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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20055A35512 July 1982Amended Contention 59.Certificate of Svc EnclFire Barrier
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
High Energy Line Break
Turbine Missile
ML20052A45422 April 1982Submittal of Contention 58 Re Applicant Conduct on Reporting Violations at Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20039B57215 December 1981Response Opposing R Alexander 811130 Untimely Petition to Intervene.Strong Grounds Necessary to Reopen Record on Financial Qualifications Not Shown & Requirements for Untimely Intervention Not Met.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20003H80223 April 1981Intervenor Jf Doherty Contention 56,stating That Reactor Trip Sys Unprotected Against Pipe Break to Scram Discharge Vols from Hydraulic Control Units.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20003A55826 January 1981Contentions 50 & 55 in Response to NUREG-0470,Suppl 2, Draft Suppl to Fes Re Const of Allens Creek Nuclear Generating Station,Unit 1. Site Je-3 Superior to Applicant Choice W/Less Environ Impact
ML20062L29415 January 1981Contention 51 Re Designation of Site Li-3 as Superior Site, Contention 52 Re Ability of Govt to Decide Issues of Wildlife Habitat & Contentions 53 & 54 Re NUREG-470,Suppl 2. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19336A73627 October 1980Response in Opposition to Jf Doherty Untimely Contention 50. Intervenor Failed to Establish Connection Between Design & Alleged Safety Concern of Coolant Circulation Degradation. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19331D92428 August 1980Response in Opposition to W Schuessler,S Doggett & Tx Pirg 800813 Reworded Contention Except Portion Re Capability of Plan W/Location.Remaining Portions Do Not Comply W/Aslb 800724 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19338C38615 August 1980Consolidation of Contentions Re Emergency Evacuation Plans. Alleges Failure of Environ Rept,Psar,Fes & SER to Comply W/ Regulations Re Evacuation During Class 9 Accidents. Designates Wj Schuessler as Lead Party
ML19323D76222 April 1980Response in Opposition to Jf Doherty Contentions 48 & 49. Intervenor Failed to Justify Untimeliness & to State Good Basis for Conteniton 48.Contention 49 Is Inappropriate for Consideration Due to Class 9 Policy.W/Certificate of Svc
ML19323B6967 April 1980Contentions 48 & 49 Alleging That Facility Should Be Designed W/Control Rod Drive Return as Addl Safeguard & That Containment Should Have Core Ladle as Described in NUREG- 0054
ML19309G1187 April 1980Brief in Response & Opposition to Fh Potthoff Appeal of ASLB 800310 Order Rejecting Contention 6 Re Biomass Farm Alternative.Intervenor Failed to Include Sufficient Bases for Allegation.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19309H6587 April 1980Amend to 790525 Contention 17,adding ATWS for Consideration W/Power Excursion Accidents Re Reactivity Effect
ML19305E14831 March 1980Response in Support of R Potthoff Appeal Re Denial of Petition to Intervene.Potthoff Contention Should Be Regarded as Allegation That EIS Did Not Address Biomass Conversion. W/Certificate of Svc
ML19309E41027 March 1980Response in Opposition to Intervenor Jf Doherty 800312 Untimely Contention 47.Good Cause Re Relationship of New Info to Analyses of Turbine Missile Generation Probability & Damage to Equipment,Not Met.W/Certificate of SvcTurbine Missile
ML19294B09710 February 1980Response to Applicant & NRC Briefs Re R Alexander 800206 Appeal.Restates Interests as Affected Family & Urges Aslab to Grant Intervention
ML20148C90711 October 1978Petition for Leave to Intervene by Houston Chapter of Natl Lawyers Guild,Inc
ML20148B76511 October 1978Petition to Intervene in CP Proceedings.Accident at Facility Could Cause Tremendous Loss of Life.Even Low Levels of Radiation Can Cause Cancer or Genetic Damage
ML20147C69629 September 1978Response to Amended Petition for Leave to Intervene Filed by W. E.Rentfro.Holds That Amended Petition Fails to Meet the Requirements of I0CFR2.7J4(b) & ASLB Order of 780814 & Should Be Denied