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05000318/LER-2023-004, Submittal of LER 2023-004-00 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Submittal of Automatic Reactor Trip from Reactor Protection System Actuation Due to Loss of Unit Service Transformer16 January 2024
05000318/LER-2023-003, Forward LER 2023-003-00 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Manual Actuation of Auxiliary Feedwater System Due to 22 Steam Generator Feedwater Pump Trip8 January 2024
05000318/LER-2023-002, Forward LER 2023-002-00 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Automatic Reactor Trip from Reactor Protection System Actuation Due to Loss of Unit Service Transformer8 January 2024
05000318/LER-2022-001, Forwards LER 2022-001-00 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, Automatic Reactor Trip Due to High Reactor Coolant System Pressure3 March 2022
05000318/LER-2021-003, Forward LER 2021-003-00 for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No. 2, Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Inoperable Due to Improper Reset of Trip Throttle Valve. Cover Letter Only23 September 2021
05000318/LER-2017-00120 February 2017
19 April 2017
10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical SpecificationsDuring scheduled testing at the offsite testing facility, the as-found lift setting for the pressurizer safety valve previously installed in Unit 2 at the 2RV200 location was measured outside the Technical Specification allowable values (valve lifted low). The valve had been installed during the 2015 Unit 2 refueling outage and was removed during the 2017 Unit 2 refueling outage for scheduled testing and maintenance. As scheduled, a spare valve was installed during the 2017 refueling outage. The failed valve was disassembled and inspected at the offsite facility. The apparent cause of the pressurizer safety valve failure is due to setpoint drift. The valve was successfully re-certified for use at the plant in a future installation. Setpoint setting criteria were adjusted based on more recent operating experience (setpoint drifting low).
05000318/LER-2016-0013 December 2016
24 January 2017
10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), System ActuationOn December 3, 2016, Operations was conducting a Performance Evaluation of the auto start feature of Unit 2 Main Turbine Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) Pumps. At 2223, the standby Main Turbine tripped automatically which was followed by an automatic reactor protection system trip. The Main Turbine tripped on a Main Generator Directional Power Relay trip following the closure of all Unit 2 Main Turbine Governor Valves and Intercept Valves. This was due to an EHC leak on 21 Main Turbine Governor Valve Actuator Emergency Trip Fluid Check Valve which caused a rapid decrease in EHC header pressure. The trip was an uncomplicated reactor trip as all safety functions performed as expected. The failed emergency trip fluid check valve was sent off site to a lab for forensic investigation. This analysis determined the check valve failed due to Inter Granular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC). The most likely cause of the IGSCC on this check valve was exposure to ammonia during some previous maintenance activity. Corrective actions include replacement of all similar Unit 2 EHC valves during the 2017 refueling outage and establishment of a preventive maintenance strategy to periodically replace similar EHC valves. Unit 2 was returned to full power at 1647 on December 5, 2016.
05000318/LER-2015-0011 December 2015
27 January 2016
10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), System ActuationOn December 1, 2015 at 1820, Unit 2 turbine driven 22 Steam Generator Feed Pump (SGFP) tripped. Operations attempted to reset 22 SGFP unsuccessfully. Facing lowering steam generator water level, Operations manually initiated a reactor trip. It was determined that 22 SGFP tripped due to a failed coupling. This occurred because excessive misalignment developed between the pump and turbine due to insufficient tensioning of the pump's casing to pedestal studs thus causing 22 SGFP coupling to fail. Investigation determined that the vender supplied stud tensioning values used in tensioning the hold down studs on both Unit 2 SGFPs during the 2015 refueling outage were incorrect and resulted in insufficient clamping force being applied to all the studs. The root cause of the failure was that Engineering personnel failed to address the full scope and critical parameters associated with use of a different tool for installation of studs in lieu of capscrews for 22 SGFP. The coupling for 22 SGFP was replaced and 22 SGFP was realigned. Corrected tensioning values were then applied to all the hold down studs on 21 and 22 SGFPs. Corrective actions include briefings to applicable groups on adherence to procedure requirements for owner's acceptance review of external technical products. Unit 2 was returned to Mode 1 operations at 1326 on December 6, 2015.
05000318/LER-2014-0029 June 2014On June 9, 2014 at 1735, a 2A diesel generator field flash monitoring relay alarm was received in the Control Room. Investigation revealed no local alarms and no conditions consistent with an alarm condition existed. The Control Room alarm manual was referenced but critical information was missed. Following investigation by the Operations crew, a determination was made that the issue did not impact diesel generator operability based on proper indications and satisfactory status of standby systems for the diesel generator. Troubleshooting on June 11, 2014 determined that a field flash fuse clip was loose, rendering the diesel generator inoperable. Initial Technical Specification Condition which requires one hour Actions, and subsequent Technical Specification Condition 3.8.1.J to be in Mode 3 in six hours was missed due to the late identification of the diesel generator inoperability. The apparent cause of this event is human performance error. Corrective actions include operator training focused on understanding the causes of the degraded condition and validation of indications for potential inoperability and updating specific guidance for diesel generator alarms.
05000318/LER-2014-00121 January 201410 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), System Actuation

