202207000925E-mail from J. Smith, NRC, to Participants of March 10, 2022 Public Meeting
ML22074A01511 March 202207000925E-mail from J. Smith, NRC, to DEQ, NRC, and Burnsmcd - Regarding Slides and Raw Transcript from Public Meeting on 03/11/2022
ML15009A32714 January 2015ZionMemo to C.Mckenney, Request for Technical Assistance on Zion Ltp
ML14085A4101 April 2014DresdenB. Watson Memo Request for Technical Assistance on Review of Proposed Disposal in Accordance with 10 CFR 20.2002 for the Dresden Nuclear Power Station
ML13133A25015 May 2013Humboldt BayC. Mckenney Memo Request for Technical Assistance on License Termination Plan for Humboldt Bay
ML11172165923 June 2011Humboldt BayC. Mckenney Memo Request for Technical Assistance on Review of Proposed Disposal in Accordance with 10 CFR 20.2002 for the Humboldt Bay Power Plant
ML06033011923 March 2005Oyster Creek
Vermont Yankee
Big Rock Point
E-mail from S. Klementowicz, NRR, to C. Mckenney and C. Craig, NMSS, Subject: 20.2002s
ML0319203721 July 2003MillstoneState of South Carolina Review of Potential Disposal of Millstone Spent Fuel Rods at Barnwell
ML0316906193 June 2003MillstoneSouth Carolina'S Department of Health and Environmental Control'S Comments on Draft Safety Analysis Related to Potential Disposal of Two Spent Fuel Rods at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
ML03093042025 March 2003MillstoneUs DOE Comments on Draft Safety Analysis Related to Potential Disposal of Two Spent Fuel Rods at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
ML0307708147 March 2003MillstoneNu Comments on Draft Safety Analyses Related to Potential Disposal of Two Spent Fuel Rods at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
ML0307708127 March 2003MillstoneDNC Response to Request for Comments: Draft Safety Analyses of the Potential Inadvertent Disposal of Two Spent Fuel Rods at Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facilities
ML03077081925 February 2003MillstoneWdoh Comments on Draft Safety Analyses Related to Potential Disposal of Two Spent Fuel Rods at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
ML03077082414 February 2003MillstoneSC-SBCB Comments on Draft Safety Analyses Related to Potential Disposal of Two Spent Fuel Rods at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
ML02248032623 August 2002MillstoneSafety Evaluation Report Concerning Missing Spent Fuel Rods