PLA-5623, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, Ambient Radiation Monitoring, Pages 18 - 52

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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report, Ambient Radiation Monitoring, Pages 18 - 52
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2003
From: Doebler R, Hickey F, Rhoads B
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML031410634 (35)


. Ambient RadiationMonitoring AMBIENT RADIATION MONITORING INTRODUCTION due to locational differences in such The principal or prinmary method for the factors as soil characteristics (amounts SSES REMP's measurement of ambient of organic matter, particle size, etc.),

radiation levels is the use of drainage opportunities, and exposure to thermoluminescent dosiieters (TLDs). sunlight. Envirorinental TLDs can also The TLDs are crystals (calcium sulfate) be affected by direct radiation (shine) capable of detecting and measuring low from the SSES turbine buildings during levels of radiation by absorbing a operation, radwaste transfer and storage, portion of the radiation's energy that is and radioactive gaseous effluents from incident upon them and storing the the SSES.

captured energy until the TLDs are processed (read). Processing involves Unfortunately, TLDs do not have any -

heating the TLDs to release their stored inherent ability to indicate the source of energy in the form of light and the radiation to which they are exposed.

measuring the intensity of the light that The placement of numerous TLDs in they emit. The intensity of the emitted the environment can facilitate decision-light is'proportional to the amount of making about the possible radiation radiation to which they were exposed. sources to which TLDs are exposed.

Calibration of the TLD processors However, a method for evaluating TLD permits a reliable relationship to be data is still required. The SSES REMP established between the light emitted relies on a statistically based approach and the amount of radiation dose to simultaneously compare indicator received by the TLDs; the result pei-mits TLD data with control TLD data and accurate measurements of the ambient operational TLD data with radiation in the enviro'nrment. preoperational TLD data.- This approach permits the flagging of Environmental TLDs are continually environrmental TLD doses that might exposed to natural radiation from the have been produced by both man:made ground (terrestrial radiation) and from sources of radiation; as well as natural the sky (cosmic) radiation. In addition, radiation sources. It also provides a they also may be exposed to man-made means for attributing a portion of the radiation. Most of the environmental' total TLD dose to SSES operation if TLD's natural radiation exposure comes appropriate. Appendix E, pages E-6 from sources in the ground. These ' through E-1O, provides a description of terrestrial sources vary naturally with the process for evaluating the results of time due to changes in soil moisture, TLD measurements.

snow cover, etc. The natural-ramdiation picture is complicated because these factors affecting radiation reaching the TLDs from the ground vary differently' with time from one location to another 18 2002 Monitoring Report Radiological Monitoring 2002 Environmental Radiological Report 18

Ambient Radiation Monitorinz Scope graph on the following page. Refer to Figure 8 which trends both indicator and control data quarterly from 1973 TLDs through 2002.

The area around the SSES was divided for monitoring purposes into sixteen The 2002 annual average exposures for sectors radiating outwards from the indicator and control locations were plant site, each encompassing an area 19.0 mR/std. qtr. and 18.1 mRlstd. qtr.,

described by an arc of 22.5 degrees.:

respectively. These are 1.0 mR/std. qtr.

TLDs were placed in all 16 sectors at and 1.1' mRlstd. qtr., respectively, below varying distances from the plant.

the corresponding 2001 annual Monitoring locations were chosen averages. The 2002 exposures are according to the criteria presented in the within the ranges of annual averages for NRC Branch Technical Position on the prior operational periods at each Radiological Monitoring (Revision 1, type of monitoring location. Refer to November, 1979).(17) The locations for Figure 8 at the end of this section which the TLDs were selected by considering trends quarterly TLD results for both factors such as local meteorological, preoperational and operational periods topographical, and population at the SSES. Refer to Appendix H, distribution characteristics.

Table H 1, page H 3 for a comparison of the 2002 mean indicator and control During 2002, the SSES REMP had 76 TLD results with the means for the indicator TLD locations and eight preoperational and prior operational control TLD locations. This level of periods at the SSES.

monitoring exceeds that which is required by the Nuclear Regulatory Indicator environmental TLD results for Commission. The indicator TLDs 2002 were examined quarterly on an nearest the SSES are positioned at the individual location basis and compared security or perimeter fences surrounding with both current control location the site. This is the closest that a results and preoperational data. Very member of the public would be able to small SSES exposure contributions approach the station. The control TLDs were suggested during 2002 at the are the most distant from the SSES, following onsite locations: I S2, 6S4, ranging from 10 to 20 miles from the 6S9, 7S6, 8S2, 9S2, lOS2, llS3, 12S4, site.

13S2, 13S4, 13S5, 16S1 and 16S2.

Thus, there were 14 monitored locations Monitoring Results in 2002 where a SSES dose contribution is considered to have been discernible.

TLDs Refer to Appendix E, page E-6, for a TLDs were retrieved and processed discussion of"TLD Data quarterly in 2002. Average ambient Interpretation." TLD results for all radiation levels measured by locations for each quarter of 2002 may environmental TLDs generally be found in Appendix I, Table 1-1, decreased each successive quarter beginning at page -2.

throughout 2002, as shown in the bar 19 2002 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Report 19 2002 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Report

Ambient RadiationMonitorinz 2002 REMP Quarterly TLD Averages 20.0--

- 19.0 '

8 18.0 E 17.0 -'Xl_ 8 16.0-1 2 3 4 Calendar Quarters l Indicator l Control The estimated quarterly exposure contributions were summed by location for the entire year. The largest dose suggested was approximately 0.0299 mrem at an onsite monitoring location, 9S2, 0.2 mile south of the SSES. This dose was used for determining compliance with SSES Technical Requirement Limit 3.11.3 for annual effluent reporting purposes.

This dose amounts to only 0. 12% of the 25 mrem whole-body dose limit of SSES Technical Requirement 3.11.3.

20 2002 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Report Radiological Monitoring Report 20



FIGURE 8 - AMBIENT RADIATION LEVELS Exposure Rate (mR/STD Qtr) BASED ON TLD DATA 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

0 e s' s' "";(\, s' e "'o, s' e e e e e e 'e, "P 1

- Indicator - Control FIG. 8 - H\REMPFIGO2.xls


Aquatic Pathway Monitorin


  • _AQUAT_C -

INTRODUCTION data for comparison with downstream The following media were monitored in monitoring results. The potential exists 2002 by the SSES REMP in the aquatic for radioactive material that might be pathway: surface water, drinking water; present in SSES airbome releases to fish, and sediment.= Some of the media enter the Susquehanna River upstream (e.g., drinking water and fish) provide of the plant through either direct information that can be especially useful deposition (e.g., settling or washout) or to the estimation of possible dose to the by way of runoff from deposition on public from potentially ingested land adjacent to the river. However, radioactivity, if'detected. Other media, direct deposition and runoff are such as sediment, can'be useful for considered to be 'potentially trending radioactivity levels in the insignificant as means of entry for SSES aquatic pathway, primarily because of radioactivity into the Susquehanna their tendency to assimilate certain River when compared to liquid materials that might enter the surface discharges'under normal conditions.

water to which they are exposed. The results fronimmonitoring all of these Lake Took-a-While (LTAW), which is media provide a picture of the aquatic located in PPL's Riverlands Recreation pathway that is more clear than that Area adjacent to the Susquehanna which could be obtained if one or more River, is also considered to be part of were not included in the REMP. the aquatic pathway for monitoring purposes. Although it is not in a Fruits or vegetables that are grown in position to receive water discharged to fields irrigated with surface water would the river from the SSES, it can receive also be in the aquatic pathway. The storm runoff from the SSES. Storm land use census (Reference 73) runoff from the SSES site should not conducted in 2002 looked at farms normally contain any measurable within 10 miles downstream of the radioactivity from the plant. However, SSES. Two farms were found to have the SSES REMP, consistent with other been irrigated during the 2002 growing aspects of aquatic monitoring and the season. REMP, in general, goes beyond its requirements by monitoring LTAW.