On January 21, 2014, at 9:25 p.m., Unit 2 experienced an automatic reactor trip from 99.5 percent power. The reactor trip occurred when 13 kV Service Bus 21 deenergized due to a ground fault on feeder breaker 252-2104. The loss of the service bus caused a loss of power to non-safety-related 4 kV buses, which caused a loss of circulating water pumps and main condenser vacuum, requiring the use of auxiliary feedwater and atmospheric dump valves to maintain Reactor Coolant System temperature. Power was also lost to safety-related 4 kV Bus 24, which caused an automatic start of the 2B Emergency Diesel Generator to power 4 kV Bus 24.

The loss of power to non-safety-related 13 kV Service Bus 21 was caused by water intrusion when an air filter assembly located at the back of breaker 252-2104 cubicle became dislodged during a snow storm, allowing snow to enter the cubicle, melt, and cause a ground fault. This event is being reported pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) due to Reactor Protective System actuation and the automatic start of the 2B Emergency Diesel Generator. Corrective actions include repairs to 13 kV Service Bus 21 and installation of a new filter housing. Previous events related to safety-related structures have been documented in Licensee Event Reports 317/2010-001 and 317/2011-003.

05000318/LER-2013-0055 September 201310 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(A), Completion of TS Shutdown

On September 5, 2013, Unit 2's Control Element Assembly (CEA) #27 dropped to the fully inserted position while the CEA was being operated as part of a surveillance test. Operators entered applicable Technical Specifications for the dropped CEA. When operators were unable to restore the CEA to its proper alignment within the required Completion Time, operators commenced a reactor shutdown in accordance with Technical Specification Required Action 3.1.4.F.1. The unit was shutdown at 1735 on September 5, 2013. Troubleshooting identified Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) #27 lift coil lead wire was grounded internally to the coil housing due to a chafed wire. The root cause for the dropped CEA was determined to be a manufacturing defect that resulted in circumferential displacement of the coil within the coil housing-and the misalignment of the lift coil lead wire within the coil housing nipple. Corrective actions included replacement of the CEDM coil stack with one that includes a change in design featuring a protective heat shrink wrap at the point where the lead wire penetrates the coil housing nipple. All other Unit 2 CEDMs were meggered with satisfactory results. A detailed plan to replace the remaining Unit 2 CEDM coil stacks is being developed.

Replacement of the Unit 2 coil stacks is expected to begin during the 2015 refueling outage.

05000318/LER-2013-00410 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), System Actuation

On May 21, 2013 at 0533, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 initiated a manual reactor trip from 99.5 percent power in response to a trip of 22 Steam Generator Feed Pump (SGFP).

All post-trip actions were completed and the event terminated without complications. The cause of the initiating event was the failure of the 22 SGFP coupling that connects the pump to its steam turbine driver, such that the pump and steam turbine were effectively disconnected.

