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NUREG-1437 Volume 3, Revision 2, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Final Report31 August 2024NUREG-1437, Volume 3, Revision 2, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Final ReportSafe Shutdown
High winds
Shutdown Margin
Ultimate heat sink
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Aging Management
Fukushima Dai-Ichi
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Feedwater Heater
Large early release frequency
Stress corrosion cracking
Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
Severe Accident Management Guideline
License Renewal
Subsequent License Renewal
Maintenance Rule Program
Hardened vent
Fuel cladding
Generic Issues Program
Fire Protection Program
Environmental Justice
Uranium Hexafluoride
Accident Tolerant Fuel
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
Measurement Uncertainty Recapture
Depleted uranium
ML24201A20429 July 202407-29-2024 Letter to A. Damiani, E. Finkelstein and R. Clarkson Re New York Follow-up Impep Scheduling Letter and Questionnaire
ENS 56875Indian Point29 November 2023 20:00:00Offsite Notification
ML23306A099Indian Point
2 November 2023and Indian Point Energy Center, Notification of Changes in Schedule in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a)(7)
ML23216A182South Texas
4 August 2023Nrgs Answer Opposing the Motion by the City of San Antonio and the City of Austin to Dismiss or Suspend License Transfer Proceeding
ML23216A142South Texas
4 August 2023Constellation'S Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss License Transfer Application and Motion for Stay
ML23235A060Indian Point17 July 2023LTR-23-0194 Dwaine Perry, Chief, Ramapo Munsee Nation, Ltr Opposition of the Release and Dumping of Radioactive Waste from Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Into the Hudson River
ML23136B162Indian Point15 May 2023Town of North Salem, County of Westchester, New York Board Resolution Letter Regarding Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site
ML23103A273Indian Point25 April 2023Enclosuresponses to Q&AAging Management
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
ML23067A06115 March 202303-15-2023 Letter to A. Damiani Re Approving New York Performance Improvement Plan
ML23024A046Indian Point17 January 2023License Amendment Request for the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation-Only Security, Training and Qualification, Safeguards Contingency PlanCyber Security
Preemption Authority
ML22137A26517 May 202205-17-2022 Letter to a Damiani M Horberg and a Gray Re New York FY2022 Scheduling Letter
ML22010A022Indian Point5 January 2022Jones Day to NRC, Indian Point Sturgeon Monitoring Under 2013 Biological Opinion
ML21299A168Indian Point22 October 2021Comment (38) of Richard Webster on Behalf of Riverkeeper, Inc., on Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC; Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Units 1, 2, and 3; Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report
ML21293A200Indian Point15 October 2021Comment (17) of Benjamin Boykin, Alfreda A. Williams Et. Al. on Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC; Indian Point Nuclear Generating, Units 1, 2, and 3;Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities ReportEnvironmental Justice
ML21137A297Indian Point17 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 5/10/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML21131A139Indian Point10 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 5/03/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML21131A133Indian Point3 May 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 4/26/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML21119A216Indian Point27 April 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 4/19/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML21109A320Indian Point19 April 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 4/12/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML21103A057Indian Point13 April 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 4/5/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen
ML21097A182Indian Point5 April 2021NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 3/29/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report
ML21055A912Indian Point24 February 2021(E-mail Dated 2/24/2021) Summary of Feb 8, 2021, Pre-submittal Meeting for Relief Request No. IP3-ISI-RR-16, Code Case N-513-4 Periodic Inspection Frequency ExtensionNondestructive Examination
Through-Wall Leak
ML20321A000Indian Point17 November 2020Summary of 9/30/20 Pre-Submittal Meeting with Entergy to Discuss Proposed One-Time Exemption Request - Biennial Emergency Preparedness Onsite Evaluated Exercise RequirementsExemption Request
ML20316A011Indian Point2 November 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/26/2020 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML20311A200West Valley Demonstration Project28 October 2020Response to NRC Letter: Initial Review for NYSERDA Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (LAR-20-001), Dated March 11, 2020 (EPID L-2020-LLA-0023), Dated March 30, 2020High Radiation Area
Deep Dose Equivalent
ML20300A493Indian Point26 October 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/19 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML20293A437Indian Point19 October 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/12/2020- IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML20289A117Indian Point12 October 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10.05.2020 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML20289A708Indian Point5 October 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 9/28 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling at IP2 And/Or IP3
ML20273A328Indian Point28 September 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 9/21 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report
ML20261H424Indian Point14 September 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 09.07.2020 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report
ML20260H437Indian Point8 September 2020NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 08.31.2020 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report
ML20183A133Indian Point30 June 2020Jones Day to NRC, Sturgeon Monitoring Under the 2013 Biological Opinion/Incidental Take Statement in Connection with Indian Point Include the 2018 AmendmentPandemic
ML20076C310West Valley Demonstration Project11 March 2020Resubmittal of Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection RequirementsHigh Radiation Area
Deep Dose Equivalent
ML20069K756Indian Point9 March 2020Applicants' Answer Opposing Petition for Leave to Intervene and Hearing Request Filed by the State of New YorkProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Decommissioning Funding Plan
License Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20043E125Indian Point10 February 2020Declaration of Alyse L. Peterson in Support of New York PetitionGrace period
ML20042D497West Valley Demonstration Project6 February 2020Western New York Nuclear Service Center - Request for License Amendment: Retained Premises Radiation Protection Requirements (LAR-20-001)High Radiation Area
Incorporated by reference
Deep Dose Equivalent
ML20043E123Indian Point5 February 2020Declaration of George W. Heitzman in Support of New York PetitionOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Environmental Justice
SVP-19-091, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. IL0005037 Application to RenewQuad Cities20 December 2019National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. IL0005037 Application to RenewCoatings
Zebra Mussel
Exemption Request
ML20080K700Indian Point21 November 2019Attachment a to Town of Cortlandt, Et Al, 03/20/2020 Reply Memorandum in Support of Petition for Leave to Intervene and Hearing RequestIncorporated by reference
Exemption Request
ML19302F609Indian Point29 October 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/28/19 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling
ML19301A064Indian Point28 October 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/21/19 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling
ML19294A050Indian Point21 October 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/14/2019 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling
ML19288A103Indian Point14 October 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Wk 10/07/2019 - IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling
ML19280C173Indian Point7 October 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) 09/30/2019 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding Weekly Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling
ML19273A100Indian Point29 September 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) 09/23/2019 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report Regarding Weekly Report on the Condition of Any Sturgeon Encountered During the Preceding Week'S Ristroph Screen Impingement Sampling
ML19267A160Indian Point24 September 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Regarding 09/16/2019 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report
ML19260J219Indian Point16 September 2019NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) Regarding 9/09/2019 IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report
Indian Point
Grand Gulf
Arkansas Nuclear
River Bend
Vermont Yankee
Big Rock Point
11 September 2019Arkansas Units 1 and 2; Grand Gulf, Unit 1; Indian Point 2 and 3; Palisades; River Bend, Unit 1; Waterford Unit 3 - Issuance of Amendments to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application RulesTime of Discovery
Fire Protection Program