The aquatic pathway in the vicinity of the SSES is the Susquehanna River. Scope Monitoring of all of the aquatic media, except drinking water, is conducted Surface Water both downstream and upstream of the: Surface water was routinely sampled location from which occasional SSES from the Susquehanna River at one low-level radioactive discharges enter indicator'location (6S5) and'one'control the river. The upstream monitoring location (6S6) at the SSES River Water locations serve as controls to provide Intake during 2002: Sampling aiso took 22 2002 Radiological Monitoring Report Enviromnental Monitoring Radiological Environmental Report 22

Aquatic Pathway Monitorinz place at the following additional the Susquehanna River. In addition, indicator locations: the SSES discharge sediment was also obtained from line to the river (2S7/6S7) and Lake location LTAW.

Took-A-While (LTAW).

Sampling Drinking Water Drinking water samples were collected Surface Water at location 12H2, the Danville Weekly grab sampling was performed at Municipal Water Authority's treatment the indicator location 6S5. Weekly grab facility on the Susquehanna River, in samples were composited both monthly 2002. Treated water is collected from and biweekly at this location. Location the end of the processing flowpath, 6S5 was considered a backup for representing finished water that is locations 2S7 and 6S7 in the event that suitable for drinking. This is the nearest water could not be obtained from the point downstream of the SSES automatic samplers at these locations.

discharge to the River at which drinking Nevertheless, 6S5 was sampled water is obtained. No drinking water routinely throughout 2002, since it is control location is sampled. For all the closest downstream sampling point intents and purposes, control surface to the SSES discharge.

water sampling locations would be suitable for comparison. Indicator locations 2S7 and 6S7, the SSES Cooling Tower Blowdown Fish Discharge (CTBD) line, and control Fish were sampled from the location 6S6, the SSES River Water Susquehanna River in the spring and Intake structure, were sampled time fall of 2002 at one indicator location, proportionally using automatic IND, downstream of the SSES liquid continuous samplers. The samplers discharge to the River and one control were typically set to obtain 30-60 ml location, 2H, sufficiently upstream to aliquots every 20-25 minutes. Weekly, essentially preclude the likelihood that the water obtained by these samplers the fish caught there would spend any was retrieved for either biweekly or time below the SSES discharge. In monthly compositing.

addition, fish were also sampled from PPL's Lake Took-a-While, location The other surface water monitoring LTAW. This location is not location, LTAW, was grab sampled downstream of the SSES discharge. It once each month.

is sampled because of its potential for receiving runoff from the SSES. Drinking Water LTAW is considered an indicator Treated water was sampled time location. proportionally by an automatic sampler.

The sampler was typically set to obtain Sediment three 12-ml aliquots every twenty Sediment sampling was performed in minutes. Weekly, the water obtained by the spring and fall at indicator locations this sampler was retrieved for either 7B and 12F and control location 2B on biweekly or monthly compositing.

23 23 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

Aquatic Pathway Monitorin depositing on the sides of the sample Fish containers. ' ' '

Fish were obtained by electrofishing."

Electrofishing'stuns the'fish and allows Sodium bisulfite was added to sample them to float to the' surface so that those aliquots destined for iodine- 131 -analysis of the desired species and sufficient size in amounts equivalent to one gram per can be sampled. Sampled fish include each gallon of water. This 'amount was recreationally important species, such as recommended by the radioanalytical smallmouth bass, and also channel laboratory (Teledyne Brown catfish and shorthead redhorse. The Engineering) analyzing the samples.

fish are filleted and the edible'portions The purpose for sodium bisulfite are kept for analysis. addition is to reduce the potential for volatilization and loss of iodine from' Sediment samples by maintaining it in a Shoreline sediment was collected to chemically reduced form.

depths of four feet of water.

Sediment and Fish Fish are frozen until shipment. All Sample Preservation samples are analyzed by gamma and Analysis spectroscopy for the activities' of any gamma emitting radionuclides that may Surface and Drinking Water- be present.

Surface and drinking water samples were analyzed monthly for beta Monitoring Results' activities, the activities of gamma-'

emitting radionuclides, and tritium activities. Iodine-131 was analyzed' Surface Water Results from specific sample analyses biweekly for composite samples arid of surface water may be found in monthly for the grab samples. In Tables 1-2 and 1-3 of Appendix I. A addition, drinking water samples were summary of the 2002 surface water data analyzed for gross alpha activity.,

may be located in Table GQof Appendix G. Comparisons of 2002 To optimize' the accuracy of these monitoring results with those of past sample analyses, preservatives were years may be found in Tables H 2 added to the samples as soon after through H 4 of Appendix H.

collection as practical. Nitric acid was

added to sample aliquots destined for The Nuclear Regulatory Commission gross 'alpha and beta activity analysis (NRC) requires that averages of the and the analysis of gamma-emitting' activity levels for indicator radionuclide activity analysis.

environmental monitoring locations and Sufficient acid was added to reduce the for control environmental monitoring pH of these sample aliquots to nearly' locations of surface water, as well as two in order to reduce the potential for' other monitored media, be reported to radionuclides leaving the water and the NRC annually. Data from the.

following three surface water Report 24 2002 Radiological Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report Environmental Monitoring 24

Aquatic Pathway Monitorinz monitoring locations were averaged water in the CTBD is maintained at a together as indicators for reporting flow rate of 5,000 gpm or higher. These purposes: one location (6S5) on the requirements are in place to ensure Susquehanna River downstream of the- adequate dilution of radioactively SSES, Lake-Took-a While (LTAW) contaminated water by the retuming adjacent to the river, and the SSES noncontaminated water in the CTBD cooling tower blowdown discharge prior to entering the river.

(CTBD) line to the river (2S7).