Inspection of the pump end of the coupling assembly revealed mechanical damage and separation along a weld seam. Forensic analysis identified areas of incomplete weld fusion on the turbine end of the failed coupling dating to the original component manufacture, combined with stresses induced by high cycle stress as being the root cause of 22 SGFP coupling failure.

Immediate corrective actions taken included the examination, inspection, and replacement of the 22 SGFP coupling.

05000318/LER-2013-0038 May 201310 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), System ActuationOn May 8, 2013, at 2147 eastern daylight time, Unit 2 experienced an automatic reactor trip from 99.5 percent power. The Reactor Protective System actuated on high pressurizer pressure. The high pressurizer pressure condition occurred due to a loss of load event caused when main turbine steam admission valves closed. The most probable cause of the event was an intermittent failure of a component or signal path in main turbine control cabinet 2T11 that resulted in a control signal to the steam admission valves to close. At Calvert Cliffs, there have been no recent similar events involving a reactor trip caused by the failure of the turbine control system. This event is being reported pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A) due to Reactor Protective System actuation. Corrective actions include replacement of circuit cards in the main turbine overspeed protection circuitry, monitoring selected control system signals which could indicate the source of the signal should the event recur, and implementation of a project plan for selected turbine control circuit card replacement during a future refueling outage.
05000318/LER-2013-00212 March 201310 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical SpecificationsOn March 12, 2013, during scheduled testing at an offsite testing facility, the as-found lift setting for pressurizer safety valve, serial number BN04375, was measured higher than the Technical Specification allowable value. The valve had been installed in Unit 2 at the 2RV200 location (Unit 2 pressurizer safety valve) and was removed during the 2013 Unit 2 refueling outage for scheduled testing and maintenance. No material conditions were found that contributed to the high setpoint discovered during the test. The apparent cause is insufficient margin to address time-related drift. Corrective actions are to increase the Technical Specification setpoint tolerance and revise the procurement engineering standard as-left margin. A similar event is documented in Licensee Event Report 318/2011-002. The cause for that event was setpoint variation.
05000318/LER-2013-00117 February 201310 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications
10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(A), Seriously Degraded
On February 17, 2013, while Unit 2 was in Mode 3 during a refueling outage, a pinhole leak was identified at the upper packing leakoff line cap seal weld of pressurizer spray valve 2CV-100F, which constituted a Reactor Coolant System pressure boundary leak. The Technical Specifications limit Reactor Coolant System pressure boundary leakage to zero. Based on visual inspection performed during the boric acid walkdown the leak most likely existed during plant operation. The most likely cause of the pinhole was a latent weld defect created during the installation of the cap seal weld. A similar event is documented in Licensee Event Report 318/2010-002. The most likely cause for that event was a latent weld defect created during manufacture. The valve bonnet assembly, which includes the packing leakoff line, was replaced and inspected satisfactorily prior to startup from the Unit 2 refueling outage.
05000318/LER-2011-0027 July 201110 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical SpecificationsOn July 7, 2011, a reportable condition was determined to have existed at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. On March 11, 2009, during scheduled testing at an offsite testing facility, the as- found lift setting for pressurizer safety valve, serial number BS03213, was measured higher than the Technical Specification allowable value. However, test results were submitted to Calvert Cliffs stating that the as-found test was successful. The valve had been installed in Unit 2 at the 2RV201 location (Unit 2 pressurizer safety valve) and was removed during the 2009 Unit 2 refueling outage for scheduled testing and maintenance. No material conditions were found that contributed to the high setpoint discovered during the test. The apparent cause is a greater than expected setpoint variation. The currently installed valves are operable. The corrective action is to increase the Technical Specification setpoint tolerance. A similar event is documented in Licensee Event Report 317/2010-002. The cause for that event was setpoint variation.
05000318/LER-2011-00117 February 201110 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications
10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(A), Seriously Degraded
On February 17, 2011, while Unit 2 was in a refueling outage, it was verified that during a bare metal examination of all pressurizer heater locations, dry boric acid.was noted on heater N3 outer sleeve to weld pad J-Groove weld location indicating reactor coolant leakage. Based on this visual examination and the results from chemical analysis, the leak most likely existed during plant operation. Additional non-destructive and destructive examinations were performed. This non-destructive and destructive examination concluded that this leak is attributed to primary water stress corrosion cracking in the J-Groove weld. This heater location was repaired by removal of the N3 heater, sleeves, J-Groove weld, and installing an American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code approved welded plug. An additional thirteen pressurizer heater sleeve locations received additional non-destructive examinations and no additional non-conforming indications were found. All pressurizer heater penetrations received a non-destructive visual examination at normal operating pressure and temperature with no further visual signs of leakage. The scope of identified leakage and pressurizer repair was isolated to the pressurizer heater N3 location.
05000318/LER-2007-0012 April 200710 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical SpecificationsOn April 2, 2007, while in Mode 1 during a Unit 2 startup, Operations staff determined that Channel C Linear Range Nuclear Instrument (LRNI) did not provide indication on the Reactor Protective System Calibration and Indication Panel. Troubleshooting determined that a circuit card was in the wrong slot on the circuit board, resulting in an inoperable condition for Channel C LRNI. This condition was created during the 2007 Unit 2 Refueling Outage while the plant was shutdown and the LRNI channels were not required to be operable. The inoperability of Channel C LRNI was related to human performance. Technician error led to the incorrect installation of the circuit card which resulted in a Reactor Protective System channel out-of- service. Additionally, post-maintenance testing failed to find the mis-located A3 circuit card prior to the mode of applicability for the affected channel. Operations personnel bypassed the inoperable channel until the problem was corrected. Maintenance, operations, and surveillance test procedure revisions are planned to prevent recurrence of this condition.
05000318/LER-2005-00210 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications

