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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 4718923 August 2011 18:04:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationNotification of an Unusual Event Due to a Seismic Event

The licensee declared a Notification of Unusual Event under EAL HU1.1 for seismic activity felt by station personnel. Both units will remain at 100% power. No equipment failures have been identified. No Reactor Coolant System or Steam Generator leakage identified. The licensee will upgrade this event if damage to safety-related equipment is identified. The plant is accessible. Engineering walkdowns have been initiated in the station, switchyard and intake structures. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector and state and local authorities.


License terminated the Unusual Event. Notified R2 IRC (Franke), IRD (Gott), DHS (Bean), FEMA (Via), USDA (Kraus), and DOE (Turner).

Steam Generator
Reactor Coolant System
ENS 4676116 April 2011 22:55:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
Unusual Event Declared Due to Loss of All Offsite Power from Tornado Damage

At 1849 hrs, Surry Power Station (SPS) Unit 1 and Unit 2 experienced an automatic Reactor Trip from a Loss of Offsite Power, as a result of a tornado touching down in the station's switchyard. Unit 1 reactor tripped as a result of a Loss of Coolant Flow > P-8 (35% power), and the Unit 2 reactor tripped as a result of a 500 kV Leads Differential Turbine-Generator trip. Both units responded as designed. Unit 1 electrical power is being provided by Number 1 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) to the 1H emergency bus, with the Station Blackout (SBO) diesel loaded on to the 1J emergency bus. Unit 2 electrical power is being supplied by the number 2 EDG to the 2H emergency bus, with the number 3 EDG loaded on to the 2J emergency bus. All Unit 1 control rods inserted on the reactor trip, and all Unit 2 control rods inserted on its respective reactor trip. The Low Level Intake Structure (LLIS) is without power. All three Emergency Service Water Pumps are running to supply the intake canal. Efforts are underway to restore Bus 7, which will give each unit an emergency bus powered by offsite power (Unit 1 1J, Unit 2 2H) and restore power to the LLIS. Decay heat is being removed by auxiliary feedwater on both units and atmospheric steam release via the steam generator PORVs. Both units are currently on natural circulation. All other system parameters are normal and stable. At 1855 hrs a NOUE was declared due to a loss of offsite power (applicable to U1 and U2). Additionally, due to an estimated 100 gallon fuel oil spill from an above ground storage tank near the station's garage, the Virginia State Department of Environmental Quality was notified at 2041 and the Surry County Local Emergency Planning Coordinator was notified at 2114. At 2334, the Virginia State Department of Environmental Quality was notified and the Surry County Local Emergency Planning Coordinator was notified at 2336, due to an estimated 200 gallon oil leak to the ground from a station switchyard transformer damaged during the tornado. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified and is on-site. Notified DHS (Rickerson), FEMA (Boscoe), DOE (Turner), HHS (Hoskins), and USDA (Russell). See related EN #46762


The licensee exited the emergency condition at 0745 EDT on 4/19/11. Offsite power has been restored, and the plant is shutdown and cooled down. Notified R2DO (O'Donohue), NRR EO (Thorpe) and IRD (Gott). Informed the following Federal Agencies via Blast Dial: DHS, FEMA, USDA, HHS and DOE.

Steam Generator
Service water
Emergency Diesel Generator
Auxiliary Feedwater
Control Rod
ENS 428887 October 2006 22:01:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationManual Scram Due to Unusual Noise in Turbine Building

The main turbine cross-under safety relief valves lifted for no known reason and blew siding off the side of the Unit 2 Turbine building. This siding hit the feeder lines to the A & C Reserve Station Service Transformers (RSSTs). The operator manually scrammed the plant due to swings in steam generator level and unusual noise coming from the turbine building . Unit 2 shutdown currently de-energized A & C Reserve Station Transformers, which effects D & E transfer buses. This also effects 1J bus, which is de-energized, and 1H & 2J buses which are energized with #1 diesel and #3 diesel. Decay heat removal is being performed thru the SG PORV's and auxiliary feedwater system, with forced cooling from the "B" RCP. Safety related systems are available if required. Notified USDA (A. Jimenez) in addition to the other agencies already identified. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, as well as State and local agencies.