At the point that CTBD water enters the Technically, the CTBD line is not part river, additional, rapid dilution of the of the environment. The CTBD line is a discharged water by the river is below ground pipe to which the public promoted by releasing it through a has no access, contrary to the other diffuser. The diffuser is a large pipe environmental monitoring locations on with numerous holes in it that is the Susquehanna River to which the positioned near the bottom of the river.

public does have access. However, it CTBD discharges exit the diffuser currently is required that the water that through the many holes, enhancing the is discharged to the Susquehanna River mixing of the discharge and river through the CTBD line from the SSES waters. The concentrations of be included as an indicator monitoring contaminants are reduced significantly location in the radiological as the discharged water mixes with the environmental monitoring program. much larger flow of river water. The mean flow rate of the Susquehanna Most of the water entering the River in 2002 was approximately Susquehanna River through the SSES' 6,400,000 gpm. This is more than CTBD line is simply water that was 1,300 times the required minimum flow taken from the river upstream of the rate through the CTBD for discharges to SSES, used for cooling purposes be permitted.

without being radioactively contaminated by SSES operation, and The amounts of radioactively returned to the river. Nevertheless,. contaminated water being discharged batch discharges of relatively small are small. Nevertheless, sensitive volumes of slightly radioactively analyses of the water samples can often contaminated water are'made to the detect the low levels of certain types of river through the SSES CTBD at times radioactivity in the CTBD water throughout each year. The water is following dilution. Though the levels released from tanks of radioactively of radioactivity measured in the CTBD contaminated water on site to the CTBD water are generally quite low, they tend and mixes with the noncontaminated to be higher than those in the river water already present in the CTBD. downstream of the SSES. Most Flow rates from the tanks' containing radionuclides discharged from the SSES radioactively contaminated water being CTBD are at such low levels in the discharged to the CTBD are limited to a downstream river water that, even with maximum of 200 gpm. In addition, the the sensitive analyses performed, they minimum flow rate for the retuming cannot be detected.

25 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 25 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

Aquatic Pathway Monitorinz and control locations for the prior When the radioactivity levels from the' operational period.' During the prior CTBD samples throughout the year are' operational period, the'average of averaged with;those obtained from annual indicator'means exceeds the actual downstream monitoring average of annual control means for locations,'the result is an overall gross beta activity.'

indicator location average that is too The 2002 means for iodine-131 activity high to be representative of the actual at indicator and control surface water average radioactivity levels of the monitoring locations were 0.61 pCi/liter downstream river water.- As the and 0.43 pCi/liter, respectively. The following discussions are reviewed, 2002 indicator mean is' greater than the consideration should be given to this 2001 indicator mnean. The 2002 control inflation' of average radioactivity levels mean is less than the 2001 control from the inclusion of CTBD (location mean; Both the 2002 indicator and 2S7/6S7) results in the indicator data control mean ctivities are also greater that is averaged. than the averages of the annual means for both indicator and control locations The 2002 data'for'gross beta'activity for the prior operational and analyses of surface' water are lower than preoperational periods of the'SSES.

those of 2001. The 2002 mean'gross beta activity of 5.4 pCi/liter for Thioughout the course of a'year, 'iodine-indicator locations is less than the 2001 131 is typically measured at levels in indicator mean gross beta activity of' excess of analysis MDCs in some 6.5 pCiAiter.' The 2002 indicator mean samples obtained from control surface activity is within the range of the annual water monitoring locations on the means' for the previous operational Susquehanna River upstream of the period of the SSES. The 2002 mean SSES as well as indicator locations gross beta activity of 2.9 pCi/liter for downstream of the SSES. As control locations is less than the determined by measurements of 3.5 pCi/liter for the 2001 control mean samples obtained by the SSES REMP, gross beta activity. The 2002 control the mean iodine-131 activity level from mean activity is within the range of the' the CTBD for all of 2002 was annual means for both the previous ' approximately 1.04 pCi/liter. This may operational and preoperational periods. be compared to the activity level of Refer to Figure 9 which trends gross 0.43 pCi/liter for control surface water beta activities separately for surface monitoring locations in 2002.

water indicator and control locations quarterly from 1975 through 2002. Iodine-131 from the discharge of medical wastes'into the Susquehanna Comparison of the 2002 indicator mean River upstream of the SSES is' drawn (5.4 pCi/I) to the 2002 control mean into the SSES cooling tower basins (2.9 pCiA1) suggests a contribution of through the SSES River Water Intake beta activity from the SSES. The 2002 Structure.,'It is reasonable to assume data is similar in this'regard to the that concentration'of the already averages of annual means for indicator existing iodine-131 in the cooling'tower 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 226

Aquatic Pathway Monitoring basins occurs as it does for other one-fourth of the approximately eight-substances found in the river. For day half-life of iodine-131. Thus, example, the SSES routinely assumes radioactive decay would not be concentration factors in the basin for expected to reduce the concentration calcium of four to five times the factor for iodine-131 by a large amount.

concentrations in the river water Therefore, the difference between the entering the basins, based on past 2002 mean iodine-131 activity of about measurements. This concentrating 1.04 pCi/liter in the CTBD and the 2002 effect occurs because of the evaporation mean iodine-131 activity for the control of the water in the basins, leaving location of 0.43 pCiliter should be the behind most dissolved and suspended result of concentration in the basins.

materials in the unevaporated water Iodine-131 was not reported to have remaining in the basins. If a been discharged with water released concentration factor of four for iodine- from the SSES to the Susquehanna 131 were to be applied to the 2002 River during 2002.

mean iodine-131 activity level for the control samples from the Susquehanna The 2002 mean tritium activity for River, a mean concentration of indicator locations is more than the 1.72 pCi/liter for iodine-131 in the basin corresponding 2001 mean. The 2002 water and the water being discharged means for tritium activity at indicator from the basins would be expected. The and control locations were actual 2002 mean of 1.04 pCi/liter for 1,363 pCi/liter and 36.1 pCi/liter, the CTBD iodine-131 activity level was respectively. The 2002 indicator mean less than this. is greater than the annual average mean I for prior operational and preoperational Because iodine-131 is radioactive, periods of the SSES. The control mean unlike the calcium that has been is within the range of the corresponding measured, iodine-131 is removed from annual mean reported for the prior the water while it is in the basins operational period of the SSES. Refer through the radioactive decay process. to Figure 10 which trends tritium Thus, it might be expected that the net activity levels separately for surface concentration factor for iodine-131 water indicator and control locations would be somewhat less than that for from 1972 through 2002.

calcium, considering this additional removal process. The extent to which The 2002 indicator mean tritium level the iodine-131 concentration factor is for all surface water locations can be less than that for calcium would depend misleading for those interested in the on the mean residence time for the mean tritium level in the Susquehanna water in the basins compared to iodine- River downstream of the SSES for 131's radioactive half-life - the greater 2002. The much higher levels of tritium the ratio of the mean residence time to observed in the CTBD line (location the half-life, the smaller the 2S7/6S7), when averaged with the low concentration factor. A mean residence levels from the downstream location time for water in the basins is expected 6S5 sample analysis results distort the to be about two days. This is only about real environmental picture. The mean Monitoring Report 27 2002 RadioIogical Environmental 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

Aquatic Pathway Monitorinz tritium activity level from indicator collected) through 1984, drinking water location 6S5 for 2002 was samples were also obtained from the 49.6 pCi/liter, which is much closer to Berwick Water Company at location the mean tritium activity, 36.1 pCi/liter, 12F3, 5.2 miles WSW of the SSES.

for the control location, both of which The drinking water supply for the represent actual river water levels. Berwick Water Company is not, however, water from the Susquehanna In spite of the fact that the tritium River; it is actually well water.

activity levels reported for 2S7/6S7 are from the discharge line prior to dilution There are no kndwn drinking water in the river, the highest quarterly supplies in Pennsylvania on the average tritium activity reported at - Susquehanna River upstream of the 2S7/6S7 during 2002 was SSES and therefore no drinking water approximately 6,955 pCi/liter for the control monitoring locations. Danville second quarter, well below the NRC drinking water analysis results may be non-routine reporting levels for compared to the results for surface quarterly average activity levels of water control monitoring locations.

