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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20248F20829 September 1989Advises That Meeting Summaries for Last 6 Months & All Future Meeting Summaries Re Plant Will Be Placed in mini-PDR in Arlington,Tx at Univ of Texas,Per a Nelson of Citizens for Fair Util Regulation Request & Recipient
ML20246E1567 July 1989Responds to Re Constituent Jc Dodson Concerns Pertaining to Event at Plant & Plant Future Operation,Per 890516 Article from Fort Worth Star-Telegram.NRC Finds Util Program to Correct Design & Const Deficiencies Adequately
ML20247C01112 May 1989Forwards NRC Quarterly Status Rept to Congress Covering First Quarter 1989.On 890303,NRC Dismissed Shoreham Intervenors from Licensing Proceeding for Misconduct During Proceeding.W/O Encl
ML20248A1476 April 1989Responds to Forwarding Inquiry from Constituent, D Hawey Re Future Operation of Unit 1.NRC Technical Reviews & Insp Activities Provide Assurance That Plant Const Meets NRC Requirements
ML20148E09629 February 1988Forwards Quarterly Rept Covering Fourth Quarter of 1987,in Response to House Rept 97-850
ML20215J5028 June 1987Requests That Member of Congress Ask Comptroller General to Permit D Williams to Accept Assignment Re Review of Plant
ML20214W8128 June 1987Responds to to CC Kammerer Requesting Review of D Harrison Concerns Re Safety Record & Insps for Facility. NRC Actions to Assure Safe Design,Const & Operation of Plants Addressed
ML20147B4479 January 1987Forwards Corrections to Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Rept, Allegations of Misconduct by Region IV W/Respect to Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Forwarded by Chairman Zech .Changes Do Not Affect Rept Conclusions
ML20134L00122 August 1985Responds to Recipient 850615 Request to CC Kammerer for Status Rept on Plant.Sser Will Be Issued Following Receipt of Plant Mods Responsive to NRC Comments & Comments from Intervenor
ML20132B83418 July 1985Forwards Quarterly Status Rept for Second Quarter CY85. Licensing Delay for Limerick 1 Projected to Be 5 Months. Delay Cannot Be Quantified for Shoreham Due to Litigation. Full Power OL Issued for Palo Verde 1 on 850601
ML20211Q08715 February 1985Responds to to CC Kammerer Re Constituent, Bb Brink Allegation Re Ofc of Investigations Breach of Confidentiality of Two Welders.Technical Review Team Attempting to Contact Welders.No New Findings Expected