ONS-2014-098, Fifth Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan, Revision 0, Attachment B

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Fifth Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan, Revision 0, Attachment B
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/2014
From: Sheldon Clark
Duke Energy Carolinas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14202A008 List:
ONS-2014-098 OISI-0169.20.0050-PTPLAN, Rev 0
Download: ML14202A011 (43)


Oconee Nuclear Station Fifth Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Attachment B

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, & 3 Keowee Hydro Station Units I & 2 FIFTH INSPECTION INTERVAL INSERVICE INSPECTION PRESSURE TEST PLAN DUKE (ENERGY.

Revision 0 Plant Location: Hwy 130/183 Seneca, South Carolina 29672 Commercial Service Date: December 16, 1974 Fifth Interval Start Date: July 15, 2014 Owner: Duke Energy 526 South Church St Mail Code EC05ZB Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 Prepared 13y: Date Sandy H-.Clark 5/12/14 Checked By: Date Gary D Sabr 5/13/14 Approved B%': Date (File No. OISJ-0169.20.050- PTPLAN)

Duke Energy Oconec Nuclcar Station Fifth lntcrval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan


OF REVISION 0 CHANGES SECTION DESCRIPTION All Prepared for use by Oconee Units 1, 2, and 3 for the 5' IS] Interval. Updates the pressure testing program to Section XI, 2007 Edition with the 2008 Addenda. Includes all three ONS units and Keowvee. Includes listings of all inspection zones and all ISIL5 drawings (IS] Pressure Test Boundary Drawings). See also IE report Oconee 5th Interval Pressur testing Plan Rev 0 dated 3-25-2014.




.4 I

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 1 of 10

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE 1 Applicable Codes and Standards lbr Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing 2 Inspection Methods and Procedures to be Used for Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing 3 Description of Inscrvice Inspection Pressure Testing Plan for ISI Class I Items 4 Description of Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing Plan for SI Class 2 Items 5 Description of Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing Plan for ISI Class 3 Items 6 Conmponents Subject to Section Xl Pressure Testing 7 Components Excluded or Exempted From Section XI System Pressure Testing 8 Section XI System Pressure Testing Scheduling 9 Requests for ReliefFrom ASME Code Requirements 10 Examination Zone Listing & Associated Boundary Drawings 11 System, Boundary Drawing, and ISI Classification Listing 12 Buried Components Attachments Attachment A - Oconee Unit I - 5h 10-Year Interval Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report Attachment B - Oconee Unit 2 - 5th 10-Year Interval Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report Attachment C - Oconee Unit 3 - 5 hI 10-Year Interval Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report Attachment D - Flow Chart for Determining the Required Hold Time Prior to the VT-2 Visual Exmunination Attachment E - Pressure Test Boumdary Drawing Listing Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Insenice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 2 of 10

I I Applicable Codes and Standards for Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing This document constitutes the inservice inspection pressure testing plan and schedules for the fifth inspection interval for Oconee Units 1, 2, & 3 and Keowee Units 1 & 2 (the Keowee units provide the main source of emergency power for tde Oconce units). All further refcrcnccs to Oconee in this document are understood to include Oconee Units 1, 2, & 3 and Keowee Units I & 2. All pressure retaining components classified as ISI Class 1, 2, and 3 have been reviewed to detennine the applicable inservice inspection pressure test examination requirements per ASME Section XI.

Based a fifth interval start date of July 15, 2014 for Oconee and the requirements of IOCFR50.55a(g)(4)(ii),

inservice inspection pressure testing activities for Oconee shall be performed in accordance with the 2007 Edition of ASME Section XI with the 2008 Addenda, as modified by the Code Cases and Relief Requests included in this Pressure Testing Plan.

When performing system leakage tests in accordance with IWA-5213(a), no holding time is required after attaining test pressure for Class 1 components, a 10-minute holding time after attaining test pressure is required for Class 2 and Class 3 components that are not required to operate during norual operating conditions, and no hold time is required for the remaining Class 2 and Class 3 components provided that the system has been in operation for at least 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for insulated components or 10 minhutes for uninsulated components.

If leakage is detected on any of the Decay Heat Removal Coolers (IA, 2A, 3A: IB, 2B or 3B) during Pressure Testing and VT-2 examinations, the ISI NiDE Plan manager for Oconee shall be notified of the leakage so that an evaluation can be performed to determine the continued use of Code Case N-706-1 for IS] Database Smmnary Numbers within Category C-A.. Itcm No. C1.10 and Category C-B, Item No. C2.32.

