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NRC Generic Letter 1984-084 April 1984NRC Generic Letter 1984-008, Interim Procedures for NRC Management of Plant-Specific BackfittingEisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20084M9968 May 1984Advises That Listed Significant Licensing Issues Significantly Impact Licensing Schedule & Require NRC Evaluation,Per Generic Ltr 84-08.Meeting to Discuss Impact of Issues on SER Issuance & Schedule for ACRS RequestedDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20091H70530 May 1984Requests That Proposed Requirement Requiring Applicant to Provide Protection of Cable Spreading Room Per Draft SER Be Submitted to NRC Mgt for Approval Prior to Transmittal as Licensing RequirementDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20091H18630 May 1984Requests Proposed Requirement Re Steam Generator Level Control Design Per Draft SER Section,be Submitted to NRC for Approval Prior to Transmittal as Licensing RequirementDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20091H69530 May 1984Requests That Proposed Requirement Re Review Criteria for PMP from Hydrometeorology Repts 51 & 52 Per Draft SER Section Be Submitted to NRC Mgt for Approval Prior to Transmittal as Licensing RequirementDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20092G77115 June 1984Forwards Description of Air Starting Sys for Emergency Diesel Generators in Amend 4 to Psar,Per Ser.Requirement Should Be Submitted to NRC Prior to Transmittal as Licensing RequirementDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20195E52319 September 1984Notifies of 840926 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Generic Ltr 84-08 Issues.Agenda ProvidedOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Knighton G
Duquesne Light Company
Woolever E
ML20093G8201 October 1984Forwards Responses to Listed Draft SER Outstanding Issues. Items Discussed During 840424 MeetingDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Knighton G
ML20093F46611 October 1984Forwards Status of Nine Backfits,Per 841006 Request, Paralleling Status Requirements of Paragraph V of Licensing Backfit Procedure from Generic Ltr 84-08.Remarks in Last Column of Status Sheets Reflect Only Status HighlightsDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20106D41819 October 1984Forwards List of Backfit Requirements Per Generic Ltr 84-08 to Assist in Preparation for Meeting Per 841005 Request.Info Covers Draft SER & SRP ItemsDuquesne Light Company
Kurtz E
Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20107M3878 November 1984Requests That Proposed Requirement Re Plant Illumination Levels in Excess of Illuminating Engineering Soc Lighting Handbook Guidelines Be Submitted to NRC Mgt for Approval Prior to Transmittal as Licensing RequirementDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20107M4038 November 1984Requests CRGR Notification Re Power Sys Branch Requirement That Communication Sys Be Protected from Fire or Accidents Per GDC 2 & 4,in Apparent Contradiction to SRP 9.5.2Duquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20107M5438 November 1984Requests That Proposed Requirement Re Communication Sys Be Submitted to NRC Mgt & CRGR for Approval,In Accordance W/Nrr Procedure for Mgt of plant-specific Backfitting Prior to Transmittal as Licensing RequirementDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20107M7938 November 1984Requests That Proposed Backfit Requirement 28 Re Diesel Generator Auxiliary Sys Be Submitted to NRC Mgt for Approval Prior to Transmittal as Licensing Requirement,Per Procedure for Mgt of plant-specific BackfittingDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20099H54720 November 1984Provides Addl Info Re 840926 Meeting W/Nrc to Discuss Generic Ltr 84-08 Issues,Pmp & Cable Spreading Room Fire Protection,In Effort to Completely Record Events of MeetingDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Ley M
ML20101B30517 December 1984Forwards Responses to Structural & Geotechnical Engineering Branch Draft SER Open & Confirmatory Items.Further Analysis of Intake Structure Will Be Addressed as Backfit Item Under Generic Ltr 84-08Duquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Knighton G
ML20107A98813 February 1985Responds to NRC Requiring Fixed Water Backup Fire Suppression Sys Be Added to Cable Spreading Room,Per Generic Ltr 84-08.First Appeal of Issue Should Be Scheduled During Wk of 850225-0301.Outline of Util Position EnclDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20112E87911 March 1985Requests Appeal Meeting Be Scheduled During Wk of 850325-29 to Discuss Backfit Issue Re Pmp.Outline of Position on Issue EnclDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20112A11912 March 1985Forwards List of Open Issues Under Consideration for Implementation of Generic Ltr 84-08,per NRC 850213 Request. Resolution of Issues W/O Submittal to NRC for Review Under Backfit Procedure DesiredDuquesne Light Company
Woolever E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Harold Denton
ML20112H07727 March 1985Responds to NRC Re Generic Ltr 84-08 Requirement for Addition of Fourth Steam Generator Water Level to Protection Sys for Steam Generator High Water Level.Outline for Appeal Meeting Agenda Development EnclDuquesne Light Company
Carey J
Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20128G9039 May 1985Transcript of 850509 Backfit Appeal Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Steam Generator Water Level Channel Instrumentation Issue.Pp 1-35NRC COMMISSION (OCM)
ML20117P15215 May 1985Forwards Backfit Sheets Reflecting Status of Backfit Issues. Sheets Parallel Requirements of Generic Ltr 84-08,Paragraph V,Minus Scheduled Completion Date for Each Milestone.Date of 850628 Proposed for Illumination Level AppealDuquesne Light Company
Carey J
Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20126M2133 July 1985Discusses Director Decision Re Appeal of Requirements on Fire Suppression in Cable Spreading Room.Automatic Total Flooding CO2 Sys,W/Host Stations & Fire Brigade as Backup Adequate,But Improved Accessibility Needed for Fire BrigadeThompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20126M30411 July 1985Forwards Decision on Appeal of Requirements on Fire Suppression in Cable Spreading Room.Implementation of Certain Human Factor Recommendations RequestedThompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Duquesne Light Company
Carey J
ML20205H1781 November 1985Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Beaver Valley Power Station,Unit 2 851101 Meeting in Pittsburgh,Pa.Pp 1-240. Supporting Documentation EnclAdvisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ML20137Z76010 March 1986Provides Addl Info Re Backfit Issue 4, Steam Generator Level Control & Protection, Per SER (NUREG-1057).Addl Info & 850509 Transcript of Backfit Appeal Meeting Provide Justification for Closure of IssueDuquesne Light Company
Carey J
Tam P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Harold Denton
L-13-387, Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 and 2, NFPA 805 Transition Report. Page 284 Through Page T-4230 November 2013Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 and 2, NFPA 805 Transition Report. Page 284 Through Page T-42FirstEnergyOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation