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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML10273060330 September 2010NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Approval
TAC:ME472627 September 2010
W3F1-2010-0074, Notification Letter Designating Waterford 3 Balance-of-Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope (Cover Letter Only)27 September 2010Notification Letter Designating Waterford 3 Balance-of-Plant Systems within the Cyber Security Rule Scope (Cover Letter Only)Cyber Security
ML10270022927 September 2010Acceptance Review E-mail, Request to Implement Emergency Action Level Schemes Based on NEI 99-01, Rev 5
NRC-2010-0309, FRN: General Notice. Biweekly Notice, Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations, NRC-2010-030923 September 2010FRN: General Notice. Biweekly Notice, Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations, NRC-2010-0309Hydrostatic
High Energy Line Break
Exemption Request
Power Uprate
ML10267005723 September 2010FRN: General Notice. Biweekly Notice, Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations, NRC-2010-0309Hydrostatic
High Energy Line Break
Exemption Request
Power Uprate
W3F1-2010-0072, Response to Request for Additional Information Associated with Relief Request W3-ISI-017 Alternative to ASME IWA-5211 Regarding Chemical Volume Control System Pipe Visual Inspection15 September 2010Response to Request for Additional Information Associated with Relief Request W3-ISI-017 Alternative to ASME IWA-5211 Regarding Chemical Volume Control System Pipe Visual InspectionBoric Acid
ML10210015813 September 2010Issuance of Amendment No. 228, Modify Technical Specification Tables 2.2-1 and 3.3-1 to Clarify Notes and ActionsShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML10215046613 September 2010Issuance of Amendment No. 227, Modify Technical Specification 3/4.9.7, Crane Travel - Fuel Handling Building to Permit Certain Operations Needed for Dry Cask Storage of Spent Nuclear FuelSafe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Control of Heavy Loads
W3F1-2010-0071, Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Nine-Month Supplemental (Post-Outage) Response to NRC Generic Letter 2008-017 September 2010Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Nine-Month Supplemental (Post-Outage) Response to NRC Generic Letter 2008-01Water hammer
Press Release-10-154, National Academy of Sciences Seeks Nominations for Experts to Conduct NRC-Sponsored Cancer Risk Study3 September 2010Press Release-10-154: National Academy of Sciences Seeks Nominations for Experts to Conduct NRC-Sponsored Cancer Risk StudyEnvironmental Justice
ML1024305571 September 2010Mid-Cycle Performance Review and Inspection Plan - Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
ML10230014118 August 2010Acceptance Review Email, License Amendment Request, Revise TS, Emergency Feedwater System, Limiting Condition for Operation to Clarify Acceptability of Transitioning from Mode 4 to Mode 3
IR 05000382/201000313 August 2010IR 05000382-10-003 and 07200075-10-001 on 04/01/2010 - 06/30/2010 for Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Problem Identification and ResolutionOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Condition Adverse to Quality
Significance Determination Process
Maintenance Rule Program
Fire Protection Program
W3F1-2010-0064, Response to NRC Requests for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request for Leak-Before-Break of the Pressurizer Surge Line12 August 2010Response to NRC Requests for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request for Leak-Before-Break of the Pressurizer Surge LineSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Weld Overlay
Stress corrosion cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Dissimilar Metal Weld
DM weld
Unidentified leakage
Power Uprate
Thermal fatigue
Water hammer
W3F1-2010-0065, Response to Request for Additional Information Associated with Technical Specification Table 3.4-1 Isolation Valve Addition12 August 2010Response to Request for Additional Information Associated with Technical Specification Table 3.4-1 Isolation Valve Addition
ML10222060910 August 2010Closure of Investigation (OI 4-2009-022)
IR 05000382/20100079 August 2010IR 05000382/2010007; 04/19/2010 - 06/30/2010; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3; Supplemental Inspection - Inspection Procedure 95001Significance Determination Process
ENOC-10-00027, Comment (42) of John F. Mccann, on Behalf of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., on Proposed Draft NUREG-0654 FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, Supplement 3, Guidance for Protective Action Recommendations for General Emergencies; Draft for Comment6 August 2010Comment (42) of John F. Mccann, on Behalf of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., on Proposed Draft NUREG-0654 FEMA-REP-1, Revision 1, Supplement 3, Guidance for Protective Action Recommendations for General Emergencies; Draft for Comment.Severe Accident Management Guideline
ML1020405475 August 2010Withdrawal of License Amendment Request for Approval of the Cyber Security PlanCyber Security
ML1022300665 August 2010Comment (2) of Roger D. Jones on Behalf of Westrain Simulator Support Subgroup on Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1248 (Rg 1.149 Rev 5)
ML1021602314 August 2010Email, Request for Additional Information Relief Request No. W3-ISI-017, Alternative to ASME IWA-5211 Regarding Chemical Volume Control System Pipe Visual Inspection
ML10210021129 July 2010Request for Additional Information Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling. Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems.
ML10209023228 July 2010Acceptance Review Email, License Amendment Request for Approval of Cyber Security PlanCyber Security
ML10209012727 July 2010RIS 2010-08, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExaminationsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
W3F1-2010-0066, Annual Report on Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Combustion Engineering Emergency Core Cooling System Performance Evaluation Models27 July 2010Annual Report on Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Combustion Engineering Emergency Core Cooling System Performance Evaluation Models
W3F1-2010-0063, Technical Specification Amendment 226 Editorial Error26 July 2010Technical Specification Amendment 226 Editorial ErrorShutdown Margin
ML10207018326 July 20102010-10-Draft Outline Comments
ML10147045323 July 2010Request for Alternative W3-ISI-016, Inspections of Reactor Vessel Heat Control Element Drive Mechanism Nozzles, for Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection IntervalBoric Acid
W3F1-2010-0062, Technical Specification 3/4.9.7 Crane Travel - Fuel Handling Building Commitment Response22 July 2010Technical Specification 3/4.9.7 Crane Travel - Fuel Handling Building Commitment Response
W3F1-2010-0047, License Amendment Request for Proposed Change to Technical Specification, Emergency Feedwater System.20 July 2010License Amendment Request for Proposed Change to Technical Specification, Emergency Feedwater System.Power change
TAC:ME427115 July 2010
W3F1-2010-0059, Day Response to NRC Order EA-10-092, Issuance of Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures and Fingerprinting for Unescorted Access for Waterford Steam Electric Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation.15 July 2010Day Response to NRC Order EA-10-092, Issuance of Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures and Fingerprinting for Unescorted Access for Waterford Steam Electric Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation.
W3F1-2010-0053, License Amendment Request - Cyber Security Plan, Withdrawal & Re-Submittal15 July 2010License Amendment Request - Cyber Security Plan, Withdrawal & Re-SubmittalCyber Security
Incorporated by reference
ML10196049215 July 2010Email, Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term
IR 05000382/201000612 July 2010IR 05000382-10-006; 11/01/08 - 05/28/10; Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Biennial Baseline Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of Problems
W3F1-2010-0058, WT-2010-10-Draft Outlines7 July 2010WT-2010-10-Draft OutlinesOverspeed trip
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML1018806417 July 2010Acceptance Review Email Exemption Request Regarding 10 CFR Part 26 Subpart I, Managing Fatigue, for Situations Related to Hurricane ConditionsExemption Request
ML1016005696 July 2010Request for Alternative W3-ISI-015, Inspection of Reactor Vessel Head In-Core Instrument Nozzles for Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection IntervalBoric Acid
Finite Element Analysis