The following Code Cases apply to the Pressure Testing Program at Oconee:

NRC Conditions for Use of Code Case Case No. Case Title Applicability (as stated in Regulatory Guide 1.147 Revision 16)

N-706-1 Alternative Examination From the 1977 Unconditional Requirements to Table IWB- Edition up to and 2500-1 and Table IWC-2500- including the I for PWR Stainless Steel 2010 Edition Residual and Regenerative Heat Exchangers N-731 Alternative Class I System From the 1989 Unconditional Leakage Test Pressure Edition tip to and Requirements including tihe 2010 Edition with tie 2011 Addenda 2 Inspection Methods and ProcIedures to be Used for Inscrvice Inspection Pressure Testing VT-2 visual examinations shall be conducted to locate evidence of leakage from pressure retaining components during tie conduct of a system pressure test, except for buried components. See Section 12 for pressure testing of buried components.

Pressure testing and associated VT-2 visual examinations shall be performed using the latest revision of procedure NDE-68 "VT-2, Visual Examination For Leakage".

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 3 of 10

The following Duke Energy procedures and directives shall be used to control pressure testing inservice inspection activities, Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing Plans, Pressure Test Database Management System, and Inservicc Inspection Pressure Test Reports:

Procedurc No:


MP/0/A/1 720/017 System Leakage Test Controlling Procedure PT/3/A/0251/073 LPSW System Flow Data Verification NSD-300 ASME Section XI Program NSD-701 Records Management NSD-702 Document Management NSD-800 Software and Data Quality Assurance (SDQA) Program NDE-68 VT-2, Visual Examination For Leakage ASME Section XI ASME Section XI Functional Area Manual FAM ISITE-23 Application oflWC-5221 and IWD-5221 requirements for system leakage testing 3 Description of Jnservice Inspection Pressure Testing Plan for ISI Class I Items Pressure testing of ISI Class 1 items shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Articles IWA-5000. ]WB-2000, and IWB.5000 of Section XI. SI Class 1 systems that are required to be pressure tested shall be divided into isolable areas (to dte extent practical). These areas represent specific pressure testing zones (hercafler referred to as examination zones).

Fvaminalion Categoriesand Requirements:

The pressure testing requirments for IS] Class I items are listed in Table IWB-2500-1. Category B-P of Section XI and include the following:

Category B-P, All Pressure Retaining Components The ISI Class I System Leakage Test (W.B-5220) is conducted at a pressure not less than the pressure corresponding to 100% rated reactor power. The test pressure and temperahire shall be attained at a rate in accordance with the heat-up limitations specified for the system.

The ISI Class I System Leakage Test (Examination Category B-P, Item Number B 15.10) is required to be perfonred prior to plant startup following each reactor refueling and is performed with all valves in the position required for nonnal reactor operation startup. The visual examination shall, however, extend to and include the second closed valve at the boundary extremity.

The pressure-retaining boundary during the ISI Class I System Leakage Test conducted at or near the end of each inspection interval (Examination Category B-P, Item Number BI 5.20) shall extend to all ISI Class I pressure-retaining components within the system boundary. This test is required only once during a ten-year interval.

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 4 of 10

Table IWB-2500-1 Item Component To Be Examined B15.10 Pressure Retaining Components B 15.20 Pressure Retaining Components 4 Description of Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing Plan for ISI Class 2 Items Pressure testing of 1SI Class 2 items shall be perfonied in accordance with the requirements of Articles IWA-5000, IWC-2000. and ]WC-5000 of Section X]. 1ST Class 2 systems that are required to be pressure tested shall be divided into isolable areas (to the extent practical). These areas represent specific examination zones.

ExaninalionCalegoriesand Reguirements:

The pressure testing requirments for ISI Class 2 items are listed in Table IWC-2500-1, Categories C-B and C-4 of Section XI and include the following:

Category C-B, Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds In Vessels When nozzle-to-shell (nozzle to head or nozzle to nozzle) welds (to be examined by NDE methods) are inaccessible, the telltale hole in the reinforcing plates shall receive a VT-2 visual examination for evidence of leakage while the vessel is undergoing the System Leakage Test as required by Category C-H. The ISI Class 2 leakage test is required once in each inspection period.

Table IWC-2500-1 Item Comoonent To Be Examined Nozzles With Reinforcing Plate in C2.33 Vessels > 1/2 in. Nominal Thiclkness -

Nozzle-to-Shell (Nozzle to Head or Nozzle to Nozzle) Welds When Inside of Vessel is Inaccessible Category C-I1, All Pressure Retaining Components The ISI Class 2 System Leakage Test (IWC-5220) is conducted at Vic system pressure obtained while the system, or portion of the system, is in service performing its normal operating finction or at the system pressure developed during a test conducted to verify system operability. The ISI Class 2 leakage test is required once in each inspection period.