On March 6, 2005 at 1415, control element assembly coupling activities were commenced following reactor fuel shuffle activities. At that time the Personnel Air Lock (PAL) door interlocks were removed and both PAL doors were open. In this condition the plant's Technical Specifications require the PAL to be capable of being closed by an operable PAL door undef administrative control, which require a designated individual available immediately outside the PAL to close the operable door. However, when the control element assembly coupling commenced on March 6, 2005 at 1415 there was no one available immediately outside the PAL specifically designated to close the PAL door. The designated individual had been released from that responsibility at approximately 0630 on March 6, 2005 by the Containment Job Path Manager. The initiating error was failure to contact the Operations Work Control when the PAL watch was secured. The Operations Work Control has ownership and responsibility for containment closure controls. The root cause of this event is not having a formal process for documenting and communicating the transfer from one closure control method to another.

Corrective actions include procedure changes to establish a formal process.

05000318/LER-2005-00110 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(ii)(A), Seriously DegradedOn February 24, 2005, with Unit 2 in Mode 5, ultrasonic (UT) inspections of the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Alloy 600 piping penetrations were performed in accordance with the Calvert Cliffs In-Service Inspection Program. As a result of the inspections, two RCS nozzles were identified with indications of flaws requiring disposition. No through wall leakage was detected during the inspections. Both nozzles were determined to have a flaw or flaws that could not be found acceptable under American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI, IWB-3600. The RCS nozzles requiring repair were the 21 Hot Leg Drain Line and 22A Cold Leg Letdown Line. Evaluation of the nozzles determined repairs were required prior to returning Unit 2 to service. Although the nozzles required repair, the structural integrity of the nozzles was not compromised prior to discovery and repair. Weld overlay repair techniques were employed to restore each nozzle to ASME Section XI compliance. Code relief was requested from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to allow final disposition of the resulting configuration. This relief request was verbally approved by NRC via teleconference on March 10, 2005, prior to the restart of Unit 2.
05000318/LER-2003-00410 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical SpecificationsDuring a routine inspection of No. 2A Diesel Generator (DG) standby lube oil circulating pump strainer on October 8, 2003, maintenance personnel discovered metal particles lodged in the strainer. The material was identified as aluminum, which is used as bearing material in Fairbanks-Morse DGs. All engine bearing clearances were measured. The No. 10 upper main bearing clearance was determined to be excessive and light scoring was subsequently found on the bearing surface. Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.8.1, requires two operable DGs and allows one DG to be out of service for 72 hours. Because repairs to the No. 2A DG could not be completed in the allowed time, repair and testing of the DG required enforcement discretion from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Unit 2 to remain in operation during completion of the repair. This regional enforcement discretion request was approved at 5:45 p.m., October 10, 2003 following a phone discussion with Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff at 2:00 p.m. that same day. At 2:00 a.m. on October 11, 2003 the No. 2A DG exceeded the 72 hour LCO Completion Time. Unit 2 remained in the LCO 3.8.1, Condition H until No. 2A DG was tested, and returned to service after completing repairs to No. 10 upper main bearing.

