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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20247E11424 March 1989Requests FEMA Provide Evaluation of Upcoming 1989 Full Participation Exercise in Support of Licensing Schedule for Plant & Confirmation That Any Revs to State & Local Plans Since 1984 Have Not Degraded Effectiveness of Plans
ML20211C6534 June 1986Further Response to 850121 FOIA Request for Records Re Comanche Peak Task Force Established in Mar 1984.App O Documents 1-94 Available in Pdr.Portions of Documents 2-60, 63-77 & 88-94 Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)Coatings
ML20133B9771 August 1985Ack Receipt of 850709 Request for Assistance in Obtaining Space & Equipment for FEMA Emergency Response Team Members at Plant Site.Nrc Will Meet W/Plant Representatives in Sept to Discuss site-specific Provisions & FEMA Request
ML20138C14713 September 1984Forwards,For Concurrence,Std Order for DOE Work, Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, FIN A-6819.INEL Proposal Dtd Sept 1984 Acceptable.Lp Leach 850905 & 20 Ltrs to DOE Encl
ML20138C11724 August 1984Forwards,For Concurrence,Std Order for DOE Work,Changing Statement of Work for Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, (FIN A-6819,Project 2)
ML20138C17031 July 1984Approves DG Bowers & H Margulies as Subcontractors to Assist Inel in Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, FIN A-6819,Project 2,per Inel 840727 Request.Related Documentation Encl
IA-84-751, Approves DG Bowers & H Margulies as Subcontractors to Assist Inel in Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, FIN A-6819,Project 2,per Inel 840727 Request.Related Documentation Encl31 July 1984Approves DG Bowers & H Margulies as Subcontractors to Assist Inel in Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, FIN A-6819,Project 2,per Inel 840727 Request.Related Documentation Encl
ML20138C01918 July 1984Approves CM Rice & W Stratton as Subcontractors to Assist Inel in Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, FIN A-6819,Project 2,per LP Leach 840717 Request
ML20138C0052 July 1984Forwards Std Order for DOE Work,Supporting Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load, FIN A-6819,Project 2.Proposal Requested within 14 Days
ML20148D97119 October 1978Responds to Re Coordinating NRC & EPA for Review of Discharge Permit Appl,Amend to Constr Permit & Issuance of Operating LicBiofouling