20,000 pCi/liter when a drinking water pathway exists or 30,000 pCi/liter when Results from specific sample analyses no drinking water pathway exists. of drinking water may be found in, Table I-4 of Appendix I. A summary of The tritium activity reported in the the 2002 drinking water data may be CTBD line from location 2S7/6S7 is located in Table G of Appendix G.

attributable to the SSES. Refer to the Comparisons of 2002 monitoring results "Dose from the Aquatic Pathway" with those of past years may be found in discussion at the end of this section for Tables H 5 through H 7 of Appendix H.

additional information on the projected dose to the population from tritium and Gross alpha activity has been monitored other radionuclides in the aquatic in drinking water since 1980. Gross pathway attributable to the SSES. alpha activity has been observed at levels above the analysis MDCs in a With the following exceptions, no small minority of the samples during gamma-emitting radionuclides were most years since 1980. The 2002 mean measured in surface water-primary gross alpha activity level for drinking samples at an activity level exceeding water was 0.24 pCi/liter. The 2002 an analysis MDC in 2002: potassium- mean alpha activity level is within the 40, iodine-131, radium-226, and range of the corresponding annual thorium-228. means for the prior operational years.

No gross alpha activity in drinking Drinking Water water during 2002 is attributed to liquid Drinking water was monitored during discharges-from the SSES to the 2002 at the Danville Water Company's. Susquehanna River.

facility 26 miles WSW of the SSES on the Susquehanna River. From 1977- Gross beta activity has been monitored (when drinking water samples were first in drinking water since 1977. Gross 28 2002 Radiological 2002 Monitoring Report Environmental Monitoring Radiological Environmental Report 28

I Aquatic Pathway Monitorinz beta activity is typically measured at tritium activity level for drinking water levels exceeding the MDCs in drinking is higher than the 2002 mean tritium water samples. The 2002 mean gross activity level for the surface water beta activity level for drinking water control location. Tritium activity in was 2.75 pCi/liter. The 2002 mean is drinking water can be attributed to above the 2001 mean gross beta activity liquid discharges from the SSES to the level for drinking water but within the Susquehanna River.

range of the corresponding annual.

means for both the prior operational and With the exception of I-131, no gamma-preoperational periods of the SSES. emitting radionuclides were measured Refer to Figure 11 which trends gross above the analysis MDCs for gamma beta activity levels separately for spectroscopic analyses of drinking water drinking water indicator and control samples during 2002.

locations from 1977 through 2002. No gross beta activity in drinking water Fish during 2002 is attributed to liquid Results from specific sample analyses discharges from the SSES to the of fish may be found in Table I 5 of Susquehanna River. Appendix I. A summary of the 2002 fish data may be located in Table G of Iodine-131 was measured in excess of Appendix G. A comparison of 2002 analysis MDCs in 6 out of 26 drinking monitoring results with those of past water samples in 2002. This compares years may be found in Table H 8 of with results from 17 samples for which Appendix H.

analysis MDCs were exceeded in 2001.

The 2002 mean iodine-131 activity level Three species of fish were sampled at in drinking water samples was each of one indicator location and one 0.22 pCi/liter. This is less than the control location on the Susquehanna 2001 mean drinking water activity level River in April 2002 and again in of 0.35 pCi/liter. Also, it is less than October 2002. The species included the the 2002 mean of 0.43 pCi/liter for the following: smallmouth bass, channel surface water control location. No catfish, and shorthead redhorse. In iodine-131 activity in drinking water addition, one largemouth bass was during 2002 is attributed to liquid sampled from PPL's LTAW. A total of discharges from the SSES to the 15 fish were collected and analyzed.

Susquehanna River.

The only gamma-emitting radionuclide Tritium was measured in excess of reported in excess of analysis MDCs in analysis MDCs twice in 2002 in fish during 2002 was naturally drinking water. The 2002 mean tritium occurring potassium40. The 2002 activity level for drinking water was indicator and control means for the 55.7 pCi/liter. The 2002 mean is below activity levels of potassium-40 in fish the averages of the corresponding were 3.61 pCi/gram and 3.78 pCi/gram, annual means for both the prior respectively. The 2002 indicator and operational and preoperational periods control means were slightly greater than of the SSES. The low 2002 mean the 2001 means. Both the 2002 29 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 29 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

-_--- Aquatic Pathway Monitorini indicator and control means are within 2002 indicator'and control mean the ranges of their corresponding annual radium-226 activities are higher than means for prior operational and the corresponding 2001 means. These preoperational years. Naturally 2002 radium-226 means were'above the occurring potassium-40 in fish is not ranges of the corresponding annual attributable to the liquid discharges means for all prior operational years.

from the SSES to the Susquehanna River. The 2002 indicator and control means for thorium-228 activity levels in Sediment shoreline sediment were 1.7 and, Shoreline sediment was sampled in 2.11 pCi/gram, respectively. The 2002 April 2002 and again in October 2002. indicator mean is the same as the 2001 Results from specific sample analyses indicator mean. The 2002 control mean of sediment may be found in Table I-6 is greater than the corresponding 2001 of Appendix I. A summary of the 2002 control mean.. The 2002 control mean is sediment data is located in Table G of greater than the range of corresponding Appendix G. Comparisons of 2002 means for prior operational years. The monitoring results with those of past 2002 indicator mean is within the ran'ge years may be found in Tables H 9 of corresponding means for prior through H 12 of Appendix H. operational years. The naturally occurring radionuclides in sediment Naturally occuring potassium-40, discussed above are not attributable to radium-226, and thoiium-228 were the liquid discharges from the SSES to measured at activity levels'above the Susquehanna River.

analysis MDCs in all shoreline sediment samples in 2002 with two exceptions. Cesium-137 was measured at activity Thorium-228 did not exceed the MDC levels in shoreline sediment exceeding in a sample from April and October. analysis MDCs in 4 of 6 analyses during 2002. The 2002 indicator and control The 2002 indicator and control means means for cesium-137 activity levels in for potassium40 activity levels in sediment were 0.055 pCi/gram and shoreline sediment were 12.8 pCi/grari 0.13 pCi/gram, respectively. The 2002 and 10.4 pCi/gram, respectively. The indicator mean is less than the 2002 indicator and control means for corresponding 2001 mean. The 2002 potassium40 activity are less than their control mean is greater than the corresponding 2001 means. The 2002 corresponding 2001 mean. The 2002 indicator and control means were within indicator mean is less than the average the ranges of corresponding annual of corresponding annual means for both means for all prior operational and prior,operational as well as preoperational years. preoperational years. The 2002 control mean is greater than the averages of The 2002 indicator and control means corresponding annual means for both for radium-226 activity levels in prior;operational as well as shoreline sediment were 2.02 pCi/gram preoperational years. This cesium-137 and 2.4 pCi/gram, respectively. The in the sediment is attributed to residual 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report3 30

Aquatic Pathway Monitorinz fallout from past atmospheric nuclear for the estimate of tritium released weapons tests. during 2002 based on the results of radiological environmental monitoring.