At 11:34 AM on May 28, 2003, Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 experienced an automatic reactor trip from 100 percent power. The automatic reactor trip was initiated by the Reactor Protective System due to the high pressurizer pressure condition that resulted from the rapid loss of load. The rapid loss of load occurred when the Main Turbine Governor Valves shut unexpectedly during planned troubleshooting on the Main Turbine controls in Turbine Auxiliaries Electro-Hydraulic Control Cabinet 2T11. A short circuit created during the troubleshooting induced a loss-of-voltage to the valve position limiter causing the governor valves to shut unexpectedly.

The short circuit was caused by incorrect use of test equipment during planned troubleshooting; therefore, the root cause of the trip lies in Human Performance in the area of Work Practices. Also, contributing causes in the area of Verbal Communications and Procedural Clarity were identified.

Corrective actions include awareness training on the event, its causes and recommendations, procedure changes, and also initial and continuing training on appropriate work practices when using test equipment. The unit was restarted and paralleled to the grid on May 29, 2003 at 7:03 PM.

05000318/LER-2003-00210 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(A), System Actuation

Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers opened automatically on a trip signal from the Reactor Protective System. The trip signal was caused by a steam generator (SG) low pressure trip input. Unit 2 was shutdown with a plant heatup under way. Although Unit 2 Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers were closed to support surveillance testing, control element drive motors were de-energized, and control element assemblies were fully inserted into the core.

The actuation of the reactor trip protective function occurred during plant heatup when the low SG pressure trip bypass signal cleared at approximately 749.8 psia and the low SG pressure trip, which had not reset from the original shutdown, completed the logic circuits to initiate a reactor trip.

Investigation revealed that both the low SG pressure trip and bypass functions were within allowable setpoints. The low SG pressure trip circuitry has a non-adjustable reset function that clears the trip signal approximately 25 - 40 psig above the trip setpoint. This reset function is a characteristic of each low SG pressure trip circuit card and is not a calibrated value. The combined setpoint and reset function overlap represented no failure of any specific component but identified an off-normal situation that will be procedurally avoided in the future.

05000318/LER-2003-00123 February 2003

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant's Technical Specifications requires one door in the emergency air lock (a containment penetration) to be closed during core alterations or during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within the Containment Building. However, on February 24, 2003 at 1500 during a Containment Building tour, it was identified that the Unit 2 Emergency Air Lock was not in the Technical Specification required status. Specifically, "daylight" was seen around a hose penetrating the emergency air lock temporary closure device. The emergency air lock temporary closure device can be used in place of an emergency air lock door. Subsequent investigation determined that the violation occurred on February 23, 2003 at approximately 1300 when a contract employee cut through the foam sealant in the temporary closure device to install an oxygen hose needed to support steam generator replacement activities. The oxygen hose was removed and the hole was sealed on February 25, 2003, prior to commencing core off-load.

However, since core alterations (specifically control element assembly uncoupling) were performed on February 23, 2003 from 0955 until 1805, a condition existed that is prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications.

