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ENS 4573826 February 2010 04:15:00Other Unspec ReqmntDiscovery of an After-The-Fact Unusual EventThis is a one-hour report for the discovery of a condition that briefly met the emergency action level (EAL) for an Unusual Event but did not warrant declaration of an emergency classification. A detailed review of the conditions that existed at approximately 2315 EST on February 25 during a winter storm determined that the winds reached a speed of approximately 94 miles per hour for approximately four seconds. This wind speed exceeded the EAL value of greater than or equal to 90 miles per hour. However, because the condition cleared within approximately four seconds, a declaration of an Unusual Event would not have been warranted. The information examined during this detailed review was not the wind speed indication displayed in the control room and used by the operators for evaluating Emergency Action Levels. The additional analysis, which was performed following the winter storm, used data obtained by Engineering. The control room indication remained below 90 miles per hour at all times. This event is a one-hour report based on the guidance in NUREG-1022 for a condition that met an emergency plan EAL and the basis for the emergency classification no longer existed at the time of discovery. The (NRC) Resident Inspector has been informed of this notification and good neighbor notifications will be made to (the State of) New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
ENS 4268430 June 2006 23:49:00Other Unspec Reqmnt24 Hour License Condition Report - Main Steam Isolation Valve Inoperable Greater than 4 HoursFPL Energy Seabrook has discovered a condition that was prohibited by the Technical Specifications. This report is being made pursuant to License Condition 2.G of the Seabrook Station Operating License. On July 3 at 0615, it was determined that a MSIV had been inoperable for a period of time longer than allowed by the Technical Specifications. On June 30 at 1949, an alarm was received indicating a problem with the MSIV. A troubleshooting and repair plan was developed and the MSIV repaired on July 1 at 1559. Subsequent examination of the failed control module found that it was nonfunctional and that the MSIV had been inoperable since receipt of the alarm on June 30 at 1949. Since the Technical Specification allowed outage time for an inoperable MSVI is 4 hours, the MSIV being inoperable for approximately 20 hours constitutes a violation of the Technical Specifications. The Resident Inspector has been notified of this event.Main Steam Isolation Valve
ENS 4266022 June 2006 10:20:00Other Unspec Reqmnt24 Hour License Condition Report of Operation in a Condition Prohibited by Technical SpecificationAt 0620 today, FPL Energy Seabrook discovered that the plant was in it condition prohibited by the technical specifications. At approximately 1900 yesterday, June 21, one of the two train-B vital battery chargers was removed from service, rendering the charger inoperable. This condition went unrecognized until 0620 this morning (June 22). Seabrook Station Technical Specification permits two hours to restore a battery Changer to operable status, otherwise, the plant must shutdown to hot standby within the next 6 hours and cold shutdown within the following 30 hours. In this event, the train-B full-capacity battery charger was inoperable for approximately 12.5 hours, exceeding the time permitted by the technical specifications. During the period the charger was inoperable, the redundant battery charger in train B and both train-A battery chargers remained in service and operable. This notification is being made as a 24-hour report in accordance with license condition 2.G of the Seabrook Station operating license. Investigation into the circumstances of the event are ongoing. The normal battery charger had been removed from service for normal maintenance and testing. A backup battery charger was placed on the battery which permitted the licensee to continue normal plant operations without entering the two hour TS LCO for During the maintenance and testing of the primary battery charger, the backup battery charger was also rendered inoperable resulting in no battery charger for the affected battery bank. The licensee stated that at 0726 EDT on 6/22/06, the battery charger was restored to service and the technical specification exited. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 423978 March 2006 13:00:00Other Unspec Reqmnt24-Hour Condition of License Report Due to Failure to Submit Ts Required Exposure ReportAt 0800 on March 8, 2006, FPL Energy Seabrook discovered a failure to comply with administrative Technical Specification (TS) This TS requires submittal of a radiation occupational exposure report by March 1 of each year. On March 8, FPL Energy Seabrook discovered that the report for 2005 had not been submitted and, consequently, failed to meet the March 1st submittal date specified by TS This condition is being reported in accordance with the Seabrook Station Facility Operating License, condition 2.G, which requires a 24-hour notification of any violations of section 2.C.(2) of the operating license (FPL Energy Seabrook, LLC shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications and the Environmental Protection Plan). The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.05000443/LER-2006-002