Table IWC-2500-1 Item Component To Be Examined C7.10 Pressure Retaining Components Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 5 of 10

5 Description of Inscrvice Inspection Pressure Testing Plan for ISI Class 3 Items I Pressure testing ofIS] Class 3 items shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Articles IWA-5000. IWD-2000, and IWD-5000 of Section Xl. ISI Class 3 systems that arc rcquired to be prcssure tested shall be divided into isolablc areas (to the extent practical). These areas represent specific examination zones.


The pressure testing rcquirments for IS1Class I items are listed in Table IWD-2500-1, Category D-B of Section XI and include the following:

The ]SI Class 3 System Leakage Test (IWD-5221) is conducted at the system pressure obtained while the system, or portion of the system., is in service performing its normal operating function or at the system pressure developed during a test conducted to vcrilfy system operability. Ilie ISI Class 3 leakage test is required once in each inspection period.

IWD-2500-1 Item Conmonent to be Examined Comments D2.10 Pressure Retaining Components 6 Components Subject to Section X1 Pressure Testing The components subject to Section XI Pressure Testing requinnents are identified on the ISI Pressure Testing Boundary drawings listed in Attachment E. These drawings have been color coded to identify the applicable systems and components as follows:

Red ISI Class A Components Yellow ISI Class B Components Green ISI Class C Components Blue Components exempt from pressure testing requirements Magenta Boundary line showing the extremities of pressure testing examination zones Black Non ISI Class components Unless otherwise noted, systems designated as ISI Class A are equivalent to ASME Class 1, those designated as ISI Class B are equivalent to ASME Class 2, and those designated as ISI Class C are equivalent to ASME Class 3.

All instrumentation taps within the examination boundary shall be examined up to tie first isolation valve off the process pipe.

The IS! Pressure Testing Boundary. Drawings arc included in the Nuclear Electronic Document Library (NEDL). Changes to the examination boundaries will be shown on the latest ISI Pressure Testing Boundary Drawing revision in NEDL.

Section XI requirements for the boundaries of System Pressure Testing are included in IWB-5222, IWC-5222 and IWD-5222 and are refelcted on the ISI Pressure Te'sting Boundary Drawings.

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 6 of 10

7 Components Exempted or Excluded From Section XI System Pressure Testing Components exempted or excluded from Section XI Pressure Testing requirments are listed in IWA-5 110, IWC-5222 and IWD-5222. Specific application of these exemptions and exclusions are shown on the ISI Pressure Testing Boundary drawings, which are described in Section 11 of this document and listed in Attachments A, B and C. The following are examples of pressure test cxemptions and exclusions:

  • Open ended portions of IS] Class 2 and 3 discharge piping per lWC-5222(b) mid JWD-5222(b), however, this does not apply to repair/replacement activities related to pressure testing.
  • ISI Class 2 and ISI Class 3 portions of systems that do not support tie system safety function beyond the first nornally closed valve (including relief valves or valves capable of automatic closure) per IWC-5222(b) and IWD-5222(b).
  • Containment penetrations where the piping and isolation valves perform a containment function and rte balance of the piping system is outside the scope of Section XI per IWA-51 10(c).
  • Systemns/components determined to be optionally owncr classi fled as ISI Class 2 or ISI Class 3 per Section X1, IWA-1 320(e).
  • Containment sump suction piping.

8 Section XI System Pressure Testing Scheduling Section XI System Pressure Testing is scheduled in accordance with requirements of the Section XI Tables for Categorics B-P, C-H and D-B. Note that the Section XI scheduling requirements in IWB-241 1, IWC-241 I and IWD-2411 do not apply to Categories B-P, C-H and D-B.

Section XI System Pressure Testing of ISI Class I systems and components shall be completed each refueling outage per Table IWB-2500-1, Category B-P. ISI Class I Pressure Testing is not scheduled on a period basis because the examinations are required to be completed each refueling outage.

Section XI System Pressure Testing of ISI Class 2 and 3 systems and components shall be completed once each inspection period per Table IWC-2500-1, Category C-H and Table IWD-2500-1, Category D-B. ISI Class 2 and 3 Pressure Testing is not scheduled on an outagc-by-outagc basis because the examinations are required to be 100 percent complete by the end of the inspection period rather than a mninimnun/maximmun percentage each inspection period. The following Tables provide dates for Interval 5, Interval 5 Periods as well as planned Refueling Outages for Oconee Units 1, 2 and 3. The abbreviation "EOC" indicates "End Of ycle".

