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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20236G73031 December 1997Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor Facility Annual Operating Rept for 1997Shutdown Margin
ML20198G64414 August 1997Ro:On 970703,discovered Abnormal Degradation of Primary fission-product Barrier.Caused by Failure of Aluminum Capsule.Will Install Replacement SR-2 Control Element & Replace SR-2 Dashpot on Drive Assembly
ML20149K08221 July 1997Ro:On 970625,discovered Abnormal Degradation of fission- Product Barrier.Caused by Failure of Dashpot.Will Replace SR-2 Capsule W/Fuel Content of Four Disks,Will Submit Rept to RSC for Review & Will Replace SR-2 Dashpot
ML20082C83324 March 1995Rept of self-cited Violation:On 950310,low Level Set Point Discovered to Be Tripping While Performing Surveillance on Ni Channel 2.Caused by Instrument Drift.Low Trip Set Point for Ni Channel 2 Adjusted & Surveillance Completed
ML20070G22014 July 1994Ro:On 931110 & 11,940228 & 0302,radiation Surveys Performed & Not Recorded.Caused by Operator Overburdened.Operating Procedures 1 & 2 Revised
ML20069B76519 May 1994Rev 2 to Reactor Operator Requalification Program for Id State Univ Reactor
ML20073S79731 December 1993Id State Univ Reactor Annual Operating Rept for 1993. W/Shutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
ML20045F05931 December 1992Id State Univ Reactor Annual Operating Rept for 1992. W/ 930630 LtrShutdown Margin
ML20101H53531 December 1991Annual Rept of Facility Changes for 1991Shutdown Margin
ML20077E33831 December 1990Annual Operating Rept for 1990,Idaho State UnivShutdown Margin
ML20043G58731 December 1989Annual Operating Rept for Idaho State Univ for CY89. W/ 900605 Ltr
ML20247C54417 May 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License R-110High Radiation Area
ML20151A36531 December 1987Annual Operating ReptShutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Power change
ML20207R32031 December 1986Annual Operating Rept,1986Shutdown Margin
ML20211K11631 December 1985Annual Operating Rept,1985Shutdown Margin
ML20129B95131 December 1984Annual Operating Rept,1984Shutdown Margin
ML20092K27631 December 1983Annual Operating Rept for 1983Shutdown Margin
ML20024A89523 June 1983Annual Operating Rept for 1982.Shutdown Margin
ML20054F15624 May 1982Annual Operating Rept for CY81
ML20009G86529 July 1981Annual Operating Rept,CY80.