Dose from the Aquatic This estimate is 7 curies less than the amount of tritium determined by Pathway effluent monitoring to have been released to the river by the SSES in Tritium was the only radionuclide 2002. This agreement between the identified in 2002 by the SSES REMP estimate based on environmental in the aquatic pathway that was monitoring and the amount reported by attributable to SSES operation and also effluent monitoring is consistent with included in the pathway to man. previous years comparisons.

The total tritium activity released from Given the total tritium activity released, the SSES for the year was estimated the maximum whole-body and organ based on REMP monitoring results for doses to hypothetical exposed use in projecting maximum doses to the individuals in four age groups (adult, public. This estimate assumed that the teenager, child, and infant) were tritium was present continuously in the determined according to the CTBD line throughout 2002 at a level methodology of the Offsite Dose equivalent to the annual mean activity Calculation manual using the RETDAS level of tritium. It was also assumed computer program. This is in that the annual average activity level of accordance with SSES Technical tritium being contributed to the Susquehanna River water could be Requirement J represented by the difference between The maximum dose obtained from the the annual mean activity levels of ingestion of tritium was estimated at the tritium in the CTBD line (without nearest downriver municipal Water correction for cooling tower basin supplier via the drinking water pathway reconcentration) and in the river and near the outfall of the SSES upstream of the SSES. discharge to the Susquehanna River via the fish pathway. The maximum whole The annual mean activity level of body and organ doses were each tritium in the CTBD line (monitoring estimated to be approximately location 2S7\6S7) for 2002 was 0.0014 mrem.

3,885 pCil. The annual mean activity level for the river upstream of the SSES (monitoring location 6S6) was approximately 36 pCi/l. Thus, the difference in the mean activity levels for these two locations was about 3,849 pCiA. The annual mean flow rate for the CTBD line was 7,839 gpm.'

Using the proper unit conversions and multiplying 7,839 gpm times 3,849 pCiA yields a-value of 58.4 curies Environmental Monitoring Report 31 2002 Radiological 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report


6 4

2 0


-4 FIG. 9 - H\REMPFIGO2.xls

- Indicator - Control C')

l FIGURE 10 - TRITIUM ACTIVITY IN SURFACE WATER pCi/Liter 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0


'r e e e e ,,* e "'O, e e e e e e e si, FIG. 10- H\REMPFIGO2.xis - Indicator - Control C z




5 - Unit 2 Criticality 4

3 2

p 41 4M 42 4A',W 0

O l- l l l ll _ , , , l l lb


>,9 , 9p ^9 ,9M 9o9 ^,9 >93 <99 69 99,NoO v° FIG. 11 - i\REMPFIC02.XLS

Atmospheric Pathway Monitoin-

, i, - f--S. "AT-tiIOSPHERIC,PtAION


`- .. .iB2s..i

{..-;'..:S i e...4s.. ...

V.. - - '

Sampling and Analysis INTRODUCTION Air Atmospheric monitoring by the SSES - The SSES REMP monitored the air at REMP involves the sampling and four indicator locations and two control analysis of air. Because the air is the locations during 2002. The SSES first medium that SSES vent releases Technical Requirements require enter in the pathway to man, itlis monitoring at only a total of five sites.

fundamental that it be monitored. Monitoring is required at three locations Mechanisms do exist for the transport at the SSES site boundary in different of airborne contaminants to other media sectors with the greatest predicted and their concentration in them. For sensitivities for the detection of SSES example, airborne contaminants may releases. Monitoring must be performed move to the terrestrial environment and at the community in the vicinity of the concentrate in milk. Concentrations of SSES with the greatest predicted radionuclides can make the sampling sensitivity. A control location that is and analysis of media like milk more expected to be unaffected by any routine sensitive approaches for the detection of SSES releases must be monitored.

radionuclides, such as iodine-131, in the pathway to man than the monitoring of Airborne particulates were collected on air directly. (PPL also samples milk, glass fiber filters using low volume refer to the Terrestrial Pathway (typically 2.0 to 2.5 cfm sampling rates)

Monitoring section of this report.) air samplers that run continuously. Air Nevertheless, the sensitivity of air iodine samples were collected on monitoring can be optimized by the charcoal cartridges, placed downstream proper selection of sampling techniques of the particulate filters.

and the choice of the proper types of analyses for the collected samples. Particulate filters and charcoal cartridges were exchanged weekly at the Scope air monitoring sites. Sampling times were recorded on elapsed-time meters.

Air samples were collected on Air sample volumes for particulate particulate filters and charcoal filters and charcoal cartridges were cartridges at indicator locations 3S2, measured with dry-gas meters.

12S1, 13S6 and 12E1, and control locations 6GI and 8G1. Air filters were analyzed weekly for gross.beta activity, then composited quarterly and analyzed for the activities of gamma-emitting radionuclides. The charcoal cartridges were analyzed weekly for iodine-131. - .

Report 35 Environmental Monitoring Radiological Environmental 2002 Radiological Monitoring Report 35

Atmospheric Pathway Monitorine Monitoring Results on the higher mean activity reported for indicator location.

Air Particulates Quarterly gamma spectroscopic Gross beta activity is always measured measurements of composited filters at levels in excess of the analysis MDCs often show the naturally occurring on the fiber filters. The highest gross radionuclide beryllium-7. Occasionally, beta activity levels that have been other naturally occurring radionuclides, measured during the operational period potassium-40 and radium-226, are also of the SSES were obtained in 1986 observed. Beryllium-7 is cosmogenic in following the Chemobyl accident in the origin, being produced by the former Soviet Union. Figure 12 trends interaction of cosmic radiation with the the quarterly mean gross beta activities' earth's atmosphere. The other two for the indicator and control locations gamma-emitting radionuclides originate separately from 1974 through 2002.

from soil and rock.