Dukc Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fiflth Interval Inservicc Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 7 ofl0

Table 8.1: Oconee I Interval and Period Dates Interval 5: July 15,2014 to July 15, 2024 1st Period (3 Years) 2nd Period (3 Years) 3rd Period (4 Years) 7/15/2014 to 7/15/2.017 7/16/2017 to 7115/27020 7/16/2020 to 7/15/2024 0 Refueling Outage 1 Refueling Outage 3 Refueling Outage 4 U (EOC 28) (EOC 30) (EOC 31)

A Refueling Outage 2 Refueling Outage 5 G (OC 29) (EOC 32)


Table 8.2: Oconee 2 Interval and Period Dates Interval 5: .July 15, 2014 to July 15, 2024 1st Period (4 Years) 2nd Period (3 Years) 3rd Period (3 Years) 7/15/2014 to 7/15/2018 7/16/2018 to 7/15/2021 7/16/2021 1o 7/15/2024 O Refueling Outage I Rcfuicling Outage 3 Refueling Outage 4 U (EOC 27) (EOC 29) (EOC 30)

T A Refieling Outage 2 Refueling Outage 5 G (EOC 28) (EOC 31)

E Table 8.3: Oconee 3 Interval and Period Dates Interval 5: July 15, 2014 to .July 15, 2024 1st Period (4 Years) 2nd Period (3 Years) 3rd Period (3 years) 7/15/2014 to 7/15/2018 7/16/2018 to 7/15/2021 7116/2021 to 7/15/2024 0 Refueling Outage I Reffieling Outage 3 Refuieling Outage 4 U (EOC 28) (EOC 30) (EOC 3 1)

T A Refueling Outage 2 Refueling Outage 5 G (EOC 29) (EOC 32)


Duke Energy Oconec Nuclear Station Revision 0 Finlh Interval lnservice Inspection Prcssure Test Plan Page 8 of 10

9 1 Requests for Relief from ASME Code Requirements I Each Request for Relief from a requirement of the Section XI Code specified in this PIan shall bc submitted by the Nuclear Generation Department to tie Nuclear Regulatory Commission for approval.

There are no Requests for Relief submitted for use al Oconee.

10 1Examination Zone Listing & Associated Boundary Drawings The Examination Zones, shown on IST Pressure Testing Boundary Drawings, represent an area of a system that shall receive a VT-2 visual examination or an alternative to the VT-2 examination. Typically, an Examination Zone terminates at a boundary valve, building interface, or component interface and may include components shown on several boundary drawings. The Examination Zone includes all pressure retaining components within the scope of the boundary valves/extremity interfaces.

All Oconee Examination Zone numbers have the same format. The following example is for an ISI Class 1 System Leakage Test zone:


- Sequential Number I (L)= Leakage Test (X)= Unit 1, 2, OR 3 (7%= "7nna"

'-I (0) = Outage, (I)= Innage, or (K)= Keowee I Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report I A listing of the Pressure Testing zone numbers, examination frequency, and associated inspection information is shown on Attachments A, B, and C.

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 9 of 10

11 System, Boundar i)rawing, and ISI Classification Listing

]lie ISI Pressure Testing Boundary Drawings discussed in Section 6 of this document are based on the Reference Flow Diagrams listed in bottom left hand corner of the Boundary Drawings. During the 5 h Interval:

"As Built" Flow Diagram revisions will be reviewed to see if dic included changes have any impact on the 1SI pressure testing boundaries and the Flow Diagram revisions will be incorporated into the Inservice Inspection Pressure Testing Boundary drawings as necessary. Some flow diagram revisions do not affect the pressure testing boundaries; therefore, the pressure testing boundary drawings are not required to be revised. For this reason, there may be a difference between the numeric revision level listed on the Flow Diagram versus the revision level of the Flow Diagram referenced on the ISI Pressure Testing Boundary Drawings. The latest revision of the pressure testing boundary drawing can be retrieved from Nuclear Electronic Document Library (NEDL).

See Attachment E for a listing of the pressure testing boundary drawings applicable to Occonee 1, 2, & 3 and Kcowec.