  • * * UPDATE ON 10/8/2006 AT 05:45 FROM MIKE CHRIS TO ABRAMOVITZ * * *

The site terminated the Alert at 05:40 due to having the "A" RSST in service with bus 1J being powered from its normal power supply. No damage was found from the displaced siding with the exception of the "C" RSST (which should be repaired around noon). The "C" RSST is currently tagged out for maintenance. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, state, and local governments. Notified: R2DO (Decker), R4DO (Pick), NRR (Dyer, Weber, Quay), IRD (Blount, Wilson), R2 (McCree), DHS (Gray), FEMA (Dunker), DOE (Steve Bailey), EPA (Allison), USDA (Dean Giles), and HHS (Lt. Smith).


At 1827 hours on 10/07/06, an Emergency Notification System (ENS) notification was made for an Alert declaration at Surry Power station. The steam discharge from the turbine system safety valves that had lifted caused pieces of siding from the turbine building to dislodge and come in contact with two phases of the overhead bus for the 'A' and 'C' reserve station service transformers (RSST). The basis for the declaration was the Emergency Action Level (EAL) Tab K-11: 'Notification of missile impact causing damage to safety-related equipment or structures'. Upon further review, the RSSTs were determined not to be safely-related equipment. Therefore, the conditions for an Alert emergency did not exist and the notification is being retracted. A notification will be made to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. This is being reported In accordance with 10 CFR50.72, (b) (2) (xi). As noted in EN# 42890, conditions for a Notification of Unusual Event (NOUE) did exist at the time of the Alert notification. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R2DO (Henson).

Steam Generator
Auxiliary Feedwater
Main Turbine
Decay Heat Removal
Safety Relief Valve
ENS 411766 November 2004 07:52:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationNotice of Unusual Event Due to a Fire in the Unit 1 Turbine Basement

The licensee declared an Unusual Event due to an onsite fire not under control for greater than 10 minutes. The fire was in the "A" water box internal coating. Maintenance was performing cutting operations in the water box when the fire started. There were no injuries. The fire was fought by the onsite fire brigade and outside assistance was not required. The fire lasted 18 minutes. A reflash watch has been posted.. Unit 1 was shutdown at the time of the fire and shutdown cooling was not affected nor was any safety-related equipment. Unit 2, operating at 100% power, was not affected by the fire. The NRC did not change response mode due to this incident. The licensee will be notifying the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * UPDATE FROM MOSCOE TO SANDIN AT 0337 EST ON 11/06/04 * * *

The Unusual Event was terminated by the licensee at 0321 hrs. EST. The termination criteria was the fire was out and a reflash watch stationed. Notified DHS, FEMA, IRD (Wessman), R2DO (Cahill) and NRR (Lyons).

Shutdown Cooling
ENS 4076822 May 2004 01:16:0010 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class DeclarationUnusual Event Declared

At 2108 hours a main generator lead failed (exploded) causing a generator lead differential lockout/turbine trip/reactor trip. All rods fully inserted into the core. Both Motor Driven and the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps started as expected and are supplying water to the steam generators. Electrical power is being supplied from offsite and all systems are operating as expected. The reactor tripped at 2108 hours and a report of a fire in the switchyard was reported to Control Room at 2109 hours. Fire Brigade was dispatched and the fire was reported out at 2142 hours. Reflash fire watch has been set. All Emergency Core Cooling Systems and the Emergency Diesel Generators are fully operable if needed. Surry Unit 1 remains at 100% power. Licensee notified State and Local officials of their declaration of an Unusual Event. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of the event by the licensee.

  • * * UPDATE ON 5/21/04 AT 2310 EDT FROM CHARLES YOUNG TO G. WAIG * * *

The licensee terminated the NOUE at 2256 EDT. Damage appears to be confined to the main generator leads with one lead missing and some damage to other leads. The plant is stable with RCS temperature at 547 degrees Fahrenheit, 2235 psia. The NRC Resident Inspector will be notified of the NOUE termination by the licensee. Notified R2DO (Jay Henson), NRR EO (Edwin Hackett), DIRO (Tom Andrews), FEMA (David Barden), DHS (Robert Bozzo). See EN 40769 , 40770 & 40771 for related Non Emergency notifications.