Note that prior to SSES operation, before 1982, the unusually high gross Beryllium-7 was measured above beta activities were generally analysis MDCs for all quarterly attributable to fallout from atmospheric composite samples in 2002. The 2002 nuclear weapons tests. Typical gross indicator and control means for beta activities measured on air beryllium-7 activity were particulate filters are the result of 137E-3 pCi/M3 , and 94E-3 pCi/m 3 ,

naturally occurring radionuclides respectively. The 2002 means are higher associated with dust particles suspended than the corresponding 2001 means.

in the sampled air. They are thus The 2002 indicator and control means terrestrial in origin.

were higher than the averages of the corresponding annual means for the Particulate gross beta activity levels for prior operational and preoperational each monitoring location and periods. Beryllium-7 activity levels for monitoring period in 2002 are presented each 2002 calendar quarter at each in Table I-8 of Appendix I.

monitoring location are presented in Comparisons of 2002 gross beta Table 1-9 of Appendix I. Comparisons analysis results with those of previous of 2002 beryllium-7 analysis results years may be found in Table H 13 of with previous years may be found in Appendix H. For 2002, the annual Table H 14 of Appendix H.

means for the beta activities of the indicator and control locations are Mn-54 was identified in the fourth 16.OE-3 pCi/m 3 and 14.OE-3 pCi/m3 ,

quarter composite sample from respectively. These are near the low end monitoring location 12S1.

of the corresponding ranges of previous operational yearly averages. They are No other gamma-emitting radionuclides significantly below the corresponding were reported for air in 2002.

lower ends of their preoperational yearly Beryllium-7 and potassium-40 are not averages. A contribution of radioactivity attributable to SSES operation. Mn-54 from the SSES may be suggested from was identified on SSES effluent air the 2002 airborne gross beta data based 36 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

Atmospheric Pathway Monitoring samples and thus can be attributable to SSES operations.

Air Iodine Iodine-131 has been detected infrequently from 1976, when it was first monitored, through 2002. Since operation of the SSES began in 1982, iodine-131 has only been positively detected in air samples in 1986 due to the Chernobyl accident. No iodine-131 was reported for the 2002 air monitoring results.

37 2002 Radiological Envirommental Monitoring Report Environmental Monitoring Report L ~~~~~~~~37


FIGURE 12 - GROSS BETA ACTIVITY IN AIR PARTICULATES E-03 pCiIM3 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

- Indicator - Control FIG. 12 - H\REMPFIGO2.xls

TerrestrialPathway Monitorinz

- - l-l-rl--'fF;--7,,--.,--." -7, - -A - T,rr_,!r 12 INTRODUCTION radioactive material were found in The following media were monitored in either medium. Sampling is performed the Terrestrial Pathway in 2002: soil, at different depths near the surface to milk, fruits and vegetables. help provide information on how recently certain radioactive materials Soil can be a great accumulator of man- may have entered the soil. Sampling at made radionuclides that enter it. The more than one depth also may help extent of the accumulation in the soil ensure the detection of materials that depends of course on the amount of the move relatively quickly through the soil.

radionuclides reaching it, but it also Such quick-moving materials may have depends on the chemical nature of those already passed through the topmost radionuclides and the particular layer of soil at the time of sampling.

characteristics of the soil. For example, the element cesium, and, therefore, Milk was sampled at four locations and cesium-137 can be bound very tightly to fruit and vegetable sarmples were clay in soils. The amount of clay in soil obtained at3 locations in 2002. SSES can vary greatly from one location to Technical Requirements require that the another. In highly clay soils, cesium-137 SSES REMP sample milk at the three may move very slowly and also may be most sensitive monitoring locations taken up very slowly in plants as they near the SSES and'one control location absorb soil moisture. distant from the SSES. Additional milk sampling was performed from April Any medium, such as soil, that tends to through June in conjunction with a new accumulate radioactive materials can dairy farm replacing an existing dairy also provide more sensitivity for farm. SSES Technical Requirements:

radionuclide detection in the only require that'fruit and vegetables be environment than those media that sampled at locations irrigated by don't. Such a'mediur facilitates the Susquehanna River from points; early identification of radionuclides in downstream of the SSES discharge to the environment, as well as awareness the River. There are only three locations of changes that subsequently may' occur within 10 miles downstream of the in the environmental levels of the SSES that have been known to irrigate identified radionuclides. - with water from the Susquehanna River during unusually dry periods. These The SSES REMIP samples soil near four locations do not irrigate'every year.

of the six REMP air sampling stations. Iriigation was performed at the Zehner The purpose for soil sampling near the-, Brothers Farm (1 IDl) and the Lupini air sampling sites is to make it easier to Farm (12F7)'during 2002 as identified correlate air sampling riesults with soil by the 2002 Land Use Census sampling results if any SSES related (Reference 73).

Monitoring Report 39 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Radiological Envirorumental Report 39

TerrestrialPathway Monitoring July 1, 2002 12B2 replaced 10D3 due to No requirement exists for the SSES location 12B2 believed to be a more REMP to monitor soil. All monitoring sensitive indicator site than 10D3.

of the terrestrial pathway that is Locations lODi, 10D2, 10D3, and 12B2 conducted by the SSES REMP in are believed to be the most sensitive addition to mnilk and certain fruit and indicator sites available for the vegetables is voluntary and reflects detection of radionuclides released from PPL's willingness to exceed regulatory the SSES. Location 10G1 is the control requirements to ensure that the public location. A total of 76 milk samples and the environment are protected. from both indicator and control locations were analyzed in 2002.

Scope Fruitsand Vegetables Pumpkins, green beans, and potatoes Soil were sampled during the harvest season Soil was sampled in September 2002 in at 3 locations surrounding the SSES. A accordance with its scheduled annual total of 5 samples were collected from sampling frequency, at the following locations lID1, 12F7, and 13G2.

four REMP air sampling locations, 3S2, Location 13G2 was the control location.

12S1, 13S6, and 8G1. Location 8G1 was a control sampling location; the Both locations were identified as having remaining sampling sites were indicator irrigated with Susquehanna River water locations.

from downstream of the SSES during 2002. There are often years with Twelve soil plugs were Nken at selected adequate rainfall when no irrigation is spots at each monitoring location. The performed.

plugs were separated into. "top" (0-2 inches) and "bottom" (2-6 inches) segments. Each set of top and bottom Sample Preservation segments was composited to yield 2 soil and Analysis samples from each location for analysis.

Since there are four monitoring The only sample medium monitored in locations, a total of 8 soil samples were the terrestrial pathway in which analyzed in 2002. preservatives were used is milk. Sodium bisulfite was added to milk samples at Milk the rate of 40 grams per gallon. This Milk was sampled at least monthly at both helps maintain iodine in a reduced the following four locations through form and reduces the spoilage rate.

June of 2002: ODI, 10D2, 10D3, and 10G1. Location 12B2 was added in All media in the terrestrial pathway are April 2002. analyzed for the activities of gamma-emitting radionuclides using gamma Milk was sampled semi-monthly from spectroscopy. The other analysis that is April through October when cows were routinely performed is the more likely to be on pasture. As of Report 40 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Radiological Envirommental Monitoring Report  : ~~~~~~~~40

TerrestrialPathway MonitorinR radiochemical analysis for iodine-131 in are thorium-228 and radium-226 in soil, milk. and beryllium-7 in fruits and vegetables.