ENS 4217830 November 2005 08:24:00Other Unspec ReqmntInverter Inoperable for Greater than Allowed Time Per Technical SpecificationsThis report is being made pursuant to the requirements of License Condition 2.G of the Seabrook Station Operating License. Inverter 1F was inoperable for greater than the 24 hours allowed by Technical Specification The inverter was inoperable for a total of 35 hours 59 minutes. The inverter was declared to be inoperable at 0323 on November 29, 2005 and was not returned to operable status until 1522 on November 30, 2005, this exceeded the 24 hour TS limit. The NRC approved a Notice of Enforcement Discretion at 0220 on November 30, 2005, which allowed an extension of 18 hours (until 2123 11/30/05). The inverter was declared operable prior to the expiration of the extension. This event will be documented in a License Event Report pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR50.73. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 418247 July 2005 14:17:00Other Unspec ReqmntLicense Condition Report Due to Exceeding Technical Specification Inoperability TimeFPL Energy Seabrook Station has discovered that a condition existed that was prohibited by the Technical Specifications. The Train B Containment Building Spray Pump (CBS) was inoperable for a period of time longer than permitted by the Technical Specifications. A failed relay driver board would have prevented the Train B CBS pump from automatically starting in response to high containment pressure. Following an LOP coincident with a high containment pressure, the initial start signal from the Train B EDG emergency power sequencer would not have initiated a CBS pump start, but an automatic start signal generated at a later time in the LOP sequence would have started the pump. The failed relay driver board only inhibited automatic starting of the Train B CBS pump. The Train B EDG remained capable of providing power to other Train B loads including the automatic start of the CBS pump at the later sequence. This event is being reported in accordance with Seabrook Station Operating License condition 2.G as a failure to operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications. The licensee discovered the condition during surveillance testing and the condition has been repaired. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4154329 March 2005 19:00:00Other Unspec Reqmnt24 - Hr Condition of License Report Due to T.S. Not MetThe licensee provided the following information: On March 29, 2005, Seabrook determined that the requirements of T.S. were not met when the Reserve Auxiliary Transformer (RAT), AC supply to the Bus E5, was removed from service on February 14, 2005. T.S. 3.8..1.1, Action a. requires that the operability of the remaining AC power source be verified within 1 hour, and at least once every 8 hours thereafter. This action requirement was not completed on February 14, 2005 when the RAT AC power supply to Bus E5 was removed from service. At the time of this event the unit Auxiliary Transformer AC power supply to Bus E5 and E6, and the RAT AC power supply to bus E6, were in service. This event is reportable pursuant to Seabrook Station license, Condition 2.G., as a violation of the Technical Specifications. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4134015 January 2005 05:00:00Other Unspec ReqmntUnspecified RequirementThe following information was provided by the licensee via facsimile On January 15, 2005 at 0750, it was determined that Containment Isolation Valve CC-V-1095 was inoperable due to a post maintenance retest not being performed. The valve was declared inoperable and Technical Specification 3.6.3, Action a. was entered. The valve was satisfactorily retested and restored to OPERABLE status at 1042 on January 15, 2005. A routine preventive maintenance activity was performed on the valve's power supply on January 13, 2005. However, the valve was not stroke tested in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement This report is made pursuant to the requirements of Section 2.G. of the Seabrook Station Operating License for the violation of the requirements of the Technical Specifications. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.05000443/LER-2005-001
ENS 410955 October 2004 22:30:00Other Unspec ReqmntOne of Two Pressurizer Level Instrumentation Channels Found to Be Inoperable.Event reported according to operating license condition 2.G (Failure to operate the station in accordance with Technical Specification). Seabrook has discovered that a condition existed that was prohibited by the Technical Specification (TS). Pressurizer level recorder (1-RC-LR-460), one of the two channels of pressurizer level instrumentation required by TS, Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, was inoperable for a period longer than the seven days permitted by the TS. The instrument was inoperable for approximately 60 days, from April 5, 2004, until June 4, 2004. This event is being reported in accordance with the Seabrook Station facility operating license, condition 2.G, as a failure to operate the station in accordance with the TS. The NRC Resident Inspector was notified of this event by the licensee.
ENS 4084225 June 2004 14:50:00Other Unspec ReqmntPlant Exceeded Lco Action Statement Limits

FPL Energy Seabrook is currently in the action statement for Technical Specification due to the inoperability of both Waste Gas Oxygen Monitors. The Oxygen Monitors are currently functional but inoperable. The action statement requires that grab samples be collected at least once per 4 hours. On June 25, 2004 at 10:50 it was recognized that the elapsed time between 2 required samples had exceeded the 4 hour requirement by 30 minutes. Pursuant to the requirements of Facility Operating License No. NPF-86, paragraph 2.G., FPL Energy Seabrook is reporting the late completion of the requirements of an action required by the Station's Technical Specifications. An investigation is being conducted in accordance with the Station's Corrective Action Program. The NRC Resident Inspector will be notified.


On June 26, 2004, FPLE Seabrook reported to the NRC (event # 40842) that 4 hours and 30 minutes elapsed between obtaining waste gas system grab samples required by the action statement of TS for inoperable waste gas oxygen monitors. Since the action statement requires obtaining grab samples every 4 hours, this condition was considered reportable under paragraph 2.G of the facility-operating license. Following further review of this condition, FPLE determined that the requirements of the action statement were met. The oxygen concentration of the waste gas system was monitored and recorded in station logs within the required 4-hour interval. As a result, FPLE Seabrook is retracting the 24-hour notification of June 26, 2004. The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R1DO (Clifford Anderson).