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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217D7037 October 1999Informs That USNRC Had Dicussions with Licensee on 990908 Application for License Amend to Relocate 18-month Standby Diesel Generator Insp Sr.Forwards Preliminary Info Submitted by Licensee Re Supplement to Application
ML20212L3481 October 1999Forwards Document Re Replacement SG Water Level Trip Setpoint Differences to Be Placed in PDR
ML20216F90221 September 1999Notification of 991005-07 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co in Bay City,Tx,To Review Plant Categorization & Feedback Process of Risk Ranking Components
ML20211J21427 August 1999Notification of 990831 Meeting with Util to Discuss Issues Associated with STPNOC Recent Request to Exclude safety- Related Low Risk Significant & non-risk Significant Components from Scope of Special Treatment RequirementsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Exemption Request
ML20211G25025 August 1999Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 990706-15
ML20211G70025 August 1999Forwards Examination Rept with as Given Written Exam Administered on 990706-15 for Distribution Under Rids Code IE42Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
Job Performance Measure
Unidentified leakage
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML20211F38020 August 1999Notification of 990831 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Associated with STPNOC Recent Request to Exclude safety-related low-risk Significant & non-risk Significant Components, Designated Under Gqa ProgramProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Exemption Request
ML20210P9359 August 1999Notification of 990923 Meeting with Util in Arlington,Tx to Introduce New Director,Safety Quality Concerns Program & Status of Activities to Support Confirmatory Order Modifying License
ML20210M6845 August 1999Notification of Licensee Meeting with Util on 990914 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss New Mgt Team Introduction & Site Status
ML20209D5759 July 1999Notification of 990722 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Proposed SG Water Level Trip Setpoint TS & Setpoint Impact on Pressurizer Water Level TS Per 10CFR50.36
ML20196L1487 July 1999Forwards Info Provided by Licensee to Facilitate Conference Calls Re Licensee Desire to Propose Emergency Technical Specification Changes on Fuel Handling Building Exhaust Air SysSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Enforcement Discretion
Temporary Modification
ML20212J26424 June 1999Forwards Addl Info from Licensee Re Clarification of Sentence in Util (on Page 4 of 7) Which States That, Isolation Valves in This Sys Designed to Be Operated remote-manually from Control Room
ML20195J08414 June 1999Forwards Info Re Suppl to Application on TS 3.6.3,action B, to Clarify Use of Check Valve with Flow Through Valve Secured as Means to Isolate Affected Containment Penetration,To Be Placed in PDR
ML20195J04414 June 1999Refers to Discussions with Licensee on Future Suppl to Application on Replacement Steam Generator Reactor Coolant Flow Differences
ML20207E8963 June 1999Discusses Which Submitted Relief Request RR-ENG-2-8 Which Requested Relief from ASME Code Based on Provisions of Code Case N-491-2.Requests That Encl Be Placed Into PDR
ML20207D99128 May 1999Informs That NRC Requested That Licensees Respond to Survey on Hydrogen Storage Facilities,To Support Preliminary Evaluation to Determine If Addl Study Warranted.South Texas Project Licensee Response Encl for Placement in PDR
ML20207A66720 May 1999Notification of 990602 & 03 Meeting with Util in South Texas Project Nuclear Support Ctr,Southwest of Bay City,Tx,In Order for Licensee to Present low-power Shutdown Risk Model
ML20207A33819 May 1999Informs of Discussions with Licensee on 980831 Application for License Amend to TS to Reflect Revised Cold Overpressure Mitigation Curve Associated with Replacement Sgs.Request That Encl Documents Be Placed in PDR
ML20206N64113 May 1999Refers to Discussions with Licensee on Response to GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions
ML20206G2044 May 1999Discusses 981201 Telcon Between NRC Staff & STP Re 10CFR50.59 Evaluation of MSLB Reanalysis & Effect on Isolation Valve Cubicle & Rcb.Requests That Encl Draft Info Be Placed in PDRSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20206G5044 May 1999Requests That Enclosures 1 & 2 Re 990412 Conference Call, Discussing Preliminary Results of SG Insp,Be Placed in PDREddy Current Testing
ML20206A48526 April 1999Informs That Staff Needs to Conduct Phone Call with Licensee on Licensee Response to GL 95-07.In Order to Conduct Phone Call,Staff Needs to Provide Licensee with Attached Info
ML20205Q82515 April 1999Forwards Documentation on Licensee 980928 Proposed Changes to TS on Control Room & Fuel Handling Bldg Ventilation Sys, Per 990304 Discussion with Util
ML20205Q81115 April 1999Forwards Draft Undated Rev 6 to Operations QA Plan Independent Technical Review, Per Discussions with Licensee on 990407 Re Proposed Change to TSs on Independent Safety Engineering Group