Monitoring Results The results of the 2002 terrestrial pathway monitoring resemble those of The only man-made radionuclides the past. Results for specific sample normally expected at levels in excess of analyses of terrestrial pathway media analysis MDCs in the terrestrial may be found in Tables I-10 through pathway are strontium-90 and cesium- I-12 of Appendix I. A summary of the 137. Both of these radionuclides are 2002 terrestrial monitoring data may be present in the environment as a'residual located in Appendix G. Comparisons of from previous atmospheric nuclear 2002 monitoring results with those of weapons testing. past years may be found in Tables H 15 through H 20 of Appendix H.

Strontium-90 analyses are not now routinely performed for any'media Soil samples in the terrestrial pathway. The following gamma-emitting Strontium-90 activity would be radionuclides'are routinely measured in expected to be found in milk. SSES soil at levels exceeding analysis MDCs:

Technical Requirements do not require naturally occurring potassium-40, that milk be analyzed for strontium-90. radium-226, and thorium-228 and man-Strontium-90 analyses may be made cesium-137. The 2002 analysis performed at any time if the'results of results were similar to those for other milk analyses would show previous years. No other gamma-detectable levels of fission product emitting radionuclides were' reported at activity which might suggest the SSES levels above analysis MDCs.

as the source.

The 2002 means for indicator and Cesium- 137 normally has been control location sample potassium40-measured in excess of analysis MDCs in activity were'13.3 pCi/gram and most soil samples. Although game is 8.32 pCi/gram, respectively.- The not currently being monitored, cesium-; indicator and control means are within 137.has also been seen often at levels the range of corresponding means for -

above the MDCs'in 'game in the past. both prior operational and preoperational years. This is not the Certain naturally occurring result of SSES operation because the radionuclides are also routinely found potassiumr40 is naturally occurring. The above analysis MDCs in terrestrial 2002 indicator mean for potassium-40 pathway media. Potassium-40, a was below its corresponding 2001 primordial and very long-lived mean.

radionuclide, which is terrestrial in origin, is observed in all terrestrial All soil samples in 2002 were not pathway media. Other naturally analyzed for radium-226. The vendor occurring radionuclides often observed lab performing the soil sample analysis normally does not analyze for 41 -2002 Radiological Enviromnental Monitoring Report 2002 Radiological Envirommental Monitoring Report

TerrestrialPathway Monitoriniz radium - 226 in soil. Radium-226 to be Milki added to the soil sample analysis Iodine-131 has been chemically spectrum for 2003 soil samples.. separated in milk samples and counted Radium-226 is not the result of SSES routinely since 1977. Refer to Figure 13 operation because it is naturally which trends iodine- 131 activity in milk occurring. for indicator and control locations separately from 1977 through 2002.

The 2002 means for indicator and Typically, iodine-131 is not reported at control location sample thorium-228 levels exceeding the MDCs for the activity were 0.8 pCi/gram and analyses in any milk samples during a 0.7 pCi/gram, respectively. The 2002 monitored year. The 2002 monitoring indicator and control means for year was no exception; no iodine-131 thorium-228 are lower than the above the analysis MDCs was observed corresponding 2001 means. The in either indicator or control samples.

indicator and control means are within the ranges of the corresponding means The preoperational years 1976, 1978, for both the previous operational and and 1980 were exceptional years in the preoperational periods, as applicable, of sense that iodine- 131 activity was the SSES. Thorium-228 in soil is not observed in excess of MDCs due to the result of SSES operation because it fallout from atmospheric nuclear is naturally occurring. weapons testing. Iodine-131 activity was also measured at levels exceeding The 2002 means for indicator and MDCs in milk samples in 1986 in the control location sample cesium-137 vicinity of the SSES as a result of the activity were 0.02 pCi/g and 0.09 pCi/g, Chernobyl incident.

respectively. The 2002 indicator mean is below the range of the corresponding With the exception of the naturally annual mean for prior operational years occurring potassium-40, no gamma-and preoperational years. The 2002 emitting radionuclides were measured control mean is below the ranges of the in excess of analysis MDCs in 2002.

corresponding annual means for both The 2002 means for indicator and prior operational and preoperational control location sample potassium-40 years. Cesium-137 levels in soil activity were 1403 pCi/liter and samples typically vary widely from 1338 pCi/liter, respectively. The 2002 sample to sample. Levels of cesium-137 indicator and control means are higher activity in 2002 samples varied by than the 2001 means. The 2002 nearly a factor of ten over the entire indicator and control means for range. Cesium-137 in soil, although potassium-40 activity are within the man-made, is not from the operation of corresponding ranges of annual means the SSES. It is residual fallout from for previous operational and previous atmospheric nuclear weapons preoperational years. The potassium-40 testing. activity in milk is not attributable to the SSES operation because it is naturally occurring.

2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 42

TerrestrialPathway Monitofinz Fruitsand Vegetables Naturally occurring potassium-40 was the only gamma-emitting radionuclide measured in fruits and vegetables at an activity level in excess of analysis MDC during 2002.

The 2002 means for indicator and control location sample potassium-40 activity were 2.5 pCi/gram and 3.0 pCi/gram, respectively. The 2002 indicator mean is the same as its corresponding 2001 mean. The 2002 control mean is slightly below its corresponding 2001 mean. The 2002 indicator and control means are within the range of the corresponding annual means for pre-operational and prior operational years. Potassium-40 in fruits and vegetables is not attributable to SSES operation because it is a naturally occurring radionuclide.

43 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

C ( C FIGURE 13 - IODINE-131 ACTIVITY IN MILK pCi/Liter 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

4 ,, 4 4 ' 4' 4~ N FIG. 13 - I\REMPFIGO2.XLS E3 Indicator El Control

INTRODUCTION - - Scope Normal operation of the SSES does not Ground water in the SSES vicinity was involve the release of radioactive sampled monthly at 2 indicator material to ground water directly or locations (2S2 and 4S4) and one control indirectly through the'ground. As a location (12F3) during 2002.

result, there are no effluent monitoring-data to compare with REMP ground With the exception of location 4S4, water monitoring results. Ground water untreated gr6und water was sampled.

could conceivably become Untreated'means that the water has not contaminated by leakage or spills from undergone any processing such as the plant or by the washout or filtration, chlorination, or softening. At deposition of radioactive material that location 4S4, the SSES Training Center, might be airbome. If deposited on the well water actually is obtained from on-ground, precipitation/soil moisture site and piped to the Training Center could aid in the movement of after treatment. This sampling is radioactive materials through the performed as a check to ensure that ground to water that could conceivably water has not been radioactively' be pumped for drinking purposes. No contaminated. Sampling is performed at use of ground water for irrigation near the Training Center to facilitate the the SSES has been identified. sample collection process.

Because routine SSES operation releases primarily tritium and, to a Sample Preservation &

lesser extent, isotopes of xenon and Analysis krypton to the air, no radionuclides attributable to SSES operation are All samples (except the aliquots expected to be observed in ground assigned for tritium analyses) were water. Iodine and particulate releases to preserved with nitric acid, as described the air are negligible. Gaseous xenon in Aquatic Pathway Monitoring.

and krypton tend to remain airborne; deposition or washout of these would be Ground water samples were analyzed expected to be very minimal. Tritium for the activities of gamma-emitting would be the most likely radionuclide to radionuclides and tritium activity.

reach the ground with precipitation and, Gamma spectrometric analyses of if not lost to streams (surface water) by ground water were begun in'1979 and runoff, move readily through the soil to tritium analyses in 1972, both prior to the ground water. SSES operation.