05000318/LER-1992-005, Submits Replacement Cover Ltr for LER 92-005 Dtd 920831. Initial Ltr Identified LER for Unit 2 Only23 November 1992
05000318/LER-1987-005, Revised LER 87-005-00,correcting Block 15 to Reflect 870501 as Supplemental Rept Expected Submittal Date6 August 1987
05000318/LER-1987-002, Advises That Supplemental LER 87-002 Re Failure of Lead/Lag Circuit in Feedwater Regulating Valve Control Sys Will Be Submitted on 870922 Instead of 870622 Due to Time Required to Investigate & Determine Root Cause3 June 1987
05000318/LER-1986-006, Advises That Submittal Date of Supplemental Rept to LER 86-006 Re Reactor Trip Due to Failure of Reactor Coolant Pump Surge Capacitor Extended Until 870215 Due to Time Required to Investigate & Address Vendor Posed Questions3 December 1986
05000318/LER-1983-074, Updated LER 83-074/03X-1:on 831223,main Steam Supply Valve to Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) Pumps Failed, Causing AFW Pump 21 to Start.Caused by Insufficient Torque on Casing Cap Screws.New Diaphragm installed.W/8402099 February 1984
05000318/LER-1983-064, Updated LER 83-064/03X-1:on 831105,after Obtaining Results of Unit 1 HPSI Flow Balance Test,Six Unit 2 HPSI Header Isolation Valves Required Adjustment.Caused by Inadequate Procedures.Maint Procedures revised.W/840124 Ltr24 January 1984
05000318/LER-1983-052, Revised LER 83-052/03X-1:on 830928,auxiliary Feedwater Pump 23 Found Inoperable Due to Tripped Protective Relays. Probably Caused by Workers Shorting Internal Breaker Circuits When Working Scaffolding W/Door open.W/831028 Ltr28 October 1983
05000318/LER-1983-046, Updated LER 83-046/03X-1:on 830906,penetration Room Exhaust Fan 21 Would Not Start on Containment Isolation Sys Signal While Performing Surveillance Test STP-0-22.Caused by Intermittently Failing Module.Module removed.W/84033030 March 1984
05000318/LER-1983-043, Updated LER 83-043/03X-1:on 830809,following Reactor Trip, Steam Generator Safety Valve Failed to Reseat.Caused by Missing Pin.Valves Inspected to Ensure That Blowdown Ring & Pin Not worn.W/840330 Ltr30 March 1984
05000318/LER-1983-036, Updated LER 83-036/03X-1:on 830719,response Time for Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers 4 & 7 Undervoltage Devices Indicated Slower than Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Setpoint Drift & Worn Front Frame Assembly mechanisms.W/840305 Ltr5 March 1984
05000318/LER-1983-022, Forwards LER 83-022/03L-05 May 1983
05000318/LER-1983-019, Forwards LER 83-019/03L-031 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-018, Forwards LER 83-018/03L-031 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-017, Forwards LER 83-017/03L-017 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-016, Forwards LER 83-016/03L-024 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-015, Forwards LER 83-015/03L-018 April 1983
05000318/LER-1983-014, Forwards LER 83-014/03L-02 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-013, Forwards LER 83-013/03L-03 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-012, Forwards LER 83-012/03L-011 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-011, Forwards LER 83-011/03L-03 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-010, Forwards LER 83-010/03L-010 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-009, Forwards LER 83-009/03L-010 February 1983
05000318/LER-1983-008, Forwards LER 83-008/03L-02 March 1983
05000318/LER-1983-007, Followup LER 83-007/01T-0:on 830203,de-energization of Reactor Protection Sys (RPS) Channels Caused PORV & Pressurizer Quench Tank Rupture Disk to Open.Caused by Blown Fuse in RPS Channel a Due to Crossed Leads in Inverter 2118 February 1983
05000318/LER-1983-006, Forwards LER 83-006/03L-018 February 1983
05000318/LER-1983-005, Forwards LER 83-005/03L-019 January 1983