ML20205Q79615 April 1999Forwards Documentation from Preliminary Discussions with Licensee on Proposed Changes to Atmospheric Steam Relief Valve Tss.Licensee Subsequently Made Formal Application on 990322 (Accession Number 9903300195)
ML20204H77322 March 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting with Util on 990419 in Arlington,Tx to Present Overview of Licensee Emergency Plan
ML20207G8204 March 1999Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting with Util on 990325 to Discuss Plant Performance Review Results
ML20207K2304 March 1999Notification of 990315 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co in Rockville,Md So Licensee May Present risk-informed Exemptions Util Need for Implementation of Graded Quality Assurance at South Texas Project
ML20199D18911 January 1999Notification of 990126 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co to Discuss C/As for Incomplete Control Rod Insertion Anomaly & to Discuss Need for Future mid-cycle Control Rod Drop Testing
ML20198H32815 December 1998Forwards Draft Info Submitted by Util Re 980728 Application for Amend Concerning Operator Action to Mitigate Sbloca,Per 981117 Telcon & for Placement in PDR
ML20196G1523 December 1998Forwards Draft Outline to NRC to Facilitate Discussions Between Util & NRC Re Actions Believed Needed to Address Restraints to Implementation of Graded QA
ML20196F17527 November 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting with Util on 981210 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Certain Issues of Comprehensive Cultural Assessment for South Texas Project Site
ML20196A86424 November 1998Notification of 981208 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Current & Proposed Licensing Actions & Activities for Plant
ML20195B92510 November 1998Forwards,For Placement in Pdr,Draft Proposals That Were Provided by Licensee at Request of Staff,In Order to Assist Staff in Developing Commission Paper on Options for Making 10CFR50 More risk-informed
ML20155H7475 November 1998Notification of 981117 Meeting with STP Nuclear Operating Co in Arlington,Tx Re Presentation by Rosen,Manager,Risk Mgt& Industrial Relations on Licensee Perspective on Probablistic Risk Analysis
ML20155C26529 October 1998Forwards SG Insp Results Conducted in Oct 1998,to Be Placed in Pdr.Licensee Provided Info to Facilitate 981015 Conference CallEddy Current Testing
ML20155C22329 October 1998Forwards Draft Ltr from STP Nuclear Operating Co on Action Needed for Implementation of Graded QA for Plant Units 1 & 2 for Placement in PDRProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20155C21726 October 1998Notification of 981109-10 Meeting with Util to Obtain Info from Licensee for NRC Proposed risk-informed Insp & Assessment Program.Agenda EnclMaintenance Rule Program
ML20154L9269 October 1998Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 980602-04
ML20154L4109 October 1998Forwards NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-498/98-301 & 50-499/98-301,including Completed Graded Tests Administered on 980602-04
ML20154A03324 September 1998Informs That Based on Review of Licensee 10CFR50.59 Evaluation of Environ Qualification of Mechanical Components,Staff Found That Proposed Change to UFSAR to Eliminate Meq Program Would Not Alter Any Plant SysCommercial Grade
ML20151Y72312 September 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting with Util on 981013 in Arlington,Tx Re Licensee Presentation Concerning Graded Quality Assurance Program at Plant
ML20239A0943 September 1998Notification of 980915 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Problems W/Implementing Graded QA,10CFR50.59,impact on risk-informed Applications & Comments on NRC Proposed Rev to 10CFR50.59
ML20239A1172 September 1998Notification of 980915 Meeting W/Stp Nuclear Operating Co in Rockville,Md Re Licensee Presentation of Uses of Probabilistic Safety Assessment
ML20151T6061 September 1998Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980918 to Discuss Licensee Insp Plans for Units 1 & 2 Replacement Steam Generators
ML20236X8173 August 1998Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Util on 980820 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Certain Issues Ongoing at STP Site
ML20249A67816 June 1998Forwards Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses NPF-76 & NPF-80 (Effective Immediately),For Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication.W/O Encl
ML20216J44916 April 1998Notification of 980506 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Merger Between Aep & Central Southwest
ML20217K9383 April 1998Notification of 980413 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Desire for Update on Schedule for NRC Review of Licensee Application for Conversion to Improved Std TSs
ML20197B0555 March 1998Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam Facility Outline & Initial Exam submittal,2nd & 3rd Exam Submittal as Given Operating Exam Administered on 971020-1205