2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 45

'I i Ground Water Monitorinq Monitoring Results and control means are higher than those for 2001. Both the 2002 indicator and control mean tritium activity levels are Tritium activity levels in ground water within the range of corresponding have typically been observed to be averages of annual means for prior lower than in surface water. A operational and preoperational years.

noticeable decline occurred between 1992 and 1993. Fewer measurements Naturally occurring potassium-40 was were above the analysis sensitivities in measured in excess of analysis MDCs 1993 than in 1992. for some ground water samples during 2002. No man-made gamma-emitting Gamma-emitting radionuclides in radionuclides were determined to be at excess of MDCs have been found in levels in excess of analysis MDCs. No only a few samples in all the years that radioactivity contributions to ground these analyses have been performed. water from the SSES were identifiable The naturally occurring radionuclides in 2002.

potassium-40 and thorium-228 have been measured above their MDCs occasionally in ground water.

Potassium-40 was reported in 1979, 1981, 1985, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1997. Thorium-228 was found in 1985 and 1986. The man-made radionuclide cesium-137 has been detected only occasionally since 1979. Its presence has always been attributed to residual fallout from previous atmospheric nuclear weapons tests.

The results of the 2002 REMP ground water surveillance resemble those of the past. Results for specific ground water sample analyses may be found in Table I-7 of Appendix I. A summary of the 2002 ground water monitoring data may be located in Appendix G.

Comparisons of 2002 monitoring results for tritium with those of past years may be found in Table H 21 of Appendix H.

During 2002, tritium was measured in excess of analysis MDCs on 1 occasion.

The 2002 mean tritium activity levels for indicator and control monitoring locations were 78 pCi/liter and 63 pCi/liter, respectively. The indicator J 46 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

1. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Report #1 (April-December 1972)" RMC-TR-73-14, July 1973.
2. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Pre-operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1973," RMC-TR-74-07, May 974.
3. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Preoperational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1974 Annual Report," RMC-TR-75-07, April 1975.
4. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1975 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-76-05, May 1976.

5. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1976 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-77-04, March 1977.

6. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1977 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-78-01, May 1978.

7. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1978 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-79-01, April 1979.

8. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1979 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-80-01, March 1980.

9. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1980 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-81-02, July 1981.

10. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1981 Annual Report,"

RMC-TR-82-03, July 1982.

11. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1982 Preoperational Report,"

RMC-TR-83-01, April 1983.

2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report .47


12. Radiation Management Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1982 Operational Report."

RMC-TR-83-02, April 1983.

13. NUS Corporation, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1983 Annual Report," NUS4516 March 1984.
14. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Environmental Report, Operating License Stage," May 1978.
15. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Final Safety Analysis Report".
16. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, "Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2," Docket Nos. 50-387 and 50-388, June 1981.
17. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "An Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program," Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, November 1979, Revision 1.
18. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, "Environmental Radiation Measurement," NCRP Report No. 50, Washington, D.C.,

December 27, 1976.

19. Oakley, D.C., "Natural Radiation Exposure in the United States," ORP/SID 72-1 Office of Radiation Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., June 1972.
20. Denham, D.H., Roberts, M.C., Novitsky, W.M., Testa, E.D., "Investigation of Elevated Cesium-137 Concentrations in Small Game in Luzeme County, Pennsylvania." Proceedings of Papers presented at Health Physics Society Tenth Midyear Topical Symposium, October 11-13, 1976, pgs. 271-279.
21. Teledyne Isotopes, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1984 Annual Report," April 1985.
22. Currie L.A., "Lower Limit of Detection: Definition and Elaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and Environmental Measurements,"

NUREG/CR-4007, September 1984.

23. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1986",

August 1986.

Report Monitoring Report 48 2002 Radiological Environmental Environmental Monitoring 48


24. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July-December 1986,"

February 1987.

25. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company Technical Specifications Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units No. 1 and 2; Docket No. 50-387 and 507388 Appendix A to License No. NPF-14 and NPF-22.
26. Teledyne Isotopes, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1985 Annual Report", April 1986.
27. Teledyne Isotopes, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1986 Annual Report," April 1987.
28. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1987, August 1987.
29. Pennsylvania Power and Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July-December 1987, February 1988.
30. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1987 Annual Report,"

April 1988.

31. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1988,"

August 1988.

32. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July-December 1988,"

February 1989.

33. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1988 Annual Report,"

April 1989.

34. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1989,"

August 1989.

35. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July-December 1989,"

February 1990.

49- . . . 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report


36. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1989 Annual Report,"

April 1990.

37. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1990,"

August 1990.

38. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July-December, 1990," February 1991.
39. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1990 Annual Report,"

April 1991.

40. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-Annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1991,"

August 1991.

41. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-Annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July 1-December, 1991," February 1992.
42. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1991 Annual Report,"

April 1992.

43. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-Annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-June 1992,"

August 1992.

44. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Semi-Annual Effluent Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: July 1-December 1992," February 1993.
45. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1992 Annual Report,"

April 1993.

46. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluent & Waste Disposal Report, Data Period: January-December 1993, March 1994.
47. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1993 Annual Report,"

April 1994.

Monitoring Report 50 Radiological Environmental 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 50


48. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluent & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-December 1994, March 1995.
49. Ecology 111, Inc., "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1994 Land Use Census,"

November 1994.

50. Pennsylvania Power '& Light Company, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1994 Annual Report,"

April 1995.

51. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluent & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-December 1995, March 1996.
52. Ecology m, Inc., "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1995 Land Use Census,"

October 1995.

53. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station,'

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, 1995 Annual Report,"

April 1996.

54. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-December 1996, March 1997.
55. Ecology III, Inc., "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1996 Land Use Census,"

November 1996.

56. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1996 Annual Report,"

April 1997.

57. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-December 1997, March 1998.-
58. Ecology Im, Inc., "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1997 Land Use Census,"

November 1997.

59. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1997 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," April 1998.
60. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-51 2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report

References December 1998, April 1999.

61. Ecology Im, Inc., "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1998 Land Use Census,"

October 1998.

62. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1998 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," May 1999.
63. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-December 1999, April 2000.
64. Ecology m, Inc., "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1999 Land Use Census,"

October 1999.

65. PPL, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 1999 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," May 2000.
66. PPL, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January-December 2000, April 2001.
67. Ecology HI, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 2000 Land Use Census,"

November 2000.

68. PPL, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 2000 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," May 2001.
69. PPL, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January - December 2001, April 2002.
70. Ecology III, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 2001 Land Use Census,"

November 2001.

71. PPL, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 2001 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report," May 2002.
72. PPL, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Annual Effluents & Waste Disposal Report," Data Period: January - December 2002, April 2003.
73. Ecology III, "Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, 2002 Land Use Census,"

November 2002.

2002 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report 52