12 Buried Components Unless otherwise specified, pressure testing for IS] classified buried components will be perfonued in accordance with ASME Section XI, IWA-5244. Oconee will follow the IWA-5244 requirements for components embedded in concrete associated with the discharge of CCW Pumps IA, 11B, IC, ID, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D (see Zones OZIL-66, 07_21--66 and OZ3L-66 on Q-ISIL5-133A-1.1, O-ISIL5-133A-2.1,1and O-ISILS-133A-3.1, respectively) for the 5h 10-Year Interval. Oconee will perfonn an unimpaired flow tcst per procedures PT/I1-3/AJ0251/073. The permanent test record must confirm the unimpaired flow tcst, per procedures PT/1-3/A/0251/073, was an acceptable test.

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Page 10 ofl0

Attachment A The following pages are the Oconee Unit I - 5lh 10-Year Interval Pressure Testing Examination Zone Report generated from the Pressure Test Database Management System (PTDMS).

Duke Energy Cover Page Oconee Nuclear Station Revision 0 Fifth Interval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Plan Altachment A

Plan for SoQA eft

ULbt Wr AR2%I P wss,.Teg 10 YewTestPunRpo"~

Oconee Unit:

5tht lO-yeat Interval PT I

No lZone Boundary Cat System Treq Required :Req Item Mescription Teqt Txam Troc Num 34

OcoeeUnt 1 No Zone ýBoundary Class iCat 'System 'Freq Required Req Req Item oescri tion i'Drawiflas Test Exam 'Num 42 OZ1L-198 O-4SM1541AA.V


ýo Zone Boundary Class 'Cat System Freq Required Req Item

'Desctiption ;,Drawings ýTest Exam Proc Num

No 'Zone !Boundary Class ýCat Freq Required Req 'Req 11tem Pescription f0rawings Evam Proc Num

No 4one !aoundary .. 'Clas tat 'System 'Freq Required Req Req Item I k :Test Exam Description ýDrawings Proc r4UM

No !Zone fBoundary Class icat System Treq 'Required 'Req Req 11tern De-srription ý,Drawings Test Exam Proc Num

AR2567 PreswmxT, -10 YewTes PtR~san e

Ocone Unit: I No !Zone..ý- Moundary bass. ýCbt Systern Freq 'Aequirecf. Req ý'Req Itern Description Drawings lest Exam Prac Num

ii¸' *] *i!*i!*

!ii;/* D,*I*,I iiii!iii!iiiiiii*iiiiii*i

!*!*!331!!iili No Zone iSoundary Class 'Cat System F req. Required Req Req Item

] 'Oescription 'Drawings ýTest Exam Proc Num 86 OZIL-92 H3-133A-25 classcC DBCmderser Orcuatin Periodic. LeakageTest VTr'Z ND Water O-ISIL5-137B-13

Attachment B The following pages are the Oconee Unit2 - 5" 10-Year Interval Presswe Testing ExaminationZoneReport generated from the Pressure Test Database Management System (FPDMS).

Duike Energy Cover Page Oconee NuIclar Station FifthInterval Inservice Inspection Pressure Test Pan Attachment B


Oconee Unit 2 aP 5th1 Inteeyul Oconee Unit 2 P I/. IL'--r

48 n M( P~E AR2567 Rowmswot -10 Ya TomPionRepod Oc~onee Unit 2 r ~ .~. E &

5th IntervalOcon~eeUnit 2 PT Plan foru Stmu Inerval IUnit No iZone [ftundary Class ý,Cat System Freq .'Required Req Req Item Description Mrawings 'Test proc Num 3 0-10L5-121D-2. Clas5 C D-B

No ýZovle ýBotjndary at System -111equired Req Req Item Mescription Drawings lust Exam proc ;Num 6112r2014 7:34:40 AM


PTwst- 1YewTest PlaniReport

.2cone. Unit 2PT la

48 AR2587 PremeT* - 10 YOW Te Pa Rapat Oconee&Unit:2Pln4.

5th InteialvOconee.Unit2 PT Plnfor St n ev lUnit 2 Item

ýNum 54 0Z21-44 0-ISILS-11OA-2.1 Class 8 C-H Main Steam Perlo&~ LeaageTest Vr-Z NDRE-68 0-ML5-1218-2.5 O-ISILS-121D-1.2 0-1SILS-12ID-2.1 0-4StIL542A-2.1 0-15101353A-15

NO ,Zone ýBoundary Class !Cat System !Freq Required Req Req 'Item iDescription Mrawings Exam Proc Num 04$IS12D. classC D-B Enwrge

10 Yew TInePlaaRlUt PT Plaem"n 5th*-InevlOoe nt2P Plan for 5th Interval Unit 2 No ýZone 'Boundary lClass System ýFreq Required iReq Req 'Item Description Mrawings Test Exam proc Num