Steam Generator
Emergency Diesel Generator
Auxiliary Feedwater
Emergency Core Cooling System
ENS 4016818 September 2003 13:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B), RPS System Actuation
10 CFR 50.72(a)(1)(i), Emergency Class Declaration
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A), System Actuation
Unusual Event Declared Due to Expected Severe Weather

At 0900 EDT the licensee declared an Unusual Event as a precautionary measure due to expected severe weather from hurricane Isabel. Current wind speed and direction is 10-15 mph sustained with gusting to 20 mph from the NNE direction. No additional staff other than those for the planned outage have been brought onsite. The licensee informed state/local agencies and the NRC Resident Inspector.

  • * * * UPDATE 1608 ET FROM T. HUFF TO M. RIPLEY * * * *

As of 1600 ET, Surry Unit 1 commenced a power reduction of 200 mwe (100% to approximately 75% power) in anticipation of grid instabilities due to heavy weather. One of eight circ water screens is degraded due to river debris and its associated circulating water pump has been secured. On-site meteorological panels are out of service. Additionally, the Emergency Operating Facility (EOF) is out of service due to a loss of power. Notified R2DO (A. Boland).


The following was received via fax from the licensee: With Surry Power Station Unit 1 at approximately 75% reactor power and Unit 2 at 100% reactor power, a manual reactor trip was initiated on Unit 1 at 1728 and on Unit 2 at 1732, due to the loss of the '1G' and `2G' buses which supply power to all eight circulating water pumps for both units. The loss of the buses occurred during high winds and rain associated with Hurricane Isabel, although no hurricane force winds were onsite prior to or at the time of the event. A discretionary Notification of Unusual Event had been declared earlier at 0900 due to the severe weather. On Unit 1, the 'B' inadequate core cooling monitor (ICCM) failed. The 'A' ICCM remained operable throughout. All control rods fully inserted and the shutdown margin for Unit 1 was determined to be satisfactory. On Unit 2, eight rod position indicators showed greater than 10 steps but less than 20 steps following the reactor trip. Emergency boration was initiated. All Unit 2 IRPIs (Individual Rod Position Indications) are currently indicating less than five steps and the shutdown margin was satisfactory. Auxiliary feedwater automatically initiated as designed for both units on low low steam generator level following the trip. Primary RCS temperature decreased to approximately 543 and 538 degrees on Unit 1 and 2 respectively and was stabilized at 547 degrees. No primary safety or relief valves were actuated during the event on either unit. As a result of the loss of the circulating water pumps, the emergency service water pumps were started to conserve intake canal level. After start, 2 out of the 3 emergency service water pumps tripped on high water temperature. The pumps were checked and restarted 14 minutes later. Also due to the need to conserve intake canal level, the main steam trip valves on both units were closed and primary temperature is being maintained by use of the secondary power operated relief valves. No indication of primary to secondary leakage exists on either unit, therefore no adverse radiological consequences resulted from this event. Both units are currently stable at hot shutdown. At 1845, the 2G bus was energized and circulating water pumps were started. The emergency service water pumps were secured and are in standby. This 4 hour and 8 hour report is being made for Surry Units 1 and 2 in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A). Notified R2DO (A. Boland), NRR EO (J. Calvo), DIRO (R. Wessman), FEMA (Chuck Bagwell), DHS (Colleen Wilson).


The licensee terminated their unusual event due to the following conditions: - severe weather has left the area - both units are stable at hot shutdown on offsite power - 2 of 3 ESW pumps are operable, and the third ESW pump is being prepared for an operational test - 45 of 67 sirens remain inoperable, but the sirens will be restored when power to the grid is restored The licensee will notify the NRC Senior Resident Inspector, as well as state and local officials Notified R2DO (Boland), NRR EO (Calvo), DIRO (McGinty), FEMA (M. Eaches), DHS (D. Licastro)

Steam Generator
Service water
Auxiliary Feedwater
Control Rod
Main Steam