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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20248D28328 September 1989Notice of Appearance.* Advises That Author Will Enter Appearance in Proceeding on Behalf of Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20247Q26626 September 1989Establishment of Aslb.* Board Will Comprise of Mb Margulies, Chairman & Oh Paris & Fj Shon,Members.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 890926
ML20196F6341 December 1988Notice of Reconstitution of Board.* Board Reconstituted by Appointing Fj Shon in Place of EA Luebke as Administrative Judge.Served on 881202
ML20196F5981 December 1988Notice of Hearing.* Notifies That Hearing to Be Held in CP Application Proceedings on 881221 Cancelled & Rescheduled to Commence on 890104.Served on 881202
ML20196F5831 December 1988Memorandum Memoralizing 881129 Telcon.* Applicant & NRC Agreed to Submit Joint Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Served on 881202
ML20206M91822 November 1988Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881121.* Discusses Board 881121 Telcon W/Counsel for Parties Re Prehearing & Scheduling Matters.Served on 881123
ML20206C63214 November 1988Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20206C32710 November 1988Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881109.* Licensee Request to DOE to Extend Deadline for Receipt of CPs Until 890131 Not Officially Passed Upon.Further Prehearing Telcon Scheduled for 881121.Served on 881114
ML20205N2711 November 1988Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881031.* Board Approved Prehearing Telcon on 881109 to Discuss Future Scheduling & Agreed to Start Hearing Prior to 881120 to Accomodate Alchemie.Served on 881102
ML20196A78320 June 1988Notice of Appearance.* Author Will Appear in Proceeding on Behalf of State of Tn,Commissioner of Dept of Health & Environ.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20196A82813 June 1988Notice of Withdrwal.* Notifies of Author Withdrawal from Proceeding on Behalf of State of Tn Due to Author Entering Private Practice.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20155C27526 May 1988Notice of Appearance.* Notifies That Bm Bordenick Enters Appearance in Proceeding on Behalf of Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20154B3633 May 1988Notice of Establishment of ASLB for Facility Proceeding